pain ch-six cs-st; 1

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1 Message Implementation Guideline Model: pain ch-six-1.5. Version: 1 Issue date: November 2016 Author: Credit Suisse (Switzerland) Ltd. Message Overview... 2 Message Details... 5 Components Legend Disclaimer Generated by GEFEG.FX

2 pain ch-six- 1.5.; 1 Message Overview Index XML ISO Cardinality 1 CstmrPmtStsRpt Customer Payment Status Report V GrpHdr Group Header MsgId Message Identification CreDtTm Creation Date Time InitgPty Initiating Party Nm Id Identification xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Othr Other 0..n Id Identification SchmeNm Scheme xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Issr Issuer 1.2 OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Original Group Information And Status OrgnlMsgId Original Message Identification GrpSts Group Status StsRsnInf Status Reason Information 0..n Orgtr Originator Nm Id Identification xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Rsn Reason xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary AddtlInf Additional Information 0..n 1.3 OrgnlPmtInfAndSts Original Payment Information And Status 0..n OrgnlPmtInfId Original Payment Information Identification PmtInfSts Payment Information Status StsRsnInf Status Reason Information 0..n Orgtr Originator Nm Id Identification xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Rsn Reason xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary TxInfAndSts Transaction Information And Status 0..n StsId Status Identification TxSts Transaction Status StsRsnInf Status Reason Information 0..n Orgtr Originator Nm Id Identification xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Rsn Reason xs:choice Cd Code Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 2 / 89

3 pain ch-six- 1.5.; 1 Index XML ISO Cardinality Prtry Proprietary AddtlInf Additional Information 0..n OrgnlTxRef Original Transaction Reference Amt Amount xs:choice InstdAmt Instructed Amount Ccy Currency required PmtTpInf Payment Information InstrPrty Instruction Priority SvcLvl Service Level xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary LclInstrm Local Instrument xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary CtgyPurp Category Purpose xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary RmtInf Remittance Information Ustrd Unstructured 0..n Strd Structured 0..n CdtrRefInf Creditor Reference Information Tp CdOrPrtry Code Or Proprietary xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Issr Issuer Ref Reference AddtlRmtInf Additional Remittance Information CdtrAgt Creditor Agent FinInstnId Financial Institution Identification BIC BIC ClrSysMmbId Clearing System Member Identification ClrSysId Clearing System Identification xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary MmbId Member Identification Nm PstlAdr Postal Address StrtNm Street BldgNb Building Number PstCd Post Code TwnNm Town Ctry Country AdrLine Address Line Othr Other Id Identification Cdtr Creditor Nm PstlAdr Postal Address StrtNm Street BldgNb Building Number PstCd Post Code TwnNm Town Ctry Country AdrLine Address Line Id Identification Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 3 / 89

4 pain ch-six- 1.5.; 1 Index XML ISO Cardinality xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Othr Other 0..n Id Identification SchmeNm Scheme xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Issr Issuer CtryOfRes Country Of Residence CdtrAcct Creditor Account Id Identification xs:choice IBAN IBAN Othr Other Id Identification SchmeNm Scheme xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Issr Issuer Tp xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Ccy Currency UltmtCdtr Ultimate Creditor Nm PstlAdr Postal Address StrtNm Street BldgNb Building Number PstCd Post Code TwnNm Town Ctry Country AdrLine Address Line Id Identification xs:choice OrgId Organisation Identification BICOrBEI BICOr BEI Othr Other 0..n Id Identification SchmeNm Scheme xs:choice Cd Code Prtry Proprietary Issr Issuer CtryOfRes Country Of Residence Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 4 / 89

5 1- CS-ST; 1 Message Details XML Description Index 1 ISO Customer Payment Status Report V03 Cardinality ISO Definition The CustomerPaymentStatusReport message is sent by an instructed agent to the payment initiator. It is used to inform this party about the positive or negative status of an instruction (either single, group or file). It is also used to report on a pending instruction. CustomerPaymentStatusReportV03 Index 1.1 ISO Group Header ++GrpHdr Cardinality ISO Definition Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the status report message. GroupHeader36 Index ISO Message Identification ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++MsgId ISO Definition Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the chain to unambiguously identify the message. Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that 'MessageIdentification' is unique per instructed party for a pre-agreed period. Swiss Req. Unique message reference, assigned to the message by the sender. Max35Text Length Index ISO Creation Date Time ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++CreDtTm ISO Definition Date and time at which the message was created. Swiss Req. Must be in a valid format. Recommendation: should be the same as the actual date of creation. ISODateTime Index ISO Initiating Party ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++InitgPty ISO Definition Party that initiates the status message. Swiss Req. Sender of the message One or more sub-elements can be used to give details of the sender. PartyIdentification32 Index ISO ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++InitgPty ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. ++++Nm Swiss Req. of the sender of the message, maximum 70 characters Max140Text Length Index ISO Identification ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++InitgPty ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. ++++Id Swiss Req. Identification of the sender of the message Party6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Organisation Identification ++GrpHdr Cardinality +++InitgPty ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. ++++Id Swiss Req. Only BIC Or BEI permitted, or Other must be used. If used, the Private Identification +++++OrgId must not be present. OrganisationIdentification4 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 5 / 89

6 1- CS-ST; 1 XML ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId BICOrBEI ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr Id ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr SchmeNm ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr SchmeNm Cd ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr SchmeNm Prtry ++GrpHdr +++InitgPty ++++Id +++++OrgId Othr Issr ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts Description Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Other Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Identification assigned by an institution. Max35Text Length Index ISO Scheme Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme. OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a free text form. Max35Text Length Index ISO Issuer Cardinality ISO Definition Entity that assigns the identification. Max35Text Length Index 1.2 ISO Original Group Information And Status Cardinality ISO Definition Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status report message refers to. OriginalGroupInformation20 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 6 / 89

7 1- CS-ST; 1 XML ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++OrgnlMsgId ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++GrpSts ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Nm ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id Description Index ISO Original Message Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously identify the original message. Swiss Req. Message Identification from the original pain.001 or pain.008 message. If the message identification could not be identified, then "UNKNOWN" is sent back here. Max35Text Length Index ISO Group Status Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the status of a group of transactions. Swiss Req. The values ACCP, ACWC, PART and RJCT are sent in the status report. Reponses of a technical kind may also contain the status ACTC. Depending on the financial institution and the delivery channel, the Group Status may not be required. Deviating from the SEPA recommendations, in Switzerland positive Group Status messages are also sent back. TransactionGroupStatus3Code Index ISO Status Reason Information Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Set of elements used to provide detailed information on the status reason. Swiss Req. Sent if there are errors/warnings at A-Level. Note: Status Reason Information is used at no more than one level within a message, either in - Original Group Information And Status or - Original Payment Information And Status or - Transaction Information And Status. If Group Status = ACCP the Status Reason Information is not used. If Group Status = PART, the Status Reason Information is used either at the level Original Payment Information And Status or Transaction Information And Status. If Group Status = RJCT because all B-Levels have been rejected, the Status Reason Information is used at the level Original Payment Information and Status. If Group Status = RJCT because all C-Levels have been rejected, the Status Reason Information is used at the level Transaction Information And Status. StatusReasonInformation8 Index ISO Originator Cardinality ISO Definition Party that issues the status. Swiss Req. Originator of the status information Can be used if the originator of the status information is not the sender of the message (Group Header/Initiating Party or Group Header/Creditor Agent). PartyIdentification32 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. Swiss Req. of the originator. To be used if no BIC is available. Max140Text Length Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. Swiss Req. If this is used, the must not be present. Party6Choice Cardinality Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 7 / 89

8 1- CS-ST; 1 XML ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId BICOrBEI ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Cd ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Prtry ++OrgnlGrpInfAndSts +++StsRsnInf ++++AddtlInf Description Index ISO Organisation Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. Swiss Req. Must be used if Identification is used. OrganisationIdentification4 Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". Swiss Req. BIC of the originator. AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Reason Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the reason for the status report. Swiss Req. Reason for the status. StatusReason6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list. Swiss Req. If used, then Proprietary must not be present. ExternalStatusReason1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, in a proprietary form. Swiss Req. Swiss financial institutions will, wherever possible, abide by ISO standards ("Code" element). To supplement the ISO standard, a CH-specific list is to be set up in which additional uniform codes can be used. If used, then Code must not be present. Max35Text Length Index ISO Additional Information Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Further details on the status reason. Usage: Additional information can be used for several purposes such as the reporting of repaired information. Swiss Req. Can be used optionally to provide additional information about the Status Reason. Max105Text Length Index 1.3 ISO Original Payment Information And Status Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Information concerning the original payment information, to which the status report message refers. Swiss Req. Is sent if there are errors/warnings at B-/C-Level of the original pain.001 or pain.008 message. OriginalPaymentInformation1 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 8 / 89

9 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++OrgnlPmtInfId +++PmtInfSts +++StsRsnInf +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Nm +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id Description Index ISO Original Payment Information Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique identification, as assigned by the original sending party, to unambiguously identify the original payment information group. Swiss Req. Payment Information Identification (B-Level) from the original pain.001 or pain.008 message (or NOTPROVIDED). Is always sent if there are errors/warnings at B- or C- Level. Max35Text Length Index ISO Payment Information Status Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the status of the payment information group. Swiss Req. This element is sent if there are errors/warnings at B-Level of the order (pain.001). Only ACWC, PART, RJCT are sent, no other interim status. Deviating from SEPA, positive Payment Information-Status messages are also sent back. Additional status messages may include other values, such as ACTC for instance (after a purely technical validation of the received message) or ACCP (status message due to a status change of an order or as a response to individual B-Levels). TransactionGroupStatus3Code Index ISO Status Reason Information Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Set of elements used to provide detailed information on the status reason. Swiss Req. Is sent if there are errors/warnings at B-Level. Note: Status Reason Information is used at no more than one level within a message, either in Original Group Information and Status or Original Payment Information And Status or Transaction Information And Status. If PmtInfSts = ACWC because warnings at C-Level have occurred, the Status Reason Information is used at the level Transaction Information And Status. If PmtInfSts = PART the Status Reason Information is used at the level Transaction Information And Status. If PmtInfSts = RJCT because all C-Levels have been rejected, the Status Reason Information is used at the level Transaction Information And Status (3.15). StatusReasonInformation8 Index ISO Originator Cardinality ISO Definition Party that issues the status. Swiss Req. Originator of the status information Can be used if the originator of the status information is not the sender of the message (Group Header/ Initiating Party or Group Header/Creditor Agent). PartyIdentification32 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. Swiss Req. of the originator. To be used if no BIC is available. If this is used, the Identification must not be present. Max140Text Length Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. Swiss Req. If this is used, the name must not be present. Party6Choice Cardinality Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 9 / 89

10 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId +++StsRsnInf ++++Orgtr +++++Id OrgId BICOrBEI +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Cd +++StsRsnInf ++++Rsn +++++Prtry ++++StsId ++++TxSts Description Index ISO Organisation Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. OrganisationIdentification4 Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". Swiss Req. BIC/BEI of the originator. Must be used if Identification is used. AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Reason Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the reason for the status report. Swiss Req. Reason for the status. Must be used if Status Reason Information is used. StatusReason6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list. Swiss Req. If this is used, Proprietary must not be present. ExternalStatusReason1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, in a proprietary form. Swiss Req. Swiss financial institutions will, wherever possible, abide by ISO standards ("Code" element). To supplement the ISO standard, a CH-specific list is to be set up in which additional uniform codes can be used. If used, then Code must not be present. Max35Text Length Index ISO Transaction Information And Status Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Set of elements used to provide information on the original transactions to which the status report message refers. Swiss Req. Is sent if there are errors/warnings at C-Level of the original pain.001 or pain.008 message. PaymentTransactionInformation25 Index ISO Status Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to unambiguously identify the reported status. Usage: The instructing party is the party sending the status message and not the party that sent the original instruction that is being reported on. Swiss Req. Unique identification, set by the originator of this message. Max35Text Length Index ISO Transaction Status Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form. Swiss Req. Is sent if there are errors/warnings at C-Level. Only ACWC and RJCT are sent, no other interim status. ACCP is not sent explicitly. TransactionIndividualStatus3Code Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 10 / 89

11 1- CS-ST; 1 XML ++++StsRsnInf ++++StsRsnInf +++++Orgtr ++++StsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Nm ++++StsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Id ++++StsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Id OrgId ++++StsRsnInf +++++Orgtr Id OrgId BICOrBEI ++++StsRsnInf +++++Rsn Description Index ISO Status Reason Information Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Set of elements used to provide detailed information on the status reason. Swiss Req. Is sent if there are errors/warnings at C-Level. Note: Status Reason Information is used at no more than one level within a message, either in Original Group Information And Status or Original Payment Information And Status or Transaction Information And Status. StatusReasonInformation8 Index ISO Originator Cardinality ISO Definition Party that issues the status. Swiss Req. Originator of the status information Can be used if the originator of the status information is not the sender of the message (Group Header/Initiating Party or Group Header/Creditor Agent). PartyIdentification32 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. Swiss Req. of the originator to be used if no BIC/BEI is available. If this is used, the Identification must not be present. Max140Text Length Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. Swiss Req. If this is used, the must not be present. Party6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Organisation Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. Swiss Req. Must be used if Identification is used. OrganisationIdentification4 Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". Swiss Req. BIC/BEI of the originator. Must be used if Identification is used. AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Reason Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the reason for the status report. Swiss Req. Reason for the status. Must be used if Status Reason Information is used. StatusReason6Choice Cardinality Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 11 / 89

12 1- CS-ST; 1 XML Description ++++StsRsnInf +++++Rsn Cd ++++StsRsnInf +++++Rsn Prtry ++++StsRsnInf +++++AddtlInf Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list. Swiss Req. If this is used, Proprietary must not be present. ExternalStatusReason1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Reason for the status, in a proprietary form. Swiss Req. Swiss financial institutions will, wherever possible, abide by ISO standards ("Code" element). To supplement the ISO standard, a CH-specific list is to be set up in which additional uniform codes can be used. If used, then Code must not be present. Max35Text Length Index ISO Additional Information Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Further details on the status reason. Usage: Additional information can be used for several purposes such as the reporting of repaired information. Swiss Req. Can be used optionally to provide additional information about the Status Reason. Max105Text Length Index ISO Original Transaction Reference Cardinality ISO Definition Set of key elements used to identify the original transaction that is being referred to. Swiss Req. Original elements from the original message Generally only those elements are sent back which caused warnings or errors. Optionally, other fields can be sent back, including complete transactions that have been submitted. OriginalTransactionReference13 Index ISO Amount Cardinality ISO Definition Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party Amt Swiss Req. Information from the original message Amount3Choice Cardinality Index ISO Instructed Amount Cardinality ISO Definition Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party Amt ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount InstdAmt FractionDigits 5 TotalDigits 18 Inclusive 0.. Ccy ISO Currency Use required ISO Definition A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". Pattern ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode [A-Z]{3,3} Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 12 / 89

13 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++PmtTpInf +++++PmtTpInf InstrPrty +++++PmtTpInf SvcLvl +++++PmtTpInf SvcLvl Cd +++++PmtTpInf SvcLvl Prtry +++++PmtTpInf LclInstrm +++++PmtTpInf LclInstrm Cd +++++PmtTpInf LclInstrm Prtry Description Index ISO Payment Information Cardinality ISO Definition Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. Swiss Req. Information from the original message PaymentInformation22 Index ISO Instruction Priority Cardinality ISO Definition Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction. Priority2Code Index ISO Service Level Cardinality ISO Definition Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed. ServiceLevel8Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an external service level code list. ExternalServiceLevel1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code. Max35Text Length Index ISO Local Instrument Cardinality ISO Definition User community specific instrument. Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level. LocalInstrument2Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list. ExternalLocalInstrument1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 13 / 89

14 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++PmtTpInf CtgyPurp +++++PmtTpInf CtgyPurp Cd +++++PmtTpInf CtgyPurp Prtry +++++RmtInf +++++RmtInf Ustrd +++++RmtInf Strd +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Tp Description Index ISO Category Purpose Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories. Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. CategoryPurpose1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list. ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Category purpose, in a proprietary form. Max35Text Length Index ISO Remittance Information Cardinality ISO Definition Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system. Swiss Req. Information from the original message RemittanceInformation5 Index ISO Unstructured Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an unstructured form. Max140Text Length Index ISO Structured Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a structured form. StructuredRemittanceInformation7 Index ISO Creditor Reference Information Cardinality ISO Definition Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents. CreditorReferenceInformation2 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the type of creditor reference. CreditorReference2 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 14 / 89

15 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Tp CdOrPrtry +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Tp CdOrPrtry Cd +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Tp CdOrPrtry Prtry +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Tp Issr +++++RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Ref Description Index ISO Code Or Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Coded or proprietary format creditor reference type. CreditorReference1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition of creditor reference, in a coded form. 3Code Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Creditor reference type, in a proprietary form. Max35Text Length Index ISO Issuer Cardinality ISO Definition Entity that assigns the credit reference type. Max35Text Length Index ISO Reference Cardinality ISO Definition Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment transaction. Usage: If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money. If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and only one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment remittance identification should be quoted in the endto-end transaction identification. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 15 / 89

16 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++RmtInf Strd AddtlRmtInf +++++CdtrAgt +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId BIC +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId ClrSysMmbId +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId ClrSysMmbId ClrSysId +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId ClrSysMmbId ClrSysId Cd Description Index ISO Additional Remittance Information Cardinality 0..3 ISO Definition Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information. Max140Text Length Index ISO Creditor Agent Cardinality ISO Definition Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor. Swiss Req. Information from the original message BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 Index ISO Financial Institution Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme. FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Index ISO BIC Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". BICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Clearing System Member Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Information used to identify a member within a clearing system. ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2 Index ISO Clearing System Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the payment instruction is processed. ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Identification of a clearing system, in a coded form as published in an external list. ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 16 / 89

17 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId ClrSysMmbId ClrSysId Prtry +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId ClrSysMmbId MmbId +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId Nm +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr StrtNm +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr BldgNb +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr PstCd Description Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Identification code for a clearing system, that has not yet been identified in the list of clearing systems. Max35Text Length Index ISO Member Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Identification of a member of a clearing system. Max35Text Length Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent. Max140Text Length Index ISO Postal Address Cardinality ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. PostalAddress6 Index ISO Street Cardinality ISO Definition of a street or thoroughfare. Max70Text Length Index ISO Building Number Cardinality ISO Definition Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. Max16Text Length Index ISO Post Code Cardinality ISO Definition Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. Max16Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 17 / 89

18 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr TwnNm +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr Ctry +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId PstlAdr AdrLine +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId Othr +++++CdtrAgt FinInstnId Othr Id +++++Cdtr +++++Cdtr Nm +++++Cdtr PstlAdr Description Index ISO Town Cardinality ISO Definition of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. Max35Text Length Index ISO Country Cardinality ISO Definition Nation with its own government. CountryCode Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Index ISO Address Line Cardinality 0..7 ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. Max70Text Length Index ISO Other Cardinality ISO Definition Unique identification of an agent, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. GenericFinancialIdentification1 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a person. Max35Text Length Index ISO Creditor Cardinality ISO Definition Party to which an amount of money is due. Swiss Req. Information from the original message PartyIdentification32 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. Max140Text Length Index ISO Postal Address Cardinality ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. PostalAddress6 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 18 / 89

19 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++Cdtr PstlAdr StrtNm +++++Cdtr PstlAdr BldgNb +++++Cdtr PstlAdr PstCd +++++Cdtr PstlAdr TwnNm +++++Cdtr PstlAdr Ctry +++++Cdtr PstlAdr AdrLine +++++Cdtr Id +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Description Index ISO Street Cardinality ISO Definition of a street or thoroughfare. Max70Text Length Index ISO Building Number Cardinality ISO Definition Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. Max16Text Length Index ISO Post Code Cardinality ISO Definition Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. Max16Text Length Index ISO Town Cardinality ISO Definition of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. Max35Text Length Index ISO Country Cardinality ISO Definition Nation with its own government. CountryCode Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Index ISO Address Line Cardinality 0..7 ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. Max70Text Length Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. Party6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Organisation Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. OrganisationIdentification4 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 19 / 89

20 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++Cdtr Id OrgId BICOrBEI +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr Id +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm Cd +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm Prtry Description Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Other Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Identification assigned by an institution. Max35Text Length Index ISO Scheme Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme. OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a free text form. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 20 / 89

21 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++Cdtr Id OrgId Othr Issr +++++Cdtr CtryOfRes +++++CdtrAcct +++++CdtrAcct Id +++++CdtrAcct Id IBAN +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr Id Description Index ISO Issuer Cardinality ISO Definition Entity that assigns the identification. Max35Text Length Index ISO Country Of Residence Cardinality ISO Definition Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed. CountryCode Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Index ISO Creditor Account Cardinality ISO Definition Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction. Swiss Req. Information from the original message CashAccount16 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account servicer. AccountIdentification4Choice Cardinality Index ISO IBAN Cardinality ISO Definition International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version , or later revisions. IBAN2007Identifier Pattern [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} Index ISO Other Cardinality ISO Definition Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification scheme. GenericAccountIdentification1 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Identification assigned by an institution. Max34Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 21 / 89

22 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr SchmeNm +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr SchmeNm Cd +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr SchmeNm Prtry +++++CdtrAcct Id Othr Issr +++++CdtrAcct Tp +++++CdtrAcct Tp Cd +++++CdtrAcct Tp Prtry Description Index ISO Scheme Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme AccountScheme1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. ExternalAccountIdentification1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a free text form. Max35Text Length Index ISO Issuer Cardinality ISO Definition Entity that assigns the identification. Max35Text Length Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition Specifies the nature, or use of the account. CashAccount2 Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition Account type, in a coded form. CashAccount4Code Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition Nature or use of the account in a proprietary form. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 22 / 89

23 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++CdtrAcct Ccy +++++UltmtCdtr +++++UltmtCdtr Nm +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr StrtNm +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr BldgNb +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr PstCd +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr TwnNm Description Index ISO Currency Cardinality ISO Definition Identification of the currency in which the account is held. Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several currencies and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account. ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode Pattern [A-Z]{3,3} Index ISO Ultimate Creditor Cardinality ISO Definition Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due. Swiss Req. Information from the original message PartyIdentification32 Index ISO Cardinality ISO Definition by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. Max140Text Length Index ISO Postal Address Cardinality ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services. PostalAddress6 Index ISO Street Cardinality ISO Definition of a street or thoroughfare. Max70Text Length Index ISO Building Number Cardinality ISO Definition Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. Max16Text Length Index ISO Post Code Cardinality ISO Definition Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. Max16Text Length Index ISO Town Cardinality ISO Definition of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 23 / 89

24 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr Ctry +++++UltmtCdtr PstlAdr AdrLine +++++UltmtCdtr Id +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId BICOrBEI +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr Id Description Index ISO Country Cardinality ISO Definition Nation with its own government. CountryCode Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Index ISO Address Line Cardinality 0..7 ISO Definition Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. Max70Text Length Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous identification of a party. Party6Choice Cardinality Index ISO Organisation Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation. OrganisationIdentification4 Index ISO BICOr BEI Cardinality ISO Definition Code allocated to a financial institution or non financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)". AnyBICIdentifier Pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Index ISO Other Cardinality 0..unbounded ISO Definition Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Index ISO Identification Cardinality ISO Definition Identification assigned by an institution. Max35Text Length Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 24 / 89

25 1- CS-ST; 1 XML +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm Cd +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr SchmeNm Prtry +++++UltmtCdtr Id OrgId Othr Issr +++++UltmtCdtr CtryOfRes Description Index ISO Scheme Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme. OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Cardinality Index ISO Code Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code Length Index ISO Proprietary Cardinality ISO Definition of the identification scheme, in a free text form. Max35Text Length Index ISO Issuer Cardinality ISO Definition Entity that assigns the identification. Max35Text Length Index ISO Country Of Residence Cardinality ISO Definition Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company, it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed. CountryCode Pattern [A-Z]{2,2} Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 25 / 89

26 Components ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount Complex ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount Ccy Active Or Historic Currency And Amount ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_Simple FractionDigits / TotalDigits 5 / 18 Inclusive 0.. Attribute Status Description/Data type Fixed/Default Ccy M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_Simple Active Or Historic Currency And Amount _Simple xs:decimal FractionDigits / TotalDigits 5 / 18 Inclusive 0.. ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode Pattern Active Or Historic Currency Code xs:string [A-Z]{3,3} Simple Simple AED AFN ALL AMD ANG AOA ARS AUD AWG AZN BAM BBD BDT BGN BHD BIF BMD BND BOB BRL BSD BTN BWP BYR BZD CAD CDF CHE CHF CHW /Description Dirham Afghani Lek Dram Netherlands Antillian Guilder Kwanza Argentine Peso Australian Dollar Aruban Guilder Azerbaijanian Manat Convertible Mark Barbados Dollar Taka Bulgarian Lev Bahraini Dinar Burundi Franc Bermudian Dollar (customarily: Bermuda Dollar) Brunei Dollar Boliviano Brazilian Real Bahamian Dollar Ngultrum Pula Belarussian Ruble Belize Dollar Canadian Dollar Franc Congolais WIR Euro Swiss Franc WIR Franc Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 26 / 89

27 CLP CNY COP COU CRC CUC CUP CVE CZK DJF DKK DOP DZD EEK EGP ERN ETB EUR FJD FKP GBP GEL GHS GIP GMD GNF GTQ GYD HKD HNL HRK HTG HUF IDR ILS INR IQD IRR ISK JMD JOD JPY KES KGS KHR KMF KPW KRW KWD KYD KZT LAK LBP LKR LRD LSL /Description Chilean Peso Yuan Renminbi Colombian Peso Unidad de Valor Real Costa Rican Colon Peso Convertible Cuban Peso Cape Verde Escudo Czech Koruna Djibouti Franc Danish Krone Dominican Peso Algerian Dinar Kroon Egyptian Pound Nakfa Ethopian Birr Euro Fiji Dollar Falkland Islands Pound Pound Sterling Lari Ghana Cedi Gibraltar Pound Dalasi Guinea Franc Quetzal Guyana Dollar Honk Kong Dollar Lempira Kuna Gourde Forint Rupiah New Israeli Sheqel Indian Rupee Iraqi Dinar Iranian Rial Iceland Krona Jamaican Dollar Jordanian Dinar Yen Kenyan Shilling Som Riel Comoro Franc North Korean Won Won Kuwaiti Dinar Cayman Islands Dollar Tenge Kip Lebanese Pound Sri Lanka Rupee Liberian Dollar Loti Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 27 / 89

28 LTL LVL LYD MAD MDL MGA MKD MMK MNT MOP MRO MUR MVR MWK MXN MYR MZM NAD NGN NIO NOK NPR NZD OMR PAB PEN PGK PHP PKR PLN PYG QAR ROL RON RSD RUB RWF SAR SBD SCR SDG SEK SGD SHP SLL SOS SRD STD SVC SYP SZL THB TJS /Description Lithuanian Litas Latvian Lats Libyan Dinar Morrocan Dirham Moldovan Leu Ariary Denar Kyat Tugrik Pataca Ouguiya Mauritius Rupee Rufiyaa Kwacha Mexican Peso Malaysian Ringgit Metical Namibia Dollar Naira Cordoba Oro Norwegian Krone Nepalese Rupee New Zealand Dollar Rial Omani Balboa Nuevo Sol Kina Philippine Peso Pakistan Rupee Zloty Guarani Qatari Rial old Romanian Leu This currency code is valid until 30 June 2005, but the currency itself will remain legal until 31 December 2006 when it will be withdrawn. new Romanian Leu This currency code is effective from 1 July 2005 Serbian Dinar Russian Ruble Rwanda Franc Saudi Riyal Solomon Islands Dollar Seychelles Rupee Sudanese Pound Swedish Krona Singapore Dollar St. Helena Pound Leone Somali Shilling Suriname Dollar Dobra El Salvador Colon Syrian Pound Lilangeni Baht Somoni Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 28 / 89

29 TMT TND TOP TRY TTD TWD TZS UAH UGX USD UYI UYU UZS VEF VND VUV WST XAF XAG XAU XCD XDR XOF XPD XPF XPT XSU XUA YER ZAR ZMK ZWL Address2Code ADDR BIZZ DLVY HOME MLTO PBOX AnyBICIdentifier Pattern /Description Turkmenistan New Manat Tunisian Dinar Pa'anga Turkish Lira Trinidad and Tobago Dollar New Taiwan Dollar Tanzanian Shilling Hryvnia Uganda Shilling US Dollar Uruguayo Peso en Unidades Indexadas Peso Uruguayo Uzbekistan Sum Bolivar Fuerte Dong Vatu Tala CFA Franc Silver Gold East Carribean Dollar SDR CFA Franc Palladium CFP Franc Platinum Sucre ADB Unit of Account Yemeni Rial Rand Kwacha Zimbabwe Dollar (effective 1 February 2009) Address 2Code xs:string /Description Postal Address is the complete postal address. Business Address is the business address. DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery is to take place. Residential Address is the home address. MailTo Address is the address to which mail is sent. POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box. Any BICIdentifier xs:string [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Simple Simple Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 29 / 89

30 BICIdentifier Pattern BICIdentifier xs:string [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} Simple CashAccount4Code Cash Account 4Code xs:string Simple CACC CASH CHAR CISH COMM LOAN MGLD MOMA NREX ODFT ONDP SACC SLRY SVGS TAXE TRAS /Description Current Account used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated. CashPayment Account used for the payment of cash. Charges Account used for charges if different from the account for payment. CashIncome Account used for payment of income if different from the current cash account. Commission Account used for commission if different from the account for payment. Loan Account used for loans. MarginalLending Account used for a marginal lending facility. MoneyMarket Account used for money markets if different from the cash account. NonResidentExternal Account used for non-resident external. Overdraft Account is used for overdrafts. OverNightDeposit Account used for overnight deposits. Settlement Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing and settlement system. Salary Accounts used for salary payments. Savings Account used for savings. Tax Account used for taxes if different from the account for payment. CashTrading Account used for trading if different from the current cash account. ClearingChannel2Code Clearing Channel 2Code xs:string Simple BOOK MPNS RTGS RTNS /Description BookTransfer Payment through internal book transfer. MassPaymentNetSystem Clearing channel is a mass payment net settlement system. RealTimeGrossSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time gross settlement system. RealTimeNetSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time net settlement system. CountryCode Simple Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 30 / 89





35 TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UA UG UM US UY UZ VA VC VE VG VI VN VU WF WS YE YT ZA ZM ZW CreditDebitCode CRDT DBIT /Description TUNISIA TONGA TURKEY TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TUVALU TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF UKRAINE UGANDA UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS UNITED STATES URUGUAY UZBEKISTAN HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES VENEZUELA, BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S. VIET NAM VANUATU WALLIS AND FUTUNA SAMOA YEMEN MAYOTTE SOUTH AFRICA ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE Credit Debit Code xs:string /Description Credit Operation is an increase. Debit Operation is a decrease. Simple DecimalNumber Decimal Number xs:decimal FractionDigits / TotalDigits 17 / 18 3Code 3Code xs:string Simple Simple DISP FXDR PUOR RADM /Description DispatchAdvice is a dispatch advice. ForeignExchangeDealReference is a pre-agreed or pre-arranged foreign exchange transaction to which the payment transaction refers. PurchaseOrder is a purchase order. RemittanceAdviceMessage Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 35 / 89

36 RPIN SCOR /Description is a remittance advice sent separately from the current transaction. RelatedPaymentInstruction is a linked payment instruction to which the current payment instruction is related, eg, in a cover scenario. StructuredCommunicationReference is a structured communication reference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction. 5Code 5Code xs:string Simple AROI BOLD CINV CMCN CNFA CREN DEBN DISP DNFA HIRI MSIN SBIN SOAC TSUT VCHR /Description AccountReceivableOpenItem is a payment that applies to a specific source document. BillOfLading is a shipping notice. CommercialInvoice is an invoice. CommercialContract is an agreement between the parties, stipulating the terms and conditions of the delivery of goods or services. CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment is a credit note for the final amount settled for a commercial transaction. CreditNote is a credit note. DebitNote is a debit note. DispatchAdvice is a dispatch advice. DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment is a debit note for the final amount settled for a commercial transaction. HireInvoice is an invoice for the hiring of human resources or renting goods or equipment. MeteredServiceInvoice is an invoice claiming payment for the supply of metered services, eg, gas or electricity, supplied to a fixed meter. SelfBilledInvoice is an invoice issued by the debtor. StatementOfAccount is a statement of the transactions posted to the debtor's account at the supplier. TradeServicesUtilityTransaction is a transaction identifier as assigned by the Trade Services Utility. Voucher is an electronic payment document. ExternalAccountIdentification1Code External Account Identification 1Code xs:string Length Simple BBAN CUID /Description BBANIdentifier Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - identifier used nationally by financial institutions, ie, in individual countries, generally as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s), to uniquely identify the account of a customer. CHIPSUniversalIdentifier (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 36 / 89

37 UPIC /Description Identification (UID) - identifies entities that own accounts at CHIPS participating financial institutions, through which CHIPS payments are effected. The CHIPS UID is assigned by the New York Clearing House. UPICIdentifier Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) - identifier used by the New York Clearing House to mask confidential data, such as bank accounts and bank routing numbers. UPIC numbers remain with business customers, regardless of banking relationship changes. ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code External Cash Clearing System 1Code xs:string Length Simple ABE ACH ACS AIP ART AVP AZM BAP BCC BCE BDS BEL BGN BHS BIS BOF BOJ BRL BSP CAD CAM CBJ /Description EBAEuro1Step1 EBA Euro1/Step1. ACH Automated Clearing House. Payment system that clears cash transfers and settles the proceeds in a lump sum, usually on a multilateral netting basis. Canada Canadian Dollar (CAD) - Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS) Albania AL (Albania) - Albania Interbank Payment System. Austrian AT (Austria) - Austrian RTGS (ARTIS). NewZealand NZ (New Zealand) - New Zealand Assured Value Payments. Azerbaijan AZ (Azerbaijan) - Azerbaijan Interbank Payment System (AZIPS). BosniaHerzegovina BA (Bosnia and Herzegovina). SwedenBGC SE (Sweden) - Sweden BGC Clearing CUG. Ecuador EC (Ecuador) - Ecuadorian Central Payment System (Sistema Central de Pagos Ecuatoriano) Barbados BB (Barbados) - Barbados RTGS (CBRTGS). Belgium BE (Belgium) - Belgium RTGS (ELLIPS). Bulgaria BG (Bulgaria) - Bulgaria RTGS. Bahamas BS (Bahamas) - Bahamas RTGS. Botswana BW (Botswana) - Botswana Interbank Settlement System. Finland FI (Finland) - RTGS (BOF). BankOfJapanNet the Bank of Japan clearing system. Italy IT (Italy) - Italy RTGS (BIREL). Philippines PH (Philippines) - Philippines Payment System. Canada CA (Canada) - Canadian Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) SpainCAM ES (Spain). Ireland Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 37 / 89

38 CHI CHP COE COI COU DDK DKC EBA ELS EMZ EPM EPN ERP FDA FDN FDW FEY GIS HRK HRM HUF INC JOD KPS LGS LKB /Description IE (Ireland) - Irish RTGS (IRIS). USTCHChips US - The Clearing House CHIPS UnitedKingdom GB (UK) - British Euro RTGS (CHAPS). Columbia CO (Columbia) - Colombian Electronic Cheque System named CEDEC (Compensación Electrónica De Cheques). Columbia CO (Columbia) - Colombian Central Bank s ACH named CENIT (Compensación Electrónica Nacional Interbancaria). Columbia CO (Columbia) - Colombian RTGS System named CUD (Cuentas de Depósito). DenmarkDDK DK (Denmark) - Danish Krone RTGS (KRONOS) Denmark DK (Denmark) - Danish Euro RTGS (KRONOS) EBAEuro1 EBA Euro1. GermanyELS DE (Germany). Germany Elektronischer Massenzahlungsverkehr (EMZ) ECB ECB (European Central Bank) - ECB Payment Mechanism. USTCHEPN US - The Clearing House EPN EBAStep1 EBA step 1 (members). USFedACH US (United States) - FED-ACH FedNet FedNet is a link to a Federal Bank account via the internet. FedNet enables checking of account balance, transactions, take print outs of account statement, transfer funds to third party accounts, E-shopping, BSNL Payments, Deposit opening, Deposit Renewal, Request for Demand Draft, Cheque Book etc. USFedwire US (United States) FEDWIRE ForeignExchangeYenClearing JP (Japan) the Foreign Exchange Yen Clearing system (FEYCS). It is the Japanese electronic interbank system for sending guaranteed and unconditional yen payments of FX deals for same day settlement from one settlement bank, on behalf of itself or its customers, to another settlement bank. Ghana GH (Ghana) - Ghana Interbank Settlement System (GISS). Croatia HR (Croatia) - HSVP. Greece GR (Greece) - Greek RTGS (HERMES). Hungary HU (Hungary) - VIBER. DEandNLEquens DE and NL - Equens Jordan JO (Jordan) - Jordan RTGS. Kenya KE (Kenya) - Kenyan Electronic Payment Settlement System. Luxemburg LU (Luxemburg) - Luxembourg RTGS (LIPS). SriLanka LK (Sri Lanka) - Sri Lanka (Lankasettle). Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 38 / 89

39 LVL LVT MEP MOS MRS MUP NAM NOC PCH PDS PEG PNS PTR PVE ROL ROS RTG RTP SCL SCP SEC SIT SLB SPG SSK ST2 STG TBF TGT THB /Description Latvia LV (Latvia). Canada CA (Canada) - Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). Replaces CAD. Singapore SG (Singapore) - Singapore RTGS (MEPS+). SouthAfrica ZA (South Africa) - South-African Multiple Option Settlement. Malta MT (Malta) - Malta Realtime Interbank Settlement System. Mauritius MU (Mauritius). Namibia NA (Namibian) - Namibian Interbank Settlement System. Norway NO (Norway). Switzerland CH (Switzerland). Australia AU (Australia). Egypt EG (Egypt). FrancePNS FR (France). Angola AO (Angola) - Angola RTGS. Venezuela Ve (Venezuela). RomaniaEPO RO (Romania) - Romanian Electronic Payment Operations RT. RomaniaGSRS RO (Romania) - Romanian GSRS. RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement System. Payment system that simultaneously clears individual transfers and settles them in central bank money. GermanyRTGSPlus DE (Germany). RPS SEPA-Clearer DE SEPA-Clearer of the Retail Payment System operated by Deutsche Bundesbank Chili CL (Chile) - Chilean Interbank Payment System. SwedenSEC SE (Sweden) - Swedish Euro RTGS (SEC). Slovania SI (Slovenia). SpainES ES (Spain) - Spanish RTGS (SLBE). Portugal PT (Portugal) - Portuguese RTGS (SPGT). SwedenSSK SE (Sweden) - SEK RTGS (RIX). EBAStep2 EBA Clearing STEP 2 UnitedKingdomGBP UK (United Kingdom) - CHAPS Sterling RTGS. FranceFR FR (France) - French RTGS (TBF). Target Target. Thailand TH (Thailand) - Thailand Payment System (Bahtnet/2). Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 39 / 89

40 TIS TOP TTD UBE UIS VCS XCT ZEN ZET ZIS /Description Tanzania TZ (Tanzania) - Tanzania Interbank Settlement System (TISS). Netherlands NL (Netherlands) - Dutch RTGS (TOP) TrinidadAndTobago TT (Trinidad and Tobago ) - Trinidad and Tobago SAFE-TT. Canada United States Dollar (USD) US Bulk Exchange Clearing System (USBE) Uganda UG (Uganda) - Uganda National Interbank Settlement System. VocaLink VocaLink Clearing System EBAStep2 EBA step 2. Zengin JP (Japan) the Zengin system. The electronic payment system for domestic third party transfers managed by the Tokyo Bankers Association. Zimbabwe ZW (Zimbabwe) - Zimbabwe Electronic Transfer & Settlement System. Zambia ZM (Zambia) - Zambian Interbank Payment &Settlement System. ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code External Category Purpose 1Code xs:string Length Simple BONU CASH CBLK CCRD CORT DCRD DIVI EPAY FCOL GOVT HEDG ICCP IDCP INTC /Description BonusPayment Transaction is the payment of a bonus. CashManagementTransfer Transaction is a general cash management instruction. Card Bulk Clearing A Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details. Credit Card Payment Transaction is related to a payment of credit card. TradeSettlementPayment Transaction is related to settlement of a trade, eg a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction. Debit Card Payment Transaction is related to a payment of debit card. Dividend Transaction is the payment of dividends. Epayment Transaction is related to epayment via Online-Banking Fee Collection A Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties. GovernmentPayment Transaction is a payment to or from a government department. Hedging Transaction is related to the payment of a hedging operation. Irrevocable Credit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of credit card payment. Irrevocable Debit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of debit card payment. IntraCompanyPayment Transaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 40 / 89

41 INTE LOAN OTHR PENS SALA SECU SSBE SUPP TAXS TRAD TREA VATX WHLD /Description Interest Transaction is the payment of interest. Loan Transaction is related to the transfer of a loan to a borrower. OtherPayment Other payment purpose. PensionPayment Transaction is the payment of pension. SalaryPayment Transaction is the payment of salaries. Securities Transaction is the payment of securities. SocialSecurityBenefit Transaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals. SupplierPayment Transaction is related to a payment to a supplier. TaxPayment Transaction is the payment of taxes. Trade Transaction is related to the payment of a trade finance transaction. TreasuryPayment Transaction is related to treasury operations. E.g. financial contract settlement. ValueAddedTaxPayment Transaction is the payment of value added tax. WithHolding Transaction is the payment of withholding tax. ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code External Clearing System Identification 1Code xs:string Length Simple ATBLZ AUBSB CACPA CHBCC CHSIC CNAPS /Description Austrian Bankleitzahl Bank Branch code used in Austria Country: Austria Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{5,5} Example: Australian Bank State Branch Code (BSB) Bank Branch code used in Australia Country: Australia Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number Bank Branch code used in Canada Country: Canada Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{9,9} Example: Swiss Clearing Code (BC Code) Bank Clearing number used in Switzerland Country: Switzerland Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{3,5} Example: Swiss Clearing Code (SIC Code) Bank Branch code used in clearing with Swiss Francs Country: Switzerland Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: CNAPS Identifier Bank Branch code used in China Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 41 / 89

42 DEBLZ ESNCC GBDSC GRBIC HKNCC IENCC INFSC ITNCC JPZGN NZNCC PLKNR PTNCC /Description Country: China Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{12,12} Example: German Bankleitzahl Bank Branch code used in Germany Country: Germany Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{8,8} Example: Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code Bank Branch code used in Spain Country: Spain Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{8,9} Example: UK Domestic Sort Code Bank Branch code used in the UK Country: UK Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: Helenic Bank Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Greece Country: Greece Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{7,7} Example: Hong Kong Bank Code Bank Branch code used in Hong Kong Country: Hong Kong Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{3,3} Example: Irish National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Ireland Country: Ireland Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: Indian Financial System Code Bank Branch code used in India Country: India Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [a-za-z0-9]{11,11} Example: Italian Domestic Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Italy Country: Italy Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{10,10} Example: Japan Zengin Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Japan Country: Japan Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{7,7} Example: New Zealand National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in New Zealand Country: New Zealand Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: Polish National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Poland Country: Poland Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{8,8} Example: Portuguese National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Portugal Country: Portugal Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{8,8} Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 42 / 89

43 RUCBC SESBA SGIBG THCBC TWNCC USABA USPID ZANCC /Description Example: Russian Central Bank Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Russia Country: Russia Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{9,9} Example: Sweden Bankgiro Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Sweden Country: Sweden Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{4,4} Example: IBG Sort Code Bank Branch code used in Singapore Country: Singapore Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{7,7} or [0-9]{3,4} Example: Thai Central Bank Identification Code Bank Identification code used in Thailand Country: Thailand Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{3,3} Example: Financial Institution Code Bank Branch code used in Taiwan Country: Taiwan Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{7,7} Example: United States Routing Number (Fedwire, NACHA) Routing Transit number assigned by the ABA for US financial institutons Country: US Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{9,9} Example: CHIPS Participant Identifier Bank identifier used by CHIPs in the US Country: US Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{4,4} Example: South African National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in South Africa Country: South Africa Bank Identifier [Character]{Length}: [0-9]{6,6} Example: ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code External Financial Institution Identification 1Code xs:string Length ExternalLocalInstrument1Code External Local Instrument 1Code xs:string Length Simple Simple /Description 04 Pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre authorised (Abbuchungsauftrag). ISO Country Code: DE Payment System: Domestic DE cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 43 / 89

44 /Description Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 05 Non-pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is not pre authorised (Einzugsermächtigung). ISO Country Code: DE Payment System: Domestic DE cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 08 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Ordinaire (Normal clearing / 4 Day) Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre authorised (Avis de Prélèvement). ISO Country Code: FR Payment System: Domestic FR cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 19 Business-to-customer Direct Debit Transaction is related to a business-to-customer direct debit (CSB19). ISO Country Code: ES Payment System: Domestic ES cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 58 Business-to-business Direct Debit Transaction is related to a business-to-business direct debit (CSB58). ISO Country Code: ES Payment System: Domestic ES cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 60 Recovered Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note LCR - Lettre de Change Relevé (Recovered Bill of Exchange) and BOR - Billet à Orde Relevé (Promissory Note) ISO Country Code: FR Payment System: Domestic FR cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 82 Non-pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is not pre authorised (Einzugsermächtigung). ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: Domestic AT cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 83 Pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre authorised (Abbuchungsauftrag). ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: Domestic AT cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 85 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Accéléré (Accelerated clearing / 2 Day)Ordinaire (Normal clearing / 4 Day) Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 44 / 89

45 /Description Transaction is related to an urgent direct debit that is pre authorised (Avis de Prélèvement accéléré). ISO Country Code: FR Payment System: Domestic FR cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 89 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Vérifié (Verified clearing) Transaction is related to an urgent direct debit that is pre authorised (Avis de Prélèvement vérifié). ISO Country Code: FR Payment System: Domestic FR cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both 0000 Business Payment Transaction is related to business payment ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS (Equens Clearing & Settlement System) cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0001 Converted (Bank) Payment Transaction is related to converted (bank) payment. Conversion of physical instrument to electonric form for transmission to the paying bank and where the original paper document does not continue in the clearing process.the instrument rules change upon conversion. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0002 Standing Order Transaction is related to standing order. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0090 Mass Payment Beneficiary Transaction is related to mass payment beneficiary. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0091 Mass Payment Ours Transaction is related to mass payment ours. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 45 / 89

46 /Description 0092 Mass Payment Shared Transaction is related to mass payment shared. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0220 Standing Authorisation General Transaction is related to standing authorisation general. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0221 One-off Authorisation Transaction is related to one-off authorisation. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0222 Standing Authorisation Companies Transaction is related to standing authorisation companies. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0223 Standing Authorisation Lotteries Transaction is related to standing authorisation lotteries. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0224 One-off Authorisation Charities Transaction is related to one-off authorisation charities. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0225 One-off Authorisation Tuition Fees Transaction is related to one-off authorisation tuition fees. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0226 One-off Authorisation Construction Industry Transaction is related to one-off authorisation construction industry. ISO Country Code: NL Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 46 / 89

47 /Description Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: 0227 Standing Authorisation Companies Without Debtor Revocation Right Transaction is related to standing authorisation companies without debtor revocation right. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: CSS cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: ACCEPT Payment via Acceptgiro owned by Currence Transaction is related to payments via Acceptgiro owned by Currence. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: ARC Accounts Receivable Check Transaction is related to accounts receivable check. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both B2B SEPA Business to Business Direct Debit Transaction is related to SEPA business to business direct debit. ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2BAMIPM SEPA B2B Direct Debit AMI SEPA B2B Direct Debit AMI based on a paper mandate ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: BTR Bank Transfer Transaction is related to a bank transfer. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B CARD Card Clearing Transaction is related to card clearing. ISO Country Code: DE Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: CCD Cash Concentration or Disbursement Corporate counterparty. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 47 / 89

48 CCI CHN CIE CKS COR1 CORAMIPM CORE /Description Transaction is related to cash concentration or disbursement corporate counterparty. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both plus prenote. Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Cash Concentration Intragroup Transaction is related to an intra-group bank initiated cash management payment Region: GLOBAL ISO Country Code: GLOBAL ISO Currency Code: All Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD, CT and CPAR Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Truncated Checks Transaction is related to truncated checks. Conversion of physical instrument to electonric form for transmission to the paying bank and where the original paper document does not continue in the clearing process..the original instrument rules are retained throughout the life of the instrument. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Customer Initiated Entry A credit entry initiated by or on behalf of the holder of a consumer account Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Check Same Day Settlement Wire Transaction is related to check same day settlement wire. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B SEPA Direct Debit - 1 Day Settlement Optional shorter time cycle (D-1) for SEPA Core Direct Debit ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: SEPA Core Direct Debit AMI SEPA Core Direct Debit AMI based on a paper mandate ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: SEPA Direct Debit - Core Transaction is related to SEPA direct debit -core. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 48 / 89

49 CPP CR1AMIPM CTP CTR CTX DDFA DDNR /Description ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Cash Per Post Transaction is related to cash per post. Transaction to ultimate recipient having no bank account. Primary beneficiary is a postal service provider. Funds are paid out by cash. Additional necessary information for address and delivery options need to be attached. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: SEPA Core D-1 Direct Debit AMI Optional shorter time cycle (D-1) for SEPA Core Direct Debit AMI based on a paper mandate ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Customer Transfer Plus Transaction is related to a customer transfer, which may include information related to a cover payment or extended remittance information. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Customer Transfer Transaction is related to customer transfer. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Corporate Trade Exchange Transaction is related to corporate trade exchange. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both plus prenote. Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both DirectDebitFixedAmount SEPA Fixed Amount Direct Debit ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B CoreNoRefund SEPA Core Direct Debit with no refund option Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 49 / 89

50 DDT DEP DRB DRC DRW FADAMIPM FFR /Description ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Direct Debits Transaction is related to direct debits. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Deposit to Sender s Account Transaction is related to deposit to sender's account. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Bank-to-Bank Drawdown Request or Response (Non-value) Transaction is related to bank-to-bank drawdown request or response (non-value) Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Request for credit Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Customer or Corporate Drawdown Request or Response (Non-value) Transaction is related to customer or corporate drawdown request or response (nonvalue). Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Request for credit Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Drawdown Response (Value) to Honor a Drawdown Request Transaction is related to drawdown response (value) to honor a drawdown request. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B SEPA FA Direct Debit AMI SEPA Fixed Amount Direct Debit AMI based on a paper mandate ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: PEACH cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Fed Funds Returned Transaction is related to Fed funds returned. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 50 / 89

51 FFS GST IAT IDEAL IN NLDO NLGOV /Description Fed Funds Sold Transaction is related to Fed funds sold. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Truncated Credit Transfers Transaction is related to truncated credit transfers. Conversion of physical instrument to electonric form for transmission to the paying bank and where the original paper document does not continue in the clearing process..the original instrument rules are retained throughout the life of the instrument. Transaction triggered by specific marked and populated paper slip. Reconciliation reference is secured by check digits supporting secure optical recognition. All other remittance information is truncated prior transmission. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: International ACH Transaction is related to international ACH. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Payments via Internet owned by Currence Transaction is related to payments via internet owned by Currence. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Cross Border Customer Credit Transfer Transaction is related to cross border customers credit transfers ISO Country Code: DK ISO Currency Code: All Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Dutch Domestic Bulk Payment Transaction is related to a Domestic payment initiated by PAIN.001 ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Direct debit initiated by the government with special conditions Transaction is related to direct debit scheme owned by the NVB ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 51 / 89

52 NLUP ONCL POP POS PPD RCK RDD RIBA /Description cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Dutch Urgent Payment Transaction is related to a Domestic payment initiated by PAIN.001 ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Overnight Transaction is related to overnight clearing. ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: Corporate banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Point-Of-Purchase Transaction is related to point-of-purchase. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Point-Of-Sale Transaction is related to point-of-sale. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Prearranged Payment or Deposit. Consumer counterparty. Transaction is related to prearranged payment or deposit consumer counterparty. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Both plus prenote. Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Re-presented Check Entry Transaction is related to re-presented check entry. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Returned Direct Debits Transaction is related to returned direct debits. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Non-pre authorised direct debit Transaction is related to a non-pre authorised collection (RIBA). ISO Country Code: IT Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 52 / 89

53 RIDO RIDV RTR SCN SDCL SDD SDN /Description Payment System: Domestic IT cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Pre authorised revocable Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre authorised and revocable (RID Ordinario). ISO Country Code: IT Payment System: Domestic IT cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Pre authorised revocable urgent Direct Debit Transaction is related to an urgent direct debit that is pre authorised and revocable (RID Veloce). ISO Country Code: IT Payment System: Domestic IT cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Returned Credit Transfers Transaction is related to returned credit transfers. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Revoked Truncated Checks Transaction is related to revoked truncated checks. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Same Day Transaction is related to same day clearing. ISO Country Code: SEPA Payment System: Corporate banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Revoked Direct Debits Transaction is related to revoked direct debits. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Payments via Standaard Digitale Nota Transaction is related to payments via a Standaard Digitale Nota InvoiceAcceptgiro payment. ISO Country Code: NL Payment System: All cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 53 / 89

54 SGT SRD SRT STR SVC TEL TRF WEB /Description Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Revoked Truncated Credit Transfers Transaction is related to revoked truncated credit transfers. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Revoked Returned Direct Debits Transaction is related to revoked returned direct debits. ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Revoked Returned Credit Transfers Transaction is related to revoked returned credit transfers ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Revoked Credit Transfers Transaction is related to revoked credit transfers ISO Country Code: AT Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: other Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Non-Value Service Message Transaction is related to non-value service message. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: Fedwire cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: Non-value Service Message Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: B2B Telephone Initiated Entry Transaction is related to telephone initiated entry. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both Credit Transfers Transaction is related to credit transfers ISO Country Code: AT ISO Currency Code: All Payment System: correspondent banking cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: CT Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Internet Initiated Entry Transaction is related to internet initiated entry. Region: WHEM ISO Country Code: US ISO Currency Code: USD Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 54 / 89

55 /Description Payment System: NACHA cdd/ct/ Both/ Other: DD Corp2Bk, Bk2Bk, or Both: Both ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code External Organisation Identification 1Code xs:string Length Simple BANK CBID CHID COID CUST DUNS EMPL GS1G SREN SRET TXID /Description BankPartyIdentification Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. Central Bank Identification Number A unique identification number assigned by a central bank to identify an organisation. Clearing Identification Number A unique identification number assigned by a clearing house to identify an organisation CountryIdentificationCode Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number) CustomerNumber Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. Number assigned by a party to identify a creditor or debtor relationship. Data Universal Numbering System A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify an organisation. EmployerIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a registration authority to an employer. GS1GLNIdentifier Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional entities, or physical entities according to GS1 numbering scheme rules.the number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it. SIREN The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. SIRET The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity TaxIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a tax authority to identify an organisation. ExternalPersonIdentification1Code External Person Identification 1Code xs:string Length Simple ARNU CCPT CUST DRLC EMPL NIDN /Description AlienRegistrationNumber Number assigned by a social security agency to identify a non-resident person. PassportNumber Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. CustomerIdentificationNumber Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. DriversLicenseNumber Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. EmployeeIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. NationalIdentityNumber Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 55 / 89

56 SOSE TXID /Description Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. SocialSecurityNumber Number assigned by an authority to identify the social security number of a person. TaxIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a tax authority to identify a person. ExternalServiceLevel1Code External Service Level 1Code xs:string Length Simple BKTR NUGP NURG PRPT SDVA SEPA URGP URNS /Description Book Transaction Payment through internal book transfer. Non-urgent Priority Payment Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction with priority settlement. Non-urgent Payment Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction, which is typically identified as an ACH or low value transaction. EBAPriorityService Transaction must be processed according to the EBA Priority Service. SameDayValue Payment must be executed with same day value to the creditor. SingleEuroPaymentsArea Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme. Urgent Payment Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time gross settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high value transaction. Urgent Payment Net Settlement Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time net settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high value transaction. ExternalStatusReason1Code External Status Reason 1Code xs:string Length Simple AC01 AC02 AC03 AC04 AC05 AC06 AC07 AC08 AC09 AC10 AC11 /Description IncorrectAccountNumber Account number is invalid or missing. InvalidDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number invalid or missing InvalidCreditorAccountNumber Creditor account number invalid or missing ClosedAccountNumber Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books. ClosedDebtorAccountNumber Debtor account number closed BlockedAccount Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it. ClosedCreditorAccountNumber Creditor account number closed InvalidBranchCode Branch code is invalid or missing InvalidAccountCurrency Account currency is invalid or missing InvalidDebtorAccountCurrency Debtor account currency is invalid or missing InvalidCreditorAccountCurrency Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 56 / 89

57 AC12 AC13 AC14 AG01 AG02 AG03 AG04 AG05 AG06 AG07 AG08 AGNT AM01 AM02 AM03 AM04 AM05 AM06 AM07 AM09 AM10 AM11 AM12 AM13 AM14 AM15 AM16 AM17 /Description Creditor account currency is invalid or missing InvalidAccount Account type missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels InvalidDebtorAccount Debtor account type missing or invalid InvalidCreditorAccount Creditor account type missing or invalid TransactionForbidden Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement) InvalidBankOperationCode Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver TransactionNotSupported Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account InvalidAgentCountry Agent country code is missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels. InvalidDebtorAgentCountry Debtor agent country code is missing or invalid InvalidCreditorAgentCountry Creditor agent country code is missing or invalid UnsuccesfulDirectDebit Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason. Code value may be used in general purposes and as a replacement for AM04 if debtor bank does not reveal its customer's insufficient funds for privacy reasons InvalidAccessRights Transaction failed due to invalid or missing user or access right IncorrectAgent Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect ZeroAmount Specified message amount is equal to zero NotAllowedAmount Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum NotAllowedCurrency Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement InsufficientFunds Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. Duplication Duplication TooLowAmount Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum. BlockedAmount Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient. WrongAmount Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected InvalidControlSum Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum. InvalidTransactionCurrency Transaction currency is invalid or missing InvalidAmount Amount is invalid or missing AmountExceedsClearingSystemLimit Transaction amount exceeds limits set by clearing system AmountExceedsAgreedLimit Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client AmountBelowClearingSystemMinimum Transaction amount below minimum set by clearing system InvalidGroupControlSum Control Sum at the Group level is invalid InvalidPaymentInfoControlSum Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 57 / 89

58 AM18 AM19 AM20 AM21 BE01 BE04 BE05 BE06 BE07 BE08 BE09 BE10 BE11 BE12 BE13 BE14 BE15 BE16 BE17 BE18 BE19 BE20 BE21 BE22 CH03 CH04 /Description Control Sum at the Payment Information level is invalid InvalidNumberOfTransactions Number of transactions is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between group and payment information levels. InvalidGroupNumberOfTransactions Number of transactions at the Group level is invalid or missing InvalidPaymentInfoNumberOfTransactions Number of transactions at the Payment Information level is invalid LimitExceeded Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client. InconsistenWithEndCustomer Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency). MissingCreditorAddress Specification of creditor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct (formerly IncorrectCreditorAddress). UnrecognisedInitiatingParty Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer UnknownEndCustomer End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books MissingDebtorAddress Specification of debtor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct. MissingDebtor Debtor name is missing InvalidCountry Country code is missing or Invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor InvalidDebtorCountry Debtor country code is missing or invalid InvalidCreditorCountry Creditor country code is missing or invalid InvalidCountryOfResidence Country code of residence is missing or Invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor InvalidDebtorCountryOfResidence Country code of debtor's residence is missing or Invalid InvalidCreditorCountryOfResidence Country code of creditor's residence is missing or Invalid InvalidIdentificationCode Identification code missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor. InvalidDebtorIdentificationCode Debtor or Ultimate Debtor identification code missing or invalid InvalidCreditorIdentificationCode Creditor or Ultimate Creditor identification code missing or invalid InvalidContactDetails Contact details missing or invalid InvalidChargeBearerCode Charge bearer code for transaction type is invalid InvalidLength length exceeds local rules for payment type. Missing missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor. MissingCreditor Creditor name is missing RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInFuture Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the future RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInPast Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 58 / 89

59 CH07 CH09 CH10 CH11 CH12 CH13 CH14 CH15 CH16 CH17 CH19 CH20 CH21 CH22 CNOR CURR CUST DNOR DS01 DS02 DS03 DS04 DS05 DS06 DS07 DS08 DS09 DS0A DS0B DS0C /Description Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the past ElementIsNotToBeUsedAtB-andC-Level Element is not to be used at B- and C-Level MandateChangesNotAllowed Mandate changes are not allowed InformationOnMandateChangesMissing Information on mandate changes are missing CreditorIdentifierIncorrect Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect CreditorIdentifierNotUnambiguouslyAtTransaction-Level Creditor Identifier is ambiguous at Transaction Level OriginalDebtorAccountIsNotToBeUsed Original Debtor Account is not to be used OriginalDebtorAgentIsOnlyToBeUsedWithSequenceFRST Original Debtor Agent is only to be used with Sequence =FRST ElementContentIncludesMoreThan140Charac-ters Content Remittance Information/Structured includes more than 140 characters ElementContentFormallyIncorrect Content is incorrect ElementNotAdmitted Element is not allowed ValuesWillBeSetToNextTARGETday Values in Interbank Settlement Date or Requested Collection Date will be set to the next TARGET day DecimalPointsNotCompatibleWithCurrency Number of decimal points not compatible with the currency RequiredCompulsoryElementMissing Mandatory element is missing COREandB2BwithinOnemessage SDD CORE and B2B not permitted within one message Creditor bank is not registered Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM IncorrectCurrency Currency of the payment is incorrect RequestedByCustomer Cancellation requested by the Debtor Debtor bank is not registered Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM ElectronicSignaturesCorrect The electronic signature(s) is/are correct OrderCancelled An authorized user has cancelled the order OrderNotCancelled The user s attempt to cancel the order was not successful OrderRejected The order was rejected by the bank side (for reasons concerning content) OrderForwardedForPostprocessing The order was correct and could be forwarded for postprocessing TransferOrder The order was transferred to VEU ProcessingOK All actions concerning the order could be done by the EBICS bank server DecompressionError The decompression of the file was not successful DecryptionError The decryption of the file was not successful DataSignRequested Data signature is required. UnknownDataSignFormat Data signature for the format is not available or invalid. SignerCertificateRevoked Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 59 / 89

60 DS0D DS0E DS0F DS0G DS0H DS0K DS10 DS11 DS12 DS13 DS14 DS15 DS16 DS17 DS18 DS19 DS20 DS21 DS22 DS23 DS24 DS25 DS26 DS27 DT01 DT02 DT03 /Description The signer certificate is revoked. SignerCertificateNotValid The signer certificate is not valid (revoked or not active). IncorrectSignerCertificate The signer certificate is not present. SignerCertificationAuthoritySignerNotValid The authority of the signer certification sending the certificate is unknown. NotAllowedPayment Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type. NotAllowedAccount Signer is not allowed to sign for this account. NotAllowedNumberOfTransaction The number of transaction is over the number allowed for this signer. Signer1CertificateRevoked The certificate is revoked for the first signer. Signer1CertificateNotValid The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the first signer. IncorrectSigner1Certificate The certificate is not present for the first signer. SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner1NotValid The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the first signer. UserDoesNotExist The user is unknown on the server IdenticalSignatureFound The same signature has already been sent to the bank PublicKeyVersionIncorrect The public key version is not correct. This code is returned when a customer sends signature files to the financial institution after conversion from an older program version (old ES format) to a new program version (new ES format) without having carried out re-initialisation with regard to a public key change. DifferentOrderDataInSignatures Order data and signatures don t match RepeatOrder File cannot be tested, the complete order has to be repeated. This code is returned in the event of a malfunction during the signature check, e.g. not enough storage space. ElectronicSignatureRightsInsufficient The user s rights (concerning his signature) are insufficient to execute the order Signer2CertificateRevoked The certificate is revoked for the second signer. Signer2CertificateNotValid The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the second signer. IncorrectSigner2Certificate The certificate is not present for the second signer. SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner2NotValid The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the second signer. WaitingTimeExpired Waiting time expired due to incomplete order OrderFileDeleted The order file was deleted by the bank server (for multiple reasons) UserSignedMultipleTimes The same user has signed multiple times UserNotYetActivated The user is not yet activated (technically) InvalidDate Invalid date (eg, wrong or missing settlement date) InvalidCreationDate Invalid creation date and time in Group Header (eg, historic date) InvalidNonProcessingDate Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 60 / 89

61 DT04 DT05 DT06 DU01 DU02 DU03 DU04 DU05 DUPL ED01 ED03 ED05 FF01 FF02 FF03 FF04 FF05 FF06 FF07 FF08 FF09 FF10 ID01 MD01 MD02 MD05 MD06 MD07 /Description Invalid non bank processing date (eg, weekend or local public holiday) FutureDateNotSupported Future date not supported InvalidCutOffDate Associated message, payment information block or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off date, i.e., date in the past. ExecutionDateChanged Execution Date has been modified in order for transaction to be processed DuplicateMessageID Message Identification is not unique. DuplicatePaymentInformationID Payment Information Block is not unique. DuplicateTransaction Transaction is not unique. DuplicateEndToEndID End To End ID is not unique. DuplicateInstructionID Instruction ID is not unique. DuplicatePayment Payment is a duplicate of another payment CorrespondentBankNotPossible Correspondent bank not possible. BalanceInfoRequest Balance of payments complementary info is requested SettlementFailed Settlement of the transaction has failed. Invalid File Format File Format incomplete or invalid SyntaxError Syntax error reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information. InvalidPaymentInformation Payment Information is missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specify Service Level or Local Instrument code InvalidServiceLevelCode Service Level code is missing or invalid InvalidLocalInstrumentCode Local Instrument code is missing or invalid InvalidCategoryPurposeCode Category Purpose code is missing or invalid InvalidPurpose Purpose is missing or invalid InvalidEndToEndId End to End Id missing or invalid InvalidChequeNumber Cheque number missing or invalid BankSystemProcessingError File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues at the bank side CorrespondingOriginalFileStillNotSent Signature file was sent to the bank but the corresponding original file has not been sent yet. NoMandate No Mandate MissingMandatoryInformationIn Mandate Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing. CollectionNotDue Creditor or creditor's agent should not have collected the direct debit RefundRequestByEndCustomer Return of funds requested by end customer EndCustomerDeceased End customer is deceased. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 61 / 89

62 MS02 MS03 NARR RC01 RC02 RC03 RC04 RC05 RC06 RC07 RC08 RC09 RC10 RC11 RC12 RCON RF01 RR01 RR02 RR03 RR04 RR05 RR06 RR07 RR08 RR09 RR10 /Description NotSpecifiedReasonCustomer Generated Reason has not been specified by end customer NotSpecifiedReasonAgent Generated Reason has not been specified by agent. Narrative Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information. BankIdentifierIncorrect Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format (formerly IncorrectFormatForRoutingCode). InvalidBankIdentifier Bank identifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account InvalidDebtorBankIdentifier Debtor bank identifier is invalid or missing InvalidCreditorBankIdentifier Creditor bank identifier is invalid or missing InvalidBICIdentifier BIC identifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account. InvalidDebtorBICIdentifier Debtor BIC identifier is invalid or missing InvalidCreditorBICIdentifier Creditor BIC identifier is invalid or missing InvalidClearingSystemMemberIdentifier ClearingSystemMemberidentifier is invalid or missing. Generic usage if cannot specify between debit or credit account InvalidDebtorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing InvalidCreditorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing InvalidIntermediaryAgent Intermediary Agent is invalid or missing MissingCreditorSchemeId Creditor Scheme Id is invalid or missing R-MessageConflict Conflict with R-Message NotUniqueTransactionReference Transaction reference is not unique within the message. Missing Debtor Account or Identification Specification of the debtor s account or unique identification needed for reasons of regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing Missing Debtor or Address Specification of the debtor s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. Missing Creditor or Address Specification of the creditor s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing. RegulatoryReason Regulatory Reason RegulatoryInformationInvalid Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid. TaxInformationInvalid Tax information missing, incomplete or invalid. RemittanceInformationInvalid Remittance information structure does not comply with rules for payment type. RemittanceInformationTruncated Remittance information truncated to comply with rules for payment type. InvalidStructuredCreditorReference Structured creditor reference invalid or missing. InvalidCharacterSet Character set supplied not valid for the country and payment type. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 62 / 89

63 RR11 RR12 SL01 SL02 TA01 TD01 TD02 TD03 TM01 TS01 TS04 /Description InvalidDebtorAgentServiceID Invalid or missing identification of a bank proprietary service. InvalidPartyID Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type. Specific Service offered by Debtor Agent Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent Specific Service offered by Creditor Agent Due to specific service offered by the Creditor Agent TransmissonAborted The transmission of the file was not successful it had to be aborted (for technical reasons) NoDataAvailable There is no data available (for download) FileNonReadable The file cannot be read (e.g. unknown format) IncorrectFileStructure The file format is incomplete or invalid InvalidCutOffTime Formerly: CutOffTime Associated message, payment information block, or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off time. TransmissionSuccessful The (technical) transmission of the file was successful. TransferToSignByHand The order was transferred to pass by accompanying note signed by hand Frequency1Code ADHO DAIL INDA MIAN MNTH QURT WEEK YEAR IBAN2007Identifier Pattern ISODate ISODateTime Frequency 1Code xs:string /Description Adhoc Event takes place on request or as necessary. Daily Event takes place every day. IntraDay Event takes place several times a day. SemiAnnual Event takes place every six months or two times a year. Monthly Event takes place every month or once a month. Quarterly Event takes place every three months or four times a year. Weekly Event takes place once a week. Annual Event takes place every year or once a year. IBAN2007Identifier xs:string [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} ISODate xs:date Simple Simple Simple Simple Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 63 / 89

64 ISODate Time xs:datetime Max1025Text Max 1025Text xs:string Length Max105Text Max 105Text xs:string Length Max140Text Max 140Text xs:string Length Max15NumericText Max 15Numeric Text xs:string Pattern [0-9]{1,15} Max16Text Max 16Text xs:string Length Max2048Text Max 2048Text xs:string Length Max34Text Max 34Text xs:string Length Max35Text Max 35Text xs:string Length Max4Text Max 4Text xs:string Length Max70Text Max 70Text xs:string Length Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 64 / 89

65 Prefix1Code DOCT MADM MISS MIST Prefix 1Code xs:string /Description Doctor Title of the person is Doctor or Dr. Madam Title of the person is Madam. Miss Title of the person is Miss. Mister Title of the person is Mister or Mr. Simple PaymentMethod4Code Payment Method 4Code xs:string Simple CHK DD TRA TRF /Description Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain amount of money from one person to another person. DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from the debtor's bank account by the creditor. The amount of money and dates of collections may vary. TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the books of the account servicer. An advice should be sent back to the account owner. CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the books of the account servicer. PhoneNumber Phone Number xs:string Pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30} Simple Priority2Code HIGH NORM Sequence1Code Priority 2Code xs:string /Description High Priority level is high. Normal Priority level is normal. Sequence 1Code xs:string Simple Simple FNAL FRST OOFF RCUR /Description Final Final collection of a series of direct debit instructions. First First collection of a series of direct debit instructions. OneOff Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used to initiate one single direct debit transaction. Recurring Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 65 / 89

66 /Description Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used for regular direct debit transactions initiated by the creditor. SettlementMethod1Code Settlement Method 1Code xs:string Simple CLRG COVE INDA INGA /Description ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment clearing system. CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover payment. InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent instructed to execute a payment instruction. InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent instructing and forwarding the payment to the next party in the payment chain. TransactionGroupStatus3Code Transaction Group Status 3Code xs:string Simple ACCP ACSC ACSP ACTC ACWC PART PDNG RCVD RJCT /Description AcceptedCustomerProfile Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. AcceptedSettlementCompleted Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. Usage : this can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning : this status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement AcceptedSettlementInProcess All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. AcceptedTechnicalValidation Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. AcceptedWithChange Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent. PartiallyAccepted A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved 'accepted' status. Pending Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. Received Payment initiation has been received by the receiving agent. Rejected Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. TransactionIndividualStatus3Code Transaction Individual Status 3Code xs:string Simple ACCP /Description AcceptedCustomerProfile Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 66 / 89

67 ACSC ACSP ACTC ACWC PDNG RJCT /Description AcceptedSettlementCompleted Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. Usage : this can be used by the first agent to report to the debtor that the transaction has been completed. Warning : this status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement AcceptedSettlementInProcess All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. AcceptedTechnicalValidation Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. AcceptedWithChange Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent. Pending Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. Rejected Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. TrueFalseIndicator True False Indicator xs:boolean Simple AccountIdentification4Choice Complex AccountIdentification4Choice IBAN Othr Account Identification 4Choice IBAN M IBAN2007Identifier Othr M GenericAccountIdentification1 AccountScheme1Choice Complex AccountScheme1Choice Cd Prtry Account Scheme 1Choice Cd M ExternalAccountIdentification1Code Prtry M Max35Text AmendmentInformationDetails6 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 67 / 89

68 AmendmentInformationDetails6 OrgnlMndtId OrgnlCdtrSchmeId OrgnlCdtrAgt OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct OrgnlDbtr OrgnlDbtrAcct OrgnlDbtrAgt OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct OrgnlFnlColltnDt OrgnlFrqcy Amendment Information Details 6 OrgnlMndtId O Max35Text OrgnlCdtrSchmeId O PartyIdentification32 OrgnlCdtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct O CashAccount16 OrgnlDbtr O PartyIdentification32 OrgnlDbtrAcct O CashAccount16 OrgnlDbtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct O CashAccount16 OrgnlFnlColltnDt O ISODate OrgnlFrqcy O Frequency1Code Amount3Choice Complex Amount3Choice InstdAmt EqvtAmt Amount 3Choice InstdAmt M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount EqvtAmt M EquivalentAmount2 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 68 / 89

69 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 FinInstnId BrnchId Branch And Financial Institution Identification 4 FinInstnId M FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 BrnchId O BranchData2 BranchData2 Complex BranchData2 Id Nm PstlAdr Branch Data 2 Id O Max35Text Nm O Max140Text PstlAdr O PostalAddress6 CashAccount16 Complex CashAccount16 Id Tp Ccy Nm Cash Account 16 Id M AccountIdentification4Choice Tp O CashAccount2 Ccy O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode Nm O Max70Text CashAccount2 Complex CashAccount2 Cd Prtry Cash Account 2 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 69 / 89

70 Cd M CashAccount4Code Prtry M Max35Text CategoryPurpose1Choice Complex CategoryPurpose1Choice Cd Prtry Category Purpose 1Choice Cd M ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code Prtry M Max35Text ChargesInformation5 Complex ChargesInformation5 Amt Pty Charges Information 5 Amt M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount Pty M BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice Complex ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice Cd Prtry Clearing System Identification 2Choice Cd M ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code Prtry M Max35Text ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice Complex ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice Cd Prtry Clearing System Identification 3Choice Cd M ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code Prtry M Max35Text ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 70 / 89

71 ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2 ClrSysId MmbId Clearing System Member Identification 2 ClrSysId O ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice MmbId M Max35Text ContactDetails2 Complex ContactDetails2 NmPrfx Nm PhneNb MobNb FaxNb Adr Othr Contact Details 2 NmPrfx O Prefix1Code Nm O Max140Text PhneNb O PhoneNumber MobNb O PhoneNumber FaxNb O PhoneNumber Adr O Max2048Text Othr O Max35Text CreditorReferenceInformation2 Complex CreditorReferenceInformation2 Tp Ref Creditor Reference Information 2 Tp O CreditorReference2 Ref O Max35Text CreditorReference1Choice Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 71 / 89

72 CreditorReference1Choice Cd Prtry Creditor Reference 1Choice Cd M 3Code Prtry M Max35Text CreditorReference2 Complex CreditorReference2 CdOrPrtry Issr Creditor Reference 2 CdOrPrtry M CreditorReference1Choice Issr O Max35Text DateAndPlaceOfBirth Complex DateAndPlaceOfBirth BirthDt PrvcOfBirth CityOfBirth CtryOfBirth Date And Place Of Birth BirthDt M ISODate PrvcOfBirth O Max35Text CityOfBirth M Max35Text CtryOfBirth M CountryCode Adjustment1 Complex Adjustment1 Amt CdtDbtInd Rsn AddtlInf Adjustment 1 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 72 / 89

73 Amt M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount CdtDbtInd O CreditDebitCode Rsn O Max4Text AddtlInf O Max140Text EquivalentAmount2 Complex EquivalentAmount2 Amt CcyOfTrf Equivalent Amount 2 Amt M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount CcyOfTrf M ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode FinancialIdentificationScheme1Choice Complex FinancialIdentificationScheme1Choice Cd Prtry Financial Identification Scheme 1Choice Cd M ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code Prtry M Max35Text FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 Complex FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 BIC ClrSysMmbId Nm PstlAdr Othr Financial Institution Identification 7 BIC O BICIdentifier ClrSysMmbId O ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2 Nm O Max140Text PstlAdr O PostalAddress6 Othr O GenericFinancialIdentification1 GenericAccountIdentification1 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 73 / 89

74 GenericAccountIdentification1 Id SchmeNm Issr Generic Account Identification 1 Id M Max34Text SchmeNm O AccountScheme1Choice Issr O Max35Text GenericFinancialIdentification1 Complex GenericFinancialIdentification1 Id SchmeNm Issr Generic Financial Identification 1 Id M Max35Text SchmeNm O FinancialIdentificationScheme1Choice Issr O Max35Text GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Complex GenericOrganisationIdentification1 Id SchmeNm Issr Generic Organisation Identification 1 Id M Max35Text SchmeNm O OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Issr O Max35Text GenericPersonIdentification1 Complex GenericPersonIdentification1 Id SchmeNm Issr Generic Person Identification 1 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 74 / 89

75 Id M Max35Text SchmeNm O PersonIdentificationScheme1Choice Issr O Max35Text GroupHeader36 Complex GroupHeader36 MsgId CreDtTm InitgPty FwdgAgt DbtrAgt CdtrAgt Group Header 36 MsgId M Max35Text CreDtTm M ISODateTime InitgPty O PartyIdentification32 FwdgAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 DbtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 CdtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 LocalInstrument2Choice Complex LocalInstrument2Choice Cd Prtry Local Instrument 2Choice Cd M ExternalLocalInstrument1Code Prtry M Max35Text MandateRelatedInformation6 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 75 / 89

76 MandateRelatedInformation6 MndtId DtOfSgntr AmdmntInd AmdmntInfDtls ElctrncSgntr FrstColltnDt FnlColltnDt Frqcy Mandate Related Information 6 MndtId O Max35Text DtOfSgntr O ISODate AmdmntInd O TrueFalseIndicator AmdmntInfDtls O AmendmentInformationDetails6 ElctrncSgntr O Max1025Text FrstColltnDt O ISODate FnlColltnDt O ISODate Frqcy O Frequency1Code NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus3 Complex NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus3 DtldNbOfTxs DtldSts DtldCtrlSum Number Of Transactions Per Status 3 DtldNbOfTxs M Max15NumericText DtldSts M TransactionIndividualStatus3Code DtldCtrlSum O DecimalNumber OrganisationIdentification4 Complex OrganisationIdentification4 BICOrBEI Othr 0..* Organisation Identification 4 Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 76 / 89

77 BICOrBEI O AnyBICIdentifier Othr O GenericOrganisationIdentification1 OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Complex OrganisationIdentificationScheme1Choice Cd Prtry Organisation Identification Scheme 1Choice Cd M ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code Prtry M Max35Text OriginalGroupInformation20 Complex OriginalGroupInformation20 OrgnlMsgId OrgnlMsgNmId OrgnlCreDtTm OrgnlNbOfTxs OrgnlCtrlSum GrpSts StsRsnInf 0..* NbOfTxsPerSts 0..* Original Group Information 20 OrgnlMsgId M Max35Text OrgnlMsgNmId M Max35Text OrgnlCreDtTm O ISODateTime OrgnlNbOfTxs O Max15NumericText OrgnlCtrlSum O DecimalNumber GrpSts O TransactionGroupStatus3Code StsRsnInf O StatusReasonInformation8 NbOfTxsPerSts O NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus3 OriginalPaymentInformation1 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 77 / 89

78 OriginalPaymentInformation1 OrgnlPmtInfId OrgnlNbOfTxs OrgnlCtrlSum PmtInfSts StsRsnInf 0..* NbOfTxsPerSts 0..* TxInfAndSts 0..* Original Payment Information 1 OrgnlPmtInfId M Max35Text OrgnlNbOfTxs O Max15NumericText OrgnlCtrlSum O DecimalNumber PmtInfSts O TransactionGroupStatus3Code StsRsnInf O StatusReasonInformation8 NbOfTxsPerSts O NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus3 TxInfAndSts O PaymentTransactionInformation25 OriginalTransactionReference13 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 78 / 89

79 OriginalTransactionReference13 IntrBkSttlmAmt Amt IntrBkSttlmDt ReqdColltnDt ReqdExctnDt CdtrSchmeId SttlmInf PmtTpInf PmtMtd MndtRltdInf RmtInf UltmtDbtr Dbtr DbtrAcct DbtrAgt DbtrAgtAcct CdtrAgt CdtrAgtAcct Cdtr CdtrAcct UltmtCdtr Original Transaction Reference 13 IntrBkSttlmAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount Amt O Amount3Choice IntrBkSttlmDt O ISODate ReqdColltnDt O ISODate ReqdExctnDt O ISODate Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 79 / 89

80 CdtrSchmeId O PartyIdentification32 SttlmInf O SettlementInformation13 PmtTpInf O PaymentInformation22 PmtMtd O PaymentMethod4Code MndtRltdInf O MandateRelatedInformation6 RmtInf O RemittanceInformation5 UltmtDbtr O PartyIdentification32 Dbtr O PartyIdentification32 DbtrAcct O CashAccount16 DbtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 DbtrAgtAcct O CashAccount16 CdtrAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 CdtrAgtAcct O CashAccount16 Cdtr O PartyIdentification32 CdtrAcct O CashAccount16 UltmtCdtr O PartyIdentification32 Party6Choice Complex Party6Choice OrgId PrvtId Party 6Choice OrgId M OrganisationIdentification4 PrvtId M PersonIdentification5 PartyIdentification32 Complex PartyIdentification32 Nm PstlAdr Id CtryOfRes CtctDtls Party Identification 32 Nm O Max140Text PstlAdr O PostalAddress6 Id O Party6Choice CtryOfRes O CountryCode CtctDtls O ContactDetails2 PaymentTransactionInformation25 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 80 / 89

81 PaymentTransactionInformation25 StsId OrgnlInstrId OrgnlEndToEndId TxSts StsRsnInf 0..* ChrgsInf 0..* AccptncDtTm AcctSvcrRef ClrSysRef OrgnlTxRef Payment Transaction Information 25 StsId O Max35Text OrgnlInstrId O Max35Text OrgnlEndToEndId O Max35Text TxSts O TransactionIndividualStatus3Code StsRsnInf O StatusReasonInformation8 ChrgsInf O ChargesInformation5 AccptncDtTm O ISODateTime AcctSvcrRef O Max35Text ClrSysRef O Max35Text OrgnlTxRef O OriginalTransactionReference13 PaymentInformation22 Complex PaymentInformation22 InstrPrty ClrChanl SvcLvl LclInstrm SeqTp CtgyPurp Payment Information 22 InstrPrty O Priority2Code Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 81 / 89

82 ClrChanl O ClearingChannel2Code SvcLvl O ServiceLevel8Choice LclInstrm O LocalInstrument2Choice SeqTp O Sequence1Code CtgyPurp O CategoryPurpose1Choice PersonIdentification5 Complex PersonIdentification5 DtAndPlcOfBirth Othr 0..* Person Identification 5 DtAndPlcOfBirth O DateAndPlaceOfBirth Othr O GenericPersonIdentification1 PersonIdentificationScheme1Choice Complex PersonIdentificationScheme1Choice Cd Prtry Person Identification Scheme 1Choice Cd M ExternalPersonIdentification1Code Prtry M Max35Text PostalAddress6 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 82 / 89

83 PostalAddress6 AdrTp Dept SubDept StrtNm BldgNb PstCd TwnNm CtrySubDvsn Ctry AdrLine 0..7 Postal Address 6 AdrTp O Address2Code Dept O Max70Text SubDept O Max70Text StrtNm O Max70Text BldgNb O Max16Text PstCd O Max16Text TwnNm O Max35Text CtrySubDvsn O Max35Text Ctry O CountryCode AdrLine O Max70Text ReferredInformation3 Complex ReferredInformation3 Tp Nb RltdDt Referred Information 3 Tp O Referred2 Nb O Max35Text RltdDt O ISODate Referred1Choice Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 83 / 89

84 Referred1Choice Cd Prtry Referred 1Choice Cd M 5Code Prtry M Max35Text Referred2 Complex Referred2 CdOrPrtry Issr Referred 2 CdOrPrtry M Referred1Choice Issr O Max35Text RemittanceAmount1 Complex RemittanceAmount1 DuePyblAmt DscntApldAmt CdtNoteAmt TaxAmt AdjstmntAmtAndRsn 0..* RmtdAmt Remittance Amount 1 DuePyblAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount DscntApldAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount CdtNoteAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount TaxAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount AdjstmntAmtAndRsn O Adjustment1 RmtdAmt O ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount RemittanceInformation5 Complex RemittanceInformation5 Ustrd 0..* Strd 0..* Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 84 / 89

85 Remittance Information 5 Ustrd O Max140Text Strd O StructuredRemittanceInformation7 ServiceLevel8Choice Complex ServiceLevel8Choice Cd Prtry Service Level 8Choice Cd M ExternalServiceLevel1Code Prtry M Max35Text SettlementInformation13 Complex SettlementInformation13 SttlmMtd SttlmAcct ClrSys InstgRmbrsmntAgt InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct InstdRmbrsmntAgt InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct ThrdRmbrsmntAgt ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct Settlement Information 13 SttlmMtd M SettlementMethod1Code SttlmAcct O CashAccount16 ClrSys O ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice InstgRmbrsmntAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct O CashAccount16 InstdRmbrsmntAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct O CashAccount16 ThrdRmbrsmntAgt O BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct O CashAccount16 StatusReason6Choice Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 85 / 89

86 StatusReason6Choice Cd Prtry Status Reason 6Choice Cd M ExternalStatusReason1Code Prtry M Max35Text StatusReasonInformation8 Complex StatusReasonInformation8 Orgtr Rsn AddtlInf 0..* Status Reason Information 8 Orgtr O PartyIdentification32 Rsn O StatusReason6Choice AddtlInf O Max105Text StructuredRemittanceInformation7 Complex StructuredRemittanceInformation7 RfrdDocInf 0..* RfrdDocAmt CdtrRefInf Invcr Invcee AddtlRmtInf 0..3 Structured Remittance Information 7 RfrdDocInf O ReferredInformation3 RfrdDocAmt O RemittanceAmount1 CdtrRefInf O CreditorReferenceInformation2 Invcr O PartyIdentification32 Invcee O PartyIdentification32 AddtlRmtInf O Max140Text CustomerPaymentStatusReportV03 Complex Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 86 / 89

87 CustomerPaymentStatusReportV03 GrpHdr OrgnlGrpInfAndSts OrgnlPmtInfAndSts 0..* Customer Payment Status Report V03 GrpHdr M GroupHeader36 OrgnlGrpInfAndSts M OriginalGroupInformation20 OrgnlPmtInfAndSts O OriginalPaymentInformation1 Complex CstmrPmtStsRpt CstmrPmtStsRpt M CustomerPaymentStatusReportV03 xs:boolean xs:date xs:datetime xs:decimal xs:string Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 87 / 89

88 Components Description of Cardinality Generated by GEFEG.FX Page: 88 / 89

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