o. Address (street, city, state and ZIP code) 101 Avenue of the Americas NY, NY aging in unfair labor practices within the

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1 FORM NLRB-508 I/O UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIOML LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION Case, 2-CB INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal and 4 coples of ulls cl I anq an aqolüonal Gopy r( ln lûem I wlth tho NLRB ReglonalPlg of the reslon ln whlch the labor or ls I-õRGAÀIIZAÍION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGH I Local 328J, SEIU c. Telephone No. & (212) Fax - (212) FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C. DdnO'-ìJvRtrE tn THls space Date Filed 4/r/o8 of thls charye and an addltlonal copy for each organlzatlon, each. local' and each.lndlvl9$!-ltt"d b. Union Representative to contact Joanne Davis, Complaints Director o. Address (street, city, state and ZIP code) 101 Avenue of the Americas NY, NY aging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1XAì of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practicos are unfair orar*lcei affectlno commerce withtn ttre rneanins of the Act and the Postal R organizat 2. Basis of the Charge (s thefadsconst tutingtheallegedunfairlaborpractices) Since around December 4,2007,the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, has failed and refused to process the grievance of Ramon Martinez, over the termination of his employment for reasons that are arbitrary, discriminatory or otherwise unlawful. Work Location: 255 g4th Street, NYC 3. Name of EmploYer Related Management 4. Telephone No. & (212) 319-r200 FAX (212) se3-s793 [e ánd ZlP code) 423 West 55th Street New York, NY Tlpeõf effitl õñment (tactory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Building Maintenance ffi Ramon l24east 103'o Street, Apt22 New York. NY city, state and ZIP code) 8. ldentiû principal product or serv ce Cleaning Service 6. Employer representative to contact Michael Harrington, Senior District Manager 9. Number of workers ermloyed 15 t öõ'.fn ç b 'æ"d): ã : ßþ,i 12. reþpnonqxo. ó!j:o;: (212)860-nsr * ü*ñ 13. DECIARATION I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statemgnts therein are true to the best of my knowledge anoffiiet. By of representative or person Ramon Martinez Telephone No. same An Individual Date 4nt08 (u.s. code, TITLE f I, SECTION 1001)

2 FORM NLRB.sO8 Ü TEO STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RETATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRUCTIONS: Êire ãn orjgúraiand 4 coples of thls charge and an addltlonal copy for-eachorganlzatlon, each. local, and each lndlvldual namêd tn ttem I ñttr ttre lha NLne hãs õnli 9 s6 s-r ot the regton n ln whlcli ihe alleged unfalr labor practlce og.cl$9{ 9ll9=occurrlng. or ls Local 328J, SEIU c. Telephone No. & Fax No 2r b. Union Representative to contact Joann Davis, Director, l0l Avenue of the Americas NewYorkNY ãndls(are)engaginginunfairlaborpfacticeswlthinthe meaning of sectlon g(b), subsection(sx I ) and (A) of the Natlonal Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair nr llær ffaellna nammenn wlthin the meanino of the Act. ãees 5õ-the charge (set forth a clear and concise t const tut ng the alleged unfair labor practlces) The above-named labor organization, by its agents, officers and represe ttatives, since within tlre last six nronths, has failed and refused to reprejent employee Hata Sinanaj witlr regard her grievance over floor measurements. for arbitrary and capricious reasons. Location: 1330 Sixth Avenue 3. Name of Ernployer Quality Building Services Co. 5. Location of plant 801 Second Avenue, NY, NY Type otestablishment (faclory, mine, wholesaler' etc.) ffi Commercialblds Hata Sinanai {street, city, state and ZIP code) 2030 Paulding Avenue.2"o floor, Bx, NY 8. ldentify principal product or service Buildine maintena rce 4. Telephone No. & e 6. Employer representative to contact Meza (lnu), bldg supervisor 9. Number of workers employed r leþpnqrc No.SbFax r 718-9re-ßzo # :o 4 f\ By Signeture of Address Same As above 6. DECLARATION I dectare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my rno*frç.þt"'-t$* or person Hata Sinanaj Telephone No. Same as above r tre tndividuaf {i t,à., l"rl Date April l,2008 õ CAN BE (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION lool)

3 FORM NLRB.5O8 JNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD charce AéÄÑ-éÍ- r-áeon organlzarlon FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C.351? INSTRUCTIONS: Fire an originar and 4 copies of this charge lrg an additionar copy for.each organization, each. rocar, and each individuar named in item 1 *',n,n. *r*" *"n,"""' 9'lg"!"I9',lleFjöüjt'siüü]äü c Telephone No. 2 l The above'named organlzal Case -ófrr z2-cb-lo575 WRIIE ñffief çe Date Filed 4l4l2oo9 -Union Representãive to contact Lashawn HenrY, Glievance 101 Avenue of the Àìttåiitut, lgtr'floor' New York' NY 10013,,,i õñi;,õl i; iñ within the ãõeñiõ ñãõ ihãrãi;ñõãõããf.1îgeççiãñõãõñõ i4qiil?"-'_gî"ti"es unfair rabor practices are unfair meanins or secrion atol,,r;îäërioîtritììtni or tne l..i "i ãi üãë"t Rerations n"t, "no"in"eié nr nlieaq âffectino commerce within the meaning of the Ac!' - " - " -----'-"-' "---- "--'- ' "---- Basis ffiarandconcise of the Charge (set ron si'ce on or abont Marcrr l, 200g, the above-referenced rabor-organizatio' has failecl to fairly represent its me'rber, Stanrey Haynes, by failing to voruntarily present u'iorirepresentatives to testify at Haynes' unemproyment heari'g, by fairing to prouiáã Huvn* with a *py oru police report trrat the Enrployer used as an exhibit at Hayne,s ãrbitratio' hearing and by iailing to return hir.ulh about newly discovered evidence that supports Mr' Haynes' arbitration' F.TC SecuritY Services I Location of Plant involveo (slreel' slty' Þtat' qrrv d - äoláìit".r bq.tut., Jelsey City, NJ ffiholesaler,etc') 4. lelephone No s30 x101 ñp oyer representative to contact Tom'Moscardini, Director of Security workers employed ApproxirnatelY 70 Stanley HaYnes 11. Address PanY rllrrrg ç 225 St.Pauls Aven,t;;Àdi l2-r, Jersey City' NJ s that I have above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief' An Individual Telephone No' 225 Sf, Pauls A t H :\R22COM\TEMPLATE\CB' DOT

4 (s-07) umtd. rates OF AMERICA DO NOT WRTTE tn TH S SPACE FORM NLRB.sO8. NATIONALLABORRELATIONSBOARD ;=::- CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS ORITSAGENTS FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U'S.C 3512 Date Filed 2_el._2L52ß... "4/7/Og INSTRUCT ONS: Flle an orlglnal together w th four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for the rcglon ln whlch the alleged untalr labor practlce occuned or ls occurrlng 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION OR ITSAGENTSAGAINSTWHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Local 328J. SEIU Angelo Conzalez tt (2r2) NY r00t3- ()- l0l Avenue of the Americas New York e. The above-named organiza on(s) or its agents has (äave,)enoased ln and is (are)engaging ln unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b)' subseciion(s) (fist suþlecfibns) ( txa) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfa r piáitbes affecting óàrrírèróe withln the meaning of the Ac1, or these unfair labor practices are unfair pract ces affecting commerce w thin the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set lbrfh a clear and concise stafemenl of fñe facts constilufrhg the alleged unfair labor practiæs) Since in orabout Fenruary 2008, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, and representatives, has failed and refused to process the shift-change grievance of lngrid Gomez for reasons which ale arbitrary, discriminatory, or otherwise invidious. Cooper Square Rcalty. lnc. 88 Greenwich Street New York 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) condominium 10. Full name of party filing charge lngrid Gomez 11. Address of party filing charge (street, c ty, state and ZIP code.) 2 18 E I l5th Strcct New Y i Address 2lSEllsthStreet New York Apl5C 8. ldenti! principal product or service residential apaft lììents NY 4. Telephone No. (2 r 2)400-e0ee ()- ô. Employer to contacl Robin t 9. Number of qgkers e nplovecb fr þ'1 appr.2l a { g&4 13. DECLARATION I have read lhe above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. lngrid (ìonrcz- an lndividual (Pr nvtype name and title or ofñce, if any) Apt.5C NY t0029- tfaxt ( ) - (646\g32-32s4 (Telephone No.) - \Jl 04i02/2008 (date) wll;ul FALsE statements on THrs charge can BE punrshed By FINE AND rmprrsonment (u.s. code, TrrLE t8, secrton 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT t 109 Solicitation of the infomation on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relalions Acl (NLRA), 29 U.9C. $ 15!ef seq..the prinçipal useof the informalion is to. assisl iië;.ñäiöiäilätñidclaiìõnsdoaiatt[rsi ñprocessindunfãir ãb-oibracliæandre!atedpìoceeñgs iäe feäérãt Røster, 7t feo. Resl (Dec, ). Tho'NLRB will further ei<plain theõe usefupon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; howeier, failure to suppf the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

5 Local 328J. SEIU Gallo Garcia c. Telephone No. (2 r 2) slats, l0l Avenue of the Americas New York e. The above-nâmed orgânizatlon(s) or its asents has (âava)enoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfairlabor practices within the meaning of section 8(b)' -' subsection(s) ltist sudsecfionst (Ð(A) ãiã unià r pìãiticea áffecl ñé óhlíëiö wlttr n itre mãañing olthe Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfalr practlces affecting commerce within the meanlng of the Act end the Postal Reorganlzatlon Act' ø tn a Aear ana cuncise síafeme nt of the facts consfifuting the alleged unfair labor practices) ; S n". a time within the tast six months, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents, and representatives, has failed and i refused to assist Faustos Santos regarding his suspension grievances, for reasons which are arbitrary, discriminato y, or otherwise, invidious. i work site: building 40, Richman Plaza 3. Name of EmPloYer River Park Towcrs Assoc. ; 5. Locatlon of Plant 55 Richman Plaza 7. Type of establishmenl(factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) apartment building NY 100r3- ()- *Ë 6. EmPl@r renèsbntaterg gqptact Melvin f; ;t urcr'évj ñ Manager ]- :E l-v\ r3 g. NumbFof woldrs employed app Full name of parly ftling charge Faustos Santos 1 1. Address of party filing charge (street, c ty. state and ZIP code.) 12. Telephone No. (7 r 8 s8fr- r. r 24 l39l Nelson Ave rue Apt 4A Blonx NY ()- 13. DECLARATION read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. an lndividual S rntos /Faxl ( ) - (PrínVtype name and tile or office, if any) l39l Nelson Avenue Apt 4A rttb)sb8-t ( (Telephone No.) (date) Address Bronx / NY WLLFUL FALSE STATEI,IENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S' CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT t 03 Solicitation of the information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.SC. $ 15!et seg..the principal use.of lhe information is to assist inö'ñàìiii îäiuàtiqideþt,e!sioñr djy,i?}jlf'f$:w$as,:etl'ñi,åh.fjii.ífi$?%l[îf.fåg3i![$î[3i.hqiå3i:bî#f,ils'åiî'li{..,,{i$.å.l. the Federal Reoister. Tl Fe( úoluntary; however, fáilure to supply the information wlll cause lhe NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

6 FORM NLR8.5O8 (e-07) UNFED q- 'ES OFAMERTCA NATIONAL IÁ[. RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case 2-CB-2L528 NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 35T2 Date Filed t t 4/8/08 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each additlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrecto_r-for the reglon ln whlch the alleged unfalr-labor pracllce occurrod or ls occurrlng. a. NamE Local 328J. SEIU 1. I-ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST IA'I.IICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Joanne Davis. Business Agent to contect c. Telephone (2r2) (2r2)388 city, stdte, I0l Avenue of the Americas New York, e. The above-named organlzation(s) or its agents has (ñave)enoaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), : subsectlon(s) ílslsuôsections) "8(hXlXÐ.. of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices ; âr unfair practices affectlng oommerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the i meaning of the Acl and the Postal Reorganization Acl. 2. Basis of üre Charge (sef forfh a clear and ænciæ statement of the facts conslduting the allegød unfair labor practices) Since on or about April 8, 2008, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, has tbiled and refused To process the grievance of Joseph Canigan concerning the proposed change in his work schedule which will be effective on or about April 29,2008, for arbitrary, invidious and otherwise unlawful reasons. H Since on or about April 8, 2008, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatiæs, trdfmiteo and refused to enforce a negotiated settlement agreement involving Joseph Carrigan regarding his work schedule, for arbitþ, irrsliousnrd unlawfulreasons' $fìerwise.a..^_..^ é å äëe Work location:480 Park Avenue New York, NY toozt æ 7 æ ;:*'ã ry 3 \à, F*) râ, 480 Park Avenue Corporation 480 Park Avenuc Y 7. Type of establ shment factory, m ne, wholesaler, etc.) Residential Building 10. Full name of party filing charge Joseph Carrigan L ldentif, principal product or service Building Maintenance 4. Telephone No. (2t2)7s (2t2)3t Employer renresentat ve to contact l\rccll. idcncc M rn lrcr Number of workers employed NY 100r.ì- 25-r- 11. Address of party fil ng charge lstreet, city, state and Zlp code.) 222 Summit Dlive New Windsor NY r i Addrug sameûsgþove 12. Telephone No. (84sÈs6fr-063e ()- 13. DECLARATION read the above charge and that the slatements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. An lndividual (PrinVtype name and title or office, if any) (Faxt ( - (845) /8 /08 (Telephone No.) (date) WLLFUL FALSE STATEIUENTS ON THIS CUliAe CeH ee PUNTSHED BY F NE AND MPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) n22 PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitation of the informalion gn this forn_is authorized by the National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U,S.C, $ 151 ef seq, The principal use of the information is to assist thenationallaborrelalionsboard(nlrb)inprocessindunfairlaborpracticeandrelatedoioceedìnqsorlitiqatíon.theroútineuöesfcjrtheinlormation the Federal Registq,,/1 F.ed. Reg;./a$!-43 (Dec..1l 2006). The_[LRB willfudher eiplain the5e uses'upon request. Disclosure of this inlormatiän to thõ ñllie ió voluntary; howeúer, failure lo supply the information willcause lhe NLRB lo decline to invoke!its processes.

7 FQRM NLRB.5O8 (9-07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST I.ABOR ORGANIZATIONS INSTRUCTIONS:' Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each Dlractor whlch the labor or ITS AGENTS AGAINST WHICH CHABqE IqBROUGT ffi Service Employees International Union, District 1199 c. Telephone No. l t lcell) d. Address (street, clty, state and ZIP code) 1395 Dublin, Columbus, OH, b. Unlon Representetive to contacl Monica Monran inunfairlaborpracticeswithinthemeaningofseotion8(b)' subsection G) (Ísr olttutø^\_l (a) - of the Ñational Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor pracliæs are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meanins ôf the Act. or these uniaii labor practiccs ars unfair praclicss ftecting coqlq9 cs within the me n n8 o tse statement of lhe lacß consütutlng lhe allçged u4latr labot practlces) For the last six months, and continuously thereafter, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, restrained and coerced, and is restraining and coercing Marvin Williams, an employge of Murtis H. Taylor Multiservice Center, in the exercise of his rights to self-organization, to form, joii oi assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of his own choosing, and to ängug" in other ron"erted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other muh al aid or protection, orioiefrain ûom any or all such activities, which rights are guaranteed in Section 7 of the said Act. Within the last six months, the above named Union has failed and/or refused to file and/or process grievances on behalf of employee Marvin $/illiams for discriminatory and unlawful reasons. Mr rtis H. Taylor Multiservice Center S. Loocatiòn of plant lnvolved (street, cl$, state, and ZIP code) Kinsman Road Cleveland OH Typ, o-ostlbllrhment (fadory, mine, wholesaler' etc') MentalHealth 10. Full name of party flling charge Marvin Williams 11. Address of party flllng charge (street, c ty, state and ZIP code.) l2ll3 Lenacrave Avenue Cleveland, OH 4410t 8. ld ntlfy prlnclpal product or servlce Soclal Servlces Èt 'e, 4. Telephonår!{o. ; 216-2S ä :.'I Ë - Ëiiîûi 6 Employdr r preglntatlv6-to'conlqct Ruth Aüdisaô cê0 t"' 9. Number of wod(êrs employed Telephone No. 216:751: DECT-ARATION charge and that the statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (fax) Marvin Williams. An individual t tle orotf ce, if any) s*3 1-oY Address l2l 13 Lenacrave Avenue :7581 (Telephone No.) Cleveland. OH STA CAN BE PUNISHED CODE, ) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solioit tionoftl cinfomeliononlh sformisaulhorizedbylhenationstlgbof l, uor[eiarionssorrd(nlrb)inprocessingunfairlaborpracticeandrelatedprocædinoriill redieg.?494243(peò.t,uioooi'nre} I]nsw ttfurrhärexplainthesousoiuponreqúcst.diiolosureoflhis nfomal onlol renlrbisvolunt information will cause the NLRB to declínc to invoke its processes.

8 COI'Y S'Ef" -f NLùr{13 fìil.,-sy INTERNET FORM NLRB.sO8 (6-07)..ISTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each addltlonal chaqed party namod ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for tho rog on reglon ln whlch the alloged Nlleged unfalr labor practlco practlce occunod occured or ls occunlng. SEIU Local 2417 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I.ABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR ITSAGENTS 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST ì /I.IICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT DO NOTUI'RIIE IN THIS SPACE b. Union Represental ve to conlact Greg Morales FORM EXEMPT UNDER I4 U.S.C 35I2 Date Filed 32- e6422 l---' c. Telephone No. 5t t0-26t-2039 o.,loqress (ùtreaí, ctay, si,ie, ana 2,,'çgcreJ 341I E. l2th St., Suite 200, Oakland, CA q,{qia e. The abov+named organ zation(s) or its agents has (ñave) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor practices w thin the meanlng of section 8(b), subsecllon(s) (/lst suösectrbns) ( I XA) of he Nalional Labor Relatlons Acl, and these unfair labor practlces are unfair practices afbc{ng con merce w ttrtn neñ-aniñg oti-ne A;õr-lhe-sê unfair lebor praclices are unfelr practicês afiecting commerce wlthln the meanlng of ths Act and the Postal Reorganlzatlon Ac{. Basis of the Charge (set forfñ a clear and ænclse statement of the facts consfíufrhg the alleged unfair labor pnctiæs) Within the last six months, the above named labor organization has failed to fairþ represent employee/member Edward Pendergast by refusing to pursue his grievance concerning his termination, for arbitrary or invidious reasons. I\J ct (!tt /--,1 ::Þ i-- Ð -. o --o t'-- \) ; GO t-- rt r'.'' t-' 1 ::'.':. ( ---: l',! Securitas 4. Telephone No t8 o. Locauon or ptanr lnvotveo lërrercr\ ç,4y, srate ans ztr aarqel 401 Lennon Lane, Suite 125, Walnut Creek, CA epresentatlve t0 contact q{ T'iARnLO 7. Type of establ shment factory, mlne, wholesaler, etc.) Securþ firm 10. Full name of party filing charge Edward Perndergast 1'1. 8. ldent fu princjpal product or service security services 9. Numberof workers employed Address of party filing charge lstreet, cw, state and zlp code.) P.O. Box 264, Concord,CA "i-.t /) t edarßnatvßve ealtne ñç?ñãõ-ãñà *, rn.lï"ort*1!*s]lt?]r" n.r" rr" to rhe best of Mmy knowtedse and bet ef. Address P'O'Box264,Concord,cxe4s22 gzs_t!ïrt- r/-* ot CHARGE CAN BE ïet"phor" I,t") fia"tt)

9 FORM NIRB.5O8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 WRITE IN THIS I Date F led Case 22-CB-IO579 Apr t10,2008 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an original and 4 copies of this charge and an additional copy for each organ zat on, each. local, and each individual named Dirêctôr ôf the in which the unfair labor occurred or is T _LABORõRGÃÑiãTIO AGAINST WI.IICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. Union Representative to contact SEIU 32BJ Lyle Rowan, Esq. c. Telephone No. 2r d. Address (streel, city, state and ZIP code). 101 Avenue of the Americas, l9t" Fl., NY NY ave)engagedinandis(are)engaginginunfairlabofpfacticeswithinthe meaning of section 8lb), subsection(s) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair oractices affectino commerce within the meaninq of the Since on or about Aplil 3, 2008, the above-referenced Union has refused to provide the telephone number for the arbitrator, so that Stanley Haynes can confirm that all of his evidence was submitted as an exhibit to the arbitrator. The Union failed to show up as a witness to Mr. Haynes' appeal tribunal hearing witlt unenrployment. F.lC Security 5. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 26 Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Service Provider 10. Full name of party filing charge Stanley Haynes 8. ldentify principal product or service Building Services 4. Telephone No. 20 I Employer representative to contact Tonr Moscadirri 9. Number of workers employed 11. Address of party filing charge (streel, city, state and ZIP code) 225 St. Pauls Avenue. Apt. l2r, Jersey City, NJ Telephone No ff"a^r"that 6. DECLARATION I have reaolneabove charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.,,*l//h^/0,,ûf,{hltw Address See 11 t'l zli gfi ãlúréof \ifr-releritãiveuiþers{n-rìiãññscharse Telephone No. See 12 *e Anndvdua Date April 10, 2008 FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS (u.s. code, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) FINE AND IMPRISONMENT Il :\R22conr\efi I ing\template\cb, DOT

10 FORM NLRB.5O8 UO UN TED STATES OF AMERICA ' NATIONAL LABOR RETATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal and 4 coples of thls charge and an addltlonal copy foreaoh organlzatlon, each-local, and each lndlvldual named r rho Nl RE Reolonal Dlrector of tfre reolon ln whlch the alleged unfalr labor or ls 'n=lrn b. Union Representat ve to contact SEIU 32BJ Joanne Davis, ComPlaint Coordinator c. Telephone No. & Fax No' d. Address (street, city, state and ZIP code) Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY (have)engagedinandis(aro)engaginginunfairlaþorpracticeswltnlntne meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1XA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair nrectlces affectino commerce within the meanino of the Act. uting the alleged unfair labor practices) Over the last six months, the above-named labor organ zation, by its agents, officers and representatives, has harassed and failed and refused to represent Krystyna Mocsickq a$ Tadeusz Mäscicki in theii gr evances regarding the terms and cond tions of their employment, including their mutualthree-day'november suspensìon and Krystyna Mocsicka's termination on April 4, 2008 for reasons that are arb trary and cäpricious. On or a-bout February 25,2Oo8,.the labor-orgq$zation, by its agent Tony Giordano, has also threatened Krystyna Mocsicka in retaliation foffiakifrþ cómphints aboút the terms and cond tions of our erirp[oyment. F :Ð :'i o ãbi ãäh*ë I I l- lx> =; United Building Maintenance Corporat on 4. Telephone No. & (212\ Fax (212) Locationcation of Blani involvod (street, city, state and ZIP code) 121 E.24tn Street New York, NY Z type of establishment (factory, m ne, wholesaler, etc.) Buildinq ma ntenance Krvstvna Mocsicka 11. Edress ot party filing charge (street, c ty, state and ZIP code) 1014 Lorimer Street. Brooklvn. NY I declare that I have 8. ldentify principal product or service Buildinq maintenance 6. Employer representative t0 contact Sharad Madison 9. Number of workers employed Telephone No. & (91n DECLARATION the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Telephone No. Same STATEMENTS ON CAN BE PUNISHED (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) ritþ An Individual r [,[,( Date

11 FORM NLRB-508 (e-07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case 20-cB s DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3312 Date Filed t t 4/14/2008 r PlPclol retlhe 'e!þrlry!q!{tlï;ffi#**i#äi*^'i3iä^''*åi'i lïifu chargëlð àrouonî Local 87 SEIU b. Julio Solorzano c. TelephoneNo, (4 I 5) r5)83r Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco ca e. The above-named organlzatlon(s) or lts agents has (have)enoaged in and ls (are)engaglng in unfalr labor praclices wlthln the meanlng of section 8(b), : subsecllon(s) (/lst subsecfions) 8(bXLXA). _of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices : are unfair practlces affecting comìnêicê wlihln the méanlng of the Act, or these unfalr labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the : meaning of the Act and lhe Postal Reorganlzation Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (sef forfh a clear and conciçe sfatement of the facts constítuting the alleged unfalr labor practices) During the past six months, the above-named labor organization, by its agents, has failed to process grievances on behalf of Wei L. Yum, Yuguan Li, Jessica Chan, and Hui Ling Situ for arbitrary, invidious and discriminatory'reasons with their employer Able Building Maintenancè regarding cottract violatiohs. g -t-j LrJ ('i l.j.:l ') '1 Able Building Maintenance Company 868 Folson St. 4. Telephone No. (4 l s) Fax () 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact San Francisco 7. Type of establishment (facfo y, mine, wholesaler, etc,) Maintenance 10. Full nameof partyfilingcharge Wei L. Yum 11. Address of party filing charge(sfreet, cily, state and ZIP code,) 870 Clay Street Apt 209 San Francisco 870 Ciay St. Apt 209 Address s l tl4lgeqq 8. ldentiû principal product or service Janitorial Services CA 9. Number of workers employed TelephoneNo. (4lsè62ft DECLARATION I have re_ad the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wei L. Yum An Individual (Printltype name and title oroífice, if any) ca (Telephone No.) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND TMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT l Solicitationoftheinformaliongnthisfor0isauthorizedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA)'29U.s'c.$151efseq.Theprincipaluseofthe lhenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inprocessindunfahlaborpracticeandrelatedpioceedìhqsorlitiqalíon'theroútine lhe Federal Regisle,.71 Fed. Reg (Dec..15,2006). The_[LRB willfurther e.iplain theõe uses'upon request, Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invokr! its processes.

12 ,FORM NLRB-508 (9-07) UNITEI ATES OFAMERICA. NATIONAL LñdOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case 2-cts DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed 4lL5/O8 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each additlonal charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional Dlrector for the reglon ln whlch the alleged untalr labor practlco occurrêd or ls occurring. Local 32 BJ. SEIU 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Donovan Cole Delegate to contact No. (2 r2) l0l Avenue ofthe Americas New York NY e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (âave)enoaqed ln and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (ist suôsecfions) ( IXA) of the National Labor Relations Acl, and these unfair labor practices are unfair praitices affecting iomñràróe w thin the meanlng of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise statement of the facís consfituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since on or about Novernber 6, 2008, the above-named labor organization. by its officels, agents and rcpresentativcs. has failed ancl refused to plocess the grievance of Julio Mendez regarding his Septembel suspensiott and October terminatiott f'or arbitrary and capricious reasons. Mount Sinai llcal l.ist rtc plant involved fstreel, 1249 Park \vcnue stale and Ncw 7. Type of establishmenl(factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) apaftrrìent building I ldentify principal product or service building nrairrtcnance 4. Telephone No (2r2)4r ()- 6. Employer renresentative to contact Ycarrvoocl Davcy Sr. Prr4rcrt Mgr. 9. Number of workers employed Full name of party filing charge Julio Mendez 11. Address of pafly filing charge (street, cit state and ZIP code.) 67 East 97th St 'cet Apt.2 New York r Telephone No (64óÈ3s[t-ó7]r ()- 13. DECLARATION read the above charge and that the statements the ein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Jnlio Mcrrtlcz An lntlividual (PrinUtype nante and tille or office, if any) (Faxl ( I - ((146)35 l-6732 (Telephone No.) oq lf 2 o I ----igte) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECT ON 1OO1) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT l t44 SolicitationoftheinfofmationonlhisformisauthorizedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA},29U.s.c.$15 elseg.theprincipaluseoftheinformalion inäñât òna[t-a orrelationsboard(nlrb)inprocessindunfairlabororacticeandrelated iäe FðOeiál Register, 71 Fed, Regl (Dec ), The'NLRB will furlher elplain heõe uses-upon request. Disclosure of lhis information to the NLRB is voluntaryi howeúer, failure to supply the information will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

13 FORM NLRB.sO8 (s-07) INSTRUCTIONS: Dlrector for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed 20-cB-r.3019 I t4ll6l2oos 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT (st0)26r-203s sr0) I East l2th Street, Suite 200 Oakland e. The above-named organþation(s) or ts agents has (fiave)enoaged in and is (are)engaglng in unfair labor prac{ices within the meaning of section 8(b)' subsection(s) íisf suãsecfions) _ the Natlonal Labor Relatlons Acl, and these unfair labor practices - -of áie untà r pìádtiós áføcti-né ónrmerce-with n tnãmìan ng of ttte Act, or these unfair labor prac-tices are unfeir practices affec'ting commerce within the meaning of the Ac.t and the Postal Reorganization Ad. ã Basis of the Charge (set forth a cteer and crna.çe sfa tement of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor pmctiæs) Within the past 6 months and continuing to date, the above-named labor organization by iþ representatives, incltrding Ms. Cruz, has violated its duty to fairly represent me in regards to the handling of grievances, for reasons that are arbitary, invidious, discriminitory and otherwise unlawñll. Universal Protection Services 735 Montgomery Street, Suite C 7. Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) security company 10. Full name of parly filing charge Tony Mento 11. Address of parly filing charge (sfreef, city, state and ZIP code.) 4l9lvy Street, Apt I L ldentit principal product or semce 4. Telephone No. (4ts\3e (4ts)392-07t9 6. Employer renresentat ve to contact McGarty Eric Regional Vice President 9. Number of workers employed 12. Telephone N (4ls)30fr44se 13. DECLARATION read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mento Address 'llltuys*ty /, CrCl+. qvrce-u^ ) (PñuWW name and títle or ofîice, if any) Faxt( - _ (4r5)305_045e 7Cl,/þ 0f I (Telephone No.) øate) WLLFUL FALSE STATEIT,IENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE' TITLE l8' SECTION t001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT SolicitationofrheinformationonthisforfnisauthorizedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA),29U.S.3.$15!efseq..Theprinçipalusefthe nform ií,ä'ñàïöîäiläöeifidiàrìöùéfihl{]$fuiífitgfwa$fl$l ig,s.,fli,lfll*îoupii$'fsgs{*t'frho',lttl'gi,tr.',lg'å?î,li{'llä.?',i,'å, the Federal Reqister, 71 Fe üöfuiúii;foriéve{iåiluie to suppl"y the informatìon willcãuse the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

14 FORM NLRB-508 (s-07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed Dl19c-!o for theregion!!l',v 'cl,_! 9-4l9geo -V f.1'j L.Þ9lp_ 19t!_q9_.9c._c.!t.!t99_9t!: 99_c_! rlit-sj. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT SEIU Local 87.lulio Solorzano lo contact c. Teleohone No. (4 r 5)88s r5)93r-8830 state, and " 240 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco ca e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have)enoaqed in and is (are,)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section B(b), I subsection(s) (li st sub section are unfair practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the i meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concise stalemenl of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) i Within the past six rnonths, the above nalned labor organization has failed in its duty to represent mernber Oswaldo Gil by refusing to file a grievance on lris behalf over the Ernployer's removal of him fi'orn his pellnarìent position at 220 Montgonlery on ol around Octobel 20,2007. ABLE involved (street, c ty, sfaúe and i i68 Folsorn Street San l:rancisco 7. Type of establishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) code) CA B. ldentify principal product or service provides janitorial service (4rs)s46-sr90 6. Employer renresentative to contact Derick Shultz 9. Number of workers emploved 10. Full name of party filing charge Oswaldo Gil i 1 1. Address of party filing charge lslreel, city, state and ZIP code.) : 125 I llgbcrt Avc., San l:r'ancisco CA Address 125 I Egbelt Ave. San Francisco 12. Telephone No. (4ts) FAX NO. ()- 13, DECLARATION I have read lhe above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief Oswalclo CA 94t24- Gi Faxt( ) - (415\ (PrinUtype name and tille or office, if any) (Telephone No,) / /ú'og i (date) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U,S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1OO1) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicilation of the nformation on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C. $ 151 ef seq. The principal useof the informa..,n is rc assist the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) the Federal Reqister, Tl Fed.Req (Dec. 1l 2006). The'NLRB will further eiplain these uses upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; howeier, failure to supply the informafion will cause the NLRB to decline to invoke its processes.

15 FORM NLRB.5O8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION INSTRUGTIONS: Gase FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C I Date Filed 2-æ-2L541 4/L6/O8 IO Flle an orlglnal and 4 coples of thls charge and an addltlonal copy for each organlzatlon, each local, and each lndividual named ln ltem 'l wlth the NLRB Reolonal Dlrector of the reolon ln whlch the alleqed unfalr 1. I.ABOR ORGANIZATION OR ITSAGENTSAGAINSTWHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Local 328J, Service Employees lnternational Union c. relepnone No. ü (212\ d. Address (street, city, state and ZIP code) 101 Avenue of the Americas New York. NY þ. Un on Representat ve to contact Joanne Davis, Contracts Administration e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor pract ces within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (1XA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affectinq commerce within the meanino of the Act. 2. Basis of the charge (set forth a clear and conc ss statement of the fac{s constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) Since on or about the dates indicated, Local 328J, SEIU, by its officers, agents and representatives, has failed and refused to process the gr evances of Dennis Tyne, concerning the following wr te-ups for reasons that are arb trary and invidious: (i) failing to clean an off ce (February 4, 2008); (ii) failing to vacuum a floor (February 8, 2008); (iii) failing to submit a daily log paper (March 1, 2008); and (iv) failing to remove personal property (April 1, 2008). Work Site: 10 West 135th Street ó. Name o Emproyer Lenox Terrace 5. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 484 Lenox Avenue New York, NY Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Apartment buildins 10. Full name of party f ling charge Dennis Tyne 11. Address of party filing charge (str et, city, state and ZIP code) '1172 Anderson Avenue, Apt. 6H Bronx, NY ldent fy piincipal product or service Apartment 4. Telephone No. & (212) Employer representþhle to contact Stanford Wgod ley j Property..- uupervrsor'-; 'g.:: i:ii 9. Number of wq{ers employedfi"fr }{ Approx.40e ô #-22 -(, =s 12. Telephone Ne(& Falfflo. (646) \- -r- uf o r.r I declare that I have 6. DECI-ARATION above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. By Signature of representative or Address Same as above WLLFUL making charge Dêñnis Tyne Phone Same as above CAN BE (u.s. code, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) ritban lndividual Date April

16 FORM NLRB.5O8 (e.07).ited STATES OF AMERICA NAr.-ñAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS OR lts AGENTS õase DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2z-CB-LO585 FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed t / 4lL7l2oo$ lñsfrucfto ls: File an original together w th four cop es and a copy for each additional charged party named in item 1 with NLRB Regional Directorfor-thg lgqign.h -W[ig!!ltq.3.!l-e.q.eq unfair labor practice occurred or is occurring. 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT SDIU. Local 32Bl c. Telephone No. (2 r 2) ()- (Street, city, state, and code) l0l Avenue ol'the Anrericas l9th Floor New York NY e. The above-named organization(s) or its agents has (have)enøaqed in and is (are,f engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), I subsection(s) (/rsl subsecfions/ 8(bX I XA) of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting cominêice wiihin lhe meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair practices affecting commerce within the I meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorgan zation Act. i *"*ffi{## M 2. Basis of the Charge (set forth a clear and concrse slalernent of llrc facts cot slilutittg the alleged unfair labor practices) i which Stanrey Huy,.l$ was awar{ed reinsratenìe'r tolis rornrer.iòb. /n ryþnfgl jnþrlqci nejhat,{þ Uniqn * I icerlcuarqrlff,ô!ec'(6i0qq,nsqs5iqn jr{ a'wpl'ô^c'w4n's:çù"r;ü1 ;,- f*64ç41o,8) i ;T þ ry a rk tr í',1 :.fr1;kotffiilfffi Ëffi iann3rl fttr lgu&úfrr Mre r,f:i ffir,trm \ond.ianwtt iö-dhöj+{r-'ûqtr*o a{w +í}!- NY^ Pu4, I FIC Security of plant involved 26 Joulnal Square Suite Typeof establishmenl(faòtory,mine,wholesaler,etc.) 18. ldentifyprincipal productorservice 4. Telephone No. (20 r )386-0s30 ax (201) Employer renresentat ve lo contacl Thomas Moscatdini 9. Number of workers employed 10. Full name of party filing charge Stanley Haynes 11. Address of party filing charge (street, cily, slale atld ZIP code.) 225 Sl. Pauls Avenue 12. Telephone No. ( 20Èa3x8ñ60s0 ()- N.r DECLARATION Ideclare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief By Stanle '. l-la,ncs An lndividual ß rge) (PrinVtype name and tille or office, il any) 225 St. Pauls Avenue Faxl( I - Address le'.sevcitrn (20t\ t 04il7t2008 l!:!yp!9r,:.!::l WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U,S, CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION IOOl) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicilation of the inlormation on this form is aulhorized by the National Labor Relations Act(NLM), 29 U.S.C. $ 15Lel seg. The principal useof the informalion is lo assist inö'ñàiöîäiläoi,;"*;biìi;iìî'ðòäöiñïr'di ñîiõòessi iüõ Ëeäéiã'näóiétöil'iì-i=eí R'eäl'i4d 'i-älióõ-il iñeiñlns w tl turther elplain theõe usefupon request. Disclosure ol lhis information to the NLRB is voluntary; however, failure to suppf the informa[ion will cause the NLRts t0 dedine l0 lnvoke lls processes. (date)

17 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS INSTRUCTIONSi Flle an orlglnal togethor wtth four coples 8nd a copy for ach Dlroctor tor- lhe.r9q!9ll! ry_!lqh the alloged unfair labor practlce occurred or ls SEIU Local615 1-CB DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE addltlonal charged party named ln ltem 1 wlth 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Peter S. Rider FORM EXEMPT UNOER 44 U.S'C 35I? Telephone No. 61n ' Fax No, ì- d. Address stale, and 26 West Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, M e. The above.named organizalionl,s).o.r,l(s qqqnfs h4s.þ.ave)enoaged in and is (are)øngaging in unlairlabor p-raclices wlthin lhe meaning of section B(b)' -' subseclion(s) lrsr suosect ons/ llla].731'._ald fþl _ - oitt ã rualional Labor Relalions Acl, and lhese unfair labor praclices ãã unrair pìáitces aflecting c'oññerce w ttr r, ttre mr n nõ-ol Ûre na, õig"rãiñrai-r labor praclices ate unfair praclices affecling commsrco wlthin lhe meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganizalion Act. 2. Basis of lhe Charge (sat forth a clear and concise stalement ol lhe lacts constiluting the alleged unfair labor praclices) The named labor organization has violated and continues to violate the Act by applying and/or attempting to apply and enforce the collective bargaining agreement to employees outside the bargaiñing unit; by accepting monies from wages of these employees as inltiaiion feãs ãnd/or dues; and Oy its fao faith in applying and/or attempting to apply and enforce lhe Letter of lntent dated August 14,2007. New England Cleaning Services, lnc. Ivl' vvl vlr,, 26Fox Road, P,O. Box , Waltham, MA Type of establishment (faclor mine, wholesaler, etc.) Service 10. Full name of party llling charge New England Cleaning Services, lnc, Address of party filing charge (street, cw, stale anrl ZIP code.) 26 Fox Road, P,O. Box , Waltham, MA , Telephone No. ( ( Employer renresenlalive to contacl James W. Bucking, Esq' 9. Number of workers employeo approximately Telephone No. (61r1ãBfi2o ( Address 13, OECLARATION ldeclare that I have rea lhe above charge anrl lhat lhe statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and l elief. John E. Duke, Attorney (Print/lype nante and tille ot ollice, i( any) Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seáport,Blvd.l Bo-ston, MA ran(61, (6f 7-s32:3õõt- _ 04t1t7loB STATEMENTS (Telephone No.) (dale) ffiosyrtheandlmprlsonment(u.s,code,tltle1s,sectlon1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT trrä Ñäronal Làl or Relalions soaidltfrsi iñ p the Federal Register, Tl Fed. Reg (oec. 13, 2006). The'NLRB will ftrther explain these uses upon rectuesl. Disclosure of lhis information l0 the NLKÞ ls volunlary; however, failure to supply the informalion will cause the NLRB to decline lo invoke ils processes.

18 nr r\. u, vvl L.JItüt n\j,,lvl FORM NLRE.SOO (e{?l NSÍRUCÍOIIS: Dlrcclorfoltho a. Namo Service ErnPloYees Incerna ional llnion, f.ocal 32BJ Michael Fishman, President r\, l2 Nq lói- eltànue of, che ÀmericaE New York, New York L o.rhsabsv*.rp*uoor'^,,rmedhenr,,ora'"r""îlî:,liliil'it******'iijrëwåt$*rf :ilüfl,iï:l$:guåiåt, -r.,ce wuïn_rho T dm ot rhs A r. or rrrore uo ahiàë'ói öiããrtø ore unr* pnacllces msanlng ú tho Act anú ho Pæla] tuoeonl nllon e,.-,, () a ü N lha atlqf/od u nlal r labor pnd icøs ) onìrultipledaeesrrtithinsixmonthsprloreoehefiltngofthischarge'sexu andl lts agents violated che Àcc by: 1l Haraeatng, threacening, inei nidattng and coercing empl'oyees who are members of Altted tngernreio ral ltnion (ilaîun) CO refr ln frorn suppor lng ÀIU; 32EJ qo lrì a rn 2lMigleadinEe$PloyeeswhoâreÀrt'menÞerslntorcfralaingfronsupPort'lnEÀIuby ealselyinformingthe rttrat'àiutsitj.egallycollecuinglepaee'êneauionalduea and 3lxncerferlngwithÀIU'gcollectlvebargainlngonbehalfofitgmenberEr teh ÀlltedSacrrrtcyl.I.Lc.d/b/sAltiedBarconGecuricyse':vlces,inviolalionoÉ EhewlitcenagSuranceegivent,ogheNIJRBbrSEIU32BJintheSegllÊnancÀgrecment in Case No. 2-CÀ-3Ê0L5. 3. NameofEmpþYcr Àllied securlty, LÍ.c, A/b/a Àl'lied BarEon securiby Services Sunrnit securtty Serviceg, fnc. VariouE locations in New Tork CiCy met'ropolitan area i. typo of estabtlchmont íoctoly' mlno' wttolosf,lor' otcj security services B. lde ll$ pdnclpol P odrld orso viæ securíey se:avices Ïi'r iäit"-ïît.érnát i onal uni "' üt-'üiriiã eienuä,'i'tíneola, \il l':'s01-l's27 Full name of party llllng chano c. T fo nonono, L - I ( ) -'s16-24!:3!!! NO I -Oot- 'e ú ' sl SumnÍE: Roberu Àulecga read th6 abùuo c args ano ttr iiie-íililriäìtuìtureh ors lruo lo tho best r:f rrç hn$"ledgo tnd bêllef' \eer., s,..e,.ei..,,i_.. Þônnis M. Devaney, E!_g. AdúEs6. E.t e tr. E s a** s' "-,-;-j---. WLLFUT FALSC ST TE TE iõm CilAROE CAN BE PUN ghed BY FINE AND IMPRISONÍTIENT (U't}' CODE' PRIVÂCYACTSTAIEI.IEI T..,...-_-,? -!^L s.icle.n.fù.nþ"'--6,fë*.ffijffiî,îä$ ffi$*ffi'*,ffi"*,ffiggü'hiili,ifr'li,ïhifiåtrdl'trmäiillüþft{iil -u-fi.codg,îrlgt0,gectlonl001) ashhlå'h$j,l,ii"tå'1i vduntaç hounrerr falluto to sup

19 (-r*låbsos INSTRUC e. The above-named organizalion(s_ì or ils agents has (havelengag d in and s larelengaging subseclion(s) írs, suósecûond lð. - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS d. Address lslreel, cìly, slale, i-cb DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNOER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed Npr. 2I, 2008 Flle an original togelher wtth four coples and a copy for sach addltional charged party named in ltem 1 wlth NLRB Regional Director for lhe fgglqll! lg Jlg 4le.ged unfair labor practlce occurred or ls occurrlng. - SEIU Local 615 Telephone No. 6lY - szs-atso )- 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT 26 West Street,3rd Floor, Boston, M in unfair labor praclices w thin lhe meaning of seclion B(t ), are unfair prãitices aflecting.ãmmäriã wirn n-rne rneaninfottne nct, õ-r rrr"t" unra r labor praclices are unfah practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and lhe Poslal Reorganizalion Act. il- gas s of the Charge (ssl lorth a clear and concise stalement of the tacts conslituling the alleged unlair labor praclices) Un on Peter S. Rider i fne named labor organization has violated and continues to violate the Act by failing and refusing to bargain in good faith ' with the below-named employer, íncluding, inter alia, by refusing to meet, refusing to make proposals, engaging in take-it-or-leave-it negotiatibné, surface bargaining, and making óverly broad and unnecessary information requests for the. purpose of harassing the employer and avoiding negotiations. Commercial Cleaning Service, lnc. of plant involved (slreel, c ly, slale and 48 North Beacon Street, Allston, MA Type of establishmenl (faclory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Service 10. Full name of party flling charge Commercial Cleaning Service, lnc. 11. Address of party filing charge (slreel, city, slale aml ZIP code.) 48 North Beacon Street, Allston, MA Telephone No. (6',) Fax No, ( 6) Employer renresentat ve to contacl James W. Bucking, Esq. 9. Number of workers employed approximately 150 Address 13, DECLARAT ON I declare that I have read the above charge and that lhe slatements lherein are lrue to the best of my knowledge antl beliet' John E. Duke, Attorney (Pilnl/type name and lille or ollice' il any) Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Blvd. Boston, MA I :. ran ( r6f (Telephone No.) o4l1ßl0b (dale) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1OO1) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT rtrð Ñåìùiai ràl or Relál ons aoard il.lirbi in p inõ rõäårá nãò srer, zt Fed. neg. z gq2.qildä. 1í 2006). ihe'ñlrb wittfurther elptain theðe uses-upon requesl. Disclosure of this informa(ion to the NLRB is volunlary; however, lailure to supply tlre informalion willcause the NLRB lo decline to invoke ils processes.

20 FORM NLRB.sO8 (9-07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Date Filed CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS r 20^cBJ.3o.2z.._.1.!! g t. zo B INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Drrector for the region rn wf!q! ltte 3ttç'iiä1,:;iidltåitii:iåËii3iåiii,liiih n d,nñöë rs-ecoúohr or rrs AGENTs Service Employees lnternational Union, Local 87 Ahmed Abozayd c. Telephone No, (4 r s)88s )93r-8830 city, 240 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco ca 94t02- The above-named organizatlon(s) or lts agents has (have)ensaeed in and ls(are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsection(s) (/isf suögections) (-1XÁ). of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices ' are unfalr pracllces affecting commerce wlthln the meanlng of the Act, or these unfalr - labor practices are unfalr practices aff,ecting commerce within the meaning of the.act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of the Charge (sef forth a'clear and concise sfafomenf of the facts constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) During the past six month period, the above-mentionecl Labor Organization faile<l in its duty to fairly represent Nagi A. Kaid. r:i."j. l.... (--l l.;'l.f';..:' -;' '!' Fr) Able Building Maintenance 5. Location of plant lnvolved 868 Folsom St. Sa : Francisco 7. Type of establishment (faclory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) Janitorial Service 8. ldentiff prinrfpal product or senrice 4. Telephone No. (4r 5)98r-7080 ()- 6. Employer renresentative to contact Derek Schulte 9. Number of workers erñployed Full name of party filing charge Nagi A. Kaid 11. Address of party filing charge lsfreet, city, state and ZIP code,) P.O. Box San Francisco ca P. O. Box Telephone No. (4rs 28ft-4s44 I3. DECLARATÍON above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nagi charge) Address Ðe!-EI4!9899 ca 94t64- A. Kaid An individual (PrinUtype name and title or oftice, if any) WTLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON TH S CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED BY F NE AND TMPRTSONMENT (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACYACT STATEMENT Solicitation of lhe information on this form is authorized by the National Labor Relalions Act (NLRA), 29 U,S,C, $ 151 ef seq. The principal use of the information is lo assist thenationallaborrelationsboard(nlrb)inprocessindunfairlaborpracticeandrelatedpioceedlnqsorlitiqatíon.theroúlineuòesfr he the Federal RegisteJ,.71'Fed. Reg, (Dec..:15, 200ô). The_Nl=RQ willfu.rther e)<plain these uses-upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voluntary; howeier, failure to supply the lnformatìon will cause the NLRB to decline to invoké its processes.

21 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION FORM NLRB-508 FORM UNDER 44 U.S.C DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Case Date F led 22-CB-LOs lo8 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an origínal and 4 copies of this charge and an addltional copy for each organization, each local, and each indivldual named in ltem 1 wlth the NLRB Req onal Director of the reqion in wh ch the alleged unfalr labor practlce occurrod or is 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT b. Union Representative to contacl SEIU, Local 32BJ Lvle Rowan c. ïelephone No. d. Address (street, c ty, state and ZIP code). (212) l0l Avenue of the Anrericas l9t" Floor, New York, NY e. fne ãoove-n- rneo oiganization(s) or its agents has (have) engaged in and is (are) engaging in unfair labor pract ces w thin the meaning of section 8(bX1XA), of lhe National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair oractices affectinq ã easis of ttre Ctrarge O""nnj/"l"iliilüncise within the meaning of the Act stetement of the facts constitutins the alleged unfair labor praclices) Sirrce on or about April!" 2008, by its officers, agents and representatives, SEIU, Local 32BJ, has refused to enforce the arbitrator's award in which Stanley Haynes was awarded reinstatement to his former job, by offering hirn reassignment to another job, by failing to process þis glievanc?s and by refusing tp gjve him the tefephone nu,nber and addrsss of the U{'i;ú À;riÏ:W't'u-,^\t!"f,,,1J91cne tla+ i Ff d ã not eræ t eìl:l\*4, UJTC or Ntltk frirgu'f cil< ç aoutd'nof qef anqs p. By the above and other acts, the above-lranred labor organizatio l has interfercd with, restrained ancl coercecl employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act. F.lC Security i. Location of plant involved (street, city, state and ZIP code) 26.Tournel Square, Surite 500,.lersey City, N.l Type of establishment (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc') 8. ldentify principal product or service Security 10. Full name of party filing charge Stanley Havnes 1'1. Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and ZIP code) 225 St. Pauls Avenue, Jersey Avenue, NJ I have read the 4. Telephone No. (201) , >1 lvl fax-(201) Employer representative to contact Thomas Moscardini 9. Number of workers employed 12. Telephone No. / \ Qo I íi\o 'os I lâ( -l ) 6. DECLARATION charge and that the stalements lherein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. By Address 225 St. Pauls Avenue,.lersey City, N.l WLLFUL ON BE PUNISHED (u.s. code, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001)

22 t^r FORM NLRB.5O8 UNITED STATES OF AtvlERlCA }IATIONAL LABOR RELATþNS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST I-âBOR ORGAÎ' ZAT ON It{sTRuGTlOl{8: Flls an orlglnal and tcoples of thlr ohargp and an addqon{ a. Namo SLAT Seru ä.,å) 3A8-38oo RTG øi-eaolr otganlzaüon, each local, and each-lndmdug!ryned t o I Åleúaë o/fls dne ß,ic+Ð r'b ule N* lûiail*e rto p N)/ to /3-/7il 8 (have) sngaged ln and is äffi;'ä;ñ.-õiã,ëä":"tõtìïäid; ü.,"- ldténgilaiñ Reranons Aci ano urese unatr hbor practcæ are unralr The above named labor organization has failed and refused to proc ss the grievance of.nangy ugg oonceming üre gmpoiet,s retaliation against herfor a prior grievance and conceming a grievance over a worl{a,çgignment to pp form qecycling. dn llc-o 32to e-t4esfno* 3*1,eet P/r26 p4, t7/ / C/æ il lng secø l"e c,t'\ P AÑ\Í CL EANô-( c or Í. 4. TelephoneNo. i*aù-rsta CLfludø AoNdoil Es+r- 2s 45 E. Seymorn Street Philadelphia,Pal9lffi ?9630 õ. DE(;LAKAII(,N I dedars that I have read the above charge and that he statements theroln are tr e to the best of my knowledge and bellef' Slgnature of orporson maktng "t"rg" NAnCy Lee Address 45 E. Se mour Süeet, Philadelphia,Pal9t44 *" +/ tô8 ON (u.s. GoDE, nrle 18, SECTþN 1o0l)

23 t4 R- -4 øé w,4l NLRU KEtrlUN J 51U bj'/ J5t5 P.Ø', FROT4 : FÊX þlê. : FOÊM NLßS.3OA (e,0?) u N rre D s,rlfl;f rixs5',êå, xatlonat,^rljül^i"dèôi.111'l*:3gx r.n r"^ ìõ 'O*O NZñIONS GHARGE AGAIHTJaI önrrs AcENTS êtrrrrs 20-cB t J I illilttoruyæa tntsrnst onal union' Local 250 Sal Rogsclli ffi;lu;lt ãliãiãõtrons t' o' slolg, lryl'.,f,*l'eerkctevwav c1jo6* C c{ Þ C\t (\ { qa a=t) t-..{','..".) il* 1,,'lln:l*llL*, Med ic r cenrcr (:rjîr'{ 9gi'r'Í ï1*l-,i;i:if D tg,,.- - 9Y-."*'*' l\t a il 4 :ï '.) i- :È Î'J 'x fi:.) c-) E i'p i., f\) -a 1, Tetephone No. lzoz c5 t-t ooo Nô, øjtnpl"t or tôn'esêntat ve lo cdniüct 7. TYPe of esublishrnenl fa '*re7;'ùlc: " 8;'tdentil prirripâl Pr'oduc or's n'rce'--' Hospital/Health Scruices- ìõ.--4"" Dcbra Sriltwetl of psrty l ling chargo iuii ii o ""t, Àvs.. Ô klend' ca _ dnd ZtP c ;cc') 12. (5r f5l,hone No. k3.eel PR VACY ÞÞrv^cv AClSTATÊMENT Acr sràfêment cãoe' rtrte te' secríotl too t ,.^^ r,\^ i^r ra rian ic q'#jdilifi jîüï Ëï.ti'F ;gihïfíiü:jrsä:ff iiäfu esr{elerrf ïrîp[,jt],*.tsi,ilir âilh#r^ï,nhi1åftîi'{,ï'!þrt,ilrliili} iffii}ê3y,f'ti'fi Ëi[q Labcr I âfe lully rc orûcllc ion lo lhe 'Ntr-RB t'iil'.ñ ü?i - t$if ú.noà rqqúost' :..j'{5liîî^îf itiifi}t ','S3ieiäiüit'iiqrli#ttt'*18[,]'1f, [! TNTÊ I P ø2

24 FORM NIR8.5O8 (e-07) INSTRUGTIONS: Dlrectorfor the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL I.ABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGAN ZATIONS OR ITSAGENTS DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNÐER 44 U.S.C 3512 Date Filed Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal rqlon ln whlch the alleged unfalr labor practlce occurred or ls occunlng. 1. LABORORGANIZATION OR ITSAGENTSAGAINSTW}IICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT SEIU Local 113 c. lel( (651) Fa:r t6sll 2233UniversþAvenue W. Saint Paul MN s4ll4- The above-named organlzatlon(s) or its agents has (have)encaged in and is (are)engaging in unfair labor practices within the meaning of sec-tion 8(b), subsec{ion(s) (rsf suôsecfions) t(,ð the Nat onal Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices - - -of are unfalr practlces affec{lng cominérce within the meaning of the Ac't, or these unfa r labor practices are unfair practices affec{ing commerce within the meaning of the Ad and the Postal Reorganization Ad. 2. Basis of the Charge (set fo th a clear and æncise stafement of the facts ænstituting the alleged unfair labw pmctices) Sinie about October 20A7 andcontinuing to date, the above.named Labor Organization has breached its duty of fair represetration by failing to fairþ process Debra Reiffenberger's termination grievance. Montevideo Hospital 824 North I lth Street 7. Type of establishment (facfory, mlne, wholesaler, etc.) Hospital 10. Full name of party filing charge Debra Reiffenberger 11. Address of party filing charge (street, clty, state and ZIP æde.) 3391/2 Osen Avenue rüäi%"'",'-2r:l 9. Numberof workers employed 12. Telephone No. (320 30fr-848s 13. DECI.ARATION above charge and that lhe statements therein are true to thê best of my knowledge and belief. Debra Reiffenberger C/n(ÊSCp), C f(dtus\ (PrinttUpe namíe dnd tille or offrce,'iány) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND llllprlsonírllent (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION l00l) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT l SolicitationoftheinfomationonthisformlsauthodzedbytheNationalLaborRelationsAct(NLRA),29U.sc.$l51efseg.'Theprinçipaluse.oftheinform trö ñäüöiàflãb-oirêrariõ'.dbor$íyäi$jig$.,rfts6lefåjñt'i's",fiiiífl,*iìåîf.fsgsi!$í[st the Federal Reoister. Tl Fer voluntary; however, fàilure to suppf the informalìon will cause the NLRB t0 decline to invoke its processos. Hoiå3i],8î,Ëtlil$åîî,ü{.iJi.îi.å, (date)

25 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e.07) UNITED STATES OF AiJIERICA NATIONAL TABOR RELAÏONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Casq 7-gg-63t n FORM EXEMPTUNDER 44 U.S.C 3512 INSTRUGTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wllh four coples and a copy for each addltloml ch rgsd party named ln ltom I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrsctor for the rqlon ln wlrlch the alleoed unfalr uníalrlaþor labor practlce oocunod oocun d or ls occurdns. a, Name Hospiøl and Scrvice Employces Union, Local 399 c. Telephone No. (323) (323)72t-3s38 I. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST ffiich CHARGE IS BROUG}IT d. Addreg$ fstr et, clty, $aate, ancl zlp æda) 5480 Ferguson Drivo b. unaon R pfosentatlvo to contact Sal Rosclli Prcsidcnt Los Angeles CA e. The above-narned organlzatlonle) or lts aoents has (have)engagød ln and ls (ara)engaglng ln unhlr labor prac'tices wlthln the meaning of sect on 8(b), subseo,tlon(s) (úst suôsecfions) O)ßL _ the Natlonal Labor Reletlons Ac{, and lhese unfair labor practices - -of ars unfalr practlcos affêctlng comlùerce wlthln the meanlng of the Ac't, or lhoso unfalr labor pradlces are unfalr prac{lces affec'ting commeroe wlthin the meaning of the Ac't and the Pætal Reorganlzatlon Ad. 2. Basis of tre Charge (sef fq(h a. claar and ænclso statement of lhe îac/ls ænstltulìng lhe alleged unfair labor pnctlæs) In December 2007, the above-named labor organization breached its duty of fair reprosontation to Mary Sison by failing and iåfrlsing to prov de her with represènüation concoming hor Decombsr 12, 2O07suspension, ultimately leading to her termination on January 16, Nam6 of Employer Kaiscr Permançntc 5. Locat on of plant lnvolved ($rcei dty, søß ano zu'godø) 5l l9 East Pomona Blvd LosAncclcs CA 9O Type of establlshment (fac.fory, mlne, wholesalan etc,) hospital 8. ldentlfy princlpal prcduct or aemce medical oare 4. TelephoneNo. (323)88r-5518 Fex No. (323)881-5s69 6. Employer renresentatlve to contact Kim B ettler Þcparuircnr Adminisbator Number of workerc employed 10. Full name of party filing chage Mary Sison 1 1. Address of party flllng charge (sfieat, olty, state and ZIP ædø,) Ector Strcct LaPucnte ça 91746' 12. Telephone No. (6i6 #tîéósa- ; ""..: l)- 13. DECI.ARATION lhe ebovo cha6e and thetlhs ststements thereln are true to the best of my knowlodge and bellef. Mary Sison An hdividual (PdnUtype nane and tltlø or offrce, lf any) lført( \ ô (Ielephone No.) WLLFUL FALSE STATEÍIIENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (u.s. GODE, TITLE '18, SEcTloN 't001) IO/CV prtvacyactstate rent sollcltatlonofthelnfomallononlh!sfonnlsauthorlzedbylhenallonallaborrelallonsaçt(nlra),29u.$..c.$15!etseç.thepdnclpaluseofthe.lnformalion irrë'ljäji,ääiläi ói'{daiìäñjãöairirñ-tr'dirñ rüiñässñiíüñøi'lälu-òipia-cl iiëë;äëi'äirããìétäi:'iïfãd-rbd'i d å"dlie'bã'irzdõ,ô;ïñê'ñtrgwlijlt ñhìièii,lãñ-t-ñäõeüsä.s'uponrequest, voluntary; however, fàllure to suppfi'the informalìon wlll causs lhe NLRB t0 dêcline t0 lnvokd lls procsssos,

26 FORMs rr8.so8t (s07) UNITED STATES OF AMËRICA NATIONAL I.ABOR REIÁTIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case DO NOTWRITEIN THIS SPACE FORM Þ(EMPTUNDÊR 4 U.S.C 3512 I Date Filed 2t-cB-t4512 ltt II{STRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a copy for each addltlonal charged party named ln lþm I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrectorfor the raqlon ln whlch tho alfeged unfalr labor practlce ocour ad ocouftrod or of ls occurlng. Hgspital and Service Employees Union, Local 399 c. TelephoneNo. (323Y ( s38 1. TABOR ORGANIZATION A@qNST WIIICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT d. Address fsl oet, clty, stale, dnd ZIP ño) 5480 Ferguson Drive þ. unlon F(epf sentaüve to conlast Sal Roselli Prcsident Los Angeles CA E. The above-named organhatlon(s) or lts agents has (frave)enoaoed ln and is (aæ)engaglng ln unålrlabor prac'tlcee withln the meanlng of sed on 8(b), subsedlon(s) lr,sf subsecüons) OXAIare untàtr práigcàs affec,gng óñrírèrce w tlrln the meanlng of the Ad, or those unhlr labor practioes are unêlr practlces affec-ting commerco wlthln the maanlng of the Act and tho Postel Reorganizatlon Ad. 2. Basis of üre Charga (sef fofl a clear ud ænaísa slatemant of the lbclc cvnsfifuflng the alloged unfalr laårir p actiæs) In Decomber 200?, the above-naned labor organization breached its duty of ftir representation to Mary Sison by failing and ièñrsing to provide hor wiür ropresentatíon concerning her December 12, 2OO?suspension, ultimatoly leading to her teffúnation on January 16, Name of EmPloYer Kaiser Permanente 5. Locatlon of plant lnvolved l$,aet, c,ty' $aþ anc, tt æqe) 5l 19 E st Pomona Blvd Loc Anqeles CA TlpE of eshbllshment (faotory, mlne, wholesalen etc) 8. ldentff pdnclpal product or sewlca hospital medícal care 4. TelephoneNo. (323)88r-5s18 Fo(No. (323)881-5s6e 6. Employer renresentatlve to contact Kim Brettler Dapartmenr Administrator 9. Numberof workers employed Full name of parly filing charge Mary Sison 1 1. Address of parly flllng cherge (sfr{tof, ctty, staþ and ZIP æde,) Ector Stre t La Pucnte Address l,apucntc CA , Telephone No. (õ2ðlffigesa i:"--"- ()- ca t3. DECLARAIþN the above chage and that lhe stet ments thoreln are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Mary Sison An Individual (Pdn@e nane and lltle oroffice, lf any) Gaxt( \ - (62ô338-36s4 (Telaphone No) - / 6d WLLFUL FALSE STATEÍIiENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND ITIIPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION IOOI) IO/CV PRIVAGYAGTSTATEiIIENT 2l tr{flþffihffii*pj:që :fgi$$,$$$#,ît'i$iüiffiffi;üiitffi#iffi!å,31'p if,{itr:üffiå{äålih*tuqffiiffiifi}'tþf','iiil (date)

27 FORM NLRB.sO8 (e-07) UÌf ) STATES OFAMERICA.. NATIOITn. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS 2-cB DO NOTWRITE IN THIS SPACE FORM EXEMPT UNDER 44 U.S.C 35I2 Date Filed t t4/24/ø8 INSTRUCTIONS: Flle an orlglnal togethsr w th four coples and a copy for each addltlona charged party named ln ltem I wlth NLRB Reglonal Dlrector for the reglon in whlch the alleged unfalr labor practlce occurred or is occurring. Local 328J. SEIU 1. IáBOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT Joanne Davis Business Agent c. (2t I l0l Avenue of the Americas York NY t00t3- e. The above-named organization(s) or its aoents has (âave)enoaged in ând is (are)engaging in unfair labor practlces within the meaning of section 8(b), of the National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices subsection(s) (/rsl suôsecûbns) 8(Ð(lXA) - are unfeir practices effecting commerce withln the meaning of the Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfair prac{ices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Acl. ; 2. Basisof thecharge(sef lbtfh aclearandconciæstatementof thefactsconstitutingtheallegedunfairlaborpractices) Since on or about February 7, 2008, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives, has failed and refused to process the grievance of Johan Seeman concerning his suspension and subsequent tennination, for arbitmly, invidious and otherwise unlawful reasons. Since on or about February 7,2008, the above-named labor organization, by its officers, agents and representatives. has failed and Cooper Square Realty lnc, ó East 43rd Street sfafe and 7. Type of establishmenl (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc) Residential Building 10. Full name of party filing charge Jonah Seeman 11. Address of party filing charge street, city, stale and Zlp code.) 1735 East l3th Street. Apt.2N 8. ldentify principal product or service Cleaning and Maintenance Service (212) Employer renresentative to contact Scholcs. Properly Mtrnngcr' 9. Number of workers employed l* 12. Telephone No, (7 r8è33ft346 r 13. DECLARATION read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. An lndividual (PrinUtype name and title or oftice, if any) (Faxl ( I - Address samc as abovc r7 I 8) r 4 t24t08 (Telephone No.) (date) WLLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNTSHED By F NE AND MPR SONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTTON 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT t347 Solicitationoftheinlormation-onthis-fof!ì-is-authorizedbytheNalionalLaborRelationsAct(NL)' thenationallaborrelalionspoard( llßb}inprgcessinju.tfgi laþrpr.qc-liceand.relatedpioceediirgsorlitigalr"on.theroüti euöesitjrie nló lhe Federal Register,,71 Fed. Re (Dec..lfi 2006). The_[LRB will further eiplain these uses upon requeór..0ìsõlosuie òfltiið iniôräìäiõn ioihe ñl-é'b iö volunlary; however, fa lure to supply the information will cause the NLRB lo decline to invokri its processes.

28 04/28/2008 r l I tsk.è,i FOFU 1' LRB.t t lgs 12:09 FÀ}( A!NI'r -ri STATES OF ÁMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATþNS BOANO CHARGE AGAINST IáBOR ORGAÍ{IZÂTION ø 002/003 tuníl Ê Eür I uilue i.. u'þ.1,. rolz a. Nome SEIU Disuict tl99 ó. ddrese lstrget city. etale rd ãtp coúel t Briar Ridge Roa{ Langevillg OH 4J74 b. Un'on Repreaentetivelo contact Carol Waltc s g iß unlait labor pr ctlcot w th n the metning ol' of lhs Nrllonel Lebor Relstions Act' - ctlon B(Þf. tubsecliottftl lrit rrlttooo'll gfqt - - rnd thcse uol ir t bor proatiçeë sre unlâi. prs-êjioes-ôlfect lg commercs le thllttre rí6en$g ol th6 Act'. ' an4corrctffineúul ng the attngêcl untsiî tâbor Pîact cêsl or April zi, z00g rhe SIJIU conducted prorésb.ettwo bueineæ locations: uierya. fþc!gd.t!1 cornorue heodqucrters of vrable Hcolthcare, tnc. Diggø & Finc!,io ô rcsþr rant r"ãi,ã-"t øãó ni". io"-urriã, orrutt"' ohio ite corporate efrçe fs vrable f celrhcofe'is loc tãiíct 3248 Wirl{ende$on Road, Columbus, Ohio Täe pickeu or leeflee u ed a d digtributed þ the SEIU commuuicated lhat thc prirnory ta get of tbe p$tests was sceoic Hills Nurdng cenù r, located at 3 I I Buck Ridge Road, Bid*"ri-ohio ;il t4. Td-sBru i* ü'cnixusa ni"g with iceuic Hills Nuning center since June 2007 for a collective bargaining Egrccmcnt. Thc SEIU tbiled ro províde Scenic Hills with tt e l0-dly notice requirsd by Scotion 8(g) of tbe Act' 3. Name pl EmPloYer Vnble fii.iac- E. L""ât o" "tã nt involved lsltool cdlv, state enú'zlp cúel 3l I Buck Ridgc Rood, Bidwctl, Ohio i typc.ot eetaülirhment (laototy' mils' wåo'estte efc'' long term care frcility ru Pult nems ol P rty l llng charge S. tdsntliy prlnclp l p oduct o servlcc 4.'TelephOn6 No. (740) 446-7t50 B. Emptoyer repregenlsllve lo Gontoel ffia ge fslrpsf. cilr/. rrrlc ríd zlp codel 12- Telcphone No, (330) E7 ili'9,:i:â:âil?årern erê rrue to rhe b",r or my knowrcoge end borief. lcgot counsel for the EmPloYcr 990t.P:tt5w..- ÔPri 2E,200T - BE F,fltgltÉD tv ní. ErilD trifñlgoflrellr(u T aoog,ttlll11tfrgfilof,lüt, 'u.8cfo m c { t'zst' -!t:)-õf?f'lo 4'>. 4 /l w% P.Ø2

29 04128/ $t ÈKlltsl FOFT NLFB.3O8 (s-sl FAX 1 UNITEO STAÍES OF AMERICA NAT OÑAL LABOR FELATIONS BOARD CHARCE ACAI]ÚAT LABOR OBCANIZATIOII ON ITSAGEI TS, n8ïructlotl8:fllrrnorl8tn tlil.copll'olltlrcltr!crld*{*".n.,:.:?ffii*jffi}'#rrc!lndlr drrrlruned 6. Nsme SEIU Distric 1199 d. Addr eo fsttert. cftrj lale and ZIP coúal Briar Ridge Road" Langsville, OH 45?41 b, Unlon Reprerentotive lo corrt ct C ol 003/003 iut{tt È tflrl ußuè... uñt.u. guls i ctlce wlthin lhc meanlng ot' tecfiono(bl,eubsecl'ott(el(tisluubtaê' oût, l+tret -..-r-, ãè-l;-ó rtærinn ndmmarêâ wlthln the mesnlng ol thc & ' ' âñd thc6e uîlsl( ltbot or cllc s ofe unfbir -OltheNâtiotìilLåborßs qtloneact' -t øattcgúunla sþs praclicetl orr,,{9rl 25, 200f rhe seiu conductcd Protcsts wo h siness ***'"sy"5tniiî f;oi*3fffä:""h[!:ffii'"åyü:i- Hcalthcse, lnc. Digger ãrio"t. " rc;tsu oût localed "t f720$,y-ry'l*u^^ Hcslthcoro is looatsil at 3Zcf W;Uenderson Roaù Coluubus' Oh o $224 ' Thû srjlu is not rhe cçrtiüsrr rcpresenrrarive of anybarguining ni.at rrisger a Fingh. r. "-gi:kíi or lcullets used nd dist ibuted by the s'lu et Digger & Finch "onnuniceted that tl e í, -t*ñy rrrg., ottu, p,oåîj*ss!.-iõ dilrt w*tiog ceûtej, located ut 311 Buck Ridgc Road, Bidwell, Ohio a5614 The SEIU hæ bccn bugpining with scenic ÌIitls Nursing c"ro.uît June 2007 for collective bargaining agremeot' scenió Hills does b$iness with Digger & Finch. rhe SBILIs protest **l tu "t iot"tf"titü;i;'9iuù.9-{{1 a"ia bustneis with Scenic Hills' and witrr interfe ing with the customers oroiggcr a äiüsï'uecausu of tha busñees rehõn*htp between ürï busíûe6õ o$d scenic Hills' 3. Name of EmPloYer Vtable lii,!nc. rf ptr"t "volved fstrecl, cltl, slola an" zlp coûe' 5ffi" 3l I Buck Ridee Rosd, Bldwell. Ohio long term ctæ focility fo. full netn's of parly tlling cherge ffi mine, wrro'tsl'ct ctc', 89 Fißr Streeq ggit(204- I 2, Hudsog g\a4236 et, ctw, lale end zlp codel o- ldenlify pr ndpql pfoducl o 3s vlte c..telephone No' (?40) +46' E pioy"tt"prescntalirætoconleat Ssott Sslsbw t2. Tetephono No. (330) 931-7s87 l13åffigîilïìïrcin are true ro the besr of my knowredse and b' ief. legal cowrscl for the EmPloYer fifff+"o....-.à wftt Fur F r E trat r6rrs o[ îhrg cransè cât{ E prr{rslreo!y tttte atld lrpneoimerr g'' q sode Tm 13 mj%" ãñ 4-.4 P.Ø3

30 FORM NLRB.5O8 (e.07) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Case DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE FORlil EXEMPT UNDÉR 44 U.S.C 3512 I Date Filed 20_cB_13032 I t t 4/28/2008 INSTRUCTIONS: Flls an orlglnal together wlth four coples and a capy for each addltlonal charged party named ln ltem t wlth NLRB Roglonal Dlreclôr for lhe ln whlch the unfalr labor occufrod or s 1. LABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINST WHICH CHARGE IS BROUGHT SeiÙ local 6434 United Long-Term Care Workers Union; and SEIU United Healthcare Workers West c. Telephone No. ( ) esg-gzg-gots ( ) d. Address lslreet, clty, state, dncl ZIP cocle) 2515 Beverly Blvd,, Los Angeles, CA Thomas L. Berkley Way, Oakland, CA o, unron ]1epresenlauve Io coniagi Tyrone Freeman, President Sal Rosselli, President e. The above-named organlzation(,s).or its aoents has úlave)engaged ln and is (are)engaging ln unfairlabor practices within the meaning of section 8(b), subsect on(s)(lisfsubsecfions) 13) _. thenatlonal LaborRelationsAct,andlheseunfairlaborpracllces -of are unfair prádtices affecting cbmmerce wlthln the meaning of tho Act, or these unfair labor practices are unfalr practices affecting commerce wilh n the meaning of the Act and the Postal Reorganization Act. 2. Basis of lhe Charge (set forfâ a clear and æncise statement of lhe fads constituting the alleged unfair labor practices) The above-named labor organ zations are parties to a collective bargaining agreement with the Employer covering various employees working in 13 skilled nursing facilities operated by the Employer throughout California and which Agreement expires on June 1 5, By letter dated March '14, 2008, the above-named labor organizat ons gave joint notice of their intbnt to reopen the contract for the purpose of bargaining a successor contract. By letter dated March 18, 2008, the Employer aóknowledged receipt of the timely reopener, stated its willingness to commence immediate bargaining, and requesteo that the above-named labor organizations provide it with proposed dates for bargaining. Thereafter, on various daies, the Employer repeatedly requested that the above-named labor organizations provide it with dates on which to commence bargaining. Finally, by letter dated April 11, 2008, the Employer advised the above-named labor organizations that their continued failure to provide reasonable dates and times for bargaining constituted a violation of National Labor Rela ons Act and demanded that bargaining dates be provided no later than 5 p.m. on April 14, Notwithstanding these repeated efforts and demands by the Employer, the above-named labor organizations have refused, and continue to refuse, to provide the Employer ryi!þ gge1gsneþ 5 q4lgñå{d times for bargaining, which refusal constitutes a refusal to bargain in violation of the Act. Section 1Ofi) injunctive relief is requested. Kindred Nursing Centers West, LLC 5. Location of plant nvolved (street, dty, sêþ anc, F cade) See Attachment "A" 4. Telephone No. ( ) ( ) +ls-ozz-gsro 6. Employer renresentat v to contact Henry F. Telfeian 7. Type of establ shment factory, mine, wholesalen etc.) skilled nursing facility 10. Full name of party filing charge Kindred Healthcare, lnc. 11. Address of party fillng charge lsfreef, city, state and ZIP code.) 750 Battery Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA ldentis principal product orserv ce skilled nursing care 9. Number of workers employed approximately 1, TeleohoneNo. ( rãr.ro ( ) DECLARATION read the above charge and that the slatements therein are lrue to the best of my knowledge and belief, Henry Telfeian, Labor Relations Counsel (Prinvtwe name and title or office, if any) 750 Battery St., Suite 100, San Francisco, CA r axl( ) r I - -?ieeiili35õf April/18 2oo8 (Telephone No.) WLLFUT FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE CAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE I8, SECTION IOOI) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solicitalion of the information on lhis form is authorized by lhe National Labor Rolalions Agt (NLRA), 29 U.SC. $ 151 ef seç.the principal useof the.information is to assist tne-ñäii.lnait-a orrelalionsboard(nlrb)inprocessin$unfairlaborpnctþeandrelatedptoceedingsorlitigation'theroulineusesforlheinformationarefullys iäe feäãráíreoister, Tl Fed, Res i (Dec. t5, 2006). The NLRB willfurther explain these uses upon request. Disclosure of this information to the NLRB is voiuntary; howeier, failure to suppli the information will cause lhe NLRB to decline lo invoke ls processes. (date)

31 Attachment "4" 20-cB Åoat3æ^* 4/ Foothill Nursing Center 4l0 rü. Ada Glendora, CA9174l Kindred of Orange Healthcare Center 920La Veta Ave. Orange, CA92868 Alta Vista Healthcare 9020 Garfield Ave. Arlington, CA92503 Californian Care Center 22llMt. Vernon Blvd. Bakersfield, CA The Tunnell Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare 1359 Pine Street San Francisco, CA Victorian Healthcare Center 212l Pine Street San Francisco, CA 941 l5 Golden Gate Healthcare Center 2707 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 941 l5 Phone: (415) Lawton Healthcare Center th Avenue San Francisco,CA94122 Nineteenth Avenure Healthcare Center th Avenue San Francisco,e[94ll6 Fifrh Avenue Health Care Center 160l Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA Hacienda Care Center 76 Fenton Street Livermore, CA Ba), View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 5l6 rüillow Street Alameda, CA Santa Cruz Healthcare Center I 115 Capitola Road Santa Crua C495062

32 FORM NLRB-508 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL LABOR REI.ATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST LABOR ORGANIZATION FORM EXEMPT UNDER 14 U.S.C.3512 Date Filed 2-w2L556 4/28/oe INSTRUCTIONS: Flle en odganal and 4 coples of thls mls charge cnafge and an addltlonal aoql$onal copy for ror each eacn organlzatlon, ofganl each local, and each lndlvldual named ln ltem I wlth the NLRB Reqlonal Dl pctor of the reolon ln whlch the alleoed unfalr ls 1. I-ABOR ORGANIZATION AGAINSTWHICH CHARGE!S BROUGHT b. Union Representative to contact Local 328J, SEIU Joanne Davis, Director, Contracts c. Telephone No. & Fax No d. Address (street, city, state and zlp code) l0l Avenue ofthe Americas New York.l{Y e. fne aoovi-named organlzation(s) or its agents has (have) engaged ln and ls (are) engaging in unfalr labor practicos withín the meaning of sectlon 8(b), subsectlon(sx I ) and (A) of the Natlonal Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are unfair oraclices effeclino commerce wlthln the meanlno of the Act. 2. Basls of the Charge (set forth a clear and conclsô stetement of the fects con$nut ng the allsged unfelr labor practlces) Since on or about April 14, 2008, the above-named labor organi zation,by its agents, officers and rcpresetttatives, since within the.last six months, has failed and refused to process the grievances of its member secur ty guards working at 200 Fifth Avenue, including Firpo Grant and Daniel Fernandez, regarding Grubb & Ellis' failure to pay backpay owed from August 2007, Grubb & Ellis' failure to pay termination benefits upon their termination in February 2008, and regarding tlreir layoff in February 2008, for reasons whiclr are arbitrary, invidious, or otherwise * nffidoot, ffiffiil# åö'ú ad Grubb & Ellis 4. 2l 5. Locatlon of plant 1777 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY , Type of establishmsnt (factory, mine, wholesaler, etc.) 8. ldenüfy prlnc pal product or serv ce Comrnercialblde I Co nmercial Buildine 10. Full name of pefty fll ng charge Daniel Fernandez I L Address of party filing charge (street, city, state and zlp code) 424 East I l9'r' Street, NY, NY Employer representative to contact Herb Gonzalez, Building Manager v. NumDer otworkers emproyeq Telephone No. & (home) (cell) I declare that I have read the above charge and that the statements therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. of representative or making charge DanielFernandez Telephone No. Same as above ritp Individual Date April28,2008 (u.s. code, TTTLE 18, SECTTON t00l)

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