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1 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No staan tot die waarde van aile aandele op daardie tydstip in die geamalgameerde maatskappy gehou.". (2) Paragrawe (a) en (b) van subartikel (I) tree in werking vanaf die aanvang van jare van aanslag wat op of na 1 Januarie 2010 begin. (3) Paragraaf (c) van subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van 5 Hoofstuk II van die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. Wysiging van artikel47 van Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 25 van Wet 21 van 1995, artikel34 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel55 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 37 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel43 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel31 van Wet 20 van 2006, artikel37 van Wet 8 van 2007, artikel31 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel53 van 10 Wet 60 van , (1) Artikel 47 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (1)(a)(i) item (dd) deur die volgende item te vervang: "(dd) 'n persoon beoog in artikeiio(l)(ca)~, (d)j!;l of(t) is nie; en". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op I Januarie 2009 in werking te getree het en is van 15 toepassing ten opsigte van enige likwidasie-uitkering op of na daardie datum. Wysiging van artikel 64B van Wet 58 van 1962, 5005 ingevoeg deur artikel 20 van Wet 95 van 1967 en gewysig deur artikel 35 van Wet 89 van 1969, artikel 20 van Wet 52 van 1970, artikel 19 van Wet 90 van 1972, artikel 41 van Wet 85 van 1974, artikel33 van Wet 94 van 1983, artikel7 van Wet 108 van 1986, artikel32 van Wet van 1988, artikel 34 van Wet 113 van 1993, artikel 34 van Wet 113 van 1993, artikel12 van Wet 140 van 1993, artikel24 van Wet 21 van 1994, artikel29 van Wet 21 van 1995, artikel 21 van Wet 36 van 1996, artikel13 van Wet 46 van 1996, artikel 25 van Wet 28 van 1997, artikel35 van Wet 53 van 1999, artikel39 van Wet 30 van 2000, artikel42 van Wet 59 van 2000, artikel18 van Wet 5 van 2001, artikel 48 van 25 Wet 60 van 2001, artikel25 van Wet 30 van 2002, artikel36 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel 58 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel40 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel 47 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel32 van Wet 20 van 2006, artikel39 van Wet 8 van 2007, artikel 85 van Wet 35 van 2007, artikel32 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel55 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 64B van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig (a) deur in subartikel (I) by die omskrywing van "dividendsiklus" die volgende voorbehoudsbepaling te voeg: ": Met dien verstande dat- (i) 'n dividendsiklus van 'n maatskappy wat begin het en wat nog nie 35 voor die intreedatum omskryf in artikel 640 geeindig het nie, moet geag word op die dag onmiddellik voor daardie intreedatum te geeindig het en moet geag word die finale dividendsiklus van daardie maatskappy te wees; en (ii) waar 'n dividendsiklus van 'n maatskappy op die dag onmiddellik 40 voor die intreedatum omskryf in artikel 640 eindig, moet daardie dividendsikius geag word die finale dividendsiklus van daardie maatskappy te wees"; (b) deur in subartikel OA) paragraaf (b) te skrap; (c) deur in subartikel OA) paragraaf (d) te skrap; 45 (d) deur die voorbehoudsbepaling tot subartikel OA)(d)(ii) te skrap; (e) (f) deur in subartikel (5)(a) die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "dividende uitgekeer deur 'n maatskappy (behalwe 'n maatskappy wat 'n geregistreerde mikrobesigheid soos omskryf in die Sesde Bylae is) 50 waarvan die ontvangstes en toevallings geheel en ai, of sovee! van die ontvangstes en toevallings wat anders as [wat] by wyse van beleggings verkry is, ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 10 van belasting vrygestel is" ; deur in subartikel (5) paragraaf (j) te skrap; 55

2 82 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (g) by the addition to subsection (5) of the following paragraphs: "(k) any dividend declared to a natural person which constitutes a transfer of an interest in a residence contemplated in paragraph 51 of the Eighth Schedule; and (l) any dividend declared by any company that is a registered micro 5 business as defined in the Sixth Schedule during any year of assessment during which such company is a registered micro business, to the extent that such dividend does not exceed the amount of R during such year."; and (h) by the substitution for subsection (13) of the following subsection: 10 "(13) In the determination of the net amount of any dividend declared by a company which carries on long-term insurance business, the amount to be taken into account in terms of subsection (3) in respect of dividends accrued to the company shall be limited [where the company has established or deemed to have established separate funds as 15 contemplated in section 29A,] to dividends accrued on shares constituting an asset in its corporate fund.". (2) Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (I) come into operation on the date on which Part Vlll of Chapter II ofthe Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. (3) Paragraphs (b) and (/) of subsection (I) come into operation on 1 January and apply in respect of any dividend declared on or after that date. (4) Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) comes into operation as from the commencement of years of assessment commencing on or after 1 January (5) Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of any dividend declared on or after that date. 25 (6) Paragraph (g) of subsection (1)- (a) to the extent that it inserts paragraph (k) into section MB(5) is deemed to have come into operation on 11 February 2009 and applies to distributions made on or after that date and before 1 January 2012; and (b) to the extent that it inserts paragraph (l) into section M B(5), is deemed to have 30 come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of any dividend declared on or after that date. Amendment of section 64C of Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 20 of Act 95 of 1967 and amended by section 15 of Act 76 of 1968, section 36 of Act 89 of 1969, section 21 of Act 52 of 1970, section 26 ofact 88 of 1971, section 20 ofact 90 of 1972, 35 section 42 of Act 85 of 1974, section 22 of Act 113 of 1977, section 14 ofact 104 of 1979, section 22 of Act 104 of 1980, section 24 ofact 96 of 1981, section 21 ofact 91 of 1982, section 34 ofact 94 of 1983, section 29 of Act 121 of 1984, section 18 of Act 65 of 1986, section 8 of Act 108 of 1986, section 22 ofact 85 of 1987, section 33 of Act 90 of 1988, section 34 ofact 113 of 1993, section 13 ofact 140 of 1993, section of Act 21 of1994, section 30 of Act 21 of1995, section 22 ofact 36 of1996, section 40 of Act 30 of1998, section 36 of Act 53 of 1999, section 40 ofact 30 of 2000, section 43 of Act 59 of 2000, section 37 ofact 74 of2002, section 38 ofact 12 of 2003, section 59 ofact 45 of2003, section 41 of Act 32 of 2004, section 48 ofact 31 of2005, section 60 of Act 35 of 2007 and section 33 of Act 3 of (1) Section MC of the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- (a) by the addition to subsection (2) of the following proviso: ": Provided that, for purposes of this subsection, in determining whether a person is a shareholder in relation to any company, no regard must be had to any share that is a listed share"; 50 (b) by the substitution in subsection (4)(k) for the words following subparagraph (i) of the following words: "(ii) a connected person in relation to a shareholder if the connected person and the shareholder form part of the same group of companies as the company that is deemed to have declared the 55 dividend[, and] : Provided that if the profits of the company declaring the deemed dividend [is taken into account in the determination of] are reduced as a

3 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGlNGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No, 17,2009 (g) deur die volgende paragrawe by subartikel (5) te voeg: "(k) 'n dividend verklaar aan 'n natuurlike persoon wat On oordrag van 'n belang in 'n woning beoog in paragraaf 51 van die Agtste Bylae uitmaak; en (l),n dividend verklaar deur ' n maatskappy wat ' n geregistreerde mikro- 5 besigheid soos omskryf in die Sesde Bylae is gedurende enige jaar van aanslag waartydens sodanige maatskappy 'n geregistreerde mikrobesigheid is, namate sodanige dividend nie die bedrag van R gedurende sodanige jaar oorskry nie."; en (h) deur subartikel (13) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: 10 "(13) By die vasstelling van die netto bedrag van 'n dividend verklaar deur'n maatskappy wat langtermynversekeringsbesigheid dryf, word die bedrag wat ingevolge subartikel (3) in berekening gebring moet word ten opsigte van dividende toegeval aan die maatskappy beperk [waar die maatskappy afsonderlike fondse gestig het of geag word te gestig het 15 soos beoog in artikel 29A,] tot dividende toegeval op aandele wat 'n bate in sy korporatiewe fonds uitmaak.". (2) Paragrawe (a) en (c) van subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. (3) Paragrawe (b) en (f) van subartikel (1) tree op I lanuarie 2010 in werking en is van 20 toepassing ten opsigte van enige dividend op of na daardie datum verklaar. (4) Paragraaf (d) van subartikel (1) tree in werking vanaf die aanvang van jare van aanslag wat op of na 1 lanuarie 2010 begin. (5) Paragraaf (e) van subartikel (I) word geag op I Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige dividend op of na daardie datum verklaar. 25 (6) Paragraaf (g) van subartikel (1)- (a) namate dit paragraaf(k) in artikeimb(5) invoeg, tree op 11 Februarie 2009 in werking en is van toepassing op uitkerings op of na daardie datum en voor I lanuarie 2:012 gemaak; en (b) namate dit paragraaf (I) in artikel MB(5) invoeg, word geag op 1 Maart in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige dividend op of na daardie datum verklaar. Wysiging van artikel 64C van Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 20 van Wet 95 van 1967 en gewysig deur artikel 15 van Wet 76 van 1968, artikel 36 van Wet 89 van 1969, artikel 21 van Wet 52 van 1970, artikel 26 van Wet 88 van 1971, 35 artikel20 van Wet 90 van 1972, artikel42 van Wet 85 van 1974, artikel22 van Wet 113 van 1977, artikei 14 van Wet 104 van 1979, artikel 22 van Wet 104 van 1980, artikel 24 van Wet 96 van 1981, artikel21 van Wet 91 van 1982, artikel 34 van Wet 94 van 1983, artikei 29 van Wet 121 van 1984, artikei 18 van Wet 65 van 1986, artikel8 van Wet 108 van 1986, artikel22 van Wet85 van 1987, artikel33 van Wet van 1988, artikel34 van Wet 113 van 1993, artikel 13 van Wet 140 van 1993, artikel 25 van Wet 21 van 1994, artikel 30 van Wet 21 van 1995, artikel 22 van Wet 36 van 1996, artikel40 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel36 van Wet 53 van 1999, artikel 40 van Wet 30 van 2000, artikel43 van Wet 59 van 2000, artikel37 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel38 van Wet 12 van 2003, artikel59 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 41 van 45 Wet 32 van 2004, artikel48 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel60 van Wet 35 van 2007 en artikel 33 van Wd 3 van , (1) Artikel Me van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- (a) deur by subartikel (2) die volgende voorbehoudsbepaling te voeg: ": Met dien verstande dat, by die toepassing van hierdie subartikel, by 50 die bepaling of 'n persoon 'n aandeelhouer met betrekking tot 'n maatskappy is, geen ag geslaan word op 'n aandeel wat 'n genoteerde aandeel is nie"; (b) deur in subartikel (4)(k) die woorde wat op subparagraaf (i) volg deur die volgende woorde te vervang: 55 "(ii) 'n verbonde persoon met betrekking tot 'n aandeelhouer indien die verbonde persoon en die aandeelhouer 'n deel uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye as die maatskappy wat geag word die dividend te verklaar het], en] : Met dien verstande dat indien die winste van die maatskappy wat die 60 geagte dividend [in berekening gebring word by die bepaling van] verklaar

4 \\4 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (c) result of the dividend, this paragraph applies only to the extent that the profits of the shareholder or connected person, as the case may be, [to the extent that the company which is deemed to have declared the dividend has reduced its profits as a result of the dividend] are correspondingly increased; and"; and 5 by the substitution in subsection (4) for paragraph (l) of the following paragraph: "(I) to any amount contemplated in subsection (2)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (g) distributed, transferred, released, relieved, paid, settled, used, applied, granted or made available by a company for the benefit of 10 any [controlled group company in relation to that company] other company if- (i) the company (whether alone or together with any other company forming part of the same group of companies as the company) directly or indirectly holds at least 20 per centof the 15 total equity share capital of that other company; and (ii) that other company does not hold any equity shares in the company, or in any company forming partofthe same group of companies as the company.". (2) Subsection (l)(a) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January (3) Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (l) are deemed to have come into operation on 1 October 2007 and apply in respect of an amount distributed, transferred, released, relieved, paid, settled, used, applied, granted or made available on or after that date. Substitution of Part VIII of Chapter II ofact 58 of (1) Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution 25 for Part VIII of the following Part: Definitions "Part VIII Dividends Tax 64D. In this Part- 30 'beneficial owner' means the person entitled to the benefit of the dividend attaching to a share; 'dividend' means any dividend as defined in section 1 that is (a) paid by a company that is a resident; or (b) paid by a company that is not a resident if the share in respect of which 35 that dividend is paid is a listed share; 'dividend cycle' means a dividend cycle as defined in section 64B; 'effective date' means the date on which this Part comes into operation; 'regulated intermediary' means any- (a) central securities depository participant contemplated in section 34 of 40 the Securities Services Act, 2004 (Act No. 36 of 2004); (b) authorised user as defined in section 1 of the Securities Services Act, 2004; (c) approved nominee contemplated in section 36(2) of the Securities Services Act, 2004; 45 (d) nominee that holds investments on behalfofclients as contemplated in section 9.1 of Chapter 1 and section 8 of Chapter II of the Codes of Conduct for Administrative and Discretionary Financial Service Providers, 2003 (Board Notice 79 of 2003) published in Government Gazette No of 8 August 2003; or 50 (e) portfolio of a collective investment scheme in securities; 'STC credit' means an amount determined in terms of section 64J(2).

5 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGJNGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 as gevolg van die dividend verminder word, hierdie paragraaf slegs van toepassing is namate die winste van die aandeelhouer of verbonde persoon, na gelang van die geval, [in die mate wat die maatskappy wat geag word die dividend te verklaar het sy winste as gevolg van die dividend verminder het] ooreenkomstig vermeerder word; en"; en 5 (c) deur in subartikel (4) paragraaf (I) deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "(I) op enige bedrag in subartikel (2)(a), (b). (c), (d) of (g) bedoel uitgekeer, oorgeplaas, onthef, opgehef, betaal, vereffen, gebruik, aangewend, toegestaan of beskikbaar gemaak vir die voordeel van enige [beheerde groepsmaatskappy met betrekking tot daardie IO maatskappy] ander maatskappy indien- (i) die maatskappy (hetsy alleen of tesame met enige ander maatskappy wat dee I uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye as die maatskappy) regstreeks of onregstreeks minstens 20 persent van die totale ekwiteitsaandelekapitaal 15 van daardie ander maatskappy hou; en (ii) daardie ander maatskappy nie ekwiteitsaandele in die maatskappy, of in enige maatskappy wat dee I uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye as die maatskappy, hou nie.". 20 (2) Subartikel (1)(a) word geag op 1 Januarie 2009 in werking te getree het. (3) Paragrawe (b) en (c) van subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Oktober 2007 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van 'n bedrag op of na daardie datum uitgekeer, oorgeplaas, afgelos, opgehef, betaal, vereffen, gebruik, aangewend, toegestaan ofbeskikbaar gemaak. 25 Vervanging van Dee] VIII van Hoofstuk II van Wet 58 van (I) Hoofstuk II van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur Dee! VIII deur die volgende Deel te vervang: Woordomskrywing "Deel VIII Dividendbelasting 30 64D. In hierdie Deel beteken- 'dividend' 'n dividend soos omskryf in artikel 1 wat- (a) betaal word deur 'n maatskappy wat 'n inwoner is; of (b) betaal word deur 'n maatskappy wat nie 'n inwoner is nie indien die 35 aandeel ten opsigte waarvan daardie dividend betaal word 'n genoteerde aandeel is; 'dividendsiklus' 'n dividendsiklus soos in artikel 64B omskryf; 'gereguh~erde tussenganger' 'n- (a) 'central securities depository participant' beoog in artikei 34 van die 40 'Securities Services Act, 2004' (Wet No. 36 van 2004); (b) 'authorised user' soos omskryfin artikell van die 'Securities Services Act, 2004'; (c) 'approved nominee' beoog in artikei36(2) van die 'Securities Services Act, 2004'; 45 (d) genomineerde wat beleggings hou namens kliente soos beoog in artikel 9.1 van Hoofstuk 1 en artikel 8 van Hoofstuk II van die 'Codes of Conduct for Administrative and Discretionary Financial Service Providers, 2003 (Board Notice 79 of 2003) gepubliseer in Staatskoerant No van 8 Augustus 2003; of 50 (e) portefeulje van 'n kollektiewe beleggingskema in effekte; 'intreedatum' die datum waarop hierdie Deel in werking tree; 'SBM krediet' 'n bedrag ingevolge artikel 64J(2) bereken; 'uiteindelik geregtigde' die persoon geregtig op die voordeel van die dividend verbonde aan 'n aandeel. 55

6 &6 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Levy of tax (a) where the company is a listed company, be deemed to be equal to the 10 market value of the asset on the date of approval of the distribution (b) 64E. (1) There must be levied for the benefit of the National Revenue Fund a tax, to be known as the dividends tax, calculated at the rate of 10 per cent of the amount of any dividend paid by a company. (2) For the purposes of this Part, a dividend is deemed to be paid on the date on which it accrues to a shareholder. (3) Where a dividend paid by a company consists of a distribution of an asset in specie, the amount of that dividend must, for the purposes of subsection (1)- by (i) (ii) the directors of the company; or some other person or body of persons with comparable authority conferred under the memorandum and articles of 15 association of the company making the distribution or under a law, rule or regulation to which that company is subject; or where the company is a company other than a listed company, be deemed to be equal to the market value of the asset on the date of distribution as defined in paragraph 74 of the Eighth Schedule. Exemption from tax 64F. A dividend is exempt from the dividends tax if the beneficial owner is- (a) a company which is a resident; (b) the Government, a provincial administration or a municipality; 25 (c) a public benefit organisation approved by the Commissioner in terms of section 30(3); (d) a trust contemplated in section 37A; (e) an institution, board or body contemplated in section 10(1)(cAY; (f) a fund contemplated in section 10(1)(d)(i) or (ii); 30 (g) a person contemplated in section 1O(1)(t); (h) a shareholder in a registered micro business, as defined in the Sixth Schedule, paying that dividend, to the extent that the aggregate amount of dividends paid by that registered micro business to its shareholders during the year of assessment in which that dividend is 35 paid does not exceed the amount of R ; (i) a shareholder that is a natural person and the dividend constitutes a transfer of an interest in a residence contemplated in paragraph 51(2) of the Eighth Schedule; or (j) a person that is not a resident and the dividend is a dividend 40 contemplated in paragraph (b) of the definition of 'dividend' in section 64D. Withholding of dividends tax by companies declaring and paying dividends 64G. (l) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a company that declares and 45 pays a dividend must withhold dividends tax from that payment at a rate of 10 per cent of the amount of that dividend. (2) A company must not withhold any dividends tax from the payment of a dividend contemplated in subsection (l) if- (a) the person to whom the payment is made has- 50 (i) (ii) by a date determined by the company; or if the company did not determine a date as contemplated in subparagraph (i), by the date of payment of the dividend, 5 20

7 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Heffing "an belasting 64E. (I) Daar moet ten bate van die Nasionale Inkomstefonds gehef word 'n belasting, die dividendbelasting genoern, bereken teen die koers van 10 persent van die bed rag van 'n dividend deur 'n maatskappy betaal, (2) By die toepassing van hierdie Deel word 'n dividend geag betaal te 5 word op die datum waarop die dividend aan 'n aandeelhouer toeval. (3) Waar "n dividend betaal deur 'n maatskappy bestaan uit 'n uitkering van 'n hate in specie, moet die bedrag van daardie dividend, by die toepassing van subartikel (1)- (a) waar die maatskappy 'n genoteerde maatskappy is, geag word 10 gelykstaande te wees aan die markwaarde van die bate op die datum van goedkeuring van die uitkering deur- (i ) die direkteure van die maatskappy; of (ii ) 'n ander persoon of liggaam van persone met vergelykbare gesag wat verleen is kragtens die akte van oprigting en statute 15 van die maatskappy wat die uitkering maak ofkragtens 'n wet, reel of regulasie waaraan daardie maatskappy onderhewig is; of (b) waar die maatskappy 'n ander maatskappy as 'n genoteerde maatskappy is, geag word ge1ykstaande te wees aan die markwaarde 20 van die bate op die datum van die uitkering soos in paragraaf 74 van die Agtste Bylae omskryf. Vrystelling van belasting 64F. 'n Dividend word van die dividendbelasting vrygestel indien die uiteindelik geregtigde- 25 (a) 'n maatskappy is wat 'n inwoner is; (b) die Regering, 'n provinsiale administrasie of'n munisipaliteit is; (c),n openbare weldaadsorganisasie is wat ingevolge artikel 30(3) deur die Kommissaris goedgekeur is; (d) 'n trust beoog in artikel 37A is; 30 (e) 'n instelling, raad ofliggaam beoog in artikello(i)(ca) is; if) 'n fonds beoog in artikel 1O(I)(d)(i) of (ii) is; (g),n persoon beoog in artikel 10(1)(t) is; (h) 'n aandeelhouer is in 'n geregistreerde mikrobesigheid, soos omskryf in die Sesde Bylae, wat daardie dividend betaal, namate die totale 35 bedrag van dividende deur daardie geregistreerde mikrobesigheid aan sy aandeelhouers gedurende die jaar van aanslag waartydens daardie dividend betaal word, nie die bedrag van R oorskry nie; (i), n aandeelhouer is wat ' n natuurlike persoon is en die dividend ' n oordrag uitmaak van 'n belang in 'n woning beoog in paragraaf 51 (2) 40 van die Agtste Bylae; of (j) 'n persoon is wat nie 'n inwoner is nie en die dividend 'n dividend beoog in paragraaf (b) van die omskrywing van 'dividend' in artikel MD is. Terughouding van dividendbelasting deur maatskappye wat dividende 45 verklaar en betaal 64G. (I) Behoudens subartikels (2) en (3) moet 'n maatskappy wat 'n dividend verklaar en betaal dividendbelasting terughou van daardie betaling teen 'n koers van 10 persent van die bedrag van daardie dividend. (2) 'n Maatskappy moet nie enige dividendbelasting van die betaling van 50 'n dividend beoog in subartikel (I) terughou nie indien- (a) die persoon aan wie die betaling gemaak word- (i ) teen 'n datum bepaal deur die maatskappy; of (ii) indien die maatskappy nie 'n datum bepaal het soos beoog in subparagraaf (i) nie, teen die datum van betaling van die 55 dividend,

8 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 submitted to the company a declaration by the beneficial owner in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner that the dividend is exempt from the dividends tax in terms of section 64F; (b) the beneficial owner forms part of the same group of companies, as defined in section 41, as the company that paid the dividend; or 5 (c) the payment is made to a regulated intermediary. (3) A company must withhold dividends tax from the payment of a dividend contemplated in subsection (1) at a reduced rate if the person to whom the payment is made has- (a) by a date determined by the company; or 10 (b) if the company did not determine a date as contemplated in paragraph (a), by the date of payment of the dividend, submitted to the company a declaration by the beneficial owner in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner that the dividend is subject to that reduced rate as a result of the application of an agreement for the 15 avoidance of double taxation. Withholding of dividends tax by regulated intermediaries 64". (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a regulated intermediary that pays a dividend that was declared by any other person must withhold dividends tax from that payment at a rate of 10 per cent of the amount of 20 that dividend. (2) A regulated intermediary must not withhold any dividends tax from the payment of a dividend contemplated in subsection (1) if- (a) the person to whom the payment is made has- (i) by a date determined by the regulated intermediary; or 25 (ii) if the regulated intermediary did not determine a date as contemplated in subparagraph (i), by the date of payment of the dividend, submitted to the regulated intermediary a written declaration by the beneficial owner in such form as the Commissioner may prescribe that 30 the dividend is exempt from the dividends tax in terms of section 64F; or (b) the payment is made to another regulated intermediary. (3) A regulated intermediary must withhold dividends tax from the payment of a dividend contemplated in subsection (1) at a reduced rate if 35 the person to whom the payment is made has- (a) by a date determined by the regulated intermediary; or (b) if the regulated intermediary did not determine a date, by the date of payment of the dividend, submitted to the regulated intermediary a declaration by the beneficial 40 owner in such form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner that the dividend is subject to that reduced rate as a result of the application of an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation. Withholding of dividends tax by insurers 641. If a dividend is paid to an insurer as defined in section 29A, the 45 insurer must be deemed to be a regulated intermediary and the dividend must, to the extent that the dividend is allocated to a fund contemplated in section 29A(4)(b), be deemed to be paid to a natural person that is a resident by the regulated intermediary on the date that the dividend is paid to the insurer. 50 STC credit 64J. (I) A dividend paid by a company is not subject to the dividends tax to the extent that- \ (a) the dividend does not exceed the STC credit of the company; and

9 STAATS KOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No, WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 aan die maatskappy 'n verklaring voorgele het deur die uiteindelik geregtigde in die vorm deur die Kommissaris voorgeskryf dat die dividend ingevolge artikel 64F van die dividendbelasting vrygestel is; (b) die uiteindelik geregtigde deel uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye, soos omskryf in artikel 41, as die maatskappy wat die 5 dividend betaal; of (c) die betaling aan 'n gereguleerde tussenganger gemaak word, (3) 'n Maatskappy moet dividendbelasting van die betaling van 'n dividend beoog in subartikel (1) teen 'n verminderde koers terughou indien die persoon aan wie die betaling gemaak word- 10 (a) teen'n datum deur die maatskappy bepaal; of (b) indien die maatskappy nie 'n datum bepaal het soos beoog in paragraaf (a) nie, teen die datum van betaling van die dividend, aan die maatskappy 'n verklaring voorgele het deur die uiteindelik geregtigde in die vorm deur die Kommissaris voorgeskryf dat die dividend 15 as gevolg van die toepassing van 'n ooreenkoms vir die voorkoming van dubbele belasting aan daardie verminderde koers onderhewig is. Terughouding van dividendbelasting deur gereguleerde tussengangers 64H. (I) Behoudens subartikels (2) en (3) moet 'n gereguleerde tussenganger wat 'n dividend betaal wat deur 'n ander persoon verklaar is 20 dividendbelasting teen 'n koers van 10 persent van die bedrag van daardie dividend van daardie betaling terughou. (2) 'n Gereguleerde tussenganger moet nie dividendbelasting van die betaling van 'n dividend beoog in subartikel (1) terughou nie indien- (a) die persoon aan wie die betaling gemaak word- 25 (i) (ii) teen 'n datum bepaal deur die gereguleerde tussenganger; of indien die gereguleerde tussenganger nie 'n datum bepaal het soos beoog in subparagraaf (i) nie, teen die datum van betaling van die dividend, aan die gereguleerde tussenganger 'n skriftelike verklaring voorgele 30 het deur die uiteindelik geregtigde in die vorm wat die Kommissaris voorskryf dat die dividend ingevolge artikel 64F van die dividendbelasting vrygestel is; of (b) die betaling aan 'n ander gereguleerde tussenganger gemaak word. (3) 'n Gereguleerde tussenganger moet dividendbelasting teen 'n 35 verminderde koers van die betaling van 'n dividend beoog in subartikel (1) terughou indien die persoon aan wie die betaling gemaak word- (a) teen'n datum bepaal deur die gereguleerde tussenganger; of (b) indien die gereguleerde tussenganger nie'n datum bepaal het nie, teen die datum van betaling van die dividend, 40 aan die gereguleerde tussenganger 'n verklaring voorgele het deur die uiteindelik geregtigde in die vorm wat die Kommissaris voorskryf dat die dividend as gevolg van die toepassing van 'n ooreenkoms vir die vermyding van dubbele belasting aan daardie verminderde koers onderhewig is. 45 Terughouding van dividendbelasting deur versekeraars 641. Indien 'n dividend betaal word aan 'n versekeraar soos omskryf in artikel 29A, moet die versekeraar geag word 'n gereguleerde tussenganger te wees en moet die dividend, namate die dividend toegeken word aan 'n fonds beoog in artikel 29A(4)(b), geag word betaal te word aan 'n 50 natuurlike persoon wat 'n inwoner is deur die gereguleerde tussenganger op die datum waarop die dividend aan die versekeraar betaal word. 8BM krediet 64J. (1) 'n Dividend betaal deur 'n maatskappy is nie aan die dividendhelasting onderhewig nie namate- 55 (a) die dividend nie die SBM krediet van die maatskappy oorskry nie; en

10 90 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT (b) the company has by the date of payment notified the person to whom the dividend is paid of the amount by which the dividend reduces the STC credit of the company. (2) The STC credit of a company is an amount equal to the sum of- (a) the amount by which the dividends accrued to that company during the 5 dividend cycle ending on the day immediately before the effective date and the dividends which are deemed in terms of section MB to have accrued to that company during that dividend cycle exceed the dividends declared on that day by that company; and (b) the dividends accrued to that company to the extent that the person 10 paying the dividend submits prior written notice to the company of the amount by which the dividend reduces the STC credit of that person or any other person on behalf of whom the dividend is paid by that person, reduced by the dividends declared and paid by the company to the extent 15 that the dividends are paid by the company on or after the effective date. (3) For purposes of subsections (l)(b) and (2)(b), the amount by which the STC credit of a company or person is reduced is deemed to be equal to an amount which bears to the dividend paid by that company or person to the person or company contemplated in those subsections the same ratio as 20 the amount by which the STC credit of that company or person is reduced as a result of the payment of that dividend to all shareholders bears to the total dividend paid to all shareholders. (4) In the determination of the STC credit of a company that is an insurer as defined in section 29A, the amount to be taken into account in terms of 25 subsection (2)(b) in respect of dividends accrued to that company must be limited to dividends accrued on shares constituting an asset in the corporate fund of the company. (5) The STC credit of a company or person on or after the fifth anniversary of the effective date is deemed to be nil. 30 Payment and recovery of tax 64K. (1) A beneficial owner is liable for the dividends tax and must pay the tax by the last day of the month following the month during which the dividend is paid by the company that declared the dividend, unless the tax has been paid by any other person. 35 (2) (a) Any person that withholds any dividends tax in terms of this Part must pay the tax to the Commissioner by the last day of the month following the month during which the dividend is paid by the company that declared the dividend. (b) The amount of tax that must be paid to the Commissioner may be 40 reduced by any amount refundable in terms of section 64L or 64M. (3) Any person that fails to withhold tax as required in terms of this Part or withholds tax but fails to pay the tax to the Commissioner as required by this Part is liable for the payment of the tax as if it were tax due by that person in terms of this Act, unless the tax is paid by any other person. 45 (4) Where a person has, in terms of section MG(3) or 64H(3), withheld dividends tax in accordance with a reduced rate in respect ofthe payment of any dividend, the person must submit to the Commissioner any declara tion- (i) submitted to the person by or on behalf of a beneficial owner; and 50 (ii) relied upon by the person in determining the amount of dividends tax so withheld, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Commissioner.

11 STAATS KOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE. 200l) Wet No. 17,2009 (b) die maatskappy teen die datum van betaling die persoon aan wie die dividend betaal word in kennis gestel het van die bedrag waarmee die dividend die SBM krediet van die maatskappy verminder. (2) Die SBM krediet van On maatskappy is 'n bcdrag gelykstaande aan die som van- 5 (a) die bedrag waarmee die dividende wat aan daardie maatskappy toeval gedurende die dividendsiklus wat eindig op die dag onmiddellik voor die intreedatum en die dividende wat ingevolge artikel 64B geag word gedurende daardie dividendsiklus aan daardie maatskappy toe te geval het die dividende wat op daardie dag deur daardie 10 maatskappy verklaar word, oorskry; en (b) die dividende wat aan daardie maatskappy toeval namate die persoon wat die dividend betaal vooraf skriftelike kennisgewing aan die maatskappy voorle van die bedrag waarmee die dividend die SBM krediet verminder van daardie persoon of enige ander persoon 15 namens wie die dividend deur daardie persoon betaal word, verminder mel die dividende verklaar en betaal deur die maatskappy namate die dividende op of na die intreedatum deur die maatskappy betaal word. (3) By die toepassing van subartikels (l)(b) en (2)(b) word die bedrag 20 waardeur die SBM krediet van 'n maatskappy of persoon verminder word, geag gelykstaande te wees aan 'n bedrag wat tot die dividend betaal deur daardie maatskappy of persoon aan die persoon of maatskappy beoog in daardie subartikels in dieselfde verhouding staan as wat die bedrag waardeur die SBM krediet van daardie maatskappy of persoon as gevolg 25 van die betaling van daardie dividend aan aile aandeelhouers verminder word, staan tot die totale dividend aan aile aandeelhouers betaal. (4) By die berekening van die SBM krediet van 'n maatskappy wat 'n versekeraar soos omskryf in artikel 29A is, moct die bedrag ingevolge subartikel (2)(b) in rekening gebring te word ten opsigte van dividende aan 30 daardie maatskappy toegeval, beperk word tot dividende toegeval op aandele wat 'n bate in die korporatiewe fonds van die maatskappy uitmaak. (5) Die SBM krediet van 'n maatskappy of persoon op of na die vyfde verjaardag van die intreedatum word geag nul te wees. 35 Betaling en invordering van belasting 64K. (I) 'n Uiteindelik geregtigde is aanspreeklik vir die dividendbelasting en moet die belasting betaal teen die laaste dag van die maand wat volg op die maand waartydens die dividend betaal word deur die maatskappy wat die dividend verklaar, tensy die belasting deur enige ander 40 persoon betaal is. (2) (a) 'n Persoon wat dividendbelasting ingevolge hierdie Deel terughou, moet die belasting aan die Kommissaris betaal teen die laaste dag van die maand wat volg op die maand waartydens die dividend betaal word deur die maatskappy wat die dividend verklaar het. 45 (b) Die bedrag van belasting wat aan die Kommissaris betaal moet word, kan verminder word deur 'n bedrag wat ingevolge artikel 64L of 64M terugbetaalbaar is. (3) 'n Persoon wat versuim om belasting terug te hou soos ingevolge hierdie Deel vereis of wat belasting terughou maar versuim om die 50 belasting aan die Kommissaris te betaal soos deur hierdie Deel vereis, is aanspreeklik vir die betaling van die belasting asof dit belasting is wat deur daardie persoon ingevolge hierdie Wet verskuldig is, tensy die belasting deur enige ander persoon betaal word. (4) Waar 'n persoon ingevolge artikel 64G(3) of 64H(3) dividend- 55 belasting teruggehou het ooreenkomstig 'n verminderde koers ten opsigte van die betaling van 'n dividend, moet die persoon aan die Kommissaris voorle enige verklaring- (i) aan die persoon voorgele deur of namens 'n uiteindelik geregtigde; en (ii) waarop die persoon staatgemaak het by die berekening van die bedrag 60 van dividendbelasting aldus teruggehou, op die tyd en wyse deur die Kommissaris voorgeskryf.

12 92 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (5) If the Commissioner is satisfied that any dividends tax has not been paid in full, he or she may estimate the unpaid amount and issue to the person by whom the tax is due a notice ofassessment of the unpaid amount. (6) If a person fails to pay any dividends tax within the required period, interest must be paid by that person on the balance of the tax outstanding at 5 the prescribed rate reckoned from the end of that period. (7) The provisions of this Act relating to assessment and recovery of tax and administrative penalties in the event of default or omission apply, with the changes required by the context, in respect of the dividends tax. (8) Every person that controls or is regularly involved in the management 10 of the overall financial affairs of an unlisted company as defined in section 41 that is liable to withhold tax and that is a shareholder or director of that company is personallyliable for the dividends tax, additionaltax, penalty or interest for which that company or intermediary is liable. Refund of tax in respect of dividends declared and paid by companies 15 64L. (I) If- (a) an amount is withheld by a company from the payment of a dividend in terms of section 640(1); (b) a declaration contemplated in subsection (2)(a) or (3) of that section in respect of that dividend is not submitted to the company by the date 20 contemplated in the relevant subsection; and (c) a declaration contemplated in section 640(2)(a) or (3) is submitted to the company within three years after the payment of the dividend in respect of which it is made, so much of that amount as would not have been withheld had that 25 declaration been submitted by the date contemplated in the relevant subsection is refundable to the person to whom the dividend was paid. (2) Any amount that is refundable in terms of subsection (I) must be refunded by the company that withheld that amount to the person to whom the dividend was paid- 30 (a) from any amount of dividends tax withheld by that company within a period of one year after the submission of the declaration contemplated in subsection (I)(c); or (b) to the extent that the amount that is refundable exceeds the amount of dividends tax withheld as contemplated in paragraph (a), from an 35 amount recovered by the company from the Commissioner in terms of subsection (3). (3) Subject to subsection (4), if any amount is refundable to any person by a company in terms of subsection (I) and that amount exceeds the amount of dividends tax withheld as contemplated in subsection (2)(a), the 40 company contemplated in subsection (2) may recover the excess from the Commissioner. (4) No amount may be recovered in terms of subsection (3) if the company submits the claim for recovery to the Commissioner after the expiry of a period of four years reckoned from the date of the payment 45 contemplated in subsection (1)(a). Refund of tax in respect of dividends paid by regulated intermediaries 64M. (I) If- (a) an amount is withheld by a regulated intermediary from the payment of a dividend in terms of section 64H(l); 50

13 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 (5) Indien die Komrnissaris tevrede is dat enige dividendbelasting nie ten volle betaal is nie, kan hy of sy die onbetaalde bedrag raam en aan die persoon cleur wie die belasting verskuldig is 'n kennisgewing van aanslag van die onbetaalde bedrag uitreik, (6) Indien 'n persoon versuim am enige dividendbelasting binne die 5 vereiste tydperk te betaal, moet rente deur daardie persoon betaal word op die balans van die uitstaande belasting teen die voorgeskrewe koers bereken vanaf die einde van daardie tydperk. (7) Die bepalings van hierdie Wet met betrekking tot aanslae en invordering van belasting en administratiewe boetes in die geval van 10 versuim of nalating is, met die veranderings deur die samehang vereis, ten opsigte van die dividendbelasting van toepassing. (8) Elke persoon wat in beheer is van of gereeld betrokke is by die bestuur van die oorhoofse finansiele sake van 'n ongenoteerde maatskappy soos omskryf in artikel 41 wat vir die terughouding van belasting 15 aanspreeklik is en wat 'n aandeelhouer ofdirekteur van daardie maatskappy is, is persoonlik aanspreeklik vir die dividendbelasting, addisionele belasting, boete of rente waarvoor daardie maatskappy of tussenganger aanspreeklik is. Terugbetaling van belasting ten opsigte van dividende verklaar en 20 betaal deur maatskappye 64L. (I) Indien- (a) 'n bedrag deur :n maatskappy teruggehou word van die betaling van'n dividend ingevolge artikel 64G(1); (b) 'n verklaring beoog in subartikel (2)(a) of (3) van daardie artikel ten 25 opsigte van daardie dividend nie aan die maatskappy voorgele word teen die datum beoog in die betrokke subartikel nie; en (c) 'n verklaring beoog in artikel 64G(2)(a) of (3) aan die maatskappy voorgele word binne drie jaar na die betaling van die dividend ten opsigte waarvan dit gemaak word, 30 is soveel van daardie bedrag as wat nie teruggehou sou gewees het nie indien daardie verklaring voorgele is teen die datum beoog in die betrokke subartikel terugbetaalbaar aan die persoon aan wie die dividend betaal is, (2). n Bedrag wat ingevolge subartikel (1) terugbetaalbaar is, moet terugbetaal word deur die maatskappy wat daardie bedrag teruggehou het 35 aan die persoon aan wie die dividend betaal is- (a) uit 'n bedrag van dividendbelasting teruggehou deur daardie maatskappy binne 'n tydperk van een jaar na die voorlegging van die verklaring beoog in subartikel (I)(c); of (b) namate die bedrag wat terugbetaalbaar is die bedrag van dividend- 40 belasting teruggehou soos beoog in paragraaf (a) oorskry, uit 'n bedrag ingevolge subartikel (3) deur die maatskappy van die Kommissaris verhaal. (3) Ondanks subartikel (4), indien 'n bedrag ingevolge subartikel (1) aan 'n persoon deur 'n maatskappy terugbetaalbaar is en daardie bedrag die 45 bedrag van dividendbelasting teruggehou soos beoog in subartikel (2)( a) oorskry, kan die maatskappy beoog in subartikel (2) die oorskot van die Kommissaris verhaal. (4) Geen bedrag mag ingevolge subartikel (3) verhaal word nie indien die maatskappy die eis vir verhaal aan die Kommissaris voorle na die 50 verstryking van 'n tydperk van vier jaar gereken vanaf die datum van die betaling in subartikel (1)( a) beoog. Terugbetaling van belasting ten opsigte van dividende betaal deur gereguleerde tussengangers 64M. ( I ) Indien- 55 (a) "n beclrag deur 'n gereguleerde tussenganger teruggehou word van die betaling van' n dividend ingevolge artikel 64H( J);

14 94 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (b) (c) a declaration contemplatedin subsection (2)(a) or (3) of that section in respect of that dividend is not submitted to the regulated intermediary by the date contemplated in the relevant subsection; and a declaration contemplated in section MH(2)(a) or (3) is submitted to the regulated intermediary within three years after the payment of the 5 dividend in respect of which it is made, so much of that amount as would not have been withheld had that declaration been submitted by the date contemplated in the relevant subsection is refundable to the person to whom the dividend was paid. (2) Any amount that is refundable in terms of subsection (l) must be 10 refunded by the regulated intermediary contemplated in subsection (1)(a) from any amount of dividends tax withheld by the regulated intermediary after the submission of the declaration as contemplated in subsection (1)(c). Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on dividends 64N. (1) A rebate determined in accordance with this section must be 15 deducted from the dividends tax payable in respect of a dividend contemplated in paragraph (b) of the definition of 'dividend' in section MD. (2) The amount of the rebate contemplated in subsection (1) is equal to the amount of any tax paid to any sphere of government of any country 20 other than the Republic, without any right of recovery by any person, on a dividend contemplated in subsection (1). (3) The amount of the rebate contemplated in subsection (2) must not exceed the amount of the dividends tax imposed in respect of the dividend contemplated in subsection (1). 25 (4) For the purposes of this section, the amount of any tax paid as contemplated in subsection (2) must be translated to the currency of the Republic by applying the exchange rate used to convert the amount of the dividend in respect of which that tax is paid to the currency of the Republic.". 30 (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on a date determined by the Minister of Finance by notice in the Gazette, which date must be at least three months after the date of the notice, and applies in respect of any dividend paid on or after that date. Insertion of Part IX in Chapter II ofact 58 of (1) ChapterII of the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the insertion of the 35 following Part after Part VIII: "Part IX Definitions Value Extraction Tax 640. In this Part- 40 'financial assistance' means any loan or advance; 'market-related interest', in relation to financial assistance provided by a company, means the amount of interest that would be payable to that company on the amount owing to that company in respect of that financial assistance for a period during a year of assessment if the financial assistance 45 had been provided for that period at a market-related rate; 'market-related rate', in relation to financial assistance provided by a company for a period during a year of assessment, means-

15 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE. 200'1 Wet No. 17,2009 (b) (e) 'n verklaring beoog in subartikel (2)(a) of (3) van daardie artikel ten opsigte van daardie dividend nie aan die gereguleerde tussenganger voorgele word teen die datum beoog in die betrokke subartikel nie; en 'n verklaring beoog in artikel MH(2)(a) of (3) aan die gereguleerde tussenganger voorgele word binne drie jaar na die betaling van die 5 dividend ten opsigte waarvan dit gemaak word, is soveel van daardie bedrag as wat nie teruggehou sou gewees het nie indien daardie verklaring voorgele is teen die datum beoog in die betrokke subartikel terugbetaalbaar aan die persoon aan wie die dividend betaal is. (2),n Bedrag wat ingevolge subartikel (I) terugbetaalbaar is, moet deur IO die gereguleerde tussenganger beoog in subartikel (1)(a) terugbetaal word uit 'n bedrag van dividendbelasting deur die gereguleerde tussenganger teruggehou na die voorlegging van die verklaring soos beoog in subartikel (I)(e). Korting ten opsigte van buitelandse belastings op dividende 15 64N. (1) 'n Korting bereken ooreenkomstig hierdie artikel moet afgetrek word van die dividendbelasting betaalbaar ten opsigte van 'n dividend beoog in paragraaf (b) van die omskrywing van 'dividend' in artikel MD. (2) Die bedrag van die korting beoog in subartikel (I) is gelykstaande aan die bedrag van 'n belasting betaal aan 'n regeringsfeer van 'n ander land as 20 die Republiek, sonder 'n reg van verhaal deur enige persoon, op 'n dividend beoog in subartikel (I). (3) Die bedrag van die korting beoog in subartikel (2) moet nie die bedrag van die dividendbelasting gehef ten opsigte van die dividend beoog in subartikel (1) oorskry nie. 25 (4) By die toepassing van hierdie artikel moet die bedrag van 'n belasting betaal soos beoog in subartikel (2) omgereken word na die geldeenheid van die Republiek deur die wisselkoers toe te pas wat gebruik is om die bedrag van die dividend ten opsigte waarvan daardie belasting betaal is na die geldeenheid van die Republiek om te skakel.". 30 (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op 'n datum deur die Minister van Finansies by kennisgewing in die Staatskoerant bepaal, welke datum minstens drie maande na die datum van die kennisgewing moet wees, en is van toepassing ten opsigte van 'n dividend op of na daardie datum betaal. Invoeging van Deel IX in Hoofstuk II van Wet 58 van (1) Hoofstuk II van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende Deel na Deel VIII in te voeg: "Deel IX Woordomskrywing Belasting op waarde-onttrekking In hierdie Deel beteken- 'aandeelaansporingskema' 'n skema ingevolge waarvan nie meer nie as 20 persent van die ekwiteitsaandelekapitaal van 'n maatskappy- (a) deur die direkteure en voltydse werknemers van- (i) daardie maatskappy; of 45 (ii) 'n verwante inrigting, SODS omskryf in paragraaf 1 van die Sewende Bylae, met betrekking tot daardie maatskappy, gehou word ingevolge 'n aandeelaansporingskema tot hul eie voordeel bedryf; (b) deur 'n trustee tot voordeel van daardie direkteure en werknemers 50 ingevolge'n skema bedoel in artikei38(2)(b) van die Maatskappywet, 1973 (Wet No. 61 van 1973), gehou word; of (e) gesarnentlik deur daardie direkteure en werknemers en daardie trustee gehou word; 'finansiele bystand' 'n lening of voorskot; 55

16 96 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (a) (b) where the financial assistance is provided to a natural person or a trust, the average of the official rate of interest, as defined in paragraph I of the Seventh Schedule, for that period; or where the financial assistance is provided to a person other than a natural person or a trust- 5 (i) in the case offinancial assistance that is denominated in rands, a rate of interest equal to the average of the South African repurchase rate plus 100 basis points for the period; or (ii) in the case of financial assistance that is denominated in any currency other than rands, a rate of interest equal to the average 10 of the equivalent of the South African repurchase rate applicable in that currency plus 100 basis points for the period; 'share incentivescheme' means a scheme in terms of which not more than 20 per cent of the equity share capital of a company is- (a) held by the directors and full-time employees of- 15 (i) (ii) that company; or an associated institution, as defined in paragraph 1 of the Seventh Schedule, in relation to that company, in terms of a share incentive scheme carried on for their own benefit; (b) held by a trusteefor the benefit of those directors and employees under 20 a scheme referred to in section 38(2)(b) of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973); or (c) held collectively by those directors and employees and that trustee; 'value extraction' means an amount determined in terms of section 64P(4). 25 Levy of tax 64P. (1) There must be levied for the benefit of the National Revenue Fund a tax, to be known as the value extraction tax, calculated at the rate of 10 per cent of the amount of any value extraction effected by a company that is a resident. 30 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a company must be deemed to have effected a value extraction if the company- (a) provides any financial assistance during a year of assessment of the company to a person that is a connected person in relation to the company; 35 (b) releases or relieves any connected person in relation to the company from any obligation measurable in money which is owed to the company; (c) pays or settles any debt owed to any third party by a connected person in relation to the company to the extent that the amount ofthe debt that 40 is paid or settled is not repayable to the company by the connected person; or (d) ceases to be a resident. (3) A value extraction that is deemed to have been effected in terms of subsection (2) is, in the case of- 45 (a) financial assistance contemplated in paragraph (a) of that subsection, deemed to have been effected in favour of the connected person contemplated in that paragraph; (b) a release or relief contemplated in paragraph (b) of that subsection, deemed to have been effected in favour of the connected person 50 contemplated in that paragraph; (c) a payment or settlement contemplated in paragraph (c) of that subsection, deemed to have been effected in favour of the connected person contemplated in that paragraph; or (d) a company ceasing to be a resident as contemplated in paragraph (d) of 55 that subsection, deemed to have been effected in favour of a person that is not a resident and is not a shareholder in that company. (4) The amount of the value extraction that is deemed to have been effected in terms of subsection (2) is, in the case of- (a) financial assistance contemplated in paragraph (a) of that subsection, 60 the greater of-

17 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 'markverwante koers', met betrekking tot finansiele bystand deur 'n maatskappy vir "n tydperk gedurende 'n jaar van aanslag voorsien- (a) waar die finansiele bystand aan 'n natuurlike persoon of 'n trust voorsien word, die gemiddelde van die amptelike rentekoers, soas omskryf in paragraaf 1 van die Sewende Bylae, vir daardie tydperk; of 5 (b) waar die finansiele bystand aan 'n ander persoon as 'n natuurlike persoon of ' n trust voorsien word- (i) in die geval van finansiele bystand wat in rand gedenomineer word, 'n rentekoers gelykstaande aan die gemiddelde van die Suid-Afrikaanse heraankoopkoers plus 100 basispunte vir die 10 tydperk; of (ii) in die geval van finansiele bystand wat in 'n ander geldeenheid as rand gedenomineer word, 'n rentekoers gelykstaande aan die gemiddelde van die ekwivalent van die Suid-Afrikaanse heraankoopkoers toepaslik in daardie geldeenheid plus basispunte vir die tydperk; 'markverwante rente', met betrekking tot finansiele bystand deur 'n maatskappy voorsien, 'n bedrag van rente wat aan daardie maatskappy betaalbaar sou wees op die bedrag wat aan daardie maatskappy ten opsigte van daardie finansiele bystand vir 'n tydperk gedurende 'njaar van aanslag 20 verskuldig is indien die finansiele bystand vir daardie tydperk teen 'n markverwante koers voorsien sou gewees het; 'waarde-onttrekking' 'n bedrag ingevolge artikel 64P(4) bereken. Heffing van belasting 64P. (I) Daar moet gehef word tot voordeel van die Nasionale 25 Inkomstefonds 'n belasting, bekend as die belasting op waarde-onttrekking, bereken teen die koers van 10 persent van die bedrag van 'n waardeonttrekking verrig deur 'n maatskappy wat 'n inwoner is. (2) By die toepassing van subartikel (1) word 'n maatskappy geag 'n waarde-onttrekking te verrig het indien die maatskappy- 30 (a) enige finansiele bystand voorsien gedurende 'n jaar van aanslag van die maatskappy aan 'n persoon wat 'n verwante persoon met betrekking tot die maatskappy is; (b) 'n verpligting meetbaar in geld wat aan die maatskappy verskuldig is deur 'n verwante persoon met betrekking tot die maatskappy 35 verrninder of aflos; (c) 'n skuld verskuldig aan 'n derde party deur "n verwante persoon met betrekking tot die maatskappy betaal of vereffen namate die bedrag van die skuld wat betaal of vereffen word nie aan die maatskappy deur die verwante persoon terugbetaalbaar is nie; of 40 (d) ophou om 'n inwoner te wees. (3) 'n Waarde-onttrekking wat ingevolge subartikel (2) geag word verrig te gewees het, word, in die geval van- (a) finansiele bystand beoog in paragraaf (a) van daardie subartikel, geag verrig te gewees het ten gunste van die verwante persoon beoog in 45 daardie paragraaf; (b) 'n vermindering of aflossing beoog in paragraaf (b) van daardie subartikel, geag verrig te gewees het ten gunste van die verwante pcrsoon beoog in daardie paragraaf; (c) 'n betaling of vereffening beoog in paragraaf (c) van daardie 50 subartikel, geag verrig te gewees het ten gunste van die verwante persoon beoog in daardie paragraaf; of (d) 'n maatskappy wat ophou om 'n inwoner te wees soos beoog in paragraaf (d) van daardie subartikel, geag verrig te gewees het ten gunste van 'n persoon wat nie 'n inwoner is nie en nie 'n aandeelhouer 55 in daardie maatskappy is nie. (4) Die bedrag van die waarde-onttrekking wat ingevolge subartikel (2) geag word verrig Ie gewees het, is, in die geval van- (a) finansiele bystand beoog in paragraaf (a) van daardie subartikel, die groolste van- 60

18 9\\ No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENTACT, 2009 (b) (c) (d) (i) the market-related interest in respect of that financial assistance, less the amount of interest that is payable to that company on the amount owing to that company in respect of that financial assistance for that year of assessment; or (ii) nil; 5 a release or relief from an obligation contemplated in paragraph (b) of that subsection, the amount of the obligation in respect of which the release or relief applies; a payment or settlement ofa debt contemplated in paragraph (c) of that subsection, the amount of the debt to the extent that it is not repayable 10 as contemplated in that paragraph; or a company ceasing to be a resident as contemplated in paragraph (d) of that subsection, an amount equal to the market value of all the assets of that company on the date immediately before the day on which the company ceases to be a resident less- 15 (i) (ii) the liabilities of that company as at that date; and the sum of the contributed tax capital of all the classes of shares of the company as at that date, less any amount thereof that constitutes a dividend in terms ofthe definition of 'dividend' in section MD, 20 (5) Where a company is deemed to have effected a value extraction in terms of subsection (2), that value extraction must, in the case of- (a) (b) financial assistance contemplated in paragraph (a) of that subsection, be deemed to have been effected by the company on the last day ofthe year of assessment of the company during which the financial 25 assistance is provided by the company; a release or relief contemplated in paragraph (b) of that subsection, be deemedto have been effected by the company on the date on which the release or relief takes place; (c) a payment or settlement contemplated in paragraph (c) of that 30 subsection, be deemed to have been effected by the company on the date on which the payment or settlement takes place; and (d) a company ceasing to be a resident as contemplated in paragraph (d) of that subsection, be deemed to have been effected by the company on the date immediately before the day on which the company ceases to 35 be a resident. Exemptions from value extraction tax 64Q. (1) The amount of a value extraction is deemed to be nil to the extent that the value extraction is effected in favour of a person that is- (a) a company which is a resident; 40 (b) the Government, a provincial administration or a municipality; (c) a public benefit organisation approved by the Commissioner in terms of section 30(3); (d) a trust contemplated in section 37A; (e) an institution, board or body contemplated in section 10(1)(cA); 45 (f) a fund contemplated in section 10(1)(d)(i) or (ii); or (g) a person contemplated in section 1O(1)(t). (2) Notwithstanding section MP(2)(a), where a company has provided financial assistance as contemplated in that paragraph, the provision ofthat financial assistance must not be deemed to be a value extraction to the 50 extent that- (a) the financial assistance is provided for the purpose of the provision of goods, services or rights in the ordinary course of trade of the business carried on by the company; (b) that company carries on business as a money lender and the provision 55 of the financial assistance arises in the ordinary course of business of the company; or

19 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17, 2009 (b) (i) die markverwante rente ten opsigte van daardie finansiele bystand, verminder met die bedrag van rente wat aan daardie maatskappy betaalbaar is op die bedrag aan daardie maatskappy verskuldig ten opsigte van daardie finansiele bystand vir daardie jaar van aanslag; of 5 (ii) nul; 'n verrnindering ofaflossing van 'n verpligting beoog in paragraaf(b) van daardie subartikel, die bedrag van die verpligting ten opsigte waarvan die vermindering of aflossing van toepassing is; (c) 'n betaling of vereffening van 'n skuld beoog in paragraaf (c) van 10 daardie subartikel, die bedrag van die skuld namate dit nie terugbetaalbaar is nie soos beoog in daardie paragraaf; of (d) (i) (iii) die laste van daardie maatskappy soos op daardie datum; en die som van die toegevoegde belastingkapitaal van al die klasse aandele van die maatskappy soos op daardie datum, 20 verminder met 'n bedrag daarvan wat 'n dividend ingevolge die omskrywing van dividend in artikel 640 uitmaak. (5) Waar 'n maatskappy ingevolge subartikel (2) geag word 'n waarde-onttrekking te verrig het, moet daardie waarde-onttrekking, in die geval van- 25 (a) finansiele bystand beoog in paragraaf (a) van daardie subartikel, geag word deur die maatskappy verrig te gewees het op die laaste dag van die jaar van aanslag van die maatskappy waartydens die finansiele bystand deur die maatskappy voorsien word; (b) 'n vermindering of aflossing beoog in paragraaf (b) van daardie 30 subartikel, geag word deur die maatskappy verrig te gewees het op die datum waarop die vermindering of aflossing plaasvind; (c) 'n betaling of vereffening beoog in paragraaf (c) van daardie subartikel, geag word deur die maatskappy verrig te gewees het op die datum waarop die betaling of vereffening plaasvind; en 35 (d) 'n maatskappy wat ophou om 'n inwoner te wees soos beoog in paragraaf (d) van daardie subartikel, geag word deur die maatskappy verrig te gewees het op die datum onmiddellik voor die dag waarop die maatskappy ophou om 'n inwoner te wees. Vrystellings van belasting op waarde-onttrekking 40 'n maatskappy wat ophou om 'n inwoner te wees soos beoog in paragraaf (d) van daardie subartikel, 'n bedrag gelykstaande aan die markwaarde van al die bates van daardie maatskappy op die datum 15 onmiddellik voor die dag waarop die maatskappy ophou om 'n inwoner te wees verminder met- 64Q. (I) Die bedrag van 'n waarde-onttrekking word geag nul te wees namate die waarde-onttrekking verrig word ten gunste van 'n persoon wat- (a) 'n maatskappy is wat 'n inwoner is; (b) die Regering, 'n provinsiale administrasie of 'n munisipaliteit is; 45 (c) 'n openbare weldaadsorganisasie is wat deur die Kommissaris ingevolge artikel 30(3) goedgekeur is; (d) 'n trust beoog in artikel 37A is; (e) 'n instelling, raad ofliggaam beoog in artikel 1O(l)(cA) is; (/) "n fonds beoog in artikel 1O(1)(d)(i) of (ii) is; of 50 (g) 'n persoon beoog in artikel 10(1)(t) is. (2) Ondanks artikel 64P(2)(a), waar 'n maatskappy finansiele bystand soos beoog in daardie paragraaf voorsien het, moet die voorsiening van daardie finansiele bystand nie geag word 'n waarde-onttrekking te wees nie namate-- 55 (a) die finansiele bystand voorsien word ten behoewe van die voorsiening van goedere, dienste of regte in die gewone verloop van beoefening van die besigheid deur die maatskappy gedryf; (h) daardie maatskappy besigheid dryf as 'n geldskieter en die voorsicning van die finansiele bystand voortspruit uit die gewone 60 verloop van besigheid van die rnaatskappy: of

20 100 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (c) the financial assistance is provided to a trust by the company to enable that trust to acquire shares in the company or any other company which forms part of the same group of companies as that company with a view to the disposal of those shares by that trust to employees of the company under a share incentive scheme operated by the 5 company for the benefit of those employees. (3) Notwithstanding section 64P(2)(a), (b) and (c), where a company has provided financial assistance, released or relieved any person from any obligation measurable in money or paid or settled any debt as contemplated in that section, that provision, release, relief, payment or settlement must 10 not be deemed to be a value extraction to the extent that the provision, release, relief, payment or settlement is effected by the company in favour of any other company and- (a) the company (whether alone or together with any other company forming part ofthe same group of companies as the company) directly 15 or indirectly holds at least 20 per cent of the total equity share capital of that other company; and (b) that other company does not hold any equity shares in the company (or in any company forming part of the same group of companies as the company). 20 Payment and recovery of tax 64R. (1) Any company that effects a value extraction is liable for the value extraction tax relating to that value extraction. (2) A company that is liable for value extraction tax must pay the tax to the Commissioner by the last day of the month following the month during 25 which the value extraction is effected. (3) Ifthe Commissioner is satisfied that any value extraction tax has not been paid in full, he or she may estimate the unpaid amount and issue to the person by whom the tax is due a notice ofassessment of the unpaid amount. (4) Ifa company that is liable to pay fails to pay any value extraction tax 30 within the required period, interest must be paid by that company on the balance of the tax outstanding at the prescribed rate reckoned from the end of that period. (5) The provisions of this Act relating to assessment and recovery of tax and administrative penalties in the event of default or omission apply, with 35 the changes required by the context, in respect of the value extraction tax.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. Amendment of section 102 ofact 58 of 1962, as substituted by section 30 ofact 30 of 2002 and amended by section 35 of Act 20 of 2006 and section 8 ofact 9 of (1) Section 102 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (1) for the words preceding paragraph (a) of the following words: "Any amount, other than an amount that is refundable by a company in terms of section 64L or an amount that is refundable by a regulated intermediary (as defined 45 in section 64D) in terms of section 64M, paid by any person in terms of the provisions of this Act [shall be] ~ refundable by the Commissioner, subject to the provisions of section 102A, to the extent that such amount exceeds-". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. 50

21 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 (c) die finansiele bystand deur die maatskappy aan 'n trust voorsien word om daardie trust in staat te stel om aandele te verkry in die maatskappy of 'n ander maatskappy wat dee I uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye as daardie maatskappy ten einde die beskikking oor daardie aandele deur daardie trust aan werknemers van die maat- 5 skappy ingevolge 'n aandeelaansporingskema deur die maatskappy vir die voordeel van daardie werknemers moontlik te maak. (3) Ondanks artikel64p(2)(a), (b) en (c), waar l n maatskappy finansiele by stand voorsien her, "n persoon se verpligting meetbaar in geld afgelos of verminder het of 'n skuld betaal of vereffen het soos beoog in daardie 10 artikel, word daardie voorsiening, aflossing, verrnindering, betaling of vereffening nie geag 'n waarde-onttrekking te wees nie namate die voorsiening, aflossing, vermindering, betaling of vereffening deur die maatskappy ten gunse van 'n ander maatskappy verrig word en- (a) die maatskappy (hetsy aileen of tesame met'n ander maatskappy wat 15 deei uitmaak van dieselfde groep van maatskappye as die maatskappy) regstreeks of onregstreeks minstens 20 per sent van die totale ekwiteitsaandelekapitaal van daardie ander maatskappy hou; en (b) daardie ander maatskappy nie enige ekwiteitsaandele in die maatskappy (of in 'n maatskappy wat dee I uitmaak van dieselfde 20 groep van maatskappye as die maatskappy) hou nie. Betaling en invordering van belasting MR. (1) 'n Maatskappy wat 'n waarde-onttrekking verrig, is aanspreeklik vir die belasting op waarde-onttrekking met betrekking tot daardie waarde-onttrekking. 25 (2) "n Maatskappy wat vir belasting op waarde-onttrekking aanspreeklik is, moet die belasting aan die Kommissaris betaal teen die laaste dag van die maand wat volg op die maand waartydens die waarde-onttrekking verrig word. (3) Indien die Kommissaris tevrede is dat enige belasting op waarde- 30 onttrekking nie ten volle betaal is nie, kan hy of sy die onbetaalde bedrag raam en aan die persoon deur wie die belasting verskuldig is 'n kennisgewing van aanslag van die onbetaalde bedrag uitreik. (4) Indien 'n maatskappy wat vir betaling aanspreeklik is, versuim om enige belasting op waarde-onttrekking te betaal binne die vereiste tydperk, 35 moet rente deur daardie maatskappy betaal word op die balans van die uitstaande belasting teen die voorgeskrewe koers gereken vanaf die einde van daardie tydperk. (5) Die bepalings van hierdie Wet met betrekking tot aanslae en invordering van belasting en administratiewe boetes in die geval van 40 versuim of weglating is van toepassing, met die veranderings deur die samehang vereis, ten opsigte van die belasting op waarde-onttrekking.". (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. Wysiging van artikel 102 van Wet 58 van 1962, soos vervang deur artikel 30 van 45 Wet 30 van 2002 en gewysig deur artikel35 van Wet 20 van 2006 en artikel 8 van Wet 9 van (I) Artikel 102 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (1) die woorde wat paragraaf (a) voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: 50 "Enige bedrag, behalwe 'n bedrag wat ingevolge artikel 64L deur 'n maatskappy terugbetaalbaar is of 'n bedrag wat ingevolge artikel 64M deur 'n gereguleerde tussenganger (soos in artikel 64D omskryo terugbetaalbaar is, deur 'n persoon ingevolge die bepalings van hierdie Wet betaal, is, behoudens die bepalings van artikel 102A, deur die Kommissaris terugbetaalbaar in die mate waarin daardie 55 bedrag-i-". (2) Subartikel ( I ) tree in werking op die datum waarop Dee] VIII van Hoofstuk 1I van die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree.

22 Gazettes are Reproduced 102 under No. Government Printer's Copyright GOVERNMENT Authority No. GAZETTE, dated 30 SEPTEMBER 07 May Act No. 17, 2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 1 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 31 of Act 90 of 1962, section 23 ofact 90 of1964, section 34 of Act 88 of 1971, section 34 of Act 69 of 1975, section 26 of Act 113 of 1977, section 17 of Act 104 of 1979, section 27 of Act 104 of 1980, section 28 ofact 96 of 1981, section 46 of Act 94 of 1983, section 24 of Act 65 of 1986, section 17 of Act 104 of 1979, section 24 of Act 5 65 of 1986, section 43 of Act 101 of 1990, section 35 of Act 21 of 1995, section 41 of Act 28 of 1997, section 47 of Act 30 of 1998, section 82 of Act 45 of 2003, section 43 ofact 32 of 2004, section 46 of Act 8 of2007, section 61 of Act 35 of2007, section 36 ofact 3 of 2008 and section 58 ofact 60 of (1) Paragraph 1 of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 10 amended- (a) by the deletion of the definition of "formula B"; and (b) by the substitution in paragraph (b)(i) of the definition of "formula C" for item (bb) of the following item: "(bb] years of pensionable service [purchased after 1 March 1998 by a 15 'former member ofa non-statutory force or service' as defined in the Government Employees' Pension Law, 1996 (Proclamation No. 21 of 1996), in respect ofany previous or other periods of service accounted for prior to 1 March 1998] recognised as such in terms of Rule 10.5 or 10.6 of the Rules of the Government 20 Employees Pension Fund, contained in Schedule 1 to the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996 (Proclamation No. 21 of 1996), to the extent that those years are not taken into account under item (aa); or". (2) Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) comes into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies 25 in respect of lump sum benefits received or accrued on or after that date. Substitution of paragraph 2 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of (1) The Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 2 of the following paragraph: "2. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 9(1)(g) and paragraphs 2A, 2B and 30 2C, the amount to be included in the gross income of any person in terms of paragraph (e) of the definition of 'gross income' in section 1 shall be- (a) any amount received by or accrued to that person by way of a lump sum benefit derived in consequence of or following upon- (i) his or her retirement or death; or 35 (ii) the termination of his or her employment due to- (AA) his or her employer having ceased to carry on or intending to cease carrying on the trade in respect of which he or she was employed; or (BB) that person having become redundant in consequence of his 40 or her employer having effected a general reduction in personnel or a reduction in personnel of a particular class: Provided that this subitem does not apply to any amount received by or accrued to a person by way of a lump sum benefit where that person's employer is a company and that person was at any time a 45 director of that company or at any time held more than five per cent of the issued share capital or members' interest in that company, less any deduction permitted under the provisions of paragraph 5; and (b) any amount- (ia) assigned in terms of a divorce order under section 7(8)( a) of the 50 Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), to the extent that the amount so assigned is deducted from the minimum individual reserve of that person's former spouse in terms of section 37D(1)(d)(i) of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956),

23 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No \03 WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf 1 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 31 van Wet 90 van 1962, artikel23 van Wet 90 van 1964, artikel 34 van Wet 88 van 1971, artikel 34 van Wet 69 van 1975, artikel 26 van Wet 113 van 1977, artikel27 van Wet 104 van 1980, artikel28 van Wet 96 van 1981, artikel46 van Wet 94 van 1983, artikel 24 van Wet 65 van 1986, artikel 17 van Wet 104 van 1979, 5 artikel24 van Wet 65 van 1986, artikel43 van Wet 101 van 1990, artikel35 van Wet 21 van 1995, artikel41 van Wet 28 van 1997, artikel47 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel 82 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 43 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel 46 van Wet 8 van 2007, artikel 61 van Wet 35 van 2007, artikel 36 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 58 van Wet 60 van 2008 IO 56. (I) Paragraaf I van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- (a) deur die omskrywing van "formule B" te skrap; en (h) deur in paragraaf (b)(i) van die omskrywing van "forrnule Coo item tbb) deur die volgendle item te vervang: 15 "(bb) jare van pensioendraende diens verteenwoordig wat [na 1 Maart 1998 inbetaal is deur 'n 'former member of a non-statutory force or service' soos omskryf in die 'Government Employees Pension Law', 1996 (Proklamasie 21 van 1996), ten opsigte van enige vorige ofander tydperk van diens wat voor 1 Maart verantwoord is] as sodanig erken word ingevolge Reel 10.5 of 10.6 van die 'Rules of the Government Employees Pension Fund', vervat in Bylae I by die 'Government Employees Pension Law', 1996 (Proklamasie 21 van 1996), namate daardie jare nie kragtens item (aa) in ag geneem word nie; of". 25 (2) Paragraaf (h) van subartikel (I) tree op 1 Maart 2009 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enkelbedragvoordele ontvang of toegeval op of na daardie datum. Vervanging van paragraaf 2 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van (I) Die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig 30 deur paragraaf 2 deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "2. (I) Behoudens die bepalings van artikei9(l)(g) en paragrawe 2A, 2B en 2C is die bedrag wat ingevolge paragraaf(e) van die omskrywing van 'bruto inkomste' in artikel I by die bruto inkomste van enige persoon ingesluit moet word- (a) enige bedrag ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon by wyse van 'n 35 enkelbedragvoordeel verkry voortspruitend uit of as gevolg van- (i) sy of haar uittreding of dood; of (ii) die beeindiging van sy of haar diens ten gevolge daarvan dat (AA) sy ofhaar werkgewer opgehou het of van plan is om op te hou om die bedryf te beoefen ten opsigte waarvan hy of sy in 40 diens geneem is; of (BB) daardie persoon oorbodig geword het voortspruitend daaruit dat sy of haar werkgewer 'n algemene vermindering van personeel of 'n vermindering van personeel in 'n bepaalde klas aangebring het: 45 Met dien verstande dat hierdie subitem nie van toepassing is nie op 'n bedrag by wyse van 'n enkelbedragvoordeel ontvang deur of toegeval aan 'n persoon waar daardie persoon se werkgewer 'n maatskappy is en daardie persoon op enige tydstip 'n direkteur van daardie maatskappy was of op enige tydstip meer as vyf persent van 50 die uitgereikte aandelekapitaal ofledebelang in daardie maatskappy gehou het, verminder met enige aftrekking kragtens die bepalings van paragraaf 5 toegelaat; en (b) enige bedrag- 55 (ia) toegeken ingevolge 'n egskeidingsbevel kragtens artikel 7(8)(a) van die Wet op Egskeiding, 1979 (Wet No, 70 van 1979). namate die bedrag aldus toegeken van die minimum individuele reserwe van daardie persoon se voormalige gade afgetrek word ingevolge artikel 37D( 1)(d)(i) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 60

24 104 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 or is so deducted in terms of section 370(1)(d)(ii) of that Act as a result of the deduction contemplated in section 370(1)(d)(i) of that Act; (ib) that is transferred for the benefit of that person to any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation 5 fund or retirement annuity fund from any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund of which that person is or previously was a member; and (ii) other than an amount contemplated in item (a) or subitem (ia) or 10 (ib), received by or accrued to that person by way of a lump sum benefit from or in consequence of membership or past membership of any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund, less any deduction permitted under paragraph (2) An amount contemplated in subparagraph (I)(b) shall be deemed to accrue to a person- (a) in the case of an amount contemplated in subparagraph (1)(b)(iA), on the date on which an election is made as contemplated in section 370(4)(b)(ii) of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), or on the date on which the 20 amount is paid in terms of section 37D(4)(b)(iv) of that Act; and (b) in the case of an amount contemplated in subparagraph (1)(b)(iB), on the date of its transfer.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of- 25 (a) paragraph 2(1)(a) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, to receipts and accruals on or after that date; (b) paragraph 2(I)(b)(iA) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, to amounts deducted on or after that date; (c) paragraph 2(l)(b)(iB) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, to 30 (d) (e) amounts transferred on or after that date; paragraph 2(1)(b)(ii) ofthe Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, to receipts and accruals on or after that date; and paragraph 2(2) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, to amounts deemed to have accrued on or after that date. 35 Amendment of paragraph 2B of Second Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 42 ofact 53 of 1999 and amended by section 64 ofact 60 of 2001, section 45 ofact 32 of2004, section 63 of Act 35 of2007, section 38 ofact 3 of 2008 and section 60 ofact 60 of Paragraph 2B of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 40 amended by the substitution for the words preceding the proviso of the following words: "For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 2A, where a court has made an order that any part of the pension interest of a member of a pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund shall be paid to the former spouse of that member, as provided for in 45 the Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), the amount of that part is, to the extent that that amount is not [deemed to have been received by or to have accrued to a person other than the member in terms of paragraph 2(b)] deducted from the minimum individual reserve ofthat member in terms of section 370(1)(d)(i) of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), deemed to be an amount that 50 accrues to that member on the date on which the pension interest, of which that amount forms part, accrues to that member". Amendment ofparagraph 3 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 47 ofact 94 of1983, section 50 ofact 30 of 1998, section 50 of Act 8 of 2007, section 40 Act 3 of 2008 and section 62 ofact 60 of (1) Paragraph 3 of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended-

25 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 1(56), of aldus afgetrek word ingevolge artikel 37D(1)(d)(ii) van daardie Wet as gevolg van die aftrekking beoog in artikel 37D( 1)(d)(i) van daardie Wet; (ib) wat oorgedra word ten gunste van daardie persoon aan enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voor- 5 sorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannu"iteitsfonds vanaf enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannu"iteitsfonds waarvan daardie persoon 'n lid is of tevore was; en (ii) buiten 'n bedrag beoog in item (a) of subitem (ia) of (ib), ontvang 10 deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon by wyse van 'n enkelbedragvoordeel uit of voortspruitend uit lidmaatskap of vorige lidmaatskap van enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannutteitsfonds. 15 verminder met enige aftrekking kragtens paragraaf 6 toegelaat, (2) 'n Bedrag beoog in subparagraaf (l)(b) word geag 'n persoon toegeval het- in die geval van 'n bedrag beoog in subparagraaf (I )(b)(ia), op die datum waarop 'n keuse gemaak word soos beoog in artikei37d(4)(b)(ii) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), of op die datum waarop die 20 ta) (b) bedrag ingevolge artikel 37D(4)(b)(iv) van daardie Wet betaal word; en in die geval van'n bedrag beoog in subparagraaf (1)( b)(ib), op die datum van sy oordrag,". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van- 25 (a) paragraaf 2( 1)(a) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, op ontvangste en toevallings op of na daardie datum; (b) paragraaf 2(l)(b)(iA) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, op bedrae op of na daardie datum afgetrek; (e) paragraaf 2(1)(b)(iB) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 30 (d) (e) op bedrae op of na daardie datum oorgedra; paragraaf 2(l)(b)(ii) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, op ontvangste en toevallings op of na daardie datum; en paragraaf 2(2) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, op bedrae wat geag word op of na daardie datum toe te geval het. 35 Wysiging van paragraaf 2B van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 42 van Wet 53 van 1999 en gewysig deur artikel 64 van Wet 60 van 2001, artikel45 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel63 van Wet 35 van 2007, artikel38 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 60 van Wet 60 van Paragraaf 2B van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word 40 hierby gewysig deur die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "By die toepassing van paragrawe 2 en 2A, waar 'n hof 'n bevel gemaak het dat 'n gedeelte van die pensioenbelang van 'n lid van 'n pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteits- 45 fonds aan die vorige eggenoot van daardie lid betaal moet word, soos in die Wet op Egskeiding, 1979 (Wet No, 70 van 1979), bedoel, word die bedrag van daardie gedeelte, in die mate wat daardie bedrag nie [geag word ontvang te wees deur of toe te geval het aan 'n ander persoon as die lid kragtens paragraaf2(b)] van die minimum individuele reserwe van daardie lid ingevolge artikel 37D(l )(d)(i)vall 50 die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No, 24 van 1956), afgetrek word nie, 'n bedrag geag Ie wees wat aan daardie lid toegeval het op die datum waarop die pensioenbelang, waarvan daardie bedrag 'n deel vorm, aan [daar die] daardie lid toeval". --- Wysiging van paragraaf3 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur 55 artikel 47 van Wet 94 van 1983, artikel50 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel 50 van Wet 8 van 2007, artikel40 Wet 3 van 2008 en artikei 62 van Wet 60 van (I) Paragraaf 3 van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig-

26 106 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (a) by the substitution for the words preceding the proviso of the following words: "Any lump sum benefit which becomes recoverable in consequence of or following upon the death of a member or past member of a pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation 5 fund or retirement annuity fund [shall be deemed to be a lump sum benefit which accrued to such member or past member immediately prior to his or her death on the date of payment in terms of section 37C of the Pension Funds Act, 1956, where applicable] must, on the date of payment of that lump sum benefit in terms of section 37C of the 10 Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), be deemed to have accrued to that memberor past memberimmediately prior to the death of that member or past member"; (b) by the substitution for paragraph (ii) of the proviso of the following paragraph: 15 "(ii) where any annuity (including a living annuity) which becomes payable on or in consequence of or following upon the death of a member or past member of any such fund has been commuted for a lump sum, such lump sum shall for the purposes of this paragraph be deemed to be a lump sum benefit which has become recoverable 20 in consequence of or following upon the death of such member or past member;"; and (c) by the deletion of paragraph (iv) of the proviso. (2) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) are deemed to have come into operation on I March (3) Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of lump sum benefits that- (a) accrue on or after that date; and (b) are not paid to a beneficiary fund as defined in section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, on or after 1 March 2009 and before 1 September Amendment of paragraph 4 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 20 of Act 72 of 1963, section 24 ofact 90 of 1964, section 36 ofact 21 of 1995, section 41 ofact 3 of 2008 and section 63 of Act 60 of (1) Paragraph 4 of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- 35 (a) by the substitution for subparagraph (4) of the following subparagraph: "(4) Ifa person is awarded an amount in terms of an order of divorce [granted before 13 September 2007], that amount shall be deemed to have accrued to [that person] the member of the pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or 40 retirement annuity fund on the date on which that person makes an election contemplated in section 37D(4)(b)(ii) of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956)z or to that person on the date the amount is [payable] paid in terms of section 37D(4)(b)(iv) of that Act, to the extent that the amount is payable by a pension fund, pension preservation fund, 45 provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund."; and (b) by the deletion of subparagraph (4). (2) Subsection (1)(a) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 November 2008 and applies in respect of an amount awarded on or after that date. 50 (3) Subsection (1)(b) is deemed to have come into operation on I March 2009 and applies in respect of an amount awarded on or after that date. Substitution of paragraph 5 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of (1) The Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 5 of the following paragraph: 55 "5. (1) The deduction to be allowed for the purposes of paragraph 2(1)(a) is an amount equal to so much of- I

27 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17, 2009 (a) (b) deur die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "Enige enkelbedragvoordeel wat as gevolg van of na die dood van 'n lid of gewese lid van 'n pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannufteitsfonds ver- 5 haalbaar word, [word geag 'n enkelbedragvoordeel te wees wat aan bedoelde lid of gewese lid onmiddellik voor sy of haar dood op die datum van betaling ingevolge artikel 37C van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), waar van toepassing, toegeval het] moet, op die datum van betaling van daardie enkel- 10 bedragvoordeel ingevolge artikel 37C van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), geag word onmiddellik voor die dood van daardie lid of gewese lid aan daardie lid of gewese lid toe te geval het"; deur paragraaf (ii) van die voorbehoudsbepaling in die Engelse teks deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: " 15 (ii) where any annuity (including a living annuity) which becomes payable on or in consequence of or following upon the death of a member or past member of any such fund has been commuted for a lump sum, such lump sum shall for the purposes of this paragraph be deemed to be a lump sum benefit which has become recoverable 20 in consequence of or following upon the death of such member or past member;"; en (c) deur paragraaf (iv) van die voorbehoudsbepaling te skrap. (2) Paragrawe (a) en (b) van subartikel (I) word geag op I Maart 2009 in werking te getree het. 25 (3) Paragraaf (c) van subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enkelbedragvoordele wat- (a) op of na daardie datum toeval; en (b) nie op of na I Maart 2009 en voor I September 2009 aan 'n begunstigdefonds soos omskryf in artikel I van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, betaal word 30 /lie. Wysiging van paragraaf4 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel20 van Wet 72 van 1963, artikel24 van Wet 90 van 1964, artikel36 van Wet 21 van 1995, artikel41 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 63 van Wet 60 van (l) Paragraaf 4 van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word 35 hierby gewysig- (a) deur subparagraaf (IA) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "[(1A)] ~ Indien 'n bedrag aan 'n persoon toegeken word ingevolge 'n egskeidingsbevel [voor 13 September 2007 toegestaan], word daardie bedrag geag aan [daardie persoon] die lid van die pensioen- 40 fonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannu'iteitsfonds toe te geval het op die datum waarop daardie persoon 'n keuse beoog in artikel 37D(4)(b)(ii) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), uitoefen of op die datum waarop die bedrag ingevolge artikel 37D(4)(b)(iv) van daardie Wet 45 [betaalbaar is] betaal word, namate die bedrag deur 'n pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuueitsfonds betaalbaar is."; en (b) deur subparagraaf (4) te skrap. (2) Subartikel (1)( a) word geag op I November 2008 in werking te getree het en is van 50 toepassing ten opsigte van 'n bedrag op of na daardie datum toegeken, (3) Subartikel (1)(b) word geag op I Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van 'n bedrag op of na daardie datum toegeken. Vervanging van paragraaf 5 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van (I) Die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig 55 deur paragraaf 5 deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "5. (1) Die aftrckking by die toepassing van paragraaf 2(1)( a) toegelaat te word, is 'n bedrag gelyk aan sovee! van- I

28 108 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (a) the taxpayer's own contributions that did not rank for a deduction against the taxpayer's income in terms of section 11(k) or (n) to any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund and retirement annuity fund of which he or she is or previously was a member; (b) any amount transferred for the benefit of the taxpayer to any pension fund, 5 pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund as a result of an election made in terms of section 37D(4)(b)(ii) of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956); (c) any amount that is deemed to have accrued to the taxpayer as contemplated in (d) paragraph 2(2)(b); 10 any amount, to the extentthat that amount was paid or transferred to a pension preservation fund or provident preservation fund as an unclaimed benefit as defined in section 1 ofthe Pension FundsAct, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), and was subject to tax prior to that transfer or payment; and (e) any other amounts in respect of which formula C applies, which have been 15 paid into a pension fund, pensionpreservationfund, providentfund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund for the taxpayer's benefit by a pension fund contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of 'pension fund' in section 1, less the amount represented by symbol A when so applying that formula, 20 as has not previously been allowed to the taxpayer as a deduction in terms of this Schedule in determining the amountto be included in that taxpayer's gross income. (2) The amount determined in terms of subparagraph (l) may not exceed the amount of the lump sum benefit in respect of which it is allowable as a deduction. (3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the surrender value of any policy of 25 insurance ceded or otherwise made over to the taxpayer by any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund and ceded or otherwise made over by the taxpayer to any other such fund, or any amount paid by the taxpayer into the latter fund in lieu of or as representing such surrender value or a portion thereof, shall be deemed to be 30 an amount paid into the latter fund by the former fund for the benefit of the taxpayer.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of any lump sum benefit accrued on or after that date. Substitution of paragraph 6 of Second Schedule to Act 58 of (1) The Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 6 of the following paragraph: "6. (1) The deduction to be allowed for the purposes of paragraph 2(1)(b) is an amount equal to- (a) in the case of- 40 (i) a lump sum benefit contemplated in paragraph 2( 1)(b)(iA), so much of the benefit as is paid or transferred for the benefit of the taxpayer from a- (aa) pension fund into any pension fund, pension preservation fund or retirement annuity fund; 45 (bb) pension preservation fund into any pension fund or pension preservation fund; (ee) provident fund into any pension fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund; (dd) provident preservation fund into any provident fund or 50 provident preservation fund; and (ee) retirement annuity fund into any retirement annuity fund; and (ii) a lump sum benefit contemplated in paragraph 2(1)(b)(iB), so much of the benefit as is paid or transferred for the benefit of the taxpayer 55 from a-

29 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 (a) die belastingpligtige se eie bydraes wat nie vir n aftrekking teen die belastingpligtige se inkomste ingevolge artikel II(k) of (11) in aanmerking gekom het nie aan enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds en uittredingannuiteitsfonds waarvan hy of sy 'n lid is of tevore was; 5 (b) enige hedrag oorgedra ten gunste van die belastingpligtige aan enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds as gevolg van 'n keuse ingevolge artikel ~7D(4)(b)(ii) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), uitgeoefen; 10 (c) enige bedrag wat geag word aan die belastingpligtige toe te geval het soos beoog in paragraaf 2(2)(b); (d) enige bedrag, namate daardie bedrag aan 'n pensioenbewaringsfonds of voorsorgbewaringsfonds betaal of oorgedra is as 'n onopgeeiste voordeel soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van ), en voor daardie oordrag of betaling aan belasting onderworpe was; en (e) enige ander bedrae ten opsigte waarvan formule evan toepassing is, war by.n pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds inbetaal is vir die belastingpligtige se voordeel deur 'n pensioenfonds beoog in paragraaf (a) of (b) van 20 die omskrywing van 'pensioenfonds' in artikel 1, verminder met die bedrag wat by die toe passing van daardie fonnule deur simbool A voorgestel word, as wat nie vroeer aan die belastingpligtige as 'n aftrekking ingevolge hierdie Bylae toegelaat is nie by die bepaling van die bedrag wat by daardie belastingpligtige se bruto inkomste ingesluit moet word. 25 (2) Die bedrag bepaal ingevolge subparagraaf (I) mag nie die bedrag oorskry van die enkelbedragvoordeel ten opsigte waarvan dit as 'n aftrekking toelaatbaar is nie, (3) By die toepassing van hierdie paragraaf word die afkoopwaarde van 'n assuransiepolis deur enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voor- ~O sorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds aan die belastingpligtige gesedeer of op ander wyse oorgedra en deur die belastingpligtige aan enige ander sodanige fonds gesedeer of op ander wyse oorgedra, of enige bedrag deur die belastingpligtige by die laasgenoemde fonds inbetaal in plaas van of as verteenwoordigend van sodanige afkoopwaarde of' n gedeelte daarvan, geag 35 'n bedrag te wees wat ten gunste van die belastingpligtige by die laasgenoemde fonds deur die eersgenoemde fonds inbetaal is.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige enkelbedragvoordeel op of na daardie datum toegeval. Vervanging van paragraaf 6 van Tweede Bylae by Wet 58 van (I) Die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf 6 deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "6. (I) Die aftrekking toegelaat te word by die toepassing van paragraaf 2( 1)(b) is 'n bed rag gelyk aan- (a) in die geval van- 45 (i) 'n enkelbedragvoordeel beoog in paragraaf 2(1)( b)(ia), sovee! van die voordeel as wat betaal of oorgedra word ten gunste van die belastingpligtige van 'n- (aa) pensioenfonds in enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteirsfonds; 50 (bb) pensioenbewaringsfonds in enige pensioenfonds of pensioenbewaringsfonds; (cc) voorsorgsfonds in enige pensioenfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds; (dd) voorsorgbewaringsfonds in enige voorsorgsfonds of 55 voorsorgbewaringsfonds; en (ee) uittredingannuueitsfonds in enige uittredingannuiteitsfonds; en (ii) 'n cnkelbedragvoordeel beoog in paragraaf 2(1)( b)(ib), soveel van die voordee! as wat betaal of oorgedra word ten gunste van die 60 belastingpligtige van 'n-

30 llo No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17, 2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (b) (aa) pension fund into any pension fund, pension preservation fund or retirement annuity fund; (bb) pension preservation fund into any pension fund or pension preservation fund; (cc) provident fund into any pension fund, provident fund, 5 provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund; (dd) provident preservation fund into any provident fund or provident preservation fund; and (ee) retirement annuity fund into any retirement annuity fund; and 10 in any other case, so much of the aggregate of- (i) the taxpayer's own contributions that did not rank for a deduction against the taxpayer's income in terms of section II(k) or (n) to any pension funds, pension preservation funds, provident funds, provident preservation funds and retirement annuity funds of which he or 15 she is or previously was a member; (ii) any amount transferred for the benefit of the taxpayer to any pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund as a result of an election made as contemplated in section 37D(4)(b)(ii)(cc) of the Pension 20 Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956); (iii) any amount that is deemed to have accrued to the taxpayer as contemplated in paragraph 2(1)(b)(iB); (iv) any amount, to the extent that that amount was paid or transferred to a pension preservation fund or provident preservation fund as an 25 unclaimed benefit as defined in section 1 of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act No. 24 of 1956), and was subject to tax prior to that transfer or payment; and (v) any other amounts in respect of which formula C applies, which have been paid into such funds for the taxpayer's benefit by a 30 pension fund contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of 'pension fund' in section 1, less the amount represented by symbol A when applying that formula, as has not previously been allowed to the taxpayer as a deduction in terms of this Schedule in determining any amount to be included in that taxpayer's 35 gross income. (2) The amount determined in terms of subparagraph (1) may not exceed the amount of the lump sum benefit in respect of which it is allowable as a deduction. (3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the surrender value of any policy of insurance ceded or otherwise made over to the taxpayer by any pension fund, 40 pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund or retirement annuity fund and ceded or otherwise made over by the taxpayer to any other such fund, or any amount paid by the taxpayer into the latter fund in lieu of or as representing such surrender value or a portion thereof, shall be deemed to be an amount paid into the latter fund by the former fund for the benefit of the 45 taxpayer.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of any lump sum benefit accrued on or after that date. Amendment of paragraph 3 of Sixth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 71 ofact 60 of Paragraph 3 of the Sixth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the addition to subparagraph (f)(iii) of the following proviso: ": Provided that the provisions ofthis item do not apply to the holding ofany shares in or interest in the equity of a company, if the company- (aa) has not during any year of assessment carried on any trade; and 55 (bb) has not during any year of assessment owned assets, the total market value of which exceeds R5 000".

31 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No III WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17, 2009 (aa) pensioenfonds in enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds; (bb) pensioenbewaringsfonds in enige pensioenfonds of pensioenbewaringsfonds; (cc) voorsorgsfonds in enige pensioenfonds, voorsorgsfonds, 5 voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uitrredingannuiteitsfonds; (dd) voorsorgbewaringsfonds in enige voorsorgsfonds of voorsorgbewaringsfonds; en (ee) uittredingannuiteitsfonds in enige uiuredingannuiteitsfonds; en 10 (b) in enige ander geval, soveel van die som van- (i) die belastingpligtige se eie bydraes wat nie vir 'n aftrekking teen die belastingpligtige se inkomste ingevolge artikel 11(k) of (n) toegelaat word nie aan enige pensioenfondse, pensioenbewaringsfondse, voorsorgsfondse, voorsorgbewaringsfondse en uit- 15 tredingannuiteitsfondse waarvan hy of sy 'n lid is of tevore was; (ii) enige bedrag oorgedra ten gunste van die belastingpligtige na enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds as gevolg van 'n keuse uitgeoefen soos beoog in artikel 37D(4)(b)(ii)( cc) van die 20 Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956); (iii) enige bedrag wat geag word aan die belastingpligtige toe te geval het SODS beoog in paragraaf 2(1)(b)(iB); (iv) enige bedrag, namate daardie bedrag betaal of oorgedra is aan 'n pensioenbewaringsfonds of voorsorgbewaringsfonds as 'n onop- 25 geeiste voordeel soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 (Wet No. 24 van 1956), en voor daardie oordrag of betaling aan belasting onderworpe was; en (v) enige ander bedrae ten opsigte waarvan formule evan toepassing is, wat by sodanige fonds vir die belastingpligtige se voordeel deur 30,n pensioenfonds beoog in paragraaf (a) of (b) van die omskrywing van 'pensioenfonds' in artikel 1 inbetaal is, verrninder met die bedrag wat deur simbool A voorgestel word by die toepassing van daardie formule, as wat nie tevore aan die belastingpligtige toegestaan is nie as 'n aftrekking 35 ingevolge hierdie Bylae by die bepaling van enige bedrag wat by daardie belastingpligtige se bruto inkomste ingesluit moet word. (2) Die bedrag bepaal ingevolge subparagraaf (1) mag nie die bedrag van die enkelbedragvoordeel ten opsigte waarvan dit as 'n aftrekking toelaatbaar is, oorskry nie. 40 (3) By die toepassing van hierdie paragraaf word die afkoopwaarde van 'n assuransiepolis wat deur enige pensioenfonds, pensioenbewaringsfonds, voorsorgsfonds, voorsorgbewaringsfonds of uittredingannuiteitsfonds aan die belastingpligtige gesedeer of op ander wyse oorgedra word en deur die belastingpligtige aan enige ander sodanige fonds gesedeer of op ander wyse 45 oorgedra word, of enige bedrag deur die belastingpligtige by die laasgenoemde fonds inbetaal in plaas van of verteenwoordigend van sodanige afkoopwaarde of'n gedeelte daarvan, word geag 'n bedrag te wees wat deur die eersgenoemde fonds by die laasgenoemde fonds ten gunste van die belastingpligtige inbetaal word.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van 50 tocpassing ten opsigte van enige enkelbedragvoordeel op of na daardie datum toegeval. Wysiging van paragraaf3 van Sesde Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel71 van Wet 60 van Paragraaf 3 van die Sesde Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende voorbehoudsbepaling by subparagraaf (f)(iii) te voeg: 55 ": Met dien verstande dat hierdie item nie van toepassing is nie op die hou van enige aandele of belang in die ekwiteit van 'n maatskappy, indien die maat skappy- (aa) nie gedurende enige jaar van aanslag enige bedryf beoefen het nie; en (bb) nie gedurende enige jaar van aanslag bates besit het waarvan die totale 60 markwaarde R5 000 oorskry nie".

32 \\2 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 2 of Seventh Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 46 of Act 121 of 1984 and amended by section 27 of Act 96 of 1985, section 56 of Act 101 of 1990, section 49 of Act 28 of 1997, section 54 of Act 30 of 1998, section 50 of Act 32 of 2004 and section 55 of Act 31 of (1) Paragraph 2 of the Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 5 amended by the substitution for subparagraph (i) of the following subparagraph: "(i) the employer has during any period directly or indirectly[,] made any contribution or payment to any fund contemplated in paragraph (b) of the definition of 'benefit fund' in section I[,] for the benefit of any employee or the dependants of any employee [which exceeds the amount contemplated 10 in paragraph 12A]; or". (2) Subsection (I) comes intooperation on I March 2010 and applies in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date. Amendment of paragraph 9 of Seventh Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 31 of Act 96 of 1985, section 34 of Act 65 of 1986, section 29 ofact 85 of 1987, 15 section 59 of Act 101 of 1990, section 53 of Act 113 of 1993, section 33 of Act 21 of 1994, section 51 ofact 28 of 1997, section 55 ofact 30 of 1998, section 55 ofact 30 of 2000, section 57 of Act 31 of 2005, section 29 of Act 9 of 2006, section 2 ofact 8 of 2007, section 68 of Act 35 of 2007 and sections 1 and 48 ofact 3 of Paragraph 9 of the Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 20 amended by the substitution in subparagraph (3)( a)(ii) for the words preceding the proviso of the following words: " 'B' represents an abatement equal to an amount of [R46 000] R54 200". Amendment ofparagraph 12A of Seventh Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 56 of Act 30 of 1998 and amended by section 59 ofact 31 of 2005, section 2 25 ofact 80 of 2007 and section 1 ofact 3 of (I) Paragraph 12A of the Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution in subparagraph (I) for the words preceding item (a) of the following words: 30 "The cash equivalent of the value of the taxable benefit contemplated in paragraph 2(i) is [so much of] the amount of any contribution or payment made by the employer [during the] in respect of a year of assessment, directly or indirectly, to any medical scheme registered under the Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998), or to any 35 fund which is registered under any similar provision contained in the laws ofany other country where the medical scheme is registered, for the benefit of any employee or dependants, as defined in that Act, of that employee[, as exceeds-t"; and (b) by the deletion in subparagraph (I) of items (a), (b) and (c). 40 (2) Paragraph (b) of subsection (I) comes into operation on I March 2010 and applies in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date. Amendment of paragraph 5 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 32 ofact 9 of 2006, section 2 of Act 8 of 2007 and section 1 ofact 3 of Paragraph 5 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 45 amended by the substitution for subparagraph (I) of the following subparagraph: "(1) Subject to subparagraph (2), the annual exclusion of a natural person and a special trust in respect of a year of assessment is [R16 000] R ".

33 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf 2 van Sewende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 46 van Wet 121 van 1984 en gewysig deur artikel 27 van Wet 96 van 1985, artikel 56 van Wet 101 van 1990, artikel49 van Wet 28 van 1997, artikel54 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel 50 van Wet 32 van 2004 en artikel 55 van Wet 31 van (1) Paragraaf 2 van die Sewende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierhy gewysig deur suhparagraaf (i) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "(i) die werkgewer gedurende enige tydperk regstreeks of onregstreeks enige bydrae of betaling aan 'n fonds in paragraaf (b) van die omskrywing van 'bystandsfonds' in artikel I bedoel[,] vir die voordeel van 'n werknemerofdie 10 afhanklikes van 'n werknemer gemaak her], wat die bedrag in paragraaf 12A bedoel, oorskry]; of". (2) Subartikel (I) tree op I Maart201 0 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van jare van aanslag wat op of na daardie datum begin. Wysiging van paragraaf 9 van Sewende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig 15 deur artikel31 van Wet 96 van 1985, artikel34 van Wet 65 van 1986, artikel29 van Wet 85 van 1987, artikel59 van Wet 101 van 1990, artikel53 van Wet 113 van 1993, artikel33 van Wet 21 van 1994, artikel51 van Wet 28 van 1997, artikel55 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel 55 van Wet 30 van 2000, artikel57 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel 29 van Wet 9 van 2006, artikel68 van Wet 35 van 2007 en artikels 1 en 48 van Wet van Paragraaf 9 van die Sewende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur in subparagraaf (3)(a)(ii) die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "'B"n korting gelyk aan 'n bedrag van [R46 000] R voorstel". 25 Wysiging van paragraaf 12A van Sewende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 56 van Wet 30 van 1998 en gewysig deur artikel 59 van Wet 31 van (I) Paragraaf 12A van die Sewende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- 30 (a) deur in subparagraaf (1) die woorde wat item (a) voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "Die kontantekwivalent van die waarde van die belasbare voordeel in paragraaf 2(i) beoog, is [soveel van] die bed rag van enige bydrae of betaling deur die werkgewer [gedurende die] ten opsigte van' n jaar van 35 aanslag aan 'n mediese skema geregistreer kragtens die Wet op Mediese Skemas, 1998 (Wet No. 131 van 1998), of aan enige fonds wat ~istreer is kragtens enige soortgelyke bepaling vervat in die wette van enige ander land waar die mediese skema geregistreer is, regstreeks of onregstreeks, vir die voordeel van 'n werknemer of afhanklikes soos 40 in daardie Wet omskryf, van daardie werknemer gemaak[, as wat meer is as-]."; en (b) deur in subparagraaf (1) items (a), (b) en (c) te skrap. (2) Paragraaf (b) van subartikel (1) tree op I Maart 2010 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van jare van aanslag wat op of na daardie datum begin. 45 Wysiging van paragraaf5 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel32 van Wet 9 van 2006, artikel2 van Wet 8 van 2007 en artikell van Wet 3 van Paragraaf 5 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur subparagraaf (I) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: 50 "(I) Behoudens subparagraaf (2) is 'n natuurlike persoon en 'n spesiale trust se jaarlikse uitsluiting ten opsigte van 'n jaar van aanslag [R16 000] RI7 500.".

34 114 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 13 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 69 of Act 74 of 2002, section 57 ofact 32 of 2004, section 51 ofact 3 of 2008 and section 76 ofact 60 of (1) Paragraph 13 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution in subparagraph (1)(g) for subitem (i) of the following 5 subitem: "(i) paragraph 12(2)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e), [paragraph] 12(3) or 12(4), is the date immediately before the day that the event occurs; or". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 21 February 2008 and applies in respect of an asset disposed of on or after that date, unless that disposal is the 10 subject of an application for an advance tax ruling accepted by the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service before that date. Amendment of paragraph 19 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 94 of Act 45 of 2003 and section 72 ofact 35 of (1) Paragraph 19 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 15 amended- (a) by the substitution for subparagraph (1) of the following subparagraph: "(1 ) Where a person disposes ofa share in a company that person must disregard so much of any capital loss resulting from the disposal as does not exceed any extraordinary dividends received by or accrued to that 20 person in respect ofthat share within a period of [two years] 18 months prior to or as part of the disposal."; (b) by the substitution in subparagraph (3)(a) for the words preceding subitem (i) of the following words: "the period of [two years] 18 months does not include any days during 25 which the person disposing of a share-"; (c) by the substitution in subparagraph (3) for item (b) of the following item: "(b) 'dividend' means any dividend [as defined in section 1, but excludes- (i) any foreign dividend that has been included in the income 30 of the person disposing of the share and any foreign dividend which is exempt from tax in terms of section 10(1)(k)(ii)(cc); (ii) any dividend declared by a company contemplated in paragraph (e) of the definition of company; and 35 (iii) any dividend contemplated in section l1(s)] that is exempt from the dividends tax in terms of section 64F; and"; and (d) by the substitution in subparagraph (3) for item (c) of the following item: "(c) 'extraordinary dividends' means so much of any dividends received or accrued within the period of [two years] 18 months 40 contemplated in subparagraph (1)[,] as exceed 15 per cent of the proceeds received or accrued from the disposal of the share[; and].". (2) Subsection (1), except insofar as it inserts the words "or as part of", comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, 45 comes into operation. Amendment of paragraph 25 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as substituted by section 73 of Act 74 of 2002 and amended by section 60 of Act 32 of Paragraph 25 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for subparagraph (3) of the following subparagraph: "(3) The amount of capital gain or capital loss redetermined in the current year of assessment in terms of subparagraph (2), must be taken into account in determining any capital gain or capital loss from that disposal in that current year, as contemplated in paragraph [3(1)(b)(iii)] 3(b)(iii) or [4(1)(b)(iii)] 4(b )(iii).". SO

35 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf13 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel69 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel57 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel51 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 76 van Wet 60 van (l) Paragraaf 13 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet. 1962, word hierby gewysig dcur in subparagraaf (l)(g) subitem (i) deur die volgende subitem te vervang: "(i) paragraaf 12(2)(a), (b), (c), (d) of (e), [paragraaf] 12(3) of 12(4), is die datum onmiddellik voor die dag waarop daardie gebeurtenis plaasvind; of". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 21 Februarie 200S in werking te getree het en is van 10 toepassing ten opsigte van 'n bate op of na daardie datum oor beskik, tensy daardie beskikking die onderwerp is van 'n aansoek om 'n voorafbeslissing voor daardie datum deur die Kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens aanvaar. Wysiging van paragraaf19 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 94 van Wet 45 van 2003 en artikel 72 van Wet 35 van (I) Paragraaf 19 van die Agtste Byale by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- (a) deur subparagraaf (I) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "(1) Waar 'n persoon oor 'n aandeel in 'n maatskappy beskik, moet daardie persoon sovee! van enige kapitaalverlies wat uit die beskikking 20 voortvloei as wat nie enige buitengewone dividende ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon ten opsigte van daardie aandeel, binne 'n tydperk van [twee jaar] IS maande voor of as dee I van die beskikking oorskry nie, verontagsaam."; (b) deur in subparagraaf (3)(a) die woorde wat subitem (i) voorafgaan deur die 25 volgende woorde te vervang: "sluit die tydperk van [twee jaar] 18 maande nie enige dae in nie (c) waartydens die persoon wat oor 'n aandeel beskik-"; deur in subparagraaf (3) item (b) deur die volgende item te vervang: "(b) beteken 'dividend' enige dividend [soos in artikell omskryf, 30 maar sluit uit- (i) enige buitelandse dividend wat in die belasbare inkomste van die persoon wat oor die aandeel beskik ingesluit is en enige buitelandse dividend wat van belasting vrygestel is kragtens artikell0(1)(k)(ii)(cc); 35 (ii) enigedividend deur 'n maatskappy in paragraaf(e) van die omskrywing van maatskappy beoog, verklaar; en (iii) enige dividend in artikelll(s) beoog] wat ingevolge artikel 64F van die dividendbelasting vrygestel is; en"; en (d) deur in subparagraaf (3) item (c) deur die volgende item te vervang: 40 "(c) beteken 'buitengewone dividende' soveel van enige dividende ontvang oftoegeval binne die tydperk van [tweejaar] IS maande in subparagraaf (I) beoog, as wat 15 persent van die opbrengs ontvang of toegeval weens die beskikking oor die aandeel, te bowe gaan[; en].", 45 (2) Subartikel (I), behalwe insoverre dit die woorde "of as deel van" invoeg, tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. Wysiging van paragraaf 25 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos vervang deur artikel 73 van Wet 74 van 2002 en gewysig deur artikel 60 van Wet 32 van Paragraaf 25 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur subparagraaf (3) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "(3) Die bedrag van kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies in die huidige jaar van aanslag ingevolge subparagraaf (2) herbereken, moet in berekening gebring word 55 in die vasstelling van enige kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies in daardie huidige jaar ten opsigte van daardie beskikking oor die bate, soos in paragraaf [3(1)(b)(iii)] 3(b)(iii) of [4(1)(b)(iii)] 4(b)(iii) bedoel.". 5

36 116 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17, 2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 40 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 89 of Act 60 of 2001, section 82 ofact 74 of 2002, section 50 ofact 20 of 2006, section 54 of Act 3 of 2008 and section 79 ofact 60 of (I) Paragraph 40 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- 5 (a) by the substitution in subparagraph (1) for the words following item (d) of the following words: "[tohis orherdeceasedestate] for an amount received or accrued equal to the market value of those assets at the date of that person's death[, and the deceased estate must be treated as having acquired those assets 10 at a cost equal to that market value, which cost must be treated as an amount of expenditure actually incurred and paid for the purposes of paragraph 20(1)(a)]."; (b) by the insertion of the following subparagraph: "(IA) If any asset of a deceased person is treated as having been IS disposed of as contemplated in subparagraph (1) and is transferred directly to-- (a) the estate of the deceased person, the estate must be treated as having acquired that asset at a cost equal to the market value of that asset as at the date of death of that deceased person; or 20 (b) an heir or legatee of the person, the heir or legatee must be treated as having acquired that asset at a cost equal to the market value of that asset as at the date of death of that deceased person, which cost must be treated as an amount of expenditure actually incurred for the purposes of paragraph 20(1)(a)."; and 25 (c) by the substitution in subparagraph (2) for item (b) of the following item: "(b) the heir[,] or legatee [ortrustee] must be treated as having acquired that asset at a cost equal to the base cost of the deceased estate in respect of that asset, which cost must be treated as an amount of expenditure actually incurred [and paid] for the purposes of 30 paragraph 20(1)(a). ". (2) Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on I March Insertion of paragraph 43A in Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of (1) The Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the 35 insertion after paragraph 43 of the following paragraph: "Dividends treated as proceeds on disposal of certain shares 43A. (1) For the purposes of this paragraph- 'resident company' means a company that is a resident; 'shareholder', in relation to a share, means a resident company to the 40 extent that the resident company is entitled to the benefit of the rights and participation in the profits, income or capital attaching to the share. (2) The proceeds from the disposal by a shareholder of shares in a resident company must be increased by an amount equal to the amount of any dividend received by or accrued to the shareholder in respect of any 45 share held by the shareholder in the resident company- (a) to the extent that that dividend is received by or accrues to that shareholder within a period of 18 months prior to or as part of the disposal; (b) if the shareholder- 50 (i) held the shares disposed of as a capital asset (as defined in section 41) immediately before the disposal; and (ii) holds more than 50 per cent of the equity share capital of that resident company; and

37 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf40 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 89 van Wet 60 van 2001, artikel82 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel50 van Wet 20 van 2006, artikel 54 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 79 van Wet 60 van (I) Paragraaf 40 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- 5 (a) deur in subparagraaf (I) die woorde wat op item (d) volg deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "[aan sy of haar bestorwe boedel] vir 'n bedrag ontvang of toegeval gelyk aan die markwaarde van daardie bates soos op die datum van daardie persoon se dood[, en die bestorwe boedel moet geag word as 10 daardie bates te verkry het teen 'n koste gelyk aan daardie markwaarde, welke koste geag moet word 'n bedrag van onkoste werklik aangegaan en betaal te gewees het by die toepassing van paragraaf 20(1)(a)]."; (b) deur die volgende subparagraaf in te voeg: 15 "(I A) Indien enige bate van 'n gestorwe persoon behandel word asof daaroor beskik is soos beoog in subartikel (I) en dit regstreeks aan- (a) die boedel van die gestorwe persoon oorgedra word, moet die boedel geag word daardie bate teen 'n koste gelyk aan die markwaarde van daardie bate ten tye van die dood van daardie 20 gestorwe persoon te verkry het; of (b),n erfgenaam of legataris van die persoon oorgedra word, moet die erfgenaam of iegataris geag word daardie bate teen 'n koste gelyk aan die markwaarde van daardie bate ten tye van die dood van die gestorwe persoon te verkry her, 25 welke koste by die toepassing van paragraaf 20(l)(a) geag moet word 'n (c) bedrag van onkoste werklik aangegaan te wees."; en deur in subparagraaf (2) item (b) deur die volgende item te vervang: "(b) die erfgenaam[,] oflegataris [oftrustee] geag word daardie bate te verkry het vir 'n koste gelyk aan die basiskoste van die bestorwe 30 boedel ten opsigte van daardie bate, welke koste geag moet word 'n bedrag van onkoste werklik aangegaan [en betaal] te gewees het by die toepassing van paragraaf 20(1)(a).". (2) Paragraaf (c) van subartikel (1) word geag op 1 Maart 2006 in werking te getree het. 35 Invoeging van paragraaf 43A in Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van (I) Die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende paragraaf na paragraaf 43 in te voeg: "Dividende geag as opbrengs by beskikking oor sekere aandele 43A. (I) By die toepassing van hierdie paragraaf beteken- 40 'aandeelhouer', met betrekking tot 'n aandeel, 'n inwonermaatskappy namate die inwonermaatskappy geregtig is op die voordeel van die regte en deelneming in die winste, inkomste of kapitaal verbonde aan die aandeel; 'inwonermaatskappy' 'n maatskappy wat 'n inwoner is. (2) Die opbrengs uit die beskikking deur 'n aandeelhouer oor aandele in 45 'n inwonermaatskappy moet verhoog word deur 'n bedrag gelyk aan die bedrag van enige dividend ontvang deur of toegeval aan die aandeelhouer ten opsigte van enige aandeel gehou deur die aandeelhouer in die inwonermaatskappy- (a) namate daardie dividend ontvang word deur of toeval aan daardie 50 aandeelhouer binne ' n tydperk van 18 maande voor of as deel van die beskikking; (b) indien die aandeelhouer- (i) die aandele waaroor beskik word onmiddellik voor die beskikking as 'n kapitaalbate (soos omskryf in artikel 41) 55 gehou het; en (ii) meer as 50 persent van die ekwiteitsaandelekapitaal van daardie inwonermaatskappy hou; en

38 azettes are Reproduced under Government Printer's Copyright Authority No dated 07 May \\\', No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (e) if the resident company (or any company in which that resident company directly or indirectly holds more than 50 per cent of the equity share capital) has, within a period of 18 months prior to the disposal, obtained any loan or advance or incurred any debt- (i) owing to the person acquiring the shares or any connected 5 person in relation to that person; or (ii) that is guaranteed or otherwise secured by the person acquiring the shares or any connected person in relation to that person, by reason or in consequence of the disposal. (3) For the purposes of subparagraph (2), the amount by which the 10 proceeds must be increased is limited to the amount of the loan, advance or debt contemplated in item (e) of that subparagraph.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. Amendment of paragraph 45 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as substituted 15 by section 93 of Act 60 of 2001 and amended by section 33 of Act 9 of 2006 and section 2 of Act 8 of 2007 (b) used that residence or a part thereof for the purposes of carrying on a trade for any portion of the period commencing on or after the 40 valuation date during which that person or special trust held that interest.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date. Substitution of paragraph 51 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of (1) The Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 51 of the following paragraph: "Transfer of residence from company or trust 73. (1) Paragraph 45 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution for subparagraph (I) of the following subparagraph: 20 "(I) Subject to subparagraphs (2) [and], (3) and (4), a natural person or a special trust must, when determining an aggregate capital gain or aggregate capital loss, disregard-s- (El so much of a capital gain or capital loss determined in respect ofthe disposal of the primary residence ofthat person or that special trust 25 as does not exceed R1,5 million; or (b) a capital gain or capital loss determined in respect of the disposal of the primary residence of that person or that special trust if the proceeds from the disposal of that primary residence do not exceed R2 million."; and 30 (b) by the addition of the following subparagraph: "(4) Subparagraph (I)(b) does not apply where a natural person or a special trust disposes of an interest in a residence which is or was a primary residence, and that person or a beneficiary of that special trust or a spouse of that person or beneficiary- 35 (a) was not ordinarily resident in that residence throughout the period commencing on or after the valuation date during which that person or special trust held that interest; or 51. (1) Where an interest in a residence has been transferred from a company or a trust to a natural person as contemplated in subparagraph 50 (2)- (a) that company or trust must be deemed to have disposed of that interest for an amount equal to the base cost of that interest on the date of transfer thereof;

39 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 (c) indien die inwonermaatskappy (of enige maatskappy waarin daardie inwonermaatskappy regstreeks of onregstreeks meer as 50 persent van die ekwiteitsaandelekapitaal hou), binne 'n tydperk van 18 maande voor die beskikking, enige lening of voorskot verkry het of skuld aangegaan het- 5 (i) verskuldig aan die persoon wat die aandele verkry of enige verbonde persoon met betrekking tot daardie persoon; of (ii) wat deur die persoon wat die aandele verkry of enige verbonde persoon met betrekking tot daardie persoon gewaarborg of andersins verseker word, 10 ornrede of ten gevolge van die beskikking. (3) By die toepassing van subparagraaf (2) word die bedrag waarmee die opbrengs verhoog moet word beperk tot die bedrag van die lening, voorskot of skuld beoog in item (c) van daardie subparagraaf.". (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van 15 die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. Wysiging van paragraaf45 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 33 van Wet 9 van 2006 en artikel2 van Wet 8 van (I) Paragraaf 45 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- 20 (a) deur subparagraaf (l) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "(I) Behoudens subparagrawe (2) [en], (3) en (4), moet 'n natuurlike persoon of 'n spesiale trust by die vasstelling van 'n totale kapitaalwins of totale kapitaalverliesl.j-jfe.l soveel van 'n kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies ten opsigte van die 25 beskikking oor die primere woning van daardie persoon of daardie spesiale trust vasgestel verontagsaam as wat nie R 1.5 miljoen te bowe gaan nie; of (b) 'n kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies bepaal ten opsigte van die beskikking oor die primere woning van daardie persoon of daardie 30 spesiale trust verontagsaam indien die opbrengs uit die beskikking oor daardie primere woning nie R2 miljoen te bowe gaan nie."; en (b) deur die volgende subparagraaf by te voeg: "(4) Subparagraaf (l)(bj is nie van toepassing nie waar 'n natuurlike persoon of 'n spesiale trust beskik oor 'n belang in 'n woning wat'n 35 prirnere woning is of was, en daardie persoon of 'n bevoordeelde van daardie spesiale trust of'n gade van daardie persoon of bevoordeelde- (a) nie normaalweg in daardie woning woonagtig was nie gedurende die hele tydperk, wat op of na die waardasiedatum begin, waartydens daardie persoon of spesiale trust daardie belang gehou 40 het: of (b) daardie woning of'n deel daarvan gebruik het met die doei om 'n bedryf te beoefen tydens enige gedeelte van die tydperk, wat op of na die waardasiedatum begin, waartydens daardie persoon of spesiale trust daardie belang gehou het.", 45 (2) Subartikel (l) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van jare van aanslag wat op of na daardie datum begin. Vervanging van paragraaf 51 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van (1) Die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf 51 deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: 50 "Oordrag van woning van maatskappy of trust 51. (I) Waar 'n belang in 'n woning vanuit 'n maatskappy of'n trust aan 'n natuurlike persoon oorgedra is soos in subparagraaf (2) beoog, moet (a) daardie maatskappy of trust geag word oor daardie belang te beskik het teen 'n bedrag gelyk aan die basiskoste van daardie belang op die 55 datum van oordrag daarvan:

40 120 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (b) (c) that company or trust and that natural person must, for purposes of determining any capital gain or capital loss in respect of the transfer of that interest, be deemed to be one and the same person with respect to-- (i) the date of acquisition of that interest by that company or trust and the amount and date ofincurral by that company or trust of any expenditure in respect of that interest allowable in terms of paragraph 20; and (ii) any valuation of that interest effected by that company or trust as contemplated in paragraph 29(4); no allowance allowed to that company or trust in respect of that interest must be recovered or recouped by that company or trust or be included in the income of that company or trust in the year in which the transfer takes place; and (d) that company or trust and that natural person must be deemed to be one 15 and the same person for purposes of determining the amount of any allowance or deduction- (a) (b) (i) to which that company or trust may be entitled in respect of that interest; or (ii) that is to be recovered or recouped by or included in the 20 income of that company or trust in respect of that interest. (2) Subparagraph (1) applies where- that natural person acquires that interest from the company or trust no later than 31 December 2011; that natural person- (i) alone or together with his or her spouse directly held all the share capital or members' interest in that company from 11 February 2009 to the date of registration in the deeds registry of that residence in the name of that natural person or his or her spouse or in their names jointly; or (ii) disposed of that residence to that trust by way of donation, settlement or other disposition or financed all the expenditure, as contemplated in paragraph 20, actually incurred by the trust to acquire and to improve the residence; (c) that natural person alone or together with his or her spouse personally 35 and ordinarily resided in that residence and used it mainly for domestic purposes as his or her or their ordinary residence from 11 February 2009 to the date of the registration contemplated in item (b)(i); and (d) the registration contemplated in item (b)(i) takes place not later than 31 December 2011: Provided that this paragraph applies only in respect of the portion of the property contemplated in paragraph 46.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 11 February 2009 and applies in respect of transfers made on or after that date and before 1 January Amendment of paragraph 61 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as substituted 45 by section 90 of Act 74 of (1) The Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 61 of the following paragraph: "Collective investment schemes in securities 61. A portfolio [in] of a collective investment scheme in secunties 50 [contemplated in paragraph (e)(i) of the definition of 'company' in section 1,] must disregard any capital gain or capital loss.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation as from the commencement of years of assessment commencing on or after 1 January

41 STAATSKOERANT. :>0 SEPTI::Mtll::K LOU'.! Gazettes are Reproduced under Government Printer's Copyright Authority No dated 07 May WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 (b) daardie maatskappy of trust en daardie natuurlike persoon, vir doeleindes van die berekening van emge kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies ten opsigte van die oordrag van daardie belang, geag word een en dieselfde persoon te wees met betrekking tot- (i) die datum van verkryging van daardie belang deur daardie 5 maatskappy of trust en die bedrag en datum van die aangaan deur daardie maatskappy oftrust van enige onkoste ten opsigte van daardie belang wat kragtens paragraaf 20 toelaatbaar is; en (ii) enige waardasie van daardie belang uitgevoer deur daardie (c) maatskappy of trust soos in paragraaf 29(4) beoog; 10 geen toelae aan daardie maatskappy of trust toegelaat ten opsigte van daardie belang deur daardie rnaatskappy of trust verhaal of vergoed word nie of by die inkomste van daardie maatskappy of trust ingesluit word nie in die jaar waarin die oordrag plaasvind nie; en (d) daardie rnaatskappy of trust en daardie natuurlike persoon geag word 15 een en dieselfde persoon te wees vir doeleindes van die berekening (a) (b) (c) van die bedrag van enige toelae of aftrekking- (i) waarop daardie maatskappy of trust ten opsigte van daardie belang geregtig mag wees; of (ii) wat deur daardie maatskappy oftrust verhaal of vergoed word 20 of by die inkomste van daardie maatskappy of trust ten opsigte van daardie belang ingesluit word. (2) Subparagraaf (l) is van toepassing waar- daardie natuurlike persoon daardie belang nie later nie as 31 Desember 2011 van die maatskappy of trust verkry; 25 daardie natuurlike persoon- (i) aileen of tesame met sy of haar gade direk al die aandelekapitaal of ledebelang in daardie maatskappy gehou het vanaf 11 Februarie 2009 tot die datum van registrasie in die aktesregistrasiekantoor van daardie woning in die naam van 30 daardie natuurjike persoon of sy ofhaar gade ofgesamentlik in hulle name; of (ii) oor daardie woning aan daardie trust beskik het by wyse van'n skenking, oormaking of ander beskikking of al die onkoste, soos in paragraaf 20 beoog, werklik deur die trust aangegaan 35 om die woning te verkry en te verbeter, befonds het; daardie natuurlike persoon aileen of tesame met sy of haar gade persoonlik en gewoonlik in daardie woning woonagtig was en dit hoofsaaklik vir huishoudejike doeleindes gebruik het as sy of haar of hulle gewone woning vanaf 11 Februarie 2009 tot die datum van die 40 registrasie beoog in item (b )(i); en (d) die registrasie beoog in item (b)(i) nie later nie as 31 Desember 2011 piaasvind: Met dien verstande dat hierdie paragraaf slegs van toepassing is ten opsigte van die gedeelte van die eiendom in paragraaf 46 beoog.". 45 (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 11 Februarie 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van oordragte op of na daardie datum en voor I Januarie 2012 gedoen. Wysiging van paragraaf 61 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos vervang deur artikel 90 van Wet 74 van (1) Die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf 61 deur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: "Kollektiewe beleggingskemas in [sekuriteitseffekte] effekte 61. On PortefeuIje [in] van 'n kollektiewe beleggingskerna [in paragraaf (e)(i) van die omskrywing van 'maatskappy' in artikel 1 bedoej,] in 55 effekte moet enige kapitaalwins of kapitaalverlies verontagsaarn.". - (2) Subartikel ( I) tree in werking vanaf die aanvang van jarc van aanslag wat op of na I Januarie 2010 begin.

42 122 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENTACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 64 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as substituted by section 78 of Act 31 of 2005 and amended by section 54 of Act 20 of (I) The Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph 64 of the following paragraph: "Asset used to produce exempt income A person must disregard any capital gain or capital loss in respect of the disposal of an asset which is used by that person solely to produce amounts which are exempt from normal tax in terms off!y. section 10, other than receipts or accruals contemplated in paragraphs (en), (co), (i)(xv), (k) and (m) of subsection (I) thereof[.]; or 10 (b) section 12K.". - (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 11 February 2009 and applies in respect of disposals on or after that date. Insertion of paragraph 67D in Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of (I) The Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the IS insertion of the following paragraph: "Communications licence conversions 67D. (1) Where existing licences referred to in Chapter 15 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005), are converted to new licences in terms of section 93 of that Act, a licensee of an existing 20 licence or licences is deemed to have disposed of the existing- (a) licence for an amount equal to the base cost of the licence; or (b) licences for an amount equal to the aggregate of the base cost of the licences, on the date of the conversion. 25 (2) The licensee of a new licence contemplated in subparagraph (1)- (a) is deemed to have acquired the new licence- (i) in the case where an existing licence is converted to a new licence, at a cost, recognised as such for the purposes of paragraph 20, equal to the expenditure incurred in respect of 30 the existing licence; (ii) in the case where two or more existing licences are converted to a new licence, at a cost, recognised as such for the purposes of paragraph 20, equal to the aggregate of the expenditure (iii) incurred in respect of the existing licences; and 35 in the case where an existing licence is converted to two or more new licences, at a cost, recognised as such for the purposes of paragraph 20, that bears to the expenditure incurred in respect of the existing licence the same ratio as the value of that new licence bears to the aggregate value of the 40 new licences, which cost must be treated as expenditure actually incurred by the licensee in respect of the new licence or licences for the purposes of paragraph 20; and (b) is deemed to have incurred the cost contemplated in item (a) on the 45 day immediately after the conversion.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2009 and applies in respect of licences converted on or after that date.

43 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET 01' BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf 64 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos vervang deur artikel 78 van Wet 31 van 2005 en gewysig deur artikel 54 van Wet 20 van (I) Die Agtste Bylae by die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur paragraaf 64 dcur die volgende paragraaf te vervang: 5..Bate gebruik om vrygestelde inkomste voort te bring 64. 'n Persoon moet enige kapitaalwins ofkapitaalverlies ten opsigte van die beskikking oor 'n bate verontagsaam waar dit deur daardie persoon uitsluitlik gebruik word om bedrae voort te bring wat kragtens-j- ~ artikel 10 van normale belasting vrygestel is, anders as ontvangstes en 10 toevallings in paragrawe (en), (co), (i)(xv), (k) en (m) van subartikel (I) daarvan beoog; of (b) artikel 12K van normale belasting vrygestel is.". (2) Subartikel (1) word geag op II Februarie 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van beskikkings op of na daardie datum. 15 Invoeging van paragraaf 67D in Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van (1) Die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende paragraaf in te voeg: "Omskepping van kommunikasielisensies 67D. ( I) Waar bestaande lisensies bedoel in Hoofstuk 15 van die Wet op 20 Elektroniese Komrnunikasie, 2005 (Wet No. 36 van 2(05), tot nuwe lisensies omskep word ingevolge artikel 93 van daardie Wet, word 'n liscnsiehouer van 'n bestaande lisensie of lisensies geag oor die bestaande- (a) lisensie te beskik het vir 'n bedrag gelyk aan die basiskoste van die 25 lisensie; of (b) lisensies te beskik het vir 'n bedrag gelyk aan die som van die basiskoste van die lisensies, op die datum van die omskepping. (2) Die lisensiehouer van 'n nuwe lisensie beoog in subparagraaf (1)- 30 (a) word geag die nuwe lisensie te verkry het- (i) in die geval waar 'n bestaande lisensie tot 'n nuwe lisensie omskep word, teen 'n koste, as sodanig erken by die toepassing van paragraaf 20, gelyk aan die onkoste aangegaan ten opsigte van die bestaande lisensie; 35 (b) (ii) in die geval waar twee of meer bestaande lisensies tot 'n nuwe lisensie omskep word, teen 'n koste, as sodanig erken by die toepassing van paragraaf 20, gelyk aan die som van die onkoste aangegaan ten opsigte van die bestaande lisensies; en (iii) in die geval waar 'n bestaande lisensie tot twee of meer nuwe 40 lisensies omskep word, teen 'n koste, as sodanig erken by die toepassing van paragraaf 20, wat tot die onkoste aangegaan ten opsigte van die bestaande lisensie in dieselfde verhouding staan as wat die waarde van daardie nuwe lisensie tot die som van die waardes van die nuwe lisensies staan, 45 welke koste geag moet word onkoste werklik deur die lisensiehouer ten opsigte van die nuwe lisensie of lisensies by die toepassing van paragraaf 20 aangegaan te wees; en word geag die koste beoog in item (a) op die dag onmiddellik na die omskepping aan te gegaan het.". 50 (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op I Januarie 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van Iisensies op of na daardie datum omskep.

44 124 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of paragraph 74 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 106 of Act 60 of 2001, section 95 ofact 74 of 2002, section 113 ofact 45 of 2003, section 83 of Act 35 of 2007 and section 59 of Act 3 of (1) Paragraph 74 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- 5 (a) by the substitution for the definition of "capital distribution" of the following definition: "'capital distribution' means any distribution (or portion thereof) by a company that[-] [(a)] does not constitute a dividend; [or 10 (b) constitutes a dividend which is exempt from secondary tax on companies by reason of section 64B(5)(c);]"; and (b) by the substitution for the definition of "distribution" of the following definition: " 'distribution' means any amount transferred or applied by a company 15 for the benefit ofany shareholder in relation to that company by virtue of any share held by that shareholder in that company, whether- (a) by way of a distribution; or (b) as consideration for the acquisition of any share in that company, but does not include any amount so transferred or applied by the 20 company to the extent that the amount so transferred or applied constitutes- (i) shares in that company; (ii) an acquisition by a company of its own secunties as contemplated in paragraph 5.67 ofsection 5 ofthe JSE Limited 25 Listings Requirements, where that acquisition complies with the requirements prescribed by paragraphs 5.67 to 5.84 of section 5 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements; or (iii) a redemption of a participatory interest in an arrangement or scheme contemplated in paragraph (e)(ii) of the definition of 30 'company'.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. Amendment of paragraph 75 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 38 of Act 5 of2001 and amended by section 114 of Act 45 of2003 and section ofact 16 of (1) Paragraph 75 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution for subparagraph (1) of the following subparagraph: "(1) Where a company makes a distribution of an asset in specie to a shareholder [(including an interim dividend)], that company must be treated as having 40 disposed of that asset to that shareholder on the date of distribution for an amount received or accrued equal to the market value of that asset on that date.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date on which Part VIII of Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1962, comes into operation. Amendment of paragraph 80 of Eighth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by 45 section 108 ofact 60 of2001, section 58 ofact 20 of 2006, section 62 ofact 3 of2008 and section 86 of Act 60 of Paragraph 80 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the substitution in subparagraph (3) for item (a) of the following item: "(a) that capital arose from- 50 (i) (ii) a capital gain of that trust; or any amountwhich would have constituted a capital gain of that trust had that trust been a resident, determined in any previous year of assessment during which that resident had a contingent right to that capital; and". 55

45 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No, 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf74 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel 106 van Wet 60 van 2001, artikel 95 van Wet 74 van 2002, artikel 113 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 83 van Wet 35 van 2007 en artikel 59 van Wet 3 van (I) Paragraaf 74 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig- 5 (a) deur die omskrywing van "kapitaaluitkering" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang: " 'kapitaaluitkering' enige uitkering (of gedcelte daarvan) deur 'n maatskappy wat[-] [(a)] nie 'n dividend daarstel nie; [of 10 (b) 'n dividend daarstel wat weens artikel 64B(5)(c) van sekondere belasting op maatskappye vrygestel isr]"; en (b) deur die ornskrywing van "uitkering" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang: " 'uitkering' enige bedrag oorgedra of aangewend deur 'n maatskappy 15 ten gunste van enige aandeelhouer met betrekking tot daardie maatskappy uit hoofde van enige aandeel deur daardie aandeelhouer in daardie maatskappy gehou, hetsy- (a) by wyse van 'n uitkering; of (b) as vergoeding vir die verkryging van enige aandeel in daardie 20 maatskappy, maar nie ook nie enige bedrag aldus oorgeplaas of aangewend deur die rnaatskappy namate die bedrag aldus oorgeplaas of aangewend- (i) aandele in daardie maatskappy uitmaak; (ii) 'n verkryging deur 'n maatskappy van sy eie effekte, soos 25 beoog in paragraaf 5.67 van artikel 5 van die 'JSE Limited Listing Requirements', uitmaak waar daardie verkryging voldoen aan die vereistes voorgeskryf deur paragrawe 5.67 tot 5.84 van artikel5 van die 'JSE Limited Listing Requirements'; of 30 (iii) 'n aflossing van 'n deelnemingsbelang in 'n reeling of skema beoog in paragraaf (e)(ii) van die omskrywing van 'maatskappy' uitmaak.". (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. 35 Wysiging van paragraaf 75 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel38 van Wet 5 van 2001 en gewysig deur artikel 114 van Wet 45 van 2003 en artikel 29 van Wet 16 van (I) Paragraaf 75 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur subparagraaf (l) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: 40 "(I) Waar 'n maatskappy 'n uitkering van 'n bate in specie aan 'n aandeelhouer maak [Iwaarby ingesluit 'n tussentydse dividend)], moet daardie maatskappy geag word oor daardie bate te beskik het aan daardie aandeelhouer op die datum van uitkering vir 'n bedrag ontvang of toegeval gelyk aan die markwaarde van daardie bate op daardie datum,". 45 (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum waarop Deel VIII van Hoofstuk II van die Inkornstebelastingwet, 1962, in werking tree. Wysiging van paragraaf80 van Agtste Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos gewysig deur artikel108 van Wet 60 van 2001, artikel58 van Wet 20 van 2006, artikel62 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 86 van Wet 60 van Paragraaf 80 van die Agtste Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur in subparagraaf (3) item (a) deur die volgende item te vervang: "(a) daardie kapitaal ontstaan het uit- (i) 'n kapitaalwins van daardie trust; of (ii) enige bedrag wat 'n kapitaalwins vir daardie trust sou daargestel het 55 indicn daardie trust 'n inwoner was, bepaal in enige vorige jaar van aanslag waartydens daardie inwoner 'n voorwaardelike reg op daardie kapitaal gehad het; en".

46 126 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT Amendment of paragraph 3 of Part I of Ninth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 41 of Act 30 of 2002 and amended by section 125 of Act 45 of 2003, section 60 ofact 20 of 2006 and section 1 of Act 3 of (1) Part 1 of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the addition to paragraph 3 of the following subparagraph: 5 "(h) The provision of training, support or assistance to emerging farmers in order to improve capacity to start and manage agricultural operations.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 September Amendment of paragraph 4 of Part I of Ninth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 82 ofact 31 of 2005, section 63 ofact 3 of 2008 and section of Act 60 of (1) Part I of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the addition to paragraph 4 of the following subparagraph: H(p) The provision or promotion of educational programmes with respect to financial services and products, carried on under the auspices of a public entity 15 listed under Schedule 3A of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No.1 of 1999).". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 September Amendment of paragraph 3 of Part II of Ninth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as amended by section 129 ofact 45 of 2003, section 84 of Act 31 of 2005, section of Act 3 of 2008 and section 89 ofact 60 of (1) Part II of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the addition to paragraph 3 of the following subparagraph: H(P) The provision or promotion of educational programmes with respect to financial services and products, carried on under the auspices of a public entity 25 listed under Schedule 3A of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999).". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 September Amendment of paragraph 1 of Tenth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 63 of Act 20 of 2006, as amended by section 70 ofact 8 of 2007, section ofact 35 of 2007 and section 65 of Act 3 of Paragraph I of the Tenth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution for the definition of "oil and gas company" of the following definition: 35 "'oil and gas company' means any company[- (a)] that- (i) holds any oil and gas right; or (ii) engages in exploration or production in terms of any oil and gas right; [or 40 (iii) engages in refining of gas derived in respect of any oil and gas right held by that company; and (b) engages in no trade other than any of the activities contemplated in item (a);]"; (b) by the substitution for the definition of "oil and gas income" of the following 45 definition: "'oil and gas income' means the receipts and accruals derived by an oil and gas company from- (a) exploration in terms of any oil and gas right; (b) production in terms of any oil and gas right; or 50 (c) the leasing or disposal of any oil and gas right;";

47 STAATSKOERANT. ~O SEPTEMBER 2009 No. ~ WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van paragraaf 3 van Deel I van Negende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 41 van Wet 30 van 2002, en gewysig deur artikel125 van Wet 45 van 2003 en artikel60 van Wet 20 van (I) Deel 1 van die Negende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet. 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende subparagraaf by paragraaf 3 te voeg: 5 HI h) Die verskaffing van opleiding, ondersteuning of bystand aan opkomende hoere ten einde kapasiteit te verbeter om landboubedrywighede te begin en te bestuur.". (2) Suhartikel (I) word geag op 1 September 2009 in werking te getree het. Wysiging van paragraaf 4 van Deel I van Negende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos 10 gewysig deur artikel 82 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel 63 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 87 van Wet 60 van (I) Deel I van die Negende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende subparagraaf by paragraaf 4 te voeg: "(p) Die verskaffing of bevordering van opvoedingsprogramme in verband met 15 finansiele dienste en produkte, uitgevoer onder beskerming van 'n openbare entiteit in Bylae 3A van die Wet op Openbare Finansiele Bestuur, 1999 (Wet No. 1 van 1999), vermeld.". (2) Suhartikel (J) word geag op 1 September 2009 in werking te getree het. Wysiging van paragraaf3 van DeelII van Negende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos 20 gewysig deur artikel 129 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 84 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel 64 van Wet 3 van 2008 en artikel 89 van Wet 60 van (l) Deel II van die Negende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende subparagraaf by paragraaf 3 le voeg: "(p) Die verskaffing of bevordering van opvoedingsprogramme in verband met 25 finansiele dienste en produkte, uitgevoer onder beskerming van 'n openbare entiteit in Bylae 3A van die Wet op Openbare Finansiele Besluur, 1999 (Wet No.1 van 1999), vermeld.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 September 2009 in werking te getree het. Wysiging van paragraaf 1 van Tiende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg 30 deur artikel 63 van Wet 20 van 2006 en gewysig deur artikel 70 van Wet 8 van 2007 en artikel 87 van Wet 35 van Paragraaf 1 van die Tiende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysrg-v- (a) deur die omskrywing van "olie en gas maatskappy" deur die volgende 35 omskrywing te vervang: " 'olie en gas maatskappy' enige maatskappy[ (a)] wat- (i) enige olie- en gasreg hou; of (ii) in opsporing en produksierngevolge enige olie- en gasreg 40 betrokke is; [of (iii) raftinering van gas onderneem wat verkry is ten opsigte van enige olie- en gasreg deur daardie maatskappy gehou; en (b) in geen ander bedryf behalwe enige van die aktiwitweite in item 45 (a) bedoel, betrokke is nie;]"; (b) deur die omskrywing van "olie en gas inkornste" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang: " 'olie en gas inkomste' die ontvangste en toevallings deur 'n olie en gas rnaatskappy verkry uit- 50 (a) opsporing ingevolge enige olie- en gasreg: (b) produksie ingevolge enige olie- en gasreg; of ~jie verhuring van of beskikking oor enige olie- en gasreg;";

48 128 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (c) (d) Amendment of paragraph 3 of Tenth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 63 of Act 20 of 2006 and amended by section 72 of Act 8 of Paragraph 3 of the Tenth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby amended by the deletion of subparagraph (3). Amendment of paragraph 5 of Tenth Schedule to Act 58 of 1962, as inserted by section 63 of Act 20 of 2006 and amended by section 73 of Act 8 of 2007 by the substitution for the definition of "production" of the following definition: " 'production' includes- (a) the separation of oil and gas condensates; (b) the drying of gas; and 5 (c) the removal of non-hydrocarbon constituents, to the extent that these processes are preliminary to refining;"; and by the deletion of the definition of "refining". 86. Paragraph 5 of the Tenth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is hereby 15 amended- (a) by the substitution in subparagraph (2) for items (a) and (b) of the following items: "(a) 100 per cent of all expenditure of a capital nature actually incurred in that year in respect ofexploration in terms of an oil and gas right; 20 and (b) 50 per cent ofall expenditure of a capital nature actually incurred in that year in respect of production in terms of an oil and gas right."; and (b) by the substitution for subparagraph (3) of the following subparagraph: 25 "(3) For purposes of determining the taxable income of an oil and gas company during any year of assessment, any assessed losses (as defined in section 20) in respect of exploration or production may only be [set-off] set off against- (EJ. the oil and gas income of that company[,].;. and 30 il!l income [derived] from the refining of gas derived in respect of any oil and gas right held by that company~ to the extent those assessed losses do not exceed that income.". Amendment ofsection 47B of Act 91 of 1964, as inserted by section 59 of Act 30 of 2000 and amended by section 40 of Act 12 of 2003, section 13 ofact 9 of 2005 and 35 section 92 of Act 35 of (1) Section 47B of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (2)(b)(i) for the words preceding the proviso of the following words: "The tax shall be charged at the rate of [RI20] R150 on the carriage of each 40 chargeable passenger departing on a flight". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on I October 2009 and applies in respect of the carriage of a chargeable passenger on any flight which commences on or after that date, if the ticket of that passenger in respect of that flight was purchased and issued after the date of promulgation of this Act. 45

49 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No..~ WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 (c) (d) Wysiging van paragraaf 3 van Tiende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 63 van Wet 20 van 2006 en gewysig deur artikel 72 van Wet 8 van Paragraaf 3 van die Tiende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby gewysig deur subparagraaf (3) te skrap. Wysiging van paragraaf 5 van Tiende Bylae by Wet 58 van 1962, soos ingevoeg deur artikel 63 van Wet 20 van 2006 en gewysig deur artikel 73 van Wet 8 van 2007 deur die omskrywing van "produksie" deur die volgende omskrywing te vervang: "'produksie' ook- (a) die skeiding van olie en gas kondensate; (b) die droging van gas; en 5 (c) die uithaal van nie-koolwaterstof bestanddele, namate hierdie prosesse raffinering voorafgaan;"; en deur die omskrywing van "raffinering" te skrap. 86. Paragraaf 5 van die Tiende Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word hierby 15 gewysig-e- (a) deur in subparagraaf (2) items (a) en (b) deur die volgende items te vervang: "!a) 100 persent van alle onkoste van 'n kapitale aard werklik in daardie jaar ten opsigte van ondersoek ingevolge 'n olie- en gasreg aangegaan; en 20 (b) 50 persent van alle onkoste van'n kapitale aard werklik in daardie jaar ten opsigte van produksie ingevolge 'n olie- en gasreg aangegaan."; en (b) deur subparagraaf (3) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: "(3) By die bepaling van die belasbare inkomste van 'n olie en gas 25 maatskappy gedurende 'n jaar van aanslag, word vasgestelde verliese (soos in artikel 20 omskryf) ten opsigte van opsporing of produksie slegs afgesit teen= le.l die olie en gas inkomste van daardie maatskappy; en i!!.l inkomste uit raffinering van gas verkry ten opsigte van 'n olie- en 30 gasreg deur daardie maatskappy [verkry] gehou, in die mate wat daardie vasgestelde verliese nie daardie [inkomte] inkomste oorskry nie.". Wysiging van artikel47b van Wet 91 van 1964, soos ingevoeg deur artikel59 van Wet 30 van 2000 en gewysig deur artikel40 van Wet 12 van 2003 en artikel13 van 35 Wet 9 van (I) Artikel 47B van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (2)(b)(i) die woorde wat die voorbehoudsbepaling voorafgaan deur die volgende woorde te vervang: "Die belasting word teen die koers van [R120] RI50 gevorder op die vervoer van 40 elke helasbare passasier wat op 'n vlug vertrek'-'.-- (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op I Oktober 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van die vervoer van 'n belasbare passasier op "n vlug wat op of na daardie datum 'n aanvang neem, indien die kaartjie van daardie passasier ten opsigte van daardie vlug gekoop en uitgereik is na die datum van afkondiging van hierdie Wet. 45

50 130 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of Schedule No.1 to Act 91 of 1964, as amended by section 19 of Act 95 of 1965, section 15 ofact 57 of 1966, section 2 of Act 96 of 1967, section 22 ofact 85 of 1968, section 37 of Act 105 of 1969, section 9 of Act 98 of 1970, section 2 of Act 89 of 1971, section 12 ofact 103 of 1972, section 6 ofact 68 of 1973, section 3 of Act 64 of 1974, section 13 of Act 71 of 1975, section 13 ofact 105 of 1976, section 38 of 5 Act 112 of 1977, section 3 ofact 114 of 1981, section 27 ofact 86 of1982, section 10 of Act 89 of 1984, section 14 of Act 101 of 1985, section 11 ofact 69 of 1988, section 19 ofact 68 of1989, section 40 of Act 59 of 1990, section 3 ofact 111of1991, section 15 of Act 105 of 1992, section 13 of Act 98 of 1993, section 12 of Act 19 of 1994, section 74 of Act 45 of1995, section 8 of Act 44 of1996, section 15 ofact 27 of1997, 10 section 75 of Act 30 of1998, section 7 of Act 32 of1999, section 64 ofact 30 of 2000, section 52 of Act 19 of 2001, section 53 of Act 30 of2002, section 41 ofact 12 of2003, section 155 of Act 45 of2003, section 36 ofact 16 of2004, section 14 ofact 9 of2005, section 36 ofact 9 of 2006, section 76 ofact 8 of 2007 and section 66 of Act 3 of (1) Schedule No.1 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, is hereby amended as set 15 out in Appendix II to this Act. (2) For the purposes of Appendix II to this Act any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, bears the meaning so assigned unless the context otherwise indicates. (3) Subject to section 58(1) of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, subsection (1) is 20 deemed to have come into operation on 11 February Continuation of certain amendments of Schedules to Act 91 of (1) Subject to subsection (2), every amendment or withdrawal of or insertion in Schedule No.1 to 6, 8 and 10 to the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, made under section 48, 49, 56, 56A, 57, 60 or 75(15) of that Act during the period 1 August 2008 up to and 25 including 31 July 2009, shall not lapse by virtue of section 48(6), 49, 56(3), 56A(3), 57(3),60(4) or 75(16) of that Act (2) Subsection (1) shall not include amendments made under sections 48 and 75(15) of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, by Government Notices R.4, R,5 and R,6 of 1 January Amendment of section 54 of Act 94 of 1990, as substituted by section 6 of Act 42 of 1992 and amended by sections 12 and 25 of Act 9 of 1993, Proclamation No. 132 of 1994, section 36 ofact 26 of 1994, section 5 of Act 55 of 1996, section 36 of Act 19 of 2003 and section 13 ofact 20 of Section 54 of the Banks Act, 1990, is hereby amended by the substitution for 35 subsection (8A) of the following subsection: "(8A) No transfer duty, [stamp duty] securities transfer tax, registration fees, licence duty or other charges shall be payable in respect of- (a) a transfer contemplated in subsection (8) taking place in the execution of a transaction entered into at the instance of the Registrar in the interest of the 40 effective supervision of banks or the maintenance of a stable banking sector; or (b) any endorsement or alteration made to record such transfer, upon submission to the Registrar of Companies, or the Master, officer or person referred to in subsection (8), as the case may be, of a written confirmation by the 45 Registrar of Banks that the Minister, on the recommendation of the last-mentioned Registrar and after consultation with the Commissioner [for Inland Revenue] of the South African Revenue Service has consented to the waiver of such tax, fees or charges.".

51 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van Bylae No.1 by Wet 91 van 1964, soos gewysig deur artikel19 van Wet 95 van 1965, artikel 15 van Wet 57 van 1966, artikel 2 van Wet 96 van 1967, artikel 22 van Wet 85 van 1968, artikel 37 van Wet 105 van 1969, artikel 9 van Wet 98 van 1970, artikel 2 van Wet 89 van 1971, artikel12 van Wet 103 van 1972, artikel 6 van Wet 68 van 1973, artikel 3 van Wet 64 van 1974, artikel13 van Wet 71 van 1975, 5 artikel13 van Wet 105 van 1976, artikel38 van Wet 112 van 1977, artikel3 van Wet 114 van 1981, artikel 27 van Wet 86 van 1982, artikel 10 van Wet 89 van 1984, artikel14 van Wet 101 van 1985, artikelll van Wet 69 van 1988, artikel19 van Wet 68 van 1989, artikel40 van Wet 59 van 1990, artikel3 van Wet 111 van 1991, artikel 15 van Wet 105 van 1992, artikel13 van Wet 98 van 1993, artikel12 van Wet 19 van , artikel 74 van Wet 45 van 1995, artikel 8 van Wet 44 van 1996, artikel15 van Wet 27 van 1997, artikel 75 van Wet 30 van 1998, artikel 7 van Wet 32 van 1999, artikel 64 van Wet 30 van 2000, artikel52 van Wet 19 van 2001, artikel53 van Wet 30 van 2002, artikel 41 van Wet 12 van 2003, artikel 155 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 36 van Wet 16 van 2004, artikel14 van Wet 9 van 2005, artikel 36 van Wet 15 9 van 2006, artikel 76 van Wet 8 van 2007 en artikel 66 van Wet 3 van (I) (I) Bylae No. I by die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, word hierby gewysig soos in Aanhangsel II by hierdie Wet uiteengesit. (2) By die toepassing van Aanhangsel II by hierdie Wet het enige woord en uitdrukking waaraan 'n betekenis in die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, toegewys is, 20 tensy uit die samehang anders blyk, die betekenis wat aldus toegewys is. (3) Behoudens artike158(1) van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, word subartikel (1) geag op II Februarie 2009 in werking te getree het. Voortduring van sekere wysigings van Bylaes by Wet 91 van (I) Behoudens subartikel (2) verval elke wysiging of intrekking van of invoeging 25 in Bylaes Nos. I tot 6, 8 en 10 by die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, wat kragtens artikel 48,49,56, 56A, 57, 60 of 75(15) van daardie Wet gedurende die tydperk I Augustus 2008 tot en met 31 Julie 2009 aangebring is nie uit hoofde van artikel 48(6), 49, 56(3), 56A(3), 57(3). 60(4) of 75(16) van daardie Wet nie. (2) Subartikel (I) sluit nie wysigings in nie wat kragtens artikels 48 en 75(15) van die 30 Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, deur Goewermentskennisgewings RA, R.5 en R.6 van I Januarie 2008 uitgevaardig is. Wysiging van artikel 54 van Wet 94 van 1990, soos vervang deur artikel 6 van Wet 42 van 1992 en gewysig deur artikels 12 en 25 van Wet 9 van 1993, Proklamasie No. 132 van 1994, artikel 36 van Wet 26 van 1994, artikel 5 van Wet 55 van 1996 en 35 artikel 36 van Wet 19 van Artikel 54 van die Bankwet, 1990, word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (8A) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(8A) Geen hereregte, [seelregte] belasting op oordrag van sekuriteite, registrasie-, lisensie- of ander gelde is betaalbaar nie ten opsigte van- 40 (a) 'n oordrag bedoel in subartikel (8) wat plaasvind by die uitvoering van 'n transaksie aangegaan op aandrang van die Registrateur in belang van doeltreffende toesighouding oor banke of die handhawing van 'n bestendige banksektor; of (b) enige endossement of verandering aangebring ten einde sodanige oordrag te 45 boekstaaf, by voorlegging aan die Registrateur van Maatskappye, of die Meester, beam pte of persoon bedoel in subartikel (8), na gelang van die geval, van 'n skriftelike bevestiging deur die Registrateur van Banke dat die Minister op aanbeveling van laasgenoemde Registrateur en na oorleg met die Kommissaris van [Binnelandse 50 Inkomste] die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens tot die kwytskelding van sodanige [regte] belasting of gelde toegestem het.".

52 132 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Amendment of section 8 of Act 89 of 1991, as amended by section 24 of Act 136 of 1991, paragraph 4 of Government Notice 2695 of 8 November 1991, section 15 of Act 136 of 1992, section 24 of Act 97 of 1993, section 11 ofact 20 of 1994, section 20 ofact 46 of 1996, section 25 ofact 27 of 1997, section 83 of Act 53 of 1999, section 67 of Act 19 of 2001, section 151 of Act 60 of 2001, section 166 of Act 45 of 2003, 5 section 95 of Act 32 of 2004, section 102 ofact 31 of 2005, section 172 of Act 34 of 2005, section 42 of Act 9 of 2006, section 79 of Act 20 of 2006, section 27 of Act 36 of 2007 and section 106 of Act 60 of (1) Section 8 of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991, is hereby amended- (a) by the insertion after subsection (2D) of the following subsection: 10 "(2E) Where a supply is deemed to have been made by a vendor in terms of subsection (2) and that vendor ceases to be a vendor for the sole reason that the total value of taxable supplies made by that vendor in the preceding period of 12 months has not exceeded the amount contemplated in section 23(1) or 23(3), the Ministermay by regulation prescribe 15 the period in which the tax payable in respectofthat deemed supply shall be paid."; and (b) by the substitution for subsection (25) of the following subsection: "(25) For the purposes of this Act, where any goods or services are supplied by a vendor to another vendor, those vendors must for the 20 purposes of that supply or subsequent supplies of those goods or services, be deemed to be one and the same person provided the provisions of section 42, 44, 45 or 47 of the Income Tax Act[, 1962,] are complied with: Provided that this subsection shall not apply to a supply contemplated in section 42 or 45 of the Income Tax Act, unless- 25 (i) that supply is of an enterprise or part of an enterprise which is capable ofseparate operation, where the supplier and recipient have agreed in writing that such enterprise or part, as the case may be, is disposed of as a going concern; or (ii) the enterprise or part, as the case may be, disposed of as a going 30 concern has been carried on in, on or in relation to goods or services applied mainly for purposes of such enterprise or part, as the case may be, and partly for other purposes, such goods or services shall, where disposed of to such recipient, for the purposes of this paragraph be deemed to form part of such enterprise or part, as the 35 case may be, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (v) of the proviso to the definition of 'enterprise' in section 1.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date of promulgation of this Act and applies in respect of any supply made on or after that date. Amendment of section 18 of Act 89 of 1991, as amended by section 32 ofact 136 of , section 23 of Act 136 of 1992, section 32 ofact 97 of 1993, section 18 of Act 20 of 1994, section 34 ofact 27 of 1997, section 93 ofact 30 of 1998, section 89 ofact 53 of 1999, section 174 ofact 45 of 2003, section 103 ofact 32 of 2004, section 109 ofact 31 of2005, section 49 of Act 9 of 2006, section 85 ofact 20 of 2006 and section 112 of Act 60 of (1) Section 18 of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (6) of the following subsection: "(6) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (5), any reduction or increase in the extent of the application or use of goods or services shall be deemed to take place on the last day of the vendor's year of assessment as defined in section 1 of the 50 Income Tax Act or, if the vendor is not [an income tax payer] a taxpayer as defined in that section, on the last day offebruary: Provided that where a vendor who is not

53 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Wysiging van artikel 8 van Wet 89 van 1991, soos gewysig deur artikel 24 van Wet 136 van 199], paragraaf 4 van Goewermentskennisgewing 2695 van 8 November 1991, artikel 15 van Wet 136 van 1992, artikel 24 van Wet 97 van 1993, artikel 11 van Wet 20 van 1994, artikel 20 van Wet 46 van 1996, artikel 25 van Wet 27 van 1997, artikel 83 van Wet 53 van 1999, artikel 67 van Wet 19 van 2001, artikel151 5 van Wet 60 van 2001, artikel166 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 95 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikell02 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikell72 van Wet 34 van 2005, artikel42 van Wet 9 van 2006, artikel 79 van Wet 20 van 2006, artikel27 van Wet 36 van 2007 en artikel 106 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 8 van die Wet op Belasting op ToegevoegdeWaarde, 1991, word hierby 10 gewysig- (a) deur na subartikel (2D) die volgende subartikel in te voeg: "(2E) Waar 'n lewering ingevolge subartikel (2) geag word deur 'n ondernemer gedoen te wees en daardie ondernemer ophou om 'n ondernemer te wees slegs omrede die totale waarde van belasbare 15 lewerings wat in die voorafgaande tydperk van 12 maande deur daardie ondernemer gedoen is nie die bedrag beoog in artikel 23( 1) of 23(3) oorskry het nie, kan die Minister by regulasie die tydperk voorskryf waarbinne die belasting betaalbaar ten opsigte van daardie geagte lewering betaal moet word."; en 20 (b) deur subartikel (25) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(25) By die toepassing van die Wet, waar enige goed of dienste gelewer word deur 'n ondernemer aan 'n ander ondernemer, moet daardie ondernemers vir die doeleindes van daardie lewering of die daaropvolgende lewerings van daardiegoed of dienste, geag word een en 25 dieselfde persoon te wees, met voorbehoud dat daar aan die bepalings van artikel 42,44,45 of 47 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, voldoen word: Met dien verstande dat hierdie subartikel nie van toepassing is nie op 'n lewering beoog in artikel 42 of 45 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, lensy- 30 (i) dit tn lewering is van 'n onderneming of deel van 'n onderneming wat tot afsonderlike bedryf in staat is, waar die leweraar en ontvanger skriftelik ooreengekom het dat oor sodanige onderneming of deel, na gelang van die geval, as 'n lopende saak beskik word; of 35 (ii) die onderneming of deel, na gelang van die geval, waaroor as 'n lopende saak beskik word, bedryf is in, of met betrekking tot, goed of dienste hoofsaaklik aangewend vir die doel van sodanige onderneming of deel, na gelang van die geval, en gedeeltelik vir ander doeleindes, word sodanige goed of dienste, waar daaroor 40 beskik word aan sodanige ontvanger, by die toepassing van hierdie paragraaf geag deel van sodanige onderneming of deel, na gelang van die geval, uit te maak ondanks die bepalings van paragraaf (v) van die voorbehoudsbepaling tot die omskrywing van 'onderneming' in artikel 1.". 45 (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum van afkondiging van hierdie Wet en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige lewering op of na daardie datum gedoen. Wysiging van artikel 18 van Wet 89 of 1991, soos gewysig deur artikel 32 van Wet 136 van 1991, artikel 23 van Wet 136 van 1992, artikel 32 van Wet 97 van 1993, artikel18 van Wet 20 van 1994, artikel34 van Wet 27 van 1997, artikel93 van Wet van 1998, artikel 89 van Wet 53 van 1999, artikel 174 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel 103 van Wet 32 van 2004, artikel 109 van Wet 31 van 2005, artikel 49 van Wet 9 van 2006, artikel85 van Wet 20 van 2006 en artikel 112 van Wet 60 van (1) Artikel 18 van die Wet op Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde, 1991, word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (6) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: 55 "(6) By die toepassing van subartikels (2) en (5) word enige vermindering of vermeerdering van die mate van die aanwending of gebruik van goed of dienste geag plaas te vind op die laaste dag van die ondernemer se jaar van aanslag soos omskryf in artikel I van die Inkomstebelastingwet of, indien die ondernemer nie 'n [inkomstebelastingbetaler] belastingpligtige soos in daardie artikel omskryf is 60

54 Gazettes are Reproduced 134 under No Government Printer's Copyright GOVERNMENT Authority No. GAZETTE, dated SEPTEMBER 07 May Act No. 17, 2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 [an income tax payer] a taxpayer as so defined draws up annual financial statements in respect of a year or other period ending on a date other than the last day of February, [and] the reduction or increase in the extent of the application or use of goods or services shall be deemed to take place on such first-mentioned date: Provided further that where a vendor ceases to be a vendor prior to any day 5 contemplated in this subsection, any reduction or increase in the extent of the application or use of goods or services shall be deemed to take place immediately before that vendor ceased to be a vendor.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on the date of promulgation of this Act and applies in respect of any supply made on or after that date. 10 Amendment of section 23 ofact 89 of 1991, as amended by section 20 of Act 20 of 1994, section 37 of Act 27 of 1997, section 92 ofact 53 of 1999, section 178 of Act 45 of2003, section 9 ofact 10 of 2005, section 36 ofact 32 of 2005, section 14 of Act 10 of 2006, section 24 of Act 4 of 2008 and section 113 of Act 60 of (1) Section 23 of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991, is hereby amended- 15 (a) by the substitution in subsection (3)(b) for the words following subparagraph (ii) of the following words: "and the total value of taxable supplies made by that person in the course of carrying on all enterprises in the preceding period of 12 months has exceeded [R20 000] R50 000; or"; and 20 (b) by the substitution in subsection (3) for paragraphs (c) and (d) of the following paragraphs: "(c) that person intends to carryon any enterprise from a specified date, where that enterprise will be supplied to him as a going concern and the total value of taxable supplies made by the supplier of the going 25 concern from carrying on that enterprise or part of the enterprise which will be supplied has exceeded [R20 000] R in the preceding period of 12 months; or (d) that person is continuously and regularly carrying on an activity which, in consequence of the nature of that activity, can reasonably 30 be expected to result in taxable supplies being made for a consideration only after a period of time and where the total value of taxable supplies to be made can reasonably be expected to exceed [R20 000] R in a period of 12 months,". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on I March 2010 and applies in respect of any 35 tax period commencing on or after that date. Amendment of Schednle 3 to Act 16 of (1) Schedule 3 to the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2004, is hereby amended by the substitution in paragraph 4 for subparagraph (2) of the following subparagraph: "(2) Paragraphs 1 and 2 cease to apply on [1 May 2009] I March 2010.". 40 (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 30 April Amendment of section 10 of Act 20 of 2006, as amended by section 97 of Act 8 of (1) Section 10 of the Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2006, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection: 45 "(3) Paragraph (j) of subsection (1), to the extent that it inserts paragraph (co) into [subsection (1), and paragraph (k) of subsection (1)] section 10 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, shall come into operation on

55 STAATSKOERANT..10 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No, 17,2009 nie, 01' die laaste dag van Februarie: Met dien verstande dat waar 'n ondernemer wat nic 'n [inkomstebelastingbetaler] belastingpligtige soos aldus omskryfis nie, jaarlikse finansiele state opstel ten opsigte van 'n jaar of ander tydperk wat eindig 01' 'n ander datum as die laaste dag van Februarie, enige vermindering of vermeerdering van die mate van die aanwending of gebruik van goed of dienste 5 gcag word 01' bedoefde eersbedoelde datum plaas te vind: Met dien verstande voorts dat waar 'n ondernemer ophou om 'n ondernemer te wees vom enige dag beoog in hierdie subartikel, enige vermindering of vermeerdering van die mate van die aanwendingofgebruik van goed of dienste geag word plaas te vind onmiddcllik voordat die ondernemer ophou om 'n ondernemer te wees.". 10 (2) Subartikel (I) tree in werking op die datum van afkondiging van hierdie Wet en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige lewering op of na daardie datum gedoen. Wysiging van artikel 23 van Wet 89 van 1991, soos gewysigdeurartikel 20 van Wet 20 van 1994, artikel 37 van Wet27 van 1997, artikel92 van Wet53 van 1999, artikel 178 van Wet 45 van 2003, artikel9 van Wet 10 van 2005, artikel36 van Wet 32 van , artikel14 van Wet 10 van 2006, artikel24 van Wet 4 van 2008 en artikel113 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 23 van die Wet op Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde, word hierby gewysig- (a) deur in subartikel (3)(b) die woorde wat op subparagraaf (ii) volg deur die 20 volgende woorde te vervang: "en die totale waarde van belasbare lewerings deur daardie persoon gedoen in die loop van die bedryf van aile ondernemings in die voorafgaande tydperk van 12 maande [R20 000] R50000 te bowe gegaan het: of"; en 25 (b) deur in subartikel (3) paragrawe (c) en (d) deur die volgende paragrawe te vervang: (c) daardie persoon voornemens is am 'n onderneming van 'n bepaalde datum te bedryf, waar daardie onderneming aan hom gelewer sal word as 'n lopende saak en die totale waarde van belasbare 30 lewerings deur die leweraar van die lopende saak gedoen in die loop van die bedryf van daardie onderneming of gedeelte van die onderneming wat gelewer sal word, [R20 000] R in die voorafgaande 12 maande te bowe gegaan het; of (d) daardie persoon voortdurend en gereeld 'n aktiwiteit bedryf wat, as 35 gevolg van die aard van daardie aktiwiteit, redelikerwys verwag kan word dat dit belasbare lewerings teen 'n vergoeding slegs na 'n tydsverloop sal meebring en waar die totale waarde van belasbare lewerings wat gedoen sal word redelikerwys verwag kan word om [R20 000] R in 'n tydperk van 12 maande te bowe te gaan,". 40 (2) Subartikel (I) tree 01' I Maart 2010 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige belastingtydperk wat op of na daardie datum begin. Wysiging van Bylae 3 by Wet 16 van (I) Bylae 3 by die Wysigingswet op Belastingwette, 2004, word hierby gewysig deur in paragraaf 4 subparagraaf (2) deur die volgende subparagraaf te vervang: 45 "(2) Paragrawe I en 2 hou op [1 Mei 2009] I Maart 2010 op am van toepassing te wces.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 30 April 2009 in werking te getree het. Wysiging van artikell0 van Wet 20 van 2006, soos gewysig deur artikel 97 van Wet 8 van (I) Artikef 10 van die Wysigingswet op Inkornstewette, 2006, word hierby gewysig- (a) deur subartikel (3) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(3) Paragraaf (j) van subartikel (1), tot die mate wat dit paragraaf (co) invoeg in [subartikel (1), en paragraaf (k) van subartikel (1)] 55 artikcl 10 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, tree op I April 2007 in

56 136 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, April 2007 and shall apply in respect of any year of assessment commencing on or after that date."; and (b) by the addition of the following subsection: "(4) Paragraph (k) of subsection (1) shall come into operation on 1 April 2007 and applies in respect of any year of assessment 5 commencing on or after that date: Provided that the receipts and accruals of a company, society or other association of persons which was approved by the Commissioner under section 1O(1)(d)(iv) ofthe Income Tax Act, 1962, will continue to be exempt from tax until the earlier of- (a) the last year of assessment ending on or before 30 September 2010; 10 or (b) the year of assessment preceding the year of assessment during which section 10(1)(cO) applies to the receipts and accruals of that company, society or other association of persons.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 April 2007 and applies 15 in respect of any year of assessment commencing on or after that date. Amendment of section 1 of Act 15 of Section 1 of the Diamond Export Levy Act, 2007, is hereby amended by the insertion after the definition of "unpolished diamond" of the following definition: " 'value', in relation to goods exported, means the value determined under section of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964);". Amendment of section 8 of Act 25 of 2007, as amended by section 127 ofact 60 of (1) Section 8 of the Securities Transfer Tax Act, 2007, is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (1)(a)(vi) for item (A) of the following item: 25 "(A) in subparagraphs (i) to (v) regardless of whether or not an election has been made [for the provisions] in terms of the relevant section [to apply]; or". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2009 and applies in respect of a transaction entered into on or after that date. Amendment of section 5 ofact 28 of (1) Section 5 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution in subsection (1) for paragraph (b) of the following paragraph: "(b) so much of the amount allowed to be deducted from income in 35 terms ofthe Income Tax Act (whether in that year or a previous year of assessment) in respect of the use of assets, or expenditure incurred, [directly] in respect of mineral resources transferred on or after [1 May 2009] 1 March 2010 to win, recover and develop those mineral resources to the condition specified in Schedule 1, as is 40 included in the income of the extractor during that year of assessment [in terms of section 8(4) ofthat Act (disregarding the exception in respect of section 15(a) of that Act), but not including an amount that is received or accrued from the disposal of assets the cost of which has in whole or in part been 45 included in capital expenditure taken into account as mentioned in the definition of 'capital expenditure incurred' in section 36(11) of that Act]- (i) as a recoupmemin terms of any provision of that Act; or

57 STAATSKOERANT. ~O SEPTEMBER 2009 :'-1o. ~26JO 137 WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na daardie datum begin."; en (h) deur die volgende subartikel by te voeg:..(4) Paragraaf (k) van subartikel (1) tree op I April 2007 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na 5 daardie datum 'n aanvang neem: Met dien verstande dat die ontvangste en toevallings van 'n maatskappy, genootskap of ander vereniging van persone wat kragtens artikel 10(1)(d)(iv) van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, deur die Kommissaris goedgekeur is, voortgaan om van belasting vrygestel te wees tot die vroegste van- 10 (a) die laaste jaar van aanslag wat op of voor 30 September 2010 eindig; of (b) die jaar van aanslag voor die jaar van aanslag waartydens artikel IO(1)(cO) op die ontvangste en toevallings van daardie maatskappy, genootskap of ander vereniging van persone van toepassing is.". 15 (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 April 2007 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na daardie datum begin. Tlhabololo ya karolo 1 ya Molao wa bo 15 wa Karolo ya I ya Molao wa Lekgethwana la Thomelontle ya Taemane wa tlhabololwa fano ka se se tsentsweng morago ga tlhaloso ya "taemane e e sa 20 phatshirnisiwang" sa tlhaloso e e latelang: " 'tlhotlhwa' fa e amanngwa Ie dithoto tse di rometsweng ntle e kaya tlhotlhwa e e tlhomamisitsweng mo karolong ya bo 72 ya Molao wa Makgetho Ie Ditirelo tsa Melelwane wa 1964 (Molao wa No. ya 91 wa 1964);". Wysiging van artikel 8 van Wet 25 van 2007, soos gewysig deur artikel127 van Wet van (I) Artikel 8 van die Wet op Belasting op Oordrag van Sekuriteite, word hierby gewysig deur in subartikel (1)(a)(vi) item (A) deur die volgende item te vervang: "(A) in subparagrawe (i) tot (v) ongeag of 'n keuse uitgeoefen is of nie [dat die bepalings van] ingevolge die betrokke artikel [van toepassing is];". 30 (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op I Januarie 2009 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van 'n transaksie op of na daardie datum aangegaan. Phetoso ya karolo ya 5 ya Molao wa 28 wa (1) Karolo ya 5 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliarno, wa 2008, e a fetoswa->- 35 (a) ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (1) temaneng ya (b) gomme gwa tsenywa temana ye e latelago: "(b) tekano ye e itsego ya tshelete ye e dumeletswego go gogwa go letseno go latela Molao wa Income Tax (Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno) (e ka ba mo ngwageng woo wa tekolo goba ngwageng wo 40 o fetilego wa tekolo) ya mabapi Ie tshomiso ya dithoto, goba ya ditshenyegelo tse di hweditswego, [thwii] malebana le methopo ya diminerale tse di fetiseditswego ka la goba ka morago ga la [1 Mei 2009] I Matshe 2010 go thopa, go utulla Ie go.hlabolla methopo yeo ya diminerale go ba maemong ao a filwego Setulong ya 1, ka ge e 45 akareditswe ka go letseno la morafi mo ngwageng woo wa tekolo [go latera karolo ya 8(4) ya Molao woo (go sa lebelelwe tokollo ya mabapi Ie karollo ya 15(a) ya Molao woo), eupsa e sa akaretse tekano ya tshelete ye e amogelwago goba e hweditswego go tswa go thekiso ya dithoto yeo theko ya yona e 50 akareditswego ka moka ga yona goba ka seripa ka go palomoka ya tshenyegelo yeo e hlokometswego ka ge go boletswe ka go tlhaloso ya 'palomoka ya tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego" karolong ya 36(11) ya Molao woo,]= (i) bjalo ka go hwetswa ga tshelete yeo go latela ditlhagiso tsa 55 Molao woo; goba

58 138 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (ii) in terms of paragraph (j) of the definition of 'gross income' in section I of that Act,"; (b) by the substitution in subsection (1) for the words following paragraph (b) of the following words: "less any amount which in terms of that Act is allowed to be deducted 5 from the income of the extractor during that year of assessment in respect of assets used or expenditure incurred [directly] to win, recover and develop those refined mineral resources to the condition specified in Schedule 1 for those mineral resources."; (c) by the substitution in subsection (2) for paragraph (b) of the following 10 paragraph: "(b) so much of the amount allowed to be deducted from income in terms of the Income Tax Act (whether in that year or a previous year of assessment) in respect of the use of assets, or expenditure incurred, [directly] in respect of mineral resources transferred on or 15 after [1 May 2009] 1 March 2010 to win, recover and develop those [unrefined] mineral resources to the condition specified in Schedule 2, as is included in the income of the extractor during that year of assessment [in terms of section 8(4) of that Act (disregarding the exception in respect of section 15(a) of that Act), but not 20 including an amount that is received or accrued from the disposal of assets the cost of which has in whole or in part been included in capital expenditure taken into account as mentioned in the definition of 'capital expenditure incurred' in section 36(11) of that Act,]- 25 (i) as a recoupment in terms of any provision of that Act; or (ii) in terms of paragraph (j) of the definition of 'gross income' in section 1 of that Act, " ; (d) by the substitution in subsection (2) for the words following paragraph (b) of the following words: 30 "less any amount which in terms of that Act is allowed to be deducted from the income of the extractor during that year of assessment in respect of assets used or expenditure incurred [directly] to win, recover and develop those unrefined mineral resources to the condition specified in Schedule 2 for those mineral resources."; 35 (e) by the substitution in subsection (3) for paragraph (c) of the following paragraph: "(c) (i) in the case of mineral resources refined to the condition specified in Schedule I for those mineral resources, any deduction for expenditure incurred in respect of transport, 40 insurance and handling of those refined mineral resources after those mineral resources were refined to that condition or any [amount received or accrued] expenditure incurred in respect of transport, insurance and handling to effect the disposal of that mineral resource; or 45 (ii) in the case of mineral resources brought to the condition specified in Schedule 2 for those mineral resources, any deduction for expenditure incurred in respect of transport, insurance and handling of those unrefined mineral resources after those mineral resources were brought to that condition or 50 any [amount received or accrued] expenditure incurred in

59 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 (h) (c) (d) (e) (ii) go latela temana ya (j) ya tlhaloso ya 'palomoka ya letseno' karolong ya 1 ya Molao woo,"; ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (I) mantsu ao a latelago go temana ya (b) gomme gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a latelago: "go ntshwa tshelete efe goba efe yeo go ya ka Molao woo e 5 dumeletswego go gogwa go letseno la morafi ka ngwaga woo wa tekolo ya mabapi le dithoto tse di sornisitswego goba tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego [thwii] ka go thopa, go utulla Ie go hlabolla methopo yeo ~a diminerale tse di hlwekisitswego go ba maemong ao a filwego Setulong ya I ya methopo yeo ya minerale.": 10 ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (2) temaneng ya (b) gomme gwa tsenywa temana ye e latelago: "(b) tekano ye e itsego ya tshelete ye e dumeletswego go gogwa go letseno go latela Molao wa Income Tax (Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno) (e ka ba mo ngwageng woo wa tekolo goba ngwageng wo 15 o fetilego wa tekolo) ya mabapi le tshorniso ya dithoto, goba ya ditshenyegelo tse di hweditswego, [thwii] malebana Ie methopo ya diminerale tse di fetiseditswego ka la goba ka morago ga la [1 Mei 2009] 1 MatShe 2010 go thopa, go utulla le go hlabolla methopo yeo ya diminerale [tse di sego tsa hlwekiswa] go ba maemong ao 20 a tilwego Setulong ya 2, ka ge e akareditswe ka go letseno la morafi mo ngwageng woo wa tekolo [go latela karolo ya 8(4) ya Molao woo (go sa lebelelwe tokollo ya mabapi Ie karollo ya 15(a) ya Molao woo), eupsa e sa akaretse tekano ya tshelete ye e amogelwago goba e hweditswego go tswa go thekiso ya dithoto 25 yeo theko ya yona e akareditswego ka moka ga yona goba ka seripa ka go palomoka ya tshenyegelo yeo e h1okometswego ka ge go boletswe ka go tlhaloso ya 'palomoka ya tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego' karolong ya 36(11) ya Molao woo,]- Ii) bjalo ka go newa tshelete yeo go ya ka Molao~oo; goba 30 (ii) go latela temana ya (j) ya tlhaloso ya 'palomoka ya letseno' karolong ya 1 ya Molao woo,"; ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (2) mantsu ao a latelago go temana ya (b) gomme gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a latelago: "go ntshwa tshelete efe goba efe yeo go ya ka Molao woo e 35 dumeletswego go gogwa go letseno la morafi ka ngwaga woo wa tekolo ya mabapi le dithoto tse di sornisitswego goba tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego [thwii] ka go thopa, go utulla Ie go hlabolla methopo yeo ~a dimineraje tse di sego tsa hlwekiswa go ba maemong ao a filwego Setulong ya 2 ya methopo yeo ya minerale."; 40 ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (3) temaneng ya (c) gomrne gwa tsenywa temana ye e latelago: "(c) (i) sebakeng sa ge methopo ya diminerale tse di hlwekisitswego go fihla maemong ao go boletswego ka wona go &tulo ya 1 a methopo yeo ya diminerale, go gogwa ga tshelete efe gob a efe 45 ya tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego ya mabapi le dinamelwa, insorentshe le go swara methopo yeo ya diminerale tse di hlwekisitswego ka morago ga ge methopo yeo ya diminerale e hlwekisitswe go fihla maemong ao goba [tshelete ya yona ye e amogetswego goba e hweditswego] tshenyegelo efe goba 50 ere ye e hweditswego ya mabapi dinamelwa, insorentshe Ie go swara methopo yeo ya diminerale go kgontsha go rekisa ga mothopo woo wa minerale; goba (ii) sebakeng sa ge methopo ya diminerale tse di hlwekisitswego go fihla maemong ao go boletswego ka wona go &tulo ya 2 a 55 methopo yeo ya diminerale, go gogwa ga tshelete efe goba efe ya tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego ya mabapi Ie dinamelwa, insorentshe Ie go swara methopo yeo ya diminerale tse di sego tsa hlwekiswa ka morago ga ge methopo yeo ya diminerale e hlwekisitswe go fihla maemong ao goba [tshelete ya yona ye e 60 amogetswego goba e hweditswego] tshenyegelo ere goba efe ~ hweditswego ya mabapi Ie dinamclwa, insorentshe Ie go

60 140 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17, 2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 respect of transport, insurance and handling to effect the disposal of that mineral resource;"; and (/) by the substitution in subsection (4) for paragraph (b) of the following paragraph: "(b) For purposes of determining 'earnings before interest and taxes', 5 if the value of the refined proportion of a composite mineral resource [as determined in terms of subsection (1)] does not exceed 10 per cent of the total value of that composite resource, that composite mineral resource may be treated solely as an unrefined mineral resource, and if the value of the unrefined proportion of a compositemineral resource [as 10 so determined] does not exceed 10 per cent of the total value of that composite mineral resource, that composite mineral resource may be treated solely as a refined mineral resource.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on 1 March 2010 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after that date. 15 Amendment of section 6 of Act 28 of (1) Section 6 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection: "(3)(a) For purposes of subsection (1), gross sales is determined without regard to any [amount received or accrued] expenditure incurred in respect of transport, 20 insurance and handling of a refined mineral resource after that mineral resource was refined to the condition specified in Schedule I for that mineral resource or any [amount received or accrued] expenditure incurred in respect of transport, insurance and handling to effect the disposal of that mineral resource. (b) For purposes of subsection (2), gross sales is determined without regard to 25 any [amount received or accrued for the] expenditure incurred in respect of transport, insurance and handling of an unrefined mineral resource after that mineral resource was brought to the condition specified in Schedule 2 for that mineral resource or any [amount received or accrued] expenditure incurred in respect of transport, insurance and handling to effect the disposal of that mineral 30 resource. ". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on I March 2010 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after that date. Amendment of section 9 of Act 28 of (1) Section 9 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is 35 hereby amended by the insertion of the following subsection: "(IA) For purposes of this Act a disposal of a mineral resource by an extractor to any other extractor is deemed not to be a disposal, if- (a) the mineral resource is disposed of to another extractor in terms of- (i) an asset-for-share transaction mentioned in section 42 of the Income Tax 40 Act; (ii) an amalgamation transaction mentioned in section 44 of the Income Tax Act; (iii) an intra-group transaction mentioned in section 45 of the Income Tax Act; 45 (iv) a liquidation distribution mentioned in section 47 of the Income Tax Act; or (v) any transaction which would have constituted a transaction or distribution mentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (iv) regardless of whether that

61 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No J41 WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 swara methopo yeo ya diminerale go kgontsha go rekisa ga mothopo woo wa minerale;": Ie (r) ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (4) temaneng ya (b) gomme gwa tsenywa temana ye e latelago: "(b) Mabakeng a go hwetsa 'Ietseno la pele ga tswala Ie metshelo, ge 5 e le gore boleng bja karolo ya diminerale tse di hlwekisitswcgo tsa mothopo wa minerale wa go hlakana mmogo [ka ge bo hwetswa go latela karolwana ya (1)] bo sa fete dipersente tse 10 tsa palomoka ya boleng bja mothopo woo wa minerale wa go hlakana mmogo, mothopo woo wa mineraje wa go hlakana mmogo 0 tla tsewa bjalo ka mothopo wa 10 minerale wo 0 sego wa hlwekiswa, gomme ge e Ie gore boleng bja karolo ya diminerale tse di sego tsa hlwekiswa tsa mothopo wa minerale wa go hlakana mmogo [ka ge bo hwetswa] bo sa fete dipersente tse 10 tsa palomoka ya boleng bja mothopo woo wa minerale wa go hlakana mmogo, mothopo woo wa minerale wa go hlakana mmogo 0 tla tsewa 15 bjalo ka mothopo wa minerale wo 0 hlwekisitswego.". (2) Karolwana ya (I) e thoma go soma ka la I Matshe gomme e ama mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka letsatsikgwedi leo goba ka morago ga lona. Phetoso ya karolo ya 6 ya Molao wa 28 wa , (I) Karolo ya 6 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale le 20 Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e fetoswa ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (3) gomme gwa tsenywa karolwana ye e latelago: "(3) (a) Mabakeng a karolwana ya (1), dithekiso ka moka di hwetswa go sa lebelelwe [tshelete ere goba ere ye e amogetswego goba ye e hweditswego ya] tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego ya mabapi le dinamelwa, insorentshe le go swara 25 mothopo wa minerale wo 0 hlwekisitswego ka morago ga ge mothopo woo wa minerale 0 hlwekisitswe go fihla maemong ao a filwego &tulong ya I a mothopo woo wa mineralc goba [tshelete ere goba ere ye e amogetswego goba ye e hweditswego] tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego ya mabapi Ie dinamelwa, insorentshe Ie go swara mothopo wa minerale go kgontsha go rekisa ga mothopo woo wa 30 minerale. (b) Mabakeng a karolwana ya (2), dithekiso ka moka di hwetswa go sa lebelelwe [tshelete ere goba ere ye e amogetswego goba ye e hweditswego ya] tshenyegelo ye e hweditswego ya mabapi Ie dinamelwa, insorentshe le go swara mothopo wa minerale wo 0 sego wa hlwekiswa ka morago ga ge mothopo woo wa minerale 0 35 hlwekisitswe go fihla maemong ao a filwego &tulong ya 2 a mothopo woo wa minerale goba [tshelete ere goba ere ye e amogetswego goba ye e hweditswego] tshenyegel0 ye e hweditswego ya mabapi Ie dinamelwa, insorentshe Ie go swara mothopo wa minerale go kgontsha go rekiswa ga mothopo woo wa minerale.". (2) Karolwana ya (l) e thoma go soma ka la I Matshe 2010 gomme e ama mothopo 40 wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka letsatsikgwedi leo goba ka morago ga lona. Phetoso ya karolo ya 9 ya Molao wa 28 wa (I) Karolo ya 9 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliarno, wa 2008, e fetoswa ka go tsenya karolwana ye e latelago: "( IA) Mabakeng a Molao wo, go rekisa mothopo wa minerale ka morafi a 45 rekisetsa morafi 0 mongwe ga go bonwe bjalo ka thekiso, ge- (a) e le gore mothopo wa minerale 0 rekisetswa morafi yo mongwe mabapi le (i) kgwebisano ya thoto ya go abelanwa ye go boletswego ka yona ka go karolo ya 42 ya Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno; (ii) kopantsho ya kgwebisano ye go boletswego ka yona ka go karolo ya ya Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno; (iii) kgwebisano ya dihlopha tsa ka gare ye go boletswego ka yona ka go karolo ya 45 ya Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno; (iv) kabaganyo ya thekiso ye go boletswego ka yona ka go karolo ya 47 ya Molao wa Motshelo wa Letseno; goba 55 (v) kgwebisano efe goba efe ye e ka bego e dirile kgwebisano goba kabagano ye go boletswego ka yona dika-temaneng tsa (i) go fihla ka (iv) go sa lebelelwe ge eba morafi yoo 0 hweditswe mothopo woo wa

62 142 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 extractor acquired that mineral resource as a capital asset or as trading stock; and (b) the extractor to whom the mineral resource is disposed of, immediately after a transaction contemplated in paragraph (a)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v), qualifies for registration in terms of section 2(1)(a) of the Administration Act.". 5 (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on 1 March 2010 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after that date. Amendment of section 10 of Act 28 of (1) Section 10 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is hereby amended by the substitution in subsection (1) for the words preceding paragraph 10 (a) of the following words: "Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, an unincorporated body [that is registered as a person under] of which the members made an election in terms of section 4(1) of the Administration Act-". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on 1 March 2010 and applies in respect of a 15 mineral resource transferred on or after that date. Amendment of section 18 of Act 28 of (1) Section 18 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (2) of the following subsection: "(2) This Act comes into operation- 20 (a) in respect of section 1, on 1 November 2009; (b) in respect of sections 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and 17, and Schedules 1 and 2, on 1 March 2010 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after that date; and (c) in respect of sections 13 and 14, on 1 November 2009 and applies in 25 respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after 1 March 2010.". (2) Subsection (1), to the extent that it relates to- (a) section 18(2)(a) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, comes into operation on 1 November 2009; (b) section 18(2)(b) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, 30 comes into operation on 1 March 2010; and (c) section 18(2)(c) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, comes into operation on 1 November 2009 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after 1 March Amendment of Schedule 2 to Act 28 of (1) Schedule 2 to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution for the words in the "Unrefined condition" column corresponding to "Platinum Group Metals" of the following words: "[concentrate (150 ppm)] 150 ppm in concentrate together with all 40 other metals and minerals contained in the concentrate"; (b) by the substitution for the words in the "Unrefined condition" column corresponding to "Uranium" of the following words: "80% Uranium Oxide in the uranium concentrate sold"; and (c) by the substitution for the words in the "Unrefined condition" column 45 corresponding to "Other Minerals not listed elsewhere" of the following words: "Concentrate or where the specific mineral is not rendered into a concentrate, bulk.

63 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 minerale bjalo ka thoto ya tshelete gob a bjalo ka phahlo ya go rekiswa; Ie (h) c le go gore morafi yo mothopo wa minerale 0 rekisetswago yena, ka bjako ka morago ga kgwebisano ye go boletswego ka yona temaneng ya (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) goba ya (v), 0 na Ie maswanedi a boingwadiso go latela karolo ya 5 2(1)(a) ya Molao wa Tshepediso.". (2) Karolwana ya (1) e thoma go soma ka la I Matshe 2010 gomme e ama mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka letsatsikgwedi leo goba ka morago ga lona. Phetoso ya karolo ya 10 ya Molao wa 28 wa (I) Karolo ya 10 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie 10 Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e fetoswa ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (1) mantsu ao a tlago pele ga temana ya (a) temana ya gomme gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a latelago: "Go sa setswe ditlhagiso dife goba dife ka mo Molaong wo, lekgotla leo le sego khamphani [leo Ie ngwadisitswego bjalo ka motho ka fase gal leo maloko a lona a swerego dikgetho go latela karolo ya 4( I) ya Molao wa Tshepediso->". 15 (2) Karolwana ya (I) e thoma go soma ka la I Matshe 2010 gomme e ama mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka letsatsikgwedi leo goba ka morago ga lona. Phetoso ya karolo ya 18 ya Molao wa 28 wa (I) Karolo ya 18 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e fetoswa ka go tlosa karolwaneng ya (2) gomme gwa tsenywa 20 karolwana ye e latelago: "(2) Molao wo 0 thoma go soma- (a) mabapi Ie karolo ya I ka la I Nofemere 2009; (b) mabapi Ie dikarolo tsa 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 15, 16 Ie 17, le Disetulo tsa 1 Ie 2, ka la 1 Matshe 20 I0 gomme di soma mabapi le mothopo wa 25 minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka letsatsikgwedi leo goba ka morago ga lona; (e) Ie mabapi Ie dikarolo tsa 13 Ie 14, ka la 1 Nofemere 2009 gomme di soma mabapi le mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka la I Matshe 2010 goba ka morago ga lona.". 30 (2) Karolwana ya (I), ge e amana le- (a) karolo ya 18(2)(a) ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e thoma go soma ka la 1 Nofemere 2009; (b) (e) karolo ya 18(2)(b) ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e thoma go soma ka la 1 Matshe 2010; le 35 karolo ya 18(2) (c) ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliarno, wa 2008, e thoma go soma ka la 1 Nofemere 2009 gomme e soma mabapi Ie mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka la 1 Matshe 2010 goba ka morago ga lona. Phetoso ya Setulo ya 2 ya Molao wa 28 wa , (I) Setulo ya 2 ya Molao wa Royalithi ya Methopo ya Diminerale Ie Phethroliamo, wa 2008, e a fetoswa-s- (a) ka go tlosa mantsu aka kholomong ya "Seemo ao a sego a hlwekiswa" ye e sepelelanago le "Dimetale tsa Sehlopha sa Pholathinamo" gomme gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a late\ago: 45 "[motswakotii (dikarolo tse 150 ka milione)] dikarolo tse 150 ka milione tsa motswakotii gammogo Ie dimetale Ie diminerale tse dingwe ka moka tse di lego ka gare ga motswakotii"; (b) ka go tlosa mantsu a ka kholornong ya "Seerno ao a sego a hlwekiswa" ye e sepelelanago Ie "Yuraniamo" gomme gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a latelago: 50 "80% ya Yuraniamo-oksaete ka gare ga motswakotii wa yuraniamo wo o rekisitswego"; Ie (c) ka go tlosa mantsu a ka kholomong ya "Seerno ao a sego a hlwekiswa" ye e sepe1elanago le "Dirninerale tse dingwe tse di sego tsa ngwalwa go gongwe" gomrne gwa tsenywa mantsu ao a latelago: 55 "Motswakotii goba moo rninerale wo 0 itsego 0 sego wa dirwa motswakotii, ka bontsi.

64 \44 No. 326\0 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 e.g. Phosphate Rock, Gypsum, Vermiculite, Semi-precious gemstones (like rose quartz, tiger's eye, corundum; etc). Precious gemstones (like sugilite), Feldspar, Garnet, Peat, Perlite, Rare Earth Elements, Silica, Soda Ash, Wollastonite, Zeolite, etc.". (2) Subsection (1) comes into operation on 1 March 2010 and applies in respect of a 5 mineral resource transferred on or after that date. Amendment of section 6 of Act 60 of (I) Section 6 of the Revenue Laws AmendmentAct, 2008, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (2) of the following subsection: "(2) [Paragraph (b) of subsection (1)] Subsection (1) comes into operation on 10 1 March 2009 and applies in respect of lump sum benefits withdrawn on or after that date.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 21 October Amendment of section 18 of Act 60 of (1) Section 18 of the Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2008, is hereby amended 15 by the substitution for subsection (3) of the following subsection: "(3) Paragraph (d) of subsection (I) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 2008 and applies in respect of [years ofassessment ending] expenditure incurred on or after that date.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 January Amendment of section 29 ofact 60 of (1) Section 29 of the Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2008, is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (2) of the following subsection: "(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into effect on 21 October 2008 and applies in respect of [an erection, extension, addition or improvement] ~ 25 building, part thereofor improvement thereto that [commences] is brought into use on or after that date.". (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 21 October Amendment of section 55 of Act 60 of (I) The RevenueLaws AmendmentAct, 2008, is hereby amended by the deletion 30 of section 55. (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 21 October Amendment of section 59 of Act 60 of Section 59 of the Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2008, is hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection: 35 "(4) Subsection (1)(b), to the extent that it inserts item (ib) into paragraph 2(b) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, is deemed to have come into operation on 1 August 2008 and applies in respect of any lump sum benefit transferred on or after that date.". Special measures relating to sharing of fuel levy revenue (1) Special measures relating to the sharing of fuel levy revenue are set out in Schedule 1 to this Act. (2) Subsection (1) and Schedule 1 are deemed to have come into operation on I April 2009.

65 STAATSKOERANT, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 Go fa mohlala, Leswika la Fosefeiti, Gypsum, Bemikhulite, maswika a bohlokwa gannyane (a go swana Ie rose quartz, tiger's eye; khorantamo; bjalobjalo). Maswika a bohlokwa (a go swana Ie sugilite), Feldspar, Garnet, Peat, Perlite, dilo tsa lefase tse di sa hwetswego gabonolo, Silikha, Soda Ash. Wollastonite, Zeolite, 5 bjalobjalo.". (2) Karolwana ya (I) e thoma go soma ka la I Matshe 2010 gomme e soma mabapi Ie mothopo wa minerale wo 0 fetiseditswego ka goba ka morago ga letsatsikgwedi leo, Wysiging van artikel 6 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 6 van die Wysigingswet op Inkomstewette, 2008, word hierby 10 gewysig deur subartikel (2) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(2) [Paragraaf(b) van subartikel (1)] Subartikel (1) tree op I Maart 2009 in werking en is van toepassing ten opsigte van enkelbedragvoordele op of na daardie datum onttrek.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 21 Oktober 2008 in werking Ie getree het. 15 Wysiging van artikel 18 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 18 van die Wysigingswet op Inkomstewette, 2008, word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (3) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: "(3) Paragraaf (d) van subartikel (1) word geag op 1 Januarie 2008 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van [jare van aanslag wat] onkoste 20 op of na daardie datum [eindig] aangegaan,", (2) Subartikel (1) word geag op 1 Januarie 2008 in werking Ie getree het. Wysiging van artikel 29 van Wet 60 van (I) Artikel 29 van die Wysigingswet op Inkomstewette, 2008, word hierby gewysig deur subartikel (2) deur die volgende subartikel te vervang: 25 "(2) Subartikel (1) word geag op 21 Oktober 2008 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing ten opsigte van 'n [oprigting, uitbreiding, toevoeging of verbetering] gebou, deel daarvan of verbetering daaraan wat op of na daardie datum ['n aanvang neem] in gebruik geneem word.". (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 21 Oktober 2008 in werking te getree het. 30 Wysiging van artikel 55 van Wet 60 van (1) Die Wysigingswetop Inkomstewette, 2008, word hierby gewysigdeurartikel 55 te skrap. (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 21 Oktober 2008 in werking te getree het. Wysiging van artikel 59 van Wet 60 van Artikel 59 van die Wysigingswet op Inkomstewette, 2008, word hierby gewysig deur die volgende subartikel by te voeg: "(4) Subartikel (I)(b), namate dit item (ib) invoeg in paragraaf 2(b) van die Tweede Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, word geag op 1 Augustus 2008 in werking te getree het en is van toepassing len opsigte van enige 40 enkelbedragvoordeel 0D of na daardie datum oorgedra.". Spesiale maatreels met betrekking tot deel van inkomste uit brandstofheffing 109. (I) Spesiale maatreels met betrekking tot die deel van inkomste uit die brandstofheffing word in Bylae 1 by hierdie Wet uiteengesit. (2) Subartikel (I) en Bylae I word geag op 1 April 2009 in werking te getree het. 45

66 146 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENTACT, 2009 Special zero-rating in respect ofgoods or services supplied by Cricket South Africa 110. (1) The supply of goods or services by Cricket South Africa in respect of the staging of the 2009 International Premier League event in the Republic shall be subject to value-added tax imposed in terms of section 7(1) of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991 (Act No. 89 of 1991), at the rate of zero per cent to the extent that consideration for that 5 supply is received from the Board of Cricket Control of India. (2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into operation on 1 March Short title and commencement 111. (1) This Act is called the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, (2) Except insofar as otherwise provided for in this Act or the context otherwise 10 indicates, the amendments effected to the Income Tax Act, 1962, by this Act shall for the purposes of assessments in respect of normal tax under the Income Tax Act, 1962, be deemed to have come into operation as from the commencement of years of assessment ending on or after 1 January 2010.

67 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Spesiale nulskating ten opsigte van goed en dienste gelewer deur Krieket Suid-Afrika 110. (I) Die lowering van goed of dienste deur Krieket Suid-Afrika ten opsigte van die plaasnerning van die 2009 Internasionale Premier Liga-gebeurtenis in die Republiek is onderhewig aan belasting op toegevoegde waarde gehef ingevolge artikel 7( 1) van die 5 Wet op Belasting of Toegevoegde Waarde, 1991 (Wet No. 89 van 1991), teen die koers van nul pcrsent, namate vergoeding vir daardie lewering van die "Board of Cricket Control of India" ontvang word. (2) Subartikel (I) word geag op 1 Maart 2009 in werking te getree het. Kort titel en inwerkingtreding (I) Hierdie Wet heet die Wysigingswet op Belastingwette, (2) Tensy hierdie Wet anders bepaal of dit uit die samehang anders blyk, word die wysigings aan die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, by hierdie Wet aangebring vir die doeleindes van aanslae ten opsigte van normale belasting kragtens die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, geag in werking te getree het met ingang van jare van 15 aanslag wat op of na 1 Januarie 2010 eindig.

68 148 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 SCHEDULE 1 SPECIAL MEASURES RELATING TO SHARING OF GENERAL FUEL LEVY REVENUE (Section 109) Definitions 5 1. For the purposes of this Schedule, unless the context otherwise indicates "Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996; "finaucial year" means a year starting 1 April and ending 31 March; "general fuel levy" means the fuel levy contemplated in section 1 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 (Act No. 91 of 1964), and Part 5A of Schedule No.1 to that 10 Act, but does not include the Road Accident Fund levy and any rebates, drawbacks and refunds of duty; "metropolitan municipality" means a metropolitan municipality as defined in section I of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998); 15 "Minister" means the Minister of Finance; "municipality" means a municipality as described in section 2 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000); "National Revenue Fund" means the National Revenue Fund contemplated in section 213 of the Constitution. 20 General fuel levy revenue is direct charge 2. An amount equal to a fixed percentage of revenue raised from the collection of the general fuel levy is a direct charge against the National Revenue Fund for the credit of the metropolitan municipalities. Allocation to which metropolitan municipality is entitled (l) (a) The percentage contemplated in paragraph 2 is fixed at 23 per cent. (b) The Minister may annually revise the percentage specified in item (a) and must publish the revised percentage by notice in the Gazette. (2) (a) The Minister must for each financial year determine an equitable allocation to be made to each metropolitan municipality from the amount contemplated in 30 paragraph 2. (b) The Minister must publish the allocation contemplated in item (a) by notice in the Gazette. Power to make regulations 4. The Minister may make regulations regarding any matter that may facilitate the 35 implementation and administration of this Schedule.

69 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 BYLAE 1 SPESIALE MAATREELS MET BETREKKING TOT DEEL VAN INKOMSTE UIT ALGEMENE BRANDSTOFHEFFING (Artikel 109) Woordomskrywing 5 1. By die toepassing van hierdie Bylae, tensy uit die samehang anders blyk, beteken "algemene brandstofheffing" die brandstofheffing beoog in artikel 1 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964 (Wet No. 91 van 1964), en Deel 5A van Bylae No.1 by daardie Wet, maar nie ook die Padongelukfondsheffing of enige korting, terugtrekking of teruggawes van reg nie; 10 "finansieie jaar" 'n jaar wat op 1 April begin en op 31 Maart eindig; "Grondwet" die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996; "metropolitaanse munisipaiiteit" 'n metropolitaanse munisipaliteit soos omskryf in artikel 1 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Strukture, 1998 (Wet No. J 17 van 1998); 15 "Minister" die Minister van Finansies; "munisipaliteit" 'n munisipaliteit soos beskryf in artikel 2 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet No. 32 van 2000); "Nasionale Inkomstefonds" die Nasionale Inkomstefonds in artikel 213 van die Grondwet beoog. 20 Inkomste uit algemene brandstofheffing is direkte las 2. 'n Bedrag gelyk aan 'n vaste persentasie van inkomste verkry uit die insameling van die algemene brandstofheffing is 'n direkte las teen die Nasionale Inkomstefonds ten gunste van die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite. Toewysing waarop metropolitaanse munisipaliteit geregtig is (I) (a) Die persentasie beoog in paragraaf 2 word op 23 persent vasgestel. (b) Die Minister kan jaarliks die persentasie in item (a) vermeld hersien en moet die hersiene persentasie by kennisgewing in die Staatskoerant publiseer, (2) (a) Die Minister moet vir elke finansiele jaar 'n bill ike toewysing bepaal wat aan elke rnetropolitaanse munisipaliteit gemaak moet word uit die bedrag in paragraaf 2 30 beoog. (b) Die Minister moet die toewysing beoog in item (a) by kennisgewing in die Staatskoerant publiseer, Bevoegdheid om regulasies uit te vaardig 4. Die Minister kan regulasies uitvaardig met betrekking tot enige saak wat die 35 uitvoering en administrasie van hierdie Bylae kan vergemaklik.

70 \50 No. 326\0 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 Appendix I (Section 6) RATES OF NORMAL TAX AND REBATES 1. The rate of tax referred to in section 6( I) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income (excluding any retirement fund lump sum benefit or retirement fund 5 lump sum withdrawal benefit) ofany natural person, deceased estate, insolvent estate or special trust (other than a public benefit organisation or recreational club referred to in paragraph 7) in respect of any year of assessment commencing on I March 2009 is set out in the table below: Taxable Income Rate of Tax 10 Not exceeding R per cent of the taxable income Exceeding R but not exceeding R plus 25 per cent of amount by which taxable R income exceeds Rl Exceeding R but not exceeding R plus 30 per cent of amount by which taxable R income exceeds R2l a000 Exceeding R but not exceeding R plus 35 per cent of amount by which taxable R income exceeds R Exceeding R but not exceeding R plus 38 per cent of amount by which taxable R income exceeds R Exceeds R Rl plus 40 per cent of amountby which taxable income exceeds R Description Reference to the Income Tax Act, 1962 Amount Primary rebate Section 6(2)(a) R9756 Secondary rebate Section 6(2)(b) R The rate of tax referred to in section 6( I) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of a trust (other than a special trust or a public benefit organisation 35 referred to in paragraph 7) in respect of any year of assessment ending on 28 February 2010 is 40 per cent. 4. The rate of tax referred to in section 6(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of a company (other than a public benefit organisation or recreational club referred to in paragraph 7 or a small business corporation referred to in paragraph 40 8) in respect of any year of assessment ending during the period of 12 months ending on 31 March 2010 is, subject to the provisions of paragraph 13, as follows: (a) 28 per cent of the taxable income of any company (excluding taxable income referred to in subparagraphs (b), (c), (d), (e) and (/) or in paragraphs 5 and 6) or, in the case of such a company which mines for gold on any gold mine and 45 which is in terms of an option exercised by it exempt from the payment of secondary tax on companies, 35 per cent; (b) in respect ofthe taxable income derived by any company from mining for gold on any gold mine with the exclusion of so much of the taxable income as the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service determines to be 50 attributable to the inclusion in the gross income of any amount referred to in paragraph (j) of the definition of "gross income" in section I of the Income Tax Act, 1962, but after the set-off of any assessed loss in terms of section 20(1) of that Act, a percentage determined in accordance with the formula: 55 y = x

71 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17,2009 Aanhangsel I (ArtikeI6) SKALE VAN NORMALE BELASTING EN KORTINGS 1. Die skale van belasting bedoel in artikel 6( I) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste (met uitsondering van enige uittreefonds 5 enkelhedragvoordecl of uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel) van enige natuurlike persoon, gestorwe boedel, insolvente boedel of spesiale trust (behalwe 'n openbare weldaadsorganisasie of ontspanningsklub bedoel in paragraaf 7) ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op 1 Maart 2009 begin, word in die tabel hieronder uiteengesit: 10 Belasbare inkomste Skaal van belasting Nie R te bowe gaan nie 18 persent van belasbare inkomste RI te bowe gaan maar nie R23760 plus 25 persenl van bedrag waarmee R nie belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan maar nie R43260 plus 30 persent van bedrag waarmee R nie belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan maar nie R67260 plus 35 persent van bedrag waarmee R nie belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan maar nie RI09260 plus 38 persent van bedrag waarmee R nie belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan Rl52960 plus 40 persent van bedrag waarmee belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan 2. Beskrywing Verwysing na Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962 Bedrag IS Prirnere korting ArtikeI6(2)(a) R9756 Sekondere korting Artikel 6(2)(b) R Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6( I) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten 35 opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van 'n trust (behalwe 'n spesiale trust of 'n openbare weldaadsorganisasie bedoel in paragraaf 7) ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op 28 Februarie 20 I 0 eindig, is 40 persent. 4. Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6( 1) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van 'n maatskappy (behalwe 'n openhare 40 weldaadsorganisasie of ontspanningsklub bedoel in paragraaf 7 of 'n kleinsakekorporasie bedoel in paragraaf 8) ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat eindig gedurende die tydperk van 12 maande wat op 31 Maart 2010 eindig, is, behoudens die bepalings van paragraaf 13, soos volg: (a) 28 persent van die belasbare inkomste van enige maatskappy (behalwe 45 belasbare inkomste bedoel in subparagrawe (b), (c), (d), (e) en (f) of in paragrawe 5 en 6) of, in die geval van so 'n maatskappy wat myn vir goud op enige goudmyn en wat ingevolge 'n keuse deur die maatskappy uitgeoefen van die betaling van sekondere belasting op maatskappye vrygestel is, 35 persent: 50 (b) ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste verkry deur enige maatskappy uit die myn van goud op enige goudmyn verkry word met uitsluiting van soveel van die belasbare inkomste as wat volgens vasstelling van die Komrnissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens toe te skryf is aan die insluiting by die bruto inkornste van enige bedrag bedoel in paragraaf (j) van die omskrywing 55 van "bruto inkomste" in artikel 1 van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, maar na die verrekening van enige vasgestelde verlies ingevolge artikel 20( I) van daardie Wet, "n persentasie vasgestel ooreenkomstig die formule: y := x 60

72 152 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 (c) (d) (e) if) or, in the case of a company which is in terms of an option exercised by it exempt from the payment of secondary tax on companies, in accordance with the formula: y= x in which formulae y represents such percentage and x the ratio expressed as a percentage which the taxable income so derived (with the said exclusion, but before the set-off of any assessed loss or deduction which is not attributable to the mining for gold from the said mine) bears to the income so derived (with 10 the said exclusion); in respect ofthe taxable income ofany company, the sole or principal business of which in the Republic is, or has been, mining for gold and the determination of the taxable income of which for the period assessed does not result in an assessed loss, which the Commissioner for the South African Revenue 15 Service determines to be attributable to the inclusion in its gross income of any amount referred to in paragraph (j) of the definition of "gross income" in section I of the Income Tax Act, 1962, a rate equal to the average rate of normal tax or 28 per cent, whichever is higher: Provided that for the purposes of this subparagraph, the average rate of normal tax shall be determined by 20 dividingthe total normal tax (excludingthe tax determinedin accordance with this subparagraph for the period assessed) paid by the company in respect of its aggregate taxable income from mining for gold on any gold mine for the period from which that company commenced its gold mining operations on that gold mine to the end of the period assessed, by the number of rands 25 contained in the said aggregate taxable income; in respect of the taxable income derived by any company from carrying on long-term insurance business in respect ofits- (i) individual policyholder fund, 30 per cent; and (ii) company policyholder fund and corporate fund, 28 per cent; 30 in respect of the taxable income (excluding taxable income referred to in subparagraphs (b), (c), (d) and (f)) derived by a company which is not a resident, 33 per cent; and in respect of the taxable income derived by a qualifying company contemplated in section 37H of the Income Tax Act, 1962, subject to the provisions 35 of the said section, zero per cent. 5. The rate of tax referred to in section 6(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of any employment company as defined in section 12E of the Income Tax Act, 1962, in respect of any year of assessment commencing on or after 1April 2008 and before 1 March 2009 is 33 per cent The rate of tax referred to in section 6(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of any company that is a personal service provider as defined in paragraph 1 of the Fourth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, in respect of any year of assessment commencing on or after 1 March 2009 is 33 per cent. 7. The rate of tax referred to in section 6(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the 45 taxable income of any public benefit organisation that has been approved by the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service in terms of section 30(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1962, or any recreational club that has been approved by the Commissionerfor the South African Revenue Service in terms ofsection 30A(2) of that Act is 28 per cent- 50 (a) (b) in the case of an organisation or club that is a company, in respect of any year of assessment ending during the period of 12 months ending on 31 March 2010; or in the case of an organisation that is a trust, in respect of any year of assessment ending on 28 February The rate of tax referred to in section 6(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of any company which qualifies as a small business corporation as defined in section 12E of the Income Tax Act, 1962, in respect of any year of assessment

73 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 of. in die geval van 'n maatskappy wat ingevolge 'n keuse deur die maatskappy uitgeoefen van die betaling van sekondere belasting op maatskappye vrygestel is, ooreenkomstig die formulc: y= x in welke formules y bedoelde persentasie voorstel en x die vcrhouding is, as 'n persentasie uitgedruk, waarin die aldus verkree belasbare inkomste (met genoemde uitsluiting, maar voor die verrekening van enige vasgestelde verlies of aftrekking wat nie aan die myn van goud uit bedoelde myn 10 toeskryfbaar is nie) staan tot die aldus verkree inkomste (met genoemde uitsluiting); (e) ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van enige maatskappy waarvan die enigste of vcrnaamste besigheid in die Republiek die myn van goud is of was en waarvan die vasstelling van die belasbare inkomste vir die tydperk van 15 aanslag nie op 'n vasgestelde verlies uitloop nie, wat volgens vasstelling van die Kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens toe te skryf is aan die insluiting by sy bruto inkomste van enige bedrag bedoel in paragraaf (j) van die omskrywing van "bruto inkomste' in artikel I van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, 'n skaal gelykstaande aan die gemiddelde skaal 20 van normale belasting of 28 persent, welke ook al die hoogste is: Met dien verstande dat by die toepassing van hierdie subparagraafdie gemiddelde skaal van normale belasting vasgestel word deur die totale normale belasting (met uitsondering van die belasting wat vir die tydperk van aanslag ooreenkomstig hierdie subparagraaf vasgestel is) wat deur die maatskappy betaal is ten 25 opsigte van sy totale belasbare inkomste uit die myn van goud op enige goudmyn vir die tydperk vanaf die begin van daardie maatskappy se goudmynbedrywighede op daardie goudmyn tot die einde van die aangeslane tydperk deur die getal rande vervat in genoemde totale belasbare inkomste te deel: 30 (d) ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste deur 'n maatskappy verkry uit die bedryf van langtermynversekeringsbesigheid ten opsigte van sy- (i ) individuele polishouerfonds, 30 persent; en (ii) maatskappypolishouerfonds en korporatiewe fonds, 28 persent; (e) ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste (met uitsondering van belasbare 35 inkomste bedoel in subparagrawe (b), (c), (d) en (f)) verkry deur 'n maatskappy wat nie 'n inwoner is nie, 33 persent; en (j) ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste verkry deur 'n kwalifiserende maatskappy beoog in artikel 37H van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, behoudens die bepalings van gemelde artikel, nul persent Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6(1) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van enige werknemermaatskappy soos omskryf in artikel 12E van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na I April 2008 en voor I Maart 2009 begin, is 33 persent. 6. Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6( I) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten 45 opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van enige maatskappy wat 'n persoonlike diensverskaffer is soos omskryf in paragraaf I van die Vierde Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, ten opsigte van enige jaar van aans lag wat op of na I Maart 2009 begin, is 33 persent. 7. Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6( I) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten 50 opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van enige openbare weldaadsorganisasie wat ingevolge artikel 30(3) van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, deur die Kommissaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens goedgekeur is of enige ontspanningsklub wat ingevolge artikel 30A(2) van daardie Wet deur die Kommissaris van die Suid- Afrikaanse Inkomstediens goedgekeur is, is 28 persent- 55 (a) in die geval van 'n organisasie ofklub wat 'n maatskappy is, ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat eindig gedurende die tydperk van 12 maande wat (h) op 31 Maart 2010 eindig; of in die geval van 'n organisasie wat 'n trust is, ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat op 28 Februarie 2010 eindig Die skaal van bclasting bedoel in artikel 6(1) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten opsigte van die belasbare inkomste van enige maatskappy wat kwalifiseer as 'n kleinsakekorporasie soos omskryf in artikel 12E van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962,

74 154 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, 2009 ending during the period of 12 months ending on 31 March 2010 is, subject to the provisions of paragraph 13, set out in the table below: Taxable Income Rate of Tax Not exceeding R oper cent of taxable income Exceeding R but not exceeding 10 per cent of amount by which taxable income R exceeds R Exceeding R R plus 28 per cent of amount by which taxable income exceeds R The rate of tax referred to in section 6(2) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable turnover of a person that is a registered micro business as defined in paragraph 1 of the Sixth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962, in respect of any year of assessment ending during the period of 12 months ending on 31 March 2010 is set out in the table 15 below: Taxable turnover Rate of tax Not exceeding RIOO 000 oper cent of taxable turnover Exceeding RIOO 000 but not exceeding 1 per cent of amount by which taxable turnover R exceeds RI Exceeding R but not exceeding R2 000 plus 3 per cent of amount by which taxable R turnover exceeds R Exceeding R but not exceeding R8 000 plus 5 per cent of amount by which taxable R turnover exceeds R Exceeding R R plus 7 per cent of amount by which taxable turnover exceeds R (a) (i) Ifa retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit accrues to a person in any year of assessment commencing on or after 1 March 2009, the rate of tax referred to in section 6( 1) of this Act to be levied on that person in respect of taxable income comprising the aggregate of- 35 (aa) that retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit; (bb) retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefits received by or accrued to that person on or after 1 March 2009 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit contemplated in subitem (aa); and (cc) retirement fund lump sum benefits received by or accrued to that person on or 40 after 1 October 2007 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit contemplated in subitem (aa), is set out in the table below: Taxable income from lump sum benefits Not exceeding R Exceeding R but not exceeding R Rate of tax oper cent of taxable income 18 per cent of taxable income exceeding R22500 Exceeding R but not exceeding R R plus 27 per cent of taxable income exceeding R Exceeding R Rl plus 36 per cent of taxable income exceeding R (ii) The amount of tax levied in terms of item (i) must be reduced by an amount equal to the tax that would be leviable on the person in terms of that item in respect of taxable 55 income comprising the aggregate of- (aa) retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefits received by or accrued to that person on or after 1 March 2009 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit contemplated in item (i)(aa); and (bb) retirement fund lump sum benefits received by or accrued to that person on or 60 after 1 October 2007 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit contemplated in item (i)(aa). (b) (i) If a retirement fund lump sum benefit accrues to a person in any year of assessment commencing on or after 1 March 2009, the rate of tax referred to in section

75 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET 01' BELASTINGWETTE, 2009 Wet No. 17,2009 ten opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat eindig gedurende die tydperk van 12 maande wat op 31 Maart 20 I0 eindig, word, behoudens die bepalings van paragraaf 13, in die tabel hicronder uiteengesit: Belasbare inkomste Skaal van belasting Nie R te howe gaan nie o persent van helasbare inkomste R54200 Ie bowe gaan maar nie 10 persent van bedrag waarmee helasbare inkomste R nie R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan R24580 plus 28 persenl van bedrag waarmee belasbare inkomste R tc bowe gaan Die skaal van belasting bedoel in artikel 6(2) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word ten opsigte van die belasbare omset van 'n persoon wat 'n geregistreerde mikrobesigheid is soos omskryfin paragraaf I van die Sesde Bylae by die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, ten 15 opsigte van enige jaar van aanslag wat eindig gedurende die tydperk van 12 maande wat op 31 Maart 2010 eindig, word in die tabel hieronder uiteengesit: Belasbare omset Skaal van belasting Nie R te bowe gaan nie opersent van belasbare omset RlOOOOO te bowe gaan maar nie I persent van bedrag waarmee belasbare omset R nie R I Ie bowe gaan R te bowe gaan maar nie R2 000 plus 3 persent van bedrag waarmee belasbare R nie omset R te bowe gaan R Ie bowe gaan maar nie R8 000 plus 5 persent van hedrag waarmee belasbare R nie omset R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan R plus 7 persent van hedrag waarmee belasbare omset R te bowe gaan (a) (i) Indien 'n uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel toeval aan 'n persoon in enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na 1 Maart 2009 begin, word die skaal van belasting bedoe1 in artikel 6(1) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word op daardie persoon ten 35 opsigte van belasbare inkomste wat bestaan uit die totaal van- (aa) daardie uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel; (bb) uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na 1 Maart 2009 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel beoog in subitem (aa); en 40 (cc) uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na I Oktober 2007 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel beoog in subitem (aa), in die tabel hieronder uiteengesit: Belasbare inkomste uit enkelbedragvoordele Nie R te bowe gaan nie R Ie bowe gaan maar nie R nie R te bowe gaan maar nie R nie R te bowe gaan Skaal van belasting opersent van bejasbare inkomste 18 persent van belasbare inkomste wat R te bowe gaan RI plus 27 persenl van belasbare inkomste wat R te bowe gaan R plus 36 persent van belasbare inkomste wat R te howe gaan (ii) Die bedrag van belasting ingevolge item (i) gehef, moet verminder word deur 'n 55 bedrag gelykstaande aan die belasting wat op die persoon ingevolge daardie item hefbaar sou wees ten opsigte van belasbare inkomste wat bestaan uit die totaal van- (aa) uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na I Maart 2009 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel beoog in item (i)(aa); en 60 (bb) uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na 1 Oktober 2007 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordeel beoog in item (i)( aa). (b) (i) Indien 'n uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeel aan 'n persoon toeval in enige jaar van aanslag wat op of na 1 Maart 2009 begin, word die skaal van belasting bedoel

76 156 No GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 Act No. 17,2009 TAXATION LAWS AMENDMENT ACT, ( I) of this Act to be levied on that person in respect of taxable income comprising the aggregate of- (aa) that retirement fund lump sum benefit; and (bb) retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefits received by or accrued to that person on or after I March 2009 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund 5 lump sum benefit contemplated in subitem (aa); and (cc) retirement fund lump sum benefits received by or accrued to that person on or after 1 October 2007 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum benefit contemplated in subitem (aa), is set out in the table below: 10 Taxable income from lump sum Rate of tax benefits Not exceeding R oper cent of taxable income Exceeding R but not exceeding RO plus 18 per cent of taxable income exceeding R R Exceeding R but not exceeding R plus 27 per cent of taxable incomeexceeding R R ExceedingR R plus 36 per cent of taxable incomeexceeding R (ii) The amount of tax levied in terms of item (i) must be reduced by an amount equal to the tax that would be leviable on the person in terms ofthat item in respect oftaxable 25 income comprising the aggregate of- (aa) retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefits received by or accrued to that person on or after 1 March 2009 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum benefit contemplated in item (i)(aa); and (bb) retirement fund lump sum benefits received by or accrued to that person on or 30 after 1 October 2007 and prior to the accrual of the retirement fund lump sum benefit contemplated in item (i)(aa). 11. The rates of tax set out in paragraphs 1, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 are the rates required to be fixed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of section 5(2) of the Income Tax Act, The rate of tax set out in paragraph 9 is the rate required to be fixed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of section 48B(l) of the Income Tax Act, For the purposes of this Appendix, income derived from mining for gold includes any income derived from silver, osmiridium, uranium, pyrites or other minerals which may be won in the course ofmining for gold and any other income which results directly 40 from mining for gold.

77 STAATSKOERANT. 30 SEPTEMBER 2009 No WYSIGINGSWET OP BELASTINGWETTE Wet No. 17, 2009 in artikel 6( I) van hierdie Wet wat gehef word op daardie persoon ten opsigte van belasbare inkomste wat bestaan uit die totaal van- (aa) daardie uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeel: en (bb) uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na I Maart 2009 en voor die toevalling van die 5 uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeel beoog in subitem (aa); en (lc) uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na 1 Oktober 2007 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeel beoog in subitem (aa), in die tabel hieronder uiteengesit: 10 Belasbare inkomste uit enkelbedragvoordele Skaal van belasting Nie R te bowe gaan nie o persent van belasbare inkomste R te bowe gaan maar nie R nie RO plus 18 persent van belasbare inkomste wat R te bowe gaan 15 R te bowe gaan maar nie R nie R plus 27 persent van belasbare inkomste wat R te bowe gaan R te bowe gaan R plus 36 persent van belasbare inkomste wat R te bowe gaan 20 (ii) Die bedrag van belasting ingevolge item (i) gehef, moet verminder word deur 'n bedrag gelykstaande aan die belasting wat hefbaar sou wees op die persoon ingevolge daardie item ten opsigte van belasbare inkomste wat bestaan uit die totaal van-- (aa) uittreefonds enkelbedragonttrekkingsvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na I Maart 2009 en voor die toevalling van die 25 uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeel beoog in item (i)(aa); en (bb] uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordele ontvang deur of toegeval aan daardie persoon op of na I Oktober 2007 en voor die toevalling van die uittreefonds enkelbedragvoordeei beoog in item (i)(aa). 11. Die skale van belasting uiteengesit in paragrawe 1,3,4,5,6.7,8 en lois die skale 30 wat ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel 5(2) van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, deur die Parlement vasgestei moet word. 12. Die skaal van belasting uiteengesit in paragraaf 9 is die skaal wat ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikei 488(1) van die Inkomstebelastingwet, 1962, deur die ParJement vasgestel moet word Vir die doeleindes van hierdie Aanhangsel sluit inkomste verkry uit die myn van goud enige inkomste verkry uit silwer, osmiridiurn, uraan, piriet ofander minerale wat in die loop van die myn van goud gewin word en enige ander inkomste wat regstreeks uit die myn van goud voortvloei, in.

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