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1 , t :> -jy p 1/ ejh -- < > xy h, cx y ) ( I # l A hf a e B 4 K E N Y A G A Z E T T E eobl- byae olty4 tieg ke eolke 5: l:j, (e œ M - N- -N attm G2O) =, : ;:r, : jt Vol XCW = No, 64 : NAIROBI,4th November,1994 PriceSh20 v v - v :: = - M = - 2 t, :t, ; ; L,,- ; ċom ENo - GAIEW R NW ICVA ti : The Kenya ModicglTraining Colege Actz-Appoihtè$ t 1T1 àsz TheM aseno Univershy ColegeOrder,lggo- AppointmentofCouncil The LocalGovernment Act- Nomination of Counbilbr > etc Pzle The Oathsand Statutory DeclarationsAct--commissiols 2060 The Reistration of Titles Act-Registration of Instrum ents The Registered of Land Act- Registration ofinstru-, nlfnts, etc, ;, 2 061,2064 ; t :a 7 T:anspozttzicensing i: û64 The Plurmnrty and Poisons Act-ListofRegistered 2:Pharmacists 2965:4:73 Cus omj and Exdse Department--salc of Public Auètion Probate and Administration 207*2082, uqja jjq Kenya Governmént Proficiency FaxarnihAtion for ClericalOmcers,1994- Re,p The Records Disposal (Ctmrts) D:structîon ofcourtrulc r 1 ),), Rules- lntended , , 212: O*- Mqnœs-jcontdà The Com panies Act- W inding-up Loss of Policivws Local Government Notice, PAGI Change of Names 212*2126, a,jag PlotforXliermtion t The National Assembly and Presidential Elections Act-ResultsofParliamentary Hections 2129 TheLocalGovernmehtAct- ReitflisofLocalGovernmentElections t ṭ ts TheMagistratts CourtAct-lncreaseofJuris (titloxf c 2129 M otorand PedalCydèsLtd- creditorsm eeting 2129 SUPPLEM EN r No:7 Leglslasvexsbploélkw/ LEGAL Nonœ No e Forests Act- M tgration of Boundaries - K aptaga t Forest 385-1heêorestsAct- Declaration offorestareas 386-The Customs and Exdse (Amendment of Eleventh Schedule)(No2)Order,1994 PAGB tzua>

2 :060 XW E KENYA GW T FE 41 November,1994 CORRIGENDA IN Gazete Notice No6492 of 14t1lOdober,1994,amend Jsection 26 (b)to read Jlsection 39 (1)(c) IN Gazette Notice NoG96 of 14th October,1994,amend se z ction 27(2)to read sectlon 40(1)9 faazlrlrs N OTICS No6998 THE KENYA MBDICAL TRAINING COLLY B AW (Cap261) BOARD OF M U AGEMENT OF Tiv KENYA MEDICAL TRAINING COLTM E Aesolxx xv IN EXERCISE oftbepowea conferredbysection 9(1à(d) ofthe KenyaM edicaltraining Colege Act1,Danid Toroidch arap Moi, President and Commnndsxr-in-c ief of the Armu Forcm oftherepublicofkenyaappolnt-- David KlmutaiSome (Prof j--fchairman), Jnhn Boru Suso Hnsnkn--jvice-chairmanjb JalnesPatrick LzgoA Honorary Treasurerj to the Rnnrd of Managemçntof tlw Kmhya M edicaltraiaing Colog, e for a term of three (3)years,M tiz elect from 2nd september,1994 DatedtbeindNovember,1994 GAZETIE NmqcENb6999 DTARAPM OI2 Preadent THB MASENO UNIVERSIW COLLBGE OIIDER (LNNo4210/ 1990) AlœorNrMsyr op Czotmclr- IN EXBRCISE oft:epower:conferredbysedio:10 (c)and (g)ofthe Maseno Unlversity Colege Order,f,DamelTproftich arap Voi,President and Commander-in-chief ot tlle Arme Force,s of the Republic of Kenya and Chancelor of Moi University,appdintundersection 10 çak- Wiliam Odongo0n1amo(Dr)--(CWt#rmJzl), Reuben Olembo (Profj-jvke-chdrmanj, SamuelKGichuru--tstmTreasurerj, undtrsection 1û(f1)- M embers : Veronica Nyamodi(M rs), Joseph Kwambai, Philip Okundi, n nheus0k0th (Rev), Rachad M asakem r) tp tllecouncilofthe M aseno University Colege,fora period oftlree (3) years,with efect from 23rd October,1994 Dated the2nd November,1994 DTAkAp M Ol, Presldent THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT (Cap265) NOMINATtON oe COUNCILLOR IN EXERCISE of tjle powers conferred by section 39 (c) of the LocalGovernmentAct,the MinisterforLocalGovern- mentnominate- PAUL OoBo OMBRIKITI to be a councilorfor M alakisiurban Council Dated the31stoctober,1994 WILLIAM olœ NTIM AM A, M lnlsterlorrocclgovem ment Gum s Noucs No,1œ 1 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AW (Cap265) Rsvocm ox oe NMMINATION op COUNCITTnk IN KXRRCISE of Go powors conferred by Kez*lon 4: (2J ofthelocalgovermnentact,tlze M M sterforl* 1Czovernmontrevokest:eappoina ene of-- IS- ARL K-T as a councillor for M alakisiurban Colneil m ted t1: 31stOctober,1994 W ILLIAM ota NTIM AMA M inlster/oru calgovernalenl IN372/1992 GA= E Nm lcz No* 2 THB OATHS AND STATW ORY DECLARAYIONS ACT Lcap15) A COMMIKqION To AllTo W/xozn Thes Prexen/Jlu lconbe Greefe ; BE IT KNOW N thaton 24tlAugust LINNBT MUMO NG4;NB an advocate ofthehe CourtofKenya,wasappointed to bea commlmqloner for0ath:under the above-mene nea Ad foraslongjsshecontinuestopractiseassuch a4vocateaad thisèommlsszon isnotrevoke Given pnder my hand and th: sealof the court,on 24th August,1994,atN airobi FKA1:M z)() Chlelk-f/ce J 3 GAZBIIB NoTlcs No7003 THE OATHS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONSACY (Cap15) G MMXSSIONS C7 To AIlTo W hom These reyea/ ShalCome Greeting ; BB IT KNOW N thaton 27th Augusti1994- W akonyo G cuhi, c,; ArtlmrKonye Igeriap :, advocaœ of the 111 Court of Konya, were appoihted to be commlssionors for oaths une r the abovemenuoned Ad, for as long ms tlzey contiauo to pmctiso as such advoce s aad IhlAcommlsion isnotrevoked G ven lmder my hand anltlw seal of tle court,oa 1r th September,1994 s,xajyacoo, C lfefbl-fke 7--RE: GAZBTTE NoTics No7(*4 THE RFUGISTM TION OF TIrfES AW (* 281) RprlsTltzn on of Ixsu umswt WHERFAR TrokitalNxur Lkhittd,of POBox 46817, Nairobipis tte roglstered proprietor a& lesseo of tlmso piecof land containing 8:9û and 93:8 hectares or Goreabout known aslrnos10426/20 and 21,held lndnr cerv cate ofiand title deed rœ stered asir42984/1yand wlzorexq tlm said Tropical Nectar Timlted, M s c ecuted an ins#nlmmàt of transferin favourof HanestLimitod,of P0Box * 15:, Nairobi,and whermasaëdavithmsbeen hled iltermgofsection 65(1)(/1)oftlze said Act,deztllmng thattle rkaid c4rtitifate oftitlo registered as IR42984 is notavailable for regkstrahon, notice isgiven that after the expiration of fourfeen (14) dan from the date hereof provided that no objection has beon rem ived withln thatm riod,iintend to dispense V tiztbe production of the rsaid cerv cate of title and proceed witlz tlze registration of the said instrument of transfer Datu tle 41 Noveme 1994 F1LUBULC LAHl Regkstraro/ Tfle,,Nakrcbt

3 4+ Novem ber, 1994 Tlv K EW A GA ZEX 2* 1 GAZUTTB NcncB No7005 THE RBGISUKATiON OF TITLESAW (Cap281) RBolslxm ox or m sntu- Nr W HBRM S Miya M ungau, of POBox 685, Luanda,is registered asproprietoroftbatpiece ofland known asparcel NoW/Bunyore/Bbusiekwe/104i,simatein thekakamegadistrictand whereasthe residentmakstrates courtat Vibiga in civilsuit No50/93 has ordered tlmt tlze said piece of land be tzansferred to Czispo Otenyp Omuka,of POBox 756, Luanda,and whereastlze executwe oëcer ofthe courthasin pursuance to an order of tbe said courtexecuted a transfer ofthesaid pieceof land in favolzrofchrispo Otenyo Omoka, pfpo Box 756,Luanda, and whereas al eforts nzade to compelgerekstered proprietoyto surrenderthe land titledeed issptd in reaspectofthe said pieceofland to t:ehnd reglstrar has failed,notke is given Gat after tle expiradpn of thirty (30)days from the (1a1 hereof provided no vald objecdon hasben received within thatperiod,iintend to disponse witl theproduction ofthe said land cerg cate and proceed W G the rwgkstration ofthe said instrumentoftransfer and issuea lnna certiscate to tbe said Chrispo Otenyo Omoka and upon such registrauon Ge land certiâcate îssued earlier to the mid Miya M pngau shalbe deemid to becanceled and ofno elect pated tlw 41 November, Gzzsrrs NmqcB No7% GEORGE TINDI, Lpnd Registrar, XWktlzlegc D istrkt THE RBGISTRATION OF TIK ES ACT (Cap281) Rsols-lxm ox or wslxùmsvr W HBREAS klmltimutme,ofpobox 17:M ukurwehiin thekepublicofkenya,istherezsteredpropnetorinabsolute ownership interestoftbatpiece ofland registered in Nyerias titlçnùmu hlto/muyu/780,and whereasthehig:courlofkenya atnyeriin civilc-aseno173of1988hasordered thatpartof the,saidhnd memsuring 16acresbetransfered to PeterMutmi Kimitijof POBox 327,M ukurweliin therepublirofkenya, and whereasalerortsmade to compeltheregistered owner to surreqderthe said land dtle deed lssued in respectto the said p-rbofland to tlle land rewstrar have failed,notice is given tllat after the expiration of tbirty (30) (Iays from the date hereof l Iintend to dispense w1t1tle production of tle said land htle deed and proceed w11registration ofthe said instrunumt oftransfer and issue a land dtle deed to the said Petér MuturiKimitiand upon such registration the land title deed isued earlierto the satd e KtmitiMuhmeshallbe deemed cance ed and ofno esed m ted the41 November,1994 GzzBrrB NoncB No7007 JSG M UKIRI, Acting Dprld Reglstrar, N yerldîstrkt THB RBGISTBRBD LAND AG (Cap300,secdon 33) REGISTRATION ()P INSTRUMENT W HERFAS (1)AjowiOloo Ajowiand (2)Andrew Ochieng Oloo,b0th ofpobox 107sUkwala,areVgistered asproprietors ofthatpieceoflandknownasparcelnonorthulenya/lera/ 496, sifaxlte fn Sîaya Dfstdct, and whereasthe semor resîdent magijtratescourtatsiaya in civilsuitno52 of1991,hasordered thatthe said pieceofland betransfered to CosmasOpiyo A -L x:20 lpartl,ef POSega?Rnd whereasthe executive okcer of the courthasin pursuance ofan order oftbe said court, executed a kansfer of tlze said piem of land iq favour of Cosmas Opiyo Amlen (partl,of POSega, and whereas all elortsmad:to co/peltlkeregistered proprieto!sto suqender t:eland dtle dmdtssuedin respectofthesaiupieceoz*nrm to theland reglstrarhave falled,notice is given tlmtafter1* expiratiqn of thlrty (30) days from the (IaR hereof,provided no valid objection lmsbeen received within Gatperiod,I intend to dispense w1t1: tle production of tlw said land title deed and proceed with the re/stration of tle said instnzment of transftrandissuealandtitledqedtotlesaid CosmasOpiyo Amien, and upon such registratlon the land title deed issued earlier to the said (1)Ajowi Oloo Ajowiand (2)Andrew Oclzieng Oloo shalbe deeme,d to be canceled and ofno esmt Dated tle4+ Novomber,1994 GAzzrrsNlyncB No7* 8 JPK& 0NG0, Land Registrar, Sfayc Dhtrict THB REGl LAND AG (Cap3K,secdon 33) RBGISTRATION of INSTRUMBNT W HEREAS Zacharia MOsudwa,of PO1ox 23,Sigomre, is registered as proprietor of tlmt piece of land known as parcel No Uholo/rmgare/3sz,situate in Siaya Distrid,and whereastle seniorresidentmagiskates courtatsiaya in dvil suitno27 of 1993:has ordered tlmt the said piece ofland be transferred to George Otweyo GFeyi, of POBox 3206, Nakuru, and whereas tiœ executive oëcer of the courthas in pursuance ofan orderoftlesaid court,executed a transfer ofthe said piece ofhnd in favourofgeorge Otweyù Gweyi, ofpobox 3206,Nakuru,and whereas a1 eforts made to compelthe registered proprietorto surendertlleland title dl-a isuedinrespectoft:esaidpieceoflandto h ave failed,notlce is given tbat afterthe expiration theland ofthrty regislrar (30) days from the date hereof,provided no valid objection lmsbeen received within thatperiod,1intend to dispensewith the productlon of Ge said land title deed and proceed M G the registration of the said instnzmentoftransferand issue a land tltle deed to the said George Otweyo Gwe,and upqn such registration the land dtle deed issued earlr to the sald Zacharia M Osudwa slm lbe deemed to be canceled and of no esect Dated tbe4m Novembor,1994 GAZETTB N crrlce No7009 JPKADONGO, Land Reo rur, Slaya Dl,fricf THB RBGISTKRKD LAND AW (Ccp3û0,sectîon 35) lsstœ of A NEw LAND TITI,E D:Bp W HEKEAS AliJambia Koja(1D/No /65),of Ciget-s Oëce,Kikoneni,POKikoneniin the Republic of Kenya,is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interestof 1at piece of land containing 190 hectares or thereabout, simate m the district of Kwale,rïgistered under tîtle No Kwale/ Kikoneni/Bumbani#TAJ267,and whereassuëcientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost,noticeisgiven thatafterthe expiration ofshty (60)days from the date hereof,ishallissue a new lapd title deed provided thatno objection has been received witlm - that period Dated the4th November,1994 W M KAM OTI, ff?;# Registrar, Kwale Distrîct

4 z% z THE KFNYA GAZETTE 4th Nevember,19% z - - THB TRANSèORT LICBNSINIG ACT : (Cap4>) AepRovsp APPLICATIONS T14: folowing applications were considered and approved in tletlbmeeting held on 29th and 30th August,1994: atmombasasportjcomplex aows ssaw cs LyaxcEg 1j674-Tawfiq Bus Sirvice, POBo; 99301, Mombasa 7 Carriaje ofpassengeisroute:m ombasa -Kibwezi - M wingiand back(17 veldclesl Swaleh,POBox 84427,M ombasacarriage oftouristswithin Kenya(Onevelido) G 1Hire Servlces,POBox 25108,Nairobi Car- riageoftourists witlin Kenya(Seven vehicles)!237- Ketty Tours,POBox 82391,M ombasacariage of touristswithin Kenya(Eightvelides) 986-Bo1zfree Car Hire, POBox 17947,NairobiC=% riage of tourists within Kenya(Four vohicles) % RiverLine,POBox 181,M alintlivariation of routo to Lunga Lungafrhree vemèle?sl mk Travel! POBox 48495,NairobiCariage of tourists wltlûn Kenya flhrèe vehiclas) Tnside Afrka safazi,pobox 59767,NairobiCarriage oftouristswithln Kenya(Seven vehicleos) 86l--Akamba Bus Service,POBox 40322, Nahbbi ge ofpassengersroute:nairobi-kvemzmu (Oneve/cle)Route:Nairobi-Nakuru-Kisumu - Dusia(Onevehfclm) KuldipsTours, POBo; 82662, Mombasa Carwltlin Ktnyà(Two velides) riage of tourbts TawAka1a1 Bus,POBox 86570,M ombasavaliaroute: Vombasa hlamuclwo vehi- tioa:row c%s) :41= RAAmir,P0 Box 86570,M ombasavaliadon of route: New route: Mombasa- Lamu(Ohe tvehide) Mà/R/3/93-EpcotTotrists,POBox85991Mombe Carriav: 6f touristswithin Kenya(One vehiclm) : lb/g3- Adyenturo Centrô,POBox 281,UkunGCar riage of tourists within Kenya(m o velicles) 23/93u-Chàrtered Expenditfon,POBox 61542,Nairobi Carriâge oftouristswityn Kenya(One vehkle-) l/g4-bakhsons Ltd-,POBox 510G,M alindicansage of passengers Route: Malindi-M arafa-chakama 2//X-KHHamadi,POBox 99301,MombasaCarriage of pasenlers Route: Mombasa - Lunga Ltmga(Onevehlcleo) j pgtlr-nasiramohamed,pobox 44,MallndiCarriage oftouristswithin KenyaCfwo vehidesp) s/g4-fontane1a 1974 Ltd,POBox 84447,M ombra CarriageoftouristswithinKonyaGlzreevehiclexo 6/94- DKihika,POBox 6571,NairobiCarriage of touristswithin Kenya(One vehicle) CoastAgency,POBox 98026,M ombasacarriage of al1goods within Kenya(Twù vehicles) F Said,PO Box 97501, M ombasa Carriage of al1 gpods wsthin Kenya(Two vehicles) ( AAbdala,POBox 281, MalindiCarriage ofalgoodswitlzin Kenya(Onevehicle-) H Velani,POBox 98578*,M ombasacan riage ofa1lgoodswithfn KenyaCrhree vehicles) AM SAl-Raidy,POBox 197,LamuCarriage of a11 goods within Konya(One vehiclea) FSaid,POB0x 97501:M ombasacarriage of allgoodswithin Kenya(One vehide-) RSAmirsPOBox 86269,M ombasacarriage of a11goods wîthln Kenya(Three kehkles) /3G-luneja Engineering W orks, PO Box 81643, M ombasa Carriage of a1 goods witbin Kenya (One vehicle) MS/B/21/g3-Nuvaland TransportCompany,POBox 34996, Nairobi Carriage of a1l goods within Kenya (Three vehicles) à#camtlsrs Llcsxcss Apeztovso :L:, : M S/R/f7/94-W i1d CatsTtmrs,POBox 81865,MombasàCàrF riage of touristswitlin Kenya(One vehide) n;; t1j 10/94-3HFasakyPOBox99328,MombasaCsrpigç of toudsts within KenyatThre,e vçhi F1@s) :5!, 12/94-LSPatel,POBox 83320,M onïba>cartiake ofpassetlgers within Kenya(One vehiclml:; j 18/g4z-specialLpftySafahsr,P;OBo: 819)3,Morétgà/? Carriageoftoudstswithm KenvaCrhreevdktddél v *,! 19/@4-MSMbarak,PO:ox 181,MalinéCtarrikge o?touristswithln kenya(one yehicle-), fj 20/94-GarissaBxpress,POBox 91147,MbmbâsaG ru riagt of passengersrout:: M ombasa :-Vbitx krlliàwa -M ombasa *!:A 21/94-17:11 Safaris,P (j Box kdt8k, kairobicarrvjei of tolrhts within Kenm (One vehicle) 22/94-4G1psy Tours& Travd,PDBox 45083,Naiibbi Carnage of touristsroute : W ilbln Kenya(One velticle) zz/#4-zaitptlr (K) Ltd,POBox 1059,Mallndi Carriage oftourists witlln Kenya(Six vôhiclese) 26/94-HYakubali,POBox 99337,M ombasacarriage of tourists within Kenya(One vehicle) 27/94-Reef(H) Ltd,POBox 82234,MombasaCarriage of tourists within Kenya(Three veiticlos) 24/g4-MalindiCar Hire, POBox 183,M alihdicepr riage of tourists witlkin Kenya(One vehidmj 33/94=A 0 A Al-obthany, PO Box 34, M alindi Carriage of tourists within Kenya(One vehicle) 34/94-Cros Line Lt4,POBox 40634,NairobiCarriage of passoùgers within Kenya(One vehicleo) 34/19--SH à Bssak, P O Box99328, MombasaCayriàge ofpasse/gerswilin Kenya(Ohe velzicleo) 5 39/94= Gariss> Ekpress,POBox 91147,MombàsaCkrr riage ofpajsengers withln Kenya(One,vehfclea) 4o/p4-Baklzson ExpressLtd,P0Box 5100,Mxfndi Carriage ot passengerswithin Kenya(Two vehiw c1os-) SMohamed,POBox 99301,MombasaCar? riage of éassenàers Route: Nairobi e Voiz M ombasa rfhree vehicles) : 31/94-KM klngi,*0box40115,vbmbasa,cyrrlâjq oftouristswithin Kenya(Onevebicle-) : ) 36/94-5SMohamed,POBox 99301,MombasaG /e riageof tourists within Kenya (One velicleb),: 97lgG-oldonyo OiborrSafarisrPt4 Box 32632,Nalrbbi Carriage of tourists within Kenya(One veiticlm) ṅ : M S/b/4/g4k-W onderfulbutchery,pobox 97501,Mombasa Carriage ofalgopdswithin Kenya(Onevehiclel 6/94-M essrsm arcargo Ltd,POBox 80443,M ombasa Carriage ofa11goodswithtn Kenya(Two Yehides) 8/94-1NPius,POBox 102,VoiCarliagv of al goodswithin Kenya(One velticle) 9/g4-Tranzahi& CoLtd,POBox 91169,M ombasa Carriageofal1goodswithin Kenya(Two veiticlesl 10/94= GLPingely,POBox 83767,M ombasa Care rfage of a1goods wfthin Kenya(Six velicles) 11/g4- specialized Transport System, PO Box 99248, M ombasa Carriage of al1 goods wlthin Kenyaq (Eigbtvelzides) 17/9k-ASHaider,POBox 88461,MombasaCarriage of allgoods within Kenya(One vehicle) 23/,94-K* a11 pczitau, PO Box 242, VoiCarriage of a11goodswifhln Kenya(0n0vel%clel 29/94-ABSSinan,POBox 98744,M ombasacar rlage ofalgoods within Kenya(One vehiclm)

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20 w 4 Tc KENYA GAZEW E 4* Nove r1- Ga lib Nonœ No7916 CUSTOM S AND EXCISB DEPARTM ENT SALE BY Ptiàuc At/trnoN No-rlce isglven tlaçt1w undermentioned goodswllbesold by publicauction atcustomsw arehouse,kilindini,on 6th Docember,19:4, jfnotcloaru bytlwn Interestedpurclesersmayview tlegoodsatuw customswarehouse,krl,ndini,on rriday,2nddocembor,1994,=4onmonhay,5t,1a P- mbpry1*,4,4lmngoflicehours & /No /# SCHEDULB E zexo,5ajysnamet:mfrotno DcscriptionofGoods Jz/J Yate /4-7-% valeria 1unitD aihatsu,v :B< ;1-A$ 142: : liznitdalmtsuv ,# n 1ilnltDaihatsu,V , 1unltDaihatsu,v ,,, 1untDatbatsm 1unltDalhatsu,V v /4)-1>#3 i,, 1unltDalhatsusV (r#6-1>A:s!czystliA=,Rotl90/ J l ToyotaHluxplck-ups 1unltDaltlatsu,y sx 8p-j4 tjtlsa346,co52a,n, ($cs2373, Y9 85-*52294, (052424, c()sz4aa, , , 00,2532, , œ 52577, , / valerià 1unltToyotaCelca AG61-0* BK 9l-6s 1untusedtruckRll ,, 1unltDajhatsu,k ,, i 1unltDalhatsu,v K,,, 1unltDalhatsu,v108-os , 1unltoalatsu,v1o8-o5! ,, 1unltDalbatsu,v1()8-45i98-144!,,, 1unltDalhatsu,v108-()s39: 1!,!, 1unltDyahatsu v1(* ! 1446 #, 1unltNlssanckravan s; vvgsz4-l(mll6 1unltToyota Hilpx, 1450V j?j4/z-:-94 s Briliance,Rot786/ luluttoyotahatce,allsou-()lhlcofz ()0s2618, , (*5271:, tlcsze7s, (452693, 1447 BK ,,, 1 unittoyota Corola KE :1:1$4,, 1untsnbarusedan,ITJ ,,,, 1unltNlssanpick-up,GB / ,, I, 1unltToyotacarinaAT 1unltToyota,BU 6tj-js ,,i 1unifDalhatsupick-up,AGD ,,,, 1uqltToyota çorola,et 19&400269/ 1455, 1unltMitsubisb? /4-7-% valeritrot586/ umtToyotaHlîux,LH 56-08à992 BK à4/ E Brlbxncw Rot786/ urttToyotaCorola,AE 1tmltToyotaCorolla,KE BK :9,, 1unitToyota Corollava n sae > ##,, 1unp Nijsanyapete,VP/C ## 1ung Mltsublshl,BE 211(E507982,,, 1untNlssancar,VHGE unltNlssan car ê,, 1tlnl! xlssancarayan,khb > #; 1urptToyqta Hlace HYSOV-0O4648k #p ; 1unltSuzuklCultus,iA # 1unltToyotaCorola,AE h,,, 1unltToyotacoro la,ae è0/ PhoentxAce,Rot692/ unltToyotaChaser,SX BK 91-91, 1unltToyotaCarin a, ST :# 1= 4ToyotaCorola,4E >,, 1unpToyota,HZJ unltToyotaTown Ac, e YR 2j ȯ /24-94 E Briliance,Rot786/ unltSubarlzsalooh,AA BK 91-91, 1unitToyotaCoro la,ae : 1unltTvyotaCorola k1 ># # 1unjtNlssanSunny,$1E , 1unltTpyotaDena,1,Y J8/ PhoenlxAçe,Rot692/ untNlssanSunny HB BK 91-99, lungtoyotacprolfa,ae , 1uqltToyota Hîltlx plck-u m ,,, 1unltDatsua p-tck-ale,c *,# 1unltToyotaCorola,AE , 1unltToyotaCorolla,AE , 1untTqyotaCorola AE : :z 1unltNlssanSunny,JIB , 1unltNlssan Sunny,HB ,,,, 3 1MnltNlssanG ravan,z / Verbona Rot675/13-6=94 1unltTpyotaCorola,A , 1unltNlssan Caravan, VHE-M I10421 BK 91-99, 1unltToyota Corola,CE / Hyudài,Rot693/ unitToyotaCorola,AE 81-62û3286, BK / Phoenix Aco,Rot692/8-6u94 1unitNissan Sunny $:91 #J a? 149% 1495,,; jujyjtpatsuxsck-up,cjossksxoc1n=ch804k ) 1unltToyota Corola,chassisNoAE , 1unltTpyotaCorola chagsisno AE :ka, *,, 1umtNlssanSunny,JhasslsN ##,, :#,, 1unjtTpyotaCorollaAE umtNlssanSumm JIB

21 41 November,1994 THE KENYA GAZEIV 1W 5 SCHEDULE 1 p- rrs0, shîpsnameandrotno l nescrtvtîonofs,/:, andyate / PhoenixAce,Rot692/8-* 94 1unitNissan Sunn,y H unitNissap Carava n, / WecCoterdan,Rot1271/ x40contalnor-r balesused clothes BK /1-8-94, VktorT,Rot742/ , 1unltNlssan 1unjtNjssanSunny,F Sunny,HNB / VictorT,Rot634/ unltToyotaCorola,CE 90* BK ,,,,,, 1unjtToyotaHilux,LN 1unltToyot:Hilu x LN * / W ecrotendam,rot1271/ A 20contamer-z; balesusedclothes BK / African Sun,Rot1388/ x 40,container- 352 balesused clothes BK / Ilariam,Rot653// unitToyota Hiace,chassisNoJTW YH 61V BK / Socol5,Rot1202/ x 20containpr-z6o commercialtyres BK / Ilariai Rot558/ x 40container STC-WtM balesused clothes, BK / llariam,rot653/27-5-% 1unitBonz,CbassisNoW DBDB 22Ar, BK / Stephan Artemenks,Rot362/ unitVolkswagen,MTYW ZZZ 537CKO BK / VictorT,Rot742/ unitToyotaHilux, BK / Joly Biango,Rot470/ tmitMitsubishiT JM BA 212AA D 24 BK / PW awe,rot795/ unitNissan Snnny,HB BK / M ichelw Rot764/ unitFord BscortCANK BK / African Sun,Rot1388/ unitPeugY t405,sdr 15*(*20: BK / Ilariam,Rot653/ unitToyotaHiace,617/ BK ,,, 1unftRrnault122900VF / AAce,Rot820/ unltNlssan Sunny,HB BK ,,, 1unitMitsubishjPale ro, chassisnol038p /9, -8-94, PWave,Rot795/ unitTgyotaHlace, umtNlsan Sunny,PB BK ,, 1unitSubanz,A / African Sun,Rot1388/ lx 40contalner--e sbalesused clothps BK / Laura,Rot366/ x 40containerSTC-WSO balesused clothes BK / Socol5,Rot1396/ x 40container51C- 245commercialtyres BK / Kilimanjaro,Rot738/ crate S T C - 2 unitsmotor-cycles MBO-l9134 BK y2*M / PWave 1unltNlsan Sunny,cLasisVB BK ,, 1unitM itsabishilance rchassisn, 0 C11A , 1532, 1uni!Slbaru,chajsisNoAA ,1 unlttoyota H lux pick-up, chassis No RH % umtnlssan Sunnychasqis NoF unitNissan CaravqnvchasslsN m VY((9F, lunitsubaru,ohasslsno4a unh Toyota Corola,chassjsNoEE unitToyota CorolachasslsNoE L LotNo lzp:f #No z$>#pznameand RotNo M arksadd Numbers Dezcrf#tbzlof Gx#, ani oate, r,, / PW ave Shafeec- M oixibésa 1unitNissan Sunny,chassisNo BK : , Mombasa,No48 1 unittoyota TownAce chassis Nov1:4:)v , 1 unftnissan Blue Bird,chassis No unit Nissap Blue Bird,chassis No ,, unit Nissan Sunny pickeup, chassisno / Advezitur@ Aç@ T:A,M ombasa 1unitToyota Starld,classisNo BK P ,, 1unitToyotaStarlçt,chassisNo 8p:1-547:2: Rizt:bi,Nô395- Molbasa 1unitNissan SunpychasisNo enpno No E savanah,mombasa 1umtNissanMarihchaslsNo i K1(> J48,, 1unitNiskanSunnychassisNo H engine N ob ,, 15S0 j j1unlttoyotacarina,chasisno AA6* I, jparh-lrmomeea j1xmltnlsansuny,chasisno

22 2076 THB KEN YA OAREIIB 4* November,1994 SCHBD1zLE--(& a/#i LotNo pre KNoand 5â1#vNalne Afcr/clJZW Numbers Descriptîon of Goods Date - j-js ja-ax gatj ongjx xo / Adventure Ace 1unltNissan Sunny,chassis No BK H Parbea,Mombasa 1unitToyota (j orola,chassisno, AE9j-5:j Rizobi,0415 1unitToyota Corola,chassisN o xyp1-5c11g Punjab,fax unitnissan Homy,chassisNo xs9eza-c()65() Sana- M om basa 1 unittoyota Starlet,chassis No l Ep71-54pa719 DszoslrEo G oooslying AT CUSTOMSW AREHOUSB FOR MORETHAN TWO M ONTHS LotNo #89soand Date DcJcrJyfîtaof Goods Depositors of Honda Ascord Collector- outdoor of Farton lhlpsspares lnçhcape- wj usworth- Mombasa of A1rgreaslMg pump gg Momlbasa Of6 2 motorblkes Armstrong- M ombasa PosrPARCBU l Date Descrlptionof Goods èarcelspljntedmatter 14 parcelsmlxe ḍ item s 4 12parcelsfoodstutr4nkmgdicine Lot No parcelsused clothlng smzeo GooDsLYING IN THECUSTOMSW AREHOUSB FoR MORETHAN Tw0 M ONTHS LotNo sazurenoticenoand Date DescriptlonofGoods of ToyetaM ark II,cllassisNoAW SAMWADIM E, Senlora4J,r&?czlJCommîsioner of Customsand Excise, SouthernRtrgftm GAZEITE NolqcB No7017 Cw ss No193ov 1* $ IN Tlœ HIGH COURT OF KFJNYA AT M IAO AROS W O BATE AND AOM INISTRATION IAlfe INOTICE thatapplicauons lzaving beon made in this cclurtin ; CAVSB èko142op 1992 By Francfscah KasiveM alinda,ofpobox 264,Konza,the deccasedswitlow,fora grantoflettersof administrationintestate to the estate ofpaul M aliada Ndwiko,late of Kilungu Location,pho died atkasunguni,m aohakos,0n 24th March, 1991 Lxvsn INt:52 ov 1994 By im utile MbolM utyonguù,ef PO Y x 79,Tawa,the deceaseds widow, for a grant of letters of naminisùration intestate to the estate of MboliKyalo M ulf,late of Kalawani Location who died atkalawani,m achakosin Kenya,on 8:1) M aj,i9: lj CAJSB No53oF 1W 4 By M atrtin M umo Philip,of POkBox 11188,M achakos,the decegseds brpther,for a grant of leters of administratioll intestate to thresgteofagnesnduku Muli,lateof Mumbuni I-ocation,who died atm achakos in Kenya,on 14th November, :989 J CAUSB No,162 of 1994 By (1) élîce Nkiwambua,(2) EstherMukiwarnbua(3), Julius MbuviW ambua and (4)Elizabeth KaninlW ambua,all ofpobox 219,M achakos,the deceaseds widqws and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of adm inistration inte-state to th: estateof Stephen W àmbul Katingi,late of M iuboni Location who diçd ftkathiani,m achakosln Kenya,on 11th Japuary,1994, By M ary M utio Kioko,of POBox 4*, Mdehakos,the dem qvls widow, folr a grant ef lgtors of ndministration intestate to the estate of Kioko M ulwa, late of Mumbuni Location,who died atm ungala,machakosin Kenya,on 20th January,1986 The couzt wilproceod to isgue tne sume unless cause be shown to tle contrary and appearance in tmsrespxt entered witlzin tlzirty (30) days from the date otf publim tion of Gi s noticein thekenya Gazete Dated the27th septembcr,1994, NNNJAGI, Deputy Aeglç/r/r,M achaktu -J - -- GAZETTE NoTlcE No7018 IN THE HIGH OOURT OF KBNYA AT MACHAKOS PROIBATE AND ADM INTGTRATIC!N TAKE NOTJOE tlmtan appllcation having been made in this court in : CZUSB No35or 1994 iby Regina KaniniNthama,ofPOlBox 460,Ntmguni, for a grantoflettorsof administration intestalte to tlp estate of W ilson M utunga Itondc,late of Ndiani,Kilungu Location,who died atathiriver,on 13th Octobrr,1990 The courtwilsproceod to isue tlze same unles ca,1* be shown to the contrary and appaalrance in this respm t entered within thirty (30) Idays from the date oif publication of this noticein tlekenya Gazete m tpd th: lzth Julyj19% gvjjm vw, DeputyReglzfrcr,M achakm

23 4th November,1994 THE KBNYA OAZETIE D 77 ClAzeTrs 4oTlcsl4o 7019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT NAIROBI TA KE NOTICE that applications having been made in tilis court in : CAuss No317 ob 1993 By /1) Leonard Kibinge Thumbi and (2) Henry M aîna Thumbi,bokth ofpobox122,kikupzin Kenya,the deceussds sons,thlough M essrskiania Njau & Company,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of leters of adm inistration intestate to theestateofnelson ThumbialiasNelson Thumbis/o Kibinge, late of Kiam bu District in K enyas who died at PCEA Hospital,K ikuyu,on 5th August,1986 CAIJSE No374 or 1993 By (1)James Mwangiand (2)Rosemary W angariw airimu, both of PO Box 48453,N airobi in Kenya, the deceaseds son and daughter,respectively,through M NM uhanji,advocate of Nairobi,for a grantof leters of administration intestate to the estate ofeunice W airagu,late ofnairobiin Kenya,who died there on 28th January,1993 CAUSE No,980 og 1993 By (1) Rebecca W ansiru Mwangi and (2) James Nganga M wangibothofpobox 30,Makuyuin Kenyatle deccaseds widow and son,respectively,through M essrskiania Njau & Co : advocates of Nairobi,for a grant ofletters of administration intestateto theestateofmwangipaulnyanea,lateof Kanyenya-inifn Kenya,who dfed at Kangema m Kenya,on 22nd April,1991 CAUSB No1005 or 1994 By (1)MonicahNdlnzeKatilu,(2)Joseph M lqokikatiluand (3)AdamsonNKatlu,a1ofPOBox 135,Kiklma in Kenya, the deceaseds wldow and sons, respectively, through M essrs Kilonzo & Co,advocates of N airobi,for a arantof letters of adminiqtration intestateto theestateofjohn NthinfKatilu,late ofm achakoqin Kenya,who died atnairobiin Kenya, on 24th December,1992 CAUSB No1022op 1994 By Slmon W angunyu Machua,of POBox 57466,Nairobi ln Kenya,the deceaseds sonthrough M essrskaai,m ugambi and Co,advocatesofNairobifora arantofletersofadministration intestate to the estate of M achua K amau, late of Nairobiin Kenya,who died there on 13th November, 1971 CArsBNo 1057 OF 1994 By (1) Geosrey Mwangi Kuria,(2) David Kimani, (3) BongfacelrunguKuriaand (4)David KimaniKuria,a11ofPO Box 16033, Nairobi in Kenya,the deceaseds sons through MessrsAminqaOpiyo,M asese & Co,advocates of Nairobi, fora grantofletersofadministration intestte to theestate of John Kuria Kamau,late ofm uranga in Kenya,wbo died at KenyattaNationalHospitalin Kenya,on 3rd September,1993 CàussNo1155or 1994 By(1)Nelson Okwach Adigoand (2)PeterOkwach,both of POBox 30065,Nairobiin Kenya,the deceaseds father and brother,through M essrsamenaamendij& Co,advocatesof Nairobi,for a grantofletters of administration intestate to the estate ofm ichaeljum a Okwach,late ofsiaya D istrictin Kenya, who died atwagaisub-location,on 11th October,1993 CZUSB No1305oF 1994 By (1)TorcasM usolo Likomo and (2)Boaz LitsaliaM uchela, b0th of POBox 57667,Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds mother and cousin, respectively, for a grant of leters of adm inistration intestate to the estate of Jane Ayum a Stephen, lateofkakamegain Kenya,who dieà atprovinclalgeperal Hospitalin Kenya,on 21stNovember,1992 CAUSB No1376 or 1994 By Daniel Kibiro Bubisof PO Box 30160, Nairobi in Kenyathepurchagerofthe deceasedseqtqtgforagrantofleters ofadministration intestxteto tlle otateofm lclkad M uttmgigitau, late of Nairobi in Kenya,who died there on 8th November, 1987 CAUSB No1515 TfA of 1994 By M ary Waitherero M wangi,ofpobox 240,M aragua in Kenya,one oftheresiduary legatee named in thedeceasedswil, through M essrsnjiru Boniface & Co,advocates of Nairobi, foragrantofletersofadministration with written wilannexed of the estate of Joseph M wangi M achariq, late of Gikoe, Kamukabiin Kenya,who ciied there on 17t1 March, 1994 CAfJSB No1537op py*rulibâk; Ttasù Kyoma,ofPOBox 180,Dar-es-salaam ihtailzailiaqtliedeieasmrsestûteadministratrixthtpugbmosts Lilian Mwanjkj & Cp,advpcasçs of Ngîrobl, for renqenlngl in Kenya,a grantofletersof administration intestate granted on 8th April, 1994, by the High Court of Tanzania at Dar-es-salaam,of T the estate of Raymond John Kyoma, latt abata Ilala,Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania, who died attap-zania Occupational Hea1th Services, Dar-es-salaam in Tanynnia, on Bth M ay,1993 CAIJSE No1630 or 1994 By(l)Alice Atieno Nyagudiand (2)JulietAchieng Nyagudi, b0th of POBox 57089,Nairobi in Kenya, the deceastds widow and daughter, respectivelï, through Messrs Ogutu Warfuki& Co,advocates of Nalrobi,for a grant of leters of administration intesute to the estate of Samud Otieno Nyagudi, late of Nairobi in Kenya,who died there on 61 February,1994 CAUSE No1652 of 1994 By Charles Otieno Onyango,of POBox 7135,Nairobiin Kenya,thedeceasedsnephew,fora grantoflettersofadministration intestateto the estate ofjoseph Onyango Ochienglate of Uyundo,North Ueenya ilt Kenya,who died at Nangina M ission Hospitalin KO ya,on 16th M arcll,1w 2 CAUSB No1729 oe 1994 By Denis Kariuki Burugu,of POBox 52417,Nairobi in Kenya,the deceaseds eldest son,for a grantofletters of admlnistration intestate to the estate of Burugu Kariuki late ofkiambu in Kenya,who died atnairobiin Kenya,on tmknown date CAuss No1730op 1994 By Denis KariukiBuruau,ofPOBox 52417,Nairobi in Kenya,the deceaqeds eldest son,of a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estateofteresiaw anliru Buruw, late ofklambu in Kenyawho died atkiriainimision Hospitalin Kenya,on 9th April1993 CàcsB No1858or 1994 By Sophia W aniku,ofpobox 77321,Nalrobiin Kenva, thedeceasedsdaughter,fora grantoflettersofadmînistrntion lnteqtate to the estate of Esther W amaitba Nyaga late of Kiambu in Kenya,who died atnairobiln Kenyaon 3rd July, 1994 CArsBNo1891or 1994 By (1) Bonifacc Kirimi Ka/iukl and (2) Eddqh Kathonî Kariuki,both ofpobox 52392,Nairobiln Kenvathedeceaseds son and dauqhter,respectivelythrough M essrs Kaal, M ugambi& Co,advocates ofnairobi,fora Rrantof leters of administration intestateto the estate oflvdia Kadukilate of M eru in Kenya,who died alonq the Nairobi-Tala Road, Machakosin Kenya,on 14th November,1993 CAgsENo1903 OF 1994 B3 (1J AgnesW ambuigithuka,(2)joseph M Githuka(3) Anthooy M Githuka and (4)LinaNGithuka!a1ofP O Box 7068 Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaszds widow sonq and daughter,through M es:srsn ancy Baraza & Co,advocates of N airobi,for a grantoflettersofadm lnistratgon lnfeqfate kfy fhe estate ofsamuelmuchiru Githuka,lateofM urangain Kcnya, who died atnafrobiîn Kcrlya,o,n 1stSeptember,1994 CzusB No1904or 1994 By(1) Richard Kisaka Ovwamu, and (2) Edward Elazia Madegwa, both of PO Box 58255, Nairobi ln Kenyap the deceasedswidowerandbrother,throuch M N M uhaniadvocateofnairobl,foragrantoflettersofadminiqtratlon inteqtate to theestate offaniceafandikisakalateofvihiqain Kenya who died atnairobiin Kenya,on 18th M arch,1993 CAUSBNo1912 of 1994 By(1)GraceNginaKamau and (2)DanielW ainainakamau, b0th of POBox 73214,Nairobi gn Kenya, the deceaseds widow and sqn,respectively,fora grantoflettersof administion intestate to the estate of John K amau W ainalna,lateof hlairobiin Kenya,wlno died atkenyatta NationalHospital,6n 18th July,1993 CArsBNo1920 of 1994 By Joseph Machugu Maina,ofPOBox 70514,Nalrobiin kenya,the deceaseds son, through M esrsnjogu & Ngugi, advocates of Nairobi,for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to theestate of Sarah NjeriM aina aliasnjerijames Mainaslateof Kiambu Ln Kenya,who diedatkabetelocation in Kenya,on 31stMarch,1979 CAussNo1924 of 1994 By (1) Salim Abdulreman Esmail and (2) Zulfiquar Valimohamed Dhani,both of PO Box 14943,Nairob*l in Kdnya, thedeceaseds wfdower and cousin rçspectively, througlmesesshapleywbarret& Co,advocates ofnairobl, for a grantofletersofadministratiop,intvstqtx tp theedtmte of Nàzmasalim EsmailylatqofNa<lroFtin Kenyaswh# di4dat A a Mlian Hosgital Lq Kenya,on 19th June,1993 ; g

24 2078 TIV ICENYA GAZEW B 4th November, 1994 CArss No1926oF 1994 By (1)Nyoike Kinuthia Muriu and (2)Btnice Wambui,bot,h of POBox 366,Kikuyu in Kenya,the deceaseds father and m otherrespectivelysthrough M essrsndungi& Co : advocates of Nairobi,for a grantof letters of adm inistration m testate to the estate of Jane M ugure Nyoike,late of Kiambu District, who died atm uguga in Kenya,on 31stDecember,1993 CAtlsB No1927 olp1994 By (1)MargaretNgendo and (2)Elizabeth W ambui b0th of PO Box 46515,Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds wldow and m other,respectively,through M essrsndungiand Co,advocates of N airobi,for a grant of letters of administration intesgte to the estate of lgeosrey M uiruri K am au,late of K iambu in K enya,who died at Nairobi in Kenya,on 6th August,1989 CArsB No1928oF 1994 By (1)Ann Njeriand (2)EuniceW anjiru,b0th ofpobox 19002, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds widow and mother, respectively, through Messrs Ndunpi& Co, advocates of Nairobi,for a grantoflettersofadmlrlistration intestate to the estate of Gichanga Johnson Kamande,late of Muranga in Kenya,who died atnairobiin Kenya,on 2nd July,1992 CAUSB No1931or 1994 By (1)lGeorge Njuguna Kibunyiand (2)M argaretnm uturi, botb of PO Box 78340, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds brotherand widpw,respectively,through MesrsNdungiand Co,qdvocates ofn airobi,for a grant ofletters of adlilmistfation intestate to theestate ofpeterw anganga Kibun#i,late of Kiambu in Kenya,who died at Nairobiin Kenya,on 26th M ay,1994 CAUSE No1932 of 1994 By (1) Margaret W anjiru Ngiri and (2) Francis Kamap, 170th of POBox 154, Loitokitok in Kenya,the deceaseds widow and son,resgectively,through MessrsNdungi& Co, advocates of N airobl,for a grant of letters of admlnistration intestate tothe estate ofstephen NgiriM ugo,late ofkajiado in Kenya,who died atn airobiin Kenya,on 27th August,1993 CzusEXo1938or 1994 By Japheth Liguza Kivuli, of P:OBox 11,Kakamega in Kenya, the deceaseds father,through M essrsriunga Raiji & Co,advocates of Nairobi,for a grant of leters of administration intestate to the estate of Benard Kiberenge Lisuza alias Benard Lisuza Kiberenge,late of D andora,nairobiin Kenya, who died at Kenyatta N ational Hospital in Kenya, on 9th M arch,1994 CAIJSE No1940oF 1994 By (1) Mary lkuru Kiome and (2)Janet Nkatha : both of PO Box 550, Meru in Kenya,the deceaseds wldow and sister-in-law,respectively,foragrantofletlersofadministration intestate to the estate of Humphrey Kiome M Ikungi, late of M ert inkenya,who died at Nairobi in Kenya,on 7th August,1994 CAUSE No1942 or 1994 By Joseph M utua M usyoki,ofpobox 68421,Nairobiin K enya,the deceaseds widower through M essrsm utiso & Co, advocates ofnairobi,for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Anne N yam bura M utua, late of Nyandarua ip Kehya,who died at NairobiHospital,on 21jt Deccmber,199j CéUSENoi1943or 1994 By (1)Eusebia M uturlnjukiand (2)Joseph M aringa Njuki, b0th of POBGx 82,Embu in Kcnya,tile deceaseds widow and son,respectively,throughmessrsnquli& Co:advocates ofnairobi,fora grantoflettersofadmlnistration lntestateto the estateofjustusnjukichirigu,late ofnthambu,embu in Kenya,who died atembu Hospital,on 18th September, 1992 CAuss No1948 or 1994 By (1) Mary Nyambura Arthur Kamau and (2) Beatrice Nyokabi Arthur Kamau, 170th of PO Box 20723,Nairobi inkenya,tle executricesnamed in the deceasods* 1,Grough Ramesh Marek,advoeate of Nairobi,for a grant of probate ofdze wil1of Elizabeth WanguiKamau paliasfalizalbe;th W angui Arthur,late ofkiambu Distriotirn Kenya,who died atngecha Locadon,on 1stMamh,4985 CArseNo1950 ow 1994 By (1)Edwin Alfred Bristèl and (2)CharlesJulian Burtoh Larby,b0th ofpoboà 40111,Valrobiln Kenya,the lwful aqorqey of2laviotetjambln aridvaneisa AnnettùM ulholland, twp of the reslduary legatees npmed ln tllè decegxds w11 lfhp4avutorprank HabertBeiletlhaklna rerlpunçedhlsrlvht and titleto probate),through M essrskaplan & Straton,advocatesofNairobi,fora grantofletersof administration with writen wilannexed oftheestate ofnorman W iliam Jamblin late ofnairobiin Kenya, who died there on 811June,1993, CAUSB No1951 or 1994 By Philip Gitau Mbugua, of POBox 152, lgattlndu ln Kenya, the deceaseds father, through M essrs M uhindi and Thiongo)advocates èf Nairobi,for a grant of leters of adlninistration intestate to the estate ofpharism bugua Gitetu late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died atnairobiin Kenya,on, 10th July,1994 CAUSE No1953op 1994 By (1) Simeon M Kituta,of POBox 77142,Nalrobi in Kenya,the deceaseds sonsfor a grantof leters of administration intestateto the estateofestherndulu Kituta, late of Isinga Sub-location,Machakos in Kenya,who died there on 31stJanuary,1992 CAUSE No1956 or 1994 By Ved Prakash Lachmandass Behal, of PO Box 14286, Nairobiin Kenya,the executornamed in the deceaseds wil, through Messrs Veljee Devshi & Bakrania, advocates of Nairobi,for-a grant of probate of the wil of Tilak Raj Lachmandass Deviditta Behal,late of Nairobiin Kenya,who died there on 16th June,1994 CAUSB No1957 or 1994 By Veronicah W anjiru Kamau alias Veronicah W anjinz M lkami,ofpobox 54830,Nairobiin Kenya,the deceaseds widow through M essrs Susan Munyi& Co : advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of adm inistratlon intestette to the estateofjoseph M buthia Kamau,lateofNairobiin Kenya, who died ataga Khan Hospiul, on 18th July,1988 CArss No1962 of 1994 By (1) Estber Kwamboka,ofPO Box 100, Nyamlra in Kenya,and (2)Yunia Okongo,of POBox 21039Nairobl in Kenya,the deceaseds widow and sister,respectively,for a grant of leters of administration intesute to the estate of DanielOgoriNyauma,late of Kipkaren in Kenyaswho died ateldorethospital,on 21stJuly,1994 CAUSB No1966oF 1994 By George Wandei W agwena, of North-east Ugcnya in Kenya,the deceaseds father,for a grant of letters of adm inistration intesute to the estate ofnelson Okumu W andei, late of North-east Ugenya, Siaya in Kenya, who died at DistrictHospital,Kisumu in Kenya,on 14th January,1994 CAuss qo1968 or 1994 ByTitusNgugiMbaka,ofPOBox 51,Kikuyuin Kenya, tle deceaseds brother,fora grantoflettersof administratlon intestateto theestateofsamuelkungu M baka,lateofkiambu District in Kenya, who died at Nyathuna Sùb-location in Kenya,on 7th July,1984 CAUSE fo1969 or 1994 By Joseph B 0 Ariwi, of PO Box 55104,Nalrobi in Kenya,thedeceasedswidower,foragrantoflettersofadministration intestate to the estate of Monica Aoko Ariwi, late ofnairobiin Kenya,who died at Harambee Street,on 71 Dectmbpr,1991 CAUSB No1970 cm 1994 By M argaret Muthoni Gakui W ahome, of PO Box 41, Karatina in Kenya and (2) Rosemary Njoki Enos,of PO Box 22Runyenjesin Kenya,the deceascdswidow and sister respectivel,through MessrsMainaWachira& Co,advocates of Nairobl,for a grantof leters of administration intes>te to theeshte of Jobnson igakuiwahome,who died atkihingi Areain Kenya,on 16th M ay,1991 CAUSB No1972 of 1994 By (1)Joseph Wambua Muthengi,(2) KalokiMuthengi,(3) Peter Muthengi and (4) Mwanza M uthengi,a1 of PO Box 1196,Kangundo in Kenya,the deceaseds sonsfor a grant of letters ofadmînistratîon intestate to tlle estate of Mumbua Muthengi,lateofKitrwiiSubuloeadon,M lachakos,in Kenya,who ded at Kitwii Sub-location, Uarnani Vilage,M achakos, on 25th January,1988 G rse No1973 of 1994 B# f1) John Mbuguasrld (2) Joseph Nlogu Gltu,lmthof P;*sox,51108,NaH N m Kenyatbe deceae qgpns,fp!

25 4+ Novem ber, 1994 TM KENYA GA ZEH E 2079 a grantofletters of admlnistration intestate to the estate of Jod Gitu Kingangilato of N airobi in Kelnya,*ho (litd there on 25th August,1981 CArsE No1983cm 1994 By (1)John GichacheM butlia and (2)M ary Mbuguss(M rs), b0th of POBox 55046, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds brother and sister,respectively,for a grant of leters of adm inistration intestate to the estate ofsaly M buthia,late ofn girobi in Kenya,who died there on 15th August,1987 CAUSB No1984oe 1994 By (1) Beatrict W angari Njoroge and (2) Faith W aithera, bot,h of POBox 56460,Nairobi in Kenya, the deceaseds widow and datyhter,respectively,for a grant of letters of administration lntestate to the estate of Gerald Njoroge W anyoike,late of M uranga District,who died at Ruiru in Kenya,on 14th August,1994 CAUSB No1985op 1994 By (1) John Thuku Kubia and (2) Mary Kangu Kubia, both of POBox 59993, Nairobi in Kenya,the deceaseds son and widow,respectively,through MessrsKaai Mugambi & CoadvocatesofNairobi,for a grantoflettersofadministration intestate to the estate of Kubia Gaitungi, late of Kamitiin Kenya,who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 20th February,1982 CAUSENo1986oF 1994 ByMichale NgugiNjuguna,ofPOBox 26,Kitalein Kenya, the deceaseds son, for a grant of leters of administration intestato to theestate ofnjuguna Rutere,lateofMagumu Location in Kenya,wlm (EGIthere on 31sttœ txyber,(1w0 CAUSBNo1991or 1994 By Henry NderiKaruru,ofPOBox 260,Kiambu in Kenya, the deceaseds brother,for a grantoflettersof administration Jntestate to the eshate of Nlokl Karuru,late of Balati in Kenya,who died at Nairobi in Kenya, on 121 December, 1987 CAuss No1994 olp1994 By (t)tabitha Buraze and (2) JatmesNgairah! 1m*1ofPO Box 30016,Narobiin Kenya,the deceasedswldow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestateofthadayo LiguyaniLungayia,late ofkakamega in Kenya, who died at Kaimosi Hospital, on 4t1 February, 1986 CAUSBNo1996or 1994 By (1) Kavee Iluve and (2) Agnes Jùmwa,b0th of PO Box 555, Machakos in Kenya, the deceaseds widow and mother,respectively,for a grant of leters of administration intem te to the estate ofpetlr M umo lluve,lateof M achakos, who die,d at M akowe Jetty, Lrtmu in Kenm,on 4+ April, 1994 Cwuss No2001oF 1994 By Enock Bosire Bwongaki, ofpobox 30271,Nairobiin Kenya,the deceaseds father, lrough Messrs M wirichia & Cotadvocates of Nairobi,fora grant of leters of administratlon intestate to the estate of Beatrice M oiga Bosire, late of FmatKitum,Nyamira in Kenya,who died along Rongo- MigoriRoad atm omolo Runo in Kenya,on 5tltAugust,1991 Cw ss No2002 or 1994 By Charles Ikama M bugua, of POBox 45390,Nairobi in Kenya,thedeceasedsson,through M essrslillian Mwaniki & &,kadvocatesofnairobi,fora grafntoflet4ere ofadministration intestate to the esute of M bugua Ikama Kirogi,late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died atkinalo, Kiamlm, on 7* December,1993 CAIJSB No2003 of 1994 By (1) Jacinta Mbura M utengo and (2) Samuel W ambua Mutengo, b0th of PO Box 77809, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceasedswidow and son,respectively,for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Daudi Mutengo M uindialiasd audim uindi,late ofn airobiin Kenya,who died atm aterhospital,on 31stOctober,1988 CAUSENo2013or 1994 By(1)Lorna OmondiNee Obat,ofPOBox 461,Ukunda1 Dianiand (2)Juanita Adhiambo,of POBox 26218,Nairobz in Kenya,the deceasedswidow and sister-in-law,respecdvely, through N Kiagayu, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of œdminlstratitm intestate to tlle estate of Livingsene David OmondiDuro,late of DianiilKenya,who dzd there on 30th March,1994 CwusBNo2015or 1994 By (1)tGeorge NgugiKariukiand (2)PeterNjoroge Karore, both of POBox 828, Kikuyu in K enya,the deceaseds sons, for a grant of letters of adrninistration intestate to the estate of Kariuki W aihumbu Nganga, late of Kiambu in Ktmya, wlzo diodatnairobiin Kenm,on 8,th M ay,1989 CAUSE N o2017of 1994 By 4Byt:IA Jones M buti, of Tselktuu itm ation, M wingi District in Kenya,the deceaseds widow,for a grant of leters of administration intestate to the estate ofjoneskathoka M buti,late of Kitui ln K enya,wlzo died attseikuru Location, on 29th June,1992 The court wil proceed to issue the same unless causo be shown to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this noticein thekenya Gazette Dated the17th October,1994 CKNJAI, PrlncipalDeputy Registrar,Nairobî N(?/e-The willsmentioned above have been deposited in ând are open to inspection atthe court GAzs- llotlce èço7020 TN THE HH H O URT (OiF KENYA AT M CN BM A DTSIRIW ReG/ISTRY ;N THE M ATTBR OF THB ESTAIE OIF OINESM US KYULE klfzxlaetlof LUKOiRE,KW ADE PkOBATEAND ADMINiSTRATION SUCCESSION ICAUSE WO3$74 ()F 1993 LET Alat,tàe Ixkru- txm cerned take qouce phnta petition foî a gran: oô lettersof administra/biom imltoitate to the odate of tbe iabove-namod deceased,who died atlukore,kwaledistrict 2on î25th Xovem ber,1985,lzasbeen filed in this registrybym snoo llhule i Kaleli,of P2OBox 96,Shimba Hills,in hercapacity (tswidow ofthedecm sed And furthortakenoucethatobiece ztzizkthe prescribed form to tâe re iog of tbe propm gtantare invited and mtwtbe 10dgM in thix remstry witilin thirty (30) tiay: of pl3blicatio!1 4 * notu Aillfurthertake noticethatilno objection hasbeen lodged in tlisregistry in tbe prescribed form within thirty(30) daysof the date of publicadon of tlais notice,the courtmay proceed to mlk* *t0 - > M ytd orto mlkeeue orflerm h think:e! Dated the29th Augugt,1994 GAzErreNorlcs NO7021 JK KACNYI, D eputy Regîstrar,M om basa 1N THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT M OM BAS8A DISTR ICT REGISTRY IlN THC M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAM ES M WITIM UTHOICA OF MOM BASA SuccsssloN CAUSB No234 of 1994 LET ALL the N rtiesconcerned takenotioetha!ax tition fof )a gran?tof leùter: ofadm in,iptration initeeare ro rhe airare nffhe (above-namoddeceasod,whocliedatdchengoni,on16thnovember, ) 1992, hasbeen liled in thisreglstry by PlorenceKavata M witi, itllkorcatpacityaswidow oftledeceased! And furthertakenoticethatobjectionsin theproscribed form :to the making of l1eproposed gramtare invited and mustb 1lodged in this regktry within thirty (30Jdaye ofpllblication ef thisnotice And further take notice thatif no obitction hra: been lodged : in thisregistlyifltheprescrilbed form witlfn lthiïrty (30)daysof the date ofpublication oftbisnoticethe colm may procoed to ruke*h* granltms prayed orto rnake such ordoras ittbinksflt Dated tlte 19th August,1994 G ABURILI, D eputy RegfdfrtzrM om basa

26 2080 TH E K EN YA GA ZETTE 4fh Novem ber,1994 GAZBTTB NoTlcB No7022 N THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT M OM BA&A DBTRIW RBGIYTRY IN THe M ATTFJR OF ESTATE OF KITSAO WA NDENOE OF MIOMfM &A PRY TE AND ADM IM SIM TION W ccesslox CAUSB No224 or 1* 4 LET M L thex rtiesconcerned >kenotiœ tlata xtition for a grarx oflelersafadminiytraœ n =e--zeto &he - e ofth* above-named d- qsed, who dim at M ipngeni, M avueni, M ajlajaniin Kilis District,on 91 August,1989,has been filod ia tlzis registry by A1i Mbita Kamilingo,of PO Box 754, Kil, through M essrs James Gathuku & Co, advocates, Ambalal House, Nkrumah Road, PO Box 87535, M ombasa, in hiscapacityasbrotherofthedcceased M d furtberlako noucetbatobjections in the pr- ribed form to the makiag oftheproposh jrantare invi/d asd muk be lodged in thisregistry witbin Lhirty (30)daysofpubH tion of this pm içe Anu further(ah noti> fhnlfno objectiy 1> b- lodge in thisregis:o in the proscdbed form within thirty (30)daysol tle date ofpublicadon oft16notice,the cmz14 may proceed to mlike tlegnm tasplhayedorto make *IXAN alxbras#t fhinkxœ Dated the271 M yslr M JAJAGANI, DeputyRegîstrar,M ombasa GzzsrreNoTlez No7023 ḷin THE HIGH COURT OF KFJNm AT M IMBASA olsefrltcr REGISTRY N THE MAITER OF TIIE ESIW IE OF KHATDABAI M OHAMED RAFFI ABDULLA KANJIOF MOM BASA PROBATB AND ADM INISIXATION StrccEsgroN CAUSBNo351oF 1994 LET Al-t lthepahrtiesooncerned Lakenodcetlhtta petidon for a gram efietersofadminigtration intestate to the estat: oftthe above-named declased, who died in Londtm,on 2nd March, 1993,has betn Iilod in lthis registry by (1)AnvoraliM ollamed Ramq and (2)M ohamed IqbalM ohamed Raëq,both ofpo Box 80543,M ombasa,intheirc&pacitiesassonsofthe dcceasod And tunhor tako notzc?hj1rorblecutms m the prescrlbed torzm to tlw making ofthe proposed grantare invited and mtut> lodged in tlisregistry withln t/rty (30)dm ofptblo-zmn 4 tbix noticm And furtbertakmnodce thatifno objm tion hasb- lodge4 kkthisrepktryin tlo p!e form witv Glrty (30)> y:thl the thte ofpub:cation ofthisno*,tlecmzotmay proce td mnkethegranxasprayedorto mpw guch or% rlgk tluak::t Dated the 5t1Augugt,1* 4 M JAJAGAN 1, Deputy Registrar,M ombasa GAZETTBNoTlcB No7024 :N THE HIGH O URT OF KENYA AT M OM M M DISTRJIG REOISTRY l!n T2E MAD YR OF IRTE G TATC OF VAGHJI KARAM SHIM O HJIOF M OMEBASA PROBATE AND ADM INBTM TION Sucœ sslon CAUSBNo359or )1t9% LET At;t the pvtiosooncerned take notiœ lhata Ixtuon *1 4 grantof le-ersofadmini<m tion intexate to tle e:t&t* of tlw alboveinameddeceahd,who died atmomijasa,on 24th December, 1993,hasbznn Ii!pd in thisregistry by Jaindra VaghjiKaramshl M eghji,of PO(Box 80922,M ombasia,kenya,in hiscapacity asan administratorofthedeceasedsestate And furthertake noticc thatcbjectioosin tle m woribed forto the making of the proposed gram are mvited and mustbe lodged in thisregkstry witzhin thimy (30)dayx ofpublicahi- ol this notke And furthertakenotiv: thatifno obkction hesbeen lodged klthîs registry in thepresvvibed form witbin tltitrty(30)dœysof the date ofpublication ofthisnotice,thecourtmayproceed to make tbe qranl as praved or to make suc: order$it#hte1 H 5t Datod the 511Augu/,1W 4 v :Azsoxxj, Deputy Reé#l/rlr,Mombasa GAZEIVE N ollcs N o7025 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M OM BASA D IETRICT REG ISTRY IN THE MArf E!R OF T 1E ES CATE GF ANISA MOHAMED RAFFI ABDULLA KANJIOF M OM BASA StrccsssloN CAt/ss NO363 of 1994 LET ALL tilépm iesconcernezd tnkemytice thata for a zmntoilotersofadminiatration iategtate to rheeptate ofth4 above-nam ed deceased,whodied at M om basa, on 10th April, 1990,has bzen liled in thisregistry by Abdulsamad M ohamed Baghozi, of M ombasa in Kenya,througllM essrs Anjarwala Abdulhusein & Com pany,advocates,pobox 83156,M ombasa, in hiscapacity asbrotherofthedeceased And furthartakenotice thatobjectionsin the prescribed form lodged inthismgitsory wit:im tlzizty (30)daysofpublicaqtion ol to tâe making of(he proposed grantar: invited and m tst be this notke And furthertake ooticethazifnoobjection has beem lodged itltlésregiatlyin thep= eribed form witllio thimty (30)daysof tho date of aublicaûon ofthis notice,the courtm ay proceed to make tlze grantas prayed o!rt,o make such orderasitthinksiit D atedthe 14th September,1994 M JAJAGAN I, D eputy Registrar,M om basa GAZETTE NoTlcE No7026 &N THE HIGH OOURT OF KF/NYA AT M OMBASA D ISTRJCT REIGIISTIW IN THE M ATIER OF THe BSTATE OiF BRW IN WALTER D BSIY (X7MOM M SA PROM IE AND ADMINISTRAIION SuccEssloN CAUSE NO3E4OF1994 IJET Al-IL Ifhe partiescolnconned takenoticethatapetitioo for a grantoiflettorsof administration intostate to the estate of the above-nqmed deceased,who died atw içn 9,Pelkangasse 15, Austria,on 23ndApril,1994,hasbeen filed in this registry by Saldhya Jobsd 8 hah,o,f POBrox 80569,lM ombasa,in her capacityaswidow oftledeceased AY furt: fok- nocrerh- oplete siu to lxee e toru! to tl:*makmg ofœe pron ed grantare invite aad mtzst b bdged in thw rege wkhiu thirty (30)thys ofpubjicalv ef tjl nat>* Azld 1:t1e1-ke notk< dtwt tno oi>jemioj)ila,sbrxm?ltadgzuî?x thal rmgiftxy ia th:pze e form wigi n tltiuy (30)dan of tlzedateofpubliation (yftmne co,4he Yurtmay procœ to * * the > ts: ptxry erh:mw%* tuch orderw: itth1*l%u * Dated the46th Soptember,1994 JAZBTTE fotlce fo7027 IN ITIE HIGH OOURT OF KENYA AT M OM BASA DISTRIG REGISTRY IlN THC M ATIER OF THE BSIWTE O;F MAGONDU M BURIM WANGIOF MOM BASA PROBAW AND AD M IN ISTRAI1ON SuccilssloN CArss?No373oF 1994 LEr ALL tlc partles conccrned lako noticz tha!a petition fol ttgrantof leters of adm inistratqon lntestate to tle estare of the nbove-mam ed dcceased,who died on 3rd July, 1994, has been tiled in this registry by Sopilia W angu M agondu,of POBok 901*,M ombasa,in hercapacityasdaughterofthe deceased And further take ne lce thalobltv-tîcrl m tlx prfqsvn3betltozel k,t@emaking oft:e proposed grajg ftre fnvitekjaalts mut h,> lode In thlgreglstr)rwitmn tlirtr (30)day:otpublcadozl@# tbiqnotke Ae hz- tm zu icetlat: no obkat ion NaN1- jodged K Gk in1h>1:1-5x: fs= withh tltiey (3(p dey-u4 * dlte ofpublcation ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to -*% thr= tu prayed orto mak* guch order&,itthinu st Dated the 30ùh August)îltgM M JAJAGANI, Deputy Regîstrar,M ombasa GABURILI, DeTuty Regîstrar,Jrfozalclfr

27 41 Novomber,1994 Tc K EN YA O ARRY TR 2081 t -- GAzlrrs NoTlcsNo7028 I1N THE HIGH COURT OF KEN YA AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REOISTRY IN THE MATTBR OF IHE ESTATE OF FARM I M JHAMF,D EU NAHDY ALIAS FARM M EU NAHDY ALIAS FARM B:N MOHJSM ED BIN AlplNAHDI OF M OM M SA PROBATE AND ADM IN ISTRATION SuccBsslox CAusB 1No376 of 1994 LET ALL tile partlesocmx rned tako notiœ fziam ax tifbn for * grantoflottersofadminis&ratkyn integtate to theegtarte4 tlle above-named deceased,wlo died atsamburu,on 12th August, 1974haSbeen filod in thisregistry by M ohamod FarajM ohamed, through M essrsabpatel& Patel,advocates of Mombasa, in hiscapacity asson ofthedeceased And furtbertakenoticethatobjectionsin theprescrlbed form to the making nfthe proposed grantare invitred and mustbe lodge in tm:re/stry within thirty (30)day:ofpublio tion of tbix no lce And furthertakenoticethatifno objection hasbeen lodged in thisregistry in tbe prescribed form within thirty (30)daysof thedateofpublication ofthisnotice,the courtmar proceed to mlketbegrant&sprayed orto makesuch order> ittmnkg5t Dated the 12th August,1994 M JAJAGANI, Deputy Registrar,M ombasa G AZEIUB NoTlcE No7031 IN THE HIGH LOOURT (àf KBNYA AT M OM BASA DISTIUW RBGISTRY lfn THE MATFBR OF THE ESTATE OF FATM ABM M USA C/M AR OF M OMM SA PROBATE AN D ADM IN ISTRATIUN SuccEssloN ICAUSB N0398OF1W4 IJET ALL porsons concerned take,notice that a potition for a gralrft of probate of the wiḷ of the abovernamed deceased,who died atbirmingham,london,on loth kseptember,1987,hasbeen filed in thisregistry by Efssa Essak Vonduiaof PO Box 82850M ombaea,in his capacity asexecutolrnamed in thedoceasodswil A ld furdhertake notice rha:obpeotlonsin tbe preàxsmibed torm to te *H*F(% tbe grœrd areike tlano In14- be kzge in mlk- re- o - 1àm t1%1 O0)d*> oflxlslialtxxl4 tu n-=-* AM furoertekene e :,8:# no (+iaw<m irae b= lodgod klthk r> in theplw dbedfolm wkhin tikirty (30)(Kn of te zh- t/ mlbllr%>y oftlds ne ced!e = rtm ay * m*h tlx yrw- u prlve orto mnkesucb orderagltpainks5t, Dated the 6th Septomber,11994 M JAJAIGANI, D eputy Registrar,M om basa Note- Whz wilmentioned above has baen depogited in and is open for inspection at the registry GAZETrB NOTICBNO7029 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M OMBASA DISTRICT REGISTRY IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ABDUIJKARIM SULEMAN ADAM PROBATE Ae ADM LN TO N SuccEssltm CAUSE N O379 OF 1994 LET a1the partiesconcolned take noticetlayta petition for a gmntoflet/rtsofadmiaigtration integtate to the e- of the above-nam ed dectased, who died at M om basa, 0!14 3rd February,1994,hasbeen filed in this registry by Nyamatbai Hussein Abduilkarim Adam, through M essrs Anjarwala Abdulhuscin & Comgany, advocates, of PO Box 83156, Mombasa,in hercapaclty aswidow ofthe deceased And furthertakenotice CIZM objeotiorskltheprescribedform to the making of the pmposed gmlntare invittd and mustbe lodged in thisroglstry within thirty(30)daysefpublication of this notke AM fuztlw tnbezotiœ Y t: no obkvkion bn- % lodged 1r1tMs reggtryia Li2 prexribed (ofzu wipjùo ukzrty (3û)daysol tie O te ofmzblicaçvk n oftluqmyte u%kxlun may piaw,lto nuketbe- - a: ikqkwd (x to nwa tw+ ojdera,k t>w % Dated the14th September,1994 M JAJAGANI, Deputy Registrar,M ombasa GAZETIENoTIcB No7030 TN THE HIGH ICOURT I0IF KBNYA AT MOM BM A OISTRICT REGISTRY TN THE M ATTF/R OF THE BSTATE OF DORBIBI ABDALLA OF M OMIBASA PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION SuccsssloN CAUSE No396oF 1994 LET ALL the partiesconoelmed take nofioethata lxtition for a gmm of lektersofadminigtmation h testajteto the estate of the above-named deceased,who died on 3rd November,1960,has been filed in thisregistry by Hussein Abdala,ofPOBox 82175, M ombasa,in hisoapacity asson oif the deceased And furthcrtakenoticetha:objectionsiln thepr- ribed form to ùhe making ofthe proposed grantare invited and must be lodged in this registry w ihin lùrty (30)daysofpublication of this notke And furthertakenoticethatifno oblection hasbeon lodged in th1 regiptry in the presoribed form witlhin thirty (30)daysof the date of publication of this noticrthe courtmay pnoceed to maketle grantasprayed orto makesuch orlderasitfylnkksfik Dated the23m doptember,,1994 M JA JAG ANI, Deputy Reglstrar,M ombasa GAZETTENorlcB No7032 TN ITIE H IGH COURT OF KENYA AT M OM BM A DISXXRItG RBG ISTRY IN THC M ATTER OF THE BSTATE iof SHARM NO AHMIBD AM BER OF M OMBASA BROBATE ANo ADM IN ISTRATION SucçEssloN CAUSB No399 or1994 LET ALL dle Ie c- rned take noa phlte foz 4eranfofloter:ofedmingtratioo iat- afe to theeqfate (yftbe above-named dleceased,who died on 15th August,1989,has been filed in this rogigtry by M orhamed Said Amber,of POBox 89426,M om bam,in hiscapaicty aswidowerof the deceased &nd ftu4h tu e noûcefhntfbjerst- skkt- pr- rie f- (o the making ofthe proposed grantare invited &nd mustbe lodged in tllige-gk try wifyintlvkrty (30)days<8fpuilrAtxnn of th- x tu, And furiertauke nntice thatifno fybjectkm 1u1 been lwdged klthisregwtry kltheplw crilbed fopm within thirty (30)dajsof tlw + tv ofpublicatix ofthie noticethecoaptm&y proceod to make zhe ara!vtagprayed or to make such orderasittlairkks;ṭ Dated the23m September, M JAJAIGANI, Depufy Regîstrar,M ombasa IN THE HIOH COURT OP KBNYA AT M OM BASA OISTRICT RBGTSTRY 2lN THE MATTBR OF THE BSTATE OF URBAN US M W ADIM E M WANGUWE OF M IMBASA PROBATE Ar AN INISTRATION SuccessloN CAIJSE 1No404 op 1994 LET a1the partiexsconcepned tdkenotice thata petition far a gmntoflettevsofalkrénigt<ation int- ate totiïe egtate of*be above-name,d deceused,who died atm ombasa, on 11th June, 1994,hasbeen filed in thisregistry by Elizabeth Tabu Mwadime, ofpotbox 84000,M ombasa,in hercapacityaswidow ofthe deceased And fue ertake noticethatoblectionsin thepresoribedform to the making ofthe proposed grantare invited and muptbe lodge,d klthis reglstly withlfn tllirty (30)daysofpublioation of this notice And furthertake notice thatêfno obiectlon has been lodqed lr!thisremsrtry in tlle prescrifbed form within thhrty (30)daysof tbe date 4 publlcation ofthisnotice, thecoulrtmavproceed tc tnake tlte eranta,splhayed ortomake such ofrdera sitthinksfit Datod The 14t,h September,1994 M JAJA GANI, D eputy Reglstrar,M om basa

28 D 82 THE KENYA GAZEIVE 41 November,1994 : L- : GAZBIIB NoTlcs No7034 IN THE HIGH COURT OP KENYA AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTAIY OF ADAMALI ESM AILJEE SINGVIW ALLA OF M OM BASA PROM TE AND ADM INISTM TION SuccssloN CAUSBNo4S5OF19k J : LET ALL the parties conierned take notice that a petition foragrant(ifprobateofwiloftheabove-named deeased,who died at-m ombasa has byen Eled in this regiktry by (1) Zaibunissa Adamali Esmailjee azd (2) Rashida Adamali Esmailjee,both ofpobox 90021,Mombasa,through Messrs Sachdeva & Com pany, advocgtes of M ombasa, in their respectivecapacitiesastheexecutorand trusteeofthedeceaseds estaîe Amd furtbartake notice tlza:objr finnzin tlw pre ribed fnr- * th* makin: ef the proposed gram are invited u d mte lx lndpvlin tbisregistry within thirty (30)daysofpublix ti- lf Wi*notix And furthertakenotice thath no objxtix 1- been loe d nwkttiegram u prayedorto rrkzkeslc,b orderu k thlztk:ât the dlteofgablicatkm ofthiwnoœ e,t1* courtmay proce * h thtlreggtry klthopr- ibod form withiq thirty(3w + y:4 Dated the27th September,1994 M JAJIAGANI, Dçputy Registrar,M ombasa # --- <IAZBTTB lfotlcslfo7035 ỊN I44E HIGH O URT OF KBNYA ATM OM M :A bisl4ticr G ISTKY ;N IHE M ATIER OF Tlle BSTATB œ W IG IAM (SIM ON BUI()FMSMRASA PROBAIB AND ADM M TRATION SuccBssmx G USB (Nb446 oe1* 4 LET M J1*m ru- = = ed nnezr- tœ a pdkion lm *grantofletersofadminigtration iateiçtateto tlleetate oft1u abpve-namod deceased,*ho died a/tlamu,on 3nd July,1994, 1% boen filod in thisrogistryby œ umum aua Bui,ofPOBox 905% M ombasa,in hthrcapacity as widow oftho dœeased M d turknez kako uopr taakopm lonsm tte pltkrlbed forfb h) tlx making of th* prox szd gmntare mvited and must N lodged in thisren try wite tiûrtz (30) lm ofpubliœ tbn l te lxxiœ And ftrthmrtake notiœ ty # no ob- ion 1œ1lx le gx in e mgidtry in thuprexribèd form wkién thërty (30)(lm oj tie date ofpublin- inn oftbisnotia,tbey urtmay p,w - > nzah te m ntm:played orto make *1c1orderu k thinu * Date tlle;rd Octpber,1%, : M,JAzxjoxxl, Deputy Reglstrar,M ombasa GARIIB NtyncsNo7036 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISIRY IN THE M ATTER OF THE FBTATE OF CKARISA KAPOM BE SuccessloN CAUSBNo452 or 1994 LET al1the partiesconcerned takenotice thata petition fer ao nofletea ofadmdifnigtration int-tate to the e nteofthe above-nam ed deceased, who died at Kikam bala,on 26th July, 1980,has been lilod in this registry by (1) W ilfred Karisa Kapombe and (2)SafaritKarisa Kapombe,b0th ofpobox 6,Kikambala,KiI,in theircapacitiesassonsofthedeceased And furthertakenùticethatobjectbnsklthe procribed form to the making ofthe proposed grantare invited and mustbe lodgod in th+ regbt!y within thirty (39)daysofpublicadœ of tlisnetice And furthortakenotice thatifno o%jection hasbv lodged i* tllis regi:try in the pzescrie d form witlhin thipty (30)day:ol te date </fpublication ofthisnoticx,thecourtmay proceed to rwke the granta;pmyedortomake mlch oaler*gitshinkgh Dated the5th October,1994 M JAJAGAM, Deputy Reâw/mr,M ombasa GG IIE NorlcB No7037 j IN ITIE HIOH (OOURT OF KBNYA AT M ERU ;IN THE MATTFA OF TJIE FJSTARY CIF KANANKARI NABM OF MERU PROM TB AND ADM YNISTRATION SUCCESSION G USB N07 OF 1993 LBT A1Jthm palced oonx lned rake notlce nhltea petkxm for a grantof lotters of aidm irtisvration iatestate to the egtate of the atm e-namod dxm sed,who died at NyakiLoeation,on Wh Soptember, 1982,has been fzled in this registry by M Kuum K anankari, of Chugu, in his capacity as an adm ltkislraëor of thedeceasedsestate AnH Rlrtbertake notice* 1ebjr tionsin tleprescribed form to t** making oftle proposed graat ar* invitod and mqstb 1m1* in thislw blry within te ty (30)dayl ofpublicatiœ ol :11 ne e A-I1u1* +v- tuxk,th- ifx n ikaa > in th regiwry in ltlx pree ffwm withln thirty (30)dm of tlw 1dl1* ofpubla tion of1tltisnot>,theo uttmayprece to cvak:tilegmnta:pmyedorto makemzch orderu 4(tillnkqm 1 Dat?d $11:20th Se#telnber,11994 i 1 Gzzerrs NoTlcs No7038 sxw xuw Ayj DeputyRegistrar,M eru, IN Tlœ HIGH ICOURT OF KENYA AT M ERU IN THE LMATIFJR OF THE ESTATE OF ITOM E IW ANGU OF M ITUNGUU LCG TO N,M BRU DISTRIW PROBAFE AND ADM INISTRAIION? Succssslox CAUSE N o239 or 1994 LET ALL the paruesconcerned take noace thata petition for a grantoflettorsofadministratlon intestate to the estate otth l above-namzd deceased,who diedatmitunguu Location, in 1966 h:sbeen iled in thisregistry iby Elizabeth Kajuju M Itome, ofpomitunguuk,in hercapacity as an admmtskratrix ot the decearedshtaste AnH furtlhertakenotiœ thatolbjectionsin tilzeprescribed form to themakipg ofthe proposed grantare invited and mustbe lodged in thisregistrym thm thirty (30)daysofpublication of this notice i, And furthertake notic ltikatifno objection hasbeen Iodged in thisregiaryintheprle,soribedfopm wiuhin Sthirty (30)daysol the da,te ofpublication ofthisnotice,thecourtmayprocoed te rniakt tbe graatas,prayed orto m ake skîch orderask thilk::t Datedtlze1* Septomber,1994 Gàa rrs NoTlcENO7039 M N GICHERU, D eputy Registrar,M eru IN Tc HIGH COURT OF KCNYA AT MERU N JlI1E M ATTER OF Tlv ESIWTE OF M TURUCHIU ANCHUIOF M ERU PROBATE AND A DM INISTRATION SUCCESSION CAUSE NO250 OF 1W 4 LET ALL the partiesconcernedtakenoccethala Iyetiuon for a gmtlrtoflelters ofadm inistratian iategtate to (he esta:e of the above-named deceased,who died atm uthara Location, on 2ût: Mardl,19X),lyasbeen liled in tlziszegisdtry by (1)Gerald Koroi and (2)Jeremiah Karianki,both ofpobox J3,M uuhara,in their capacities as administrators of the deceaseds estate And furthertake notlce thatobjectiorlsin thepresoribed fûrm to the making of thepropxsed grantaa invited and muptbe lodgod in thisregistry witrhin tltirty (30)daysofpublication of de notke And furthortake notlce iatifno objectioa las been lodged in this regigtry irzthepracribed form wlthin thirty(30)daysof thm date of pablkadon of this notice,the coortmay proceed to lnake thegmtatasprayed orto makesuoh orderasitthimk q51- DAëM the20th A ptember,1994 SAW AM W AYI, D eputy Registrar,M eru

29 4th November,1994 KENYA GA ZEU E 2083 GAzslas NovncE No7040 KENYA GOVERNM ENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS,1994 RssuLrs IT IS notified forgcneralinformationthatthefolowing candidatespased thekenyagovernmentproficiencyexamination forclericalo ficcrsheldon 14th and 15th April,1* 4 The optionsare indicated againsttheirnames: Index No Ntzpne MinistrylDepartment Option Station f/pe/5 PaulOluoch Alango O ficeofthepresident (P) Nairobi 1/PE/9 JamesMwasiArija O ficeofthepresideft (P) Nairobi 1/PE/11 PamelaMbiraAtleno O ficeofthepresident (G) Nairobi 1/PE/28 JustusWambuaDavid O ficeofthepresident (G) Kitui 1/PE/49 DavidKinyaeIsika O ficeofthepresident (S) Makueni 1/PE/50 JosephCccilJakanga O ficeofthcpresident (S) Nairobi 1/PE/61 ZephylineKatindaKalamba O ficeofthepresident (G) Kitui 1/17E/62 FlorenceWanjaKamau O ficeofthepresident (G) Kiambu 1/PE/77 DavidMulatyaKasola OficeofthePresident (G) Nairobi 1/PF/8(1 BenjaminMukabiKiapie OficeofthePresident (G) Thika 1/PE/84 Harison MutindaKilundo OficeofthePresident (G) Machakos 1/PE/105 SimonMuglaviaMageni OficeofthePresident (G) Nairobi 1/PE/122 FelistaNjeriMburu OficeofthcPresident (P) Nairobi 1/PE/285 JamesKamau Gichuhi HomeAffairsand NationalHeritage (A) Nairobi 1/PE/133 DanielKiariawegaNMuchiri HomeAffailsand NationalHeritage (G) Muranga 1/PE/156 BethMutua HomeAffairsand NationalHeritage (G) Machakos I/PE/IY FrancisWainainaMwaura - HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (S) Nairobi 1/PE/172 EuniceKariukiNaithira HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (G) Nanyuki 1/PE/186 NancyWanjiru Ngari HomeA fairsand Nationallleritage (A) Kiambu 1/PE/189 GeorginaMtindeNgina HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/191 ChristopherdheruiyotNgetich HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (G) Nairobi 1/PE/193 SalesioNjueNjeru HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (G) Kiambu 1/PE/204 BensonMNyangau HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (S) Nairobi 1/PE/205 JosphatMutinda Nzioki HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (A) Nairobi 1/PE/208 JohnAngirObel HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (Aj Nairobi 1/PE/216 FrancisOduor HomcA fairsandnationalheritage (G) Nairobi 1/PE/228 GraceAwuorOmondi HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (G) Nairobi 1/PE/233 JasonMomanliOnchweri HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/256 JoyceMuthom Waithaka HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/263 GraceWahigaWanjau HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) Muranga 1/PE/267 JoelKiragu Wanjuki HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) KIA 1/PE/282 AnnetyVihendaWanyamaAngote HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (A) Nairobi 1/PE/3œ BeatriceWanjiruMutahi HomeA fyirsandnationalheritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/305 SamuelKiokoNdawa HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/308 EuniceWaljiraNyaga HomeAfairsandNationalHeritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/313 GeorgeAhmadiAmenya Vice-president, Planning and National Deyelopment (S) Nairobi 1/PE/320 IsaacKimothoKamau Vice-president, Planning and National Development Nairobi 1/PE/323 RoseWanjaKinyua Vice-president, Planning and National Development Nairobi 1/PE/324 ChristopherMuasyaKyangu Vice-president, Planning and National Development (G) Nairobi 1/PF,/326 NancyW ambuim uchina Vice-president, Planrdng and National Development (G) Nairobi 1/PE/330 AnastasiaM waniandulu Vice-president, Planning and National Development (P) Nairobi 1/PE/335 AishaRazik Said Vice-president, Planning and National Development (S) Nairobi 1/PE/341 David John Adwera Finance (A) Nairobi 1/PF-/343 JosphatGikundaNdiraArithi Finance (P) Nairobi 1/PF/349 RoseNjokiGichobi Finance (G) Nairobi 1/1+/356 JaneWambuiKagunyi Finance (P) Nairobi 1/PE/367 MaryAtieno Lwal Finance (G) Nairobi 1/PE/370 Franklin MurithiMaingi Finance (j) Nairobi 1/PE/372 John KitetuMakuli Finance (P) Nairobi 1/PF7287 PeterJohnKangethe HomeA fairsandnationalheritage (P) Nairobi 1/PE/379 Jeconiah Onyango Midodo Finance (P) NairoN 1/PH390 CatherineNdutaMuiru Finance (S) Nairobi 1/P8/394 FredrickMunene linapce (S) Nairobi 1/PE/395 NancyMwembu Mungai Finance (G) Nairobi 1/P5,/397 JohnMuriruriMurigi Finance (A) Nairobi 1/PE/399 ChalityWanjiru Murithi Finance (P) Nairobi 1/PF,/425 JosephMbuyaOloo e Finxnce (G) Nairobi 1/PF/429 JamesWiliam OkwachOmoro Finance (P) Nairobi 1/17F,/442 ArthurOwporOsuri Finance (G) Nairobi 1/PE/466 BonifaceChimwaniIkumu DepartmentofDefence (S) Nairobi 1/PE/517 Florah Joan Angana Ilealth : (P) Mathari 1/PF/555 Hannah NjambiKiuna Health (P) Kiambu 1/PE/562 Munm okigilbertmaithya Health (P) Kiambu 1/PE/567 PeterKiokoMasika Health (R) Kathiani 1/P5/577 JanetBMuga, Health (P) Nairobi 1/P5-/579 CharlesJuliusMugo Hea1th (A) Nairobi 1/PE/597 HelenKatheuMutuku Hçalth (P) Machakos 1/PF/621 RebeccaNtairo xl-kalth,; (P) Kisumu 1/PE,/623 AlexKNzzku Heat-tl) ; (P) lviachakos 1/P5/627 CharlesObara, Heaith -? (P) Nairobi

30 2084 KENYA GA ZEW E 4th Novem ber,1994 GOVERNMENTPRoFlcmxcv EXAMmATION FORCLERICALOFFICERS,1994REslJLTs-(& n/#) Index No Name M inistryldepartment Option Station 1/PE/639 JuliaNRimberia Health (12) Nairobi I/PE/GO JacobGlarenceRugano Health (A) Thika 1/PH656 StanleyDavidWandera Hea1th (-) Nairobi 1/PH697 EstkerWanjiru Kariuki PublicWorks (P) Nairobi 1/P&705 StelamarisMutio Kilonzo PublicWorks (G) Nairobi 1/PE/713 PeterJNjengaMaina PublicWorks (A) Nairobi 1/PE&19 PatrickMusyokaMatheka PublicWorks (P) Machakos 1/PE/722 ScholasticaMuthoniMbugua PublicWorks (G) Nairobi 1/PE/748 RobertMboyaMuthui PublicWorks (A) Nairobi 1/PE/750 FrancisWambuaMutua PublicWorks (S) Nairobi 1/PF/757 JamlickMugambiMwangire PublicWorks (S) Nairobi - 1/PE/8œ JohnNjorogeChege TransportandCommunications (A) Nairobi 1/PE/180 Jeremiah KibunjaNdonga OfflceofthePresident (-) Nairobi 1/PH237 JanetAkothOoyi O ficeofthepresident (-) Nairobi 1/PE/344 èenterakinyiaroka OfsceofthePresident (S) Nairobi 1/PH520 NicholasAdego Emodia Hexlth * (G) Nairobi 1/PH820 AnneWandiaMwitari TransportandCommunications (A) Nairobi 1/PE/835 PhilipOdhiamboOsia TransportandCommunications (G) Nairobi 1/PF/863 l5usmailumukula LabourandManpowerDevelopment (P) Nairobi 1/PE/868 SimonPeterKariukiMwangi LabourandManpowerDevelopment (P) Nairobi 1/PW874 SarahWNgaru LabourandManpowerDevelopment (P) Nairobi 1/PH876 TheresaNzembiNzioki LabourandManpowerDevelopment (G) Nairobi 1+H883 CeciliaWanjiku Shikuku LabourandManpowerDevelopment (G) Kiambu 1*W884 Geofrey Wachira Wamae LabourandManpowerDevelopment (G) Nairobi 1/PE/K3 RahabNjeriMwangi Tourism and Wildlife (P) Muranga I/PFJOM EstherZachariaNdurya Tourism and Wildlife (P) Nairobi 1/PE/910 EvalyneKunduOundo Tourism andwildlife (G) Nairobi DanielKoigiKamau CultureandSocialServices (P) Nairobi 1/PH922 MaryMwihakiKimani CultureandSocialServices (G) Nairobi 1/PH929 StephenKimakûKunga CultureandSocialServices (A) Kitui 1/PH932 MaryWanjiruMaina CultureandSocialServices (G) Nairobi 1/P1936 Reuben Oinga Matundura CultureandSocialServices (P) Kisi 1/PH947 JosephMakau Mutisya Cultureand SocialServices (G) Kitui 1+W949 CharlesWaithakaMwangi CultureandSocialSerïices (-) Nairobi 1/PE/9N) Alfred OngongeObumbo CultureandSocialServices- (P) Kasarani 1/PE/961 SamuelOnyangoOdalo CultureandSocialServices (P) Nairobi 1/PF/970 PaulAdero Otieno CultureandSocialServices (S) Nairobi 1/PW972 Philip OnchariOyieyo Cultureand SocialSenices (P) Nyamira 1/P&979 JaneroseOngoroAkiru Information andbroadcasting (P) Nairobi 1/PH983 HannahMukamiKabaiko Information andbroadcasting (G) Nairobi I/P&9O WayuaMuindc InformationandBroadcasting (P) Nairebi 1/PH992 JacionIvatswaMuloma InformationandBroadcasting (G) Nairobi 1+F/997 JosephineNdukuMwangangi Information andbroadcasting (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1œ3 BenterAtienoNdenga InformationandBroadcasting (G) Nairobi I/PFJIIOT MosesNdunguNgure Informationand Broadcasting (P) Nairobi 1/PH1011 JeckoniaNdonjiOgara Informationand Broadcasting (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1016 RoseAkinyiOtieno Informationand Broadcasting (P) Nairobi 1+H1017 BenjaminUgangaShitsukane Informationand Broadcasting (A) Nairobi I&FJI02O ElphasImbeywaWanyanga InformationandBroadcasting (-) Nairobi 1/PFJ1œ 4 LucyKaburaGatukumi Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (G) Nairobi 1/PH817 NelsonMaghanga Mwangala Transportand Communications (G) Nairobi 1/PFJ1X 6 JosephMuliIko Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development M achakos 1/éFJ1030 Wiliam NdiranguKanyago Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Devélopment Kewi 1/PFJ1031 Edwin MuneneKanyingi - Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater 19E/IG 3 FrancisM burum uguro Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (P) Nairobi Development (P) Nairobi 1+H 1054 Lydiah Wanjiku Ndungu Land Reclamation, Regional and Water f Development fg) Nairobi I/P& I(MI HenryNyabutoNyangwcso Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Development, (P) Nairobi 1/I>F/I(64 AlfredOnsarçObara Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (S) BuraIrrigation 1/PFJ1W 2 Elizabeth NyamburaW aweru Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (S) Nairobi I&H I07O Anne NjokiWachira Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Development (A) Nairobi 1/PH1076 TurphenaHayaAtieno EnvironmentandNaturalResources (A) Nairobi 1/PH1081 NaomiWanjiruGakuru EnvironmentandNaturalResources (*) Nairobi 1+H1083 NicholasNgumbauKilonzi EnvironmentitnàNaturalResources (A) Nairobi 1/PFJ1087 RuthCheptoo Lagat Environmentand NaturalResources (P) Nairobi 1/PH 1089 JosphatMuchombaMacharia Environmentahd NaturalResources (P) Nairobi I+& I(M) CatherineWangechiMachira EnvironmentandNaturalResources (P) Nairobi J I+FJI@?3 BcrnàrdMianoMangau EnvironmentandNaturalResources (A) Nairobi I+N II(B PeterOmangaOdhiambo EnvironmentandNaturalResources (P) Nairobi 1+D IIIO MariaAdhiambo Omwandho EnvironmentandNaturalResources (P) Nairobi 1/PH1118 BcnsonOyugiAmbuni Co-operativeDévelopmelit (*) Nairobi 1/PE/1120 HenryNyabutoBiyogo Co-operativeDevelopment (A) Nairobi 1&FJ1121 EricOmach Dede Co-operativr b evelopment (S) Nairobi 1+H 1124 MaryWangariGitahi Co-operatiyeDqvelopment (P) Nairobi Ẇ FJII28 ErnestAmbaka Lukayu Co-operativeDevelopment (G) Nairobi 1+& 1129 BraterMutongoiMbindyo Co-operatiyeDevelopment (P) Nairobi

31 4th Novem ber, 1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2085 GovERwMshcrPRolrlclsNcv EXAMINATION FoR CLBRICAL OFFICBRS1994REsULTs- tg nl,) Index No- Name M iniatryldepartment Option Station 1/PFJ1131 BcrnardNgugiMburu Co-operativeDevelopment (P) Makuyu 1/PFJ1134 IreneMuthogiMundia Co-operativeDevelopment (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1135 ObadiaMunyao Co-operativeDevelopment (G) Machakos 1/PE/1142 ElizabethKanuliNamuvuyu Co-operativeDevelopment (G) Nairobi I/PE/II46 Jack Ogao Nyariango CommerceandIndustry - (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1151 StephenAndeyiShiebisa Co-opeiativeDevelopment (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1156 Nancy WanjariChege Commerce and lndustry (G) Nairobi I/PE/IIY CecilyWanlnlKimani Commerce andindustry (S) Muranga 1/PE/1161 Richard John MwandwaKitheka Commerce andindustry (S) Nairobi 1*E/1163 JaneNyamburaMagu Commerce andindustry (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1165 NaftalMiyaki Commerceand Industry (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1167 FredrickOyinoMugangai Commerce andindustry (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1170 AliceMbathiMuthuvi Commerce andlndustry (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1176 Simon GichohiNdungu Commerce ahdindustry (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1177 AliceKemuntoNyabando Commerce andindustry (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1180 DismasOgol Commerce and Industry (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1186 LilianTaabu Commerceand Industry (G) Nairobi 1/P//1190 DamarisKaminjaAwinja AGSChambers (P) Nairobi I/PE/II99 Charle-sNyakundiMomoki AGsChambcrs (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1202 DouglasWambuaMusau AGSChambérs (G) Nairobi 1/PFJ1205 Judith RuthNabwire AGsChambelw (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1208 BeatriceOdongo AGsChambers (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1210 MikeJarechiOm aya AGSChambers (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1211 Joachim NgalaRassi AGSCbambers (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1214 Rosemaly NangilaWanambisi AGSChambers (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1220 JacobOmondiAyima JudicialDepartment (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1224 JuliusMutwiriIkiugu JudicialDepartment, (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1228 JosphineWambuiKamau : JudicialDepartment (P) Thika 1/PE/1229 AnthonyMbiyu Kamuyu JudicialDepartment (G) Nairobi 1/P8/1233 JomoAndanjeKataka JudicialDepartment (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1236 Jackson John Kimuyu JudicialDepartment (G) Githunguri 1/PE/1237 EnockKongaKinaro JudicialDepartment (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1240 BenjaminKyakaKituva JudicialDepartment (G) Nairobi I/PE/I24I Joseph Kahindu Maina JudicialDepartment (G) Nairobi 1/PF,/1242 Richard Nyabuto Mbaka JudicialDepartment (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1243 FranciscaWambuaMbeke JudicialDepartment (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1244 Edward KivisiMbelesiah JudicialDepartment (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1247 JohnMwangiMorris JudicialDcpartment (G) Nairobi 1/PF,/1255 DanielMunyithya Muthui JudicialDemrtment (- ) Kitui 1/PE/1260 BeatriceMuthoniMwondothi JudiciajDepartment (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1265 Stephen NgangaNgugi JudidalDepariment (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1279 Geoffrey GathuthiMutahi PublicSetviccCommissionofKenya (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1280 JamesOnyuka, PublicServiceCommisionofKenya (P) Nairobi 1/PH1292 JohanaNMachaHa NationalAssembly (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1284 RuthNAngogo NationalAssembly (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1286 CarolineKemunto lgendia NationalAssembly (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1291 GeoffreyKahuthuKiondo NationalAssembly (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1299 MeshackOgomaOchienf NationalAssembly (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1302 TimothyKelyKimeu Energy (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1303 Selina Akelo Masira Energy (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1313 Pheminah ImaliButoyi Education (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1316 Joseph NgangaGachau PublicWorks (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1317 PeterKihindoGichinga Education (P) Muranga 1/PE/1324 Hendrick EricKakovo Education (G) Kitui 1/PE/1329 Loise NyamburaKingori Education (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1332 SimonMutua Kisingu Education (G) Nairobi 1/P:,/1333 JamesMutisyaKituva Education (P) Nairobi 1/PH1337 MaryKMadahana Education (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1339 SamuelAradiMakalizu Education 1/E/1345 GeoffreyEdebeMisigo Education (G) (P) Nairobi Nairobi 1/PE/1347 PeterSimba Muasya Education (G) Nairobi 1/PIV135# MargaretNjeriNderitu Education (G) Kiambu 1/PE/1364 Hebson NjueNjiru Education (G) Nairobi 1/P1/1365 PriscalMaithaNjiru Education (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1366 SamuelNjorogeNjuguna Education (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1372 Peter0Omori Education (G) Nairobi 1/PF,/1376 CharlesObindiOsango Education (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1378 David Elijah Ototo Education (G) Machakos 1/PE/1387 ShikukuWambani Education (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1397 SamuelKiarieGachie Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1399 Benson NyamaiKakulu kesearch,technicaltrainingandtechnology (A) Muguga 1*F,/1407 AntonyMutisyaKituku Research,TechnicalTrainingknd Technology (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1414 BeatriceWambuiMbuchi Research,TeclmicalTraining andtechnology (P) Nairobi 1/PP/1415 JaneW Mburu kesearch,technicaltrainingand Tecbnology (A) Thika 1/PE/1421 Wiliam KMosbei Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1422 Stephen WanjauMugo Rosearch,TechnicalTrairzingand Technology (G) Nairobi 1/PH1423 Abednego MbithiMuindi Research,TechnicalTfainingand Teclmology (A) Nairobi 1/PH1424 FredrkkKamunyoMungau Research,TechnicalTraining and Technology (A) Nairobi 1/P1,/1436 AloyceOtienoNyangor Research,-reclmicalTrainingand Technology (G) Naivasha 1/PW1439 Tom MbuyaOdundo Research,TechnicalTrainingand Teclmology (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1442 RachelNyamoita Omwenga Research,TecbnicalTrairlingand Technology (G) Nairobi I/PFJIIZ! AgnesGechemba Onsongo - Research,TeclmicalTrainingand Technology (G) Kaknmega 1/PE/1448 FrancisOmondiOyoo Researcb,TecbnicalTraining andtechnology (A) Nairobi 1/PD 1451 KennyWekesaSimiyu Research,TeclmicalTrainingand Technology (A) Nairobi 1/P F#ancisKering Taws Research,TeclmicalTraining and Technology (P) Nairobi

32 2086 KENYA G AZEU E 4th Novem ber,1994 GovsRhlslsxrPltoluclsxcvEXAMINATI6N FoR CLERICAL OFFICERS, 1994Rsslf-rs-(flonll Index No Atwle Minétrym epartment Opdon Station 1/P:/1457 ShadrackMisikoWakochwe Research,TechnicalTrainingandTechnology (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1462 Jane NjeriGitau Landsand Setlement (P) Kiambu 1/PE/1465 DamarisWangechiKamonye LandsandSettlement (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1466 JaneWKaranja LandsandSetlement (G) Nairobi 1/PE/l4t)8 FranciscaMueniKimae LandsandSetlement (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1477 CharlesGachuiriMwangi LàndsandSetfement (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1478 MauriceOdenyNyabola LbndsandSetlement ; (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1480 Joash OchiengOkech Landsandsetlement (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1484 EmilyDeborahOndik Landsandjettlement (d) Nairobi 1/PE/1486 DophineOyato LandsandSetlement (A) Nairobi 1/PE/1493 JamesKamulaMbevo NHIF (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1506 HenryWahyonyiTabani NHIF (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1550 SamuelMainaMwangi O ficcofthepresident(poliçe) (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1554 ObadiahLavuNgui O ficebfthepresident(police) (-Y ) Nairobi 1/PE/1559 FrancisWathomeNzioka E OficebfthePreqident(Police) (A1 Nairobi 1/PE/1561 Wilson KenedyOkumu O ficeofthbpresident(police) (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1563 Hudson MunamonyiOnyango OfticçofthePresident(Police) (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1566 GodfreyHingaWangati O ficçofthepresident(police) (/)- Nairobi 1/PE/1581 EdwardAndiedieAmadiva KARI (A) Limuru 1/PE/1592 MosesNdiritu Karuga KARI (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1544 JamesMutavaMuscmbi OfticeofthePresident(Police) (-) Muranga 1/PE/1599 Karafja Kimani O ftccoftheliresideat(police) (G) Muraltga 1/PE/1608 RoseWangu Murithi ficii)fjhepresident(police) (G) Muranga 1/PE/1615 SimonMbuthiaNdungu O ficjoftheprcsident(police) (S) Vuranga 1/PE/1616 DavidKariukiNganga Ofikebfth:Iiesident(Police) (h) Muguga 1/PE/1623 JamesNgongaOduor O ficèofthepresident(police) (P) Nairobi 1/PF,/1625 John Kizito SitawaOgutu O ficebfthepresident(police) (S); Nairobi I/PE/IMO MichaelKariukiMaina TSC (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1446 CharlesOdepo Onyango Research,TechnicalTrainingan4 Tcchnology (-) Nairobi 1/PE/1647 GeorgeMwauraKarnanu KEFRI (A) Vuguga 1/PFJ1649 DuncanM uindimuthoka KEFRI, (P) Muguga 1/PE/1650 MaryWaithereroMutuaruhiu KEFRI (P) Muguga 1/PE/1652 TitusKibuiMwatura KEFRI (G) Muguga 1/1+/1658 MosesWanjogu Gakunya KBLC, (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1664 CorneliusGathunguMbuthia KBC (S) Nairobi 1/PE/1666 EnnocentGuguyuMudindi KBC (G) Nairobi t/pe/1671 Patrick MwaniaSua KJB 0 (P) Nairobi 1/PB/1683 Rodah NgonyoGitau &s sf (G) Nairobi 1/:F,/1686 JuliusMuchiraMaringa N,ssF, (-) Kerugoya 1/PE/1701 MargaretNjcriGichuki KenyatlaNatiqnalHospital (P) Xairobi 1/PE/1709 BonifaceNzyukoKyule KenyatiaNationalHospital (Aj Nairobi 1/PE/1712 ZablonOmwange Mekenye KenyattaNationalHospital (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1718 David WeruMuraguri KenyattaNationalHospital (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1719 LawrenceKimathiMurianki KenyataNàtionalHospital (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1721 Richard KiokoMutua KenyattaNationalHospital (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1730 StanslausMukabwaShimenga KenyaitaNàtionalHospital (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1741 JohnColinOuko Foreign Affairsartd IlternationalCo-operation (A) Nairobi 1/PF/1745 LeonardNjogu Gateru Publk SelviceCommisionofKenya (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1746 BilhaW W ambugu Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1770 PeterKamuruGikandi Agriculture, Livestock Development and: Marketing (P) Muranga 1/PE/1808 LazarusM uuom utiso Agriculture, Llvestock Development and Marketing, (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1809 LydiaMbinya Lewa Agricultùre,Livestock Development and Marketihg (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1810 VirginiahWanjikuWainaina Agriculture, Livestock Develohment and Marktting (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1817 BensonG Nyagah Agriculture, Livestock Development andl - Markeling (P) kabete 1PFJ1818 Sarah OliechAnyango Agricultm e, Livestock Development and Marketing (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1819 LivingstoneNyagaMuthuri Agridulture, Livestock Development and M arketing (-) Nairobi 1/PE/1823 JosephineMwanjumwa Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (P) Nairobi 1/P/,/1826 Godwin KamauGitau Agriculture, Livestock Development and M arketing (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1827 StanleyNSamuel Aghculture, Livestock Development and : Marketing (-) Nairobi 1+F/1828 DuncanM wakangalu Mwaluma Agriculture, Livestock Development and Mar/eting, (A) Nairobi 1/PH 1829 Jolm M anyekim ucheke Agricultwe, Livestock Development and Marketing (P) Nairobi 1/PE/1832 FrancisMainaWagpcha Agriculture, Livestoci Development and Marketing (A) Nairobi 1/PH 1833 Sarah W angarichege Agriculture, Livestock Development and 1/PH 1834 CarenNyambekiChoi, Agrictmure, Livestock Development and Marketing (G) Nairobi Marketing (/) Nairobi 1/PE/1835 GraccNdunge M bithi Agriculture, Livestock Development and jj wk y Marketing (G) Nairobi 1/PE/1705 Jplips p y - anga Mma) j KenyàttaNationalHospital (- ) Nairo s 1/PH1858 PflilipVèVutisfa Agrioulture, Livestock Development and Marketing, (G) Nairobi

33 4th November,1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2087 GOVERNMENTPROFIGENCN EXAMINATION FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS,1994 RESULTS- ICONId) Index No Name MinistrylDepartment Option Station 2/PE/Z 2/PE/4 2/PE/8 2/PE/IO Z/PE/II 2/PE/12 2/ /PE/41 29F/42 29E/44 29F,/48 TPV I 2/1* 67 2l?Yl@ H E/73 2+E/77 2/PE/81 W E/82 NPE/IIO 29E/119 2/ / /PE/145 2/PE/148 2* E/154 2/PE/170 2/1+ /184 2/PE/210 2/PE/225 2/1+/232 2/1+ /246 2/PE/278 2/1+ /282 2/PE/ F,/285 2/PE/ F,/286 2/PE/307 29E/334 2/1+ /345 2/PE/346 2/PE/358 2/PF7359 2/1+ /362 2/PE/369 GeoffreyIrunguBiruri LawrenceMurithiBukwaro CharlesMwangiGachucha PetersoliNgunyiGicheru AlbertM uragcoichira EphantusTheuriGichogo Mannaseh MuriukiGitu!u LucyM uthonikinyua RobertMainaKinyua RufusKuriaKuguru PeterGithigu Magu AliceGMathenge GeoffreyJedielM ugambi AngeloNjeru Mugo JohnsonM ainamureithi RosemaryWanjiruMuriuki AnnM wangim uthoni TersiaCMutunga RuthWanjikuRukwaro : John Mark WachiraW ambugu FrancisWachiraW anjohi JamesKamau Kabai NancyNyamburaMugo JamesElkanaMigotObote AlbertNdwigaNjeru JamesNdaigaMuriuki JosephSilvesterGithui Stephen KimathiMutiria NdwigaD Ngure SimonNdiranguW aruingi SamuelW M bugua PeterM achariachamuiru PeterKaranjaMwangi@ SymonW anyirirukwaro DouglasKingoriGichuki ChristopherW M wangi SamuelMpkomaKeru John W ambugu Muchoki StanleyKRungu SimonKaburoNdinguri MargaretWairimuNjuguna Stephen MinaineKanyiri Patrick MagotheKimiti SolomonM usaum wailu Mary W aceraw ambugu CharlesW achiraw ambugu O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident OificeoitbePresident OfficeofthePresident OfficeofthePresident OficeofthePresldent O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident OfficeofthePresident Offjm ofthepresident OficeofthçPresident OfficeofthePrisident OfficeofthePresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident O ficeofthepresident Vice-president, Planning and National Development, Vice-president, Planning and National Development Vice-president, Planning and National Development Fihance k, Agriculturc, Livestock Development and M arketing Hea1th Health Health Hea1th PublicWorks Cultureand SocialServices Cultureand SocialServices Cultureand SocialServices Informationand Broadcasting Health InformationandBroadcasting Environmentand NaturalResources JudicialDepartment Education Education fice ofthepresident(police) ficeofthepresident(police) ficeofthepresident(police) O ficeofthepresident(police) 2/13E/374 KEMRI 2/PE/398 CharlesW angombekingheru Agriculture; Livestock Development and ((J) (C)) Muranga Muranga Nyeri Nyeri Nyeri Nyeri Nyeri Nyeri Muranga Kirinyaga Nyahururu Isiolo Nyeri Kipipiri Maralal Nyeri Kerugoya Laikipia Nyeri Nyeri Kirinyaga Nyandarua Nanyuki Nyeri Nyeri Isiolo Nanyuki Isiolo Meru Nyeri Nyeri Nyeri Muranga Nanyuki Nyeri Karatina Nyeri Kerugoya Kcrugoya Nyandarua Kerugoya Kiganjo Nyeri Kiganjo Kirinyaga Nyeri Marketing (P) Nyahururu 2/PE/404 StephenMihangoNgunjiri OfficeofthePresident (-) Muranga 2/PE/367 JaneWamgyuWabere O ficeofthepresident(p(ace) (S) Nanyuki 2/PE/416 Joseph W Karimi Agriculture, Livestock Development and M arketing Laikipia 3/PE/3 MohamedOmarAliy O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PE/4 TeresaOluoch Atieno O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PF/6 ZablonH Chambela, O ficeofthepresident Wundanyi 3/PE/9 RufenceMwangombe Chari O ficeofthepresident Wundanyi 3/PE/11 NjogiMwero Chikoza Officeofthe President Kwale 3/PB/14 Zablon Sammy Dida OfficeofthePresident DC,Kwale 3/PF/15 MasudiAbdalahDzinyao O ficeofthepresident Kwale 3/P5,/16 GeorgeKatamaDzombo O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PE/17 JustusShoka Dzombo OfficeofthePresident Lamu 3/PE/19 LeonardHiribae O ficeofthepresident Hola 3/P& 26 David M Kalasya O ficeofthepresident M ombasa 3/PH 30 CabonyBonayaKase O ficeofthepresident Hola 3/PF,/33 Benson Chengo Kazungu O ficeofthepresident Kilifi 3/PH 41 NicholasJobn Kumbu O ficeofthepresident Kwale 3/P&43 JaneMachocho OficeofthePresident Vombasa 3/PH47 EvansWanjehMbogo OficeofthePresident Malindi 3/13F249 JoyceW alim damu O ficeofthepresident Wundanyi 3/PE51 MargaretZigheMengo O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PH56 DeborahSauM uli O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PH74 W iliam KirighaMwasi O ficeofthepresident Wundanyi 3/PH83 BernardEvansNjumwa O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PF784 JonesM utukunthuli O ficeofthepregdent W undanyi 3/13E/86 Zachary RakambaNyamora Officeofthe President Mombasa 3/PE/87 JuliusKitiliNyange O fiteofthepresident Mombasa 3/13F/97 Ronald Tsuma Ruwa O ficeofthepresident Kwale 3/PF,/99 ElizabethKalagheSaghe OfficeofthePresident Wundanyi 3/PE/1(M MafwoliFrancisW afwamoni O ficeofthepresident Mombasa 3/PE/117 SamuelMwene Mesanai HomeAffairsand NationalHeritage Kilifi 3/PH 135 NelsonGichohiM ukoma Finance Mombasa

34 & 88 KENYA G AZEW E 4th November, 1994 GovElkxusxrIàpolzlclExcv EXAMINATIONFoR CLBRICAL O5+IcERs,1994REstluTs- tcoaltfl lndex xo Name Minutrym epartment option station 3/PE/152 RichardNgariM utugi Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing Kilifi 31PF1355 John MgangaM wameso Agliculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (A) Wundanyi 3/PE/179 Ngoto MrKombo HeaIth (P) a 3/PE/189 ThomasNzakahMsembwe HeaIth (P) Mombasa 3/PE/212 VioletOnluronjiLunani PublicWorks (G) Mombasa 3/PE/216 AnneMbaireNjau PublicWorks (G) Mombasa 3/PE/247 Joseph KamauKimemia Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (A) Mombasa 3/1+/26,7 CatlerïneNyamvulaFanjo commerceand lndustry (G) Kwale 3/PE/266 Symon KiptarusRuto Commerceand Industry (A) Kabarnet 3/PE/312 BonifestusChikodzaNgalah OfficeofthePreçident(Police) (P),Malindi 3/PH322 Philip MutindaMwandah KARI (P),Mombasa 3/PE/201 AngelicaWangariNgethe Health ;(G) Mombasa 3/PE/238 MwabiliWiliamsonMwawaza CultureandSocialServices, (G) -voi 4/PE/10 SandersonNjueGauta OfficeofthePresident (A) Chuka 4/PE/13 DanielKobia lbunga Officq ofthepresident (P) Meru 4/PE/14 GeorgeNyagaIreri OfficeofthePresident (P) Ernbu 4/PE/16 PerminusNyataKabubu O ficeofthepresident (G) Embu 4/PE/22 JosephKaranja Officeofthepresident (A) Meru 4/PH33 AlphazardIreriKyamati OfficeoftlePresident (P) Makueni 4/PE/)8 DominicMMuinde OfficeofthePresident (A) Meru 4/PE/45 Sammy KoomeM utiga 2, OffiçèofthePresident (G) Meru 4/PF,/52 PeterKimathiMMugwika OfficeofthePresident (A) Nyambene 4/PF755 AnneMuthanjeNgoroi : OfficeofthePresident (P) Embu L 4/PE/56 petersonk,nguru OfficeofthePresident (P) Meru 4/1:F/59 DicksonMjiru Njeru OfficeofthePresident (A) Embu 4/PF,/64 Jamleck KanyuaNjuki, O ficeofthepresident (P) Kirinyaga #PE/68 MargaretMuthoniNthiga OfficeofthePresidcnt (G) Embu 4/PE/70 JohanaIreriNyaga OfficeofthePresident (G) Embu 4/PE/74 Olive MbinyaNzomo OfficeofthePresident (P) Embu 4/1+/87 Mary WanjaGathaga AgricultureiJLivestock Development and Marketing (P) M uranga 4/13E/92 JoshuaMKathurima Agriculture, Livqstlkk Development and : w -Marketing (A) Meru 4/PE/96, JohnGitari karanimwaniki Agriculture Livestoc k oevelopment and Marketing (P) Embu 4/PE/107 PeterNjerululius Health (S) Embu 4/PE/115 GerishonMainaKimotho HeaIth (P) zuranga 4/PE/127 SamuelK,M bugua Health (A) Vwingi 3/PE/128 BernardMongeri Hea1th (S) lsiolo 4/13E/132 MurithiMMpngania Health (A) Meru 4/PE/IzI4 David MutumaMTwamwari HeaIth (P) Embu zi/pf/151 SamuelNjihiaNjoroge Health (A) Muranga 4/1+/163 Emilio Ruchah Nyagah LocalGovernment (S) Embu 4/PE/164 MichaelNdqnguKamande,PublicWorks (S) Embu 4/PF/I66 JosephGKimani PublicWorks - (G) Embu 4/PE/169, RachidM aingimangure PublicWorks (P) Embu 4/PE/179 Richard Nyaga PublicWorks f (S) Mandera : 4/PE/184 GeofreyMugendiJames,; LabourandManpowerDevelopment (P) Embu 4/P1/185 MercyKagwiria Labourand ManpowerDevelopment (A) Meru 4/PE/189 ThiangichuDomizianoNabeah Labourand ManpowerDevelopment (P)â rmeru 4/PFJ191 JohnNjïruGitari CultureandSocialServices (P) Embu 4/PE/193 AliceWMunina CultureandSocialServices (G) Kirinyaga 4/PE/195 SilasKinyuaMutwiri CultureandSocialServices (P) Meru 4/PE/196 GeorgeNjeruNjiru cultureandsocialservices (P) Embu 4/PE/199 SamuelMburuGakure Informationand Broadcasting (P) - Embu 4/1+/205 BonifaceKyaloMwololo InformationandBroadcasting $)1 Kitui 4/PF/207 PatrickM buturagitonga Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Develöpment (G) Meru 4/PF,/222 Preston KimaniM batia EnvirohmentandNaturalResources (G) Embu 4*1,/226 liatrickkiraithe Muthitu EnvironmentandNaturalResources (G) Chuka 4/PH227 AnthonyCiuguM wagiru Environmentand NaturalResources r (P) Embu 4/PF/229 MargaretKNathan, EnvironmentandNaturalResourccs (G) Chuka 4**233 ConsolataAumaOyinda EnvironmentandNaturalResources (A) Embu 4/PF,/237 FrancisMuokiKimanthi Co-operativeDevelopment, (G) Embu 4/P1/239 MercyKaariOnesmus Co-operativeDevelopment (G) Embu 4*H242 LawrenceJuliusKinoti Commerceand Industry (A) Embu 4*D249 JamesMMugo Mbutu JudicialDepartment (G) Meru #PFJ251 AlbertMutindwaMutegi JudicialDepartment (G) Runyenjes 4*N256 JohnWacliraNjeru JudicialDepartment (A) Thika 4/PH262 DavidNjeruKaranja Edûcation (P) Embu 41PY1265 AnastasiaWacheraMugo Education (G) Embu 4/PF/269 BenjaminBNjue Educatiotl (X) Embu 4/P8,/292 EvansTMukono O ficecfthepresident(poliœ) (P) Marsabit 4/PE/294 FustusNzambuMwakio OficeofthePresident(Police) (P) Kitui 41PE1296 MargaretM uthonindiritu Oftice ofthepresident(police) (P) Embu 4*H 301 PeterIreriMugo KARI (G) Embu 4*- 312 Isaack B Iringo O fice ofthe Presidept (G) lsiolo 4/PF-/330 AgnesMuthoniKamwea OficeofthePresident (G) Embu 4/Pw331 JoyceMariaKagendo PublicWorks (P) Meru 4+N 333 Catherine W amburam aina Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (G) Kerugoya 4PFJ344 saidam Mwanzi -ḻandqand Setlement (G) Embu

35 4th N ovember,1994 KENYA GAZEW E 2089 GOVERNMENTPROFICIENCYEXAMINATIGN FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS,1994ResutTs-lcbntdj lndex No Nczne MinlàtrylDepartment Option kbtation 5/PE/1 Sheikh Issack Abdi ficeofthepresident (P) Mandera 5/PE/3 EvansonOsoroAsiago ficeofthepresident (G) Garissa 5/PE/7 KepherGidèonBichungi O ficeoftbepresident (- ) Garissa 5/PF,/23 FerdinardMulaKinyamasyo OficeofthePrcsident (A) Garissa 5/PE/27 IsaacObagaMomanyi ficeofthepresident (P) Garissa 5/PE/28 HezronNyangauMose O ficeofthepresident (S) Garissa 5/PF,/31 MartinMwanikiKingoraMugo OficeofthePresident (A) Garisa 5/PE/32 PeterMu nakamunene ï OfficeofthePresident (S) Garisa 5/PF,/36 SalesioNj AogeMuriuki O ficeofthepresident (P) Garissa 5/PE/46 FrancisKaranjaNgugi O ficeofthepresident (A) Garissa 5/PE/49 EdwardKirimiNtuara OficeofthePyesident (- ) Garissa 5/PF/52 WinfredMusenyaNyamai OficeofthePresident (G) Garisa 5/PF/55 Mwende Nyumu OficeofthePresident (P) Garisa 5/PF759 Jacob OwuörOnyango O ficcofthepresident, (A) Garissa 5/PE/6l JudaHiribae RhigNo OfièeofthePresident (P) Hola 5/PF/69 JuliusGacheruNfugi Vice-president, Planning and National Development Garisa 5/PF/74 AlvanM ugonyagah Agliculture, Livestock Development and Marketidg (A) Garisa 5/PE/85 èharlesmuangemuthike Hea1th (P) Garissa 5/PF/98 Wiliam MuiruriNjoroge Info/matic;n and Broadcasting (A) Garissa 5/PE/102 DavidKarigkfMburu Land Reclâmation, Rcgional and Water Development (A) Bura 5/PE/103 IsaacKyaloMutati Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Developmept Bura 5/PE/105 JohnNduati Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Development Bura 5/PE/l06 AnthonyKariukiNjogu Land Reclamation Regional and Water Development (S) Bura 5/PH 108 MathewsGedaOduor Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (G) Bura 5/PE/120 JuliusChumbe Mungai OfficeofthePresident(Police) (S) Garissa &PE/17 JaneLainiAoko Office(ifthepresident (G) Migori &PE/18 josephngwalaaongo OfficeofthePfesident (P) HomaBay &PE/20 PaulOdhiamboAoro OfficeoftheP/esident (G) Migori &PE/40 PamelaCaleb OfficeofthePresident (S) Kisumu &PFJ42 juliuskipkemoichepfwony OfficeofthePresident (P) Turkana &PE/51 RaphaelJuma OfficeofthePresident (S) Busia &PE/59 JaneNyaosiKerubo OftkepfthePresident (P) Nyamira &PF/61 Paul0Kibira O ficeofth:prejident (P) Rangwe &PE/66 JosephLiyengaKivisi (VficeofthePresident (P) Vihiga &PF-/67 Geofrey0:Kodila O ficeofthepresident (A) Kisumu &PE/9I Elifine KMose O ficeofthepresident (P) Rengo &PE/94 JosephOndego Muga O fice(ifthepresident (-) Kisumu &PE/98 JosephM witamwikwabe O ficeofthepresident (P) Kuria &PE/107 PeterNyaboro OficeofthePresident (A) Nyamira &PE/113 Sarah AtienoNyakwaka O ficeofthepresident (A) Kapenguria &PE/139 MichaelAdudaOgoda O ficeoftheptesident (P) Oyugis &PE/150 ChristopherJumaOkungu OficeofthePresident (A) Kapsabet &PE/152 CharlesMS,Olunga O ficeofthepresident (P) Kapsabct &PE/154 SamuelMogtsu Omari OficeofthePresident (P) Kisi &PE/155 BensonOngakiOmbuna O ficeofthepresident (P) Kisi &PFJ179 Jacob Onyango Otieno, O ficeofthepresident (P) Migori &PE/183 DzadickyOtieno Ouko OficcofthePresident (P) Kisumu &PE/IO MosesKipsieleRutoh OfficeofthePresident (P) HomaBay &PE/195 LucasPiousPapinOlum HomeAffairsand NationalHeritage (P) Kisumu &PE/196 GilbertMonfareOmachi HonleA fairsand NationalHeritage (G) Kisi &PE/IO GideonSampelOtieno HomeAffairsaùdNationalHeritage (P) Migori &PH112 Fred ObiyçNyakundi OftkeofthePresidept (-) Kisi &PE/2(J4 PatrickMccmdoiBentihieng OficcofthePresident (-) Kisumu &PE/2% WalterOtienb Ajiki Finance (P) Kisumu &PF/2û7 CbarlesOtielio Angolo Finance, (P) Kisumu &PE/218 GeorgeOktpeAdero Agriculë re, Livestock Development and Marketing (A) Kisi &PFJ221 EnochsCharlesAyata Agriculture, Livestock Development and hfarketing 1 (S) Siaya 60F/232 Jane WanjiruNdegwa Agricûlture, Yivestock Development and Ma*keting Kisumu &P8/247 Jane A Owuor Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (A) Kitale &PF/256 MargaretAdeyaAnyango Hea1th (P) Busia &PF,/285 MauriceKhamalishiMutsami Hea1th (S) Busia &PF/292 n omasnyaribo Health (G) Nyamira &PF,/295 KefahGekonde Obino Health (P) Kisumu &PE/308 CharlesMerandeOndieki Health (G) Kapsabet &PH321 Joseph Shâmn, Health (A) HomaBay &P&339 ConsolataundigiGechemba PublicWorks (P) Kisi CVPF/3V JoshuaOwaka Koyi PublicWorks (A) HomaBay &13F/354 JamesMakoriMecha PublicWorks - (A) Kisi &13W356 IgnatiusNyangau Mogaka PublicWorks (S) Kisi &PE/361 OkutimaJNyabola PublicWorks, (A) Busia &PFJ3% JamesIndaNyayo PublicW orks (P) Kisumu JPF,/368 John OmiènoOkech, PublicW orks (P) Kisumu G/PE/381 PeterOnkwaniSiro PublicW orks (G) Kisi &PE/383 Ephaintp Otwoma Kidura Transportand Communications (P) Kisumu

36 gtptj KENYA GAZEU E 4th November, 1994 G()vl!RNMENIPROFIIENEYEXAMINAIION FORCI-ERIALOFFICERS1994RESULTS-VC/NJY) Index N() NJIrIe MinistrfDelmrtment Option uvlfit?fl 6/17E/389 JoelOrnb()r()Agwambo Tourism andw ildlife, (P),Kisumu &PE/39() IsaacDawsonAkulnu, Tourism andw ildlifc (A), Busia 6/13E/392 ClementinaNylngesaNambudic Tourism andwildlifc (d) Busia 6/P8/394 FrancisAndrcw BwireObuli Touris!nandWildlife (S) Busia (4/12E,/396 JeritaNzldtlAzutu CulturtandSocialServices (G) Kisumu 6/12E/397 DanielArasaM akori Cultureand SocialServices :, (S) - Ahero 6/PE/4()l PeterKaraM uthoga CtltureandSocialServiccs,(/) Kericho 6/PE/4()9 JustusObiriOs()r() CultureandSocialServiccs (S) Kisi 6/14E/412 ilcnryochiengabiud Informationand Broadcasting (S) Kisumu (,/1 :E/415 WalterKunguGenga InformatkonandBroadcasting (S) Siaya &IE/42() AgnesAbadcAkumu, Land Rcclamation, Regional and W ater D cve lo p ment (s), HomaBay 6/PE/42l ImeldahAdembaAnyaflgo Land Reclamation- Regional and W ater - Developmcnt (G),Kisumu : 6/PE/422 CarenMoraeBanchiri Land Reclamation Regional and W ater Development (P) Kisumu 6/13E/426 CarenLonah Ngore Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Dcvelopment (P) Kisumu 6/:E/438 lactcravosambore EnvironmenfandNaturalResources -(P) Kisumu 6/P8/442 Sylvester0100Ogur EnvironmentandNaturalResources (G) Kehancha 6/138/449 Johnt!sGatiOboke EnvironmentandNaturalResources (9) tisumu 6/PE/45(# JoshuaOdcraSila, EpvironmentandNaturalResources p 2-,;k:, (A),kisumu - 6/PE/4&) Jarcd OmurwaAsiago AGSChambers, (ti) Kisi e- 6/PE/462 GeorgcRatemo MokoraOgpra AGsChambers ) (G) Kisumu, 6/PE/481 Wiliam NyatigiOgola,, JudickalDepartment (P) Kisumu 6/17E/488 PenuelOmarcSulciman : JudicialDepartment : (G) Kisi &PFJ465 NyabutoAngima JubicialDepariment, (G) Migori &PE/402 HelcnNyanganyiNtabo : Cultureand SocialServices (S) Kisi &PE/489 W ilfredsatalrlr va lalan Juclcpaltx parment,, (A) Siaya 6/PE/497 EvansKeroncheKei, Education () (S), Nyamira, 6/PE/498 CharlesOgoraKenani,, Education, (S) Kisi &PE/510 Jared Odcro Odhiambo Education, (P) HomaBay &PE/5ll Kcphcr0Odhiambo Educalion (G) l Kisumu 6/PE/512 PraxcdisAOdongo Education -!,: (G) :r,,éusia p 6/PE/515 CharlesM ukabiokech Ėducation, (s) Kakameaak 6/PE/519 GeorgeM Ombati Eti uca tion (# ) : Kjsi - - 6/PE/520 SamwelOduonOmumbo Education, (P),y kj l sumu ; : &PE/528 WashingtoneNjcr Researçh,TechnicalTrainingandTechnology (G) Kisumu 6/P 8/536 JannetFlorenceAnyango LandsandSetiement (ö) Siaya &pe/s42 EverlyneJeronoKeter Landsanctsqtuement ((j) Kapsabet :, 6/PE/543 DanielKimutaiKilel ;;LandsandSettlement, (P) Kericho k 6/PE/558 JamesKebiro Makori NHIF (U) Kisumu 6/PE/581 JosephineRaeAuma, TSC, (P),Busia f &PE/586 JohnOludheAmolo, Agricultgrc, Livestock Development and M arketing, -, (-) Kericho 6/PE/602 FredOkinyiMikobiah Agricglture,Livestock Development and Marketinz a (A): &PE/603 PetersonMaeriMakombe Agriculture, Livestock Developmept and ; Mxrketing (P) Kisi, &PE/604 PeterOchiengOyato, Agriculturç, ql-ivestock Development and 7,j : emarketing, (A), Siaya ; &PE/605 - M ilkam Ondimu Agriculture, Livestock Development and! y,, Y Fr keting, ç (G) kisi 6/PE/601 ReubenOjwangOdingo Agricflturq,Livestock Development and :, Marketing (S) Kilgoris 6/PE/612 Zacharia0Nyaenya, OfficeofthePresident (P) Nandi 6/PE/614 DavidGekongeNyambegere ficeofthepresident (Aj Vihiga 7/PE/18 GraceMChege O ficej?fthçprysident (P) Nakuru 7/PE/19 WilsonChemjorChelelgo OfficeofthePresident (P) Kabarnet 7/PE/21 LilyOrinaChepkoech O ficeofthepresident (G) Kericho, 7/PE/41 NicholasK4twa, O ficeofthepresident (P) It:n 7* E/73 VeronicahOnyanchaM abera Officeofthe President (O) Nakuru 7/PE/99 CharlesMokayaNgare OfficeoftiePresident (A) Nakuru 7/PE/103 JamesCherereNjoroge ficeofthepresident (P) Turkana 7/PE/104 ReubenMungaiNjoroge,:, O ficeoftltefresident (P), Narok 7/PE/106,lohnKibeNjuguna OficeoftePresident à (G) Nyahururu 7/PE/122 BirunduOmae O ficeofjlw Prçsident 7/PE/132 ErnestGekongeOrendo ( = x (A) Narok O ficeotghepresident (G) Nakuru è 7/PE/196 AtandiEliudAnchinga t Agrkul4tlri,Livestock Development and, M M ktlng; : V (G) Maralal 7/PE/1% Dkkson OpaïdeBioTeri Agrkuhule,?1, Livestock Developmen: and œ 1!, M arketing,(s) Nakuru 7/PF,/201 DinahWanyamaInyanji Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (G) Naivasha 7/PE/202 SamuelKaranjaKamau Agriculture,Livestock Developmeùt and M arketing (P) Nakuru 7/1+ /237 GeofrcyMuriukiKabiru Health (X) Maralal 7/PE/274 RahabNyakaro Mungai Heath (O) Naivasha 7/PE/284 SamsonApdrew Ocharo Health (P) Kericho 0/P81298 PamclaNdaiSikuku Health (G) Naivasha WPC/316 GraceMayieka PublicWork: (G) Nakuru 71P8/329 lvalknjogu PublicWorks (G) Kitale WCC/330 XZICXWZVUiXjOFOl1iO W blicwofks (G), Xakuru 7/PF,/335 JaneNjokiRukwaro PublicWorks ( G ) X a UIJFR 7/P8/336 SimioniKijtanuiSang, PublicWorks, (A) Nakuru

37 4th November,1994 KENYA GAZETIY 2091 GOVERNMENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FOR CLERICALOFFICERS1O4RESULTS- ICO/IZ) Index No Name MinhtrylDepartment Option Station 7/PE/338 MichaelKosgeiTubei PublicWorks (- ) Eldoret 7/PE/349 ChristopherAmasava, Tourism andwildlife (P) Nakuru 7/PF/355 DanOnyangoOgola, Tourism andwildlife (S) Siaya 7/PF,/359 JonathanMengichKiplagat Cultureand SocialServices (P) lten 7/PE/371 RoseMaugoOchilo lnformation andbroadcasting (G) Nakuru 7/PE/373 TerryW ambuikamau Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (A) Nakuru 7/PE/377 Ruth Karambu Matumbi Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (S) Nakuru 7/PF,/378 OilbertArébaM utubi Land Reclamation, Regional and W ater Development (G) Nakuru 7/PE/381 PeterNgunjiriMwangi Land Reclamation, Regional and Water Development (P) Nyahururu 7/PF,/385 TitusBarng4tung,, EnvironmentandNaturalResources (S) Kapsabet 7/12E/397, DavisKariukiKinyoro y w EnvironmentandNaturalResources * (G) Nakuru 7/PF,/410 SamuelNjugunaNjuki EnvironmentandNaturalResources (P) Londiani 7/17E/350 7 JoyceMokeiraAreri Tourism andwildlife (P) Naivasha 7/PE/13à,JosephOduorOsore OficeofthePresident (A) Kabarnet 7/PE/421 lapheth Nyamolo Arodi CommerceandIndustry (A) Nakuru 7/PE/42% ZakayoKaranjaNgaruiya Comme#ceandlndustry (G) Nakuru 7/PE/434 -RichardKipkemoiKaino -JudicialDepartment (P) lten 7/PE/441 FredrickMomanyiNyamora JudicialDepartment (G) Nakuru 7/PF/444t John WalterOnchuru JudiciélDepartment (G) Nakuru 7/PE/447 Philip MichomaAratam Education (G) Nyamira 7/PE/452 JaneKarori Eduçation (G) Nakuru 7/PE/453 John KibetKibiego Education (P) Iten 7/PE/458 YestoOngakiMokua Education (G) Nyalnira 7/PE/486 Helen Wairimu Mugo LandsandSetlement (G) Nakuru 7/PE/492 Wiliam Kiptoo Sirma LandsandSetlement (G) Itcn 7/PE/507 2 GeorgeOkindaObor OficeofthePresident(Police) (P) Nakuru 7/PE/517 JamesMbuniOnyango KARI t (P) Naivasha 7/PE/523 JosephRotich Kipkosgei TSC (G) Kericho 7/PE/526 Alice MbebëOgugu KBC (S) Nakuru 7/PE/528 MargaretKavayaKadima KEMRI (G) Nakuru 7/PE/530 MaryWachuka Ndegwa KEMRI (G) Nyahururu 7/PE/539 LawrenceM akokhajuma Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (G) Naivasha 7/PE7540 Kelvin KarokiGikandi Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (S) Maralal 7/PE/557 JuliusKweboyiLulitsiOnaya Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (S) Kapcnguria 7/PF,/559 EstherNyakweaTheuri Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (G) Nyahururu 7/P67561 Patrick NdiranguGachanja Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing (-) Eldoret 9/PE/6 SelahGAndeso O ficeofthepresident (G) Kakamega 9IPW 7 DuncanM urefuanguza O ficeöfthepresident (S) Bungoma 9/PFJIZ EuniceOsanyo Awuor U ficeofthepresident (G) Bungoma 9/P6,/22 SophyKachuwaiChemasigen O ficeofthepresident (P) Bungoma 9/PE/26 JoelWaweruKamurutu O ficeofthepresident (G) Kitale 9/P8/27 StanleyCheptoraKanai i ö ficeùfthepresident (P) Bungoma 9/PF,/31 AbigaelKazzyKevogo, ficeofthçpresident (P) Kitale 9/PE/33 FlorahTilasiKhalayi - O ficeofthepresident (P) Kapsabet 9/PF/45 EmilyShabayaMahevo ficeofthepresident (P) Kapsabet 9/PF/52 IsaacKiprono Mbogo ficç ofthepresident (P) Nandi 9/PE/56 KelanMuyokaMugavi ficeofthepresident (P) Kitale 9/PE/57 JudithNamayiMukabaka ficeofthepresident (P) Kakamega 9/PE/59 PeterOlwenyiMulama ficeofthepresident (G) Kapenguria 9/PF,/68 StelahJepkosgeiMwole ficeofthepresident (G) Nandi 9/PE/69 SalomeNyangwesoNabiswa ficeofthepresident (A) Eldoret 9/P1/73 MaryWafulaNamusonge ficeofthepresident (G) Kapsabet 9/PE/81 JohnOtieno 0k0th O ficeofthepresident (G) Kakamega 9/PE/83 JaphethOtingaOmbayia -, ficeofthepresident (P) Lodwar 9/PF/84 PaulAntonOngayo ficeofthepresident (G) Kakamega 9/PF/93 Wilson NasialiShangwila O ficeofthepresident (P) Kakamega 9/PE/98 MaraniCharlesWabushamu ficeofthepresident (S) Bungoma 9/PE/101 PaulMasigaWand:ra O ficeofthepresident (P) Busia 9/PE/105 MaryMutolaBukhala HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (G) Kakamega 9/PE/108 DamaryEtoleNziwa HomeA fairsand NationalHeritage (P) Kakamega 9/PE/III FaithOsoreAnjiri Vice-president, Planning and National,,, - oevelopment (G) Kakamega 9/PFJ112 PatrickOndumbuAtswenje J Vice-president, Planning and National Development (S) Kisi 9/PE/IIS Evalyn GryceAndeyo Financé (P) Kakamega 9/PB/116 DonaldMahalohOngondi Fipance (G) Kakamega 9/PF,/;147 ThomasMisianiKimanga Health (A) Kakamega 9/PE/154 Nelson KMageto Hea1th (S) Kakamega 9/PE/155 StanleyMakotsi Health - (G) Kakamega 9/P&158 ElijahEzekiahBosireMenga Health (S) Kakamega 9/PN165 JumaMutanyiMMbolo Health (P) Bungoma 9/PF,/169 Lily RwambaNyaga HeaIth, (S) Kakamega 4/PF,/172 EdwardNyongesaOgusinyi Health (A) Busia 9/PE/70 EmmahWanjalaNafula OficeofthePresident (G) Bungoma 9/PN210 JamesNyangaresiOgutu Labourand ManpowerDevelopment (G) Bungoma 9/PE/175 FrancisColinsOminde Hea1th (A) Kakamega 9/PE/194 DavidSimiyuMakokha PublicWoiks (G) Kakamega

38 2092 KENYA GA ZEU E 4th Novem ber, 1994 GOVSRNMENT PRolplclsxcy EXAMINATIOy yor CI-ERICAL OFFIcsRs,1O 4 RBsul- Contdj IndexNo Name MinistrylDepartment Opdon Station 9/PE/195 NyabutoOgotiMonda PublicWorks (P) Nairobi- 9/PE/2()5 MosesBarasaWanyama PublicWorks, (P) Kakamega 9/PE/209 SammyMathew Edu LabourandManpowerDevelopment (P) Kitale WPE/213 RosclidahAyakt)Musa Tourism andwildlife (G) Vihiga 9/PE/232 Shcm MartinAtemo, InformationandBroadcasting (S) Kakamega 9/PE/1(1 VioletMakhunguAtçma OficeofthtPresident - (-) Kapsabet 9/PE/247 ThtlmsonShirandulaLuchcli Environmentand NaturalResources (S) Lugari 9/PE/267 CliveOanyaSibota Co-operativeDevelopment (G) Kapsabet 9/PE/273 RobertAswaniMugondi,, CommcrceandIndustry (G) Eldoret 9/PE/281 DavidChiliaChcsang JudicialDepartment (G) Kakamsga 9/PE/283 SussyButoyiKhayanje, JudicialDepartment (G) Kitale 9/PE/295 FlorcnccOmudi JudicialDcpartment (G) Maragoli WPE/314 PetcrKipktlrirMcli Education, (G) Eldoret 9/PE/333 DamaryAkangaOngachi ResearchiTechnicalTrainingand Technology ;(P) Kitale - 9/PE/346 AugustineCharlesMalovi OffictofthePresident(Police), (S) Kakamega 9/PE/351 DavidMolcrMusotsi O ficeofthepresident(police) (S) Kakamega 9/PE/358 DouglasWasicmbiWambundo OficeofthePre-sident(Police) (S) Bungoma 9/PE/374 LcviMwogahMusalimwa OfficeofthePresident (-) Kakamega 9/PE/375 JuliusOluchiriMukhobero OfficeofthePreédent : (A) Kakamega 9/PE/387 ElijahEdwardOmufwoko, OfficeofthePresident f2 (P),Kakamejà 9/PE/388 FloiceJacksonOtcnyo OfficeofthePresident (G) Kakamega 9/PE/394 ElimelcckArisaKiagc Agriculture Livestock Develepment and, Marketing (A) Nyamira 9/P& 399 M iriam MuthoniKomu Agriculture Livestock Development and Marketing (S) 1993 CORRIGENDUM PA sss 4/PE/2470 JoscphWangilaW elimo Co-operativeDevelopment Nairobi 4/PE/3062 GtofrcyMainaMukabi NatlonalAssembly Nairobi, 7/PE/667 IsaacDAkumu Tourism and W ildlife PortVictoria 1/PE/1668 AgnesKabugiNjoki 1/PE/982 EdwardW ainainagithua 1/PE/158 JosephM M uturi! 1/PE/392 TabithaNjokiMukono, 4/PE/2076 JoelW,Mwongela 4/PE/1709 Henry NyabutoOkwere, 3/PH 295 JercmiahM,M ugwika, 3/PE/144 KennethMureithi 7/PE/818 Charles0,Seko, 4/PE/2513 JeniferNdukaM usyoka 4/P1/2518 JoyAdoyoOwino, 4/PH2517 StephcnIrcriNjagi 4/P&2521 DanielWachiraGichuhi, 4/PE/2527 CatherineW angechim achira, &PE/505 M abelamelembanalima &PE/403 EdwinA Kataka 3* E/58 Andrew M ugambi Noteonoptot A- Acéounts S--supplies P- personnelpractice Gos-r eneraloffice Sewices, OIrrIoNAL SUBJECI- Personnel Pcrsonnel Supply Services Supply Services Supply Services GeneralOffice Services Personnel Supply Services Personnel, Environmentand NaturalResources Environmept>nd NaturalResources Environmentand NaturalResources Environmentand NaturalResources Environmentand NaturalResources Agricùlture, Livestock Development and M arketing HomeX fairsand NationalHeritage Hea1th GxzBrqs NoerlcE No7041, KENYA GOVERNMENT PROHCIENCY EXAMIMATIONSFOR CLERICAL OFFICER,1*4 : RESIJLTS l THE folowingcandidatesdidnotpasthewholeexaminationtheyarçrequiredtore-sitthepapershown againsttheirnamesinsubsequentexqminations in accordancewith theprovisionsofparagraph(6)ofpersonnelcircularno1of12thfebruary,190 Index No Name M iniçlry/deplrlznenl Statioh, Paper k R2 I/PH 2 AliceSalomeAkinyi O ficeofthepresident Nairobi II 1/PH 6 PhilipChachaAlwar O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PH 17 EmmanuelKiplagatBoit O ficeofthepresideqt, Nairobi 1 1/PH22 JoseckMuchiriChege O ficeofthepresident M akueni 1 1/PH24 AntonyMunyendo Chitere O ficeofthepresident Nairobi II 1/PH31 SamuelMIKI:H Gachunga O ficeofthepresident Thika H 1/PE/37 Joseph MachuaGathogo O fice ofthepresident Kiambu lii 1/PN43 TeresaW,Gichuki O ficeofthepresident Nairobi II

39 4th Novem ber, 1994 KENY A GA ZEW E 2093 GovsltxMElcrPRoFlclExcy EXAMINATION FoR CLERICALOFNcsRs,1994 RESULTS-(Contd) Index No Name Afïnislrlh/fleplr/tnenl Station Paper R 82 I/PE/G MichaelW angigigithogori O ficeofthepresidenl, Loitokitok 1 1/PE/51 ChristineKajujuJoseqh OficeofthePresident, Nairobi I 1/PF/57 RobertWanjohiKagin ficeofthepresident - Nairobi 11 1/P1 63 JamesM wangikamau O ficeofthepresident, Nairobi 11 I/PFJG HumphreyNKamumbu O ficeofthepresidelt,, Thika 11 1/PE/65 JamesKinyuaKaMunyu O fice ofthepresident, Nairobi 11 I/PE/O DedanM oseschegekamunyu O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/PE/68 HenrySolomon Kamwe O fice ofthepresident Nanyuki 11 1/PE/81 LucyNjokiKihuha O ficeofthepresident KIA 11 1/PE/89 MarjaretWanjaKinyua OficeofthePresident Nairobi 11 1/P& 95 Phihp MbindaKoltzi O ficeofthepresident M achakos 11 1/P1 96 JohnNyarençhiKubwa O fice ofthepresident Kiambu 1 1/PE/103 Mary GathoniMachira O fice ofthepresident Nairobi 1 I/PE/I04 Nyangweso M agati O fice ofthepresidelit Nairobi 11 1/P&107 John NdunguMaina O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/PE/108 Joseph W atont Maina, O ficm oftbepresidmnt Nairobi II I/PE/IX TitusMayekiMaina O ficeofthepresidrnt Nairobi 11 1/PE/112 TitusNdutiM angara O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/117 HaroldMwandembeM bogo, O ficeofthepresident Nairobi II 1/PFJ118 RewelNyagaMbogo ficeofthepresident Nairobi 1II 1/PE/121 EmmanuelLusigiMganda O ficeofthepresidtpt Nairobi 1 1/PE/126 PeterM achiram iringu O fice ofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/135 JobMM ugiruri O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/PFJ137 RichardM uindem uia O ficeofthepresident M achakos 1 1/PE/139 PeterKimwereM uigai O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/PE/143 VincentGindaM ukhongo O ficeofthtpresident Nairobi 1 1/PFJ145 Andrew Mulandi ficeofthepresident Nairobi I/PB/IV GeraldM ainam unene O fice ofthepresident Muranga 1 1/PFJ147 PhilomenaNjambiMungai OficeofthePresident Narok 1 1/PE/148 RobertNjoroleMungai OficeofthePresident Nairobi 11 1/PE/150 SalomeGacenMunmli OfticeofthePresident Nairobi 11 I/PE/IK AlbertKinyyaMwangl OficeofthePresident Nairobi II I/PFJIG Zainabu Atlbu Mwaro O ficeoftleprejident Nairobi 1 I/PE/IV ReubenM iyomamwaya fke ofthepresident Moyale 1/PE/169 EstherWambugu Mwihaki O fice ofthepresident Kithimani 1 1/PE/173 RobertAlbertNakhungu fice ofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/177 ErastusKamauMdembei O fice ofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/188 MarjaretThimbuiNgima OficeofthePresident Nairobi 1 I/PFJIX Patrlck Mulupba Ngundi O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/193 SalesioNjueNjeru O ficeofthepresident Kiambu Il 1/PE/203 DavisOnduso Nyakibwoga OfâceofthePresident Nairobi II 1/PE/212 SusanOdera OfâceofthePresidelt Kitale IIl 1/PE/217 Elias0k0thOgenge OfsceofthePresident Nairobi 11 1/P& 232 DavidMichaOnchari O fice ofthepresident Kiambu 11 1/PE/241 JaneBuyengo Onyungu O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/P8/245 JoashMokayaSese O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/P& 250 TimothyKThuranira O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/P& 252 Andrew OkumuW abidonge O ficeofthepresident Nairobi 11 1/PE/255 Elizabeth W airimu O fiçeofthepresident Nairobi 1 1/PE/271 JohnsonNjorogeWaweru O fice ofthepresident Kiambu 1 1/PE/272 EliasInyundoWeboko fticeofthepresident Nanyuki 11 1/PH280 JosephKimeliToo Foreign A fairsandinternationalco-operation Nairobi 11 1/PE/283 M bithijohnantony Home A fairs Nairobi 11, 1/P5/289 John GathechaKimathi Home A fairs Nairobi 11 1/PW290 JulianaNyaguthiKiayua Home Alairs - - Nairobi 11 1/P6,/296 AnneW angechimathenge HomeAffairs Nairobi 11 1/PE/303 John KimaniM wangi HomeAffairs Nairobi 11 1/PE/304 ChristopherMwachia Mwazo HomcAffairs Nairobi 1 1/PS/311 OrinaEdward Orina HomeA fairs Nairobi 11 *185/322 JaneWanjirtlKibathi Vicre-president,Planningand NationalDevelopment Nairobi II 1/P8/327 DanielNyagaMvchira Vice-president,Plapningand NationalDevelopment Nairobi lli 1/P8/333 Joseph Ombrseh VjncentOnchuru Vice-president,Planningand NationalDevclopment Naireb) 1 1/P8/334 EvansTom Otieno : Vice-president,Planningand NationalDevelopment Nairobi 1 1/PE/346 CharlesKoteAtoli Finance Nairobi 1 1/PE/352 StanleyMuchliIkiao, Finance, Nairobi 1/PE/358 PeterMuchiriKamanda Finance Nairobi 11 1/PW 359 John MuiruriKamau Finance Nairobi 11 I/PE/S64 George M bogo Kihara, Finance Nairobi lii 1/P67376 PeterKiokoM bangula Finance Nairobi li 1/PW378 PaulNduliMbatha Finance Nairobi II 1/PW380 OnyangoYotoM itema Finance Nairobi 1 1/P8/386 Joseph Mwagin!Mugo Finance Thika l1l 1/PE/392 TabithaNjokiMukono Finance Nairobi 11 1/PE/401 M ercyndukum uthee Finance Nairobi li 1/PW404 Nasoro Mwalwa Finance Nairobi 11 1/PW405 JO9ePh KangataMwangi Finaqcc Nairobi 1 NPW408 StephenM uliithindikabu Financc Namanga I 1/PW 422 JoelOdumbeOchiewo Finance Namanga 11, 12H423 MonicaAumyOdeny Finanœ Namanja 11 1/PW427 FrancisAmugiriOmldo Financ Nairobl lll 1/Pw4:15 MauriceOnyangp Finance Nairobi 1 I/PE/44I RiclmrdNgoreOsore Finance Nairobi 11 1* H452 SamuelM ainaw agate Finance - Nairobi 11 1+H453 FrederickMburu Wainaina Rnance Nairobi 1

40 2094 KENYA GA ZERV E 4th November, 1994 Govsltxsfsxr Pltolqclslqcy EXAMINATION FoRCLBRICALOFFICERS,1994REstmrs- (Contd) Index No Name Ministrym epartment Station Jkper 1/PE/4N) David NanguluBarasa DepartmentofDefence Nairobi 11 1/PF,/474 AnneWanjiku Kinyanjui DepartmentofDefence Nairobi 11 1/PF,/475 RoseMumo Kioko DepartmentofDefence Nairobi III 1/PH 496 Hudson Aiko Nyambunde DepartmentofDefence Nairobi II 1/PF,/497 JuliusOriobaNyamohanga DepartmentofDefence Nairobi 11 1/PE/499 Polycam AkokoObora DepartmentofDefence Nairobi 11 1/PE/537 FrancisMwaura Kariuki Health Gatundu 11 1/PF2543 DominicMptiekiala Health M achakos 1/PFJ544 ZakariaMbuguaKiarie Healtl, Nyaluhunz 1/PF/550 CarolineNzilaniKimeu Health Nairobi 1/PE/558 RuthKanyivaKyundi Health Kathiani 1/PE/564 RobbyNekesaM khakha Health Nairobi 1/PF,/565 JuliusM utisyam akula Health Nairobi 1/PE/5* NdumbaM arete Heahh Nairobi 1/PE/572 PatienceKishagha Mmbololo Hea1th Nairobi 1/P5,/573 OriphaMoraaM onda HeaIth : NairobiJ 1/PE/574 LucyOscbeM oogi Health : Nairobi 1/P1,/589 CharlesMwanziaM unyoki Health : Kitui I/P& 60I JaneW ambui,mwega Health K 3 qnairobi I/PE/NA HelenNdutal garuiya Health Nairobi 1/PE/613 LeonardMuniu Njenga Health Kiambu I/PE/ 614 Edith ChegeNjeri Health Muranga 1/PFJ619 FrancisGekongeNyaanga Health Nairobi 1/PE/626 RichardObaga Health Nairobi 1/PE/628 JanetObuya Health Nairobi 1/PE/631 JamesApoko Ongera Health Nyamira 1/PE/633 AlbertNyatigoOnkundi Health Nyamira 1/PE/637 JosephS,Otiepo Health Nairobi I/PPJCW6 CharlesKamauWâchira Health, Maragua 1/PE/540 AliceAwinja Katiechi Health ; Néirobi 1/PE/616 Wilson WNjoroge Health Gatundu 1/P17650 DaudiMusauW ambua Health Kathiani 1/PE/662 PeterM uiga LocalGovernment Nairobi 1/PE/671 JamesM Basweti mzblicw orksandhousing Nairobi 1/P1/672 Helen OpiyoBowa PublicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PF,/674 EverlynM aghaschentai PtlblicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PF,/675 SalySitieneiChepkorir PublicWotksandHousing Nairobi 1/PE/676 JacksonKiplagatCheruon PublieworksandHousing Nairobi 1/PE/677 MercyWanjikuGachanjo PublicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PE/67# PeterNdaruGakindu PublicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PE/683 ZablonBen Inonda PublicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PE/684 NicholasNyamaiIteti Public:W orksarid Housing Nairobi 1/1/686 John MachariaKaburi PublicWorksand Housing M achakos 1/PE/696 David W alubengo Karabai PublicW oxrksand Housing Nairobi 1/PE/703 OnesmusLuusaKiketi PublicW orksand Housing M achakos 1*H 718 TitusWambuaM anyi PublicW orksand Housing Nairobi 1/P9726 GilbertKMoiaria lhzblicw orksand Housing Nairobi 1/PF,/743 IsaacMutuaM Musyoki PublicWorksandHousing Nairobi 1/PH 752 ElizabethM umbuam utunga PublicWorksand Housing M achakos 1/PF,/755 Joseph KahuniMwangi Public,W orksand Hopsing Nairobi 1/PW756 Joseph W alégerndungumwangi Public W orksand Htmsing Nairobi 1/PE/758 ArthurM galu Mwanyungu : PublicWorksand Housing Nairobi 1/P5/762 JudahNdambuki PublicW orksandl-lousing Nairobi 1/PE/772 W ilfredbosirenp kundi PublicW orksand Housing Nairobi 1/PH785 GladysMOnilieki PublicW orksàrid Housing Nairobi 1IPW 807 NicholasThuo Kamau Transportand Communications Nàirobi 1/P5/808 SimonKariukiKarori Transportand Communications Nairobi 1/PE/8œ MargaretM oseskemunto Transportand Communications Néirobi 1/P#-A18 Frasiah WanjiruMwangi Transportand Communications Nairobi 1/PW 819 JacobusPaulM wangi Transportand Commtmicatioss Néirobi I/PE/823 CharlesNjugunaNjamura : Transportandrcommuniations Nairobi 1/13F,/82/ Josiah NyambaneNyakeraka TransportandCommunications Nairobi 1/PFJ831 Henry NyabutoOnchangu TransportandCommunications Nairobi 1/PH 836 SaidM ohamedosman TransportandCommunicatioas Nairobi 1/PE/846 RizikiPaulineAlubai Labourand M anpowerdevelopment Nairobi 1/PE/851 SamuelMbugua Karanja LabourandManpowerDevelopment Nairèbi 1/PF/855 Isaiah ChepchengKipkorir Labourand ManpowerDevelopment Nairobi 1/P& 859 M aurice Guruba M boro Labourand ManpowerDevelopment Nairobi I/PFAG VeronicahNgendo Munyaga Labourand ManpowerDevelopment Nairobi 1/PE/865 SimieonMwambùi Labourand ManpowerDevelopment Nairobi 1/PFJ8* IsaacPhilipM wangemi Labourand M anpowerdevelopment Naitobi 1/PF,/867 PaulTurungaM wangi Labourand M anpowerdevelopment Nairobi 1/PFJ871 JacklineRoseNabwire Labourand M artpowerdevelopment Nairobi l 1/PH 878 M ichaelodhiambo Ochola A torney-generalschambers $ Nairobi II 1/P& 880 Gerald Omoko Labourand ManpowerDevel/pment ï$r Nairobi 11 1/PF/887 EuniceAttoAnyango Tourism and W ildlife Kitui II 1/PFJ891 PetçrMungaChege Tourism and W ildlife M uranga 111 1/PW893 MaryNjekiKairu Tourism and Wildlife Nairobi II I/PH 90I JohnM usembimutinda Tourism and W ildlife M achakos II I/PFJ 915 SolomonM akuthikakui Cultureand SocialServices Nairobi II 1/PE/921 CharlesMungaiKimani CultureandSocialServices Nairobi Iil 1/PF7923 AnneW airimk Kimaru CultureandSocialServices Nairobi IlI 1/PH924 BensonSilasKimoni CultureandSocialServices Nairobi II R r

41 4th Novem ber,1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2095 Govsyto svrprolqclewcy EM MINATION IvoR CLERICALOFFICBRS # 1994RBsul-rs- (Contd) Index No Name M inistmldepartment dltlif)?l Paper 1/1:-926 LukaKurgattKim humba CultureandSocialServices Nairobi 1 1+w 927 JamesM artin Kiretai cultureand socialservices Nairobi 1 1/:w 938 RosemaryGakiMbui Cultureand SocialServices Nairobi II 1/:w941 paulg,muchemi cultureand socialservices Nairobi 1 1/I>E/946 GeofreyGituru M uriuki Cultureand SocialServices Nairobi I1I 1/Pw 948 catherinew M wai cultureand socialservices Nairobi It 1/Pw 952 Jenniferw ambuindirangu Cultureand SocialServices Nairobi - 1 1/:w 957 charleskekongo Nyakweba Cultureand SocialServices Nairobi 1 1+w962 AthaniusMOgola cultureandsecialservices Nairodi ili 1/P-974 Isaacosoro sieberi cultureand socialserkices Nairpbi 1 1/:-975 Marywanjiru sobayene cultureandsocialselvices r Nairobi III 1/PN976 lrenewanjirawamai CultureandSocialServices Nairobi II 1/PH978 CatherineMuthoniWanjohi Culture andsocialservices Nairobi 11 1/PE/984 GeorgeKihiu Informationand Broàdcasting Nairobi III 1+ H988 sarah M arigu Mavutta lnformationand Broadcasting Nairobi 1 I/PE/O I RachelNdindaMuli Informatïon and Broadcasting N irobi I I/PFJIIm EstherWanjugkiNdere Information and Broadcasting, Nairobi III 1/PFJ1015 AmosOchiengOtieno Information and Broaècasting Nairobi IlI 1/PE/1018 DanielWakplo Tiego Informationand Broadcasting Nairohi III 1/PFJ1019 TitusNjambuyaWairagu InformationanéBroadcasting Nairobi 11 1/PF71034 M arym arselinekwena Land Reclalation,Regionaland WaterDevelopmentNairobi III 1/PE/1039 Samson KisoaMani Land Reclamation,Regionaland WaterDevelopmentNairobi 1 ) E I/PE/IIMO JustusMongareMaranga Land Reclamation Regionaland WaterDevelopmentNairobi III 1/PE/1041 JaneAkothM ireri LandReclamation,RegionalandW aterdevelopmentnairobi IlI I/PH IOV JaneW ambuimuiruri : LandReclamation,Regionaland W aterdevelopmçntnairobi 11 1/E/1055 # EmilyWamuciNgogoyé LaodReclamatiop, RegionalandW aterdevelopmeatnairobi I 1/PE/1056 SamuelAluruNhFono : LandReclamatiori,Regionaland WaterDevelopmentNairobi II 1/PE/1* 3 Patrick KitakaNzivo LandReslamation,RegionalandW aterdevelopmentnairobi II I/PE/IIN Joseph Nimrod OgadàOsir LandReélamation,RegionalandWaterDevelopmentNaimbi III 1/PE/1%7 ZaphaniahsamuelOsugo LandReclamationykegionalandWaterDevelopmentNairobi 11 I/PE/ItkW M auricc0oticno LandReclamation, RégionalandWaterDevelopmentNaïrobi 1 1/PE/1080 PeterKariukiChpmba Environmentand NaturalResources Nairobi III 1/PE/1*6 GilbertMbaeMithinji BnvironmentarldNaturalResources Nairobi 1 I/PE/I097 Patrick MurithiMunyita EnvironmentandNaturalResources Nairobi 11 1/PE/1098 Ephraim Kuria M uriu EnvironmentandNaturalResources karon HI 1/PE/1114 Joy Adoyo Owino EnvironmentandNaturalResources Nairobi I 1/PE/1115 CharlesKipchirchirRuto EnvironmentandNaturalResources Nairobi II 1/PE/1117 MilicentMundeAkinyi Co-operativeDevelopment Karen II 1/PE/1122 W ilfredombevaendelwa Co-operativeDevelopment Nairobi IIl 1/PE/1137 Regina M utindim usyoki Co-operativeDevelopment Nairobi 11 1/PE/1139 Stephen MachariaMwangi Co-operativeDevelopment Kiambu IJI 1/PE/1143 JuliusM utengeandenge Co-operativeDevelppment Nairobi 11 I/PE/II44 JuliusKipkemboiNgetich Co-operativeDevdopment Nairpbi 11 1/PE/1145 Joseph Nyabara Co-operativeDevrlopment Nairobi 11 1/PE/1147 ElijahMobajiOgaro Co-operativeDevelopment Nairobi III 1/PE/1i48 BochaberiOmbori Co-operativeDevelopment Najrobi Il 1/PE/1150 CharlesKaiPiri Co-operativeDevelopment X airobi IIt 1/PE/1152 SarahAtienoAhenda CommerceandIndustry Naiobi II 1/PE/1154 MaryKitaAm lika a CommerceandIndustry Nairobi II 1/PE/1155 Joseph MakokhaBusuru Commerceand Industry Nairobi II 1/PE/1159 DanielNzomoKieti CommerceandIndustrj Nairpbi 11 1/PE/1162 BarasaMarataniKituyi CommerceandIndustry Nairobi II I/PE/II66 TercsiaKemuntö Moenga Commerceandlndustry -- Nairobi III 1/PFJ1168 M ahingijosephm unyua CommerceandIndustry, Nairobi II 1/PE/1171 NicholasLigareMwamani ComplerceandIndustry Nairobi 11 1/E/1172 Pauln iongovwaniki CommerceandIndustry Nairobi III 19E/1173 j Stephen NjorogeMwaura Commerceandlndustry Nairobi 11 I/PE/188 Joseph GichuhiWanjohi CoppwrceandIndustry Nairobi 1 1/PE/1195 Ronald KukuboKisongochi A torney-geperalschambers Nairobi li 1/PE/1198 StephenAyuyaMagwilu Atorney-GeneralsCàambers Nairobi IIl 1/PE/1201 JacksonM Munm oki- A torney-generalschambers Nairobi II 1/PE/12œ JosephOndltiOmbogo Atorney-œ nerals idhambers Naimbi,,11 1/PE/:i112 JosephineRcinareri Atorney-GeneràlsChmnbers Naiföbi II 1/PE/1216 ChristophetOkothAdhamo JudicialDepartment Nairobi II 1/PE/1219 P,LydiahAsiiko lç JudicialDepartment < Nairobi 1 1/PH 1225 Edward AyiegöImbuki JudicialDepartment Thika II 1/PW 1226 AlisonSimba Kali JudicialDepartment Nairobi I1 1/PE/1234 PaulOkaraKerosi JudicialDepartment Nairobi I L 1/PE/1251 JohnstoneNdambukiM uli JudicialDepartment rm achakos II 1/PH 1252 AbdalahMakokha Musumba JudicialDepartment Kericho - IIL 1/PE/1256 GraceKalundaMutinda JudicialDepartment Kitui II 1/PW 1258 John MuthokaMutungi JudicialDepartment Nairobi II 1/PH 1259 StephenCholeM wanzi JudicialDepartment Nalrobi II 1/PE/1262 FrancisMwangiNdirangu JudîcialDepartment Nairoài 1 1/P& 1275 JoelSamoei JudicialDepartmcnt Nairobi 11 1/17F/1278 DavidNgugiWaweru JudicialDepartment Nairobi H 1/PE/1281 JulianaW acerakiarie Controlerand Auditor-General Nairobi II 1/PF/1296 FranciscaKameneMunguti NationylAssembly Nairobi I 1/PE/1304 EstherGathoniNgatia Energy Nairobi II 1/PFJ1312 M arybabu Education Nairobi II 1/PE/1319 RoseWanjilu Gikuru Education Nairobi III 1+5,/1322 Abraham GithuaKabiru Education Nairobi III R 1:2

42 2096 KENYA GA ZETTE 4th Novem ber, 1994 GOVBRNMENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS, 1994RESULTS--IW FIJ) lndex No Name MinùtrylDepartment Station Paper R R2 1/PE/ 19 E/ RosemaryW Kagechu Kenneth KinotiMagiri Education Education, Naiqobi Kiambu II IIl 1/PE/1340 RcdemptorAtembaMakunda Education Nairobi 1I 1/PE/1342 DavidOgegaMatara Edqçation HomaBay III 1/PE/1343 CecifiaBitengoMburu, Edticatlon Nalrpbi II 1/PE/1349 CharityMuthoniM uchunu Education Nairobi 1 1/PE/1360 1/: BernardMpgitsaNdoli Edujatlon Nairobi 1 E/1361 FrancisNgugiNguro Edukation Ngmk lfi 1*E/1362 JonahWamanaNjama, Education Nairobi II 1/PE/1139 JaneKalonduKingola, Judicial Naiipbi l11 1/PE/1369 RaphaelMviaNzomo Educafion Makuqni I1f 1/PE)1371 Pamelah AdhiamboOmolo Edpcation xnairobi 11 1/P RobsonMogusuOnyancha Educadon %airobi 11 1/PE/)380 Peter0Rabala Xducation Nairqbi IIt 1/PK1388 AssumptaWambuiWanyoike éducation Nairobi I l/pe/1392 Richard OgolaAayama Restarch, Scienceand Technology Nyirobi 1 1/PE/1410 JoelMuangeKyungu Research,Scienceand Technology Mqqhakos II 1/PE/1427 DorothyM bithc Mutwiwa, Rekearch,sclenccandi-echnology Nairobi I 1/PE/1432 Milcah NNguli E/ih33 SamuelMatqraNyachoti Rese>rch,ScienceandTechnology Resrarch Vilguga 11 Sciencean8Technology Nairobi I 1/PE/1435 KeruboNyàngicha Research,SciènceandTechnology Naîrobi 1 18E/1438 PamelaAchiengNyunja, Research, sclenceandtechnology Nairpbi 11 1/PE/1441 Joseck AndanjeOmutimba Research,SciùnceandTechnology Ngitobi 11 f/pe/1447 JoyceMagàngaOuda Research,Scienc:andTechnology, Nairobi III 1/PE/ E/1467 HarietKabùraOithengu J LandReklamatie, Regionaland W aterdevelopment Ngirobị amesmuyçsukkvehi LandReclamatioq, II Réyionaland WaterDevelopmentNairobi 1 1/P&1469 MaryTabithaKisinp Landkeclamation,RigionalandWaterDevelepmentNairoài III - 1/PE/1473 Jane NgusyeMùlwa Land Reclamation,Regionaland WaterDevelopmentKélrobi Il1 1/PU 1483 GladysMutl#aùgeOmumia Land Reclamation,Regionaland W aterdevelopmentnairohi u l E/14O BernardHéjiIslndu : NHIF Nafrobi 1I1 1/P& 1497 Jane NdungeMwanjangi NHIF Mairobi I 1/P&1527 SamuelMugaiKlhika OficeofthePresident(Police) Ngirobi 1 1/PE/1528 t/pfj1530 DavidChombaKimotho J Ofictofthe,President(Police) Maitobi oseph Muthamlltheka OffkqofthrPresîdent(Police) Nairobi 1 1 1/&1535 1/P& StephenNdemwaKivuli Ofkeoftlw Presidenttpolicel Nairobi I 1541 DouglasSilaMbondo OficeofthePresidenttpolicel Nairobi 1I 1/P11555 HermanLmaniNg?anga O ficeofthepresident(police) Nairobi II 19*1562 1/ RobertsOmaribaOnchonga OficeofthePresident(Po1ice) Kiambu lil PF,/1573 NyongesaAchieligMusa Of/ceofthePresident(KenyaAirAuthority) Nairobi BensonKaharaGikonyo KARI Limuru II 1/PE/1586 PatrickNjujunaGithinji KARI Muguga 11 1/PH1589 Richard KlnyanjuiKabui KARI Nàirobi II 1/PB/1591 JamesMuriuKaranja KARI Nairobi II 1/PE/1595 PeterNgaplKiba KARI Nairobi III I/P&IN)2 Philip KipkorirLangat KARI Nairobi III I/PE/INM Simon NdigaMareri KARt Nairobi III 1+& 1/PE/1N)5 CharlesBogpnkoMaroùa KARI Nairolk III 1613 GladysMukwanjeru Mragwa KARI Nairobi II #PFJ1617 PatrickRichardNjoka KAltl Nairpbi II 1+H1619 1/PE/ LazaroNyabuto KA ll Néiypbi III 1è21 NicholasNyabutpNyamwamu KAll Nalrobi lii 1/PFJ16Y WalterNylrikiOgwankwa KARI Nairobi 1II 1/PN1$28 EvansMonchereonsarigo KAltl Nairobi III 1/PE/1630 AmosRichard OluochOwino KAR/ Limurp lil 1/PFJ1631 TobiasM ichaelowino KARI Eimuru, 1I I/PE/ I64I Alfred Makeni TeachersServiceCommision Busia 1I 1/PFJ1648 1/PE/ MichaelMachqriaMaina KEFRI Machakos lii I/PE?I(e 1651 KennedyMwangangiMutwiwa S Kt FI$I Maguga II amwelmainâkimani Infoflationànd Bripdcasting(KBC) Nairobi II 1/PE/1*1 MosesNyerereKudate Inormatonan i i dbroàdcasting(kbc) Nairobi II 1/PE/1662 EdwardMuhariMainah Information and Brpa4casting (KBC) Naiyobi 1/PH1674 Evalyn JacobWere Informûtion and Broaikasting (KBC) Nàiropi I11 18H1676 I/PH DavidKibiyegèniKenduiwo KEMRI Nairobi ItI I684 RobertMurithiGithinji Labouf(N 1/PFJ1688 RaphaelJamesMbuvi! SSF) Nairobi II Labour(NSSF) Niirobi II 1/PD 1693 AlexanderKM Mutie 1, 1/PE/1713 J 1boc (NSSF) Nairobi 11 osephgitiwamicbael Health(KNH) Nairobi 1II 1/PFJ1711 SamuelOntwekaMangera Health(KN,H) Nairobi m 1+E/1702 Josephn imbagituathi Health(KNH) Nairobi IjI 1/PFJ1720 MwangipetyfMbtahi Health (KNH) Nairobi 1+ I/PE/I840 H 1738 John G Krop Nakhanu PublicWorksand Housing odfroy SW akhungu Research, Nairobi Science andtechnology Nairobi 1* H 1747 Benson MutisygMbaluka Agricultureand Livestock Nairobi 1* H 1749 Philip Musàu Mutisya Agriculturèand Livestock Nairobi 1+H1750 JaneMachariaWanjiku AgricultureandLivestock Nairobi N 1789 Peterson Asuma i/pfj Agricultureand Livestock Nairobi 17W SamuelKeraitaMabiria Agricultureand Livestock Nairobi 1 1+&1811 MildredAwuor Agricultureand Livestock Nairobi 11 1+N1812 HumphreyNjak Gikanga Agriculture andlivestock Nairobi I 1+H 1813 BeatriceKarori Agriculttreand Livestock Nairobi I 1+ H 1814 GeoffrcyOtieno Ahenda AgricultureandLivestock Nairobi 11 1/PFJ181% x TeresiaNGichuri AgricultureandLivestock Nairobi II 1+H 1824 Jackson KnninuKamau Agricultureand Livestock Nairobi II

43 4th Noyember,1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2097 GOVERNMENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONFoR CLERICALOFFICERS,1994 RESULTS- (Contd) Index No Name M inisîryldepartment Station Paper R R2 1/P&1825 MosesOreroOjunga AgricultureanéLivestock Nairobi 1 1/PH 1837 MaryW,Rukana AgricultureandLivestock Nairobi I 1/P DanielKamau M wangi Agricultureand Livestock Muranga 1/PE/1840 GodfreySW akhungu, Research,ScienceandTechnology Nairobi I TPBIL JoyceWanjiruBeru, OfficeofthePresident Nyahururp II 2/PF/3 RobertBormke, OfficeofthePresident Nyandarùa Il 2/PE/5 FredrickM urarichege O ficeofthepresident M uranga II TPEl6 PetersonKarimiGachewa OffîceofthePresidept Kirinyaga IIl 2/PE/14 FredrickM ahindaoithui OfficeofthePresident Nyeri III 2/PF,/19 MichaelKibuciGituto OfficcofthePresident Kirinyaga II 2/PE/21 CharlcsMwangiJames OfficcofthePresident Kirinyaga II 2/PF/22 wpuritynjokijames OfficcofthcPrcsident Nanyuki II 2PF23 MaryWangariKabiru O ficcofthcprcsident Nyeri I1 22PF/24 CatherineW angoikagema O ficcofthcprcsident Laikipia 11 2/PE/25 WinfredWambuiKamau OfficeofthePrcsidknt Nanfuki I1 11PW26 TitusMbogoKambeti OfficcofthePrcsident Kcrugoya II 2P&30 RosemaryWandiaKariuki OfficcoftHcPrcsidcnt Nyandarua II1 2/PE/32 JacksonNyambariKaruru OfficcofthcPrcsidcnt Nyeri t11 2/PE,/38 EuniceNMKingori, OfficcofthcPrcsidcnt Nycri lil 2/PF/39 AnnWKinini O ficcofthcprcsidcnt Nyeii 11 2/PE/46 CharlesKMacharia OfficcofthePrésidcnt Nycri II 2/PF/50 EricksonMaina Officcf$fthcPresidcnt Kiriflyàga i Ii 11?E152 JuliusMachariaMaina OfficeofthePrcsident Itirinyaga II 2/PF/53 JaneMuthoniMakau Officc()1%thtPresident Kiriqyaga I1 T PF,/56 AbelGitongaMathcngc OfficeofthePresidçr!t Nyèfi IlI WPFJO MargaretW anguimburu O ficcoftheprcsidcnt Nyahurtiru ll1 2/PF/69 JosphatMuturiMugo O ficeofthepresidcnt Nyandarua III TPW12 David MuthuiMureithi OfficeofthcIresidcnt Wajir 1 TPW79 FrancisMwangiMutahi OfficeofthcI3rcsidcnt Maralal lii 2/PF/80 JohnJim GitahiMuteru OffictlofthcPicsidcnt Nyeri Il 2/PE/85 VirginiaWàljiruMwangi OfficeofthePrcsidcqt Kcrugoya lii TPWu7 FrancisMainaNdegwa OfficcofthcPrcsidint Nyeri 11 2/PE/89 PhilipGichukiNdirangu O ficeofthcprcsidcnt Nanyuki lii 2/PE/96 PerïsNyawiraNdungu OffïctlofthcPqesidcnt Nyeri II 2/PE/105 BeatriccGathoniNyachiro Officcofthepicsidept Nanyuki II 2/PE/III GeofreyGitongaTheuri Officcofthk Prcsidcnt Nyeri 11 2P1 112 DanielMurithiThirikwa Officct)fthc,prcsident Kirinyagà I1I 2/PFJ114 GodfreyMunyqgaThuo OfficcofthcPrcsidcnt Nyahururu IJ 2/PFJ115 OraceWambuiWachira O ficcoftbcprcsident Nyan4arua 1 ZJPE/IiI JoyceMuthoniWambui OfiècofthePresident Nyeli 1 2/PF/127 JamesKWanyoike OffictofthèPresidcnt Nyandarua II 2/PE/116 W iliam Murigu W aihirah OfficeofthePrcsident Nyandarua II rjpf/130 JustusKarrndi HomcA fairsandnationalheritage Isiolo II 2/P& 135 Stephen MwanikiMuèhunu HomeA fairsandnationalheritage Kerugoya 11 2/PE/143 JamesMainaKangara Vicc-prcsidcnt,Planningand NationalDevelopmen! Nyahumru II 2/PE/146 Elah KathtreMuraa Vice-presidént,PlannlngandNationalDevelopment Nanyuki I 2/P:/157 CecîlïaWanguïKingori OfficcofthePresident(Dcfence) Nanyukl II 2/PE/158 SilasKitimaMurithi OfficeofthcPrcsidçny(Defence),,, lsiolo II Z/PE/INI AlexanderGithenjiGathua AgricultureLivejtèckDevelopmentandMarketing Tharaka-Niài 11 2/PE/162 GraceWanguiGitcru Apiculturé,LiveMockDevelopmentandMarketing Nyeri 1II Z/PFJI/W DuncanW achirakiragu Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandM arketing Nanyuki 11 7P82167 FredrickJobn BaptistNdungu Agritmliure,Livestoik DevelopmentandMarketfngKerugoya 11 Z/PE/I/ MercyWanjiruMburu AgricultuteLivestock DevelopmentandMarketing Nyeri I 2/PE/173 JosephM utheendiririgi Agriculturc, Livestock DevelopmentandMarkcting Kajiado II 2/PF/177 MargaretW airimu Gacheru Health Muranga 11 Z/PE/IK AlberyKagiriGatebi HeaIth Nyeri 11 2/P&182 JoyceNjeriGichaga Health Karatina 11 2/P& 186 FestusIkiarâGitonga Health Nanyuki 11 2/P1 194 W andum am urayakariuki Health Isiolo 1 TPW2y Sarah WangariMatindi 11ea1th Isitilo H 2/PH 233 StephenKibuku Chengecha PublicW orksand Housing Nydri 11 2/PH245 SamuelNzukiMativo PublicWorksand Hçmsing Napyuki 1II 2/PE/247 Stanley Mugo Muiga PublicWorksandHùùsing Myahurtlru II 2/PF7251 Helen WairimuM utahi PublicW orksand Housing Nyeri 11 7JPFJ271 ReubenWanjauNderitu Labourand ManpowerDevelopment Nyeri I T?K2V W ilson MunyaKiroto Informationend Broadcasting Nyeri 1 2/PH 297 AnnMungataNkirote LandReclamation Regionaland WaterDevelopmentIsiolo 11 2/PH 303 Obadiah NKariuki Environmentand NaturalResources Nanytlki II 2/PF/308 MaryWanjiru Muiru EnvirpnmentandNaturalResources Nleri II 2/PE/311 MaryW angarim wangi EnvironmentandNatùralResources Karatina II 2/PH313 JacintahMuchiriNjambi EnvironmentandNaturalResources Nyahuhuru 11 2/PH316 LilianM utembeiwairimu EnvironmentandNaturalResources M eru 1 2/PF,517 FelicinahWanjikuWarui Co-operativeDêvelopment Kerugoya I 2/PF7319 AgnesWanjiruMuraya Co-operativeDevelopment Nyeri I 2/P& *PF 321 Stephen KimiriGakuru Commerce andindustry Kirinjaga II /325 TeresaNjambiGichuki Attorney-GeneralsChambers Nyen I 2/P& 328 MichaelNdambiriKariuki Judidal Kerugoya 11 72PF/330 SusanWànjiraMacbaria Judkial Kerugoya E/331 JohnMahindatvuthomi Judicial Nanyuki 1 2/PH132 BenjaminMutuaMutuvi Judiclaf Kerpgoya 2/PH336 Mary NyanjiruWambugu Judicial Othpy: 11 2/PH 338 David W achiram Kiara Educatiön Nyei 11 2/1F2339 Simon W aruimaingi Education M uranga 1

44 2098 KENYA GA ZETTE 4th N ovember? 1994 GovsltxxfsxrPRoslclsxcy Exxvlxv lox sorcusltlcxl-osplcsai,1994rssusrs- tccw/d? Index No Name MinistrylDepartment vîtation Paper 7JPE/340 AnFWanjiru Minai Education Nanyuki 11 2/13E/357 MargaretWambtliKamau ficeofthepresident(police) Nyeri III 2/PE/363 StephenMbaiMwalili O ficeofthepresident(police) Kiganjo ItI 2/PP,/367 JaneWamuyuWabere ficeoftbepresident(police) Nanyuki l 2/PE/368 PaulMainaWqhome O ficeofthepresihent(police) Kjganjo III 1/13E/387 JosephMàthengeGithaiga Xgriculture,Livestock Developmentand MarketingNanytlki I, 2/PF,/396 Lucy NderoMwangi Aaricuiture,Livestock Developmentand Marketing Muranga >:Iï 2/1:*/399 AbelNgaitlthiMwangangi Agriculture,Livestock Developmentand Marketing Meru : 2/PE/4(O LawrenceM ùngaindungu Agriculture,LivestockDevclopmentand Marketing M uranga 1 2/P//403 PhilipOyierKwasu Xgriçulture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketij)g ènyeri : 2/1E/406 NancyMFirigiVumbi Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentand Marketing Muranga I 2/PE/408 SusanMulhimiMuriuki Agrictlture,LivestockDevelopmentand Marketing Nanyuki II 2/PE/410 uriuki Agricultlre,LivestockDevrlopmentandM arketing Kirinyaga 1I 3/PE/8 BarakaFerunéiChanje OffiçeofthePresident Mhlindi IU 3/PE/13 W iliam Ngpla Chome OffiqeofthçPresident Hola 11 3/Ph/20 BennyIgwoJillo Offic:ofthePrtsident Hola- IIJ 3/PE/31 SamuèlMùyanga Kathubi O fictofthepresident M ombasa 11( 3/1+ /32 PatrickHCharoKatsele O ficeofthepresident Kilifi IIF- 3/PE736 AlexEmmanuelKhamanza -& OfficeofthePresident M om basa 7IIl 9/17F-/37 JenifferKaluadaKiema OfficeofthePrçsident M ombasa I 3/PE/39 Mwinyihlji0lparKimweri O?ficeofthePresịdent Kwale IIIII 3/P942 StepheùMtktuku Kyengo ficeofthe President Kwale IIlk 3/P//50 Kwekle JembeMekunde *(Vticeoftlw ljp Prçsident Kilifi li ident Kwalc 3/13/55 ProtasWMukhoma Officeoft()res, 11 3/PE/57 JamesMwolploMungithia O ficeoftiepresitlent -Kwal: m,41n 3/PE/59 Edithkayogivusungu OfficçofthePresibent, Mombgsa )1I 3/PF2/64 RoseSeégétiMwadime- OfficeofthePresidenṭ y W undalyi,11 3/17F,/69 StanleyKimongeM wameso ficeofthepresident M ombasa,, - l1 3+2/70 CelestineMwakioMwangeka O ficeofthepresidept : Wqndanyi 1 3/P/1/77 MarimuMachochoMwawasi OficeofthePresident (Mombasa ( III 3/P //80 JacksonMnagoNdungo O ficeofthepresident, Kwale,111 3/PEé81 JosephatChibogoNgome OiftceofthePresident, Mombasa IIl 3/P&82 Johann KiolizoNgui OfsceofthePresident Mombasa k111 3/17F,/90 Rosemary Ariyango MugoyeOdhuno O ficeofthçpresident Lmnu 111 3/P1,/91 GibsonOmbagiOgaro v O ficeoftv President Mombasa,11 3/PE/92 MohammadMbarak Omar Oficçofthç,prçsident Eamu, H1r 3/P Fl 98 AliOmarSadi O ficeofthepresident rkilifi H1 3/PE/102 PeterKamauThinji OfficeofthePresident Mom lasg HI 3/PE/104 JosephKenga Voti OfflceofthePresident Malindi IIi 3/P1/105 IsabelaMwamiàmbaWachia öfficeofthe xpresident W undanyi li 3*F-/124 ZipporâtzHiuko Gachemi Vice-pçesidcnt,Iftaqlting andnationaldevelopmmnt Mombasa :11 3/P1,/139 MaryAdongo Okelo Finance M ombasa 11 3/P#X46 JamesWalongoKambale Agriclzlture,LivestockDevefopmentandMarkeing Wundanyi 1 T/PE/Ị54 Caroline W àlim walukuku,, Xgriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing Moqkbmsa 11 3/Pë161 VitileviNzukiWamlai L igriulture Liyestock Developmentand Marketing MombaAa 11 3/PF7163 Jane Akeih, Healt,h k Mombasa ), 711 3/PB/I66 K angwa i T sy iosibemdigo I-leàlk Msambweni,11 3/PE7113 LivsrsonMangiMmasëe PlitkicWolksandHousing, Voi :, 11 :#PE/65 LivérsohMégqngaMwakio Ofv ofth:pqesident Wundanyi,,I 3+F,/221 AliceKaninifhuguri PublicWorksëndHousing Mombasa 111 j /PF7222 MarianaMkkngombey, sagha TransportëndCommunication ;Mombasa,11 3/PE224 BeatriceOngeri TransporianéCommunication Mombasa li 3/PE/225 DavidJustusKaqyoki : Labourand ManpoworDevelopment ;; M ombasa II 3/1+ /235 SulemaniShakombo Mgala Cultureand SocialServices, M ombasa l fi1 3/P5,/236 Erasto CheaMwabaya Cultureand SocialSenices M ombasa :1 3/PE/249 Dedan KaripkiMbuthia Land Reclamation,Regionaland W aterdevelopmentbura 11::3 3/PF,/259 FidelitaM Kithiki Co-oprrativeDevelopment -Kwale,,çr -!11 3/PE/272 AwadhiSalim Hiyesa Judicial : ;,tlamu - ; t) rh 3/PE/275 EstherNdungeKimatu Judicial *, Mgmpasa J -I1 3/PE/277 SamsonOmenyiMoturi,Jpkdicial Malindi,,4:31 3/PF/279 ElvisMajimbè Vwadzuya - Judicial,,; - - lûilifia!-, fï@11 3/E/289 j GetrayUtworéKanaiza E tj pcatipn,, Mombasa,! u y 3/PE/284 FrancikciKavindu Kilonzo bùucation, M ombasa H 3/PE/286 A lidzilavwaiumbi 7Education Lamu - :1 j/pe/?-v Leonard Menà:n omas Educatioq KiIG,,,, I 3/PF,/290 DanielMwarjsriChaj - ;Research,TechnicalTraining Ṃ ombysa t, - H 3/PE/291 Alex KimythlG abriel Research,TechnicalTraning M ombasa : IH - 3/PF7293 StephenNjihù Kibunja Reseqrch,TeçhniçalTraining Mombasa li 3/N295 JuliusBeidzaMbaru kesearch,technicaltraining?mombasa 1 3/ HabelPhilipGhiko EandsandSetlement Kilifi H 3/P1,/303 YudaNusu Nguiamu, LandsandSetlemeny ;c Wundanyi, I 3/PE/314 ZzephrineMwagàeshaRigha OficeofthePresident(Police) Mombasl 1 à/pe/316 JoanKariungiWanja OfâceofthePresident(Police) Membasa 1 3/P8/329 Dorothy KiokoMbinya lnformation andbroadcasting(kbc) i FMömbâsa 1lI 3/P1,/332 IreneDàliMshimba KEMRI, Ṁ ombaja 1 3/1+/336 VeronicaWapjira Agriculture,LivestoqkDevelopmentandMarketing Kilifi III 3/1+ /264 Joseph GathuM athenge Commerceand Industry M ombasa 2q 3/PE/339 DanielMpngaChiro Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentpndMarketing Taveta l 1 3/PE/333 EvansObaeMorùri OficeofthePréjident Mombasa - elll 4/PE/3 LawrenceMburtngaBàriu OficeofthePresident Merq q c j ṫ/pe/5 AbdulrazakéonzDubaa OfficeofthePrçsident -x q Isiolq 111 4/P:723 Samson NJlkàvango OfficeofthePrçsiàent C Chuka I/) R R2

45 4th Novem ber,1994 KENYA G AZEW E 2099 Index No Name Milistrvll-lellrtntlnt Station Paper 4/PE/30 BcatriceMukuhiKirogo O ficeofthepresidcnt Kirinyaga I 4/PE/31 ZakayoKimathiKiugu O ficc()ftheprcsident Mtru 1 4/PE/32 GcorgcKamauKuria, O ficeoftheprcsidcnt Chuka II 4/PE/37 Domiano KithinjiMugambi O ficcofthcpresident Chuka II 4/PE/49 LucyW ambuimwai O ficeofthcprcsident Muranga II 4/PE/5() AshfordRugendoMwaniki O ficctfthepresident, Tharaka-Nithi lil 4/PE/51 SilasM urcrwamitunga O ficc(fthcprcsident Isiolo lli 4/PE/57 LydiaGacunkuNjagi O ficc(fthepresident Meru 1II 4/PE/58 StanlcyMarctcNjagi, (lfict()fthepresident, Isiolo II 4/PE/67 JohnSimbaNthia O ficcoftbepresident Ernbu 1 4/PE/72 trcnenjokinyagah OfticeofthePresident, Embu 1 4/P8/73 JustinM acondunyamu Of,5ceoftbePresident Kirinyagà Il 4/PE/76 EustaccRithiRugcntlt) O ficeofthcprcsidènt Chuka il #PE/#O FrancisM bitimlztegi liomcaffairsandnatitlhzliicrilage Chuka C 1Il 4/PE/93 Simon Kiambi, Agricultufe,Livestoikql7tvelopment3nd Marketing Meru 11 4/PE/99 PatrickGNkoroi Agriculturc,LivestôckDevelopmentandMarketinj Tharaka-Nithi Il 4/PE/l03 AgnesMuthopiOichtlvi l1e1th Embu 1* 4/PE/108 HelcnNjlry Kaari licalth Chuka 1 4/PE/l11 MichaclLmayaKasamha I1ek1th M àtldcra 1ll 4/P& 130 JoshuaMuriungiM ukira llealth Embu IlI 4/PE/133 CharlcsM asilamlinyao ilealth t, Embu 1I 4/PE/139 SilasMareteM uthomi lfeaith : M cru IlI 4/PF/142 DavidKimaniMwangi 11ea1th, Murangfa IIl 4/PE/146 FrantisMwangirNganga 11ea1th Tharaka-Nithi lii 4/PE/150 Jim KilnaniNjinu) iiealth Isiolo 11 4/PE/187 EmilyNyawiraKibiti LabourandManpdwerDevelopment Méru 111-? 4/PE/192 GraccKanyueMbogo Cultureand SocialServices,,, Embu 11 4/PE/202 FrancisKiruKanjangi InformationandBroàdcasting Erpbu IlI 4/PE/206 RoscNkueneThùranira InformationandBroadcasting M zru :1 4/17E/208 CarolincJercmyKanyua Land Reclamation RéjionalandWaterDevelopmentCchuka III 4/PE/213 DanicllnotiMwongcra Land Rcclamation,Regionaland W aterdevelopmenttharaka-nithi 111 4/PE/217 JohnJGitari EnkirjmmentandNaturalResources kitinyaga - 1 #PE/220 PeterKinotKimutua EnvironmektandNàturalResources Isiolo 11 4/PD232 Wiliam Nyaga, EnviropmentandNaturalResources Chuka 11 4/PE/241 John MureithiJogoi, Commcrcealïd lndustry, Embli 1I 4/PE/247 Duncan FrancisKathurima Judicial W anguru II 4/PF,/255 lsaacndehindugirc Judicial %L Kerugoya II 4/PE/259 DicksonNzokaMusyoka ControlèraridAuditof-Gtneral Embu : 1I 4/PE/263 TitusKogiM aina, Education : Embu II 4/PE7267 ChristopherNjefuMwaniki Bducatipn r, Embl II 4/PF/277 CyrusMuthikeIcionji, LandsandSetilement Embu,1 4/PE/287 EzekielNyam? Kirani Officeofthepfrsideflt(Police) Embu III #PE/288 Andrew MigwiKlama oftïcefthcpresident(police) Marsabit II 41PW2% EvansNjökiNyagah OfficeofthePrcsident(Police), Meru 1 4/PE/302 GibsonKithinjiMutuiri KARI, k, :Machpkgj III 4*&311 LiberataNancywWanja AgricultureLivestockDevelopmentandMarketing F,nibur i f 4/PW 332 ElphasMba, enyéga Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing Isiolé I 4/P&335 SamuelMuchombaMbuko AgriculturqLivestockbevelopmentandMarketing Fvbu 7: 11 4/PH 336 MeshackSeretiOnyango Agriculture,Livestock,DevelopmentandM arketing Embu 1 4/PE7338 SaidiaSAl; OfficeofthePresident Marsabit 1I 5/PF/16 AggreyLuvagaIinbudira OfficeofthePresident, Hola II 5/PE/17 KennedyOkondaJuma Officeof-thePresident Garissu I1I 5/P8,/20 MarthaKavalu OfficeofthePresident, Gatissa II 5/PE/21 LucyKagureKibàtha OfficeofthePresident Gatissa 111 5/PF/22 SamuelNKimani OfficeofthePresident Garissa II 5/PF724 KimeliTalïuiKoéch OfficeofthePresident Garissa II 5/PF/33 CharlesMborokiMungiria u OfficeofthePrekident Garissa III 5/PFJ34 JamesNdiranguM ungora OfficeofthePresident Garissa 111 5/P& 40 CharlesGitahiMwangi OfficeofthePfesident Garissa Ih 5/PFJ41 PeterChegeMwangi OfficeofthePresident Garissa Ilf 5/PE/44 Zakariah KimaniNdungu J OfficeofthePresident Garissa I1I 5/P8248 M ohymedjilonkindu (MficeoftbePresident Hola 1Il 5/PE50 Kcnneth NjiruNyaga OfficeofthePresident Gariggâ lti 5/PH 53 AnneM acharianyawira OfficeofthePresident Gàrisstit tii 5/P& 54 Aloys0k0thNyore Z OfficeofthqPresident Gàrissa III 5/PH 57 RobertOkalo OfficeofthePresident Garisjé ?E1M SamuelOgolaWandera O ficeofthepresident Garissa II 5/P& 65 PaulGitongaMwangai O ficeofthepresident ; Garissa lii 5/PH 67 JohnBaholaDuk: Vice-president,PlanningandNationalDevelopment étzra 11 5/PE/72 PeterNyoikeKiarie k Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandM arketing Garissa 11 5/P/75 MosesWenslausNyongesa Agriculture,Livestock Developmentand Marketing Gatiyja Il 5/PH 77 VosiEliud Buko Health Garirsa $IJ 5/PH 80 DanielMukabiKimlz-nya HeaIth, Garissa- ItI 5/PH81 BenjaminSM:Maluki,: t Health : Garissa II 5/P& 83 SolomonKimathiM arete Health Garissa IIt 5/PF789 JamesM M aweu PublicWorksand Housing Mwingi II 5/P&96 Isaiah 0Odingo CultureandSocialServices Garissa lii 5/PF/110 Mathew Ogolwgkuto LandReclamation,Regionaland WaterDevelopmentBueaTana II 5/PE/113 Rashid 1Hassan Judicial Galissa III l 5/PE/116 PhilipM wendlp Muthui Education Garissa 2 II 5/PE/118 YakubHassanM ohamed LandsandSetlement Garirxsa II 5/PH122, CharlesMopltuNyansimera Agliculture,Livestbck Developmentand M arketing Garissa IH R R2

46 2100 KENYA GA ZEW E 4th Nov4mber,1994 GovsltxMsNrPRolqclsxcv EXAMINATION FoRCLERICALFFICERS,1994REstu s- (Contd) Index No Name MinistrylDepartment station Paper 5+H 86 Churazin OmbworiOmwoyo O fice ofthe President Gariqsa ll &PE/IO LucasOnguteAjuang fice ofthepresident Busia IlI &PE/13 JohnAmbitho O fice ofthepresident Migori li &PFJ16 GladysMuokAoko fice ofthepresident Busia I &PE/2k Harkrison OkinyiArara O fice ofthepresident Lodwar II &PFJ2S ScholajticahApcmdiArucho O fice ofthepresident Homa Bay li &PFJ35 JosephineKeruboAyub O fice ofthepresident Kericho IIé &PE/36 PeterMomanyiBirundu O fice ofthepresident Kisi II 6*6,/37 DorisOnsomu Bosibori O ficeofthepresident Kisi I &PE/41 Joseph Rioba Chacha fice w ofthe President Kuria 11 61F/48 GodfreyMutundeInimah fiœ ofthe President g Kisumu II &PH49 PoterMayokr Isaboke O fice ofthepresident Kisi II &PE/52 YusufIumû O fice ofthe President Lodwar II &P& 71 FrancisOdliamboM aguti Ofâce ofthepresident HomaBay,11 ) &BE/72 Benard Majiea 2j, g O ficç of$hepresident Migori II &PE/73 JosephOchiengMalela Ofâce oftltepresident Kisumu 1 *PFJ75 JonesM achukim asira fice ofthepresident Nyamira, 1Il &PE/79 JuliusApondiM bori O fice ofthepresident HomàBay II 6/PF,180 SnmmyAyieko Mooliewo fice ofthepresident Turkana lil &P&84 Jectone NyaljaMisolo O fice ofthepresident Siaya è 11 &lipjl(b AndericusOkpmu Nyabola Ofâce ofthepresident HtjmaBay JII &PE/111 DanielReubepNyakundi O fice ofthepresident Kisi Il f#pfj116 MichaelOsèwe Nyandiga 9m< ofthepresident Migori lii &PE/117 Dougle OndkhoNyangaya o fice ofthepresident Nyamira II &PFJ120 Vincent0Obade OfsceofthePresident Homa Bay II &PE/121 MauriccMuga baje O ficeoftlepresident Kisumu II &PFX 22 AlexAKandiraObala Oflkç ofthepresjdent Siaya IIJ 6*/,/126 Catherinc0Ochieng Ofâce ofthepresident Kitale 11 &PE/I28 KcniOddedoàochieng O fce ofthepresident Homa Bay lii &PE/I:RI Ibrahim Odondo Ochieng Ofâce ofthepresident Siaya 11 &PFJ131 Ayub Oyam Ochieng ṛ O fice ofthepresid4at Homa Bay II: 6* F/133 MargaretAkelloOdera Cific,e ofthe President Kisumu II 6* W 135 Joseph OzosOdbiambo O fice oftlw Presidont Vihiga,,II & 136 Joakim Odhiambo Oduogo fic,c ofthe Pzesident Migori I I * W138 JeremialvCe ro Ugendt O fice oftùe Presidont Kisi II &P& 141 lsaiah OmwandaOgony O fceofthe President v HomaBay II * & 143 W alternyang gwenya O fice ofthepresident HomaBay Il &PFJG JosephatMavia Kisangi O fic,e ofthç Prejident Kisumu El6S JamesEvansKweyu b fce ofthepresident Maseno II &PFZV Tom MOticno Ojwaw Olce ofthepreédçnt Migori Il1 * * 147 Joseph0Okpngo O fiçe oflhç x presièent Migori IH :: &PHI48 Francis01(m bkoth Oficeofihppresiàent Siaya,; Ill &P&151 WycliffeM bitiölenyo OfictofthePresident Mandera, 11 &PFJ153 Tom OgumaOmanya O fic,ç ofthe President HomaBay Il 6* & 158 CalebOkpthOmulo O fice ofthepresident ::, Krricho lii 6* F,/163 VincentVachukiOdingi Ofsce ofthe President Kisi :11 &PW I64 Wiliam AburqOngara 0f5 ce ofthepresident,homa, Bay Il 6* W 165 KennedyFredrickOngaya fce ofthe President siaya, II &PE/IfW Duke Ongera O fke ofthepresident Nyamira : Il 61H167 EvansMataraOagera OficoofthePresident Nyamira li &PH 171 Gordon OwuorOpiyo Ofce ofthepresident Migori 11 &P1178 Joseph Nyambane Otao ofthe President N#amira II &PFJIK JohnUtieno Ofsce ofthe President Busia ; II &13F/181 PeterW anga Odeno ()f= ofthe President Hom abay II 6* F/185 SamuelOderoo lma Ofâce ofthe President Siaya II 6* F7186 Jolm Owage O ficp oftlw Presidtnt Hom abay II i 6* & 187 Rasmo Owuori Ofâce ofthe President, HomaBay I1I L f* Wi88 Joseph 0 Oyugi O fict ofthe President Migori II &13H189 JiephthaNyambaso Rasuau Ofsce ofthe President Kisumu IIl f/pfjix, Edward OdhoreW mnbia Oflceofthe President zw estpokot II f/p& 2* LivingstoneOngecha Adera Vice-prcsident,PlanningandNationalDevelopment Siaya IT 6* F,/202 CharlesDieto M u yala V ce-presidentjplanning andnationaldeelopment Siaya li : &PFJJ/B CharlesNyagoto Mochoge Vice-president,PlanningandNationalDevelopment Eldoret II 6*&213 BarackOdhigmbo Owuor Finance, kisumu II 61&219 FlorenceAdhiame Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing HomaBay 11 &P & 230 D bedeo OmaribaMokaya Agriculture,Livestock Developmentand M arketing Kisi II 6* 1/233 t SilvesterOnyangoNyagilo Agricul ture,livestock Developmentand MarketingNdhiwa : lii N237 SamwelOkumu Odhiambo ( Azriçulture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarkedng HomaBay 1 * 0 38 MauricoOgwayoOdinga 1Agriculture,LivestockbevelopmentandMarketing Siaya H VPFJNI Wiliam Chachiy ömolo,: Agriculturo, Livestock Developmlntand Marketing Migori -11 6*&143 CharlesOnpzkạ, Agriculture,Livestock + DevdopmentandMaikeing Kisumu III $PY195 Corncl0Otientie Agticulture,LivestockDevelopmeptandMaqketinyMacalder IIl WPW248 MacariusMakoriRanchura Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing-Nr-ira 111 &PF/250 PurityAnyanje Wanjiru AgricultureLivestockDevelopmentandVarketingo si H $ 3F1205 MartinOtieno Odera Vice-president,Planningand NationalDevelopment Siaya : I 6* & 255 Aadrew Aàaya Ambaka Health Kistinu III &P&257 EdwinOrangaAuka Health Kisumu fli &PFZMI Wiliam KanzikaDeyie Health Kakamega 11 - &PF7268 JuliusGetangeMagoi Health x Nyainira H 6*1/272 LucasJumaMboy: Health ; Olgis I &PF 2282 ZablonM anyinsamosioma -Health ; Nyamira 1 $?Y32%9 Wilfred KingiNyéktmdi Health Nyamira tl &PF/304 JamesOcharo Okcro Health -; Nyamira III R r

47 4th November,1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2101 GovsM MsxrPRonclsxcy EXAMINATION FoRG sltlcxtosyqcers # 1994Rssul-rs- (Contd) Index No Name Minb%trylDepartment Slafion Paper Bernard EvansArthurOmunga Hea1th Busia II PaulOendaOsoro Health Nyamira 11 BenjaminEricOwuor Health Busia II LydiaApiyoSemo Health Busia II M iltonawuorw anga Hca1th Kisumu IlI NathanMaxwelAkama PublicWorksandHousing Kisi II I EunkeHongoAnyango PublicWorksandHousing Kisumu 11 CharlesOkiomaAuma PublicW orksandhousing Kisumu II HarïsonMwaura Kinyanjui PublicW orksandhousing Kisumu II Andrew OmwegaMbaraka PublicWorksandHbusing Bomet 11 Zablon ObwogoMichoma /ublicwork!andhousing Siaya 11 JuliusAgwataM ogaka PublicW orksandhousing Nyamira : II EstherOgeto Nyaboke PublicW prksand Housing Kisi II JospeterM omanyinyakerario PublicW orks andhousing HomaBay III JosphineRameleOlesi PublicWorksandHousing : Busia II George OgutuOndimu PublicW orksandhousing Siaya II Shem Orwenyo PublicWjlrksandHousing Nyamira 11 BeatriceAnyangoOugo PublicWorksandHousing Kisumu II AloiceOngecheOwang PublicWorksandHousing Vaya II Richard0NgaiScot PublicWorksandHousing Kisumu I JaneGacharaNjeri Lab/urandManpoFer Eldoret 11 CharlesOngondo Ondieki Toulism andw ildlife Nyamira II SamsonOmwanḍo Cialtureand SociylScryices Nyamira II PeterOdhiambo Ouko CplyureandSocialServices Ahero II PamelaMumbeAwuor InformationandBmadcasting Siaya II PamelaAtieno Dula Informationand Eroadçasting Siaya II OjwangThomasOgwe Iliformationand Broadcasting Kisumu II HoseaOgutu W amari InformationandBm adçasting Kisumu II A lan Otieno Gwara w Environmentand NaturalResources v Uriri II LornahAtiendM iruka Environmentand NaturalResources Kisumu II HenryOmwange Nyabuto Environmentand N@turalResources Kisi II Gideon ApbloOjwang Environmentand NalpralResources Londiani II lsaiahsamuelonyango Environmçntand NaiuralResources Kisi II LukaObadoOtieno Environmentand NàturalResources M aseno II JustusW afulaw asio EnvironmentanḍNaturalResources Kitale II Joash MungamiWerunga Environmentand NaturalResources Kitale II JudasKiriagq Ndubi Commerceand lndustry Kapsabet III Simeon OkcreNyamato Commerceand Industry Kisi II Hezron MbogaBosire ) Jùdicial Nyal ra 11 CharlesDO tism agabira Judicial M aseno II Philip LawrenceM okua Judidial Kisi II LanbensAMoturi Judicial Kisi 11 MosesMokayaObonyo Judicial? M aseno II CharlesObinoOmesa Judicial kisi II Angeline AwubrOnyango Judicial Siaya II, HildaAtieno Were Judicial, J Kijumu II CharlesMoturiluma Education Kiji IlI Patrick OndidkiM airura Education Nyamira II CosmasMbgoriMocha Education HomaBay II ChhsanthusNaniuchukha Education Busia 11 Samwel0k0th Nyangede Education Oytlgis II MosesOsareObunga Education Siaya II n omasomato Oenga Education Kisi Ill GraceMoraaOngari Education 2 Kisupm li JoseptlMwanziaMutisya Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology Kisumu li M argaretaidinqsibi, Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology Busia II EbelOngichaNyagong Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology Kisumu II SimonKibiego juma LandsandSettlement, Kericho lii ClaudiusOchieq Odum Landsand Settlelerit HomaBay II RobertMuchanje Odanga Health (NHIF) Kisumu II JaplwtlNykklmdiMoraria O fice l ùftlw Presidentlpolice) Kiji II PeterOkokoOluoch OfsceofthePresidenttpolicel Siaya III VorianoOdoliAnjala KAltl, Kisunp III JohnEmuMoskmbe KA ltl Kibos III B onre f dongerionwonga KARI Kisi III WalterNyakopjö Onyango KAltl Kisit III WilberforceMajale TeachersServiceY mmission Busi x a III JohnLich: Oracha TeachersSelvice Commission HomaBay III JohnOgegaMotaari I-abourand ManpowerDevclopment(NSSF) Kericho David MasanaCltacha Agriculture,Livestock Developmentand Marketing Suna-M igori 111 JosephElmadjAkura Agriclture,LivestockDevelopmentand Marketing Kehancha III Joseph GNOtieno AgricultureytivestockDevelopmentandMarketing Kericho IH JamesRatemo M ogambi Agriculture,Livestœ kdevelopmentand Marketing Siaya III IsaacKipkemboiRuto Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentand M arketing Kapsabd II DorcasAokoGwengi Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandM arketing Siaya II ArgwingsClemçntOmondi Agriculture,Livestockbevelopmentand Marketing Siaya III TeresaANicholas O ficeofthe President Nyamira III Jacob BOnyino v Agricuyure,LivestockDevelopmentand Marketing Kisi III JaphethNOndabu Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentxand Marketing Kilgoris III PatriciaAOwegi O ficeofthepresident Nyamira IH StephenNNyanfau Hea1th Nligori III AloysM onariariemo O ficeofthepresident Nakunz I R r

48 2102 KENYA GA ZEW E 4th Novem byr, 1994 GOVERNMENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FoRCLERICAL OFFICERS,1994 Rsstmrs- (Contd) lndex No Name Ministrym epartment Station Paper 7/PE/8 BetKiplagatBarnabas O ficeofthepresident Eldoret II 7/PE/1l Kiprop Birgen OfficeofthePresident Kapengulja II 7/PE/22 JosephineJepkemboiChepkok, O ficeofthepresident ẹ Nakuru 11 7/PE/23 JeniferCheruiyotChepngetich O ficeofthepresident Nakuru I 7/PE/24 JamesKibetCheruiyot O ficeoftlw President Ipn lii 7/PE/25 RoseJepkorirChesikari, O ficeofthepresident Eldoret 11 7/PE/29 FraciahNyamburaGakure, O ficeofthepresident Xakuru 1I 7/PF738 MichaelKimugoKandagor O ficeoftlw Plpsidçnt kabarnet 11 7/13:/40 MaryWanjiruKaranja Oficeofthe President Kapenguria l1 7/P:742 Wiliam KipkorlrVemboi O fiqeofthe Prsidçptx, Eldoret 11 7/PB/44 JemimahMomanyiKemunto OftlceofthePresident Kericho 11 7/PE/46 JaneBichangaKerubo OfficeofthePresident Nakuru IlI 7/PE/51 SophiaEKimani,, OfficeofthePresidcnt Nyandarua 1 7/PE/52 PeterMigweKimemia OfficèsfthePrçsident Kitale 11 7/PE/53 EdwinMaritim Kimutai Officeoftheèresident Kericho IlI, 7/PE/56 JohnMaiyoKipkemei ; OficeofthePrçsident Nandi aii 7/PE/61 BarnabasWiliàm Kiplimo Kapsat Ofticeofthe Prcsident Iten JII 7/PE/67 MarthaNailynteiKotikash, O ficè ofthe Presideni, Namk 5 1l 7/PE/81 PatrickOwiyo Modicai O fice ofthepresident Lodwar II 7/PE786 DavidChaniaM uli OfficeofthePresident, Tumaini II 7/PE/88 SamsonM achohi M urur i O ficèpfthe Prèsident, M aralal II 7/PE/û1 JamesBurunjaMuthee OfierofthePresldent Nyahururu 11 7/PE/94 GraceW angechịmwangi OfficeofiilePresident N:k/il 11 7/PEé107 JoelMuliNthenge O fieeofthepresident Marylal 11 7/PE/IIO SalomeOdhiambpNyakiba OfticeofthePresideat Eldofet I 7/PB?111 BethshembaslmbaNyakoboke OffiççofihePresident Nakuru 7/PF-/115 RosemaryLinetOdera tkficofthepresident ç Nqkuru 11 7/PE/138 Richard Rono Oftic ebfthepresident Kericho Ill 7/PF)/42 t z ainabufaridarutto O ficeofthepresident Kitale fl 7/P:/143 David Sang, O ficçotihepresident Bomet 1 7/:w152 David Kiprono Tpnui O ficèofthepresident, Bomet 1 1/:12153 JoseahKiprotichTonui OficeofthePresident,, Maralal IIl 7/PE/155 David Kiprotichfbwet OfficepfthcPreàident Nakuru II 7/PE/170 MwangiAKariuki ; Vlçq-president,élanningand NationalDevelopment Nyahunzru ṭl 7/PFJ176 JacksonR,KChepkwony Finance Eldoret ci1 7/Pw 177 Emily Chcptanuifhumo # inance, Elàoret 11 ;, y 7/P1197 Linan JepKoecn Marltlol, Agricqlure,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing lten 11 7/PE/203 Duncan WamaiKangethc Agricultùre,LivestockDevelopmentandMarkéting Nyahururu 1 7/PE/204 MaryMuthoniKariuki, Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandMarketing N oro II 7/PE/21)7 JoshuaMainaVacharia Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarketing Nakùru II 7/PF,/214 KerosiMokayaOgari Agriculture,Live>toc tb evelopmentan dm arketing Nyamira 11 7/PE/234 RaelSamoeiJepnget HeaIth Nakuru I 7/PH 240 RichardM wangikarume Health Nakpru II 7/PE/243 Joseph LangatKipkemoi HeaIth : Kapkatet 11 7/P#X44 JohnKainoKipkosgei Health Iten III 7/PE/251 Nehemiah K1pftso i)k urg at Health v Kqrtcho 11 7/PE/256 CharlesKubinibiLwanga Health Kapenguria? 11 7/PE/257 Wiliam JohnWMacharia Hea1th OlKalou 11 7/P& 258 Simeon OmbisiMaiko Health Eldoret İI 7/13F/267 RichardKipkemoiMetet Health Bomet r, II 7/PE/277 MichaelMuribkiMwaniki Health Maralal IIt 7/PE/2J8 FredericKimutAiNgenoh Heahh Kqricho 1 7/PW 280 DorcasKiyundiNyaberi Hea1th Nakuru /P/,/281 FrancisCNyakpndi Health Kapenguria lii 7*F7188 Dinah Nyaboke Ongicho Health Nakufu I 7/P 9 PeterMatagaro Onserio, Health NandiIIils IIl, 7/PE/iO JosephOtienoUuma Health Nakuru 7/PF ; ; III 7294 Joseph Kipkoech Ronoh Hex1th Kericho III 7/PF,/3œ JamesKimaniThagicu Hçàlti Nakuru I * 7/PH 305 PamelaAkinyi PublicWorksand Housing Nairobi II 7/PE/307 NoelIbrahim Olholo Genga PublicWorksàld Hovsing e Nakuiù 1 7/PE/311 Catherine JepkbsgeiKoech PublicWorksanà IIoùking Nakuru II 7/PF,/312 JoshuaSimotwo Komen PibiicWorksand Housing Kçricho I1I 7/PE/315 Wiliam Matei PublicWorksandHousjng Mwingi 1 7/PE/319 MargaretGichureMoraa PublicWorksand Houàing Kericho II 7/PE/322 ErnesOtundoM M aningi PublicWorksandHousing *Nakuru 1I 7+F 324 Joseph Shimdlg: Musindi PublicWorksand Housing Nakuru II IsaacNjoroge Ngugi ; PublicWorksandHùtising Molo II 7/PW328 JohnKalùau Njenga PublicbWorksandHousjng Kericho tii 7/PF7333 W alteraggreyotieno : PublicW orksand Housing - Nàkùril II 7/P&342 RuthMideèhaAdika LabourandManpowerDevelopment Kqricho II 7/PW 343 Samson SangAiyabei J LàbourahdM anpowerdevelopment Barinjb II 71PYJ 353 OliviaBetetiM wisukha E TouristandW ildlife - N jk kuru II 7/PW 357 LoiseNKabue Culturc and SocialServices Nakuru li 7/PW158 EzekielMutaiKimalel CplturcandSocialSérdces K/richo II 7/PW 3* Joseph KimaniM bugua CultureandSocialSel-vices Kabarnet Il 7/13F7367 Jackson ApiriOkemwaBiaraga Information and Broadcasting Natok I1 7/PW 368 M aryw Maina Information and Broadcasting Naivasha II 7/PF/375 HenryKipngepo Kimeto LandReclamation,Rcgionaland W aterdevelopmentnakuru IIlz 7/PF7379 RoselyneMwabishi LandReclamMtion,RegionalandW aterdevelopmenteldùret 11 7/PF7380 GladysNyokabiMwai Land Reclamation,Regionaland W aterdevelopmentnyahururu lii 7/PF7382 GeorgeKibirech Sang LandReclamation,RcgionalandWaterDevelopmentXericho ll R r

49 4th November,1994 KENYA GA ZEW E 2103 GOVERNMENT PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION FOR CLERICAL OFFICERS,1W4RESULTS-(COntd) lndex No Nt/r?e M inistryldepartntent Station Paper R 12 7/PH 392 LydiaWilyJemeli Environmentand NaturalResources Kaptagat 11 7/PF/4œ John KemboiKiprono Environmentand NaturalResources Kapsabet III 7/PE/408 BonifaceMungaiW Ndungu Environmentand NaturalResoures Nakuru III 7/PE/411 JamesAnn enyiongaki EnvironmentandNaturalResources Nakuru II 7/PH417 JaneW ambuihiram, Co-operativeDevelopment Nanyuki II 7/PE/418 TeresaAkeyo Juma Co-operativeDevelopment e Nanyuki I 7+F,/419 Sylvia NafulaNabichenje Co-operativeDevelopment Kapenguria 11 7/PN425 JosephTungujaKweyu CommerceandIndustry Nakuru II 7/PN 429 W ilbedorce LOuma A torney-generalischambers Nakuru 11 7/PE/433 JacintaGathoniKaguru Juditial Naivasha II 7/PH435 LeahMukamiKamau Judiial Nakuru II 7/PN 443 DukeNOmbuna, Judicial Kericho 11 7/PE/451 JosphineChelalJematia, Education Kabarnet II 7/PF/454 CharlesKipchumbaKibitok Education Iten 11 7/PE/455 SalinaKipkore, Education Iten II 7/PE/463 DorcasWanjaNjoroge Education Naivasha li 7/PE/464 John KNyaira Education Nyamira III 7/PF7468 John KeensOkwaro Education Samburu III 7/13H 470 RichardW alteronguso Education - Kabarnct III 7/PE/472 ChristopherKorireseronei Education e lten 11 7/PH473 JosephKiragoWaititu Education Vaikipia 11 7/PH474 Joram NAkitluha Research,TechnicalTraininsan4 Technology Nakuru, iii 7/PE/476 PetcrNdungoKimotlm Rcsearch,TechnicalTrainingand iechnology y Naivasha l 7/13F7480 TitusKyenziNdaka Research,TechnicalTrainingandTechnology Naivasha 11 7/PF/481 David MichaelOrondo Nyakoni Research,TechnicalTrainingandTechnology Naivasha II 7/PN495 PaulineNjugunaWambui Landsand Setlemont Nakunz 11 7/P&496 W infredflorence W ambui Landsand Setlement Nakuru 11 7/PF-/504 n pmaskithomemusyoka, O ficeofthe President(Police) Nakunl II 7/P& 519 PeterKerethiW akibia KARI Nakuru li 7/P1 520 Edward G W angendo, KARI Kitale II 7+H 521 PenninahHiukuW eru KARI Nairobi li 7/PH525 Judith OleketeAkademere ; Information and Broadcasting(KBC) Nakunz I 7/PN 533 RobertM unyiringatia Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Maralal lii 7/PF136 Wiliam Kiprono Kiprotich Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandMarketing Naivajha III 7/P1 537 Mathew PeterOmondiObado Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmcntandM arketing Kericho III 7/PH 542 PeterKimaniW aithaka Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Kericho III 7/PH 548 John BilMacharia Agricultizre,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Baringo III 7/PE/562 Raymond W ariadhooduor Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandM arkding tiasin Gishu III 7/PF,/564 MichaelKipkorirTonui Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandM arketing Kericho IIl 7/PE/5* David MwangiNdungu Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing H doret II 9/PF2I SilvanuaOduoriAbiero O ficeofthepresident Busia II 9* H 2 M auricecotunga Achero O fice ofthepresident,kakamega lii 9/13H 3 Pahnice OnyumaAchola O fice ofthe President Busia I 91P819 DavidOtianyaAnzaya Omce ofthcpresident Turkana 11 9/PF/13 JaneAyabei, Ofsce ofthe President Kapsabet II 9/P& 16 ChrisKipk:mboiBiwoq Office ofthe President Kitale III 9/P117 EvansOmenpéizhaljṯ-i OficeofthePresident Vihiga I 9/PF,/18 Yohana HiniéBushasha O fice ofthepresident Vihiga Il 9/P1 19 M ilneralfred Busolo O fice ofthepresident Bungoma II 9*H20 DànsonHabilChapia O fice ofthe President Busia II 9/PH 28 M onica Kavere Ofsceofthe President Sabatia I 9/PH 29 SamgelByr>saKazi O ficeofthe President MtElgon III 9/PH36 FernjmdezKipchiriy, O fice ofthe President Kitale III 9/P137 Davidkipruto Ofsceofthe President Kamabet III 9/PH38 RichardKipkoech Kirui O ficeoftheprcsident Kapsabet II1 9/PFJ40 PeterKuelekho O ficeoftilepresident Bungoma II 9/PH 41 HelenKwame ka v O ficeofthepresident Kitale III 9/PH 42 PaulineJeptarusLagat - O ficeofthepresident Eldoret II 9/PH 43 JosephKiprono tangat,, flficeofthepresident Kitale 11 9/PF/44 JenniferLunjalu Ofceofthepresident Kakamega 11 9/H47 HerbertNakitare Makhakha Ofce oftàepresident Kapenguria Il 9+H 49 DanielM aritimm O fceofthepresident Kapsabet II 9/PF750 SaraifZiganyu M arriete O fice oftlw Presidert Kakamega II 9/P153 EmmyJebichiy M eto O fice ofthepresident Iten II 9/P&54 Helcn Otiato Minayo 4 O ficeofthepresideqt Eldord IlI 9/PH55 JoscphM ainga M ogaka O ficeofthppresident Kitale &63 JuliusWcswaMusime Oflic,e ofthepresident Bungoma II 9/PF,/64 M ablekhasiah M usundi 0 0:* ofthepresident Bungoma II 9/PH67 Mae NasialaMwenesi O fice oftlzepresident Kakameya III 9/P&72 JamesKundu Nalyanya Omce ofthepresident lm war II 9/PE/74 EverlyneAwanjala Nasimiyu Oflice ofthepresident Bungoma II1 9/PF775 JethroLihanda Ndagadwa O ficeofthe Presideqt Kapenguria III 9/PH77 AliceMbakaNgaira O ficeoftheprèsident Bungoma IIi 9/P&79 PeterOboge O ficeofthepresident Kapenguria III 9/PH 80 FrancisOtieno Odera OficeofthePresidçnt Busia III 9/PN 85 DavidBichangaOnkeo O ficeofthepresident Kapenguria III 9/PH86 EricM ugaonyango O ficeofthepresidont Busia 111 9/PH91 Jernimah Sand: O ficeofthe President Kakamega tii 9/PH92 Renson M ugambiek Shakava O fice ofthepresident Bungomà 1 9/PH95 ChristineKakaiSimiyu O ficeofthepresident Bungoma lii 9/PF799 StelaW ahzla O ficeofthe President Bungoma III 9/PE/IY Wilson NWamweya o fice ofthepresident Kitale Il 9/PFJ1Y SilvanusAmukhumaIkhosi Home Affairsand NationalHeritage Kakamega II 9/PE/1()7 JamesKubaiIménjeKipkosià, Home Affairsand NationalHeritage Shikusa II

50 2104 KENYA GAZETTE 4th Novem ber, 1994 GovsltxslsvrPRolqclsxcy EU MINATION sopclericai-offic RS,1994Rssuzrs- lcontd) Index No Name âffalbfzy/fhe/lpr-ea/ Station Paper 9+& 110 BrasdelAinbakaAdemi Vice-president,Planning and NationalDevelopment Lodwar III 9/PE/114 Nashion 0k0th Ochieng Vice-president,Planningand NationalDevelopment Kapenguria III 9/PE/118 DanielMokono Bebo Agriculture,Livestock Developmentand Marketihg Vhiga IH 9/1& 119 W afulajuma Agricultlre,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Kitale IlI 9+ F/120 Joseph NdedaKivulielie Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentand M arketing Bungoma II 9+ H 123 ChristopherKusimbaM bati Agriculture,Livestock Develùpmentand M arketing Kitale 11 9/PE/I28 Reuben Ayoo Olela Agrimtlture,Livestock Developmentand M arketing Bzmgoma lli 9/PH 130 AggreyKibande Swegenyi Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing n penguria III 9/PH 131 M arksambo Werimo Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Bzmgoma Il 9/PH 133 Edward M asiraarika Healtlf Kakamega III 9+ H 141 Richard Ongara Inanga Health Bungoma IIl 9/PH 142 BeatriceOgovaJambiha Healt: M aragoli l 9/PF,/143 Judith Kadioli Health Kakamega III 9/PE/I46 Jackson KindaKidiga Health Busia Il1 9/PE/149 W yclifeonyamasikiroge Health Bungoma III 9* D 151 EvansAgaromba Lavuna Health Kakamega III 9/PH 159 LumumbaM ogere Health Kitale III 9/PF/I64 Patrick LusasiM usc Health Kakamega III 9/PE/I68 M auricesngaira Health Eldoret 11 WPE/181 Hesbon Kindu Timbe Health Bungoma III 9/PE/I84 George WartmnyiWefwava ; Health Lodwar 11 9/PH186 HenryAmugtyeAvungana - PublicWorksandHousing Kitale III 9/PF/2* JosephineAklnyiOwiti PublicWorksandHousing Kakamega H1 9/PF,/2* ErastusWekesaW atiti PublicW orksandhousing Bungoma III 9/PW 207 Enok NaibeiChemekemet Transportand Communications Lodwar III 9/P& 208 AnnePriscilahBarasa tabourandm anm werdevelopment Bungoma 1II 9/P& 225 M ceasigokavai Cultureand SocialServices Kakamega III 9/P& 227 HenryShimonyoM bwabi Cultureand SocialSefvices Kakamega III 9/P& 230 Joseph SutoW afula Cultureand SocialServices Kakamega III 9P W 3M HenryNyongesaKhaemba, Environmentand NaturalResources Bungoma 1 9/PH251 FrancisWanjalaMutonyi Environmentand NaturalResources Bungoma III 9/PH 252 MaryCNaibei Enkironmentand NaturalResources Kitale II 9* & 264 Jane MakunguKisato Coroperative Development Kakamega II 9/PE/265 WilsonM ungayaluvayo Cœ operatviedevelopment Kakamega III 9/P& 268 EstherNangabo Atubukha Commercéand Industry Vihiga II 9/PH 271 FrancisAkhtlraM asikka Commerceand lndustry Bungoma III 9/1* 274 Mirriam KhatsiniMwanga Commerceatld Industry Bungoma H 279 EricOsanyaAkhwale Judicial Kitale 11 9*F22% JosephBosire Judicial -: Kitale III 9/PH 284 Samson Kinva I-agat Judicial Eldoret 1 9+ W 287 Martin MukhebiMasika judicial Kakamega 1 9/PH 289 ValentineOchiengMudimba, Judicial Bungoma 11 9/P1/2* CatherineMunyefuM ukàwana Judicial Bungoma IH 9/13W 296 ZedekiahStevensOnplbo Judicial Bungoma III 9/PH 297 AggreyAlukaka0 yamo, Judicial Kakamega III 9+ E/301 AzibetaKAblmu Education : Kakamega II 9/PH 3% DanielMunzme Busiyile Education Kitale 11 9/PW 307 John Chumo Giroaeng Education Kapsabet 1 9/P& 30# Hellen Kertlbo Education Bungoma 11 9/PH 310 Philip KiborKogo Education Kapsabet 11 9/PW 315 Azard RonyMohammed Education Kabamgga II 9/P& 317 PascalEtyangOmukada Education Lodwar 1 9/PH 324 SolomonGalo Gudahi Research,TechnicalTrainingand Technology Kakamega II 9/PH 327 Bablah Mmbone Kesesi Research,TechnlcalTrainingand Tcchnology kakamega 1l 9+ H 335 David Kundu W atitwa Researçh,TecbnicalTrining and Technology Busia H 9/P&336 AggreyKigaliMalongo Landsanèseglement Maraḷal II 9/P& 338 AlbertM uyega LandsandA ttlement ;w lwar 1 9+H355 ChristabelAnnieNganyi O ficeofthe President(Police) Kakaawga II 9/P& 365 PalapalaLilianOtwori TeachersServico Commision Kakamega 1 9/PH 3* Simon KiboreRotich TeachersSerWce Commision Kam a% t 1 9+&372 SilasShiyenjiMltycyia OmceoftbePresidenl Kakamega 11 9+H 377 JosephOyango Odemba OfsceofthePresident Kakamega H 9/PH 389 MelisaOkwisa OfâceofthePresident, Kakamega H 392 JosephMwaleShinakitela Agricnzlture,Livestock Developmentand M arketing Kakamega 11 9*W4* BernardKedemiShimwa Agriculture,LivestockDevelopmentandMarke@g Kitale 11 9/PF-/41)8 Alice M uklmnyiw abuti Agriculture,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing kxbamqga II 9/PFJ4@) JamesTito Bulimo : Vice-president,Plnnnlngand NationalDevelopment lten 11 9+H 410 BridgidOhonda Amboko OficeofthePresident Kapenguria & 415 n omasezekielodero Agricultre,Livestock DevelopmentandM arketing Kakamega 1 9/PH 417 FestoKSaina J OfsceofthePresidont Kakamega 11 R r R- 1stA tempt r - 2nd A tempt Thepapershoin againsteach candidatesname standsforthepan rthekandidate hastore-sit PaperI Paper 1 Paper II JSPOLONG, Secretary, 1/&k JerlzeCommHït?zl0? Kenya

51 4th Novem ber1994 K ENYA GA ZETIE 2105 GxzBlre NoncB No7042 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISI IN THE M AITER OF THE ESTATE OF NYAGOKA ONDIEKI OF W EST POKOT DISTRIG StlccBrxsloN Cxuss No304 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcernedtakenoticethata N tition foragrantof leters of adm istration intestate to the estate of the above-nnmed deceasedywhodied atkapenguria,on WhJanuary,1988,hasbeen filedin thisregistryby(1)alexanderomwengaondiekiand(2)michaelmose Ondieki,both oftransnzoia Location,POBox 1œ 3,Kisiin their capacitiesasbrothersofthe deceased Andfurthertakenotice thatobjectionsinthe prescribedform to tbe makingoftheproposed grantareinvited andmustbe lodgedin thisregistry withinthirty(30)daysofpublicationofthisnotice Andfurthertakeaotice thatifrto objection hasbeea lodgedinthis regiqryin thepresclibed form withinthirty (30)daysofthedate of publication ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to makethe grantas prayed orto make such orderas itthinksfit Dated the 23rd August,1994 EBACHIENG, Deputy Regùtrar,fidi GAZBTTE Noncs No7045 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISI IN THE MAITER OF THE ESTAIE OF SAM UEL OGAM BA M ONGARE OP KISIIDISTRIW SuccEsslox Cxtiss No318 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcernedtakenotico thatam tition fora grantof Ietters of administration intestate to the estate ofthe above-narned deceased,who died atnyakanda,ikunlma,on 2nd April,1994,hasbeen filedin tmsregistrybykemuntosamwelofikurumasub-locltion,central! Kitutu Location,POBox 20,Kisi,ln hercapacity aswidow ofthe deceased Andfurthertakenotice thatobjectionsin theprescribedform to the makingoftheproposed pantareinvited and mustbe lodged in thisregistry within thirty(30)daysofpublicationofthisnotice Andfurthertake noticethatifno objectien hasbeen lodgedinthis registryinthe prescribed form within thirty (30)daysofthedate of publication ofthisnotice,thecourtmayproceed to makethe grantas prayed orto make such orderasitlhinksfit Dated the 31stAugust,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, Deputy Regiyfrlr,Kisi GAzsrrE NoencE No7043 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII EBACHIENG, DeputyRegi:lrur,Kisi GAZETIS NolqcE No7046 IN IHE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KERUBO NGOKO IN THE M AW ER OFTHE ESTATE 0F NYAKUNDIONYAMBU 0F OF KISIIDISTRIW KISIIDISTRIW PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssloN CAUSB No305 olz1994 SuccsssloN CAUSB No321 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcerned takenoticethatapetition fora grantof LET ALL thepartiesconcerned take noticethatapetitionfôragrantof lettersof administrationintestate to the estatc of the above-named leters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atbogusero,on22ndjuly,1975,hasbeenfiled inthis deceased,who died atdistricthospital,kisiyon 13th January,1992,has registry bycharlesmoriraasiago Ngoko,ofBogusero Sub-location, been filedinthisre#stryby EstherBuyaki,ofBoguseroSub-location, M atiekolocation,pobox1057,kisi,in hiscapacityasgrandson ofthe Bogusero Location,POBox520,Kisi,inhercapacityéswidow ofthe ofthe deceased deceased Andfurthertakenotice thatobjectionsinthe prescribedform to the And furthertakenoticethatobjectionsintho prescribedform to the makingoftheproposedgrantareinviteḍ andmustbelodgedin thisregistry making oftheproposed grantareinvited andmustbe lodgedin thisregistry withinthirty (30)daysofpublication ofthisnotice withinthirty(30)daysofpublication oftmsnotice Andfurthertakenoticethatifnoobjectionhasbeenlodgedinthis Andfurthertakenoticetàatifnoobjectionhasbeenlodgedinthis registryinthe prescribed form within thirty(30)daysofyhedate of registry in theprescribed form within thirty(30)daysofthedate of publication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to make the grantas publication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed tomake the grantas prayedortomakesuchorderasitthinksfit prayedortomakesuchorderasitthinksfit Dated the 26th August,1994 Dated the 1stSeptember,1994 EBACHIENG, Dc#u@ Reghtrar,Sidi CBZEIZENoerlcE No7044 IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT KISII IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTAFE OF WILLIAM MOSIORI OF KISIIDISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CArss No313 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcerned takenoticethata petition fora grantof letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atm wamanwasub-location,on 1stAugust,1991,has béenfiledin thisregistrybykerubonyangau,ofmwamanwasub-locatilm, NyatiekoLocation,POBox289,Kisi,inhercapacityaswidow ofthe deceased And furthertakenoticethatobjectionsin the prescribed form to the makingoftheproposedgrantareinvited andmustbelodgedin tmsre/stry Within thirty (30)daysofpublication ofthisnotice And furthertakenoticethatifno objectionhasbeen lodgedin this registryin theprescribed form within thirty(30)daysofthe dateof publication ofthisnotice,the courtmayproceed to makè the grantas prayed orto makesucà orderasitthinksfit Dated the 1stSeptember,1994 k - A ṃ O F- A-NG O M -O, Deputy Regu trar,au 1*1 GazErrs NozqcsNo7047 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MONGARE NYANGAU OF KISIIDISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTM TION SuccEssloN CAUSE No321 TtB OF 1O 4 LET ALL thepartiesconcerned takenoticethatapetition foragrantof letters of administration intestate to the estate of thc above-named dcceased,who dicd atkegogi,ikunlrna,on5th Aplil,1988,hasbeenfiled in tbisregistrybyhelen NyanchamaNyangau,ofIkuruma Sub-location, KegogiLoceation,POBox 612,Kisi,in hercapacity asdaughter-in-law of the deceasod Andfurthertakenotice thatobjectionsin theprescribed form to the makingoftheproposed grantare invitedand mustbelodged inthisregistry within thirty (30)daysofpublication oftlisnotice Andfurthertakenotice thatifno objection Aasbeenlodged in tms registryinthe prescribed form witlzihthirty (N)daysofthedateof publication ofthisnotice,thecourtmayproceed to makr thegrantas prayod orto mako suc: orderasitthinksôt Dated thegth #ptember,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, Deputy Regùtrar,#9fI

52 2106 KENYA GA ZETIE 4th N ovem ber, 1994 GAZETIE NolqcB No7048 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISI IN THE M AITER OF THE ESTATE OF REBECCA KERUBO ORONYIOF KISIIDISTRIG PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CxvsB No323 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcernedtakenoticethatapetitioilforagrantof letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atbokimai,bojinange,on2nd October,1W 4,has been filed in thisregistryby Zachariah Ndarera Oronyi,ofBosinange Sub-location,South M ugirango Location,POBox 940,Kisi,in his capacity asson ofthe deceased Andfurthertakenotice thatobjectionsinthe prescribed fonn to the makingoftheproposed grantareinvited andmustbelodgedinthisregistry within thirty (30)daysofpublication ofthisnotice Andfurthertakenotice thatifnoobjectionhasbeen Iodged in this registry ilitheprescribed form within thirty(30)daysofthedateof Publication ofthisnotice,the courtmayproceedto makethegrantas m ayed orto make such orderâs ittbinksfit Dated the 15th September,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, Beputy Registrar,Kisf Gxzsrrs Novrlcs No7051 ln THE HIGH COURT OFKENYA AT KISI, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OSOR0 MOCHA OF KISIDISTRIW PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION StlccEsslçm Cxvse No:327 ov 1994 LET ALL thepartiesccmcernedtakehotice thatam titionfora grailtof leters of administration intestate to the estate ofthe above-naliled deceased,whodied atbogitaa,on 29thJuly,1993,hasbeenfiledin this registrybysabinamoraaosoro,ofbogitaasub-location,northwahjare Location,POBox 1553,Kisiyinhercapacityaswidow ofthedeceased ) And furthertakenoticethatobjectionsin theprescribed fonn tothe makingoftheproposedgrantareinvitedandmustbelodged inthisregistry withinthirty(30)daysofpublimtion oftbisnotice, And furtltcrtakenoticethatifnoobjectionhasbeen Iodged in this registry in theprescribed fonn within thirty430)daysofthedateof publicationofthisnotice,thecourtmayproceedtomakethegrantas prayed orto make such brderasitthinksfit Dated the Kh September,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, Deputy Regùtrgr, #ap GxzBlqE Norlcs No7049 IN IHE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA AT KISII IN #HE MATTER OFTHEESTATE OFMOSIOMA ONTIRIOF NYAM IRA olstrlct SuccEssloN CyttTss No324 olz1994 LET ALL thcpartiesconcernedtakenoticethatapetitionforagrantof leters of administration intestate to the estate of the abpve-named deceased,who die4 atgetangwa,boiqangaii,on7thjuly! 1988,hasIxen filed in thisregistry by JamosAtpgp M osioma?ofbolsanga ll,sublocation,ekerenyo Location,POKebirigo,inhiscapacityasson oftlke deceased And furthertakenoṭicethatobjedioqsilitleprescribed form to the makingoftheproposed grantareinvitedandmustbelodged inthisregistry withinthirty (30)daysofpublication ofthisnotice And furthertakenoticethatifno objçctionhasbeen lodged inthis registry irtthe prescribed form iwithin thirty(30)daysofthedateof publication ofthisnotice,thc courtmay proceed to makethegrantas prayed orto make such orderasitthinksfit Dated the 5th September,1994 KATHOKA NGOMO, Deputy Regiatrar,X?bW GAZBIIE NorlcE No7052 IN IHE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF JOSEPH MARORO OMANGA OF KISIIDISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISYRATION St/ccEssjoN Cxuss No329 of 1994 LET ALL thepartiesconcernedtakenotice thatapetitionfora grantof lettersofadministration intestate to the estate of the above-named deçeased,who diedatdistricthospital,kisi,on9thjuly,l992yhasbeen filed in thisregiàtryby Basibika Nyann eso Maroro,ofM wamosioma, Sub-ltxation,KisiiTownship,PO Box406,Kisi,inhercapacityaswidow Ofthe deceased Andfurthertakenoticethatobjedionsintheprescribed form tothe makingoftheproposed grantareinvited andmustbelodgedinthisregistry within thirty(30)daysofpublicationofthisnotice Andfurthèrtàke noticethatifno objectionhasbeenlodged in thfs registryin theprescribedform within thirty(30)daysofthedateof publication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to make thegrantas prayed orto make such orderasitthinksfit Dated the 14th September,1994 KATHOKA NGOMO, Deputy Regï-çrfâ,Kisi GAZBIIS NolqcB No7050 IN YIIE HIGH CCFRTOFKENYA AT KISII IN THE MATIWR OF THE ESTATE OF ORIKU NYAKEINAMI OF KISIIDISTRIW Succssslox CAuskN6326 of1%4 LET ALL thepartiesconcerned takenoticethatapetition foragrantof leters of administration intestate to the estateof the above-named deceased,who diedatkegati,on 24th December,1972,hasbeenfiledin this registry by M omanyi Osano, of Bomobea Sub-location,Kegati Location,POBox141,Kisi,in hiscapacity asson ofthe deceased Andfurthertakenoticethatobjectionsin theprescribedform io the making ofthe proposed grantare invited and mustbe lodgedin thisregistry within thirty(30)daysofpublicationofthisnotice Andfurthertakertotice thatifnoobjection hasbeenlodgedin this registlyintheprescribedform withintbirty(30)da/ofthedateof publication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to make thegrantas prayed orto make such orderas itthinksfit Dated tlte 15th Septcmber,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, Dèputy Rew rfzr,kisi GAzsrls Norlcs No7053 IN THE HIGH COUR OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE M AW ER OF THE E!TAW OF JOSEPH DIBUORO OBIERO OF M I(3ORIDISTRICT PROBATE Ae ADM INISTRATION SuccB slon Cxuss No330 of-1994 LET ALL thepartiescpncernedtakenoticethatapetitionforagrantof letters of ydministration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atkatienosub-loçation,kanyamkagolocation,on 6th July,1986,hasbeenfiled in thisregistrybypeterw asongaochola,of Katieno Sub-locatiortyNorthKanyamkago Location,PO Box29,Rapogi, in hiscapacity asson ofthe deceased And furthertakenoticethatobjedionsin theprescribed form tothe makingoftheproposedgrantareinvitedand mustbelodged inthisregistry withinthirty(30)daysofpublication ofthisnotice And furthertakenoticetbatifno objectionhasbeenle gedin this registryin theprescribedform withinthirty(30)daysofthedateof publication ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to makethe grantas prayed orto make such order asitthinksfit Dated the 12th September,1* 4 EBACHIENG, Deputy Reglàtrar, A-afï

53 41 November,1994 THE KFJNYA OARRTV 2107 GAZETTENorlcs No7054 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN TH E M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF K ANIN I M AINA OF GIKIGIE,CHINGA,OTHAYA PROBATE AND A DM IN ISTRATION SticcEsslcm CAUSB N o379 olp1993 LET a1 the partits concepncd take notice thal a petition fgr :gmnftofloa rsofadminigtration integtate tothe eatateofthe above-nam ed deceased,who died atprovincialgeneralhospital, N ycri,on 6th August, 1981,hasbeen filed in this registry by DanielKarenju Kanini,ofPOBox 129,Othaya,in hiscapacity asan adm inistratorofthe decuasedsestate And turther lake no lue thaloblectlonsm the prescribed form to the making oftheproposed grantareinvite,d énd mustbe 10(1g* in thb rogislry witlin thirty (30)daysefptlblication of dlis nolice A ld furtlertakenotice thatifno objection has been lodged in thisregistryin theprescribed form within tilipty (30)daysof tite date (yfpublication ofthis notice,the courtmay proceed to makethe grantaspmyedorto make sudh ordcrasi:ttltinksât D ated the21stjanuary,1994 JSM USH ELLE, D eputy Registrar,N yeri IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJOGU GIKURU OF 1NO1KARIKO,KIRINYAGA DISTRICT ScccEssloN CAUSE No7 of 1994 LET tll thepartlesoonœ rnodltakerlotlce tha,t& N dtlon for a gran!of letersofadm lnlstratlon intesrate to the rstate ofth above-nam ed deceased, who died at lnoi Kariko, K irinyaga District,on 12th M arch, 1971, has been filed in this registry by M oses Muchina Gikuru,ofPOBox 5,Kerpgoya,in his capacity as an adm inistrator of the deceaseds estate AY fuz(aer Iax* Jzoklce tfaituoltotiouszrlfjx ple thbed fm-m to Ge mnbing of*eproposed gmntar* iavite lnd mud G Bdgmd in thik Ixzixtly witie thirty (30)tlhy:ol publimtion 11 % * noa AM furlhertake no:ce@le itno objeotion hasbeaa Ioe ek k!*1:registryin th* pr- ribed form wlthtn e qty (30)tky:ol * A eofpublicationof*i*notice,gecmtrtmwy te nuk *e glantalv rmd ortomakesua qrdet- * Gmk:5t Dated tle30th August,1994 JSM USHELLE, D eputy Registrar,N yeri GAZEITE NOTICE NO7056 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE W ANGARIGATHIIALIASW ANGARIw/o GATHII OF KIRURUM I,NYERI Succssslox CAUSB No61 of 1994 Ibft ALL th porueavtoylkleinoiltake aoûcz :1:a$itpetitkm foi?kgran!c1flotzrs of adm iniatration intestate to the exate oftbe above-nam ed deceased,who died at Kirurumi, Nyeri,on 10th June, 1991,has been filed in this registry by Francis G itahi Gathi,of POBox 418,Nyeri,in his capacity asan alministratorofthedeceasedsestate And turtitef>kznotle tltztcbje :i!lt:e prekribed forœ to fme mnkin, oftiuzprppoe grant are invie xnd muatbe ioflged u)ykizrre n wltlaio thirty f3)day: ofpublu tiœ lf t@is nutke And tlzpthe; Iakenoticpthatifno objxtion ha*bem lodged m thi,srogisry ia tho plocribed form witllin thirta(30)daysot thedatf ofqsublkation ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to - ketlx granta5prayt:dorfo mlkosucb ozœ rm,ittllmkg5$ Dated the22nd February,1994 JSM USH ELLE, D eputy Registrar,Nyerl Gzzërl NoTlcE No7057 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT NYERI IN THE M AH ER OF THE ESTATE OF IBRAHIM KINGORIGICHOHIOF KABARU,NYERI SuccsssloN CAUSE N o130 OF 1994 LET ATJthe plrciu concem e take notke thata x tition for x gm ntoflotters of adm inl&tration intestale bo (he egla/le of 1:14 above-named deceased,who died at M ater Hospital,on 21st October, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Priscila W anjiru,ofhobox 554,Nyeri,ia hercapacityasàn administratrix ofthedcceasedsestate AndIurthortake norlce (hajtobjeotik sia the premscribed form to the mâking ofthe proposed grantare invitr,d and mustbe iodged in Litis rogistry within thirty (30)daysofpublicadx of ilis notice And ttzrthertako rxotice thatifno objxtbn IaGbeen lodr d W *i;ren tryin thepxecribed fonn witbin thirty(30)* ysof the * te ofpublicatton ofthi: notice,locourtmayproce * e- kt tlze graatalprayod ar to m ake stlch order asitthlnk:5t Dated the22ndaugust,1994 JSMUSHELLE, Deputy Registrar,Nyeri GzzEfrB NoTlcs N o7058 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPH KINGORIFRANCIS IGITAHIOF SO1,UASIN GISHU SuccEssloN CAUSE NO259 OF 1994 LIT ALL cbo qaruosconoernod take notwe ûhata petition for 4 grantof lotersof admini/tratien intestate (o tbe e estate of thr above-named deceased,who died ateldoretnursing Home,on 6th December,1992,has been filed in this registry by Helen N iriku Githui,of POBox 272,Nanyuki,in hercapacity as an administratrix of the deceaseds estate And fufrtlertake notice thatobjeotionsinthe prexribod form to the making of tlze proposed grantare invite,d afld mlzstbe lodged in th9 registry witkin thirty (70)da ysafpublicatlon of this notice And furtlleruke noticethatifno objection hasboen lodgeal in thisregistryin theprescvibed form within thirty (3G)daysof tbe dato ofpublication ofthis notice,the coud mny proctaato make tbegrantasprayed ortomakesu& orderask binksus Dated the 11th July,1994 JSM USHELLE, Deputy Regîstrar,Nyeri IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE M ATIER OF THE ESTATE OF KAIYA IHWAGSIOF KAHARO,MUKURW EINI, NYERIDISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSE NO265O LET ALLthepartiesooncernedtjkenbfitetltataxtitionfor a gmntof lotersof adm inigoration mtedtalteto * egtate ofthe above-nam ed deceased, who di-d at Thim u Sub-locaion, Mukurweini,on 21stMay,1993,liasbeen filed ln thisregistry by Thiga lhwagî,of c/o HK Ndirangu,advocates, PO Box 1303, Nyeri,in his capacity as an administrator of the ofthe deceasedsestate AadfurthertzkenoticeTllatobjeotionsln the prescdbedform to themaking of the proposed grarptare invitd and must be lodged in thisregistry wihln thirty (30)daysof purblimtion of thk ne e And furthertake notice thatifno objecdon has been lodged ln thb regiwtry in tlle prescribed form within thifrty(30)daysof the darte (xf oublication of thisnotice,the courtmay proceed to make the grantasprayed (yrotmake such orde,rmsittrhlnks5t Datedthe22nd July,1994 JSM U SHELLE, Deputy Rdgfzfrlr,Nyerl

54 2108 THE KENYA GAZETIY 4th November,1994 G AZETTE N OTICB NO7060 GAZBTTB NOTICE N o7063 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARIUKO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI NJAGIOF THUMAITA SUBLOCATIO N, KARUM ANDI LOCATION,KIRINYAGA DBTRICT IN THE MM TER OF THE ESTATE OF MURAIGURI GICHINGIAIOF M URUGURU VILLAIE PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION PROBATE AN D AD M INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAusB lko297 of 1994 SuccsssloN CAUSE lco373 OF 1994 LJW M L Lbr fxkruosov noltakz rlofaa tdis* petvm n fo? LET al lhe partiosconcerned take notice gh ta potition Ior * ram of ofldm ipxe tian int- - to te -œ-te œ to a grnn:gfle tertsof adlnini Istration inteestate Lo the eatate of the above-nam ed deceased,who died at Embu Hospital, on 25th November,1990,has been filed in this registry by (1) Ruth W anjiku Kariuko,(2)Karia Mukono and (3)FrancisGachoki Karani, of c/o HKNdiraingu,advocates, POBox 1303, N yeri, Ln thcir respective capacities as an adm inistratrix and adm inistrator ofthe deceasedsestate AM furthez ta e notce fm*# KAJeCtX, ngin thewerribed Mrsm * ** *@ p gram areinle,*lr d mae tm kxlged in rhe repat Ty wizlzèa titizly(30)day:@(pubicae i A n d tul-thertrxke atitlc$, tkat If lo ()i3lezitlt?*l t:lt:793taliz!irw1,wyu K thlreglwtryt!ztbe pr- rlbed tarm wit%in thtvtz(39)tkzqy: of the date nf ouhlicatityvo,ltqgnotlce,the coult may proceed tz x r-th@ grœm :@rnztytd orto tixztke mt-o: erktmwqk îh> sklh! Dated the29th August,1994 JSM USH ELLE, D eputy Registrar,Nyerk GAZEHE NoTlcB No7061 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE SULEIMAN M UCHORIGITHIGIOF KAIRUTHISUBLOCATION, OTHAYA DIVISION,NYERIDISTRICT PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION Succssslox CzusE èfo334 of 1994 IET M,L the e;concetne,dthkenote thwtapetbix foç a grantofleter:ofldmirtigtmtion iryte- reto the*st:e 4 Iliw above-nam zd dcceasedwho diedatprovincialg on?lalhospital, Nycris on 2,:d June,1994,lkasbaen filed in this registry by Charles M wangimuchori,of c/o H1KNdirangu,advocate, POBox 1303,Nyeri,in his capacity as an adm inistratorofthe deceaseds estate And furtbertakenoticethatobiectionsim thepresoribed form to themaking of the proposedrantare invited and mustbe lodged in thisregistry within thirty (30)daysofpublication of tbis netice And furtllertake notice thqtifno obsxtion has bem lodgod K tltiyrebstryin the prescribed form witqin tlirty (30)daysof tu * te ofpublicatiou ofthisniyticethecourtmayproceedto - HAthe granltas prayet!orto rnnlke sueh order asittbinks5t Dated the 5th September,1994 5SM U SHELLE, Deputy Registrar,Nyeri GAzbrrE NoTlcENo7062 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF M IANO NDEGW A OF NYERI SuccsssloN CAUSB N o368 or 1994 LET ALL the partiesconcerned takenotice thata petition lol l grantofietter,s of adm ini:tration intestaite to tbe egtate of the above-named deceased,who died atn yeri,on 12th M ay,1966, has been filed in this registry by W iliam Njogu Ndegwa,of POBox 420,Karatina,in his capacity as an administrator ofthedeceasedsestate And furthertake noticethatobiectionsin the prescribed form to the mnking of the proposed rant are invited and mustbe 1odged in t1 regklry witltin thirty (30) daysofpublication of tihis notice Ald fue ertake rtoticetbatifno objmtion htu beon todged kltltisregtpt ryim thepreacribed FMnAwitbin thlmty (3% daysor the + te of kyublicatkm of this nodce,rhe coumtmay proceed to make the gran: as praved orto make sucb ordor as itthink, f!t Dated the21stseptember,1994 JSM U SHELLE, Deputy Registrar,Nyrrf above-nam ed deceased,who died at Kahuroini,M uruguru, on 12th M arch, 1982,has been filed in this registry by Simon Gichingiri,of PO Box 1901,Nyeri, in his capacity as an administratorofthe deceasedsestate And further take notlce ttlat oblcctions io the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grantare invited and multbe lodgodîn this logktry witlin thipty (30)days ofpublication of this notice And furtler take rotlce tbat if no oblection has been lodged in thisregistryin the prescribed form within thirty (30)daysof the date of ptlblication of thisnoticesthe court may proceed to Jnnke the grantasprayedorto mnkesuoh orderaksittlhiknkafit Dated the23rd Septem ber,1994 GAZLTTE NpTlcB N o7064 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GITURU s/o NGARIOF GAAKILOCATION,AGUTHI,NYERI PROtBATE Ar ADMIIN ISTRATION Succissltm ICAUSE N()384 OF 1994 LET AT3%the parhiesconm rned take noltice thata petition for a grant oflohters of administration intestate Lo the egtaêe of the above-nam ed deceased,who died at K angaita Vilage,on 231-d November, 1964, has been filed in this registry by George GachuhiGitonga,of130Box 138,Nyeri,in hiscapacity as an administratol-ofthe deceasedsestate And furtherlake nollce (halobjeclionsin the predcribed fornz to the making ofthe proposed gran:are invited and rnusttx lodgod in t1 registry witbin thirty(3û)dayscfpublicalion of this notice Aozlfultlzertake n-ic,e +lt# ao c/be on has1 * in thk registry in tlle prosaribed fonu witlia tfltirty (/!)Ixhy, of le dae ofpulylkœtionoftlig aotiœ t:ecourtm&y prtxe to M H thepatita,pmym orto mak,:> N ordera, ittbisk:;4, D ated the4th October,-1994 GAZETTE NoilcE N()7065 JSM USH ELLE, D eputy Regîstrar,N yerî 1lN THE HIGH tcourt OF KENYA AT BLDORET ;PROtBATE AND AD M TNISTRATION TAKE NOTCE tlmtapplicationshaving been made in this courtin : CAUSE No94op 1994 By KulwantSingh Bhachu,of P(X Box 474,Kitale,for a grant of letters of adm iniqtratfon iqteqtatr tl *h* rçtate ofsatwindersiagh Bhachu,IateofKitale,TransNzoiaDistrict, whodiod on 7th N ovem ber,1973 icxusb No154 og1994 By Jackson Ekim Omaido alias ClifiniasEklm Omaido,of POBox255,Kitalewithin therepublic ofkenya,fora grant ofprobateofthewiloflatealfred AthurDuraniM artineau, wilo died atnyeri,on 24th Mlay,1994 n e court wilproceod to issue the sdme unless cause be shown to the oontrary and appearance in this respectentered withgn thirty (30) days from the date of publicatfon of this noticein thekenya Gazete Datod the7th October,1994 RM M UTITU D eputy R îgîstrar,eldoret

55 4th N ovember, 1994 THE K ENYA GA ZETRB 2109 G AZLTTB N otlce N o7066 TN THE HIGH COURT OiF KENYA AT KISII IN THE M ATTER OF THC ESTWTE OF M W A: NAVLA KOG IELAH OF im ltt)lk DISTR ICT hpio BATE AIND iintls TFON SuccsssloN CAUSB N O217 OF 1991 LET ALL thepaltltscklltcrrlezd Lskenoticet,14ata positionfor l grantoflotersofadministratickn intestate to the egtate oftbe above-named deceased,who died atololchanisub-loclation,on 21stFebrtlary l983hasb -cnfilcd il) th lsrcgistryby(1?daniel Om lnis Li-koneh-hlah nnd 4 2/ M osese M wai JKonchelah, of Olechani Sub-location, U asin Gishu IBalst T-ocation, PJO pbox 69,K ilgoris,in thesrcapacitiesassonsofthe deceased And furtilertake nmice fb-atoblection;sirtth o Jzreicribed form fz3 thc making offhe prcpesed grantare invited and multb tei#çtd iathis relstry vithin titirty (30)dt:tysof pubbœtion # tàis nnxice And furthertakenoticethatifno objection hagbeon Iodged in thisregistry in theprescribed form wfthin lirty (30)day:ol the datr of nèblication ef thisnot-ice,t:he co l-tnlaḥ proceed to rnaketleg1anta>rhrayed ortomakeslf-:h ordorasittlink:it Dated the 22nd October,1991 Géznrrs NoTlcsNo7067 M UGA APONDI, DeputyRegîstrarbfff-çf TN THE HTGH COURT O17KENYA IAT iki1kli IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF DOMNIC OCHIENG OLIM A OF SOUTH NYANZA DISTRICT IPROBAIIE AND AD MTNISTRATION StrccsssloN CAUSB NO236 OF 199r1 LET ALL the partiesooncorned takenotiœ thata M itionfor a granitoflertersofadmynistraltion inteshtate to tlee#tate ofthe aboke-named deceased, who died qtombo Hospital, on 29th July,1986,hasboen filed in tqisregistry rby (1)Donald Obunga Olima and(2):susanm wango Ochiemg,bothofltawere IISublocation,POBox jll,sare,in their respective capacities as brotherand widow ofthedeceased And fupthertakenoticethahtobsectionsin theprucribod form to the making ofthe propoqed grantare invited and muq be lodged iln this!egistrywithin thirty (30)days ofpub lication of this notice And furthortake notice that1!no olùecfion 1- Y n lodgod in thisregistryin theprescribed form witlin thirty 630)daygof riw datet,fpublication oftlti:notice,tlecourtmayproced tâ qo ke theerantas prayed f)rto make Fucb order1:ltfhl-nkq:ṭ o ated tho20th dnovtmbgr,1991 M UGA APONOI, Deputy Reglstrar,&fyf IN THE HIGH COURT O1F KENYA AT KISII AN THE M XTTER OF THC BSTATE O1REVFAL&NE ACHJIENG OF HOM A BAY DISTRIW Succsssltm CAUSBhN0267 or 1994 LET Alwtathe pahrriesoomcerned takenotice thata n for a erantoflorterq of adm iolstration iptestate po the egtate of the above-named deceased,who died atkisiitown,on 20th August, 1983,hasbeenfiled in thisrezistry by Salmota OgumaOpande, of Kakdhirtm Sub-location,W estkaraohtaonyo Location, PO Box 69,Kisi,in hiscapacity asfather ofthe decgasod And furthertakenotice thatobiectionsin thepresoribod form to the making of the proposed grantare invited and mustbe kdged in this registry witbin thil-ty (30) laysef puylioalion (#f this notke And furtlurtakenotite thagtîfno obiectlon hasbeen lodged in thisregiptry in the prescr?bed form witfhin thirty (30)daysof the dqkte of nlblklation of thlqnotice the courtmav nroceed to maket%e fr,antaqnraved orto make vuczb orderas14think,5ṭ Dated the22nd Septembetr,1994 KATHOKA NGOM O, DeputyRegîstrar,Slîf GAZBTTE Norlcs No7069 TN THE HJGH OOURT (1F KENYA AT KTSII I1lN THC MATTER OF TIV CW ATE OF GWONDA ABURIOF KISIIIDISTRIW IPIO BAFE AND ADW INIGTRATIION SuccEssloN CAuss NP316oiz1994 LET ALL :he partiesooncerned takenozic,e tlhata1* 601:for a grantofleuers ofadministration integtateto tfhe egtaœ ofthe above-named doceased,who died atibomo/be,a Su:b-locastion,on 6h June, 1992has b en filad in this registry by Nyaboke Gwaada,ofBomobea Sub-locatioa,NyaribariCtntralLocauien 130Box 522,Keroka,in hercapacityaswidow ofthedeceased Andfufrtlertakenoticeithatobjectionsklth: prmcribed form (o themaking ofthe proposed glnantare invited aind mu< bo lodged 11 this registry within thirty (30)daysofpublieation of tlis nodce And furthtrtake notice tllatif no objectftm hasbm n lodged iltitisregistly in theprescribed form wiùhin tltilqy(30)daysof :he date ofptlblication ofthis notice,the courtmay pirocecd to alake thegrantasprayed orto makesurch orderasittbinkslit Im ted tlto 3ûth August,1994 GAZUrfB NOTICE N07070 EBAICITIBNG, D eputy R eglstrar,x fyff IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KI&II IIN THE M ATIER OtF THE IBTAYE OF JOSEPH BOSIRE OINSOM U OF KlS1iIDISTRICT PROBAIE AND ADM INISFRATION SuccEsslohlCAUSE IXO320 OF1994 LET ALL thepagiesconm roedtake noliœ rbat* Ikdrtion fe agrantoflcttersofadminigrationintet:lafre to the ewafte 4 tlw abovemamed deceased, who died at lkuruma Sub-location, ErongeLocation,on 17th October,1985,hasbcen filed in this rtgistry by Nyangau Bosire,of Ikuruma Sub-location, Erongo Location,POBox 1333,Kisi, in her capacity as widow of thedeceased And furthertuqke notice thatobjw tionsin th* prescribed form to tiîemakin,g of tkle proposed grantare invited and mustbe lodged in tlkil1eglstry withitn tltirty (30)days ofpublica,tion of lhis notice And furtbertekznoticethatifno objxtion ha : bem lodged ln thisregistry in theplw oribed form within thirty(j0)daysof thedaa ofpublication ofthisnotice,tlzecoumtrnay proceed * mak:tl granitasprayed orîo ma ke sucb ordor*&ittbinkstil Datod the31staugust,,1994 G>ZBTTENtm cb No 7071 EB,ACHIENG, Deputy Registrar,Kfdf TN %TlCE B:GH OOUSRT OF KBNYA AT KN I t1n THC M ATTER IOF THE ESTATE (m BIGITORO NYANGAU OF KISIIIMSTM CT lsuccssslon CAUSB 1No3%5 or 1994 LET ALL thepm iesconcornedtakenotiœ athata M kionfor &gmntoflettersofadministration intewale ro t%e ewate (W the afbove-nlamed decaased, who died at Kiongongl,M wamosioma on 27th Septemlber,1987,has been Sed in this reglstry by, Simion Mokandu Onwonga, of Mwamosioma Sub-location, KisiTownohipLocatioa, POBox 406,Kisi,in hiscapacityas nephew o1fthe deceased And flzrther take knotiṛ;etbatobjectionsin tkeprerribh form to rhe tnêtking of the proposrd grantare invited and muk be lodzed in thigreiqiçtrv vctbin thirty (30Jday: ef pulnlkatien of tilis notice danvtftxe thke rotkz Aat/ :>o o: 1- been todged ln tlisrezstryin theprescribed form within thirty (30)darsof thedate ofplzblitvtion ofthl txzdœ the(oum may f, to qoke >%e ran as nravcwi or to ma, ke mxâlte ere*i!tmhy,flt Dated the 14lh October,1994 EBACHIFN G, Deputp Regêstrar,&f:#,

56 111û T3TK XJCTYA tiatmm 4:1llovenlber, 1994 GAzsrrs NorlcE N o7072 TN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT NAKURU IN THE M ATTER OF THE FSYATE OF C1EOPHAS BEN ASEW E GWANDHO OF NAKURU PROBAIE ANID ADM W ISTRATION SuccEsslox CwussNo106or 1994 T:FT AIL dle Iv uesconœ rned take noticm rhmta le don fot & grantof lettery ofadministration intestate to the estate of the above-nam ed dcceased,who died at W ar M em orial H ospital N akuru, on 5th January, 1994,has been filed in this registry bq Svietlana Gwandho, in her capacity as widow of the dsceased And furtherte enotice thltobjedionsin the prescribed form to tbe making oftiz proposed grlntareinvited *nd mustb lodge in tbigregistly witltin tlilty (3(8 daysofpublication of tlignotice An3 further#*ke notice thatlfno oblection 1u#been lodged Ix tbigreo tryin theprescribed form wit%in thirty (3(8daysof tk4dkte wfpublication oftlzignotic,tàecourtm&y proceed t mwk@ tâe rantwgprlyed orm me- te,e orderwgr thinks;t, Dated the24t14m arch,1994 W KTUIYOT, DeputyRegistrar,Nakuru GAZETTE N oflce NO7075 1lN THE HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT NAKURU N THE M ATTFA OF THC BSTATE C/F M ACHARIA M UG O OF NG URU IXSTRICT PRO BATE AND A DM INISTRATION Succssslox CAvscNo400 0F 19O LET ALL the partles x ncerned take netîce lhata lxlition foj * gramtof tetersof aldminiytration integterte to the eltate of th above-named deceased,who diod atm utukanio, Njoro,on 3rd June,19818,has been tiled in this registly by James M waniki M pclada,in hisoapadtyasson oftledeceased And Iurther tqzke notic: thwtlf no oblecuon bas been lodged in thisregistry in theprescribed forrawithin thirty(30)daysof the date of publication of this notice,the courtmay m oceed to makethe grantasprayed orto inake such orderasittbink ::t Ȧr< farthortake notica H tx noöbe tixyn hatsbeen lodvd intlk re> intlw tp form v/ithin Girty (30)thys*4 * date OJ publu tioo ofde notu,tle tmkftmayproceed* make tlx praatas pmm d tymto nwke se rmlerask *Y, ât oated G e4+ October,1994 GNOM BONGI, Deputy Registrar,N akuru GAZàITE NoTlcE No7073 l1n IHB HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MATTER OiF THE BSTATE OF ISAAC LAM BERT M IRIERIOF NAROK PRO BATE AND ADM IN ISTRATION Succssslox CAussNö377 or 1994 LET ALL there coocerned tllt*notitx f- pe> hx agran4ofletter: ofadminiftration iet-tate to theegtalte oftle above-nameddeceased,who diedatnairoi)ihosgital,on 10th January,1994,hasbeen filed in thisregistryby M triam Kerubu) in ilercapacityaiswidow of1hedeceased And furthertakenoticethatobjectionsin the prescribed form to themakinz ofthe proposed vantare invited and mustbe lodzed in tlis relstry within tlli-ly 430)dsyg ofpublication of thixnotice And furthertakenoticethatifno objection lzmqben lodge in tmsregistryin theprescribed form within tbirty (30)dayof tke dwteofpublico on oftmsnotice,thecourtmay proceed to mlke th grantasprayed or to ma eguch orderu ittlunks;t Datodrthe27th Septembzr,1994 GAZEH E NoTlcBNo70:4 GNOMBONGI, DeputyRegistrar,N akuru TN IHE HIGH COUR T OF KBNYA AT tnakuru FN THE MATIER OF THE BSTAIE OF KSIPSUBE ARAP TANGUS OF tbomet SuccEssloN CAUSE NO394 of 1994 LET ALL the pgptiesooncerned take notice thata petirtibn for a gmntofletersofadmiaigtration inte<ae to thee&tateoîthe above-named deceased,who diod atdigtriot Hospitûl,Kericho, on 15th Decembor,1986,lhasbeen fled in thisregistry by Lydia ChepkorirTangys,in hercapadty as widow olfthe doceased M dfurthertake neticetlzatobjcttionsin tlepreascribedform to themalting of the proposed gran,tare invited and mustbe bdged in thisregistry within tlirty(30)days ofpufblication of thl notice And furthertake notice tllatlfno objection hasbeen lodged in tltis regiptry in theprescrifbed form within thirty (30)daysof the date of publication of thisnotice,tlle courtm ay proceed to m-akethe grantetsprayed orto make sudlorderasitthinks5t Dated the29th Septmnlxr,1* 4 W KTUIYOT, DnputyRegflfmr,Nakuru IN THE HIGH OOURT OF KBNYA AT KERICHO IIN TIE MATTBR OF THE ESV AIE OF KIPKURUI NGOK OF KERICHO I#ROB ATE AND AD M IN I%TRATIIJN SuccsssloN CAUSE Nb LET AILL the partitsconceraed zakenoticethatapetition for a grantof leters of adm lnisltraltion kftestate to the estare of the above-nam od deceased, who died at Chepkutung Kapsuser, Kericho,o,n 6th D ecem ber,1991, lasbsen 5led in this registry b y (1) Clarle/s KKirui, (2) Keneth Ngetich and (3) Erick Cheruim tkirui,alofpobox 1108,Kericho, in theircapacities asadministratorsof thedecçasedsestate And fttrtber take notlce thalolblecuons ln the prescribed fonn to thelnaking of the proposed grant are invited and mtkst be 1 kltlisregistry wifhin tbipty (30)daysofpublication of tlhisnotice And ftlrthor take notice thatifno objection hasbeen lodged in thisreglstry in the presoribed form withia thimty (30)daysof the date tyf publication of thisnotice,the coartmay plrcted to tflake the granltas prayed or to make slzch fypder asitthinks fit Dated the24th August,1994 SGONGW NYT$ Deputy Registrar,Kericho GAZEIIE NoTlcs No7077 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO N THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHUMO ARAP M ABW AIOF KERICHO PROBATE AND AD M IN ISTRATION Succssslox CAUSB No99oF 1994 LET ALL theparkesconœ rned takeaoitiœ thata petkion fox a grantof letters ofadministrarion intestate to tle estale of the above-named deceased, who digd at M otobo, on 19th April, 1993,has been 51ed in this registry by Sofia Ghesang M abwai, o:f P0Box 14839,K eriaho,in her capacity as an administratrix ofthe deceasedststate Andfurthertake notiœ thatobjexxioru in the prexiited form to tho making of!heproposed grantare lnvited and rltvtbe todge-d in tllpsregist!y Vlhin thirty(30)daysofpublicalix ol thi: notice And furtberta e noticethatifno objection has been lodge in this regigtry kn the prescribed form wkhin thirty (30)(Iay: of the date ofpublication ofthis notice,the collrtmay proceed ta makethe grantasprayod erto tnakenuchorderts h tlzi?nksg Dated the29t1september,1994 SG ONGANYI Deputy Registran Kerkho

57 41 N ovom ber, 1994 TH E KENYA GA ZETTE 2111 GAZETTE No-rlcB N o7078 N THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE M ATTER OF THE FSTATE OF M USA W ESONGA M USA OF KAKAMBGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Sticcssslox CAvsB No61oiz1994 LET ALL 0he pakrriesconcerned takenoticc thata petition for agranitof lotersof admîdnistration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who die:l at Angola Vilage, on 10th February,1993,hasbeen filed ïn thfsregistry by Rukla W esonga Musa,in her capacity as widow of the deceased And futrthertake notice tbrobjectionsin the presoribed form to the making o,f the proposed granltare invited and muptbe lodged in thisregisry witàin ùltirty(30)daysofpublication ôf thw notico And fupthortake notke tllatifno oblecticm hasbeen lodged in thisregistryin the presoribed form within thirty (30)daysof the darte ofpublkation l>f tbisnotice,thc coartmay proceed to maketlhe grantasprayed orto make such orderas itthinksst Dated the17th June,1994 CIAZBTTB AloTlcE ifo7079 W AJUM A, Deputy RegistrarpKakamega TN THE HIGH COURT O1F KBNYA AT KAK AMFJGA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SUTI s/o ISALANO OF KAKAMBGA PROBATE AND ADMIKISTRATION SuccBssloN CAusB No210 of 1994 LET ALL ihepartiesconoorned take notioetihata peitition for a grantof ledte!s(/fadm inistraltbtn inltegtate $to tlhe estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Serem Sub-location, on 29th December,1986,hasbeen sled in thisregistry by Michael LihandaAtsenga,in hiscapacity assen ofthedeceased And fupthertake notice thatobjectionsin the prescribed form to the makjng of the proposed grantare invited and mustbc lodged in thks registry within thirty (30)daysofpublication of thts nouce And fupthertake nctice that ifno objection hasbeen lodged the date of publication of this notice,the courtmay proceed to in thisregistry ln thepreseribed form within thirty (30)daysof makethegrantasprayed orto inakes-ac,lorderasittblnltssk Dated the16th June,1994 GAZLTTSNorfcsNo7080 W AJUMA, Depnty Reglstrar,Kakamega YN THE HIGH ICOURT OF KENYA AT IKAKIM D A IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M USA ASUGA CHIM UM AGAT OF KAIG M BGA SuccEssloN CAusBNo214or 1994 LET AIItG Im lio œ te erotke t>- * > * l4: s arunt4 letter:ofadminltradon intewxtto tg ee te </ tg above-named dcceased,who died atgimomoisub-location,on 12th May, 1990 has been filed in this registry by Ezfma M mboneasuga,m :: hefcapacity aswidow ofthe deceased And furthartakenotico (I)M objtcztic- kltl*p- ribed fozw) to the makiag of tbe prop- d grlatare Zvited and multbe ke in tlzk ro** y <4lin thimty (39)> yçofputlke- *1 tlk # + And furthertake nodcethaitif tujlbjrtion hal beea kdged k tl r+ try il themeseribed form witle tltkty (39)4m of the (htofpubbcate ofthilnoa,tie cmlu lxmy proce h3 - *e tlw ralk aprayed orh)mak*stltilorder*:ittkim 1t Dated tbe9* June,1994 W AJUMA, DepbtyXeglzfrfl/,K tkqmnna GAZETTE NOTICE No7081 IIN THE HIGH COIJRT OF KEINYA AT KAKAM EGA JN THE M ATTBR OF THE F-STATE OF AM TALA KHAINGA AIATSA OF KAKAMFJGA SuccsssloN CAUSB No223 OF 1994 LET ALL the paruescou rned takt aotiœ tha:* lm- for a grantofletersofydminbtration inlevare to theeafte 4 th above-named deceased,who died at Bukura Sub-location, on 26th February,1992,hasbeen filed in this registry by Adam son KhayingaA katsa,in hiscapacity asson ofthe deceased And furthu take Ilotlcfith4ltobjecuensm L1* pfrzscrlbed form ro tbe rnaking of the proptlsed grant are invited and mustb lodged in thi: rogkvttrywithin tlrty (30)dAylofpublicatioo of tls notxx zind furthertake nodce t1n4iîno objectfon lv b= lodged tn tltisregikvtry in theprelstlribe,d form m lthin thirty (363daysof the dat of publicatkm oftbiq notice,tho coujntm ay proce d to maktthe ram asprzyed orto makesuch orderagi4thiak:ât Dàted the16th June,1994 GAZIITB Noxqce N o7082 W AJUMA, D epuṭv RegistrarKakamega JN THE HJGH COIJRT OF KENYA AT K G AMEGA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNAYI EM UHARE SIBOYIOF KAKAMEGA SrccBssloN CAUSE N o225 or 1994 LET A LL the partiesconcerned take nodce thaîa petition for a pran, of letler: of sdministration intestate to tbe estate ofth above-nam ed decfased,who did atebuqlekwe Sub-loca#lonon 28th October,1990,hasbeen filed in this registry by Richard Masinde M onai,in his capacity as son of the deceased Aad ïurthertakenoticethatobjectlonsân Ciw plev nbeo foro to the nmking ofthe pr grantare im> 4mlmux % kdged in Pzlisregigtry within titirty (30)œ ygofpublicaybn 4 thil noùce And furthertake notic:thatifno objectioa hazbeea lodge in thisregistry in tbe Iyrescribed form within thirty (30) dayqof the date ofpublkatfon of thisnotice,the courtinàly pr- eed to make th grantas prayed orto make gu% mdrragh thgqkfh Dated the 16th June,1994 GAZBITE N ozqce N o7083 W AJUMA, D eputy Registrar,Kakamega im TITE HIGH COURT OIF A AT KAKAM FJGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP M ATSANZA M M NA OF KAKAMBGA SuccBsslox CAtiss No226 or 1994 LET ALL the patqesgmcmmed teke notikzethata petitltm for a glànltofleter,sofeydmitni*ration iknte e to the evtalteof he above-nam ed deceased, who died atlurambi Sub-location on 18th October,1987,has been 5led in this registry by Joseph M unanga Livuyi,in his capacity asson of the deceased And furthertakenoticethatoibjectionsln the prezsoribed form to the making ofthe proposed grantare invited and muvtbe lodeed 1n tltisregistly withifn thirty (30)daysofpublication ol this notice And furoertake notice lat1fno enecztion l:atçbeen ltydged in tltis regisftry in the prescrbed form within tlvkty (30) daysof tile dalte5f publication ofthis notikce,thecouu may proceed to makeitdhe gralntasprayedorto make sucth orderask think!fk D ated the 16th June,1994 W AJUMA, Depaîy Reglylnl/,Kakameta

58 zjjz THE KENYA GAZETI-E 4th November, 1994 (làzerre IIOTICB : (IAZETTBèIOTICE è(o 7087 IN THE HIGH fcourt OF KENYA AT KAK AM BGA IN THE M ATIER OF THE ESTATE OF TOM OBALA OLUKUSA GF KAKAM BGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAtlsE N o228 OF 1994 LET al1 tfhe parties concem ed take notice tha?ta peitition fer * grantof lettersof adrnire tratgon ço The estate of the above-named deceased,who died atm enengainursing Home, on 11th October,1992,hasbeen 51ed in thisregistry byrachel Ongayc Okela,in her capacity as widow of the deceased And furthertake noticethalobjcctionsin theprescribed form to the making of the proposrd grantare lnvited and mustbe lodged in thisregistlry within thlrty (30)daysofpublication of this notke zu d furtlzertake nfyticeithatifno omledion hasbe,en lodged kzthisregistryin theprhescribed form wifthin thirty (30)daysof the date of publicatton of this notice,the cotrtmay proceed to make tht grantal prayed orto makesuch orderasitthink:5t Dated the16th June,1994 GAzsrrENowlcs No7085 W AJUM A, Deputy Reglstrar,Kakamega i:n THE ITIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT KAKAMBGA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE 0F RAPHAEL ALINDA OKOYO OF KAKAMBGA PROBATE AND AD M INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAIJSE N o352 of 1994 LET ALL the lmrtiesconcerned tlke notice *%>ëapetition fo: a grarntofletersofadministration int- tuteto the estateofthe above-nam ed deceased, who died at Kisa on 16th Auqust, 1983,hasbeen filed in this reqistry by Nelson Indeche John, in hiscapacity asson ofthedeceased AnH furtâe,rtake noticethatobjeotionsin thepresoribed form to the lnaking ofthe proposed grantare invitcd and must be lwdeed im this registry witlkin thipty (30)daysof publication of IW notice And furthertake notice tqatifno objection hasbeen lodged Cn fhlx reqistrvin t:e pre-scni6ed fomm withîn thipty (30)daysof the dateofpublication ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to make îthegram axqprayed arto makesuckh ordm asltz%lnkset Dated the5th september,1994 GlzerrENoTlcE No7086 W AJUM A, Deputy Registrar,Kakamega!1N TH% ITIGH OINJRT OC KEN MA AT KAKAM BGA IN THE M XFTER OF THE ESTATE OF M W IRE MBULISHE 0F KAKAMEGA SuccEsslox CArsBAfo362 of 1994 LET ALt,tfhepartîesconcerned I?ICe notice thata fœ a erem:o,fletersofadmimlgtradon int-tue èothee- oftlw above-named deceasedwho died atnorth Bl,tqotso,on 24th December 1975, has been filed in this reqlstry by Charles Abwire Mbulishe,in hiscapacity as son ofthe deceased AtUIfue ertake rxodce thatobjecdonsklthepre bed form to the makkm of the proposed gmota!c snvited M d mugtbe lodged in this legiytry withh thimty (30)da> ofpublimtion of And fumhertake notice thatifne raiection hasbeen lodged in this rekritdlyin theprescribedfm m wigin thlsrfô(30)daysof tlledate wfplblication oftllbsnotice,the couu may proceed to makefthe grarftedpraygdorto lrmke 9t1c11orderaisR GinklX Dated the1stseptember,1994 W AJUMA, DeputyRezfyfrlr,Kakamega TN THE HIGH O URT OF KBNYA AT KAKAM F/GA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OTANGA BW ANA PROBATE AND ADM INBTRATION Succsssitm CAusB N o368 of 1994 FṪ ALL tbe partlesconcernetltake aotiee thata pettlon tot z grantof leters of administration intestateto tbe estate ofthe above-named b deceased, who died ateastbunyorein 1967, has aen filed in thîs rcgistry by Joab OkechlAmbuch, in h1s capacity asnephew ofthedeceased AM lumuher take nm:tc,t thatoblectlolsin tbe proscribed form to êhe mlking of tlte Iyroposed grnnraa inrdted and nltgtbm lodged in rlùe regiytry within thirlr 0()izy: ofpabltatmn t:l this netice Antilurthottake netioethatifno objoctlon ilasbeen iodged m thisregistryin theprescribed form within rh!1ty (30)dayscf the date ofpublication i3f (hisnetice, thecotlrtmayproceed to inake the zrantas prayed mto mnke sucb ordcr as itthintsfit Dated the1stseptember,1994 GàzErfeNolqcB No7088 W AJUMA Deputy Reglstrar,Kakamega lin ITIE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMBGA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACKSON AKHW M,E OPENDA Succssslcm CAIJSENo371olv1994 IJET ALL tqem rtiesconcerned take noticethatapetition for a grantofletesrs of administrastison in t< ate to the estafte oftiw above-named deceased, who died at Marama, on 9th January, h1967,hasbeen liled in thisrcgietry by JohnstoneAkhwitle, in iscapacity asson ofthedeceased And furthcrtakerzotlcethatobjectionsin the prfvcribẹd form to themaking oft*e propased Rrantare invited and mustbe lodged in thinregistry within thirty (30)daysofpublicalion of tki: notice And further tlkenoticc thatifno objection hasbeen lodged in tmsregistry in theprescl-ibed form within tbirty (30) daysof thedateofpublication ofthisnotice, tkecotrtmay proceed to makethegrantasprayed orto makesucb *rderasgttlirtkqfit Dated tle5th September,1994 tlazerrs fotlce lfo7089 W AJUMA, DeputyRegistrar,At?/rcrle jw IN TI1E HIGH COURT OF KBNYA AT KAKAM BGA IN THE M ATTER 012THE ESTATE OF LEO OKUM U KHATSW ENU OF KAKAM PGA SuccsssloN CAUSB No372or 1994 LET ATItlte - ptiee tlke noticethxtte lqzn H erqnçof let?ters ofaidmlmltm çitm fnteeate to the ee Te ofthe above-named deceased,who died ateastw anga,on 15tb M arch 1993, has baen sled in this registry by Andrew C Okoyo, Okumu,in hiscapacity asson ofthedeceased And furthertakenotiœ rlatobiectiopa in the prekrile form to t*e making oft@e prolm graathre tnvited and mustlode in t1)1 regs%t ry within Girty (30)day,ofpulfiœ tion e thksnotiœ And fuztherteke nodcethe,lif no obfe cn haâ1- lode kttmsxgigtry io thepree be,d form witlin thirty (30)dm 4 thedate ofpubltxptionoftltisnotioe the (m rtmay * rnxle ta > % pmye fyrtomak mzc: orderask GIH Dated the5f1september, w A JUMA, Deputy Reglstrar,Kakamega

59 41 November,1994 THE KENYA GAZEIVE 2113 GAZLTTE èiotice7:07090 IN THE HiIGH COURT (JF KENYA AT àlfa A IN THE M ATTER OF TH E ESTATE OF AL1 M ZEE W ERE OF KAKA M BGA PROBATE AN D ADM IN ISTRATION SuccsssloN CAUSB N O373 olp1994 LET a1 the parties concornod take notice that a potition for agltanlof lelerspf adminietration inu tate to the e-*afte of the above-named deceased,whodiedateastwanga,on 17thJuly, 1978,has been 5led in this registry by Juma Atitwa M zee?ln hiscapacityasson ofthe deceased And furthertakenoticethalobjeotlonsin theprescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in thisregiskry within thirty (30)days ofpublication of thls notice And furthertakenotice thatifno objectlon has ben lodged in this regigtry itltle prevscribed fonp within thirty (30)daysof t24e date afpublication oftlis nodce,the courtmay proceed to makethegran;taksprayedorto makesuckh ordorasitthinksfjt Dated the5th Septenzber,1994 CIAZETTB çotlcs lfo7091 W AJUMA, Deputy Registrar,Kakamega $fn THE HIGH IOOhURT OF KENYA AT K AK AM PGA IN THE M AW ER 0F THE ESTATE OF M BAYI AMUKHOBE OF KAKAM BGA Succssslcm CAUSENo374()F 1994 LET ALIthe am iesconcerned take noticethata petqtion to# a grantofletters of adlninigtradon inpteltate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atkisa,on 15th Mays1965, has becn liled in this registry by (1) Elfas Shiliebo and (2) John Amukhobe,in their capacities as sons of the deceased AV furthertakenoticethatobjaztionsifltheprexuibed forrn to le mamung oftle plole grantar* infite and mum bt kdged in t:k reo try wkhin tbirty (30)œ ys ofpublim tkm of tlg ngicr And furthertakenodcetlzatifno objediœ hasbewa k:dgod klfl:k regfstry in the prv ribe form within thtrty (30)tjaTsol *e dnet:fpublicaltùm oftbignotice,the courtmay prtxex 1tc inake tilegram msrrayed orto mekesuch erderask t%inkp5: Datedthe5th September,1994 GàzErlE NorlcilNo7092 W AJUM A, D eputy Registrar,K akamega IN THE HIGH OOURT OF KENYA AT KAKAM EGA IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF M ATAYO PERU IM ISA OF KAKAMEIGA PROBATE AND AD M INISTRATION SvccEsslox CAUSB èko375 of 1994 LET ALL the pm ielcxmernod takencdti0: thata lxte m for a zrantofletersofadniiniltra/tionint- ate to the e tateoftlw alaove-nam ed deceased,who died at Lugari, on 10th M arch, 1993, has been liled in this registry by Charles Peru Simeon, in hiscapacityasson ofthedeceased And fu:thartm notice tzatobjeotixu h tlepr- rie fgm to the rp-kirzg czf tlke propned glnantare invited and mustbe IOdN in :b1h regst ry wif,hln thirty(30)day: ofpulblicatle ef t And furtltertako notix thatcfno objxtion ikasbeen lodgetl inithisreplkgt * ry iln theprescribed fonn within thirty (30)daysof the dazte of nublicatlon ofthis notice,the coud tmay proceed to mintkt ṭ1* gram as prayed orto make such order asittblnksht Dated the5th September,1994 WAJUVA, D eputy Reglstrar,Kakamega CIAZETTE ACOTICE::07093 tzn TITE HIGH COIJRT (7F KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LUMITI LUTFSHIOF KAKAMBGA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAtTss N o376 of 1994 T-ET ALL dthe paytles take notice thata petkitynfa gram of letters ofadm iaigtration intee teto tlhe egtate of tle above-named deceased,who died atshikulu,on 15th October, 1969,has been filcd in this registry by Isaac ShivachiAshiono, in his capacity asbrotberofthe deceased Andfopzlertakenotice thaltolbkctionsi!lthe presoribed folm to the making of the proposed gran,tare invited and mu< be ltdged in this registry within thirty (30)daysnfpulblication of thisnotice And fuoùhertake notite tfhntifno ddection has benlodged in this regigtry in thepresoribed form within thirty (30)daysof tlhe date ofpublg don ofthîsnotice,thecourtmay proceed to mnke ltle graatasprayed orto makesuch oltderasithblnkz& Dated thé 15th September,1994 W AJUMA, Dtputy Regîstrar,K akamega GAZEH B NorlcENO7094 JIN THE SENIOR RESIDBN T M AGISTRAK S COURT AT HOMA BAY IN THE M ATTEIR OF THE BSTATE O?F ARUNDA OCH IAJIOF HOMA BAY PROBATB AND AN INILSTRAT ION SuccBsslEm CAUSB No74 O LET ALL thepalles concerned take notice thata petitlon for a grantofieters ofadministration intestafe to the estate ofth akbove-namelddeceased,who dieda(tarujosub-locadon,in 1*7, haslbooflfiled in tllfsregistry by Zabina 0Arunda,ofArujo Sulb-location,Homa Ba y Location,POIbox 55$1,Homa Bay inhercapacityaswidow ofthedeceased And fklrtbertakenoticethatobjxtionsin theprescribed form to therrlakja: ofthe proposed grantare invite,d and mustbe lodged intbisrojistly withinthirty(30)daysofpublioationol thl notice And furthertnkenotice thatlfno obiection ha, been IOI:ed ln thisrezstly in the prescribed form within thirty (30)daygof tbe date of publication of this notice,the courtm ay- proceed to maketheranlasprqyedorto inakesucb orderasitthinks:t Dated tlle14th Septembtr,1994, KEANA M OGAM BI, D lstrktregistrar,f-ltlgrl/dbay GAZEITB N otlce No7095 IN THE SENTOR RESI M AOISTRATES O URT AT HOM A BAY lîn THE M ATTER OF TRE BSTATE OF JAM ES AYAYA OF M IGORIDBV IW PBOBATE AND ADM TNISTRATTON SuccsssloN W USE No82 OF 1994 LET ALL then rties(xmcerned take notiœ th:1ta fe * grantofletersof adminigtm tlen inlteatate to the e*ate 4 th* above-named deceased,wlto died at Kasnyirftach Sub-location, W Att K am agam bo locafion,on 19th Augt!st 1980, haq b-en liled in this registry by Joseph O dem Ayaya, of W est Kam agambo Tloeatioln,PO Box 291,Sare, in his capacity as son ofthe deceaseld AndfurthertakenoticetM tobieotionsin tht prexrlbedform to the making of tlz proposzd grarytare invlted and mu#tl>4 Iodged in ri1i,sreàvtry witfhln thifrty (30)tlly: (ylmzblio tion ol tlîsnotice ind furthertakenoliœ tllwtkf no tybe tion hx,be %4+ ln tldgrfglgtzy in tlw prexe ydform within thirty (30)dly:ol tihe date of pulylicatlon ofthi: notio tlte mm rtm ay prcme % nwk@ tlleru te: prayed orto ma tu ate:@nl- a: k Y nh & Datdd the28g Septembor,1994 KBANA M OGAM BI,

60 1t14 TlCIE KENYA GAZEIW 41 November,1994 GAZETTBNOTICE NO7096 IN THE SENIOR REKDBG MAGISTRAW S COURT AT KBRUOOYA IN THE MATIXR OF THE IBSTAW OF SAM W L KIMANIKIBUOIOF KBRUGOYA PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION SuccEssloN (CAUSE No3:29OF 1994 LET al the partieas concepned take notic,e tlalt a petitipn f0r agmnitafletorsofadmiaistrastion integtate totheegtateofthe above-named deceasod,who died atdistriothospital,karatina, on 7th July,1991,imsbeen filed in this rogistry by David W aweru Kimani,of POBox 291,Kerugoya,in Ms capacity asan administratorofthedezceasedsestte And furthertakenoticethaùtobjectionsin tle prtscribed form to the making ofthe proposed gl-antare mvitd and mustbe lodged in tlùsreqistrywifhin tltirty (30) dan ofpuûblicatlon of thls notice And furthcrtake notice fhati,fno oblection htsbeen lodge# t thisregigrry ilthe prccrilbed fonn within thirty (30)daysol che dalte c/f ptlblicalion of this nodce,t6e coulrtmay procted to qm/ke rth:grantaspmyed orto make&tlch ordera: itthinksiit Dated the26th September,1994 FFWANJIKU, DlstrictRegistrarKerugoya GAZEITS NorlésNo7ô97 I:N RTIE SFJNIGR RESIDF,NT MAGISTRATES COURT AT KERUOOYA IN THR M AYTFR OF YHE FSXAV OF TIM OTHY NGXIOF KBRUGOYA PROBATE Ar ADM INISTRATION SuccBssloN CAUSE N03%f1OF 1994 LET M,L thrpartiesconcctnxd ltakenoltice tl:ata N titlon fer a graatof letters(yfadminisltration integtateto the estate ofthe abovewnam ed deceased, w lo dicd tat Guam a Sub-location, on 31stOctoMer, 1992,hasbeen filed in this registry by Nathan Nd!qNga op0box96klanyaga,in hiscailacityasan admlnîstratorofthedeceasedsestate M d furthertakenodcethatobjectionsin theprescribed form to the maldng of theproposed gran)tare invitd and lnustbe lodged in this registry withfn tlkirty (30)days ofpublicatïon of this noticé And fupthertake notice timt?fno oblectlon lasbeen lodged in thlsregigtryin theprescrifbed ferm within thipty(30)daysof the date of publicatioq of this nottce,tlxecourtmay procted to make11e gmfntasprayed orto nzake svuch orderasltpblnkslitv Dated tlzezlrtloctofber,1994 FFWANJIKU, DistrktReglstrarKerugoya GAZETTB No4qcB No7098 IN THE STN OR RE MAG STRATEY COURT AT KBRUGOYA JN THE M ATTER DF THE BSTATE OF M M UCHOM BA OF KRRUGOYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccBsslœ CAUNE No3133or 4994 LET althepartlesconèerned takenotice thata petition fcir a erantoflettersofadministration intestalte to the ee teofthe above-named deceased,who died atkaratina Hospltal,on 23rd June, 1989,bas been Iiled in this registry by Agnes Gathoni M unyiri,in hercapacity asan admiristratrix ofthe deceaseds ostate And furthertuke neticetila:objeotionsin the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grantare inviled and mtlstbt lodged in thisregistry within tltitrty (30)(lays ofpuelicatln of this notke And furthertake notice thatifno objection hasbeen lodged in this registly in tlae prekscrilbed form within t1)1%* (30)daysof the dafte cfpublication ofthisnoticesthecourtmayproceed to makethe grantasprayed orto make such orderaeitthinkgh Date the26th September,1M FFWANJG U, Dlz* lre& t- fef+ J* GAZETTE NoTlceNo7G99 &N THE STJNIOIR REKOENT M AGISTRATES COURT AT K BRUGOYA :N THE M ATTBR OF THC ESTATE OF M UCHIRI NYAGA OF KERUGOYA PROBATE AND ADW INISTRATrON ksuccbsslon CAussNo334 OF 1994 LET ALL thepartiesx ncernedtake noticethata Ixtëticm for a gram of letlters c/fadm inigtm tion irntestae to tfhe egtate ofthe above,named deceasodswho died a;tguama Cocation,on 6th March,1W 6,fha7sbeen 5led in thisregistry by Waiganjo Muchiri, ofpotbox 148,Kianyaga,fn hfscapadty asan administrator efthe,doceasodsestate And furthertakenctice thatobjectionsi4n theprescrgbedform to the making ofthe proposed grantareinvited and mustbe lodged in thlqrogisùry within thirty (30)days ofpublication of this notice And furthertake natitx thaktifn!e (ybsecption has been lodged in thisregi&try in tllepv cribed form witlin thlmty (30)dạysof the date of ptlblicatbn ofthis nodce,the coumtm ay proceed to maketlegmrntasprayed otrto mlnke such orderasitthinksfit o atedtile4th Ootofber,4994 FFW ANJIKU, DîstrictReglstrav,Kerugoya GAZBTIE N ortcb N o7100 FN TITE SFJNIOR REKDFJNT MAGTSTRATES COUR T AT O RUOOYA IN THE M ATTBR OF PHE BSV ATE OF MW ANG M BUNOU OF KERUGOYA PROBATE AND AIDM INISTRATION isucclssloxtchusbno335of1994 IJET al tiïe psrtims concerned take notice that a pelition far a granttfletersofadmxnistratityn inteatateto theestafte ofthe above-named deceased,wifo (lieë attumu Tumu Hospltal,on 10th M ay,1994,hasbeen filed in thisregistry fby JaneW ambui Mwangi,ofPOBox54,Sagaoa,inhercaèacityasanatlministratrix ofthedoceasedse/tate Andfurthertake noticethaftobjeotbnsin theprescribed form to the mnklng of the ploposed grantare invlted and mustbe lodged jn this regkry witfhin tlirty(30)days ofptlblication of this notice And ftlo ertiake notice thatif no obkction uasbeen lodged in this registryin theprescdfbedform within thirty(30)daysof tle date ()lfpublication ofthisncdcethe courtmay proceed to make,the grantaspmyvd orto mak:suc h orderasitfhinksfit Dated the26th deptember,1994 FFWANJIKU, DlstrktRegfyfrcr,Kerugoya GàZITrB NoTlcsNo7101 IN THE O NJI)R RE9JCmINT MAG,ISTRATES COURT AT klbruooya T& THE M AITFJR OF THB Fom fe OF KCM GU M tm tqf KERUGOYA PROBATE AND ADM YNISTRATION Succu sltm CAUSB Wo336 ce 1994 LET ALL tlle partiesoonoerned okenlùlce thatalxltition for a yrantofletters4 admlni#tmltlbn itnte:tlte to the egtate of th@ abovemamed dweased,who died at Kfamjanga Sub-loclation, on 611th January,1987,qasbeen filed in tlisregistry by Esther NjeriKiragu,ofP,10Box 206,Karatina,in hercapacity asan admînfztratrix ofthedeceasm sestate And ftprthertakenotic,e tbatogjxtionsi?n the gr-oribed ferm to the making of the proposed grant areinvittd and muftbe lodged kltlti: reglstry wityln tlkirty (30)daysofpublimtion of fo n ** iandfuehertm notie tw tjfno objection hasbeenlodged n tl reglxt ry in tiz prekrilxd form w itllin thirty (30)dm of th* daa d publication oftidsnotice,thecoulrtmay plmceedto make tlw gl< ta:praye or* > Le suth opde a%ltfhlnkg5ṭ m te ,1* 4 YFWANJIKU! nbtrletr##1rj#5p,kenqoya

61 4% Novardbet, 1994 I7IW K BN YA GA ZEIV E 2115 GAzzrlE NorlcENo7102 IN THE SENIOR RFO FJNT M AGISTRATES O URT AT KERUGOYA IN THE M ATITZR OF TIRE ESTATB OF GAKUBA CG KW A OF KERUGOYA PROBATE AND AOM INISTRATION Succssslox CAU:E No339 of1* 4 LET ALL the lv tloggmcerned tako notiœ thxta m tltion for l m ntof 1r,6M ofadministmtion integtateto the ostateofthe above-named deceased, who died atm utira Location, on 4th July,1993,hasbeen filezd in thisregistry by Leonard Gakuya, ofpobox 51,Kerugoya,in histapacity asan admlnlstrator of tâedecene sestate And furthertake noticetbatobjecdionskltheprescribed foinn to tlo making of the proposed grantare ingited and mustb > in IW rea trywitlin thirty(30)daysofpublication of Zilmytice M d furtlv take natice thatifno objetion hasbeen lodged K thi:rem ry in the prescribod f01v1witâin G irty (30)daysof tu G te d!publication oftmsnotice,:he cotartmay proceed to - t-th* graatlsprayed or to mak guclorderas it thinksât m ted tle4t1zoctcfber,1+ FFWANJIKU, DistrlctRegistrar,Kerugoya (IAZRTrE è4otjcefo7103 > THE SENI@R RFA M AG W RA TES COURT AT KBRUGOYA N T IE MATIBR OF THE ESTATE OF TM IAH M UCHIRIM ARINGA OF KERUGOYA PRBBATE AND AM D ISTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSENb3%2 or 1W 4 IJBT ALL the lxartiesmncerned takenoucethata petkion fot * grantofletersofadmkiistratltm intestste to the e:tateofth: xbovewnamed deceased,who died atthumaita,kithtlmbu,on zlwtjune,1987,hasbeen filed in thisregistrybyjanew angithi Ngai,ofPOBox 63,Kagio,in hercapacity asan aaml-nistratrix oftledeceasesestate And furthertakonoda thaltobfedionsin the prescribed form to the makiag of the proposed grantare invked and mustbe lodged in thisregiktry within thirty (30)daysofpublicadon of iisnotice M d fue ertakenotic,e thatifno objx tion basbeellodged h thisrebstry in the prescrbed form within Ithirty(30)daysof tlze da? of N blicatkm oftlisnotice,tho countmay proceodta nkq&t txe grantae prayed orto m,qkm sugh orderasittllinksht G tpd the 26th September1A 4 FFW ANJtIKU, DbtrictRegistrarKerugoya Gzzerle NoTlcs No7104 KN THE S> lg t REKDFNT M AGLG TES O URT AT KFXUGOYA IN TllE M AM R OF ITIE BSTATE OF BLOIIA M RIUKIM WAIOF KERUGOYA PROM IE Ae ADM INIW XM ION Su= sslox CzusE Nb343or 1W 4 %RT ATaItjte x rtiescanernedtake no*,a%a*a poo onlot * gmntofleters of edministm tion integtate to the estate oft14e above-name deceased,who died atkaratina Hospital,on 16t1 May,1991,*asbeenfiledln thissegistry by Penina Wagithi Kariuki,ofPOBox 55,Karadna,iahercapacity asan aamln lstratrix oftlledeceaxdsctate And furtherteke notice thn:obj-nhtr- xkktlx pr- ribu f- * te ma%ln: oftho prov ed grantre invitm and mustbe H lmd kttl regbtry witbia thirty (30)dap (# pubecation of *h e And fury take aotice thatifno objxtion has been ledgtd ln tbk reglgtry in thepreserifbed form w/hin thirty(30)daysof tlean- èfpublkation oftllisnotice,thecourtmayproceod to mait- fte G l1* m1praym orto make sudzoze > lte*nkaf4t G td 1e26* &ptember1> sy?w txxlm u, DbtrktRedlyfrcr,Kerunoya GAZEAIE NoiicENo7105 IN THE SENIOR RESIDFJNT M AG STRAW S COURT hk xsatr oya IN TfW M ATIER OF THE RSTATE OF C IIG&TI ARFaRIOF KBRUGOYA SuccessloN CAUSE No344or 1W 4 LET al1thepartiesconcerned take notice thata petition fer agmntofiettersofadministration intestate to theeseoateofthe above-namzddegeased,whodiedatkerugoyahosgital,on13tb May,1974,hasbeen filedînthisregistrybybcthlwakathaiya Ciglti,ofPOBox7,Kianyaga,in hercapacity asan admlnltratrix ofthe dec:asedsestate And furthertakenotice thatobjectionsifn the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grantareinvited and mustbe lodged in this regkyrywitlxin tbifty (32)days ofpublkation of this notice And furtheitake notice thatifno objection hasbeen lodged in thisregiytry in tqepresoribedform witrhin thirty (30)daysof the dateofpublicatio:a ofthisnotice,thecourtmayprocced to make thegram asprayodorto make suzh ordorasitthi nksnt nrftedrthe26th September,1994 FFWANRKU, DistrktRcgfyfrcr,Kerugoya GAZEITB NoTlcEN07106 IN THE SENIOR RCSTDBNT M AGISTRAV S COIJR T AT KBRUGOYA IN llle M ATTBR OF THE BSTATE OF MARTNOA NOONDO OF KBRUGIOYA PROrBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSENo345or 1994 LBT ATC lfhe partiesmmcernedtakenotice thatax titkm fer grwntofiettelsofasdministrqtgon htestxte to tlle eptate lftlw above-pameddeceastd,who died atnyangatisub-location,on 29th M ay,1988,hasbeen 5led in thls reglstry by (1)Damaris WanjeriM arilngaand (2)Wagikutha MaringaNgondo,both of Kutus,in their capacitiesas administratricespf the deceaseds estate And furtlertake noticethatobiectioasin the prescribed form to the Inakinz oftheproposed grantare invitcd and mustb: lodged in this registrywithin thipty (30)days()fpublicatx ol tms notite And furthertakenoticesthatifno cfbîection hasbee,ttlodted kztiàigregistryitat:eprescribedform withinthirty (30)daysof the,date(yfpublication ofthisnodcet:e courtrnav oroceed O mwethgrantaeprayed orto nuke such orderq sk fhlwk:5t Dated tlle4* Octorber,1994 YFWANJIKU, DîstrîctReglstrarKerugoya GàzErrs NOTICE NO7107 1N THE SENIOR RESIDENF M AGISTRATES COURT ȦT KERUGOYA IN THE MAITER O17THE ESTATE OF NDUNYU NGONDU PROBATE AND ADMRNISTRATICIN SuccEsslox CAuss N o365 oy 1994 LET ALL the(partiesoonconnzlitukenopticethœta petition for agmntoflotersofadmînigtration intesfate to the estate oftlhe abovc-named dcccased,who diedat Kianjatzga Sub-location, on 24t,1 January, 1994, hasbeen filcd in this registry by Anthony M uthike,of130box 384,K erugoya, in hiscapacity asan administratorofthedeceascdsestate M 4 furthertakenotke thatobâeelionsin the pr- ribe fnrm to Ithemakingoftloproqosedgramtareinvited aod rnystb: lodged in tlkistegistry withln thîrty (30)daysofpublicahon of tlislotice And furtlertake notice tllatifno objection hasbeen lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30)daysof thedateofpublication oftbisnotice, tbe courtmay proceed to makethe grantasprayedorto makesuch orderasitthinks5t Dated tlt24th October,1994 DhtrictReglstrar,Kerugoya

62 2146 THE KEN YA GAZEU E 4tN N- ember,1994 GAzsrrs NoTlcsNo7108 IN THE O NIOR RESIDENT MAG: W S COURT AT BUNGOMA,1N THE MATTER OF THE BSTATE OF W N KUNDU WACHILONGA OF BUNGOMA PROBATB AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSE NO86 O IJET ALL lthefpartiescono rned takenodcethata petition for a grantof lettors df administlration intosptate to She estate of the alybve-named deceased,who died atn airobi,on 271 July l1989, lasbeenfiledinthisreyistljbygeorgekhaembawaclulonga, of POjY x 157, Kinkihli,m hi s capacity as an admilistrator ofthe deceasedseso te - A ctlfurtertakenotico tlsqftobjtetionskïtàe prescribed fnrra to the mxakltg offtle proposed grantare itwited and mustbt k!tlaig rege y txhirtyf 30)(Ial r;fpublicmkpn ef thisnoe e Aad furthertake notice thatifno obm te hasbeen lodged klthisre/ssryin rhe p7escribed form vzittia tlûrty (J9)daysof th* dat:e of rzublication ottàisnotke,tbe cmzrtmay prtx:zvd to mxke the gram as prayed or to make such ordera: itkjlilkqt Dated tle141 H ly,1994 NOW IWO, DîstrktReglstrar,Bungoma GAZEITB NoncsNo7109 JN THE SFNIOR RtESIDFJNT MAGTSTRATES SCOURT AT BUNGOM A IN IH E M ATTER OF THE BSTAW OF BFIRF KFINBIE OF BUNOOM A PROBATE AND ADMINBTRATION SuccEssloN CAUSENo90 of 19% LET ALL tlx pakntiesconcerned take noticethata - fœ a grdantofleters ofadm inîsktrption loteelate to the e- te of the above-named deccased,who diod at Luucho Village,on 23rd April,1983,has bcen filed in thisregistry Iby PeterRichard Khisa Boiyo,of POBox 856,K itale, in his gapacity as an administratorofthe deceaseds estate And ftlrthertakenoticcthatolbleodonsin theprosoribed form to the making,ofthe proposed grazltare invlted and mustbe lodged itn txis registry withkltle ty (30)daysof putblication of th1 riotice And fue er 1% notice thatifno onection hasbeen lodged in thisregibla in the presclbed fonn witb-in thirty (30)dm of the date8 publgcation of tlzis notice,the cojzrt may proceed to makethe grantasprayed orto makesuzh orderasitthinksflt Dated the 8th August,1994 N0> 0, D lstrktregîstrar,bungoma tlhzelqb VOTICE : &N THE SFM OR RESIDBNT M AGISTRATES COIJRT AT IBUNGOMA 1N THE M AIO R OF IRTE ESTATE OF JOIO PH AT CHEV BFJNIICHESCEBE OF IBIJNGOM A PROBATE AND ADM INTSTRATION Succssslcm CAIJSE No98oF 1694 LET Al-zlxfhepartlest-,oncernedtakenoticethwta xekbn for a erant af16tfers ofezm gnistra4qon snteqtaçte to theea%late(w tlhe above-named decehased,who diod atm isikhu,on 24th Augusț hasbztzn filnd Jn thisregistry by Jan:ChrmaiCh-mbeni, ofpobox 17,Ch optalssin hercaplcity asan adminigtmjtrix ofthedeceasedsestate And furlhcrtalce noticethaftobicctionsim thenrescribed form to the making of :he proposed grantale invitcd and mustbe lodged in t11% registrywitàin tfhirly (30)daysofpuiblkation of Gisnoœ e And ftlrthertake notlce thatifno obiection l!asbeen lodged in tlsreglstry in the presoëbed form wilthln thîdy(30) daysof tle date ofpublication ofthls notice thecourtmayproceed to make the grantasprayed orto nukesuoh orderasltthlnksft Datgd the29th August,1W 4 A0M UCHELUIDE, DlstrktRî/l/rlr,Bungoma <IAZETTS ;fot1cb èfo7111 i5n THE SENIOR lteslie/flnr MAGISTRATES COURT AT IBUNIGOMA IN THE M ATIER OF THE BSTATE OF M ASTNDANO M M AIJIM ANCG IOF BUNIO M A PROBATE AND ADMINISFRATIGN Succssslox CArss No102o? 19)4 LET M t $the Ixtzûes rvwwvrned takeao> % tl f- a arant of leçtezs of adminltmativm mteastaṫe to rl:e GTate ofth* a6ave-named deceased,who died atm abusiarea,eastsangalo Sub-location,on lstjuly,1987,has been sled in tllisrogistry by Absolom Wafula Masïndano, of POBox 285,Bungoma, in hiscapacity asan administrartorof the decemsods estatö AIXIiurmmtako nouce T,h1aoolectkonsG tm çreknbtd f-- to tle making ofthe proposed g= tla invie elzd mud e kadged in chis registry withwn tbirty tion e tu ne e zu 4 ftue tak e ce a wwtifno & jzve n E% hvn loe e m thklroge kkth= pr- dbe fonn <the * (3è)* 44 d)e dpzte cë publkxd,aa of tlkilng ice,gc courv toay procu t4 make tbe grantasprayed orto m ake such ord*r asittltjnk:;t Dated the7th September,I9M NOW INO, DistrktRegîstrar,Bungoma GAZETTE NOTICE No7112 i!n THE SEM OR RESIW NT MAGISTM TES COURT AT BUNGOMA IN THIE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M AURIG JUM A WANDABWA OF BUtNG OMA SuccsssloN CAUSE N O1(h4OF 1994 LET a1 tle ppartios concmlmod tuke notice that a petition for a grantaf lottersof atlminisltrxtio:n irytegtate to the estate of the above-named deceased,who died atwamirembe Sub-location, Bungom ason 221:&d January,1975,haSbeen liled in this registry by illobertsimiyuh Kisaka,of POBox 170,Bungoma,itk*is eagacity asan adminiytratorofthedeceasrdsesute >nd furtbortaheac/tice thetobjcctionsln t14pr- ribed form u)tlx mrktqg cftle proposed grant lre invited and mmt b* ltylflted tn tbl rogistry within thirty (30)(laysnLplèlitxtion of ltnd furtherlakenotict thgtifno obbecllon htebtxn lodn fl tlsre/x,try(1ktlzo prooribed form witlù thirty (30)deysof êb* dateofpt:blicatite oftltisnotice,ie courtm:y proce to qkaketlze gnlztawprayod orto mak mlch orderqsk tlink:ât Dated tlle 12G Scptember,1994 A 0M UCHBLUDE, DîstrktReglstrarBungoma GAZBIIE NoncENo7113 fllç THE SFJNIOIR RBSIDCINT MAGIISTRATES O URT AT KITUI IN THE M ATTER OF THE BSTAIV OF OSMAN MASOUD OF KITUIDISTRICT SuccEssltm CAUSB W o58 of 1991 I,lET AI-IL tfhe partiesconoerned takentyticetlm/tapytition fot a grantoflotersofadlm inigtration intoatate to the estate of tle above-namod dceased,who diod at Coatst General Ho&pltal, on27thmarch,1993,hasbee,nfiledinthisreëistrybymaimuna H ussen, of Kitui ToFnship, Kitui D istrict,m her capacity as widow ofthe deceased And fufrthertakenoticetlatobjtu lonsin theprescribrd ffvrrn to Itlhe making of the proposed grantare lnvked and mustbe lodged in tihisregistry wlthln tlzirty (30)daysofpublication of tllsnotice And furthertake notice thatifno objection hmsbeen lodged in thisregistry in tho prescribcd fonn within thirty (30)daysof the date ofpublication of thisnotice,the courtm ay proceed to makethegrantasprayed orto make such orderasitthink:fit Datdd G e1411tseptember,1994 N A KNJFJRU, DtstrktRegafrlr,Kltuf

63 4* Novomber,1994 THE KENYA GAZETO 2117 GA- TTE NoTlcE No7114 IN THE SENIOR RESIDEU M AGISTRATES COURT AT NYAH URURU IN THE M AW ER OF THE F-STATE OF PHOEBY N YOKABIGITHFJGIOF KARATINA,NYERIDISTRIW SuccEssloN Càuss è4o85 of 1993 LET A;LItlle > xiesaynœrned take notiœ rhleta petition fol :rant4 lettersa administration inteatate to the edtate ofthe above-named deceascd,who died atdistricthoqpitalkaratina, Nyeri Districton 13th N ovem brr, 1990 has becn liled in thls registry by Francis M uriuki Looremeta, of PO Box 48, Kinamba,in hiscapacity asan administratorofthe deceaseds esh te And furthertakenotice thartobjeotionsim thtprescribed forl) to the making oftlle proposed grantareinvited and mustbe lodgod in t1 reo try within thirty (30)daysofpublicannn of :1t1;kjlylrtftlt) And fl- her takenotitx tâatifno owytion lasbeenlodgef 1 thsregbtryin the prescribed form witbin thlrfy (3(b dzysol thedate ofpublication ofthisne ce,thecourtmay proceed to > ke tbe grantasprayed ortomake suclorderasitthlnks:t, Dated the 71 July,1993 W KARANJA, DfsfrfcfRegîstrar,Nyahururu GAZETTBNOTICE No7115 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATESCOURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL MWANGIKABAU ALIASPAUL MUNGA OF KANYAGIA SCHEME,NYANDARUA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAUSENo111OF 1994 LET ALL the partiesxncernedtake noticethatadtition for a grantofletersofsdministration int- ate to theegtateofthe above-named deccased,who died atnyeri General Hospital, on 5h July1984,hasbren filed in thiy registry by M onicah Nlekehu M wangi,ofpobox 181,Nyahururu,in hercapacity as an adm inistratrix of the dcceaseds estate AnHfurthertakenaticethatobje oneinth*pmscribedform to tle making of the plopoed gmrytare invitod aad muw l> ged in thisreglst rywitlun lthilfty (30) tlaye ofpablicwlon of G mnote And furthertake notice*atifnoobjeotion hasbeo lodgmd klthisregistry in t:eprescribed form witlzin thirty (30)days of the tlathe ofnaàlication of this notice,the courtmay proceed to mnke thegrantasprayed orto make such crdorask thinks it Dated the 71 July1994 JNKIREMBUI, DîstrictReglstrar,Nyahururu GAZBIIB NorlcB No71$16 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE MAH ER OF THE ESTATE OF STANLEY W ACHANGA NYINGIOF SILIBW ET SCHEM E,NYANDARUA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SvccessloN CAUSB lo117 op 1994 LET ALL tlze pm iesooncerned take notice thata pedtitm for a gm 1of1e- ofadministration intem te So theegtate ofr3e above-named deceased, who died at N yahururu Hospiul, N yandarua District,on 13th M ay,1988, has been filcd in this registry by Laban Waigwa W acllangayofpobox 468,Nyeri, in Ms capacity asan administrator of the deceasedsestate Ana fle ez take nmce thqtobje nsia 210presoribed form * te > king of th* prc- d granùtare invited % 2 mustbe ** akltlisry strywithin thirty(30)dan ofpubncationôf %- m<x And flzrrltherfnke noticetxatifno oblxtion hasbrzen lodged la tle m t10 prescabedform within thlrty(30)daysof * ru- 4% publiaooa ofthi snotice,tlo coortmay procted to MA e tlo graataepraye orto mnbesudlorderasil*htnkank Dated tlw 18tl1July,1994 JNKIREMBUI, DâfrlclReglstrarNv hururu GAzsrrs NoTlcBNo7117 IN THE SENIOR RESID ENT M AGISTRATES COURT AT NYAH URURU IN TH E M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PRISCILLA NYIHA NJOROGE OF OL JORO OROK SCHEM E,NYAN DARUA PROBATE AND ADM IN ISTRATION SuccEsslox CAuss N o120 of 1994 LET ALL the partiesconcorned takenoticetl:ata petidonfofr a grantof leters efadministratiollilntestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who dled at Uaso Nyiro River, Nlan darua, on 231c1 Novcm bcr, 1983 has b 2en ûled in this registry by Patrick IGitau,of POBox 39,01Joro Orok,in his capacity as an adm inistrator of the deceaseds estate And ftrthqrtake noticetllatotsectionsin the presoribed form tb themaldng of the proposed grantarc invked and mustbe lodged in thisregistry within thirty (30)* ys ofpub lication of thisnotice And fupthortake notice thatifno oblection hasl)eerllodged in tlis registry in thoprtsoritbed form within tifrty (30)dap of the dateof pubticatioa of thisnotice,the couqrtm ay proceed to znake the gm ntas prayed or to make such orderasitù4lnksâk Dated the18th July,1994 JNKIREM BUI, D îstrktregistrar,nyahururu GAZETTENOTICE NO7118 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JACOB KARANJA NGANGA OF NYAHURURU TOW NSHIP,LAIKIPIA DISTRICT Successlox CAUSENO157OF 1994 LET ALL thepartielsx ncerntld takenoticethatax titilx tm a gmntoflet4erxofadministration intekatotothee*tafteoftlxe above-named deceased,who died atn yahurtlru Town,Laikipia Districtelt 30:1January 1993,has b :cn filed in this rcgîstry by (1)Ruth M wihakikaranja and (2)Stephen Njuki,b0th of POBox 283,Nyahururu,in thzir respcctive capaciticsas an adm inistratrix and adm inistrator of the deceaseds estate And ftmthertake noticethatobjectionsin theprescribedform to tlze making of theproposed grant are invited and mustbe ladged in fhisregistry within thidy (30)(Iaysofpublication of f!h xq n otx-ce And furthertakenoticethatifno objection hasbeen lndged bltiïisregistryin the prescdbed form within thirty (3B)daysd thedateofpublication ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed to make thegrantasprayedorto makesuch crderasitthink:nt Dated the61 October,1994 JNKIREM BUI, DistrictRegêstrar,Nyahururu G AZEITB NoTlcE N o7119 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGBTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF M IRIAM NYAM BURA MAINA OF M AGUMU LOCATION, SOUTH KINANIGOP,NYANDARUA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATSON Sgccssslox CAUSE N o161 of 1994 LET At,t thepartiesoonœrnedtakentytiœ ùiaata petkion fo% a gran!toflettersof adminigsration inte&tate to the egtartlof tlw above-named deceased,who died atm bam boo Location,Soutlz Kinangop,Nyandarua District,on 26th May, 1994,has been filed in this registry by Gcrrishon M aina W aweruofpobox 40,Kinale,in hiscapacity asan aclministratorofge deceaseds estate And furthertakenolice tlzatobjootionsin theprescribed form to the making of the prov td grmltare invited and mustbc lotjged in tâisregistry within tlzirty (30)daysofpublicadoa of thisnotke And fudhertake notko thatifno objection hasbeen lodged k:thisre> try in fhe prescribed fx/rm within lthirty (30)daysof tlze date ofpublication oftlis nodce,the couotmay procee,d to nwzkefthe grantasprayed orto m ako sueh ordorasittbtrt kslit, Dated the61 October,1994 W KARANJA, DhtrktRegL%trar,Nyahururu

64 2118 TI1E K EN YA O AZETIE 41 N ovem ber, 1994 flazrtrb qotlcb qo7120 IAZETTEfOTICE : IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF ISAAC OTIENO ONIAGA OF BONDO DIVISION, SIAYA D ISTRICT SuccBssloN CAusE N o166 of 1994 LET a1l the par:ies cencerned take notice thafta petition fol a grantoflottersof adm inistratîon inteslate to the estate ofthe above-named deceased,wlzo died at Kendu Mision Hospital, Siaya District,on 2nd June,1987,has baen 5l(zd in this reglstry bymargaretjesicaangose,ofpobox19,yimbonyamonye, v1abondo,inhercapacfty asan administratrix ofthe deceaseds estte An3 furthertake noticethatobje - intj!epresoni,ed form to themauking oftbe proposed grantare invited and mustbe lodged in thisregixtp witlun thirty(30)daysofpizblicatioq af this notice And furthertake noticetbatifno objection hasbeen lodged in tmsrelstry in tleprescribed form wiîhin thirty(30)daysof thedateofpublication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed t/ -e ethegrantasprayetlorto makesuch orderrsitthinks:t Dated the17th October,1994 JNKIREM BUI, DistrktRegîstrar,Nyahururu IAZBTTBi4oTlcB : IN THE SENIOR RESIDBNT M AOISTRATES COURT AT OYUGIS IN THE M ATTFJR OF THE BSTATE OF ABTSHAI ONGER OF O IJTH NYANZA DISTRIW Succsssltm CAUSE (No41or1994 LET XLL theiyarkieseoncernètltakenpktitoethia)ta petitlkon fof a Rraltof lctlers of administration intestate to the esrate of 1le above-nanied deceasotl,who idied at Koikal Sub-lbcation, on 12th June,1969,hasbezn filed in tlzisregistrybyjohn Abongo Abishai,ofKokalYub-location,in lis capacity asson ofthe deteased And furthertakenoticethatoblectionsin the prescribeflform to the making ofthe proposed grantare invited and mustb: lodged in this reistry within thirty (30)daysofpublication of this notice And furthertakenotieethatifno objection hasbeen lodgeö in thisregistry in theprescribed form withintbirty (30)daysof the dateofpublication ofthisnotice,thecourtmay proceed te makethegrantasprayed orto makesuch orderasitthinks;t Dated th:231*d Soptamber,1994 snrtpcl-ll, DîstrktRegîstrar,Oyagfxç GAZETIBNo-rics No7122 1K THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGBTRATESCOURT AT BUSIA IN THE MATFER OF THE ESTATE OF OLOO ODANGO PROBATE AND AD M INISTRATION SgccEsslox CàusilNo170oy 1994 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition fora grantoflettersofadm inistration intestate to the çstate of above-named deceased,who died atbujumba,on 15th November, 1975,has been fled in this registry by W flberforce Odango,in his capacity as son ofthe deceased And furtherbake netic,e thatobjeatiop;iu te prr gbe hnzn k,thm makingofthe prcpjlsed :r143:1stiae1:41ed :nfllru%tim Kdged ilzthisregigtiy witltln thhkty (30)dap ofpublkxte of *igmydcz And furthersuaktnoiicd thatif no objosyia n iuu bctn lodgoti iq thiqregistryhllhtra:slscribe,d form v,ritt)tn thirty(-10) dayiof th* (late cfpublioa,l3tl;,ciftlvfsltytic*,tàm ootyrlkr:layrnvcm d to IXkXJ f1)e7rp,1:la5 rraytmjorlo juake luitztltxwlerz<>/r?h;t,!)k, 51 D atçd the24th October,1994 JW M URIUKI, DlstrîctReglfrcr,Busia (& IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRATES COURT A T SIAYA IN THE MATTER GF THE E8TATE OF JOHN OTIANG AWINDE ALIASOTFANGA AWINDE OF SIAYA bistriw SuccEsslox CAusE N o17 ol1994 ljet ALL the palrtiesconcorned takenote thata lxddon for l grantoflddters of adtzliniatration intm tate to the esqtate oft,: above-nam ed deceasèd,who died atm alunga W estsub-location, Siaya District,on 22nd April,1993,haFbezn filrd in this regitryby Elseba Ogonji,ofSirembeviaSawagongo,in hercapacity asstep-motherofthedeceascd And furthertakzneticz rlntobjectionsintll crev lbe f- to themakitlg ofthe proposed grantare invited and mugtme lodgfxlin thisregistry within thilty (lzis notice And furthertak: atvtice tletifno objmtlon lal bem 1o4ged khtili: reglst ry in thr procribed for:m within thitrty (30)(kty:of the (1a2 of oublicatiou ofthis notice,tl)t courtm*y nroceed to > ke tia glmltasprlyed orto rnlke:uchore r&:itth-ka:t D ated the28th October,1994 GwzErrs NOTICB No7124 C0OMOLO, Dîstrl-ctRegistrar,S/uyc IN TIIE RESIDBNT MAGTSTRATES COIJRT AT SIAYA NN THE M ATPER 0F THE BSTATE OP NOAH OM DNDIOKBLO OF SIAYA DISTIUW Stzccss,slox CAIJSE INo46 or 1994 LET AIJL tlte partiosconcerned takeimtîce,thiaitapetiùion for agru,ntoflottersofadmini:tration integtlteto tileestateof the abovmnamed deceiased,w lodied atkomolo North Sub-location, Siaya Districtin tlze Rppublic ofkenya,on 26th April,1994, hasbcon filed in tlisregistry by ErnestOako W am balo,ofpo Box 47,Siaya,in hiscapacity ascousin ofthedecmased And furtlhertakenoticethatobjectionskl:hepresoribod form to tht making of the proposed gran,tare invited and mustbe lodgçd irtthis registry withkithirty (30)daysofpufblim tion ot fhlu ixkfce An4 fupthe,rtakenotice latif no objection hasbema lodgtd in tlzieregiatzy in the prescdbed form within thirty(30)daysof thedate ofpublicadon ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to mûkethe graatasprayed orto rnake suoh orderasit:hlnkmlk Dated the 61h September,19* ijazetibvotice : C0OM OLO DistrictReglzfrar,Sîaya IN TlTE RESIDENT M AGISTRATFS CGURT AT SIAYA IN THE M AX R OF THB FJSTAW OI?(CHRISRIN DBNYA M IJHULA OF KAYA DISTRICT SuccEssloN ICAIJSSINo51or 1994 LET AiLItle partiosconoenzed takenotice thata lxdtion for a gmntoflettersofadmînigtration integtateto thoegtate ofthe above-rnamed deceasod,who diod at Gangu Subklocation,Siaya DiyùrietinftleRepublicofKenya,on Ard April,19M,hasbeen filed in thisregistry by M arselinaostwo M ulmla,ofpoy x 59:,isiaya,in hercapacity asmotheroftlloh- nw And furthertakenotice tihatobjections1ztth* procribed form to tllemaking of the propœed graotare invitd and muk H lodged in thisregistry wihhtn tlerty (30)(kysofpublication 4 thisnodce And furthertxake notice thatifno objection hasbee,n lodgtd in thisregistry ih thepresoribed form within tllirty(30)daysof thedate ofpublication ofthisnotice,tlze courtmay plrceed to m ake the grantasprayedorto nmke mlnh orderasitthlnh ât Dated tlze22nd Septembor,1>, C0OMO DlzfrlcfRenhtrar,Jflym

65 411November,1994 THE KEW A GAZEIVE 2119 Gunrrs Nonca No7126 IN THE RESTDFJNT M AOIW RAH S O IJRT AT VIHIGA IN THE M ATIBR OF TITE ESTAIE OF RODAH M e AluA OF VIHICG PROBATE AND ADM INSSTRATIY Stc ssslon tcauss No38or 1W 4 LET ALL tl:elv tiasconcenned mke nltitetlsata IA GOn for a :mzlt of ldters ofadm inigtratbn integtateto tihe esltete of tle above-nam cd dcceased, who died at Vihiga,has been filed in thisregistryby Alfayo M ugofwa,in hiscapacity asson ofthc dec-sed Azxtftrthertàke notîc,e *o A bjec uonsin t:e pree bed form to t:e - Hn6 4 tle grant ar* invite lnh mlatthv kxiw in this reg- w/hln dtirty (30)+ ys efpuglgmtkan of this notice And fumthert:ke netice thatifnê objxtion hu b- 1@4e m thisrogistry in thep- cribed form witl!ùq thidy (30)day:ef thea teofpublication oftbisnltize,t:e cmzptmay procee,d to - kethe gralvtasprayed erto maksuc: orderasittmnks;t Dae thel91 iwptemlm,21994 GAzsrrs Noncs N o7127 T 0M ISO A, DlstrîctRegîstrar,Fiàlgm IN THE RF-SIDEN T MAGISTRATES COURT IAT OYUGIS IN THE M AX R OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP OGOLA ONYANGO OF HOMA BAY StlccEssloN CAtlSB N o43 OF 1994 LET ALL thepaotiesconcornsed take noticetlata prtkikm for a grantoflgltel!sofadministration inte*afteto tfheekëa!te ofth: lbovo-namod decdased, who dicd atkafdongo,on 171 April, 1976,has been filed fn this registry by Benard Okello Ogola, of POBox 127,Kadongo Sub-location,Kasewe TA in h18 capacity aselderson ofthedeceased And furthertake noticetha:onecdonsln the pr-ohbed forrn to the makiztg of the proposed grantere invited and m) + be lodged in thisreglstrywithin thi mty (30)days ofpublicatlon of this notice And furthertakenotkx Ithatifno oidectlon hasbeen lodged in thisregistry in êle prescribed form within thirty (30)daysof tâedatelt8fpublicatioooftbisnotice,thecourtmayprqceedto makethe grant- prayed orto make *1c1orderaslttlunb lt Dated the27thseptember,1994, GAzErrs Noncs No7128 SN 7RIECHI, blstrktreglç/m r,oyugls JN THE 1:E9H7:7< M AGTSTRATES COURT AT VOI PROBARIE Ae ADM IM STRATIO TAKE NOTOE thatttn applcajtion Eaving bcenrnadegn tbis courtin : calzss No28 ov 11B ey (EverlngKaiuta Kimongeo,fweruglatocadon,Taita/ TavetaDistnot,fora grantoflettersofadministration intestate to theestuteofjonesir monge Kafuta,ofTaita/Taveta within tlle CoastProvince,w lo died atw oruglm Sub-lœ ation,on 18th Mazch,1X9 n e ceurt w lprocem to lssue the same unless cause be sllorn to thecontrary andappeapancein thisresqed entered withln thirty (D) days from tbe ilate of publicatlon of thls notkeîn thek enya Gazete 0M, Nu puly-zxne x -s% ize pe&g ** * GAZETIE NoaqcE No7129 IN THE HIGH COURT OP KENYA AT KISUM U rn THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF W ALTER OKECH AJOW I PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIUN SuccBssloN Cxuss N o188 of 1994 LET ALL tlhe partied concerned take nbtioe thàta N tition for a gram oflattersafadminigrration integtlte to,tle Gtateofthe above-nam cd deceased, who dicd at New N yanza G cneral Hospital,on 4th June, 1994, has been filed in thiq rcgistry by Anne Aoko Okech, of M uhoroni Location,K isumu Dîstrict, in hercapacity aswidow ofthcdeceased Andfurtizrtakenotice tlatobjecdonsin the prescribed fo= to the mak ing ofthe proposed grantareinvited and mustbe le ged in tlhh reglstry within tldmty (30)daysofpublication of thk ne ce And fu/hertake notitwe tha,tifna obkctlon hasbeon lodged in thisregigtfy in thepresclibed form within thil-ty (30)daysof tlte late efpublitadon ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to n-ke t%e g- asprayed orto makesvuch ordcratslttlhinks5t Dated the28th September,1994 FM 0KADIMA, Deputy Registrar,Afsltrtu, GàzEfrE NOTICENo7130 M BURU RIBIRO,DECEASED NOTICE isgiven pursuantto section 29 ofthe TrusteeAct, (Cap167),thatany person havlng aclaim againstoran interest in the estate ofthe above-mentioned dcceased, lateoflimuku, who died on 4th Septembers1994,at Limurusis required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the undersigned before 28th February,1995,after which date the administratorswildistribute the estate among thepersons entitled thereto having regard only to theclaimsandinterest ofwhich they wilhave had notlce and willnot,asrespects the property so distributed be liable to any person ofwhose claim they wilno1 then have had notice NDUNGIJNJOROGE & Kw/cH, Advocates/brtheIntended Administrators, Bruce House, Standard street, POBox 41546,Nairobî tizze1qt fotjceèfo,7131 THE COM PANIKS ACT (Cap486) D D IN THE M AW ER OF THIKA RUBBER INDUSTRIFS LIM ITED IN THE HISGH COURT OF KBNYA AT NAIROBI W lxnlxg-rp CAUSENo23 of 1994 NOTIIOF,is given thatka petition for winding-up of the above-named company by the higb courtwas on 1st Septem ber, 1994,presented to the said court by Avon Rubber Company (K) Limited,and the said petition is directed to be heard before the colrt sitting atnairobion 17th November,1994, mtd any creditor or contdbutory of the said company desirousto supportoroppose tbe making of an orderon the said petition may appear atthe time of the hearing in person orby hisadvocateforthatpurposeand a copy ofthepetition wilbe furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or contributory ofthe said company requiring such copy on payment oftheregulated chargeofthe sam e NJENGA M WANGI& COM PAW, Advocates, 7f; Floor,H ughesbu##faj, POBox 39916,Nairobi No> Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said petition must serve orsend by post to the above-named notice in writing of his intention so to dothe notice must state the name and address of the pervon orfirm,orhis or theiradvocates if any,and mustbe sewed,or ifposted must be sent by postin sumcient time to reach tbe abovemamed not later than four oclock in the afternoon, on 16th Now ember, 1994

66 212: TH E K EN YA G AZEIV E 4* N- em ber, 1994 G AZEIR N crncs No7132 THB M CORDSDISPOSAL (COURTS)RULBS (Cap14,SubZEJ) IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATES COURT AT NAIROBI(SHERIA HOUSE) INTENDBD D BSTRUCTION OF C OURT RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE vith thq RecordsDisposal(Courts)Rules,notic: tsgiven thatthree(3)monthsafterthepublication ofthisnotice Iintend to apply to the Chlof Justlce forieave underrule 3 to destroy theclvlfilesassetoutherebalow, Anyperson desiring thereturn orexpibitip anyofthecasesheretomustmakehisorherclaim on orbeforetheexpiration ofthree(3) m onthsfrom the date of publcation of thlsnotlce A11exhibitsto which np claim igsubstantiated beforethedestruction oftherecordsshallunderrule4;bedoemed to bepartofthe recore forthe purpose ofdestructlon / FrtzsFOR DIsP0SAL / / / / /$8 6650/ / / / / / / / / / /88 660r/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /88 556/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /88 400/ / / / / / / / / / / /8# 7837/ / / / / / / / / / / / /88 125/ / / /88 875/88

67 411:N fw eal er,1994 TIV K EN YA O A ZET FE 2121 ra,es zim DlsN s> 19> ro+#)

68 2122* flœ K EN YA OA ZETIV 41 NoveA ré 1A 4 n xks rok Dlslesm -4gd8-W o-dl 719/88 348/ / /88 721/88 314/ / /88 487/8: 722/88 30:/8# 9017/ /8* 488/88 723/8: 221/ / /88 489/88 725/88 1:2/ / /88 490/88 726/88 10/ / /88 * 9/88 727/88 700/ / /88 410/88 765/88 584/ / /88 415/88 732/88 508/ / /88 416/88 733/ / / /8# 417/88 /88 617/ /*8 30/9/88 41:/88 738/ /88 27/88 648/ % / /88 419/88 420/88 745,/88 283/88 992/ /88 422/88 747/88 101/88 970/ /88 424/88 748/88 279/ /:8 3162/88 425/88 751/88 N)z / /88 426/ / /:8 3000/ /88 278/ /88 429/88 755/88 994/ / /88 420/88 717/88 213/ /88 31* /88 431/88 759/88 319/ / /88 433:1A 1/88 760/88 618/#8 1266/ /@ /88 371/ / /88 435/88 762/:8 2111$8 5930/ /88 432/88 70/88 282/ *8 :/ /88 433:,89:/88 773/88 511/ / /88 436/88 774/88 669/ /88 441/88 437/$8 778/88 17/ /8* 442/8: 438/88 780/88 20/ /88 445/88 440/88 781/88 15/ /88 * 8/88 4/88 782/88 779/ /88 447/:8 6/88 783/88 689/ /88 449/88 7/88 784/88 330/ /88 450/88 11/88 785/88 492/ /88 13/88 786/ /88 486/88 14/88 788/88 787/#: 3/88 4* 5/88 473/88 16/88 620/ /88 474/88 19/88 789/88 409/ / /88 22/88 130/88 251/88 4* 6/88 476/88 25/88 131/88 147/ /88 93/88 82 /1(18 132/88 181q, /8* 4775/ /88 825/88 133/88 194/ /88 373/88 832/88 135/83 436/88 195/88 19$ /88 376/88 374/88 833/ /88 137/88 197/ /88 378/88 863/88 114/88 148/ /88 199/ /88 87/ /88 380/88 803/88 15:/ / /88 381/88 805/88 152/ / /88 3*4/88 806/88 158/ / /88 386/88 807/88 159/ / /88 389/88 8û9/88 160/ /$8 4:18/88 39/ /88 1j /88 :3/ / / / / / /88 26/88 28/88 30/8# 811/88 *12/8j,yg, 814*B 167/ / /88 334/88 817/88 168/ /88 4:36/88 355/ /8: 169/88, 4815/ /88 336/88 641/88 170/ / /88 338/88 645/:8 171/ / /88 339/88 651/88 172/ / /88 340/88 654/88 174/ / /88 343/88 656/88 175/88 449(3/ /88 344/88 655/88 177/ / /88 345/88 657/#8 178/ /88 482// /88 180/ / /88 356/88 661/88 181/88 4:p1/,% 4786/88 867//8 662/88 184/ /88 48:4/88 868/88 664/88 529/88 185/ / / /88 533/ / /88 #74*çAN 8# 66618% 500/88 4#27/88 875/88 667/88 535/88 5t)1/d# 4833/88 876/88 668/88 55#/88 502/ /88 671/88 536/884A:9 503/ /88 878/88 672/88 537/88 504/88 48/6/88 3* /88 543/88 505/88 31/d# 730/:8 676/88 549/88 506/88 36/88 79//88 677/88 554/88 507/88 75/88 80!1/ /88 514/88 233/88 802/88 679/88 562/88 251/88 237/88 804/88 681/88 567/88 2 :, q/88 244/88 813/88 682/ : 153/88 245/ /88 1$$ 256/88 24*/88 353/ (#8 126/88 158/88 337/ /88 114/88 407/4$8 341/83 349/88 314/88 113/88 529/88 366/88 316/58 277/88 110/88 527/88 202/88 317/88 119/88 102/88 472/88 203/88 31: /88 403/88 4:2/88 471/88 205/ /88 470/88 247/88 295/88 227/88 40!/88 469/:8 208/88 162/88 228/88 400/8: 214/88 462/88 164/88 235/88 399/88 468/88 461/88 256/88 236/88 398/ :A9/88 459/88 204/88 238/% 397/88 466/88 455/88 300/88 239/88 396/88 464/58 453/:8 452/88 24:/88

69 4* Nove r,1994 1W E K ENYA GA ZERV E 2115 Gézurrs Noncs No7102 IN THE SFJNIA M SFIM NT MAGO TES O URT AT KRRUGOYA IN rnv M A z&%r OF rne WNXAFE OF GAKUM GAKW A OF KFAUGOYA G OBATB AND ADM 1 TM N Sticrssslox ICAIJSE No339 or tl% K,ET ALL tlo Ie egœncernedtake ntyticethu a N tltion for m tof1d* ofazlmlnl- Won integtateto theestateafth@ above-namod decoasgd,who died atm utira Location,on 4* July,1993,hasbeen filed in thisrogistry by Leonard Gakuya, ofpobox 5l,Kerugoya,in hiscapacity asan admlnlstrator ofthedeceaxdseslate And furthertake notice tletobjectionsinthm p> ribed form t tlo making oftlm proposed grantare invited and mtkstb: kœe in *i:mgist!y witlûn thirty (30)daysofpublicatkm zf Andfurthertake notiœ thatifno oblmtion hasbeen lodged h 1% ree ryin the prescrited form witltin tltirty(30)daysof * Gte (# publication ofthisnotice,tle courtmay proceed to - H tlemant- prayed orto make guoh orderasitthink:5t m tedthe41 Octcfber,190 FFW ANJIKU, bfstrictregistrar,kerugoya GAzzTIE NOTICE No7103 > IHE SBNI/R RFAID:JNT M AOIW XAV S O IJRT AT KBRUOOYA IN THE MAM R OF THE PSTATE OF OM AH M UCHIRIM ARTNG A OF KERUGOYA PROBATE AND ADM M TRATIO SucresstoN G USB Nb342 otv1w 4 LET ALL tle N rtiesconœ lmodptakenoticegataa tition for * grantofletersofldmhistratfon intem e to the egtate of th aboveeamed deceased,whe died atn umaita,kithumbu,on 21&tJune,19W,lzasbeen filedin thi sregistry by Jane W angithi Ngai,ofPOtBox 63,Kagio,in hercapadty asan aamlnistratrix ofthedkene sestate AM furthertakenotiœ tlm:obiedionsk tleprescribed fozm * themaking of the plw osed grantare invited and mustbe Bdged in this rogikry within thirty (30)da ysofpubliofion of *is notke And furthertake noticethatifno objytion hasbeen lodged kkthisregistry in the prescrbed ferm within thirty (30)daysof tlm dae ofxmblication ofthisnotice,tho countmay proceed ta e- *ethe grantaeprayedorto mxk gudzorderask tlkkks5t œ te the 26th Gptc ber,1* 4 FYWANJIKU, DhtrktRegfsfrcrKenqoya Gm nz NoTlcBNo71G > m1m1 ppm kpc- v m olsw Ta s Y tr AT KBRUOOYA IN r m M ATIBR OF THE F3TAIE OF BLISHA K ARIU,KI% M of KBRUCG A M ORAV Ar ADM W ISIXATION Eîm sstox CxusB Nb343or 1* 4 X M,Tdo Im tesoav rled take ne thate lxdtion tœ gmntof leter:ofednlinkstration integtateto theestateoftle lbove-named dexased,who died atkaratina Hospihl,on 16th M ay, 1994,hasbeen SIM ih tlis registry by Penlns Wagitlli Kaduki,of20tBox 55sKaratina,in Iarcapadty a:an nhm1nise trlx tyftlle decme sa t And furthœ takonptice that& j---k t% pr- d- f- * meing olth@mov edgraatareinvltm and mptb * >d kltlzi:mgbtry wite tlgrty (30)(lm 4 pub:e-t- d ** noe M d ltrbl-rth noute thattfno objecdon hasb- 104g4 ln te regi- hztleprv ribed form we n thkty (30)daysof te de G publh tion ofthisno % thecoartmayprocudto - H tileglu - plxm orto mm sue * M ltnimka* œ tw ::4zEtvœptembor,1*4 rfw ANJIKU, zw trktaekfrurkqruv w GAZEIFB N orfcs N o7105!n Tàs ssnioa RBs MAO TBS O URT AT KBRUOOYA IN rtrmm A tttâtof THe ESTATE OF CHIG I IAFJLIOF KFJRUGOYA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Suœ EssloN CAUSE NO344 OB 1R LET ai1the pakrtieasconcemod take notice tha:a petitionfer agortd 1et> ofadml/stration in- ate to theesçateofthe above-nam ed deceased,who died atkerugoya Hospital,on,13th M ay,1974,has been filed in this registry by BethiW akathaiya Cigid,ofPDBox 7,Kianyaga,in hercapacity asan arlminigtmtrix c/fthe deceaseds estate And furtltertake noticethatobjectionsihn the prescribod form to the making oftheproposed gram areinvited and mustbe loda d irlthisrogistry within thirty (30)days ofpublication of tbis notlce Aad furthertakenotice thatifno oblxtion hasbeen Jodged in tllisregitry in tlw prescribedform within thirty (30)daysof the date 4 publîcationofthisnotice,thecourtmayprocted to maketh: grarftatspmyedorto make such ozderasitfhinksnt Datedltlze76th September,1994 FFWANJTKU, DlfricfReglstrarK erugoya GAZBIIS NorlcE No7106 IN 111E SFN IAR RESIDBNT MAGISTRATBS O IJRT AT KBRUGOYA IN THE M ATFBR OF TITE ESTATE OF M ARINGA N O OF KFJRUGOYA PROIM TE AN D AM N ISTRATION successlox CAUSB No345 of 1994 LBT AT-T,the parte conxrzred take noticeltim,ta,iletitbn for a qrantoflrttersofadminigtratfon irnteatalte tlothe evta?te 4 the above-named deceased,wlo iied atnyangatisub-location,on 29th M ays1988,hasrbeea filed in thisregistry by (1)Damaris WanjeriM aringa and )W agikutha MaringaNgondo,botlof Kutus,in their capacitiesas administratrices of tlze deceaseds estato M d furtlzertake notice tlatobjectionshltlle prescribed form to the makinq oft1: proposod gram are invited and must be lodyed in tltis regkstry within thirty (30)days$ofpublicatiœ of tlkisnotite And ftvthertake noticetbatifno obimtion hasbetm lodred in tlisregistry ln tleprescrilmd form within thirty (30)days of tho dxteofpublication ofthisnodcethecouptmay nroceed * o ketlegrantkz:prayedorta mn*m xuoh order tsittlzitk:ht, Datedtlze4* Octdber,1994 YR WAN/KU, DbtrktRegîstrar,Kerugoya GAZEIIZ Noncs No7107 IN THB SENIOR RF-SID/NT M AGISTRATES COURT?AT KERUGOYA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATB OF NDUNYU NGONDU PROBATE AND ADMRNISTRATIUN SuccsssioNICAIJSBN()365or 1994 LF,T ALFL the tpartiescolnoemfed ftakenotice fhhta lpetidon for agmtn;tof lbttorsofadnûnijtration intestate to the estate of tihe above-named dcceased,who diedat Kianjanga Stlb-location, on 24th January, 1994, has been filed in this registry by Atnthony M uthike,ofpobox384,kerugoya, in hiscapadty asan administratorofthe deceasedsestate IAIM fe eriake n0t1* fg- obje ona ln the p- dv form to dlemaylngoftloproe edgram areklvited and mustbe lcxlge In thisreglstry withln dlirty (30)dayo t/f publicaion of thisntotice M d fw thertakenoticethatifno oblection hasbeen lodged in thisregistry in the prescdbed form withln thirty (30)daysof tle date ofpublication oftlis notiee, tho courtmay proceed to makothe grantasprayed or to mako such orderasitthinksfiṭ Datfzd t*e24th Octobeç,1994 FFWANJIKU, DistrîctReghtrar,Kerugo )>t7

70 2116 THE KENYA GAZEIVE 4+ November,1994 GAzsrrs NoTlce No7108 IN THE SENIOR RFSFDENT MAG STM TES COURT AT BUNGOM A ln THE MATTER OF TH6 PJSTATE OiF VNOBNT KUNDU WACTI/ILOSNGA OF BUNGOMA PROBATE AND AWMINISTRATION SuccEsmox CArss lno86or 1994 rbt ALL theipart/sooncerned take nolhioethnta petition for agrantofleteprsdfadminisa tion intekate to the egtateofthe afbove-nam ed deceased,who died atnairobi,oin 27th July 1989, hasbeen filed in thisregigtry by GeorgeKhaemba Waclulonga, ofpoibox 157,K irnilili,in hiscapacky ms an administmtor oftle deceasedsestate h nrifurthertitke sotice tlva;tomjcctilxkskïtlm pr- ribed form to tbe rm-klng oftlw proposed glant are lnvited and mustbf k)rl:ie logbtrywithin t114-y(30)day: ofpuylication ef thia noucc And furthertako notice thatifno obe tkm i- bœ lodr d kktltisregistry in tlc pregcribed form wishin Thimty(39Jdaysof the dateofpublicatioa ofttisnotu,the courtmay proceedto rnnke the gram as prtyocler to make such ordera: itùh7nk Rt Datrpdtie1%tIzJuly,1M NOW INO, D istrîctregistrar,bungoma GAZETTENoTlce No7109 1N THE SFjN IOR RESIDENT MAGISTRAV S O URT AT BUNGOM A N THE MATIYR OF IHE BSTATS OF BFJRG K! OF BUNOOM A PROBATE AND ADM INISW ATIGN SuccEssloN ICAUSENo90 or 1994 LET ALL tlw palrtiesooncepned tekonotke tltata ** for a gramfoflettersofadmilfstration intestate to fthe egiteofthe above-named deceased,whlo diod at Luuoho Vilage,on 23rd April, 1983,llas been filed ia this rogistry by Peter Richûrd Khisa Boiyo,of PO,lBox 856,Kitale,in hisoapacity as an àdministratorofthedeceasedsestate Amdfue ertakenoticethatoidectionsin the presoribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invitd and muld be lodged iln thfsregïstry wîthin tltirty (30)daysofppblfcatîon of *hiu notice And flzre erike noticefbatifpo oblection hesbeen lodged il tllis regltryin thepresoribed form witln thirty (30)dm of fhe date wfpublioation of this notice,the courtmay proceed to make thegran:esprayed orto nnake sue,h orderasitgink:frt Dated the8th Augugt,1994 NOW INO, DîstrîctRegistrar,Bungoma tiazbttb qollce : IN THE STJNIOR RFSIX NT MAG IES O URT AT IBUNGOM A IN IHE M ATTYR OF THE ESTATE OF JOIX PHAT CHFN BENIICHESBBV OC IBUNGOMA SuccEssloN CAIJSB $No98O AT ALL lbe vartlcsconoorned take notico thal& repition lor a grant oif Ietters of adminislration integtate to the ôstate of thc above-named deceased,wlzo died atm isikhu,en 24th August 1985, hasbzenfilad in thlsregistrybyjancchemaichembeni,, ofpo Box 17, Cheptais,in hercapacity as an ajministmitrix ofthedeceasedtsestate And furthertakenotice thaftcbjrotionsftn the prescribedform to the making of the proposed grantaro invited and mustbe lodged klthisroglslry within tltirfy (30)daysof publication ef tle notke And fudhertake notice thatifn!o objectîon has been lodged in thisregistry in tho prosorlbed form within thidy (30)daysof tle date ofpublication ofthisnotice, the courtmayproceed to make tthm graatasprayed orto nuke saoh orderasitalnksâk Datyd tle29th August,r1W 4 A0M U tlle, DîstrîctRigistrar,Bungoma GAzsrrs NOTICBNo N THE SBNIOR RFXGIIZ/FJlqT MAGISTRAXES COURT AT IBUNGGM A IN TIlE M ATIYR OF THE BSTAIE OF M ASINDANO MM ADIM ANGaLIoF BUNGOM A PROBATE AND ADM INISFRATJON Succssslox CAusE1Not102 or 1994 LET M L tlu > ostxvurvere d ts1e atyt= ith- a petzt- tx a grantoîleteu ofatlmire tration m testqte to tho eenze of tlw aibove-namod deoeasod, whodiedatmabusiarea,etstsangalo Sub-location,on 19tJuly,t1987,lyas been liled in this roglstry by Absolom Wafula Masindano,of POlBox 285,Bangonm, in his capacity asa,n administratorof the decemsedsdtate Anellurlwvrukke notice Fnnêobleu lonaàn zm pre dbed - to tile making ofth; prope zrant- inke nd mud e yodged in tlvg fegistry with- tbirty(3:)œ ylofpubu ia al 41+ ne e AM fue u o rxye,e - ifso e jxe n K= b*en K #N tm lhisloi> in tizelyreecribe form wz,1h- tlirty(36)ayg# t:ejatf ofpaœ xticm ofthisne w,elg coun nlay proce 0 maïe the grantasprayed or to m xke gucb order aà ittbxak:5t Datod ithe7thtsoptember,1994 NOW INO, DlstrktRegistrar,Bungoma GAZETTB NoTlcB N o7112 ilfn THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COIJRT AT IBUNIGOMA ;N TlIC M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAURIG JUM IA W ANDABW A OF BUNGOM A SuccEsslox CAUSB No104 of 1994 LET al tqe partiesconcelmod take notice tlzat a petition fœ a grant of ledters(yfadm inistratbn iotestalteto,tlte estate of th: above-namod deceased,wlm died at(namirembe Sub-location, Bungoma,on 220:1January,1975,hasbeen tiled in thisregistry byrobertsimiyuh Kisaka,ofPOdBox 170,Bungoma,in Ms eapacity asanadministratoroftbedeceasodsesgte Aknd ltzrthartakenoticctbatobjectian:in tbepre rle form ko tlx makhg oftbe propoaed grantai* invited wrbd ml-wl18 lotged fn tti?srpglaqtry wftna tïrty (30)dlys ofpulplzezl- (# thà notke And furthvftakenotice O tifno tybjectkm 13aabeen lodr: iw thlqreglxtryia thoprotdbed folqn withim thkty(30)dm 4 fbe datvlfpublicat% oftlziv notke,t1:* cotkrtnuy proceed * m ktl graotasprayod erto makp suclhordv lsk lhlztlr:;t tdated tite 12t1September,(1994 A0M UCHBLUIJE, DistrktRegîstrar,Bungoma GAZBITE NOTICB No7113 f!n THE SCN IOR IRESTDENT MAGBTRATES COIJRT AT KIIUI IN THC M ATIER!OF TITE BSTATE OF SM J!M OSMAN M ASOUD OF KITUIDISTRICT SuccEsslox CAuss No58or 1994 (LET ALFL thepartiescoaoerndd takelntytice flûta pytition Iol a grant otflettersefadrm inis/tration kltogtate to tlxe estate o!f tlhe above-named dcco sed, who died at CoastGentralHosplo y on271 March,1:993,hasbeenfiled inthisrejistlybymaimuna Hpssen,of Kitui Township,K itui District,ln her capacity âs widow,4 thedeceased And furthertake notice thatoblee onsin tll e prescribm fnrm to Ithemaking ofthe proposed gmntareinvitod and mustbe lodgddin tltisregistry witlun thirty (30)daysofpublication of thisnotice And furthertakenoticethatifno objection hasbeen lodgcd in thisregistry in theprescribed form within thirty (30)daykof thedateofpublication ofthisnotice,the courtmay proceed to makethe grantmspiayed orto makesuch orderasitthjnkset Daitd the 14t1(Soptemboi,1*4 NAK NJR U, DîstrktRegistrar,Kltui

71 41 Nov= bez,1994 TllE KENYA GAZEIVE 2117 GAM TTB NoTIcB No7114 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATESCOURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE MATIER OF THE F-STATE OF PHOEBY N YOKABI GITHBGIOF K ARATIN A,NY ERID ISTRIW SrccEssîox CAUSE iio85 or 1993 LBT M ITqtle m lfi- = œzned takenotiœ thata pdition fol * grant4 ldtersoledministration inte+ate to theestwleofthe above-nam ed deceascd,who dicd atd istricth ozpîtal,karatina, N yeri Districton 13th November, 1990has boen fl17d in th7s registry by Francis M uriuki Looremeta, of PO Box 48, Kinamba,in hiscapacity asan administratorofthe deceaseds estate And furthertakenotice thatobjecdonsklth*prescribedforr * tlle of the proposed grantareinvited and mustbe in thisrogistry within tlzirty (30)dm ofpubncation of *isnotke And flethertah atzite thatifno objxtion hasbe,en lodget 1 %bisre> ry t in theprwcrieed form wkllin thilqty (30)daysof % G te ofpublicatann ofthisnotice,tlecouptmay proceed to > ke t:egrantasprayedorto mzke such orderasittlzdksfit Dated the 71 July,1993 W KARANJA, D istrktr egistrar,n yahururu GAZBTIE NorlcBNo7115 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT AT NYAH URURU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL M WANGJKABAU ALIAS PAUL M UNGA OF KANYAGIA SCHEM E,NYANDARUA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION successlox CAusENo111 og 1994 LET ALL the1* e1:oncernodykeatyticeth% axtitiœzfor a gmntoflettersofadministrajticn iatelstate to tlteestateofthe above-named deceased,who died atnyeri General Hospital, on 5th July,1934,hasbccn tiled in this rcgistry by M onicah Njekehu Mwangi,ofPOBox 181,Nyahururu,in hercapacity as an administratrix ofthe deceasedsestate AnH furtxermeo notketlatt/bje onsin the plfxwribed form to le making ofrthe propoe gnqn am invked and muztb, bde io tbu mgst ry wklin tltirty (20)dayl ofplfblh tix ot ḋd1ik noe, M d furthertakt no:cetlatifno objxtion hasbeejzlodgetl kltitisre- ryin tlepreacribed form witlun tbirty(30)daysof the da,te of publication ofthisnoticc,the courtmay proceod to m*ye tâepantaspraym orto mnkm sueh orderask tbinks it Dated the71 July:1994 JNKIREM BUI, DistrktRegistrarNyahururu GAZETIB NorlcE No7116 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGTSTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M ATIER OF THE ESTATE OF STANLEY W ACHANGA NYINGIOF SILIBW ET SCHEME,NYANDARUA SuccEssloN CAUSB èlo117of 1994 LET ALL tlze pm iesconcerned Oke notice thata ped/m fm a gmnîof1d- ofaidmlnistratkm inteo te to the O%Ca,R oftàe above-named deceased, who died at N yahururu H ospital, Nyandarua District,on 13th M ay,1988,hasbeea liled in this registry by Laban Waigwa Wachanga,ofPOBox 468,Nyeri, in his capacity as an administratorof the deceaseds estate Ao,Ifte ertakenolm 0 1objectionsin tho prosoribed form * t- - knf of t:e pro- d gro tare invited aud mu< be *w< kltle zv o wifhm tblrty(30)dm ofpubliœtion of *%- n zw1oy And furthor#aka note tm tifno objection hasbeon lodged 1 A am ry itttle plv nbed form widlin thlrty (30)daysof G eia- G publw 60a ofthisnotlce,the courtmay proceed to -œ*: ta F1< e:pmym orto mm mzdlorder us lt*blnbmiik Dated tlm 18tl1July,1994 gsxm svsul, DlztrktReglstrar,Nyahururu GAzelrs Nor cs No,7117 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT AT NYAHURU RU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PRISCILLA NYIHA NJOROGE OF OL JORO OROK SCHEM B,NYAND ARUA SuccEsslox CAuss No120 or 1994 IJET At,lvIthe lv tiescoaoernedtakenoticotl:arta pytidon for agrarltofletersofajmiaistratiol:intestateto the estrtteofthe above-nam ed deceased, who died at Uaso N yiro River, Nyandarua,on 231c1Novembzr,1983has bccn liled in this registry by Patrick lgitau,ofpobox 39,01Joro Orok,in his capacity as an administrator of the deceaseds estate And fumtlartake noticethatobjectionsin the prosoribed form to themaking oftheprcposed glsantare invited and mugtbe bdged in thisregisrtry withln thirty (30)daysofpublication of tiais notice And further take notite tjhatifno obleotion has beenlodged in tlisregirktry in the prexsoritbedform witlitthirty(30)daysof the date013publicatioa ofthis notice,tlle courtmay proceed to rmrfkethe grantaxsprayed orto mtlcesuch olrderqls jtliblntqâk D atedthe18th July 1994 j JNKIREM BUI, D istrktregistrar,n yahururu GAZBTTB NoncsNo7118 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JACOB KARANJA NGANGA OF NYAHURURU TOW NSHIP,LAIKIPIA DISTRICT SuccEsslox CAuss No157 of 1994 LFT ALL tlepartiosootnçernsdrtakenotioethatalxrtitlonfo: a gmntof1:te13ofadminlgtratlon inta*atm to fheeellteoftle above-named deceased,who died atnyahururu Town,Laikipia l3istrict on 30:h Jaznuary, 1993,has bccn filed fn this rcgistry by (1)Ruth MwihakiKaranja and (2) Stephen Njuki both of PO Box 283,N yahururu,in thcir rcspective capacitlcs as an administratrix and admiflistrator of the deceaseds estate Apd furthertakenoticetlhtobjectionsin tilepresoribed form to tle making of the proposed grantare invited and mustbe Iodged in thisreglstry witlin thirty (30) days otpublication of tlkignodex i n Andfurthertakenotkethatifnoobjectionhasben tlis registry in theprexrilyed (%14n wltrein thirty (30)da> ledged *f thedateofpublication ofthisnoticethecourtmayprqceedto makethegrantasprayed orto make such orderasitthlnkg5t Dated the 6th October,1994 JNKIREM BUI, DlstrktRekgfl/rcr,Nyahururu GàzETa NoTIcE No7119 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTM TES COURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATB OF M IRIAM NYAMBUM M AINA OF M AGUM U LOCATION, SOUTH KINANGOP,NYANDARUA DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssloN CAusB èfo161 OF 1994 tct ATX thepm ieso ncerned tlke nc/tiœ thatâpetition fe; a gran)tof lotter,s ofadininistmation inte#tate to tle cxtlto of tl>* above-named deceased,who died at M bamboo Location,South Kinangop,N yandarua Distrid,on 26th M ay, 1994, has been hlcd in thisregistry by Gerrishon M aina Waweru,ofPOBox 40sKinale,in hiscapacity asan administratorofthe deceaseds estate AM furthortako notice thatobjektionsin the prescribôd form to tbe making oltheproposed grant4re invited and mustbe lodged in 11:lrgikstly withln thipty (30)days ofpublicatioa oî this notke And furtbertakenmicothatifno objection hasbeen lodgtd k:thioregbtry in theprocribed form wiàhin thir4y(30)* ysof tlx dai of poblcatiol of this notice,tizo coumtm ay proce to maktgegrantasprayed orto makuuclordorasitthînts5t Dated the 6th October,1994 W KARANJA, D lstrkt Regf:frlr,Nyahururu

72 2118 TIIB K ENYA G AZETTE 4+ Novom% r,1994 f;azbtte follcs fo7129 IN THE SENIOR RESIDEU MAGISTRATESCOURT AT NYAHURURU IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF ISM C OTIENO ONIAGA OF BONDO DIVISION, SIAYA DBTRICT ScccsssloN CAIJSENo166oF 1994 LET al1 the parties concernod take nodce th a?ta petition fo1 lgmntoflottergofadministration intestateto th eestateoftfhe above-named deceascd,wlo died at Kendu Mission Hospital, Siaya District,on 2nd June,1987,hasbcen filed in this registry bymargaretjesicaangose,ofpobox19,yimbo,nyamonye, v1abondo,inhercapacftyasan adminlstratrixofthedeceaseds estate *na ftlrtlcrtakm notketèalcbtjx tionlin the pestliibod form to themaking ofthe proposed grantâre invitm and must% kdgu in tbitreletryvitltin tbirw (3B)4m otpublicm ion lf thiz notice And flzrthortakenoticethatifno objection hasbee,n lodge K tmsregistry in theprescribed form within thirty (30)darsef t:e dlte ofpublication oftms notice,the courtm ay proceed t makethegrerta,zpraye oito makexuck orde,resittmnksit D ated the 17th October,1994 JNKIREMBUI, DistrktReglstrar,Nyahururu tlàzhtte fotioe è#o7121 JN THE SENIOR RESIDEN F M AOBTRATES COURT AT OYUOIS AN IHE MATTER OF THE BSTATB OF ABISHAI ONGBR OF SOUTH N YANZA IXSTRIW PROBATE AND ADM tnistration SUœ EssloN CAUSE No41()f 1994 LET Alat-the partiesconcerned rake notice thakta petition fot a grantof lettersofadm lnigtration intesta/tqe to t>e estafc of tle above-named decdased,who tlied aêt Kokal Sub-lbcation, on 12th June,1* 9,lmsbeen filtd in thisregistryby John Abengo Abfslai,ofKokalSlzb-loeadon,fn lfscapadty esson of th: dm e And furthertltke noticethatobjectionsin tlleprescribe form to themaking ofthé proposed grantare invited and mugt%: lodged in this registry within thirty (30)daysofpublication of tmsnotfce And furthertakenoticelhatifno objection hasbein xledge,d ià thisregistryin the prescribed form within thirty (30)daysof tbedate ofpublication ofthisnoticethecourtmayproceed t* makethe grantasprayed ortomakesuch orderasitthink:;t DaM tle 23T4 Soptember,1994 GAZEIIB NoTlce NO7122 & NRm CI11, DlstrktRegistrar,Oytfgb IN THB SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATES COURT AT BUSIA IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE 0F OLOO ODANGO PROBATE AND ADM TNISTRATION StlccEsslcm CAUSE N oi70 ol LET ALL tle partiesconcerned tike notice thata petltion for a grantofletters ofadm illstration ilttestate to the estate of above-named deceased,who died at Bujumba,on 15th November, 1975,has been filed in this registry by Wilberforce Odango,in his capacity as son of the deceasrd And furthprta enïztica thatobjeotiolsin thepmxziw torm ba tb-e meking cltbe prcposm graatwr:6nv31ed rnd muzttu h4g04ltitlk rogseto wiïhbrat>hty (3ê)fhy: ofputalicvthm cf *x* te cm, Amlfupltertakc no lksttlatifoo objcotbo htstptm lodged fl-tthiq rezitlt,ry im thṣ-r;tuofibed form wilitirtthkrl,y(30)thyst-d rix dale ofpuhlicalix1:ofthitgqotitx,ihc croln!:,r#y p to qwvkt:tktz?:;,vnsagpp,yf;d orlo makttrle:horxpervsirdlihixtks5t D ated thç24th October,1994 JW M URIUKI, Dl&frfclRenistrqrluzfl (& EIAZETTB IOTICB fo7123 IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRAIES COURT AT SIAYA IN THE MATTER OF THS ESTATE OF JOHN OTIANG AW INDE ALIAS GT:ANGA AW INDE OF SIAYA DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADM INISTM TION Succssslox CAusB No17 OF 1994 IAT M L :the partiesconmrned lakermtkethata Ie on for aglmm of lettersofadlkinistmtion intestate to tlle etattof*: abovo-nam ed deceased,who died atm alunga W estsub-location, Siaya D istrict,on 22nd April,1993,hasbeen filed in tbis regitrybyelseba Ogonji,ofSirembcviaSawagongo,in hercapacity asstep-m othcrofthe deceased And ftrthdrtm aatiœ thate ectistu inthe pr- v- 1- to th@making ofthe proposed grantare invited = 4 mugtb lodao:lin tbisregiltry within thir:y(3f)daysofpublicatix *f *% e And flmthertake ntgce t% tifno A jxtion b- bee lo4ge khtle r> ryirithepr-cribed form wihin thirty (30)œ y:of the ëxte of tmblicatitm oftlixnotice,tlleçourtm*y gro- d to olko t:*gmntv prayed orto nukesuclore r&zith*-h :t Dated the 28th October,1994 GAZBTIE NolqcE No7124 GAZETTB Ntm cbno712$ C0OM OLO, DistrktRegîstrar,Jfcydl IN T14E RESIDENT M AGISVRATES SX URT AT SIAYA IN FlIE M ATIER OF THE BSTATE OF O AH 0M IAND101CTW0 OP kgfam D1S Sccœ sslox G uss No46 or :19M LET AIJL tilw partiesœ ncerngd takenoltix tlhata m tition for a gmm eflofters cïfadministnation integtateto theestate ofthe abovo-nm ed decdascd,who dfed atkomolo North Sub-location, Siaya District in the Republic ofkenya,on 2f41April,1994, hasbeen filod in thistegistryby ErnestOoko W ambalo,ofr0, Box 47,Siaya,in hiscapact as cousin ofthedecmetsod Azld furrhertake lzotïcethatoblm tfonskltheprmcribed form to tiw mekieg ofthe prop- d gran,tare invited and mustb: lodged in thi:registry withln thkty (30)daysofpublimtion ot * w*h And fuehortake notite thltifno objectlon hasbem lodged in thieregiary in thepresoribed form within thlrty(30)daysof tlle 4a% ofpttblicatiop ofthisnotice,tle courtmay ppoceed to rnûketle gluatasprayed orto make suoh orderasltflnhnlralk Dated tle 6 1Sepitnmber,19M N THB RD m flte M AGISTRAIX S COURT AT SIAYA IN ITIE MATIT;R OF T118 G TAIY OP GHRTSWN IJN A ATUHULA OF SJAYA DBTAICT PROBATE AND AD M IN ISTRATION Succssslox (CAIJSB No51or 1* 4 LET ALL tlze partiasoonoonned (takenotice fthataie tion for a gmatofletlersofadmlnistration kltegtateto the estateoftle abovemamed dr ased,who diod atgangu Subulocatîon,Sfaya Diytriotin Ge RepubhcofKenya,cn 3drd A pr il, 1%, hasbeen filed in Gisregistry bym alvlinn Iœ ewe M uhula,ofp OY x 593,Sîaya,in hercapaclty asmotleroftlx,!v>*e M dfurthertwkenoécete tej-*lnnsintly pre libed*1m to tlle making of t:eprolxe gre taa hm ttd and mu< 1)e bdged klthisreglstry wi>hln tluzty * (30)%ysofpublication 4 tlû,s notice And furthertakenotice tha 1ifno objectioa hasbeea lodged in thisregista ih thepresoribed form within tluhnty (30)daysof thu datm of publicadon ofthisnotice,tle court m ay proceed to maket,lx grantasprayedorto znakm =:nn ozderasjtthlnkmât Dated dzo Jizhd Y plombor,19m C0OMOLO DhtrlctReglzfrar,staya C0OMOLO, Dht* treo fresùya

73 4th Noven+er,1994 TIIE KENYA GAZETTE 2119 GAZETTB Noncs No7126 IN THE RRKNRNT M AG STRAV S O URT AT VIHTGA N THE M ATTER OF 17IE ESTAV OF ROO AH M AM M IA OF VIWTGW PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATY duœsssxox ICAUSB No3f8oY 1> LET ALL thelxdiewconoerned 1take nmiee that* pdigon fer a gmntofleters,4 adminiytratàm kltewateto tle em - ofth* above-nam ed dcceased, who died at Vihiga,has been filed in thisregistry by Alfayo M ugofwa,in hiscapacity asson ofthe dec- sed AM fue ertake noticethatobjxtix sin theprom bed f- Y tbe n*1* g 4 tbe$,01* grantar* ezited aed mtwtbe b;- in tl/a rc- try wklzin dul,ty f30)> ys ofpubhxtbn c,f this notice And furthertlkenotica thatifmyebjection I:œsb- led:ed m tbi:rew ly t Z theplw dbed fllm WitXZ GWY (30)dm lf the> teofpublim tlon oftltikn-,th* cmzrtm&y proc- te voakm t:egran4a:prayedorto Dated the :te1r16er,$1994 T0M ISHDA, DlstrlctReplzfrlr,Vlhlga Gm TIE NoTlcB No7129 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE M ATTER OF TH E ESTATE OF W ALTER OKECH AJOW I PRY ATE AND AOM ;IM STRATIO SuccBssloN CAUSE N o18s OF 1994 LBT ALL tltex rtie6czme rtedtake noflc tluta lxtition for a rhatoflottersafadminia ation inteo te!to itile olateofthe pbove-nam cd dcccased, who died at N ew N yanza G eneral H ospital,on 4th June,1994, has bcen filed in this rcgistry by Anne Aoko Okech,of M uhoroni Location,Kisumu District, in hercapacity aswidow ofthedeceased And furiertake noticethatobjectionsjn theprosoribedfo= to the maldng of the proposed gran,tarainvited zand murd be lodged in tlis reglstry witllin tllirty (30)days ofpublicatkm of e notke And fue take notitethetifno objection hasbeon lodged Iz,tl regigtly il the presoribed fonn wilhin thlrty (30)daysof te dxt- ofpublicadon oftllisnotice,t:e cmulmey ppoceed to > ketlœ gntata:prayed orto meke xeh orderae ittlûnkaflt Dated the28thseptember,1994 FM 0KADIMA, D epu/y Registrar,A-gf/znl/ GAZETTE Ntm cs No7127 IN THE RESIDENT M AOISTRATES COURT AT OYIJGIS IN THE M ATFER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP OGOLA ONYANGO OF HOMA BAY PROBM Y AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslox CArse N o43()r 1994 LET ALL the m lntielscolncepned take notice tllata potitbn for a gmntofldter!sof althninilratlon int- at:to the edalte ofthe elbove-nlamed dermsed, who (Iie:IatKadongo,oo I7G April, 1976,has been filed in this registry by Benard Okelo Ogola, ofpobox 1*27,Kadongo Sub-location,Kasewe TA# in his capadty asrlderson ofthedeceased AnH furthertake notice thatobjection:id tle prescliw foml to the rnaking ofihepropœed m ntmeinvited end mu* be lbdged il tlli:regktry wlthirttltimt# (30)dm ofpubliœ tion of this notice And furtherïice notitetltbtifno e ectityrl lu benlede in tlisregixtryin thep- rilled fonn withln tbipty 00)dm ef thedate afpublication ofthisnodœ jthe coud may pr- d to make the gratlt- N yedortè meke sucl olalereq ltkhlnk:ht Dated the27th September,1994 lgazen eè4otlcefo7128 SNRIECHI, DlstrktReglç/rlr,Oyuals TN THE M 91DN M AGIO TES O URT AT VG PROBAV AND ADV INIO TION TAXE ING PIOE tlmtun application Ilavin: becn mltle gn tlis courtin : CAUSE No28oF 1W 3 tby Ee ng Kafua Kimonge,of W erugha Locadon,Tlita/ Tavela oiatriot,ioragrantoflettersofadma-nistmtion intestate tm the estateof JonesKimongeKafuta,ofTaiG/n vet withfn the G astprovinct,w lo diexlatw arugha Sub-lœ adon,on leth M atch,1x9 The courtwilproceed To issue tbe same unl- cause be shown to the contrary and appeamnce in this remed entmed within thizty (30) days from the ilate of publication of thls netice inthekenya Gazete OM i u N u # - / # ReMm*rr # ee =oe * M BURU RIBIRO,DECEASED NOTICE ispiven pursuantto section 29 ofthetrusteeact, (Cap167),thatany person havingaclaim againstoran interest in the estateofthe above-mentioned deceased,late oflimuru, who died on 41 September,1994,atLimuru, is required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to the undersigned before 28th February, 1995,after which date theadministratorswildistributethe estateamongthepersons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and lnterest of which they wilhave had notice and wilnot, as respects the property so distributed be liable to any person ofwhose claim tbey wilnotthen havehad notice NDIJNGU NJOROGE & KWACH, AdvocatesybrtheIntended Administrators, Bruce House, Standard Street, POBox41546,Nairobî Gàzsrrs NorncsNo7131 THE COM PANIES AG (Cap486) D D IN THE M ATTER OF THIKA RUBBER INDUSTRIES LIM ITED IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI W INDING-UP CAUSE No23oF 1994 NIOrlOF,is given thatkz pgtidoh for windlng-up of tlle above-named com pany by the hlgh courtwason 1st September, 1994,presented to the said courtby Avon RubberCompany (K) Lymited, and the said petition is directed to be heard before the court sittlng at Nairobion 17th November, 1994, nnh any crelditor or tonltlrifbutory of the said oompany desirousto supportoroppose themaking ofan orderon the said petition may appear atthe time of the hearing in person orby hisadvocateforthatpurpose and a copyofthe petition wilbe furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or contributory ofthe said company requiring such copy on payment oftheregtlated chargeofthe sam e, NJENGA MW ANGI& COMPANY, Advocates, 7th Floor,JlrlpâeçBu ldîng, PO Box 39916,Naîrobi Nou Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said petition must serve or send by postto the above-named notice in writing of hisintention so to dothe notice must state tle name and address of the person or flrm,or hisor tbeir advocates if any,and m ust be served,orif posted must be sent by postin sumcienttime to reach thc above-named notlater than four oclock in tl)e afternoon,on 16th Novem ber,1994

74 OO>>+H>*-%OOWO<cO-<cœ:a<oG- -W-*W-M1<<<<c%c<<%-<<o<a<A>%M=aa>=>>>%c>>o>œ<<%<---- >œ*hm>a %*<*0 œ-co<oaomo=owwxcoa-owo-owo-cwoooœouocugœ#oocoooooxooooooxœœ*ooro >c*o>oo<h-c<m-oœa-oto<%&>>< <<<<<<<<<<<>*<*œ********** O =o* =*Gc--=oOO==œ<*><O=M N<MxN=NxY2 *œ*===œ Nx-22a%uG2dre2=t == x=xœ=2== w>=d œv=21e2t xx= =x Me =x=v = >== xyx = *>edœd22œvnxdeke xxœxxx=x=œx=xx1v = *d2vk x====== œ= =<xe œ=*w*2ddwv*g*d2*22= * x e x x e x x x x x x œ x x x x x x œ x x x x x x x x x x œ x x x x x x e x x x x x x x x x x x x œ x x x x x x==xx%v x œ x x x x x x xœ==*= x x * x x x $ cz sqma tetetusa<ua4x<ooo4akguzajtymu g -sota utwanuy o x g gusa0-4ua xy %scg S g o oag og y y wawaqy g g xzxzs g um kow nu y nu q/o waway 00tow g co om rqar Ywasœ M X M OGkW CNN1< < OhlA c < chta -4 < N1< < -4 < N1< (A ta G IA &$GqtH lww to OhchN W th W N1< -4-4 < * co oo-4 xa < < < (4 * Gr O CNtm W mw> w W - - W Oh < % Ncq&$ON csr/otquawsœc V < < to o &)7xx * ch oqooe yao mz w $yx =œd =2 =xu*eda** =de =2 M a xxxxxxxx x= elxxl xlk 2da1t xxx xxxxxl 22 2 xl o-12 xzxxl *x=2=v2 xlxxaxl =x x xk === xxv *2 x% *>2 xx-ll *O>= xl =eedne2e xxxxxx xxlxov O= **=t v xl O=8 xx% >d xv œ * -* - œ x * * œ A = * * œ * œ x œ x x x * x œ * * x x * x œ x x x x œ x x œ x œ x œ x x o x w x x x x x x x x x œ x x œ x œ x m x A x m x x * NI Ỵ < G = A - > H > - * - - < - > - > < G œ c x % < H < > c % G < M < œ < G % < < o c x < o c m < c % x > > = G = = - = - % > o > - < œ c = > > c > c > > - > V = > = = < > < > < > < c > < = u = < = < - < - < o = - x - * - * o Y - * - x - x - = - x - = - * o * c * o * o < = < r < * < * < % < = < * Nxx rxoœooovwm=<coooocnxxowoxxooœoxxuocoongox-awccwrwor=*oxoooroo-oooorrrxo-m<o-- onxoe& -udun=œo*orro x -x -x -- = -x -x - ccl oovr- ooc ao% onr œm ===> Vo<œco*oooo == > = OooocxcomoO c* xxxxxosxx co -x - x tx a -x x a -x x x %a -x a wx a t ara x -x -x -x -x -x -x -- = * O x œ x x x œ œ A x x œ x x œ x x œ x o œ x x x e x x œ x x œ x x x x e x x x xg œ-x œa x-x x-x œ-x x-x xa œ-x x-x e-x x-x xx x-x x-x m=x xa m-x œ=x x xa x-- x-x x-x x-x œ- xa x-x A-x x-x m-7 x-x xax #f F P M CX O < * ba6atnte- b- ***< >=to < < c œ < 4xoom 7)< N1tm ṇ td xo < < (A N1h< tavata < -4tmG W tatmv (m to4xw (A ta ONtd tn tn ta(a ChX &honoh& ChG G%ONc P G c$c$g ch= cncngnoacncm cng G G chchcn U iobao-lftooha=œe--wlwwqaw-wwwwwm o--0 -wya mauojzr w wswybaxsag;x s=vw s mkouw gxgxbax j oxlt tmoynzw<wu<x)uw;<w uw = m uuu tax otatmo %h<tmx g mcgçgxao <mvaoa -1-1Gg cg cqa Chwgoqx tntn u œdv2 x=td * >=SV=NG> >>V=>222 d2=oï21 d/ 22f o=/ >d G %c2x xn<2vd yx -Cd 4*1Ct b4ft1t2:-9> ul% to= *tm d=f*-tz=% Y opx (m(mtm x x c1 œ)ex x ro 1 œ 1 = -2 x x x (D* x x œ x o;x= / x œ x x xœ)gjx x x - xouxcoxxxx=xox xxœx k Vx ou x oxxcoxxxx==xxgl x Vx eow OxVxd*x oox=xvxoxoxx=xogvxox eu x œx VxOxxoxxOxoxox tox Yx j - G t 4x - V - ba < e kh> xztn < < < tn ch < C> -4tA ta lm 4x (n td uaw > tn = = +w* tx tn tp ta (A IA ta tm GN cb= GNCN GN csch= G cïc:cn > Lqta &Jba 4xtA ta ta WWta tn (A * O< odà/ = to &)o ou< < ocwowo<o-c ta < < ta - g > x p4tn > oo&)ta cc < ao 4xm wx mx rw oa oqa4a o o o tn wu 2 oqocmoty cw# lmwatosmao canstouatoxtotytoqogxajt*u to L toowt lxotaobasa > w ; io o a u pu w sx mmgaxasaxa ew x <ïfw o o tnszotn Z tm tm tl xxx%fdwaczecwmœwnrat wove wo//modzeddd-oedmoeee tzlxol/ uuvl dome uu1 ud==* xdt = = u w i x xw O œ œ * ooœ * œ * x o œ x oog œ œx x g g g og g g œx oox l wx g ï u ox œx g xœ og Ox % g ox g Ox œoox Xx l Xx vu J g y x Ox œx x œx x x œx x œx œx Xx Ox x g Ox ox œx mx œooœx Xx ooox x x w w x x x I D* * -*----r Gw>o< < -<<<>o<<>>%<<o < u = = u > o a = = > = ><><%<c>v==== w < = H < = = O = - - > V W==> = o > o%>*uc=* c c > < > M œ G O***œ=>>G>cccc>< O O = = = - * r % = = < * r r o c <<*>*œœ<m**** o o œ œ = = m o a c G n - o** c O * o *V*oo==<< >= > -oo=a=><d- VO eeœœzœal >><œ<=&cco*<<c*<><*=**c-œhm-cooœgmc-œ=*--h<=>gccc-=<-<>**=<*- >ev2 OXOXXV = dd Rae œ xxxxœx - e u xmxxœ a- œ œ xxxxxu x 2 G=dœ+Vd1=œ xxxxxx xx xu =<*c u xxuuu *>o*2*2 xxxxu Oe* xxxxxxxxl 1dVeV1 >V>*2e=eN xx xx xx xxxu >M xxxxxxxx d2k*œ= * C = * y = = = * O œ x x = x * * x * = x œ * * œ * œ * * X œ œ x x x x x x x x x x x x w x x x x x x œ<ha x x m x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 wœ- ba < o 0$* wa1e$> n < < ta< tn@n< o< > G ta tl+ V L&7xV - XwW bav tm V &$W1@$* ta * îa u%lhv W1LhV ta (A batm O * Wtta% > %;* œ œ x * * N1* * x œ * œ ba +ul4xo bâcnuj- tno < o r **< o -1G tntn w <*-o@h-ldxo<xe oawgaoxwnwoouwwoowwoo g os o o 4à A< % g -w = < Rw mc : rx ON o t ou Gojotnux Vo cn - g lnx xo otmog >3wj< teo %4x>ax cs<w <uch o tmw xu3owaou-wjeo eo L -o U œo muamtotom X Y xr xzagrrewhdddvxf rxx X=uOdXeX OO * r œx ze orr wa rxu oaaxxa aa xx% wx xxwo x w xwwaaam xxxxxxwmx xuwxa xx oasxw xxxy x x œ xx x to x < T * x x x % x > x x xx x x x x x x x u =x x x x k x x k x (g x cox ty x x lx x x Dx œhx x g x œx w x x Vx x ou x x œx x œx x x x jm x x x x x x x x x x p)x x x x y x > x x x jm

75 4th N ovem ber, 1994 TH E K EN YA O A ZEW E 2121 n u s zqya DzsN sm =lo 3-W onr#l

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77 #* Noyv bor,1224 FHE KENYA OAZETIE, 2127 GAM TIE NlyrlcsNo7142 THE GOVERNM ENT LANDS AG W ap2:9) W orsfor ALIBNATION- VOITOWNSHIP XV ECommisioner of Lands invite,s applications for the alocation of plots in the abpve townshp dekribed in tbe sçhedule heretoa plan showlng the plots may be obtained frc;m the Publfc M ap OKce, PO Box 30089, Nairobi on pafmrntofksh35,postfre: : 2,Completod applications should be submited to thecommissioner of Lands,Nairobi, thrtmgh the Town Clerk,Voi M lnicipal Council, Private Bag, Voi, on the prescribed forrns which are available on :aymeflt of KSh 100, nonrefundable fee from the District Lands Oëce, Wundanyi, and thç oflic! ofthe Town Clerk,Private Bag,Voî 3Applcationsrhustbé sentso asto reach the town derk not later ttzatnoon Monday,30tltDecember,1994,and Ge applicanls muntenclox with theirapplications eithera bankws c:eque,money ordoror ptàstwlorderforksh1,000 made payatble to tho CzommieionerofLane œs deposk which wil be % ltwitilaw folows: &)G e teto a suoc-sful applicgnl : (A)Refunde to an unspccessful applicaiu,(r)forfelte if a successful applica/t fails to pay within thirty (30)daysoftheoferofa plot,and theapplicanl - slkallsaveno furtherchim thereto 4:F-ach Application should be acw mpanied by a stat- ent in di î&iing : 4a)n e amountof capital lti: propœu to zpe on t:e : project fblthe amountofectualcapitalavailable fordevelopment with bankersleter or other eddence ofsnandalstatu: in support (c)tlp mminerin Fhich iti proposed to raise thebalance rekulred for develppment if any (#)Fuildetmh of oth re?sien j j sajoj/orcommercld prœ perdea ownm V th:lpplicantln thetownship (e)individurlapplicantsto indicate numbersoftheirldentlty In caseofcompaniesnamesofdirectorstobmfnciude 5n esuçcessfulalote,e ofa plptshalpayto tiy CommissionerofLjndswitlnn thity(30)daysofnotmcaûon t% t Izil/#frApplicatzonlumbeensuccestulthestand premium lnd prpportipa of the Annual rent togetxer witl sonveyaxcln: :tàe due,reà:tratlon f=,contnbutionsin leu ofratm, roe p,ạ p d drairy clmrye,sand suney feesin dèiaultofpayept, KA N tlnn the spee ed tlmq,the Commiqsioner of Lu ds npy canid the alocgtion and the àpplicantshalllmve no clqim to ti4plot r g enerq jcguj jgju j Ihegrantwilibe madeundertheprovisions ofthegovernmentlayds/trustland Act,and titlewilbeissusd undert:e Xe#stratlon oftitles Act(G p2*1),or the Remstered Lsnd Act(G p3œ),aq tle case my be 2Thegrantwilbeissued i!lthenajneofallotteeasgiven in letterorapplication and wilbe sublectto t:especialconditionsse1outbelow 3The tenn of txe grait wil be for ninety-nine (99)years from the first day of the month following tl)e issue of the letter of allotment Jpeco l CondltionA M >buëdizo *6 n1be mw ted on theland norqhaladditione ofexternalal* rœtionsbemade to anybuile gs tlun izlfxyzkfolmily with plansald spxiecationspreviouiy approved in w/ting i)y tlle Cfwnmkgsioner of M dsthe O mmiakoner vlutlnt/tgivo hisapprovalu:ylesshe isr te od thatthe prow - satsare sueh a:to dûvelop tle land adm uatelyand gatltsfactorily 2 ly e 1e&- Ahœ11 wilin Wx Glendermontlu of the ncti1a1 xe lwtion of tâe leax styhnit itl tdplim te to Ge 1% 1 Ae%oltey and tjle fw nmvqmnner of 1aa tls phn: (kmhlairvg hbwek pla éboe q t:e xv>,- of@- xmd xvo m ofaminlgefpr the (lismsalof- rlm mlrfac and -1*g* water),drawings,elevationsend &pecificatlonsofthe buildingsthe 1*- putp- to erect in tbe land and RhaI1,witv tm ny-four (24)montlzsofthe actualregi&ttation ofthe 1> *,complète th: ozw tion ofsuciabuiklhingsand theo nstructioas ofge G aklagt sy:tmn in confomfty with such plans,drawings,elevalmrkqa!id sv ilicasionsasamendod (ifsuchbe the caselby tlle côfnpos Zmler: ProvidddAatntytwithe nhinganythingto mntrary(xmtàino in or implied by GovûpnmontT-qnds Aot,if ddaultushalbe mûde in Ithe m rfolrmanceorobselvànœ ofany ofthe lm uizw menlts ofthiscondkion k shallbekrwfulfcrthe Cémmiagbnbr of Imods or any lxa n abl*lmriad by hlm on IX IaI/ of?1: P- identto ree terinto antlupanthe 1* ora1, parttqemof in the nazne of the whole ald thtreulmn the term hereby crexted shdlceax bate out prejudiœ to any zightofaotix or remedy of the Presidemt orthe commîsâonerin rexs- tof any azftecedorft breaeh of any condkion hexin oontained 3The lesec shall mazbtain in good and substantia! ropair and ctmdkion all buidinm atatly tim e erected on th< latld 4Should tlhe Iegse give notke in wridng to the Camm issionar of Landstlmthe i: unable to complote the blildings within the period afolu aiḍ, tllecommissioner of Lands sthall (at1th0 s oxpenx)accepta sunropederof lantlcomprijed herdn : Providod furthor tibat if such notice as aforesaid shall t:e givenfjlwithin te lve(12)months oftkhe aotual registmtsion ot dze lease,tlw Oommlsgkmeroflpantlsyhul rofund to the kssee fifth (50)percontofthe sùand premitlm paid ih lw pectt?t the land;or fb)atanky subsequenlttitmr priorto the expiration ofthe said buildklg poriod,the Com m isdskm erof Iwands shallrefund tlze lessee twenty-five (25) per cent of the saidsund 1: rèmium;or (c)in tle eveoltofnotico being given atfter the expilration of the said building period,no refund shalbe made 5Thelamrdandbuldkvsshallonltbeusedforshopsoflices and flatsexcluding thesale ofpetrolmls 6 The buldingsslhallnotcove,rmorefthan 75pelrcentum of the area oftle land or lesser area asmay be laid down by 1t1,1* 100a1autherity klits by-laws 711x gramlte Lehnlnotmzbdividetheland wktifautthe prior consont,in writing oftlie Comnfssioneroftanrds 8The graatee shal not sel, transfer, sublet, charge or part thereof except M ti tle prioy consent fn wdtinr of theco-mlssioneroftzmdsno app hca-tlon fl such cmuent (except in respect of a 1(- rm mred for butldinx purpœœ) wilbe considey untilsp emalcondition No2 has been perform ed, 91le grantee shalp>y ttge Commlkaioner ofiaands and demand sudh stlm aqite lcrymmle onerzne eitinwfte to befhe plm portbonate costofconbltrucsng allroadsaod drainrsandseu rs adjoiolgtheland anld shal,on completibn ofsuch eoinotruotion asnd tlo asceptainmontof fhe actualproportionate çpstèither pay (withkl seven(7)daysofdomand)or be rofundeà the am œm tby ehioh the actual proportionateocst eithor exceeds orfalshortbfthe amountpaid as aforeaid 10Thegranteeshallfrom timeto tkne pay to the Commissioner 01Lane on deznand suth propoxion ofthetxstormalxtainiu a: roadsand drainsservingadjoie 1x hndasthe CaommisioneroflandKmav assess 11Should the Com mfxqionerof Iwamfls at any tinw reqtlired the roiadsto be comstruoted to higherstanderd the grantee xhal lyay to the Comri% ioner an domartd suc: proportion of tbe costof such construotion ws the ssioner may aastxss 12Ihe graatee shatl pay ratesatlargtwq dkta s a- ssments oroutgohgs(8fwlmeverdescriptionasmayatlme ed,vaarged land or btzildings erected thereon includinp aay contrîbu?tions or othorsttm paid by thepresidentoftile Repulblic ofkenya or a- d by any goveramo t orkxal authority upon tlle in 15e3,fbereof

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