MSU. AGENDA - SRA 12C STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Sunday April 29, 2012, 12:00 p.m. Gilmour Hall Room 111 PROCEDURE

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1 McMaster Studer MSU PROCEDURE AGENDA - SRA 12C STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Sunday April 29, 2012, 12:00 p.m. Gilmour Hall Room 111 Call of the Roll, Adoption of Agenda, Playing of National Anthem, Announcements from the Chair, Approval of Minutes 10I, 11A and 12A, Special Orders of the Day, Report Period, Information Period, Question Period, Business Arising from the Minutes, Business, Committee Business, Unfinished Business, Committee of the Whole, New Business, Time of Next Meeting, Call of the Roll, Adjournment SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. Close Nominations for MSU Members to Other Committees Dillon-Leitch 2. Close Nominations for SRA Members to Standing Committees Dillon-Leitch 3. Close Nominations for SRA Members to Other Committees Dillon-Leitch BUSINESS 1. Open Nominations for Ad-Hoc Committee on Democratic Reform Granat 2. Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA Zuchowski

2 MOTIONS 1. Moved by Dillon-Leitch, seconded by that the Assembly close nominations for two (2) MSU Members to the Teaching Awards Committee. 2. Moved by Dillon-Leitch, seconded by that the Assembly close nominations for SRA members to the following Standing Committees: Bylaws & Procedures (4) External Affairs (4) Finance (4) Operations (4) Services (4) University Affairs (4) 3. Moved by Dillon-Leitch, seconded by that the Assembly close nominations for SRA members to the following Other Committees: All-Ages Monitoring (1) Clubs Executive Council (2) EFRT Advisory (1) Information Systems Committee (1) MUSC Board of Management (1) Silhouette Board of Publication (1) SCSN Advisory (1) Teaching Awards (3) Elections (3) Faculty Cup Award (1) Child Care Centre Advisory (2 MSU/SRA) Residence Cup Award Committee (1) First Year Council (1) University Book Store Committee (3 SRA/MSU) 4. Moved by Granat, seconded by that the Assembly open nominations for two (2) seats for SRA members, and one (1) seat for a MSU member on the Ad-Hoc Committee on Democratic Reform. 5. Moved by Zuchowski, seconded by that the SRA rescind the previously adopted amendments for Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA from SRA 11B, and to approve the changes to Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA as circulated and attached

3 S tu d e n t R e p re s e n ta tiv e A s s e m b ly M e e tin g 12C S unday, A p ril 2 9, a t 1 2 :0 0 pm Council C ham bers, GH 111 Call to O rd e r a t 1 2 :0 7 pm CALL OF THE ROLL P re s e n t A b s e n t Excused A b s e n t Late O th e rs P re s e n t Chair Ali, A rm stro n g, B ergen, B ifano, B o b er-in o u e, Chase, C heung, Cicchi, D aniel, D illon-leitch, Ferguson, G alan, G rah a m, G ran a t, H e lie -M a s te rs, Jam ieson, Jeyasingham, Kanani, Long, M ila n i, A. M o rro w, Neves, Pullen, T hom p son, Thom son, Ung, W ayne-p hillips, Zuchowski Collins, D oucet, Khaja, M o h a m e d, L. M o rro w, N arro Perez David C am pbell (VP A d m in is tra tio n - Elect), Jam es D o w d e ll (S W H A T C o o rd in a to r), Chris Erl (CUPE R ep res en tativ e), H uzaifa Saeed (VP Education - Elect), Siobhan S te w a rt (M S U P resident - Elect), Julianne Sim pson (R ecording S ecretary) Jeff W yngaarden A D O P T IO N OF THE A G E N D A M o v e d by T h o m p so n, seconded by M ila n i th a t th e A ssem bly a d o p t th e agenda as circulated and am ended. A m e n d m e n ts M o v e d by M ila n i, seconded by Chase th a t Business Ite m # 2 - B ylaw 3 /B - S tanding C o m m itte e s o f th e SRA be m oved to Special O rders o f th e Day. In Favour: 2 1 O pposed: 3 A bstentions: 4 A bstentions: H e lie -M a s te rs, B ergen, Zuchow ski, Pullen M o tio n Passed V o te to A d o p t A g en d a C arried U nanim ously A N N O U N C E M E N T S F R O M THE CHAIR T h e S p eaker announced this w as his last m ee tin g as M SU S p e aker and advised th a t th e incom ing Speaker w ould be attending th e m eeting tonight; how ever, he w ould arrive later. T h e o u tgoing V ice P resident Finance p re sented o u tgoing President, D illon-leitch, w ith a c o m m e m o ra tiv e p laq u e in h o n o u r o f his y e a r as M SU P resident, and fo r th e g re a t w o rk on achieving quorum at th e G eneral Assembly. A P P R O V A L OF M IN U T E S M o v e d by G ran a t, s econded by M ila n i th a t th e M in u te s fro m SRA 10I, 11A, and 12A be a p p ro v ed as circulated. Carried Unanimously

4 SRA 12C Page 2 April 29, 2012 SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 1. B y la w 3 /B - S ta n d in g C o m m itte e s o f th e SRA M o v e d by Zuchowski, seconded by M ilani th a t th e SRA rescind th e previously adopted am endm ents for Bylaw 3 /B - Standing C om m ittees o f th e SRA from SRA 12B, and to approve th e changes to Bylaw 3 /B - Standing C om m ittees o f th e SRA as circulated and attached. Discussion Zuchow ski advised th a t he w as m oving to rescind th e b y la w changes th a t w e re passed a t th e last m e e tin g, so th a t th e byla w w o u ld go back to C om m issioners being e le c te d ra th e r th a n hired. Zuchow ski stated th a t in his in te rp re ta tio n o f th e changes, hired C om m issioners w o u ld no longer have any logistical a cc o u n ta b ility to th e SRA. Zuchow ski raised concerns th a t if th e SRA w e re to c o m m it th a t m o tio n to th e stan d ing c o m m itte e, C om m issioners w o u ld no longer be re q u ire d to listen to th e SRA, as th e y w o u ld n o w re p o rt to th e V ice-p residents. Zuchow ski also raised concerns th a t th e SRA w o u ld n e ve r h e a r w h a t h appens w ith regards to disciplinary actions involving th e C om m issioners d u e to th e c o n fid e n tia l n a tu re o f h u m an resource m atte rs. Zuchow ski stressed th a t th e Bylaws and P rocedures C o m m itte e is in place to re v ie w a m e n d m e n ts to bylaw s such as this, and th e c o m m itte e did n o t re v ie w th ese changes, it w as th e e n tire A ssem bly. T h e SRA m ay have n o t ta k e n e veryth in g into account like th e Bylaws and Procedures C o m m itte e w o u ld have, as th e m e m b e rs o f th e A ssem bly do n o t have th e sam e e x p e rien c e d ealing w ith bylaw s as th e seven m em b e rs on th e C o m m itte e do. Zuchow ski n o te d th a t you d o n 't build a bridge and th e n re in fo rc e it; you build a bridge and th en m aintain it. M ila n i raised concerns th a t th e n e w SRA m e m b e rs m ay n o t k n o w th e in n e r w o rkings o f th e M SU e n tire ly, and th a t th e y should ta lk a b o u t th e p ro blem s w ith changes th a t w e re m ad e to th e bylaw. M ilani stated th a t in her opinion, th e changes centralize th e po w er to th e Board o f Directors. Bifano n o ted th a t m em b e rs o f th e A ssem bly m ay have a b stain e d fro m th e original v o te because o f a c onflict o f in te re st, n o t because th e y w e re ig n o ra n t o f th e process. Those m em b e rs m ay be planning on going fo r one o f th e Com m issioner positions. Bergen asked w hen th e last tim e was th a t a Com m issioner was recalled. Dillon-Leitch advised th a t a Com m issioner has never been recalled. G ranat stated th a t th e bylaw changes should just go back to th e Bylaws and Procedures C om m ittee, as per Bylaw 3 /A, Section 1.6. G ranat stated th a t th e C om m ittee could m ake sure th a t any hiring/firings th a t m ay happen w ith Com m issioners w ill not cause problem s fo r th e MSU. W ayne-p h illip s n o ted th a t re cently th e re has been a string o f successful V ice-p resid ents and Presidents; h o w e v e r th e re m ay be concerns 15 years d o w n th e road as th e SRA is th e n p u ttin g this p o w e r into th e hands o f p e o p le th e y do n o t know. W a y n e -P h illip s stated th a t th e SRA should th in k a bout th e ir legacy and also asked if th e re w e re hiring requirem ents fo r th e Com m issioners. Kanani n o ted th a t August 3 1 is th e last day fo r filling c o m m itte e s and th a t since m em b e rs could ta k e a sum m er leave, half o f th e Assem bly could be voting on filling these positions. D illon-leitch n o ted th a t th e d iffic u lt y e a r w ith som e C om m issioners last y e a r w as only one e le m e n t/fa c to r in m aking th e changes to th e bylaw. O th e r executives w e re c onsu lted, as w e ll as, research m ad e in to th e m odels o f o th e r schools. O th e r schools have fo u n d th e m o d e l o f hiring C om m issioners to be successful fo r q u ite som e tim e. D illon-leitch addressed som e concerns th a t had been raised: Instead o f te rm in a tio n s going to th e SRA, th e y w o u ld go to th e Executive Board. T h irty - five m em b e rs dealing w ith e m p lo y e e m a tte rs m ay n o t be th e best w a y to deal w ith it. T e rm in a tin g em p lo yees is a very serious m a tte r, and th e Executive Board p revents triv ial decisions fro m being m ad e. T h e E xecutive Board consists o f five SRA m em b ers. As fo r n o t going to c o m m itte e, D illon- Leitch n o te d th a t th a t th is is a fa ir concern; h o w e v e r, he stressed th a t th e b y la w changes had n o t just been slapped to g e th e r. T h e re a re no large scale c o m plications to o th e r bylaw s th a t w ill be a ffe c te d. D illon-leitch advised th a t he and th e S p eaker had re vie w e d th e bylaw s fo r such changes th a t w o u ld need to be m ad e as a result o f th e a m e n d m e n ts to B ylaw 3B. D illon-leitch stated th a t a lth o u g h it m ay have seem ed as if th e changes w e re rushed through, th e re was only a small w in d o w available in

5 SRA 12C Page 3 April 29, 2012 o rd e r to m ake th e changes. D illon-leitch stated th a t he takes c o m p le te responsibility fo r p u ttin g th e changes through at this tim e ; how ever, he is just trying to m ake th e SRA m ore effective. Bifano n o ted th a t w h e n m o tio n s a re b ro u g h t fo rth, it is th e A ssem bly m e m b e rs ' responsibilities to re v ie w th e bylaw s and to ta lk to th e p e o p le invo lved. It is n o t a p p ro p ria te to rescind m o tio n s a fte r th ey are passed. Zuchow ski agree d th a t he should have read up m o re th o ro u g h ly ; h o w e v e r, th e SRA does have th e ability to rescind, and he did n o t th in k it w as th e p ro p e r tim e o r th e p ro p e r m e th o d to m ake th e changes. Zuchow ski n o ted th a t th e Bylaws and Procedures C o m m itte e should g e t a chance to re v ie w th e changes. Zuchow ski asked w h e re in th e policies it states th a t an Executive Board m e m b e r w ill sit on hiring com m ittees. Ferguson advised th a t th e m a jo rity o f p a rt-tim e m an a g e r positions are hired by c o m m itte e s struck by th e Executive Board and she s tated th a t it is stan dard practice fo r an Executive Board m e m b e r to sit on hiring c o m m itte e s o f p a rt-tim e s ta ff m em b ers. S te w a rt stated th a t she could see w h y it w o u ld be confusing fo r n e w m e m b e rs as to w h y th ese changes did n o t go th ro u g h th e Bylaws and Procedures C o m m itte e ; h o w e v e r, keeping th e changes in place fo r this y ear, w o u ld be an o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk o u t th e kinks. T h e A ssem bly should alw ays be thinking o f how things im pact th e organization; how ever, th e p o w er ultim ately lies w ith th e SRA. Jam ieson read a le tte r sent in by last year's Bylaws and Procedures C om m issioner. T h e C o m m issio n er advised th a t a lth o u g h he is n o t in h e re n tly opposed to th e changes, he fe lt as th o u g h changes o f this m a g n itu d e need to go th ro u g h th e C o m m itte e. T h e C om m issioner's le tte r strongly urged th e Assem bly to vote in favo ur o f rescinding. D illon-leitch stated th a t th e SRA w o u ld still be a b le to c o m m it w o rk to th e c o m m itte e s. He noted th a t th e c o n cept o f hiring C om m issioners has been discussed fo r a fe w years and it w as discussed a t th e D em ocratic Reform C om m ittee. Dillon-Leitch stressed th a t he thinks it is an idea w o rth going for. Cam pbell noted th a t he did not th ink th e changes w e re doom sday to th e organization. He stated th a t next year could be a real learning o p p o rtu n ity and th a t although he knows th e re are good reasons to abstain, he encouraged th e Assem bly m em bers to vote yes or no to rescind th e changes. Daniel asked if th e re w e re job descriptions created and disciplinary m easures outlined som ew here. Daniel stressed th a t these docum ents cannot be draw n up a fte r th e fact and th a t th ey only w ay they can be draw n up is through com m ittees. D illon-leitch advised th a t th e re is a jo b description on th e M SU w e b s ite w h ich explains th a t C om m issioners re p o rt to th e E xecutive Board fo r disciplinary m easures. D illon-leitch stressed th a t he disagreed w ith th e n o tio n o f unchecked p o w e r o f th e Board o f D irectors. He believes th e changes w ill m ake th e Assem bly m ore effective and efficient. M ila n i advised th a t she does n o t like th e idea o f hiring C om m issioners because it c entralizes th e po w er to th e Board o f D irectors and those deciding w h o th ey w a n t in th e positions. D illon-leitch raised a p o in t o f personal privilege and n o ted th a t it is n o t th e Board o f D irectors w h o w ould be doing th e hiring, it w ould be a hiring com m ittee. Ali n o ted th a t c o m m itte e m em b e rs a re e le c te d by th e SRA to carry o u t th e c o m m itte e 's w o rk. Ferguson n o ted th a t th e C om m issioners need to be a ccounta b le to so m eo n e. This y e a r she received o n e tran s itio n re p o rt fro m a C om m ission er. These re p o rts a re im p o rta n t to be passed o ff fro m y e a r to year. In th e past, C om m issioners have m ad e changes to policies; h o w ev er, have n e v e r s u b m itte d th e changes to th e A dm inistrative Assistants fo r posting. N eves n o te d th a t th e outgoing Bylaws and P rocedures C om m issioner had given his o p in io n, and th e President and Speaker had looked over th e changes thoroughly as w ell. Due process has been done. Jam ieson stated th a t he is in fa v o u r o f rescinding th e a m e n d m e n ts because he has issues o f th e structure and tim ing, not because he believes th e Board o f D irectors w ants central pow er. V o te on M o tio n In Favour: 12 O pposed: 14 A bstentions: 2 O pposed: D illon-leitch, Ferguson, Thom pson, Ali, H e lie -M as te rs, Bergen, A. M o rro w, G raham, Cheung, Jeyasingham, Pullen, K anani, Long, Cicchi

6 SRA 12C Page 4 April 29, 2012 A b s ta in e d : B ifan o, B o b e r-in o u e M o tio n Failed Recess a t 1 :11 pm Call to o rd e r a t 1 :2 9 p m CALL OF THE ROLL P re sent A b s e n t Excused A b s e n t Late O thers Present C hair Ali, A rm stro n g, B ergen, B ifano, B o b er-in o u e, Chase, C heung, Cicchi, D aniel, D illon-leitch, Ferguson, G alan, G rah a m, G ran a t, H e lie -M a s te rs, Jam ieson, Jeyasingham, Long, M ila n i, A. M o rro w, N eves, Pullen, T h o m p so n, T hom son, Ung, W ayne-phillips, Zuchowski Collins, D oucet, Khaja, M o h a m e d, L. M o rro w, N arro Perez Kanani David C am pbell (VP A d m in is tra tio n - Elect), Jam es D o w d e ll (S W H A T C o o rd in a to r), Chris Erl (CUPE R ep res en tativ e), H uzaifa Saeed (VP Education - Elect), Siobhan S te w a rt (M S U P resident - Elect), Julianne Sim pson (R ecording S ecretary) Jeff W yngaarden BUSINESS 1. Close N o m in a tio n s fo r SRA M e m b e rs to S ta n d in g C o m m itte e s M o v e d b y D illon-leitch, s econded by Zuchow ski th a t th e A ssem bly close n o m in a tio n s fo r SRA m em b e rs to th e follow ing Standing C om m ittees: Bylaws and Procedures (4) External A ffairs (4) Finance (4) O perations (4) Services (4) University A ffairs (4) Discussion Bifano stated th a t she did n o t agree to closing all o f th e c o m m itte e s a t once, as som e p e o p le m ay change th e ir m inds a bout running fo r com m ittees as th e elections progress. The Speaker announced th a t w ith o u t objections, th e m otion w ould be split into six m otions. Passed by G eneral Consent B ylaw s a n d P ro c ed u res C o m m itte e A rm stro n g, Jeyasingham, T h o m s o n, and Zuchow ski w e re acclaim ed to th e Bylaws and Procedures C o m m itte e. E xtern al A ffa irs C o m m itte e A rm stro n g w ith d re w n o m in a tio n, H elie -M asters, A. M o rro w, Long, and Ung w e re acclaim ed to th e External Affairs C om m ittee. O p e ra tio n s C o m m itte e

7 SRA 12C Page 5 April 29, 2012 A rm stro n g, G raham, Long and W ayne-p h illip s w e re acclaim ed to th e O p era tio n s C o m m itte e. Finance C o m m itte e A rm stro n g w ith d re w n o m in a tio n B ober-inoue, Cicchi, G ranat and M ilani w e re acclaim ed to th e Finance C om m ittee. Services C o m m itte e H e lie -M a s te rs w ith d re w n o m in a tio n A rm stro n g, D aniel, Kanani and M ila n i w e re acclaim ed to th e Services C o m m itte e. U n iv e rs ity A ffa irs C o m m itte e H elie -M asters, Daniel, and G raham w ith d re w nom inations Chase was nom inated N o m in e e s A rm strong Chase Jeyasingham Kanani Khaja N arro Perez Ung Candidates spoke w ithin allotted tim e. Assem bly voted by secret ballot. C an d id ate V otes Arm strong 7 Chase 10 Jeyasingham 2 4 Kanani 15 Khaja 4 N arro Perez 20 Ung 2 4 Jeyasingham, Kanani, N arro Perez, and Ung w e re nom inated to th e University Affairs C om m ittee. 2. Close N o m in a tio n s fo r SRA M e m b e rs to O th e r C o m m itte e s M o v e d b y D illon-leitch, s econded by Zuchow ski th a t th e A ssem bly close n o m in a tio n s fo r SRA m e m b e rs to th e fo llo w in g O th e r C o m m itte es : All-Ages M o n itoring (1) Clubs E xecutive Council (2) EFRT A dvisory C o m m itte e (1) Inform ation Systems C o m m ittee (2) M U SC Board o f M a n a g e m e n t (1) Silhouette Board o f Publication (1) SCSN A dvisory C o m m itte e (1) Teachin g A w a rd s C o m m itte e (3)

8 SRA 12C Page 6 April 29, 2012 Elections C o m m itte e (3 ) Faculty Cup A w a rd C o m m itte e (1) Child C are C en tre A dvisory C o m m itte e (2 M S U /S R A ) Residence Cup A w a rd C o m m itte e (1) First Year Council (1) University Bookstore C o m m ittee (3 SR A /M SU ) Passed by G eneral Consent A ll-a g es M o n ito rin g C o m m itte e H elie -M asters was acclaim ed to th e All-Ages M o nitoring C om m ittee. Clubs E xecutive C ouncil A rm strong and Pullen w e re acclaim ed to th e Clubs Executive Council. C hild C are A d v is o ry C o m m itte e Chase and Pullen w e re acclaim ed to th e Child Care Advisory C om m ittee. EFRT A d v is o ry C o m m itte e A aron M o rro w was acclaim ed to th e EFRT Advisory C om m ittee. E lections C o m m itte e Pullen, Kanani, and W ayne-p h illip s w e re acclaim ed to th e Elections C o m m itte e. In fo rm a tio n S ystem s C o m m itte e Cheung was acclaim ed to th e Inform ation Systems C om m ittee. M U S C B oard o f M a n a g e m e n t C o m m itte e Bergen w as acclaim ed to th e M U SC Board o f M a n a g e m e n t C o m m itte e. S ilh o u e tte B oard o f P u b licatio n G ranat was acclaim ed to th e Silhouette Board o f Publication. Te ac h in g A w a rd s C o m m itte e A rm stro n g, Ung and G raham w e re acclaim ed to th e T eaching A w ards C o m m itte e. SCSN A d v is o ry C o m m itte e A rm strong was acclaim ed to th e SCSN Advisory C om m ittee. R esid ence Cup A w a rd C o m m itte e B ober-inoue was acclaim ed to th e Residence Cup A w ard C om m ittee.

9 SRA 12C Page 7 April 29, 2012 F acu lty Cup A w a rd C o m m itte e D aniel w ith d re w n o m in a tio n Jamieson was acclaim ed to th e Faculty Cup A w ard C om m ittee. First Y ear Council Long w ith d re w n o m in a tio n Ung was acclaim ed to First Y ear Council. U niversity B ookstore A dvisory Board Erin Dessau, MSU m em b er, was acclaim ed to th e University Bookstore Advisory Board. 3. O p e n N o m in a tio n s fo r th e A d -H o c C o m m itte e o n D e m o c ra tic R e fo rm M o v e d by G ra n a t and s econded by Zuchow ski th a t th e A ssem bly o p en n o m in a tio n s fo r tw o (2) seats fo r SRA m em b e rs and o n e (1) seat fo r M SU m e m b e rs on th e A d -H o c C o m m itte e on D em o c ratic R eform. C arried U nanim ously REPORT PERIOD There w e re no reports. IN F O R M A T IO N PERIO D Dillon-Leitch delivered a fa rew ell speech to th e Assembly. T h e S p eaker advised th a t if m em b e rs w e re w ishing to apply fo r a leave o f absence fro m th e Assem bly fo r th e s u m m er, th a t th e y em ail th e S p eaker e m a il account. S te w a rt advised th a t she had h e ard m an y positive c o m m e n ts regarding G ra n a t assisting students w ith th e ir taxes in th e M SU office. She n o te d th a t she w o u ld like to see th e sam e passion and drive from all m em bers on th e Assembly. Cam pbell stated th a t an em ail regarding sum m er training fo r SRA m em bers will be com ing soon. Bifano thanked th e Board o f Directors fo r a successful year. T IM E OF THE NEXT M E E T IN G TBD CALL OF THE ROLL P re sent A b s e n t Excused A b s e n t Late O thers Present Ali, A rm stro n g, B ergen, B ifano, B o b er-in o u e, Chase, C heung, Cicchi, D aniel, D illon-leitch, Ferguson, G alan, G rah a m, G ran a t, H e lie -M a s te rs, Jam ieson, Jeyasingham, Kanani Long, M ila n i, A. M o rro w, Neves, Pullen, Thom p so n, Thom son, Ung, W ayne-p hillips, Zuchowski Collins, D oucet, Khaja, M o h a m e d, L. M o rro w, N arro Perez David C am pbell (VP A d m in is tra tio n - Elect), Jam es D o w d e ll (S W H A T C o o rd in a to r), Chris Erl (CUPE R ep res en tativ e), H uzaifa Saeed (VP Education - Elect), Siobhan S te w a rt (M S U P resident - Elect), Sim on G ooding-tow nsend (Incom ing SRA Speaker), Julianne Simpson (Recording

10 SRA 12C Page 8 April 29, 2012 C hair S ecretary) Jeff W yngaarden A D J O U R N M E N T M o v e d by Dillon-Leitch, seconded by Thom pson th a t th e m eeting be adjourned. C arried U nanim ously M e e tin g A d jo u rn e d a t 2 :3 2 p.m. /js

11 BYLAW 3/B - STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SRA 1. PURPOSE 1.1 To list the standing committees of the SRA and define the membership, procedures, and duties of each. 2 DEFINITION 2.1 The standing committees of the SRA shall be: Bylaws and Procedures; External Affairs; Finance; Operations; Services University Affairs. 2.2 Standing committees shall be considered subsidiaries of the Student Representative Assembly and exercise jurisdiction only inasmuch as has been delegated by the SRA in legislation or by resolution; 2.3 Prospective new standing committees shall normally operate for one (1) year as an ad hoc committee of the SRA prior to their inclusion in this bylaw as standing bodies. 3 MEMBERSHIP 3.1 Each standing committee's voting membership shall consist of four (4) SRA members elected from the SRA, and two (2) non-sra Ms U members elected by the SRA; 3.2 All Standing Committees shall have a commissioner, who shall chair their respective committees but do not hold voting rights; 3.3 Speaker of the MSU and the MSU Administrative Assistant(s) shall be official observers on the Bylaws and Procedures Committee; 3.4 All standing committees shall be initially filled by April 30August 31; 3.5 The President and Vice-Presidents (Administration, Education, and Finance) shall be official observers of all standing committees; 3.6 The Comptroller shall be an official observer of the Finance committee; 3.7 The General Manager shall be an official observer of the Operations and Services committee; Approved 94Q Revised 96D, 96L, 96Q, 98N, 98R, 99L, 99P, 01Q, 02Q, 03P, 05K, 08D, 08P, 091, 09R, 10P, 11O, 12B

12 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page The Student Life Development Coordinator shall be an official observer of the University Affairs and External Affairs committee. 4 GENERAL DUTIES 4.1 All standing committees of the SRA shall: 5. COMMISSIONERS Exercise authority concurrently to the Assembly's term of office, and be reconstituted at the start of each new session; Extend the SRA's attentiveness to and depth of analysis of matters within their particular portfolio beyond what is possible in Assembly meetings; Carry out, on the Assembly's behalf, the detailed development of policy initiatives within their particular portfolio; Advise members of the Board of Directors on matters within their particular portfolios; Facilitate the participation of non-sra MSU members in the MSU decisionmaking process by providing a more conducive environment for member input than meetings of the full Assembly; Facilitate SRA access to information from stakeholders and outside experts by providing a more conducive environment for stakeholder and/or expert testimony than meetings of the full Assembly; Cooperate with other standing committees of the SRA on matters that cross portfolios; Appoint, where required, ad-hoc sub-committees whose membership shall not be restricted to the standing committee's membership; Receive draft documents concerning their particular portfolio from the SRA or the Executive Board for comprehensive scrutiny, and accordingly issue recommendations, prepare amendments and/or refer these documents back to the SRA or Executive Board for approval; Operate with a budget not separate from the Assembly's and expressly avoid allocating any of the standing committee's monetary, human, or other resources for any task outside the operating parameters of the SRA; Meet at least once before each regularly scheduled meeting of the SRA during the academic year. 5.1 Commissioners of standing committees shall: Hold office from hiring to March 31; Be hired by a hiring board consisting of the outgoing commissioner, the incoming respective officer and the outgoing respective officer by May 31; Bylaws and Procedures: Vice President Administration External Affairs: Vice President Education Finance: Vice President Finance Operations: Vice President Administration Services: Vice President Administration University Affairs: Vice President Education

13 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page Receive remuneration according to OPERATING POLICY EMPLOYMENT WAGES; Continue at all times to serve as academic division representatives; Call meetings of their standing committee; Report to the Assembly on the activities of their committees at least twice per academic term, or whenever requested by the Assembly or Vice-President (Administration); Ensure that proper minutes are taken of all quorate meetings and kept on file in the MSU Main Office; these minutes shall be submitted to the MSU Main Office within one (1) week of a meeting; Be responsible for creating and maintaining a contact list of interested MSU members and informing them of each meeting; Be responsible, where required, for producing a year plan, a mid-year review, and a year-end report with input from their committee members; Be responsible for participating in their initial transitions and ensuring adequate transition for their successors; Each Commissioner will be overseen by, and will report to their respective Vice President. 6 COMMITTEE PROCEDURES 6.1 The standing committees of the SRA shall adhere to the same procedures as those used by the Student Representative Assembly (as defined in BYLAW 3/A - ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES), with adaptations to fit the committee model made at the discretion of the commissioner; 6.2 A member's seat shall be relinquished, regardless of excuse, if the member is: Absent, late beyond the first ten (10) minutes, or absent at the end of the meeting, for two (2) consecutive meetings without written explanation to the Chair prior to the close of the second meeting; Absent, late beyond the first ten (10) minutes, or absent at the end of the meeting for three (3) meetings per term; Terms are from September 1 to December 31; January 1 to March A written warning shall be issued by the Chair to any member within one (1) meeting of being removed from the committee. 6.3 Any member forced to relinquish their seat for attendance purposes may seek re-election; 6.4 Any member of a standing committee may be recalled by the SRA according to the procedures set out in BYLAW 4 - OFFICERS; 6.5 Quorum on a standing committee shall be 50% of voting members: Vacancies will reduce the quorum value; Leaves of absences shall not reduce the quorum value. 7 PARTICIPATION BY NON-MEMBERS

14 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page The standing committees of the SRA shall strive to provide an open and welcoming forum where concerned MSU members may freely provide input on MSU decision-making; 7.2 Meetings of each standing committee shall be advertised and each commissioner shall extend an invitation to all interested parties; 7.3 An appraisal of the degree of MSU member involvement shall be included in all reports by standing committees to the full Assembly. 8 BYLAWS AND PROCEDURES 8.1 Shall monitor matters pertaining to the structure of governance within the MSU, and review bylaw changes and other legislative initiatives to ensure accuracy of intent and consistency with the Constitution and other bylaws and policies; 8.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: Advise the SRA of possible improvements to the method of conducting the business of the SRA, its committees, and the General Assembly; As necessary, advise and assist MSU officials (including the President, Speaker, Chief Returning Officer, and Administrative Assistant) on matters pertaining to the structure of governance within the MSU; Study and screen all draft bylaws prior to their presentation to the Assembly for adoption, and refine wording of proposed changes where clarification of intent is required; Advise the SRA of the structural implications of all proposed changes to bylaws and policies prior to debate; Review the Constitution and bylaws on a regular basis to ensure that they: Specify internal governance procedures that are compatible with current needs; Are consistent and clearly worded Work with the Speaker to advise the assembly and other committees on procedures for minutes, in order to ensure that accurate and consistent records of meetings are taken. 9 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 9.1 Shall monitor external bodies and events which may have an impact on the academic or non-academic life of McMaster students, aid the Assembly in taking appropriate responses, and proactively participate in external organizations and lobbying efforts that further the interests of the MSU and its members; 9.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: Advise and assist the Vice-President (Education) on matters related to the MSU's external interactions; As necessary, advise and assist other MSU officials (including the President and Student Community Support Network Director) on matters related to the MSU's external interactions; Promote the work of OUSA and CASA to the McMaster community;

15 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page 5 10 FINANCE Examine federal, provincial, municipal, and private reports and statements affecting university life, and present policies and recommendations to the Assembly; Solicit testimony before the committee from individuals of interest, including but not limited to politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, and student leaders from other universities and organizations; In conjunction with the Vice-President (Education) and Advocacy Coordinator promote all provincial and federal elections and in doing so educate MSU members about the candidates running in those elections without partisan prejudice; In conjunction with the Student Community Support Network, promote all municipal elections and in doing so educate MSU members about the candidates running in those elections without partisan prejudice Shall monitor and review MSU finances, and recommend financial policy to the Assembly; 10.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: 11 SERVICES Advise and assist the Vice-President (Finance) on financial matters; As necessary, advise and assist other MSU officials (including the President, General Manager, and Clubs Administrator) on financial matters; Review financial policies and make recommendations to the full Assembly; Undertake, in conjunction with the General Manager, any financial analysis which pertains to the financial or service structure of the MSU as required by the SRA or Vice-President (Finance); Review and approve the clubs audit process annually; Review and approve criteria for clubs allocations; Be an appeal board for the allocation of financial grants to clubs; Conduct wage reviews of part-time employees whose job description have changed during the current fiscal year; Conduct wage reviews of newly created positions; Actively raise awareness of, and seek input on, the financial ethics of the MSU; Publicize the MSU annual budget Shall review the provision, delivery, and goals of MSU services, and propose suggestions for improvement in these areas to the full Assembly; 11.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: Advise and assist the Vice-President (Administration) on matters related to MSU services; As necessary, advise and assist other MSU officials (including the President and General Manager) on matters related to MSU services; Study the desirability, demand, and form of new and existing services and determine how new services will be developed or integrated into the existing system of MSU services; Serve as the primary forum for the drafting and review of operating policies that frame the operation of new or modified m Su services;

16 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page 6 12 OPERATIONS Review the operating policies governing MSU services on a regular basis to ensure that they: Specify efficient operating procedures; Specify operating parameters compatible with a service's currentlydesired functions; Are consistent and clearly worded Annually conduct service department reviews which include re-examining the department mission, primary goals, and criteria used to evaluate performance in order to measure progress and assess whether services are achieving their objectives; Annually review the criteria and process used to conduct departmental reviews; Submit an annual report and recommendations to the Executive Board and the managers of the departments that have been reviewed Shall supervise the overarching operating procedures and shared infrastructure that affect the operations of the MSU and its component departments on a broad scale, and propose suggestions for improvement in these areas to the Assembly; 12.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: Advise and assist the Vice-President (Administration) on matters related to MSUwide operating procedures and infrastructure; As necessary, advise and assist other MSU officials (including the President, General Manager, Administrative Assistant, and Network Administrator)on matters related to MSU-wide standard operating procedures and infrastructure; Serve as the primary forum for the drafting and review of all Operating Policies (excluding those specifically governing m S u Services or overseen by another standing committee); Review all Operating Policies (excluding those specifically governing MSU Services or overseen by another standing committee) on a regular basis to ensure that they: Specify efficient operating procedures; Specify operating parameters compatible with current needs; Are consistent and clearly worded Review referenda topics eligible for recall, and provide recommendations to the SRA; Review policies, protocols, and plans pertaining to the MSU Network and any other information technologies; Research potential changes to infrastructure and new technology that may benefit the MSU in the future; Ensure that ethical standards are upheld in the purchase and use of goods and resources across the organization, and direct the MSU's boycott procedures. 13 UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS

17 Bylaw 3/B - Standing Committees of the SRA - Page Shall work to encourage constructive discourse between the MSU and McMaster University's governing bodies and administration, and advocate measures that will advance the academic and non-academic interests of the MSU membership; 13.2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this committee shall: Advise and assist the Vice-President (Education) on matters related to the MSU's interactions with the McMaster University administration; As necessary, advise and assist other MSU officials (including the President) and the Ombuds Office on matters related to the MSU's interactions with the McMaster University administration; Gather student opinion on the quality of academic life at McMaster University; Identify and formulate possible solutions to academic problems within the McMaster University community; Examine McMaster University and private reports and/or statements affecting student life, and present policies and recommendations to the Assembly in regards to them; In conjunction with the Vice-President (Education) and the MSU President, solicit the participation of, and liaise with, student representatives on the Senate, Undergraduate Council, Board of Governors, University Planning Committee, University Budget Committee, and University Student Fees Committee; In conjunction with the Vice-President (Education) and the MSU President, publicize major political decisions made by or about to be made by the McMaster University administration to the Assembly and general MSU membership.


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