Account Opening Form

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1 ...Branch wnmve Lvjvi Av e`b dig Account Opening Form GdwWAvi I we kl w g wnmve FDR & SCHEME DEPOSIT ACCOUNT wnmve wk ivbvg : (Title of the Account) BDwbK Kv gvi AvBwW KvW: (Unique Customer ID Code) wnmve bs : () wjsk wnmve bs : (Link ) A Bank for Performance with Potential

2 e vs K cwipvwjz PjwZ wnmv e Kvb gybvdv cö`vb Kiv n e bv wnmve Lvjv msμvší wbqgvejx Ges mb vwbz MÖvnK `i ÁvZe cö Z K wnmv ei MÖvnK Zv `i wnmv e e vsk KZ K wba vwiz b~b Zg w wz msi b Ki Z n e Ab _vq e vsk PK diz `qvi AwaKvi msi b K i mâqx wnmv e 1 _ K 5 Zvwi Li g a Rgv n Z n e 5,000/- UvKvi Kg w wz _vk j mỳ cö `q n e bv 5 ZvwiL _ K 31 Zvwi Li g a wnmv ei me wb œ e v j Ýi Dci mswkøó gv mi mỳ cö hvr n e c~e bvwuk e wz i K 50,000/- UvKvi AwaK As Ki D Ëvjb mswkøó gv m mỳ cö `q n e bv gv m 4 ev ii AwaK D Ëvjb mỳ cö `q n e bv e v j Ýi 25% Gi ekx D Ëvjb Ki j mỳ cö `q n e bv 100/- UvKv ev Zvi Kg mỳ cö `q n e bv úkvj bvwuk W cvwru (SND) wnmve n Z UvKv D Ëvj bi Rb MÖvnK KZ K b~b Zg 07 (mvz) w` bi bvwuk cö`vb Ki Z n e SND wnmv e ˆ`wbK mgvcbx w wzi wfwë Z e vs Ki wba vwiz nv i 06 gvm AšÍi gybvdv cö`vb Ki Z n e vqx Avgvb Zi wecix Z e vsk KZ K wba vwiz nv i wbw` ó gqv`v ší gybvdv cö`vb Kiv n e Gd ww Avi- Gi MÖvnKMY Zv `i iwk` h_vh_fv e msi Y Ki eb w g wnmv ei Î mswkøó w gi wbqgvejx/ kz vejx cö hvr n e cö `q AvgvbZ/gybvdvi wecix Z MYcÖRvZš x evsjv `k mikvi KZ K Av ivwcz/av ivwcze mkj cökvi Ki/ jwf/wwdwu ev Ab Kvb mvipvr AvgvbZKvixi wnmve n Z KZ b Kiv n e gvwbjûvwis cöwz iva AvBb 2012(2015 Gi ms kvabxmn), mš vm we ivax AvBb 2009 (2012 I 2013 Gi ms kvabxmn) I wbqš bkvix KZ c KZ K mg q mg q RvixK Z mvk yjvi/bxwzgvjv Abyhvqx MÖvnK e vs Ki Pvwn`v gvzv ek h Kvb Z_ mieivn Ki Z eva _vk eb e vsk h Kvb i juix A_wiwUi Pvwn`v Abyhvqx Z_ cö`vb Ki Z cvi e h Kvb wnmv e Kvb jb `b A ea ev cözviyvg~jk wnmv e e vs Ki wbku m `n n j e vsk mb jb `b cöwμqv cöz vlvb Kivi AwaKvi msiÿb K i cözviyvg~jk ev A ea ev m `nrbk Kvh Kjv ci m ú ³Zv i q Q ev m ú ³ _vkvi m vebv i q Q G ai bi jb ` b e vs Ki wm vší PzovšÍ wnmv e we ewpz n e Ges AvgvbZKvix Zv g b wb Z eva _vk e e vs Ki g Z hw` Kvb wnmve m šívlrbkfv e cwipvwjz bv nq, Zv n j webv bvwu kb H wnmve eü Kivi AwaKvi e vsk msiÿb K i ZvQvov Ab Kvb Kvi YI e vsk h Kvb wnmve eü Ki Z cv i Ges Gme KviY MÖvn Ki wbku cªkvk Ki Z e vsk eva bq MÖvnK PK eb qi Rb wba vwiz dig Gi gva g Av e`b K i PK eb msmön Ki Z cv ib PK eb MÖnY Kivi mgq MÖvnK K PK eb qi cvzv Y wb Z nq Ges PK eb wbivc` v b (wbr ^ ndvr Z) msi Y Ki Z nq hb Kvb PK Gi cvzv Pzwi/ Lvqv ev Ace envi bv nq Pzwi ev Lvqv hviqv Kvb P Ki gva g RvwjqvwZ msnwuz n j e vsk `vqx _vk e bv wnmveavik e vs K mieivnk Z bgybv ^v i Abyhvqx PK mb Ki eb bgybv ^v i cwiez b Ki Z n j Zv c~e v ýb wjwlzfv e e vsk K AewnZ Ki Z n e e vs Ki mv _ h Kvb cökvi wjwlz hvmv hvmi Î bgybv ^v i e envi Ki Z n e PK cwi kva eü (Stop payment) ivlvi wb ` k e vsk mzk Zvi mv _ bw_f³z K i wkš fzjekz D³ P Ki UvKv cwi kvwaz n j e vsk `vqx n e bv MÖvn Ki wnmve e vsk mzk Zvi mv _ AvKjb/weKjb K i fzjekz Kvb A_ AvKwjZ/weKwjZ n j e vsk Zv ms kvab Ki Z cv i wnmveavik Ae eüz PK eb diz w` q, wnmve eü Kivi PvR cö`vb K i h_vh_ ^v ic~e K Av e`b K i h Kvb mgq wnmve eü Ki Z cv ib Bwc RW I Ad- kvi e vswks BDwbU Gi wnmv ei jb `b/kvh μg ecrv Bwc RW/ evsjv `k e vsk/ˆe `wkk gỳ ªv wbqš b AvBb I AvšÍR vwzk Ad- kvi e vswks wbqgbxwz Abyhvqx cwipvwjz n e mkj Gdwm, KbfviwUej, wbuv, eøkw UvKv wnmve, e `wkk gỳ ªv wbqš b AvBb I evsjv `k e vsk wewa weavb Abyhvqx cwipvwjz n e wnmv ei gvwjk K Pvwn`v gvzv ek wnmve weeiyx cö`vb Kiv nq 30 (wîk) w` bi g a wjwlz Kvb Awf hvm bv c j wnmv ei w wz mwvk Av Q e j a i bqv n e wnmveavi Ki wvkvbvi Kvb cwiez b n j Awej ^ Zv e vsk K Rvbv Z n e e vsk mvaviyzt WvK/Kzwiqvi hv M wnmve gvwj Ki mv _ hvmv hvm i v K i WvK/Kzwiqvi hv M cöwiz Kvb wpwvcî h_vmg q ev Av `Š wewj bv n j e vsk `vqx _vk ebv 1991 mv ji e vsk Kv úvbx AvBbvbyhvqx 10 (`k) eqi I Z`yaŸ gqv` ch ší Kvb wnmv e jb `b bv n j mswkøó wnmvewu A`vweK Z (Unclaimed) wnmv e MY K i D³ wnmv ei w wz evsjv `k e vs K vbvšíi Kiv nq bwgwbi Qwei wcq b bwgwbi bvg _vk Z n e Ges Zv wnmveavix KZ K mz vwqz Ki Z n e AvgvbZKvixi g Zÿ i ci wbqg Abyqvqx Zvi g bvbxz e w³ (bwgwb) Mw QZ AvgvbZ MÖnY Ki Z cvi eb GKvwaK g bvbxz e w³i ÿ Î MÖvnK KZ K wba vwiz As ki nv i Mw QZ UvKv cö `q n e Z e G ÿ Î g bvbxz e w³/ e w³em K Zvi/Zv `i g bvbq bi ^c ÿ h_vh_ cögvb Dc vcb Ki Z n e Kvb g bvbxz e w³ bv _vk j AvgbZKvixi DËivwaKvix K cö hvr ÿ Î DËivwaKvi mb`cî gvzv ek wnmv ei w wz cwi kva hvm n e e vsk h Kvb mgq e vsk wnmve msμvší h Kvb wbqgvejx cwiez b,cwiea b,ms kvab ev evwzj Ki Z cv i Ges wnmveavix Zv g b Pj Z eva _vk eb No interest will be paid in Current Account. Customer must maintain minimum balance in the account as determined by Bank. Otherwise, the Bank reserves the right to return cheque. Deposit has to be made within 1st to 5th day of a particular month. No interest will be paid for account having balance below Tk.5,000/-. Interest is applicable on the lowest balance laid in the account within 5th to 31st day of the month. No interest will be paid in a particular month if customer withdraws more than Tk. 50,000/- without prior notice. No interest is payable if 25% or above is withdrawn from an account or if number of withdrawals is more than 4 times in a particular month. No interest is given if interest amount comes below Tk.100/- Minimum 7(seven) days notice period is required by the Account Holder for withdrawal of any sum from SND Account. Interest in SND Account shall be calculated on the basis of day end balance and shall be paid on half yearly basis. Interest on fixed deposit account shall be paid on the basis of fixed rates and period of maturity. FDR account holder(s) should preserve their receipt properly. For Scheme Deposit Account rules/conditions of particular Scheme will be applicable. All types of Duty, VAT, Levy and Income Tax to be realized from the Depositor s Account as per approved rate as circulated by the Government from time to time. As per Money Laundering Prevention Act-2012(including amendment 2015), Anti Terrorism Act-2009(including amendment 2012 & 2013) & Circulars/Rules issued time to time by Regulatory Authorities customer is obliged to submit any information on demand of the Bank. The Bank can provide the account information to the Regulatory Authority, on demand. Bank has the right to reject any transaction if it seems illegal and fraudulent. If any transaction is involved with or may be involve with fraudulent or illegal or suspicious activites in that case decision taken by Bank will be final and the depositor shall be obliged to accept it. If any account does not operated satisfactorily, Bank may close the Customer s account at any time without showing any reason and without giving any notice. Also Bank may close any account at any time for other reason and is not oblige to disclose any reason to the customer. Customer can collect the cheque book applying through prescribed form. Customer will count leaves of cheque book at the time of its receiving and the same should be preserved in secured place (self custody) so that no page is stolen/lost or misused. Bank will not be responsible for any fraud or forgery committed by stolen or lost cheque. Customer will sign cheque as per his/her specimen signature provided to the Bank. Customer should inform the bank in written earlier if he/she wants to bring any change in specimen signature. Customer will use his specimen signature at the time of any written communication with the Bank. Bank lodges the stop payment instruction carefully. Bank will not be responsible if the cheque is honored inadvertently. Bank debits/credits customer s account carefully. Bank can adjust the wrongly debited/credited amount. Account holder can close his/her account through submitting an application duly signed with returning unused cheque book and paying closing charge. Transaction/ operations of EPZ & Off Shore Banking Unit will be operated by the rules and regulations of BEPZA/EPZ/ Bangladesh bank/ Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and International Off Shore Banking Law. All FC, Convertible, NITA, Blocked Tk. Account will be operated under rules of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act and Bangladesh bank. Account statement will be provided as per demand of the Account holder. The balance of the account will be considered as correct, if no written complaint is lodged within 30 days. The customer has to inform the Bank immediately, if any change occurs in the address of the account holder. Bank generally communicates with the Account holder through postal/courier service. Bank will not be held responsible, if no letters/documents are delivered in time or not at all through postal/courier service. If no transaction occurs in an account for 10 years or more, then the account will be treated as an unclaimed Account as per Bank Company Act-1991 and the balance of that particular account will be transferred to Bangladesh Bank Name of the nominee has to be written behind the photo of the nominee and must be attested by account holder. In case of the number of nominee is more than one person then each nominee shell gets the fixed share percentage determined by account holder. In that case the nominated person/persons have to show proper evidence of their/his/her nomination. If there is no nominee then the balance of the account shall be distributed to the heir s of the depositor as per succession certificate. The Bank can change, add, amend or nullify any rules related to account at any time. The account holder is obliged to abide by the instruction made by the Bank. Avwg/Avgiv GB g g wbðqzv cö`vb KiwQ h, Avwg/Avgiv wnmve msμvší Dc iv³ wbqgvejx/kz vejx c owq Ges D³ wbqgvejx/kz vejx g b e vs K wnmve cwipvjbvq m Z n qwq fwel Z Dc iv³ wbqgvejx/kz vejxi Kvb cwiez b/ ms kvab Kiv n j Zv g b wb Z eva _vke (I/We confirm that I/We read the all terms and conditions related to the account and oblige to obey the all terms and conditions. I/we must obey any change/amendment of above terms and conditions in future). 1g Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 1st Applicant s Name, Signature & Date 2q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 2nd Applicant s Name, Signature & Date 3q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 3rd Applicant s Name, Signature & Date 4_ Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 4th Applicant s Name, Signature & Date

3 ZvwiL Date w`b Day gvm Month e e vck (The Manager) eqi Year b vkbvj e vsk wjwg UW ()... kvlv/ Branch... Branch wnmve Lvjvi Av e`b dig Gd.wW.Avi. I we kl w g Gi ÿ Î cö hvr Account Opening Form for FDR & Scheme Deposit wnmve bst BDwbK Kv gvi AvBwW KvWt Unique Customer ID Code: m±i KvWt Sector Code SBS-2 Deposit CIB e vs Ki e env ii Rb /For Bank Use Only wcöq g nv`q (Dear Sir), Avwg/Avgiv Avcbvi kvlvq GKwU wnmve Lvjvi Rb Av e`b KiwQ Avgvi/Avgv `i, cöwzôv bi Ges wnmv ei we ÍvwiZ Z_ wb gœ cö`vb KiwQt I/We, hereby, apply for opening an account at your branch. I/We submit my/our detailed personal, organizational and account related information at your end. 1. wnmv ei bvg (evsjvq) t Title of Account (In Bangla) Bs irx Z (eo A i) In English (Block Letter) t 2. Gd.wW.Avi. msμvší Z_ (Information of FDR)t cwigvy (Amount) t gỳ ªv (Currency) t gqv`kvj (Period) t eqi (Year) gvm (Month) w`b (Day) gqv`c~wz i ZvwiL (Date of Maturity) t / / mỳ /gybvdvi nvi (Rate of Interest)t bevq bi ÿ Î t Avmj Ges mỳ /gybvdv bevqb Kiæb (Renewal Principal With Interest) Renewal (if any) ïaygvî Avmj bevqb Kiæb, mỳ /gybvdv b ^i wnmv e Rgv Kiæb (Renew only Principal and deposit Interest in A/C No. ) cö hvr b n (Not Applicable) 3. we kl w g msμvší Z_ (Information of Scheme Deposit)t w gi bvg (Name of the Scheme) t w gi gqv` (Duration of the Scheme) t GKKvjxb Rgv/ wkw Íi cwigvy (Single Deposit/ Installment) t wkw Íi msl v (evwl K) No. of Installments (yearly)t gqv`v ší cö `q (Amount Payable on Maturity) t gvwmk cö `q (Monthly Benefit)t wkw Í h wnmve n Z vbvšíwiz n e m wnmve b ^it wkw Í h we kl w g vbvšíwiz n e m we kl w gi gvwmk gybvdv h mâqx wnmv e vbvšíwiz n e m mâqx (In case, installment is to be Transferred from an wnmve b ^i (Scheme Deposit A/C. Number where wnmve b ^i (Name of SB Account where monthly Account please mention Account Number) t installment to be credited) t benefit to be credited (in case of MES Account) t 4. wnmve cwipvjbv msμvší NvlYv (wuk w`b) t Declaration regarding Account operation (please tick) GKKfv e hš_fv e h Kvb GKRb h Kvb GKRb A_ev RxweZRb Ab vb (Others) t (Singly) (Jointly) (Any one) (Either or Survivor) 5. wnmve Lvjvi D Ïk (Reason for Account Opening)t

4 6. Ab Kvb e vs K cwipvwjz wnmve Av Q wk (wuk w`b)?/ Account maintained in other Bank (if any) (please tick) t nü v (Yes) bv (No) DËi nü v n j wb œiƒc wee Z Kiæb (Please state below, if yes) t e vs Ki kvlvi bvg wnmve bs Bank s & Branch s Name cwipvjbvk Z wnmv ei cök wz (wuk w`b) Nature of operating account (please tick) K) Rgv wnmve (Deposit A/C) FY wnmve (Loan A/C) L) Rgv wnmve (Deposit A/C) FY wnmve (Loan A/C) M) Rgv wnmve (Deposit A/C) FY wnmve (Loan A/C) N) Rgv wnmve (Deposit A/C) FY wnmve (Loan A/C) 7. e w³ msμvší Z_ vejx (Customer Information) t e w³ msμvší Z_ vejx dig c~iy Ki Z n e (Please fill up Personal Information Form) 8. GK ev GKvwaK wnmveavix bvevjk n j (If one or more account holder is Minor) t Avwg wbgœewy Z wnmveavix/wnmveavixmy Gi ea AwffveK wn m e GB g g NvlYv KiwQ h, wnmveavix/wnmveavixmy bvevjk Zvi/Zv `i cö qvrbxq Z_ e w³ msμvší Z_ vejxó di g cö`vb Kiv n jv wnmveavix mvevjk bv niqv ch ší wksev Avgvi KZ K ciez x NvlYv bv `qv ch ší ˆea AwffveK wn m e wnmvewu Avgvi ^v i cwipvwjz n e (I, being the legal guardian of the account holder, mentioned below, declare that the account holder(s) is/are Minor(s). His/Her/Their required information are provided in the attached form. Until the account holder(s) reach(es) the age of majority (adult) or any further declaration is given by me, the account will be operated by my signature being the legal guardian.) (AwffveK ej Z evev A_ev gv A_ev Ab Kvb AvBbMZ AwffveK K eysv e) K. wnmveavix (bvevjk) Gi bvg t Rb ZvwiL/eqm t Account holder s Name (minor) wnmveavix (bvevjk) Gi bvg t Account holder s Name (minor) wnmveavix (bvevjk) Gi bvgt Account holder s Name (minor) Rb ZvwiL/eqm t Rb ZvwiL/eqmt L. Awffve Ki bvg t bvevj Ki mv _ m úk t (Name of the guardian) (Relationship with the minor) Awffve Ki m v i t (Signature of the Guardian) bvevjk Ges AwffveK - Df qi Rb B Òe w³ msμvší Z_ vejxó dig c~iy Ki Z n e Ges bvevjk Av e`bkvixi Î Dfq di gb Av e`bkvixi ^v ii j AwffveK KZ K ^vÿi Ki Z n e 9. cwipq`vbkvixi Z_ (Information of the Introducer)t e vs K MÖvn Ki Ab Kvb mwμq wnmve _vk j cö qvrb bb (It is not necessary for an existing account holder)t (K) bvg (evsjvq)/name (In Bangla) t... Bs irx Z (In English) t (L) wnmv ei bvg (Account Name) t (M) wnmve bs () t (O) MÖvn Ki mv _ m úk (Relationship with the customer) t (N) kvlvi bvg (Branch Name) t (Date of Birth/Age) (Date of Birth/Age) (Date of Birth/Age) (P) hvmv hvm gva g (Communication Medium) t dvb bs (Telephone No) t... gvevbj bs (Mobile No) t (Q) ^v i I ZvwiL (Signature & Date) t cwipq`vbkvixi Z_ cöz qbkvix mswkøó e vsk kvlvi Kg KZ vi bvg I ^vÿi [wmj I ZvwiLmn] (Introducer s Information & Signature Verified by) t bvg (Name) t c`ex (Designation) t... ^v i I ZvwiL (Signature & Date): bwgbx msμvší Z_ (Information of Nominee) t bwgbx msμvší Z_ vejx dig c~iy Ki Z n e (Please fill up Nominee Information Form) (kyay gvî e w³k wnmv ei ÿ Î cö hvr ) 11. A _ i Drm/ Drmmg~n [mywbw` ó I we ÍvwiZ D jøl Ki Z n e]/source(s) of Fund (Specific & Details) t 12. wbu m ú` (Ae w³k wnmv ei ÿ Î) / Net Worth (For Non Individual A/C) t 13. NvlYv I ^v i (Declaration & Signature) t Avwg/Avgiv GB g g wbðqzv cö`vb KiwQ h, Avwg/Avgiv wnmve msμvší hvezxq wbqgvejx/kzv ejx c owq Ges D³ wbqgvejx/kzv ejx g b Pj Z eva _vke Avwg/Avgiv máv b NvlYv KiwQ h, DwjøwLZ Z_ vw` mz Avwg/Avgiv cö`ë Z _ i AwZwi³ mswkøó h Kvb cö qvrbxq Z_ /`wjjvw` e vs Ki Pvwn`v gvzv ek mieivn Kie (I/We confirm that I/We read all the terms and conditions of the account and oblige to obey these terms and conditions. I/We consciously declare that the information provided above is true. I/we will provide any other additional information/documents as per requirement of the Bank). 1g Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 1st Applicant s Name, Signature & Date 2q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 2nd Applicant s Name, Signature & Date 3q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 3rd Applicant s Name,Signature & Date 4_ Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 4th Applicant s Name,Signature & Date gšíe (Comments) t wnmve Lvjvi mv _ mswkøó Kg KZ vi bvghy³ mxjmn ^v i I ZvwiL Account opening officer s Seal with name, Signature & Date Aby gv`bkvix Kg KZ vi (kvlv e e vck) bvghy³ wmjmn ^vÿi I ZvwiL Authorized officer (Branch Manager) Seal with name, Signature & Date

5 ... Branch e w³ msμvší Z_ vejx (Personal Information Form) m úªwz Zvjv cvm cvu mvb Ri Qwe (cwipq`vbkvix KZ K mz vwqz) Recent passport size Photograph Attasted by introducer ZvwiL Date w`b Day gvm Month eqi Year wnmve bst BDwbK Kv gvi AvBwW KvWt Unique Customer ID Code: m±i KvWt Sector Code SBS-2 Deposit CIB e vs Ki e env ii Rb /For Bank Use Only 1. wnmv ei bvg (evsjvq)/ Title of Account (In Bangla) t 2. MÖvnK/ ewbwdwmqvj Ibvi/ wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi bvg(evsjvq) t Name of Customer /Beneficial Owner/ Operator (In Bangla) MÖvnK/ ewbwdwmqvj Ibvi/ wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi bvg (Bs irx Z) t (Name of Customer /Beneficial Owner/ Operator in English (Block Letter) 3. wnmv ei mv _ m úk (wuk w`b)/relation with A/C (Please Tick) t cö_g Av e`bkvix (1st applicant) wøzxq Av e`bkvix (2nd applicant) Z Zxq Av e`bkvix (3rd applicant) cwipvjk (Director) Askx`vi (Partner) GKK ^Z vwakvix (Proprietor) wnmveavix bvevjk (Minor) AwffveK (Guardian) GUwb nvìvi (Attorney holder) Uªvw (Trustee) wnmve cwipvjbvkvix (Account Operator) ewbwdwmqvj Ibvi (Beneficial Owner) g v ÛU nvìvi (Mandate Holder) Ab vb (Others) wczvi bvg (Father s Name) t 5. gvzvi bvg (Mother s Name) t 6. ^vgx/ xi bvg (Name of the Spouse) t 7. RvZxqZv (Nationality) t 8. iwm W U vuvm (wuk w`b)/ Resident Status (Tick) t iwm W U (Resident) bb- iwm W U (Non-Resident) cö qvrbxq ÿ Î e vsk KZ K MvBWjvBÝ di d ib G PÄ Uªvb RKkbm& Gi wb ` kbv AbymiY Ki Z n e (For more information, if required, the same may be collected in accordance with Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions ) 9. Rb ZvwiL (Date of Birth) t 10. Rb vb ( `kmn) t (Place of Birth with Country) 11. wj½ (wuk w`b) [Gender (Please Tick)] t cyiæl (Male) gwnjv (Female) Z Zxq wj½ (Third Gender) 12. ckv (c`exmn we ÍvwiZ) t [Occupation (Details with Designation)] 13. gvwmk Avq (e w³k wnmv ei ÿ Î) t [Monthly Income (For Individual Account)] (13 bs μwg Ki Î we ÍvwiZ D jølc~e K cö hvr ÿ Î e vs Ki Pvwn`v gvzv ek `wjjvw` cö`vb Ki Z n e) 14. cwiwpwzcî (Identity Document) t K) RvZxq cwipqcî b ^i (National ID Card No.) t L) cvm cvu b ^i (Passport No.) t gqv` (Expire Date) t / / M) Rb wbeüb mb`cî b ^i (Birth Registration Certificate No.) t N) B jkuªwbk-u v AvBwW b ^i( E-TIN No.) t O) WªvBwfs jvb mý b ^i (Driving License No.) t gqv` (Expire Date) t / / P) Ab vb (wbw` ófv e D jøl Ki Z n e) /Others (please specify) t [K n Z M b ^i μwg K ewy Z `wjjvw` n Z Avewk Kfv e h Kvb GKwU `wjj cö`vb Ki Z n e Z e Rb wbeüb mb` cö`vbc~e K wnmve Lvjvi ÿ Î Rb wbeüb mb`c Îi AwZwi³ MÖvnK/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi Av jvkwpîmn Ab h Kvb cwiwpwz cî cö`vb Ki Z n e bb- iwm W U Ges we `kx bvmwik `i Î mswkøó wfmvmn cvm cv U i Kwc Avewk Kfv e cö`vb Ki Z n e Av jvkwpîmn cwiwpwz cî bv _vk j m wel q e vs Ki mš wó mv c ÿ Zv `i wbku MÖnY hvm mgv Ri MY gvb e w³ KZ K cö`ëcwip qi cöz qbcî cö`vb Ki Z n e D³ cwiwpwz cî ev cöz qbcî MÖvnK/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi Av jvkwpîmn (Av jvkwp Îi Dc ii c ô mz vwqzmn)n Z n e GQvov, cö Z K e vsk h_vh_fv e MÖvn Ki cwiwpwzi wel q wbwðz niqvi j ÿ e vs Ki mš wó mv c ÿ Dc ii N n Z P b ^i μwg K ewy Z `wjjvw`mn AwZwi³ Av iv Kvb `wjjvw` Ges GB di g DwjøwLZ Z_ vw`i AwZwi³ Z_ msmön Ki Z cvi e ]

6 15. ez gvb wvkvbv (Avevm j) Present address (Residence) 16. vqx wvkvbv Permanent address 17. ckvmz wvkvbv Professional address MÖvnK/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi Proof of Address Gi ^c ÿ WKz g Um cö`vb Ki Z n e (Kgc ÿ 1 wu wvkvbvi ^c ÿ) 18. hvmv hv Mi wvkvbv (Mailing Address) t (K) wvkvbv (wuk w`b) [Address(Please Tick)] ez gvb (Present) vqx (Permanent) ckvmz (Professional) (L) Uwj dvb b ^i (Telephone No.) t (1) evmv (Residence) (M) gvevbj b ^i (Mobile No.) t (1) (2) (N) B- gbj ( ) t 19. Riæix cö qvr b hvmv hv Mi Rb g bvbxz e w³ (Emergency Contact Person) t bvg (Name) t... wvkvbv (Address) t wnmveavix/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi mv _ m ck (Relation with the Account Holder/ Account Operator) t (2) Awdm (Office) (O) d v b ^i (Fax No.) t gvevbj b ^i (Mobile No.) t B- gbj wvkvbv ( ) t 20. μwwu KvW msμvší Z_ (hw` _v K) Information regarding Credit Card (if any) Bmÿ Kvix cöwzôvb/e vsk (GKvwaK n j mkj e vs Ki bvg) [Issuing Organization(s)/ Bank(s) (Name of all Banks if more then 1)] t K. vbxq (Local Card) t L. AvšÍR vwzk (International Card) t 21. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ( FATCA ) Please Check Yes or No for each of the following ques ons: Yes No 1 Avcwb wk gvwk b hy³iv óªi bvmwik? [Are you a U.S. Ci zen?] Avcwb wk gvwk b hy³iv óªi MÖxY KvW aviy K ib A_ev Avcwb wk gvwk b hy³iv óªi ea wbevmx? [Do you hold U.S. Green Card or is a lawful 2 resident of the U.S.?] Avcbvi wk gvwk b hy³iv óª hvmv hv Mi Kvb wvkvbv A_ev dvb b ^i A_ev B gbj wvkvbv Av Q? [Do you have a U.S. address (including P.O. Box) or 3 U.S. phone number or U.S. address?] Avcbvi wk gvwk b hy³iv óªi Kvb wvkvbv A_ev dvb b ^i A_ev B gbj wvkvbv Av Q Ggb Kvb e vw³ K Power of A orney cö`vb K i Qb? [Have you 4 granted Power of A orney to someone who has a U.S. address or U.S. phone number or U.S. address?] Avcbvi wk gvwk b hy³iv óª ez gvb eqi mn wemz wzb weq ii g a 183 w`b Ae vb K i Qb? [Have you stayed in U.S. for 183 days 3-year 5 period including present year?] Avcbvi wk gvwk b hy³ivóª _ K Kvb cökvi A_ Avq K ib? hgb- mỳ, gybvdv, fvov, ezb A_ev any other Fixed Determinable Annual Periodical 6 [FDAP] income. [Do you receive payments sourced from USA? That is interest, Dividend, Rent, Payment for services (salaries), and any other Fixed Determinable Annual Periodical [FDAP] income.] cöpwjz AvBbvbyhvqx Avwg b vkbvj e vsk wjwg UW K Avgvi AvqKi msμvší Z_ cövmw½k AvšÍ RvwZK ev Af šíixy wbqš bkvix ms vi wbku cökv ki AbygwZ w`w Q AvšÍ RvwZK ev Af šíixy wbqš bkvix ms v A_ev AvqKi KZ c i cö qvrb Abyhvqx; Avwg GB g g Aby gv`b w`w Q ev ^xkvi KiwQ h, cöpwjz wbq gi AvIZvq e vsk Avgvi GKvD U _ K Ki wn m e wbw`ó cwigvb UvKv K U ivl Z cvi e (Subject to applicable laws, I hereby consent for Na onal Bank Limited to share my informa on with domes c or overseas regulators, or Tax Authori es where necessary to establish my tax liability in any jurisdic on. Where required by domes c or overseas regulators, or Tax Authori es, I consent and agree that the bank may withhold from my account(s) such accounts as may be required according to applicable laws, regula ons and direc ves.) Av e`bkvixi bvg t (Applicant Name) e vs Ki e env ii Rb (For Bank use only) Av e`bkvixi v^ ÿi (ZvwiLmn) (Applicant s Signature with date) wnmve Lvjvi mv _ mswkøó Kg KZ vi bvghy³ mxjmn ^v i I ZvwiL Account opening officer s Seal with name, Signature & Date Aby gv`bkvix Kg KZ vi (kvlv e e vck) bvghy³ wmjmn ^vÿi I ZvwiL Authorized officer (Branch Manager) Seal with name, Signature & Date *MY gvb e w³ ej Z msm` m`m, wmwu K c v ik bi gqi, WcywU gqi I KvDwÝjiMY, RvZxq ezb ji 9g I Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi M R UW Kg KZ v, cvewjk wek we` vj qi wkÿk, Dc Rjv cwil `i Pqvig vb I fvbm Pqvig vb, BDwbqb cwil `i Pqvig vb, cšimfvi gqi I cši KvDwÝji, emikvix wek we` vj qi Aa vck, emikvix K j Ri Aa ÿ, emikvix D P we` vj qi cöavb wkÿk, RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwîkvi m úv`k, bvuvix cvewjk, AvavmiKvix/ ^vqë kvwmz/ivóªvqz ms vi RvZxq ezb ji 7g ev Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi Kg KZ vmy Ges evsjv `k e vs Ki RvZxq ezb ji 9g I Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi Kg KZ vmy K eysv e

7 ... Branch bwgwb msμvší Z_ vejx (Nominee Information Form) ïagvî e w³k wnmv ei ÿ Î cö hvr n e Ges G Ki AwaK bwgwb n j GKvwaK bwgwb dig c~iy Ki Z n e (Only for Individual accounts & separate form has to be filled up for each nominee) m úªwz Zvjv cvm cvu mvb Ri Qwe (wnmveavix KZ K mz vwqz) Recent passport size Photograph (Attasted by A/C Holder) ZvwiL Date w`b Day gvm Month eqi Year Avwg/Avgiv G wnmv ei A_ Avgvi/Avgv `i g Zÿ i ci wb gœv³fv e wb gœ ewy Z e w³/e w³my K cö`v bi Rb g bvbxz Kijvg Avwg/Avgiv DwjøwLZ g bvbqb h Kvb mgq evwzj ev cwiez bi AwaKvi msiÿy Kwi Avwg/Avgiv GB g g Av iv m wz Ávcb KiwQ h, Avgvi/Avgv `i wb ` kbv gvzv ek e vsk A_ cö`vb Ki e Ges GRb e vsk Kv bvfv e `vqe n ebv (I/We do hereby nominate the following person(s) to receive the entire amount deposited in this account in the event of my/our death. I/We do hereby reserve the right to cancel or change the said nominee(s) at any time. I/We do hereby also declare that the bank will not be held responsible for any transaction done as per instruction given by me/us.) 1. wnmv ei bvg (Title of Account) t 2. wnmve b ^i (Account number) t 3. bwgwbi bvg (Name of Nominee) t 4. wczvi bvg (Father s Name) t 5. gvzvi bvg (Mother s Name) t 6. ^vgx/ xi bvg (Name of the Spouse) t 7. Rb ZvwiL (Date of birth) t wnmve bst BDwbK Kv gvi AvBwW KvWt Unique Customer ID Code: e vs Ki e env ii Rb /For Bank Use Only 8. ez gvb wvkvbv Present address 9. vqx wvkvbv Permanent address 10. ckv (Occupation) t 11. bwgwbi cwiwpwzcî (Identity Documents of Nominee) K) RvZxq cwipqcî b ^i (National ID Card No.) t L) cvm cvu b ^i (Passport No.) t (Expire Date) t / / M) Rb wbeüb mb`cî b ^i (Birth Registration Certificate No.) t N) B jkuªwbk-u v AvBwW b ^i ( E-TIN No.) t O) WªvBwfs jvb mý b ^i (Driving License No.) t (Expire Date) t / / P) Ab vb (wbw` ófv e D jøl Ki Z n e) /Others (please specify) t [K n Z M b ^i μwg K ewy Z `wjjvw` n Z Avewk Kfv e h Kvb GKwU `wjj cö`vb Ki Z n e Z e Rb wbeüb mb` cö`vbc~e K wnmve Lvjvi ÿ Î Rb wbeüb mb`c Îi AwZwi³ MÖvnK/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi Av jvkwpîmn Ab h Kvb cwiwpwz cî cö`vb Ki Z n e bb- iwm W U Ges we `kx bvmwik `i Î mswkøó wfmvmn cvm cv U i Kwc Avewk Kfv e cö`vb Ki Z n e Av jvkwpîmn cwiwpwz cî bv _vk j m wel q e vs Ki mš wó mv c ÿ Zv `i wbku MÖnY hvm mgv Ri MY gvb e w³1 KZ K cö`ëcwip qi cöz qbcî cö`vb Ki Z n e D³ cwiwpwz cî ev cöz qbcî MÖvnK/wnmve cwipvjbvkvixi Av jvkwpîmn (Av jvkwp Îi Dc ii c ô mz vwqzmn)n Z n e GQvov, cö Z K e vsk h_vh_fv e MÖvn Ki cwiwpwzi wel q wbwðz niqvi j ÿ e vs Ki mš wó mv c ÿ Dc ii N n Z P b ^i μwg K ewy Z `wjjvw`mn AwZwi³ Av iv Kvb `wjjvw` Ges GB di g DwjøwLZ Z_ vw`i AwZwi³ Z_ msmön Ki Z cvi e ] 12. wnmveavixi mv _ m úk (Relationship with Account Holder) t 13. kzkiv nvi (Percentage) t

8 14. bwgwb bvevjk n j Zvi/Zv `i bvevjk _vkv Ae vq wnmveavix/wnmveavixm Yi g Zÿ i Î e vsk Kv cvwb AvBb, 1991 Gi 103 (2) aviv Abyhvqx Avgvb Zi UvKv MÖnYKvixi Z_ t [In case of death of account holders when nominee(s) being minor, The information of receiver of deposited money as per Banking company act, 1991 section 103(2)] K) bvg (Name) t L) wczv/ ^vgx Gi bvg t (Name of Father/Husband) M) Rb ZvwiL (Date of birth) t N) ez gvb wvkvbv (Present address) t O) vqx wvkvbv (Permanent address) t P) μwgk 11 Abymv i ˆea Awffve Ki cwiwpwzcî msμvší Z_ (Identity information of Legal Guardian as per serial no. 11) t Q) bwgwbi mv _ m ck (Relation with nominee) t ( Kvb Awbevmx K bwgwb Kiv n j Ges H Awbevmx mswkøó wnmv ei A_ cövß n j cövß A_ we ` k cöi Yi ÿ Î we` gvb ˆe `wkk gỳ ªv wbqš Y AvB bi wewa weavb cö hvr n e ) bwgwbi ^v i I ZvwiL (Hw QK) Nominee Signature & date (Optional) 1g Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 1st Applicant s Name,Signature & Date 2q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 2nd Applicant s Name,Signature & Date 3q Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 3rd Applicant s Name,Signature & Date 4_ Av e`bkvixi bvg, ^v i I ZvwiL 4th Applicant s Name,Signature & Date MÖvn Ki ^v i hvpvbkvix e vsk Kg KZ vi bvghy³ wmjmn ^v i Customer s Signature Checked by (with named seal) *MY gvb e w³ ej Z msm` m`m, wmwu K c v ik bi gqi, WcywU gqi I KvDwÝjiMY, RvZxq ezb ji 9g I Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi M R UW Kg KZ v, cvewjk wek we` vj qi wkÿk, Dc Rjv cwil `i Pqvig vb I fvbm Pqvig vb, BDwbqb cwil `i Pqvig vb, cšimfvi gqi I cši KvDwÝjiMY, emikvix wek we` vj qi Aa vck, emikvix K j Ri Aa ÿ, emikvix D P we` vj qi cöavb wkÿk, RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwîkvi m úv`k, bvuvwi cvewjk, AvavmiKvix/ ^vqëkvwmz/ivóªvqz ms vi RvZxq ezb ji 7g ev Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi Kg KZ vmy Ges evsjv `k e vs Ki RvZxq ezb ji 9g I Z`~aŸ MÖ Wi Kg KZ vmy K eysv e

9 ZvwiL Date w`b Day gvm Month... Branch MÖvnK cwiwpwz m úwk Z dig (KYC Profile Form) we kl w g/ vqx Avgvb Zi Î cö hvr (Applicable for FDR/Scheme Deposit) eqi Year wnmve bst BDwbK Kv gvi AvBwW KvWt Unique Customer ID Code: e vs Ki e env ii Rb /For Bank Use Only 1. wnmv ei bvg t Title of Account 2. wnmv ei cök wz t (Nature of Account) 3. MÖvn Ki ckv (we ÍvwiZ) t Occupation of Customer (Detailed) 4. MÖvn Ki gvwmk m ve Avq t Expected Monthly Income 5. A _ i Drm/Drmmg~n (we ÍvwiZ) t Source/Sources of Fund (Detailed) 6. A _ i Drm wbwðz Kivi Î msm nxz `wjjvw` (Documents collected to ascertain source of fund) t msm nxz `wjjvw` hvpvb Kiv n q Q wk bv? (Does collected document has been verified?) t nü v (Yes) bv (No) 7. wnmveavixi wvkvbv (mg~n) wkfv e hvpvb Kiv n q Q (we ÍvwiZ)? How the addresses of the customers have been verified (Detailed)? 8. wnmv ei cök Z myweav fvmx wba viy Kiv n q Q wkbv?( Has the Beneficial Owner of the account been identified?)t nü v (Yes) bv (No) DËi nü v n jt cök Z myweav fvmx Gi Avjv`v KIqvBwm Ges e w³ msμvší Z_ vejxmshy³ K i Qb wk? (If Yes, does separate KYC & Personal Information Form of beneficial owner attached?)t nü v (Yes) bv (No) 9. cwiwpwzcî (Identity Documents) Kwc M nxz K) cvm cvu b ^i t Passport No. L) RvZxq cwipqcî b ^it National ID Card No. M) Rb wbeüb mb`cî b ^i t Birth CRegistration Certificate No. N) B jkuªwbk-u v AvBwW (E-TIN) b ^i t E-TIN No. O) f vu iwrt b ^it Vat Regi.No./BIN P) cöwzôv bi wbeüb b ^i t Registration No. Q) WªvBwfs jvb mý b ^it Driving License No. R) Ab vb (wbw` ófv e D jøl Ki Z n e) t Others (Please Specify) Copy Taken 10. Awbevmx (Non-resident) Ges we `kx `i Î wnmve Lvjvi D Ïk (Purpose of account opening for Non-resident & Foreigner) t hvpvbk Z Varified [wuk w`b] [Please Tick] (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) (cö hvr Î) K) wfmvi cök wz (Nature of Visa)t gqv` DËx Y i ZvwiL (Expiry Date)t L) Kg vbygwz cövß `i wnmve Lvjvi ÿ Î Kg vbygwz cî I e vsk wnmve Lvjvi Rb h_vh_ KZ c i Aby gv`b i q Q wk bv (wuk w`b)/ Whether work permit holder have work permit and permission from the competent authority to open account? (Please tick) t nü v (Yes) bv (No) (Awbevwm evsjv `kx `i Î Avewk Kfv e cvm cv U i Kwc Ges we `kx `i Î Avewk Kfv e wfmvmn cvm cv U i Kwc msmön Ki Z n e)

10 v^ 11. MÖvnK Politically Exposed Person (PEP)/cÖfvekvjx e w³ (IP)/ AvšÍR vwzk ms vi cöavb ev D P ch v qi Kg KZ v Ges Zv `i cwiev ii m`m ev Close Associates wk bv (wegdavbbd KZ K RvixK Z mvk yjv i ewy Z msáv Abymv i)? [Whether Customer is a PEPs/Influential Person/Head of International Organization or High Officials and Family Member or their Close Associate (As per definition of BFIU Circular)?]t nü v (Yes) bv (No) DËi nü v n j (if yes)t K) wmwbqi g v br g U n Z Aby gv`b bqv n q Q wk bv? (wuk w`b)t nü v (Yes) bv (No) Whether permission has been taken from the senior management? (Please tick) L) MÖvn Ki gy LvgywL mv vrkvi bqv n q Q wk bv? (wuk w`b)t nü v (Yes) bv (No) Whether face to face interview has been taken from the customer (Please tick) 12. mswkøó AvBb, wewagvjv I mvk yjv ii Av jv K MÖvn Ki bvg RvwZms Ni wbivcëv cwil `i wewfbœ iry jk bi AvIZvq mš vm, mš vmx Kvh I e vck aÿsmvz K A we Ív ii A_ vq b RwoZ m ` n ZvwjKvfy³ Kvb e w³ ev mëv Ges evsjv `k mikvi KZ K ZvwjKvf~³ Kvb e w³i ev wbwl NvwlZ mëvi bv gi ZvwjKvi mv _ hvqvb evqvb c~e K Kvb wgj cviqv wm q Q wk bv? (wuk w`b)/ At the time of verification, has the name of the customer been found similar with the sanction list as suspected by UN Security council in each different resolutions with regard to terrorism, terrorist activities and proliferation of any weapons of mass destruction and also black listed by Bangladesh Govt. as per concerned acts, rules and circular? (Please tick) t nü v (Yes) bv (No) (Sanction Screening Software Øviv Screen Ki Z n e) DËi nü v n j G welqk M nxz e e vi weeiy (If yes, please mention the taken steps in detailed) t 13. wi MÖwWs (Risk Grading) t D P (High) gšíe (Comments) t wb œ (Low) (gšíe As k Subjective we epbvq MÖvn Ki SuywK m ú K Avewk Kfv e gšíe Ki Z n e MÖvn Ki SuywK wbiæc Yi ÿ Î MÖvn Ki ckvi we ÍvwiZ aviyv we kølykizt e emv qi ÿ Î e emv qi cök wz, A _ i gvîv, e emv qi GjvKv, e emv qi AvKvi, wnmv ei cök Z myweav fvmx BZ vw`mn Ab vb we kl w`k we epbvq wb q MÖvnK K D P ev wb œ SyuwK m úboe wn m e kªyxkiy Ki Z n e PvKzwii ÿ ÎI Abyiƒcfv e we ÍvwiZ aviyv jvf KiZt we kl K i PvKzwii cök wz I `vq `vwq Z i wbwi L SzuwK wbiæcy Ki Z n e MÖvnK D P SzuwKc~Y n j wbqwgz Z`viwK Ki Z n e) cö ZKvix Kg KZ v (bvghy³ mxjmn ^v i I ZvwiL) BAMLCO/wØZxq Kg KZ v (bvghy³ mxjmn ^v i I ZvwiL) kvlv e e vck/kvlv cöavb (bvghy³ mxjmn ^v i I ZvwiL) (PEP/IP/AvšÍR vwzk ms vi EaŸ Zb Kg KZ v Gi ÿ Î Aby gv`bkvix EaŸZ (bvghy³wmjmn ^vÿi I ZvwiL) b KgK Zv ) 14. wnmve I MÖvnK msμvší Z_ vw` me kl ch v jvpbv Ges nvjbvmv` Kivi ZvwiL t Latest date of review & update of account and customer information ch v jvpbv Ges nvjbvmv`kvix Kg KZ v (Review & Updated by)t wmjmn i ( Signature with Seal) t ZvwiL (Date) t bvg (Name) t

11 NMS Duration: 3 Years 5 Years 8 Years 10 Years NBL MONTHLY SAVINGS SCHEME (NMS) Date: / / Terms & Conditions for opening NMS A/C. A. The name of the Scheme is "NBL Monthly Savings Scheme" - NMS. B. Any Bangladeshi above 18 years of age can open this Account. A minor can also open this Account by his/her own name. In that case, his/her legal guardian will operate the A/C. C. The Account may be opened either singly or jointly. D. Four types of Accounts can be opened under this scheme. 03 years, 05 years, 08 years and 10 years. Rules for these three Accounts shall be the same. E. Monthly installments of deposits and the amount payable to the depositors after expiry of the term shall be as under: - F. A person is allowed to open more than one Account for different installments in a Branch. G. Monthly installment shall be deposited by 15th day of each month (In case of holidays, deposit can be made on next working day). Advance installments are always acceptable. H. In case of lapses in depositing installment, late 2% per month per installment (fallen due) shall be charged. I. If any account holder fails to deposit 3(three) consecutive installments before expiry of 3 (three) years time, the A/c shall be treated out of this scheme and interest at prevailing rate of savings A/c. shall be paid. J. If NMS Account is closed due to default of 3 consecutive installments and if the Account is not continued further on fulfilment of terms of NMS Account, interest will be paid as per prevailing Savings Bank rate. K. DECLARATION OF NOMINEE i. If the Depositor dies at any time during the period, the amount will be paid to the nominated persons(s) of the Depositor. If the Depositor does not nominate any person(s), then the deposited money shall be paid to the successor on production of Succession Certificate. ii. Monthly installment (Tk.) Matured Amount 3 (three) years 5 (Five) years 8 (Eight) years 10 (Ten) years 500/- 19, , , , ,000/- 39, , , , ,500/- 59, , , , ,000/- 79, , , , ,000/- 119, , , , ,000/- 199, , , , ,000/- 399, , ,274, ,716, ,000/- 798, ,428, ,548, ,432, ,000/- 1,197, ,142, ,822, ,148, ,000/- 1,995, ,570, ,370, ,580, An Account holder may fix the share payment to each nominee by fixing the share of amount receivable by such nominee(s) in case the number of nominee is more than one person. iii. The nomination will be cancelled if the nominee dies in the lifetime of the Account holder. A new nominee may be nominated by the Account holder in such case. iv. In the event of Account holder's death, his/her nominee(s) will not be allowed to continue the account. v. A minor can also be made as a nominee, in that case the minor's legal guardian will receive payment on his/her behalf. vi. Photograph of the nominee duly attested by the applicant to be enclosed alongwith the AOF at the time of opening the A/C. L. ENCASHMENT OF NMS Before maturity i. If the Account is closed before 6 months from the date of opening, no interest will be paid. Monthly interest/benefit, if any, paid shall be realized from the Depositor/Account holder. ii. In case of 3 years term NMS, if the Account is closed after 6 months but before 3 years, interest will be paid as per prevailing SB interest rate. iii. In case of 5 years term NMS, if the account is closed after 3 years, interest for first 3 years shall be paid at 3 years rate as described in Account Opening Form and Circular. The interest for the rest period shall be paid as per prevailing SB interest rate. iv. In case of 8 years term NMS, if the account is closed after 5 years, interest for first 5 years shall be paid at 5 years rate as described in the Account Opening Form and Circular. The interest for the rest period shall be paid as per prevailing SB interest rate. Beyond maturity: Interest for the period beyond the date of maturity upto the date of withdrawal / closure of Account shall be paid at the rate applicable for Savings Bank Account then prevailing. M. On completion of any term of 3/5/8 Years, payment shall be made after one month from the date of deposit of last installment. N. Credit facilities upto 80% is allowed against lien on balance of NMS A/C at the prevailing rate of interest of the Bank. O. Realization of Excise duty/vat/income Tax etc. Excise duty, VAT and Income Tax to be realized from the Account as per approved rate as circulated by the Government from time to time. I/we have read and understood the above terms & conditions and agree to comply with them and also such terms & conditions as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Signature of the Applicant(s)

12 MES NBL MONTHLY EARNING SCHEME (MES) Ac Open Date: / / Duration: 1 Years 3 Years 5 Years Terms & Conditions for opening MES A/c. Maturity Date: / / A. The name of the Scheme is Monthly Earning Scheme - MES. B. BENEFIT FEATURES 1. The period of deposit will be 1 Year, 3 Years & 5 years. 2. The benefit/interest shall be credited to the Depositor s Account on the last working day of the month. 3. Credit facilities upto 80% of the deposited amount will be allowed against lien on balance of MES A/C at the prevailing rate of interest of the Bank. 4. Credit Card with a limit of 50% of the deposited amount or Tk. 5,00, whichever is lower, can be availed for free of issuing cost. 5. Locker facilities can be availed at 50% rent for the first year subject to the availability of locker facility in the respective branch. C. ELIGIBILITY FEARURES 1. MES can be opened at multiple of Tk.100, without any upper limit. 2. Bangladeshi citizen aged 18 years or above can open this account either singly or jointly. 3. Minor citizen of Bangladesh can also open this account. In that case, his/her legal guardian will operate the A/C. 4. One customer can open more than one MES with same branch or any other branches of NBL. 5. The depositors must maintain a Savings A/C with any branch of NBL where the monthly benefit under the scheme shall be credited. D. ENCASHMENT FEATURES 1. No interest will be paid if the account is en-chased or closed before 6 (six) months. Monthly interest/benefit paid, if any, shall be realized from the Depositors/ Account holder. 2. If the account is en-cashed/closed after 6 (six) months, but before maturity, the depositor will get interest at Savings Bank Deposit rate prevailing in our Bank at the time of encashment or at the time of issuance, whichever is lower, for the holding period. 3. Interest will be paid for the period beyond the date of maturity at savings bank deposit rate prevailing in our bank at the time of encashment or at the time of issuance, whichever is lower for the holding period beyond the date of maturity. 4. Months to be counted by date to date from the date of issuance. E. OTHER CONDITIONS 1. Minor s account will not be entitled to avail the other benefit features; i.e.; Credit Card & Locker facility. 2. MES receipt is not transferable. 3. Changes of Address must be informed immediately to the issuing branch of NBL. 4. In case of the instrument is lost, duplicate receipt will be issued in favour of the beneficiary/beneficiaries after completing all process & formalities. 5. Outstanding amount against Loan and Credit Card to be adjusted as per terms and condition of the contact. 6. Bank can exercise the set off right, if necessary. 7. Excise duty, VAT and Income Tax is to be realized from the Account as per approved rate as circulated by the Government from time to time. F. DECLARATION OF NOMINEE 1. If the Depositor dies at any time during the period, the amount will be paid to the nominated persons(s) of the Depositor. If the Depositor does not nominate any person(s), then the deposited money shall be paid to the Successor on production of Succession Certificate. 2. An Account holder may fix the share payment to each Nominee by fixing the share of amount receivable by such nominee(s) in case the number of Nominee is more than one person. 3. The nomination will be cancelled if the Nominee dies in the lifetime of the Account holder. A new nominee may be nominated by the Account holder in such case. 4. In the event of Account holder's death, his/her nominee(s) will not be allowed to continue the Account. 5. A Minor can also be made as a Nominee; In that case the minor's legal guardian will receive payment on his/her behalf. 6. Photograph of the Nominee duly attested by the applicant to be enclosed alongwith the AOF at the time of opening the A/C. G. BENEFITS OF THE SCHEME SHALL BE PAID AS UNDER: Deposited Amount Monthly Interest Benefits for 1 year Scheme Net payable after 10% Net payable after 15% Benefits for 3 years and 5 years Scheme Monthly Interest Net payable after 10% Tax Net payable after 15% Tax Tk. 1,00, Tk. 2,00, , , , , Tk. 3,00, , , , , , , Tk. 4,00, , , , , , , Tk. 5,00, , , , , , , Tk. 10,00, , , , , , , Tk. 15,00, , , , , , , Tk. 20,00, , , , , , , Tk. 30,00, , , , , , , Tk. 40,00, , , , , , , Tk. 50,00, , , , , , , Tk. 1,00,00, , , , , , , I/we have read and understood the above terms & conditions and agree to comply with them and also such terms & conditions as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Signature of the Applicant(s)

13 MDS NBL MILLIONAIRE DEPOSIT SCHEME (MDS) Monthly Installment: Duration: 4 Years 6 Years 9 Years 12 Years Date: / / TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR OPENING MDS A/C. A. The name of the Scheme is NBL Millionaire Deposit Scheme - MDS. B. The duration / period of deposit will be 4 years, 6 years, 9 years and 12 years. C. The maturity / terminal value shall be Tk lac. But Size of installment and tenure shall be different. D. Monthly installment, tenure and maturity value under NBL Millionaire Deposit Scheme shall be as under: Monthly Installment (in Tk.) Investment Period Terminal Value (In Tk) 18, Years 11, Years 6, Years 4, Years 1,000, E. The depositor will have the option to choose any installment size at the time of opening of the A/C and will not be allowed to change the size of installment afterwards. F. Any Bangladeshi above 18 years of age can open this Account. A minor can also open this Account by his/her own name. In that case, his/her legal guardian will operate the A/C. G. The Account may be opened either singly or jointly. H. A person is allowed to open more than one Account for different installments in a Branch. In such case separate AOF shall be used. I. The MDS Accountholder should maintain a SB Account with any Branch of NBL preferably with issuing Branch. J. The MDS Account may be opened on any working day of a month preferably within 10th day of the month. However, the subsequent installments shall be deposited within 10th day of that particular month. In case of holidays, deposit can be made on the next working day. Advance installments are always acceptable. K. When a depositor fails to deposit any installment, he/she will have to pay for the overdue amount payable at the time of depositing the next installment. L. If the depositor fails to deposit 3 consecutive installments, his/her Account shall be closed automatically. M. If MDS Account is closed due to default of 3 consecutive installments and if the Account is not continued further on fulfillment of terms of the Account, interest will be paid as per prevailing Savings Bank rate. N. The Depositor will immediately inform the issuing Branch of NBL if his/her address is changed. O. DECLARATION OF NOMINEE 1. If the Depositor dies at any time during the period, the amount will be paid to the nominated persons(s) of the Depositor. If the Depositor does not nominate any person(s), then the deposited money shall be paid to the successor on production of Succession Certificate. 2. An Account holder may fix the share payment to each nominee by fixing the share of amount receivable by such nominee(s) in case the number of nominee is more than one person. 3. The nomination will be cancelled if the nominee dies in the lifetime of the Account holder. A new nominee may be nominated by the Account holder in such case. 4. In the event of Account holder's death, his/her nominee(s) will not be allowed to continue the account. 5. A minor can also be made as a nominee, In that case the minor's legal guardian will receive payment on his/her behalf. 6. Photograph of the nominee duly attested by the applicant to be enclosed alongwith the AOF at the time of opening the A/C. P. ENCASHMENT OF MDS Before maturity 1. If the Account is closed before 6 months from the date of opening, No interest will be paid. Monthly interest/benefit if any paid shall be realized from the Depositor/Account holder. 2. If the Account is closed after 6 months from the date of opening, interest will be paid at savings Bank rate then prevailing in the Bank and interest will be paid for the period the amount / balance is kept deposited with the Bank. Beyond maturity: 3. Interest for the period beyond the date of maturity upto the date of withdrawal / closure of Account shall be paid at the rate applicable for Savings Bank Account then prevailing. Q. On completion of any term of 4/6/9/12 Years, payment shall be made after one month from the date of deposit of last installment. R. Credit facilities upto 80% may be allowed against lien on balance of MDS A/C at the prevailing rate of interest of the Bank. S. Realization of Excise duty/vat/income Tax etc. Excise duty, VAT and Income Tax shall be realized from the Account as per approved rate as circulated by the Government from time to time. I/we have read and understood the above terms & conditions and agree to comply with them and also such terms & conditions as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Signature of the Applicant(s)

14 ATSP APON THIKANA SANCHOY PRAKALPA (ATSP) Monthly Installment Amount: Duration: 5 Years 8 Years 10 Years Date: / / Terms & Conditions for opening Apon Thikana Shanchoy Prakalpa (ATSP) A. The name of the Scheme is Apon Thikana Shanchoy Prakalpa -(ATSP) B. Monthly Installment and Terminal Value: Tenure Monthly Installment (Amount in Tk.) Terminal Value (Amount in Tk.) 5 Years 41, ,000, Years 27, ,500, Years 23, ,000, C. BENEFIT FEATURES: 1. The maturity period of the deposit will be 5, 8, & 10 years. 2. Upon maturity, the depositor either can en-cash the terminal amount, or can apply for loan facility, up to 100% of the terminal amount, for the purpose of purchasing Flat at the prevailing rate of interest of the Bank after complying with the procedures, terms & conditions of the Bank. 3. Loan facility up to 80% of the amount received from the customer can be availed at the prevailing rate of the bank during the scheme period. 4. Locker Facilities can be availed at 50% rent for the first year subject to the availability of locker facility in the respective branch. D. ELIGIBILITY FEATURES: 1. Bangladeshi citizen, resident or non-resident, aged 18 years or above can open the account either individually or jointly. 2. Minor citizen of Bangladesh can also open this account. In that case, his/her legal guardian will operate the A/C. 3. One customer can open more than one account with the same branch or any other branches of NBL. E. ENCASHMENT FEATURES: 1. No interest will be paid in cash of premature encashment within 6(six) months of opening of the account. 2. If the account is closed after 6 months, but before maturity, the depositor will get interest at lowest savings deposit rate prevailing in our bank at the time of encashment or at the time of opening of the account or 4.00%, whichever is lower, for the holding period. 3. Months to be counted by date to date from the date of opening of the account. 4. In case of premature encashment of any account Tk to be realized as account closing charge. 5. Interest for the period beyond the date of maturity up to the date of withdrawal shall be paid at the Savings Interest Rate of the time of withdrawal or issuance or 4.00%, whichever is lower. 6. On completion of any term, payment shall be made after one month of the date of deposit of the last installment. F. OTHER CONDITIONS: 1. Monthly installment will have to be deposited by 15th calendar day of each month (in case of holidays deposit can be made on next working day). Advance installments are always acceptable. 2. Minor s account will not be entitled to avail locker facility. 3. This deposit scheme is not transferable. 4. Depositors may nominate one or more persons against the account as Nominee. If there s no nominee, payment will be made to the legal heir of the deceased accountholder following the existing rule of the bank. 5. Changes of address must be informed immediately to the issuing branch of NBL. 6. Bank can exercise the right of set-off, if necessary, in case of lien. 7. Outstanding amount against Loan to be adjusted as per terms and conditions of the contract. 8. All other credit against the lien of this deposit has to be paid off before applying for credit facility for purchasing flat. 9. Excise duty, VAT and Income Tax to be realized from the Account as per approved rate as circulated by the Government from time to time. 10. In case of lapses in depositing installments, late 2% per month per installment (fallen due) shall be charged. 11. If any account holder fails to deposit 3(three) constructive installments, the account shall be treated out of this scheme and interest at saving deposit rate at that time or at the time of issuance or 4.00%, whichever is lower, shall be paid for the holding period. I/we have read and understood the above terms & conditions and agree to comply with them and also such terms & conditions as may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Signature of the Applicant(s)

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