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1 r "llill ill \ MENKO THE PROVNCE OF TRANSVAAL e DE PROVNSE TRANSVAAL 4;\ ri tti Gatrttr (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) V 4 i 4 7 Mitiateir lcurratut ;Ft M \\ (As n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreor) V PRCE: SA 5c OVERSEAS 20c PRYS: SA 5c OORSEE 20c a it 28 MARCH VOL 223 PRETORA 28 MAART ADMNSTRATORS NOTCES ADMNSTRATEURSKENNSGEWNGS Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 The following Draft Ordinance is published for Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir algemene general information: inligting gepubliseer: P A DRAFT ORDNANCE N ONTWERPORDONNANSE To amend the Civil Defence Ordinance 977 in respect of the Tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op Burgerlike Beskerming definitions contained in section ; to provide for the de 977 ten opsigto van die woordomskrywing in artikel vercreasing increasing or uniting of an area of jurisdiction by vat; om voorsiening te manic vir die verkleining vergroting the insertion of a new section 2A; in respect of the appointvoof evgretennigion:siveaen vnanrectisegeabainsedte2unrg vnannummartpleskelin2aaritrikel ment of officers contemplated in section 4; and to provide for 4 beoog; en om vir bykomstige aangeleenthede voorsiening matters incidental thereto te maak ntroduced by MR HOUGH MEC ngedien deur MNR HOUGH LUK Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN vaal as follows: SOOS VOLG: BE T ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans DE 0 0 Amend Section of the Civil Defence Ordinance wysiging molt of van aril Artikel van die Ordonnansie op Burger :6;ctal;: 977 (hereinafter referred to as the principal tg0 like Beskerming 977 (hierna die Hoofordongrio9R Ordinance) is hereby amended by the substitu 4200n= s nansie genoem) word hierby gewysig deur die tion for the definition of "local authority" of 977 woordomskrywing van "plaaslike bestuur" deur the following definition: die volgende woordomskrywing te vervang: "local authority means "plaaslike bestuur (a) a city council town council village council (a) n grootstadsraad stadsraad dorpsraad of or health committee constituted in terms of gesondheidskomitee ingevolge die bepalings the provisions of the Local Government van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur Ordinance 939 (Ordinance 7 of 939); 939 (Ordonnansie 7 van 939) ingestel; (b) the Transvaal Board for the Development (b) die Transvaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling of PeriUrban Areas established in terms van Buitestedelike Gebiede ingevolge die of the provisions of the Transvaal Board bepalings van die Ordonnansie op die Transfor the Development of PeriUrban Areas vaalse Raad vir die Ontwikkeling van Buite Ordinance 943 (Ordinance 20 of 943) in stedelike Gebiede 943 (Ordonnansie 20 respect of any portion of its area of jurisvan 943) ingestel ten opsigte van enige diction for which a local area committee gedeelte van sy regsgebied waarvoor n has been or is established in terms of secplaaslike gebiedskomitee ingevolge artikel tion 20) of that Ordinance; and 20) van daardie Ordonnansie ingestel is of (c) an association contemplated in section word; en 2();" (c) n vereniging in artikel 20) beoog;" 2 Ammmeat odf Section 2 of the principal Ordinance is wneut 2 Artikel 2 van die Hoofordonnansie word :Mae hereby amended by the substitution in subsection =2th hierby gewysig deur in subartikel ()(a) die nit :m39 ()(a) for the expression "an institution or body 2drr drukking "instelling of liggaam in artikel 84()(f) contemplated insection 84()(f) of the Republic 977 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid

2 630 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 of South Africa Constitution Act 96" of the Afrika 96 beoog" deur die woorde "plaas a words "a local authority" like bestuur" te vervang las70n 3 The following section is hereby inserted 7;U 3 Die volgende artikel word hierby na artikel ; 8Fdt after section 2 of the principal Ordinance: r e 2 van die Hoofordonnansie ingevoeg: ance 20 donnansle of 977 tar 2A Notwithstanding anything to the we ;Lie 2K Ondanks andersluidende bepa 7eg contrary contained in any other Ordin = Wings in enige ander Ordonnansie verglearo ante the Administrator may by notice is n vat kan die Administrateur by kennisjrsdth J inthe Provincial Gazette and after con = gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant en na sultation with any local authority affect oorlegpleging met enige plaaslike bestuur ed thereby wat daardeur geraak word (a) decrease or increase for the pur (a) die regsgebied van n plaaslike beposes of this Ordinance the area of stuur vir die doeleindes van hierdie jurisdiction of a local authority in Ordonnansie op die wyse wat by such manner as he may deem ex dienstig ag verklein of vergroot; of pedient; or (b) die regsgebied van n plaaslike be (b) unite for the purposes of this Or stuur vir die doeleindes van hierdie dinance the area of jurisdiction of Ordonnansie met die regsgebied van a local authority with the area of een of meer plaaslike besture verjurisdiction of one or more local enig om een plaaslike bestuur te authorities to form one local vorm" i authority" : "wow WMsigh"? 4 Artikel 4 van die Hoofordonnansie word 4 Section 4 of the principal Ordinance is t 40 hierby gewysig deur subartikel (2) deur die vol gmat hereby amended by the substitution for subset Mr gende subartikels te vervang: at9n tion (2) of the following subsections: 977 "(2) n Plaaslike bestuur moet met die goed "(2) A local authority shall with the approval keuring van die Administrateur en vir die doel of the Administrator and for the purpose of van die uitoefening of verrigting van enige beexercising or performing any power function voegdheid werksaamheid of plig ingevolge die bepalings van hierdie Ordonnansie aan horn veror duty conferred or imposed upon it in terms leen of opgel& of the provisions of this Ordinance appoint (a) n geskikte persoon in sy diens; of (a) a fit and proper person in its service; or (b) indien daar na die mening van die plaaslike (b) if there is in the opinion of the local bestuur geen geskikte persoon in sy diens is authority no fit and proper person in its nie enige ander geskikte persoon service any other fit and proper person as Hoof van Burgerlike Beskerming aanstel en to be Chief of Civil Defence and the local die plaaslike bestuur kan of indien die Admir authority may or if the Administrator either nistrateur hetsy in die algemeen of in die be = generally or specifically so directs shall delegate sonder aldus gelas moet enige van sodanige any of such powers functions or duties to that bevoegdhede werksaamhede of pligte aan daarperson die persoon delegeer (3) n Raad soos omskryf in artikel van die (3) A board as defined in section of the Ordonnansie op die Transvaalse Raad vir die Transvaal Board for the Development of Peri Ontwikkeling van Buitestedelike Gebiede 943 Urban Areas Ordinance 943 may with the kan met die goedkeuring van die Administraapproval of the Administrator appoint for every teur vir elke plaaslike gebiedskomitee local area committee (a) n geskikte persoon in sy diens; of (a) a fit and proper person in its service; or (b) indien daar na die mening van die raad geen (b) if there is in the opinion of the board no fit geskikte persoon in sy diens is nie enige and proper person in its service any other ander geskikte persoon fit and proper person as AdjunkHoof van Burgerlike Beskerming aan to be Deputy Chief of Civil Defence and the stel en die Hoof van Burgerlike Beskerming van Chief of Civil Defence of the board may with die raad kan met die goedkeuring van die raad the approval of the board delegate to such aan sodanige AdjunkHoof enige bevoegdheid Deputy Chief any power function or duty de werksaamheid of plig wat aan horn ingevolge legated to him in terms of the provisions of die bepalings van subartikel (2) gedelegeer is subsection (2)" delegeer" Sho Short ti 5 This Ordinance shall be called " the Civil a2 tle S Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die WysigingX Defence Amendment Ordinance 979 ordonnansie op Burgerlike Beskerming 979

3 PROWNST_ALE KOERANT 28 MAART as wr s Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 The following Draft Ordinance is published for Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir algemene general information: inligting gepubliseer: A DRAFT ORDNANCE N ONTWERPORDONNANSE Tot wysiging van die Padordonnansie957 ten opsigte van die To amend the Roads Ordinance 957 in respect of the powers bevoegdhede pligte en werksaarnede van n rand soos in duties and functions of a board as contemplated in section 7 artikel 7 beoog ntroduced by MR MARTNS MEC ngedien deur MNR MARTNS LUK Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN DE T ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans LB vaal as follows: SOOS VOLG: WValffing van ant Artikel 7 van die Padordonnansie 957 Amend ment of Section 7 of the Roads Ordinance 957 (J word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (d) van sub 0 Vrir is hereby amended by the substitution for para $$ artikel () deur die volgende paragraaf te verc9idar graph (d) of subsection () of the following Rei7;0 yang: o97 f 5 yang paragraph: snub &Muted givie nt "(d) of n kommissie wat deur die by raad uit sy seen 2 "(d) or a commission So f appointed by the board dtgrar;ale lede aangestel is stel na betaling van die o Ordin ance 9 from its members shall after payment of 975en voorgeskrewe gelde n ondersoek in waar of 975 and as the prescribed fees conduct an inquiry ri 3? Agt; ri eienaar van grond amended by secartiket where an owner of land oven Hon 2 Ordonnanof Or steal (i) n klagte ingedien het dat n ander (i) has lodged a complaint that a dlnan ofce person van persoon as die Administrateur n pad 977 other than the Administrator has wat toegang tot n openbare pad verclosed or intends to close a road which leen gesluit het of van voorneme is affords access to a public road; om dit te sluit; (ii) has applied for a road which will (ii) aansoek gedoen het om n pad wat afford access from such land to a toegang vanaf sodanige grond tot n public road; or openbare pad sal verleen; of (iii) has applied for the closing or de (iii) aansoek gedoen het om die sluiting of viation of an access road referred to verlegging van n toegangspad in arin section 48()(a) or for the increas tikel 48()(a) genoem of om die vexing or decreasing of the width of such meerdering of vermindering van die road breedte van sodanige pad ne and shall thereafter report to the Admi en doen daarna aan die Administrateur nistrator on the exercise of any power con verslag oor die uitoefening van enige betemplated in section 48: Provided that the voegdheid in artikel 48 beoog: Met dien board or commission may in the case of verstande dat die raad of kommissie in die a complaint referred to in subparagraph geval van n klagte in subparagraaf (i) ge (i) issue an interim order that the road noem n tussentydse bevel kan uitreik dat concerned shall pending the decision of die betrokke pad hangende die besluit van the Administrator be kept open;" die Administrateur oopgehou moet word;" short 2 This Ordinance shall be called the Roads girt tam Orel 2 iierdie Ordonnansie heet die Padwysigings Amendment Ordinance 979 ordonnansie 979 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 The following Draft Ordinance is published for Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir algemene general information: inligting gepubliseer: A N DRAFT ORDNANCE ONTWERPORDONNANSE To amend the Education Ordinance 953 in respect of the Tot wysiging van die Ondcrwysordonnansie 953 ten opsigte establishment of a Selection Board for the appointment of van die instelling van n Keurraad vir die aanstelling van onteachers as contemplated in section 69bis; in order to provide derwysers soos in artikel 69bis beoog; ten einde vir die instandfor the maintenance as a provincial controlled school by sub bonding as provinsianpuebeerde skool voorsicning te nmak

4 632 PROVNCAL: GAZETE; _ 28 MARCH; 979 stituting a new Chapter for Chapter X; and to provide fair eclair lioohldik ia deur n nuwe Hoofstuk to vervang; en om matters incidental thereto vir bykontstige aangelcenthede voorsiening to mask ntroduced by MR BRNK MEC ngedien deur MNR BRNK LUK _ i VETENACTED by the i Pioxncial Council of Trans Provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN ild Vaal as f0ows:[ :! a 0_ DESOOS VOLG: r AVg; Section of theeducation Ordinance 953 wriltsg van arts Artikel van die Onderwysordonnansie; 4on (hereinafter referred to as the prhicipal Ordin kalor_ 953 (hierna die Hoofordonnansie genoem) Br ante) is hereby amended by the substitution for mark word hierby gewysig dear die opskrif "HOOF UE2Thod thelheadifig "CHAPTER X" and the descrip gaas STUK X" en die beskrywing van die inhoud tion of the contents thereof of the following :iicr4t rma _ daarvan deur die volgende opskrifte en beskryanal 7 headings and description of the contents thereof: =L_ wing van die inhoud daarvan te vervang: gagio 2: i slo 4on 7nan van Lon or Or 969 en "CHAPTER X MEMO arttkel van Or "HOOFSTUK X 6 ot donn nsla 6 vaan Maintenance as provincial controlled school: 974 nstandhouding as provinsiaalbeheerde skool: _ Section 2E Artikel 2E CHAPTER X HOOFSTUK X General and miscellaneous: Sections 3 to Algemeen en Diverse: Artikels 3 tot 24" 24" gggi 2() Section 69bis of the principal Ordinance mare 2() Artikel 69bis van die Hoofordonnansie section Rol 69tas is hereby amended by the substitution for sub van Or word hierby gewysig deur subartikels (2) tot en 69b5 donnansto of Onto sections (2) to (4) inclusive of the following 29 van met (4) deur die volgende subartikels te ver 29 of r5ssia yang: 2965 as subsections: tnirgt gen liana "(2) The Selection Board shall consist of three cot Or "(2) Die Keurraad bestaan uit drie lade van <Mance 4t:oirolaas e members of whom! 7 of 7 van me en (a) one shall be a person who shall grayrtito (a) een n persoon moet wees wat non 4 (i) possess the required qualifications for alo 6 (i) oor die vereiste kwalifikasies vir aan 6 o appointment as teacher; and stalling as onderwyser beskik; en 974 (ii) be appointed by the Administrator; and (ii) deur die Administrateur aangestel word; 0 (b) two shall be inspectors of education who en shall be (b) twee inspekteurs van onderwys moet wees " (i) thoroughly conversant with the educa wat atrtintdvata 6tivoanan an of Ordlnanca van 2974 f / p tional conditions in the Transvaal; (i) deeglik kennis dra van die onderwys :(" (iorepresentative of the teaching proles toestande in Transvaal; 4 : ( i" " irsion; and (ii) verteenwoordigend van die onderwys }ii it! A 4! il taiarappointed in a manner hereinafter pro professie is; en! )% i ivided (iii) op n wyse hierna bepaal aangestel (3) A member contemplated in subsection word i (2)(b) slialtbe appointed in the following man (3) n Lid in subartikel (2)(b) beoog word op ner die volgende wyse aangestel: (a) the Director shall by notice in the Provin (a) die Direkteur vra by kennisgewing in die is :fir cial Gazette and in such other manner as Provinsiale Koerant en op die ander wyse he deems expedient invite applications for v:v:: wat by dienstig ag aansoeke aan vir aanstel L_ na 9 s i appgillinicnt 7 i si ling (i) as a member of the Selection Board; and (i) as n lid van die Keurraad; en W C (ii) where the applicant is not an inspector (ii) waar n aansoeker nie n inspekteur of educaridit also as an inspector of van onderwys is nie ook as n inspek T % + : im education; ; :O ( tear van onderwys; c L7;at_PL:tOcl : _ 74 tc (b))the Director: shall send apopyof every ap (b) die Direkteur stuur n afskrif van elke aan Ttplicalionfor the appointment referred to in soek vir die aanstelling in paragraaf (a) ge 49: paragraph (a) to the teachers associations noem aan die onderwysersverenigings wat " $ ll" recognised by the Administrator; deur die Administrateur erken word;

5 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART F" 633 vtc(c):an association contemplated in paragraph (c) n vereniginginparagraaf (b) beoog stel n (b) shall compile a list of the names of the lys van die /Mine Van die aansoekers wat hy applicants regarded by it as suitable for the geskik ag vir die aanstellingin paragraaf (a) appointinentreferred to in paragraph (a) in gendem in volgorde van voorrang op of sequence of preference or make any other maak enige tinder aanbeveling in verband i recommendation in connection with the apiplications and furnish suck list or recommet die aansoeke aanbeveling aan en verstrek sodanige lys die Direkteur binne of die ifi period which corresponds iwith! ihe period of ofwfice or uneipired period of office of such mem ( j liafwl esig staat is om enige van sylwerksaamhede te verrig 0 if rriendation to the Director within such pe tydperk wat diedirekteur bepaal; _ ni nod as the Directdr may determine; (d) die Direkteur le elkelys of aanbeveling wat a (d) the Director shall submit every list or re hy ingevolgeparagraaf (c) ontvang het te commendation received by him interms of same met sy eie aanbevelings aan die Admi r r paragraph (c) together with his own recom nistrateur voor; en r mendations tothe Administrator; and (e) Administrateur maak ha oorweging (e) rthe Administrator shall after consideration vandie stukke wat ingevolge (d) aan i of the documents submitted to him in terms hem voorgele is die aanstelling plan gin paragraaf i in j of paragraph (d) make the appointment n (a) genoem Of gelas idat aansoeke vir soda ;r r referred to in paragraph (a) or order that nige aaristelling weer aangevra word applications for such appointmentagain be _ 0 invited r(4) nlid van diekeurraad blyrin sy amp aan i o" i (4) AL member of the SeleCtion Board shall vir die tydperk wat die Administrateur bepaal JP rem am iti office forsuch h period penod as the Adihir moor ]anger nie as 3 Desember van pie nistrator may determine but not longer than vyftlejaar vanaf Ate datum van sy aanstelling 3 Decemberiadthetfifth year from the date bf (5) n Lid die Keurraad kan na verstry his appointment id king van sy ampstermyn weer aangestel word AA le(5j);climeiriber `8fiegSeleCtiOn EC:4rd may / wys ri! ilidivan die afterw term of office has expired again be Keurraad as )Vdrireitteri den apponted i vir n tydperk wat ii mr f ooreenstem met die ampstermyn of onyerstreke 4 i dt i! (6) The /Administrator shall deiignate a mem h anipstermyn ithiviodzinige lid en wanneer die ben of the Selection Board as chairman for a i n lib voorsittert tydelik is:of tydelik nie in lin; i )0 dither and when the chairman Al temporarily ab / nie kan die Direkteur n lid ras waarnemende il of sent Or temporarily unablefto perform any of tx 4 voorsitter aanwys ci r)4 ii ) t Li 0Arrolhismfunctions) the DirectorAmay designate a t ;: o J : 0 i members aft rioting chair:man/ i n(7)ndien die ampvan n lid van die Keurraad vakant rank word die vakature ingevolge sub mu )0 (7)fthe office of ] a member of the Selection " "artiketr(2xa) of (b); rialelang van die geval ) ; Boardibecomesvaeantt the vacancy shall be filled hi iugevtil" "r :liat4 in terms of subsection (2)(a)rth (b) as the case nor it) maybe /tad l :) _ r ;(8)Ondanks die bepalings van hierdie artikel (8) Notwithstanding theprovisions of this sec kan die Administrateurwanneer n lid van die uorh) don the iadministratorl may when a member 4" Keurraad tydelik afwesig is of tydelik nie in io of the Selection Board! is temporarily absent or staat is om enige van sy werksaamhede te verrig : jf :temporarily unable to perform any of his func nie n inspekteur van onderwys sekondeer om f lions "second an inspector of education to per die werksaamhede vansodanige lid te verrig forth tfieftinetiorivbf such member cue/pv 4(9) &majority decision shall be the decision ;(9) :no Meerderheidsbeslissing is die beslissing of the Selection Board and the procedure to be van diekeurraad enie proskedurewat deur die followed by the SelectionBoard shall be as de Keurraadrgevolg moet word; :is soos deur die termined by the Director: Provided that if a (4\yr Direkteur bepaal: Met dien verstande dat indien J idebision cannot be obtained; the/decision ofth6 0 n beshssmg nie bereik kan Word nieyclie beilischairman shall be the decision of the Selection Limn ) Boardo i if PPE Lioilli r% i _ :MP() sing yen die voorsitter die beslissing van die i i Keurriad is (0) The members of theselection Board in addition to the functions referred to in (0) Die lede van die Keurraad verrig benesubsection () perform such functions as the wens die werksaamhede in subartikel () genoem r Director may cletericune die werksaamhede wat die Direkteur bepaal t tbc0 (0;":"C in;" ;;;;FLT " ; : a i e:(4the Director shdll: provide the Selection _!On Die Direkteur voorsieri die Keurraad van Board with such clerical professional and other " ; assistance as die klerklike professionele;en ander hulp wat hy ihe may deem necessary for the : n" vir ; propecperfoiniahee by the Selection Board of ; midig ag die beitoorlike verrigting deur die its fillietiows"" : i Keurraad van sy werksaamhede T (2) li: memberbf the Meath:hi BOardWho 2) w Lid van die Keurradd wat sy amp ont vacatesinisioffice before hetreached the pre riiiin voor hy die "voorgeskrewe uitdienstredirigs ail

6 634 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 scribed age of retirement shall be appointed to ouderdom bereik word in n pos in die Departe 0 a post in the Department: Provided that it shall ment aangestel: Met dien verstande dat dit nie not be required from the incumbent of such a van die bekleer van so n pos vereis word om post to teach at a provincial educational insti onderwys by n provinsiale onderwysinrigting to tution gee nie (3) The salary of the incumbent of a post (3) Die salaris van die bekleer van n pos in V referred to in subsection (2) shall be determined subartikel (2) genoem word deur die Adminisby the Administrator: Provided that if such in trateur bepaal: Met dien verstande dat indien cumbent at the time of his assumption of office sodanige bekleer ten tyde van sy ampsaanvaar as a member of the Selection Board occupied a ding as lid van die Keurraad n onderwyspos ft teaching post his salary shall not be less than beklee het sy salaris nie minder is nie as die that which he would normally have received had wat hy normaalweg sou ontvang het indien hy he not been appointed as a member of the Se nie as lid van die Keurraad aangestel was nie" lection Board" (2) emand wat op die datum van inwerking (2) Any person who on the date of the corn treding van hierdie Ordonnansie voorsitter of n mencement of this Ordinance is the chairman or lid van die Keurraad is bly as voorsitter of n a member of the Selection Board shall continue lid aan vir die tydperk waarvoor hy benoem of to be the chairman or a member for the period aangestel is for which he has been nominated or appointed Ver yenning 3 Hoofstuk X van die Hoofordonnansie word trgil" 3 The following Chapter is hereby substituted rank hierby deur die volgende Hoofstuk vervang: van iater for Chapter X of the principal Ordinance: On Xlnnan Ordinance els of van 953 "HOOFSTUK X 953 "CHAPTER XL ll NSTANDHOUDNG AS PROVNSAAL MANTENANCE AS PROVNCAL CON BEHEERDE SKOOL TROLLED SCHOOL 2E() ndien n private skool wat gra 2E() f a private school registered it7:aḻ: rar au ingevolge Hoofstuk X geregistreer is of cpuar? in terms of Chapter X or a private nur =UT" n private kleuterskool wat ingevolge trolled school sery school registered in terms of Chap Hoofstuk X geregistreer is daarom aan ter X applies therefor the Administrator soek doen kan die Administrateur daar may maintain that school as a provincial die skool as n provinsiaalbeheerde skool controlled school on such terms or upon in stand hou op die bedinge of voor such conditions as he may either ge waardes wat hy hetsy in die algemeen nerally or specifically determine of in die besonder bepaal (2) Subject to the terms or conditions (2) Behoudens die bedinge of voorcontemplated in subsection () the Ad waardes in subartikel () beoog kan die ministrator may Administrateur (a) make any provision of this Ordin (a) enige bepaling van hierdie Onion ance applicable to a school main nansie op n skool wat as n provin tained as a provincial controlled siaalbeheerde skool in stand gehou school; or word van toepassing maak; of (b) exempt such school from any pro (b) sodanige skool van enige bepaling vision of this Ordinance" van hierdie Ordonnansie vrystel" Short title 4 This Ordinance shall be called the Educa iit:it 4 Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Onderwyswy tion Amendment Ordinance 979 sigingsordonnansie 979 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 The following Draft Ordinance is published for Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir algemene general information: inligting gepubliseer: A DRAFT ORDNANCE To amend the Licences Ordinance 974 in respect of the definitions contained in section ; in respect of licence fees pay able as contemplated in section 0; in respect of the issuing authority of a licence as contemplated in section ; in respect N ONTNERPORDONNANSE Tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies 974 ten opsigte van die woordomskrywings in artikel vervat; ten opsigte van lisensiegelde betaalbaar soos in artikel 0 beoog; ten opsigte of an application for the issue of a new licence as con van die uitreikingsowerheid van n lisensie soos in artikel templated in section 2; in respect of the duty of a beoog; ten opsigte van n aansoek om die uitreiking van n secretary of a licensing board to obtain certain reports nuwe lisensie soos in artikel 2 beoog; ten opsigte van die information and recommendations as contemplated in plig van 0 sekretaris van n lisensiereed mu sekerc verslae

7 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART ak W section 4; in respect of the date of hearing of an applica inligting en aanbevelings te verkry soos in artikel 4 beoog; tion for a new licence as contemplated in section 7; in respect ten opsigte van die datum van verhoor van n aansock om n of the decision of a licensing hoard on an application for a nuwe lisensie sons in artikel 7 beoog; ten opsigte van die new licence as contemplated in section 9; in respect of an besinit van n lisensiemad oor n aansoek om n nuwe lisensie application for the renewal of an annual licence as contem sons in artikel 9 been; ten opsigte van is aansoek om die plated in section 23; in respect of the removal of a business hernuwing van n jaarlikse lisensie soos in artikel 23 beoog; to other business premises as contemplated in section 25; in ten opsigte van die verplasing van n besigheid na n ander if respect of the change of ownership of a business as con besigheidsperseel sons in artikel 25 beoog; ten opsigte van die templated in section 27; in respect of the giving of notice of verandering van eiendomsreg van a besigheid soos in artikel any change in connection with a business by the holder of a 27 beoog; ten opsigte van die gee van kennis van enige verlicence as contemplated in section 29; in respect of the powers andering in verband met n besigheid deur die boner van n of an authorized officer or a health officer as contemplated lisensie soos in artikel 29 beoog; ten opsigte van die bevoegdin section 30; in respect of the disposal of an object seized as blade van n gemagtigde beampte of n gesondheidsbeampte contemplated in section 49; in respect of the service of docu soos in artikel 30 bean; ten opsigte van die beskikking oor ments as contemplated in section 54; in respect of the applica it voorwerp wat in beslag gencem is soos in artikel 49 beoog; tion of the Ordinance and general exemptions as contemplated ten opsigte van die betekening van dokumente sons in artikel in section 59; in respect of the amendment of Schedule by 54 helmet ten opsigte van die toepassing van die Ordonnansie the Administrator as contemplated in section 60; in respect of en algemene vrystellings soos in alike! 59 kon; ten opsigte the power to make regulations as contemplated in section 6; van die wysiging van Bylae deur die Administrateur sees in in respect of the bylaws or regulations of a local authority artikel 60 beoog; ten opsigte van die bevoegdheid om regulaas contemplated in section 63; by the repeal of section 65; in sies te mask sons in artikel 6 beoog; ten opsigte van die respect of items 2 25 and 49 of Schedule ; and to provide verordeninge of regulasies van n plaaslike bestuur soos in for matters incidental thereto artikel 63 beoog; deur artikel 65 te herroep; ten opsigte van items 2 25 en 49 van Bylae ; en om vir bykomstige eaugeleenthede voorsiening to mask ll ntroduced by MR HOUGH MEC ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Transvaal as follows: ngedien deur MNR HOUGH LUK DE T VE Provinsiale Read van Transvaal VERORDEN i SOOS VOLG: Amendmeat of Section of the Licences Ordinance 974 tit (hereinafter referred to as the principal Ordin zing Artikel van die Ordonnansie op Lisensies irpco ante) is hereby amendedby laegnfan 974 (hierna die Hoofordonnansie genoem) 974 mart* 9 word hierby gewysig deur (a) the substitution for the definition of "health 934 officer" of the following definition: (a) die woordomskrywing van "dorp" deur die volgende woordomskrywing te vervang: "(viii) health officer means in relation to a business carried on or to be carried "(vii) `dorp"n dorp soos in artikel van die on Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van (a) within a municipality a medical 965) omskryf en omvat n landbou officer of health and a regional hoeve soos omskryf in artikel 7 van medical officer of health as de die Landbouhoeven (Transvaal) Refined in section of the Health gistratie Wet 99 (Wet 22 van 99) Act 977 (Act 63 of 977) and wat binne n munisipaliteit is en wearincludes a health inspector ap op n dorpsbeplanningskema van toepointed by a local authority in passing is; (xxiv)"; en terms of section 24 of that Act; or (b) die woordomskrywing van "gesondheids (b) outside a Municipality the Re beampte" deur die volgende woordomskrygional Director of State Health wing to vervang: Services concerned or any person acting on his behalf; (x)"; "(x) and `gesondheidsbeampte met betrekking tot n besigheid wat gedryf word of (b) the substitution for the definition of "town sal word ship" of the following definition: (a) binne n munisipaliteit n mediese "(xxiv) township means a township as delia gesondheidsbeampte en n streeksed in section of the Townplanning mediese gesondheidsbeampte soos in artikel van die Wet op Gesondheid 977 (Wet 63 van 977) and Townships Ordinance 965 (Or dinance 25 of 965) and includes an omskryf en omvat n gesondheids agricultural holding as defined in sec inspekteur wat deur n plaaslike tion 7 of the Agricultural Holdings bestuur ingevolge artikel 24 van (Transvaal) Registration Act daardie 99 Wet aangestel is; of (Act 22 of 99) situated within a (b) buite n munisipaliteit die bemunicipality and to which a town trokke Streekdirekteur van StaatSplanning scheme is applicable; (vii)" gesondheidsdienste of iemand wat namens horn optree; (viii)" Arerr g; 2 Section 0 of the principal Ordinance is 7: ging 2 Artikel 0 van die Hoofordonnansie word ofs 0 hereby amended by the insertion after subsection tel 0 van Or hierby gewysig deur die volgende subartikels na (3) of the following subsections: bsti 9 fdmulansi subartikel (3) in te voeg: c dina on van 974 _ d

8 636 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 "(4) f the licence fee or fine contemplated in "(4) ndian die lisensiegeld of boete in hierdie this section is paid by cheque and the cheque is artikel beoog per tjek betaal word en die tjek dishonoured on presentation the issuing author by aanbieding nie honoreer word nie beteken ity concerned shall serve a notice to that effect die betrokke uitreikingsowerheid n kennisgeon the holder of the licence concerned and wing te dien effekte aan die betrokke houer van unless such holder within 2 days after such die lisensie en tensy daardie houer binne 2 dae notice has been served honours the cheque or na die datum waarop so n kennisgewing beteken pays the licence fee or fine in cash the licence is die tjek honoreer of die geld of boete in kon concerned shall lapse: Provided that such hol Cant betaal verval die betrokke lisensie: Met der shall remain liable for the licence fee and dien verstande dat so n honer aanspreeklik bly fine vir die lisensiegeld en boete (5) Any person whose licence has lapsed in (5) emend wie se lisensie ingevolge subartikel terms of subsection (4) shall if he intends con (4) verval het doen indien hy die betrokke be tinuing the business concerned apply for the sigheid wil voortsit ingevolge die bepalings van issue of a new licence in terms of the provisions Hoofstuk V aansoek om die uitreiking van n of Chapter V and in that event the chairman nuwe lisensie en in daardie geval kan die voor of the licensing board contemplated in section sitter van die lisensieraad in artikel 2 beoog 2 may dispense with the furnishing of any afsien van die verskaffing van enige verslag of report or document or the giving of any notice dokument of die gee van enige kennis wat ingerequired in terms of the provisions of this Or volge die bepalings van hierdie Ordonnansie verdinance" eis word" tiolirt 3 Artikel van die Hoofordonnansie word Amend Mont Of 3 Section of the principal Ordinance is Li 03r hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (d) van subartikel ion" hereby amended by the substitution for para ilah:nansl () gar deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: graph (d) of subsection () of the following paragraph: "(d) in die hele Provinsie "(d) in the whole Province (i) in op of vanaf n besigheidsperseel gelee binne n munisipaliteit deur die () in on or from business premises si plaaslike bestuur van daardie munisi tuated within a municipality by the paliteit; local authority of that municipality; :Jib (ii) in op of vanaf ri besigheidsperseel (ii) in on or from business premises si geled buite n munisipaliteit maar tuated outside a municipality but with binne die lisensiegebied van die r be in the licensing area of the licensing trokke lisensieraad deur die plaaslike board concerned by the local authority bestuur binne wie se munisipaliteit within whose municipality the seat of ur" die setel van daardie raad geleo is; of that board is situated; or (iii) nie in op of vanaf n besigheidsperseel n : r r (iii) not in on or from business premises nie en die aansoeker : ; ris i and the applicant (aa) woonagtig is binne n munisipa (aa) is resident within a municipality liteit in die Provinsie deur die in the Province by the local plaaslike bestuur van daardie authority of that municipality; munisipaliteit; (bb) is resident outside a municipality (bb) woonagtig is buite n munisipain the Province by the local liteit in die Provinsie deur die i i authority of the municipality plaaslike bestuur van die munisi where the seat of the licensing paliteit waar die setel van die board within whose licensing lisensieraad binne wie se lisensiearea he is resident is situated; or gebied hy woonagtig is geled is; i i (ce)! is not of resident in the Province " by the local authority of Pre (cc) nie in die Provinsie woonagtig is nie deur die plaaslike bestuur tom: van Pretoria" r amend 4: Section 2 of the principal Ordinance is vo63:fird 4 Artikel 2 van die Hoofordonnansie word men! of section 3:2 herebv amended by the substitution for subsea ehierby gewysig deur subartikel () deur die volcunance 9 of t iltin () Of the following subsection: 3:37au gende subartikel te vervang: 974 ; " : : "() An application for the issue of a new "() n Aansoek om die uitreiking van n licence shall be submitted on the prescribed form to the secretary of the licensing board in whose nuwe lisensie word op die voorgeskrewe vorm by die sekretaris van die lisensieraad in wie se lisen die besigheid gedryf word of sal word siegebied 4 tit licensing area the business is or will be carried ingedien: Met dien verstande dat waar die li on: Provided that wheth the licence will be valid sensie vir die hele Provinsie geldig sal wees en a for the whole Proyince and business die besigheid vi b f r (a) is or Will be carried on in on orfrombusi (a) in op of vanaf n besigheidsperseel gedryf ness premises the application shall subject word of sal word die aansoek behoudens

9 : area i E 28 MAART i rerm2ov:5; ofch to the provisions of it KOERANTs die bepalings van item 25(5)(a) van Bylae dule be submitted to the secretary of the by die sekretaris van die lisensieraad in wie licensing board in whose licensing area the se lisensiegebied die besigheidsperseel gelee business premises are or will be situated; or is of sal wees; of (b) is or will not be carried on in on or from (b) nie in op of vanaf n besigheidsperseel gebusiness!remises and the applicant dryf word of sal word nie en die aansoeker (i) is resident in the Province the applica tion shall be submitted to the secretary (i) in die Provinsie woonagtig is die aanof the licensing board in whose licensing soek by die sekretaris van die lisensiethe applicant is resident; or raad binne wie se lisensiegebied die aansoeker woonagtig is; of (ii) is not resident in the Province the ap plication shall be submitted to the se (H) nie in die Provinsie woonagtig is nie cretary of the licensing board of aansoek by die sekretaris van die lisensieraad van Pretoria toria"pre itigni 5 Section 4 of the principal Ordinance is n"74 hereby amended by the substitution for para na ing5ediaefirtiwdkerldlvan die Hoofordonnansie word car Mr graph (a) ofsubsection () of the following pan 4r hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (a) van subar 974 graph: nare tike! () deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: 974 (a) the secretary of the licensing board con "(a) kan die sekretaris van die betrokke lisencerned may of his own accord and shall sieraad uit eie beweging en moet hy indien if so ordered by such board request the aldus deur daardie raad gelas die bevelofficer in charge of the South African voerende beampte van die SuidAfrikaanse Police who has jurisdiction in the licensing Polisie wat jurisdiksie het in die lisensie area in which the business is or will be gebied waarin die besigheid gedryf word of carried on to furnish a report stating sal word versoek om n versiag te verstrek whether any conviction is recorded waarin gemeld word of enige skuldigbevinagainst ding teen (i) the applicant; (i) die aansoeker; (ii) any partner where the applicant is a (ii) enige vennoot waar die aansoeker n partnership; or vennootskap is; of (iii) the person who is or will be in actual (Hi) die persoon wat in werklike en effekand effective control of the business tiewe beheer van die besigheid is of sal wees and such officer is hereby authorized to i furnish such a report: Provided that where aangeteken s en so n beampte word hierthe person in respect of whom a report is by gemagtig om sodanige verslag te verto be furnished is not resident in that li strek: Met dien verstande dat waar die tensing area such secretary shall request persoon ten opsigte van wie!n versiag verthe officer in charge of the South African strek moet word nie binne diiardie lisensie Police who has jurisdiction in the area gebied woonagtig is nie ;die sekretaris die where such person is resident to furnish bevelvoerende beampte van die SuidAfrisuch report;" kaanse Polisie wat: jurisdiksie het in die i gebied waar so n persoon woonagtig is tgluj 6 The following section is hereby substituted versoek o:nsh rlverslag teyerstrek;" nti for section 7 of the principal Ordinance: dlinanca 9 ge "Data of Ar Mt 6 Artikel; 7 van die lioofordonnansie word 974 hearing 7 After the expiry of the period for artiltal 7 gar hierbsp deur die rvolgelideittikel the lodging of an objection Vervang: contem armai: rlm arm; plated in section 6() and after receipt 974nt i cgan:z:h Ti Na verstrykingvanidie tydperk vir of the reports and recommendation re e:= erltdie rindienitigran n beswaar in artikel ferred to in section 4() the chairman 2%:lre mu) beoog ennaontyangs van die ver of the licensing board contemplated in slae en aanbeveling in artikel 4() gesection 2 shall fix the date time and noem ste die Voorsitter van die lisensieplace for the hearing of the application " ` :": r had in iiliket266clogidie datum tyd and the secretary shall at least 0 days ; inifich rinten plekyir dieverhoor van die aansoek before the date so fixed give notice ;; T; r; ;!vas en gee die sekretaris minstens 0 dae thereof in writing th:the applicant every jib i Li A ; person 0tooHierelaturnuwat;Laldus vasgestel is whose objection has in terms of Sri; ;: iskriftelik section 4kerinisidaarvan aan die aan 6069: accepted for considera rif_ z vict oeiser jelieversoon wie se beswaar in tion as weilliasjoithe officer in charge gevolge artik96vir Oorweging aanvaar of the South Athcan Police the local is asook aan die bevelvoerende beampte au thorny and the lidgicinal Director of "dribirb! 0 vatiirdiel usuidlafrikaanise Polisie die State Health SerViees; as the case may plaaslike bestuur en die Streekdirekteur to fib bet yho orf which; has furnished a report kf i ilirjtyart:sthatsgesondheidsdienste na gelang ri ; r(;) referred to Lin section4()(a) or (b) or r i van dip; geyal ovatln verslag in artikel A :who or which has _furnished a recom ti _ 4()(a) of (b); &poem verstrek het of

10 i 638 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 " mendation referred to in section 4()(b) rn aanbeveling in artikel 4()(b) ge ll and which report ± or recommendation noem voorsien het en welke verslag of contains a condition or requirement aanbeveling n voorwaarde of vereiste which the applicant shall comply with or bevat waaraan die aansoeker moet volwhich is unfavourable to him" doen of wat ongunstig vir hom is" r2iititf 7 Section 9 of the principal Ordinance is wnefflei 7 Artikel 9 van die Hoofordonnansie word r of Or 9 hereby amended by the insertion after subsection 9rdovan hierby gewysig deur na subartikel (3) die voldinanco = As geode subartikel in te voeg: 37 (3) of the following subsection: n"(3a) Alicensing "OA) board shall not grant an nlisensieraad staan nie n aansoek om application for die uitreiking van the issue of n nuwe lisensie toe nie vir a new licence for a the carrying on of die fn dry v (a) any business (a) enige other than besigheid uitgenome n besigheid in a business referred item 5 of 48 van Bylae genoem in op of to in item 5 or 48 of Schedule in on or from business premises where vanaf n besigheidsperseel waar n a business besigheid licensed in terms of item 49(2Xn) of Sche wat ingevolge item 49(2)(n) van Bylae dule is carried on; and gelisensieer is gedryf word; en (b) a business referred to in item 49(2)(n) of Schedule in on or from business premises (b) n besigheid in item 49(2)(n) van Bylae ge noem in op of vanaf n besigheidsperseel where any other business other than a busi : waar enige ander besigheid uitgenome n besigheid wat ingevolge item 5 of 48 van ness licensed in terms of item 5 or 48 ofdaardie Bylae gelisensieer is gedryf word" % that Schedule is carried on" Amend W ) Artikel 23 van die Hoofordonnansie mem of 8() Section 23 of the principal Ordinance is lht r ;TVA! 23 hereby amended by van Orco firvtiasie word hierby gewysig deur 974 (a) subartikel (2) 974 (a) the substitution for deur die subsection (2) of the volgende subartikel following subsection: te vervang: "(2) "(2) The holder of Die houer van n jaarlikse a licence lisensie contemplated in in subartikel () beoog wat so subsection () who intends renewing such n lisensie wil hernuwe 6 licence shall submit n an application on aansoek op die voorgeskrewe the vorm tesame met die lisensie of n fotostaprescribed form together with such licence or a tiese photostatic or certified of gesertifiseerdi copy afskrif daarvan aan thereof die betrokke uitreikingsowerheid voor en to the issuing authority concerned and upon payment of the appropriate licence fee by con betaling van die toepaslike lisensiegeld templated in section in artikel 0 beoog maar behoudens die be 0 but subject to the provisions of palings van subartikels (3) en (4) subsections (3) and (4) hernuwe the issuing die uitreikingsowerheid so authority shall renew such n lisepsie: licence: Met dien verstande dat waar Provided that where application is made for aansoek gedoen the renewal of word om die hernuwing van a n lisensie ge licence referred to in item 25 of noem in item 25 van Bylae wat die houer Schedule which authorizes the holder to carry on magtig om besigheid te dryf deur melk wat business Sy selling distributing or delivering milk not produced in the Prois nie binne n munisipaliteit in daardie nie in die Provinsie Transvaal geproduseer vince of Transvaal within a municipality in that Province such application Provinsie te verkoop te versorei of shall be te leaver to so the local authority n aansoek voorgele word aan die plaasthenitted issuing which is like bestuur wat die uitreikingsowerheid is authority for the licensing area wherein the municipality is vir die lisensiegebied waarbinne die situated where munisi all or paliteit geled is waar al of die meeste most of such milk is sold distributed van or delivered at the time of die melk ten tyde van die aansoek verkoop such application and versprei of gelewer word en daardie uitrei such issuing authority shall renew such kingsowerheid hernuwe die lisensie ongeag licence irrespective of whether it was ori ginally issued by it or not" of dit oorspronklik deur hom uitgereik is al ; dan nie"; (b) the substitution for paragraphs (b) and (c) of (b) paragrawe (b) en (c) van subartikel (3) deur subsection (3) of the following paragraphs: die volgende paragrawe te vervang: "(b) where the application contemplated in "(b) waar die aansoek in subartikel (2) besubsection (2) is received by the issuing oog deur die betrokke uitreikings authority concerned after the 3st day owerheid na die 3ste dag van Maart of March of the year following the van die jaar wat volg op die jaar waaryear for which the licence concerned voor die betrokke lisensie uitgereik is was issued; ontvang word; (c) referred to in item 4 of Schedule ; Or (c) wat in item 4 van Bylae genoem word; of (d) wat in item 49(2)(n) van Bylae ge (d) referred to in item 49(2Xn) of Sche dule in respect of business premises noem word ten opsigte van n besigwhere any other business except a ; heidsperseel waar enige ander besig

11 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART business licensed in terms of item 5 :r heid; riltgenome ft besigheid wat inge " or 48 of such Schedule; is carried gevolge item 5 of 48 van daardie on"; and Bylae gelisensieer is gedryf word"; en (c) the substitution for subsection (5) of the following subsection: (c) subartikel (5) deur die volgende subartikel tevervang: "(5) Any person who was the holder of a "(5) emend wat die honer was van n lilicence contemplated in subsection (3Xb) sensie in subartikel (3)(b) of (c) beoog doen or (c) shall if he intends continuing the indien hy die betrokke hesigheid wil voortbusiness concerned apply foi the issue of a sit; ingevolge die bepalings van Hoofstuk V new licence in terms of the piovitions of " aansoek om die uitreiking van n nuwe li Chapter V and in that event the chairman sensie en in daardie geval kan die voorsitter of the licensing board contemplated in sec van die lisensieraad in artikel 2 beoog intion 2 may if the applicant was the holder of a licence contemplated dien die aansoeker die houer was van n in subsection (3)(b) dispense with the furnishing of any lisensie in subartikel (3)(b) beoog afsien van ` die report or document or the giving of verskaffing any van enige verslag of dokumeet of die gee van enige kennis wat inge notice required in terms of the provisions :volge die bepalings van hierdie Ordonnanof this Ordinance" sie yereis word" (2) A licence issued in terms of item 25 of (2) nlisensie wat ingevolge item 25 van Bythe of that item by section 2 of Sched to substitutionprior by die Hoofordonnansie voor die vervanging van daardie item deur artikel 2 van hierdie this Ordinance and which is in force on the date Ordonninsie uitgereik is en op die datum van of the commencement of this Ordinance shall imiterkingtreding van hierdie Ordonnansie van " for the period of validity thereof remain in krag is blyvir die geldigheidsduur daarvan van force for the whole Province and may thereafter krag vir die hele Provinsie en kan daarna oor _ be renewed in accordance with the provisions eenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 23 van die of secdon 23 of the principal Ordinance as Hoofordonnansie soos gewysig by subartikel amended by subsection (): Provided that where () hernuwe word: Met dien verstande dat wear the holder of a licence to which the provisions die houer van n lisensie waarop die bepalings of paragraph (4)(a) of the said item are or were t van paragraaf (4)(a) van genoemde item van toeapplicable ihtends renewing such licence he passing is of was so n lisensie wil hernuwe hy : shall submit the application to the issuing die aansoek aan die uitreikingsowerheid vir die authority for the licensing area of the licensing lisensiegebied van die lisensieraad waarbinne die board wherein the business premises concerned " betrokke besigheidspersee geled is voorle en arc situated and such issning authority shall re daardie uitreikingsowerlieid hernuwe die lisensie new such licence irrespective of whether it was ougeag of pit oorspronklik deur horn uitgereik originally issued by it or not is al dan nie i Amen& of 9 Section 25 of the principal Ordinance is Wystgalg ) gr 23 it:iign hereby amended by the substitution for sub 9 Artike25 *n die Hoofordonnansie word r<ar 245 Vjag v:n Or hierby gewysig deur subartikel () deur die volsection ()rof the following subsection: 974 flregende subartikel to vervang: 970 "() f the holder of a licence intends re "() ndian die honor van n lisensie sy besigmoving his business to other business premises ;held na nander hesigheidsperseel wil verplaas he shall apply for the issue of a new licence and doen hy aansoek mndie uitrciking van n nuwe lisensie en waar so n besigheid vanaf n besigwhere such business is removed from business heidsperseel premises (a) binne n munisipaliteit na n ander besig (a) within a municipality to other business pre licidsperseel binne dieselfde munisipaliteit; mises within the same municipality; or of (b) buite n munisipaliteit na n ander besig heidsperseel buite n munisipaliteit binne die lisensiegebied van dieselfde lisensieraad (b) outside a municipality to other business premises outside a municipality within the licensing area of the same licensing board during the year for which the firstmentioned gedurende die jaar waarvoor eersgenoemde lisenlicence is valid no licence fee shall be sie payable geldig is verplaas word is geen lisensiegeld in respect of the new licence for that year" ten opsigte van die nuwe lisensie vir daardie jaar betaalbaar nie" Amendmunt or 0 Section 27 of the principal Ordinance is WYsio09 6 Artikel 27 van die Hoofordonnansie word trij 27 hereby by the substitution for subset S: hierby gewisig deur subartikel (3) deur die vol 9narfc icon (3) of the following subsection: 7:;4 gende subartikel to vervang: 974 "(3)(a) Pending the decision dr the licensing r "(3)(a) Hangende die besluit van die lisenboard on an application for a new licence re sieraad oor n aansoek om n nuwe lisensie in ferred to in subsection (2) the chairman thereof subartikel (2) genbem; kan die voorsitter dearmay on the written application of the owner van op skriftelike aansoek van die eienaar in

12 640 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 contemplated in that subsection and on payment daardie subartikel beoog en by betaling van die a of the appropriate licence fee which will be pay toepaslilce lisensiegeld wat ingevolge artikel able in terms of section 0() should the applica 0() betaalbaar sal wees indien die aansoek om tion for a new licence be granted issue a permit n nuwe lisensie toegestaan word aan so n eieto such owner authorizing him to continue such naar rt permit uitreik wat horn magtig om dearbusiness for a period not exceeding 4 months on die besigheid vir n tydperk wat nie 4 maande such conditions as such chairman may deter oorskry nie op die voorwaardes wat daardie voor r mine sitter bepaal voort te sit:; i i (b) The secretary of the licensing board con (b) Die sekretaris van die etr cee lisensieraad eraad cerned shall forward a copy of the permit re stuur n afskrif van die permit in paragraaf (a) ferred to in paragraph (a) to the issuing autho genoem aan die betrokke uitreikingsowerheid rity concerned (c) Die betrokke lisensieraad handel n aan (c) The licensing board concerned shall dis soek in subartikel (2) genoem binne 4 maande pose of an application referred to in subsection vanaf che datumvan uitreiging van die permit (2) within 4 months from the date of the issuing in paragraaf "(a) genoem af" of the permit referred to in paragraph (a)" ratia : Artikel 29 van die Hoofordonnansie word ;;;Tgi Section 29 of the principal Ordinance is %9 rd gewysig dehr UV!" hereby amended by ale 9 vas 974 Mance (a) subartikel () deur die volgende subartikel 997$` (a) the substitution for subsection () of the fol ii : )4 te vervang: 5 lowing subsection: : iiiit allts ) (4 r: art " J :: (0 pied honeryan senste stel die sekre "() The holder orrillidehow shall forthwith : n taris vamdie:lisensieraadin ar:tikel 2 beoog notify the secretary of the licensing board b ;; lortyerwyld skriftelik inacenpts yak contemplated in mild* 2" in writing r 4 (a) the petsoon war iftrwerklike` en effekwhere ; " t " J liewe beheer van die betrokke besig OF the person whe is in actual and effec i i teidis deur emend atiders vervang is; five control of the business has been r: :trj; );;; ;()): die npharicwaalronder dip besigheid gereplaced by another person; f %n ks dryf word veranda het; Jr tb) the name under which the business is t? tejncherhaiii van dierbersigheidiverander het; j ( wrier on has been changed; / :o : rc ; ij del 7l (d) die ] eiendomsrek van die besigheid ver 0 (o) the nature Of the business has changed; i id i 5 a or :00 gli t a anderatet; of ri / _fr (d) the ownershipof the business has been [ :"; ;!fg(:(4 ge_i ciryil l Vtittirt die nay rhetr)oik": besigheid ge ii cbdnged; or 0 :; ii ista*lts:;!;e4 nnaiii nv 4 ri t r (e) the carridngbil oftha busiitiss has been (b) subartiker(3) deur die volgende subartikel discontinued"; ;and "" " te vervang: 4 ;:i (b) the istibstitutionniforclubsection43) of the ; etli:j?4t(0)4^5:3):srjktlrs " cfollowing subsection: yea:tydi: betroicise liiensie T _S$ / ri sicriftehkekenntsgewtng n rmo; in raad lee oie 9 fi $" sub "(3) The secretary of the licensing board aartikel ()(a) (b) of genoem tesame met if _it; \if ;i qcoticetnedshallsubmitlithe written notice Ji 4rwri enigt verslag in subartikel f (2) genoem as L_ referred lo insubsection ()(a) (b) or (c) e q crikaarriis aan die yoorsitterdaarvan voor en u :itogetherimithianyireportireferred to in sub u: 5 ā wear die betrokke lisensie Me as gevolg " ;csection(2)iifr any to the; chairman thereof and where the licence concerned does not en ingevolg6 artikel 33(0 heisien moet word in consequence of the information contained nie of dit nie van die houer daarvan vereis in such notice haveto be revieyvedin terms word om ingevolge die bepalings van hierdie df section 33() Jig Of theholder thereof is not "Jr CirdOxinaiisie Poin:die"tiitreiking vann nuwe " required to apply for the issue of a new c lisetisie aansoek te doeir nie: : Al licence in terms: ofthe provisions of this yew! (a) stel daardie sekretaris die betrokke uit r tjcigelinance such sporctary hall r ;;ti v (in feikingsowerheid skriftelik in kennis _L ; i! t i i r e (a) notify van die tersaaklike:verandering in subthe issuing Milluirity concerned L r inwriting of the felevant change con artikel () beoog; en n VAri die` iriliajni iddie kehhiegewing vervat ); / e i! rl n templated in snbsection 40; and 4 s i (b) gelas daardie sekretarisdie hotter van die 5 _i frida r; ler Ji ; " 0 ro : L 3 betrokke lisensie ;by wyse van!ri skrif (b) by means of a writtenpoticeprder thetelike kennisgewing om binne 4 dae holder of the licence concerned to sub ; vanaf die datum van so n kennisgeb l W fifir i nr r/ Ma "such licence Within days from wing die lisensie aan die betrokke uitso ) lin) E l ( J r 4 di " the retkingsowerheid voer teleen by ont date of inellnotide to the issuing E a vangs dannian bfing die uitreikingsauthdrity concerned and upon reeeipt Li i! " (t owerheid die tersaaklike verandering in 2? "thereof`thelissiiing authority shall note ; subartilel() beoog ondie lisensie aan Mr i C Mr) fah 9 the relevant change on the licence and ji:j en pievysig /4SY yiaords diglill _ i %in or ) 9rc flk0nl iii" ii is ^ trii ; apeaits_irecprcirascordingly" r a t rstig:yr

13 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART / f%i 2 Section 30 of the principal Ordinance is M 2"Artikel 30 van die Hoofordonnansie word tr; 23 hereby amended by &bran hierby gewysig deur dinanco 974f i (a) the substitution for paragraph (d) of sub "n9" (a) paragraaf (d) van subartikel () deur die the 9 section () of the following paragraph: volgende paragraaf te vervang: "(d) seize any object whatsoever which in "(d) enige voorwerp hoegenaamd wat na his opinion could afford proof of a sy mening bewys kan lewer van n contravention of any provision of this oortreding van n bepaling van hier Ordinance;"; die Ordonnansie in beslag neem;"; (b) by the substitution for paragraph (f) of sub (b) paragraaf (f) van subartikel () deur die vol section () of the following paragraph: gende paragraaf te vervang: "(f) require any person whom he on reason "(f) van iemand wat by op redelike gronde able grounds suspects is carrying on a vermoed n besigheid dryf vereis om business to furnish his name and ad sy naam en adres te verstrek en die dress and to produce the licence lisensie magtiging of permit vir die authorization or permit for the carry dryf van so n besigheid onmiddellik ing on of such business immediately te toon en waar so iemand nie so n and where such person is unable to lisensie magtiging of permit onmidproduce such licence authorization or dellik kan toon nie hom by wyse van permit immediately by means of a n skriftelike kennisgewing gelas om written notice order him to produce dit binne 4 dae na die datum van die it within 4 days from the date of the kennisgewing aan iemand en by n notice to a person and at a place stated plek daarin vermeld te toon;"; en therein;"; and (c) subartikel (3) deur die volgende subartikels (c) the substitution for subsection (3) of the te vervang: following subsections: "(3) n Gemagtigde beampte of n gesond "(3) An authorized officer or health officer heidsbeampte wat n voorwerp ingevolge subartikel ()(d) in beslag geneem who has seized any object in terms of het sub section ()(d) shall (a) bring indien dit doenlik is so you as moontlik na die inbeslagneming r: iden (a) if practicable as soon as possible after tifikasiemerk op die voorwerp aan en the seizure make an identification heg n etiket daaraan vas en so n etiket mark on such object and attach a label dui die naam en adres van die persoon thereto and such label shall indicate the aan uit wie se besit die voorwerp gename and address of the person from neem is; whose possession the object was taken; (b) gee indien dit doenlik is n kwitansie (b) if practicable give a receipt in such in die vorm wat die Administrateur beform as may be determined by the Ad paal aan die persoon uit wie se besit ministrator to the person from whose die voorwerp geneem is en bewaar n possession such object was taken and afskrif daarvan; en shall retain a copy thereof; and (c) hou daardie voorwerp behoudens die bepalings (c) subject to the provisions of section van artikel 49() in veilige bewaring totdat daaroor ingevolge enige 49() keep such object in safe custody ander bepaling van daardie artikel beuntil it has been disposed of in terms of skik word any other provision of that section (4) emand wat versuim om enige lasgewing (4) Any person who fails to comply with vervat in n kennisgewing in subartikel () an order contained in a notice contemplated (f) beoog na te kom of wat dit nakom op n in subsection ()(f) or complies therewith in wyse wat bereken is om te bedrieg is aan a manner calculated to deceive shall be n misdryf skuldig" guilty of an offence" grant 3 Artikel 49 van die Hoofordonnansie word averi 3 The following section is hereby substituted rzrgy hierby deur die volgende artikel vervang: section donnansio 9 for49 section 49 of the principal Ordinance: van iinesktkdlnance 974 king nor 49() n Gemagtigde beampte of n 9 or inimical 974 of Object 49 () An authorized officer or health = At gesondheidsbeampte kan te eniger tyd ggegrs officer may at any time order that a ga 9gt gelas dat n bederfbare voorwerp wat thereof of perishable object seized in terms of sec nobrengsingevolge artikel 30()(d) in beslag getion 30()(d) be destroyed or sold and dom neem is vernietig of verkoop word en where such object is sold the nett pro waar so n voorwerp verkoop word word ceeds thereof being the gross proceeds die netto opbrengs daarvan synde die less any expenses incurred in connection bruto opbrengs min enige uitgawes wat with the custody thereof shall be paid in verband met die bewaring daarvan to aangegaan is aan

14 /4 642 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 26 MARCH 979 (a) die plaaslike bestuur binne wie se ii munisipaliteit die voorwerp in be slag geneem is; of (a) the local authority within whose municipality the object was seized; or (b) the Transvaal Provincial Admi ; (b) die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administration if the object was seized nistrasie indien die voorwerp buite outside a municipality n munisipaliteit in beslag geneem is and such proceeds shall subject to the provisions of subsections (2) (3) (5) oorbetaal en word daardie opbrengs be (7) and (9) be retained by the local houdens die bepalings van subartikels authority concerned of the Transvaal (2) (3) (5) (7) en (9) deur die betrokke Provincial Administration; as the case : plaaslike bestuur of die Provinsiale Admay be ministrasie na gelang van die geval " behou (2)(a) Where a prosecution in connec : (2)(a) Waar n vervolging in vertion with an object seized in terms of band met section 30()(d) is not instituted within n voorwerp wat ingevolge artikel 30()(d) in beslag geneem is 90 days from the date on which such nie binne 90 dae Object was seized and the object has not vanaf die datum " waarop die voorwerp been destroyed in terms of subsection in beslag geneem () the person from whose possession it is ingestel word nie en die voorwerp nie was taken shall if he may lawfully ingevolge subartikel () vernietig is nie " is die persoon uitwie se besit possess it be entitled thereto or where dit genoem is indien by dit wettiglik mag besit it has been sold in terms of subsection daarop geregtig of waar dit ingevolge () to the nett proceeds thereof if he subartikel () verkoop is op die netto lawfully possessed the object before the opbrengs daarvan indien hy daardie p sale thereof or if such person may not voorwerp voor die verkoping daarvan lawfully possess the object the person wettiglik besit het of indien daardie per who may lawfully possess it shall be en soon die voorwerp nie wettiglik mag be titled thereto or where the object has sit nie is die persoon wat dit wettiglik been sold in terms of subsection () to mag besit daarop geregtig of waar die the nett proceeds thereof voorwerp ingevolge subartikel () verb) The person who in terms of para koop i is op die netto opbrengs daarvan graph (a) is entitled to the object con : (b) Die persdon wat ingevolge para berped or the nett proceeds thereof graaf (a) op die betrokke voorwerp of shall be informed by registered post at " _ die netto opbrengs daarvan geregtig is his last known address to claim such ob 0 2 word per aangetekende pos by sy lassject or the nett proceeds thereof as the bekende adres in kennis gestel om die case may be within 30 days from the voorwerp of die netto opbrengs daarvan date Of the notice na gelang van die geval binne 30 dae vanaf die datum van die kennisgewing (c) Where the autorze h i d or officer op to eis health officer concerned does not know who is entitled to the object concerned (c) Wear die betrokke gemagtigde i " beampre of gesondheidibeampte nie or the nett proceeds thereof or where the weet wie op die betrokke voorwerp of person referred to in paragraph (b) fails die netto opbrengs daarvin geregtig is to claim such object or the proceeds rue of waar die petioon in paragraaf thereof within the period referred to in : (b) &mem versuim om daardie voorthat paragraph such object or the nett werp of die opbrengs daarvan binne die r " _ tydperk in daardie paragraaf genoem op proceeds as the case may be shall be! to eis word daardie voorwerp of netto forfeited to 0 a : opbrerigs M gelang van die geval ver r f (i) the local authority within whose beur aan municipality the object was (i) die plaaslike bestuur binne wie se seized; or munisipaliteit die voorwerp in beslag geneem is; of (ii) the Transvaal Provhicial Admi i r (ii) die Transvaalse Provinsiale Ad nistration if the object was ministrasie indien die voorwerp seized outside a municipality _ : i buite a munisipaliteit in beslag (3) :Where a prosecution is instituted _ geneem is in connection with an object seized in i (3) ;Wairn vervolging ingestel word " terms of section 30()(d) and the accused : ; verband in met n voorwerp wat ingevolge admits his guilt in accordance with sect artikel 30()(d) in beslag geneem is en die beskuldigde sy skuld ooreenkomstig T tion E7 df the Criminal Procedure Act ; artikel 57 van die Strafproseswet (Act 5 of 977) and the object (Wet 5 van 977) erken en die betrokke

15 0 PROVNSTALE KOERANT 28 MAART V concerned has not been destroyed in voorwerp nie ingevolge subartikel () terms of :subsection () the provisions vernietig is nie is die bepalings van subof subsection (2) shall apply mutatis mu artikel (2) mutatis mutandis van toepas tandis sing (4)(a) Where a prosecution is instituted (4)(a) Waar n vervolging ingestel in Connection with an object seized in word in verband met n voorwerp wat terms of section 30()(d) and such object ingevolge artikel 30()(d) in beslag geis required at the trial for the purposes neem is en so n voorwerp by die verhoor of evidence or an order of court the vir doeleindes van bewyslewering of van authorized officer or health officer who n hofbevel nodig is besorg die gemag seized the object shall subject to the tigde beampte of gesondheidsbeampte provisions of Subsection () and para wat die voorwerp in beslag geneem het graph (b) of this subsection deliver it dit behoudens die bepalings van subon the day it is so required to the clerk artikel () en paragraaf (b) van hierdie of the court concerned subartikel op die dag waarop dit aldus r benodig word aan die klerk van die bebulk or value of the object concerned it (b) Where by reason of the nature trokke hof is impracticable or undesirable to deliver (b) Waar dit weens die aard omvang it to the clerk of the court as content of waarde van die betrokke voorwerp plated in paragraph (a) the clerk of the ondoenlik of onwenslik is om dit aan die court may order the authorized officer klerk van die hof te besorg soos in para or health officer concerned to keep the graaf (a) beoog kan die klerk van die object in safe custody at a place and in hof die betrokke gemagtigde beampte of a manner as may be determined by him gesondheidsbeampte gelas om die voorwerp op n plek en wyse wat deur horn (5)(a) After the conclusion of a trial bepaal word in veilige bewaring te hou in connection with an object seized in terms of section 30()(d) the court may (5)(a) Na afloop van n verhoor in versubject to the provisions of subsection ; _ band met n voorwerp wat ingevolge ar iikel 30()(d) in beslag geneem is kan (6) make an order that the object con die hof behoudens die bepalings van cerned or where the object has been subartikel (6) n bevel maak dat die be t) sold in terms of subsection () the nett trokke voorwerp of wear die voorwerp proceeds thereof; be handed to the per ingevolge subartikel () verkoop is die rt son who netto opbrengs daarvan oorhandig word is entitled thereto or where the aan die persoon wat daarop geregtig is court is unable to determine who is enof wear die hof nit in staat is om te betitled thereto be forfeted to t paal wie daarop geregtig is nie dit ver (i) the local authority within whose beur word aan municipality the offence con (i) die plaaslike bestuur binne wie cerned was committed; or se munisipaliteit die betrokke (ii) the Transvaal Provincial Admi misdryf gepleeg is; of ; nistration if the offence con _(i) die Transvaalse Provinsiale Ad cerned was committed outside ministrasie indien die betrokke a municipality misdryf buite n munisipaliteit gepleeg is The clerk of the court concerned shall notify the person in whose favour (b) Die klerk van die betrokke hof ( an order contemplated in paragraph (a) stel die persoon ten gunste van wie n has &en made by registered post at his bevel soos in paragraaf (a) beoog gemaak lastknown address to claim the object is per aangetekende pos by sy laasbe concerned or nett proceeds thereof as kende adres in kennis om die betrokke the case may be and if such person fails voorwerp of netto opbrengs daarvan na a to claim it within 30 days from the date gelang van die geval op te eis en indien of the notice it shall be deemed that an so rt persoon versuim om dit binne 30 order for the forfeiture thereof as con ; dae vanaf die datum van die kennistemplated in paragraph (a) has been gewing op te eis word dit geag dat n made bdvel vir die verbeuring daarvan soos in paragraaf (a) beoog gemaak is (c) The court concerned may for the purposes of the making of an order con (c) Die betrokke hof kan vir eindes vandie maak van n bevel in doeltemplated in paragraph (a) consider any paragraaf (a) beoog enige bykomende additional evidence including an af getuienis met inbegrip van n beodigde fidavit: verklaring oorweeg (d) Where the court concerned has not (d) Waar die betrokke hof nie n bevel made an order as contemplated in para soos in paragraaf (a) beoog gemaak het graph (a) any person who lays claim to nie kan enige persoon wat aanspraak

16 misdryf 644 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 r the object concerned; may apply to any maak op die betrokke voorwerp by 4 judicial officer of that court for the re enige regterlike beampte van daardie hof No turn thereof and such judicial officer aansoek doen om die teruggawe daarvan may after having heard any evidence en so n regterlike beampte kan na aan he may deem expedient make an order hoor van enige getuienis wat hy goedthat such object shall upon payment of vind n bevel maak dat die voorwerp the expenses incurred in connection with na betaling van enige uitgawes wat in the custody thereof or where such ob verband met die bewaring daarvan aanject has been sold in terms of subsection gegaan is of waar die voorwerp ver () the nett proceeds thereof be handed koop is ingevolge subartikel () die netto over to the person who is entitled there opbrengs daarvan aan die persoon wat to: Provided that where such applica daarop geregtig is oorhandig word: Met tion is not made within 90 days after dien verstande dat waar so n aansoek the conclusion of the trial or where the nit binne 90 dae na afloop van die verexpenses as aforesaid are not paid the hoor gedoen word the of waar die uitobject concerned or the nett proceeds gawes soos voornoem nie betaal word thereof as the case may be shall be nie die betrokke voorwerp of die netto forfeited to opbrengs daarvan na gelang van die geval verbeur word aan (i) the local authority within whose municipality the offence (i) die plaaslike bestuur binne wie concerned was committed; or se munisipaliteit die betrokke gepleeg is; of (ii) the Transvaal Provincial Ad ministration if the offence con (ii) die Transvaalse Provinsiale Adcerned was committed outside ministrasie indien die betrokke a municipality misdryf buite n munisipaliteit gepleeg is (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (5) a court which has con (6) Ondanks die bepalings van subvicted a person of an offence in terms of artikel (5) kan n hof wat iemand aann misdryf ingevolge die bepalings van the provisions of this Ordinance may hierdie Ordonnansie skuldig bevind het where such court is satisfied that an ob waar daardie hof oortuig is dat n voorject seized in terms of section 30()(d) werp wat ingevolge artikel 30()(d) in was used for or in connection with the beslag geneem is vir die doel van of in commission of such offence make an verband met die pleging van n misdryf gebruik is n bevel maak dat so n voorwerp verbeur word aan (a) the local authority in whose muni (a) die plaaslike bestuur binne wie se cipality the offence concerned was munisipaliteit die betrokke misdryf committed; or gepleeg is; of (b) the Transvaal Provincial Adminis (b) die Transvaalse Provinsiale Admitration if the offence concerned nistrasie indien die betrokke misdryf was committed outside a munici buite n munisipaliteit gepleeg is: pality: Met dien verstande dat so ri bevel nie Provided that such an order shall not n reg wet iemand anders as die veroor affect any right which any person other deelde in die betrokke voorwerp of waar than the person convicted may have in die voorwerp ingevolge subartikel () the object concerned or where the ob verkoop is op die netto opbrengs daarject has been sold in terms of subsection van mag he aantas nie indien dit be () to the nett proceeds thereof if it is wys word dat so iemand nie daarvan beproved that such person was not aware wus was dat die voorwerp vir die doel thereof that the object was or would be van of in verband met die pleging van used for or imconnection with the corn daardie misdryf gebruik was of gebruik mission of such offence or that he could sou word nie of dat hy nie daardie genot reasonably have prevented such use bruik redelikerwys kon verhinder het nie (7) The local authority or the Trans vaal Provincial Administration as the (7) Die plaaslike bestuur of die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie na gecase may be in whose favour an order Lang van die geval in wie se guns n in terms of subsection (5)(a) or (6) has bevel ingevolge subartikel (5)(a) of (6) been made or is deemed to have been gemaak is of ingevolge subartikel (5)(b) made in terms of subsection (5)(b) may geag gemaak to gewees het kan na in its discretion dispose of an goeddunke objectoor n betrekking voorwerp het waarop beskik: die Met bevel dien to which the order relates: Provided verstande dat so n voorwerp uitgenome that such object other than a perishable n bederfbare voorwerp nie oor beskik object shall not be disposed of until 30 word nie alvorens 30 dae vanaf die da

17 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART days have elapsed from the date on turn_ waarop die bevel gemaak is of geag which the order was made or is deemed gemaak te gewees het of terwyl n beto have been made or while a decision slissing van n hof met betrekking tot of a court in connection with such order daardie bevel of die skuldigbevinding or the conviction upon which such order waarop daardie bevel gevolge het hangfollowed is pending ende is (8) Any judicial officer of the court (8) Enige regterlike beampte van die which has made an order in terms of hof wat n bevel ingevolge subartikel subsection (5)(a) or (6) or is deemed to (5)(a) of (6) gemaak het of geag word` have made an order in terms of sub n bevel ingevolge subartikel (5)(b) te section (5)(b) may at any time within gemaak het kan te eniger tyd binne 3 3 years from the date on which such jaar vanaf die datum waarop so n bevel order was made or deemed to have been gemaak is of geag gemaak te gewees het made enquire into any right of any ondersoek instel na enige reg van iemand person other than the person convicted anders as die veroordeelde in die betrok in the object concerned or where it has ke voorwerp of waar dit ingevolge subbeen sold in terms of subsection () to artikel () verkoop is op die netto op the nett proceeds thereof and subject brengs daarvan en behoudens die voor to the proviso to subsection (6) deter behoudsbepaling by subartikel (6) dear " mine such right and if that officer is die reg bepaal en indien daardie be satisfied that such order should not have ampte oortuig is rig daardie bevel nie been made rescind or alter it gemaak moes gewees het nie dit ter (9) f an order referred to in sub syde stel of wysig section (8) is rescinded or altered after (9) ndien n bevel in subartikel (8) the object to which theorder relates has genoem ter syde gestel of gewysig word been sold the person whose claim to nadat die voorwerp waarop so n bevel : any right in such object has either in betrekking het verkoop is kan die perwhole or in part been upheld may re soon wie se aanspraak op enige reg in cover an amount equal to the value of daardie voorwerp in die geheel of ge : such right but not exceeding the pro deeltelik gehandhaaf is n bedrag gelyli seeds of the object less any expenses in aan die waarde van daardie reg maar connection with the custody thereof; hoogstens die opbrengs van die voor from the local authority or the Trans werp na aftrekking van enige uitgawes vaal Provincial Administration as the in verband met die bewaring daarvan case may be in whose favour the order van die plaaslike bestuur of die Transconcerned was made" vaalse Provinsiale Administrasie na go Lang van die geval ten gunste van wie Amendof 4 Section 54 of the principal Ordinance is die betrokkebevel gemaak was vorder" mans VC 54 hereby amended by the substitution for para TLV graph (f) of the following paragraph: rarralyei 4 Artikel 54 van die Hoofordonnansie word van n hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (f) deur "(f) die vol by registered or certified post addressed to Mr va 974 "gende his lastknown paragraaf te vervang: business or residential address;" "(f) per aangetekende of gesertifiseerde posit sy laasbekende besigheids of woonaclres te; Amen ment 5 Section 59 of the principal Ordinance is rig;" ofd 60"" 59 : of or hereby amended by Venang 5 Artikel dinance 59 van die Hoofordonnansie word attkr 72f (a) the substitution for subsection () of the 69 van hierby gewysig deur ;_ mammalfollowing subsection: 974 "a^ (a) subartikel () deur die volgende subartikel "() Subject to the provisions of subiection te vervang: (2)(e) any social sport recreation or other "() Behoudens die bepalings van artikel club which supplies or provides goods ser (2)(e) Word enige sosiale sport ontspan vices or facilities to its members whether by sale exchange or otherwise for which a li nings of a klub wat goedere dienste of geriewe aan sy lede leaver voorsien of cence is required in terms of the provisions verskaf hetsy deur verkoop rail of ander of this Ordinance shall be deemed to carry sins waarvoor n on a lisensie ingevolge business and such die bethe appropriate licence which is club shall take out palings van hierdie Ordonnansie vereis word required geag n besigheid te dryf en for such a business"; sodanige klub moet die toepaslike lisensie uitneem wat vir (b) the substitution for paragraph (d) of sub sodanige besigheid vereis word"; section (2) of the following paragraph: (b) deur paragraaf (d) van subartikel (2) deur "(d) by a charitable religious or die volgende paragraaf te vervang: educa tional institution: of a public nature "(d) deur n liefdadigheids godsdienstige which does not carry on business as of opvoedkundige instelling van n open contemplated in item 2 of Schedule bare aard wat nie soos in item 2 van By ;"; and _ lae beoog besigheid dryf flier; en

18 646 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 grii 6 Section 60 of the principal Ordinance is (c) the substitution for subparagraph (i) of t (c) subparagraaf (i) van paragraaf (a) van subparagraph (a) of subsection (4) of the fol artikel (4) deur die volgende subparagraaf 0 lowing subparagraph: te vervang: "(i) the sale of goods in on or from the i "(i) die verkoop van goedere in op of business premises where it is manu vanaf die besigheidsperseel waar dit factured or produced other than the vervaardig of geproduseer word uitsale of such goods by retail;" genome die verkoop van sulke goedere by die klein moat;" rep 6 hereby amended by the substitution for subsetwysaferdel 6 Artikel 60 van die Hoofordonnansie word gagice tion () of the following subsection: image hierby gewysig deur subartikel () deur die vol 974 ;7i2w "() The Administrator may by notice in the gende subartikel te vervang: Provincial Gazette and with effect from a date "() Die Administrateur kan by kennisgewing specified therein which date may be a date in die Provinsiale Koerant en met ingang van n earlier than the date of publication of the no datum wat daarin gespesifiseer word welke dalice amend Schedule by substituting altering turn n mar datum as die datum van publikaor deleting any of the items set out therein or sie van die kennisgewing kan weer Bylae wysig by the addition thereto of further items" deur enige van die items wat daarin uiteengesit word te vervang verander of te skrap of deur tr:ged; 7 Section 6 of the principal Ordinance is verdere items daaraan toe te voeg" ;= hereby amended by the insertion after paragraph : Urn? (k) of subsection () of the following paragraph: varariagrial 7 Artikel 6 van die Hoofordonnansie word 242 hierby gewysig deur na paragraaf (k) van sub "(ka) the prohibition restriction regulation me " Van artikel () die volgende and control of the carrying on of paragraaf in te voeg: a business referred to in item 49(2)(n) of Sche "(ka) die verbod beperking reeling en beheer dule ;" vat die dryf van n besigheid in item Ainenfl" 49(2)(n) van Bylae 8 Section 63 of the principal genoem;" anent of Ordinance is :Feats hereby amended by the substitution for para ray Artikel 63 van die Hoofordonnansie word NM graph (c) of subsection () of the following para 463 hierby gewysig deur paragraaf (c) van subartikel graph: firitcl t ) deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: 9 van "(c) 974* the levying of a fee to cover the costs re "(c) die heffing van geld om die koste verbonde lating to the inspection of any business aan die inspeksie van n besigheidsperseel premises as contemplated in section 4(4): soos in artikel 4(4) beoog to dek: Met Provided that dien verstande dat (i) such fee shall not exceed R0 for each inspection; and (i) sodanige geld nie R0 per inspeksie oorskry nie; en (ii) no fee shall be levied in respect of an (ii) geld nie gehef word the ten opsigte van application for a licence for the carry n aansoek om n lisensie vir die dryf ing on of a business prescribed by the van n besigheid deur die Administra Administrator" teur voorgeskryf" Rena eectot or 6f 9 Section 65 of the principal OrdinanCe is Lia 9 5 Artikel 65 van die Hoofordonnansie word garaut hereby repealed tresinghierby herroep of 974 nano 9 Van 974 by die Hoofordonnan st7gsi 20 tem 2 of Schedule to the principal Or; wsrsara 20 tem 2 van Bylae "0"2 le of dinance is hereby amended by 2 van sie word hierby gewysig deur Schedu By lae to Ordln hi Orden :MN (a) the substitution for paragraph (2) of the tiatta? (a) paragraaf (2) deur die volgende paragraaf following paragraph: te vervang: "(2) This licence shall be required by a per "(2) Hierdie lisensie word vereis van ieson including an institution referred to in wand insluitende n instelling in artikel section 59(2)(d) who carries on business by 59(2)(d) genoem wat besigheid dryf deur n maintaining a place or a school where more plek of n skool in stand te hou waar meer than 6 white children who have not yet as 6 blanke kinders wat nog the die verreached the compulsory school going age pligte skoolouderdom soos in artikel 96 van contemplated in section 96 of the Educa die Onderwysordonnansie 953 (Ordonnanlion Ordinance 953 (Ordinance 29 of sie 29 van 953) beoog bereik het nie 953) are temporarily or partly looked after tydelik of gedeeltelik opgepas of versorg or cared for or where they are given instruc word of waar aanhulle onderrig op n vlak tion on a level below that of the curri benede die van die kursus vir laer onderwys culum for primary education as contern soos in artikel 2 van daardie Ordonnansie plated in section 2 of that Ordinance beoog verskaf word ongeag of sodanige " irrespective of whether or not such place or plek of skbol ingevolge die bepalings van school is subject to registration in terms of die Kinderwet 960 (Wet 33 van 960) the provisions of the Childrens Act 960 awl registrasie onderworpe is al dan nie"; (Act 33 of 960)"; and en

19 PROVNSALE KOERANT 2$ MAART (b) the substitution for the "Exemption" by (b) die "Vrystelling" deur die volgende vrystelthe following exemption: ling te vervang: "Exemption A creche or a nursery school maintained by an institution referred to in section 59(2Xd) in respect of the licence fee referred to in paragraph ()(b)" (a) "Vrystelling n Kinderbewaarplaas of n kleuterskool wat in stand gehou word deur n instelling in artikel 59(2)(d) genoem ten opsigte van die lisensiegeld in paragraaf ()(b) genoem" substhu 2 The following item is hereby substituted leflang 2 tem 25 van Bylae by die Hoofordonlion of gall2 for item 25 of Schedule to the principal Or t"rdi" s Or dinance: da yang: ance 9 of 974 "TEM 25: DARY FARM riga nansie word hierby deur die volgende item ver 9 van 974 "TEM 25: MELKPLAAS ()(a) Application fee Rl ()(a) Aansoekgeld R (b) Licence fee 25 per year (b) Lisensiegeld R5 per jaar (2) This licence shall be required by a person who produces milk and carries on business by daardie melk of n melkproduk daarvan deur hom gemaak binne n munisipaliteit te vetkoop te versprei of te lewer; of selling distributing or delivering within a municipality such milk or any milk pro duct made therefrom by him; or (b) selling distributing or delivering such milk or milk product made therefrom by him by retail in on or from any place where such milk is produced (3) This licence is valid for the whole Province (2) Hierdie lisensie word vereis van iemand wat melk produseer en besigheid dryf deur (a) (b) daardie melk of n melkproduk daarvan hom gemaak in op of vanaf enige plek waar die melk geproduseer word in die kleinhandel te verkoop te versprei of te lewer (3) Hierdie lisensie is geldig vir die hele Pro vinsie (4) For purposes of this item milk and `milk product shall have the meanings assigned (4) By die toepassing van hierdie item het thereto in paragraph (4) of item 24 `melk en `melkproduk die betekenisse wat in paragraaf (4) van item 24 daaraan geheg word (5) For purposes of (5) By die toepassing van (a) section 2 a dairy farm which is situated in another province and from which a person (a) artikel 2 word n melkplaas wat in n ander intends carrying on business as contemplated provinsie gele6 is en waarvandaan iemand in paragraph (2)(a) shall be deemed to be besigheid wil dryf soos in paragraaf (2)(a) business premises situated in the licensing beoog geag n besigheidsperseel te wets wat area in which the municipality is situated gele6 is in die lisensiegebied waarbinne die where he intends selling distributing or de munisipaliteit gele6 is waar by al of die livering all or most of the milk produced by meeste van die melk deur hom geproduseer him; wil verkoop versprei of lower; (b) section 4()(b) (3) and (4) the local (b) artikel 4()(b) (3) en (4) beteken die beauthority concerned referred to therein `trokke plaaslike bestuur daarin beoog die means the local authority in whose munici plaaslike bestuur in wie se munisipaliteit al pality all or most of the milk which is pro of die meeste van die melk wat deur die aanduced by the applicant is sold distributed or soeker geproduseer word verkoop versprei delivered of gelewer word (6) The holder of this licence may also in (6) Die houer van hierdie lisensie kan dearterms thereof kragtens ook (a) on his dairy farm cool any milk or milk pro (a) op sy melkplaas melk of enige melkproduk duct produced or made by him and place it wat deur hom geproduseer of gemaak is in containers in which milk or any milk verkoel en dit in houers waarin melk en n product is distributed and seal such con melkproduk versprei word plaas en sodatainers; nige houers \Fusee]; (b) sell distribute or deliver any milk or milk (b) melk of enige melkproduk deur hom geproproduct produced or made by him in a muni duseer of gemaak binne n ander munisipacipality other than the municipality con liteit as die munisipaliteit in paragraaf (5) templated in paragraph (5) if the local beoog verkoop versprei of lewer indien die authority of that other municipality autho plaaslike bestuur van daardie ander munisirizes him thereto in writing; and paliteit horn skriftelik daartoe magtig; en

20 648 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 (c) deal with any milk or milk product which (c) met melk of enige melkproduk wat aan horn 4 has been supplied to him by any other dairy voorsien is deur n ander melkplaas wat infarm licensed in terms of the provisions gevolge die bepalings van hierdie item geliof this item as if such milk or milk product sensieer is handel asof sodanige melk of had been produced or made by him: Pro melkproduk deur horn geproduseer of gevided that the local authority in whose maak is: Met dien verstande dat die plaaslike municipality such milk or milk product is bestuur binne wie se munisipaliteit sodanige sold distributed or delivered gives written melk of melkproduk verkoop versprei of permission that the milk or milk products gelewer word skriftelik magtiging verleen of such other dairy farm may be sold dat die melk of melkprodukte van sodanige distributed or delivered within its muni ander melkplaas binne sy munisipaliteit cipality verkoop versprei of gelewer kan word Exemption Yrystelling Any person who sells or delivers milk or cream emand wat melk of room wat by produseer produced by him only to a factory depot or slegs aan n fabriek depot of inrigting in artikel plant referred to in section 3 of the Dairy n 3 van die Wet op die Suiwelnywerheid 96 dustry Act 96 (Act 30 of 96) the premises (Wet 30 van 96) genoem waarvan die perof which are registered in terms of the provi seel ingevolge die bepalings van genoemde Wet signs of the said Act" geregistrer is verkoop of lewer" memo 22 tem 49 of Schedule to the principal ravst& 22 tem 49 van Bylae by die Hoofordonnan "99/ 49 SchedUlo 4f Ordinance is hereby amended by gitta4bysie word hierby gewysig deur to mem Oita on of ce 9749 (a) the substitution for paragraph ()(a) of the V (a) paragraaf ()(a) deur die volgende paragraaf 974 following paragraph: te vervang: "()(a) Application fee shall be as follows: "()(a) Aansoekgeld is soos volg; (i) for a billiard or snooker (i) vir n biljart of snoekertable riding device or juke tafel rytoestel of blerkas box per business premises R2; or per besigheidsperseel R2; of (ii) for an amusement apparatus (ii) vir n vermaaklikheidsappaand any other place of enter raat en elke ander vermaaklik tainment per business pre heidsplek per besigheidspermises seel R0;"; (b) the substitution for subparagraphs (xii) and (b) subparagrawe (xii) en (xiii) van paragraaf (xiii) of paragraph ()(b) of the following ()(b) deur die volgende subparagrawe te subparagraphs: vervang: "(xii) riding device or a "(xii) rytoestel of blerkas juke boxe contem in paragraaf (2)(l) plated in paragraph beoog per ry 2(/) per riding de toestel of blerkas R5 per jaar; vice or juke box R5 per year; (xiii) vermaaklikheids (xiii) amusement park R5 per day; or park R5 per dag; of R20 per week; R20 per week; of or R00 per R00 per jaar; of year; or (xiv) vermaaklikheidsap (xiv) amusement apparatus paraat per apparatus _ R00 per per apparaat RUM per jaar"; en year"; and (c) subparagrawe () en (rn) van paragraaf (2) (c) the substitution for subparagraphs () and deur die volgende subparagrawe te vervang: (m) of paragraph (2) of the following subparagraphs: "(/) n rytoestel dit wil se n masjien of toestel wat ontwerp is of gebruik word "() riding device that is to say a machine or device which is designed or used to om daarin of daarop te ry of n bier ride in or on or a juke box the opera kas waarvan die werking die plasing tion whereof requires the insertion of van n muntstuk tekenmuntstuk of a coin token coin or disc therein or skyf daarin of in n toestel wat daarin an appliance attached thereto or aan geheg is of daarmee gepaard gaan being accessory thereto whether or vereis en of die werking van so ryor juke boxe depends on any mecha toestel of blerkas afhang van enige n the not operation of such riding device nical power; meganiese krag al dan Me;

21 E 28 MAART (m) an amusement parkprthat YNatSA:to ykoeranta sa (m) n vermaaklikheidspark dit wil se n place where amusement is provided plek waar vermaak aan die publiek for the public by means of a merry verskaf word deur middel van n malle goround riding trips or any apparatus meule rytoertjies of enige apparaat for games of skill; or vir vernufspel; of (n) an amusement apparatus that is to (n) n vermaaklikheidsapparaat dit wil say any machine device or instru se enige masjien toestel of instrument ment which is designed for the playing wat ontwerp is vir die speel van enige of any game whether or not by mecha spcl hetsy deur meganiese krag al dan nical power the operation whereof nie waarvan die werking die plaas van requires the insertion of a coin token n muntstuk tekenmuntstuk of skyf or disc therein or in an appliance daarin of in n toestel wat daaraan geattached thereto or being accessory heg is of daarmee gepaard gaan verthereto" eis" and date 23() This Ordinance shall be called the Li!raid 234) Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Wysi?f0; ort cences Amendment Ordinance 979 Z ferlgi_ gingsordonnansie op Lisensies 979 mud se = trednd ions (2) The provisions of 7:6:: (2) Die bepalings van Oka (a) section 6 shall be deemed to have come (a) artikel 6 word geag op Januarie 975 in into operation on January 975; and werking to getree het; en (b) sections (a) 7 8()(b) in so far as it re (b) artikels (a) 7 8()(b) sover dit op item lates to item 49(2)(n) of Schedule to the 49(2)(n) van Bylae van die Hoofordonnan principal Ordinance as inserted by section sie soos by artikel 22(c) van hierdie Ordon 22(c) of this Ordinance and nansie ingevoeg betrekking het shall come into operation on January 20 en 22 tree op Januarie 980 in wer 980 king Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 The following Draft Ordinance is published for general Onderstaande Ontwerpordonnansie word vir algemene information: inligting gepubliseer: A DRAFT ORDNANCE ONTWEPORDONNANSE To amend the Load Government Ordinance 939 in Tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 respect ten opsigte van die woordontskrywings in artikel 2 of the vervat; definitions contained in section 2; in respect of the ten opsigte van die leningsbevocgditede n artikel 52 beoog; borrowing powers contemplated in section 52; in respect of the permanent ten opsigte van die permanent shifting of verlegging van closing or diversion of streets as contemplated in strafe soos in artikel 67 beoog; ten opsigte van die algesection 67 in respect of the general powers of a council as mene bevingditede van n rand sores n awake! 79 contained vervat; ten in section 79; in respect of the powers in canoeopsigte van die bevoegdhede in verband met verordeninge Lion with bylaws as contemplated in section 80; to provide soos in artikel 80 beoog; om voorsiening to for meek vir die the determination amendment or withdrawal by special revasstelling wysiging of intrekking by spesiale besluit van solution of charges which a council may levy by the insertion gelde wat it rand rang hef deur n nuwe artikel BOB in to of a new section SOB; in respect of the procedure to be fol voeg; ten opsigte van die procedure wat gevolg moot lowed in word in case of bylaws affecting any mining company as geral van verordeninge wat n mynumatskappy mat soos in contemplated in section 97; to amend the Tunsvaal Board for the Development artikel 97 beoog; tot wysiging van die Ordonnansie op die or PeriUrban Areas Ordinance 943 in respect of Trausvaalse Rand vir die Ontwikkeling the general powers van Buitestcdeiike and duties of the board as Cebiede 943 ten opsigte van die algemene bevoegdhede contemplated in section 6; and to provide for matters loci en pligte van die mad soos in artikel 6 dental beoog; en thereto ma vir bykontstige asugeleenthede voorsiening to mank N ntroduced by MR D J HOUGH MEC ngedien deur MNR D J HOUGH LUK BE T ENACTED by the Provincial Council of Trans DE provinsiale Raad van Transvaal VERORDEN vaal as follows: SOOS VOLG: Section 2 A Ar /if2 of the Local Government Ordin wysage Artikel 2 van die Ordonnansie op Plaas :re ance 939 (hereinafter referred to as the prin flan like Bestuur 939 (hierna die Hoofordonnansie Ylla:f cipal Ordinance) is hereby amended by the sgangro 939 genoem) word hierby gewysig deur na die d insertion after the definition of "sanitary or ii39n woordomskrywing van "sleepwa" die volgende gclign 5005 health inspector" of the following definition: gewsig brans_dan of Or woordomskrywing in te voeg: " kel 27 of special resolution shall mean a resolution van 0 " 95 donnansto `spesiale besluit"n besluit geneem deur n section passed by a majority of the number of councilof Or 26van meerderheid van die getal raadslede wat n rand fors which brana a council shall have in terms of anus van Or ingevolge artikel 28 van die Ordonnansie op

22 van 650 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH section section 28 of the Municipal Elections Ordinance lignaria Munisipale Verkiesings 970 (Ordonnansie 6 jna3a; 970 (Ordinance 6 of 970);" ;re van 970) moet he;" v of Onionemotion nansle of Or 2 van dinance 957 artikel 968f van Orand donnanslo section 5 van of Or 968 dlnance 5 of kel artl 969 van Ordonnanslo Amend 5 van meat of 2 Section 52 of the principal Ordinance is 969 section 52 of Or hereby amended by the substitution in sub varabba van ant 2 Artikel 52 van die Hoofordonnansie word Var section () for the expression preceding para kel 52 van Or hterby n gewysig deur in subartikel () die uit 939 as amended graph (a) of the following expression: Mr drukking wat paragraaf (a) voorafgaan deur die by section e0o$ volgende uitdrukking te vervang: of Or "A council may by special resolution " dinanca gewsrslo 0 of lal alti "n Raad ken by spesiale besluit " 97 van Or donnanslo 0 van Amend ment of 3 Section 67 of the principal Ordinance is gc:!inr_ hereby amended by the substitution for sub YarV! 3 Artikel 67 van die Hoofordonnansie word gar section () of the following subsection: ljeal 6g_ hierby gewysig deur subartikel () deur die vol 939 as donnansie 7 van gende subartikel te vervang: subetl toted by "() A motion that steps be taken for the 939 tror 3 closing or diversion of a street or portion of a re`gang "() n Voorstel dat steppe gedoen word om din of street shall be dealt with at a meeting of the telliot 3 n straat of gedeelte van n straat te sluit of te Or!vas council" donnansie verle moet op n vergadering van die read beamended g42" Mandel word" Lyons 5 en 6009 gme of Or stance 9 Of kel van Orand see donnansie lion ofon van distance en artl 24 of Ref 960 van On donnanslo 24 van 960 rearc:f 4 Section 79 of the principal Ordinance is 4 Artikel 79 van die Hoofordonnansie word asetuen 79 hereby amended by van aril Of Or kol 79 dlnanee van Or hierby gewysig deur 7 of 939 as (a) the insertion after subsection (5) of the donnansto attended ;39n (a) na subartikel (5) die volgende subartikel by eec following subsection: soos non 8 in te voeg: dins ice "(5A) with the approval of the Adminis kel all 2 Of "(5A) met die goedkeuring van die Admi 94 trator and subject to such conditions as he g;tglie Section 5 nistrateur en onderworpe aan die voorwaar Of Or may determine grant a loan to an institu near dinanee des wat by bepaal n letting aan n inrigting of lion organization society or club which in trattnr5 942 organisasie vereniging of klub wat in die notion 3 the Province acts in the interest of the Mr of Or 942 Provinsie in belang van die jeug optree toe cunance youth;"; artikel 3 /9 of van Cir staan;"; Sedation 6 (b) the substitution for subsection (6) of the Wm= t of Or 943 (b) subartikel (6) deur die volgende subartikel dinance following subsection: artkel 6 9 of van Or te vervang: 9 44 eecition "(6) from time to time render to an insti ir ttale of Or 944 "06) van tyd tot tyd aan n inrigting ordinance tution organization society or club referred artke 27 of vast Or ganisasie vereniging of klub in subartikel 95 to in subsection (5)(a) or (5A) any muni donnansie section 8 ofor cipal service free of charge or at a reduced van (5)(a) of (5A) genoem enige munisipale 2957 dinance artikel 8 diens kosteloos of teen n verminderde ta 23 of rate;"; and van Or 955 donnansle rief lewer;"; en section 5 25 van of ingfjo (c) the deletion of the expression "Save as in of this Ordinance excepted all charges autho (c) die uitdrukking "Behalwe waar in hierdie 955 nartniknelall Ordonnansie daarop n uitsondering gesection 7 of Or rized by this section shall be regulated by %an mask is moet alle heffings by hierdie artidlnance bylaw" at the end thereof artikel 7 2 of van Or kel gemagtig by verordening vasgestel 957 donnansie section 3 2d Van word" aan die einde daarvan te skrap of Or 957 dinanco Mike 3 33 of van Or 959 donnanslo section 2 33 van of Or /959 dinance 2 24 of van Or 960 donnansie section 6 24 van of Or 960 dinette 8 artikel 6 of 96 van Orsea/on 2 donnansle of Or 8 van dinance 96 5 of artlkel van Or section 3 clannansle of Or 5 van distance of arlikel van Orsection donnansle of Or 2 van dnance 962

23 and D7 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART of artikel 964 van Orsection donnansle of Or 7 van dinance of artkel 964 van Orsection 5 donnanste of Or 4 van dinance of artikel van section 5 Ordonnanof Or Me 8 Milan B van of artikol van Orsection 96 donnansle of Or 24 van dinance of artike van section 8 Ordonnan of Or ale 25 dlnance van of artikel van Orsection 3 donnanste of Or 24 van dinance of artiket van Orsection 8 donnanste of or 6 van dinance of entice van Orsection 3 donnanste of Or 5 van dinance of a rtaora van section 6 donnanslo tli Or 0 van Otranto of artikel 6 97 van Ornation 2 donnanste of Or 0 van dinance 97 6 of artkel van Ors ectn 2 Or donnanvanste 6 distance of artikel van Orsection donnanso of On 6 van (intones of artkel 975 van Or section 3 donnanste Of O van clinanrce of artiket van Or Section 3 donnanlio of or 4 van distance of entice" van Or section 8 dolmans s of Or 2 van distance of artikel van Benton 2 Ordon of Of Hanle distance 8 van 22 of artket 2 eon van OritiOn 7 donnanste of Or2 2 van absence 977 en 6 of artikel van Ordonnansie 6 van 978 Amend 5 n as Section 80 of the princmal Ordinance is vwaysiginat! 5 Artikel 80 van die Hoofordonnansie word meat of section lee! BO hierby gewysig deur na subartikel (52) die vol 80 of hereby amended by the insertion after sub van ordennansie Ordin gende subartikel in te voeg: once 7 section (52) of the following subsection: 7 van of as amend 5005 "(52A) Om ed by `(52A) Subject to the provisions of the Sectio now8s7 behoudens die bepalings van die section 9 of or nal Titles Act 97 (Act 66 of 97) or any keby a9rti Wet op Deeltitels 97 (Wet 66 van 97) of 2 of other law for regulating and controlling the ansle enige ander wet die name van geboue of arkades 94 2 Van section 6 names of buildings or arcades" 94 te reel en te beheer;" di/lance dorm Or of Or artiket 6 dinance van On 942 of don vannansie section of Or artikel 4 dinance van Or o donnanale 9943f 9 van section of Or mance 7 dinance van Or donn 944o section of orifice i Ordin 2 van once 27 Ordon Of 95 nanse 27 section 9 of Or minket 9 van 95 dinance van Or 25 of donnanste 25 van section of Or artikel 6 dinance Van Or 6 of donnanste van section of Or artikel 8 dinance 2 donnanste of vase section of or aline 4

24 652 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 sibilance van Or 4 35 et 959 damask section 3 33 van of Or 959 dinance artikel 3 of van Or donnansle " 24 Van section 7 of Or 960 dinance artikel 7 8 of van OrdonhanSO 96 section 2 8 van of Or 96 dinance arnica 2 4 van O of r 963 denizens section 4 van 6 of 963 Ordin artikel a ante 3 6 van of 965 Ordonnansection 7 sie 3 of Or van965 dinance artikel 7 24 of van Or 965 donnansia section 9 24 van of Or 965 dlnance arfikel 9 24 of van Or van section 5 of Or 966 dinance arnica 5 0 of van Or 970 donnanste sections 0 van of Or 970 dlnanc0 artikel 8 0 of van Or 97 domande section 5 0 van of Or 97 affiance milked 5 6 of van Or 972 donnansic section 2 6 van of Or 972 affiance arlikol 2 0 of van Or 973 dormant? section 2 0 van of Or 973 dinance artikel 2 5 of \ van Or 975 dennansie 5 van section 5 of Or 975 dinance artikel 5 2 Of van 0 Or 976 donnansle van section en of Or artikel 3 distance van Or 22 Of dennansle van 977 nffirtion of sec 6 The following section is hereby inserted ina77n7 hen 803 van antor after section 80A of the principal Ordinance: not 6 Die volgende artikel word hierby na artikel Milano n Ordon WU 80A van die Hoofordonnansie ingevoeg: 7 Of "Dater 939 mination 80B() Notwithstanding anything to 7 van Vant7 M359E9 80B() 9 Ondanks andersluidende berarrgrth the contrary contained in this Ordinan :Mgt palings in hierdie Ordonnansie vervat gay: it ce a council may by special resoldof char /Tao vg kan n raad by spesiale besluit pea byapostate lion special boast (a) enige gelde wat hy ingevolge die riezie (a) determine any charges which it is bepalings van hierdie Ordonnansie authorized to levy in terms of the gemagtig is om to hef vasstel; en provisions of this Ordinance; and (b) van tyd tot tyd sodanige vassteldraw such determination ling wysig of (b) from time to time amend or withintrek (2) Where a council determines char (2) Waar n raad gelde ingevolge subges or amends a determination in terms artikel () vasstel of n vasstelling wyof subsection (); such council may dif sig kan so n raad tussen verskillende ferentiate between different classes of klasse gebruikers of eiendom onderskei users or property on such grounds as t op die gronde wat hy redelik ag may deem reasonable (3) Nadat n spesiale besluit soos betemplated been After a special resolution as conin (3) subsection () has in subartikel () geneem is publiseer passed the town clerk shall forthwith die stadsklerk onverwyld in die Provin publish in the Provincial Gazette and siale Koerant en in n nuusblad soos in a newspaper as contemplated in secbeoog in artikel 0 van die Grondwet tion 0 of the Republic of South Africa van die Republiek van SuidAfrika 96 Constitution Act 96 a notice in which n kennisgewing waarin (a) die algemene :trekking van sodation is set out; (a) the general purport of such resoldnige besluit uiteengesit word; (b) (b) the date is stated on which the de die datum waarop die vasstelling termination or amendment shall of wysiging in werking tree vercome into operation; meld word; 4

25 veertien a A P PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART (C) it is stated that a copy of such reso (c) verklaar word dat n afskrif van lution and particulars of such deter die besluit en besonderhede van die mination or amendment are open vasstelling of wysiging gedurende to inspection during office hours kantoorure by die kantoor van die at the office of the council for a mad vir n tydperk van veertien period of fourteen days from the dae vanaf die datum van publika %late of the publication of the no sie van die kennisgewing in die tice in the Provincial Gazette; and ProvinsialeKoerant ter insae 6; en (d) it is stated that any person who (d) verklaar word dat enige persoon desires to object to such determi wat beswaar teen die vasstelling of nation or amendment shall do so in wysiging wil maak dit skriftelik by writing to the town clerk within die stadsklerk moet doen binne fourteen days after the date of pu dae na die datum van publication of the notice in the Pro blikasie van die kennisgewing in die vincial Gazette Provinsiale Koerant (4) Where a determination or amend (4) Waar n vasstelling of wysiging ment in terms of subsection () relates : ingevolge subartikel () betrekking het to op (a) charges for the supply of water (a) gelde vir die verskaffing van water electricity Or gas or for the elektrisiteit of gas of vir die lewevisionpro of sewerage sanitary or re is ring van waterriolerings sanitasie fuse removal services the town of vullisverwyderingsdienste le die clerk shall: submit particulars of stadsklerk besonderhede van sodasuch determination or amendment nige vasstelling of wysiging tesame together with every objection lodged met n afskrif van elke beswaar wat in terms of subsection (3)(d) and the ingevolge subartikel (3)(d) ingedien comments of the council thereon to is en die read se kommentaar daar the Administrator who op aan die Administrateur voor wat () shall approve reject or amend such determination or amend (i) sodanige vasstelling of wysiging ment; or goedkeur afkeur of wysig; of (ii) may determine another date as (ii) ii ander datum as die datum the date contemplated in sub in subartikel (3)(b) beoog kan i section (3)(b); bepaal; 0 (b) charges other than the charges re (b) ander gelde as die gelde in paragraaf ferred to in paragraph (a) the coun (a) genoem oorweeg die read elke cil shall consider every objection beswaar wat ingevolge subartikel lodged : in terms of subsection (3)(d) and shall by special resolution; ra (3)(d) ingedien is en bevestig wytify amend or withdraw such de sig of trek by spesiale besluit soda termination and may determine nige vasstelling of wysiging in en another date as the date contem kan n ander datum as die datum plated in subsection (3Xb) in subartikel (3)(b) beoog bepaal (5) A determination or amendment in terms of subsection () shall come into (5) n Vasstelling df wysiging ingevo operation on the date contemplated in ge subartikel () tree in werking op die subsection (3)(b): Provided that datum in subartikel (3)(b) beoog: Met (a) dien verstande dat where the Administrator has de teimined another date in terms of (a) waar die Administrateur n ander " subsection (4)(a)(ii) the determin datum ingevolge subartikel (4)(a) ation or amendment shall come into (ii) bepaal het die vasstelling of operation on that date; or i wysiging op daardie datum in werk (b) where the council has determined ing tree; of another date in terms of subsection (b) waar die raad n ander datum inge (4)(c) the determination or amend volge subartikel (4)(c) bepaal het ment shall come into operation on die vasstelling of wysiging on daarthat date die datum in werking tree _ (6) The withdrawal of a &terraination in terms of subsection () ;hall come into operation on the date stated in the special resolution concern6iti (6) Die intrekking van n vasstelling ingevolge subartikel () tree in wericitrg" op die datum in die betrokke spesiale besluit vermeld i (7) Any charges levied in terms of (7) nige gelde wat ingevolge die bethe provisions of this Ordinance and palings van hierdie Ordonnansie gehef

26 i 654 PROVNCAL GAZE ] ie 28 MARCH 979 been which are inconsistent with a determination in terms of subsection () shall with effect from the date contemplated in subsection (5) cease to be of force and effect is en wat onbestaanbaar is met n vas 4 stelling ingevolge subartikel () hou op om van krag te wees met ingang van die datum in subartikel (5) beoog (8) After a determination or amend (8) Nadat n vasstelling of wysiging ment has been approved amended or ingevolge subartikel (4) goedgekeur geratified in terms of subsection (4) or wysig of bevestig is of n ander datum as another date as the date contemplated die datum in subartikel (3)(b) beoog in subsection (3)(b) has been determined the bepaal is publiseer die stadsklerk onvertown clerk shall forthwith publish in the Provincial wyld n kennisgewing in die Gazette a notice in Provinsiale which particulars of the determination Koerant waarin die besonderhede van or amendment are set out and the date die vasstelling of wysiging uiteengesit en on which it shall come into operation die datum waarop dit in werking tree is stated vermeld word (9) A special resolution as contemplated in subsection () shall lapse with (9) n Spesiale besluit soos in subarti effect from the date thereof if the counkel () beoog verval met ingang van cil shall die datum daarvan indien die raad nalaat om (a) within six months from the date of (a) binne ses such resolution fail to comply with maande na sodanige be the provisions of subsections (3) sluit die bepalings van subartikels and (4); or (3) en (4) na to kom; of (b) (b) within three months from the date binne drie maande na n vasstelling a determination or amendment has of wysiging ingevolge subartikel (4) approved amended or ratified goedgekeur gewysig of bevestig is in terms of subsection (4) or an of n ander datum as die datum in other date as the date contemplated subartikel (3)(b) beoog bepaal is in subsection (3)(b) has been deter : die mined bepalings van subartikel (8) fail to comply with the provisions of subsection (8) to na kom (0) For the purposes of this section (0) By die toepassing van hierdie the expression gelde in the Afrikaans artikel omvat die uitdrukking `gelde text shall include heffings taste ftderings" ook `heffings loste tariewe en vor riewe and vorderings" nnne 7 Artikel 97 van die Hoofordonnansie word Aligld;! 7 Section 97 of the principal Ordinance is Ran V or 97r hierby gewysig deur die volgende subartikel in Mr hereby amended by the insertion of the follow &mantle =n7 ing subsection the existing section becoming g3r te voeg terwyl die bestaande artikel subartikel or 939 (2) word: subsection (2): "() For the purposes of this "() section the ex By die toepassing van hierdie artikel pression bylaw shall include a special resolu omvat die uitdrukking verordening ook n spetion as contemplated in section 80B" siale besluit soos in artikel 80B beoog" Amendment S Section 6 of the Transvaal Board for the Yar74! 8 Artikel 6 van die Ordonnansie op die fitoint Development of PeriUrban Areas Ordinance 3_ Transvaalse Read vir die Ontwikkeling van 4fj 943 (Ordinance 20 of 943) is hereby amended Mr Buitestedelike Gebied 943 (Ordonnansie 20 van 343! a by the insertion in subsection (2) after the ex L9`T 943) word hierby gewysig deur in subaniqnded pression "fifty A" of the expression "seventy 67V artikel (2) na die uitdrukking "vyftig A" die nitby pee /W gar of nine quin eighty A eighty Br 20_ dinance 5 of section 6 artikel 6 of Or van Or dinance donnansle 5 of 5 van section 8 artikel 8 of Or van On dirtance donnartfile 6 of 6 van 972 section 7 arti972kel 7 of Or van Ordinance donnansle 6 of Evan en and arnica section 3 van 3 of Orden Ordin marine ance 6 van 6 of This Ordinance shall be called the Local fmt 9 Hierdie Ordonnansie heet die Wysigings Government Amendment Ordinance 979 ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 979 Short title drukking "negeensewentig quin tagtig A tag dun fig B" in te voeg 4 4

27 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART No 52 (Administrators) 979 No 52 (Administrateurs) 979 PROCLAMATON PROKLAMASE pno Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Removal of Restrictions Act 967 (Act 84 of 967) to Opheffing van Beperkings 967 (Wet 84 van 967) aan alter suspend or remove a restriction or obligation refer my verleen is om n beperking of verpligting in daardie red to in that section; artikel genoem te wysig op te skort of op te hef; Now therefore do hereby in respect of Portion 2 of So is dit dat ek met betrekking tot Gedeelte 2 van Ge Consolidated Lot 2664 situate in Kempton Park Town konsolideerde Lot 2664 geled in dorp Kempton Park ship District Germiston held in terms of Certificate of distrik Germiston gehou kragtens Sertifikaat van Gere Registered Title 4770/955 remove conditions (a) and gistreerde Titel 4770/955 voorwaardes (a) en (c) in (c) in the said Deed die gemelde Akte ophef Given under my Hand at Pretoria this st day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die lste dag March One thousand Nine hundred and Seventynine van Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd Negeensewentig Administrator _ S G J VAN NEKERK S G J VAN NEKERK of the Province Transvaal Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal PB PB (Administrators) 979 No 53 (Administrateurs) 979 PROCLAMATON Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the Removal of Restrictions Act 967 to alter suspend or remove a restriction or obligation referred to in that section; Now therefore do hereby; PROKLAMASE Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 967 aan my verleen is om n beperking of verpligting in daardie artikel genoem te wysig op te skort of op te hef; So is dit dat ek; () in respect of Erf 2469 situated in Laudium Town () met betrekking tot Ed 2469 gele8 in dorp Lauship Registration Division R Transvaal held in terms dium Registrasie Afdeling JR Transvaal gehou kragof Certificate of Consolidated Title T2079/975 remo tens Sertifikaat van Gekonsolideerde Titel 2079/975 ye condition C(f) in the said certificate; and voorwaarde C(f) in die gemelde sertifikaat ophef; en (2) amend Pretoria Townplanning Scheme 974 relax (2) Pretoriadorpsaanlegskema 974 wysig deur die ing the building lines and increasing the permissible versiapping van die boulyne en vermeerdering van die height of buildings on Erf 2469 Laudium Township and toelaatbare hoogte van geboue op Erf 2469 dorp Lauwhich amendment scheme will be known as Amendment dium welke wysigingskema bekend staan as Wysigingske Scheme 442 as indicated on the annexed Map 3 and the ma 442 soos aangedui op die bygaande Kaart 3 en die scheme clauses skemaklousules Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 6th day of Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 6de March One thousand Nine hundred and Seventynine dag Maart Eenduisend Negehonderd Negeensewentig S G VAN NEKERK S G J VAN NEKERK Administrator of the Province Transvaal Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal PB PB PRETORA TOWNPLANNNG SCHEME 974 AMENDMENT SCHEME 442 WYSGNGSKEMA PRETORAJDORPSBEPLANNNGSKEMA The Pretoria Townplanning Scheme 974 approved Die Pretoriaorpsbeplanningskema 974 goedgekeur by virtue of Administrators Notice 2027 dated 20 No kragtens Administrateurskennisgewing 2027 gedateer 20 vember 974 is hereby further altered and amended November 974 word hiermee soos in the following manner: volg verder gewysig on verander: The map as shown on Map 3 Amendment Sche Die kaart soos aangetoon op Kaart 3 Wysigingme 442 skema By the addition of Anexure B 259 to the Scheme 2 Deur die byvoeging van Bylae B 259 tot die Skema

28 L Aft a Ali r cn tn or% DORPSBEPLANNNGSKEMA KCCE ) PRETORA ha KAART WYSGNGSKEN A VEL VAN VEL 74 3 CODE : TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME _MAP AMENDMENT SCHEME SHEET OF SHEET _ col N = ERF 2469 DORP LAUDUM ci ERF 2469 LAUDUM TOWNSHP _ VER :S:; / REFERENCE ;il < rerdy SPESTAAL Y AP SPECAL en ] i VERWYSNG NA BYLAE B: La _J 54 ) cr \ 259 REFERENCE TO NJ (m ANNEXURE B ) d tn 4 t 0 \ )e i \ % rn r r Z Q i ye % 365 i fr \S"9 0 ( 353 NOTk / STREET 4 7 OCERLNESTRAT r r 3W: i ra a o /4 5 NOTE Dieverwysing na Bylae B The reference to (eirkel en nomner ) is `Pi!469 DORP ALDiUM!UWNSHP Annexure B (circle and in groen aangedut number) is indicated in green _ v 4


30 ) _ 658 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 99 PRETORftDORPSBEPLANNNGSKEMA 974 PRETORA TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME 974 WYSGNGSKEMA 259 _ 0 ; A AMENDMENT SCHEME 442 BYLAE B ANNEXURE B (VEL 2 VAN 3 VELLE) (SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS) ERN 2±$60 DORT LATTry m CEURUKSONE XV ("Spesiaal") s Winkcl kanturcwoongehnue en groothandclsbesighede word toegelaat en met die toostenaing van die Stad:rnad en onderworpe aan die bepalings van Klousule S van dic Skenm 3n bcprktv nvwerheid wat Been gevaar of oorlas weens lawaai slof rook damp& of reuk veroorcaak nie en enige ander gebruike met dien verstande dal nywerheids7n\_ en hinderlike nywerheidsgeboue nie toegelaat sal Oord nie L Dig erf is onderworpe can die voigende voorwaaides: i MAKSMM DEKKNUt 73% 2 NAKSMUM ROOCTE: loni 3 Kantore on woon telle noel Alletnlik op die eerste verdieping toegelaat word i 4 Die up en aflaai van goeddre noel slegs binne die grense van die erf geskied tensy die Stad4raad laaigeriewe in die straatreserwe voorsilning vir gemaak het $ 5 Ceen materiaal of Roeder( knin wagter aard ook al moet op die bouverbodstrook langs enige bestannde litraat voorgerelde street of straatverbreding van die!! erf gestate geplaas of geberg word nie en die genoemde gedeelte moot vir geen ander (loot behalwo vir die onewikkeling en onderhoud van grasperke tuine parker ing of toegangspaaie gebruilc word nie 6 n Skormnmur meet sons en wanneer deur die Stadsraad vereis tot bevrediging van die Stadsraad opgerfg word Die omvang materiaal onewerp hoogte f posisie on inslandhouding vnn die muur moet tot bevrediging van die Stadsraad woes i i 7 Die plasing van geboue insluitende buitegeboue opgeriglop die erf on ingange tot en uitgango "anal die erf moot tot bevrediging van die Stadsraad wees c : r _ _

31 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART PRETORA DORPSBEPLANNNGSKEMA 974 PRETORA TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME 974 WYSGNGSKEMA 442 AMENDMENT SCHEME 259 BYLAE B ANNEXURE B (SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS) (VEL 3 VAN 3 VELLE) i R 2:460 laudum TOWXSHTP USE :ONE XV ("Special") Shops offices residential buildings and wholesale establishments are permitted and with the consent of the City Council and subject tothe provisions of Clause la of the Scheme a festricted industofwhich creates no danger or nuisance of noise dust smoke fumes or smell and any other usesprovided that no industrial anlnoxious industrial buildings shall be allowed The erf is subject to the following conditions: MAXMUM COVERAGE: 73% 2 MAXMUM MGHT; 0m 3 Offices and flats shall be permitted OnArirst floor only 4 Loading and offloading of goods shall only take place within the boundaries of the erf unless the City Council has made provision for loading facilities in the street reserve 5 No material or goods of whatever nature shall be dumped placed or stored in the building restriction area of any existing street proposed street or street widenings and the mentioned area shoji be used for no other purpose except for the development and maintenance of lawns gardens parking cir access roads 6 A screen wall shall be greeted as and when required by the City Council to the satisfaction of the City Council the extent material design height position and maintenance of the wall shall be to the satisfaction of the City Council 7 fhe siting of huildinas including outbuildings erected on the erf and entrances to and exits from the erf must be to the satisfaction of the City Council _

32 660 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 No 54 (Administrators) 979 No 54 (Administrateurs) 979 PROCLAMATON PROKLAMASE Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wei op Removal of Restrictions Act 967 to alter suspend or Opheffing van Beperkings 967 aan my verleen is om remove a restriction or obligation referred to in that sec n beperking of verpligting in a daardie artikel genoem to wysig op to skort of op to hef; lion; So is dit dal ek; Now therefore do hereby; () met betreklcing tot Erf 624 geleb in die dorp Club () in respect of Erf 624 situated in Clubview Exten view Uitbreiding 5 distrik Pretoria gehou kragtens sion 5 Township District Pretoria held in terms of Akte van Transport 377/972 voorwaarde C(a) op Deed of Transfer 377/972 remove condition C(a); and hef; en (2) amend Pretoria Region Townplanning Scheme (2) Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema 960 wysig deur 960 by the rezoning of Erf 624 Clubview Extension 5 die hersonering van Erf 624 dorp Clubview Uitbreiding Township from "Special" for trade or business purpo 5 van "Spesiaal" vir handels of besigheidsdoeleindes tot "Spesiaal" vir handels of besigheidsdoeleindes en foses to "Special" for trade or business purposes and pho tografiese ontwikkelinglaboratorium en aanverwante getographic processing laboratory and ancillary uses and bruike welke wysigingskema bekend staan as Wysigingwhich amendment scheme will be known as Amend skema 556 soos aangedui op die bygaande Kaart 3 en ment Scheme 556 as indicated on the annexed Map 3 die skemaklousules and the Scheme clauses Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria op hede die 26ste Given under my Hand at Pretoria this 26th day of dag van Februarie Eenduisend Negehonderd Nege en : sewentig February One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy S a J VAN NEKERK nine Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal S G J VAN NECERK PB Administrator of the Province Transvaal PB PRETORASTREEKWYSGNGSKEMA 556 PRETORA REGON AMENDMENT SCHEME 556 Die Pretoriastreekdorpsaanlegskema 960 goed The Pretoria Region Town gekeur kragtens Administrateursproklamasie 279 gedaproved by virtue of Administrators Proclamation 279 planning Scheme 960 apleer 2 Desember 960 word hiermee soos volg verder gewysig en verander: dated 2December 960 is hereby further altered and amendedtin the following manner: Die kaart soos aangetoon op Kaart 3 Wysigingskema 556 The map as shown on Map 3 Amendment Scheme Klousule 5(a) Tabel "D" Gebruikstreek V (Spei siaal) dew item nommer (CXXXV) dear die volgende 2 Clause 5(a) Table "D" Use Zone V Special) by vervang: te substitution the for item number (CXXXV) of the fol lowing: (3) (4) (5) (3) (4) (5)"(CXXXV) Dorp Clubview Uitbreiding 5 " (CXXXV) Erf 624 Clubview Ext 5 Township Vir handels of besigheidsdoel Ander ge Ed 624: eindes en fotografiese ontwikke bruike nie For trade or business and photo Other uses lingslaboratorium en aanverwan onder Kographic i processing laboratory not under te gebruike lom (3) and uses ancillary thereto Column nie" (3)" i 3 Klousule 5(a) Tabel "D"(A) deur die byvoeging 3 Clause 5(a) Table "D"(A) by the addition of the van die volgende tot Kolomme () (2) en (3): following to Columns () (2) and (3): () (2) (3) () (2) : (3) "(V) Dorp Clubview Uitbreiding 5 "(V) Clubview Ext 5 Township Erf 624" Erf 624" 4 Dew die byvoeging van Bylae 4 By the addition of Annexure "A" 23 to the Scheme Skema "A" 23 tot die

33 * PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART KODE ) PRE TORASTREEK DORPSREPLANNNGSKEMA 960 CODE ` PRETORA REGON TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME WYSGNGSKEMA AMENDMENT SCHEME 556 MAP KAART VEL VAN VEL a SHEET OF SHEET NOTA: Verw:y stag na Bylae "g! (Sirkel en nommer in groen aangedui) \ NOTE: \ (Circle and number in = Reference to Annexure "A dicated in green) \i Ca4ei C/4 Ak * C e / \ % 9 \i N N) a t/40 c9 V + % 4/4 0 F N 4t \6 4 / t \ tit / \ ) / / A ) / \ keel e / / \ / / \ / / SKAAL 250 \ SCALE \ / \ / /4/ / \ 42/ \ / P/4/ \ / / v kr / ERF 624 CLUBVEW UTBREDNG 5 DORP ERF 624 CLUBVEW EXTENSON 5 TOWNSHP VERWYSNG / REFERENCE 0 V\ SPESAAL SPECAL Vr7J/rrNG NA BYLAE S f C! 0 ANFx Rr _ A

34 c;77 gill al c" N nen 4! BylltE A 050NYSG NGSKEMA epkvel VAN ME g 00)_$AANLEGSKEMA VELE ni nr/ (DP3E0STREEK CODE 6 REGON TOWN AP SCHEME aim ANNEXii taw AMENDMENT SCHEME 556 "SHEET OF a SHEETS ui t p it _ <N 77 ERE 624 z ri DORP &3 cx 7 /44 4/ : ii v c c3 3 it t CLUBVEWr Ext 4 i TOWNSHP 0 Q v \04 0t 0 N \*t \ < \44 X St e4: 4: \sip ; No 4 F 777 r \ sk" 4: / \ Ok e t / c3 % Q: \ ft P Z 7 a t4i g ii / /\ / it: q \ /A Ca \ / \ / / \ / / \ / / ii il g z 0 W _ / ate/ / // / / as t a a a il a

35 MP a fra co PRETOiligtom R i? la g!reek 0 AP AAN EGS EMA LW PEANN SCHEME 5602WEVA239WYSBNGSKEMA SHEET 2 VAN % v yr la 4 Ls: u: 4 AMENDMENT SCHEME 556 SHEET DE to SHEETS ERF 624 CLUBVEW EXTENSON 5 ERF 624 DORP cluaview UTBREDNG A; 4 4 V BF 4 TOWNSHP 5 DORP 4 USE ZONE V (SPECAL) for GtBRUKSONE V (SPESAAL) vir ;! trade or business purposes CLUBVEW LT! and handels of besigheidsdoel u / photographic processing eindes en fotografiese ontwik 3 TOVMSHP uses verwante gebruike i 4 laboratory and ancillary kelingslaboratorium en aan 4 4 c ik 82 4 ;; ;; :5 2 CONDTONS 2 VOORWAAPDES e f:3 Z 4" C a to 2 Maximum coverage 60% 2 Maksimym dekking 60% i A r 22 Maximum floor area ratio 22 Maksimum vloeroppervlakte :4 t 2 verhouding 2 3: 23 Maximum height 2 storeys 23 MaksimuM hoogte r 2 verdiepings t ri :4 i 24 Minimum ouilding linen 24 Minimum boulvre 4 street boundary 40 metres straatgrens 40 meter 4! south eastern boundary suidoostelike grens 23metres 23 meter i H south western boundary suidwestelike grens i: 30 metres 30 meter co co 3 north western boundary noord westelike grens 30 metres 30 meter 3; \ \ 25 The erf shall not be used 25 Die erf moet nie vir woonfor residential purposes doeleindes gebruik word nie i : 26 The siting of the buildings 26 Die plasing van die geboue a the provision of internal die voorsiening van interne roads/ paaie/ 3 t!lc 0 M / ca on al

36 i Nu as en > KOBE n7 e Niro:mitt STREEK 0 CODE :6 09 RH N TrtrANLEGTMA Vi DWAN SCHEME 9684WEAM AMENDMENT SCHEME 556 THEFT 3 OF 5 SHEETS _ r WSGNGSDEMA avel "AN VELEF : 3 BF 624 HOOP street system shall be to straatstelsel moet tot bevre Ab the satisfaction of the diging van die Plaaslike CLUBVEWitr 5 t roads and entrances and paaie en in en uitgange T exits to and from a public tot en van die publieke ;ī Local Authority Bestuur wees 0 t TOWNSHP 27 Provision shall be made on 27 Voorsiening moet op die erf 4 the erf for the loading gemaak word vir die op en wi and off ] oading of vehicles aflaai van voertoie tot 0 vi L to the satisfaction of the bevrediging van die Plaas :7 2 i4 Local Authority like Bestuuf Q!a ty t 28 A screen wall 2 metres 28 h Skermmuur 2 meter hoog ; 9 high shall be erected mbet langs die suidwestelike 7 along the southwesterly en suidoostelike grense Arr ; : and southeasterly bounda van die erf opgerig word a A ries of the erf The extent Die omvang materiaal ontmaterials design and main were en instandhouding van 4 =tenance ofthe wall shall die muur moet tot bevredi if li he to the satisfaction of ging van die Plaaslike ii : the Local Authority Bestuur wees e5 3 f 29 The owler of the erf shall 29 Di& eienaar van die erf is i R be responsible for the verantwoordelik vir die algewhole development on the hele ontwikkeling op die ; G erf if the erf ndien die Plaaslike r ko Local Authority is of Bestuur van mening is dat the opinion that the premi die instandhouding van die i ses or any part of the perseel of enige gedeelte g; development on the elf is van die ontwikkeling op die? < A kept in an unsatisfactory erf nie in h bevredigende J 4 li state of maintenance the toestand gehou word nie mag A Local Authority may serve die Plaaslike Bestuur n g notice/ kennisgewing/!s t: exewtifft fls:^ kie4in 4^in s?wir ĪW74<k":e:4 eaclcveias el t ) Plier 0(6 a447! rtkrft i }:<itilsyt j;rmv ijr*"arts474 it: r 4 4 a Aft a _ a a

37 yi o w _ :k: c &: /amyegaq) /a5vaois!; j snutdatpaan atp to UPA aoj auawaspq Aur butp aamptaaaddo artiaol atp snap ntaxa ang) sa00 Ej at Tie cg pawn Amman lam i 5uTpnou Jo ease Traol 942 butptatp laa atp uamalaq Sq pautpacto Ont! 943 t: MuTpnomaaA aampiaaaddoaeotail SUPOW flotapa roar Joon! :st jaa4sa6002 ueearep :at 0 paustssv t arm pup stuama4ao atp fiuturam alp aary legs maaa apuebion atp tes sap wain BuTmoTioj sip suota H appsa o0a apurefiaoon atp La Tpuo0 BuTooaaoj am4 L ;4 g 4 3SNAW glg MOLNSZC 4:;3 i A r: psom T 3r uatsaslp4vipow A 9 aamriaaaddoaaotaspteqaasau uopappoad 94 J u(9 ap F 7 i aarciannuaaa oanag w OOL aootj TeTaasnpuT atusrat Z loa emmardaaamard aama urn ss0a6 la saords g 5uTpnoyaaA atp ut BuTaam BuTmaed 04%4 30 otlra oga w aed aptaarido6 aamtm LL g EuTmaed waned otuatns Lic 0 = W le s i? 4 4F wt 0c poold : ḵ a seam tes 6uTma6wo alp sin anoqubtau aouestnu g ) 7 c stuanaas m otu saemaam r aanatasuoo 40U op Z i etp UVA atal:tmt4p alp PP t saamaom aqa JO satatatloe 5 aamasaaa laow etc OLg 4E444 aansua phs aauso am 0L? 0 g as il ag4 a a 6uTpnompue4SuT di6sna0 urn purasao3 apua6tpaanaq 3 eauruaautuw ;o alanru!4 A? ; m acia taasaaq 0 utaaaaa AJogoeSsTaps P 0 :MS : ;t r; atp wo paom brab fitpou lem aga aaoqsaa 04 fressapu G= 34E3 ; t it sr waau al addras a6turp woap Sew at se uotaop c; Ps di60 i? OS wo NaosdeA woy ua uatp tons a322 al up( PuTiTnb i r i aptuata atp do 6uTmafisTuuam as aauso aga uo aotarau HS AM tl tik f Ti a±aertvtht zttecews:;frtcst:itcti 74:eicrs; 4 6t ra t z ;4 n: e;) ice: atcetr4 4 Z: " 7:AeAt 4A0 AfrO + 47c: ANT:24tai4lit nit:4:av Zretrrsr7 /WS VVNSON9SAM this03ntndli a x33s us E %Au a saw v ma %a 300)t SAMS e HSca ggg nuns mama Gaymies! RMS 2NUNVld let NOOnitntlin WA a # "33A 2 Eft air V_ (

38 WYSDNGSKEMA KM 27 a prima9ga WEEK DOtiPSHANLE6SHEMA C WAN SCHEME 9606/WEA232 AMENDMENT 5 WERE SCHEME 556 SHEET td OF SHEETS CODE n E trii gintag = nu X7" X o " :N q storage and parking open (behalwe enige kelder p floors and floorspace de berging en parkering oopt voted solely to car park vloere en vloerruimtes wat iamirsgamemsvm zr t ea H: zirtic : clfrd+traifjaapio lot tapas444va4tr?flif N? kt h ERF 624 ) / SP N ing for the occupiers of uitsluitend aangewend word CLUBVEWT 5 i the building or buildings) vir die parkering van ; ii P of the proposed building motorvoertuie vir die okku TOWNSHP A i*: or buildings to be erected peerders van die gebou of 4 si tff 0 a Pci : 0 : thereon such area being geboue) van die voorge T measured over the external nome gebou of geboue welke i t 4 walls And including every oppervlakte oor die buite t : form of accommodation n mure gemeet word en elke ]i : z except purelyornat^prtal vorm van ruimte insluit 2! v features (such as spires behalwe versierings (soos Y 5 turrets and belfries) s and spitspunte torinkies 0 en 4 > any accommodation which kloktorings) en ruimtewat A AM i Mn is reasonable or necessary it vir die skoonmaak onder for the cleaning main houd versorging of die tenance caretaking or meganiese en elektriese mechanical equipment of uitrusting van die gebou iṭ U rt the building or buildings of geboue redelik of nodig by the total area of the is to deel dear die totale h erf that is to say: oppervlakte van die erf!" dit ail se: k Y Total area of all Totale tipperr ) floor: of the vlakte van alle vloere ; 2 building or buil van die gebou of ge *: dings as set out boue soos hierbo i FAR = above VOV = uiteengesit r t Total area of the Totale oppervlakte? erf van erf K t/ 4 si a All a

39 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART ADMNSTRATORS NOTCES ADMNSTRATEURSKENNSGEWNpS Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 KRUGERSDORP MUNCPALTY: PROPOSED AL MUNSPALTET KRUGERSDORP: VOORGE TERATON OF BOUNDARES STELDE VERANDERNG VAN GRENSE Notice is hereby given in terms of section 0 of the ngevolge artikel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Local Government Ordinance; 939 that the Town Bestuur 939 word hierby bekend gemaak dat die Stads Council of Krugersdorp has submitted a petition to the raad van Krugersdorp n versoekskrif by die Administra Administrator praying that he may in the exercise of teur ingedien bet met die bede dat by die bevoegdhede the powers conferred on him by section 9(7) of the said aan hom verleen by artikel 9(7) van genoemde Ordon Ordinance alter the boundaries of Krugersdorp Munici flask uitoefen en die grense van die Munisipaliteit Kru pality by the inclusion therein of the area described in gcrsdorp verinder deur die opneming daarin van die the Schedule hereto gebieel wat in diebylae hierby omskryf word t shall be competent for any persons interested with Enige belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 in 30 days of the first publication hereof in the Provin dae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale cial Gazette to direct to the Director of Local Govern Koerant aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pri ment Private Bag X437 Pretoria a counterpetition re vaatsak X437 Pretoria n teenpetisie te rig waarin die the Administrator to refrain from granting the Administrateur versoek word om the aan genoemde versaid petition either wholly or in part soekskrif in geheel of ten dele te voldoen the pquesting Further particulars of the application are open for Verdere besonderhede van die aansoek le in die kaninspection at the office of the Director of Local Govern toor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer ment Room B306A Provincial Building Pretorius B306A Provirisiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Pretoria en Street Pretoria and at the office of the Town Clerk of in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk Krugersdorp ter in trugersdorp sae SCHEDULE: Beskrywing van Gebied wat uitgesluit moet word van of die Randfontein Munisipale Gebied en ngesluit moet word iri die Krugersdorp Munisipale Gebied Description of Area to be excluded from the Randfontein Municipal Area and included in the Krugersdorp Municipal Area BYLAE Portion of the Remaining Extent of the Farm Riet Gedeelte van die Resterende Gedeelte van die pleas valei 24Q in extent ha vide Diagram for Rietvalei 24 Q groot ha yolgens Kaart viz Proclamation Purposes SG A3978/77 Proklamasiedoeleindes LG A3978/77 PB 3238 PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 ALBERTON MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO CEMETERY BYLAWS MUNSPALTET ALBERTON: WYSGNG VAN BEGRAAFPLAASVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publigeer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 published the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Cemetery Bylaws of the Alberton Municipality Die Begraafplaasverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit published under Administrators Notice 267 dated Alberton 8 afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 267 van 8 Augustus 973 sops August 973 as amended are hereby further gewysig word amended hierby verder soon volg gewysig: as follows: Deufsubartikel () van artikel 37 deur die volgende By the substitution for subsection () of section 37 to vervang: of the following: "() Geen teraardebestelling nag op "() No interment shall n Saterdag be held on a Saturday Sunday sondag of n openbare feesdag gehou word the behaiwe or public holiday except with the Town Clerks special met die voorafverkree spesiale toesteiruning van die consent previously obtained" Stadsklerk" 2 By amending Schedule A by 2 Deur Bylae A te wysig deur (a) the substitution in item (a) in item 0 (i) in paragraph (a) for the figure "60" of the () in paragraaf (a) die syfer "60" deur die syfer figure "50"; and "50" to vervang; en (ii) in paragraph (b) for the figure "36" of the fi (ii) in paragraaf (b) die syfet "36" deur die syfer gure "00" "00" to vervang

40 668 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 (b) the substitution in item 3 for the figures "2" and (b) in item 3 die syfers "2" en "6" onderskeidelik deur "6" of the figures "25" and "75" respectively die syfers "25" en "75" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 BETTHAL MUNCPALTY: ADOPTON OF STAN MUNSPALTET BETHAL: AANNAME VAN DARD DRANAGE BYLAWS STANDAARD ROLERNGSVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge arti of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 (a) that the Town Council of Bethel has in terms of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted with (a) dat die Munisipaliteit Bethel die Standaard Riolethe following amendments the Standard Drainage ringsverordeninge afgekondig by Administrateurs kennisgewing 665 van 8 Junie 977 ingevolge arti Bylaws published under Administrators Notice 96bs(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie kel volgende wysigings aangeneem het as verordeninge wat dated 8 June 977 as bylaws made by the said met die 665 Council: deur genoemde Read opgestel is: (i) By amending section 7 by the substitution in the (i) Deur artikel 7 te wysig deur in die voorlaaste penultimate line of subsection (3) for the word reel van subartikel (3) die woord "raad" deur di "councils" of the word "owners" die woord "eienaar" te vervang; 7 OD deur artikel 25 te wysig deur in subartikel (5) (ii) By amending section 25 by the substitution in subsection (5) for the expression " in 60" of die uitdrukking " op 60" deur die uitdrukking the expression " in 40" " op 40" te vervang; (iii) deur artikel 28 to wysig (iii) By amending section 28 by the substitution deur: subartikel (3) (aa)n die uitdrukking " op 6" (aa) in subsection (3) for the expression " in 6" deur die uitdrukking " op 0" te ver of the expression " in 0" yang; (bb) in subsection (3) for the expression " in (bb)in subartikel (3) die uitdrukking " op 60" 60" of the expresion " in 40"; and deur die uitdrukking " op 40" te vervang; (cc) for subsection (3)(a) of the following: en "(3)(a) a gradient steeper than in 0 or a (cc) subartikel (3)(a) deur die volgende te vergradient flatter than in 40" yang: (iv) By the substitution for paragraph (axi) "(3)(a) n gradient steiler as op 0 of n under Appendix of the following: gradient vlakker as op 40 toelaat;" "(i) GENERAL: (iv) Deur paragraaf (a)(i) onder Aanhangsel deur die volgende to vervang: PV not to exceed 000 mg/ "(i) ALGEMEEN: 4 ph within the range _ _ 6020 PW hoogstens 000 mg// Electrical conductivity not greater than _ 500 ph binne die bestek 6020 ms/m by 20 C Elektriese geleivermahoogstens 500 Caustic alkalinity (expressed by m 20mS/ C as CaCos) 000 mg/ Bytende alkalisiteit (uitgedruk Substances not in solution (ineluding fat oil grease as CaCo) 000 mg/ waxes and like substances) : Stowwe wat onopgelos is (met 000 mg/ inbegrip van vet olie ghries Substances soluble in petro was en soortgelyke stowwe) 000 mg/ leum ether 500 mg/ Stowwe wat in petroleum eter Sulphides hydrosulphides and oplosbaar is 500 mg/ polysulphides (expressed as S) 50 mg/ Sulfides hidrosulfides en polisulfides (uitgedruk as S) 50 mg// Substances from which hydro gen cyanide can be liberated Stowwe wat blousuurgas in die perseelrioolstelsel streetin the drainage installation riool of rioolwatersuiwerings sewer or sewage treatment werke kan vrystel (uitgedruk works (expressed as HCN) 20 mg// as HCN) 20 mg// Formaldehyde (expressed as Formaldehide (uitgedruk as HCHO) 50 mg/ i HCHO) 50 mg/ 4

41 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART Non organic solids in suspen Nieorganiese vaste stowwe in sion 00 mg/ suspensie 00 mg// Chemical oxygen demand Chemiese suurstofbehoefte (COD) mg/ (CSB) mg// All sugars and/or starch (ex Alle suikers en/of stysels (uitpressed as glucose) 000 mg/ gedruk as glukose) 000 mg/i Available chlorine (expressed Beskikbare chloor (uitgedruk i as Cl) 00 mg/l as Cl) 00 mg/i Sulphates (expressed as SO) 500 mg/ Sulfate (uitgedruk as SO) 500 mg/i Fluorinecontaining COM Fluoorhoudende verbindings pounds (expressed as F) 5 mg/ (uitgedruk as F) 5 mg/i Anionic surface active agents 250 mg/ Anioniese oppervlakaktiveerders 250 mg// (b) The Drainage Tariff hereto as a Schedule to the said bylaws which Drainage Tariff has been am (b) die Rioleriagstarief as n Bylae by genoemde verproved by him in terms of section 99 of the said ordeninge welke Rioleringstarief deur hom nge Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge keur is Pli "SCHEDULE "BYLAE PART DEEL DRANAGE TARFF: ROLERNGSTAREF Basic Charges in Respect of Available Sewers Basiese Gelde ten Opsigte van Beskikbare Rioolpype () Where two or more lots erven or stands are con () Waar twee of meer erwe standplase of plotte gesolidated they shall be considered as one piece of land konsolideer is word hulle geag een stuk grond te wees Where two or more lots erven or stands are used bona Waar twee of meer erwe standplase of plotte bona fide fide but without consolidation or as a result of their lo maar sonder konsolidasie gebruik word of as gevolg van cation or size can only be used in connection with hulle ligging of grootte a slegs gebruik kan word in ver met n enkele woning skool hospitaal kerk sport band single dwelling school hospital church sports grounds gronde of soortgelyke onderneming word sulke opper or similar establishment such areas shall be considered vlaktes geag een stuk grond te wees: Met dien verstande as one piece of land: Provided that each such area shall dat elke sodanige oppervlakte nie 2 ha in grootte oor not exceed 2 ha in size n the event of such excess each skry nie n geval van sodanige oorskryding word elksuch area of 2 ha or part thereof shall be considered as een van sodanige oppervlaktes van 2 ha of gedeelte daar van as n enkele stuk grond beskou a single piece of land (2) ndien n stuk grond of daar verbeterings op is al (2) Where any piece of land whether or not there are dan nie verbind is met of na die mening van die raad any improvements thereon is or in the opinion of the met die rioolpyp verbind kan word betaal die eienaar council can be connected to any sewer the owner of van die stuk grond elke maand vooruit aan die raad that piece of land shall pay to the council every month n heffing gebaseer op die grootte van daardie stuk in advance a charge based on the size of that piece of grond coos volg: land as follows: R R (a) Tot en met m2 500 (a) Up to and including m2 500 (b) Groter as m2 tot en met m2 800 (b) Over m2 up to and including m2 800 (c) Groter as m2 per 500 m2 of gedeelte (c) Over m2 per 500 m2 or part thereof 25 daarvan 25 2 Additional Charges 2 Bykomende Gelde Die eienaar van grond waarop of n gebou waarin The owner of land or of a building having a drain daar n riool is wat met die rioolpyp verbind is betaal thereon which is connected to the sewer shall pay in benewens die gelde ingevolge ander afdelings van hierdie addition to the charges imposed in terms of other parts Bylae elke maand die volgende gelde: of this Schedule every month the following charges: R R () Private woning (beteken n gebou ontwerp () Private dwelling (means a house designed as as n woning vir een gesin tesame met sodanige a dwelling for a single family together with such buitegeboue wat in verband daarmee gebruik outbuildings as ordinarily used therewith) _ 440 word) 440 (2) Flats (a flat means a suite of rooms not (2) Woonstelle (woonstel beteken n stel kabeing a single dwelling house designed for use by mers wat nie n woonhuis is nie en wat ontwerp

42 670 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 R R a single family in a building with a communal en is vir gebruik deur n enkele gesin vir bewotrance) For each flat excluding basements ga ning in n gebou met gemeenskaplike ingang) Vir rages servants rooms outbuildings business offi elke woonstel uitgesonderd kelderverdiepings ces or other departments accommodated in the garages bediendekamers buitegeboue besighede building 440 kantore of ander afdelings in die gebou gehuisves 440 _ (3) Churches used exclusively for public divine (3) Kerke wat uitsluitlik vir openbare godsdiensservices 440 oefeninge gebruik word 440 (4) Church halls used exclusively for religious (4) Kerksale wat slegs vir godsdiensdoeleindes purposes and from which no income is derived 440 gebruik word en waaruit geen inkomste verkry word nie 440 (5) Businesses offices and all other premises for (5) Besighede kantore en alle ander persele which no provision has been made under this Sche waarvoor daar nie reeds onder hierdie Bylae voordule: siening gemaak is nie: (a) For each water closet 250 (a) Vir elke waterkloset 250 (b) For each slop hopper 250 (:) Vir elke slopstorttregter 250 (c) Vir elke bedpanwasser 250 (c) For each slop pan washer (d) Vir elke urinoirbak kompartement of trog (d) For each urinal pan compartment or trough wat nie 070 m te bowe gaan nie 250 not exceeding 070 m 250 (e) Vir urinoirkompartemente of trogge langer as (e) For urinal compartments or troughs in 070 excess m vir elke 070 m of gedeelte daarvan 250 of 070 m for each 070 m or part thereof 250 (f) Vir elke vetvanger 250 (f) For each grease trap Bedryfsultvloeisel () Die eienaars van persele waarop enige bedryf of 3 Trade Effluent vervaardiging uitgeoefen word of waarvan uitvloeisel () The owners of premises on which any trade or ma weens sodanige bedryf of vervaardiging in die rioolpyp nufacture is carried on and from which as a result of afgevoer word moet benewens die gelde genoem in die such trade or manufacture effluent is discharged into the ander afdelings van hierdie Bylae betaal aan die raad sewer shall pay in addition to the charges mentioned in bykomende gelde vir die afvoer van bedoelde uitvloeisel the other parts of this Schedule to the council for the deur die rioolpyp en behandeling by die raad se riool conveyance of such effluent through the sewer and slykwerke gebaseer op die sterkte van so n uitvloeisel treatment at the councils sewage disposal works a soos vasgestel volgens een of meer verteenwoordigende further charge based on the strength of such effluent as saamgestelde monsters deur die ingenieur oor n minidetermined on one or more representative composite mum tydperk van 24 uur gedurende die voorafgaande samples taken by the engineer over a minimum period of halfjaar geneem Een helfte van die saamgestelde mons 24 hours during the preceding halfyear One half of the ters wat deur die ingenieur vir ontleding geneem is composite samples taken for analysis by the engineer moet aan die eienaars van die persele oorhandig word shall be handed to the owners of the premises if required indien hulle dit vir kontroledoeleindes benodig Die by them for checking The strength of the composite sterkte van die saamgestelde monster in mg// suurstof sample in mg/ of oxygen absorbed from N/80 acid po geabsorbeer van N/80 kaliumpermanganaatsuur teen tassium permanganate at 27 C in 24 hours shall be 27 C in 24 uur word deur die ingenieur bepaal Hierdie determined by the engineer This determination shall be bepaling word uitgevoer volgens die metodes voorgeskryf carried out according to the method prescribed in pa in paragraaf 5 van die Streekstandaarde vir Nywerheids ragraph 5 of the Regional Standards for ndustrial afrahvater afgekondig by Goewermentskennisgewing Effluent published under Government Notice R3208 R3208 van 29 Augustus 969 (Staatskoerant 252 van 29 dated 29 August 969 (Government Gazette 252 of 29 Augustus 969) Die vordering is ooreenkomstig die vol August 969) The charge shall be in accordance with gende formule: the following formula: Geld in sent per k/= 04 (5+ (02 X OA)) waar Charge in cent per k= 04 (5+ (02 XOA)) where OA suurstof in mg// geabsorbeer soos hierbo gespe OA= oxygen absorbed in mg/i as specified above sifiseer (2) n cases where in the opinion of the engineer the (2) n gevalle waar die syfer vir die suurstof wat ge oxygen absorbed figure does not give the correct strength absorbeer is na die mening van die ingenieur nie die juiste sterkte van die bedryfsuitvloeisel gee nie: weens of the trade effluent due to the presence of certain chedie teenwoordigheid van sekere chemiese verbindings mical compounds the council may make use of another kan die raad gebruik maak van n ander formule of me formula or method for assessing the strength of the tode om die sterkte van die uitvloeisel vas te stel en kan effluent and may calculate the further charges to be by die verdere gelde wat dienooreenkomstig betaal moet paid accordingly n the absence of any direct measu word bereken By ontstentenis van enige afrement the quantity of trade effluent discharged in any regstreekse word die hoeveelheidmeting bedryfsuitvloeisel wat in enige halfjaar afgevoer word deur die raad geraam en halfyear shall be estimated and determined by the croonvasgestel volgens die hoeveelheid water op die perseel cil from the quantity of water consumed on the premises verbruik met behoorlike inagneming van die water vir due allowance being made for water used for domestic huishoudelike doeleindes verbruik of gedurende die pro

43 purposes or absorbed during the process of manufacture or present in the final product PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART ses van vervaardiging geabsorbeer of in die eindproduk aanwesig (3) f a meter by which the quantity of water con (3) ndien daar bewys word dat n meter waarmee die sumed on the premises is measured is proved defective hoeveelheid water wat op die perseel verbruik afgemeet the appropriate adjustment shall be made to the quantity word defek is moet die hoeveelheid bedryfsuitvloeisel of trade effluent discharged when calculated as prescrib wat ontlas is bereken ooreenkomstig die voorafgaande ed by the preceding subitem subitem dienooreenkomstig gewysig word (4) The imposition of these charges shall not prejudice (4) Die heffing van hierdie gelde benadeel nie die reg the councils right to prohibit the use of the sewers as van die raad om die gebruik van die rioolpype te verbied provided in section 2 nie soos in artikel 2 bepaal 4 Work Charges 4 Gelde vir Werk The owner of the property on which or in respect of Die eienaar van die eiendom waarop of ten opsigte which the work mentioned hereunder is carried out shall waarvan die werk hieronder genoem verrig word is vir be liable to the council for the charge relating thereto die toepaslike geld teenoor die raad aanspreeklik R R () Sealing of openings per connection _ 500 () Verseeling van openings per aansluiting 500 (2) Removing blockages in drains: (2) Oopmaak van verstopte perseelriole: p(a) Weekdays (a) Weeksdae (i) For the first halfhour after beginning of (i) Vir die eerste helium nadat daar met die the work 400 werk begin is 400 (ii) For every halfhour of work thereafter 200 (ii) Vir elke halfuur van werk daarna 200 (b) Sundays and Public Holidays (b) Sondae en Openbare Vakansiedae (i) For the first half hour after the beginning (i) Vir die eerste halfuur nadat daar met of the work die werk begin is 600 (ii) For every halfhour of work thereafter 300 (ii) Vir elke halfuur van werk daarna 300 (3) Connections to the sewer: (3) Aansluitings by die Rioolpyp: Actual cost of material and labour plus 0 % Werklike koste van materiaal en arbeid plus 0 % 5 Sewerage Plan and nspection Charges 5 Rioolplan en nspeksiegelde Die ingenieur stet in elke afsonderlike geval die gelde vas ngeval daar enige geskille daaromtrem ontstaan is die saak onderworpe aan die reg van appel soos by ar tikel 3 voorgeskryf The engineer shall assess the charges in each particular case n the event of any differences arising in regard thereto the matter shall be subject to the right of appeal as prescribed in section 2 () Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar: () The following charges shall be payable: R R (a) (a) For every 50 ma or part thereof of the total Vir elke 50 m of gedeelte daarvan van die totale oppervlakte van alle verdiepings area of all floors of any building which will vanenige gebou wat bedien gaan word deur of be served by or of which the use direct or in waarvan die gebruik regstreeks of onregdirect is connected with the use of an err streeks gekoppel is met die gebruik van die drainage _ 00 perseelriool 00 (b) The minimum charge payable in respect of (b) Die minimum bedrag betaalbaar ten opsigte every application 200 van elke aansoek 200 (c) The maximum charge payable in respect of (c) Die maksimum bedrag betaalbaar ten opsigte every application shall not exceed R250 per van elke aansoek nie n bedrag van R250 per drainage installation; and rioleringsinrigting oorskry nie; en (d) all ends to branch drainage as well as ends of (d) Alle ente van takriole sowel as ente van pererf drainages shall be deemed to be drainage seelriole ook geag word rioleringsinrigtings installations te wees (2) These charges shall include the inspection of all (2) Hierdie gelde omvat die inspeksie van alle Hole drainage plans and drainage work shown on such plans ringsplanne en rioleringswerk wat op sodanige planne to be executed up to final test Should any section therecatiainggee tdoeoent evnanuirevoweertitce twydoerndstodtieditensfpinekalseietodeatasrvaans of during the inspection of the work fail to answer to nie aan die vereistes van hierdie verordeninge voldoen the requirements of these bylaws an additional charge nie word n bykomende bedrag van R deur die aan

44 672 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 of R shall be paid by the contractor with every application for the carrying out of any further test or inspection until such part of the work is approved nemer betaal vir elke aansoek om n verdere toets of inspeksie totdat sodanige deel van die werk goedgekeur (3) Alterations shall be assessed by the engineer as (3) Verbouings word so na as moontlik ooreenkomstig nearly as possible in accordance with the above scale bogenoemde skaal deur die ingenieur aangeslaan (4) n cases of any special service being required from (4) n gevalle waar enige spesiale diens van die ingethe engineer or his assistants the council may levy char nieur of sy assistente verlang word kan die raad ten ges in regard thereto and this shall include the attend opsigte daarvan betaling vorder waarby bediening en ance and supervision necessary for any work which are toesig inbegrepe is wat vir enige werke nodig is wat carried out by the council: Cost of such service plus 0 % deur die raad uitgevoer word: Koste van sodanige diens plus 0% PART L DEEL LCENSNG AND REGULATNG OF PLUMBERS AND DRANLAYERS LSENSERNG EN REGULERNG VAN LOODGE TERS EN ROOLAANLEERS Plumbers and Drainlayers Licences Loodgieters en Rioolaanleerslisensie is () A first class or practical plumbers licence will () n Eersteklas of praktiese loodgieterslisensie sal entitle the lawful holder to perform any plumbing work die wettige houer daarvan die reg gee om enige loodgiein connection with the construction fixing laying repair terswerk uit te voer in verband met die bou installeer or removal of pipes valves drains or other apparatus aanle herstel of verwydering van pype kleppe tithe of for the drainage of any premises but not to lay stone ander toestelle vir die riolering van enige perseel maar ware drains or chambers or to perform any work in nie om riole of kamers van harde aardewerk aan te 8 connection with water services and fittings connected nie ook nie om enige werk in verband met waterdienste to the councils water mains en inrigtings wat met die raad se hoofwaterpype ver (2) The holder of a drainlayers licence may perform bind is uit te voer nie any work in connection with the laying of stoneware (2) Die houer van n rioolaanleerslisensie kan enige drains and chambers for the drainage of any premises werk uitvoer in verband met die aan8 van riole en ka but may not in any way perform the work of a plumber mers van harde aardewerk vir die riolering van enige perseel maar mag geensins die werk van n loodgieter 2 Working without Licence verrig the No person shall carry out or cause any person to carry 2 Uitvoering van Werk sonder Lisensie out any work of the kind referred to in item unless such person is in possession of a licence issued by the Niemand mag enige werk van die aard waarna in item council duly authorising him thereto Any person con verwys word uitvoer of deur enigeen laat uitvoer nie travening this item shall be liable on conviction to a tensy sodanige persoon in besit is van n lisensie deur penalty not exceeding RO for the first offence and to die raad uitgereik waarby hy behoorlik daartoe gemaga penalty not exceeding R00 or by default of payment tig word Enige persoon wat hierdie item oortree is by imprisonment not exceeding 3 months for every subseskuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete van hoogstens quent offence RO vir die eerste misdryf en met n boete van hoogstens R00 of by wanbetaling tot gevangenisstraf van hoogstens 3 maande vir elke daaropvolgende oortreding 3 Examinations for Licences 3 Eksamens vir Lisensies Any person wishing to obtain any licence under these bylaws shall submit himself for an examination by the Enige persoon wat n lisensie kragtens hierdie veror council in such manner and at such times as the cowl deninge wil verkry moet hom onderwerp aan eksamen cil may from time to time decide Such examination deur die raad op sodanige wyse en op sodanige tye as shall be held in the subjects set out in items 7 and 8 wat die raad van tyd tot tyd bepaal Sodanige eksamen viz word afgeneem in die vakke sops onderskeidelik uiteengesit in items 7 en 8 naamlik (i) for a first class plumbers licence the subjects contained in item 7: Provided that in addition vir n eersteklasloodgieterslisensie die vereistes a certificate in the subject of Sanitation vervat in item 7: Met dien verstande dat n of the National Technical and Commercial Exa sertifikaat in die yak Higieniese Versorging minations of the Department of National Edu van die Nasionale Tegniese en Handelseksamens cation shall first have been obtained; van die Departement van Nasionale Opvoeding vooraf verkry is; (ii) for a practical plumbers licence the subjects contained in item 7; and (iii) for a drainlayers licence the subjects contained in item 8 (ii) vir n praktiese loodgieterslisensie die vereistes vervat in item 7; en (iii) vir n rioolaanleerslisensie die vereistes vervat in item 8: 4 Register to be Signed 4 Register noel Onderteken word Prior to the issue of a licence to any successful candi Alvorens aan n geslaagde kandidaat n lisensie uitgedate he shall sign a register containing a declaration reik word moet hy n register teken wat n verklaring that he accepts such licence subject to andthat he shall bevat dat hy sodanige lisensie aanvaar onderworpe aan 4 4

45 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART with the conditions thereof and with any regu die voorwaardes daarvan en dat by daaraan voldoen lations or bylaws from time to time in force within the asook aan enige regulasies of verordeninge wat met bemunicipality with regard to such licence trekking tot sodanige lisensie van tyd tot tyd binne die munisipaliteit van krag is 5 Licence to be Produced 5 Lisensie meet Getoon word Any licensee if called upon at any time to do so shall Enige lisensiehouer moet te eniger tyd wanner dit produce his licence for inspection by any authorized offivan hom vereis word sy lisensie vertoon vir inspeksie cial of the council aan enige daartoe gemagtigde beampte van die raad doconform 6 Cancellation of Licence 6 Kansellering van Lisensie The council may at any time cancel any licence Die mad kan te eniger tyd enige lisensie aan enige granted to any plumber or drainlayer if the council loodgieter of rioolaanleer uitgereik kanselleer indien die shall be satisfied that such person has done any plumbing raad daarvan oortuig is dat sodanige persoon enige loodor drainlaying work in a negligent or unworkmanlike gieters of rioleringswerk op n agterlosige of onvakkun manner to the injury of any person or property or con dige wyse tot nadeel van enige persoon of eiendom of in trary toany of the councils bylaws: Provided that prior stryd met enige verordeninge van die raad uitgevoer het: to such cancellation the person whose licence it is in Met dien verstande dat aan die persoon wie se lisensie tended to cancel shall be given an opportunity of appear dit die bedoeling is om te kanselleer voor sodanige kan ing before a committee of the council and being heard sellering die geleentheid gegee moet word om voor n in his defence komitee van die mad teverskyn om ter verdediging aan gehoor te word 7 Examination for Working Plumbers Licence 7 Eksamen vir n Praktiese Loodgieterslisensie () Applicants for a Plumbers Licence must prove that () Aansoekers vir n loodgieterslisensie moet bewys they have completed an apprenticeship van n voltooide vakleerlingskap lewer (2) Applicants must prove that they have received (2) Aansoekers moet bewys lewerdat opleiding by n training at a trade school for tradesmen and that they opleidingskool vir ambagsmanne ontvang en die nodige have obtained the neccessary certificate sertifikaat verwerf is 8 Examination for a Drainlayers Licence 8 Eksamen vir n Rioolaanleerslisensie CandidatesKandidate 9 Form of Licence to be ssued to Plumbers and Drain word layers () Form of Licence to be issued to Plumbers: for examination must satisfy officials of the council that they are able to lay drains of approved materials as well as links connections and man hold and to perform the neccessary inspections thereof and must provide themselves with the necessary tools for such examination moet beamptes van die Raad oortuig dat hulle in staat is om riole wat van ma goedgekeurde vervaardig iaal is te le en lasse aansluitings kamers en die toets daarvan te maak en moet ook self die ge reedskap en materiaal verskaf wat hulle vir sodanige eksamen nodig het 9 Vorm van Lisensie wad aan Loodgieters Uitgereik () Vorm van Lisensie wat aan Loodgieters uitgereik word: CTY COUNCL OF BETHAL STADSRAAD VAN BETHAL Plumbers Licence No _9 Loodgieterslisensie No 9 Mr is hereby licensed as Mar word hierby gelisensieer as loodgieter kragtens die verordeninge plumber the vir bylaws for die lisensiering en regulering van loodgieters en the licensing and regulating of plumbers and rioolaanleers binne die regsgebied van die Stads drainlayers within the Municipality and is entitled raad en is geregtig om slegs oodgieterswerk uit to execute only plumbing work te voer Town Engineer Stadsingenieur (2) Vorm van Lisensie wat aan Rioolaanleers Uitgereik (2) Form of Licence to be ssued to Drainlayers: word: CTY COUNCL OF BETHAL STADSRAAD VAN BETHAL 0 Drainlayers Licence No _9 Rioolaanleerslisensie No 9 Mr is hereby licensed as Mnr : a drainlayer under the bylaws for the licensing : word hierby gelisensieer as rioolaanleer kragtens die verordeninge vir i

46 674 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 and regulating of plumbers and drainlayers within sensiering en reeling van Loodgieters en rioolaan leers binne die regsgebied van die raad en is ge regtig om slegs dole aan te le en inspeksiekamers te bou the Municipality and is entitled to lay stoneware drains and chambers Town Engineer ^^ Stadsingenieur 2 The Drainage and Plumbing Bylaws of the Bethal 2 Die Riolerings en Loodgietersverordeninge van die Municipality published by Administrators Notice 237 Munisipaliteit Bethel afgekondig by Administrateursken dated 27 March 957 as amended are hereby revoked nisgewing 237 van 27 Maart 957 soos gewysig word hierby herroep PB PB " Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 BRTS MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO ELEC MUNSPALTET BRTS: WYSGNG VAN ELEK TRCTY BY LAWS TRSTETSVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge arti the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved 939 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goed gekeur is The Electricity Bylaws of the Brits Municipality adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit 22 dated August 973 as amended are hereby Brits deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateursken further amended by amending Part of the Tariff of nisgewing 22 van Augustus 973 soos gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur Deel van die Tarief van Charges under the Schedule by the substitution in item (2)(c) for the figure "2895c" of the figure "3025c"; 2 the substitution in item 2(2)(c) for the figure "3723c" of the figure "38495c"; 3 the substitution in item 3(2)(b) for the figure "R499" of the figure "R523"; 4 the substitution in item 3(2)(c) for the figure "74c" of the figure ";7965c"; 5 the substitution in item 4(2)(b) for the figure "R482" of the figure "R506"; 6 the substitution in item 4(2)(e) for the figure "298c" of the figure "35c"; and Gelde onder die Bylae te wysig deur in item (2)(c) die syfer "2895c" deur die syfer "3025c" te vervang; 2 in item 2(2)(c) die syfer "3723c" deur die syfer "38495c" te vervang; 3 in item 3(2)(b) die syfer "R499" deur die syfer "a523" te vervang; 4 in item 3(2)(c) die syfer "74c" deur die syfer "7965c" te vervang; 5 in item 4(2)(b) die syfer "R482" deur die syfer "R506" te vervang; 6 in item 4(2)(c) die syfer "298c" deur die syfer 35c" te vervang; en 4 7 the substitution in item 6(2)(b) for the figure 7 in item 6(2)(b) die syfer "664c" deur die syfer "664c" of the figure "67405c": "67405c" te vervang The provisions contained in this notice shall be deem Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat word ed to have come into operation on January 979 geag op Januarie 979 in werking te getree het PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 CARLETONVLLE MUNCPALTY: CLEANSNG MUNSPALTTET CARLETONVLLE: REN SERVCES BY LAWS GNGSDENSTEVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge arti of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 the bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been ap die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingeproved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur dinance is CHAPTER HOOFSTUK Definitions Woordomskrywing 4 For the purposes of these by laws unless the con : Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge; tensy text otherwise indicates uit die sinsverband enders blyk; beteken

47 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART iik "bin liner" means a plastic bag as prescribed and "besigheidsafval" afval uitgesonderd bouersafval lysupplied by the Council and which is being placed inside wige afval tuinafval huisafval of bedryfsafval wat ont li the refuse bin; staan deur die gebruik van n perseel wat nie n private woonhuis is wat uitsluitend vir woondoeleindes gebruik "builders refuse" means refuse generated by demo word nie; lition excavation or building activities on premises; "bewoner" n bewoner soos omskryf in die Ordon "bulky garden refuse" means refuse such as tree op Plaaslike Bestuur 939: Met dien verstande nansien stumps branches of trees hedgestumps and branches dat die "okkupant" in die geval n perseel wat of van hedges hedges and any other garden refuse of quantities hou word ingevolge die Deeltitelregister wat ingevolge more than 2 m5; artikel 5 van die Wet op Deeltitels 97 geopen is die "bulky refuse" means refuse which emanates from any regspersoon is wat by die Wet omskryf word: Met dien premises excluding industrial refuse and which cannot verstande verder dat as dear meer as een okkupant van by virtue of its mass shape size or quantity be conve n perseel is die eienaar geag word die okkupant to niently accumulated or removed in a refuse bin with wees; a bin liner; "bouersafval" afval wat weens slopings uitgrawings "business refuse" means refuse generated by the use of boubedrywighede op n perseel ontstaan; of premises other than a private dwellinghouse used droe bedryfsafval" afval uitgesonderd bouersafval solely as a residence but shall not include builders re spesiale bedryfsafval of huisafval wat vanwed vervaardifuse garden refuse bulky refuse domestic refuse or in gings instandhoudings monteer en demonteerbedrydustrial refuse; wighede asook die bedrywighede op spoorwegrangeerik "bin" means a standard type of refuse bin or refuse werwe ontstaan; W container as approved by the Council and which is sup "eienaar" in eienaar soos omskryf in die Ordonnansie plied by the Council; op Plaaslike Bestuur 939: Met then verstande dat die "charges" means the charges prescribed in the Sche "eienaar" van n perseel wat gehou word ingevolge die dole to these bylaws; Deeltitelregister wat ingevolge artikel 5 van die Wet op Deeltitels 97 geopen is die regspersoon is wat by die "Council" means the Town Council of Carletonville Wet omskryf word; that Councils Management Committee acting under the powers delegated to it in terms of section 58 of the "gelde" die gelde wat in die Bylae by hierdie verorde Local Government (Administration and Elections) Or ninge voorgeskryf word; tlinance 960 and any officer to whom that Committee "blik" n standaard vullisblik of vullishouer soos deur has been empowered by the Council in terms of subdie Raad goedgekeur en wat deur die Raad voorsien section (2) of the said section to delegate and has in fact word; delegated the powers functions and duties vesting in the Council in relation to these bylaws; "huisalval" afval wat normaalweg afkomstig is van n gebou wat vir woondoeleindes gebruik word insluitende "domestic refuse" means refuse normally generated woonstelle hospitale skole hostelle kampongs liefdci by the use as a residence of a private dwellinghouse digheidsorganisasies kerke en sale gelee op privaatgrond including flats hospitals schools hostels compounds been wat met gemak sonder beskadiging van die plastiese nevolent societies churches and halls situated on private voering daarin verwyder kan word; property and which can be easily removed without damaging the bin liner; "lywige afval" afval uitgesonderd bedryfsafval af komstig vanaf enige perseel maar wat vanwe6 die massa "dry industrial refuse" means dry refuse generated v orm as a result of Manufacturing maintenance fabricating grootte of hoeveelheid daarvan nie maklik in M and dismantling activities and the activities of railway vullisblik met n plastiese voering opgegaar of verwyder marshalling yards but shall not include builders refuse kan word nie; special industrial refuse or domestic refuse; "lywige tuinafval" beteken afval sons boomstompe "garden refuse" means refuse which is generated as boomtakke laningstompe en takke en enige tuinafval a result of normal gardening activities such as grass in hoeveelhede van meer as 2 m3; cuttings leaves plants flowers cuttings of trees shrubs "openbare plek" publieke plek soos omskryf in die and similar light objects; Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939; "occupier" has the same meaning as defined in the "plastiese voering" n plastiese sak soos Local Government Ordinance deur die Raad 939: Provided that "ocvoorgeskryf en voorsien wat binnein die vullisblik gecupier" in respect of premises held on the Sectional Title Register opened in terms of section 5 of the pleas word; Sectional Titles Act 97 means the body corporate as defined "Raad" die Stadsraad van Carletonville daardie Raad in that Act in relation to such premises: Provided further setestuurskomitee wat handel kragtens die bevoegdhede that if there is more than one occupier of the same prewat ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 58 van die Ordon mises the owner will be deemed to be the occupier of nansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkie the premises; sings) 960aan horn gedelegeer is en enige beampte "owner" has the same meaning as defined in the Ltical aan wie die Komitee ingevolge die bepalings van subartikel (2) van genoemde artikel Government Ordinance 939: Provided that "owner" op gesag van die Raad die bevoegdhede funksies en pligte wat ten opsigte in respect of van premises on the Sectional Title Register hierdie verordeninge by die Raad berus kan delegeer opened in terms of section 5 of the Sectional Titles Act en dit inderdaad gedelegeer het; en

48 676 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH means the body corporate as defined in that Act "tuineval" afval wat ontstaan deur normale A in relation to such premises; bedrywighede coos gesnyde gras blare plante blomme "public place" has the same meaning as defined Government Ordinance in the 939 Local CHAPTER 2 REMOVAL OF REFUSE snysels van borne en struike en ander soortgelyke ligte voorwerpe HOOFSTUK 2 VERWYDERNG VAN AFVAL Die Raad se Diens The Councils Service 2(l) Die Read lewer 20) n diens teen die gelde wat in The Council renders a service at the charges die Bylae by hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf word prescribed in the Schedule to these bylaws (2) Die bewoner van n perseel waarop besigheids of (2) The occupier of premises on which business or huisafval ontstaan moet van die Raad se diens vir die domestic refuse is generated shall avail himself of the afhaal en verwydering van sodanige vullis gebruik mask Councils service for the collection and removal of such behalwe wanneer spesiale vrystelling verleen word refuse except where special exemption is granted (3) Die eienaar van n perseel waarop die besigheids (3) The owner of the premises on which the business of huisafval ontstaan is aanspreeklik daarvoor dat alle or domestic refuse is generated shall be liable to the gelde wat ten opsigte van die afhaal en verwydering van Council for all charges in respect of the collection and afval van sodanige perseel of betaalbaar is aan die Raad removal of such refuse from such premises betaal word Notice to Council Kennisgewing aan die Raad 3 The occupier or the owner of such premises on 3 Die bewoner of die eienaar van n perseel waarop which business or domestic refuse is generated shall besigheids of huisafval ontstaan meet binne sewe dae within seven days after the commencement of the ge vanaf die (lag waarop die afval begin ontstaan die Raad neration of such refuse notify the Council in kennis stel dat (a) that the premises are being occupied; (a) die perseel geokkupeer word; (b) whether business refuse or domestic refuse is being (b) daar of besigheids of huisafval op die perseel ontgenerated on the premises staan Yerskaf fing van Lullisblikke en Massahouers Provision of Refuse Bins and Bulk Containers 4() Afval van private woonhuise en vullis van be 4() Refuse from private dwellings and business pre sigheidspersele nywerheidspersele hotelle woonstelle raises industrial premises hotels flats boardinghouses losieshuise kamers en kantore moet slegs in vullisblikke rooms and offices shall be deposited only in refuse bins met of sonder plastiese voerings na gelang die Raad with or without a bin liner as may be decided upon by besluit of massahouers wat deur die Raad verskaf word the Council or bulk containers which shall be supplied en wat die eiendom van die Raad bly gegooi word by the Council and which shall remain the property (2) Die bewoner van enige perseel moet sorg of the Council dat die inhoud van die vullisblik of massahouer te alle tye bedek (2) The occupier of any premises shall keep the con gehou word (behalwe wanneer vullis in die vullisblik of tents of the bin or bulk container covered at all times massahouer gegooi of daaruit verwyder word) en die (save when refuse is being deposited therein or discharg eienaar van enige perseel word verantwoordelik gehou cd therefrom) and the owner of any premises shall be vir die verlies of beskadiging van enige sodanige vullisresponsible for the loss of or damage to any such bin blik of blikke of vullishouer of vullishouers of massaor bins or refuse container or refuse containers or bulk houers of massahouer container or bulk containers (3) Die eienaar moet in die geval van sodanige be (3) The owner shall in the event of such damage or skadiging of verlies aan die Raad n bedrag betaal wat loss pay to the Council in addition to any penalties gelyk is aan die kosprys van n nuwe emmer of vulliswhich may be imposed in terms of section 6 an amount blik of massahouer na gelang van die geval bo en be equal to the cost price of a new pail or refuse bin or halve enige boetes wat kragtens artikel 6 opgele kan bulk container as the case may be word (4) A refuse bin which is in use for five years or longer (4) n Vullisblik wat vyf jaar of langer in gebruik is may be replaced free of charge mag gratis vervang word (5) The owner or occupier of any premises shall place (5) Die eienaar of bewoner van enige perseel moet or cause to be placed such bin or bins or bulk container sodanige blik of blikke of massahouer of massahouers or bulk containers in a convenient position on the pre plaas of laat plaas op n plek op die perseel waar dit mises for the collection and removal of refuse by the gerieflik is vir die Raad se werknemers om die afval te Councils employees vergaar en te verwyder (6) The number of bins or bulk containers required (6) Die aantal blikke of massahouers wat op enige d or deemed to be necessary on any premises shall be perseel vereis word of nodig geag word word deur die directed or decided upon by the Councils Medical Offi Raad se Geneeskundige Gesondheidsbeampte of Hoof cer of Health or Chief Health nspector gesondheidsinspekteur voorgeskryf of bepaal 4

49 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART Placing of Refuse Bins and Bulk Containers Placing van Yullisblikke en Massahouers 50) The occupier or owner of premises shall on an 5() Die bewoner of eienaar van n perseel moet op approved place on the premises provide sufficient space n goedgekeurde plek op die perseel voorsiening maak for the placing of the refuse bins or bulk containers vir genoeg ruimte om die vullisblikke of massahouers te pleas (2) The space provided in terms of subsection () shall be in such a position on the premises as will allow the (2) Die plek waarvoor daar ingevolge subartikel () storage of refuse bins or bulk containers without being voorsiening gemaak word moet so geled wees op die visible from a street or public place perseel dat die vullisblikke of massahouers wat daarop geberg word nie van n street of openbare pick of sig g (3) All refuse bins shall where the Council so decides is nie be equipped with bin liners which shall be supplied by the Council (3) Alle vullisblikke moet waar die Raad sodanig be sluit met n plastiese voering wat deur die Raad verskaf (4) Bin liners containing refuse and properly closed word toegerus weer shall be placed next to the refuse bin (4) Plastiese voerings met afval daarin en behoorlik (5) f required by the Council the place of collection toegebind moet langsaan die vullishouer geplaas word shall be so located as to permit convenient access to and egress from such space for the Councils collection (5) As die Raad dit vereis moet die plek van afhaal vehicles so gelee wees dat daar n gerieflike in en uitgang vir die Raad se afvalverwyderingsvoertuie by so n plek is (6) A sufficient area shall be provided to keep a special refuse bin for the storage of refuse as described (6) n Groot genoeg ruimte moet voorsien word sodat in section 6()(a) apart from the space necessary for n spesiale vullisblik vir die opberg van afval soos be the storage of refuse not kept in a special refuse bin skryf in artikel 6()(a) daar gehou kan word benewens (7) The Council may at its discretion indicate a po die ruimte benodig vir die opberging van afval wat nie in n spesiale hotter geberg kan word nie sition from where the refuse may be removed more conveniently (7) Die Raad kan ook na goeddunke n plek aanwys vanwaar afval met meer gerief verwyder kan word (8) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary the Council may in the event of the Council in its opinion (8) Ondanks enige andersluidende bepaling kan die being unable to collect and remove domestic refuse or Raad indien dit na sy mening nie moontlik is om huis business refuse from the space provided in terms of houdelike of besigheidsafval van die plek waarvoor daar subsection () having regard to the avoidance of nuisance ingevolge subartikel () voorsiening gemaak is of te and the convenience of collection of refuse indicate a heal of te verwyder nie n plek op of buitekant die perposition within or outside the premises where the bin seel aanwys waar die plastiese voering of vullisblik geliners shall be placed for the collection and removal of Pleas moet word waar dit nie misstande sal skep nie such refuse and such bin liners or refuse bins shall then en waarvandaan dit gerieflik sat wees om die afval of be placed in such position at such times and for such te heal en te verwyder en die plastiese voering of vullisperiod as the Council may prescribe blik moet op daardie plek geplaas word op die tye en vir die tydperke wat die Raad voorskryf Use and Care of Refuse Bins and Bin Liners Gebruik en Versorging van Vullisblikke en Plastiese Voerings 6() Every occupier or the owner of such premises shall ensure that 6() Die bewoner van die perseel of die eienaar van so n perseel moet sorg dat (a) all the domestic or business refuse generated on the premises excepting where bulk containers are being (a) alle huis of besigheidsafval wat op die perseel ontused is placed and kept in such bin liners or refuse staan uitgesonderd waar massahouers gebruik bins for removal by the Council: Provided that the word in die plastiese voerings of vullisblikke geprovisions of this subsection shall not prevent any plaas en gehou word sodat die Raad dit kan veroccupier or owner as the case may be who has wyder: Met dien verstande dat die bepalings van obtained the Councils prior written consent from hierdie subartikel nie verhoed nie dat n okkupant selling or otherwise disposing of any swill corrugated of eienaar na gelang van die geval wat vooraf cardboard papers glass or other material being an die Raad se skriftelike vergunning verkry het draf element of business refuse for recycling in a manu riffelkarton papier glas of ander materiaal wat facturing process or in the case of swill for con n bestanddeel van besigheidsafval is verkoop of dit sumption; andersins mee wegdoen sodat dit deur n vervaardigingsproses herwin kan word of in die geval van (b) no hot ash unwrapped glass or other business or draf vir verbruiksdoeleindes gebruik kan word; domestic refuse which may cause damage to bin li (b) geen warm as glasskerwe of enige besigheids of ners or which may cause injury to the Councils huisafval wat die plastiese voering kan beskadig of employees while carrying out their duties in terms die Raad se werknemers kan beseer ter wyl hulle of these bylaws is placed in bin liners before he hul pligte ingevolge hierdie verordeninge nakom in die voerings geplaas word voordat by has taken such steps die as may be necessary to avoid nodige stappe gedoen het om socianige skade of beserings such damage or injury; te voorkom nie; (c) no material including any liquid which by reason (c) geen materiaal insluitende vloeistof wat weens die of its mass or other characteristics is likely to render massa of ander eienskappe daarvan dit waarskyn such bin liners unreasonably difficult for the Coun lik vir die Raad se werknemers te moeilik kan maak _at

50 678 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 cils employees to handle or carry is placed in om die plastiese voerings te hanteer of te dra in such bin liners; sodanige voerings geplaas word nie; (d) every refuse bin on the premises is covered save (d) elke vullisblik op die perseel toe is behalwe wan when refuse is being deposited therein or discharged neer afval daarin geplaas of daaruit verwyder word therefrom and that every refuse bin is kept in a en dat elke vullisblik skoon en in n higieniese toe clean and hygienic condition stand gehou word (2) No refuse bin may be used for any purpose other (2) Geen vullisblik mag vir n ander doel as om be than the storage of business industrial or domestic re sigheids nywerheids of huisafval in te hou gebruik fuse and no fire shall be lit in such container word nie en geen vuur mag daarin gemaak word nie (3) The bin liners shall be removed by the Council (3) Die Raad verwyder plastiese voerings met sodaat such intervals as the Council may deem necessary nige tussenpose as wat by nodig ag slegs indien dit op only if such bin liners have been placed at the prescribed die voorgeskrewe plekke soos in artikel 5 bepaal geplaces as provided in section 5 plaas is (4) The Council shall not be liable for the loss of or (4) Die Raad aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir die for any damage to a refuse bin or bin liner verlies van of skade aan n vullisblik of plastiese voering nie CHAPTER 3 HOOFSTUK 3 GARDEN AND BULKY GARDEN REFUSE AND TUNAFVAL EN LYWGE TUN EN ANDER OTHER BULKY REFUSE LYWGE AFVAL Removal and Disposal of Garden and Bulky Refuse Venvydering en Wegdoen van Tuinafval en Lywige 7() The occupier or owner of premises on which Afval garden or bulky garden or other bulky refuse is gene 7() Die bewoner of die eienaar van n perseel in rated shall ensure that such refuse be disposed of in sluitende woonstelle waar tuinafval of lywige tuin of terms of the Chapter within a reasonable time after the ander lywige afval ontstaan moet toesien dat die afval generation thereof ingevolge hierdie hoofstuk mee weggedoen word binne (2) Any person may remove and dispose of garden or n redelike tydperk nadat dit ontstaan het bulky garden refuse or other bulky refuse (2) Enigiemand kan tuinafval of lywige tuin of ander (3) Garden or bulky garden or other bulky refuse re lywige afval verwyder en daarmee wegdoen moved from the premises on which it was generated (3) Tuinafval of lywige thin of ander lywige afval shall be deposited on a site designated by the Council as moet nadat dit van die perseel af waarop dit ontstaan a disposal site for such refuse het verwyder is gestort word op n terrein wat die Raad daarvoor aangewys het The Councils Special Service 8 At the request of the owner or any occupier of Die Raad se Spesiale Diens any premises the Council shall remove bulky garden and 8 Die Raad verwyder mits ty dit met sy afvalverother bulky refuse from premises provided that the wyderingsuitrusting kan doen op versoek van n eienaar Council is able to do so with its refuse removal equip of n bewoner van n perseel lywige tuin of ander lywige ment All such refuse shall be placed within 3 in of the afval van die perseel af Alle sodanige afval moet binne boundary loading point but not on the sidewalk n afsitand van 3 m vanaf die grenslaaipunt geplaas word maar nie op die sypaadjie nie CHAPTER 4 _ HOOFSTUK 4 BULDERS REFUSE BOUERSAFVAL Responsibility for Builders Refuse Aanspreeklikheid vir Bouersafval 9() The owner of premises on which builders refuse is generated and the person engaged in the activity which 9() Die eienaar van die perseel waarop bouersafval causes such refuse to be generated shall ensure that ontstaan en die persoon wat betrokke is by die bedrysuch refuse be disposed of in terms of section 0 within wigheid wat sodanige afval laat ontstaan moet sorg a reasonable time after the generation thereof dat did afval ingevolge artikel 0 mee weggedoen word binne n redelike tydperk nadat dit ontstaan het (2) Any person may operate a builders refuse removal service Should the Council provide such a service it (2) Enigiemand kan n diens vir die verwydering van shall be done at the prescribed charges and the Councils bouersafval lewer ndien die Raad so n diens lewer container service must be requested geskied dit teen die voorgeskrewe gelde en moet die Raad se houerdiens aangevra word Disposal of Builders Refuse Wegdoening van Bouersafval 00) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) all Alle boueisafval moet onderworpe aan die bebuilders refuse shall be deposited at the Councils refuse palings van subartikel (2) op die Raad se afvalstort disposal sites terreine gestort word 4

51 illation PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART (2) For the purpose of reclamation of land builders (2) Bouersafval kan vir grondherwinningsdoeleindes refuse may with the written consent of the Council met die Raad se skriftelike vergunning op n ander plek be deposited at a place other than the Councils refuse as die Pad se afvalstortterreine gestort word disposal sites (3) Vergunning wat ingevolge subartikel (2) verleen (3) Consent given in terms of subsection (2) shall be word is onderworpe aan die voorwaardes wat die Raad subject to such conditions as the Council may deem ne nodig mag ag: Met dien verstande dat die Raad die vol cessary: Provided that in giving or refusing its consent gende in ag neem wanneer by sy vergunning verleen of or in laying down conditions the Council shall have dit weier of wanneer by voorwaardes stet regard to (a) openbare veiligheid; (a) public safety; (b) die omgewing van beoogde stortterrein; (b) the environment of the proposed disposal site; (c) die geskiktheid van die gebied met inbegrip van die (c) the suitability of the area including the drainage dreinering daarvan; thereof; (d) die verwagte tye en wyse waarop afval op die ter (d) the expected manner and times of depositing of re rein gestort word; fuse at the site; (e) die gelykmaking van die terrein; (e) the levelling of the site; (f) stofbeheer; of (f) the control of dust; (g) ander verwante faktore (g) other relevant factors HOOFSTUK 5 CHAPTER 5 STORTTERRENE DSPOSAL STES Prosedure by Stortterreine Conduct at Disposal Sites () emand wat n stortterrein waaroor die Raad 4) Any person who for the purpose of disposing beheer uitoefen vir afvalstortdoeleindes betree moet of refuse enters a refuse disposal site controlled by the (a) die stortterrein slegs by die gemagtigde ingangsplek Council shall binnegaan; (a) enter the disposal site only at an authorised access point; (b) n die besonderhede wat die Raad betreffende die samestelling van die afval verlang aan hom ver (b) give to the Council all the particulars required in strek; en regard to the composition of the refuse; and (c) alle opdragte aan horn in verband met toegang tot (c) follow all instructions given to him in regard to die werklike stortplek die plek wear en die access to the actual disposal point the place where manierwaarop die afval gestort moet word nakom and the manner in which the refuse should be deposited (2) Niemand bring sterk drank na n stortterrein wat (2) No person shall bring intoxicating onder toesig van die Raad staan nie liquor onto a disposal site controlled by the Council (3) Niemand mag n stortterrein waaroor die Raad (3) No person shall enter a disposal site controlled beheer uitoefen binnegaan nie behalwe met die doe] by the Council for any purpose other than the disposal om Dival ingevolge hierdie verordeninge weg to doen of refuse in terms of these bylaws and then only at such en dan slegs op die tye wat die Raad van tyd tot tyd times as the Council may from time to time determine bepaal Hierdie subartikel is This subsection shall not apply to nie van a person who in terms toepassing op n an agreement with the Council is performing recta persoon wat nit hoofde van n ooreenkoms met die work on such site Raad herwinningswerk op sodanige terrein verrig nie Ownership of Refuse Eiendornsreg op Afval 2() All refuse removed by the Council and all re 20) Alle afval wat die Raad verwyder het en alle fuse on disposal sites controlled by the Council shall be Oval op afvalstortterreine waaroor die Raad beheer uitthe property of the Council and no person who is not oefen is die eiendom van die Raad en niemand wat nie duly authorised by the Council to do so shall remove behoorlik deur die Raad daartoe gemagtig is nie mag or interfere therewith dit verwyder of horn daarmee bemoei nie (2) Unless the special consent of the Council has been (2) Tensy spesiale vergunning deur die Raad verleen ei obtained for the disposal of refuse generated outside is vir die storting van afval afkomstig van buite die muthe municipality only refuse which is generated on pre nisipaliteit mag slegs afval afkomstig van persele wat miser within the municipality may be disposed of on the binne die munisipaliteit gala is op die Raad se afval Councils refuse disposal sites stortingsterreine weggedoen word

52 680 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 CHAPTER 6 i HOOFSTUK 6: i GENERAL PROVSONS ALGEMENE BEPALNGS Access to Premises Toegang tot n Perseel 30) Where the Council provides a refuse collection 3() Die bewoner van n perseel moet as die Raad service the occupier of premises shall grant the Council n afvalverwyderingsdiens lewer aan die Raad toegang access to the premises for the purpose of collecting and verleen vir afhaal en verwyderingsdoeleindes en : by moet removing refuse and shall ensure that nothing obstructs sorg dat niks die Raad in die lewering van sy diens frustrates or hinders the Council in the carrying out of dwarsboom fnuik of hinder nie its service (2) As die afhaal of verwydering van afval van n (2) Where in the opinion of the Council the collection perseel of na die mening van die Read waarskynlik ska or removal of refuse from any premises is likely to re de aan die perseel of aan die Raad se eiendom tot gesuit in damage to the premises or ;the Councils property volg kan he of kan lei tot die besering van die afval or injury to the refuse collectors or any other person it vcrwyderaars of iemand anders kan die Raad as n may as a condition of rendering a refuse collection ser voorwaarde vir die lewering van n afvalverwyderingsvice in respect of the premises require the owner or diens aan sodanige perseel van die eienaar of bewoner occupier to indemnify it in writing in respect of any such vereis dat hy die Raad skriftelik vrywaar teen sodanige damage or injury or any claims arising out of either skade of beserings of teen n eis wat uit een of albei hiervan kan voortspruit Accumulation of Refuse e Ophoping van A fval 4 When any category of refuse defined in Chapter 4 As enige kategorie afval wat in Hoofstuk van of these bylaws accumulates on premises so as to consti hierdie verordeninge omskryf word op n perseel op tute a nuisance or so as to render it likely that a nuisance hoop sodat dit n misstand veroorsaak of waarskynlik may be created thereby the Council may make a spe n misstand kan veroorsaak kan die Raad sodanige afcial removal of such refuse and the owner shall be liable val spesiaal verwyder en die eienaar is ten opsigte van in respect of such special removal to pay the charges sodanige spesiale verwydering aanspreeklik vir die beta therefor ling van die gelde daarvoor Charges Gelde 5:0) Save where otherwise provided in these bylaws 50) lemand aan wie die Raad n diens ingevolge the person to whom any service mentioned in these by hierdie verordeninge gelewer het is behoudens enderslaws has been rendered by the Council shall be liable luidende bepalings van hierdie verordeninge aanspreekto the Council for the charges in respect thereof uk vir die gelde wat vir so n (liens aan die Raad betaal (2) The charges payable to the Council for any night moet word soil or refuse removal services or both such services (2) Die gelde betaalbaar aan die Raad vir enige nagfor any portion of a quarter during which such services vuil of vuilgoedverwyderingsdienste of beide sulke are discontinued shall be dienste vir enige gedeelte van n kwartaal gedurende A welke sulke dienste gestaak word is 4 (a) equivalent to the charges payable for the full quarter if such services are discontinued during the last (a) dieselfde as die gelde betaalbaar vir die voile kwarmonth of the quarter; taal as sulke dienste gestaak word gedurende die laaste maand van die kwartaal; (b) equivalent to twothirds of the charges payable for the quarter if such services are discontinued during (b) tweederdes van die gelde betaalbaar vir die kwarthe secondmonth of the quarter; and taal as sulke dienste gestaak word gedurende die tweede maand van die kwartaal; en (c) equivalent to one third of the charges payable for the quarter if such services are discontinued during (c) eenderde van die gelde betaalbaar vir die kwartaal the first month of the quarter as sulke dienste gestaak word gedurende die eerste maand van die kwartaal (3) Where a new service is commenced or a discon (3) Waal n nuwe diens n aanvang neem of n getinued service is resumed the quarterly tariff shall be staakte diens hervat word word die kwartaallikse tarief reduced by one third if the service is commenced in the met eenderde verminder as die diens in die tweede second month of the quarter and by twothirds if such maand van die kwartaal n aanvang neem en met twee service is commenced in the third month of the quarter derdes as so ndiens in die derde maand van die kwar taal n aanvang neem (4) Services rendered by the Council in respect of which a charge is prescribed shall only be discontinued (4) Die Raad steak n diens wat hy lewer en waarvoor by the Council after receipt of 4 written notification geld voorgeskryf is slegs nadat hy van die eienaar of from the owner or occupier of the premises to which bewoner van die perseel waar die diens gelewer word A the services are rendered that the generation of domestic n skriftelike kennisgewing ontvang het dat daar nie qi or business refuse on the premises has ceased or when it meer huffs of besigheidsafval ontstaan nie of as dit has become obvious to the Council that the generation vir die Raad duidelik blyk dat daar nie meer afval op of such refuse on the premises has ceased die perseel ontstaan nie

53 prisonment PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART (5) The prescribed charges shall bp payable until re (5) Die voorgeskrewe gelde is betaalbaar totdat die ceipt by the Council of the notice mentioned in sub Raad die kennisgewing wat in subartikel (4) genoem section (4) or when it has become obvious to the Corm word ontvang of dit vir die Raad duidelik blyk dat cil that the generation of such refuse on the premises daar nie meer afval op die perseel ontstaan nie has ceased Strafbepaling Offences and Penalties 6(l) emand wat n bepaling van hierdie verorde ninge oortree of versuim om daaraan te voldoen begaan 6() Any person who contravenes or fails to comply n misdryf en is by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n with any provision of these bylaws shall be guilty of boete van hoogstens R300 of gevangenisstraf vir n tyd an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine perk van lioogstens 6 maande of beide sodanige boete not exceeding R300 or to imprisonment for a period en gevangenisstraf not exceeding 6 months or to both such fine and im i (2) remand wit voortgaan om n bepaling van hierdie verordeninge te oortree of om te versuim om daaraan (2) n the event of a continuing offence any person te voldoen begaan ten opsigte van elke tydperk van 24 who contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions uur of gedeelte daarvan vat die oortreding voortduur of these bylawsoshall be deemed to be guilty of a se n afsonderlike misdryf en by is vir elke afsonderlike every 24 hours or part of such period misdryf strafbaar soos omskryf in subartikel () parate during offence which the offence continues and shall be liable 7 Hierdie verordeninge is bykomend tot en nie ter as set but in subsection () in respect of each such se vervanging van die bepalings van die Raad se eenvor parate offence mige Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge en Regulasies afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 48 van 2 7 These by laws are in addition to and nota substil Februarie 95 soos gewysig nie tution for the provisions of the Councils Uniform Public Health Bylaws and Regulations published under Admi Herroeping van Verordeninge nistrators Notice 48 of 2 February 95 as amended 8 Die Sanitere Gemakke en Nagyuil en Vuilgoed Revocationverwyderingsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Carleof Bylaws " tonville afgekondig by Administrateurskennsgewing 28 van 25 Maart 953 soos gewysig word hiermee her 8 The Sanitary Conveniences and Nightsoil and Re roep fuse Removal Bylaws published under Administrators Notice 28 dated 25 March 953 as amended are hereby BYLAE revoked " SCHEDULE TAREF VAN GELDE i TARFF OF CHARGES Removal of Refuse per bin per quarter 0 () Removal twice weekly: (a) Where the use of plastic bags is not compulsory: (i) For the first bin: R50 Verwyderint van Vuilgoed per blik per kwarfaal (a) () Verwydering twee keer per week: Waartendtsdie nie: terbruik van plastiese sakke (i) Vir die eerste blik: R50 nie verplig (ii) Vir elke bykomende blik op dieselfde perseel: R420 (ii) For each additional bin on the same premises: (b) Waar die gebruik van plastiesesalcke verpligtend is: R420 (i) Vir die eerste (b) blik: Where the R6;60 use of plastic bags is compulsory: (ii) Vir elke (i) bykomende For the first bin: blik op dieselfde R660 per seel: R5:70 (ii) For each additional bin on the same premises: R570 (2) Verwydering drie keer per week: (2) Removal three times per week: (a) Vir die eerste blik: R765 (a) For the first bin: R7;65 (b) Vir elke bykomende blik op dieselfde perseel: R630 (b) For each additional bin on the same premises: R630 (3) Daaglikse verwydering uitgesonderd Saterdae en (3) Daily removal; except Saturdays and Sundays: Sondae: _ (a) For the first bin: R275 (a) Vir die eerste blik: R275 k (b) For each additional bin on the same premises: (b) Vir elke bykomende blik op dieselfde perseel: p R050 R050 (4) Daily removal except Sundays: (4) Daaglikse verwydering uitgesonderd Sondae: (a) For the firstrbin: R530 (a) Vir die eerste bak: R530 _

54 682 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 (b) For each additional bin on the same premises: (b) Vic elke bykomende bak op dieselfde perseel: R260 R260; 2 Temporary Services For the removal of refuse per bin per day: Tydelike Dienste Vir die verwydering van vuilgoed per blik per dag: R320 3 Verwydering van Tuinvullis 3 Removal of Garden Refuse Vir roetineverwyderings of verwydering op aanvraag For routine removals or removal at the request of deur die bewoner van tuinvullis vanaf elke woonperseel the occupant of garden refuse from every residential ten opsigte waarvan n vuilgoedverwyderingsdiens" inge premises in respect of which refuse removal services in volge item gelewer word per kwartaal: R360 terms of item are rendered per quarter: Spesiale Verwydering van Vuilgoed 4 Special Removal of Refuse Per m3 of gedeelte dairvan: 8480 Per m3 or part thereof: R480 5 Verwydering van en Beskikking oor Dooie Diere 5 Removal and Disposal of Dead Animals () Grootvee perde muile of donkies elk: R640 () Large stock horses mules or donkeys each: R640 (2) Kalwers of vullens onder 2 maande oud elk: (2) Calves or foals under the age of 2 R320 months each: 4 R350 (3) Skape bokke varke honde katte of pluimvee (3) Sheep goats pigs dogs cats or poultry each: elk: 860 R60 6 Verkoop van Kompos 6 Sale of Compost () Per m3: R260 () Per m3: R260 (2) Per mudsak: 50c Q) Per grain bag: 50c 7 Verhuur van Sanitere Emmers 7 Rental of Sanitary Pails Per emmer per geleentheid: R2 Per pail per occasion: R2 8 Verwydering van Vuilgoed per 75 m3 minigroot 8 Removal of Refuse per 75 m3 mini bulk container maathouer ongeag die hoeveelheid vullis wat dit by ver irrespective of the quantity of refuse it contains at the wydering bevat per kwartaat time of removal per quarter: () Verwydering twee keer per week: () Removal twice per week: (a) Vir die eerste honer: R890 (a) For the first container: R890 (b) Vir elke bykomende houer op dieselfde perseel: (b) For each additional container on the same premises: R84 R84 (2) Verwydering drie keer per week: (2) Removal three times per week: (a) Vir die eerste houer: R3365 (a) For the first container: (b) Vir elke bykomende houer op dieselfde perseel: (b) For each additional container on the same premises: R26 R26 (3) Daaglikse verwydering uitgesonderd Saterdae en (3) Daily removal except Saturdays and Sundays: Sondae: (a) For the first container: R22275 (a) Vir die eerste houer: R22275 (b) For each additional container on the same premises: (b) Vir elke bykomende houer op dieselfde perseel: R20 20 (4) Daily removal except Sundays: (4) Daaglikse verwydering uitgesonderd Sondae: (a) For the first container: R26730 (a) Mr die eerste houer: R26730 (b) For each additional container on the same premises: (b) Vir elke bykomende houer op dieselfde perseel: R252 R252 a 9 Rendering of Cleansing Services outside the Muni 9 Lewering van Reinigingsdienste buite die Muni cipality sipaliteit For the rendering of cleansing services outside the Vir die lewering van reinigingsdienste buite die muni municipality: At cost plus 5 % sipaliteit: Teen koste plus 5 o PB PB

55 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART D Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 ELSBURG MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO MUNSPALTET ELSBURG: WYSGNG VAN ELEUTRCTTY BY LAWS ELEKTRSTETSVERORDENTNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge arti the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingeby him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Electricity Bylaws of the Elsburg Municipality adopted by the Council under Administrators Notice Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit 693 dated 27 September 972 as amended are hereby Elsburg deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateurs further amended by amending item 2 of the Tariff of kennisgewing 693 van 27 September 972 soos gewysig Charges under the Schedule by the substitution word hierby verder gewysig deur item 2 van die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae te wysig deur (a) in subitem ()(b) and (c)(ii) for the figure "25c" of the figure "3c"; and (a) in subitem ()(b) en (c)(ii) die syfer "25c" deur die syfer "3c" te vervang; en (b) in subitem (2)(b) for the figure "35e" of the fi (b) in subitem (2)(b) die syfer "35c" deur die gure "4c" syfer "4c" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 MUNCPALTY OF FOCHVLLE: LVESTOCK MUNSPALTET FOCHVLLE: VEEMARKVER MARKET BYLAWS ORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 the bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been ap die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingeproved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Or volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgedinance keur is LVESTOCK BYLAWS VEEMARKVERORDENNGE For the purpose of these bylaws unleis the context Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge tensy indicates otherwise die sinsverband anders aandui beteken "Council" means the Town Council of Fochville and "grootvee" perde muile esels bull; osse koeie verse includes the management committee of that Council en kalwers; or any officer employed by the Council acting by vir tue of any power vested in the Council in connection "kleinvee" alle lewende hawe uitgesluit grootvee; with these bylaws and delegated to him in terms of "lewende fume" perde muile esels bulle osse koeie section 58 of the Local Government (Administration verse kalwers skape bokke and Elections) varke pluimvee Ordinance volstruise 960 (Ordinance 40 of 960); en ander diere of vools vir menslike gebruik of van n "large stock" means horses mules asses bulls oxen huislike aard; cows heifers and calves; "munisipaliteit" die gebied onder beheer en binne "livestock" means horses mules asses bulls oxen die regsgebied van die Raad; cows heifers calves sheep goats swine poultry ostriches and other animals or birds for human consump "Raad" die Stadsraad van Fochville en omvat die tion or of a domestic character; bestuurskomitee van daardie Raad of enige beampte "livestock market" means arty livestock market pro deur die Raad in diens geneem handelende uit hoofde vided by the Council; van enige bevoegdheid wat in verband met hierdie ver "municipality" ordeninge aan die Raad verleen is en wat ingevolge artiand within the jurisdiction of means the area under the control of kel 58 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkiesings) 960 (Ordonnansie 40 van the Council; "small stock" means all livestock excluding large 960) aan horn gedelegeer is stock; "veemark" enige veemark deur die Raad ingestel 2 The Council may from time to time establish live 2 stock markets and set aside such site or sites Die Raad kan van tyd tot tyd veemarke oprig en so as it may danige terrein of terreine as wat by goedvind deem fit and erect afsonder such livestock pens thereon for the en sodanige veekrale oprig met die doel om veeverko purpose of holding livestock sales thereat pings daar te hou 3 All sales shall take place by auction and no out 3 Alle verkopings geskied per veiling en geen verko of hand sales shall be allowed at a livestock market pings uit die hand word op n veemark toegelaat nie

56 684 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 4; Any person firm society or company conducting 4Elke persoon firma vereniging of maatskappy wat an auction at the livestock market shall pay to the op die veemark verkopings hou moet aan die Raad so Council such remuneration subject to such conditions danige vergoeding betaal op sodanige voorwaardes soos as laid down from time to time by Councils resolution van tyd tot tyd deur die "Read by besluit bepaal 5 The Council may require the lessee to deposit a 5 Die Raad kan vereis dat die huurder n bedrag van sum of money not exceeding R500 or furnish security hoogstens R500 stort of sekuriteit daarvoor gee vir die to that amount as a guarantee for the proper and punt behoorlike en stiptelike betaling van alle gelde en tariewe i tual payment of all monies due and payable or which wat kragtens hierdie verordeninge aan die Raad ver may become due and payable to the Council in terms skuldig en ibetaalbaar word of verskuldig:en betaalbaar is of these bylaws 6 Elke persoon firma vereniging of maatskappy wat 6 Any person; firm society or company who conduct by die krale verkopings hou moet binne 24 uur na ofan auction at the livestock market shall within 24 loop van sodanige verkoping by die kantoor van die il hours of the termination of an auction submit a certi Stadstesourier n gesertifiseerde staat indien van alle diere wat op sodanige verkoping verkoop is met inbegrip fled statement of all animals sold including articles sold artikels wat ingevolge artikel 8 hiervan verkoop is in terms of section 8 hereof at such auction to the Town en moet onmiddellik sodanige gelde aan die Raad ver Treasurer and shall immediately pay such monies due skuldig betaal to the Council 7 Die aanvangstyd van elke verkoping moet deur die 7 The commencement of each sale shall be fixed by betrokke afslaer vasgestel word en n kennisgewing dien the auctioneer concerned and notice to that effect shall ooreenkomstig moet aangeplak word op die aanplakbord be posted on the market notice board by die veemark 8 The person firm society or company conducting 8 Die persoon firma vereniging of maatskappy wat an approved sale at the livestock market may sell by by die krale n goedgekeurde verkoping hots mag op public auction anything whatsoever besides livestock die dag van die verkoping behalwe lewende hawe enigon the day of the sale lets anders van wetter aard ook al per publieke veiling verkoop 9 No sales shall be made before the hour fixed for the commencement of sales nor shall any stock be 9 Geen verkopings mag plaasvind voor die uur wat vasgestel word vir die aanvang van verkopings nie en handled on any pretext whatever before such hour vee mag onder watter voorwendsel ook al voor Been except by the exhibitor or owner sodanige uur hanteer word nie behalwe deur die uit 0 The auctioneer may ring a bell at the commence staller of eienaar ment and closing of sales and no other person shall 0 Die afslaer kan aan die begin en einde van verko ring a bell in the livestock market for the purpose of pings n klok lui en niemand enders mag n klok in die calling the attention of the people attending thereat to veemark lui met die doel om die aandag van die perany Matter " sone wat teenwoordig is op enige saak wat ook al to whatsoever atsoeyer vestig nie All livestock shall be removed from the kraals Alle lewende hawe moet voor 8h00 op die dag before 8h00 on the day following the day of the sale; na die dag failing which the van die verkoping uit die krale verwyder said animals shall be impounded word by versuim waarvan die gemelde diere geskut 2 Any animal or animals suspected to be suffering sal word from any disease shall be tied up penned or removed 2 Enige dier of diere wat vermoedelik aan enige from the livestock market by the owner or person in siekte ly moet vasgemaak gehok of uit die veemark charge thereof as directed by the authorised official of verwyder word deur die eienaar of persoon wat dear the Council oor toesig het al na die gemagtigde beampte van die Raad gelas 3 Any person persons firm society or company 3 Enige persoon persone bringing into the livestock market any animal suffering firma vereniging ofmaatskappy wat enige diet wat aan n aansteeklike siekte from any contagious disease shall be liable in addition ly in die veemark inbring is behalwe enige stappe wat to any action which may be taken under the Disease gedoen kan word ingevolge die Veeziektenwet Wet of Stock Act Act 4 of 9 for all expenses incurred 4 van 9 aanspreeklik vir elle koste wat aangegaan in cleaning and desinfecting the livestock market word in verband met die skoonmaak en ontsmetting van die veemark 4: The Council shall not be liable for any damage to 4 Die Raad is nie aanspreeklik vir enige animals caused by other animals; nor for any skade aan loss diere deur ander diem veroorsaak nie of vir enige of injury which may occur under any circumstances verlies of besering wat onder enige omstandighede hoewhatsoever to animals whilst in the livestock market genaamd aan diere kan geskied terwyl hulle in die whetherleft there for sale or safekeeping purposes veemark is afgesien daarvan of hulle vir verkoop of 5 No person shall cause any damage to the fencing vir bewaardoeleindes dear geplaas is 5 or fittings of the livestock market nor shall any person Niemand mag enige skade aan die omheining monterings van die veemark veroorsaak of booor climb:of over under or through any fence within or around ender of deur enige omheining binne of om die vee the livestock market mark klim nie : 06 Nonperson shall within the livestock market ill : 6 Niemand mag enige dier binne die veemark mis trat any animal handel nie ll

57 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART Every person in the livestock market shall comply 7 Elkeen binne die veemark moet gehoor gee aan with every reasonable direction of a duly authorised alle redelike voorskrifte van die behoorlik gemagtigde official of the Council in respect of the regulation of beampte van die Raad met betrekking tot die reeling the use of the livestock inarket;the prevention of nui van die gebruik van die Teemark die voorkoming van sances obstructions and unnecessary noises therein and ; oorlas belemmerings err onnodige awaai daarin en the prevention of damage to the said pens by stock kept die voorkoming van skade aan genoemde krale deur therein or by any other cause whatsoever j vee wat daarin gehou word of weens enige ander oor t i saak wat ook al 8 Any person convicted of any contravention of these bylaws shall be liable to a fine not exceeding R20 8 Enige persoon wat skuldig bevind word aan :n and in default of payment to imprisonment for a pe oortreding van hierdie verordeninge is strafbaar met n riod not exceeding thirty days The Livestock Market Regulations of the Fochville Municipality published under Administrators Notice 77 dated 27 March 946 are hereby revoked PB boete van hoogstens R20 en by wanbetaling met gevangenisstraf vir n tydperk van hoogstens 30 dae Die Veemarkregulasies van die Munisipaliteit Foch ville afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 77 van 27 Maart 946 word hierby herroep PB Administrators Notice 334 ; 28 March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 GERMSTON MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO MUNSPALTET GERMSTON: WYSGNG VAN SANTARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS TARFF SANThRE EN VULLSVERWYDERNGSTAREF The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge arti the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goed The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the gekeur is Germiston Municipality published under Administra Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Mu tors Notice 58 dated 29 May 968 as amended is nisipaliteit Germiston afgekondig by Administrateurshereby further amended by the insertion after item 6B kennisgewing M van 9 Mei 968 soos gewysig word of the following: hierby verder gewysig deur na item 6B die volgende in "6:C Dumping at the Councils dumping site to voeg: "60 Storting by die Road R se stortingsterreine All refuse up to and including R 999 kg: Free of Charge Alle vullis tot en met 999 kg: Gratis Over 999 kg kg per load: 300 Bo 999 kg 4399 kg per vrag: 3;00 Over kg kg per load: 800 Bo kg kg per vrag: 800 Over kg and over per load 500 Bo kg en meer per vrag: to be assessed according to tarn indicated on vehicle yord aangeslaan volgens dra vermoe wat op voertuig Costs to be added to account" : aangedui word Kostes word op rekening geplaas" PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 HEDELBERG MUNCPALTY: ADOPTON OF MUNSPALTET HEDELBERG: AANNAME VAN STANDARD BY LAWS RELATNG TO CAFES STANDAARDVERORDENNGE BETREFFENDE RESTAURANTS AND EATNGHOUSES KAFEES RESTAURANTE EN EETHUSE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artiof the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes kel that the Town 0 van die; Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur Council of Heidelberg 939 has in terms of dat die Stadsraad van Heidelberg die section 96bis(2) of the Standaardverorde said Ordinance adopted without :ninge Betreffende Kafees Restaurante en amendment Eethuise af the Standard Bylaws Relating to Cafes igekondig Restaurants by Administrateurskennisgewing and 492 van 27 Eatinghouses published under Admi April 977 ingevolge artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ornistrators Notice 492 dated 27 April 977 as bylaws made by the said Council i donnansie sonder wysiging aangeneem het as verordenin ge wat deur genoemde Raad Opgestel is 2 Chapter 0 of the Public Health Bylaws of the 2 Hoofstuk 0 van die Publicke Gesondheidsverorde Heidelberg Municipality published under Administra ninge van die tors Notice Munisipaliteit Heidelberg dated afgekondig 2 January by 949 as amended is hereby deleted Administrateurskennisgewing van 2 Januarie 949 soos gewysig word hierby geskrap PB PB

58 686 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Administrators Notice March 979 AdministrateurskenniSgeiving Math 979 KRUGERSDORP MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT MUNSPALTET KRUGERSDORP: WYSGNG TO WATER SUPPLY BYLAWS VAN WATERVOORSENNGSVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie Op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom nge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge The Water Supply Bylaws of the Krugersdorp Muni keur is cipality adopted by the Council under Administrators Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge van die Munisi Notice 707 dated 24 May 978 as amended are hereby paliteit Krugersdorp deur die Raad aangeneem by Ad further amended by the substitution in item 2 of the ministrateurskennisgcwing 707 van 24 Mei 978 soos Tariff of Charges under the Schedule gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur in item 2 van die Tarief van Gelde onder die Bylae (a) for paragraphs (b) and (c) of subitem () of the fol lowing: (a) paragrawe (b) en (c) van subitem () deur die volgende te vervang: "(b) For each kl or part thereof in excess of 800 d: 55c" "(b) Vir elke k/ of gedeelte daarvan bo 800 d: 55c" (b) for subitem (2) of the following: (b) subitem (2) deur die volgende te vervang: "(2) Supply of water to governmental institutions and prisons per month: "(2) Lewering van water aan staatsinrigtings vir sielsiekes en gevangenisse per maand: (a) For each kl or part thereof up to and (a) Vir elke k/ of gedeelte daarvan tot en including 800 kl: 98c met 800 kl: 98c (b) For each k/ or part thereof in excess of (b) Vir elke kl of gedeelte daarvan bo 800 k/: 705c" 800 k/: 705c" The provisions in this notice contained shall come Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat tree op into operation on the first day of the month following die eerste dag van die maand wat volg op die datum van the date of publication hereof publikasie hiervan in werking PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 MACHADODORP MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT MUNSPALTET MACHADODORP: WYSGNG TO TARFF OF CHARGES FOR THE SUPPLY OF VAN TAREF VAN GELDE VR DE LEWERNG ELECTRCTY VAN ELEKTRSTET The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 by laws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom in by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goad gekeur s The Tariff of Charges for the supply of electricity Die Tarief van Gelde vir die lewering van elektrisiteit of the Machadodorp Municipality published under Part van die Munisipaliteit Machadodorp afgekondig onderl of Administrators Notice 780 dated 7 September Deel van Administrateurskennisgewing 780 van as amended is hereby further amended by the September 955 soos gewysig word hierby verder gewy Substitution in item 8 for the expression "50%d of the sig deur in item 8 die uitdrukking "50%" deur die uit expression "55 9b" drukking "55 %" te vervang The provisions in this notice contained shall be deem Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat word ed to have come into operation on January 979 geag op Januarie 979 in werking te getree het PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 CORRECTON NOTCE KENNSGEWNG VAN VERBETERNG MESSNA MUNCPALTY: WATER SUPPLY BY MUNSPALTET MESSNA: WATERVOORSE LAWS NNGSVERORDENNGE Administrators Notice 867 dated 3 December Administrateurskennisgewing 867 van 3 Desember 978 is hereby corrected by 978 word hierby verbeter deur

59 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART" (a) the substitution in paragraph 2(2) for the figure (a) in paragraaf 2(2) die syfer 2c deur die syfer "2c" of the figure "4c"; "4c" te vervang; (b) the addition after paragraph 6 of the following: (b) na paragraaf 6 die volgende by te voeg: "The provisions contained in item 2(2) shall be deem "Diebepalings in item 2(2) vervat word gcag op Ju ed to have come into operation on June 978" nie 978 in werking te getree het" PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 MESSNA MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO MUNSPALTET MESSNA: WYSGNG VAN ELECTRCTY SUPPLY TARFF ELEKTRSTETSVOORSENNGSTAREF The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolby him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance ge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Electricity Supply Tariff of the Messina Munici Die Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningstarief van die Munisipapality published under Administrators Notice 633 da liteit Messina afgekondig by Administrateurskennisge ted 5 October 949 as amended is hereby further wing 633 van 5 Oktober 949 soos gewysig word hierby amended by the addition after item 8(c) of Part A of verder gewysig deur na item 8(c) van Deel A die volthe following: gende by te voeg: "(d) With effect from date of publication: 465%" "(d) Met ingang van datum van publikasie: 465 9b" PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 MESSNA MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO MUNSPALTET MESSNA: WYSGNG VAN SANTARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS TARFF SANTERE EN VULLSVERWYDERNGSTAREF The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 Die Administraieur publiieer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom inge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge The Sanitary and Refuse Removals keur is Tariff of the Messina Municipality published under Administrators No Die Sanitere On Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Mu tice 025 dated 8 June 975 is hereby amended as nisipaliteit Messina afgekondg by Administrateursken followsy nisgewing 025 van 8 Junie 975 word hierby soos volg By the substitution in item for the figure "Rl" gewyig: of the figure "R226" Deur in item die syfer "R" deur die syfer 2 By the substitution in item "R226" teyervang 2 for the figure "R90" of the figure "R250" 2 Deur in item 2 die syfer "R90" deur die syfer "R250" te vervang 3 By the substitution in item 3 for the figure "R280" of the figure "R380": 3 Deur in item 3 die syfer "R280" deur die syfer "R380" te vervang 4 By the substitution in item 6 4 Deur in item 6 (a) in subitem () for the figure "R675" of the figure (a) in subitem () die "R025"; and syfer "R675" deur die syfer "R025" te vervang; en (b) in subitem (2) for the figure "R775" of the figure (b) in subitem (2) die syfer "R775" deur die syfer R225" "R225" te vervang PB PB } t Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 REGULATONS CONCERNNG THE MANAGE REGULASES MENT BETREFFENDE DE BESTUURSKO COMMTTEE ESTABLSHED FOR THE MTEE WAT VR DE NDERGROEPSGEBED NDAN GROUP AREA OF LAUDUM N THE VAN LAUDUM N DE REGSGEBED VAN DE D AREA OF JURSDCTON OF THE PRETORA STADSRAAD VAN PRETORA NGESTEL S: CTY COUNCL: AMENDMENT WYSGNG n terms of the provisions of section 4 of the Local ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 4 van die Ordon Government (Extension of Powers) Ordinance 962 (Ornansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (Uitbreiding van Bevoegdhe _A

60 688 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 dinance 22 of 962); the Administrator hereby with the de) 962 (Ordonnansie 22 van 962) wysig die Admi approval of the Minister of ndian Affairs amends the nistrateur met die goedkeuring van die inister van Regulations concerning the Management Committee es ndiersake hierby die Regulasies betreffende die Be tablished for the ndian Group Area of Laudium in the stuurskomittee wat vir die ndiorgroepsgebied van Lauarea of jurisdiction of the Pretoria City Council pro dium in die regsgebied van die Stadsraad van Pretoria mulgatecl under Administrators Notice 2004 of 5 No ingestel is afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing vember 972 as set out in the Schedule hereto 2004 van 5 November 972 soos in die Bylae hierby uiteengesit SCHEDULE BYLAE Regulation 3 is hereby amended by the substitution Regulasie 3 word hierby gewysig deur subregulasies for subregulations (2) (3) (4) and (5) of the following (2) (3) (4) en (5) deur die volgende subregulasies te subregulations: vervang: "(2) Every succeeding committee shall consist of such "(2) Elke opvolgende komitee bestaan uit die getal number of members but not less than five as the Ad maar nie minder nie as vyf lede wat die Administrateur ministrator may after consultation with the Council na oorlegpleging met die Raad bepaal en daardie lede determine and those members shall be elected in terms word ingevolge die bepalings van hierdie regulasies verof the provisions of these regulations kies (3) Subject to the provisions of regulation 4 the term (3) Behoudens die bepalings van regulasie 4 verof office of an elected member of the committee shall stryk die ampstermyn van n verkose lid van die komitee expire on the day preceding the day of the next succeed op die dag wat die dag van die eersvdlgende verkiesing ing election voorafgaan (4) (4) n Verkose lid wie se An elected member ampstermyn verstryk whose term of office has ex het pired may be reelected" kan weer verkies word" 2 Regulasie 7 word hierby gewysig deur 2 Regulation 7 is hereby amended by (a) in subregulasie (5) paragraaf (a) deur die volgende (a) the substitution in subregulation (5) for paragraph paragraaf te vervang: (a) of the following paragraph: "(a) Bevoegde persone en n verteenwoordiger van "(a) Qualified persons and a representative of the die pers wat nie n bevoegde persoon hoef to press who need not be a qualified person may wees nie kan behoudens die bepalings van subject to the provisions of subregulation (6) subregulasie (6) alle vergaderings van die ko attend all meetings of the committee"; and mitee bywoon"; en (b) the insertion in subregulation (6) after the words (b) in subregulasie (6) die woorde "of n verteenwoor "qualified persons" of the words "or a representa diger van die pers" na die woorde "bevoegde pertive of the press" sone" in te voeg 3 Regulation 3 is hereby amended by the insertion 3 Regulasie 3 word hierby gewysig deur die volafter subregulation () of the following proviso: gende voorbehoudsbepaling na subregulasie () in te voeg: "Provided that after the election of October 979 "Met dien verstande dat na die verkiesing van Okto an election shall be held on the last Wednesday in ber 979 n verkiesing al om die vyf jaar op die laaste October of every fifth year" Woensdag in Oktober gehou word" 4 Regulation 4 is hereby amended by the deletion 4 Regulasie 4 word hierby gewysig deur in subreguin subregulation (2)(a) of the expression "or 3(2)(a)" lasie (2)(a) die uitdrukking "of 3(2)(a)" te skrap Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 RANDFONTEN MUNCPALTY: ADOPTON OF MUNSPALTET RANDFONTEN: AANNAME STANDARD DRANAGE BY LAWS VAN STANDAARD ROLERNGSVERORDE NNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge ar tikel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur (a) that the Town Council of Randfontein has in terms 939 of section 96bis(2) of the said Ordinance adopted (a) dat die Stadsraad van Randfontein die Standaard without amendment the Standard Drainage Bylaws Rioleringsverordeninge afgekondig by Administrapublished under Administrators Notice 665 dated teurskennisgewing 665 van 8 Junie 977 ingevolge 8 June 977 as bylaws made by the said Council; artikel 96bis(2) van genoemde Ordonnansie sonder wysiging aangeneem het as verordeninge wat deur and genoemde Raad opgestel is; en (b) the Tariff of Charges hereto as a Schedule to the (b) die Tarief van Gelde hierby as n Bylae by genoemde said standard by laws which Tariff of Charges has standaardverordeninge welke Tarief van Gelde deur

61 (3) Dbeen approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance: PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART horn ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnan sie goedgekeur is: "TARFF OF CHARGES "TAREF VAN GELDE SCHEDULE A BYLAE A APPLCATON CHARGES AANSOEKGELDE The charges set out in item 3 of this Schedule shall Die gelde wat in item 3 van hierdie Bylae aangegee be payable in terms of subsection () of section 23 of word is ingevolge subartikel () van artikel 23 van die these bylaws in respect of every application made under verordeninge betaalbaar ten opsigte van elke aansoek section 20 thereof and shall be paid by the person by or wat ingevolge artikel 20 ingedien word en moet betaal on behalf of whom the application is made word deur die persoon deur wie of namens wie die aansoek gedoen word 2 The engineer shall assess the charges payable in respect of applications received in terms of section 20 of 2 Die ingenieur moet die gelde wat betaalbaar is ten these bylaws in accordance with item 3 hereof opsigte van aansoeke wat ingevolge artikel 20 ontvang word ooreenkomstig item 3 hiervan bereken R 3() The minimum charge payable in respect R of any application as aforesaid shall be ) Die minimum bedrag wat betaalbaar is ten opsigte van enige aansoek sops voor D (2) Subject to the obligation to pay a mini noem is 375 mum charge as prescribed in subitem () the charges payable in respect of any application (2) Behoudens die verpligting om n minimum as aforesaid shall be the folowing: bedrag soos voorgeskryf by subitem () te betaal is die volgende gelde betaalbaar ten op (a) For every 50 m2 or part thereof of the floor sigte van enige aansoek soos voornoem: area of the basement and groundfloor storey of any building_ to be served by or (a) Vir elke 50 m2 of gedeelte daarvan van the use of which will whether directly or die vloerruimte van die kelder en grondindirectly be associated with use of the verdieping van enige gebou wat bedien drainage installation 95 gaan word deur of waarvan die gebruik regstreeks of onregstreeks sal saamgaan (b) For every 50 m2 or part thereof of the floor met die gebruik van die rioolstelsel 95 area of all other storeys of a building as described in paragraph (a) 098 (b) Vir elke 50 m2 of gedeelte daarvan van die vloerruimte van alle ander verdiepings The charges payable in respect of any ap van n gebou soos dit by paragraaf (a) plication for an alteration not amounting to omskryf word 098 a reconstruction of or for additions to an existing drainage installation shall be the (3) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar ten opfollowing: sigte van enige aansoek om n bestaande rioolstelsel te kan verander uitgesonderd die herbou k For each storey of a building as described in daarvan of om aanbouingswerk daaraan te kan rsubitem (2)(a) 375 verrig: SCHEDULE B DRANAGE CHARGES PART General Rules Regarding Charges Vir elke verdieping van n gebou soos dit by subitem (2)(a) omskryf word 375 BYLAE B ROLERNGSGELDE DEEL The charges levied under this tariff shall be payable monthly in advance: Provided that the charges Die Algemene Reels Betreffende Gelde imposed in terms of Part V of this Schedule shall be Die gelde ooreenkomstig hierdie tarief gehef is payable monthly in arrear maandeliks vooruitbetaalbaar: Met dien verstande dat 2 Where any person who is required to furnish a redie gelde wat ingevolge Deel V van hierdie Bylae gehef word maandeliks agteruit betaalbaar is turn in terms of this Schedule or to provide such other i information as may be necessary to enable the council 2 emand wat gelas word om ingevolge hierdie Bylae to determine the charges to be made under this Sche n opgawe in te dien of ander inligting te verstrek wat dale fails to do so within 30 days after having been die raad nodig het om die gelde ingevolge hierdie Bylae te kan bereken en wat versuim om dit te doen binne called upon to do so by notice in writing he shall pay 30dae nadat by skriftelik kennis ontvang het om dit te such charges as the council shall assess on the best in doen moet die gelde betaal wat die raad met die beste formation available to it inligting tot sy beskikking bereken

62 690 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH n all cases of dispute as to the part or category of 3 n alle geskille wat ontstaan oor die deel of katethis Schedule which is applicable or as to the date from gorie van hierdie Bylae wat van toepassing is of oor which any part or category is applicable to any premises die datum waarop enige deel of kategorie van toepassing the decision of the engineer shall be decisive subject to is op enige perseel is die beslissing van die ingenieur a right of the owner to appeal against his decision to the beslissend: Met dien verstande dat die eienaar in so n council geval by die raad teen sy beslissing appal kan aanteken 4 4 n the case of a premises already connected to a 4 n die geval van n perseel wat reeds met n straatsewer or which in the opinion of the council can be riool verbind is of na die mening van die raad verbind connected to a sewer the charges imposed in terms of!can word is die gelde wat onder Deel tot en met Part to Part V inclusive shall be payable Deel V gehef word betaalbaar 5 The charges imposed under Part of this Sche 5 Die gelde wat onder Deel van hierdie Bylae dule shall remain effective in the case of buildings wholly unoccupied or in course of demolition until the date on which the council is asked to seal the opening to the councils sewer gehef word bly in die geval van geboue wat heeltemal leeg staan of gesloop word van krag tot op die datum waarop die raad gevra word om die opening in die raad se straatriool te versa 6 Where any change other than a change as referred 6 n geval daar n verandering uitgesonderd n verto in item 5 is made in the nature of the occupation or andering soos die waarna initem S verwys word plaasthe use of any premises which requires the application vind in die aard van die okkupasie of die gebruik van n of a different tariff in terms of this Schedule no claim perseel en so n verandering meebring dat n ander tarief for any adjustment of an account rendered or any re ingevolge hierdie Bylae daarop van toepassing gemaak fund of moneys paid in terms of this Schedule shall be moet word oorweeg die raad geen cis vir die verandering A entertained by the council unless notice in writing of the van rekening wat reeds gelewer is of vir die terugbe N change is given to the council within 30 days of the date taling van gelde wat betaal is ingevolge hierdie Bylae of its occurrence tensy die raad binne 30 dae nadat so n verandering plaasgevind het skriftelik daarvan in kennis gestel is 7 The average water consumption reffered to in Part and Part shall be based on the average 7 Die gemiddelde waterverbruik waarna in Deel l monthly water consumption calculated over the period en Deel verwys word gebaseer op die gemiddelde April to 3 March and shall apply to the financial year maandelikse waterverbruik bereken oor die tydperk commencing on July thereafter: Provided that April tot 3 Maart en sal van toepassing wees op die finansiele jaar wat op Julie daarna n aanvang neem: () in case of a new consumer the council reserves Met dien verstande dat the right to base the monthly average for the first three months on the average consumption of a consumer of () in die geval van nuwe verbruikers die raad die more or less the same consumption and in the same reg voorbehou om vir doeleindes van die bepaling van consumers class for the previous period of April to die maandelikse gemiddelde vir die eerste drie maande 3 March The actual consumption for the first three dit kan baseer op die gemiddelde verbruik van n vermonths shall be used as basis for determining the levy bruiker van min of meer dieselfde grootte in dieselfde from date of rendering the service up to the end of the verbruikersklas vir die maandelikse gemiddelde verbruik financial year concerned; oor die vorige tydperk van April tot 3 Maart Die eerste drie maande se werklike gemiddelde verbruik (2) where the quantity of water from a source other gebruik word as basis vir die berekening van die heffing than the councils water supply on a property during vanaf datum van lewering van diens tot die einde van die that cycle is unknown the charge shall be based on betrokke finansiele jaar; the councils estimate of the total water consumption (2) indien dit nie bekend is hoeveel water op n eienon such property during the aforesaid meter reading dam gedurende die siklus uit n ander bron as die raad cycle se watervoorraad verkry is nie word die gelde gebaseer op die raad se skatting van die totale waterverbruik op 8 Notwithstanding the provisions oflitem 7 and with sodanige eiendom gedurende die voornoemde meterafout prejudice to the councils rights contained in sec leessilclus tion 79 every consumer has the right to install a sewage 8 Nieteenstaande die bepaling van item 7 het enige effluent meter at his own cost on the condition that verbruiker die reg om sonder benadeling van die raad the meter must be calibrated every six months and writ se regte soos vervat in artikel 79 op eie koste n rioolten proof to this effect must be submitted to the engineer afvloeimeter te installeer op voorwaarde dat die meter failing which item 7 will be enforced: Provided that elke 6 maande gekalibreer word en skriftelike bewys daarvan aan die mgenieur lewer by gebreke waarvan item 7 should the meter be out of order the council shall have outomaties toegepas sal word: Met dien verstande dat the right to base the charge on the last known correct wanneer n rioolafvloeimeter buite werking is die raad reading die heffing sal maak op grond van die laaste korrekte lasing wat verkry was 9 Where the council receives sewage effluent of which the Council is not the supplier of the water the monthly 9 Waar die raad rioolafvloei ontvang maar nie die average effluent shall be determined on an estimate or verskaffer van die water is nie word die maandelikse a calculation based on the flow capacity of the sewer gemiddelde rioolafvloei bepaal deur middel van n skat Ling of berekening gebaseer op die vloeikapasiteit van pipelinesdie which are connected to the councils main pyplyne waarmee die riool by die raad se hoofgesewer: Provided that item 8 shall also apply mutatis mu leiding aangesluit is: Met dien verstande dat item 8 ook Landis mutatis mutandis van toepassing sal wees 4 A

63 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART The owner of premises situate outside the muni 0 Die eienaar van n perseel wat buite die munisipa cipality which is connected to the councils sewer shall liteit gelee is en met n straatriool van die raad verbind be liable to pay all the applicable charges set out or is moet al die toepaslike gelde wat in hierdie Bylae referred to in this Schedule and in addition a surcharge uiteengesit of aangegee word benewens n toeslag van of 25 per cent thereon 25 persent daarop betaal PART Basic Charges in Respect of Sewers which are Available DEEL Basiese Gelde ten Opsigte van Beskikbare Straatriole (a) Per first consumer 25 (a) Per eerste verbruiker 25 (b) Per additional consumer 00 (b) Per bykomstige verbruiker 00 This charge shall be applicable to every piece of Hierdie heffing is van toepassing op elke stuk grond land within the Municipality with or without improve binne die Munisipaliteit met of sonder verbeterings wat by die straatriool aangesluit is of na die mening van die ments which is or in the opinion of the council can be mad daarby aangesluit kan word: Met dien verstande connected to the sewer: Provided that this charge shall dat hierdie heffing nie van toepassing is nie ten opsigte not be applicable in respect of any piece of land which van enige stuk grond wat na die mening van die raad in the opinion of the council will not be connected to nie by die straatriool aangesluit sal word nie hetsy the sewer whether by reason of the use to which it is omrede die gebruik waarvoor dit aangewend word of put or likely to waarskynlik aangewend sal be put or for any other reason word of om enige ander rede 2 The following charges shall be payabe by the own 2 Die volgende gelde is er per month or part thereof: deur die eienaar betaalbaar per maand of gedeelte daarvan: () On the area of every piece of land up to () Op die oppervlakte van elke stuk grond and including 500 m2 and where the average tot en met 500 m2 en waar die gemiddelde water consumption is less than 50 kl: waterverbruik minder as 50 kl is: R R (2) On the area of every piece of (2) land over Op die oppervlakte van elke stuk grond gemiddelde bo m2 and where 500 the average water 500 m = en waar die watervertionconsump is less than 50 V: bruik minder as 50 kl is: (a) Per eerste verbruiker (a) Per first consumer (b) Per bykomstige verbruiker 00: (b) Per additional consumer 00: Met dien verstande dat n verdere heffing van Provided that an additional charge of R per R per maand of gedeelte daarvan vir elke 500 month or part thereof shall be levied for every m2 of gedeelte daarvan op die oppervlakte van 500 m2 or part thereof with which the area of die grond waarmee dit 500 m2 oorskry gemaak 500 m2 is exceeded: Provided further that the word: Voorts met dien verstande dat die maksimum heffing wat ten opsigte van die totale maximum charge for the total area shall not oppervlakte gemaak word nie die bedrag van exceed R75 R75 oorskry nie (3) For water consumption over 50 kl per (3) Vir waterverbruik bo 50 kl per verbruiconsumer: Charges payable in terms of sub ker: Gelde betaalbaar ingevolge subitems () items () and (2) plus per kl en (2) plus per kl Properties exempted from basic charge: No basic charge shall be levied in respect of Mohlakeng Black township mining properties townships and other pieces of land where the full capital expenditure in respect of the reticulation mains pump stations and pro rata costs for the sewerage purification works have been paid for by the owner 3 Eiendomme vrygestel van basiese heffing: Geen basiese heffing word gehef ten opsigte van Mohlakeng swartdorp myneiendom dorpsgebiede en ander stukke grand waar die voile kapitaaluitgawes ten opsigte van retikulasie hoofgeleidings pompstasies en pro rata koste vir die suiweringswerke deur die betrokke eienaar gedra is 4 Properties excluded under item 2(3) 4 Eiendomme uitgesluit onder item 2(3) The following properties are excluded under item Die volgende eiendomme word uitgesluit ander item 2(3): 2(3): Dwellings municipal swimmingbaths municipal Woonhuise munisipale swembaddens munisipale sports and recreational grounds central sports grounds sport en ontspanningsgronde sentrale sportgronde parks fire stations sewage purification works ceme parke brandweerstasies rioolsuiweringswerke begraaf teries churches and church halls plase kerke en kerksale

64 692 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 PART Additional Charges: Domestic Sewage n addition to the charges imposed in terms of other parts of this Schedule the following charges shall be payable: DEEL Bykomstige Fief fings: Huishoudelike Rioolvuil ewens die gelde wat ingevolge die ander dole van Bylae gehef word is die volgende bykomstige hierdieben heffings betaalbaar: swartdor Mohlakeng g p : Mohlakeng Black township: R R () Per kl water based on monthly consump () Per kl water gebaseer op maandelikseverbruit 005 tion (2) Minimum heffing per maand (2) Minimum charge per month: ! 2 Myngebiede wat deur middel van Bhong 2 Mine areas connected to the councils seweni rioollyn by die road se rioolstelsel aangewerage mains by means of the Bhongweni sesluit is: werage line: () Per kl rioolafvloeisel gebaseer op die () Per k/ sewerage effluent based on the maandelikse gemiddelde afvloei: 005 il monthly average effluent: 005 (2) Minimum heffing per maand: (2) Minimum charge per month: () Gemiddelde waterverbruik van 50 kl 30) Average water consumption of 50 k/ en minder per verbruiker per maand of n geor less per consumer per month or part thereof: 75 deelte daarvan: 75 (2) Average water consumption of more than (2) Gemiddelde waterverbruik van meer as 50 k/ per consumer per month or part thereof: 50 k/ per verbruiker per maand of gedeelte R75; plus for every additional k/ in excess of daarvan: 875; plus vir elke bykomstige kl bo 50 kl: kl: Properties exempted from the additional charge: 4 Eiendomme vrygestel van bykomstige lief Parks fing: Parke 3(2): The following properties are excluded under subitem 5 Properties excluded under subitem 3(2): 5 Eiendomme uitgesluit onder subitem 3(2):3(2): Die volgende eiendomme word uitgesluit onder subitem 3(2): Woonhuise munisipale swembaddens munisipale Dwellings municipal swimmingbaths municipal sport en ntspanningsgronde sentrale sportgronde sports and recreational grounds central sports grounds brandweerstasies rioolsuiweringswerke begraafplase fire stations sewage purification work; cemeteries kerke en kerksale churches andfchurch halls DEEL V PART V Fabrieksuitvioeisel ndustrial Effluent Onderstiande items geld vir die toepassing van artikel The following items shall apply for the purpose of 5 saamgelees met artikels 77 tot 80 van hierdieverordesection 5 read with sections 77 to 80 of these bylaws in ninge in verband met en vir die berekening van die connection with and for the determination of charges geld; wat vir die wegvoer en behandeling van fabriekspayable for the conveyance and treatment of industrial uitvloeisel betaalbaar is: effluents: Die eienaar of bewoner van persele waarop daar n bedryf of nywerheid aangehou word en waarvandaan The owner or occupier of premises on which any daar ten gevolge van so n bedryf of nywerheid of van trade or industry or of any process incidental thereto any effluent is discharged into the councils sewer shall n proses swat daarmee gepaard gaan uitvloeisel in die r se straatriool ontlas in addition to any other charges for which he may beaad word moet benewens die liable in terms of this Schedule pay to the council an ander gelds waarvoor by ingevolge hierdie bylae aanindustrial effluent charge which shall be calculated spreeklik is aan die road n fabrieksuitvloeiselgeld be teal wat bereken word (a)() according to the actual sewage effluent per (a)() volgens die werklike rioolafvloei per maand gemonth metered by a sewage effluent meter in c/; or meet deur middel van n rioolafvloeimeter in kl; of (2) according to the quantity of water consumed (2) volgens die hoeveelheid water per maand wat vermonthly: Provided that the conditions of item 9 of Part bruik is: Met then verstande dat die bepalings van item under Schedule B shall also be applicable hereto 9 van Deel onder Bylae B ook Her van toepassing sal wees (b) n accordance with the "strength" of such effluent (b) Ooreenkomstig die "sterkte" van iodaniae uitvloei as determined on one composite sample taken by the sel soos vasgestel op een verteenwoordigende samegeengineer over a minimum period of" four hours during Stehle monster wat gedurende die voorafgaande maand the preceding month: Provided that where due to cir oor n minimum tydperk van vier uur deur die ingenieur : il

65 PROTNMALE KOERANT 28 MAART cumstances it is impossible to take such a sample the geneem is: Met dien verstande dat waar dit weens omcouncil shall take the "strength" of the last sample for standighede onmoontlik is om sodanige monster te neem the purpose of making such calculation The "strength" die raad die "sterkte" van die laaste monster wat geshall be determined as specified in item 3 and shall be neem was vir die doel van hierdie berekening sal geexpressed in milligram per litre (mg//) of oxygen ab bruik Die "sterkte" word ooreenkomstig item 3 vasgesorbed The levy per k/ or part thereof is calculated by stel en word in milligram per liter (mg/) suurstof gemeans of the following formula: absorbeer uitgedruk Die vordering per k/ of gedeelte daarvan word deur middel van die volgende formule Tariff in cent per k/= 5[075(oA)+0625(oA) vasgestel: 36]c where oa is the quantity of oxygen absorbed in mg// Tarief in sent per = c 5 [075(oA)+0625(oA) 36c waarin oa die hoeveelheid suurstof geabsorbeer in 2 Whenever a sample is taken by the council in terms mgll is of item onehalf thereof shall on his request be made available to the owner or occupier of the premises 2 Wanneer die raad n monster ingevolge item neem meet die helfte daarvan indien by dit versoek 3 The "strength" referred to in item shall be de aan die eienaar of bewoner van die perseel beskikbaar termined by reference to the oxygen absorbed in four gestel word N 3 Die "sterkte" waarna daar in item verwys word hours from acidic potassium permanganate and on an word volgens die skeikundige metodes waarvolgens riool 80 vuil en riooluitvloeisel ontleed word soos dit in Aanhang aliquot part of a wellshaken sample in accordance with " van verordeninge oms f word bepaal oor the methods een of chemical analysis as applied to sewage komstig diekn hoeveelheidsuurstofwat n deelvolume and sewage effluents as set out in Appendix to these vann goed gemengde monster in vier uur Mt n aanby laws N 4() Where industrial effluent is discharged into the gesuurde kaliumpermanganaatoplossing absorbeer sewer from more points than one whether on the same 80 floor or on different floors of premises the council may 4() Waar fabriekuitvloeisel op meer as een plek in in its discretion for all the purposes of making a charge n straatriool ontlas word hetsy op dieselfde verdieping in terms of this Schedule including the taking of test hetsy op verskillende verdiepings van n perseel kan die samples treat each such point of discharge as a separate raad na goeddunke vir alle doeleindes an n bedrag inpoint for the discharge of industrial effluent into the gevolge hierdie Bylae te kan hef met inbegrip van die sewer neem van toetsmonsters elke sodanige ontlasplek as n (2) For the purpose of calculating the quantity of ef afsonderlike pick vir die outlasting van fabriekuitvloeisel fluent discharged from each point of discharge as afore in die straatriool beskou said the total water consumed on the premises shall be (2) Vir die doel om die hoeveelheid uitvloeisel wat by allocated as accurately as is reasonably practicable after iedere ontlasplek soos voornoem ontlas word te kan consultation between the engineer arid the occupier bepaal word die totale hoeveelheid water wat op die among the several points of discharge: Provided that perseel verbruik is so juis as wat redelikerwys moontlik each point of discharge may be provided with a sewage is na oorlegpleging tussen die ingenieur en die okkupeerflow meter in order to determine the actual sewage ef der aan die verskillende ontlasplekke toegewys: Met fluent then verstande dat elke sodanige ontlasplek van n riool PART V vloeimeter voorsien kan word om die werklike rioolafvloei te kan bepaal Private Swimmingbaths DEEL V The following charges shall be payable in respect of swimmingbaths in terms of section 5 read with section Private $wembaddens 76 of these bylaws: For each instance in which the Die volgende gelde is ten opsigte van swembaddens council permits the discharge of water from the bath betaalbaar ingevolge artikel 5 saamgelees met artikel 76 into the councils sewer per k/: R08 van die verordeninge: n elke geval 7 waar die raad toelaat dat n swembad in sy straatriool leeggemaak word PART V per d: R0a Waste food Disposal Units _ DEEL V Toestelle vir die Wegruim van Afvalvoedse For each wastefood disposal unit or garbage grinder the installation of which has been permitted in terms of Vir elke toestel vir die wegruim van afvalvoedsel of section 7 read with section 5 of :these bylaws per an elke afvalmeul wat kragtens artikel 7 saamgelees met num: R080 artikel PART V pables 5 van die verordeninge aangebring is per jaar: R080 DEEL V?Wk The following charges for stables are payable in terms Die volgende gelde is ten opsigte van stalle betaalbaaf of section 5 read with section 70 of these bylaws: For ingevolge artikel 5 saamgelees met artikel 70 van did every five or part of that number of animals AMA verordeninge: Vir elke 5 diere of n gedeelte van die

66 694 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 the stable is reasonably capable of accommodating per getal wat redelikerwys in n stal gehuisves word per annum: 8990 jaar: 990 SCHEDULE C BYLAE C WORK CHARGES GELDE VR WERK R R Die verseeling van openings (arti Sealing openings (section 9): Cost plus 0% kel 9): Koste plus 0 % 2 Removing blockages (section 3): 2 Die oopmaak van verstopte perseelriole (artikel 3): () Weekdays: For the first half hour after the be () Op weeksdae: ginning of the work: 500 Vir die eerste halfuur nadat daar For every halfhour or part thereof met die werk begin is: 500 of work thereafter: 9;00 Vir elke halfuur of gedeelte daarvan (2) Sundays and public holidays: wat daarna gewerk word:_ 900 For the first half (2) hour after the be Op Sondae en openbare vakanginning of the work: 2250 siedae: For every halfhour or part thereof Vir die eerste halfuur nadat dear met die werk begin is: 2250 thereafter: :350 (3) Within 7 days after the first Vir elke halfuur of gedeelte dearblockage: van daarna: 350 (3) Binne 7 dae na eerste verstopdays from the opening of the first Should a blockage occur within 7 ping: blockage: No charge ndien n verstopping binne 7 dae na die oopmaak van die eerste verstopping voorkom: 3 Additional drainage connection: Gratis Any additional drainage connection 3 Bykomstige rioolaansluiting: in terms of section 7: Cost plus 0% Enige bykomstige rioolaansluiting 4 Compulsory sewerage supply: ingevolge artikel 7: Koste plus 0% Compulsory sewerage supply in 4 Verpligte verskaffing van riool: terms of section 6: Cost plus l0% Verpligte verskaffing van riool inge 5 Unlawful sewerage works: volge artikel 6: Koste plus 0 % 5 Onwettige rioleringswerke: Work done in terms of section 0: Cost plus 0% Werk gedoen ingevolge artikel 0: Koste plus 0% 6 Sale of sewage sludge compost and manure: 6 Verkoop van rioolslyk kompos en mis: Per m or part thereof: 070" Per m3 of gedeelte daarvan: 070" 2 The Drainage and Plumbing Bylaws of the Rand 2 Die Riolerings en Loodgietersverordeninge van die fontein Municipality published under Administrators Munisipaliteit Randfontein afgekondig by Administra Notice 509 dated August 962 as amended are hereby teurskennisgewing 509 van Augustus 962 soos gewyrevoked sig word hierby herroep PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 RANDFONTEN MUNCPALTY: PARKNG ME MUNSPALTET RANDFONTEN: PARKEERME TER BYLAWS TERVERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artithe Local Government Ordinance 939 read with sec kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 tion 66 of the Road Traffic Ordinance 966 publishes gelees met artikel 66 van die Ordonnansie op Padthe ;bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been verkeer 966 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat approved by him in terms of section 99 of the first deur horn ingevolge artikel 99 van eersgenoemde Ormentioned Ordinance donnansie goedgekeur is

67 unless PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART Parking meter Bylaws Parkeermeterverordeninge For the purpose of these by laws unless the context Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge tensy otherwise indicates uit die samehang anders blyk beteken "demarcated parking place" means a parking place "afgemerkte parkeerplek" n afgemerkte parkeerplek demarcated on a public road in conjunction wherewith op n openbare pad gepaard waarmee n parkeermeter a parking meter has been installed as contemplated in opgerig is soos bedoel in artikel 06 van die Ordonnan section 06 of the Road Traffic Ordinance 966 (No 2 sie op Padverkeer 966 (No 2 van 966); of 966); "laaivlak" n ruimte wat aldus uitgehou en afgemerk "loading space means a space so set aside and de is as n plek waar handelsware op voertuie opgelaai of marcated as a place for the loading and unloading of van voertuie afgelaai kan word; merchandise into or from vehicles; "motorvoertuig" n motorvoertuig soos omskryf in die "motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle as defined in Ordonnansie op Padverkeer 966; the Road Traffic Ordinance 966; "parkeermeter" n toestel wat die tydsverloop outoma "parking meter" means a device for automatically ties registreer en sigbaar aandui en wat deur die plasing registering and visibly recording the passage of time put van n muntstuk daarin outomaties of met die hand in into operation either automatically or by hand after the werking gestel word en dit sluit in enige paal of vaste insertion of a coin therein and includes any post or voorwerp waaraan dit gemonteer is; fixture to which it is attached; "parkeertermyn" die tydperk waartydens iemand n "parking period" means the period of parking in a voertuig in it afgemerkte parkeerplek kan parkeer nadat demarcated parking place which is determined by the in hy sodanige mudtstuk as wat die Raad van tyd tot tyd sertion into a parking meter of such coin as the Council by besluit vasstel daarin geplaas het shall from time to time by resolution determine 2 Niemand mag n motorvoertuig in enige afgemerkte 2 No person shall park any motor vehicle in any de parkeerplek parkeer nie tensy by terselfdertyd op die marcated parking place without at the same time making wyse wat in hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf word daar a payment in the manner prescribed in these bylaws: voor betaal: Met dien verstande dat daar slegs aldus be Provided that the obligation to make such payment shall teal hoef te word gedurende die parkeertermyn wat by apply only between such hours as the Council may by raadsbesl6it bepaal word en soos deur die opskrif op resolution determine and as shall be indicated by legend die parkeermeter aangedui word maar in elk geval nie on the parking meter but in any event not from 3h00 vanaf 3h00 op Saterdae tot 08h00 op Maandae en on Saturdays till 08h00 on Mondays or on public holi openbare vakansiedae nie days 3 Parkeermeters word by parkeerplekke aangebring 3 Demarcated parking places will be provided with soos van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad bepaal parking meters as the Council from time to time by re 4 solution determine Niemand mag n motorvoertuig in n afgemerkte parkeerplek parkeer of laat parkeer nie tensy hy of 4 No person shall park any motor vehicle or cause iemand anders namens hom op die tydstip n toepaslike any vehicle to be parked in any demarcated parking place muntstuk op die parkeermeter aangedui in die parthe meter is put into operation and there shall keermeter aan daardie plek toegewys pleas en in werking be at the same time inserted by him or on his behalf stel: Met dien verstande dat dit wettig is om n voertuig in the parking meter allocated to that place an appro in n lee afgebakende ruimte to parkeer gedurende n priate coin indicated on the parking meter: Provided that parkeertermyn wat volgens die parkeermeter onverstreke it shall be lawful without such payment to park a vehicle is sonder om die voorgeskrewe bedrag te betaal maar ip in a vacant demarcated space for such part and such dart net gedurende die onverstreke gedeelte van die part only of any parking period as the parking meter parkeertermyn may indicate to be unexpired 5 Wanneer iemand n voorgeskrewe muntstuk in n 5 The insertion of a prescribed coin in a parking parkeermeter geplaas het het hy die reg om n motor meter shall entitle the person inserting it to park a motor voertuig gedurende die termyn wat deur die bedrag wat vehicle in the appropriate demarcated parking place for hy aldus betaal het gedek word in die toepaslike afge the period corresponding with the payment so made: merkte parkeerplek te parkeer: Met dien verstande dat Provided that notwithstanding the making of a payment al het iemand die bedrag aldus betaal geen bepaling wat as aforesaid nothing in this section shall entitle any in hierdie artikel vervat is aan horn die reg verleen om person to contravene any road traffic sign prohibiting die bepalings van n padverkeersteken waarby dit verbied the parking of vehicles between specified hours word om motorvoertuie tussen bepaalde ure daar te 6 t shall be unlawful either with or without putting parkeer te verontagsaam nie such meter into operation to leave any vehicle in a 6 Dit is onwettig om n motorvoertuig in n afge demarcated parking place after the expiry of a parking merkte parkeerplek te laat na die verstryking van n period as indicated by the parking meter parkeertermyn aangedui deur die parkeermeter hetsy s 7 The period during which sodanige meter weer in werking gestel word of nie a vehicle may be parked in any parking place and the coin or coins to be inserted 7 Die Raad bepaal van tyd tot tyd by besluit hoe in respect of that period in the parking meter allocated lank n motorvoertuig in n afgemerkte parkeerplek getoparkeer kan such word place shall en be watter such as the muntstuk Council may from of muntstukke opsigte van die tydperk ten any in die parkeermeter wat aan time to time by resolution determine and the said pesodanige parkeerplek toegewys is geplaas moet word nod and the coin to be inserted in respect thereof shall en genoemde tydperk en die muntstuk wat ten opsigte

68 t 696 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 at all times be clearly indicated on the parking meter daarvan in die meter geplaas moet word moet te alle itself tye duidelik op die parkeermeter aangedui word 0 8 t shall lie unlawful 8 Niemand mag (a) to insert or attempt to insert into a parking meter (a) n ander muntstuk as n geldige SuidAfrikaanse any coin other than a coin of South African cur muntstuk van n soort soos deur die opskrif op die raricy of a denomination as indicated by legend on parkeermeter aangedui in n parkeermeter pleas of the parking Meter; probeer plaas nie; (b) to insert or attempt to insert into a parking meter (b) n vervalste of nagemaakte muntstuk of enige ander any false or counterfeit coin or any foreign object; voorwerp in n parkeermeter plaas of probeer plaas nie; (c) to damage or deface soil obliterate or otherwise _ render less visible the face or dial of a parking me (c) die voorkant of wyserplaat van n parkeermeter ter or to write of draw skend lievuil uitwis on or to affix any hand of op n ander wyse minder sigbaar maak of daarop skryf of teken of n strooibill poster placard Or other article whether or not biljet aanplakbiljet plakkaat of n ander artikel of of an advertising nature to a parking meter; dit nou vir reklame bedoel is of nie op die par (d) in any way whatsoever to cause or attempt to keermeter plak nie; cause a parking meter to record the passage of time other (d) op wafter wyse oak al veroorsaak of probeer ver wise than by the insertion of the coin referred to in oorsaak dat die parkeermeter die tydsverloop aanteparagiaph (a); ken op n ander wyse as deur die plasing van die (e) to jerk knock shake or in any way agitate or in mimtstuk waarna in paragraaf (a) verwys word nie; terfere with a parking meter which is not working (e) n parkeermeter wat nie behoorlik werk nie of glad properly or at all in order to make it do so or for nie werk nie stamp skud of daaraan peuter of op any other purpose; enige ander sodanige manier die meter in werking (f) probeer stel to deface soil obliterate or nie of otherwise render met enige ander doel so less letsdoen nie; visible or interfere with any mark painted on the roadway or any legend sign or notice affixed or (f) n merk wat op die pad geverf is of n opskrif teken of kennisgewing wat aangebring is vir die toepassing erected for the purpose of these bylaws; van hierdie verordeninge skend bevuil uitwis of (g) to park any motor vehicle not being a vehicle as op n ander wyse minder leesbaar maak of daaraan defined in section in a demarcated parking place pent& nie; subject to the provisions of section 3 (g) enige motorvoertuig wat nie n voertuig is soos in 9 Every motor vehicle shall be so placed in a de artikel omskrywe nie in n afgemerkte parkeermarcated parking place other than one which is at an plek parkeer nie behoudens die bepalings van artiangle to the kerb that its near side wheels are not more kel 3 than 450 min froth the kith and shall in every demar 9 Elke motorvoertuig moet op so n wyse in n afge cated Parking place be so placed that it is laterally within merkte parkeerplek uitgesonderd n plek wat n hoek met die randst5en vorm geparkeer word dat die wiele that space and that the drivers seat or in the case daarvan wat die naaste aan die randsteen is hoogstens of a motor vehicle with lefthand drive the front pas 450 mm daarvandaan is en moet voorts op so n wyse sengers seat is opposite and close to the mark known in die afgemerkte parkeerplek geparkeer word dat dit ip as the drivers mark painted on the surface of the road oorlangs in die plek inpas en dat die bestuurder se or in the case of a oneway street in which parking sitplek of in die gevai van die motorvoertuig met n linkerhandse stuur die voorste passasiersitplek regoor on the righthand side thereof is permited on the footen naby n merk is wat as die bestuurder se merk bekend way or roadway staan en wat op die bled van die pad of in die geval van n eenrigtingstraat waar daar aan die regterkant ge 0 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these parkeer kan word op die sypaadjie of pad geverf word bylaws no person shall park or cause or permit to be parked or to leave any motor vehicle in any loading 0 Ondanks andersluidende bepalings in hierdie ver ordeninge mag niemand n motorvoertuig Langer as wat place in the parking meter area otherwise than for the absoluut noodsaaklik is om passasiers of goedere op of shortest possible time necessary for the loading or un of te laai in n laaivlak in die parkeermetergebied That loading of passengers stilhou of toelaat dat dit daar stilhou nie of dit daar laat staan of toelaat dat dit daar staan nie Where any motor vehicle parked in a demarcated ndien n motorvoertuig in n afgemerkte parkeerparking place occupies by reason of its length so much plek geparkeer word en dit so lank is en soveel van die of an adjoining parking space that it is not possible to aangrensende parkeerplek in beslag neem dat daar nie n park a motor vehicle in that adjoining place in the motorvoertuig in die aangrensende plek op die wyse wat manner prescribed by section 9 the person parking the in artikel 9 voorgeskryf word geparkeer kan word nie firstmentioned motor vehicle shall immediately after moet die persoon wat eersgenoemde motorvoertuig geparkeer het onmiddellik nadat by dit parkeer het n parking it insert an appropriate coin in the parking methepaslike muntstuk in die parkeermeters van elkeen ter of each of the said parking Spaces van die genoemde parkeerplekke plaas en in werking stel 2 The passage of time as recorded by a parking 2 Daar word aangeneem dat n parkeermeter die meter shall be deemed to be correct unless and until the verloop van tyd juis geregistreer het tensy en totdat die

69 J PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART contrary be proved and the burden of so proving shall teendeel bewys is en die bewyslas rus op die persoon be on the person alleging that the parking meter has wat beheer dat die parkeermeter die verldop Van tyd recorded inaccurately onjuis geregistreer het 3 The Council may also set aside and demarcate 3 Die Raad kan ook klein ruimtes waarin tweewiel small spaces for the parking of twowheeled vehicles and voertuie geparkeer kan word uithou en afmerk en die the provisions of these bylaws and in particular the bepalings van hierdie verordeninge en die tariewe wat charges perscribed by resolution as aforesaid shall mu sons hierin gemeld by besluit voorgeskryf word is mutatis tatis mutandis apply to such small spaces mutandis op sodanige klein ruimtes van toepassing er 4 Notwithstanding anything in these bylaws con 4 Ondanks andersluidende bepalings in hierdie ver tained the driver or person in charge of the following ordeninge vervat parkeer die bestuurder of persoon in motorvoe sonder die bewithout payment of the prescribed charges: keerplek: motor vehicles shall park in rtuie a demarcated parking space beheer van die volgende talmg van die voorgeskrewe gelde in n afgemerkte par () A motor vehicle which is the property of the Coun () n Motorvoertuig van die Raad wat deur n ampte cil and which is used by an official of the Council in naar van die Raad in sy amotelike hoedanigheid gebruik his official capacity: Provided that the official badge word: Met dien verstande dat die amptelike kenteken wat approved of by the Council is displayed in a prominent deur die Raad goedgekeur is op n prominente plek aan place on the motor vehicle; die motorvoertnig vertoon word; (2) die bepalings van verordeninge is (2) the provisions of these bylaws shall not apply in hierdie nievan toepassing ten opsigte van n ambulans brandbestrychngsrespect of an ambulance a firefighting vehicle a vehicle voertuig n voertuig wat deur n polisiebeampte of vreused by a police officer or peace officer in the execu desbeampte in die uitvoering van sy pligte gebruik word tion of his duty nie 5 Any person contravening any provision of these 5 emand wat n bepaling van hierdie verordeninge by laws shall on conviction be liable to a fine not ex oortree is by skuldigbevinding strafbaar met n boete van ceeding R200 or to imprisonment not exceeding hoogstens six R200 of gevangenisstraf vir n tydperk v4n hoogstens ses maande of beide sodanige boete en gemonths or to both such fine and imprisonment vangenisstraf PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 RUSTENBURG MUNCPALTY: ADOPTON OF MUNSPALTET RUSTENBURG: AANNAME AMENDMENT TO STANDARD FNANCAL BY VAN WYSGNG VAN STANDAARDFNANSELE LAWS VERORDENNGE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes that 0 Bestuur 939 dat the Town Council of Rustenburg die has in terms of Stadsraad van die Ordonnansie van Rustenburg op Plaaslikelge artikel 96bis(2) sec don 96bis(2) die wysiging van die of the said Ordinance adopted the amend Starr dvaaandefnioneamnsideekordonnartsie Verordeninge a gekondigby Adm? ment to the Standard Financial Bylaws published under nistrateurskennisgewing 439 van 6 April 977 aange Administrators Notice 439 dated 6 April 977 as by neem het as verordeninge wat deur genoemde Raad op laws made by the said Council gestel is PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 CORRECTON NOTCE KENNSGEWNG VAN VERBETERNG HEALTH COMMTTEE OF SECUNDA: REGULA GESONDHEDSKOMTEE VAN SECUNDA: RE TONS RELATNG TO HAWKERS GULASFS BETREFFENDE SMOUSE 0 Administrators Notice 38 dated 7 January 979 is Administrateurskennisgewing 38 van 7 Januarie 979 hereby corrected by the substitution in item 2 under word hierby verbeter deur in item 2 onder Bylae A Schedule A in subitem (a) van die Engelse teks die woorde in subitem (a) for the words Transdu Toit Street" Trans du Toit Street" deur die woorde "Frans du Toit Raad" te vervang; of the words "Frans du Toit Raad"; 2 in subitem (b) van die Engelse teks die woorde 2 in subitem (b) for the words "Frans du Toit Street "Frans du Toit Street and Etienne Rousseau Raad" deur and Etienne Rousseau Raad" of the words "Frans du die woorde: "Frans du Toit Raad and Marthinus Pre Toit Raad and Marthinus Pretorius Raad" torius Raad" te vervang PB PB

70 698 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 TZANEEN MUNCPALTY: AMENDMENT TO MUNSPALTET TZANEEN: WYSGNG VAN DRANAGE AND PLUMBNG BYLAWS AND BY ROLERNG EN LOODGETERSVERORDENNGE LAWS FOR THE LCENSNG AND REGULATNG EN VERORDENNGE VR DE LSENSERNG EN REGULASE VAN LOODGETERS EN ROOL OF PLUMBERS AND DRANLAYERS LEERS The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn ingevolge by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is The Drainage and Plumbing Bylaws and Bylaws for Die Riotering en Loodgietersverordeninge en Verorthe Licensing and Regulating of Plumbers and Drain deninge vir die Lisensiering en Regulasie van Loodgieters layers of the Tzaneen Municipality published under Ad en Riooleers van die Munisipaliteit Tzaneen afgekondig ministrators Notice 497 dated 23 July 958 as by Administrateurskennisgewing 497 van 23 Julie 958 amended are hereby further amended by amending the soos gewysig word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tarief Tariff of Charges under Schedule H by the substitution van Gelde onder Bylae H te wysig deur in item 6() en in item 6() and (2) for the figures "R5" and "R4" of (2) die syfers "R5" en "R4" onderskeidelik deur die the figure "R0" respectively syfer "R0" te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 CORRECTON NOTCE KENNSGEWNG VAN VERBETERNG VANDERBJLPARK MUNCPALTY: ELECTR MUNSPALTET VANDERBJLPARK: ELEKTR CTY BY LAWS STETSVERORDENNGE Administrators Notice 29 dated 28 February 979 Administrateurskennisgewing 29 van 28 Februarie is hereby corrected by the substitution in item 8(2) of 979 word hierby verbeter deur in item 8(2) van pare paragraph 6 of the Afrikaans text for the expression 00 N 00 N R graaf 6 die uitdrukking "P= [0994 (MX X(+ "P= [0994 (MX X(+ )] [0994 (256X N ) ] [0994 (256 X08 X208)] " deur die uitdrukking 08X208)] " of the expression "P= [0994 (MX X N "P= [0994 (MX X( + ) ] [0994 (250X08 R (+ ) ] [0994 (250X08 X208)]" X208)] 00 " te vervang PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 VEREENGNG MUNCPALTY: BYLAWS RE MUNSPALTET VEREENGNG: VERORDE LATNG TO DOGS NNGE BETREFFENDE HONDE The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of the Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance Definitions Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur hom ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is Woordomskrywing Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge tensy For the purpose of these bylaws unless context die sinsverband anders aandui beteken indicates otherwise "bond" n reun sowel as n teef; "Council" means the Town Council of Vereeniging and includes the management committee of that Coun "perseel" n erf standplaas wooneenheid landbouhoecil or any officer employed by the Council by virtue of we of grond: Met dien verstande dat indien aangren any power vested in the Council in terms of these by sende erwe standplase landbouhoewes of grond deur laws and delegated to him in terms of section 58 of the dieselfde persoon okkupeer word sodanige aangrensende Local Government (Administration and Elections) Or persele vir die doeleindes van hierdie verordeninge as n dinance 960 (Ordinance 40 of 960); enkele perseel beskou sal word;

71 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART "dog" means both male dog and bitch; : "Raad" die Stadsraad van Vereeniging en omvat die besiuurskomitee van daardie Raad of enige beampte in "premises" means an elf stand living unit agricul diens van die Raad kragtens die bevoegdheid Vat ooreen tural holding or agricultural land: Provided that where komstig hierdie verordeninge aan die Raad verleen en adjacent erven stands agricultural holdings or agricul ingevolge artikel 58 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike tural land are occupied by the same person; such ad Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkiesings) 960 (Ordon 4 jacent premises shall for the purposes of these bylaws nansie 40 van 960) aan sodanige beampte gedelegeer is be regarded as a single premises Belastingpligtigheid Tax to be Paid 2 Niemand mag binne die munisipaliteit n hond wat 2 No person shall keep a dog aged six months or older ses maande oud of ouer is aanhou nie tensy by soda within the municipality unless he shall have caused such nige bond by die munisipale kantoor laat registreer het dog to be registered at the municipal offices and oben op die wyse sons hierna bepaal n belasting kwitansie tained in the manner hereinafter provided a tax receipt vir elke sodanige hond verkry het in respect of each such dog Vermoede Ten Opsigle van Ouderdom Presumption Regarding Age 3 ndien dam kragtens hierdie verordeninge geregte 3 n any proceedings instituted in terms of these by like stappe gedoen word teen iemand wat n hond van laws against any person for keeping a dog of the age of ses maande oud of ouer aanhou sonder dat hy sy hondesix months or older without having paid the tax in re belasting betaal het word dear geag dat sodanige hond spect thereof such dog shall be deemed to be six months al ses maande oud of ouer is tensy en tot tyd en wyl die or older unless and until the contrary is proved teendeel bewys word Persoon vir Belasting Aanspreeklik Person Responsible for Tax 4 Vir die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge word 4 For the purpose of these bylaws any person in geag dat iemandonder wie se sorg of toesig of in wie se whoie custody charge or possession or within whose besit of in wie se huis of perseel n hond aangetref of house or premises any dog shall tie found or seen shall opgemerk word die persoon is wat sodanige bond besit be deemed to be the person keeping such dog; unless tensy en tot tyd en wyl die teendeel bewys is and until the contrary is proved J Application Forth and Tax 5 Any person applying for a dog tax receipt shall furnish his name and address and pay a tax in accordance with the Schedule hereto Aansoekvorm en Belasting 5 emend wat om n hondebelastingkvvitansie aansoek moet sy naam en adres verstrek en belasting oor die Bylae hierby eenkomstig doen omstig betaal Belastingkwitansie 4 Tax Receipt 6(l) Aan elke applikant wat aan die vereistes van artikel 5 soldoen het sal die Raad n kwitansie op n 6() To every applicant who has satisfied the require gedrukte vorm hierna die belastingkwitansie genoem ments of section 5 the Council shall issue a receipt upon a printed form hereinafter called a tax receipt which shall be signed by an authorized officer of the Council mwaotetde wuerelsn ugietrmeaikgbeampte van die Raad onderteken tigde (2) Die jeldigheidsduur van elke belastingkwitansie (2) Every tax receipt shall cease to be effective at verstryk om middernag op 3 Desember wat op die uit midnight upon 3 Decernber following the date of issue rcikingsdatum Sioig Duplicate Tax Receipt 43uplikaatbelastingkwitansie 7 emand wit n geldige belastingkwitansie wat aan 7 Any person who loses any current tax receipt which hom uitgereik is verloor kan indien by die Raad van has been issued to him may upon satisfying the Council sodanige verlies oortuig teen betaling van die gelde oorof such loss obtain a duplicate thereof upon payment eenkomstig die Bylae hierby n duplikaat daarvan verkry of the fee prescribed in the Schedule hereto * Oordrag van Belastingkwitansie Transfer of Tax Receipt 8 Die houer van n geldige belastingkwitansie kan dit i aan iemand anders oordra op die volgende voorwaardes: 8 Any current tax receipt may be transferiefly the holder thereof to another person subject to the follow (a) Die persoon wat Verlang dat sodanige kwitansie aan ing conditions: hom oorgedra moet word moet by die Raad aansoek doen en moet die oorspronklike kwitansie of n duh(a) The person desiring such transfer shall apply tothe plikaat daarvan wat ten opsigte van die betrokke Council and produce the original receipt or duplicate hond uitgereik is toon Die kwitansie moet behoor thereof issued in respect of the dog in question duly lik deur die oordraer op die agterkant daarvan gar! endorsed by the transferor at the back thereof to dosseer wees ten effekte dat hy die bond van die the effect that the dog has been disposed of stating hand gesit het en dit moet die naam van die nuwe the name of the new owner and signed by the cienaar vermeld en onderteken wees deur die oortransferee who shall satisfy the Council that the dragnemer wat die Raad daarvan moet oortuig dat provisions of these by laws have been complied with die bepalings van hierdie verordeninge nagekom is

72 700 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 (b) The transferee of the receipt shall Pay the fee Pre (b) Die oordragftedier van die kwitansit moet die gelde scribed in the Schedule hereto ooreenkomstig die Bylae hierby betaal (c) The authorized officer shall if the above require (c) Die gemagtigde beampte moet indien bogenoemde ments have been complied with endorse the name vereistes nagekom is die naam en adres van die and address of the new owner upon the tax receipt: nuwe eienaar op die belastingkwitansie aanbring Provided that nothing in this section contained shall Met Bien verstande dat geen bepaling in hierdie ar be deemed to authorize the transfer of a current tikel vervat geag word as magtiging tot oordrag van tax receipt to cover any other dog than the dog in respect of which such tax was originally paid n geldige belastingkwitansie om enige ander hond as die hond ten opsigte waarvan sodanige belasting oorspronklik betaal is te dek nie Exemption for Dogs Belonging to Visitors or Dogs Vrystelling vir Honde wat aan Besoekers Behoort Undergoing Treatment of Honde wat Behandeling Ondergaan 9 The following persons shall be exempted from the 9 Die volgende persone word van die bepalings van provisions of sections 2 5 and 6: artikels 2 5 en 6 vrygestel: (a) Any person residing outside the municipality and not (a) emand wat buite die munisipaliteit woon en geen being engaged in a regular trade or business or em gereelde bedryf of besigheid binne die munisipaliteit Ployed within the municipality who has brought a beoefen of daar in diens is nie en wat n hond met dog with him into the municipality with the inten horn in die munisipaliteit inbring met die doel om tion of paying a temporary visit and of taking such n tydelike besoek of te le en om sodanige hond dog with him again within a period not exceeding weer met horn seam te neem binne n tydperk van 30 days from the date of his arrival within the muni hoogstens 30 dae vanaf die datum van aankoms bincipality ne die munisipaliteit (b) Any person residing outside the municipality Who (b) emand wat buite die munisipaliteit woon en n leaves any dog at any place within the municipality bond op enige plek binne die munisipaliteit vir be for treatment or boarding at a veterinary surgeon handeling of huisvesting by "n veearts of in n er or a recognised kennel or dog boarding sestablish kende hondehok of hondelosiesinrigting laat: Met went: Provided that any dog referred to in para dien verstande dat n hond waarna in paragrawe (a) graphs (a) and (b) shall be removed from the muni en (b) verwys word uit die munisipaliteit verwyder cipality immediately after such treatment or board word onmiddellik na afloop van sodanige behande ing or temporary visit is completed: Provided further ling of huisvesting of tydelike besoek: Voorts met that the owner of such dog shall be in possession of Bien versiande dat die eienaar van sodanige hond a licence issued by the authority within whose area n geldige lisensie mod besit uitgereik deur die of jurisdiction such dog is normally kept owerheid in wie se jurisdiksiegebied die hond nor inaalweg gehou word Tax Receipt to be Proddeed for nspection Belastingkwitansie Moet vir Ondersoek Getoon word ; 0 Every person who has paid the tax shall whenever 0 Elkeen wat die belasting betaal het moet wanneer reasonably required of him; produce his tax receipt dit redelikerwys van horn verlang word sy belastingfor inspection to any authorized officer of the Council kwitansie vir ondersoek toon aan enige gemagtigde be anipte vartdie Read mpounding of Apparently Ownerless Dogs *Honde wat Blykbaar Sonder Baas is kan Geskut word :() Any person may take any dog which is at large () Enige persoon kan n hondwat losloop en blykand apparently ownerless to the pound arid such dog baar nie n Baas het nie skut toe neem en sodanige hond shall be detained in the pound until the Person claiming word in die skut gehou totdat die persoon wat dit opeis it shall have paid the required pound fees and also pro die vereiste skutgeldebetaal het en odk n belastingkwi duced tq the Poundmaster a tax receipt in respect of tansie ten opsigte van die hond aan die Skutmeester toon such dog (2) ndien die naam en adres van die eienaar van die 92 (2) Where the name and address of the Darner or other bond of iemand anders wat daarop geregtig is op die person entitled thereto is stamped on or fixed to the halsband van n hond wat geskut word gestempel of collar of any dog which has been impounded the Pound daaraan vasgesit is moet die Skutmeester onmiddellik master shall immediately communicate with such person met sodanige persoon in verbinding tree Daar word geag A written communication posted to the address shown on dat n skriftelike mededeling wat gepos word na die adres the collar shall be deerried to be sufficient communica wat op die halsband voorkom vir die toepassing van tion for the purpose of this section iierilie artikel voldoende is: (3) Any person Who by violence or otherwise rescues (3) emand wat met geweld of andersins n hond wat or attempts to rescue from the person dr persons in wettiglik na die skut toe gebring word afneem of probeer charge thereof any dog being lawfully brought to the afneem van die persoon of persone in wie se sorg dit is pound or rescues or attempts to rescue any dog after of wat n timid wat wettiglik deur die Skutmeester geskut the same lias been lawfully impounded by the Pound is bevry of probeer bevry is skuldig aan n misdryf master shalt be guilty of an offence (4) Vir die tocpassing van hierdie artikel beteken (4) For the purposes of this section "pound" means a "skut" n plek wat die Raail vir aanhouding en vankant place designated by the Council for the detention and maak van honcle ooreenkomstig hierdie verordeninge destruction of dogs in terms of these bylaws aangewys het

73 by PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 WART Unclaimed Dogs can be Sold or Destroyed Onopgeeiste Honde kan Verkoop of Vankant Gemaak word 2() n the event of a dog not being claimed by any 20) ngeval n hond nie binne n fydperk van sesen person entitled to it within ninetysix hours reckoned as negentig uur bereken vanaf 2h00 van die dag waarop from noon on the day when the dog was impounded the die bond geskut is opgeeis word deur iemand wat doer Council may cause such dog to be sold in such manner nie kan die Raad die hond laat verkoop as it may deem fit and in the event of the dog not being op n wyse wat die Raad goed ag en indiendie hond nie sold may cause such dog to be destroyed verkoop word nie dit vankant laat maak Qop geregtilis c (2) Under no circumstances shall the Council pay (2) Onder geen omstandighede betaal die Raad aan ie compensation to any person in respect of any dog deri and vergoeding ten opiigte van n hond wat ingevolge stroyed in terms of this section hierdie artikel vankant gemaak is nie Register of Dogs mpounded Register van Honde wat Geskut is 3 The Council shall keep a register showing the date 3 Die Raad moet n register aanhou wat aandui op when every dog is impounded sold or destroyed and in Welke datum iedere hond geskut verkoop of vankant i case of sale the amount realised in respect thereof gemaak is en ingeval die hond verkoop is die bedrag wat daarvoor oatvang is Dangerous and Objectionable Dogs Gevaarlike en Aanstootlike Honde i 40) No person shall permit any dog which is dart 4:0) Niemand mag toelaat dat n bond wat gevaarlik serous or vicious or which is for any reason whatsoever :of kwaai is of wat om welke rede ookal aanstootlik is objectionable or which causes a nuisance or is suffering of n oorlas veroorsaak of wat aan enige besmetlike of from any contagious or infectious disease or any bitch aansteeklike siekte ly of enige teef wat loops is los loop on heat to be at large nie (2) Any person may take such dog to the pound (2) Enige persoon kan sodanige hond skut toe neem (3) Any person claiming any dog so impounded shall (3)!emend wat n hond wat aldus geskut is opeis not be entitled to its return unless and until he has given word nie toegelaat om dit terug te neem nie tensy by n a written undertaking to keep it in proper control skriftelike onderneming gegee het om behoorlik beheer oor sodanigehond uit te oefen Dogs Not lb berurged to Attack Persons Honde :niag nie A angespoor word om Persone aan te l nie 5 No person shall without reasonable cause Va 5 Niemand mag sonder reddlike oorsaak (a) set any dog on to any person or animal; or (a) enige (b) permit any dog in his custodyor possession toattack hond teen!emend of n diet aanbits nie; of or put in fear any person or animal (b) enige hond in sy bewaring of in sy besit toelaat om ri persoon of diet aan te val of egrets aanja nie Barking and Howling Dogs Blaffende en T jankende Honde 6 No person shall permit his dog to create a distur 6 Niemand mag toelaat dat sy hond deur te blaf of hence by barking or otherwise andersins n steurnis veroorsaak nie Beamptes van die Raad kan Persele Betree Councils Officers Maycenter Premises 70) Enige gemagtigde beampte kan enige perseel 7() Any authorized officer may enter upon any prebetree om hierdie verordeningetoe te pas of om vas te raises for the purpose of enforcing these bylaws or for stel hoeveel honde aangehou word en om alle belastingthe purpose of ascertaining the flambe( of dogs kept kwitansies te ondersoek and of examining all tax receipts ) Niemand sodanie in uitvocring (2) Noperson shall obstruct hinder or refuse or fail van(2 die ondersoekmag clwarsboogm ofbeamptc hinder ofdie weier of ver to give information of give false information to any such suim om aan horn inligting te verskaf of aan horn valse A officer in the course of such investigation inligting verstrek nie Dog Kennels Penalties Hondehokke 8 No person shall establish maintain or carry on a 8 Niemand mag die saak van hondehokke in enige dogkennel business in a residential area or an area zoned woonbuurt or enige gebied waarvan die streeksindeling as a "general residential" or "special residential" area ingevolge n goedgekeurde dorpsaanlegskema vir "algeunder an approved town planning scheme or within mene woondoeleindes" of "spesiale woondoeleindes" in 500 m of such area gedeel is of binne 500 m van sodanige streek oprig aanhou of bedryf rue Strafbepalings 9 Any person contravening any provision df these 9 emand wat enige bepaling van hierdie verordc laws shall be guilty of an offence and liable on con ninge oortree is skuldig aan n misdryf en is by skuldigviction to a fine not exceeding R00 or in default of bevinding strafbaar met n boete van hoogstens R00 of _

74 702 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 by wanbetaling met gevangenisstraf van hoogstens 3 months or to both such fine and imprisonment maande of met beide sodanige boete en gevangenisstraf Revocation of Bylaws Herroeping van Verordeninge 20 The Dogs and Dog Tax Bylaws of the Vereeniging 20 Die Honde en Hondebelastingverordeninge van Municipality published under Administrators Notice die Munisipaliteit Vereeniging afgekondig by Adminis 86 dated 2 March 958 as amended are hereby re trateurskennisgewing 86 van 2 Maart 958 sons geyoked wysig word hierby herroep SCHEDULE TARFF OF CHARGES BYLAE TAREF VAN GELDE C/ Dog Tax Hondebelasting () For each premises: () Vir elke perseel: (a) Greyhounds (a) Windhonde (b) (i) For the first greyhound 0 (ii) For each additional greyhound _ 5 All other dogs (i) For the first male dog or spayed bitch 2 (i) Vir die eerste windhond 0 (H) Vir elke bykomende windhond 5 (b) Alle ander honde (i) Vir die eerste reun of gesteriliseerde teef 2 (ii) Vir elke bykomende reun of gesteriliseerde (ii) For each additional male dog or spayed teef 5 bitch 5 (iii) Vir die cerste ongesteriliseerde teef 5 (iii) For the first unspayed bitch 5 (iv) Vir elke bykomende ongesteriliseerde teef 5 (iv) For each additional unspayed bitch 5 (2) Blinde persone wat gebruik mask van gids of (2) Blind persons who make use of guide dogs: Free leihonde: Gratis of charge (3) Die belasting ingevolge subitem () is n jaarlikse (3) The tax in terms of subitem () shall be an annual belasting en is voor 3 Januarie van elke jaar betaalbaar tax payable before 3 January of each year 2 Duplikaat en Oordrag van Belastingkwitansies 2 Duplicate and Transfer of Tax Receipts ( ) die uvreik van duplikaatbelastingkwitansies () For the issue of duplicate tax receipts each: R elk: R Vir (2) For the transfer of tax receipts each: R (2) Vir die oordrag van belastingkwitansies elk: Ri 3 Pound Fees 3 Skutgelde () Pound fee per dog: R2 () Skutgelde per hond: R2 (2) Keeping per dog per day: R50 (2) Bewaring per hond per dag: R50 The provisions in this notice contained shall come Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat tree op into operation on the first day of the month following die cerste dag van die maand wat volg op die datum van the date of publication hereof publikasie hiervan in werking PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 WOLMARANSSTAD MUNCPALTY: AMEND MUNSPALTET WOLMARANSSTAD: WYS MENT TO SANTARY AND REFUSE REMOVALS GNG VAN SANTERE EN VULLSVERWYDE TARFF RNGSTAREF The Administrator hereby in terms of section 0 of Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artithe Local Government Ordinance 939 publishes the kel 0 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bylaws set forth hereinafter which have been approved die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit wat deur horn inby him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance gevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Wol keur is maransstad Municipality published under Administra Die Sanitere en Vullisverwycleringstarief van die Mutors Notice 570 dated 9 October 977 as contemplated nisipaliteit Wolmaransstad afgekondig by Administra

75 _A PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART o by section 9(a) of Chapter under Part V of the Public Health Bylaws of the Council published under Admi nistrators Notice 48 dated 2 February 95 as teurskennisgewing 570 van 9 Oktober soes977ivvan be 2e al og pbyubalirtekikeelgle9s(oan)dvhaelshveoroofrsrenkingevanvandee die Raad afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 48 van 2 amended is hereby further amended by the substitution Februarie 95 soos gewysig word hierby verder gefor item 2 of the following: wysig deur item 2 deur die volgende to vervang: "2 Refuse Removal "2 Vullisvenvydering () For the removal of refuse from any premises ex () Vir die verwydering van vullis vanaf enige percept as provided in subitems (2) and (3) twice weekly seel uitgesonderd soos in subitems (2) en (3) bepaal per bin per month or part thereof: R40 twee keer per week per blik per maand of gedeelte daarvan: R40 (2) For the removal of refuse from businesses three (2) Vir die verwydering van vullis vanaf besighede times per week per bin per month or part thereof: drie keer per week per blik per maand of gedeelte R20 daarvan: 820 (3) For the removal of refuse from Coloured dwellings (3) Vir die verwydering van vullis vanaf Kleurlingonce weekly per bin per month or part thereof: 70c wonings een keer per week per blik per maand of gedeelte daarvan: 70c (4) Bins for the removal of refuse in terms of subitems (4) Blikke vir die verwydering van vullis () (2) and (3) shall be supplied by the Council and shall ingevolgesubitems () (2) en (3) word deur die Raad verskaf remain the property of the Council" en bly die eiendom van die Raad" PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 PRETORA REGON AMENDMENT SCHEME 57 PRETORASTREEKWYSGNGSKEMA 57 0 The Administrator hereby in terms of section 89() Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die beof the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 palings van artikel 89() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsdeclares that he has approved an amendment scheme beplanning en Dorpe 965 dat by n wysigingskema synbeing an amendment of Pretoria Region Townplanning de n wysiging van Pretoriastreek dorpsaanlegskema Scheme 960 comprising the same land as included in 960 wat uit dieselfde grond as die dorp Die Hoewes the township of Die Hoewes Extension 6 Uitbreiding 6 bestaan goedgekeur het Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment sche Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema me are filed with the Driector of Local Government word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas Pretoria and the Town Clerk Verwoerdburg and are like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Verwoerdburg open for inspection at all reasonable times en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Pretoria Region Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Pretoriastreekwyment Scheme 57 sigingskema 57 PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 DECLARATON OF APPROVED TOWNSHP VERKLARNG TOT GOEDGEKEURDE DORP n terms of section 69 of the Town planning and Town ngevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe ships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) the Admi planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) nistrator hereby declares Die Hoewes Extension 6 Town verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Die Hoewes ship to be an approved township subject to the condi Uitbreiding 6 tot n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe aan tions set out in the Schedule hereto die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae PB PB SCHEDULE BYLAE CONDTONS UNDER WHCH THE APPLCATON VOORWAARDES WAAROP DE AANSOEK GE MADE BY THE TOWN COUNCL OF VERWOERD DOEN DEUR DE STADSRAAD VAN VERWOERD BURG UNDER THE PROVSONS OF THE TOWN BURG NGEVOLGE DE BEPALNGS VAN DE PLANNNG AND TOWNSHPS ORDNANCE 965 ORDONNANSE OP DORPSBEPLANNNG EN FOR PERMSSON TO ESTABLSH A TOWNSHP DORPE 965 OM TOESTEMMNG OM N DORP ON PORTON OF THE FARM LYTELTON TE STG OP GEDEELTE VAN DE PLAAS LYT 38JR; PROVNCE TRANSVAAL HAS BEEN TELTON 38 JR; PROVNSE TRANSVAAL TOE GRANTED GESTAAN S

76 704 TROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 CONDTONS OF ESTABLSHMENT STGTNGSVOORWAARDES () Name () Naam The name of the township shall be Die Hoewes Extension 6 Die naam van die dorp is Die Hoewes Uitbreiding 6 (2) Design The township shall consist of erven as indicated on General Plan SG A625/78 (2) Ontwerp Die dorp bestaan uit erwe soos aangedui op Algemene Plan LG A (3) Endowment (3) Begiftiging Payable to the Transvaal Education Department: Betaalbaar aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdepartement: The township owner shall in terms of the provisions Die dorpseienaar moet kragtens die bepalings van arof section 63()(a) tikel 63()(a) of the Townplanning and Townships van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning Ordinance 965 pay a lump sum endowment for edu en Dorpe 965 aan die Transvaalse Onderwysdeparte ment as cational purposes to the Transvaal Education Department begiftiging vir onderwysdoeleindes n globale beon the land value of special residential land in the vicinity drag op die grondwaarde van spesiale woongrond in die of the township the extent of which shall omgewing van die dorp die grootte beby multiplying peal moet word be determined betaa2waarvan 4808 m2 by the number of dwelling units deur 4808 m te vermenigvuldig met which can be erected in the die getal wooneenhede wat in die dorp gebou kan word township The value of the land shall be dtermined in Die waarde van die grond word bepaal kragtens die terms of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endowment shall bepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is bebe payable in terms of taalbaar the provisions of section kragtens die bepalings van 73 of artikel 73 van gesaid Ordinance the noemde Ordonnansie (4) (4) Precautionary Measures Voorlcomende Maatreels The township owner shall at Die dorpseienaar moot op eie koste reelings its own expensetref arrange om te to ensure that verseker dat water (i) nie toegelaat word om op te dam nie en (i) water is not allowed to accumulate and that the dat die hele oppervlakte van die dorpsgebied whole surface of the township is properly drain behoorlik dreineer word en strate doeltreffend ed and streets are sealed effectively with tar met teer beton of bitumen geseel concrete or bitumen; word; Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaan de voorwaardes en serwitute as daar is met inbegrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale (5) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title All erven shall be made subject to existing conditions and servitudes if any including the reservation of mineral rights (ii) slote en uitgrawings vir fondamente pype ka bets of vir enige ander doeleindes behoorlik (ii) trenches and excavations for foundations pipes cables or for any other purpose are properly refilled with damp soil in layers not exceeding 50 mm thick until the same degree of cornpaction as that of the surrounding materiaal is obtained met klam grond in lae van hoogstens 50 mm dik opgevul word totdat dieselfde verdigtings graad as die van die omliggende materiaal ver kry is (5) Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes 2 CONDTONS OF TTLE 2 TTELVOORWAARDES All erven shall be subject to the following conditions Alle erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes imposed by the Administrator in terms of Ordinance 25 opgele deur die Administrateur ingevolge Ordonnansie 25 of 965 van 965 (a) The erf is subject to a servitude 2 m wide in favour ()Die erf is onderworpe aan n serwituut 2 m breed of the local authority for sewerage and other mu vir riolerings en ander munisipale doeleindes ten gunste nicipal purposes along any two boundaries other van die plaaslike bestuur tangs enige twee grense uitthan a street boundary as determined by the local gesonderd n straatgrens sops deur die plaaslike bestuur authority bepaal (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with (2) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voorin the aforesaid servitude area and no largerooted noemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen groot trees shall be planted within the area of such ser wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut vitude or within 2 m thereof of binne n afstand van 2 m daarvan geplant word nie (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern (3) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om cnige mate porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitude riaal wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg such material as may be excavated by it during the onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp course of the construction maintenance or removal leidings en ander werke wat by volgens goeddunke nood c

77 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART of such sewerage mains and other works as it in its saaklike ag tydelik te plaas op die grond wat aan die discretion may deem necessary and shall further be voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike entitled to reasonable access to the said land for bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemde grond the aforesaid purpose subject to any damage done vir die voornoemde doel onderworpe daaraan dat die during the process of the construction maintenance plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat gedurende die or removal of such sewerage mains and other works aanleg onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige riool being made good by the local authority hoofpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 RUSTENBURG MUNCPALTY: PROPOSED AL MUNSPALTET RUSTENBURG: VOORGESTEL TERATON OF BOUNDARES: APPONTMENT OF DE VERANDERNG VAN GRENSE: BENOEMNG COMMSSON OF ENQURY VAN KOMMSSE VAN ONDERSOEK The Administrator hereby publishes in terms of sec Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel tion 0 of Ordinance 7 of 939 that he has in terms of 0 van Ordonnansie 7 van 939 dat by ingevolge artikel section 9() of the said Ordinance appointed Mr S C 9(0 van genoemde Ordonnansie mnr S C M Snyman M Snyman (exmagistrate) as a Commission of Enquiry (oudlanddros) benoem het tot n Kommissie van Onder to enquire into and report upon the advisability of the sock om ondersoek in te stel na en verslag te doen oor application of the Town Council of Rustenburg to in die wenslikheid van die aansoek van die Stadsraad van corporate Portion 23 (a Portion of Portion 3) of the Rustenbqrg oat Gedeelte 23 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte farm Waterval 306Q into its municipal area and the 3) van die plaas Waterval 306JQ by sy munisipale geobjection thereto bled in te lyf en die beswaar daarteen PB Vol 2 PB 3233 Vol 3 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 BENON AMENDMENT SCHEME /9 BENONWYSGNGSKEMA /9 t is hereby notified in terms of section 360) of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 36() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved the amendment of Benoni 965 bekend gethaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur Townplanning Scheme 947 by the rezoning of Erf het dat Benonidorpsaanlegskema 947 gewysig word 4883 Northmead Extension Township from "Existing deur die hethonering van Erf 4883 dorp Northmead Uit Roads" to "Special" for a nursery school subject to cer breiding van "Bestaande State" tot "Spesiaal" vir n taro conditions kleuterskool onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plass Pretoria and the Town Clerk Benoni and are open for like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Benoni en is at all reasonable times beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye ininspection This amendment is known as Benoni Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Benoniwysiging Scheme /9 skema /9 PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 EDENVALE AMENDMENT SCHEME /32 EDENVALEWYSGNGSKEMA /32 it is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the H 36() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrator has approved the amendment of Eden 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur vale Townplanning Scheme 954 by Edenvale Amend het dat Edenvaledorpsaanlegskema 953 gewysig ment Scheme /32 subject to certain conditions word deur Edenvalewysigingskema /32 onderworpe Map 3 and the aan sekere voorwaardes scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema ment Pretoria and the Town Clerk Edenvale and are wordin bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Naas open for inspection at all reasonable times like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Edenvale en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye pthis amendment is known as Edenvale Amendment Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Scheme Edenvalewysiging /32 skema /32 PB PB

78 706 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME /984 JOHANNESBURG WYSGNGSKEMA /984 t is hereby notified in terms of section 36() of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 that the 360) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe Administrateur has approved the amendment of Johan 965 bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedgekeur 4 nesburg Townplanning Scheme 946 by the rezoning het dat Johannesburg dorpsaanlegskema 946 gewysig of Lots 269 and 37 Doornfontein Township from word deur die hersonering van Lotte 269 en 37 dorp "General Residential" to "Special" for commercial pur Doornfontein van "Algemene Woon" tot "Spesiaal" slegs poses only such as distribution centres wholesale trade vir kommersiele doeleindes soos verspreidingsentra storage warehouses removal and transport services and groothandel opberging pakhuise karwei en vervoerlaboratories subject to certain conditions dienste en laboratoriums ondertverpe aan sekere voorwaardes Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment scheme are filed with the Director of Local Government Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Pretoria and the Town Clerk Johannesburg and are open word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pleas like Bestuur Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Johannesburg for inspection at all reasonable times en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye This amendment is known as Johannesburg Amend Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Johannesburgwysi ment Scheme /984 gingskema /984 PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 ROODEPOORT MARASBURG AMENDMENT ROODEPOORTMARASBURGWYSGNGSKEMA SCHEME /306 /306 CORRECTON NOTCE VERBETERNGSKENNSGEWNG Administrators Notice 9 dated 20 December 978 Administrateurskennisgewing is hereby corrected by the insertion in the first para 9 gedateer 20 Desember 978 word hiermee verbeter deur in die eerste paragraaf van die Engelse teks die uitdrukking "with a dengraph of the expression "with a density of one dwelling per erf " between the words "Special" and "subject" sity of One dwelling per erf" tussen die woorde "Spe cial" en "subject" in te voeg PB PB Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 ROAD TRAFFC REGULATONS: AMENDMENT PADVERKEERSREGULASES: WYSGNG VAN Ash OF REGULATON 4 REGULASE 4 n terms of the provisions of section 65 and item 9 of ngevolge die bepalings van artikel 65 en item 9 van Part V of Schedule 2 of the Road Traffic Ordinance Deel V van Bylae 2 van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer 966 (Ordinance 2 of 966) the Administrator hereby 966 (Ordonnansie 2 van 966) wysig die Administra amends regulation 4 of the Road Traffic Regulations teur hierby regulasie 4 van die Padverkeersregulasies published under Administrators Notice 052 of 28 afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 052 van December 966 as amended by the addition thereto 28 Desember 966 soos gewysig deur die volgende para of the following paragraph: graaf daaraan toe te voeg: "(55) Benoni Council for the Care of the Aged" "(55) Benoni se Raad vir die Versorging van Bejaardes" TW 2/8/4/2/2 TO 7 TW 2/8/4/2/2 TO 7 Administrators Notice March 979 Administrateurskennisgewing Maart 979 ROAD TRAFFC REGULATONS: AMENDMENT PADVERKEERSREGULASES: WYSGNG VAN OF REGULATON 4 REGULASE 4 n terms of the provisions of section 65 and item 9 ngevolge die bepalings van artikel 65 en item 9 van of Part V of Schedule 2 of the Road Traffic Ordinance Deel V van Bylae 2 van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer 966 (Ordinance 2 of 966) the Administrator hereby 966 (Ordonnansie 2 van 966) wysig die Administra amends regulation 4 of the Road Traffic Regulations teur hierby regulasie 4 Van die Padverkeersregulasies published under Administrators Notice 052 of 28 afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing 052 van 28

79 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART December 966 as amended by the addition thereto of Desember 966 soos gewysig deur die volgende para i the following paragraph: graaf daaraan toe to voeg: "(56) Burgerlike Beskerrning (Petit)" "056) Burgerlike Beskerming (Petit)" TW 2/8/4/2/2 TO 4 TW 2/8/4/2/2 TO 4 GENERAL NOTCES ALGEMENE KENNSGEWNGS lio NOTCE 73 OF 979 KENNSGEWNG 73 VAN 979 REMOVAL OF RESTRCTONS ACT 967 WET OP OPHEFFNG VAN BEPERKNGS 967 t is hereby notified in terms of section 3(6) of the ngevolge artikel 3(6) van bostaande Wet word bier above Act that the undermentioned applications have mee kennis gegee dat onderstaande aansoeke deur die been received by the Director of Local Government and Direkteur van Naaslike Bestuur ontvang is en ter insae 6 are open to inspection at Room B206A Provincial by Kamer 3206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Building Pretorius Street Pretoria and at the office of Pretoria en in die kantoor van die betrokke plaaslike the relevant local authority Any objections with full owerheid Enige beswaar met volledige redes daarvoor reasons therefor should be lodged in writing with the moet skriftelik by die Direkteur van plaaslike Bestuur Director of Local Government at the above address by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pretoria logeor PriVete Bag X437 Pretoria on or before 25 April dien word op of voor 24 April C C REYNECKE C C REYNECKE Wnde Direkteur van Pleaslike Bestuur Deputy Director of Local Government Pretoria 28 Maart 979 Pretoria 28 March 979 Shirley Charlotte Friedberg vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Resterende Gedeelte van Lot 8 Shirley Charlotte Friedberg for the amendment of the dorp Linksfield distrik Johannesburg ten einde dit conditions of title of Remaining Extent of Lot 8 Links moontlik to maak om die bestaande woonhuis op die erf field Township district Johannesburg to permit the divi in twee te verdeel sion of the existing dwelling house on the erf PB PB Hera Properties (Proprietary) Limited vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 3 dorp Boltonia Registrasie Afdeling Q Transvaal ten einde dit moont: lik te maak dat n afdakvir motors binne 60 meter van die straatgrens opgerig kan word Herpa Properties (Proprietary) Limited for the amend ment of the conditions of title of Erf 3 Boltonia Town ship Registration Division LQ Transvaal to permit a carport to be erected within 60 metres from the street boundary PB P Jouvan Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk vir die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 427 dorp Phalaborwa Jouvan Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk for the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 427 Phalaborwa maak dat die erwe vir sodanige ander kleinhandel as wat Uitbreiding distrik Letaba ten einde dit moontlik te Extension Township district Letaba to permit the erf die plaaslike bestuur mag goedkeur gebruik kan word being used for whatever other retail trade as the local PB authority approves Rowanco (Proprietary) Limited vir die wysiging van PB die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 45 dorp Phalaborwa Uit Rowanco (Proprietary) Limited for the amendment breiding distrik Letaba ten einde dit moontlik to maak of the conditions of title of Erf 45 Phalaborwa Exten dat die erf vir sodanige ander kleinhandel as wat die!mon Township district Letaba to permit the erf being plaaslike bestuur mag goedkeur gebruik kan word Used for such other retail trade as the local authority PB" approves Joannis Kemanes en Dimitrios Kourtoumbelides vir PB die wysiging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 3 dorp Joannis Kemanes and Dimitrios Kourtoumbelides for Phalaborwa Registrasie Afdeling JU Transvaal ten the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 3 Pha einde dit moontlik to maak dat die erf vir sodanige ander laborwa Township Registration Division JU Trans kleinhandel as wat die plaaslike bestuur mag goedkeur vaal to permit the erf being used for whatever other gebruik kan word retail trade the local authority approves PB PB Leydstraat Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk vir die wysi Leydstraat Beleggings (Eiendoms) Beperk for the ging van die titelvoorwaardes van Erf 428 dorp Phala amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 428 Phala borwa Uitbreiding distrik Letaba ten einde dit moonta borwa Extension Township district Letaba to permit lik te maak dat die erf vir sodanige ander kleinhandel as lw the erf being used for such other retail trade as the local wat die plaaslike bestuur mag goedkeur gebruik kan authority approves word PB PB

80 708 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Giovanni Andrea Manca for; Giovanni Andrea Mance vir; () the amendment of the conditions of title of Lots () die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Lotte and 3429 Kensington Township Registration en 3429 dorp Kensington Registrasie Aideling R Division R Transvaal in order to permit the two Transvaal teneinde die twee eiendomme te ontkop properties to be untied consolidated and resubdi pal konsolideer en heronderverdeel; en vided; and (2) die wysiging van die Johannesburgdorpsbeplanning L (2) the amendment of the Johannesburg Townplanning skema dur die hersonering van Lotte 3427 en 3429 Scheme by the rezoning of Lots 3427 and 3429 Ken dorp Kensington van "Spesiale Woon" met n digtsington Township from "Special Residential" with heid van "Een woonhuis per 2 erwe" tot "Spesiale a density of "One dwelling per 2 erven" to "Special Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 450 J Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per m2e 450 m2" Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Johannesburg This amendment scheme will be known as Johannes wysigingskema /096 burg Amendment Scheme /096 PB PB Mesap nvestments (Proprietary) Limited vir; Mesap nvestments (Proprietary) Limited for; () die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 67 dorp () the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 67 Roodekop distrik Germiston ten einde die besig Roodekop Township district Germiston in order heid van n banketbakkery en bakkery daarop te to conduct the business of a confectionery and ba kan bedryf bykomend tot die bestaande supermark; kery in addition to the existing supermarket; and en (2) the amendment of the Germiston Townplanning (2) die wysiging van die Germistondorpsaanlegskema Scheme by the rezoning of Erf 67 Roodekop Town deur die hersonering van Erf 67 dorp Roodekop ship district Germiston from "Special Business" to distrik Germiston van "Spesiale Besigheid" tot "Spe "Special" for trade arid business purposes and a siaal" vir handels en besigheidsdoeleindes en n bak confectionery and bakery kery en banketbakkery This amendment scheme will be known as Germiston Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Germistonwy Amendment Scheme /24 sigingskema /24 PB PR Palma Construction and nvestments (Proprietary) Palma Construction and nvestments (Proprietary) Limited for; Limited vir; () the amendment of the conditions of title of Erf 54 () River Club Township Registration Division R die wysiging van titelvoorwaardes van Erf 54 dorp River Club Registrasie Aideling R Transvaal ten Transvaal in order to permit the erection of dwel einde die oprigting van wooneenhede aanmekaar of ling units attached or detached and ancillary uses; losstaande en aanvullende gebruike toe te laat; en and (2) the amendment of the Northern Johadnesburg Re (2) die wysiging van die Noordelike Johannesburgstreekgion Town planning Scheme by the rezoning of Erf dorpsaanlegskema deur die herionering van Erf River Club Township from "General Residen dorp River Club van "Algemene Woon" tot "Spetial" to "Special" for dwelling units attached 0 wooneenhede aanmekaar of losstaande en slag" vir detached and ancillary uses aanvullende gebruike This amendment scheme will be known as Northern Die wysigingskema sal bekend staan as Noordelike Jo Johannesburg Region Amendment Scheme 4 hannesburgstreekwysigingskema 4 PB PB NOTCE 74 OF 979 KENNSGEWNG 74 VAN 979 MARBLE HALL TOWN PLANNNG SCHEME MARBLE HALL DORPSAANLEGSKEMA The Director of Local Government hereby gives no Die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur gee hierby kennis a tice in terms of section 3() of the Townplanning and kragtens artikel 3() van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordinance 25 of 965) that planning en Dorpe 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) dat the Village Council of Marble Hall has submitted an in die Dorpsraad van Marble Hall n voorlopige skema te terim scheme to wit the Marble Hall Townplanning wet; die Marble Hall dorpsbeplanningskema 978 voor Scheme 978 gel8 het The land included in the aforesaid interim scheme corn Die grond wat in die voornoemde skema ingesluit is prises of the municipal area of Marble Hall bestaan uit die munisipale gebied van Marble Hall The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksie beat the office of the Director of Local Government skikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike ga Room B206A Provincial Building Pretorius Street Pre Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiare Gabon Pretorius M toria and the office of the Town Clerk of the Village straat Pretoria en van die Stadsklerk van die Dorpsraad Council of Marble Hall van Marble Hall

81 PROVNSTALE KOERANT 28 MAART Ant let OWE or occupier of immovable property situated Enige eienaar of besittet van ortroerende eiendom Wat Within the area to which the scheme applied or within gelee is blithe die gebied ten opiigte wadrvan die skema van toepassing of binne een myl van die grensvan One Male of the boandary of any such scheme and any enige sodanige skema en enige plaaslike bestuur wit se local authority whose area of jurisdiction is contiguous regsgebied aangrensend is aan sodanige gebiecl het die to such area shall have the tight to object to the scheme ieg Oin beswaar teen die skema aan to token en kan te and iray notify the Director of Local Government in enter tyd tinine 6 Weke walla die datuni van hierdie at above address or PriVate Bag X437 Pre keitnisgewingdlie Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur by toria of such objection and of the reasons thereof at any bovermelde adrei of Plivaatsk X437 PiefOria sktiftelik in kart ie stel beswaar en die cedes daarvoor time within 6 weeks from the date of this notice: E UYS E UYS Diteetor of Local Government; Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 28 March 979 Pretoria; 28 Maart 979 _ NOTCE 3 OP 979 KENNSGEWNG 75 VAN 979 ORXNEY AMENDMENT SCHEME /8 ORKNEYWYSGNGSREMA 8 t is Aierehy notified in terms of section 34A of the Hierby word 00reenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Towmplannieg and Townships Ordinance 90 (Ordin 34A van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe ance 25 of 965) that application has been made by the 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) bekend gemaak dat die ownerithe Town Council of Orkney; c/o Messrs Yil denier die ptadsraadvan Orkney; P/a mnre joenvan Zyl Gunning and Stead; PO Box 889 Pre Vaq Zyl Gunning en:stead Posbus 80 Pretoria aankirk for the amendment of Orkney nteriintownplan soek gedoen het om Orkney Voorlopigeclorplaanleg Mpg Scheme (Amendment Schetne /8) by rezoning skema (Wysigingskema 78) to wysig deur die hersonering Remainder of Ed 26 situated on Marlowe Road and van die Restant van Erf 26; gelee aan Marloweweg en Byron Avenue Orkney Township from "Municipal" to flyronlaan; dorp Orkney van "Munisipaal" tot "Besig "Business 2" heid 2" The amendment*illffe liii6wiitisokney Amendment Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (war Scheme :/8 Further particulars of the scheme are open Orkneywysigingskema /8 geneem sal word) le in die for inspection at the office of the TownClerk O&M kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuurkamer arid at the office of the Plyector of Local GOverninent B206A Provinsiale Gebou Preforiusstraat Pretoria en Room320gA Provincial Building Ereiciins Street Pre in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Orkney ter him toria: Enige lielswaar of lierto8 teed di aansoek kan te edger Any objection or representitloif iri regard to the ap tyd binne n tydperle Van 4 Weke Vine die &turn van plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local kentiisgewing dan did Difekteur van Government; in writingat Plaaslike the: above addiess or Private hierdid Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk; P:0: Box 34 Bestuur by aides of Pie hovermelde L Privaatsak X437 Orkney at any time within a period of 4 weeks from the toile en did Stadsklerk Posbus 34 Ortziey skriftelik date of this notice voorgele word UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 28 March 979 Pretoria; 28 Maart 979 Pg NOTCE 76 OF 979 KENNSGEWNG 76 VAN 979 JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME /08 JOHANNESBURG WYSGNGSKEMA /08 t is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Town planning and Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordin 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe ance 25 of 965) that application has been made by the 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) bekend gemaak dat die owner Sonneblom Film Produksies (Eiendoms) Beperk eienaar Sonneblom Film Produksies (Eiendoms) Be C/o Messrs Cedric S Anions and Mouton PO Box perk P/a mnre Cedric S Amoils en Mouton Posbus 2886 Sandringham for the amendment of Johannes 2886 Sandringham aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg Town planning Scheme 946 by rezoning Re burgdorpsaanlegskema 946 te wysig deur die hermaining Extent of Erf 38 situated on Park Road and sonering van Resterende Gedeelte van Erf 38 gelee aan Nelson Terrace Richmond Township from "Special Parkweg en Nelsonterras dorp Richmond van "Spesiale Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per 700 m2" Woon" met n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 700 m2" a to "Special" Use Zone V for offices television and tot "Spesiaal" Gebruiksone V vir kantore televisie en W film studios subject to certain conditions filmateljee onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes The amendment will be known as Johannesburg Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat Amendment Scheme /08 Further particulars of the Johannesburgwysigingskema /08 genoem sal word)

82 70 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 scheme are open for inspection at the office of the 8 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be Town Clerk Johannesburg and at the office of the stuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Pretoriusstraat Director of Local Government Room B206A Provincial Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johan Building Pretorius Street Pretoria nesburg ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of vertoe teen die aansoek kan te eniger plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van Government in writing at the above address or Private hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 049 Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Johanneburg at any time within a period of 4 weeks from toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 049 Johannesburg skrifthe date of this notice telik voorgele word 464 UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 28 March 979 Pretoria 28 Maart 979 PB PB NOTCE 77 OF 979 KENNSGEWNG 77 VAN 979 NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGON AMEND NOORDELKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEKWYS MENT SCHEME 32 GNGSKEMA 32 t is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel Townplanning and Townships Ordinance 965 (Ordin 46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe ante 25 of 965) that application has been made by the 965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 965) bekend gemaak dat die owner Spiga Holdings (Proprietary) Limited C/o Olivier eienaar Spiga Holdings (Proprietary) Limited P/a and Prinsen PO Box 2405 Pretoria for the amend Olivier en Prinsen Posbus 2405 Pretoria aansoek gement of Northern Johannesburg Region Townplanning doen het om Noordelike Johannesburgstreekdorpsaan Scheme 958 by rezoning Portion 0 (a portion of Por )egskema 958 te wysig deur die hersonering van Getion 43) of the farm Zandfontein 42LR situated in the deelte 0 (n gedeelte van Gedeelte 43) van die plans district of Johannesburg from "General ndustrial" to Zandfontein 42R gelee in Johannesburg distrik van "Special Residential" with a density of "One dwelling "Algemene Nywerheid" tot "Spesiale Woon" met n digtper m" heid van "Een woonhuis per m2" The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat burg Region Amendment Scheme 32 Further parti Noordelike Johannesburgstreekwysigingskema 32 geculars of the scheme are open for inspection at the office noem sal word) 8 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van of the Town Clerk Sandton and at the office of the Plaaslike Bestuur Kamer B206A Provinsiale Gebou Director of Local Government Room B206A Provin Pretoriusstraat Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadscial Building Pretorius Street Pretoria klerk van Sandton ter insae Any objection or representations in regard to the ap Enige beswaar of verto8 teen die aansoek kan te eniger plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local tyd binne n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum van Government in writing at the above address or Private hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bag X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk PO Box 7800 Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437 Pre Sandton 246 at any time within a period of 4 weeks toria en die Stadsklerk Posbus 7800 Sandton 246 skrif from the date of this notice telik voorgele word E UYS E UYS Director of Local Government Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur Pretoria 28 March 979 Pretoria 28 Maart 979 PB PB

83 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART TENDERS TENDERS NB Tenders previously published and where the dos LV Tenders wat Voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan ing dates have not yet passed have not been repeated in die sluitingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie word nie in this notice Tenders are normally published 3 5 weeks be hierdie kennisgewing herhaal nie Tenders word normaalfore the closing date weg 3 5 weke voor die sluitingsdatum gepubliseer J TRANSVAAL PROVNCAL ADMNSTRATON TENDERS TRANSVAALSE PROVNSLALE ADMNSTRASE TENDERS Tenders are invited for the following services / Tenders vir die volgende dienste / voorrade / verkope supplies / sales (Unless otherwise indicated in the word ingewag (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders description tenders are for supplies): aangegee word word tenders vir voorrade bedoel): Description of Service Closing Date Tender No Beskrywing van Diens Sluilingsdatmo HC 4/79 Cut make and finishingoff of curtains: Johannesburg Hospital / Sny maak en afwerking van gordyne: Johannesburgse Hospitaal 27/4/979 RFT 55/79 Contract for the supply of motor water sprinklers / Kontrak vir die verskaffing van motorwatersprociers 27/4/979 WFTB 34/79 H Harris Primary School Doornfontein: Layout of site/ Dille van terrein tem 209/78 20/4/979 WFTB 35/79 Lowveld High School Nelspruit: Alterations / Veranderings tem 408/77 20/4/979 WFTB 36/79 Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve facilities for Coloureds and Asians: Construction of swinimingbaths for Asians / Roodeplaatdamnatuurreservaat geriewe vir Kleurlinge en Asiers: Bou van swembaddens vir Asiers tem 4008/75 20/4/979 S \

84 Tospitaal 72 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 MPORTANT NOTES BELANGRKE OPMERKNGS The relative tender documents including the Administrations Die betrokke tenderdokumente met inbegrip van die ampofficial tender forms are obtainable on application from the re telike tendervorms van die Administrasie is op aanvraag by lative address indicated below Such documents and any die tender/ ondefstaande adresie verkrygbaar Sodanige dokumente as mede enige tenderikontrakvoorwaardes wat nie in die contract tender conditions not embodied in the tender documents are clakumente Cmgeneem is nie is ook by die genoemde adres vir also available for inspection at the said address: inspeksie verkrygbaar: 4 HA & Director of A740 A HA & Direkteur van 4740 A HA 2 Hospital Ser HA 2 Hospital Office in New Provincial Building Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Tender Tender Postal address Pretoria Posadres to Gebou Pretoria Ref Pretoria Romp verwy Phone Pretoria smg Kamer Verdie Foon No Block Floor i Pretoria No Blok ping Pretoria HB vice; Private diensteyrir Bag X22 vaatsak X22 Director of A =8h B Direkteur a van A728 A HosriiialSeir Hospital vices Private dienste Pri Bag X22 vaatsak X22 HC Director of A728 A Direkteur van A728 A Hospita 8erT vices Piivate dienste Pri Big X22 QaatsakX22: HP Director of A730 A HD Direkteur vaa A730 A 7) Hospital Ser Hospital vices Prbrate diablepri Bag X22 vaatsak X22 PFT Provide Sc A9 A PFT Provinsiale A9 A cretary (Pur Sekreturis chases and j (AaanCOPe en " Supplies) Pri VOneraele) vate Bag X64 Privaatsak RFT Director Trans D307 D X64 vaal Roads RFT Direktcur D307 D Department Transvaalse Private Bag Paaiedepar X97 tement Pri TED Director Trans A490 A vaatsak X97 vaal Edam A TOD Direkteur A490 A tion Depart Transvaalse A ment Private Ondenvys Bag X76 departement WET Director C2 C atsak X76 Priva WFT Direkteur C/2 C of Works Transvaalse Private Bag Werkedepar X228 talent Privaatsak X228 WFTB Director E05 E Transvaal WFTB Direkteur E05 E <5 Department Transvaalse of Works Werkedepar Private Bag tement Pri X228 vaatsak X228 Transvaal Department 2 The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest or 2 Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die laagste of any tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender enige tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg voor ow n gedeelte van n tender aan te neem 3 n the case of each WFTB tender the tenderer must pay 3 n die gavel van iedere WFTB tender moet die tenderaar a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with the tender docu n deposito van R4 stort al by van die tenderdokumente ments Such deposit must be in the form of cash a bank initiallvoorsien sal word Sodanige deposito mod in kontantgeld wees ed cheque or a department standing deposit receipt (RO) The n tjek deur die bank geparafeer of n departementele legorder said deposit will be refunded if a bona fide tender is received cwitansie (RO) Genoernde depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word from the tenderer or if the tender documents including plans as n bona fideinskrywing van die tenderaar ontvang word of specifications and bills of quantities are returned by the tenderer as die tenderdokumente met inbegrip van planne spesifikasies within 4 days after the closing date of the tender to the relative en hoeveelheidslyste binne 4 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die address shown in note above tenderaar teruggestuur word na die betrokke adres in opmerking 4 All tenders must be submitted on the Administrations offi hierbo aangetoon cial tender forms 4 Alla tenders meet op die amptelike tendervorm van die 5 Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed enve Administrasie voorgele word lope 5 addressed to the Chairman Transvaal Provincial Tender edere inskrywing moat in n afsonderlike verseelde koevert Board PO Box 040 Pretoria and must be clearly superscribed ingethen word geadresseer aan die Voorsitter Die Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad Posbus 040 Pretoria en moot duidelik to shbw the tenderers name and address as well as the number van die opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die enderaar se description naam and closing date of the tender Tenders must be in ea aan te [eon the hands of the Chairman by h00 on the closing date indicated e adres asook die nommer beskrywing en slui tmgsdatum van die tender nskrywings most teen h00 op die above sluitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon in die Voorsitter se bade wees 6 f tenders are delivered by hand they must be deposited 6 ndian inskrywings per hand ingedien word in the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer moot teen h00 op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele Tenderbus hale of the/new Provincial Building at the Pretorius Street main geplaas wees by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die entrance (near Bosman Street corner) Pretoria by h00 on nuwe Provinsiale Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat the closing date se!rant (naby die hoek van Bosmanstraat) Pretoria J H Conradie Chairman Transvaal Provincial Tender Board J H Conradie Voorsitter Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad Pretoria 4 March 979 Pretoria 4 Maart 979

85 "ti PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART go Notices Mg _Latta Authorities latisiiih 0 estuurshennisgeivittsgs TOWN COUNCL OF KEMPTON PARK (ii) A road With ad average width of bonding van die pad te bestee sodra dit ge approximately 30 m from the kroklameer is PROCLAMATON OF STREET AND southern boundary of Holding 7 Q W VAN DER WALT ROAb PORTONS Restonvale Agricultural Holdings Stadsklerk Notice is hereby given in terms of of the farm Mooifontein4LR Stadhuis secr lion 5 of the Local Authorities generally Roads northwards over the said Margatetlaan dinance 44 of 904 as amended that agricultural holding and also over Posbus 3 the O Town Council of Kempton Holding 8 Park has in of the said agricultural Cemptonpark holding and farm portion 6 to the 4 terms of section Maart of the said Ordinance northern boundary of Holding 8 Kenhisgewing No petitioned the Honourable the Administra 4/979 of the said agricultural holding for of the Transvaal to proclaim as a public farrri portion (SG A3995/78) AANHANGSEL "A" road certain street and road portions de and A3996/73) Beskriliing van die stradi en Padgedeelscribed in Annextire "A" hereunder tes sons op Hann LG A3842/78 A384 Copies of the petition and of the dia (iii) A road with an average width of 78 A338/78 (2 *le) A3995/78 (2 velle) gram 30 in from the southern boundary attached hereto are open for inspecof Portion 52 Of the farm Mooi A3996/78 Oil A307/78 aangedui tion during normal office hours at Room fontein 4R generally north (a) Verbreding van Week van Dewiekus 65 Municipal Offices Margaret Avenue wards over the said farm portion up we8: Kempton Park to the northern boundary thereof Die verbreding van n gedeelte van Any interested person who desires to (SG A3997/78) Dewiekusweg Citraville Landbouhoelodge anyobjection to the proclamation oft wes van die pleas Zuurfontein 33R (c) the street and road portions of the proposed Widening of a portion of Louisa vanaf die siiidoostelike baken van i road as a public road must lodge such obwes in n Street: Hoewe 2 van Citraville Landbouhoe jection in writing in duplicate with the algcniene noordelike rigting The widening of a portion of Louisa Director of Local Government Private Bag lar die oottelike grense van Hoewes Street Van Riebeeekpark Extension 6 X437 Pretoria and the Town Clerk Town 2 on Van CitriiVille Township;of the farm Zuurfontein 33 LtualtiOuhoeives Council of Kempton Park PO Box 3 tot by die noordoostelike baken van R over Portion 27 of the farm Hoewe Kempton Park not later than 23 April van Citraville Landbouhoe Zuurfontein 33t in a generally 979 wei (LG A384/78) (LG A3842/78) eastern direction; along the Southern The object of the petition is to enable boundary of Portion 27 of the farm (b) Gedeeltes van n pad bekend as Dethe Town Council to spend public funds tuurfentekt 33R froth the inter wiekuswegverlenging: on the maintenance and construction of the see() fion of Louisa Street and DeiviekuS n Pad gemiddeld ongeveer 35 rn roadonce it has bean proelainiedwyd Road in the:van Rieheedipark Town vanaf die suidelike grens van ship up to the eastern beacon of Por Gedeelte 27 van die pleas Zuzir Q W VAN DER WALT don 27 of the faith Zutirfonteiri 33 Contain 33R algeineen noord Town Clerk R (SG A338/70 waarts oor did gemelde plalsge Town Hall deelte tot by die noordelike grens Margaret Avenue daarvan (LG A338/78) PO Box k (ii) n Pad gemiddeld ongeveer 30 m 4 March 979 STAPSRAAD VAN KEMPTONPARK wyd vanaf die suidelike grens van Notice No 4/99 Hoewe 7 Restonvale Landbouhoewes van die pleas PROkLAMERNG VAN STRAAT EN Mooifontein ANNEXURE "A" 4R algetheen rioorchimarts PADGEDEELTES oor die gemelde landbonhoewe asook Description of the street and road portions appearing on Plans SG A3842/78 Keanisgewing geskied hiermee Mgevolge bouhocwe en plaasgedeelte tot by oor Hoewe 8 van die gemelde land A384/78 A338/78 (2 pages) A3995/78 die bepalings van artikel 5 van Ordonnansie die noordclike grens van Hoewe (2 pages) A3996/78 and A3997/78 44 van 904 sons geyusig dat die Stalls 8 van die &held landbouhoewe rand tan Kempronpark idgetolge die lie; en plaasgedeche (LG A3995/78) (a) Widening of portion of Dcwiekus palings van artikel 4 vat genoemde Orddn (LG A3996/70 Road: nadsie fir teriockskrif tot sy Edele die Ad (iii) n Pad gemiddeld 30 ministratear in wyd vanaf van Transvaal gerig het om The widening of a portton of Devvie die suidelike grens van sekere stmt Gedeelte en padjedeeltcs soos volledig kus Road Citraville Agricultural Holdomskryf in Aanhangief Mooifontein 4 52 van die plans "A" hieronder tot ings of the fent Zuurfontein 33R R algemeen odenbare Pad te proklameer noordwaarts oor die from the south eastern beacon of Mold gemelde pliisgedeelte tot by die ing 2 of Citraville Agricultural Hold Afikrifte van die veraoeksktif On kaarte noordelike grens daarvan (LG ings in a generally northwards direc waf daarby aangeheg is; 8 gedutende ge A3997/78) tion along the eastern boundaries of virone"kanfoornre ter bine in Kamer 65 (c) Verbreding van n gedeelte van Louisa Holdings 2 and of Citraville Agri Stadhuis Margaretldan Kempfonpark itraaf: cultural Holdings up to the northeast em beacon of Holding of Citraville!Mere belanghebbrnde persoon wat be Die verbreding van n gedeeltd van R Agricultural Holdings (SC A384/78) awaar teen die proklamering van die voor Louisastraat dorp Van icbeeckpark (LG A3842/78) : Oitbreiding 6 van die pleas Zuurfontein ; gestelde straat en padgedeelteg tot open bare pad wil indien met sodanige beswaar 53R oor Gedeelte 27 van die pleas (b) Portions of a road referred to as De skriftc lik in tweevojd indien bȳ die Di Zuurfontein 33R in n algemene 06S Road Extension:telike rekteur van Plaaslike Bestimr Privialsak rigting aan die suidelike grens van Gedeelte 27 van die plais (i) A road with an Verage width of X437 Pretoria en die Stacfsterk Sladsthad Zuurapproximately 35 m from the van Kemptonpark PtibTS 3 Kempton: fontein 33R vanaf die kruising *n southern boundary of Portion 27 park voor of op 23 April 979 Louisastraat en Dewiekusweg in die of doll; Van the farm Zuurfontein 33R Riebecc kpark tot bydie oosgenerally northwards over the said Die duel van die vetsoekskrif is om dit Mike baked van Gedeelte 27 van die pleas farm portion up ZuurfOntein to 33R (LG: the northern vir die Read moontlik te mask om openboundary A338/78) thereof (SG A338/78) bare londse op the Lonsfruksie en inland

86 74 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 CTY COUNCL OF ROODEPOORT Stadsklerk; Posbus 27 Roodepbort indien wat bekend sal staan as Rustenburg wy PROCLAMATONnie later nie as 4 Mei 979 sigingskema /76 Hierdie ontwerpskema OF ROADS bevat die volgende voorstelle: J S DU TOT Notice is given in terms of section 5 of Stadsklerk Die wysiging van klousule 3 en 9(b)(iv) the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance No Munisipale Kantore van die Rustenburgse Dorpsbeplanningske 44 of 904 as amended that the City Court Roodepoort ma /55 asook die byvoeging van n nuwe cil of Roodepoort has petitioned the M Maart 979 klousule 9(bis)(a) ten einde voorsiening to Hondurable the Administrator of Trans Kennisgewing No 6/79 maak dat aan die Stadsraad die bevoegdvaal to proclaim as public roads the pro heid verleen word om aansoek om pypsteelposed roads more fully described in the onderverdelings van eiendomme in die Mu Schedules hereto BYLAE A nisipaliteit van Rustenburg onderworpe aan Copies of the petition and the plans at n Pad van wisselende wydtes ;oor die bepaalde voorwaardes te oorweeg iv/ tached thereto may be inspected during Restant van Gedeelte 9 van die plans Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter ordinary office hours at the office of the Roodekrans No 83Q die Restant van insae in die kantoor van die Stadsekretaris Town Clerk Municipal Offices Roode die plaas Telstar 85LQ Gedeelte 305 van Stadskantore Burgerstraat Rustenburg vir poort die plan Wilgespruit No 90Q en oor n tydperk van vier weke vanaf die datum Gedeelte van Ed 226 Gedeelte van van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennis Objections if any to the proclamation Erf 238 Gedeelte 2 van Erf 238 Ed gewing naamlik 2 Maart 979 of the proposed roads must be lodged in 2376 en Erf 2377 Wilropark Uitbreiding writing in duplicate with the Director of 2 vandaar oar Gedeelte van Ed 7 Enige eienaar of besitter van onroerende Local Government Private Bag X437 Pre Wilropark Uitbreiding en oor Hoewe 26 eiendom gelee binne die Munisipale gebied toria and with the Town Clerk PO Box Amarosa Landbouhoewes soos meer voile van Rustenburg of binne 2 km van die 27 Roodepoort not later than 4 May dig_ aangedui is op undmeterskaarte LG grens daarvan kan skriftelik enige beswaar 979 Nos A5606/78 A5607/78 A5608/78 indien of vertoe rig aan die Stadsklerk J S DU TOT A566/ /78 A568/78 A569/ Posbus 6 Rustenburg 0300 ten opsigte Town Clerk 78 A5620/78 A5623/78 en van bogenoemde ontwerpskema binne vier A5624/78 Municipal Offices weke vanaf die datum van eerste publika Roodepoort BYLAE B sic van hierdie kennisgewing naamlik 2 4 March 979 Maart 979 en wanneer sodanige eienaar Notice No 6/79 a Pad van wisselende wydtes oor Ge of besitter van onroerende eiendom sodadeeltes 22 en 23 van die plans Roode nige beswaar indien of sodanige vertoe SCHEDULE A poort 237Q soos mcer volledig anagedui rig kan by skriftelik versoek dat by deur is on Landmcterskaart LG No A45/70 die Stadsraad van Rustenburg aangehoor A road of varying width over the Reword maining Extent of Portion 9 of the farm STADSKLERK Roodekrans No 834Q the Remaining RUSTENBURG TOWN COUNCL Stadskantore; Extent of the farm roister No 85Q RUSTENBURG AMENDMENT SCHE Posbus 6 Portion 305 of the farm Wilgespruit No ME /76 Rustenburg 904Q and over Portion of Erf D Portion of Erf 238 Portion 2 of Ed The Rustenburg:Town Council has pre 2 Maart Erf 2376 and Erf 2377 Wilropark pared a draft amendment Townplanningl Kennisgewing No 20/979 Extension 2 from there over Portion of Scheme to be known as the Rustenburg Erf 7 Wilropark Extension 4 and Plot Amendment Scheme /76 This draft sche 26 Amarosa Agricultural Holdings as will me contains the following proposals: more fully appear from Diagrams Nos TOWN COUNCL OF SANDTON SG A5606/78 A5608/78 A566/78 The amendment of clatises 3 and A567/78 A568/78 A569/78 9(b)(iv) A5620/ of the Rustenburg Townplanning PROPOSED PROCLAMATON OZ PU BLC ROADS 78 A5623/78 and A5624/78 Scheme A5607/78 /55 as well as the addition of a clause 9(bis)(a) in order to make pro t is hereby made known that the Town SCHEDULE B vision for the Town Council to consider Council of Sandton petitioned the Honourable Administrator to proclaim public applications for panhandle subdivisions of A road of varying width over Portions property in the Rustenburg Municipal area roads over Erven 286 Bryanston and and 23 of the farm Roodepoort 237 subject to certain conditions Bryanston Extension Townships in terms Q as will more fully appear from Diagram No Particulars SG of this scheme are open for of the Local Authorities Roads Ordinance A45/70 inspection at the office of the Town Se 904 (Ordinance 44 of 904) cretary Municipal Office Burger Street Rurtenburg of a period of four weeks from y of the petition and diagrams in 3 reaa ii co theproposed public roads lie for the date of the first publication of this la inspection 4 during office hours in Room STADSRAAD VAN ROODEPOORT notice which is 2 March Municipal Office Building Civic Cen Any owner or accupier of immovable pro tre corner of West Street and Rivonia PROKLAMERNG VAN PAAE petty situated within the area to which the Road Sandown abovenamed draft scheme applies or within Any person who may have an interest 2 km of the boundary thereof may in writ in the matter and wishes to lodge an objec Ooreenkorristig die bepalings van artikel ing lodge any objection with or may make tion to the proclamation of such public 5 van die "Local Authorities Roads Ordin any representations to the abovenamed local roads must submit such objection in writance" No 44 van 904; soos gewysig word authority in respect of such draft scheme ing and in duplicate to the Director of Lobekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van within four weeks of the first publication cal:government Private Bag X437 Pre of this notice which is 2 March 979 and tom; 000 and the Town Clerk PO Box Roodepoort sy Edele die Administrateur a he may when lodging any such objection 7800 Sandton 246 by not later than 5 van Transvaal versoek het om voorgestelde or making such representations request in May 979 paaie soos nader omskryf in die bylaw bier :writing that he be heard by the local J J HATTNGH authority Town Clerk van as openbare paaie te proklameer TOWN CLERK POBox 7800 Afskrifte van die versoekskrif en van die Municipal Offices Sandton 246 Box 6 2 March planne wat daarby aangeheg is le ter insae Rustenburg PO Notice No 979 7/ 979 gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kan 0300 toot van die Stadsklerk Stadhuis Roode 2 March 979 point Notice No 20/979 : STADSRAAD VAN SANDTON RJSTENBURG teen VOORGESTELDE PROKLAMASE VAN Enige belanghebbende wat beswaar STADSRAAD VAN die prdklamering van die voorgestelde paaie OPENBARE PAAE wil opper rnoet sy beswaar skriftelik in RUSTENEtURGWYSGB4GSKEMA /76 Daar word hiermee bekend gemaak dat tweevoud by die Direkteur van Plaaslike Die Stadsraad van Rustenburg het n wy die Stadsraad van Sandton ingevolge die Bestuur Privaatsak X437 Pretoria en die sigingontwerpdorgsbeplanningskema opgestel bepalings van die Local Authorities Roads fli

87 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART Ordinance 904 (OrdonnanSie 44 van 904) domsbelasting van Plaaslike Gesture 977 Water% Nederbergstraat by ay taansluiting n versoek tot sy Edele die Administrateur (Ordonnansie van 977); gegee dat die met Vintageweg Benoni pitbreiding 32 gerig het cm openbare paaie oar Parke voorlopige waarderingslys vir die boekjare permanent to sluit 286 Bryanston en 3503 Bryanston Uit 979/82 en die voorlopige aanvullende waarbreiding 7 te proklameer deringslys vir die boekjare 976/79 oop is Planne wat die betrokke straatgedeelte vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die plans wats gesluit staan te word aandui is geduwatn Alskrif van die versoekskrif en kaarte Maart bestuur like van Stilfontein vanaf 2 renote gewone kan toorure indiek an toor die voorgestelde openbare paaie aan diestadsekretaris Munisipale Kan dui 6 gedurende kantoorure ter insae in 979 tot 20 April 979 en enige emnaar van van Kamer 506 Munisipale Kantore Burger belasbare eiendom of ander persoon wat tore Elstonlaan Benoni ter insae sentrum hoek van Rivoniaweg en West begerig is om n beswaar by die Stadsklerk edereen wat enige beswaar bet teen die straat Sandown ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid in die voorgestelde sluiting of wat enige eis om voorlopige waarderingslys of voorlopige 4 Enige persoon wat belang by die aan e ci ergoedin as gevolgdaarvan wil in aanvullende waarderingslys opgeteken soos leentheid mag he en beswaar wil aanteken in artikel 0 of 34 van die gen de Or stet emvoet sodanigeg beswaar of eis nie later teen die proklamering van die voorgestelde nic as 28 Mei 979 by die ondergetekende donnansie beoog in te dien insluitende die openbare paaie moat sodanige beswaar indien vraag of sodanige eiendom of n gedeelte skriftelik in tweevoud indien by die Direkdaarvan onderworpe is aan die betaling van N BOTHA teur van Plaaslike Bestuur Privaatsak X437 eiendomsbelasting of daarvan vrygestel is Stadsklerk Pretoria 000 en by die Stadsklerk Pos of ten opsigte van enige weglating van enige Munisipale Kantore bus 7800 Sandton 246 nie later nie aangeleentheid as 5 Mel nit sodanige lys does so Benoni 979 T HATTNGH binne gemelde tydperk 28 Maart 979 Kennisgewing No 28/979 Stadsklerk Die voorgeskrewe vorm vir die indiening Posbus 7800 van n beswaar is by die adios hieronder Sandton aangcdui beskikbaar en aandag word spesi 246 fiek gevestig op die fcit dat geen persoon 2 Maart 979 TOWN COUNCL OF BOKSBURG geregtig is omenige beswaar voor die waar Kennisgewing No 7/979 deringsraad te opper tensy by n beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm betyds ingedien PROCLAMATON OF NCHOLSON bet nie ROAD OVER REMANDER OF THE LOCAL AUTHORTY OF STLFON T A KOEN FARM LEEUWPOORT NO 3LR TEN Stadsklerk BOKSBURG NOTCE CALLNG FOR OBJECTONS Munisipale Kantoorposbus 20 TO PROVSONAL VALUATON ROLL istniontein Notice is hereby given in terms of the AND PROVSONAL SUPPLEMEN 2550 Local Authorities Roads Ordinance (No TARY VALUATON ROLL 2 Maart of 904) as amended that the Town Notice is hereby given in terms of Kennisgewing No 4/979 sec Council of Boksburg has petitioned the tion 2()(a) and 36 of the Local Authori Honourable the Administrator to proties Rating Ordinance 977 (Ordinance claim as a public road the road described 3 of 977) that the provisional valuation roll TOWN COUNCL OF BENON in the Schedule appended hereto for the financial years 979/82 and the pro visional supplementary valuation roll fornederberg PROPOSED CLOSNG OF A copy of the petition can be inspected the financial years 976/79 is open for in STREET AT TS JUNCTON WTH atroom No 06 First Floor Municipal spection at the office of the local authority :VNTAGE ROAD BENON EXTENSON Offices Boksbur during office hours of Stilfontein from 2 March 979 to i TOWNSHP fromthedatehereofun if el 4 May 979 April 979 and any owner of rateable pro : Notice is hereby given in terms of sec Objections if any to the proposed pro : party or other person who so desires to lodge an obection with the Town Clerk in tion 67 of the Local Government Ordin (clamation of the road must be lodged in ance No 7 of 939 as amended that the ;writing and in duplicate with the Admi respect of any matter recorded in the pro Council proposes subject to the approval snistrator of Transvaal Private Bag X437 visional valuation roll or provisional sup plementary valuation roll as contemplated of the Administrator to permanently close 000 and the Town Clerk of }/ ederbere Street at its in section junction with Vintage 0 or 34 of the said Ordinance Pretoria Boksburg on or before 4 May" 979 including the question whether or not toad Benoni Extension 32 Township such LEON FERRERA property or portion thereof is subject to the showing the relevant street poi Town Clerk payment of rates or is exempt therefrom or lion to be closed may be inspected during ToWn Hall in respect of any omission of any matter ordinary office hours at the office of the Boksburg from such roll shall do so within the said Town Secretary Municipal Offices Elston ;28 March 979 period Avenue Benoni Notice No 7/79 The form prescribed for the lodging of t an objection is obtainable at Any the address person who has any objection to SCHEDULE indicated below and attention is specifically tproposed the closing or who may have directed to the fact that no any claim for compsnsation if the closing person is en titled to urge any objection before the valua is effected; must lodge such objection or (DESCRPTON OF THE PROPOSED Lion board unless he has timeously lodged (claim in writing with the undersigned by NCHOLSON ROAD OVER REMAN an objection in the prescribed form not later than 28 May 979 N BOTHA DER OF THE FARM LEEUWPOORT T A KOEN Town Clerk NO 3R Town Clerk Municipal Offices Municipal Offices Benoni PO Box A road of irregular width but at least March 979 Stilfontein 26 metres starting from Kingfisher Avenue Notice No 28/ in Sunward Park Township at a point ap 2 March proximately 760 metres east of Rondebult 979 Notice No Road 4/979 From this point the proposed road STADSRAAD VAN tenonl will be directed northeastwards for approximately 870 metres thence easwards for PLAASLKE BESTUUR VAN STLFON SLLTTNG VAN NE approimately 800 metres thence south L TE DERBERGSTRAAT BY SY AANSLJ wards for 350 metres to link again with TNG MET VNTAGEWEG DORP BE Kingfiher Avenue at a point approximately KENNSGEWNG WAT BESWARE TEEN VOORLOPGE WAARDERNGS VOORGESTELDE NOM lutbredng metres west of Trichardts Road LYS EN VOORLOPGE AANVULLENDE Kennisgewing geskied hierby ingevolge This road is more fully represented on WAARDERNGSLYS AANVRA artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Plats a diagram signed by Land Surveyor L F like Bestuur No 7 van 939 soos gewysig Gillespie and lying for inspection in Room Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikel 2 eat die Stadsraad voornemens is om be 06 First Floor Municipal Offices Boks ()(a) en 36 van die Ordonnansie op Eien houdens die goedkeuring van die Adminis burg

88 76 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 STADSRAAD VAN BOKSBURG publication of this notice in the Official STAD GERMSTON Gazette PROKLAMERNG VAN NCHOLSON A J BRNK WYSGNG VAN MU depmstonse Clark Town WEG OOR RESTANT VAN DE PLAAS LE RENSOENEONASVERORDE slisrp4 LEEUWPOORT NO 3R BOKS Municipal Offices NNGE BURG PO Box 06 March28 ngevolge artikel 96 van die Ordonnan Kennisgewing geskied hiermee 979 ingevolge sie op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 word hierdie bepalings van die "Local Authorities Notice No 3/979 men kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad van t Roads Ordinance (No 44 of 904)" soos Germiston besluit het om die Germistonse gewysig dat die Stadsraad van Boksburg Munisipale Pensioenfondsverordeninge af n versoekskrif aan sy Eddie die Administra gekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing tent gerig het om die pad omskrywe in by STADSRAAD VAN BRTS No 643 van Oktober 973 soos gewynand Bylac as openbare pad te prokla sig verder te wysig deur daaarvoor voor :" lleer signing te mask vir die stigting van n WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE aior? op grand wat aan die fonds behoort n Afskrif van die versoekskrif 6 vanaf datum hiervan tot en met 4 Mei 979 ter Daar word ingevolge die bepalings van n Afskrif van hierdie wysiging le geinsae in Kamer No 06 Eerste Verdieping artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plans durende cantoorure ter insac ip Kamei 5 Stadhuis Boksburg gedurende kantoorure like Bestuur 939 soos gewysia behead Munisipale kantore Presidentstraat Ger Besware gemaak teen die dot voorgestelde die prokla Stodsraad van Brits van miston yang 28 Maart 979 tot en met voorneme is om die ondergenoemde vet 2 April 979 manic van die pad indien enige meet skrif ordeninge i wysig: telik en in tweevoud by sy Edcle die Ad Enige iemand wat beswaar teen bogenoemministrateur van Transvaal Privatsak X437 Die Verkeersvcrordeninge afgelcondig de wysiging wil aanteken meet dit skrif Pretoria 000 en die Stadsklerk van Boks by Adrninistrateurskenisgewing 60 van 9 telik doen by die Stadsekretaris vanaf 28 burg uiterlik op 4 Mei 979 ingedicn Februarie 949 soos gewysig die alge Maart 979 tot en met 2 April 979 word menc strekking von die wysiging is om die 4 J DEETLEFS LEON FERRERA datum vir die verhoging van die staanplek Stadsekretaris Stadskierk he vir busse en huurmotors soos afgekondig Munisipale Kantore Stadhuis by Administrateurskennisgewing 23 van Boksburg 7 Germiston Januarie 979 te bepaal 28 Maart Maart 979 Kennisgewing No Kennisgewing No 22/979 7/79 Afskrifte van hierdie verordeninge ie ter A insae by die Stadsekretaris Mtfnisipale Kantoor vir n tydperk van veertien the BYLAE vanaf publikasie hiervan CTY COUNCL OF GERMSTON BESKRYWNG VAN DE voorge Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoem AMENDMENT TO SWMMNGBATH STELDE NCHOLSONWEG OOR DE de wysiging wens nn to teken meet dit BY LAWS RESTANT VAN DE PLAAS LEEUW skriftelik binne veertien dae na die datum POORT Na3 R van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing t is hereby notified in terms of section in die Offisiae Koerant by 96 die ondergeof the Local Government Ordinance a Pad van wisselende breedte maar mintekende 939 that the City Council of Germiston indien stens 26 meter breed beginnende by King A J BRNK has resolved to amend the Swimming Bath fisherlaan in Sunward ParkdorPsgebied by Bylaws of the Germiston Municipality n punt ongeveer 769 meter Stadsklerk oos van Rqnde Munisipale Kantoor published under Administrators Notice No buitweg Vanaf hierdie punt sal die voor Posbus dated 3 January 954 as amended to gcstelde pad noordooswaarts vir ongeveer Brits provide that the Council may grant per 870 meter strek dan Ooswaarts vir onge 0250 mission at its pleasure for the presentation veer 800 meter dan suidwaarts vir 350 me 28"Maart 979 of multi racial swimming competitions ter om weer by Kingfisherlaan by n punt Kennisgewing No ongeveer 3/ meter wes van Trichardtsweg 84 Copips of these amendments are lying for 28 aan to sluit inspection during office hours in Room " " " " " ns Municipal Offices President Street Die pad is nicer volledig aangedui op n Germiston as from 28 March 979 until 2 diagram deur Landmeter L F Gillespie 4 CTY COUNCL OF GERMSTON April 979 opgestel en wat in Kamer 06 Eerste Vloer Stadhuis Boksburg ter insae le TO GERMSTON MUM Any person who desires to recall his ob AMENDMENTection t to the above amendment must do so OPAL PENSON FUND BYLAWS in writing to the Town Secretary as from TOWN COUNCL OF BRTS 28 March 979 until 2 April 979 AMENDMENT OF BY LAWS t is hereby notified in terms of section H J DEETLEFS 96 of the Local Government Ordinance Town Secretary i t is hereby notified in terms of section 939 that the City Connell of Germiston!Municipal Offices 96 of the Local Government Ordinance has resolved to amend the Germiston Mu!Germiston 7 of 939 as amended that the Town nicipal Pension Fund Bylaws published 28 March 979 Council of Brits intends to amend the fol under Administrators Notice No 643 Notice No 23/979 lowing bylaws: dated October 973 as amended to pro :vide for the establishment of a township Amend the Traffic Bylaws as publish ion land which belongs to the fund STAD GERMSTON a ed under Administrators Notice 60 of 9 FebruarY 949 as amended The gendral i A copy of this ammdment is open for WYSGNG VAN SWEMBADVERORDE purport of the amendment is to determine!inspection during office hours in Room NNGE the date for the increasement of the tariff ;5 Municipal Offices President Street ngevolge artikel for stands for 96 buses and taxis pbblished!germiston as from 7 March 979 until van die Ordonnanic op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 word hiermee under Administrators Notice 23 of 7 fanu 2 April 979 kennis gegec dat die Stadsraad van Germis ary 979 Any person whq desires to recall his ob ton besluit het om die Swembadverorde Copies of the abovementioned bylaws jection to the above amendment must do ninge van die Munisipaliteit Germiston arc open to inspection at the Town Se so in writing to the Town Secretary asafgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing cretary Municipal Offices for a period of from 28 March 979 until 2 April 979 No 22 van 3 Januarie 954 soos gewyfourteen days from the date of publication isig verder te wysig dat die Raad toestent hereof H J DEETLEFS i ming mag vcrleen na goeddunke vir die Town Secretaryjaanbieding van veelrassige swem kompeti Any person who has any objection to the Municipal Offices sles proposed amendment must lodge his ob Germiston _ jection in writing with the undermentioned 28 March 979 Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging le geduwithin fourteen days as from the date of ;Notice No 22/979 Jrende kantoonwe ter insae in Kamer 5

89 P PKWNSALE KPERANT 28 MAART Munisipale Kentaro pre4idenrstraat Ger Pfrivinsiale Koerant by die ondergetekende Enige persoon wat beswaar wens aan to miston venal 28 Maart 979 tot 2 April does token moot dit binne veertien (4) dae na 979 P C F VAN ANTWERPEN die datum van publikasie van hierdie ken Stadsklerk nisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant by Enige persoon wat beswaar teen bob e Munisipale Kantore ondergctekende doen nocmde wysiging wil aanteken moot dit Posbus 43 0 J S OLVER Skriftelik &len by die Stadsekretaris vapaf Groblersdal Stadsklerk 28 Maart 979 tot en met 2 April Munisipale Kantore 28 " H J Posbus 50 DEETLEFSNo Maart venni sgewing 970 Stadsekretaris a 8 /979 Hartbeesfontein Munisipale Kantore 87z Maart 979 _ Germiston Kennisgewing No 2/979 c 28 Maart 979 VLLAGE COUNCL OF HARTBEES Kennisgewing No 23/979 FONTEN AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS CTY OF JOHANNESBURG t is hereby notified in terms of PROPOSED AMENDMENT section TO THE VLLAGE COUNCL OF GROBLERS 96 of the Local Government Ordinance JOHANNESBURG TOWNPLANNNG 939 SCHEME NO 946 that the Village Council intends amending the following bylaws: (AMENDMENT SCHEME /00) REVOCATON OF AND MAKNG OF! NEW BYLAWS RELATNG TO DOGS Electricity Bylaws: Notice is hereby given in terms of sec The general purport of lion 26 of the Townplanning and the Town amendment tcis hereby notified in terms of section of these bylaws is to ships Ordinance 965 provide that the City for an in 96 of the Local Government Ordinance crease of sundry charges of Johannesburg has and consolidation prepared a draft cil amendment scheme to be known as 939 that the Johan Council intends to revoke of the electricity supply tariff its existing bylaws relating nesburg Amendment Scheme to dogs and to /00 : make a new 2 Adoption of Bylaws for the Licensing" set of bylaws of the electricity supply tariff This draft scheme contains a proposal to The general zone that part of Zinnia Street between purport of these new by The g eneral purportis laws is tq to t adopt he by Bouquet and Lawn Streets Rosettenville restrict the number of dogs to be kept on premises!laws for the licensing of Electrical Con itownship from Existing and Public Street to M increase dog taxes the tractors Administrators Notice 277 dated nstitutional subject to certain conditions r 24 April 963 with a tariff of charges 4 Copies of the nearest intersection is Zinnia and new bylaws am open to The Copies of these amendments or adoption Streets inspection at the Councils niff jeas fora period of fourteen caysfrom of vtre9pqnfor inspection at the office of the the date Particulars of this scheme are open for publication hereof village Council for a period of tourteen inspection at Room 703 Seventh Floor; (4) days as from the date O publication Any person who Civic Centre Braamfontein Johannesburg desires to record his to the said hereoffor a period of four weeks from the date bylaws must do so writing in to the undersigned of the within erson wishing to object must lodge first publication of this notice which 4 objection in writing days to the March979 undersigned such after is 28 the date of publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette: within fourteen (4) days of the date of ;publication of this notice in the Provincial Any owner or occupier of immovable P C F VAN ANTWERPEN property 98zeitc situated within the area to which Town Clerk 0 J S OLVER the abovenamed draft scheme applies or within 2 km of the boundary thereof may Municipal Offices Town Clerk in writing lodge any objection with or may PO 7 Box 48 t Municipal Offices make any representations to the above Groblersdal PO Box 50 named local authority in respect of such 0470 Hartbeesforttein 28 March Mara 979 draft scheme within four weeks of the first Notice No 8/979 Noticepublication No 2/ of this notice which is March 979 and he may when lodging any r such objection or making such represents DORPSRAAD VAN HARTBEESFON tions request in writing that he be heard ; TEN the local authority by DORPSRAAD VAN GROBLERSDAL WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE S D MARSHALL City Secretary HERROEPNG Daar EN word hierby ingevolge AANNAME VAN artikel 96 Civic Centre!van die die VERORDENNGE BETREFFENDE Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Besttiur BraamfOntein HONDE bekend gemaak dat die Dorpsraad Johannesburg ;voornemens is om die volgende te wysig: 28 March 979 P ) Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 Elektrisiteksverordeninge: van die Ordonnansic op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 bckend gemaak Die algemene dat die strekking van hierdie wy RAO voor!siging is om voorsiening STAD JOHANNESBURG ncmens is om sy to maak vir n bestaande ai betreffende honde te heiroep verordeninge verhoging en nuwe van diverse vorderings en kon :VOORGESTELDE WYSGNG VAN DE d " d verordeninge daar te stel so aste van le l JOHANNESBURGSE DORPSAANLEG e t tristteksvoorstemngs tariewe SKEMA NO! 946 Die algemene strekking van die nuwe /00) verordeninge is om die getal 2 honde wat Aanname van Verordeninge nsakedie (WYSGNGSKEMA aangehou Lisensiitring van Elektrotegniese Aanna map word te beperk tin die lisen! siegelde te verhoog mers Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 26 die Ordonnansie van op Dorpsbeplanning Afskrifte van dip verordeninge Die algemene streking is om 6 ter die ver en Dorpe 965 kennis gegee dat die Stadsinsac by ordeninge insake die Lisensiering van Elekdie kantoor van die raad van Johannesburg n ontwerpwysiging kaad vin n trotegniesp Aannemera aan te ncem Ad skema opgestel het wat as Johannesburg se tydperk van veertien dae vanaf die datum ministrateurskennisgewmg No 277 van 24 Mysigingskema /00 bekend sal staan van publikasie hicrvan April 963 tesame met n tarief van gelds Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat n voorstcl Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoemverordeninge wens can te token mod di( Lawnstraat Rosetten Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings en aan om daardie gedeelte van Zinniastraat wat names 6 ter insac by die kantoor van die lessen Bouquet: cn dedorpsraad vir it tydperk van veertien (4) villa gelee is op sekere voorwaardes van skriftelik binne 4 dae na de datum van dae vand die datum van publikasie bier bestaande openbare strant na inrigtingspublikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die van doeleindes to soneer _

90 78 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Die naaste kruising iszinnia en BOu op Plaaslike Bestuur 939 soovgewysii keuring van die Administrateur Parkerf dat die Dorpsraad van Koster voornemens 727 Akaadvilfd permanent te quetstraat Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter is om: r Enigicmand wat beswaar wil maak teen insae in Kamer 703 Sewende Verdieping Verordeninge vii die Heffingvan Gel die voorgestelde sluiting of enige cis vir Burgersentrum Braamfontein Johannes de met betreklcing tot die nspeksie van skadevergoeding wil instel moet die beburg vir n tydperk van vier weke vanaf enige Besigheidsperscel soon beoog by ar swaar of eis sons die geval mag woes voor die datum waarop hierdie kennisgewing die tikel 4(4) van die Ordonnansie op Lisen of op 28 Mei 979 skriftelik by die onder ; eerste keer gepubliseer word naamlik 28 sies 974 aan te neem getekende indien Maart 979 J J L NEUWOUDT 2 Die verordeninge vir die Lisensiering Stadsklerk Enige eicnaar of okkupant van vaste van en die Toesig oor die Regulering van Posbus 94 eiendom binne die gebied van die boge en die Beheer oor Besighede Bedrywe en Krugersdorp Co melde ontwerpskema of binne 2 km van Beroepe afgekondig by Administrateurs 28 Maart 979 die grens daarvan het die reg om teen die kennisgewing 699 van 7 Oktober 959 soos Kennisgewing No 29/979 skema beswaar te maak of om verto8 ten gewysig te herroep 9 28 opsigte daarvan te rig en indien hy dit wil doen moet hy die plaaslike bestuur binne Die algemene strekking van die aanname vier weke vanaf die eerste publikasie van en hefroeping is as volg: OTTOSDAL VLLAGE COUNCL hierdie kennisgewing naamlik 28 Maart Om voorscemng to maak vir aie lief 979 skriftelik in ] tennis stel en vermeld of ling van ge e Nur nspe d Resby Bescghy deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor wil ALENATON OF TOWN LANDS ihenspersele word of nie S D MARSHALL 2 Die verordeninge is verouderd Notice is hereby given in terms of sec Stadselcretaris tion 79(8) of the Local Government Ordin Burgersentrum Afskrifte van die voorgestelde verordeance 7/939 as amended that it is the Braamfontein ninge en besluit tot herroeping 6 ter insae c intention of the Town Council subject to Johannesburg by die kantoor van Read vir n tydperk van the approval of His Honourable the Admi 28 Maart 979 vecrtien dee vanaf die datum van publika nistrator to: sic hiervan (i) Lease certain Portion D to be Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die known as Stand 62 of the Town VLLAGE COUNCL OF KOSTER voorgestelde aanname cn herroeping Wens Lands in extent approximately AMENDMENT AND REVOCATON OF aan te tcken moet dit skriftelik by dieon 36 m2 to Mr A H Gous; dergetekende doen binne BYLAWS veertien dae na Steelworks Service ndustriet for die datuth van publikasie van hierdie ken a period of 9 (nine) years and Notice is hereby given in terms of sec nisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant (eleven) months at R00 (One buntion 96 of the Local Government Ordin dred rand) per year per stand ance 939 as amended that the Village J T POTGETER Council of Koster intends: Stadsklerk Conditions of Lease will lie open for in MunisipaleKantbre spection during Office hours for 4 days To adopt Bylaws for the Levying of Posbus 66 from publication hereof in the office of Fees relating to the nspection of any Busi Koster the undersigned during which period ob ness Premises as contemplated in section 2825 jections if any concerning the lease may 4(4) of the Licence Ordinance Maart 979 be lodged with the undersigned Kennisgewing No 6/979 2 Revoke the bylaws for the Licensing E H VAN PLETSEN of and for the Supervision Regulation and ) Town Clerk Control of Businesses Trades and Occupations published under Administrators No Ottosdal KRUGERSDORP MUNCPALTY 28 March 979 lice 699 dated 7 October 959 as amended i PROPOSED PERMANENT CLOSNG OF The general purport of the Adoption and PARK ERF 727 AZAADVLLE Revocation is as follows: t To make provision for the levying of Notice is hereby given in terms of sec DORPSRAAD VAN OTTOSDAL non 68 read with section 67 of the Local inspection fees relating to Business Pre Government Ordinance 939; that the mises Town Council of Krugersdorp resolved VERHUUR VAN DORPSGRONDE 2 The bylaws has become obsolete that subject to the Administrators consent 7ParkErf 72 Azaadville be permanently Copies of the proposed bylaws and re Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel solution for revocation are open for inspec closed 79(8) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike tion at the offices of the Comieil for a Any person wishing to lodge an objet Bestuur 7/939 sops gewysig dat onder period of fourteen days from the date of lion against the proposed closing or to sub hewig aan die goecikeuring van Sy Edele publication hereof mit any claim if such closing is carried die Administrateur die Dorpsraad van Any person who wishes to lodge an ob out must lodge his objection or claim as voorneme is om: jection against the proposed adoption or the case may be with the undersigned in (i) Sekere Gedeelte D wat bekend sal resolution for revocation should do so in writing on or before 28 May 979 staan as Perseel 62 van die Dorpswriting to the undersigned within fourteen raadsgronde grout ongeveer days of the publication of this notice in J: J L NEUWOUDT 3 62 m2 uit die hand te verliuur Town Clerk the Provincial Gazetteaan Sr A Gous Staalwerk PO Box " 94 Diensnywerheid vir 9 (nege) jaar J T POTGETER Krugersdorp en (elf) maande teen R00 (een Town Clerk 28 March 979 en per jaar per per Municipal Offices Notice No 29/979 i seel PO Box 66 Koster Die Verhuringsvoorwaardes le ter insae 2825 gedurende Kantoorure vir 4 dae vanaf 28 March 979 MUNSPALTEff KRUGERSDORP publikasie hiervan in die kantoor van die Notice No 6/979 VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE SLUT ondergetekende waartydens skriftelike be TNG VAN PARKERF 27 AZAAD sware indien enige aangaande die ver VLLE huring ingedien kan word by die Stadsklerk DORPSRAAD VAN KOSTER AANNAME EN HERROEPNG VAN Kragtens die bepalings van artikel 68 ge E H VAN PLETSEN lees met artikel 67 van die Ordonnansie op Stadsklerk VERORDENNGE Plaaslike Bestnur 99 word hiermee be Ottosdal Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be trend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van Krugersz 28 Maart 979 palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie dorp besluit bet om behoudens die goed 92 28

91 desires _ PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART TOWN COUNCL OF POTGETERSRUS: CTY COUNCL OFPRETORA Die betrokke Raadsbesluite en n plan waarop die straatgedeeltes aangetoort word PROPOSED CLOSNG OF A PORTON AMENDMENT TO STANDARD STREET d gedurende gewone kantoorure in Kamer OF ELEVENTH STREET AND A POR 364 Derde Verdieping Wesblok Munitoria AND MSCELLANEOUS BYLAWS TON OF BARBER STREET ASATC Van der Waltstraat Pretoria ter insae BAZAAR EXTENSON Enigiemand wat beswaar t teen die vooris hereby notified in terms of section Notice is hereby given in terms of the 4 96 of the Local genome Government Ordinance sluiting wil maak of wat enige eis provisions of section 67 of the Local Go om vergoeding het indien die sluiting plans 939 that the Town Council of Potgietcrs venunent Ordinance No 7 of 939 as ;vind moat sy beswaar of eis al na die rus intends to amend the Standard Street amended that it is the intention of the geval skriftelik voor of op Vrydag 7uand Miscellaneous Bylaws of the Potgie Council to close permanently nie 979 by die ondergetekende indien tersrus Municipality published under Administrators Notice No 984 dated 2 () that portion of Eleventh Street from a J D WELBACH December 973 as amended point in line with the northeastern corner Waarnemende Stadsklerk of Erf 690 Asiatic Bazaar Extension to 2g The Maart 979 general purport of this amendment a point in line with the northwestern corn Kennisgewing No is to prohibit the parking of heavy vehicles 74/979 er of Erf 668 and the northeastern corner in streets during the period between half of Erf 673 Asiatic Bazaar Extension ; and an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise (2) that portion of Barber Street from MUNCPALTY OF RANDFONTEN a point in line with the centre point of the Copies of the amendment are open to street boundary of Erf 689 Asiatic Bazaar AMENDMENT TO BYLAWS inspection at the office of the Town Secre Extension to a point in line with the tary for a neriod of fourteen (4) days from Notice is hereby given in terms of sec intersection with Eleventh Street Asiatic the date of publication hereof Ordin Bazaar Extension lion 96 of the Local Government ance 939 as amended that the Council Any person who to record his t is furthermore the COunoils intention intends amending the following bylaws: objection to the said amendment must do to erect after the street portions have been sn in writing to the undermentioned within Riebeeck Lake Bylaws!closed a bus terminus on the street por 4 days after the date of Publication of this tions and on Erven and 673 Asia 2 Bylaws for Fixing Fees for the ssue notice in the Provincial Gazette tic Bazaar Extension to serve the proof Certificates and Furnishing of nformaposed Belle Ombre Station C F B MATTHEUS lion Town Clerk The relevant Council resolutions and a : 3 Bylaws Governing the Hire of the Municipal Offices plan showing the street portions are open jrandgate Hall and/or other Rooms PO Box 34 to inspection during normal office hours at Potgietersrus Room 364Third Floor West Block Muni 4 Bylaws Governing the Hire of the 0600 toria Van der Walt Street Pretoria Town Hall and/or other Rooms in the 28 March 979 Municipal Buildings Notice No 9/979 Any person who has any objection to the proposed closing or who may have any ; The general purport of these amendments claim to compensation if such closing is is: carried out must lodge his objection or claim as the case may be in writing with To provide for a discount of 25 % STADSRAAD VAN the charges for rondavels POTGETERSRUS the undersigned on or before Friday and caravan June 979 on stands to bona fide members of the South J D WELBACH African Defence WYSGNG VAN STANDAARD ForceActing Town Clerk 2 STRAAT EN To increase the DVERSE charges for any cer VERORDE 28 March 979 tificate issued under the Local Government 0 i s NNGE Notice No 74/979Ordinance 939 or under any other Ordin ance applicable to the Council Dear word hierby ingevolge artikel 96 vrn die Ordonnanste op Plaaslike Bestuur increase charges for the hire 939 bekend gemaak dat die Stadsraad van off 3 thettoani ehtahlle Potgietersrus van STADSRAAD VAN PRETORA voornemens is om die 4 To Standaard increase the charges Street en Diverse Verordeninpe for the hire VOORGESTELDE SLMNG VAN N of van toepassing op die the Town Hall Stadsraad van Pot GEDEELTE VAN ELFDE STRAAT EN : gietersrus afgekondig by Administrateurs N GEDEELTE VAN BARBERSTRAAT Copies of these amendments and bylaws kennisgewing No 984 van 2 Desember ASATC BAZAAR UTBREDNG are open for inspection at the office of the 973 soos gewysig verder te wysig Town Secretary (Room D) for a period of Hiermee word ingevolge die bepalingsfourteen (4) days Die algemene strekking from the date of publivan hierdie wy siging is om n verbod op die parkering van arbkel 67 van die Ordonnansie op cation hereof in the Provincial Gazette van swaar motorvoertuie in strate gedu Plaaslike Bestuur No 7 van 939 soos Any person who desires to record his rende die tydperk tussen n halfuur na gewysig son objection kennis gegee dat die Raad voorto the amendment of the said onder en n halfuur voor sonop te plans nemens s em bylaws must do so in writing to the under Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging 8 ter in () diegedeeltetra van Elfde Sat vanaf signed within fourteen (4) days after date sae by die kantoor van die 5tadsekretaris n punt in lyn met die noordoostelike hock of publication of this notice in the Provir n tydperk van 4 dae vanaf die datum van Erf 690 Asiatic Bazaar Uitbreiding vincial Gazette van publikasie hiervan tot by n punt in lyn met die noordwestelike C J JOUBERT hock van Erf 668 en die noordoostelike : Town Clerk Enige persdon wat beswaar teen genoem hock van Erf 673 Asiatic Bazaar Uitbrei PO Box 28 de wysiging wens aan te teken moet dit ding ; en Randfontein skriftelik binne 4 dae na datum van pu 760 blikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die (2) die gedeeke van Barberstrnat vanaf n 28 March 979 Provinsiale Koerant by die ondergetekende punt in lyn met die middelpunt van die Notice No 0/979 doen straatgrens van Erf 689 Asiatic Bazaar Uit breiding tot by n punt in lyn C F met B MATTHEUS die Stadsklerk aansluiting by Elfde Strrat Asiatic Bazaar Uitbreiding RANDFONTEN permanent Lc sluit Munisipale Kanto _ Posbus Die WYSGNG VAN VERORDENNGE 34 Raad is verder van voorneme om:munspaltet Potgietersrus na skating van die straatgedeeltes n bus Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 0600 terminus op die straatgedeeltes 96 van en Erwe die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike 28 Maart Bestuur en 673 Asiatic Bazaar Uitbreiding 939 soos gewysig bekend gemaak dat die Kennisgewing No 9/979 te bou om die voorgestelde Belle Ombre Raad voornemens is om die volgende ver stasie te bedien ordeninge te wysig:

92 intends 720 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 Riebeeckmeerverordeninge : The form prescribed for the lodging of lieronder aangedui beskikbaar en aandag an objection is obtainable at the addresses word spesifiek gevestig op die feit dat geen 2 Verordeninge insalce die Vasstelling indicated above and below and attention "persoon geregtig is om enige van beswaar voor Geide vir die Uitreiking van Sertifi is specifically directed to the fact that kate no die waarderingsraad to opper tensy by en die Vcrskaff ing van nligting n person is entitled to urge any objection be beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm betyds 3 Verordeninge in verband met fore die the valuation board unless he has ingedien het nie van die Randgatesaal scribedverhuur timeousl lodged an objection in thepre en/of ander 3 form Addisionele Plekkc vir die Plaaslike Ge Kamers4 bicdskomitees van: 4 Verordeninge op die Verhuring van Additional l Places for the Local Area Committees of: Amsterdam die Stadsaal Plaaslike kantoor Bell en/of ander vertrekke in die plain Amsterdam Munisipale Geboue Amsterdam Local Office Bell Square Amsterdam Brugspruit Poskantoor Clewer algemene strekking van hierdie wysi rdie gings is: Brugspruit Post Office CleaverEloff Plaaslike kantoor Kirbystraat Eloff Om voorsiening te maak vir n korting Eloff Local Office K irby StreetElo ff van 25 % op die gelde vir rondawels ent Komatipoort Plaaslike kantoor Rissikkaravaanstaanplekke vir bona fide lede Komatipoort Local Office 39 Rissik street 39 Komatipoort van die Said Afrikaanse Weermag Street Komatipoort Magaliesburg Poskantoor Magalies 2 Om die gelde vir die uitreiking van Magaliesburg Post Office Magalies burg enige sertifikaat ingevolge die Ordonnansic burg on Plaaslike Bestuur 939 of enige Or Noordvaal Huis van mnr van Loo dennansie wat op die Read van toepassing Noordvaal Mr van Loos dwelling Mullerstuinel 76 Noordvaal is to verhoog 6 Mullerstuine Noordvaal Northam Northam Laerskool 3 Om die gelde vir die verhuur van die Northam Northam Secondary School Northam Randgatesaal te verhoog Northam Putfontein W A C du Rand se Slag Putfontein 4 Om die gelde vir die verhuur van die W A C du Rands But huis Gedeclte 245 Putfontein 26 JR Stadsaal te verhoog chery Portion 245 Putfontein 26JR Besware kan alleenlik by die volgende Afskrifte Objectionsma van hierdie wysigings y en der only be lodged at the adresse ingedien word: ordeninge ollowing addresses: 8 ter insae by die kantoor van HB Phillipsgebou die Stadsekretaris (Kamer D) vir n tydperk HB Phillips Building Bosmanstraat 320 van veertien (4) dae vanaf die datum van 320 Bosman Street Pretoria : publikasic hiervan in die Provinsiale Koe Pretoria of rant or Posbus 34 POO Enige 34 persoon wat beswaar teen die wy Pretoria PretoriaBox siging van die genoemde verordeninge wens i000 aan to taken moot dit skriftelik binne veer: J J H BESTER i lien (4) dae na datum van publikasie J van H RESTER Sekretaris Secretary hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Pretoria Pretoria 28 Maart 979 Koerant by die ondergetekende doen 28 March 979 Kennisgewing No 36/979 C J JOUBERT Notice No 36/ Stadsklerk Posbus 28 Randfontein TRANSVAALSE RAAD VR DE ONT TOWN COUNCL OF WTBANK 760 WKKELNG VAN BUTESTEDELKE 28 Maart 979 GEBEDE REPEALNG OF HAWKERS AND Kennisgewing No 0/979 PEDLARS BY LAWS KENNSGEWNG WAT BESWARE TEEN VOORLOPGE WAARDERNGS LYSTE AANVRA Notice is hereby given in terms of section 96 of the Local Government Ordin TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVE Kennis word hiermee ingevolge artikel ance 7 of 939 that the Town Council LOPMENT OF PER URBAN AREAS 2()(a)van die Ordonnansie op Eiendoms of Witbank repealing its Hawkers belasting van Plaaslike Gesture 977 (Or and Pedlars Bylaws as promulgated under NOTCE CALLNG FOR OBJECTONS donnansie van 977) gegee dat die voor Administrators Notice 357 of 20 July 932 TO PROVSONAL VALUATON ROLLS lopiac waarderingslyste vir die gebiede van die Plaaslike Gebiedscomitees van Amster The repealing of the said bylaws is ne Notice is hereby given in terms of secdam Brugspruit Eld2f Komatipoort Ma cessary in view of the fact that the Conntion 2()(a) of the Local Authorities Rat cils Bylaws concerning Hawkers as pro galiesburg Noordvaal Northam en Putfon Mg Ordinance 977 (Ordinance of tcin vir die boekare 979/983 oop is vir mulgated under Administrators Notice 977) that the provisional valuation rolls inspeksie by die kantoor van die Trans 328 dated 6 September 978 includes the for the areas of Amsterdam Brugsptuit vaalse Read vir dieaityvikkeling van Buite said Hawkers and Pedlars Bylaws and ex Eloff Komatipoort Magaliesburg Noordstedelike Gebiede by Kamer A30 HB pands on the said bylaws vaal Northam and Putfontein Local Area Phillipsgebou Bosmrnstraat 320 Pretoria Copies of the said Hawkers and Pedlars Committees for the financial years 979/ en by die ondergemelde addisionele plekke By laws are open to inspection at the of 983 are open for inspection at the office vanaf 28 Maart 979 tot 30 April 979 en fice of the Town Secretary for a period of of the Transvaal Board for the Develop enige eienaar van belasbare eiendom of fourteen (4) days from the date of publica ment of PeriUrban Areas at Room A30 ander persoon wat hegerig is ore n be tion hereof HE Phillips Building 320 Bosman Street swaar by die Sekretaris ten opsigte van Pretoria and at the undermentioned addi enige aangelcentheid in die voorlopige Objections to the proposed repealing Lionel places from 28 March 979 to 30 waarderingslyste opgcteken soos in artikel if any must be lodged in writing to the April 979 and any owner of rateable pro 0 van die genoemde Ordonnansie beoog in undersigned within fourteen (4) days of perty or other person who so desires to te dien insluitende the vraag of sodanige the publication of this notice lodge an objection with the Secretary in ieiendom of n gedeelts daarvan onderworpe respect of any matter recorded in the pro is aan die betaling van eiendomsbelasting J D B STEYN visional valuation roll as contemplated in of daarvan vrygestel is of ten opsigte van Town Clerk section 0 of the said Ordinance including enige weglating van enige aangeleentheid Municipal Offices the question whether or not such property luit sodanige lys doen so binne gemelde PO Box 3 or portion thereof is subject to the pay tydperk Witbank ment of rates or is exempt therefrom or in 035 respect of any omission of any matter from Die voorgeskrewe form vir die indiening 28 March 979 such roll shall do so within the said period van n beswaar is by die adresse hierbo en Notice No 32/979

93 PROVNSALE KOERANT 28 MAART STADSRAAD VAN WTBANK van geriewe by die Witbankdamlsoos af getekende bereik binne veertien (4) dae na HERROEPNG VAN VENTERS EN gekondig by AdministrateurskennisgeWing die publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing 226 van 5 Maart 967 MARSKRAMERSVERORDENNGE te wysig Die doel van die voorgestelde J wysiging D B STEYN Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel is em voorsiening te mask vir tanewe vir Stadsklerk 96 van die Ordonnansie op Pleaslike Be chalets wat opgerig M gaan word binne Kantore stuur 7 van die 939 dat die Stadsraad van Witbank Ontspanningmord Posbus 3 ) Witbank van voorneme is oin die Raad se Witbank Venters en Marskramersverordeningc Afskrifte van die voorgestelde: wysiging 035 soos afgekondig onder Administrateurskenle ter insaeby die kantoor van Me Stalse 28 Maart 979 nisgewing 357 van 20 Julie 932 te herroep kretarn vir is tydperk vamveertien (4) dae Kennisgewing No 35/ vanaf publikasie hiervan 28 V Die herroeping van gemelde verorde Besware indien enige teen die voorge ninge is nocidsaaklik aangesien die Raad se stelde wysiging moet skriftelik by onderge TOWN COUNCL OF WTBANK Smousverordeninge soos afgekondig coder tekende Administrateurskemiisgewing ingehandig 328 gedateer word binne veertien BY (4) dae vanaf publikasie hiervan LAWS FOR PUBLC VEHCLES _ t 6September 978 gemelde Venters en Notice is Marskramersverordeninge hereby given in terms of see omvat en daar a B ; STEYN tion 96 of the Local Government Ordinopuitbrei Stadsklerk Stadsklerc ance 7 Muniipide Kantor of 939 that it is the intention of Afskriftevan gemelde Venters en Mars the Town Posbus3 Council of Witbank to pro kramersverordeninge le ter insae Hy die mulgate Public Vehicle Witbank: fly laws and Tariffs kantoor van die Stadsekretaris vim intyd 035 n `The purpose of the proposed bylaws is Perk van veertiem(4) dae vanaf publikasic 28 Maid 979 to divide the said bylaws from the Counhiervati Kennisgewing No 30/979 eils Traffic By laws as accepted and pro 98_28 mulgated under Administrators Notice Besware indien nig; teen die voorge 223 dated 9 stelde herroeping March moat skriftelik by onderto compose a 947 as amended in order getekende set of ingehandig bylaws word which binne veertien comply TOWN COUNCL OF WTBANK (4) with presentday requirements dae vanaf publikasic van hierdie kennisgewing AMENDMENT OF STANDARD DRAN A copy of the proposed bylaws is open J D B STEYN AGE BYLAWS for inspection at the office of the Town Stadsklerk : Secretary for a period of fourteen Notice is (4) hereby given in days Munisipale Kantoor terms of sec from the date of publication tion hereof 96 Posbus of the Local 3 Government Ordinance 7 of 939 Any person who that the Town Council of desires to record his ob Witbank t Witbank intends jection amending its to the said bylaws must lodge such 035 ) Standard objection in writing with the 28 Drainage Bylaws as promulgated under undersigned Maart 979 within fourteen (4) days after the date KennisgewingNo Administrators Notice 39 of 23 August of 32/979: 978 by the substitution of Appendix the publication otthis notice J D B The purpose of the proposed amendment STEYN Town Clerk TOWN COUNCL OF WTBANK is to charge the standards where it appears Municipal Offices in the said appendix in order to comply PO Box 3 AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS with conditions in Witbank Witbank i Notice is hereby given 035 in terms of sec The proposed amendment is open for 28 March 979 tion 96 of the Localp Government Ordin inspection at the office of the Town Sc 3/979 7 of ance 939 as amended Notice No that the cretary for a period of fourteen daysfrom Town Council Of Witbank intends amend the date of publication hereof ing the Tariff of Charges for Admission to and the use of facilities at the Witbank Written objections if any against the STADSRAAD VAN WTBANK Dam as promulgated under Administrators proposed amendment should reach the Notice 226 dated 5 March 967 undersigned within fourteen days of the VR OPENBARE publication of this notice MOTORVOERTUE purpose of the proposed amendment D B STEYN` is to make provision thr tariffs for chalets Kennis geskied Town Clerk hiermee ingevolge artikel which are to be erected 96 in the van Witbank Municipal Offices die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Be 4 Recreation Resort PO stuur 7 Box3 van 939 dat die Stadsraad van Witbank: Witbank van voorneme is om Openbare Motorvoertuigverordeninge en tanewe The Copies of the proposed amendment are 035 open totekondig inspection at the office of tthe Town 28 March; 979 Secretary for a period of fourteen Notice No 35/979 4 Die doel van die (4) days voorgestelde from verordethe date of publication here nirige is om sodanige of verordeninge s skei van die Raad se Verkeersverordeninge STADSRAAD VAN WTBANK sops Objections aangeneem to the proposed amendmenl en afgekondig onder Ad 0 if any must be lodged in writing to ministrteurskeimisgewing the WYSGNG VAN STANDAARD 223 van 9 Maart t:0 947 sopso gewysig temeinde n stel veror ; deninge daar te stel wat voldoen aan he undersigned within fourteen (4) days of LEUNGSVERORDENNGE publication hereof: i af Kennis ilendaagse vereistes J a : B STEYN geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 96 van die Town Clerk Ordonnansie op Pa/5Hk Be ri Afskrif van die voorgestelde verordeiliac 7 van 939 dat diestadsraad van ninge le ter insae by die kantoor van die MunicipalOffices PO Box 3 Witbani van voomeme is em systrapdapip Stadsbkretaris vir n tydperk van veertien Witbank Rthleringsverordeninge soos afgekondig on (4) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hier 035 ;den Administrateurskennisgewing 39 van vals 28 March Augustus 978 te wymgcleur die ver Notice No Enigepersoon wat beswaar teen genoem 30/p79: vangingvan Aanhangsel de verordeninge wens aan te teken moet Die doel van die voorgestelde wysiging dit skriftelik binne veertien (4) dae na die is omdiestandaarde waar dit voorkom in datum van publikasie van hierdie kennis STADSRAAD VAN WTBANK gemelde aanhangsel te wysig ten einde by Bowing by ondergetekende indien: td in Witbank atunte pas J WYSGNG VAN VER06ENNGE D B STEYN Die voorgestelde wysigingt0 ter insae by Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel die kantoor van die StadSekretaris vir n Munisipale Kitntore 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur daei tydperk van veertien (4) Poibus3 venal die:datumvan publikasie hiervary ` Witbank 7 van 939 dat die Stadsraad Van Witbank van voorneme is om die 035: Tariel Skriftelike Hesvvare indien enige teen 28 Miart 979 : van Gelde virtoegang tot en die gebruik die smorgestelde wysigingnioet die onder Kennisgewing Stadsklerk No 3/

94 Electricity 722 PROVNCAL GAZETTE 28 MARCH 979 CONTENTS Proclamations N 07 D Proklamasies 0 _ 52 Removal of Restrictions Act 967: Portion 2 52 Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings 967: Ge of Consolidated Lot 2664 Kernptim Park Town deelte 2 van Gekonsolideerde Lot 2664 dorp ship district Germiston 655 Kemptonpark distrik Germiston Application in terms of the Removal of Restric 53 Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van lions Act 967: Erf 2469 Laudium Township Beperkings 967: Erf 2469 dorp Laudium Re Registration Division JR Transvaal; and Pre gistrasie Afdeling JR Transvaal; en Pretoriatoria Amendment Scheme wysigingskema Application in terms of the Removal of Restric 54 Aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Opheffing van V tions Act 967: Erf 624 Clubview Extension 5; Beperkings 967: Erf 624 Clubview Uitbreiding and Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme 556 _ 660 5; en Pretoriastreekwysigingskema Administrateurskennisgewings Administrators Notices 294 Krugersdorp Municipality: Proposed Alteration 294 Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Voorgestelde Verof 3oundaries 667 andering van Grease Civil Defence Draft Amendment Ordinance 324 Ontwerpwysigingsordonnansie op Burgerlike Be 979 (DO 0) 629 skerming 979 (00 0) Roads Draft Amendment Ordinance 979 _ Ontwerppadwysigingsordonnansie Education Draft Amendment Ordinance 979 _ Ontwerponderwyswysigingsordonnansie Licence Draft Amendment Ordinance Ontwerpwysigingsordonnansie op Lisensie Alberton Municipality: Amendment to Cemetery 328 Munisipaliteit Alberton: Wysiging van Begraaf Bylaws 667 plaasverordeninge Bethel Municipality: Adoption of Standard 329 Munisipaliteit Bethel: Aanname vaa Standaard Drainage Bylaws 668 Rioleringsverordeninge Brits Municipality: Amendment to Electricity 330 Munisipaliteit Brits: Wysiging van Elektrisiteits verordeninge 674 Bylaws 33 Carletonville Municipality: Adoption of Clean 33 Munisipaliteit Carletonville: Aanname van Reising Services Bylaws 674 nigingsdiensteverordeninge Elsburg Municipality: Amendment to Electricity 332 Munisipaliteit Elsburg: Wysiging van Elektrisi Bylaws 683 teitsverordeninge Fochville Municipality: Livestock Market By 333 Munisipaliteit Fochville: Veemarkverordeninge Munisipaliteit Germiston: Wysiging van Sam laws 334 Germiston Municipality: Amendment to Sanitary tare en Vullisverwyderingstarief 685 and Refuse Removals Tariff Munisipaliteit Heidelberg: Aanname van Stan 335 Heidelberg Municipality: Adoption of Standard daardverordeninge Betreffende Kafees Restau Bylaws Relating to Cafes Restaurants and Eat rante en Eethuise Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Wysiging van Wa inghouses 336 Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Water tervoorsieningsverordeninge 686 Supply By laws Munisipaliteit Machadodorp: Wysiging van Ta 337 Machadodorp Municipality: Amendment to Ta rid van Gelde vir die Lewering van Elektrisiteit 686 riff of Charges for the Supply of Electricity Kennisgewing van Verbetering Munisipaliteit 338 Correction Notice Messina Municipality: Water Messina: Watervoorsieningsverordeninge 686 Supply By laws Munisipaliteit Messina: Wysiging van Elektrisi 339 Messina Municipality: Amendment to Electricity teitsvoorsieningstarief 687 Supply Tariff 340 Munisipaliteit Messina: Wysiging van Sanitere 340 Messina Municipality: Amendment to Sanitary en Vullisverwyderingstarief 687 and Refuse Removals Tariff Regulasies Betreffende die Bestuurskomitee wat 34 Regulations Concerning the Management Corn vir die ndiergroepsgebied van Laudium in die mittee Established for the ndian Group Area of Regsgebied van die Stadsraad van Pretoria nge Laudium in the Area of Jurisdiction of the Pre stel is: Wysiging 687 toria City Council: Amendment Munisipaliteit Randfontein: Aanname van Stan 342 Randfontein Municipality: Adoption of Standard daardrioleringsverordeninge 688 Drainage Bylaws Munisipaliteit Randfontein: Parkeermeterveror Municipality of Randfontein: Parking Meter deninge _ Bylaws Munisipaliteit Rustenburg: Aanname van Wysi 344 Rustenburg Municipality: Adoption of Amend ging van Standaard finansiele Verordeninge 697 ment to Standard Financial By laws Kennisgewing van Verbetering:Gesondheidsko 345 Correction Notice: Health Committee of Se mitee van Secunda: Regulasies Betreffende cunda: Regulations Relating to Hawkers 697 Smouse _ Tzaneen Municipality: Amendment to Drainage 346 Munisipaliteit Tzaneen: Wysiging van Riolering and Plumbing Bylaws and Bylaws for the en Loodgietersverordeninge en Verordeninge vir Licensing and Regulating of Plumbers and Drain die Lisensiering en Regulasie van Loodgieters layers _ 698 en Rioolleers _ Correction Notice: Vanderbijlpark Municipality: 347 Kennisgewing van Verbetering: Munisipaliteit Bylaws 698 Vanderbijlpark: Elektrisiteitsverordeninge Vereeniging Municipality: Bylaws Relating to 348 Munisipaliteit Vereeniging: Verordeninge Betref Dogs 698 fende Honda Wolmaransstad Municipality: Amendment to 349 Munisipaliteit Wolmaransstad: Wysiging van Sa and Refuse Removals Tariff _ 702 nitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief 702 Sanitary 350 Pretoria Region Amendment Scheme 57 _ Pretoriastreekwysigingskema Die Hoewes Extension 6 Township: Declaration 35 Dow Die Hoewes Uitbreiding 6: Verklaring tot of an approved township 703 goedgekeurde dorp Rustenburg Municipality: Alteration of Bonn 352 Munisipaliteit Rustenburg: Verandering van daries: Commission of nquiry _ 705 Grease: Benoeming van Komitee van Ondersoek 705 _ Benoni Amendment Scheme / Benoniwysigingskema /9 354 Edenvale Amendment Scheme / Edenvalewysigingskema / Johannesburg Amendment Scheme / Johannesburgwysigingskema / RoodepoortMaraisburg Amendment Scheme RoodepoortMaraisburgwysigingskema /306 _ 706 / Road Traffic Regulations Amendment of Re 357 Padverkeerregulasies Wysiging van Regulagulation sie 4 706

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