2016 School Budget Vote Exit Survey Report

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2 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 2 Introduction The North Colonie Central School District conducted an exit survey during its Annual School Budget Vote on May 17, The purpose was to collect demographic data about who voted on the budget and information about why voters voted the way they did. The survey was voluntary and anonymous. Paper and online surveys were made available to voters at the polling site for anyone who chose to fill one out after voting. While these results do not represent the opinions of all voters, they do provide many residents perceptions about the district and its proposed budget. The following data were compiled by the Capital Region BOCES Communications Service in cooperation with the BOCES public information specialist assigned to North Colonie, Taryn Kane. Please note: Comparison data, where available, will reflect a gap of four years. North Colonie has not conducted an exit survey analysis since 2012, resulting in this gap. Percentages, where provided, are out of the number of survey participants who responded to that particular question, and not out of the total number of survey participants. For some questions, total percentages may add up to more than 100% because participants were able to select more than one answer choice or because of rounding to the nearest whole number. Of the 1,614 residents who voted on North Colonie s budget in 2016, 847 chose to complete an exit survey a response rate of 52%. Who voted in North Colonie s annual budget vote? In 2016, 1,614 residents voted on North Colonie s proposed budget. The voter turnout for 2016 was down 31% from 2012 and down 42% from Of the 1,614 voters, 847 chose to fill out an exit survey, a response rate of 52%. This rate increased from the response rates in both 2012 (15%) and 2011 (27%). Respondents by age group In 2016, respondents age 61 or older made up the largest single age group that completed an exit survey, at 37%. The smallest respondent age group was the year-old group at 5%, while the and age groups yielded similar response rate percentages at 28% and 30%, respectively VOTER TURNOUT AND EXIT SURVEY PARTICIPATION (27%) 342 (52%) (15%) Voter turnout Surveys completed

3 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 3 Voters with and without children currently in North Colonie Survey data indicates that 43% of respondents said they have children currently attending North Colonie schools. This marked an increase in current district parent respondents compared to 2012 (35%) and 2011 (37%). More than half of those without children currently in the district chose not to provide more information. Of those who did, 93% said they have one or more child who has graduated from Shaker High School, while 8% indicated that they have one or more child who will attend a school in the district when they are older. PARENTS WITH AND WITHOUT CHILDRENT CURRENTLY IN NORTH COLONIE 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 63% 65% 57% 37% 35% 43% Children currently in NC No children currently in NC Veteran status of respondents This year, respondents were asked to share their veteran status. Around 13% of all respondents in 2016 indicated that they were United States veterans. Respondents opinion of North Colonie s educational program Almost three-quarters (73%) of survey respondents gave North Colonie a grade of Excellent for its educational quality, with another 25% rating it Good. Around 2% gave education quality a rating of Fair, while less than 1% rated it Poor. This high educational rating is similar to data from the 2011 and 2012 budget vote exit surveys.

4 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 4 How did North Colonie residents vote? Of the 847 voters who completed an exit survey this year, 19 participants did not indicate how they voted on the budget. Of those who did, 699 said they voted yes on the budget, while 129 said they voted no. This represents a margin of 84% in favor and 16% opposed. The actual approval rate of the budget was 79% a difference of 5 percentage points meaning that a higher percentage of yes voters filled out an exit survey than did no voters. Historically and across different districts, this is not uncommon with school budget vote exit surveys. 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% BUDGET APPROVAL RATES: ACTUAL VS. SURVEY 78% 79% 84% 70% 65% 71% Actual Approval Rate Survey Approval Rate Compared with 2011 and 2012, data shows that both the actual and survey approval rates have increased consistently. Budget approval rates among different voter categories Regardless of whether respondents had children currently attending North Colonie schools, the majority of respondents indicated they approved the budget this year. However, among those who said they currently had children in North Colonie schools, the approval rate was 92%, while the approval rate for those without children currently in district schools was 81%. Among parent respondents without children currently in the district, the approval rate was 83% for those whose children had already graduated from Shaker High School, while it was 100% for those who have children who will attend school when they are older. Support for this year s budget was high across respondent age groups. The approval rate was highest among the age group at 91% and lowest among the 61 and older age group at 82%. The age group produced an approval rating of 83%, while the age group yielded 85%. Non-veteran respondents had a higher approval rating for this year s budget (87%), compared to the 78% of veteran respondents who indicated that they approved the budget.

5 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 5 Unsurprisingly, budget approval rates declined as respondents opinion of the educational quality of the district declined. While 92% of those who rated education Excellent in North Colonie voted in favor of the budget, 75% of those who rated educational quality Fair and 100% of those who rated it Poor voted against the budget this year. DISTRICT RATING APPROVAL RATE 2016 Excellent...92% Good...71% Fair...25% Poor... 0% Why did voters vote the way they did? The following are the reasons given by the yes respondents for approving the budget: I believe in supporting the schools... 74% I am satisfied with the quality of the schools... 72% The spending/tax increase is reasonable... 50% I have confidence in the School Board and administration... 50% Other...3% The following are the reasons given by the no respondents for voting against the budget: The spending/tax increase is too high... 62% Other... 24% I want to support the schools, but cannot afford it... 23% I lack confidence in the School Board and administration... 16% I am not satisfied with the quality of the schools... 11%

6 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 6 From this data, one can draw a few conclusions; namely, that: While half of yes voters said the reasonable tax increase influenced their vote, nearly two-thirds of no voters said they were motivated by a tax increase they considered too high. Regardless of how they voted on the budget, respondents generally seem pleased with the district s educational quality. The quality of education was the reason a majority of yes voters said they supported the budget, while just one in ten no voters said they were motivated by their dissatisfaction with the quality of education. Where do voters get their information? The source of general district news and information that respondents indicated most frequently was the district website, at 42%. Most other direct, districtgenerated sources were cited at similar rates, as follows: school newsletter/ mailings (39%), district School News Notifier (38%), district budget newsletter (34%). Data shows that respondents use the media (TV/newspapers) as a source of information about as frequently (37%) as school newsletters/mailings and the district SNN. INFO SOURCE 2016 District website...42% School newsletter/mailings...39% District SNN...38% Media (TV/newspapers)...37% District budget newsletter...34% Friends and neighbors...20% School district staff...19% PTA meetings...12% District Facebook page...11% Other (see comments, pp )... 7% Both internal and external information sources generally yielded a high budget approval rating among respondents. Respondents who said that school district staff members were their best source of information approved the budget at the highest rate (97%), in particular.

7 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 7 Those who said the media (TV/newspapers) was their best source of information showed the lowest approval rating for this year s budget (81%), although the approval rating was similar (84%) among those who cited the district budget newsletter as their best source of information this year. INFO SOURCE APPROVAL RATE 2016 School district staff...97% District SNN...95% PTA meetings...94% District Facebook page...91% District website...91% School newsletter/mailings...87% Friends and neighbors...86% District budget newsletter...84% Media (TV/newspapers)...81% Other...72% What do voters think about the Veterans Tax Exemption? Overall, a majority of survey respondents (78%) indicated they think the school district should establish a Veterans Property Tax Exemption that would reduce the amount veterans pay in school taxes and increase the amount that other taxpayers pay to offset the veterans exemptions. EXEMPTION ESTABLISHMENT 2016 Yes... 78% No... 22% Of all respondents who said they would support this exemption, about 16% identified themselves as veterans, while 7% of those who said they would not support their exemption said they were veterans. A total of 89% of respondents who identified as veterans said they would be in favor of establishing this exemption, while 76% of non-veteran respondents would also support the exemption. Of the more than three-quarters of all respondents who said they support a veterans tax exemption, just 16% said they were veterans themselves. EXEMPTION SUPPORT BY VETERAN STATUS SUPPORT RATE 2016 Veterans... 89% Non-veterans... 76%

8 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 8 Among respondents who said they would be in favor of establishing this tax exemption, 88% said they had voted yes on the budget, while a similar 76% of respondents who would not be in favor of this exemption voted to approve this year s budget. What do voters think of the upcoming increase in enrollment? A total of 72% of survey respondents indicated they were aware of a recent demographic study that forecasted an additional 939 students enrolling in the North Colonie district over the next ten years, mostly populating grades K-6. ENROLLMENT AWARENESS 2016 Yes... 72% No... 28% A total of 79% of parent respondents with children who are currently attending schools in North Colonie were aware of the upcoming increase in enrollment, while 66% of those who do not currently have children in North Colonie schools were aware. Of those who were aware of the study, 86% said they voted in favor of this year s budget, while 82% of those who were unaware of the study voted in favor of the budget. Respondents who said they were aware of the study most frequently said that their best sources of district news and information were the district website (47%) and district SNN (46%). Among voters who were not aware of the study, the best sources of information cited frequently were media TV/newspapers (44%) and school newsletter/mailings (37%). Each source of information tended to yield fairly high levels of awareness among those who responded to the survey, although these rates were higher among those who rely on district-generated sources. The top three sources of information yielding the highest level of awareness among respondents were PTA meetings (93%), district SNN (87%) and school district staff (84%). The three sources of information yielding the lowest level of awareness were friends and neighbors (67%), media TV/newspapers (67%) and school newsletter/ mailings (73%).

9 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 9 AWARENESS BY INFORMATION SOURCE 2016 PTA meetings... 93% District SNN... 87% School district staff... 84% District Facebook page... 82% District website... 80% District budget newsletter... 74% Other... 74% School newsletter/mailings... 73% Media (TV/newspapers)... 67% Friends and neighbors... 67% Would voters be likely to support a capital project? Overall, two-thirds of respondents (66%) indicated they would be likely to support a capital project that helps to ease growth in enrollment at the elementary levels and makes significant physical and security improvements to all district buildings. Around 25% said they were not sure if they would be likely to support a project. CAPITAL PROJECT SUPPORT 2016 Yes... 66% No... 9% I am not sure... 25% Among respondents who said they would be in favor of a project, 95% said they had voted yes on the budget. Around 79% of those who said they were unsure about whether they would support a project said they voted to approve this year s budget, and among those who said they would not be likely to support a project, around 28% voted to approve the budget. Support for a future capital project varied among age groups, although a majority of each said they were likely to support it. The group with the strongest level of support for a capital project was the age group, with a support rating of 78%. AGE LIKELY TO UNLIKELY TO UNSURE SUPPORT SUPPORT %...5%...33% %...6%...16% %...8%...28% 61 or older...62%... 12%...26%

10 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 10 Of those who said they would be in support of a capital project, 34% identified as age 61 or older. For those who said they would not be likely to support a capital project, half were 61 or older or older Likely to support... 5%... 33%...28%... 34% Unlikely to support... 3%... 20%...27%... 50% Unsure... 7%... 19%...34%... 40% Support for a capital project was higher among respondents with a more positive view of the district s educational quality. Among those who rated the education quality as Excellent, 74% said they would be likely to support a project, while only a quarter (24%) of those who rated it Fair or Poor said they would be likely to do so. In addition, a greater percentage of respondents who rate the educational quality as Excellent or Good remain undecided about 25%--compared to just 12% of those rating it Fair or Poor. DISTRICT RATING LIKELY TO UNLIKELY TO UNSURE SUPPORT SUPPORT Excellent...74%...4%...22% Good...49%... 18%...33% Fair...23%... 62%...15% Poor...25%... 75%... 0% Among those who said they were likely to support a project, 81% rated the district s education as Excellent and less than 1% rated it Fair or Poor. For those who said they were unlikely to support a capital project, 34% rated a North Colonie education as Excellent, and 16% rated it Fair or Poor. About 95% of respondents who would be in favor of a capital project voted yes on this year s budget, while 28% who said they would not be likely to support the project voted to approve the budget. Around 79% who were unsure about the project voted yes this year. Excellent Good Fair Poor Likely to support...81%... 18%...0.6% % Unlikely to support...34%... 50%...12%...4% Unsure...66%... 33%... 1%...0%

11 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 11 Support for a capital project also varied between respondents who currently have children attending district schools and those who did not. Three-quarters of current district parents said they would be likely to support a capital project. Among respondents who were not current district parents, 61% said they would be in support of a project. PARENT STATUS LIKELY TO UNLIKELY TO UNSURE SUPPORT SUPPORT Children at NC...75%...5%...21% No children at NC...61%... 12%...27% Among respondents who said they would be in support of a capital project, 48% identified themselves as current district parents. For those opposed to the project, 21% were current district parents. DISTRICT NON-DISTRICT PARENTS PARENTS Likely to support...48%...52% Unlikely to support...21%...79% Unsure...37%...63% Support for a capital project was stronger among parent respondents who did not currently have children in North Colonie schools but would in the future, with 82% of these respondents saying they would be in support of a project. Among parent respondents who had no children currently in North Colonie but had one child or more who had graduated from Shaker High School, 61% said they would be in favor of a project. PARENT STATUS LIKELY TO UNLIKELY TO UNSURE SUPPORT SUPPORT One or more Shaker HS grad(s)...61%... 12%...27% One or more will attend...82%...5%...14% Among parent respondents without children currently in North Colonie, 91% of those in support of a project said they have at least one child who has graduated from North Colonie and 10% said they had a child who would attend in the future. Among non-district parents not likely to support a project, 97% said at least one child had graduated from the district and 3% said at least one child would attend in the future. SHAKER HS CHILDREN TO GRADUATE CHILDREN ATTEND IN FUTURE Likely to support...91%...10% Unlikely to support...97%... 3% Unsure...97%... 4%

12 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 12 Who were the yes voters in North Colonie? Of the 699 survey respondents who said they voted yes on the budget: 81% said they thought the district should establish a Veterans Property Tax Exemption 73% were aware of a study forecasting increased district enrollment numbers over the next ten years 74% said they would be likely to support a capital project that helps to ease growth and enrollment at the district elementary level and made physical and security improvements to all district buildings, while 23% said they were unsure 46% said the district website was their source for district news and information, while 43% said SNN, 40% said school newsletter/mailings and 36% said media (TV/newspapers) 46% said they have children currently attending North Colonie schools 80% gave the quality of district education a rating of Excellent, while less than 1% rated it Fair and no respondents rated it Poor 12% are U.S. veterans Approximately 64% are at least 45 years old Who were the no voters in North Colonie? Of the 129 survey respondents who said they voted no on the budget: 65% said they thought the district should establish a Veterans Property Tax Exemption 67% were aware of a study forecasting increased district enrollment numbers over the next ten years 24% said they would be likely to support a capital project that helps to ease growth and enrollment at the district elementary level and made physical and security improvements to all district buildings, while 42% said they would likely not be in support of the project and 33% were unsure 49% said the media (TV/newspapers) was their best source for district news and information, while 36% said the district budget newsletter, 34% said school newsletter/mailings and 27% said the district website 25% said they have children currently attending North Colonie schools 88% gave the quality of district education a rating of Good or Excellent, while around 12% rated it Fair or Poor 21% are U.S. veterans 76% are at least 45 years old, and 46% are specifically 61 years old or older

13 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 13 Survey Response Summary: Survey participants responses to all questions

14 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 14 Q1 How did you vote on the proposed budget? Answered: 828 Skipped: 19 Yes, in favor 84.4% No, opposed 15.6% Answer Choices Yes, in favor No, opposed Responses 84.4% % 129 Total 828

15 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 15 Q2 What were your reasons for voting YES on the budget? Answered: 697 Skipped: 2 I am satisfied with the % I have confidence i % The spending/tax % I believe in supporting t % Other 2.9% Other (please specify) Answer Choices I am satisfied with the quality of the schools I have confidence in the School Board and administration The spending/tax increase is reasonable I believe in supporting the schools Other Other (please specify) Responses 71.9% % % % % % 0 Total Respondents: 697 # Other (please specify) Date There are no responses.

16 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 16 Q3 What were your reasons for voting NO on the budget? Answered: 128 Skipped: 1 I am not satisfied wi % I lack confidence i % The spending/tax % I want to support the % Other 24.2% Answer Choices I am not satisfied with the quality of the schools I lack confidence in the School Board and administration The spending/tax increase is too high I want to support the schools, but cannot afford it Other Responses 10.9% % % % % 31 Total Respondents: 128

17 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 17 Q4 North Colonie is considering establishing a Veterans' Property Tax Exemption that would reduce the amount some veterans pay in school property taxes. In turn, other taxpayers would pay more to offset the veterans' exemptions. The increase on other taxpayers would be about six cents per $1,000 of assessed value, or a 0.25 percent increase. On a $150,000 assessed home, this would approximately be an additional $9.57 in taxes per year. Do you think the school district should offer this exemption to veterans? Answered: 810 Skipped: 37 Yes 77.9% No 22.1% Answer Choices Yes No Responses 77.9% % 179 Total 810

18 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 18 Q5 Are you aware that a recent demographic study forecasts an additional 939 students enrolling in the North Colonie school district over the next ten years, mostly populating grades K-6? Answered: 829 Skipped: 18 Yes 71.9% No 28.1% Answer Choices Yes No Responses 71.9% % 233 Total 829

19 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 19 Q6 Would you be likely to support a capital project that helps to ease the growth in enrollment at the elementary levels and makes significant physical and security improvements to all district buildings? Answered: 828 Skipped: 19 Yes 65.7% No 9.4% I am not sure 24.9% Answer Choices Yes No I am not sure Responses 65.7% % % 206 Total 828

20 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 20 Q7 What are your best sources of information for school district news and information? (Check all that apply.) Answered: 775 Skipped: 72 District website 42.3% District SNN (School News % District Facebook page 11.4% School district staff 19.0% PTA meetings 11.5% Friends and neighbors 20.1% District budget % Media (TV/newspapers) 37.4% School newsletter/m % Other (please specify) 7.4% Answer Choices District website District SNN (School News Notifier) District Facebook page School district staff PTA meetings Friends and neighbors District budget newsletter Media (TV/newspapers) School newsletter/mailings Other (please specify) Responses 42.3% % % % % % % % % % 57 Total Respondents: 775

21 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 21 # Other (please specify) Date 1 All is read and listened to 6/9/ :20 PM 2 (no answer given) 6/9/ :17 PM 3 (no answer given) 6/9/ :10 PM 4 Newspaper 6/9/ :57 AM 5 (no answer given) 6/9/ :56 AM 6 (no answer given) 6/9/ :52 AM 7 (no answer given) 6/9/ :48 AM 8 (no answer given) 6/9/ :46 AM 9 (no answer given) 6/9/ :42 AM 10 (no answer given) 6/9/ :40 AM 11 (no answer given) 6/9/ :30 AM 12 (no answer given) 6/9/ :28 AM 13 (no answer given) 6/9/ :28 AM 14 (no answer given) 6/9/ :24 AM 15 (no answer given) 6/9/ :18 AM 16 (no answer given) 6/8/ :55 AM 17 (no answer given) 6/8/ :40 AM 18 Governor's office 6/7/2016 3:40 PM 19 s 6/7/2016 3:06 PM 20 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 3:01 PM 21 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:56 PM 22 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:54 PM 23 Texts 6/7/2016 2:47 PM 24 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:43 PM 25 District newsletters 6/7/2016 2:38 PM 26 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:37 PM 27 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:28 PM 28 Family 6/7/2016 2:24 PM 29 I am a district employee 6/7/2016 2:02 PM 30 I was a school employee for 37 years 6/7/2016 1:50 PM 31 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 1:44 PM 32 Spotlight Weekly 6/7/2016 1:17 PM 33 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 1:13 PM 34 I attend Shaker High School 6/7/ :55 PM 35 (no answer given) 6/7/ :38 PM 36 s 6/7/ :24 PM 37 (no answer given) 6/7/ :22 PM 38 (no answer given) 6/7/ :17 PM 39 (no answer given) 6/7/ :45 AM 40 (no answer given) 6/7/ :20 AM

22 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT /7/ :15 AM 42 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 9:58 AM 43 (no answer given) 6/7/2016 9:48 AM 44 I work for North Colonie CSD 6/7/2016 9:37 AM 45 My children in the school 6/6/2016 2:00 PM 46 Faculty meetings/communique 6/6/2016 1:51 PM 47 Colonie Spotlight 6/6/2016 1:47 PM 48 (no answer given) 6/6/2016 1:43 PM 49 (no answer given) 6/6/2016 1:36 PM 50 (no answer given) 6/6/2016 1:20 PM 51 (no answer given) 6/6/2016 1:10 PM 52 (no answer given) 6/6/ :35 PM 53 (no answer given) 6/6/ :33 PM 54 My kids 6/6/ :18 PM 55 Word of mouth, traditional media 5/17/2016 5:24 PM 56 I'm an employee of North Colonie 5/17/2016 5:03 PM 57 Board of Education meetings 5/17/2016 9:07 AM

23 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 23 Q8 In general, how would you rate the quality of education provided by North Colonie? Answered: 782 Skipped: 65 Excellent 73.1% Good 24.6% Fair 1.8% Poor 0.5% Answer Choices Excellent Good Fair Poor Responses 73.1% % % % 4 Total 782

24 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 24 Q9 Do you have children currently attending North Colonie Schools? Answered: 789 Skipped: 58 Yes 42.7% No 57.3% Answer Choices Yes No Responses 42.7% % 452 Total 789

25 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 25 Q10 If no, please select all that apply: Answered: 285 Skipped: 167 One or more has graduate % One or more will attend % Answer Choices One or more has graduated from Shaker High School One or more will attend when they are older Responses 93.3% % 22 Total Respondents: 285

26 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 26 Q11 Are you a U.S. veteran? Answered: 767 Skipped: 80 Yes 13.4% No 86.6% Answer Choices Yes No Responses 13.4% % 664 Total 767

27 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 27 Q12 What is your age? Answered: 782 Skipped: % % % 61 or older 37.1% Answer Choices or older Responses 5.1% % % % 290 Total 782

28 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 28 Q13 Additional comments Answered: 112 Skipped: 735 # Responses Date 1 (Re: How did you vote on proposed budget?) Very intrusive! It's secret for a reason! 6/9/ :20 PM 2 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Maybe 6/9/ :17 PM 3 The new voting system is not as efficient or cost effective (when you have to start paying.) The taxpayers will have to start paying for the ballots, the voting is not private. 6/9/ :16 PM 4 (Re: Why you voted yes for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :12 PM 5 (Re: Why you voted yes for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :11 PM 6 (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure, depends on what it is. 6/9/ :09 PM 7 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, but I graduated from North Colonie. 6/9/ :05 PM 8 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :04 PM 9 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :04 PM 10 This voting location is absolutely pathetic. No privacy, no parking, too congested. 6/9/ :03 PM 11 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) The spending/tax increase is too high. It is absurd that the public sector continues to get pensions and healthcare when the private sector does not. This practice is unsustainable! 6/9/ :02 PM 12 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget)other (no answer given) 6/9/ :01 PM 13 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - too many administrators. Comment on back of sheet: Parking for voters was limited. Ensure parking is available. 6/9/ :57 AM 14 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, I never had children. 6/9/ :55 AM 15 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :54 AM 16 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :52 AM 17 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - I have no children. 6/9/ :50 AM 18 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :46 AM 19 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - taxes in this state are too high. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, but not to tax homeowners more that are not veterans. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No and I don't think I should have to pay so much. (Re: Are you a veteran?) No, but my husband is. 6/9/ :45 AM 20 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) There's no evidence more money makes better students. 6/9/ :42 AM 21 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :31 AM 22 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :30 AM 23 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :29 AM 24 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - North Colonie doesn't care about the future of students. 6/9/ :25 AM 25 (Re: Support of capital project) No, absolutely not. This budget has the greatest tax increase in Albany County. 6/9/ :23 AM 26 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Not sure 6/9/ :22 AM 27 (Re: What is your age?) 90+ 6/9/ :21 AM 28 (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. Need more information. 6/9/ :11 AM 29 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/9/ :40 AM 30 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/8/ :06 AM 31 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other (no answer given) 6/8/ :59 AM

29 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - too many children coming in because of overdevelopment. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) No, there should be another way to help the vets without it falling on the tax payers in this way. (Re: Demographic study) Yes, too many children for the school district. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. There is not enough detailed information about what this really means. 33 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - I lack confidence in how our tax dollars are really spent. (Re: How would you grade education provided by North Colonie?) Better than most, but room for improvement. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) No, but our entire family has graduated from North Colonie Schools 34 (Re: Why you voted no on the school budget?) The spending/tax increase is too high. Too much money for administration and non-essential programs and services. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, it should be offered to all veterans in North Colonie, regardless of income and home value. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. I would need details and data. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, I have no children. 35 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) This would be extremely unfair to other tax payers. Everybody should pay their fair share of taxes. (Re: Support of capital project) There is zero effort put into the budget. All you do is determine the tax cap and raise it the maximum amount you can, regardless of enrollment or state aid. 6/8/ :52 AM 6/8/ :49 AM 6/8/ :47 AM 6/8/ :44 AM 36 (Re: Why you voted no on school budget) Administrative increase of 9.7% is too high. 6/8/ :42 AM 37 (Re: Why you voted no on school budget) Other - I don't know what you think people are earning. NYS schools receive $19,550 per public school student. The median teacher salary in NYS is $75,000. Union school officials receive six figures a year, as well as administrators. This is unfair to keep demanding increases every year. Cut the fat. You are also taking in illegal immigrants and forcing homeowners to pay for non-citizens. This is ridiculous. This is why people are fleeing NYS. Stop taxing people out of their homes. Also 59% of properties are tax-exempt in Albany County. So, 41% of homeowners are paying for this lunacy. I know it doesn't matter what I think, because you will pass it anyway. 6/8/ :40 AM 38 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget?) Other - too many administrators - "Dean." Cut benefits for professional staff. 6/7/2016 3:49 PM 39 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - parents with children pay some extra per child. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) No, we can keep paying more money. 40 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - I have no children, parents should find increases. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) No, absolutely not, unless I pay no more. 41 (Re: Why you voted no on the school budget) Other - I feel this school's budget is sufficient more so than other districts/city in the nation. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. Very vague to make promises. 42 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - we need to cap salaries, getting out of control. Do we need so many administrators in one building? 43 (Re: Why you voted no on school budget) Other - There is a simple answer to every wish, more taxes. The school board never tries to live within restrained spending pattern. 44 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - state/federal funding is available, which has not been applied for to offset additional costs. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. Yes for growth, however, security is fine as is. Perhaps too much security. 45 If you want to encourage people to vote, then do not schedule school functions on voting day. I had to loop the lot three times for a parking spot. Should have just given up - or maybe that is the point, and you really don't want people to vote. 46 (Re: Why you voted no on school budget) Other - I have two properties, lived here 30 years and never had children. Time to end my support. (Re: Support of capital project) No. Time for me to move and let someone else foot the bill. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, and I never have. (Comment on back of sheet) School has not been a good neighbor to residents in our neighborhood. Children trespass, are argumentative and uncooperative. School could do more. 47 (Re: Support of capital project) No. Homeland security. Buy existing buildings at (unused) office parks or shopping centers, hotels, motels, old schools, and convert them. Security can be improved greatly without a major project. 6/7/2016 3:48 PM 6/7/2016 3:46 PM 6/7/2016 3:45 PM 6/7/2016 3:44 PM 6/7/2016 3:42 PM 6/7/2016 3:40 PM 6/7/2016 3:38 PM 6/7/2016 3:37 PM 6/7/2016 3:34 PM 48 I am upset because of the opacity of this election. Notification is almost totally absent. 6/7/2016 3:32 PM 49 (Re: Why you voted no for school budget) Other - The growth of North Colonie is growing too rapidly and needs to be addressed. Possibly with the Town Planning Board to slow new developments. (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, I think it should be offered, but covered by property taxes. No need to take out of school tax. Give a break on property taxes. (Re: Recent demographic study) Yes, it is very concerning to me. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure, need more details. (Comments on back of sheet) I feel strongly that the amount of new developments in our school district needs to slow down significantly. The town board needs to be aware of the strain it is putting on the school district and begin slowing down developments. 6/7/2016 3:29 PM

30 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT (Re: Why did you vote yes for school budget?) Other (no answer given) 6/7/2016 3:18 PM 51 (Re: Why did you vote yes for school budget?) Other - I like a particular teacher, but the schools need to gear up for better education, it's slipping. 6/7/2016 3:09 PM 52 (Re: Why did you vote yes for school budget?) Other - I want the employees to get a raise. 6/7/2016 3:04 PM 53 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, but five have graduated from Shaker High School. 6/7/2016 3:01 PM 54 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) I have three grandchildren at Blue Creek 6/7/2016 2:39 PM 55 (Re: Why did you vote yes for school budget?) Other (no answer given) 6/7/2016 2:22 PM 56 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) I have no children. 6/7/2016 2:09 PM 57 (Re: Are you a veteran?) No, but my husband was. 6/7/2016 1:55 PM 58 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - great teacher, Ms. Lane. 6/7/2016 1:53 PM 59 I worked for North Colonie for 25 years. 6/7/2016 1:49 PM 60 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other (no answer given.) 6/7/2016 1:40 PM 61 (Re: What are best sources of information?) Not everyone has a computer. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) Yes, grandchildren. 6/7/2016 1:36 PM 62 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other (no answer given.) 6/7/2016 1:27 PM 63 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, I have no children. 6/7/2016 1:17 PM 64 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, but I am attending. 6/7/ :55 PM 65 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes. Which vets? Disabled/disadvantaged, yes. Regular, hard working, not necessarily. (Re: How would you grade education provided by North Colonie?) Good for New York. Well, above national average. 6/7/ :50 PM 66 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, I have no children. 6/7/ :30 PM 67 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Respondent didn't check either box, but wrote a "?") 6/7/ :48 AM 68 (Re: Do you currently have children attending North Colonie schools?) No, we had three graduates, though (1989, 1998 and 2002.) 69 (Re: Do you currently have children attending North Colonie Schools?) Yes, one is currently at North Colonie and another has already graduated. 6/7/ :47 AM 6/7/ :20 AM 70 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other (no answer given.) 6/7/ :18 AM 71 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other- (no answer given.) (Re: Do you have children currently attending North Colonie schools?) Yes, grandchildren. 6/7/ :16 AM 72 Need turf field. Extra parking at high school. 6/7/ :15 AM 73 (Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) My nieces graduated from Shaker HS and are very successful, Middlebury, NYU, American University. 74 (Re: What are best sources of information for district news?) Media. It is difficult to keep up with district happenings when the kids have graduated. I have missed the past two elections. 75 (Re: How would you rate quality of education provided by North Colonie?) Excellent. I have no children in the district, but I hear it is excellent. 6/7/ :11 AM 6/7/ :06 AM 6/7/ :53 AM 76 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, absolutely! 6/7/ :27 AM 77 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - I voted yes because it is the right thing to do. (Comment on bottom of front page near "Turn the page cover for questions 6-10") Suggest larger print here. 6/7/ :21 AM 78 (Re: Would you support capital project?) This is two separate questions. LOL! What a loaded question! 6/7/ :15 AM 79 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - I voted yes because good schools increase home values. 6/7/ :11 AM 80 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) I am retired teacher and have grandchildren 6/7/2016 9:52 AM 81 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - great teachers 6/7/2016 9:49 AM 82 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) 1 granddaughter is a 10th grader at Shaker High School 6/7/2016 9:37 AM 83 (Re: Would you support capital project?) I am not sure, but keep sixth grade in the elementary buildings. 6/7/2016 9:34 AM

31 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT (Re: Would you support capital project?) I am not sure, but keep Grade 6 in elementary buildings!! 6/7/2016 9:33 AM 85 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - (no answer given) 6/7/2016 9:31 AM 86 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, for overseas duty only. 6/7/2016 9:29 AM 87 (Re: What are best sources of information?) s 6/7/2016 9:28 AM 88 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) Yes, entering kindergarten in September /6/2016 1:57 PM 89 I have no children. 6/6/2016 1:32 PM 90 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) No. One or more has graduated from Shaker High School and one attending Shaker High School. 6/6/2016 1:31 PM 91 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) Yes, grandchildren. 6/6/2016 1:29 PM 92 (Re: Are you a veteran?) No, but my son is. 6/6/2016 1:25 PM 93 (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure. Would not favor moving 6th grade to Junior High 6/6/2016 1:24 PM 94 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) I voted yes because it supports property value 6/6/2016 1:23 PM 95 (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie Schools?) No, children were home schooled. (Comment on back of sheet) District should do something for home schooled children! 96 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Good teachers, list that too. (Re: Demographic study) We need more space. Primary classroom class sizes are too high! 6/6/2016 1:22 PM 6/6/2016 1:20 PM 97 (Re: Support of capital project) Yes, for a new elementary school, only not a 5-8 middle school. 6/6/2016 1:18 PM 98 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, include law officers and firemen 6/6/2016 1:17 PM 99 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) Yes, also for EMS, firefighters and police. 6/6/2016 1:16 PM 100 (Re: Support of capital project) Yes, absolutely! 6/6/2016 1:14 PM 101 (Re: Veterans' Property Tax Exemption) I'm not sure. (Re: Support of capital project) I love that our elementary schools are K-6, it made living here a priority as opposed 5-8 in South Colonie. 102 (Re: Support of capital project) The consultant you have hired is expensive and egotistical, and I don't have confidence in his work. 103 (Re: Do you have children in the district) Yes, grandchildren. (Comment on back of sheet) Question - 29,000,000 generated, 15,000,000 Special Ed, dispreportional dollars. Aren't we equal for all, and aren't our regular students getting shortchanged? 6/6/2016 1:13 PM 6/6/2016 1:11 PM 6/6/2016 1:05 PM 104 (Re: Why did you vote yes?) I want to pay more taxes for schools 6/6/ :57 PM 105 BOCES Cosmetology, HVAC, plumbing - where are the vocational education opportunities? 6/6/ :56 PM 106 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other - (no answer given) 6/6/ :51 PM 107 (Re: Are you a veteran?) No, but my husband is a veteran. 6/6/ :46 PM 108 What happened to the district calendars? 6/6/ :40 PM 109 (Re: Best sources of information) School district staff - retired. 6/6/ :35 PM 110 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) Other: The district has an excellent financial track record. Reference question about Veterans Property Tax Exemption: No, it's not that I don't support veterans, but there are many groups (i.e. people with disabilities) that could benefit from tax breaks. 111 (Re: Why did you vote yes for the school budget?) I believe in supporting the schools and our children. (Re: Support of capital project) I am not sure, not enough info. (Re: Do you have children attending North Colonie schools?) No children and no grandchildren, either. You should have included grandchildren. 6/6/ :18 PM 6/6/ :09 PM 112 US. Army Veteran and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Our veterans make all we have possible! 5/17/2016 5:06 PM

32 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 32 Cross-Tabulation: Budget approval rates for each answer choice Based on respondents answers to each question, what percentage voted yes and what percentage voted no?

33 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 33 Q4 North Colonie is considering establishing a Veterans' Property Tax Exemption that would reduce the amount some veterans pay in school property taxes. In turn, other taxpayers would pay more to offset the veterans' exemptions. The increase on other taxpayers would be about six cents per $1,000 of assessed value, or a 0.25 percent increase. On a $150,000 assessed home, this would approximately be an additional $9.57 in taxes per year. Do you think the school district should offer this exemption to veterans? Answered: 794 Skipped: % Yes 12.2% 76.3% No 23.7% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Yes 87.8% % % 621 No 76.3% % % 173 Total Respondents

34 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 34 Q5 Are you aware that a recent demographic study forecasts an additional 939 students enrolling in the North Colonie school district over the next ten years, mostly populating grades K-6? Answered: 813 Skipped: % Yes 14.0% 82.1% No 17.9% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Yes 86.0% % % 584 No 82.1% % % 229 Total Respondents

35 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 35 Q6 Would you be likely to support a capital project that helps to ease the growth in enrollment at the elementary levels and makes significant physical and security improvements to all district buildings? Answered: 813 Skipped: 15 Yes 5.5% 94.5% No 27.8% 72.2% I am not sure 20.6% 79.4% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Yes 94.5% % % 542 No 27.8% % % 72 I am not sure 79.4% % % 199 Total Respondents

36 Q7 What are your best sources of information for school district news and information? (Check all that apply.) Answered: 762 Skipped: NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 36 District website 9.5% 90.5% District SNN (School News % 95.3% District Facebook page 9.1% 90.9% School district staff 3.4% 96.6% PTA meetings 5.7% 94.3% Friends and neighbors 13.6% 86.4% District budget % 84.2% Media (TV/newspapers) 19.2% 80.8% School newsletter/m % 87.2% Other (please specify) 27.8% 72.2% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed

37 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 37 Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total District website 90.5% % % 326 District SNN (School News Notifier) 95.3% % % 295 District Facebook page 90.9% % % 88 School district staff 96.6% % % 147 PTA meetings 94.3% % % 87 Friends and neighbors 86.4% % % 154 District budget newsletter 84.2% % % 259 Media (TV/newspapers) 80.8% % % 286 School newsletter/mailings 87.2% % % 296 Other (please specify) 72.2% % % 54 Total Respondents

38 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 38 Q8 In general, how would you rate the quality of education provided by North Colonie? Answered: 767 Skipped: % Excellent 7.6% 70.5% Good 29.5% 25.0% Fair 75.0% Poor 100.0% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Excellent 92.4% % % 568 Good 70.5% % % 183 Fair 25.0% % 9 1.6% 12 Poor 0.0% % 4 0.5% 4 Total Respondents

39 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 39 Q9 Do you have children currently attending North Colonie Schools? Answered: 775 Skipped: % Yes 8.4% 80.6% No 19.4% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Yes 91.6% % % 332 No 80.6% % % 443 Total Respondents

40 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 40 Q10 If no, please select all that apply: Answered: 277 Skipped: 166 One or more has graduate % 82.6% One or more will attend % Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total One or more has graduated from Shaker High School 82.6% % % 258 One or more will attend when they are older 100.0% % 0 7.9% 22 Total Respondents

41 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 41 Q11 Are you a U.S. veteran? Answered: 756 Skipped: % Yes 22.5% 86.5% No 13.5% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total Yes 77.5% % % 102 No 86.5% % % 654 Total Respondents

42 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 42 Q12 What is your age? Answered: 770 Skipped: % % 91.4% % 85.4% % 82.0% 61 or older 18.0% Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Q1: Yes, in favor Q1: No, opposed Total % % 7 5.2% % % % % % % or older 82.0% % % 284 Total Respondents

43 2016 NORTH COLONIE BUDGET EXIT SURVEY REPORT 43 Cross-Tabulation: How respondents voted (yes/no) cross-tabulated with each question Of those who voted yes or no, what percentage fell into each voter category?

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