^ -. ^ 0. rheabore-nameeoee!iîe!"i:üi.i,î.ái'sår*ffi#",_* nlj*,::,:#$:x*füxiïtri{ffi#tr;lï"t" dlt,f"gnlå*r, 8, ldentiry princ p-al product or s rvice

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Download "^ -. ^ 0. rheabore-nameeoee!iîe!"i:üi.i,î.ái'sår*ffi#",_* nlj*,::,:#$:x*füxiïtri{ffi#tr;lï"t" dlt,f"gnlå*r, 8, ldentiry princ p-al product or s rvice"


1 FORM NLRE-508 (9'07) I OO NOT WRITE IN T}IIS SPACE INSTRUCTIONS: Dlneclof for NAïoNAL LABoR REI-ArloI: B-9.1T0_. ^ -. ^ chargeagatnst LABoRORGANIZAÏONS l-- izæ-loøzo li t t 6l12l2OOg ortrsagents I--_:_. Ç----_' -_- - l, :_i.-_-i _. File an orlglnal togerher wllh four copies nd copy for oach addltlonal charged party named in iþm 1 wllh NLRB Regionel Teamstors Local Union No.945 b, Union Reprgss htet ve to conu cf Steven R. Bottieri, Presldent c. Telephons No, ( ) ezg+ e-gsoo ( ) Harnburg Turnplko, Wayne, NJ rheabore-nameeoee!iîe!"i:üi.i,î.ái'sår*ffi#",_* nlj*,::,:#$:x*füxiïtri{ffi#tr;lï"t" dlt,f"gnlå*r, su beecllon(s) íisl sr/ösocïron are unlaif p actlcos âfloding commeloo Wlthln the meanrng Ol m0 Act, Of Inege l nralr teoor Prdrrusçs ó1o u rrórr Prog meanlng oi lhe cl end the?ogal Reorganization Ac1. Z. gasls of the Clta rge þeìf forth a dest i,td oonoise stale/ment of the fads constmlng lhe alleged unfalr ldbor pncitices) i sinco on or about March 14, 200g, üe union has falled and refused to provide requested informatlon pertlnent to. the administra on of the parties; collective bargaining agreement. The Employer has re.quest-ed thsj tïe T:llon tlyidîl among other things, à copy of each collectlve baigalning egreemont negotleted.by the union,.t^!h9.:: j9^*.1:le_lndustry stnou januaty r, äobg. ón numerous ocoasions,ine eñlpëyer has repãated this request, but to dbte the unlon has failed to provide the requested informetlon. S. ñame of Employer Waste Menagomonl of New n/a on ztp code) 4. Telepl'lone No. ( ) s8o2 6. Emploþræoæsøttatiw þ contacl Larry Fåschan, Reglon HR Mgr 7. Type of esþblishmont (/acfpty, mha, wlrotesale eac,) waste collectlon 10. Full nemâ ol PaÉy filing chargo Waste Management of New JerseY 11. Addrcss of party flllng charge (sfæel c fy, sþfe ând ZIP oode,) 107 Silva Street, Ewing, NJ , ldentiry princ p-al product or s rvice wasto collect on 9. Numu lr of r rorkers emplo od over Telepllono No. ( ) () o;$flpo-ao4'56o2 : the rnwhich!i9gle_q9d-9q"ll:!9ll9ci-c-e-99:lflgglllggf uq'!g- 1. TABOR orgñization AGAINST WHICH CI'IARGE ls BROUGHï t. ()- 13. DECLARÂTION deçlarq thar I lìqtê read the above chergo and that lhe stetornsnts lherein are mre þ the best of my knovleü9e and belief. By. n--{- /-^gjè-' Jonâthân R. Nadler, / Itttorney ls/gnaldebf epresâile ve oî person meung chatge) I Reed Smith LLP, 1650 Market Stroet, Suite 2500, Phíla., PA Faxl QItS '851-1 Addregg 215\ ÎeÞPnone No.) ,...- oet, WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARCE CAN BE PUNISHËD F/ FINÉ AND IMPRISONMENT (U.9. COÞE, IITLE 1O' SECTION looi) PRIVACY AdT SÍATEMENÍ? b,iî l"',ç Solicit lion of the informolion on thls form ls authorized by ho Naüonol Labor Relatlono Acl (NLR^), 29 U,S.C, $ 151 erseg. The pdnclpál useof the.information ls t0 assist riäñà]iiiîäiiàùãinärari.i'ise'6äiñïäéiiiñiiôóàgstr.s,'iñ,ijicúò'praouoeendielatedpioceoolà9sorlili9ation,theroútlnouiesbrþe.infoa o tiäñà]iiiîäiiàùãinärari.i'ise'o'jiñirbiiñi ocegstng,uif?iftauoipraotloe9ndrelatodpioceodlir9sorlili9ation,theroútlnouiesbrþeinformal o ihõ F;ð;rt näâiiter.7l eø. ñäl'iidiä;íió;;.-ì l tö0ö);ïú'ñläaïiirurtieiiipiaín ttreio usæ-upon request.oisctosure ôrtlris lnrormation to the NLRB is volunlary; howeier, lailure to suppf lhe info molìon will cause the NLRB to dsclino lo invoke its Procossos, i

2 FORM NLRB-sOB NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION Case UNDER 44 U.S.C.3512 NOT ACE I Date Filed 22-cB-Lo62B I ol13l2oo8 Teanrsterc LocalUnion I 1 T. LREON ORGANIZATION OR b. Union Representalive to contact Peter McGourty, President Tel Fax ffiitsagentshas(have) d. Address (street, city, state and meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1X41. icei affectinq commerce within the meaning of the Act' 2. BãS of the Charue (set forlh a clear and concise 810 Belmont Avenue, North Haledon, NJ ;diñ anõegretengaging in unfair labor practices within the of the National Labor Relations Act, and lhese unfair labor practices are unfair he alleged unfair labor practices) Since about May 200g, the above named Union by its offrcers, agents and representatives have arbitrarily a,jcapriciously failed io repr.esent and process the grievance of Carlos Cotallat concerning his discharge and failecl to seek Mr. Cotallat benefits under the CBA including vacatiorl pay and other benefits thereby denying his rights guaranteed Llnder Section 7 of the NLRA' Name of EmploYer General GtocerY Warehouse Ph. 20r Employer representative to contact th Steet, Carlstadt, NJ ldentify principal Product or Food distribution William Mikita, Op Manager 9. Number of workers employed Callos ty,stateandzlp t'Sffeet, Apt 44,Union City, NJ Telephone No. à,ot Q ôb s?ao I declare that I have fead lhe above charge and thal the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief' Signature of Address See #1 1 or person making charge Telephone No, See #12 THIS CHARGE CAN (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION 1oo1)

3 FORM NLR8.5O8 (e-07) A'"0 "O'88 OFAMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS ORITS AGENTS iuase ;17-cB-639s DO NOT WR]TE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U,S.C 3512 Dale Filed 5.Jne 16, 2008 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together w th four cop os and:,a copj for each addltlsnal chargad party named ln ltem 1 w th NLRB Reg onal _Dllgg!_oj'fo!'the reqlg.qln.yt l_o_!!!r9 alleged qnfg.! ;þþg pracjlge.ogcurred or is occurrlng. 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION OR IT,S AGENTS.AGAINST WþIICH CHARGE IS.BROUGHT lnternationnl Brotherhood of Tcan stsrs. l,t cal 554 o, Telephong,No. (402)33r-0ss0 20 Fax No ṫ south 90th St'êet.clty,.state, and l(cn Ostrt'rnic Business Omaha NE 68t27- e.theabovg-namedorganþation(g)ioritq..agentshas.(hav'e)'engagedin:.and.ls(aro.)engag.subseclion(s) (tirit.sub1ections) 'of.the:natlonal Labor Relalions Act, and lhese:unta r labor.pracl ces are,unfair prádttces affeoting.iommerce wilhin,the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor.practices:are unfair practices affecting commerce within lhe I moanlng.of :the Actand the. Fostal,Reorganlzation Act, 2. Basis of.the ChapelSeL,bdfi a de.arand,cettcise,slalernont.of{he.faclooøtsfifuûng the.alleged unfair labor practices) Sinoe,ôñ;ör.âÞouiApril 24,2,0l8,thë'Uiiio i,'ïiluugh-itsoffcers'ägen't6,'and':representativeslras.fdiled-to.ptioperlvrepresenttoby Robinson lhrough thç,grisvance,and arbitatio procedure by making.diseriminatory agreer ents with.tho amplo.yer wltich. prchibit certain e nployees'from.bidding,.on.ipbs. 3. Name of Emþloyer t PS 2535,Babc Gomcz Ave slate.and.(402)? Employer ren esóntalive to contact Ranrsey 7. Type of oslablishment faclory, mlne,-wholosaler, ë.to.) L ld_enttt principal product or service L Number of workers employed.sci0 10. Full name öf party flling chargê Tobv Robinson 1 1. Address;of pa(y,filing charge,lstreet, clty, state and ZIP codo,) '525,5, 21zth Streel lllk l'lorn.sv, Address:E NI Telephone.No. (402È28ft-3,e53 (402) r-e8 13. DECI,ARATION I h.avß'read the;above charge and that.the sþtementslherein arelrue to the best of my knowledge and bslief. Toby Robinson lndividual or Berson, :S. 2l2th Street E t lllo"n NE rf,ax)( ) -.,._- _ 6,,a_ ooil -14P2)28e-3eI (Telophone No.) (ddte) -----:"ø wllful È r-se éiarervrenls oñ rnrs charge can BE pt NrsHED By FINE AND rmprrsonment (u,s..oode, TtrI-E tb,.seclon r00'tl PRIVACY ACT.STATEMENÍ r Solicilatk nof:lheinformation.on'thisformisauthodzçdbylhenalionallaborrela1ions,acl(nlra], 'i ij'ñàii'äiäiràtfädràte;rióiïmfhfrlfibïf' tb$:tl :l',em i $*i$fnfrg:*lt nl* ä,l,ltl'r','.mgåtî'i1xìïiå?li'å,,the Federal Register, 7f Fet

4 FORM NLRB.5OB (9-07) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS lnstructlons:fl]eanoriglnaltogetherwlthfourcoplesandacopy.foreach b'tieãior tòr tn" reg"lon ln ññlch the alleged u' rfalr labor practlce occurred o.l!s Teamsters Local No. 377 ffiw ttcn party named ln ltem 1 chnnoe ls grouoffi b. Union Representatlve to Charles Byrnes, Trustee þre)engaginginunfairlabor'ptacticeswithilìthemeanlngo1sec lonð(o,' suþsection (s) (l sl s, rs crio^i_iriãt'_àf.thó Naîio;d Labor Reiations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affccting commerce within the meani g"l unfair labor Praclices) Since on or about March 1, 200g, it has failed and refused to represent its members employed in construction by not pursuing available work that it could lawfully claim' ÑõiG dgtrerl-ity, state, and ZIP code) 3570 S. River Road, P.O. Box 1585, Zuntqt!þ,Ohio mlne, wholesaler, etc.) 10. Full name of party flling charge 11. Address of party flling charge (street, city, state and ZIP code') 984 Shields Road, Youngstown, Ohio Telephone No that I have read the and that the statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief' (Print/type name and title or office, tf any) WII-,NUI NN,SE STATEMENTS ON THIS CAN BE PUNISHED BY AND IMPRISONMENT code, TITLE 18, PRTVACY ACT STATEMENT peã.nes. z+sqz- r (peò. r, zbooj. Tlre NiRB will infornotion will cause tl c NLRB to declilte to ittvokc its processes'

5 FORM NLR}6OO (0{7) IN9TRU6fIONS: Dlmc'lorfûrtho untted STATES OF AMERICA r- DO ÑOrWmr X {9 SPACE NATT ONA! LÁBOR REI rlo_lls -B-o_SD -._ CHAROE AGATNST I-ABOR ORGAN ZATIONg UNoER{ U.3.C3$12 or trs AcENrs I.z-ce I / / 6-16 lrr!'t-- 99 Fllo qn o' glîtl r reeüerwlù lour coptcl ond o copy tor ooch ütdll ofal chergrd p ny nt] lcd ln ll m 1 sllh I{LRB Roglonrl rs on ln w tg!.tro Ellggø,mr n "r pn"u*.."" 399P..,!!!!q 1. I-AãOR ORGANIZATION OR ITS AoENTS AGANST Ui{ICII CITARGE IS BROUGHT ( ) -zs4-4eo-6goo Schoolcraft Rd. Plymouth Twp., Mf Tha bovcn mod organlreüonlc) or lb arenrs hae fä w)enoaoert ln and le 1oo, Gnoålln0 ln unfrlr lebor pradl@ urjthin lhû meonin0 ol æahn 6fb). rl sl b6odlonfs) th Îdlñnlßl //[et lrrstgrdgffils, ^rrràsár:ddnsl _ :91.ÛlE NausnÛl l uer Ñslt lons^til ÈIrs utr d uro Ewt Pro! Local 243 failed to pmparly represent me; did not present all ovldonoe-. As a politicat opponet of Local 243 Off oers, ti sy ãjoo to benetit froin my ís" ãrge atong with my ä[tes dlsclrarge's (discharged approximaloly the same time). 3, Name of EmPluyor Uniþd ParcelServioo ( ) -31&261 sqq?. T gc 0f es sblbñn ent ftclory, mlno, wnolo66/lot, clc.) Delivery Service 10. Full ntme of PenY llllng úarye John Douglas Bell t t. m&3 of pofy frling chorpo fsatrúí. dry, stoto aod BIl7 Dunn Rd., Munith. M /7 Dunn Rd. Munllh, M ldeflilfy plnddal produd, or ssrciç8 ;ñ-"tàäjdü äfilo'úins óññiñõrõ-wturiñõ-o rneeñrng öi uto Act or uro c r nt tr øbor praalæs oro unl lr pr dlcû albdlrq oommtt6 wllhln tho moanlng ofttro aano tho Pootal Rooßanlrellon AÊi- --,. B"r ""fth"qr",!rf-tfoínactoorendø n lúsûturr nlollllatuøúìtuthnlhoellcg'dmlalrlab,rpodr,s) l. DECI RAnON drgqo end lhotlho ot tomgntb thoéln stc tuc to lho Doet of my knowledgo and b llof. John Bsll (Prinwc oono cnd tlllo or olfræ, if any) lfe ) ( ) - r ) -5ft: June/ Juno/f (Tclophono No,) WLLFUL FAtgE s.fafeile; ns on THtg CHARSE câil 8E PUXISHED BY FINE AND lrrprl8ollf,ettt (U.s. CODE, TnLg ü' SECt on l00t) P RN'ACTí ACT STAÎE IEÎIT Solicltalbn ot tho infornatþn on thls form l auüorizod by tlre Nellonel t bo Relallom Act (N.RA), æ U.9.,c. $ 151 et soq,,lho nrincipal use of lhe lnlomat qì b to 8ss'Bt Ëîñtffiiüü!;iü,iiüõeigÍl$l&'#,,üäSåî:#å,ilHriJl'-irHnlffiluål;l#iÏnn'.,9'lBi,iis,"iliî'iP'ä.Håfif,i'lÏ'rÑf#il lho Federal RoglsteÌ,.71 Fsd. f öîùfrry;f*rüï iti ioroiupplírhsintomsilon win csuss úe NLRB m deollns to lnvoke lß poc0s36. 1dÁ,îo)

6 FOr t NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case 13-CB-r896 FORM EXEMPT UNDER 4I DO NOT WR TE IN THIS SPACE Date Filed 06/16108 INSTRUCTIONS: File an original together with four copies and a copy for sach addational charged pafi named in item I with NLRB Regional Director for the region in which the alleged unfair labor practice occurred or is occurring. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Teamsters Local 73 l' 7512 e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has lhaye)enqaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b)' subsection(s) (/rsf subsections) ( IXA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair práit ces affecting iomárèrcie w thin the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statemenf of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since the last six tnonths, the above-named labor organization, through its officers, agents and/or representatives, failed to fairly represent Victor Lockwood by refusing to file his grievance. 3. Name of Employer Dunleavy Construction 5. Location of plant involved lsfreef, 4605 N. Elston Avenue 7. Type of establishmenl(factory, mine, wholesaler, etc,) Construction 10. Full name of party filing charge Victor Lockwood state and IL 8. ldentify principal product or service Exacation 4. Telephone No. (773)s4s-38t6 c. Telephone No., state, and ZIP code) (630)887-4 r Burr Ridge Parkway 7-41t4 Burr Ridge ll ()- 6. Ernployer renresentative to contact Steve Dunleavy 9. Number of workers employed J 11. Address of party filing charge (sfreet, city, state and ZIP code.) Lake Park Drive IL I3. DECLARATION that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. lndividua Address sarnc as above - Lockwood (PrinUtype name and title or office, if any) Faxl( ) - 00$ (Telephone WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON TH]S CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1OO1) PRIVACY ACTSTATEMENT r I 050 Solicitation of the information on this form is aulhorized bv the National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 ef seq. The pilncipal use of lhe informalion is to assist lhenalionallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inorocessincíunfairlabor0racliceandrelatedpioceedìnqsorlitigaiíon'theroútineuöesfcjrlheinformation the Federal Regisler, 71 Fed. Regl (Dec ). The'NLRB will further ejrplain the5e usefupon request. Disclosure of this information to lhe NLRB is voluntary; howeier, failure lo supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to ilvoç its proces,ses..),,/ () 3CÀ /?îér' 6//ê/Joav

7 FORM NLRB.5O8 ì INSTRUGTIONS: named ln NATIONAL I.ABOR RETATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION Flle an 'lth the and 4 coples of thls chaqe and 9q addltlonal copy 1. TABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WH CH CHARGE IS BROUGHT 2120 Bladensburg Road, N'8. Washington, D'C'' sedion 8(b), subsedlon(s) ílst suåsectons) 1(a) of the Natlonal Labor Relatlons Ad, and these unfalr labor practlces are unfair practices For the past 6 months, and at all times thereafter, the above named Labor organization, by its off gers, agents ånd representatives restrained ano coeród the employggs of in the exercise of the rights.fe$ ðññt*a in'éectioñ i of tne Ãa, ry râiling t9!{9rm. Don'Laônbers that he has the right to. reqail a nonmember and that as a nonmember ne naðã rightto objectto paying-for nonrepresentational ac-tivities and f,r.i " t ght to a reduction in fees for such nonrepresentational activities. 4. Phone: FÆ(: Type Trar 12152Monument Drive, Apt. 391, Fairfax, Virginia t2.phone: FÆ(: and ttrat the statemonts afe true to the best of my knowledge and beliel orperson making 12152Monument Drive, Apt. 391, Fairfax, IO:TIM

8 FORM NLRB.5O8 (6.07) NATIOML TABOR REI-ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Êfò 3 ßP-8PÈy Case FORM EXEMPT UNDER 4{qS.C.3512 DO NOT Date 16-CB /t INSTRUGTIONS: Flle an orlglnal lhâ "earlôrì n w Teamsters Local988 V c.. feleohone No. ' &Dt-ç o' FaxNo.9'.E(-S6o'LooC æ r- Q ia-\2a-ed *9 w th four coples and a copy for eacn addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I with the NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for lleoed unfalr lâbôr Dñâctlce occurred ls 1. I-ABOR ORGANIZAT ON AGAINST WHIÇl'l GHAEGE! b. tlion Representative to contacf,,, f,r/muacec tl'o cø/'îa t(t W{t*'tWe*{í;}/ou* if labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsec{ion(s) and (2) oíttreì, ãt onat Labor Relationé Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices aüéäing commekbïit-à ñ -(1)(A) liomeàniñõõîiñãfa-, or tnese unfair tabor practices are unfair practicês affecting commerce within the meaning of the A l and lhê Pôslâl Act lng the alleged unfair labor practices) Since about May 20r 2008, the Union has received dues obtained from Kenneth Davis pursuant to an invalid dues checkoff authorization. 3. Name of Employer Texas Hobby Auto Auction ã l c-ation of plant invglved (street, city, state and ZIP code),./ v 9oo ße;cßn'<- Jou "lc K, It o (l 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Auction L ldentit principal produc{ or service Auction of automobiles %1" :2' q-e r 33 -ã4,3 6. Emþlover represenlatlvl 1y' P'nA l.i {,'ttt.rr,d,u )Qt-rbt- 8t t.4 9. Numþer ot workers employeq Full name of party filing charge Kenneth Davis É l(tpp *L þr. Á nte, hlr.'ç t'l. RdOress of pãrty filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code) 7102 Conley, Houston, Texas b. Telephone No s 6. DECI.ARATION I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Kenneth Davis (PrinUtype name and title or office, if any) Address Telephone No Conley, Houston, Texas /în- ff^øb CAN (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001)

9 FORM NLRB-508 NATIONAL I.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C DO NOT Case 2-1B-2L6L2 olroloa INSTRUCTIONS: File an orlglnal and 4 copies of this charge and an addltlonal copy for each organlzation, each local, and each lndlvidual named in ltem f wlth the NLRB Reg onal D rector of the reg on n wh ch the all ged unfa r labor pract ce occurred or ls occurri 1, LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Local Union 814. tbt b. Union Representative to contact George Daniello, President c. Telephone No. & Fax No 7t st0 d. Addre.ss (street, c ty, state and ZIP code) '" Avenue, Long lsland City, NY 1'1101 The above-named organ zation(s) or its agents has (have) engaged in and s (are) engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1XA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affectinq commerce within the mean no of the Act. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and conc se statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor pract ces) Since on or about a date within the past six months, the above-named labor organization, by its agents, officers and representatives, has failed and refused to process Delfin Polenco's grievances regarclid$he failure of Hanover Moving & Storage to pay Polenco wages owed, failure to follow seniorit4{l ass;&ning - work, and for cutting Polenco's hours, for reasons that are discriminatory, arbitrary, or other\i i3e uriåwfril; CJ <J :'x "{J 2w \^J ^,'1 3. Name of Employer Hanover Movinq & Storage 5. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 1 5 Exchange Place, Jersey City, NJ Type of establishment (factory, m ne, wholesaler, etc.) Moving and storage 10. Full name of party filing charge Delfin Polance 11. Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code) 160 Wadsworth Avenue. Apt New York. NY ldent fy principal product or service Movine and storase 4. Telephone No. & Employer representative to contact John Grant. VP 9. Number of workers employed Approximately Telephone No. & I declare tlrat I have read the above charge ano tnatltred5l$#i"'f;!*,^ are true to the best of my knowtedge and betief. zl, " Address u lelephone No. Date rite An hrdividual Same AS above Same as above June 1e,2008 (u.s. code, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) -

10 FORM NLRS{OT (Èn7l UNITED STÂTES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I BOR REI îons BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOß ORGANIZAÏONS OR ll$ AOENTS ( trorme DO NOTWNIYE IN T}IIS SPACE FoRM EXe P/f UnDER.l,t u.s.c 3512 :1, LAEOR ORGANTZATTON OR ITSAGENTS AGA NSTVì/H CF CHARGE 19 EROUOIIÎ Gcorgc Prrk alty, êþþ, rnc, 800 S. Banånca Ave., Euite 320 fi6vina e. The bovenam dorganhâtlon(e)orilsaflentshecú,úvor6ma edlnandísfarc)engaglnginunfalrloborpnctloeawithinthe moaningofsoclions(b), subssdlon(s) f/sl subseclons) úð. the Nalional Labor Relelions Ad, and these unfalr labot pnacticos - - -of arc unfak pladlces afieding commo co n -thin themeahíng of the Acl, or lhe e unteh lebor prsdices ere unþlr practhss effucling oommerce wilhin lhe meatlng ol ürg Ad nd lha Postal Ræganizatlon Acl, 2 Bâßlßollhnchargn(satîorlûeclaarondaonolsesle/plmentoffâef cl coasitulingthealleeedunlalrlaborpnalìaac) ürithín the pæt sil (6) root}r, rbþ above-ni rmed tabor.orgrnization'breaohod.lts duty of frir roprosenlntion by ef,reing to procoss the griovance ofjoyce llenry concornfng hertormination, for arbinary, diroriminatory, or lnvld.ious reasons. 3. Name of Employer Unltod hrócl Scrvics Inq 5. L0c6l 0n.of plenl hvolued prêei 01u,8øþ and äí coøot Moom Strcct f.!crrito-< C^ OO?O-?- 4. Telephono No., c^ 917?.1- Fax No, ()- 6. Employer renresentellvo lo contac,t fohn Binohì 7, Tlrpo of øslãbßhment lþdory, m ns, wt olesg,leî, etô,t B, ldedlfr pr ncjpol product or ssrvlce L Number ofworkers omployêd 10. Full namo of party liling ohaee Joyoc Hcnry 1 1. Addrese of party filíng cheee fsf/eet, clty, dale and alp æde,) 1450 W..Tc nplc thccl, Apt.409 [,0r ÂnD lôt c o002ê wil.lrul r rcesratef{ents ol' THls charge CÂN BE PUNTSHEO EY F NE AND ltrprlsonlienl (US. CODE, T ILE,r8, SESÏON '1001) pr vac'íactstatement 2l-2008å4n IO/IIÍ 12, Têloþhone No. Í",tüffrf''.,/l n r dedaß that I ndla re o ttre above cherse,"0 tnt'lln$r"tl*l$l'frll",n "," lruo to ths best or my knowtedse and betief. l* *rt;'"" Hcnry oamc,es{ìbove - -a,,cir!- tj. lfaxt( ). - ^tat() Qß\481:270l Add ass An Indlv dual Sotldlolion of lhs lnlormslion on lhle lom l aulhorl ed bv lhe N tlonel Lsbor Helallons Acl (NLR ). 29 U,S.C. S 151 ef sâ0, The ndnnin l u e of lha lnlormallm ls lo asnínl rhij Ni timal ta oi Rera[ons B.afd f'!å83]]if rr,u, fðl:1ïilñtflfijii iflîji'ulf,år,'ilgå 'Árå1sr[a lüisi]b';rit Iriiiy,ïË,iifüs'f fi",r:'l,lhå ll ths Fedaral Ræislor. 71 Fgd. F vofunlary hoursier, fallure lo suppli lhs lnformellon ttllloause tne NLRB t0 declim l0lnvold lt$ (TelePhone No,) ---þ ß?Y (detoj

11 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 I Date F led INSTRUCTIONSI Flle an origlnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each additional charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional Dlr ctor for tne an wh ch the unfa r labor occurrgd or ls 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Retail Delivery Drivers, Local 278, IBTCWHA c. TelephoneNo. (4ts)467-04s0 (4ts)467-s677 d. Address (Sfreet, city, state, and ZIP code) SThomas Mellon Circle Ste 130 Þ. unton Representat ve to contact Terence McHugh Business Rep San Francisco ca e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (havelenoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (list subsections) (3)- are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) - - -of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices Within the past six months, the above-natned labor organization has failed and refused to meet and bargain with the Employer to negotiate a new collective-bargaining agreement. u", E* + * á Ë ä æ,?bffi :n Z..rt-.Cl Þ - f*írr Ê _o li,ã ät,8 fr) ðþ gr \d Ð* (')@w Þ" l, 3. Name of Employer DBI Beverage of San Francisco 5. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP codo) 2225 Jerrold Avenue San Francisco CA Type of establishmenl(factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) 8. ldentify principal product or service Wholesaler Beverages 4. Telephone No. (4ls) (4ts) Employer renresentative to contact Thomas A.Dillion Attornev 9. Number of workers employed Full name of party filing charge Thomas A. Dillion 11. Address of party filing charge (sfreet, city, state and ZIP code.) 851 Burlway Road, Suite 216 Burlinsame CA Address 12. Telephone No. (650Ès5fro8384 (6s0) DECLARATION charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thomas A. Dilliion Attorney (Priniltype name and t tle or office, if any) 851 Burlway Road, Suite 216 /Fax) (650) È Burlingame ca ^ rasoésg-ßgq - ' fv'za"y (Telephone No.) (date) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT I 098 Solicitation of the information on lhis form is aulhorized bv lhe National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.S,C. $ 151 ef seq. The orincipal use of the information is to assist thenalionallaborrelalionsboard(nlrb)inprocessinçiunfairlaborpracticeandrelatedpioceedìnqsorlitiqalïon,theroútineuöesfrjrthe the Federal Register, Tl Fed, Re} (Dec.,Jl 2006), The_[LRB willfurther e.iplain lheõe uses'upon requesl. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, fáilure lo suppl-y the informatìon willcause the NLRB to decline lo invokeiits processes. -

12 JUN-2ø-2øø8 1ø:31 JUN-IU- UUö lnu U'l'lC NLRB REG 3 RLBRNY fll uuu 'll lev l'ßll IIV 5184J1415'/ P. øt rr J'ttv rj\,r.ll, " FOßlr N[Rt.tol t {il N$nugloll8! Fll en D. NEMO lnþmallonal Brctltslhood of Teamstors,,Local 294 e. Thoaüoven ned teñi 090 Third str otalbany, NewYork ln an6 F fatþþngr fng ln utûlr l Ùor pn$fc c wlhln Ula lllosnlng Gl oltlon stdl' - jünã uonïi üãdt ndntoaq.ad' nd-tlresa unhir lobor pndlces i, ä-rn" ãifinäiát'òi er arräãlõînli-è 'r"àl os' ifacüno sonrnorco wilhin the -' Ï'"- hàor'úadcsej Btnce on or about June , tho ebow namad labot organlzaüo$ Pv F?s19ry: Ig*11:? lrt:sií?i:: ilffijå:1ffi:ilffiä#ïåffi,tiö ffiiü^"fjiä'ñäfiëñitlü -'-qssl s on ôvormemben orseru Locar 2oounlted,s baqalnlng unil þcaud at tho abow ñ ïãd onip ppr. ðpërincal ü,-ttre-uargalnlng unlt (colben stenltt' NiKkl stractrofi, Hearhar Mac{tonatd) metnb6/s rtght tr äöë;'iëir';éinlñ r gãrcing the Tãanrsterr raldlng or selu Local 200United. Bv the above and othef acts, the above.named labor oqqnlzation has interhfêd wlth. restralned' and coafced amployees ln the exerclse of theh Sedlon 7 rightr. 3. NamoolÛtP@Î Fir t Studant TranePortallon?. Type dodrþllßlilìsìllfâoioty. ffio, wùaþ! þø ela, t0. Full nene ôt pany flno clsl s John J. Daly Esq. SEIU Local 200Unilod SEUI 200 ae abovo güy, þle and P codo., Bor ls 10, Syfacuee. NEwYo* f3. DECI RAÎ ON iâ eltoua chomo n f nef ni fatirrronù h tn arc Wc ti tho be$ of n y l nowþdg and belisl John J. rfsll!-- r ì - =,, = d lllle * oîlæ, lf oay o64ggq-- ffi ;ffi bñffi r D rmfrrsó rueur us. code lrf LE t s' séc on I 001! [ffiffihffiffi,yffiå$ff- $ifrii#ffiäii'üiirffi'il PRIV CVAglSf^TEf$ENf

13 FORM NLRB\508 UO NATIONAL I.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION DO Í:ORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C Date Filed 2-cB-2161e I olzoloa INSTRUCTIONS: File an orlginal and 4 coples of thls charge and an addltlonal copy for each organlzation, each local, and each lndividual named ln item I wlth the NLRB Reqlonal Director of ths reqlon ln whlch the alleqed unfalr labor practice occurred or ls I199 SElu/Teamsters Local Union No. 445 c. Telephone No. & Fax No (347) 23t-74e3 L ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT o. Address (street, city, 3 l0 West 43'd Street New York, NY state anclzip code) b. Union Representative to contact Ann Jacobs, Union Representative e. Ihe above-named organ zat on(s) or ts agents has (have) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1 XA) ot the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affectino commerce within the meaninq of the Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since the past six months, and continuing thereafter, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, has attempted to restrain and coerce Heather Sloane in the exercise of'ëèi Section Z rigtrts. F"i :: r :* ;:l :, "q O :i:;:'"'l; Tã",a r.4 w + J. Name oí Employer St. Luke's Comwall Hospital 5. Location of plant nvolved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 70 Dubois Street Newburgh. NY Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) hospital 8. ldentify principal product or service hospital 4. Telephone No. & (84s) s68-22n Fax (845) Employer representative to contact Deborah Turner. vicepresident of Hu nan Resource 9. Number of workers employed Full name of party filing charge Heather Sloane 11. Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code) 34 Hudson Drive, New Windsor, NY Telephone No. & (84s) (cell) 13. DECLARATION I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and bt'lief. Heather Sloane Telephone No same An Indiviclual Date June 20, 2008 (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTTON 1001).t

14 JUN-ZJ- øøu L5:1'l NLKË KtsIJ J HLtsHNY J IJ-IJ]T J f FORM NLRB o8 (0.07) INSÎRUGlIONS: Direoûor forths UNITED S rres OF AMERICA MTIONAL I ßOR REI.ATIONS BOARO CHARGE AGAITTIST LABOR ORGANEANONS OR TSAGENTS DO IIOT WRifÎE N THIS SPACE FORII EX IPTI NDER4{ U.S.C 3512 Flle rn orlglnal ûogether ud r lour coploe end r copy tor cach ddlüoml ch rgod Partt nilled ln lt m I w th NLRB Reglonal,ston tn wli ch thcáileæd unfalr hþó 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WH CH CHARGE IS BROUGHT ú t- e szgz P.O. Box2097, Newburgh, NewYork ffi oganþallon(çl.or-lþ asents has (haù rsnoaoed in and ls (arulenç-glngln unfalrlabor prad cas wlthln the meaning of sedion 8(b)' The ebova,named oganþatþnlçl.olj.. äinrãr, atonat Labot R lallons Ac,t, a d eubsadion(s) ltlst s hscüo sj l'l lta äinrãf, atonat Labor Relaüone Ac,l, and lrese unhk labor pradlces unêtr pnctlcæ afrdins commerce wllhln the c,h dinnrsr lcr c,r"*"or liii fät *"* ;äi"ffi'äilffiüffiä'*äro øg,rn uà ñeaïirisïiriö Àct, orurese uäraä rå òi iãcüôssãrþ meanlno meanlng of lhe Act and lha Posùal Reoman'zation Ad. a cle,n and ættdso dabmsntof tl.' Íad.s æaüt,d,ng lhe elleged unfalr lebor pn',læs) ln aboutapril 200g, lt, a labor organization, by lts agents and reprþsêntallves, lnterfered with, restralned, and coe.rced employees in the exerdse of thelr secüon z ñgms 6v co rclng employee stephanie Jansen lnto signing a dues checkoff autrorlzation form. P.O. Box 346, Walkill, NY Employer ænosenbtlvo to contect Genoan DeJong 7. Typs of stabllghmqrt facbty. nlne, wholesrler, efo,-) 8. ldentl prlndpal product or service public transit 1 l. Addrcss of parv filing üaf3o lsûþe!, dty, sf#,te md ZIP æde.) 3632 Route 52, Pine Bush. NY (Prlnl/type name ud läeprofræ,ll anû WILLFUL FALSE STATEIIENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND ITTIPRISONIIEÍTT (U.S. GODE, TITLE PruVACYACTSTAÎEMENÏ Sotircitation of üre tnlomation on this fom is authorlzed by lhe National l bor Relatons Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 aseg..the pdncipaluseof the.infomallon is to assisl iñä'ñäliüätürüäi älñió'üäiñ-lë'diiñïräëi,ärú'uîri ük;äùinariíi ànð rdàied öü,co,i{irgi oìürisaton. i iõ'êõ llãt Regisrer, iïfoú negl z+et24d (Dec i{ zoo0, ne'ñt ng dil turrher eir ain thaõe uses-upon requæt. Disclosure of lhis inlomation to the NLRB is volunhry: ho ever, fallure to supdi lhe infomalìon will cause úe NLRB to decline lo inroke ib ptoæsses. l0orl TOTAL P.ø2

15 b. Unlon Representatlve to contact /1 \ lr r / '- þ1 ãfããress street, citv, state and ZIP'code) 'îdt /\ )wtrytrw1'{- ß?& ta.tr n. t tlfzo t il )ê. t /ll.,.á-l,r,-\, i rerúvvvj,,u. /,^ fì-, cy zjß,p7r,,ñùl- *T'et-,,'r;,t)*'g -4,NFV oð 4p ', \/ *,"tr^- AoÒ{lf Ë 3' a,6fi",)w'l 1 \-- - n úry?yboox,,,ji t/^â'ocql Øurleu'tøfel'au( *-r/ -r-, I L. [\, 4. t, ul l,.a,t ) YeoYpEaõØ. ut^)e ütl- k*o-fj Yfo,'w 4Ñ/ ua)nrl le7\e*ùw r n \J*- n -,.--.t.t-h ^) /t), )\^ ^l.o ^Xo^lfLL t*fl,^r*'* ieil, otu f)"f,d5 l location ol plant involved (úreet'' " ty' stale and ZtP code) minç, wt oresaler, elc. l Fl,"ra)p fltlj,þ 8. ldentify princ^ipal product or servlce 6. Employer representative to contact 1, Ml,)ct/ Kàlf; 10. Full name of parly liling 12. Telephone No. l1.addreñ;aõãrtir ring chárge (sireet, city, stale and ZtP 'Llaìt" fl,yo Øba*a-ok 13. DECLARATION that th; statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief' I decfare that I have readålë a ).//,,'l/-^ /' - Å/ \ nqtllo - 4l n -in)à'- WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHEO BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U' S' CODE' TITLE 18' SECTION 1OO1)

16 FORM NLRB-508 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal and 4 copies of thls charge and an addltional copy for each organization, each local, and each individual named an tem 1 wlth the NLRB of the reoion in whlch the alleqed unfa r labor practico occurred or is 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Teamsters Local202 c. Telephone No. 7t Case d. Address (street, city, state and ZIP code) New York City Terrninal Market, Room 124 Hunts Point and East Bay Avenues Bronx, NY FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE I Date Filed 22-'c$-lo634 lolæl2oo8 b. Union Representative to contact Anthonv Rosa e, The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section B(b), subsection(s) 1A of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affectinq commerce within the meaning of the Act. 2. Bas s of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since on or about May 27,2008, the above-named Union has failed to represent me fairly by failing to inform me whether it will process to arbitration a grievance over my discharge. 3. Name of Employer Jamac Frozen Food 5. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 570 Grand Street, Jersey City, NJ Telephone No ext Employer representative to contact Steve Vergora 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine; wholesaler, etc.) \ilarehouse 10. Full name of party filing charge Fausto Camacho 8. ldentify principal producl or serv ce food 9. Number of workers employed About Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code) 9 Royalton Place, Bloomfield NJ Telephone No DECLARATION I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. An individual Title Telephone No. above Date H :\R22oorn\TEMPLATE\CB. D OT FALSE STATEMENTS ON (u.s. code, TTTLE 18, SECTION 1001)

17 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR TS AGENTS DO NOTWRITE N THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNOER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed INSTRUCTIONS: File an or g nal together wlth four copies and a copy for each additional charged party named ln ltem 1 wlth NLRB Regional Dir_e_ctor for the reglon ln whlch the alleged unfall labor practlce occurred or ls..occurrlng_._- Teamsters Local 853 c. Telephone No. (5 r 0)8es-88s3 ()- 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Address 2100 Merced Street b. Union Chuck Davis. Business e. The above-named organization(s) or lts agents has (naye)enqaged n and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean ng of section B(b), subsection(s)(/isf suþsecfrbns) (lxa)_ the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices - -of are unfair practices affecting commàróe wlthin the meanlng of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise sfatemenf of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) During the past six months, the above-named labor organization breached its duty of fair representation to employee Jaime Agront, by refusing to arbitrate a grievance over his discharge. gã& :!,.:E I ÅF.ffiffi äs#åq grsffi $D -tp cð- } Þ 3. Name of Employer The San Francisco Newspaper Agency d/b/a The San Francisco Chronicle 5. Locat on 100 Fifth Street San 7. Type of establishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) communications Los Gatos ca B. ldentiflt principal product or service daily newspaper 4. Telephone No. ( 4t)s San Leandro ca ()- 6. Employer renresentative to contact Franklin Nancy Manager 9. Number of workers employed Full name of party fìling charge Jaime Agront 11. Address of party filing charge lstreef, city, state and ZIP code.) Lark Avenue Los GatosSan Leandro ; Address Lark Avenue ca TelephoneNo. (,4:rs g?frf,re,8 13, DECLARAT ON above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jaime Agront An Individual (PrinUtype name and title or office, if any) Faxl( ) - Ø15\724-6t98 (Telephone No.) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18' SECTION 1OO1) PRIVACY AGT STATEMENT Solicitafion of the information on lhisfor r-is.aulhorized by the Nalional Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.. S 151 f se0. The principal use of the information is to assist inë'ñàii,iîärrà liddþliôiò íåêredj$',ã?iif18f ga$ëäi[tt.fçf',1?t$ïå ffl$ï.[tq[gf ljoiå3t]bî.ii.1ì1iåîïi{îïit1l3å lhe Federal Reqister, 71 Fet üöïirt.aiiiïovùé"või, iå luietõiupèt"y the informatìon willcause lhe NLRB to decline to invoke ls processes.

18 (e-07) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an original together wlth four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for the ln which the unfalr labor occurred or ls 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT c. Telephone No. (707) t2 l37l Neotomas Ave. Santa Rosa its duty of fair representation, by failing to process the grievance of Rosa Garcia for reasons that are atbiffiy and othenvise unlawful. Ṭ.1 ry) Þ..9_ t? en cð s! (? f er Effiæ üffi úrri,< 1r g$ qf Nt -cþ I 3. Name of Employer United Postal Service 4. Telephone No. (707)s Location of plant involved.fstreef, c,ly' 3331 Industrial Drive Employer renresentative to contact Alston 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) warehouse 10. Full name of party filing charge Rosa Garcia 11, Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code.) P.O. Box 260 Fulton P.O. Box DECLARATION read.the above charge and that the statements therein are ttue to the best of my knowledge and belief. ^. CA Fulton ca e. The above.named organization(s) or ts agents has (have)enoaqed in and is laro)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (Ílsf suôsecfrbns) (lxa)_ the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices - -ef are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise sfafemenf of lhe facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Within the past six months, and continuing to date, the above-named labor organization, by its representative Jeffrey Baker, has, irè idious, discrim e.û Telephone No. (707ùs2ft5.01r ()- Rosa Garcia lndividual (Print/type name and title oroffice, if any) Gaxt('l - tt --i (7o7r4eo-7300 (Telephone No.) ' (date)! -vu ønlr WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON TH S CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1OO1) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the informalion on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U,SC. $ 151ef seq, The principal use_of the informalion is to assist ttreñã ona tàuôiretationsboard(nlrb)inprocessindunfairlaborpracticeandrelatedpioceedìngsorliligan. ihe Federál Reoister, 71 Fed. Reql (Dec, tl 2006). The NLRB will furlher eiplain these uselupon requesl. Disclosure of this information lo lhe NLRB is voluntary; however, fàilure to suppf the informa{ion will cause lhe NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

19 FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 INSTRUCTIONS: Dlrectorfor the a, Name Locat t to, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Donna Santoro Business Agent (2t2) l0 East l5th Sheet NY New York 3. Name of EmPloYer Able Ford Location of Plant 519 Merrick Road L typ"of establishment(factory, mine, wholesaler' etc') ldentiff principal product or service New Car Sales (st6) Employer renresentalive to contact Savino (owner) 9. Number of workers employed 10. Full name of party filing trcet, city, state and zlp code') LYnbrook 59 Monroe Street NY 12. (sl (51 No (Faxl ffiiamland title oroffîce, if any) Address Sam" (Telephone No,) "s auov" õan ËpuNrsHED By FrhtE AND r/rprtsonmenrr(ht_._iî;:'rlrle wl PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT l , secrlon 1001) lilsps[3]åj'??j,5'i?i'pådi'ñ'.i1þo voluntary; howeúer, failure to supply me il{1 iëåhäïhtr:,fl".**,='ugi,ü.g#l6ffi*i.piü frl;üflë": :d1l iç;ti[-ffië3,å,1 waflsir l{,i:$üå,+i,.,.,''fihîiuq'fflnlfrfi!'*þfttr$ì

20 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) f UNITED T.TES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS -ro NOT WRITE ln THIS SPAGE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orig nal togother wlth four coples and a copy for sach addltional charged party named ln ltem I with NLRB Regional TEAMSTERS, LOCAL LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINSTWHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. Union Representative to contact BRENT TAYLOR c. Telephone No. (2r4) t (214) d. Address (Sfreet, city, state, and ZIP code) IOOT JONELLE ST. DALLAS TX e. The above-named organization(s) or its aqents has (âave)enoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (/rst subsectrbns) o)gl the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices - -of are unfair práit ces affecting ioàriãrtíe w thin the meaning of the Act, orthese unfair labor prac,tices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Ac{. 2. Basis of the Charge (set foñh a clear and concise sfa tement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Within the past six months, and at all times thereafter, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, representatives, and members, rãstrained and coerced the employees of Roadway Express in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the said Act by failing to process grievances and by withdrawing grievances for unfair and invidious reasons. 3. Name of Employer Roadway Express 5. Location of plant inv 200 North Beltline Rd. 7. Type of establishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) transportation code) ()- 6. Employer rur,re""nt"tiu"gãñiãîi Iom Tenon Assistant Terminal Mgr ldentify principal product or service freight 4. Telephone No. (972) Number of workers employed 10. Full name of party filing charge Terrv Devereaux T,i,ii:::yl^ ) TX Add ress of pa rty f l i n gjþargégæì o,t is bþ a nd Z I P co d e. ) By t Address e ù*rcptøsentatwe ör person maktng cn?rge) / 251 I Havenwood Dr. / 12, Telephone No, (8r7È78ft-0826 () - (Priniltype name and title orofñce, if any) Faxt( \ - ß1717g4-0g26=--- 06/26t2008 (Tetephone No.) øate) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BÊ PUNISHED BY F NE AND IMPR SONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION IOOl) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT s92 Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.SC, $ 15lef seg. The principal use.of the information is to assist inö'ñàiöîäiläúóij'fidråäôië ðòäicii ñïriji n-ôr,ióässirü üñr?ir ì?ièüi ilie Fääö?ä'RËãînäi;'iì-Ëä,í"ñ'eil'iÏdíájäliñï"il äöiíö:-iñèlñt-iïi wiiiiúrtiü eiptain theõe uses-upon requei[. Disðlosure of lhis information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the informatìon will cause the NLRB t0 decl ne t0 nvol(e lts processes.

21 FORM NLRB-508 NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD charge oeñsr LABoR organlzatlon Úñion Representat ve to contact Jack Bookter, Secretarya. Name ini"t*tional Brotherhood of Teamsters' Local 278 Feþphone No' & Fax (415) \ A-Ad-&ssGtréet, city' state and Zl 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, lts has (have) 'Ëñé;i ry.91!s tèóuon o'(o, suuseòiio.nts) (1)(tl9-Ihe Nationar nraclices affectinq commerce within'the meaning of the Act' -Éãffi? ttre cnarge (set forth a clear and conclse code) Suitê 130, San Francisco, CA Practices within-th C"i"ti*in"ú anã ttreje unfair labor practices are unfair Itre atteço qtair labor practices) since a date within the past six months, rnternationai Brotherhood of reamsters, Local 278, by its officers, agents and representat ves, rrãs nreached their duty of fair representation regard ng their processing ot.ro-sjlofiåit ôàv oiscräp'ãncy grievance for reasons which are arbitrary, invidious or bthen viseunlawful. Ë t'l Ë # äffi ãâr ø j: t:l *Ë á a 'ci'e '1r gh By these and other a9ls,lhe,?b_oy":1il"1^l.rbor in Section 7 oflbg ç! organization has restrained and coerced empt$ees lslhe Srcise of C3 United Parcel Service ðsi Êõin.is Avenue, south san FI DeliverY Service, wholesaler' etc') ãfiã'ãnt F rincfaproduct or service Parcel Delivery O. gmptoyer Representative to contact 9. Number of workers Approx. 800 fdd-ress oi pãñtfi ing charge (street' c ty' stâte g7 Ben Lomond, Hercules, CA (510) ;"T:åffiIJ.onf;,u,n","truetothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief. õn r ctrnrge can BE (u.s. code, TITLE 18, sectlon 1001)

22 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e.07) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZ\TIONS INSTRUCTIONS: Fllo an orlglnal togother wlth four coples and a copy for each addlllonal charged party namod ln ltem 1 wlth NLRB Reglonal Plro!þf lo_t![919gl-ofl!.!úqqþ_o_t pqq_!!cs.o,c!!i gq ei!9 ',vtr]c_ _l 9_tflpg9{ -occlliflqgl I. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Teamsters Local Union No. 41 of the lnternational Brotherhood of Teamsters DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE Harold McLaughlin FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S,C 3512 c. Telephone No. 6tò - gz -zooo Emmanuel Clêaver Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri, e. The above-nam d organlzatlon(s_) or lts ag nts hap (hav.,flengaaed,ln and. ls (a ejengaglng in unfalr labor practices wlthin the moaning of section 8(b), i subseclion(s) (/rsl subsecúbns/ 11l a\g l: l_{t0 -S3-c-tlo-!-_V. guþs-egugn_gl _of lhe National Labor Relations Act, and lhese unfair labor praclices I are unfalr praclices affecllng commerce wlthln lhe meaning of the Act, or thsse unfair labor practlces are unfair praclices affecling commerce wilhin the i meaning of the Act and lhe Poslal Reorganlzalion Act. 2. Basis of lhe Charge (sel forllr a clear and concise statomant of the Íacts constituting the allegad unfair labor practices) Since on or about April 1, 2008, the Union has violated Sections 8(b) and 9(a) of the Act by breaching its duty of fair representation to its members employed by Cassens Transporation Company through acquiescing to such employer's non-payment of contractual wages, failing and refusing to address such non-payment of wages, and threatening employees in exercise of their rights under the Act. r 3. NameofEmployer Cassens Transportation Company 301 South 51st Street, Kansas City, Kansas, Type of establishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Carhaul 10. Full name of parly fling charge Mark Potashnick 11. Address of party liling charge lstroel, city, state and Zlp code.) Olive Blvd., Suite 133, St. Louis, Missouri, ldentiff principal product orservice Carhaul 4. Telephone No. (ole - ogz-zgt o 6. Employer renres ntative to contact Allen Cassens 9. Number of workers employed DECLARATION the statements lherein are true to lhe best of my knowledge and belief. Mark Potashnick, Attorney (Print/type name and lille or ott ce, if any) 133, St. Louis, Missouri, çax, þîtr WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED By F NE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitationoflheinformationonlhis,Jorm-is.aulhorizedbylheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA),29U.S.c.$15lefseg.Theprincipaluseoflheinformation thenationallaborrelalionsboard(nlrb)inprocessinjunfairlaþrpqgcjiceand.relatedpioceedingsorlitigati-on.theroúlineuåesføttre orñat óiaróíú the Federal Register,.T1 Fed. Reg (Dec. 13-, 2006). The'NLRB will furlher eiplain theõe useiupon request. Disclosure of tn ðlntolmáiión to the NLRB is voluntary; howover, failure l0 supply fhe informalion will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

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