cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (A Company of Petrobangla) Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited Nalka, Siraganj

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1 2015 cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Siraganj

2 2015 PGCL Annual Report

3 L

4 Contents Message Managing Director s Views PGCL at a Glance 10 Notice for the 16th Annual General Meeting Board of Directors Ex-Chairman of the Board & List of Present Shareholders 16 Directors Report Auditors Report Statement of Financial Position 44 Statement of Comprehensive Income 45 Statement of Cash Flows 46 Statement of Changes in Equity 47 Notes to the Financial Statements Fixed Assets Schedules 63 Schedule B-I Budget Variance Key Performance Indicators 68 Graphs & Charts Auditors Tax Adviser & AGM Publication 74

5 W. ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx PŠayix, exi weµg evyx gvbbxq cöavbgš xi we`y r, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` welqk Dc `óv cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj)-gi 16g evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj A_ eq ii Kvh µg m ú K evwl K cöwz e`b cökvwkz n Q R b Avwg Avbw `Z Kv úvbxi wemz eq ii Kg KvÛ, Avq-e qmn fwel r Kg cwikíbvi cöwz Qwe evwl K cöwz e` b cöwzdwjz n e e j Avgvi wek vm ` ki R vjvbx wbivcëv wbwðz Kiv mikv ii Ab Zg cöavb j evsjv ` ki R vjvbxi cöavb Drm cövk wzk M v mi AbymÜvb, Drcv`b I weziy Kvh µ g MwZkxjZv Avbq bi Rb B Zvg a ^í, ga I `xn gqv`x Kg cwikíbv nv Z bqv n q Q ` ki DËiv ji RbM Yi mevq wb ew`z cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW wewfbœ köwyi MÖvnK `i wbku wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mieivn K i Av_ mvgvwrk Dbœq b iæz c~y f~wgkv cvjb K i P j Q Avgvi ` p wek vm wcwrwmgj- Gi mkj ch v qi Kg KZ v I Kg PvixM Yi HKvwšÍK cö Póv, GKvMÖZv, gav I kö gi gva g cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW DË ivëi mg w jvf Ki e evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj Avwg Kv úvbxi e e vcbv KZ c Ges mkj Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K RvbvB AvšÍwiK Awfb `b I ï f Qv Rq evsjv, Rq e½eüz evsjv `k wpirxex nvk (W. ZŠwdK-B-Bjvnx PŠayix, exi weµg) Company Limited annual report

6 bmiæj nvwg` Ggwc cöwzgš x we`y r, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` gš Yvjq MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikvi evyx 25 KvwZ K b f ^i 2015 cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj)-gi 16Zg evwl K mvaviy AbywôZ n Q R b Avwg Avbw `Z G Dcj ÿ A_ eq ii mvwe K Kg Kv Ûi Dci GKwU cöwz e`b cökvkbvi D ` vm K Avwg ^vmz RvbvB evsjv ` ki A_ bwzk mg w I Av_ -mvgvwrk Dbœq b cövk wzk M v mi Ae`vb Acwimxg mgwš^z e e vcbvi gva g cwikwízfv e cövk wzk M v mi AvniY I weziy K i R vjvbx wbivcëv wbwðz Ki Z mikvi A½xKvive ZviB avivevwnkzvq M vm D Ëvjb, weziy I e e vcbvi mv _ RwoZ cöwzôvb jv K kw³kvjx Kivi D ` vm K Ae vnz ivlv n q Q cöwzôvi ci _ KB ` ki DËi-cwðgv ji wewfbœ köwyi MÖvn Ki gv S G M vm cuv Q `qvi Rb cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW cöwzwbqz h cöqvm Pvwj q hv Q Zv cöksmvi `vwe iv L Avwg Avkv Kwi, cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi Kg KZ v-kg PvixMY wbôvi mv _ Zuv `i Dci Awc Z `vwqz cvjb K i cöwzôvbwui mvwe K Dbœq bi cvkvcvwk RbKj vyv _ Ae`vb ivl e Avwg, cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi mvdj Kvgbv KiwQ Rq evsjv, Rq e½eüz evsjv `k wpirxex nvk (bmiæj nvwg`) 04 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

7 gvt AveyeKi wmwïk * mwpe R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm we`y r, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` gš Yvjq MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikvi evyx evsjv `k ˆZj, M vm I LwbR m ú` Ki cv ikb ( c Uªvevsjv) Gi Ab Zg cöwzôvb cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvwb wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj) 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj A_ eq ii evwl K cöwz e`b cökvk Ki Q R b Avwg Awbt kl Avbw `Z ` ki DËi-cwðgv j evwywr K wfwë Z cövk wzk M vm mieivn, weziy I wecyb Kvh vw` m úv` b wcwrwmgj wb ew`z i q Q Kv úvwb cöwzôvi ci _ K Ôwm g jmõ k~b gvîvq ervq i L M vm wezi Yi ÿ Î AbyKiYxq ` óvší vcb K i Q B Zvg a wcwrwmgj wmivrmä, cvebv, eov, mvuw_qv, Ck i`x, evnvevox, kvnrv`cyi, e ov I ivrkvnx gnvbmix Z M vm weziy buiqvk wbg vy K i G mkj A j M vm mieivn wbwðz K i Q Aí mg qi g a cöwzôvbwu ` ki DËicwðgv ji Av_ -mvgvwrk Dbœq b cöksmbxq f~wgkv i L Q Avgvi ` p wek vm, wcwrwmgj Zvi `ÿzv I e e vcbvi Dbœqb NwU q cöwzôv bi mÿgzv e w Ki e Ges Dbœq bi G aviv fwel ZI Ae vnz _vk e Avwg wcwrwmgj-gi A_ eq ii evwl K mvaviy mfvi mvdj Kvgbv Kwi GKB mv _ Kv úvwbi mkj Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K AvšÍwiK ï f Qv I Awfb `b Rvbvw Q ( gvt AveyeKi wmwïk) * Rbve gvt AveeKi wmwïk MZ Zvwi L B šíkvj K i Qb (Bbœvwjjøv n Iqv Bbœv Bjvwn iv RDb) Company Limited annual report

8 Pqvig vb Chairman evsjv `k ˆZj, M vm I LwbR m ú` Ki cv ikb ( c Uªvevsjv) Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) evyx evwl K cöwz e`b ^ZtcÖ Yvw`Zfv e Z_ cökv ki GKwU Ab Zg gva g cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj)-gi 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj A_ eq ii evwl K cöwz e`b cökv ki D ` vm K Avwg ^vmz RvbvB G cöwz e` b Av jvp A_ eq i Kv úvbxi Avq-e q I Dbœqb Kg Kv Ûi weei Yi cvkvcvwk MÖvnK mev cö`v bi ÿ Î Kv úvbxi Kvh µ gi h_vh_ wpî cöwzdwjz n e e j Avgvi wek vm RvZxq A_ bwzk mg w I Av_ mvgvwrk Dbœq b cövk wzk M v mi f~wgkv AZ ší iæz c~y ` ki R vjvwb wbivcëv wbwðz Kivi j ÿ mikvi M vm AbymÜvb, D Ëvjb, mâvjb, cwienb I mieivn e e vi Dbœq b cövwakvi cö`vb K i Q cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW cöwzôvjmœ _ KB jvfrbk cöwzôvb wn m e cwipvwjz n Q B Zvg a wmivrmä, evnvevox, cvebv, eov, muvw_qv, kvnrv`cyi, e ov I ivrkvnx gnvbmix Z M vm weziy cvbcjvbb vc bi gva g wewfbœ köyxi MÖvnK `i wbku wbiew Qbœfv e M vm mieivn wbwðz K i Avm Q Ges M vm ms hvm cö`v bi gva g G A j wkívq b iæz c~y f~wgkv ivl Q mikvwi gvwjkvbvaxb Kv úvbx wn m e MÖvnK mš wó AR bi ÿ Î ms vi we kl `vqe Zv Av Q G Kv úvbxi me Í ii Kg KZ v-kg PvixMY MÖvnK mevi gvb Dbœq bi gva g Zv `i mš wó AR b m`v m Pó _vk eb e j Avwg Avkv Kwi evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj Kv úvbxi cwipvjkgûjx, e e vcbv KZ c Ges mkj Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K RvbvB AvšÍwiK Awfb `b I gvevikev` Avwg Kv úvbxi Ae vnz DbœwZ I 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi mvdj Kvgbv KiwQ (BmwZqvK Avng`) 06 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

9 Pqvig vb wcwrwmgj cwipvjbv cl ` I AwZwi³ mwpe, R vjvwb I LwbR m ú` wefvm evyx cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW c UªvLv Zi Ab Zg bexb Kv úvbx n ji e nëi ivrkvnx I e ov AÂ ji M vm wecyb Kv úvbx wnmv e-gi fšmwjk cwimi cªvq 18,153 em wk jvwguvi wcwrwmgj 2014 mv j `wbk M o cªvq 100 GgGgwmGd M vm evrvirvz K i Ges ZLb ` k M v mi Drcv`b NvUwZ wq jv 500 GgGgwmGdwW M vm mieiv ni AcªZyjZvi Kvi Y Kv úvbxi Kvh µg wemz 5 (cuvp) eq i D jøl hvm fv e m úªmvwiz nqwb Kv úvbxi d«vâvbrfy³ GjvKvq 2014 mv j 5wU we`ÿ r K `ª wcwrwmgj 74.12% M vm mieivn K i Aewkó 25.88% M v mi g a wkí Lv Z 2.82%, evwywr K Lv Z 0.76%, K vcwuf cviqvi Lv Z 3.78%, wmgbwr Lv Z 7.47% Ges 11.05% M vm AvevwmK Lv Z mieivn K i we` gvb hvmv bi G ev ÍeZvq A`~i fwel Z wcwrwmgj GjvKvq M v mi mieivn D jøl hvm fv e e w i m vebv xy G cª vc U Kv úvbxi Af šíixy ` Zv e w Ges m ú `i myôy e env ii Dci iæz v ivc Kiv cª qvrb wcwrwmgj-gi fwel r Kvh µg cwipvjbvq Kg KZ v- Kg PvixMY Zv `i D vebx ` Zv, AvBwmwUi myôy e envi, gvbm Z MªvnK mev cà vb Ges AcPq iv ai cvkvcvwk cvi úwik mšnv` I mg SvZv e w i Î AwaKZi g bvwb ek Ki j Kv úvbxi AMªhvÎv Ae vnz _vk e wcwrwmgj-gi AvMvgx w`b jv D¾ jzi I mv_ K nvk (gyn ` wrqvdi ingvb) Company Limited annual report

10 e e vcbv cwipvjk cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW bjkv, wmivrmä evyx cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj)-gi lvok evwl K mvaviy mfv Dcj ÿ A_ eq i Kv úvbxi evwl K cöwz e`b cökvk Ki Z c i Avwg Avbw `Z G cöwz e` b Av jvp eq i Kv úvbxi evwl K wbixwÿz wnmve wbkv ki cvkvcvwk Dbœqb Kvh µgmn mvwe K Kg KvÛ m úwk Z Z_ vw` wjwce n q Q ` ki cwðgvâ j M vm mieiv ni gva g AÎ GjvKvq Z_v ` ki Av_ mvgvwrk Dbœq bi j ÿ cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW Gi hvîv ïiæ n qwqj 1999 mv ji b f ^i gv m AvZœcÖKv ki ci _ K Kv úvbxi Dci Awc Z `vwqz myôzfv e m úbœ K i hv Q Ges B Zvg a wmivrmä,evnvevwo,cvebv,ck i`x, eov, muvw_qv,kvnrv`cyi,e ov I ivrkvnx gnvbm i M vm mieivn Kiv n q Q GZØ ZxZ wmivrmä Rjvi mq`vev ` mikvi NvwlZ ÒcvIqvi nveó GjvKvq GbWvweøDwcwRwmGj KZ K vwcz wmivrmä 225 gt It K ^vbû mvb Kj cviqvi cøv U (Wz qj dz qj-1g BDwbU) we` yr K `ª M vm mieivn Kiv n q Q Ges D³ GjvKvq wbwg Ze 2q BDwbU cøv U M vm mieiv ni Rb GbWvweøDwcwRwmGj Gi mv _ AÎ Kv úvbxi GSA ^vÿi m úbœ n q Q GQvov Ck i`x Bwc R Wi 1g d Ri Aewkó wkí cöwzôvb I 2q ch vq cökífz³ GjvKvq M vm mieiv ni j ÿ mswkøó Kvh µg Ges bv Uvi kn i M vm mieiv ni Rb DPP cöyqb cöwµqvaxb Av Q Avwg Avb `i mv _ Av iv D jøl Ki Z PvB h k~b wm m jm wb q wcwrwmgj h AwfhvÎv ïiæ K iwqj Zv A` vewa Ae vnz i q Q GQvov myôz ev RUxq wbqš Y e e v cöez b Ges `ÿ e e vcbvi gva g A_ eq i wcwrwmgj KZ K KvwU UvKv bxu gybvdv AwR Z n q Q Z e Kv úvbxi wecyj wewb qvmk Z A _ i g a FY As ki FY`vq cwi kv ai ÿ Î G gybvdv ch vß bq MÖvnK mevi eªz wb q c_pjv G Kv úvbx MÖvnK `i mevi gvb m ev P ch v q ivlvi cvkvcvwk Kv úvbxi mvwe K ivr ^ Kvh µg cwipvjbvq MwZkxjZv Avbqb Ges e Kqvi wbf yj wnmve wbwðzki bi j ÿ MZ eq ii b vq G eqii mkj köyxi MÖvnK A_v r kzkiv 100 fvm MÖvn Ki wvkvbvq Ôe Kqv cvibv Av Q ev Ôe Kqv cvibv bvbó g g cöz qbcî cöiy Kiv n q Q d j emikvwi MÖvnK `i e Kqv wej Av`v qi cwigvy e w c q Q mevagx RvZxq cöwzôvb wn m e wcwrwmgj myôz I wbqwš Z Dcv q cövk wzk M vm wezi Yi `vwqz cvjb K i DbœZi MÖvnK mev cö`vb K i Avm Q AvMvgx w`b jv ZI G aviv Ae vnz _vk e e j Avwg ` pfv e wek vm 08 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

11 Kwi Kv úvbx Z Kg iz Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i mzzv,wbôv,gkvmözv Ges mswkøó mk ji mn hvwmzvi d jb G mvdj AR b Kiv m e n q Q Avwg wcwrwmgj cwipvjbv cl `, c Uªvevsjv, cökvmwbk gš Yvjq, A_ wefvm, cwikíbv Kwgkb, we ùvik Awa`ßi, cwi ek Awa`ßi, AvBGgBwW I wewfbœ Dbœqb mn hvmx ms vmg~ ni mg qvc hvmx mwµq mn hvwmzv, w`k wb ` kbv I civgk cö`v bi Rb mk ji cöwz Mfxi K ZÁZv cökvk KiwQ m mv _ Kv úvbxi mkj köyxi Kg KZv Kg Pvix KZ K KZ e civqyzv I `ÿzvi mv _ Awc Z `vwqz myôzfv e m úv`b K i Kv úvbxi AMÖhvÎvq iæz c~y Ae`vb ivlvi Rb Zv `i K AvšÍwiK Awfb `b Rvbvw Q Kv úvbxi Dbœqbg~jK Kvh vejxi we Í wz,ev Íevqb I mvwe K mvdj AR b gnvb Avjøvn Avgv `i mnvq nvb (G. Gm. Gg dviæk) Company Limited annual report

12 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited at a glance Name of the Company Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited Date of Registration 20 November 1999 Date of Commencement of Business 24 April 2000 Registered Office Supervisory Organisation Administrative Ministry Nalka, Sirajganj Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources Commencement of First Gas Supply 30 November 1999 Authorized Capital Paid up Capital Total Number of Shares Allotment of Shares Franchise Area Tk Crore Tk Crore Lakh Lakh Greater Rajshahi Division First Board Meeting 29 March 2000 First Annual General Meeting 21 May 2001 Present Manpower Gas Supplying Areas at Present Total Number of Customer Connection Total Volume of Gas Consumed During the Year Total- 157 (Officer-137, Staff-20) Sirajganj Town, Ulahpara, Shahzadpur, Banghabari, Bera, Santhia, Pabna Sadar, Ishwardi, Bogra Sadar, Shahjahanpur & Rajshahi City MMCM 10 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

13 m~î bs (GwRGg-16)/2032 ZvwiL t 29 b f ^i, 2015 wlªt 15 AMÖnvqY, 1422 e½vã 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvi weáwß G g g weáwß cö`vb Kiv hv Q h, cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi 16Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv AvMvgx 15 ww m ^i, 2015 wl&ªt (01 cšl, 1422 e½vã) ivr g½jevi mü v 6.00 NwUKvq c vb c vwmwdk mvbvimuvi nv Uj, 107, KvRx briæj Bmjvg GwfwbD, XvKvq AbywôZ n e mfvi Av jvp m~px t 1 15Zg evwl K mvaviy mfvq M nxz wm všímg~ ni ev Íevqb AMÖMwZ cöwz e`b ch v jvpbv A_ erm ii cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b we epbv I Aby gv`b A_ erm ii Kv úvbxi wbixw Z wnmve, w wzcî Ges wbix Ki cöwz e`b we epbv I Aby gv`b A_ erm ii jf vsk NvlYv I Aby gv`b A_ erm ii Rb Kv úvbxi ewntwbix K wb qvm Ges cvwiköwgk wba viy 6 Kv úvbxi cwipvjk wb qvm wbqwgzkiy 7 Pqvig vb g nv` qi Aby gv`bµ g mvaviy mfvq Av jvpbv hvm Ab vb welqvw` we epbv I m úv`b (hw` _v K) m vwbz kqvi nvìvi Ges cwipvjke ` K D³ mfvq Dcw Z _vkvi Rb Aby iva Kiv nj e w³mzfv e Kvb kqvi nvìvi D³ mfvq Dcw Z n Z AcviM n j mshy³ cö x (Proxy) d g Zuvi c n Z cöwzwbwa g bvbqb cö`v bi Rb Aby iva Kiv hv Q cwipvjkgûjxi Av `kµ g, weziyt ( gvt nvmvb BKevj) Kv úvbx mwpe kqvi nvìve ` t 1 Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 2 Rbve BmwZqvK Avng`, Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 3 emg gvneyeyb bvnvi, cwipvjk (A_ ), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 4 Rbve gvt iæûj Avgxb, cwipvjk (cökvmb), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 5 cö KŠt gvt Kvgiæ¾vgvb, cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 6 Rbve Rvwgj Avn g` Avwjg, cwipvjk (Acv ikb GÛ gvbý), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 7 Rbve gvt gv ÍvwdRyi ingvb, cwipvjk (cwikíbv), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 8 Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb, mwpe, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv cwipvjke ` t 1 Rbve gyn ` wrqvdi ingvb, AwZwi³-mwPe (Dbœqb-1, 3), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I Pqvig vb, wcwrwmgj evw 2 Rbve cöbe Kzgvi Nvl, hym -mwpe, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 3 cö KŠt gvt Kvgiæ¾vgvb, cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 4 Rbve gvt Avey BDmyd wgqv, Dc-cÖavb, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 5 ilv ivbx ev jv, Dc-mwPe (Dbœqb-1), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 6 Rbve gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg, Dc-mwPe (cökvmb-1), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 7 Rbve nvmvby¾vgvb wjub, 34/35/1 (5g Zjv), D gk `Ë ivw, ekkx evrvi, XvKv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 8 Rbve G. Gm. Gg. dviæk, e e vcbv cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 9 Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb, mwpe, c Uªvevsjv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 10 Awdm Kwc/gvóvi dvbj m`q AeMwZi Rb Abywjwc t 1 Pqvig vb, wmwkdwiwur GÛ G PÄ Kwgkb, Rxeb exgv UvIqvi, 10, w`jkzkv ev/g, XvKv 2 gnve e vck (wmggg), c Uªvevsjv, 3, KvIivb evrvi ev/g, XvKv 3 gmvm Gm.Gd. Avn g` GÛ Kvs, PvU vw GKvD U v Um, evox bs-51, ivw bs-09, eøk-gd, ebvbx, XvKv-1213 Company Limited annual report

14 m~î bs (GwRGg-16)/2032 ZvwiL t 09 ww m ^i, 2015 wlªt 25 AMÖnvqY, 1422 e½vã lvok evwl K mvaviy mfvi ZvwiL cwiez b cöm ½ Awbevh KviYekZt cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi lvok evwl K mvaviy mfv AvMvgx 15 ww m ^i, 2015 wl&ªt (01 cšl, 1422 e½vã) Gi cwie Z AvMvgx 28 ww m ^i, 2015 wl&ªt (14 cšl, 1422 e½vã) ivr mvgevi mü v 6.00 NwUKvq c vb c vwmwdk mvbvimuvi, 107, KvRx briæj Bmjvg GwfwbD, XvKvq AbywôZ n e wemz 29/11/2015 Zvwi L RvwiK Z (m~î bs (GwRGg-16)/2032) Ô lvok evwl K mvaviy mfvi weáwßõ Z ewy Z Ômfvi Av jvp m~pxõ AcwiewZ Z _vk e AZGe, m vwbz kqvi nvìvi Ges cwipvjke ` K 15/12/2015 Zvwi Li cwie Z 28/12/2015 Zvwi L D³ mfvq Dcw Z _vkvi Rb Aby iva Kiv nj e w³mzfv e Kvb kqvi nvìvi D³ mfvq Dcw Z n Z AcviM n j mshy³ cö x (Proxy) d g Zuvi c n Z cöwzwbwa g bvbqb cö`v bi Rb Aby iva Kiv hv Q cwipvjkgûjxi Av `kµ g, weziyt ( gvt nvmvb BKevj) Kv úvbx mwpe kqvi nvìve ` t 1 Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 2 Rbve BmwZqvK Avng`, Pqvig vb, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 3 emg gvneyeyb bvnvi, cwipvjk (A_ ), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 4 Rbve gvt iæûj Avgxb, cwipvjk (cökvmb), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 5 cö KŠt gvt Kvgiæ¾vgvb, cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 6 Rbve Rvwgj Avn g` Avwjg, cwipvjk (Acv ikb GÛ gvbý), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 7 Rbve gvt gv ÍvwdRyi ingvb, cwipvjk (cwikíbv), c Uªvevsjv, XvKv 8 Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb, mwpe, c Uªvevsjv, XvKv cwipvjke ` t 1 Rbve gyn ` wrqvdi ingvb, AwZwi³-mwPe (Dbœqb-1, 3), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I Pqvig vb, wcwrwmgj evw 2 Rbve cöbe Kzgvi Nvl, hym -mwpe, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 3 cö KŠt gvt Kvgiæ¾vgvb, cwipvjk (wcgmwm), c Uªvevsjv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 4 Rbve gvt Avey BDmyd wgqv, Dc-cÖavb, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 5 ilv ivbx ev jv, Dc-mwPe (Dbœqb-1), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 6 Rbve gvt kwn`yj Bmjvg, Dc-mwPe (cökvmb-1), R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 7 Rbve nvmvby¾vgvb wjub, 34/35/1 (5g Zjv), D gk `Ë ivw, ekkx evrvi, XvKv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 8 Rbve G. Gm. Gg. dviæk, e e vcbv cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 9 Rbve mq` AvkdvKz¾vgvb, mwpe, c Uªvevsjv I cwipvjk, wcwrwmgj evw 10 Awdm Kwc/gvóvi dvbj m`q AeMwZi Rb Abywjwc t 1 Pqvig vb, wmwkdwiwur GÛ G PÄ Kwgkb, Rxeb exgv UvIqvi, 10, w`jkzkv ev/g, XvKv 2 gnve e vck (wmggg), c Uªvevsjv, 3, KvIivb evrvi ev/g, XvKv 3 gmvm Gm.Gd. Avn g` GÛ Kvs, PvU vw GKvD U v Um, evox bs-51, ivw bs-09, eøk-gd, ebvbx, XvKv annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

15 Board of Directors Company Limited annual report

16 Chairman Muhammad Ziaur Rahman Additional Secretary (Development-1, 3) Energy & Mineral Resources Division, Dhaka. Director Pranab Kumar Ghosh Joint Secretary Energy & Mineral Resources Division, Dhaka. Director Engr. Md. Quamruzzaman Director (PSC) Petrobangla, Dhaka. Director Md. Abu Yousuf Miah Deputy Chief Energy & Meneral Resources Division, Dhaka. 14 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

17 Director Rekha Rani Balo Deputy Secretary (Dev-1) Energy & Meneral Resources Division, Dhaka. Director Md. Shahidul Islam Deputy Secretary (Admin-1) Energy & Meneral Resources Division, Dhaka. Director Hasan Uzzaman Liton 34/35/1 (4th floor), Umash Datta Road Bokshi Bazar, Dhaka. Director A. S. M. Faruque Managing Director Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited Nalka, Sirajganj. Director Syed Ashfaquzzaman Secretary Petrobangla, Dhaka. Company Limited annual report

18 Ex-Chairmen of the Board 1. Md. Mosharraf Hossain Ex-Chairman, Petrobangla 2. Prof. Dr. Md. Hussain Monsur Ex-Chairman, Petrobangla 3. Syed Sajedul Karim Ex-Chairman, Petrobangla 4. Major Md. Muqtadir Ali (Retd.) Ex-Director (Planning), Petrobangla 5. Md. Abdus Sattar Mia Ex-Joint Secretary (Development) Energy & Meneral Resources Division 6. Md. Emdadul Hoque Ex-Joint Secretary (Admin) Energy & Meneral Resources Division 7. Ahemd Ullah Ex-Joint Secretary (Admin) Energy & Meneral Resources Division 8. Shafat Ahmed Choudhuri Ex-Additional Secretary (Admin & Operation) Energy & Meneral Resources Division 9. Md. Golam Mostafa Ex-Additional Secretary (Admin & Operation) Energy & Meneral Resources Division List of Present Shareholders 1. Istiaque Ahmad Chairman, Petrobangla, Dhaka. 2. Begum Mahbubun Nahar Director (Finance), Petrobangla, Dhaka. 3. Md. Ruhul Amin Director (Admin), Petrobangla, Dhaka. 4. Engr. Md. Quamruzzaman Director (PSC), Petrobangla, Dhaka. 5. Jameel A Aleem Director (Operation & Mines), Petrobangla, Dhaka. 6. Md. Mustafizur Rahman Director (Planning), Petrobangla, Dhaka. 7. Syed Ashfaquzzaman Secretary, Petrobangla, Dhaka. 8. Petrobangla (Representative) Chairman, Petrobangla, Dhaka Ex- Chairmen List of of the Board Present Shareholders 16 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

19 cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW (wcwrwmgj)-gi lvok evwl K mvaviy mfvq A_ eq ii mvwe K Kvh µ gi Dci cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b wem&wgjøvwni ivn&gvwbi ivwng m vwbz kqvi nvìvie ` Avm&mvjvgy AvjvBKzg m vwbz myaxgðjx cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi lvok evwl K mvaviy mfvq Avcbv `i ^vmz Rvbv bvi my hvm c q Avwg I Kv úvbxi cwipvjbv cl `i cwipvjke ` m vwbz eva KiwQ Avwg AZ ší Avb `i mv _ Avcbv `i AeMwZi Rb Rvbvw Q h, Kv úvbx evw Ges m vwbz kqvi nvìvim Yi ev ÍegyLx w`k-wb ` kbv, Kv úvbxi e e vcbv KZ c i mg qvwpz I e wbô c` c Ges me Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i AvšÍwiK wbijm cö Póvq Kv úvbx Ab vb eq ii b vq A_ eq ii Dbœqbg~jK Kg KvÛ m úv` bi mv _ mv _ gybvdv AR bi avivi Ae vnz ivl Z mg_ n q Q m vwbz kqvi nvìvie ` Avcbviv AeMZ Av Qb h, ` ki cwðgvâ j M vm mieiv ni j GKwU e wzµgagx Ges cömwzkxj aviyvi Dci wfwë K i b f ^i, 1999 gv m hvîv ïiæ K iwqj cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW Kv úvbxi g~j D Ïk wqj e nëi ivrkvnx wefv M M vm wfwëk wkí KviLvbv M o Zvjvi j mnvqk f~wgkv cvjb Kiv G D Ïk ev Íevq bi Rb Kv úvbx me `vb m Pó i q Q B Zvg a AZ ší ` Zvi mv _ G Kv úvbx wmivrmä, evnvevox, eov, mvw_qv, kvnrv`cyi, cvebv, Ck i`x, e ov, ivrkvnxmn wewfbœ iæz c~y GjvKvq M vm cvbcjvbb buiqvk m cömviy K i RbM Yi `vi Mvovq M vm cuš Q w` q Q Kv úvbx MV bi ci _ KB wcwrwmgj GKwU jvfrbk cöwzôvb wn m e AvZ cökvk K i mvwe K Kvh µ g mvd j i h ^v i enb K i P j Q ZviB avivevwnkzvq AvR Avwg Avb `i mv _ Avcbv `i K AewnZ Ki Z PvB h, wemz eqi jvi Zzjbvq Kv úvbx Av jvp A_ eq i m e v P gybvdv AR b K i Q g~jzt myôz ev RUxq wbqš Y e e v cöez b, M vm weziy e e vq wewfbœ ms vi Kvh µg I ` Avw_ K e e vcbvi gva g A_ eq i Kv úvbxi Kic~e bxu gybvdv AwR Z n q Q KvwU UvKv hw`i cwðgvâj d«vâvbr GjvKvq Pvwn`v gvwdk M vm mieivn bv cviqvq Kv úvbxi Kg KvÐ/ Kvh µg Avkbyiƒcfv e m úªmviy Kiv m e nqwb m úªmviy Kiv m e n j gybvdvi cwigvy Av iv e w cz AvR Ki evwl K mvaviy mfvq GLb Avwg A_ eq ii wbixw Z wnmve I wbix v cöwz e`bmn Kv úvbxi Dbœqb Kg Kv Ði Dci cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b Dc vcb KiwQt 2014 mv j AbywôZ Kv úvbxi 15Zg evwl K mvaviy mfv Company Limited annual report

20 Dbœqb Kvh µg Kv úvbxi Dbœqb Kvh µ gi AvIZvq A_ eq i cvbcjvbb wbg vy Ges MÖvnK ms hv Mi msw ß weeiyt M vm cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kv úvbxi we` gvb buiqv K i AvIZvq AvevwmK ms hvm e ZxZ bzzb M vm ms hvm cö`v b mikvix wb laváv ejer _vkvq MZ eq ii b vq G A_ eq ii cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi Kvb j gvîv wba viy Kiv nqwb Z e AvevwmK ms hv Mi Î we` gvb wb laváv KwZcq kz mv c cöz vnvi niqvq Av jvp A_ erm i wewfbœ e v mi wkt wgt cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kiv n q Q wmivrmä, evnvevox-kvnrv`cyi, eov-mvw_qv, cvebv, Ck i`x, e ov, ivrkvnx AvÂwjK Kvh vjqfz³ GjvKvq we` gvb AvevwmK köyxi MÖvnK `i weziy buiqvk cvbc jvbb n Z M vm ms hv Mi D³ mvwf m cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kiv n q Q Avwg GLb Kv úvbxi Rb jmœ n Z G ch ší eqi wfwëk wewfbœ e v mi cvbcjvbb wbg vy Kv Ri GKwU Zzjbvg~jK weeiy Zz j aiwq t A_ ermi wewfbœ e v mi cvbc jvbb wbg v Yi cwimsl vb (wkt wgt) me gvu 24" 12" 8" 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" (wkt wgt) annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

21 A_ ermi wewfbœ e v mi cvbc jvbb wbg v Yi cwimsl vb (wkt wgt) me gvu 24" 12" 8" 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" (wkt wgt) me gvu = MÖvnK M vm ms hvm AvevwmK M vm ms hvm e wzz Ab vb MÖvnK cöwzôv b bzzb M vm ms hvm cö`v b mikvix wb laváv _vkvq A_ erm ii ev R Ui AvIZvq Kvb M vm ms hv Mi j gvîv wba viy Kiv nqwb Z e Av jvp A_ eq i wcwrwmgj-gi AvIZvf~³ GjvKvq gvu wu bzzb AvevwmK ms hvm `Iqv n q Q Kv úvbxi Rb jmœ n Z 30 Ryb 2015 ch ší eqi wfwëk wewfbœ MÖvnK K cö`ë M vm ms hvm cö`v bi Z_ wb gœ Dc vcb Kiv nj t MÖvnK köyx (msl v) A_ ermi K vcwuf me gvu msl v we`ÿ r wmgbwr wkí evwywr K M n vjx cviqvi me gvu = evwywr K Kvh µg m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, Avwg GLb Kv úvbxi evwywr K Kvh µ gi Dci Avcbv `i g bv hvm AvKl Y KiwQ A_ eq i wcwrwmgj evwywr K Kvh µg ïiæ K i H eq ib gybvdv AR bi gva g h ïfhvîv m~pbv K i Zv GLbI a i ivl Z m g n q Q Ges m mv _ we ep A_ eq i D jøl hvm mvdj AR b K i Q GiB avivevwnkzvq Kv úvbxi A_ eq ii evwywr K Kvh µ gi we ÍvwiZ weeiy Avcbv `i AeMwZ I we epbvi Rb Dc vcb KiwQ t M vm weµq G A_ eq i wcwrwmgj me gvu GgGgwmGg M vm weµq K i Q MZ eq i gvu M vm weµq Kiv n qwqj GgGgwmGg G eqi GgGgwmGg Kg M vm weµq Kiv n q Q hv MZ eq ii Zzjbvq 4.35% Kg Company Limited annual report

22 G cöm ½ Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb Rvbvw Q h, mikv ii D P AMÖvwaKvicÖvß mvi Drcv` b M vm mieiv ni my hv Mi cöwÿ Z evsjv `k we`ÿ r Dbœqb ev W i evnvevox Z Aew Z we`ÿ r K `ª jv 6 gvm jvmvzvi eü _vkvq M vm weµq MZ A_ eq ii Zzjbvq Kg n q Q Z e Kvb ikg wm g jm& bv _vkvq, e vs K Mw QZ A _ i mỳ e w I m ev cwi myôz cökvmwbk I `ÿ Avw_ K e e vcbvi Kvi Y G eqi gvu bxu gybvdv KvwU UvKvq DbœxZ Kiv m e n q Q Kv úvbxi ïiæ n Z 30 Ryb 2015 ch ší eqi wfwëk M vm weµ qi cwimsl vb Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb wb gœ cö`vb Kiv nj t A_ ermi we`ÿ r eqi wfwëk M vm weµ qi cwigvy (GgGgwmGg) K vcwuf wmgbwr wkí evwywr K M n vjx cviqvi me gvu = A_ eq i MÖvnK wfwëk M vm e env ii cwigvy wgwjqb NbwgUvi MÖvnK köyx fvmk Z M v mi cwigvy e env ii kzkiv nvi we`ÿ r (mikvix/ emikvix) % K vcwuf cviqvi % wkí % wmgbwr % evwywr K % AvevwmK % gvu = wgwjqb NbwgUvi % `wbk Mo e env ii cwigvy cövq wgwjqb NbdzU wm g jm Kv úvbxi Rb jmœ _ K wcwrwmgj M vm µq Ges weµ q h k~b wm g jm-gi ` óvší m wó K iwqj Zv GLbI Ae vnz Av Q A_ vr Ab vb eq ii b vq G eq ii Kv úvbxi Kvb wm g jm nqwb M vm mâvjb I weziy bxwz Abyhvqx m e v P 2% wm g jm MÖnY hvm we ewpz n ji A_ eq i ` e e vcbv I mgq Dc hvmx Kvh µg MÖn Yi gva g wm g j mi cwie Z 6.46% wm g MBb AwR Z n q Q A ea M vm ms hvm wew QbœKiY Abv`vqx M vm wej Av`vq, A eafv e M vm e envi I MÖvnK KZ K m ó Ab vb Awbq gi Kvi Y M vm ms hvm wew QbœKiY Kvh µg Rvi`viKi Yi wbwgë wfwrj vý wefvm I mswkøó AvÂwjK Kvh vjq G ermi me vz K cö Póv Ae vnz iv L A bk 20 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas gvu

23 mgq D³ wwcvu g Ui mswkøó Kg KZ vmy Rxe bi SuywK wb q MÖvnK cöwzôv b mkix i Dcw Z n q A ea M vm ms hvm wew Qbœ K i wfwrj vý wwcvu g Ui Zvr wyk I Kvh Ki Awfhv bi d j M vm ms hvm wew QbœKiY Ges cybt ms hvm MÖn Yi nvi MZ eq ii Zzjbvq A bk e w c q Q A_ eq i 328wU AvevwmK, 5wU evwywr K, 4wU wkímn gvu 337wU M vm ms hvm wew Qbœ Kiv nq Aciw` K e Kqv cvibv I Rwigvbv Av`vq K i gvu 288 Rb MÖvnK K cybt ms hvm cö`vb Kiv nq G ms hvm wew QbœKiY Awfhvb cwipvjbvi d j Kv úvbxi ivr ^ Avq e w i mv _ mv _ MÖvnK m PZbZvI e w c q Q MÖvnK cöz qbcî MÖvnK nqivwb e Üi j MZ eq ii b vq G eq ii 2014 mv ji 31 ww m ^i ch ší mkj köyxi MÖvnK `i wbku Ôe Kqv cvibv Av QÕ ev Ôe Kqv cvibv bbõ g g cöz qbcî cöiy wbwðz Kiv n q Q m gvzv ek mkj köyxi MÖvnK `i wbku D³ ZvwiL ch ší e Kqv cvibv M vm we ji cwigvy/ e Kqv cvibv bb wnmve wbiƒcy K i AÎ Kv úvbxi wewfbœ AvÂwjK Kvh vjq n Z gvu wu cöz qbcî A_ vr kzkiv GKkZ fvm cöz qbcî MÖvnKM Yi wvkvbvq cöiy wbwðz Kiv n q Q Gi g a e Kqv bb g g wu Ges e Kqv Av Q g g 9303 wu cöz qbcî Bmÿ Kiv n q Q Gi d j emikvix MÖvnK `i wbku _ K e Kqv wej Av`v qi cwigvy e w c q Q G Qvov, evsjv `k we`ÿ r Dbœqb evw n Z cvibv Av`v qi cwigvy G eq ii m šívlrbk ch v q ivlv m e n q Q M v mi Pvwn`v I mieivn cwiw wz wcwrwmgj G mieivnk Z gvu M v mi kzvsk evnvevox wcwwwei 2wU, wcwwweõi GKwU Kv úvbx b_ I qó cviqvi Rbv ikb Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi wmivrmä 150 gmviqvu (ez gv b 225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj BDwbU-1), mvwgu DËivÂj cviqvi Kv úvbx, wrwewe cviqvi wjwg UW, GbvwR wcögv we`ÿ r K `ª M vm mieivn Kiv n Q ` ki Ab vb AÂj _ K A cÿvk Z Kg AMÖmi Rbc `i `vwi`ª we gvp bi Rb wkívqb Acwinvh n ji G `xn mg q G A j Ab vb MÖvnK msl v I GLv Z M v mi Pvwn`v e w c ji Avkvbyiƒcfv e e nr wkí KviLvbv I we`ÿ r K `ª M o D Vwb d j GLbI wcwrwmgj-gi g~j PvwjKvkw³ wn m e we ewpz n Q evnvevox I wmivrmä-g Aew Z DwjøwLZ we`ÿ r K `ª jv MZ evwl K mvaviy mfvq wcwwwe, c Uªvevsjv I mswkøó mkj K we`ÿ r K `ª jv memgq Pvjy ivlvi j ÿ Kvw LZ gvîvq wbiew Qbœ M vm mieivn Kivi Aby iva Rvbv bv n qwqj wkš G ermi mikvix wm v ší mvi Drcv` b AMÖvwaKvi wfwë Z M vm mieivn `qvq evnvevox Z Aew Z wcwwwei we`ÿ r K `ª 2wU jvmvzvi 6 gvm eü _vkvq G ermi Kvw LZ M vm weµq Kiv m e nqwb ZvQvov `xn w`b hver I qógû we`ÿ r wk `ªwU eü _vkvq D³ K `ªi Rb eivïk Z M vm e envi m e n Q bv Avwg wcwwwe, c Uªvevsjv I mswkøó mkj K wcwrwmgjfz³ GjvKvaxb we`ÿ r K `ª jv mve ÿwyk Pvjy ivlvi j ÿ Kvw LZ gvîvq wbiew Qbœ M vm mieiv ni wbwgë mvwe K mn hvwmzv cö`v bi Rb Aby iva KiwQ Avw_ K Kvh µg m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, Avwg GLb A_ eq ii Avw_ K Kg Kv Ûi msw ß weeiy Avcbv `i AeMwZ I we epbvi Rb Dc vcb KiwQ t Kv úvbxi Avq-e q A_ eq i cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW KZ K Late payment Interest, Penalty Commissioning, Connection Fee BZ vw`mn M vm weµq Lv Z gvu cövß A _ i cwigvy KvwU UvKv A_ eq i Gi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv Ab w` K G A_ eq i wewfbœ Stake Holder- `i Ask I Distribution e qmn Total Cost of Sale-Gi cwigvy KvwU UvKv c vší i A_ eq i G Lv Z A _ i cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv Gi mv _ Other Income I Net Financial Gain, Provision for Beneficiary we epbvq A_ eq i Net profit before tax- Gi cwigvy `vuwo q Q KvwU UvKv Ges A_ eq i Gi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv Ki ciezx bxu gybvdvi cwigvy h_vµ g KvwU UvKv Ges KvwU UvKv Company Limited annual report

24 Kv úvbxi I A_ eq ii msw ß Avw_ K djvdj wb Pi Q K cö`wk Z nj KvwU UvKvq Ki ciezx bxu gybvdv ev` t Ave Ubmg~n (Appropriation) jf vsk cwi kvwaz (6.36) (4.50) c~e ez x erm ii wecix Z mgš^q Ave Ub ciezx bxu jvf (Net Profit after Appropriation/ Retained Earnings) c~e ezx eq ii bxu DØ Ë (Balance) Statement of Financial Position-G vbvšíwiz Retained Earnings/ Revenue Reserve ivóªxq KvlvMv i A_ cö`vb A_ eq i wb gœv³ LvZ mg~ ni wecix Z me gvu KvwU UvKv ivóªxq KvlvMv i Rgv cö`vb Kiv n q Q t KvwU UvKv K c v iu BbKvg U v jf vsk GOB Ges ADB F Yi Avmj cwi kva GOB Ges ADB F Yi Dci mỳ cwi kva wvkv`vi I mieivnkvix `i wej n Z Drm j KwZ Z f vu wvkv`vi I mieivnkvix `i wej n Z Drm j KwZ Z AvqKi gvu = KvwU UvKv MZ A_ eq i ivóªxq KvlvMv i Rgv cö`vb Kiv n qwqj KvwU UvKv G eq i ivóªxq KvlvMv i 2.36 KvwU UvKv ewk Rgv cö`vb Kiv n q Q, hv wemz eq ii Zzjbvq cövq 5.19% AwaK FY BKz BwUi AbycvZ A_ eqi k l Kv úvbxi FY I BKz BwUi AbycvZ `uvwo q Q t MZ eq i G AbycvZ wqj t G AbycvZwUi Kvw Z gvb 60 t 40 FY I BKz BwUi AbycvZwU Kvw Z gv bi Dc i Ae vb Kivq Dnv Kv úvbxi AbyK j Av Q Mo vqx m ú `i Dci Avq A_ eq i Mo vqx m ú `i Dci Avq n q Q 37.88% G Kv úvbx Z Mo vqx m ú `i Dci Av qi Kvw Z gvb 12% wemz eq i G gvb wqj 30.33% Abv`vqx A_ evsjv `k we`ÿ r Dbœqb ev W i cÿ n Z wemz eqi jvi b vq M vm wej cwi kv ai aviv Ae vnz ivlvq we ep A_ eq i M vm weµ qi A_ Av`v q AwR Z mvdj Zzjbvg~jKfv e e w c q Q A_ eqi k l wewfbœ köyxi MÖvn Ki wbku cvibvi cwigvy `uvwo q Q KvwU UvKv hv 1.52 gv mi Mo we ji mgvb MZ A_ eq i gvu cvibvi cwigvy wqj KvwU UvKv Ges Mo gv mi cwigvy wqj 1.52 gvm Avw_ K mxgve Zv I DËiY Avcbv `i wbðqb g b Av Q h, wemz eqi jv Z Avwg Kv úvbxi Avw_ K mxgve Zv Ges G _ K DËi Yi wel q wcwrwmgj-gi Franchise Area- Z M vm ms hvm cö`v b mikvix wb laváv cöz vnvi I Avjv`v gvwr b wba vi Yi Rb 22 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

25 mswkøó mkj KZ c i wbku Aby iva Rvwb qwqjvg GZ` cöw Z we`ÿ r I wmgbwr Lv Zi weziy gvwr b e w Kiv n ji wkí, evwywr K I K vcwuf cviqvi Lv Z weziy gvwr b e w Kiv nqwb Aciw` K AvevwmK MÖvnK `i M vm ms hvm cö`v b wb laváv cöz vnvi Kiv n ji wkí, evwywr K BZ vw` MÖvnK `i M vm ms hvm cö`v b mikvix wb laváv cöz vnvi Kiv nqwb d j wmgbwr I we`ÿ r Lv Z weziy gvwr b e w i d j Kv úvbxi Avq e w c ji Zv Avkvbyiƒc bq Avcbv `i m`q AeMwZi Rb D jøl Ki Z PvB h, G eqi Kv úvbx Ab vb eq ii Zzjbvq ewk gybvdv AR b Ki ji G AwR Z gybvdv GLbI AcÖZzj GgZve vq, mvwe K we epbvq Amortization Schedule Abyhvqx Kv úvbxi evwl K FY`vq, Dbœqb Kvh µ gi Rb Znwe ji hvmvb, Kvw Z gvîvq jf vsk Lv Z mikvix KvlvMv i A_ Rgv Ges AePq Znwej m wói j Kv úvbxi Rb b~ bzg `wbk M vm weµ qi cwigvy niqv cö qvrb 130 wgwjqb NbdzU G j wcwrwmgj Franchise Area- Z wkívq bi ^v _ AšÍZt wk íi Î M vm e env ii Rb mikvix wb laváv cöz vnvi Kiv Avek K G cö vc U welqwu mnvbyf~wzi mv _ we epbvi Rb Avwg cybivq mswkøó mk ji mn hvwmzv Kvgbv KiwQ cökvmwbk Kvh µg m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, GKwU cöwzôv bi mvwe K DbœwZ I myk Lj cwi ek wbf i K i ` e e vcbv I mỳ p cökvmwbk e e vi Dci AÎ Kv úvbxi mvwe K Dbœqb I myôz cwi ek ervq ivlvi wbwgë ` cökvmwbk e e v ` p wfwëi Dci vc bi D Ï k Av jvp A_ eq i h mkj cökvmwbk Kvh µg MÖnY Kiv n q Q Zvi weeiy Avcbv `i AeMwZi Rb wb gœ cö`vb Kiv nôj t gvbe m ú` Dbœq b cöwk Yi Kg m~px Avgiv Rvwb h, GKwU cöwzôv bi mwvk Dbœqb I myôz e e vcbvi Rb ` Rbkw³i Kvb wekí bb Kg KZ v-kg Pvix `i Kv Ri ` Zv e w i j Ges mswkøó wel q wbr ^ Kg Î ` Zvi ^v i i L AMÖMwZi mv _ Pjvi hvm Zv AR bi Rb G Kv úvbx Z gvbe m ú` Dbœqb Kvh µg Ae vnz Av Q ` ki Af ší i cöwkÿy D³ Kvh µ gi Ask wn m e A_ eq i wcwrwmgj-gi wbr ^ A_ vq b ` ki Af ší i XvKv wewfbœ L vzbvgv cöwzôv b Kv úvbxi gvu 53 Rb Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K cöwk Y cöiy Kiv n q Q A_ eq i ` ki Af ší i Kg KZ v/ Kg PvixM Yi cöwk Y cöi Yi cwimsl vb I we ÍvwiZ weeiy wbgœiƒct cöwk Yi welq Project Management Public Procurement Act 2006 and PPR Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Gas RMS and Pipeline. Store Keeping & Stock Control. Gas Network Analysis. Management Skills for Executives. cöwk Yi vb evsjv `k c Uªvwjqg Bbw wudu, DËiv g Wj UvDb, XvKv evsjv `k c Uªvwjqg Bbw wudu, DËiv g Wj UvDb, XvKv evsjv `k c Uªvwjqg Bbw wudu, DËiv g Wj UvDb, XvKv evsjv `k c Uªvwjqg Bbw wudu, DËiv g Wj UvDb, XvKv evsjv `k c Uªvwjqg Bbw wudu, DËiv g Wj UvDb, XvKv b vkbvj GKv Wwg di cøvwbs GÛ W fjc g U (GbGwcwW), bxj ÿz, XvKv cöwk YcÖvß Kg KZ v/ Kg Pvixi msl v 03 Rb 02 Rb 05 Rb 03 Rb 03 Rb 02 Rb Company Limited annual report

26 cöwk Yi welq Managerial Communication Leadership & Interpersonal Skill Development for the Managers. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) TA to Review the Approach for Increasing the Efficiency of Gas Utilization in Certain Major Users. Capacity Building in Industrial Gas Utilization Efficiency. Introduction to floating storage & Regasification unit (FSRU) & Offsore. IBA, Dhaka. cöwk Yi vb Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Company (IIFC), Dhaka. Technoconsult International Limited (TCIL) Technoconsult International Limited (TCIL) LNG Cell Petrobangla & Bureau veritas Bangladesh Private Limited. cöwk YcÖvß Kg KZ v/ Kg Pvixi msl v 01 Rb 01 Rb 02 Rb 02 Rb 01 Rb Essential Gov. Service Rules BIM, Dhaka. 28 Rb me gvu = 53 Rb e `wkk cöwkÿy A_ erm i wcwrwmgj-gi 4 Rb Kg KZ v K Kv úvbxi wbr ^ A_ vq b ˆe `wkk cöwkÿ Y cöiy Kiv n q Q MZ A_ erm i Gwkqvb Bbw wudu Ae UK bvjwr e vskk, _vbj vû KZ K Av qvwrz cöwkÿ Y wcwrwmgj-gi 3 Rb Kg KZ v Ask MÖnY K ib Avkv Kiv hvq h, AvMvgx eqi jv ZI Kv úvbxi A_ vq b ˆe `wkk cöwkÿ Y cöv_x cöi Yi aviv Ae vnz _vk e A_ erm i ˆe `wkk cöwkÿ Y cöwiz Kg KZ v `i cwimsl vb wb gœ cö`vb Kiv njt- µt bs cöwk Yi welq cöwk Yi vb cöwk YcÖvß Kg KZ vi msl v 1 Administration and Human Resource. 02 Rb 2 Financial Management. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. me gvu = 02 Rb 04 Rb wb qvwrz/wb qvmze Rbej Kv úvbxi ez gvb mvsmvwbk KvVv gv Abyhvqx 241 Rb Kg KZ v Ges 66 Rb Kg Pvixmn gvu 307 Rb Rbe ji ms vb i q Q Gi wecix Z ez gv b Kv úvbx Z 137 Rb Kg KZ v Ges 20 Rb Kg Pvix A_ vr gvu 157 Rb Kg KZ v-kg Pvix wb qvwrz Av Q ez gv b G Kv úvbxi 12 Rb Kg KZ v c Uªvevsjvmn ms vi AvIZvaxb Ab vb Kv úvbx Z cöl Y Kg iz Av Qb Ges Ab vb Kv úvbxi 01 Rb Kg KZ v I 04 Rb Kg Pvix wcwrwmgj-g cöl Y Kg iz Av Qb D jøl h, wb qvmcövß KwZcq Kg KZ v B Zvg a PvKzix n Z B Ídv cö`vb Kivq Ges Kv úvbxi ez gvb mvsmvwbk KvVv gvi AvIZvq Aewkó k~b c` ch vqµ g c~i Yi cö qvrbxq Kvh µg MÖnY Kiv n q Q Kj vyg~jk Kvh µg `bw `b Kg Rxe bi evb i cvi úwik mg SvZv, wek vm, Av v, AvšÍte w³ m ú K i Dbœqb Ges m e vcwi gvbwek g~j ev ai DrKl Zv mva bi Rb wewfbœ cökvi we bv`bg~jk Ges mvgvwrk Kvh µ gi wekí bb G j K mvg b i L wcwrwmgj cöwz eq i wb gœv³ mvgvwrk, mvs wzk, we bv`b Ges Kj vyg~jk Kvh µg MÖnY K i _v K t wk ve wë c Uªvevsjvi Ab vb Kv úvbxi b vq G Kv úvbx Z Kg iz Kg KZ v-kg Pvix `i mšívb `i g a hviv cöv_wgk, gva wgk, 24 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

27 D P gva wgk, mœvzk, mœvz KvËi ch v q K wz Z i mv _ DËxY n q Q, Zv `i wk ve wë cö`vb Kiv n q _v K cöewz Z wk v e wëi AvIZvq Av jvp A_ eq i gvu 31 Rb K 3,45, UvKvi wk ve wë cö`vb Kiv n q Q FY`vb Kg m~px Kv úvbxi ev R U eivïk Z Avw_ K ms v bi AvIZvq cöwz A_ eq i Rwg µq I M n wbg vy FY, Kw úduvi I gvui mvb Kj µ qi Rb A_ cö`vb Kiv n q _v K MZ A_ eq i Rwg µq I M n wbg vy Lv Z gvu j UvKv FY cö`vb Kiv n q Q µxov I we bv`b Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i g a mšnv` I eüzz c~y m úk Dbœqb Ges Awdm Kv Ri aiv-euvav wbq gi evb i wpëwe bv` bi Rb wcwrwmgj Gi c n Z wewfbœ we bv`bg~jk Kg m~px MÖnY Kiv n q _v K G jvi g a Af šíixb I ewntµxov cöwz hvwmzv Abyôvb, cyi vi weziyx Abyôvb, eb fvrb BZ vw` D jøl hvm cövq cöwzwu Abyôv b Kg KZ v/ Kg Pvix QvovI Zv `i cwievi-cwirb Ask MÖnY K i Company Limited annual report

28 ^v, cwi ek I wbivcëv Kvh µg cövk wzk M vm GKwU cwi ek evüe R vjvbx ` ki A_ bwzk Dbœq b cövk wzk M vm wbqvgk f~wgkv cvjb K i hv Q cövk wzk M v mi wbivc` e envi GKwU iæz c~y welq niqvq wm g cwipvjbv I i Yv e Y Kv R wb qvwrz Rbe ji ^v MZ wbivcëv Ges Kv úvbxi M vm cvbcjvbb I kb wwrvbbmn wewfbœ vcbvmg~ ni wbivcëv I cwi ekmz Kvh µg h _ó iæz enb K i G j welqwui Dci h_vh_ iæz Av iv ci gva g wcwrwmgj-gi c n Z ^v, cwi ek I wbivcëvi Î wbgœewy Z Kvh µg MÖnY Kiv n q Q t ^v wcwrwmgj wek vm K i Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix `i mȳ ^v Ges ^v Ki cwi ek Kv úvbxi Kg ` Zv e w Z mivmwi f~wgkv iv L G Kvi Y cöwz eq ii b vq G eqii wcwrwmgj Kg KZ v-kg Pvix `i webvg~ j iæwub Pc Av ci gva g Zv `i ^v MZ wpwkrmv mev Ae vnz i L Q mikvi Aby gvw`z 150 AvB U gi Jla h_vh_fv e msi Y I wezi Yi e e v Ae vnz Av Q cwi ek Kv úvbxi mvwe K Kg KvÛ cwipvjbvq RvZxq A½xKv ii mv _ m½wz i L cövk wzk fvimvg i v, cwi ek msi Y I cwi ek `~ly iv a wcwrwmgj we kl iæz Av ivc K i _v K cöwz eq ii b vq G eqii Kv úvbxi wewfbœ vcbvq wewfbœ cörvwzi djr, ebr I Jlwa Mv Qi Pviv ivcy Kiv n q Q Ges ivwcz e mg~ ni wbqwgz cwiph vi gva g eo Kivi Rb cö qvrbxq e e v MÖnY Kiv n q Q Dciš, bjkv cöavb Kvh vj qi e kvwfz meyr eóyx Av iv wbweo I AvKl Yxq Kivi Rb we kl D ` vm MÖnY Kiv n q Q G Qvov, cwi ekmz fvimvg I wbivcëv i vi ^v _ mikvix wb ` kbv gvzv ek cöwz gv m Kv úvbxi Environment & Safety m ji gva g wewfbœ vcbv wbqwgz cwi`k b K i wi cvu MÖnY Kiv n q _v K wbivcëv wcwrwmgj-gi M vm weziy GjvKvq AvevwmK MÖvnK e ZxZ mkj cökvi M vm ms hv Mi Î cwi ek Awa`ß ii QvocÎ MÖnY Kiv nq 10 Bar Pv ci cvbcjvbb wbg v Yi Î cwi ek Awa`ßi QvovI we ùvik Awa`ß ii Aby gv`b bqv nq MÖvn Ki `vi Mvovq M vm mieivn wbwðz Kivi j wcwrwmgj KZ K wbivcëv I cwi e ki mv _ m½wzc~y cvbc jvbb, wuwegm, wmgggm I wwavigm BZ vw` vcb Kiv nq wmgggm, wuwegm I wwavigmmg~n wbqwgz cwi`k b Kiv nq cwi`k bkv j Kvb givg Zi cö qvrb `Lv w` j h_vh_ wbivcëvg~jk e e v wbwðz K i Zvr wykfv e Zv givg Zi e e v MÖnY Kiv nq Kv úvbxi buiqv K e eüz cvbc jvbbmg~ ni q iv ai Rb wmwc wm g vcb Kiv Av Q gvm wfwë Z Gme wmwc wm gi Kvh KvwiZv hvpvb K i `Lv nq G Qvov, Riæix wfwë Z M vm wj KR msµvší Awf hvm wb úwëi Rb Emergency Cell-Gi Kvh µg Ae vnz i q Q Rb ^v _ wbivcëv wbwðzki Yi j wewfbœ vcbvq AwMœwbe vck hš vcb Kiv n q Q AwMœwbe vck hš jv wbqwgz cwi`k bc~e K Gi Kvh KvwiZv cix v Kiv nq Ges 26 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

29 gqv` DËx Y i mv _ mv _ wi-wdwjs-gi e e v MÖnY Kiv nq AwMœwbe vck hš jv wec`kv j Pvjv bvi Rb mswkøó `i cöwk Y `qv nq Ges wbw` ó mgq AšÍi wbqwgz gnov `Iqv nq A_ eq i Kv úvbxi Kv Ri AMÖMwZ cvebv weµq mkk bi AvIZvaxb wwavigmwu cvebv-bmievox nvbi qi cv k Aew Z wqj wwavigmwui wbivcëvi welq we epbv K i cvebv weµq Kvh vjq K v úv m vbvšíi Kiv n q Q GKBfv e Ck i`x Awdm K v úv m Ck i`x Bÿz M elyv n Z wwavigm vbvší ii Rb Kvh µg MÖnY Kiv n q Q 6 Rb MÖvnK K Bwfwmhy³ wguv i M vm mieivn Kiv n Q wbqwgz Bwfwmhy³ wguv ii Z_ vw` WvDb jvw Kiv n Q A ea M vm ms hvm iv a wbqwgz wfwr jý Kvh µg cwipvwjz n Q wewfbœ köyxi MÖvnK `i wekí R vjvbx e env ii wel q cö qvrbxq civgk cö`vb Kiv n Q `ÿ R vjvbx e envi wbwðz Ki Z KcwUf Rbv ik b wcöwnwus wm g vcb I wnu wikfvwi eqjvi ev wpjvi vcb Kivi Rb cö qvrbxq civgk mn Z_ vw` w` q mn hvwmzv Kiv n Q eqjvi mg~ n `ÿ e envi wbwðz Ki Z Bbmy jkb wm g wbw Q`ªKibmn `ÿzv GKwU ch vq ch ší e w Kivi Rb MÖvnK K ZvMv`v cö`vb Kiv n Q M vm AcPq iv a wcö- cbw wguvwis wm g Pvjyi cwikíbv i q Q Kv úvbxi mkj Kg Kv Û Z_ cöhyw³i e envi wbwðz Kiv n Q M vm wecyb e e vcbvq Z_ cöhyw³ e envi K i mkj köyxi MÖvnK `i WvUv ebr ˆZix I iÿyv eÿy, WvUv ebr e envi K i gvevbj e vswks Gi gva g M vm wej Av`v qi Kvh µg cöwµqvaxb i q Q ZvQvov mev cöwzôvb wnmv e Revew`nxZv, ^ QZv, ï vpvi wbwðz Kivi Rb ÒwcwRwmGj ˆbwZKZv KwgwUÓ KvR Ki Q mikvix Kg m úv`b e e vcbv c wz Gi AvIZvq wcwrwmgj evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³ (APA) ^vÿwiz n q Q Pzw³i KŠkjMZ cwikíbvi Ask wnmv e Budget Implementation Plan (BIP), Implentation of Grivance Redress System and Inovation Team KvR Ki Q wb gœ A_ eq ii ^vÿwiz evwl K Kg m úv`b Pzw³i jÿgvîv I AR bi Z_ vw` Q K cö`vb Kiv nj t Kjvg -1 Kjvg -2 Kjvg -3 Kjvg -4 Kjvg -5 Kjvg -6 j gvîv/µvb Uwiqv gvb D Ïk Kvh µg Kg m úv`b m~pk GKK Kg m úv`b m~p Ki gvb AmvaviY 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% wcwrwmgj-gi KŠkjMZ D Ïk 1. R vjvwb wbivcëv 1.1 M vm weµq weµxz M vm wewmgd % 20% wbwðzkiy M vm miävgvw` µqk Z M vm ju % 15% µq miävgvw` 2. `ke vcx R vjvwbi mvköqx e envi e w KiY 3. gvbe m ú `i Kg ` Zv e w KiY Avewk K KŠkjMZ D Ïk Avewk K KŠkjMZ D Ïk M vm cvbcjvbb vcb M vm ms hvm cö`vb Kiv A ea I Ljvcx MÖvnK `i ms hvm wew Qbœ Kiv gvbe m ú` Dbœqb vwcz cvbc jvb bi `N M vm ms hvm wew QbœK Z M vm ms hvm cöwk YcÖvß Kg KZ v/ Kg Pvixe ` wk.wg. msl v msl v msl v wcwrwmgj-gi wmwu Rbm PvU vi ev Íevqb, Awf hvm cöwzkvi e e v (GRS) ev Íevqb, mev cöwµqv Z_ AwaKvi (RTI Act) I ^cö Yvw`Z Z_ cökvk ev Íevqb D veb Kvh µg ev Íevqb, evwl K µq cwikíbv (APP) cöyqy Ges ev Íevqb Kiv, ev RU ev Íevqb KwgwUi Kg cwiwa h_vh_fv e AbymiY, AwWU AvcwË wb úwë Kvh µ gi Dbœqb, mgqgz Lmov evwl K Kg m úv`b Pyw³ `vwlj AwZ DËg DËg PjwZ gvb PjwZ gv bi wb gœ AR b mvaviy vi wba vwiz vi % 15% % 15% % 12% % 8% % 4% AR b 89% Company Limited annual report

30 fwel Z Dbœqb I Kg cwikíbv m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, MZ eqi Avcbv `i Rvwb qwqjvg h, mikv ii D P AMÖvwaKvicÖvß cökí wn m e evsjv `k we`ÿ r Dbœqb ev W i b_ I qó cviqvi Rbv ikb Kv úvbx wjwg UW KZ K wmivrmä 150 gmviqvu we`ÿ r K `ªi (225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj BDwbU-1) KvR m úbœ Kivi ci wcwrwmgj KZ K wmgggm vcb Ges Uw s I Kwgkwbs Gi KvR m šívlrbkfv e m úbœ K i MZ b f ^iô 2012 gvm _ K M vm mieivn Kiv n Q ez gv b D³ we`ÿ r K `ª ˆ`wbK cövq 30 wgwjqb n Z 36 wgwjqb NbdzU M vm mieivn Kiv n Q b_ I qó cviqvi Rbv ikb Kv úvbx wjwg UW Gi AviI 1wU 225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj Wz qj-dz qj we`ÿ r K `ª (BDwbU-2) wbg vy KvR Pjgvb Av Q Ges Aci GKwU 225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj Wz qj-dz qj we`ÿ r K `ª (BDwbU-3) wbg v Yi j ÿ NWPGCL I CMC, China Gi g a Bwcwm Pzw³ ^vÿwiz n q Q ZvQvov e `wkk cöwzôvb gmvm mgkc I `kxq cöwzôvb b_ I qó cviqvi Rbv ikb Kv úvbx hš_ gvwjkvbvq 1wU 400 gmviqvu ± 10% we`ÿ r K `ª wmivrmä cviqvi nve vc bi cöwµqv Pjgvb Av Q we`ÿ r K `ª mg~n Pvjy n j wmivrmä cviqvi nv e ˆ`wbK cövq 180 wgwjqb NbdzU M v mi cö qvrb n e ZvQvov mikvi KZ K D³ GjvKvq wewmk wkí cvk I BK bvwgk Rvb vc bi cöwµqv Pjgvb Av Q mlv b fwel Z M vm mieiv ni cö qvrb n e GLb Avwg Kv úvbxi wbr ^ A_ vq b Dbœqb I Kg cwikíbv Avcbv `i mvg b Dc vcb KiwQ m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, ` ki DËi cwðgvâ j M vmwfwëk we`ÿ r K `ª I wkí KviLvbv M o IVvi cöeyzv I wewfbœ GjvKvi M vm Pvwn`vi Ici j i L AvMvgx 5 eq ii wcwrwmgj-gi h AwZwi³ M v mi Pvwn`vi j gvîv wba viy Kiv n q Q, Zvi GKwU iƒc ilv wb gœ Dc vcb Kiv nj t µt bs cökí/ Kg cwikíbv ev Íevqb eqi gvu Kv Ri cwigvy (wkt wgt) gvu e q (wgwjqb) UvKv ev Íevq bi ci eqi wfwëk M vm e envi Ges Li Pi cwigvy M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) gšíe 1 e ov wwavigm Ges buiqv K i M vm cöevn ÿgzv e w Kib wwavigmmn wcwrwmgj-gi ivr ^ ev RU 2 bv Uvi kni M vm wezib buiqvk wbg vb wwavigmmn m ú~y mikvix A_ vqb we epbvq 3 wmivrmä 225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj we`ÿ r K `ª (2q BDwbU, Wy qj dz qj)-g M vm mieivn wmgggmmn NWPGCL- Gi A_ vq b 4 wmivrmä 225 gmviqvu K ^vbû mvb Kj we`ÿ r K `ª (3q BDwbU, Wy qj dz qj)-g M vm mieivn wmgggmmn NWPGCL- Gi A_ vq b 5 wmivrmä 400 gtit ± 10% AvBwcwc Wz qjdz qj (M vm/hsd) K ^vbû mvb Kj we`ÿ r K `ª (4_ BDwbU)-G M vm mieivn wmgggmmn SEMCORP / NWPGCL- Gi A_ vq b 28 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

31 µt bs cökí/ Kg cwikíbv ev Íevqb eqi gvu Kv Ri cwigvy (wkt wgt) gvu e q (wgwjqb) UvKv ev Íevq bi ci eqi wfwëk M vm e envi Ges Li Pi cwigvy M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) M vm (MMCFD) e q (wgt Uvt) gšíe 6 Ck i`x Bwc R Wi 1g d Ri Aewkóvsk I 2q ch vq cökífz³ GjvKvq M vm buiqvk wbg vy I wwavigm Avc MÖ Wkb BEPZA- Gi A_ vq b 7 bzzb M vm ms hvm I jvw e w i wel q we epbvi Rb MwVZ KwgwU KZ K Aby gvw`z wkí cöwzôv b M vm mieivn Sub Total wkí cöwzôvbmgy ni wbr ^ A_ vq b 9 eqiwfwëk Mo `wbk M vm e envi * (wfwë eqi t G 100 MMCFD a i) cövmw½kfv e GLv b D jøl Kiv cö qvrb h, AvMvgx 5 (cuvp) eqi gqv`x M vm Pvwn`vi cö cb I Dbœqb msµvší h wpî DwjøwLZ Q K Dc vcb Kiv n q Q Zvi h_vh_ ev Íevqb I mvdj m ú~y fv e wbf i K i Pvwn`v Abyhvqx M vm cövwß Ges cökí ev ÍevqbKvix cöwzôv bi Dci myzivs m½z Kvi Y c Uªvevsjvmn Ab vb mkj mswkøó KZ c - K DËie ½i AbMÖmi Rbc `i Dbœqb I Kg ms vb e w i j G welqwu mnvbyf~wzi mv _ we epbvi Rb Aby iva Rvbv bv n Q m vwbz kqvi nvìvimy, cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi Dbœqb I mg w i j wbijmfv e `vwqz cvj bi Rb Avwg cwipvjkgûjxi c n Z Kv úvbxi mkj Í ii Kg KZ v I Kg Pvix K ab ev` Rvbvw Q Kv úvbxi AMÖhvÎvq mwµq mvnvh -mn hvwmzv, civgk Ges w`kwb ` kbv cö`v bi Rb c Uªvevsjv, R vjvbx I LwbR m ú` wefvm, A_ wefvm, A_ bwzk m úk wefvm, cwikíbv Kwgkb, RvZxq ivr ^ evw, cwi ek Awa`ßi, we ùvik Awa`ßi Ges vbxq Rjv cökvmb I cywjk cökvmb KZ K cö`ë mn hvwmzvi Rb mswkøó mkj e w³ I cöwzôvb K Rvbvw Q AvšÍwiK K ZÁZv I ab ev` m vwbz kqvi nvìvie `, AvR Ki G mvaviy mfvq Dcw Z _ K ˆah mnkv i cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b kvbvi Rb Avcbv `i AvšÍwiK ab ev` Rvbvw Q Avwg GLb cwðgvâj M vm Kv úvbx wjwg UW-Gi cwipvjkgûjxi c A_ eq ii wbixw Z Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income Ges wbix v cöwz e`bmn cwipvjkgûjxi cöwz e`b m vwbz kqvi nvìvm Yi m`q we epbv I Aby gv` bi Rb Dc vcb KiwQ gnvb AvjøvnZvqvjv Avgv `i mnvq nvb cwipvjbv cl `i c, gyn ` wrqvdi ingvb Pqvig vb wcwrwmgj cwipvjbv cl ` Company Limited annual report

32 Report of The Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited (PGCL) to The Shareholders at The 16 th Annual General Meeting for The Financial Year Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Honorable Shareholders, Assalamu Aliakum, I as well as Board of Directors of the company feel honored for having the opportunity to welcome you in the 16th Annual General Meeting of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited. With a great pleasure I would like to apprise you that for appropriate directives of the Board of Directors as well as of the shareholders and timely and effective measures undertaken by the management and above all for cordial and relentless efforts of officers and staff of all level, besides conducting development activities uninterruptedly, the company has been able to maintain profit also during as before. Distinguished Shareholders, Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited was formed on 29th November 1999 based on an exceptional and progressive concept for supplying natural gas to the western region of the country. The prime goal and objective of the company was to play an important role for establishing gas based industries in the greater Rajshahi Division. We have extended our gas network facilities in Sirajganj, Baghabari, Bera, Santhia, Shahjadpur, Pabna, Ishwardi (including Ishwardi EPZ), Bogra, Rajshahi and other important areas. Gentlemen, keeping the consistency of emerging as a profit earning company, I would like to inform you with a great pleasure that during the subject year net profit of PGCL has increased significantly compared to previous years and consequently during financial year the company has been able to earn the highest ever profit since its inception. Through introduction of appropriate budgetary control, efficient financial management and above all by undertaking some internal reforms in gas distribution system during financial year the net profit by PGCL has reached at Tk crore. Now I would like to present the Directors Report containing the development activities of the company together with the Audited Accounts and Auditor s Report for the financial year Development Activities The company undertook the following activities for pipeline construction and customers gas connections under the development activities during financial year : 15th Annual General Meeting, held in annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

33 Gas Pipeline Construction Due to existence of Government restriction on new gas connection, like previous year, target has not been fixed for construction of pipeline within prevailing gas distribution network of the company during the subject financial year. But due to conditional withdrawal of prevailing government embargo for domestic connection, a total length of Km. pipeline of various dia has been constructed. The said service pipe line has been constructed from the existing distribution network of domestic customer in Sirajgonj, Baghabari, Pabna, Ishwardi, Bogra and Rajshahi area. Now I present below a comparative picture of gas pipeline so far constructed by the company since inception to 30th June 2015: Fiscal year Statistics of constructed various diameter pipeline(km) Total (KM) 24" 12" 8" 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" 3/4" Total= Customer Gas Connection Due to imposition of government bar on new gas connection except domestic customer no target was fixed in the financial year However PGCL provided new domestic connections in the subject financial year. A table of year-wise gas connections of the company up to 30th June 2015 since its inception is appended below: Fiscal Year Year-wise Gas Connection Power Captive Power CNG Industry Commercial Domestic Total Company Limited annual report

34 Fiscal Year Year-wise Gas Connection Power Captive Power CNG Industry Commercial Domestic Total Total = Commercial activates Distinguished Shareholders, Now I would like to draw your kind attention towards commercial activities of the company. The good opening that was created by the company by earning profit in the very first year of commercial activities in has been still kept intact and as a matter of fact laudable success in respect of earning profit has been achieved. As a continuation of same the details of commercial activities of PGCL during financial year are appended below for favor of your kind information and consideration: Gas Sales During this fiscal year a total of MMCM gas has been sold by PGCL. As against this the volume of gas sales during was MMCM which indicates that during volume of gas sold by PGCL has been decreased by 4.35% MMCM. In this regard for your kind information I would like to supplement here that the power station of PDB in Baghabari was shut down for six months at a stretch. So PGCL could not able to supply gas to said power station. Consequently the volume of gas sold by PGCL has been decreased compared to previous year. But due to system gain, increased interest from FDR, above all proper administrative and efficient financial management PGCL has able to enhance the net profit crore this financial year. The volume of gas sales of the company from its inception to 30th June 2015 along-with customer wise gas consumption during FY is appended below for your kind information: Fiscal Year Year-wise Volume of Gas Sales (MMCM) Power Captive Power CNG Industry Commercial Domestic Total Total = annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

35 Customer wise gas consumption during (MMCM) Category of Customer Quantity of Gas Consumed Percentage of usage Power % Captive Power % Industry % CNG % Commercial % Domestic % System Loss Company Limited Total = % During the FY system loss remains at zero level. It is worth mentioning here that this company started its functioning in the year 1999 with zero system loss and up till now the same has been kept unabated. Although as per gas transmission and distribution policy 2% system loss is considered to be acceptable, but it has become possible to keep system loss not only at zero level in line with previous year but 6.46% system gain has been achieved through efficient management and taking appropriate measures. Disconnection of Illegal Gas Connection Gentlemen, in order to realise arrear gas bill and to prevent illegal use of gas and for expediting gas disconnection activities for eliminating other irregularities created by customers, the Vigilance Department continued their all out efforts during the subject financial year. In most of the cases the concerned officers of this department being physically present in the relevant customers premises, undertook the disconnection activities. Due to instant and effective measures undertaken by vigilance department the percentage of disconnection of gas connection and reconnection has been increased compared to previous year. During financial year a total number of 337 gas connections have been disconnected which include 328 domestic, 5 commercial, 4 industries. On the other hand by recovering arrear gas bill including amount of penalty a total of 288 customers has been provided with gas reconnection. Due to conducting of these massive disconnection activities, visa-vis increase of customers awareness the amount of revenue income of the company has also increased. Customer Certification Keeping in conformity with Previous year, customer certification on Outstanding bill or No outstanding bill has been issued to every customer during the calendar year 2014 for avoiding the harassment of the customers. Payments received from the customer are posted correctly and accurately in ledger books and after confirming ledger position each customer is issued with certification. Accordingly a total number of i.e. 100% certificates were issued up-to 31 December 2014 confirming the status of certificates mentioning No outstanding bill and 9303 nos. of certificates mentioning Outstanding bill. As a result a considerable increase in collection of arrear bills from private customer has been achieved. It is very much pertinent to mention here that collection of bills from PDB during financial year could be kept in satisfactory level. Gas Demand & Supply Scenario Gentlemen, you are aware that 74.12% of the total gas used in PGCL franchise area is being consumed in 2 power station of PDB at Baghabari and one at recently installed 150 MW power station located at Sirajganj of North West Power Generation Company Limited of PDB (at present 225 M.W. combined cycle unit-1), Sumit Uttaranchal Power Company, GBB Power Limited, Energy Prima. Although industrialization is considered to be inevitable for poverty alleviation in this comparatively less developed area, but due to prevailing of Government restriction on new gas connection for a long time, despite keen interest of many entrepreneur for setting up new industry could not yet be implemented. Consequently the power stations located at Baghabari and Sirajganj are still considered to be the striking force of PGCL. So I urged upon PDB and Petrobangla and other annual report

36 concerned for their kind co-operation so that all the power stations are operated without any shutdown by ensuring uninterrupt gas supply at optimum pressure. But as per decision of Government, uninterrupt gas has been supplied to Fertilizer Factory on priority basis. So Baghabari power station was shutdown for six months continuously. For this reason PGCL could not able to sale desired gas. Besides, due to shutdown of Westmond Power Station for long time, allotted gas for said power station could not be used properly. So I would request upon PDB, Petrobangla and other concerned for their kind co-operation so that all the power station are operated without any shutdown by ensuring uninterrupted gas supply at optimum pressure. Financial Activities Respected Shareholders, I would like to present before you a brief account of the financial activities of the company during the fiscal year for kind information and consideration: Income & Expenditure Gentlemen, During fiscal year total gas sales was of taka crore including late payment, penalty etc. was received by the company compared to previous year s revenue earning of taka crore. On the other hand, the total cost of sales amounted to taka crore including portion of various stakeholders and distribution cost, compared to previous year of Taka crore. Taking into consideration other income, net financial gain, provision for workers profit participation along with the net distribution cost, net profit before tax in financial year has stood at taka crore which was of taka crore in financial year and net profit after tax has stood at crore compared to previous year s figure of taka crore. Distinguished Shareholders, Now I present before you the summarized financial result of the company as follows: (Taka in crore) Net Profit after Tax Less appropriation:- Dividend Paid (6.36) (4.50) Prior year adjustment Net profit after Appropriation/ Retained Earning Net balance transferred from previous year Retained Earnings/ Revenue Reserve transferred to Statement of Financial Position Payment to the National Exchequer During the financial year a total of taka crore was deposited to the national exchequer by PGCL under the following heads: Particulars (Taka in crore) Corporate Income Tax Dividend Repayment of Principal of ADP & GOB Loan Interest on ADP & GOB Loan VAT deducted at source Tax deducted at source Total = During financial year total amount of taka crore was deposited into national exchequer. As a 34 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

37 result, an additional amount of taka 2.36 crore has been deposited into national exchequer during the subject year on account of contribution to national exchequer which is nearly 5.19% higher compared to previous year. Debt-Equity Ratio At the end of the financial year , the debt-equity ratio stood at : compared to previous year s ratio : The standard of this ratio is 60 : 40 Since the actual debt- equity ratio at the end of the financial year is above the standard level, it is favorable to the company. Rate of Return on Average Fixed Assets During the financial year the rate of return on average fixed assets earned by the company is 37.88%. The standard value for rate of return on average fixed assets applicable for this company is 12%. During financial year this rate was 30.33%. Accounts Receivable Since the trend of payment from Power Development Board (PDB) has been uphold by PDB like previous years, during the subject financial year the achievement in respect of collection of gas sales amount has increased compared to previous year. At the end of financial year the amount of accounts receivable to various category of customers stood at Tk crore which is equivalent to 1.52 months average bill. Against this the amount of accounts receivable and equivalent average month as on was Tk crore and 1.52 months average gas bill. Financial Limitations and Remedies Gentlemen, You could kindly recall that by detailing out the financial limitations and the remedies thereof in the last financial year. I requested all concerned authority to kindly withdraw government restriction on new gas connection for industrial connection and to fix-up separate distribution margin for PGCL. Accordingly although the distribution margin for the category of power and CNG for PGCL has been enhanced but the distribution margin for the category of industry, commercial and captive power has not yet been increased. On the other hand although the government restriction for gas connection to domestic customers has been withdrawn, but the embargo for gas connection for the category of industry, captive and commercial customers is still in existence. Consequently although the income of company has increased as a result of enhancement of distribution margin for the category of power and CNG, but the net outcome is not up to satisfactory level. Under the above perspective on overall consideration for liquidation of yearly debt service liabilities in accordance with amortization schedule, for providing necessary fund for development activities, contributing the optimum amount to national exchequer on account of dividend and for creation of depreciation fund, the daily gas sales of the company needs to be at least 130 MMCF. For this purpose and also to pave the way for industrialization of PGCL franchise area it is inevitable to withdraw government embargo on new gas connection at least for industrial customer. In this context I would urge upon all concerned for extending their overall co-operation for considering the issue sympathetically. Administrative Activities Company s overall performance depends upon efficient management and strong administrative system. In order to establish strong administrative system for company s overall development and maintaining congenial atmosphere PGCL has taken various administrative programme in this financial year. The detail of the company s administrative activities that were taken during are stated below: Training Programme for Human Resources Development It is known to us that efficient manpower has no alternative for proper development and appropriate management of an organization. For efficiency enhancement of officers & staff and vis-a-vis making them competent for performing their assigned task in their own field of work keeping in conformity with the overall development of the company, necessary activities for Human Resources Development are in progress in PGCL. Company Limited annual report

38 Local Training As a part of these activities during the financial year a total of 53 officers and staff were sent for training in various reputed organization. The deals are appended below : Training/ Course Particular Country/ Venue No. of Trainee Project Management Public Procurement Act 2006 and PPR Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Gas RMS and Pipeline. Store Keeping & Stock Control. Gas Network Analysis. Management Skills for Executives. Managerial Communication Leadership & Interpersonal Skill Development for the Managers. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) TA to Revise the Approach for Increasing the Efficiency of Gas Utilization in Certain Major Users. Capacity Building in Industrial Gas Utilization Efficiency. Introduction to floating storage & Regasification unit (FSRU) & Offshore. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. Bangladesh Petroleum Institute Uttara Model Town, Dhaka. National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Nillkhet, Dhaka. IBA, Dhaka. 01 Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Company (IIFC), Dhaka. Technoconsult International Limited (TCIL) Technoconsult International Limited (TCIL) LNG Cell Petrobangla & Bureau Veritas Bangladesh Private Limited Essential Govt. Service Rules. BIM, Dhaka. 28 Total = 53 Foreign Training 4 officers of PGCL were deputed for foreign training during financial years under company s revenue budget. Last financial year 3 officers of PGCL participated in foreign training sponsored by Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. It is expected that in the upcoming years deputing for foreign training will be kept intact. Now the statistics of foreign training provided to officers of PGCL during financial year are appended below : Training/ Course Particular Country/ Venue No. of Trainee Administration and Human Resource. Financial Management. Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Mahido University, Bangkok, Thailand. 02 Continuing Education Centre (CEC), Mahido University, Bangkok, Thailand. 02 Total = annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

39 Manpower As per present approved organogram total approved regular manpower is 307 of which officers 241 and staff 66. Against this provision, presently a total number of 157 manpower is engaged in PGCL out of which officers 137 and staff 20. Presently 12 officers of PGCL are working on deputation in Petrobangla and its other companies and on the other hand 1 officer and 4 staff of other companies of Petrobangla are working on deputation in PGCL. It may be noted here that in order to fill-up the resultant vacancy for tendering resignation of some recruited officers and also to fill-up the other vacant posts phase wise, meantime all necessary actions have been undertaken. Welfare Activities Now I would like to draw your kind attention towards the welfare activities of officers and staff. Gentlemen you are aware that undertaking of entertainment and social activities has got no other alternative in order to upgrade human relationship, mutual understanding, interpersonal relationship and above all human values beyond the monotonous working life. With this object in view, during the year the company arranged the following social, cultural, religious entertainment and welfare functions: Education Scholarship Employees dependants who come out successful at primary, secondary, higher secondary, graduation and post graduation levels are granted scholarship at every year under approved Education Scholarship Programme. Under PGCL Education Scholarship Programme during FY a total amount of Tk. 3,45, has been given to 31 students as scholarship. Loan Loans are granted for the welfare of the employees as per budget allocation for land purchase & house building and motor cycle purchase. In the year a total amount of Tk lac has been disbursed for land purchase & house building. Entertainment and Sports In purview of recreation activities to further improve the congenial atmosphere and also for alleviation of monotony in official work, various entertainment functions are arranged by PGCL at every year. These include indoor and outdoor sports competition. Prize distribution, annual picnic etc. The officers and staff including their family participated in almost every function. Company Limited annual report

40 Health, Environment and Safety Natural gas is an environment friendly fuel and it has been playing an important role for the economic development of the company. Since the safe use of natural gas is considered to be an important factor it is imperative to ensure Proper health safety for the manpower engaged for system operation and maintenance and at the same time activities relating to ensure safety and proper environment of gas pipeline and station design of various locations also play a prominent role. By giving proper importance on this issue, in the year the following activities were undertaken in respect of health, environment and safety: Health PGCL believes that sound health of both officers and staff and good environment directly contribute to increase the efficiency of the engaged manpower of the company. For this reason this year also the officers and staff of the company were provided with free routine check-up and dispensary facilities. Moreover proper storage and dispensing of 150 medicine items approved by Directorate of Health has been kept unabated. Environment PGCL always gives due importance to help maintain ecological balance and prevention of environment pollution keeping in conformity with the national commitment. As like previous years this year also various fruit, forest and medicine trees have been planted at different establishments of the company and at the same time proper nourishing is also in place for grooming the planted trees. Moreover necessary actions have also been taken for more green fencing of the Nalka main office campus of the company. Besides, in order to keep maintain ecological balance safety reports are taken regularly through inspection of various establishments at every month by the Environment & Safety Cell of the company in accordance with govt. instruction. Safety Except for domestic connection, clearance from the Directorate of Environment is taken for all kinds of gas connections in PGCL franchise area. Moreover approval from the Directorate of Explosive is also taken for construction of pipeline of 10 bar. In order to ensure gas supply at the doorstep of the customers, pipeline, CMS, TBS and DRS are constructed by PGCL. Keeping in conformity with safety and environment, all the CMS, TBS and DRS of the company are always kept under regular check-up and maintenance and during physical verification any thing is found to be repaired, on the spot necessary steps are taken by concerned department. Cathodic Protection (CP) system has been installed for prevention of corrosion of pipeline used at the network of the company. PSP reading at every CP point is monitored on monthly basis. Besides activities of emergency cell are always in place for disposing of any complain regarding emergency gas leakage. Besides for ensuring public safety, fire fighting equipments are placed in each and every station of the company. The effectiveness of the fire fighting equipments is tested on regular basis and refueling measures are also taken immediate after the expiry date. Regular training is imported to the concerned official in order to operate the fire protection equipment in crisis period and necessary actions are also taken at a regular interval for test operation. Progress of PGCL activities during the year DRS for gas supply to Pabna Regional Office area was installed earlier at the side of Pabna-Nagarbari highway. In the meantime Pabna own office complex has been established for which Pabna DRS has been shifted to own office complex area for safe and smooth operation of Gas Supply to Pabna area. In the same way, a plan has already been taken to shift the DRS situated at Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishwardi to Ishwardi Regional Office premises for safe and smooth operation to gas supply to Ishwardi area. Turbine meter with EVC has been installed in 6 nos. customers RMS for more accurate gas measurement for which updated information has been downloaded from EVC meters software. Vigilance activities have been continuing in PGCL area regularly for control & prevent of illegal gas connections/activities by vigilance department and regional office. Customers are advised to use alternative fuel instead of natural gas in where supply of natural gas is not possible. It is suggested to customers for efficient use of natural gas as fuel. Customers are advised to reuse of flue gas exhausted from captive generator for preheating the water for boiler, i.e. for establishment of co-generation system. Customers are also advised to maintain proper insulation of boiler steam outlet for minimizing the heat loss and maximizing the thermal efficiency of boiler. 38 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

41 All DRS (Gas Stations) have been coloured maintaining colour code and standards. It has taken a plan to introduce prepaid metering system phase by phase. To ensure development of Information Technology (IT) for all activities, a plan to make database for all customers and mobile banking is going to introduce for gas bill collection. PGCL is a utility service organization. An ethics committee has been formed for ensuring accountability, transparency and integrity. APA (Annual Performance Agreement) has been signed between PGCL & Petrobangla and its activities are going on. Budget Implementation Plan (BIP), Implementation of Grievance Redress System (GRS) and Innovation Team are doing their assigned jobs under APA. A table for table and achievement as per APA for the year is given below : Column-1 Column-2 Column-3 Column-4 Column-5 Column-6 Objectives Activities Performance indicators Unit Weight of performance indicators Target/Criteria Value Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Achievement General Score Achieved Selected Score PGCL s strategic Objectives 1. Ensuring Energy Security 1.1 Gas Sales Gas sold BCF % 20% 1.2 Procurement of gas equipment Procured gas equipment lot % 15% 2. Enhancing efficient use of gas 3. Enhancing the performance of Human Resource 1.3 Construction of gas pipeline 1.4 Connection to customers 2.1 Disconnection of illegal customer 3.1 Human resource development Constructed gas pipeline Connection performed K.m % 15% Nos % 15% Customers disconnected Nos % 12% Trained employer/ employee Nos % 8% PGCL s Mandatory Objectives Implementation of Citizen Charter, Implementation of Grievance redress system, Implementation of RTI Act & its activities, Formation of Annual Procurement Plan & its implementation, Properly following the TOR of Budget implementation committee,improve audit performance & Timely submission of draft APA Company Limited % 4% Achievement 89% annual report

42 Future Development Plan and Activities Respected Shareholders, Last year I informed you that, after installation, testing & commissioning of CMS by PGCL. PGCL is supplying gas to Sirajganj 150 MW power plant (225 MW combined cycle power plant, Unit-1) since November, 2012 constructed by North West Power Generation Company Limited which was a highly prioritized project of Bangladesh Govt. At present, per day about mmcf gas is being supplied to this power plant. The process of construction work of another 225 MW combined cycle power plant (Unit-2) of NWPGCL is undergoing. EPC contract for installation of one more 225 MW combined cycle power plant (Unit-3) of NWPGCL has already been signed between NWPGCL and CMC, China. Further, the installation procedure of a 400MW±10 % power plant (owned jointly by NWPGCL & Sembcorp) at Sirajganj power HUB zone is also running. About 180 mmcfd gas will be needed at Sirajganj power HUB zone when all these power plants will come into operation. In addition to these, the installation procedure of BSCIC industrial park & economic zone by the Government at this area is also continual. Now I would like to represent the development activities & future plan of this company at it s own cost: Respected Shareholders, Considering the development of gas based power plant and industry in this area the excess demand of gas has been projected for the next five years : Project demand and development activities for five years Sl. No Project/ work plan Enhancing the capacity of Bogra DRS and related Network. Construction of Natore Town Gas Distribution Network. Supplying gas to Sirajganj 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (Duel Fuel-2nd Unit) Supplying gas to Sirajganj 225 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant (Duel Fuel-3rd Unit) Implementing year Amount of work (km) 6.50 including DRS including DRS 0.15 including CMS 2.00 including CMS Total Expenditure Senerio of yearwise gas consumption expenditure after implantation Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Remark Revenue Budget of PGCL Subject to Govt. Financed Approved Financed by NWPGCL. Financed by NWPGCL. 5 Supplying gas to Sirajganj 400 MW ± 10% IPP Duel Fuel (Gas/HSD) Combined Cycle Power Plant (4th Unit) including CMS Financed by SEMCORP / NWPGCL 40 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

43 Senerio of yearwise gas consumption expenditure after implantation Sl. No. Project/ work plan Implementing year Amount of work (km) Total Expenditure Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Gas (MMCFD) Expenditure (Tk. in million) Remark 6 Gas Network Construction and DRS up-gradation of remaining port of 1st phase & 2nd phase Project In Ishwardi Financed by BEPZA 7 Supplying gas to Industries approved by the committee related to new gas connection & load increase Financed by respect line Industry 8 Sub Total Yearly basis daily basis daily arrange Gas Consumption * (Yearly basis : MMCFD) Relevantly I would like to bring it to your kind notice that for proper implementation and success of the projection of gas demand and development for the next five years that has been depicted in the above table, is absolutely dependent on availability of gas according to demand. So for obvious reason I would urge upon Petrobangla and other concerned agencies for considering this issue sympathetically. Distinguished Shareholders, I would like to congratulate the officers and staff of the company of all level including PGCL Management on behalf of the Board of Directors for shouldering their responsibilities with devotion for the development and prosperity of the company despite various impediments. I would like to convey my thanks and gratitude to Petrobangla, Energy and Mineral Resources Division, Finance Division, Economic Relation Division, Planning Commission, IMED, National Board of Revenue, Directorate of Environment, Directorate of Explosive and Local District and Police Administration for their guidance and co-operation. Respected Shareholders, Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for attending this Annual General Meeting and given me a patience hearing. I would now like to place the Audited Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income together with Auditor s Report and the Directors Report on the activities of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited during financial year before the Shareholders for their kind consideration and adoption. May Allah the Merciful and all powerful be kind to us. (Muhammad Ziaur Rahman) Chairman PGCL Board of Directors Company Limited annual report

44 Independent Auditors Report to the Shareholders of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited, Nalka, Sirajganj which comprise Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2015, and Statements of Comprehensive Income, Changes in Equity and Cash Flows for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS). This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud and error. Auditors Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA). These standards require that we comply with ethical requirements as well as plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), give a true and fair view of the state of the company s affairs as at 30 June 2015 and of the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended and comply with the Companies Act, 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations. 42 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

45 We also report that: a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit and made due verification thereof; b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; c) The company s Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive Income dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account; and d) the expenditure incurred was for the purpose of the company s business. S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: 04 November 2015 Company Limited annual report

46 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2015 A B C D Notes Amount in Taka CAPITAL & RESERVES Share capital ,531, ,531,700 Equity Investment by Government ,479, ,479,662 Revenue reserve 1,477,018,496 1,110,759,721 Total Capital & Reserves 2,406,029,858 2,039,771,083 Long Term Borrowings - Local Sources (GOB) ,809, ,830,127 Long Term Borrowings - Foreign Sources ( ADB ) ,382, ,650,715 Other Long Term Liabilities ,253, ,488,244 Total Capital Employed 3,258,475,131 2,965,740,169 REPRESENTED BY: Fixed Assets: Fixed Assets at cost less depreciation 31 1,762,054,910 1,855,155,557 1,762,054,910 1,855,155,557 Investment and Other Assets: Bank deposits 32 1,499,198, Loans to employees 33 25,136,961 24,959,579 1,524,335,779 1,173,740,820 Current Assets: Inventories of stores & other materials ,970, ,533,794 Advances, deposits and prepayments ,541, ,810,912 Depository Job Works 36 23,719,812 20,378,333 Accounts receivable ,475, ,156,248 Cash and bank balances ,125, ,227,517 Total Current Assets : 1,843,833,289 1,603,106,804 Current Liabilities: Trade creditors & accruals ,406, ,188,945 Beneficiarys' profit participation fund 40 34,741,606 28,683,535 Current portion of GOB & ADB Loan ,289, ,098,073 Provision for taxation ,031, ,745, ,469, ,716,060 E Group company accounts : Liabilities for Gas Purchase ,115,025, ,954,645 Liabilities for Transmission Charges ,528,777 90,122,726 Liabilities for Bapex Margin ,529,268 14,239,581 Liabilities for Price Deficit Fund 42.4 (118,676,358) 249,039,543 Liabilities for Deficit Fund for Bapex Wellhead Margin ,867,645 13,822,249 Liabilities for Gas Development Fund ,633, ,010,156 Inter-Company Current Account 42.7 (1,629,008) (641,948) 1,316,279,551 1,219,546,952 F Total Current Liabilities (D+E) 1,871,748,848 1,666,263,012 G Net Current Assets (C-F ) (27,915,559) (63,156,208) Net Total Assets (A+B+G) 3,258,475,131 2,965,740,169 The attached notes form an integral part of these accounts and should be read in conjunction therewith. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited General Manager (F & A) Managing Director Director PGCL PGCL PGCL Board Signed in terms of our annexed report of date S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: 04 November annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

47 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2015 Notes Amount in Taka Sales 43 5,017,312,538 4,910,554,282 Other Operational Income 44 1,061,133 6,894,623 Total Sales 5,018,373,671 4,917,448,905 Cost of sales: Gas purchase - Inter-company 45 3,152,540,439 2,775,958,612 Contribution to BAPEX for exploration 46 50,951,675 53,832,766 Deficit Fund for BAPEX Wellhead Margin 47 98,692,762 51,985,531 Transmission charge - inter-company ,838, ,700,898 Price deficit fund margin ,079, ,820,643 Gas development fund ,880, ,281,679 Distribution cost, including depreciation ,518, ,071,956 Petrobangla's actual cost recovery 52 7,938,000 6,119,000 Total cost of sale 4,466,440,489 4,459,771,085 Operating profit 551,933, ,677,820 Other Income 53 17,932,134 29,750, ,865, ,427,881 Financial cost/gain: Interest cost 54 (35,065,297) (39,927,690) Less: Interest income ,032, ,170,507 Net interest gain 124,966,802 86,242,817 Net profit before contribution to beneficiarys' profit participation fund 694,832, ,670,698 Contribution to beneficiarys' profit participation fund 40 (34,741,606) (28,683,535) Net profit before tax 660,090, ,987,163 Less: Provision for taxation ,031, ,745,507 Net profit for the year after taxation 429,058, ,241,656 Appropriation: Add: profit carried from last year 1,110,759, ,202,206 Profit during the current year 429,058, ,241,656 Add: prior year's adjustment , ,000 Add: Excess Provision for deferred tax made for the year ,531,084 Add: Excess Provision for income tax made for the year ,142,775 Less: Dividend paid (63,600,000) (45,000,000) Balance carried to statement of financial position 1,477,018,496 1,110,759,721 The attached notes form an integral part of these accounts and should be read in conjunction therewith. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited General Manager (F & A) PGCL Managing Director PGCL Director PGCL Board Signed in terms of our annexed report of date S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: 04 November 2015 Company Limited annual report

48 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2015 Amount in Taka Cash from operating activities: Net profit after tax 429,058, ,241,656 Excess Provision for deferred tax made during the year ,531,084 Excess Provision for Income Tax made during the year ,142,775 Prior year's adjustment 799, ,000 Adjustment to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities: Non-Cash Item: Depreciation of Fixed Assets 126,825, ,586,372 Decrease/ Increase in Working Capital : Decrease/( Increase) in Inventories of stores & other materials (2,437,003) 7,089,184 Decrease/( Increase) in Advance, deposits & pre-payments (22,730,747) (30,631,055) Decrease/( Increase) in Depository Job Works (3,341,479) 6,473,407 Decrease/( Increase) in Accounts receivable (4,318,979) 88,863,371 Increase/ (Decrease) in Group Current Account (987,062) (5,599,797) Increase/ (Decrease) in Liabilities for Gas Purchase 378,071,090 43,576,345 Increase/ (Decrease) in Liabilities for Price Deficit Fund (367,715,901) 76,728,201 Increase/ (Decrease) in Liabilities for Transmission Charges (5,593,949) 1,600,072 Increase/( Decrease) in Liabilities for Bapex Margin (710,313) 171,661 Increase/( Decrease) in Liabilities for Deficit of Bapex Wellhead Margin 48,045, ,843 Increase/(Decrease) in Liabilities for Gas Development Fund 45,623,336 (11,509,060) Increase/( Decrease) in Trade Creditors & Accruals 67,217,835 (7,753,574) Increase/( Decrease) in Beneficiarys' Profit Participation Fund 6,058,071 10,818,353 Increase/( Decrease) in Current portion GOB & ADB Loans (4,808,841) (6,974,813) Increase/( Decrease) in provision for Exchange Rate Fluctuation - 372,573 Increase/ (Decrease) in Provision for Taxation 40,286,172 56,756,635 Net cash provided/(used) by operating activities 729,342, ,010,233 Cash from Investing activities : Investment in Fixed Deposit (net) (350,417,577) (373,936,756) Acquisition/Addition of Fixed Assets (33,724,962) 18,611,715 Loan given to Employees' (net) (177,382) (1,370,740) Net cash provided/(used) by investing activities (384,319,921) (356,695,781) Cash from Financing Activities : Other long term Liabilities 35,765,417 70,283,858 Interim dividend paid (63,600,000) (45,000,000) Equity Investment by Government - - Long term Loan (GOB ) (68,020,954) (82,354,951) Long term Loan (ADB) (41,268,276) (31,743,122) Net cash provided/(used) by financing activities (137,123,813) (88,814,215) Total cash inflow / (outflow) 207,898, ,500,237 Check: Beginning cash & cash equivalents 577,227, ,727,280 Ending cash & cash equivalents 785,125, ,227, ,898, ,500,237 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited General Manager (F & A) Managing Director Director PGCL PGCL PGCL Board Signed in terms of our annexed report of date S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: 04 November annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

49 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. Nalka, Sirajganj Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2015 Amount in Taka Total Equity Particulars Retained Earnings Share Money Deposit Share Capital Balance as at ,531, ,479, ,202,206 1,719,213,568 Net profit after tax for the year ,241, ,241,656 Excess provision for deferred tax made for the year ,531,084 6,531,084 Excess provision for Income tax made for the year ,142,775 4,142,775 Dividend paid - - (45,000,000) (45,000,000) Management service charge over payment for the year , ,000 Balance as at ,531, ,479,662 1,110,759,721 2,039,771,083 Balance as at ,531, ,479,662 1,110,759,721 2,039,771,083 Net profit after tax for the year - 429,058, ,058,833 Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year , ,624 Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year , ,642 Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year , ,888 Management service charge over payment for the year ,063,000 1,063,000 Liabilitiy for Services 119, ,700 Liabilities for Gas Purchase due to margin of 4 decimal instead of 3 decimal for the year (811,975) (811,975) Under Provision for Income Tax (828,937) (828,937) Dividend paid (63,600,000) (63,600,000) Balance as at ,531, ,479,662 1,477,018,496 2,406,029,858 Company Limited For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited General Manager (F & A) Managing Director Director PGCL PGCL PGCL Board Signed in terms of our annexed report of date S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: 04 November 2015 annual report

50 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June Company s Background and Nature of Business 1.1 Domicile, Legal Form and Country of Incorporation Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited was incorporated in Bangladesh on 29th November 1999 as public limited company under the Companies Act, 1994 vide Certificate No. Raj-C-190/1999. The Certificate of Commencement of Business was granted to the company on April 23, 2000 and the company commenced its business from 24th April Address of Registered Office & Principal Place of Business The Registered office of the Company is situated at Nalka, Kamerkhand, Sirajganj, Bangladesh. The address of operational head quarter is also at Nalka, Kamerkhand, Sirajganj. 1.3 Principal Activities and Nature of Operation The principal business of the company is to buy natural gas from the gas fields located in the Eastern Zone of Bangladesh and sell gas to power generating companies, industrial, domestic and commercial customers located in the western side of the Bangabandhu Multipurpose Bridge. 1.4 Business Infrastructures The gas distribution network and ancillary facilities were set up by Gas Supply to Western Zone Project (Distribution) at the initiative of the Govt. of Bangladesh in order to ensure industrial growth, generation of employment and overall improvement of the quality of socio-economic life of the people in the north-western region of Bangladesh. 2.0 Significant Accounting Policies 2.1 Accounting System The Financial Statements have been prepared as per formats, requirements and instructions issued by MSIP and also keeping conformity with Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS). 2.2 Specific Accounting Policies Selected and Applied for Significant Transaction and Events The Accounts of the company have been prepared under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and in compliance with the formats, requirements and instructions issued by MSIP. The principal Accounting Policies followed in preparing the accounts have been described below. 3 Financial Structures The financial structure of the company comprises: 1. Share Capital. 2. Equity owned by Petrobangla 3. GOB loans. 4. Foreign Long term loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) 4 Foreign Currencies Foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate at the respective dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of closing date and the resulting exchange fluctuation gains and losses are added to and deducted from the actual cost of acquisition of assets i.e. distribution line. 5 Long Term Loans Current portion of long term local and foreign loans repayable during the next financial year has been shown as current liabilities in the statement of financial position. 6 Other Long Term Liabilities Deposits by different categories of customers as security against gas connection as required under gas supply agreements are shown as other long term liabilities. Such deposits are not repayable till gas supply to the customer continues. 7 Fixed Assets Freehold land is stated at historical cost and other fixed assets are carried at depreciated historical cost. 8 Exchange Rate Fluctuation In accordance with the instruction as set forth in the Corporate Accounting Manual while transferring the amount of long term liability to current liability as per amortization schedule. Provision for Exchange rate fluctuation has been duly created through charging the devaluation loss with the cost of acquisition of the particulars assets. 48 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

51 9 Fixed Deposits : Bank Fixed Deposits are classified as Investment and other assets which were invested up to the statement of financial position date. 10 Loans and Advances to Employees : Loans and advances to employees after adjustment of recovery are excluded from current assets and included under the head Investment and other assets. 11 Amortization of Exchange rate Fluctuation: Devaluation effect of foreign currency loan i.e.. exchange rate fluctuation has been amortized on the basis of life of the respective assets i,e Distribution line. 12 Depreciation: Fixed Assets like Transmission & Distribution Line, Consumer Metering Station, Transmission & Distribution Plant, Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixture etc except Freehold Land as shown in schedule A are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost represents cost of acquisition or construction and include purchase price and other directly attributable cost. Depreciation on fixed assets are charged from the first day of the quarter following their acquisition. Depreciation rates for the different categories of assets are as follows : Building & infrastructure 2% Transmission line 3.33% Distribution line 5% Other civil constructions 2.50% Office equipment 15% Other equipment 20% Furniture & fixture 10% Telecom & computer equipment 15% Transmission & distribution plant 5% Consumer metering station (CMS) 10% Domestic appliances 15% Sheds and temporary structures 10% Light vehicles 20% 13 Interest on borrowings: Interest on borrowing accruing during the period of project execution is capitalized as part of the cost of the development expenditure. All other interest is recognized in the Income Statement in the period in which it is incurred. 14 Maintenance: Expenditure for maintenance of tangible fixed assets is recognized as an expense in the period in which it is incurred. 15 Current assets: a) Inventories are valued at average historical cost less provision for deterioration and obsolescence. Goods in transit are valued at cost. b) Trade debtors are valued at estimated realizable value. c) Bank deposits are classified in two broad head i.e., one under investment and other assets for the fixed deposits and all other bank balances are shown under current assets head in the form as Cash & Bank balances. d) For collection of sale proceeds 4 (four) STD accounts are being maintained in each Bank for catering four natures of receipts i.e. one for Industrial customersy including CNG, Power & Captive Power, one for Commercial customers, one for Domestic customers and the remaining one for Security Deposits snd other receipts/ income 16 Advances: All Advances are substantiated by appropriate subsidiary ledgers which are maintained properly. 17 Employees Benefit Costs : a) The Company operates a recognized Contributory Provident Fund, managed by an independent Board of Trustees for the benefit of employees. b) The Company also operates a recognized Gratuity Fund and a Welfare Fund managed by an independent Board of Trustees for the benefit of employees. 18 Income: a) Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh sets sales prices for gas. Sales are valued on an accrued basis, except in respect of penalties for late payment by gas customer. Sales are stated net of Company Limited annual report

52 Government levies and taxes on sales and margin for other stake holders. b) Other revenues earned from gas distribution business in the form of Connection & Reconnection charges, Commissioning fees, Late payment & penalties, service charges are also treated as Other Operating Income. c) Revenue received from other sources such as enlistment and renewal fee, forfeiture a/c, liquidated damage, profit on sale of stores, sale of tender document are shown as Other Income. 19 Income Tax a) Provision for Income Tax on profits has been determined as per tax regulations based on tax rates currently in force. b) Income tax is assessed by applying Section 82(C) as well as 83(2) of IT Ordinance 1984, c) Rate of income tax for the income year is 35%. 20 Compliance with Local Laws The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with requirements of the Companies Act, 1994 and other relevant laws and rules. 21 Reporting currencies and level of precision The figures in financial statements represent Bangladesh Taka currency. 22 Reporting Period Financial Statements of the Company cover one financial year from 1st July to 30th June consistently. 23 Comparative Information Comparative information have been disclosed in respect of the previous year i,e for understanding of the current year s financial figures. 24 Status of Tax Liability Income tax assessment has been completed up to the assessment year and tax has been settled accordingly. 25 Financial Statements These comprise: 1. Statement of Financial Position 2. Statement of Comprehensive Income 3. Statement of Changes in Equity 4. Statement of Cash Flows 5. Notes to the Financial Statements. Amount in Taka Share Capital a) Authorized 15,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 100 each 1,500,000,000 1,500,000,000 b) Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up 5,255,317 ordinary shares of Tk. 100 each. 525,531, ,531,700 Share Capital of Tk. 52,55,31,700 comprises: (a) Tk.15,00,000 being the value of 15,000 Tk. 100 each issued in favour of Petrobangla represented by Chairman, Petrobangla; (b) Tk.700 being value of 7 (Seven) Tk. 100 each subscribed by 7 individuals; and (c) Tk.52,40,31,000 being the converted amount of Equity portion of Government funded from Development Program for Development Project. 27 Equity Investment By Government: 403,479, ,479,662 This amount has been received from Government against Gas Supply to Rajshahi City & Its Adjoining Areas Project. 208,809, ,830, Long Term Borrowings - GOB Loan from Government Project wise Movement of Outstanding local loans (GOB) during the year are as follows : 50 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

53 28.1 Gas supply to Western Zone Project (Distribution): Amount in Taka Balance at the beginning of the project 794,796, ,796,764 Less: Payment up to 30 June for respective year 711,008, ,493,000 Less: Provision for Current Portion of Long Term Loan 34,181,468 48,515,464 49,606,832 83,788, Gas supply to Bogra Town Project: Balance at the beginning of the project 272,599, ,599,502 Less: Payment up to 30 June for respective year 182,947, ,231,000 Less: Provision for Current Portion of Long Term Loan 22,716,900 22,716, Gas supply to Rajshahi City & it s adjoining Areas: 66,934,702 89,651,602 Balance at the beginning of the project 133,471, ,471,040 Less: Payment up to 30 June for respective year 30,080,815 18,958,228 Less: Provision for Current Portion of Long Term Loan 11,122,586 11,122,587 92,267, ,390, Long Term Borrowings - Foreign Sources (ADB ) 334,382, ,650,715 Name of The Project Gas supply to Rajshahi City & it s adjoining Areas Loan Number 2188-BAN (SF) Balance at the beginning of the project 437,258, ,258,603 Less: Payment up to 30 June for respective year 61,607,888 29,864,766 Less: Provision for Current Portion of Long Term Loan 41,268,276 31,743, ,382, ,650, Other Long Term Liabilities 309,253, ,488,244 Customers security deposits: Movement of Customer security deposit are as follows: Balance at the beginning of the year 273,488, ,673,302 Add: Received during the year 35,779,117 77,711, ,267, ,385,239 Less : Paid during the year 13, , ,253, ,488, Fixed Assets Details of cost of fixed assets, accumulated depreciation thereon and written down value as on 30th June 2015 are shown at Schedule - A. Fixed Assets at cost at the beginning of the year 2,830,725,222 2,797,000,260 Less: Accumulated depreciation at the end of the year 1,068,670, ,844,703 1,762,054,910 1,855,155,557 Company Limited annual report

54 Amount in Taka Bank Deposit This represents fixed deposit with following Nationalized & Private Commercial Banks : Agrani Bank Ltd,S.S Road Branch, Sirajganj. 130,995, ,220,846 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shoptopodi Market Branch, Bogra 41,478,591 35,775,240 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shahjadpur Branch 28,730,758 26,152,995 Agrani Bank Ltd, Laxmipur Branch,Rajshahi. 19,588,837 17,827,063 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi 34,435,078 30,655,938 Agrani Bank Ltd, WAPDA Branch,Rajshahi. 25,312,502 13,845,063 BASIC Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 291,332, ,098,537 BASIC Bank Ltd, Belkuchi Branch, Sirajganj 21,793,288 15,469,866 BASIC Bank Ltd, Kawran Bazar Branch Dhaka 24,445,764 22,534,441 BASIC Bank Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka 5,000,000 - Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch,Sirajganj 239,272, ,591,101 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch, Pabna 58,096,946 44,672,643 Janata Bank Ltd, Bogra Corporate Branch 28,107,712 20,083,803 Janata Bank Ltd, Ishwardi Branch 53,672,872 49,737,040 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullapara Branch Sirajganj 18,614,862 7,864,094 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Bazar Branch 22,180,813 19,749,681 Janata Bank Ltd, Bera Branch Pabna 11,138,824 10,205,583 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Branch Pabna 15,594,000 5,000,000 Janata Bank Limited, Hetemkhan Branch, rajshahi 5,000,000 - National Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 79,097,027 71,833,850 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 108,032,157 88,895,176 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch 55,052,873 45,453,005 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Shahjadpur Branch 51,249,749 37,659,564 South East Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 37,221,847 22,130,532 Standard Bank Ltd., Hatikumrul Branch,Sirajganj 5,454,076 5,000,000 Jamuna Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 5,000,000 - AB Bank limited, Sirajganj Branch 5,000,000 - Premier Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 5,000,000 - Rupali Bank Ltd., Santhia Branch, Pabna 17,382,003 15,866,042 IFIC Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch 19,462,251 17,863,885 ONE Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch 16,454,932 10,595,253 City bank Limited, Mirpur Branch, Dhaka 10,000,000 - Megna Bank Limited, Hatikumrul Branch, Sirajganj. 5,000,000 - Mutual Trust Bank limited, Sirajganj Branch. 5,000,000-1,499,198,818 1,148,781, Loans to Employees 25,136,961 24,959,579 Long -term loans to employees are as follows : 33.1 Computer Loans to employees The movement of computer loans to employees are as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 803, ,653 Add: Paid during the year 180, , ,681 1,154,653 Less : Recovery during the year 295, , , , annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

55 Amount in Taka Land purchase/house building loans to employees The movement of the above is as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 20,988,902 19,801,843 Add: Paid during the year 4,261,265 4,400,000 25,250,167 24,201,843 Less : Recovery during the year 3,802,596 3,212, Motor Cycle loans to employees The movement of the above is as follows : 21,447,571 20,988,902 Balance at the beginning of the year 3,166,996 2,932,343 Add: Paid during the year 800,000 1,200,000 3,966,996 4,132,343 Less : Recovery during the year 965, , Inventories of Stores & Other materials This consists of the followings 3,001,681 3,166,996 Pipes ( 3/4-12 ) Schedule - I 47,562,314 43,074,687 Tubes and Fittings 67,706,380 74,017,645 Fuel, Oil and Lubricants 232, ,075 Raw Materials and Chemicals 140, ,916 General Hardware 2,112,301 2,366,770 Packing, Gaskets & Insulating Materials 25,043,684 34,322,035 Chemical Laboratory Equipments 20,401,058 22,318,780 Electrical Equipment & Spares 158, ,886 L/C Goods in Transit 15,614,057 - Stores on Loan A/C - (124,000) 178,970, ,533, Advances, Deposits and Prepayments 173,541, ,810,912 Advance for Corporate Tax deducted at Source 81,828,286 81,507,718 Corporate Tax advance payment (Cash) 72,062,500 37,000,000 Advance against Incentive Bonus (Employees) 15,394,509 17,467,071 Advance to others (BUET) 1,397, ,916 Advance to Contractors' & Suppliers' (Schedule-C) - 11,886,437 Advance to DCT, Circle -7, Sirajganj against Employee's Income Tax 434, ,954 Recoverable from Employees against incentive Bonus ( ) 650,193 - Recoverable from Others (Excess of ceiling for Telephone, POL etc.) 20, ,801 Deposit with 171,788, ,260,897 Grameen Phone 98,831 98,831 Power Development Board 43,379 43,379 Sirajganj Palli Bidyut Samity 26,360 26,360 Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd. 117, ,060 District Adjutant of Ansar and VDP, Sirajganj 1,467,130 1,264,385 1,752,760 1,550,015 Company Limited annual report

56 Amount in Taka Depository Job Works This represent customer finance job works for : North-West Power Generation Co. Ltd. (NWPGCL) R & M 37,944 - ACI Godrej Agrovate Ltd., Rajshahi. 23,681,868 20,378,333 23,719,812 20,378, Accounts Receivable 682,475, ,156, Trade Receivable Category of customers: Power 333,102, ,721,749 Industrial 25,261,309 25,913,277 Commercial 11,418,058 12,579,358 Domestic 59,827,806 45,951,402 Captive Power 18,318,502 17,678,876 CNG 226,320, ,841, Other Receivable 674,248, ,685,963 Interest Receivable (Accrued Interest on FDR ) (Schedule-H) 8,226,562 9,470,285 8,226,562 9,470, Cash and Bank Balances Cash in hand - 60,988 Imprest fund with - (38.1) 150, ,000 Bank STD Accounts - (38.2) 782,482, ,082,684 Bank CD Accounts - (38.3) 2,493,757 2,933, Imprest fund with: 785,125, ,227,517 Dhaka Liaison Office 20,000 20,000 Manager (Services) 20,000 15,000 Ishwardi Regional Office 20,000 20,000 Pabna Regional Office 20,000 20,000 Sirajganj Regional Office 15,000 15,000 Baghabari Regional Office 15,000 20,000 Bogra Regional Office 20,000 20,000 Rajshahi Regional Office 20,000 20, Bank STD Accounts 150, ,000 Agrini Bank Ltd, S.S Road Branch Sirajganj (STD-93) 4,023,362 4,681,726 Agrani Bank Ltd, S.S Road Branch Sirajganj (STD-94) 69,600,846 1,027,416 Agrani Bank Ltd, S.S Road Branch Sirajganj (STD-95) 5,059,972 8,865,757 Agrani Bank Ltd, S.S Road Branch Sirajganj (STD-92) 9,961, ,104 Janata Bank Ltd,Corporate Branch Sirajganj (STD-115) 11,131,063 12,911,761 Agrani Bank Ltd, Cantonment Branch (STD ) 1,669,186 - Agrani Bank Ltd, Cantonment Branch (STD ) 1,055,514 - Agrani Bank Ltd, Cantonment Branch, Bogra- 63 1,056, annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

57 Amount in Taka Agrani Bank Ltd, Shoptopodi Market Branch, Bogra (STD-45) 18,170,176 4,449,137 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shoptopodi Market Branch Bogra (STD-46) 517,804 35,020,562 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shoptopodi Market Branch, Bogra (STD-47) 426,261 12,173,231 Agrani Bank Ltd,Shoptopodi Market Branch, Bogra (STD-48) 18,388 18,865,280 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-14) 854,595 3,032,426 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-15) 1,275,237 2,102,207 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-16) 1,784,542 2,493,315 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-17) 1,140,676 3,986,455 Agrani Bank Ltd, Court Bazar Branch, Rajshahi (STD-06) 1,734, ,496 Agrani Bank Ltd, Court Bazar Branch, Rajshahi (STD-09) 5,698, ,254 Agrani Bank Ltd, Laxmipur Branch, Rajshahi (STD-67) 2,712,995 1,971,858 Agrani Bank Ltd, Laxmipur Branch,Rajshahi (STD-70) 8,763, ,142 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi (STD-44) 10,287,930 5,587,986 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi (STD-60) 5,052,259 1,270,245 Agrani Bank Ltd, Shaheb Bazar Br Rajshahi (STD-67) 11,640, ,241 Agrani Bank Ltd, WAPDA Branch,Rajshahi (STD-30) 5,902,740 2,723,158 Agrani Bank Ltd, WAPDA Branch, Rajshahi (STD-31) 3,700,967 1,149,818 Agrani Bank Ltd, WAPDA Branch, Rajshahi (STD-33) 7,638, Agrani Bank Ltd, Bhadra Branch,Rajshahi (STD-18) 1,209, ,077 Agrani Bank Ltd, Bhadra Branch, Rajshahi (STD-21) 6,214, ,044 BASIC Bank Ltd. Dilkusha Branch, Dhaka (STD ) 4,767,123 1,226,715 BASIC Bank Ltd. Sirajganj Branch (STD ) 35,414,239 25,819,133 BASIC Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-107) ,530 BASIC Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-79) 356,992 1,397,407 BASIC Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-84) 43,939 11,301,961 BASIC Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-90) ,792 IFIC Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-62) 12,043, ,586 IFIC Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-63) 1,467,735 57,548 IFIC Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-64) 2,185,572 1,750,563 IFIC Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-65) 3,829,092 3,713,803 Janata Bank Ltd, Bera Branch (STD-27) 1,977, ,176 Janata Bank Ltd, Bera Branch (STD-28) 4,824,429 4,663,977 Janata Bank Ltd, Bera Branch (STD-29) 1,898,383 2,036,516 Janata Bank Ltd, Bera Branch (STD-30) 132, ,878 Janata Bank Ltd, Bogra Corporate Branch (STD-88) 388, ,527 Janata Bank Ltd, Bogra Corporate Branch (STD-89) 346,324 10,161,078 Janata Bank Ltd, Bogra Ccorporate Branch (STD-90) 7,977 2,069,252 Janata Bank Ltd, Bogra Corporate Branch (STD-91) 201,154 9,783,469 Janata Bank Ltd, Ishwardi Corporate Branch (STD-33 ) 676,423 13,531,264 Janata Bank Ltd, Ishwardi Corporate Branch (STD-34 ) 180,838 1,889,445 Janata Bank Ltd, Ishwardi CorporateBranch (STD-35) 2,698,885 9,842,935 Janata Bank Ltd, Ishwardi CorporateBranch (STD-36) 2,370,771 1,400,841 Janata Bank Ltd, Local Office. Branch Dhaka (STD ) 15,136 15,136 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch, Sirajganj (STD-116) 1,148, ,569 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch, Sirajganj (STD-117) 11,594,500 5,903,264 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch, Sirajganj (STD-118) 2,303,679 18,805,946 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch, Sirajganj (STD-119) 335,531, ,399,097 Company Limited annual report

58 Amount in Taka Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Bazar Branch (STD 21) 1,512,306 8,351,965 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Bazar Branch (STD-22) 5,149,891 4,919,204 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Bazar Branch (STD 23) 1,096, ,611 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Bazar Branch (STD 24) 1,047, ,963 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Corporate Branch (STD-108) 376,466 8,917,686 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Corporate Branch (STD-109) 67,972 2,640,099 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Corporate Branch (STD-110) 844,499 1,431,992 Janata Bank Ltd, Pabna Corporate Branch (STD-111) 2,756,691 5,570,066 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Branch Pabna (STD-52) 679,141 3,756,481 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Branch Pabna (STD-53) 228, ,078 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Branch Pabna (STD-54) 129,358 5,147,013 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Branch Pabna (STD-55) 659, ,441 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullapara Branch (STD-14) 719, ,462 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullapara Branch ( STD-15) 12,987,821 5,964,137 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullapara Branch (STD-16) 1,070, ,579 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullapara Branch (STD-17) 5,814,221 3,552,236 Janata Bank Ltd. Rani Bazar Branch, Rajshahi (STD- 32/3) 693,082 - Janata Bank Ltd, Rani Bazar Branch,Rajshahi (STD-35/6) 1,073, Janata Bank Ltd. Hetemkhan Branch,Rajshahi ( STD 58) 234,858 - Janata Bank Ltd, Hetem Khan Branch, Rajshahi (STD-61) 1,996,497 - Janata Bank Ltd, Local Office, Dhaka(STD-1919) 15,784 15,784 Rupali Bank Ltd, Santhia Branch (STD-10) 1,265, ,196 Rupali Bank Ltd, Santhia Branch (STD-12) 2,066, ,577 Rupali Bank Ltd, Santhia Branch (STD-11) 582, ,129 Rupali Bank Ltd, Santhia Branch (STD-13) 1,699,681 1,436,033 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-37/1) 2,086,838 1,710,646 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-38/8) 22,153,778 3,344,073 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-39/4) 2,761,551 6,259,523 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch (STD-40/5) 23,260,570 46,959,236 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-88) 1,322,211 1,628,659 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-89) 43,071,303 22,250,777 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-90) 5,162,652 4,283,883 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch (STD-91) 5,846,516 12,220,429 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-04) 1,571,749 1,036,330 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-05) 19,630 - Social Islami Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-06) 5,679,986 1,692,949 Social Islami Bank Ltd, Shahzadpur Branch (STD-07) 68,760 2,489, ,482, ,082, Bank CD Accounts Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Branch Sirajganj (CD-2863) 22, ,449 Janata Bank Ltd, Local Office Branch Dhaka (CD ) 5,515 5,515 Janata Bank Ltd, Local Office Branch Dhaka (CD-5598) 38,573 38,573 Custom Deposit, Chittagong Custom House. 2,427,308 2,427,308 2,493,757 2,933, annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

59 Amount in Taka Trade Creditors and Accruals 180,406, ,188, Security and earnest money deposit Suppliers' and Contractors' 19,826,083 19,028, Trade Creditors for Goods, Services and Other Finance Tax deducted from contractors' & suppliers' 3,848,945 3,835,186 VAT deducted from contractors' & suppliers' 1,646,950 1,612,501 Provision for con. of riser, service line & other works Schedule-B 5,000,000 14,459,193 Due to Employees 17,806 25,579 Provision for Audit Fee 92,000 92,000 Provision for tax consultant's fees 74,750 40,250 Provision for Exchange Rate Fluctuation 5,854,042 4,512,063 Revenue Stamps 38,581 43,301 Liabilities for services (ECA, Entidad, Spain) - 119,700 Liabilities for Goods Schedule- F 14,996,356 - Liabilities for depository work of NWPGCL 25,000,000 - Liabilities for depository work of Ishurdi EPZ 37,031,140 - Liabilities for depository work of ACI Godrej Ltd., Rajshahi 36,790,090 36,790,090 Provision for Gratuity - 2,467,769 Provision for Leave pay Schedule- G 9,277,776 6,703,625 Provision for Incentive Bonus 20,912,261 23,458, ,580,697 94,159, Beneficiarys' Profit Participation Fund 34,741,606 28,683,535 Beneficiarys Profit Participation Fund has been determined as per Bangladesh Labour (Amended) Act 2013 on the basis of current year s net profit as defined in clause 3 of section 119 of the Companies Act, According to Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 amended in 2013, 80% of the said fund received has been transferred to Beneficiarys Participation Fund, 10% has been transferred to Beneficiarys welfare Fund and remaining 10% has been transferred to Sramik Kalan Foundation Fund. 41 Current Portion of Long Term Loan It represents the outstanding long term loan and the portion of Long term loan liabilities payable in the next financial year are as follows: Gas supply to Western Zone Project (Distribution) 34,181,470 48,515,464 Gas supply to Bogra Town Project 22,716,900 22,716,900 Gas supply to Rajshahi City & Its Adjoining Areas project (GOB) 11,122,586 11,122,587 Gas supply to Rajshahi City & Its Adjoining Areas project (ADB) 41,268,276 31,743, ,289, ,098, Group Company Accounts 1,316,279,551 1,219,546, Liabilities for Gas Purchase It represents outstanding amount payable to Bangladesh Gas Fields Co. Ltd. and Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. against their share of production margin and Govt. Margin (55% of end users price) on total gas purchase quantity. Details in this regard are shown as follows : The movement of Gas Purchase are as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 736,954, ,378,300 Add: Payable for the year 3,153,352,414 2,775,958,612 3,890,307,059 3,469,336,912 Less : Paid during the year 2,775,281,324 2,732,382,267 Year-end balance 1,115,025, ,954,645 Company Limited annual report

60 Amount in Taka Liabilities for Transmission Charges It represents outstanding gas transmission Tk /CM payable to Gas Transmission Co. Ltd for use of their Transmission lines. The movement of transmission charges are as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 90,122,726 88,522,654 Add: Payable for the year 309,838, ,700, ,961, ,223,552 Less : Paid during the year 315,432, ,100,826 Year-end balance 84,528,777 90,122, Liabilities for BAPEX Margin It represents outstanding BAPEX margin payable to BAPEX for exploration. Details in this regard are shown as below. The movement of BAPEX margin are as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 14,239,581 14,067,920 Add: Payable for the year 50,951,675 53,832,766 65,191,256 67,900,686 Less : Paid during the year 51,661,988 53,661, Liabilities for Price Deficit Fund (PDF) It represents outstanding PDF margin payable to Petrobangla. Details in this regard are shown as below: The movement of PDF margin are as follows : 13,529,268 14,239,581 Balance at the beginning of the year 249,039, ,311,342 Add: Payable for the year 221,079, ,820, ,119, ,131,985 Less : Paid during the year 588,795, ,092,442 Year-end balance (118,676,358) 249,039, Liabilities for Deficit Fund for BAPEX Wellhead Margin It represents outstanding amount for Deficit fund for BAPEX wellhead margin for sales of gas. Details in this regard are as follows. The movement of Wellhead margin for BAPEX are as follows : Balance at the beginning of the year 13,822,249 12,937,406 Add: Payable for the year 98,692,762 52,226, ,515,011 65,163,458 Less : Paid during the year 50,647,366 51,341,209 Year-end balance 61,867,645 13,822, Inter-Company Current Account with Gas Transmission Company Ltd (191,145) 1,176,171 Jalalabad Gas T & D System Ltd. 1,463,472 80,701 Titas Gas T & D Company Ltd 419, ,887 Karnafhuli Gas Company Ltd. - 6,872 Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd. (254,424) (135,728) Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company Ltd. 147, ,747 Rupantarita Gas Company Ltd. (533,771) (59,185) Petrobangla (1,072,393) (587,774) Boropukuria Coal Mining Company Ltd (8,975) (8,975) Modhapara Granite Mining Company Ltd. (356,924) (216,582) Sundarban Gas Company Ltd. (1,241,714) (1,333,082) (1,629,008) (641,948) 58 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

61 Amount in Taka Gas Sales Vol. MMCM Amount in Taka Category of Customers: Power ,173,017,390 2,416,626,171 Captive Power ,924, ,242,340 Industrial ,148, ,276,044 Commercial ,575,732 76,184,953 Domestic ,652, ,222,542 CNG ,772,993,672 1,588,002, Other Operational Income 1, , ,017,312,538 4,910,554,282 Connection & re-connection charge - 1,284,407 Commissioning fees - 5,298,244 Service charge 838,567 - Sale of condensate 222, ,972 1,061,133 6,894, Gas Purchase - Inter-company 3,152,540,439 2,775,958,612 It represents SD & VAT, Wellhead margin on gas purchase payable to Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited and Sylhet Gas Fields Limited. Details in this regard are as follows: Volume in MMCM Amount in Taka Category of Supplies: Power ,712,448,319 1,557,136,780 Captive Power ,178,001 83,685,208 Industrial ,410,823 84,494,103 Commercial ,446,568 39,281,159 Domestic ,386, ,384,876 CNG ,670, ,976, ,152,540,439 2,775,958,612 Gas purchase were MMCM and gas sales were Therefore, gas sales exceed gas purchase by MMCM which means PGCL gas distribution network run by showing 6.46% system gain. The main causes behind the said gain may be estimated assumptions regarding the consumption of unmetered domestic consumer, high to low pressure metering benefit etc. 46 Contribution for BAPEX Margin It represents contribution for BAPEX on gas purchase excluding standard loss. Details in this regard are shown below: 47 Deficit Fund for BAPEX Wellhead Margin It represents amount for deficit fund for sales on gas : Details are shown below : Volume in MMCM Amount in Taka ,951,675 53,832,766 50,951,675 53,832,766 Volume in MMCM Amount in Taka ,692,762 51,985,531 98,692,762 51,985, Transmission charge - inter-company It represents transmission charges payable to Gas Transmission Company Limited for use of their Transmission Line excluding system loss : Details are shown below: Company Limited annual report

62 Amount in Taka Name of the Company Volume in MMCM Amount in Taka Gas Transmission Company Limited ,838, ,700, Price deficit fund margin (PDF) Price Deficit Fund (PDF) has been created to cover the possible deficit in payment of gas bills in foreign exchange against cost of gas purchase from International Oil Companies (IOC). Details are shown below: Vol. MMCM Amount in Taka Power (203,174,091) 178,671,190 Captive Power (2,636,245) 13,846,114 Industrial ,572,577 17,618,595 Commercial ,942,004 9,271,606 Domestic ,789, ,368,438 CNG ,586,038 35,044, Gas Development Fund , ,079, ,820,643 In Gas Tariff approved by Govt. on the basis of recommendation of BERC, Tariff for Gas Development Fund has been introduced with effect from October 2009 for creation of fund for under taking intensive performance/activities for Gas Exploration and Production activities. Calculation of the said fund is given below. Vol. MMCM Amount in Taka Power ,815,630 80,224,877 Captive Power ,583,260 6,753,672 Industrial ,950,598 6,899,931 Commercial ,101,626 4,007,069 Domestic ,016,063 13,305,405 CNG ,413, ,090, , ,880, ,281, Distribution Cost including Depreciation 290,518, ,071, Employees Cost Officers' Salary 28,091,917 27,614,019 Staff Salary 1,684,631 1,507,912 Wages of Labour 798, ,756 Dearness Allowance 5,912,024 5,736,642 Educational Assistance 178, ,000 House Rent Allowance 11,837,851 11,878,165 Tiffin Allowance (Staff) 51,721 39,330 Medical Allowance 1,286,977 1,278,200 Medical Expenses 648, ,031 Festival Bonus 4,800,790 5,086,360 Incentive Bonus 5,361,669 4,967,510 Staff Overtime 1,327,864 1,193,958 Liveries & Uniforms 2,002,410 1,958,536 Washing Allowance 220, ,775 Welfare Expenses 1,583,273 1,434,950 Leave Pay 2,328,701 2,304,841 Gratuity 8,597,003 6,856, annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

63 Amount in Taka Contribution to Pension Fund 52, ,065 LFA/Recreation Allowance 3,708,545 3,427,111 Lunch Subsidy 896, ,715 Group Insurance Premium 769, ,340 Contribution to Provident Fund 2,947,478 2,856,691 Gas Subsidy Allowance 1,074,504 1,069,380 Honorarium 387, ,900 Employees' Income Tax - Other Expenses (Schedule-D) 546, , Repairs & Maintenance 87,095,486 83,554,429 R & M (Vehicle) 1,585,002 2,282,081 R & M (Plant & Machinery) 3,778, ,489 R & M (Building ) 521,671 55,836 R & M (Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixture) 756, , Office Expenses 6,641,549 3,578,869 Office Stationery & Printing 3,454,398 3,241,245 Telephone, Mobile & Postage 1,215,194 1,320,492 Electricity Expenses 2,171,050 2,055,866 Electronics & Electrical Consumables 592, ,208 Traveling Expenses 4,139,295 3,245,198 Office Rent 1,856,373 1,781,837 Entertainment Expenses 1,305, ,877 Training & Education 3,819,894 1,907,551 Legal Expenses 778, ,051 Other Advisor & Consultant Fees 89, ,000 Vehicle Insurance 1,031, ,780 Director Fees 730, ,500 Audit Fees 126, ,750 Bank Charges & Commission 770, ,533 Newspaper, Books & Periodicals 318, ,684 Rates & Taxes 985, ,346 POL & CNG 3,933,069 3,680,777 Bus Hire 2,568,904 2,205,081 Donation & Contribution 1,000, ,000 Advertisement 1,161, ,325 Crockeries & Cutleries 55,675 69,900 Soft Furnishing 229, ,887 Entertainment Allowance 43,650 44,136 Stores Handling Charges 215, ,509 Wages of Casual Labour 18,203,327 14,885,111 Security Expenses 15,268,275 10,105,807 Gas Consumption (Own use ) 85,853 72,008 Other Expenses (Schedule-E) 3,806,892 3,048,827 69,956,183 55,352, Depreciation (as per schedule - A ): 126,825, ,586,372 Company Limited annual report

64 Amount in Taka Petrobangla's Actual Cost recovery 7,938,000 6,119,000 It represents Petrobangla s actual cost recovery paid to Petrobangla for the year. 53 Other Income Interest on computer loan 73,972 72,898 Interest on motor cycle loan 144, ,768 Interest on house building loans 162,427 19,206 Sale of tender schedule 185, ,900 Sale of bill books and application forms 3,021, ,700 Profit from sale of store 11,218,061 25,176,220 Enlistment and renewal fees 849, ,000 Sale of damaged Trees & application fee 174,738 - Testing Charges 618, ,048 Liquidated damage 1,484,161 1,502, Interest Cost 17,932,134 29,750,061 Interest on GOB loans 13,132,013 16,238,705 Interest on ADB loans 21,933,284 23,688, Interest Income 35,065,297 39,927,690 Interest on STD bank A/c 43,292,454 28,248,866 Interest on FDR 116,739,645 97,921, ,032, ,170, Provision for Taxation 231,031, ,745,507 Provision for taxation has been 35% on net profit as per finance Act Prior year s adjustment Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year ,624 - Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year ,642 - Over Provision for incentive bonus for the year ,888 - Management service charge over payment for the year ,063, ,000 Liabilitiy for Services 119,700 - Liabilities for Gas Purchase due to margin of 4 decimal instead of 3 decimal for the year (811,975) - Under Provision for Income Tax (828,937) - 799, , General 58.1 Figures have been rounded off to the nearest Taka 58.2 Previous year s figures have been re-arranged, whenever necessary. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited General Manager (F & A) Managing Director Director PGCL PGCL PGCL Board 62 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

65 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. Nalka, Sirajganj Fixed Assets Schedule as at 30 June 2015 Schedule - A Sl. No. Particulars At 01 July 2014 Addition Cost Disposal/ Adjustment At 30 June 2015 Rate % At 01 July 2014 Accumulated Depreciation Charged for the year Adjustment Total at 30 June 2015 Written Down Value at 30 June Consumer Metering Station 69,025, ,025,213 10% 69,025, ,025, Transmission Line 211,233, ,233, % 91,509,627 7,034,079-98,543, ,689,897 3 Distribution Line 1,952,247,205 32,519,852 20,369,103 1,964,397,954 5% 645,382,700 99,653, ,036,468 1,219,361,486 4 Freehold Land 130,772, ,772,598 0% ,772,598 5 Building & Infrastructure 109,100,198 5,464, ,564,479 2% 13,078,366 2,276,577-15,354,943 99,209,536 6 Furniture and Fixture 7,590, ,139 22,500 8,503,911 10% 4,130, ,969-4,669,841 3,834,070 7 Light Vehicles 49,596,729 6,926,000-56,522,729 20% 34,191,432 4,798,838-38,990,270 17,532,459 8 Office Equipment 7,493, ,000 69,063 7,526,378 15% 5,605, ,882-6,083,767 1,442,611 9 Other Construction 73,625, ,845-74,223, % 17,249,095 1,873,094-19,122,189 55,100, Telecom and Computer Equipment 6,862,496 1,634,305 5,360 8,491,441 15% 4,489, ,132-5,375,489 3,115, Transmission and Distribution Plant 162,082,267 6,837, , ,154,271 5% 42,097,432 8,104,113-50,201, ,952, Other Equipment 13,498, ,498,977 20% 12,464, ,506-13,294, , Domestic Appliances 3,046,215-61,438 2,984,777 15% 2,042, ,535-2,319, , Sheds and Temporary Structures 825, ,812 10% 576, , , ,843 Total at 30 June ,797,000,260 55,018,202 21,293,240 2,830,725, ,844, ,825,609-1,068,670,312 1,762,054,910 Total at 30 June ,763,042,316 66,178,323 13,608,664 2,815,611, ,495, ,763, ,258,331 2,001,353,644 Company Limited annual report

66 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Provision for construction of Riser, service line & Other works Schedule - B Amount in Taka M/s. H.M Construction - 4,875,039 2 North West Power Generation Co. Ltd (R & M) 5,000,000 5,000,000 3 M/s. Haroon & Brothers - 543,861 4 M//s Royal Utilisation Services - 955,943 5 M/s. R.M Construction - 3,084,350 5,000,000 14,459,193 Advance to Contractors & Suppliers against Running Advances Bill Schedule - C 1 M/s. Industrial Technical Services - 1,865,162 2 M/s. The Royal Utilization Services (Pvt.) Ltd. - 2,071,168 3 M/s. Haroon & Brother's - 1,247,069 4 M/s. R. M Construction Company - 1,934,696 5 M/s. Talukder Home Services - 630,578 6 M/s. H.M Construction - 4,137,764-11,886,437 Other Expenses (Employees Cost) : Schedule - D 1 Guard Allowance 17,700 19,400 2 Servant Allowance 53,800 55,000 3 Sweeper Allowance 39,590 40,600 4 Tea Allowance 217, ,659 5 Conveyance Allowance 31,655 7,198 6 Shifting Allowance 94, ,254 7 Water & Sewerage Allowance 16,900 28,650 8 Recruitment Expenses (Net) - 67,438 9 Telephone (Residential) 67, Food Allowance 7,200 11, Other Allowance - 2, , ,109 Other Expenses (office expenses ) : Schedule - E 1 AGM Expenses 1,473,257 1,256,416 2 Annual Gas License Fees (BERC) 1,700,000 1,500,000 3 Non Capitalized Equipment & Appliances 10,387 14,907 4 Non Capitalized Furniture & Fittings 218,316 59,835 5 Gardening 16,066 32,578 6 Other Board Meeting Expenses 24,868 51,054 7 Water & Sewerage (office) 63,998 34,037 8 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 300, ,000 3,806,892 3,048, annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

67 Amount in Taka Liabilities for Goods Schedule - F 1 M/s. Shandong Quanmim Plastic Company, China. 3,972,224 2 Chittagong Customs Authority 2,752,246 - Provision for Leave Pay 6,724,470 - Schedule - G 1 Balance at the beginning of the year 6,703,625 4,293,092 2 Add: Provision made during the year 2,574,150 2,566,938 9,277,775 6,860,030 3 Less : Paid during the year - 156,405 Interest Receivable : 9,277,775 6,703,625 Schedule - H 1 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Br, Sirajganj 4,620,000 3,176,000 2 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Br,Pabna 416,250 1,518,000 3 Janata Bank Ltd, Atua Br,Pabna 95, ,750 4 Janata Bank Ltd, Corporate Br, Bogra 320,625-5 Janata Bank Ltd, Ullahpara Br. 320,625-6 Janata Bank Ltd, Hatem Khan Br, Rajshahi. 320,625-7 Basic Bank Ltd, Belkuchi Branch. 191,250-8 Basic Bank Ltd, Dhanmondi Branch. 95,625-9 Basic Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch. 191, Social Islami Bank Ltd, Sirajganj Branch. 213, Social Islami Bank Ltd, Bogra Branch. 106, Jamuna Bank Ltd, Sirajgonj Branch 312, The City Bank Ltd, Mirpur Br.Dhaka. 712, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd, Sirajgonj Branch 101, AB Bank Ltd, Sirajgong Br. 106, Premier Bank Ltd,Sirajgonj Br 101, Agrani Bank Ltd., Sirajganj Branch - 1,731, Agrani Bank Ltd. Shoptopodi Market Branch, Bogra - 2,921,435 8,226,562 9,470,285 Pipes ( 3/4-12 ) Schedule - I 1 3/4" Pipe 9,105,826 10,633, " Pipe 826,840 1,099, " Pipe 5,517,324 7,970, " Pipe 817, , " Pipe 3,040,556 2,486, " Pipe 3,796,423 5,376, " Pipe 15,008,778 5,135, " Pipe 3,058,885 3,058, " Pipe 6,390,250 6,390,250 47,562,314 43,074,687 Company Limited annual report

68 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Budget Variance for the year ended 30 June 2015 Sl. No. Head of expenditure Budgeted Expenditure Amount in Taka Actual expenditure Variance fav./(unfav.) A. Employees' Cost : 1 Officers' Salary 33,000,000 28,091,917 4,908,083 2 Staff Salary 2,000,000 1,684, ,369 3 Wages of Labour 900, , ,606 4 Dearness Allowance 6,800,000 5,912, ,976 5 Educational Assistance 300, , ,127 6 House Rent Allowance 13,800,000 11,837,851 1,962,149 7 Tiffin Allowance (staff) 50,000 51,721 (1,721) 8 Medical allowance 1,500,000 1,286, ,023 9 Medical Expenses 1,000, , , Festival Bonus 5,400,000 4,800, , Incentive Bonus 5,600,000 5,361, , Staff Overtime 1,400,000 1,327,864 72, Liveries & Uniforms 2,600,000 2,002, , Washing Allowance 250, ,644 29, Welfare Expenses 1,500,000 1,583,273 (83,273) 16 Leave pay 3,000,000 2,328, , Gratuity 9,800,000 8,597,003 1,202, Contribution to Pension Fund 100,000 52,407 47, LFA/Recreation Allowance 4,000,000 3,708, , Lunch Subsidy 1,000, , , Group Insurance Premium 1,000, , , Contribution to Provident Fund 3,500,000 2,947, , Gas Subsidy 1,400,000 1,074, , Honorarium 500, , , Hardship Allowance 150, , Other Expenses (Schedule-D) 4,000, ,457 3,453,543 Total Employees' Cost 104,550,000 87,095,486 17,454,514 B. Repairs & Maintenance : 1 R&M (Vehicle) 2,500,000 1,585, ,998 2 R&M (Plant & Machinery) 4,000,000 3,778, ,244 3 R&M (Building ) 800, , ,329 4 R&M (Office Equipment, Furniture & Fixture) 800, ,120 43,880 Total Repairs & Maintenance 8,100,000 6,641,549 1,458,451 C. Administrative Expenses : 1 Office Stationery & Printing 4,500,000 3,454,398 1,045,602 2 Telephone, Mobile & Postage 1,500,000 1,215, ,806 3 Electricity Expenses 3,000,000 2,171, ,950 4 Electrical & Electronics Consumables 600, ,430 7,570 5 Travelling Expenses 4,000,000 4,139,295 (139,295) 6 Office Rent 1,800,000 1,856,373 (56,373) 66 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

69 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj Budget Variance for the year ended 30 June 2015 Sl. No. Head of expenditure Budgeted Expenditure Amount in Taka Actual expenditure Variance fav./(unfav.) 8 Training & Education 4,000,000 3,819, ,106 9 Legal Expenses 1,000, , , Other advisor & Consultant fees 300,000 89, , Vehicle Insurance 1,200,000 1,031, , Director Fees 1,000, , , Audit Fees 150, ,500 23, Bank Charges & Commission 800, ,239 29, Newspaper, Books & Periodicals 400, ,215 81, Rates & Taxes 1,000, ,153 14, POL & CNG 4,500,000 3,933, , Bus Hire 3,800,000 2,568,904 1,231, Donation & Contribution 1,000,000 1,000, Advertisement 1,200,000 1,161,492 38, Crockeries & Cutleries 100,000 55,675 44, Soft Furnishing 300, ,635 70, Entertainment Allowance 70,000 43,650 26, Stores Handling Charges 200, ,208 (15,208) 25 Wages of Casual Labour 20,500,000 18,203,327 2,296, Security Expenses 16,000,000 15,268, , Gas Consumption (Own use ) 100,000 85,853 14, Other Expenses (Schedule F) 4,000,000 3,806, ,108 Total Administrative Expenses 78,520,000 69,956,183 8,563,817 D. Depreciation : 134,000, ,825,610 7,174,390 Total (A+B+C+D) 325,170, ,518,828 34,651,172 Company Limited annual report

70 Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. Nalka, Sirajganj Statement of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the year ended 30 June 2015 (Taka in Million ) Standard Remarks Calculation (Tk. in Million) Particulars Basis/ Formula SL. NO: A. Liquidity Ratio Current Assets : :1.00 2:1 U 1. Current Ratio Current Liabilities **Quick/Liquid Asset : :1.00 1:1 U 2.Quick or Acid Test Ratio Current Liabilities Outstanding Accounts Receivable months 1.52 months 3 months F 3.Accounts Receivable Turnover Average monthly sales (Preceding three months) B. Profitability Ratio 37.88% 30.33% 12% F Net Profit before tax + Interest ) X Net Average Fixed Assets Net Profit before tax ) X Net Average Fixed Assets Net Profit before tax ) X Equity Net Profit before tax Total Capital Employed ) X Return on Average Fixed Assets ( 35.95% 28.26% 12% F 2. Return on Average Fixed Assets (Excluding Interest) ( 27.08% 26.71% 15% F 3. Return on Equity ( 68 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas 19.98% 18.37% 10% F 4. Return on Total Capital Employed/ Net Assets ( C. Solvency Ratio : : :40:00 F Year end long term loans Capital and reserves + year end long term loan * Internal cash generation Debt-service liabilities payable during the year Debt-equity ratio 1.0: : :2.0 F 2. Debt-service coverage ratio F= Favourable U=Unfavourable * Internal Cash Generation = Net Profit after Tax + Interest on ADP Loan + Unused portion of Depreciation. **Quick/Liquid Asset= Current Assets- Inventory.

71 Category Wise Value of Gas Sales for the Year Tk. in Million Power Captive Power Industry Commercial Domestic CNG Category Wise Volume of Gas Sales for the Year Sales in MMCM Power Captive Power Industry Commercial Domestic CNG Company Limited annual report

72 Year Wise Gas Purchase & Sales (Five Year) 1200 Sales in MMCM Purchase & Sales in MMCM % of System Loss/Gain Sales Purchase 0.16% 1.62% 2.07% 3.96% 6.46% Year Wise Gas Sales (Last Ten Years) Tk. In Lac annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

73 Diameter wise Pipeline Laying Since Inception Length in K. M /4" 1" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 12" 24" Category Wise Volume of Gas Sales (%) in Percent In Percent 0.76% 7.47% 2.82% 3.78% 11.05% 74.12% Power Captive Power Industry CNG Commercial Domestic Company Limited annual report

74 Yearly Pre-Tax Profit Tk. in Lac Manpower Growth (Last five years) Officer Staff Total= Officer Staff Total= Officer Staff Total= Officer Staff Total= Officer Staff Total= annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas

75 Year Wise Gas Connection Position (Last Ten Years) Year Gas Connection (Nos.) Company Limited annual report

76 Auditors Tax Adviser M/s S. F. Ahmed & Co. Chartered Accountants House - 51, Road - 09, Block - F, Banani, Dhaka Mr. Bhagirath Chandra Sarker Commissioner of Taxes (Retd.) & Tax Adviser 200, Upa-shahor, Sector - 2, Rajshahi. A publication of Pashchimanchal Gas Company Ltd. (A Company of Petrobangla) Nalka, Sirajganj 74 annual report 2015 Pashchimanchal Gas


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