o'?- 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHOM CHARGE IS BROUGHT Case I Date Filed 34-Cts-3056 Aprll l8' Employer representative 9.

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1 FORM NLRB-508 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD AMENDED CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRUGTIONS Flle an orlglnal and 4 coples of thls charge wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for ln whlch the alleqed unfalr labor FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C. í DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Case I Date Filed 34-Cts-3056 Aprll l8' LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHOM CHARGE IS BROUGHT TRUCK DRIVERS, CHAUFFEURS, WAREHOUSEMEN & HELPERS, UNION No INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS c. Telephone No. (860) fax (860) d. Address (street, city, state andãlp code) 22 BRITTON DRIVE BLOOMFIELD, CT b. Union Representative DAVE LUCAS, PRESIDENT h. The above-named labor organization has engaged in and is engaging in unfair labor practices within the mean ng of section 8(b), subsections (1XA) and (2) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor pract ces are unfair pract ces affecting commerce within the meaning of lhe Acl. 2.Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) SINCE ON OR ABOUT FEBRUARAY 5, 2008, THE ABOVE.NAMED LABOR ORGANZIATION, BY ITS STEWARD BRUCE MACBRYDE, HAS RESTRAINED AND COERCED EMPLOYEES OF UNITED PARCEL SERVICE IN THE EXERCISE OF RIGHTS GUANTEED UNDER SECTION 7 OF THE ACT BY SEEKING TO HAVE TONI FLANIGAN TERMINATED FROM HER POSITION, IN VIOLATION OF SEcTloN 8(aX3). 3. Employer UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 4. Telephone No. (860) Locil on õf þlant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 6. Employer representative 90 LOCUST STREET DAVID MoDONALD 7. Type of establishment (factory, m ne, wholesaler, 8. ldentify principal product or etc.) WAREHOUSE service. PACKAGEDELIVERY (itlauororganization,givefullname,includinglocalnameandnumber) 9. Number of workers emploved TONI FLANIGAN 11. Add-ress (street and number, city, state and ZIP code) 4b. Telephone No.(860) WOODCLIFF DRIVE, GRANDBY 13. DECLARATION that I and that the statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. By Signature Address SAME AS ABOVE representative making charge (TONI FLANIGAN) Telephone No. SAME AS ABOVE Title AN INDIVIDUAL o'?- / r-or FALSE STATEMENTS )N THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED EY FlNts' ANU lml',k ÞeNMEN I {u.þ. (

2 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e.07) INSTRUCTION9: Dl eclor for lhe ln whlch the unlalr labor occuned or ls 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT a, Name FORM EXEMPT UNDER I4 U.S.C 3512 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE NATIONAL LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD Case Date Filed CHARGE AGAINST I.ABOR ORGANIZATIONS 28-CB-6735 / /February 2L, Flle an orlglnal togothorwlth four coplee and a copy for each additlonat chargåo party named ln ltom I ritfr Hf-ne n"gfoi;l b. unlon Represental ve to contact Teamsters Local Union No. 104 Frank Mendoza d. Address (strcet, clty, state, and zlp cocle) 1450 S. 27th Avenue Phoenix, AZ o. The above-named organization(,s).o.r^i{s aqents has (have)enoaoad in and is (arelengaging in unfair labor praclices wilhin the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (/ist llat subsecû'onsj 1 of the National Labor Relations Act, and lhese unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of lhe Acl, or lhose unfåir labor practlces are unfair practices affecting commorco wlthin lhe meaning of the Ac,t and the Poslal Reorganization Ac't. Basis of the Charge (sef forfâ a clear and concise statamant of the facts constituting the allegad uníair labor practices) During the past six months, the above-named labor organizat on, by its off cors, assigns, and representatives, has failed and refused to represent its member David Doss by reaching an agreement with the below-named employer concern ng the employer's new attendance policy; a pol cy that discriminates in favor of first shift employees. 3. Name of Employer i Rtl"r Cold Storage I 5. Locallon of plant involved lsfreet, ctty, stale ancl zlp cocle) 500 S. 99th Avenue Tolleson. AZ Type of est ablishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Warehouse 10. Full namo of party fìling charge David L. Doss 11. Address of party filing charge (strcet, c ty, stale and ZIP code.) 7441W. VogelAvenue, Peoria, AZ L ldentifo principal product or service Stores & distributes food 4. Telephone No. 0æ c. Telephone No. 6oLzlz-ssø't Fax No, ()- ()- 6. Employer renresentative to contact Doug Studley 9. Number of workers employed 300 '12. Telephone No. (6?lå0ft642s ( ) 13, DECLARATION l.declare th$lhave read the above charge and that tho stalem nts lherein are true to lhe best of my knowledge and belief..(-. an lndividual (signature of r{presentative olperson mãñng cñarge) By - o,n- / L* ),,u* Address same as 10 tprnuw (Faxt ( ) - a' 6?$51ãõ51_- --Taf 2' (T"t"ph"* No) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE.I8, SECTION IOOl) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. S 151 et seq. The principal use of the information is to assist the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in processing unfair labor practice and related proceedings or litigalion. The rouline uses for lhe information are flly set forth in lhe Fedenal Register, 71 Fed. Reg (Dec. 13, 2006). The NLRB willfurther explain these uses upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

3 FORM NLRB-sOII UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRIICTIONS: ('ase 2-æ-2LßO I FORM ËXtiMP't' r'nt)t:n 44 U.S.C' I l) ttu Filcrl Z/Zt/Oe lo Filc nn orlglnrl nnd 4 copies of lhls chnrgc rntl m additlonal copy for clch orgnnlzntiol. t'rcl krc. rnd ecch Individunl nnn cd in ltem I with thc NLRB l hor or is L LABOR ORGANTZATTON OR tts ACENTS AC^lNS1'Wiltc]-t Clt^RCE ts BROUGHI' a. Narne b. Union lìc rrcsculalivc hr cr nl rct Local 456, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Edward.f. Doyle.lr'., president c. Telephorre No. & l:ox No. 9t ph fax d. Address (stfeet. city. sl tc alld z1 P oodc) 160 South Central Avenue Elnrsford. New York c. The above- anrcd organizatiorr(s) or its agents has (hsve) erìgaged in nnd is ( rre) cngaging in unlhir labor praotices withir the nreaningol'section8(b).subscction(s) (l)(a) ofthenat orrallaborlìclatitursact. urdthrscunlirirlahorprncticesareuuthir r)r ctices allþctirtr conr nercc rvithi r tlre rncanhre ofthe Act. 2. Bnsis ol'lhc Chârge (sel tbrth o clear and corrcise statenrent ofthe thcls constiluthrg tlrc nllcgcd unlhir lnbor practiccs) Since in or about August 2007, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, ancl other representatives, has failed and refused to process the unpaid wage claims and discharge grievances of Dominick Ferrara for reasons which are arbitrary, discriminatory. or otherwise invidious. 3. Nanre of lìnrphycr Felix Industries/Double A Contractins 5. Locntiolì ol' rlunl involved (strcct. c ty. st rtc lrnd ZIP code) 290 East 132"" Strcet Bronx. NY Type ol'cstnblishn ent (thctory. nrine, wlrolcsaler. etc.) Service vard 10. Full narnc ol'puty filing chnrge Dominick Ferrara I l. Address ot pnrty l ling ch8rge (strecl. city. st0tc alld zf P code) c/o Anthony Ferrara 451 Savin A;ruge West Havãí. CT E. ldentily pr nc p rl pro(klcl or scrv cc Excavation Ët 7.õ äffi CP 7 rg 2 äe'h *æã n){3 -l'clcdhonc 4. No. rtïlìr No gl4-7i7-osos \,l ó. Ënrploycr l{c rrcsculiltivc to curt cl Felix Petrillo 9. Nuntbcr ol'wurlicrs urrrploycd unknown 12. 'l'olephonc No. tk l: rr No t 6 ó. DECI,ARA11()N above chnrge and th rl lhc st rtcnrerrts thcrcin rrc tnrc to thc bcst ol'nry knorvlcdgc iurrl hr:liclì llv Sigrrature of Address c/o Anthony Ferram 451 Savin Avenue West Haven. CT pcrsorr nrak ìvt.lftlt. FALsE Ferrara trt tntsiltìt) (t,.s. codtt. l't't't,r ilt. sti( "t'ron r00t ) An Incliviclual D rtc February 2 l tmpr SONñiliN't'

4 IIORM NLRB-iOII UN TED STATES OF AMER CA. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE, AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION lnstrtlctl0ns: lo Fi crrnorlglnatrrrrtt4copiesofthischlrgealr $lltddit on0lcopyforcnchotgnniatlion.crrchlrlc rl. ndt.r chindivitlrlrrlnl nrc in rvhich lhc efnts AcAINs1'wlIlcH cl'l^lìgr ls BRoucl'll' b. Unio t Rc rrcscntittivc lo colllllct Local 282, International Brotherhood of Teanrsters Gary La Bartrera. president c. Telcplronc No. & li x No. (sl6) ph. (516) fax d. Address (strcct. city. stulc antl Zll'cotlc) 2500 Marcus Avenue Lake Success, New Yotk I1042 inandis(nre)errgagirrginrrnlhirlaborprrrcticeswithittthc næaningofseclio 8(b).subsecrion(s) (l)(a) ofthenationall borrelationsact.andlhcscunlhirlaborprncticesareut tãir oractices nllbcti re con nrcrce within the rlcnnitts, ofthe Act. ot.thethctscollstittlt ng'thoullege<lrrnlhirlaborpractices) Since in or about August 2007,the above-named labor organiz tio r. by its offtcers, agents. ancl other representatives, has failed and refused to process the unpaid wage claims and discharge grievanccs of Dominick Ferrara for reasons which are arbitrary, discriminatory, or otherwise invidious H *.rr Ëg c> n!ßt r:ß z, ffi-ñ sfln 3äã tðç vl 3. Nante ol'entployer Felix Indu stries/double A Contracting 5. Location of plurrt irrvolvcd (street. city. state and ZIP codc) 290 East 132"o Street Bronx, NY Type ofestnblishnrent (fhctory. nthte. wholesaler. etc.) Service yard 10. Full nnn e ofpnrly filing cltarge Dominick Ferrara I l. Address of pnrty liling chrrgc (strect. c ty. slnlc attd ZIP code) c/o Anthony Ferra a 451 Savin Avenue West Havøf.ET rcnd the above 8. ldentiþ prinoipnl prrtthrct or service Excavation 4. 'l'elc rhortc No ct ljitr No. 9t s05 6. l.ìnrpkrycr l(cprt'sunlultvc l(l c(tttt tcf Felix Petrillo 9. Nun ber ol'workr:rs r:tttploycd unknown 12. 'l'elcphonu No..t lj ts No. 7{ (r.'1 " ó. DE('t.ARAïION thnt thc sl$tcrnertts thc 'r'in i rc lrilc t() tltc bcst ol'nty knorvledgc alttl hclicl' c/gf,nthony Ferara 45 l,savin Avenue West Haven, CT inick Fermra ON THIS CI. ARGD (itn III,: PTINISIIID BY IIINE AND (U.S. CODD. TII'LE 18, Sli( :l'lon l00l ) An lndividual Dalc Febluary

5 (s-07) UNIT(' TATES OF AMERICA Dö N9TWR TE tn THts space NATIONAL-TBORRELATIONSBOARD Case ro CHARGE AGAINST I.ABOR ORGANIZATIONS I tl ^ Æ ^r,éô t tnsrrucrtons: Rte an ortstnat tosethet;il;ïäilno for each n It". t,rø,,?(r-2nvr3g ond Dlrector for the reglon ln whlch the alleçd unfalr labor practlce " occurred "opy or ls occurrlng. "oort on"l?#g;'íl#8n",n"o FORM NLRE-s0S Local 2 I 0. lnternational Brotherhood of Tea nsters c. Telephone No. (2r2) I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Address (Sûeet, city, state, 60 Broad Street Pedro 37tlr Floor Cabezrs President ()- New York NY t0004- FORMEXEMPTUNDER44U.S.C3SIz to contact e. The above-named organization(s) or lts agonts has (åave)enoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of sect on 8(b), subsec'tion(s) íisf suôsecfibns) ( I XA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices afrctlng ómrirènb w thln the meaning of the Act, orthese unhir labor practices are unfalr practices affecting commerce wíthin the méaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganlzatlon Ac't. 2. Basis of he Charge (set lorth a clear and concise statement of the facfs consfduling the alleged unfair labor praclices) Since about September 6,2007,the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, and representatives, has lhiled and refused to adequately and fairly represent Felix Benvenutty regarding his tennination fronr his position as a porter at Bergclorg Goodman f'or reasons which are arb trary, discriminatory, or otherwise invidious. qoo E* EI 'Ë ËB *ã ã í^*,rú'ö z,,* Èë c) "â3 3. Name of Employer Bepdorf Goodnan 754 Fitlh Avenuc New York 7. Type of establishment (faclory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) retail depaftment store 10. Full name of party filing charge Felix Benvenutty r 00 I I 8. ldentify principal product or service rctail nerchanclise ( )- 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact 'l'crty Lisa L Number of workers employed -t Address of party filing cherge lstreet, cit sfate and ZIP code.) 12. Telephone No. (er7ès6(t-r r0r Bcnson Stlcct Apt.5K Bronx NY )- Address Broll> I 400 Benson Streel I have read the orperson Apt.5K NY t046t- 13. DECLARATION that the stat ments therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Bcnvcnully an lrrdividual (Prinillype natne and tìtle oroffice, if any) Faxl( - (917)569-l l0r (Telephone No.) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CH nee CAN BE PUNTSHED BY F NE AND TMPRTSONMENT (U.S. CODE, T TLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). 29 U.S,C, I 151 ef seo, The øincioal use of the informalion is to assist thenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inorocessincíunfaklabororacliceandrelatedoioceedìnqsorlitioa[ron.theroúlineuöesfcirtheinlormation the Federal Registe,.71 Fed. Regì (Dec..1l 2006). The_NLRB willfurlher elplain lhe5e usedupon request, Disclosure of lhis information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to suppfi the informatìon willcause lhe NLRB to decline to invokd its processes.

6 FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 ( \-9 Ve 33/ {ft oc L 6t Fe No. l. Ll in unfair labor prag*t *,ltlil :.T:g'llr:lt:#:Î,:ll} The above-named organization(s) or ts asents has lhave)enqa/ed in ano ís la, rengaging ilffffii:;iiäijif;ö':-:: "_ :"'.-.*: _.. -.-oñnðrat onatlaborreratlonsact,andtheseunrairlaborpractices are unfair prac cês affec1ng íommcrcãwitrrri rire méàn nlõîme a, or iñesä unrair la ói piãói ces are unfah pracllces affoctlng commerce within the meaning of tho Act and the Postal Reorganlzation Act of he fac:ts constituting the alleged unfair labor pnalícesl bo<-rru Y(-/ --tc)')-znç,,n/'t, r,\,. a 4t./120.? - 1--r, L )^l ^ :/,J+*X,"*( ' t/'.) ),\ ß&4 ß4k ' i ',tr, Tttt*r- e 4Ø, ttó,q r / ì b/, ry*^'*:., t_ o <k L d ( I 4s 4n :':'ä;-"-l */"äwrf" ; Ê -'F ø'u': fr K / / -ui frq/irxnn") f4+ël, Tfé{ &L'1*ê4 7u rvzxt -ffþ TfTe rt.t tnn-,û. Ã-+lM :ç7 <øt"- c/,/\.',.t,'.. -rr1r-\ øàry-olj-:tí *.1: t// - / :F4<ø - ct--rþfo..'lrln\ TÐ T7nry-Mhì*Sf '^ê)' *, ''-: ^:YÃ.,, ^t*f il,*r f- */ ê-rt,t. krço' p,'oo TÐ æ,-a^cê{ë k 7þ,'{"dCtl "Ø/ ' t/. r l. ^,L ^,-ë-? i fuv 1. i'rø6i', ì?rft '^ff4. : I I I 3. Name of Employer o 7. Type of establ shment (f ctory, mine, wholesaler' etc.) CJ Kstorr ul3ltb qa- ñ*c- ()- 6. Employer renr sentative to contact 9. Number of workers employed 10. Full name of PartY ñling J 1 1. Address of party filing charge c ty, state and ZIP code.) 'Z*V {e 55e / 13. non above charge and that the staterirents therein are true to the best of my knowledge and bollef. iffige) 'À',,)6 - q' (PÚínt/type name and t tle or ofñce' f any) (Faxl( I -,"r"18ffi 2,,Lf,.,o11 'g /a" - q-eþ?!o!?y:) (date) w Lurui iãus-e-sráiënirè rs ou i rið óriãäci óìñ ã'ë ruñrdned "ii'ir Íñi"pnisòi nrëhi ius. cooe, rrle r8, secrror PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT solicitation of rhe information on lhis form is authorized by lhe National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.SJ. S 151 et seq..the Drincipal use of the informalion is to assist thenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inpræessin^gqnt9 ilàiiò'oøi! e.a'iroiã1dteopioõéetiíirgìort tigatïon. rhe Federat Resister, zt reo. nl sl'iîd äld( ìõ-ïb: t00d):-iëlñt-èi5 wirai; rë qlr,êiñttréëe uses'upon request. Disclosure or this inrormation to the NLRB is üàfuhtäõäowãiõr áituietó suppti ttre informaiion willcause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

7 FEB-? -Zøæ P.ø2/ø4 rorm r,1tr8.601 ao I i.r''å'ffip,#55"-3'1îl3iëlôg1.- orëäõ'lõetrcr t oononclr'ltràron3 Do ilqf wrllq q rtlls :P49E l[llfhgï',trfi Í'ils,To"I}lliFilüäåJfr lfr ".Ë]ii,t:ffi *""':::få;#; Teamstsrg Loq.332 tiöäiffiå"äëñö;it-io{ tutiot'ieun lljl*ll*r':*:ll".'i'j?îfl " rëäs.olû'' nto' 'ltig0fsconû l l,gfl"täöïöfailedandrefì sedtoropresent sincc abow Noutm6ät ãóoo' the above natned labor orsan5l 1';13.'ä:i;;ffiä; RÑ;i David Gregsou regardins lrljob "'pryci:":li;:::*:,fixg.for a posìrion 4s û RN at ' äääüiäffi"i,i; ËJòånter,foiarbiuaryandcapriciousreasoff 3, NlmcorumPrYer 'ô"n"sys Regional Medioal Center örätít PiÑaY, ôruoa Blanc, MI48439 (sloì ó06-s09!-_- For No' Patti Sirman iãö7rutà. Ânettuo,Flint ML F*No. *, "o*. charso and *rlir;"üt#!t'ñü" n "ru * t! the bo.t or mv hnowledge and bellor' ndcress 32Ol Mac Avonue' Flint MI' wifrruur.*"*"*'i:",:ï;,"._*,'tgxlitlff:hr 5su,ç.e,$ 15':'ir;J*.sfl11,gi,.,:'^$,1$ffi1 ühl'dl ç [îffimffisnttïll *#lifi;,{inlrgftffiiil"ry*,ffffifsl#: :l'r"iiäi'ãóirn; IO nr'' m.'' unrom ñ'nä' c

8 c.{lrb-508 (e{)7) and a copy for eaóh addlüonat charsed parry nãmeo ln trem I wtrh NLRB Restonat Dtr ctor for tñ9 ln whlch the unfalr labor occured or ls 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WH]CH CHARGE IS BROUCI{r o. unton Kepres nlauvg o con acl Graphic Communications Conference of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters lra Gottlieb, Esq. or Marty Keegan c. l repnonono. iol az-t oo x e. fi e above.named organþatl UNITED STATES OF Ai, ERICA NATIONAL TABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST I-ABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR ITSAGENTS!$*:,"J:S::^llt:j,: -".lg$!-tp-"p_ïf!n.1,o-rl_ :9p "" o. Aocress (sfreei ctty, state, and zlp cðde) 1900 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C DO NOTWRITE IN THISSPACE IOatefnø Case 31-cB-l r[2þ108 JRM EXEMPT UNDER 14 U,S.C 3512 ln and ls (are)ensqslns ln unfalr labor practlces withln the meantng of 'secüon B(b}, subsec{on(s) (tisr *o*"or;!lmäf -"* n"t are unrár üádüaõì r-óiñiö ammerce w rhrn rhe rneanirfiìirnilñ, ^tensased õäñ;,"unrãäîjff ålåliålt"?:i"tjl"jå?ì,åi'"1i"x,113.å",.irxåii,ßiriflr' meanlng of the Act and the Postal Reorganlzafion Act. 2. Basls of the Clmrye (setforftr a dear and ænclse statornent of the åcrs coámrøng tte attesed unîatr lafur Naøcesj==_-_- Since on or about six months prior to the filing of this charge, the Graphic Communications Conference of the lntemationat Brotherhood of Teamsters ("Union"), by its agents and representative's, including but not limited to Dawn Hobbs and Tom Schultz have threatened and/or cgercgd employees attempting to prepare newsþapers for delivery to vendors, carriers, and subscribers of the Santa Barbara News-press. 3. Name of Employer Ampersand Publishing, LLC, Locarfon or pranr tnvotveo lñlreol cny, staþ and zlp code) 715 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara q?þt 4. Telephone ( Employer renrssentatlve to contact A. Barry Cappello, Esq. 7. Type of eshbllshment (facfory, mlne, wholesaler, etc.) Newspaper 10. Full name of party filing charge Cappello & Noë, LLP 1 1. Address of parg fllng charge lslrsef, ctty, state and Ztp codij 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA Address 8. ldentlff prlncipal produd or servlce Newspaper 9. Numberof workers employed Telephone No. (8q?"s,p$;z aa DECLARATION and that the statements lhereln are true to lhe best of my knowledge and bellef. Dugan P.Xelley, gsq. nttorney (Prlrúliype name and tiile orotîice, f any) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA ô5'5950 eoswoæile- 2t21to8 (Telephone No.) WLLFUL FAL E STATEMËNTS on THls charce can BE puntshed By FINE AND tmprtsonment (u.s. code, TtrLE 18, secilonìgg1 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of lhe infomation on lhis.jorm is.authorized by lhe National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.sc. g isl ef seg. The principal uso of the information is to assist thenatíonallaborrelationsboard(nlrb}inprocessindunçiqta!oip1 d õea;diãiàiedi,ì9qddfgioïiiúõåiid:tñàiðütineuðeiicjiiireiõiùãl the FederalRegistel,.Jl Fed. Reg (Dec. 13i æ00. rtrellrib wtiiftiñiüñl,prarn mese uses upon request. Disctosure of this infomation to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supplí the informatìon wiil cãuse the NLRB io ãæt nti tri iñioliä iö ;röõsõ. - (clatd

9 FORM 18 (Ë UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INSTRUCTIONS: Director for tho c. Telephone No. (3 r 2) Fax No, Case 13-Cß FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U'S N '<T2 Flle an orlginal togetherwlth four coplee and a copy foreach addltional chargod party named ln ltem I w th NLRB Reglonal ;ñ" ñ;irïñirrãäilege unfair tabor practiceg curred or ls occurrlng. Lr eon ORGANTZATTON OR ITS AcENTS AGAINSTWHICH CHARGE ls BROUGHT 1645 West Jackson clty, "çd Chicago Il _ Date Flled t t 2l22la8 L4 Rß{llÚ tak e. rhe above-named orsanrzauon(s) or ts asents has (have)enoaoed rn and rs (are)enffilp[i:lili1urïi:iiiff iå':"ff,h91i'#ifflllå$l" subsectlon(s) írsl subseclions) (lxa)- :--:- --:--..,-==^,1-* tti*-*ç"r-,iï'5*:5äl;;iilã;t;"tiés'affectlnq commerce wlthin the :i3ä: fli:lj{íä3iri"ti,íli,i?"ffiå-*rrrn tne rñean ng orthã-act, õ;r'esãinratr tabor practices are unrair practices arrsctlns commerce mãanfng of ths Act and the Postal R"ot9"ni îr""ï"""ã ï"r1"'#,i0ff,^e above stared union has failed and refused to process the discharge grievance of craig warner for unfair and invidious reasons. 3. Name of EmPloYer USF Holland htc' 4. Telephone No. (708) Employer renresentatlve to contact 7. Type of establishment facfory, mlne, wholesaler' etc') 8. ldentiff principal product or service product delivery 10. Full name of ParlY filing charge Craig 9923 S. Ridgeland AvP,'-, cily, state and zlp code') ',ïiïl',î.få -é'-t' x- Y çq Address s3b9 13. DECLARATION anu tnai itre statementê therein are true to the best of my knowledgo and belief' ffail( ) - (l- Pnmype name and tltle or office, if any) lfietephone No) -:; ': i*"'' WILLFUL FALSE;îATEMI]' TS ONIH S CHAROEõ N ee puntshed By F NE AND TMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE' T TLE 18, SECTION l00l) prtvacy AcT statement {oate) ffiigíh5fféffi1igëgiç53 xnnir,,$g,:wqf4f,nrffisssliüi ti?diäril!,,îi"å'i1'å?irb;tuqiffihëfilrþi'tffiil Q,O

10 I FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) UNITEI' -ATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL. )R RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR lts AGENTS )o NoT wrtte tn TH S SPACE il-"* tt FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S,C 3512 I Uate Ftled L?g:ç!:aggl l_ 2/25/2oo9 INSTRUGTIONS: File an original together with four copies and a copy for each additional charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional Director for the in which the unfair labor occurred or is a. Narne Teamsters Local Union 667 c. Telephone No. (901) r (901 ) I-ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Address city, state, and ZIP code) 796 East Brooks Road Henry Perry President i e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have)enoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of sèction 8(b), i i subsection(s) (/lsf subsecfr'ons) (IXA)- *. -of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices j are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce with n the i meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since on or about February 14, 2008, the above-named Labor Organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, has failed and refused to represent its member, Jennifer McCullough, by refusing and failing to file and process her grievance conceming the Employer's denial of her application for FMLA leave. 3. Name of Employer Wells Lamont Corporation 5. Locat on of plant invol 3900 New Getwell Road 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Warehouse TN ldentiû principal product or service I Store and Distribute Gloves 4. Telephone No. (901) t Memphis TN 381 r6- ()- 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact Walmor David Human Resource Manager 9. Number of workers employed Full name of party filing charge Jennifer McCullough 1 1 -Cddt"tt "f p"tly 4173 Cottonwood / I ldçlare,that I Bv tql! A/hñ[L.Y/n ( 4173 Cottonwood Address U94ÉÞ TN 381 l8-12. Telephone No. (e0rè86fr-4540 l\- 13. DECLARATION th.e above charge and that the statements therein are hue to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jennifer McCullough Individual (Priniltype name and title or office, if any) TN (Faxl ( ) -,,:,;i*rìii iiil ffir- (Telephone No.) Z ís'âul (date) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRTSONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitationoftheinformationpnthis,forpjsauthorizedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA)'29U'S'c'$151efseq.Theprincipaluseofthe thenational!aborrelqlio0sboard(nlrb)inprocessinçjur þi.la!.orpr.qc-lþeand.relatedpioceedìngsorlitigatr'on.theroútifuöesfor the Federal Register,.71 Fed. Reg. 7494!-43 (Dec ). The-[LRB will furlher eiplain theõe uses-upon requesi. Dìsðl-osure of ttris Ïiôririåiiõn ið ifõ ÑL-R'B i volunlary; nowever, lallure l0 supply ne lntormauon wll cause lne NLKb 0 oecllne l0 lnvoke [s processes. i

11 FORM NLRB.sO8 UO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.NATIONAL I.ABOR RETATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION ]NSTRUGTIONS: Flle an orlglnal and 4 ooples of thls charge and an addlüonal copy for each organlzatlon' each. local' and each lndlvldual named tn ttem I wtth the nuna nãsrõnàj f rct{g ora gd o]iìñ witcü rho ano Bakery Driver Union, Local No. 802' IBT c. Telephone No. & Fax 7l Edresa$t- et, city, state and ZIP code) 4l-20 Crescent Street Island Ciw. New York I I l0l b. Union Representative to Mr. Figueroa, Business n unfair labor practices within the meaning of s ct on 8(b), subsection(s) (ù(a) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair nrac,liceàaffectinocommercewithinthemeaningoftheac't.!!,: : ituting the alleged unfair Since on or about December lg,20}7,the above-named labor organization, by its agents, officers and representatives, has failed and refused to process the grievance of Willie Huggins, Jr., regarding the Employer's decision to classiry him as a progression employee" rathet than a "warehouseman" and thereby signinóantly lowering his houily wage, anà regarding the Ernployer's fai-h re to pay him back wagesfor the p"îioa of time that hjhas been wronlly ctassified, for reasons that are arbitrary, discriminatory or otherwise unlawful, Krasdale Foods, Inc.. Telephone No. & Fax Tel: l Food Center Drive Bronx, New York Food Distributor 8. ldentify Principal Product or Food Distributor Mr. Brown" President 9. Number 300t Willie Hugsins, Jr I t l. Address nqvlgrr of vl party yqr, filing rrrrtv charge vrrg.vv (street' \vnyyrr city, Ylr, state 1064 Caldwell Avenue, Apt. 5-F New York DECLARATION I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge - ano þief' u,t 5,i Ë*ö ãæe rug ) Signature of Address 1064 Caldwell Avenue, APt. 5-F Bronx. New York cnarse Willie Huggins, Jr., Telephone No (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) ritþ An Indiviclual

12 FORM NLR8-508 (e-07) UNITEI' 1TES OF AMERICA 'IOIY NATIoNAL t-, R RELATIoNS BoARD charce AGATNST LABoR organtzattons lcase t^ EIIMPT UNDER-44'U S'C 3512 )o Nor WRITE ln THls space ' orlrsagenrs 133-CB-4259 ltt 2/26/08 I INSTRUCTIONS: File an original together with four copies and a copy for each additional charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional. qilgg!9,1.19_f.!!e q'o!!l_w!-c!!i93le!9q!.nfairlabor practice occurrejlo.i i! e99_q!!l!9. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT to contact ' Tearnstels Local Union 371 Girard Calrrs c. Telephone No. (309)787-44s6 (309) d. Address c ty, state, and ZIP code) nd St. W. Rock Island IL 6t20t- e. The above-named organization(s) or its aqents has (have) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (/tsl subsecftbns) (fxa) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices, are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the i meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise sfalemenf of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) The Union failed to noti! Bob Stach and me of grievance hearings held on February regarding grievances fìled for us. 3. Name of Employer Iìoadway Express 5. Location of plant involved lslreel, cily, sfafe t1ì Ave. W. Rock Island 7. Type of establishmeni (factory, nine, wholesaler, etc.) freisht terminal 10. Full name of party fìling charge Gary Caves ldentify principal producl or service fi'eight delivery 4. Telephone No. (309)787-8r r l ()- 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact Tonl Rusk 9. Number of workers employed Address of party filing charge (street, c ty, state Box 106 McCausland Ilox l0ó or person and ZIP code.) 406 N. Cody Ave. l1-\ DECLARATION the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Caly 40(r N. Cod 'Atc ra Caves Individual (PrinUtype name and t tle or office, if any) (Fax) ( ) Address McCausla lrl 5etltqt-ssot -----\t 2 aß/,o I WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED By FtNE AND IMPR SONMENT (U.S. CODE, TtrLE 18, SECTTON.1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT I 40 Solicitationoftheinformationonthis,form-is.authorizedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA), thenationallaborrelalionspogrd(tt Q)inpr'çessin jqr f9 qlaþrpçel-ceql.ld.relatedpioceedìngsorlitigatr"on' thefederalregiste,.71fed'reg' (dec..ll2006).the.nlrbwilfurtherekplaintheõeuses-uponrequesi.disðlo uiéòlittììö- iô]ñàï voluntafy; nowever, Tailure to suppry tne rníofmatron wrll cause the l\llrts t0 decl ne t0 nvoke ils processes.

13 FORM NLR8.5O8 (9-07) unrred STATES OF AyIER CA v NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ' change AcArNsr LABoR organtzattons 25-CB DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNOER d4 U S C 35I:ì Date Filed! z/26/2ool INSTRUCTIONS; File an original together with four copies and a copy for each additional charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional Director for the resion in which the allg,ggq.g.{qil.leþo-l.plggli-cg gqgurr_,e."q.9 i1o_c9.9ry!10_:...., LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT a N :ìtìte l c:rrtt:tcrs l.ocal Ralph Ilrooli.s to contact c. Telephone No. (3 r 7)639-3s41 (3 r 7) Shelby Street (Street, city, state, and ZIP code) Indianapolis,lN e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have)enoaqed in and is (arelengaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section B(b)' subsection(s) (/r.sf subsecfrbnd (fxa) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair praitices affecting ioùrrîèróe within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting conìnrer'ce within the nreaning of the Act and the Postal Reorgan zation Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and conclse sfafemenf of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since on o 'about July and to clate, the above narned labor organization has failed in its duty to failly l'epl'esent Hernan Devcaza iu his termination srievance for discliminatory reasons. 3 Name of Employer t il,s 5!.ocat orì state and code) j.l.ì I \\'cst lì lst Strect 7 Type of eslablishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Itar-'kaging and nrail services IN ldentify principal product or serv ce delivery 4. Telephone No. (3 r 7) r ()- 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact 9. Number of workers employed 10. l-ull name of party filing charge Fle ' ran Deycaza 1 1. Address of party filing 5125 \\j..i4th Place Irrtlianapoli Âl'a'gP By (signature I declare 5.'ì?5 \\r. 34rh f'lacc ftreet, or person citv, state and ZtP code.) N I3. DECLARATION the above charge and that the statements therein are true -^ l-ler r rn Dcycaza Acldress lntlianapolis rn (3t7\ Telephone No (3 l7 32eN4236 r4/tllful FAL'E sráremenrs on r*ts charge can BE punlshed BY FiNE AND tmprrsö-ëff',i::iå?, rrrle rs, secr åiilorl PRIVACY ACT STATEMEN"T {z-ruz-- rç, (date) Sol crtalion of the informalion on this form is authorized bv the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ '151 ef seq. The principal useof the informalion is to ass st rire t'tãtioìai laoðr nètatiónì gòaioit[nsi iñ ilii: rccer?l Reqister, 71 fóo-. neql { tdec.ll 2006). The'NLRB willfurther eirplain theõe uses"upon request. Disclosure of th s information to the NLRB s.'r r: ' r iíy ncvreúer, failure lo supply the informaiion will cause lhe NLRB to decline to invoke ils processes. \

14 t\lf\þ l\nðnv -Ltr AIJ ÍJIJ f IU FORM NLR8.5O8 (eo7) UNITED STATES OF A'I,IERICA NATIONAL I BOR REI-AIIONS EOARD CHARGE ACAINSÎ I.ABOR OROANIZANONS FORM E)GMPÍ UNOER d U.8.C I312 DO NOTWRITE IN THIB gpace IN! TRUCTION8: Fllo n orlolnsl togsthorwlth four coplæ end r copy loro ch eddltlonrl chrrgcd préy nrmcd ln lt m I wllh NLRE Roglonal Dlmotor br tho mnlon ln whlch the allclcd unlalr lrbor pmcllce ocour rd or lc occunlng 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION OR ITS AGÊNTS AGAINST W}IICH CHARGE IS EROUGHT a. NaÍE General Drivers, Warehouseman and Helpers, Local Unlon 89, aflllíated wlth lntematìonal Brotherhood of Teamstors c. Telephono No. ( ) so2^?69-s8gs ( \ -so d. Addross (sfrdoa, oíy, alato, snd zlp oode) 3813 Taylor Blvd., Loulsvlllo KY þ. unlon Ropfeaonlallw lo conlacr Fred Zuckerman, Presidênt e. Tho abovo.named ofgenlzallon(! o lb ançr$ has lâåe)enpseod ln and ls lsr rongaglng ln unhlr labor pntrlæs wlüln lhe meanlng of sec{lon 0(b). subsecllon(s) f//st sudsectbns, 8b1 a a n! 8b2 ao unhtr pracli6c afbcth0 commorcê wlhln the mcanlno of l 6 Ad, or lheee unfalr labof practlcoo are unlaír pracliæs afrcting commor06 w thin tho moanlng ol tho Aa and tho Postal Reorgenlzatlon Ad, 2. Easis of lhe Charge (sof tbrflr a claar and ænci p stcþopnt ol lho facls ændllúing lho dlagnd unhlr labor pnctocs) Since about late August 2007, the Union by its agents, officers, and ropr sontatives has contlnued to withhold dues for the Union's National D.R..V.E. afrer Mr. Vldenov complet d the form neoessary to slop such withholdings and thê Union requestod that the Employør continue to make such withholdings befure and alter Mr. Mdenov resígnsd from the Union in September N mo of Employer Allled Automotive Group õ. L0c8ü0n of pl0nl nvolrrod (Síroel dry, sìaro ano np oùde) 160 Clairmont Avenue, Decatur GA Telephone No. ( \ G5590 ( ) - 24& Employer reñrosontstlw to conþq Robart hutchinson 7. 'lyps of ðstabllahmont (farüry. nins, whotoælan etc,) terminal 10. Full nâme olpoúy ning charge Svetoslav Mdenov 1 1. Addreso of pafty fi llng chergo lsirûol a ly, steto and ZtP ætto,) 1339 'lolland Street Blrmjpgþm Ml ldentlfi prlndpal poducl or BeMce transportat on of vehicles 9. Number of workers 12. Tefephone No. I f 'f1ß1'h,8s2 13. DECLARAIION rc d lhs ebovs chêrgo and lhât tho s âlomonto hsæin aro truo to tho best of my knowleoge and b li f. an lndlvlduaf (Prlnl/type namo End ililø ot olllcú., ll sny) ( ;47 (Tctophone No.) II'ILLFUL FÀI-SE SÍATEI/IENTS OT{ TXIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNIShED W FINE AND I 'PRISONIIENT (U.8. CODE, TITLE IO, SECTION IOOI' PR VACY ACT STATEIIENT Sollcllation of lho information on lhia lom ls auüortzod by tho NolionalLabor Relalions Ad NLM),29 U.S,C. $ 151 srseo, Tho Drlncloal uoe ol lhe lnformatlon þ to ass st the Nalionrl Labor Relatlons 80atd (NLRB) ln øocæslnfi unhil laþor prsotico and nlaled piæædlnæ or litioaiíon. The oútino uöeo foi'ttre lnformatlon oro fully setforth in lhe Fedorgl Register,.Tl Fed, Rç..7494!43 (Dæ,.'!1, 200ô). Tho_lLRB will furlher eirprain theie usiupon requaet" Disdæuæ of this information to tire NLRB is volunbry hourov r, fallure to eupply lñe inbrmaùon wíll cause lhs NLRB lo dodlne to lnvokti ib proæsses. TnTAt p ø4,

15 FORM NLR8.5O8 (9.07) UNITET.ÏES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I-ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS 1 2-cB-5873 JO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXeMPT unl)[ll.i,r u 5 c 3'-' Date Frled t t 2-27,-og INSTRUCTIONS: File an or ginal together with four coples and a copy for each additional chargod party named n item I with NLRB Regionat Director.for the reslo_n in which.lhg fllgg_e.qgfgflfþgr.p.lqc_!i-cj.g9g-u_irjq.gl g gggu.rllng:... _ lntcrnational llrorhcrhoocl of Tcamsters. l-ocal 385 c. Telephone No. (407) Fax No (407) IâBOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT 126 North Kirkrnan Road þ Mihc Stirpleton l) 'csidcnt Orlando FL 328t t- ttve to contact e The above-named organization(s) or its aeents has lhave)enqaqed in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practtces wtthtn the meantng of sectron Bltr. subsection(s) (rsl subsecfions) (bx.l XA).-...of the National Labor Relations Act. and these unfa r tabor pracrrces are unfa r pracltces affecting commerce within the mean ng of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair pract ces affectrng comnìerce wrtlìrrr ilìe meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and conciso slalemenl ol the Íacls constituling lhe atteged unfair tabor praclices) Sittce on o 'airout January 8, 2008, the above labor organization, tlìrouglr its officers, agents and representat ves, has cocrcc<l ancl retrained Donald Kerr in the exercise of his Section 7 rights by refusing to honol his tinrely, written requcsr to levoliú l i: ck cs clìcll\u,ti' authorization, and by continuing to deduct dues from his paycheck. 3. Name of Employer Walt Disncy World 5. Locat on of plant nvolved l'.o. tlox streot, slale l.rkc lluena Vista ttt r Ïyge of establishmenl (laclory, mtne, wholesa er, etc.) 8. ldentify principal product or service 'lhernc Park Entertainrrrent 4. Telephone No (407) Fax No () 6. Employer renresentattve to contact Stcvc [irscnhurtlt l.abol Rclations 9 Number of workers employed Full name of party filing charge Donald Kerr 1 1 Address of party filing charge ßtreel c ty, sf le and Zlp code.) 2{90 Dillon Court K i ssirtr nrcc l t, 3474t- 13. DECLARATION 12 Telephone No (40't)7 r9:6897 râx No 7 t Dillon Court Address ti!l.!:ll!sg lìl I - (Faxt ( ) - qoq -77a=D8aT efll:ab (Telephone No ) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED By F NE AND MPR SONMENT (U.S. CODE, TtrLE 18, SECÏON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT I Solicitation of lhe information on this form is authorized by lhe National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. Q 151 el seo. The orincioal use of the rnformalron rs to assrs lhenationa LaborRe ations8oard(nlrb}inprocessinqunlairlaborpfacticeandrelatedoioceenos lhe Federal Regisler, Tl Fed. Reg (Dec..ll 2006) fle_[lnb will furlher ei<plain the5e uses"upon request. Disclosure of lhrs nforrnarron ro the NI.RB r volunlary; however, failure lo supplt the information will cause the NLRB lo decline to invokei its processes. kjarc)

16 FORM NLRB'508 (e-07) (r UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I,ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS FORM Case N EXEMPI UNOER I4 U.S.C 3512 \/ DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE Â-nR-1 I /,oc Date Filed t t zlzl lzooa INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal togetherwlth four coplæ and a copy foreach addltlonal charged party named In tom I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dhsctor Dlrector for the reglon ln whlch the alleqed unlalr labor oractlce occurred occufrod or ls occurrlno. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT o. unlon Kepr sentaüve Io conlacl General Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Helpors, Local Union 249 James W. Cowan c. Telephone No. ( ) - q1z-aaz-sloo ( ) o.,lqoress (ùrcreí ctry, s@te, ano t,. cooe) Teamsters Temple,4701 Butler Street, P.O. Box 40'128, Pittsburgh, PA e. The above-named organization(g).o,r^l!s anents has lhayelenoaged ln and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practlces within the meaning of section B(b), subsection(s) (/isfsuåsecfions) lplló) _ofthe National Labor Relalions Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfalr pract ces affectlng commerce wilhln lhe meaning of the Act, or these unfa r labor practlcas are unfalr practicas affecting comm rce withln the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganlzatlon Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forfå a clear and ænclbe shfemenf of fie facfs oonstltuíing the alleged unfair labor practices) On or about July 23,2007, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, and representatives, agreed to the terms of a now collective bargaining agreement between it and the below-named employer. Since in or about October 2007, the abovê-named labor organlzation, by its officers, agents, and representatives has refused, and is continuing to fail and refuse, to slgn a complsted copy of the collect ve bargaining agreement containing the terms previously agreed to by said labor organlzation. 3. Name of Employer xpedx c. Lociaüon or pranl rnvolveo {l"street; c,ry, sra anq 2920 New Beaver Avenue. Pittsburoh. PA Type of establishment (facfory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Warehousing and distribution of paper products 10. Full name of parly fling charge xpedx 11. Address of party fillng charge lsfreet, c ty, state and Zlp code.) 2920 New Beaver Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA ,,t^/,i,,ffiuy Reed 43s Snith LLP 8. ldentiff principal product or service Paper products 4. Telephone No. ( \ ,7501 ( ) Tsz , Employer renresentatlve to contacl David Guelcher ( ) 9. Number of workers employed Approximately Telephone No. ) ( Fãx{ DECLARATION read the above charge and that the.stalements thereln are true to the best of my knowledge and bêlief. Attorney or person!'filltan Berran III (Print/type name and t tle or offrce, f any) Stxth Avenue, PfËtsburgh, p-a ","1! (Tetephoneî,lo) z jt "n WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONTI/IENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION IOOI) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the informalion on this form is aulhorized by the National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C, $ 151 ef seg. The principal use of lhe information is to assist thenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inprocessing-unfairlaborpracliceandrelatedpioceedingsorlitigation.theroutineusesfortheinformation the Federal Register, 71 Fed. Reg, (Dec. 13-, 2006). The NLRB willfurther explain theée usesupon requesl. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the informatìon will cause the NLRB lo decline to invoke its ptoæsses.

17 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) t' ìtates OF AMERICA NATIO.,.ru LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INSTRUCTIONS: Dlrector for the DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNOER 44 U,S.C 3512 Flle an orlglnal together with four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Regional ln whlch the unfalr labor occurred or ls Local 282, International Brotherhood of Teamsters 1, I.ABOR ORGAN]ZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. to c. Telephone No. (st6) (718) q. Aooress lüfroel c,ty, $aíe, ano 4H code) 2500 Marcus Avenue e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have)enoaged in and is (arelengaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (/rsf subsecflons/ (hxlxal the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices -of affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set fotth a clear and concise statement of the facts constltuting the alleged unfair lahor practices) Since about February 8, 2008, the above-named Union has failed to represent Remizio J. Antunes by not filing a grievance on his behalf. I 3. Name of Employer RRZ Trucking Company LLC c, Locaüon of ptant tnvotveq (streer, crty, srate ana tr coqe) 1254 Carlton Terrace Union NJ Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc) 8. ldentiff principal product or service Trucking driving dirt and stone 4. Telephone No. (973) Lake Success NY ()- 6. Employer renresentative to contact Raul Domingues 9. Number of workers employed l0 10. Full name of party filing charge Remizio J. Antunes 11. Address of parly filing charge lsfreof, city, state and ZIP code.) I 0l Saint Charles Street Newark NJ Telephone No. (e73è34k4.271 ', 13. DECLARATION,/2 I deçlare thlll nave rea{ the q^bove charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. a.y "W u/!tz) 4YQz?) {/>i'æ,fru" i.io r. Antunes Individual or W þersôñ making charge) / same as aþ/ve Faxt ( ) - Address 07Ð (Telephone No.) ( ) ll (date) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON TH S CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED BY FINE AND TMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitalion of the informalion on this form is authorized bv the Nalional Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C, $ 151 ef ses, The principal use of the information is to assisl lhenalionallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inorocessincíunfairlabororacticeandrelatedpioceedinqsorliliqalíon.theroútineu5esfortheinformation the Federal Register, 71 Fed. Regl (Dec ). The'NLRB will further eiplain lhese usef,upon request. Disclosure of this information lo the NLRB is voluntary; however, fáilure lo suppf lhe information willcâuse lhe NLRB to decline to invoké its processes, -

18 FORM ^" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZAT ONS OR ITS.AGENTS Case DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 4 rr e C 4512 Date Filed t t 2/z7lol 13-CB INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each additlonal chargod pafi named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector tllrector for tho reglon ln whlch the thê alleoed alleggd unfatr unfalr labor practlce nracllce aeerirrc t occuned or tq ls n c rrrrnn occurrlng. Teamster Local No LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT c. Telephone No. (773)242-32ts d, Address 6815 VY. Roosevelt Road Berwyn Cilmore, Jr. Business ll e. The above-named organization(s) or lts agents has lhavelenqaged ln and ls (are)engaglng in unfair labor pract ces within the meaning of section g(b), subsecilon(s) írsf suþsecû'ons) ( lxa) of the Nationat Labor Retaüons Act, and these uñfar labor praòtices are unfalr praclices affecting commerce wlthln the meaning of the Act, or these unfa r labor pract ces are unfa r practlces'âffecgng commerce wltirin the meaning of the Act and the Postal Rêorganization Act, 2. Basis of the Charge lsel forü? a clear and concise state nenf of the facß constituting lhe aileged unfair labor practices) Since about December 6, 2007, the above-named labor organization has failed and refused to represent Thurman Lewis in connection with he discharge grievance for unfai arbitrary, and discriminatory reasons. 3. Name of Employer Metal Managemenl, lnc S. Paulina St. 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) factory. 10. Full name of party filing charge Thurman Lewis, 8. ldentify principal product or service recycle scrap metal 4. Telephone No. (773)2s (773) t 6. Employer renresentallve to contact Julie Rozwadowski Human Resource Mgr. 9. Numþer of workers employed Address of party flllng charge lsûoet c ty, state and Ztp code.) I 6ó40 S. Park ló640 S. Park Address spgü_ug!9!d that I have IL 13. DECI.ARATION ând that the statements theroin are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. An Individual IL Lewis (PrinVtype name and title or ofice, if any) (FaÐ( - (7osì33r-890t--_T- 12, Telephone No. ( kåe04 WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED By F NE AND MPR SONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1oot) PRIVACY ACl STATEMENT I Sollcllallon of the information on thls form ls authorlzed bv lhg Natlonal Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.SC. S 15!ef seg, The principal use of the lnformafion is to assisl iffi!ë!iålhiiljrf,::?'l'ê:,:'ê'.t1ybã?itrlô'i."luuhultt :ti..{q';lfjfi't?it[îf'dlgsrmþ[ltü[i'ari:il$å?%f.1i[itfåä#i;tis.ñßì$t! volunlary; howeier, lailure lo suppf the informatìõñ úlli ó'austi ile ñln'döãeö äeiö'iñione rs processes. 3 c F /*Vqz

19 FORM NLR8.5O8 (à-07) I rr I r L. L, l!u \ l\lln I. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIOML TABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGA NST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS lnstrucïons: Fíle an o-riginal rogether with lour coples and a copy for each additional charged party named in item I with NLRB Regional Þii".g.l-eJ.te*ne.r..e.9i9lnú içþ-ttlq-itle 1. IJABOR ORGANIZATION OR ITO AGENTS AGAINST W'IICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT i â. Namo Tcomstcrs L<rcol No Union Runcly to contact Lowencamp c. Telephone No, (405) (40s)943-t()26 d. Address 3528 Wcst Reno Ave. Oklahoma City ok e. The above.named organizationfs) or its anents has låavejenoa ed in and is (aæ)engaging.in unfairlabor practices within the meaning of section 8(þ). i subsecrion(s)úls'su seoããns)il)(al-..-._ '.,.::...^.î-^...,j-'94litçrttl1'.j:l']'.1t'l1.:l9l]]"^':^,jl,i,l1o.".írîlr' il;;ä'i ; iiää u!tñ'ó}i'írìicär r'i\ n thäffüìn'g ot itrã a, or tñcse uñta i tabor practicec ars unfair prac{ices affeclins commêrce wilhin the : meaning ot tne ct and the Poshl Reorganization Acl. 2. Basis of the Charge (sst forth a clear and ænclse stâremenf of the faats condllullng lhe alleged unlair labor pradlæs) wir'hin *rö iasiiix iionths, thc above-hameä labor organiznrion breached its <lu_ty òt'îãir rþpïese ttatiou by firiling to adequaieiy proccss Michael Dea Reyno l.s grievances because hc ran againsr the curent union officers in an int 'a'union election. 3. Name of Employer United Parccl Scrvicc 5. Localion of 901 S. ltoml nd 7. fypø of oslabl shmena(fâctory, mlne,wholeseler, otc,) Plant 405)948,388ö No, (405) Employer rênresenlative to conlacl.loc Mttllct 9. Number of workers employod 10 Full neme ol pany liling charge Michael Dean Reynolds 1L Addross of party liling charge l6trool cily, st8,e and ZIP æds.) 212 Mcaclow L r, Chor:tatv OK I3. DECLÀRATION I declare that I have roâd the above charge and rhet the statements therein are tlue to the best of my knowledge and belief' D Rcynolds 8y J)014trr /t 4. 4*4'L/?/,,,.Michacl (signeurc of ßpresentâI[ve or person maktng cnarge) Address Choc.! rw - OK G0s],412-45t2 \4tz-4st2!.-% 212 Muodow l.n. Gaxl( \ - (Telophone Nc-) wrulruf Ëaile srnreueñts ónilið cnëðëöãi BE'Ë ilãhäöäv rrxë'àiîö'ln pnrsöñ''ne rr ru,s.ööoë,îirr-e PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT r l? gdlo) rs' öëciiõ iìö,irj sotic rârion of he information on this form ls aulhorizod by the National Labor Refallons Ac1 (NLRA), 29 U.ç..C. $ 1 5!et seq..the prinçlp4! usepf lhe lnlormalion is to assisl inä'ñäïö'iäiläüîi'ruþõå d3åt$$ifiif1b.å'r{b{u$,:f å'f*f,,rt,,1ff.?itå?,'f'#sgå ä['yl[n l[üit' i,: :i',9$tßî1 "*1, the Federal Reoisler, Tl Fed ìiåi'lirffi'îoilävi;i. iåili,ie'rõär'oili mãiniõrrñaùõn ú,iliõäùõe t {e Ñ[ne loõedline lo invoké lts processeo...\" -,',?L,/øF' TOTÊL P.ø2

20 f :()1.ì1. Nl.llll 5( lì í{i Jor UNI'TËD STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LAtsOR RELATIONS BOARD CHAF{GE AGAINS'T LABOR ORGANIZ/\TION INSTRUCTIONS: narnod itr itetn 1 a. Nalle r LNSON ORGANIZATION OR ITS Chauffeurs, Teamsters and l{elpers, Local Union Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warelrousemen qlg c. TelePhone No cl. Adclress ßn'eel, c ty, state ancl ZIP code) 830 East BroadwaY Alton, ll alw lnternattonal Brotlrerhood of of America, AFL-ClO I (lllt'4l:xl:lvll'1 l,nl)l:f{ 4 (l S (: 3f l:' ancl atì adclitional copy eaclt organizatioll, eaclr local, eaclr indiviclttal in wltich the lunfair labor occrtrrecl or is b. Utrion Representative to Contacl s within the rneaning of secrionb(b),subsecrion(s)(fsis / sectr'ons) 8(bX1XA) -,., - of thenationallaborrelationsi:^x:ti,i:i:^t^:"]l?:'^',1::'"^,.-" - ñ;.ii::-;;;i;,ö;;ï #f"f.;.t'ñ;;ffirtheseunfair abofpraclicesareunfait rracticesaffectingcommerce w lt, n ttre meaning of the Acl ancl the Postal Reorganization Act' lstil,l,,lgitêallege(lunfa rlahorpracirces) The above-named labor organization by its officers, agents and representatives since about August 28,2007 has restrained and coerce6.'glenn Rippley in tt''" exerðlse of rights guaranteed to hlm in section 7 of the Act, as amendecl by failing to refer him for employment' Various Enrployers throughoutt lllinois 5. Locatron of Plant involvecl (stteel. cily. state' ancl ZIP z. fype õt Ëstablishment (faclory, mitrc, wlnlesaler. elc.) 6. Emptoyer representative to contacl 9. Nurnbet of Wol.l(ers enlploye(l 10. Full name of party f iling charge Glen Rippley 'l 1. Adclress of party filing charge (slreel. city. slate, and ZIP code') P O box 604 \üoodriver. ll read the above charge ancl I '12. Telephone No therein are true lo tlìe best of nry knowledge and belief By llille or oftice. ll eny) Address: p O box 604 \A/oodriver. ll_ 0ZQLS_ I,FUL FAL STA'TEMEI{TS ON C/.\f.l LlË I.IEÞ BY FINË A IIVIPRISONMEN'I (U ITI-E 18, 1001)

21 ø2/29/2øøs 14:56 5ø OBBB LAhJ PAGE øgiø3 FORM NTR&508 UN TED STAIES OF AMÊRICA taltonal IAEOR RE[AnoNS roard second emendsd ctilnìöë'-äarunsr LABoR ORGANIZATION $ srructotrrs, or lts ÀGENTS { -e /2e/08 F lê noñg n lmdlcoole.oflhlt.cmrge ndm dditlonalcopylormcfto,o",,* n ncm.t çtur oc nlr itepilone õ nãliä'rtîl on,n *n,", rh..,r.-â{..s,t1îjll'_.!dù hc t. rnd e ch tndþtdu t n ned Ittghray Truck Drlvers and Xelpers, Loêal 10? v,^ vrren ñopllsenlalive lo!ùtlll.am HarnilÈon, ( rs) 552'00?0 **-ñ;i;'!i""täïi,i,ålhlüi ot tne cñãr cgiiõ'iñ-ã'õìããffi :.1._".=:r ( iieet. c ft, t tc rn Ztffi é.'rþ sougnåmpeôn Road, phiiadelphic, pà 19rs{ it'il.îililìtff l,"ffi i.rffi the above rabor organlzaèion wrons3rly and l vroletíon of.6ecèion s (Þ) (r) (A) and 3l:ii:i"l"3r'ilå"Lilr::lil'::"iätaj:'å.Ëii-'il,,i'ci"zi ro wdrx-àlpor'unicree in MdiÈlonatrlv' the union-haa Bones,, as welt decrined.to as. cue refer fiil Mr..-G!1zi to ehe motr.on procure.lovely ;;i;" prci,riã-ii rä.ù"raioc, _rntioiäg on or rho auaruèê, å13":ff"it:irtüå:l;i:;ii;"iläå*a.ro' io r ileizsi ñls;l;ë-iå'.o" rrnlon,g refer ar The thlon oporaèês.an unlawful exalusive referral syaèem, whlch lncludes the folloutng: fairfns uo Ëot tow ir". irãiåe-ilil..na proãããüë ana- usirrs ;;ü"; rures and rrocedures Èhat have not been puurrèi-ea-iå-u".t" ät rhe-'iàicrrar uvsã"",-'iir**rrg so usè ob,ecrrve crllerie to nake reiei"iiãli.iir.1s r,o nake irã iererrar- r, tes ãia pro"eduree aná Iif'"iiå'.:î:i";:ii'1 "ilãit:ill.!ï"lf**::î í, o".,s or irs rof,errar sys'en, an. Paratnoun!' piccures s.- lo_carion _øp ranrìñiãñã'i6ä 5555 Melrose Àvenue, ) r.rood, c, g'oo e- tsz (323) 956- t{ls r. r'e vr cùrõulbnmgnr ngcloo m nq, WñOleiAl0f,õi ì,tovie producèiorì company Mor,ion ploeuleã Approå<.. 3S+ driúera psr movio narne ol prrty flllng ch ã r r. Add ess ol pedy lillrrn Drlve, gensaleml PÀ s?3-s262 ch r'e end t at t e-s-dõ;ents ùr h e?o rrue þ üa ôêsr of my knowredge nd betcf. nddress'21j,1 NJ OB22S C.lDæ UMEI'IîSI ID SEfn úö.çt t-dn Ê ^E n tn t a,ô., ^^,,r r ;;';ir-oiíiiüäiíl!î, /,/-n3j{â 5;oiÍj"n?îi:,${,*"tlwesMny Nlswúsr Fu*ll'q isltrltttsrrxs 6s:41 n)? (p,,nt6ouryr FEB 29 2øø8 l5 14 Êa967??93 r PAGE. A3

22 Foå\N{tTso8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. CHARGE AGAINST TABOR ORGANIZATION FORM EXEMPI UNDER 44 U^S.C DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE I Date Filed 2l29l2OO8 Gase 4-cB INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an origlnal and 4 coples of thls charge and an addltlonal copy for each organlzatlon, each local, and each lndlvldual named in ltem I with the NLRB ln whlch the alleqed unfalr or ls. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BR Graphic Corwrunications Conference/Int' 1 Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 1-4-M c. Telephone No. (2ls) b. Union Representative to contact KurL Freeman, President d. Address/street, c ty, state and ZIP code) L3L0-28 East Sedgely Avenue, Philade1phia, PA L9134 e. The above-named organ zation(sl or its agents has lhave) engaged in and is larel engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of sect on 8(b), subsection(sl l/btsøåsectíons) 1(A) of the National 2. BaSiS of the Chafge (set forth a clear and conclse statement of the facls consl tuttng tlre altoged unblr laþor practlces) t. Chargrng parties are all employees of Perfecseal, Inc, in Philadelphia,!A. Charging Parties are e.mployed in a bargainiãg úriit represented by Giaphics Communication International Union, Intemational Brotherhood of Teimsterl local i -Ird C'GC-ru' ci the "Union"). These charges follow on chargesprevioggly filed which alleged violations of the law by Respondent under Communication Workers v. Beck,487 U.S. 735 (1988). 2. Charging Parties have all exercised their Section 7 rights and become non-member Beck objectors. As Beck objectois, Õtrargng Parties are obliged to pay their share of the alleged cost of representation. 3. On or about January 15,2007, Charging Parties and similarly situated employees were threatened with termination for failing to pay full union dues. 4. The demand and threat of termination were based on Respondent's unlawful annual renewal of objection requirement. The annual renewal requirement violates the Act by infringing on employees' Section 7 rights as interpreted by the 487 U.S. 735 (1988). 3. Name of Employer: Perf ecseal, rnc. 4. Telephone No. (2L5) L 5. Location of plant involved btreet, cíty, state and ZIP code) 9800 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA T9LL5-2L0I 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) 8. ldentify principal product or service medical packaging 6. Employer representative to contact Robert Barr, HR 9. Number of workers employed Approx mately Full name of party f ling charge,john McHenry (see attached list for additional charging parties) 11. Address of party filing charge (street, cíty, state and ZIP code) 2922 Elbridge Street, Philadelphia., PA L Telephone No. (2L5) t,o l riork 13. DECLARATION and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and beliof. charge) Matthew Muggeridge Staff Attorney ftítle u office, íf any) Leqal Def. Fdtn. (703) 32L /27 /08 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1OO1)

23 '4Stu)1 o /+ ADD.ITIONAL CIIARGING PARTIBS GCIU/IBT Incat 14M AwaEreforokuma 2630 Welsh Road Apt D-5 Philadelphia"PA hm (21s) 676-s966 Hanis Griffin 2316 Femon Sfreet Philadeþhia, PA hm (215) JohnRutter,Ir. 516 Winding Way Warmhster, PA hm (215) 9s7-r399 Huan Tang 2245 S.9th Steet Philadeþhiq PA hm (21'5) Thomas Wells 222OEstenRoad Quakertown, PA hm (215) s

24 FOx.ô...rt-RB-508 ' (e.07) INSTRUCTIONS: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I.ABOR REI-ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS ORITSAGENTS DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE IXEMPT UNDER 14 U.S.C 3512 Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each addlüonal charged party named ln ltom I wlth NLRB Reglonal nlon ln wtlch tùe allesed unfalr labor p acüce occunod or ls occunlnq. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINSTWHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Dlrec'lor for tño n tte untalr labor occutrsd or ls Graphlc Communications Conference of the lnternational Brotherhood of Teamsters D. Unlon Kepfssgn auve to conlacr lra Gottlieb, Esq. or Mar$ Keegan c. Telephone No. foì+ez-r oo xo d Address(ù-lfget, c[y, stale, and 1900 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C e. The above'named organtsatlon(g).o,t.itç-ggents has (ñave)enoaoed in and ls (ale)engaglng in unfair labor pract ces w thin ths meaning of section 8(b), subsectlon(s)lristsuôsecüons)(4}{llxttl LaborRelatlonsAct,andtheseunfairlaborpractices are unêl practlces affecllng commerce withln the meaning of the Act, or theso unfalr labor pracllces are unfair praclices affecllng commerce w thin the moanlng of lheactand the Postal Reorganlzatlon - Act. --oflhenational 2. Basls of the Chaqe (set lbrfi a dear and conclse statement of the facls ænsütullng the alleged unfalr labor pzs,clíces) Since on or about six months prlor to the flllng of thls charge, the Graphic Communications Confeience of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters ("Union"), by lts agents and representatives, including, but not limited to Melinda Burns, Tom Schultz, Rob Kuznia, Dawn Hobbs, and Melissa Evans have threatened and/or coerced employees and/or contractors from selling papers at the Farmeds Market ln Santa Barbara. Their actions also impeded pedestrian flow from buying or susbscribing to the paper at the Farme 's Market. 3. Name of Employer Ampersand Publishing, LLC o, Locauon or plan lnvolvgo lsroo\ cny, srare ano,f c.xtej 715 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara 4. Telephone FAX NO Employer renresentallve to contact A. Barry Cappello, Esq. 7. Type of esbbllshment (factory, mlne, wholesalen etc.) Newspaper 10. Full name of party ffllng chage Cappello & Noë, LLP 11. Address of party fillng charge lsfreef, clty, state and ZIP code.) 831 State Street; Santa Barbara, CA Address 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA ldentiff prlncipal productorsemce Newspaper 9. Numberof vrorkers employed 100+' 12. Telephono No. ( ' 'FaxNo. t8(l DECLARATION and that the slatements thsrein are lrue to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Prlnütype name and iltle or oîfrce, if any) rraxl sos$o47ifilî- 2t2gto8 (Telephone No.) WILTFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONÍIJIENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION IOOI) PRIVACYACT STATEMENT Solicitation of lhe information on this fom is aulhorized by lhe Nalional Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 ef seg. The principal use of lhe infomation is lo assist lhe National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in processing unfah labor prac{lce and related proæedings or litigation, The routine usæ for the information are fully set forth in the Federal Register, 71 Fed. Reg (Dec. 13, 200ô). The NLRB will furlher explain these usesupon request. Disclæure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the infomation will cause lhe NLRB to dæline to invoke its proæses (date)

25 FOñ.,.,{LRB-508. (907) INSTRUGTIONS: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL IÁBOR RETATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST I.ABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR ITSAGENTS DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE.å(EMPT UNDER 4 U.S.c 3512 Flte an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for eactí addlüonal charged party named ln ltem I wlü NIRB Reglonal olon ln wlrlch lhe alleqed unfalr labor orac'tlcs occunsd or ls occunlne. Graphic Communicatlons Conference of the lnternational Brotherhood of Teamster c. Telephone No. foì+oz-r oo I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Addrcss lsüeet, cw state, and 1900 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C o. unlon t( prcsenlaüve Io conlacr lra Gottlieb, Esq. or Marly Keegan e. The above-named organkaüon(gl.o.t.iþ_qqents has (âave)enoased ln and ls (are,fengaglng in unfalr labor practlcas w thln the meanlng,of section 8(b), subsecllon(s) (lfst suôseclons (4X XB) are unhlr práiüces affecüng ómmerce withln üre meanlng of the Act, or these unfalr labor p actlceó are unfalr practlces afectlng commerce wlthln the meanlng of the Act and the Postal Reorganlzatlon - Act. 2. Basls of lhe Charge (set forür a dear and ænclæ stateø snt of the facts ænslltnilng lhe allegad unfalr labor pnctlæs) Since on or about slx months prior to the flllng of this charge, the Graphic Communications Conference of the Intemational Brotherhood of Teamsters ("Union"), by its agents and representatlves, includlng, but not limited to Melinda Burns, Tom Schultz, Rob Kuznia, Dawn Hobbs, and Melissa Evans have threatened and/or coerced employees and/or contractors from selllng papers at the Farmer's Market in Santa Barbara. Thelr actions also impeded pedestrian flow from buying or susbscrib ng to the paper at the Farmefs Market. 3. Name of Employer Ampersand Publlshing, LLC 5. Locatlon of ptant nvolv d ÞIreeL c ty, saaþ anct tt'coaet 715 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara 4. Telephone No. ow Employ r renresentat ve to contact A. Barry Cappello, Esq. 7. Type of establlshment(lbolory, m ne, wholesaler, etc.) Newspaper 10, Full name of party ffllng eåaqe Cappello & Noë, LLP 1 1. Address of party flllng charge (sfreef, o ly, state and ZIP code.) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA Address 8. ldentlff princlpsl product or serv ce Newspaper 9. Numberof uorkers employed Telephons No. r ' 'FaxNo. tros-o DECLARATION and that the statements therein are true lo lhe best of my knowledge and bellef. DuganP.K"@ (PrlntÅype name and title or oîfrce, if any) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA g 9oñ (Telephone No.) 2t2BtO8 WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUN SHED BY FINE AND IIÙPRISONi IENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE I8, SECTION IOOI) PRIVACYACT STATEMEilT Sollcilation of the infomation on lhis form is aulhorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. S 151 et sefi The principal use of lhe information is to assist lhe National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in processin i unfah labor prac{ice and related pioæedìngs or litigaäon. The routine usæ for lhe informalion are flly set forth in lhe FederalRegister, 71 Fed. Reg, (Dec. 13-,2006). The NLRB willfurther explain thæe us eupon request. Disclæure of this information t0lhe NLRB is volunlary; however, failure to supply the inbrmation will æuse ths NLRB to decline lo invoke lts proæssæ. ktate)

26 Fu. " NLRB-508 (e.07) INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wllh four coples and a copy for eacïfaddüonal charged party named ln ltem I w th NLRB Reglonal D rec'torforfüo ln whlch the unfalr labor occufred or ls Graphic Communications Conference of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters c. TelephoneNo. fo)+oz-r oo UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL TABOR REIATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST I-ABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR ITSAGENTS f. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST W-I CH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Address fslr et, clty, slale, and ZIP øde) 1900 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C Gase 31 -CC-21 6s DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE D. Unton l(epfesenlauve ro contacr RM EXEMPT UNDER 14 U,S.C 3512 Date Filed - ' 2l zfrl 08 lra Gottlieb, Esq. or Mar$ Keegan e. The above.named organþation(fl.o,.l.tg3gents has (have)enoaqed ln and ls (are)engaglng ln unfair labor practlces withln lhe meaning of sectlon 8(b), subsectlon(s)(llstsuþsecüons)líuu NËtl LaborRelalionsAct,andlheseunfairlaborpractlces are unfalr pnactlces affecling commerce wlthln the meaning of the Act, or these unfalr labor practlces are unfalr practlces affecllng commerce wlthln the meanlng of lhe Act and the Postal Reorganlzatlon - Act. --oflhenatlonal 2. Basls of the Charye (set lbrlå a clear and æncíse statement of the facß eonstltuthtg the alleçd unfalr labor praúæs) Since on or about six months prior to the filing of this charge, the Graphic Communications Conference of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters ("Union"), by its agents and representatives, including but not limited to Dawn Hobbs and Tom Schultz have threatened and/or coerced employees attempting to prepare newspapers for dellvery to vendors, carriers, and subscribers of the Santa Barbara News-Press. 3. Name of Employer 4. Telephone No. Publishing, LLC FaX No o. Locaüon or ptanr tnvolveg lsaft,t,r, cny, öraae atta tr cosel 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact 715 Anacapa Street, Santa Barban egtot A. Barry Cappello, Esq. 7. Type of establlshment (faclory, mlne, wholesaler, etc.) Newspaper 10. Full name of parly ffllng chage Cappello & Noð, LLP 11. Address of party filing charge (sfroef, c ty, state and Zlp code.) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA Address 8. ldentfi prlncipal productorservlce Newspaper 9. Numberof workers employed Telephone No. (80Þ5xô$ 444 ( DECLARATION and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, Dugan P. Kelley, Esq. Attorney (Prlntllype name and l ile or oîfrce, if any) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT 8Q5t (Telephone No.) (date) (u.s. code, TITLE TTTLE , SECÏION SECï ON 1001) Solicilation of the information on this form is aulhorized by the Nalional Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 et ssq. The principal use of lhe information is to assist thenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb) nprocessingunfahlaborpracticeandrelatedpioæedingsorlitigatìon.theroùtineusesfjrtheinformationarefullysetfo n the Federal Registe, 71 Fed. Reg (Dec. 13, 200ô). The NLRB will further eitplain theõe uses upon request, Disclosure of lhis information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to dæline lo invoke its processes.

27 Fu r LRBr508 (e.07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I.IATIONAL I.ABOR REI-ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST IÁBOR ORGANIZATIONS ORITSAGENTS DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE ð(empt UNDER I4 U.S.C 3I'12 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal togeth r wlth four coploa and a oopy for oach åddlüonal charged party named ln ttem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Graphlc Communicatlons Conference of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. unlon h( acl lra Gottlleb, Esq. or MartY Keegan c. Tolophone No. fo)+ez-r oo 7rl2-7t1-fl6fJ0 d. Address lsfeþt, dty, slate, and ZIP ædo) 1900 L Street N.W., Washlngton, D.C e. Ths abow-named organþatloñ(g).o lls aaents has (âarc)ensased ln and ls (are)engaglng ln unfalr labor pracüces wlthln the meanlng of sectlon 8(b), subsecrtlon(s) (tlsf suôsec0ons) lljfal lhe Natlonal Labor Relaüons Ac-t, and these unfalr labor pracllces arc unblr praitlces afiec-tlng commerce wilhln lhe meanlng of the Act, or these unfalr -of labor practlces ars unfalr practlces afiecting commerce wlthln the meanlng of lhe Actand the Posta Reorganlzatlon - Acl Baslô of the Chage (set lbrfá a dear and ænclse slatement of the facts oorsftuf/ng the allqod unfav lafur pnctlæs) Since on or about six months prior to the fillng of thls charge, the Graphic Communicatlons Conference of the lntemational Brotherhood of Teamsters ("Union"), by its agents and representatlves, Including, but not limited to Mellnda Bums, Tom SchulÞ, Rob Kuznia, Dawn Hobbs, and Mellssa Evans have threatened and/or coeroed employees and/or contractors from selllng papers at the Farmefs Market in Santa Barbara. Thelr actions also impeded pedestrian flow from buying or susbscriblng to the paper at the Farme 's Market. 3. Name of Employer Ampersand Publishing, LLC 5. Locaüon o plant lnvolveo $veel c ly, sfaro ana, 715 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara 4. Telephons No. 00Ë Employer renr sentrallve to contacl A. Barry Cappello, Esq. 7. Type of esùabllshment (fadory, mlne, wholeæler, etc.) Newspaper 10. Full name of party frllng charge Cappello & Noë, LLP 11. Address of party flllng charge lsrroef, ctty, state and ZIP code.) 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA Address 831 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA ldentlfo prlnclpal productorseruice Newspaper 9. Numberof uorkers employed Telephone No. r ' 'FsxNo. t DECLARATþN and that the statemenls lherein are true to lhe best of my knowledge and bellef. Dugan P.K" (PrÍnttlype name and tllle or office, if any) rraxl t s TiilF[- 2l28lo8 ßlatd 'l (Tetephone Noj WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE I8, SECAON 1OO1) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the information on lhis form is aulhorized by the National Labor Relalions AGt (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 ef ses. The pdncipal use of lhe informalion is to assist the National Labor Relations Boad (NLRB) in processind unfah labor prac{iæ and related pioceedings or litigafon. The roúline usæ for lhe information are fully set forlh in the Federal Reglster, 71 Fed, Reg (Dec. 13=, 2006). The NLRB will furlher explain thæe usesupon request, Disclæure of this infomation to lhe NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply lhe information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processæ.

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