PROGRAMME COMPLEMENT INTERREG IIIA. Austria Slovakia. Revised version from: December 2005

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1 PROGRAMME COMPLEMENT INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia Revised version from: December 2005 Based on Commission Decision C (2001) 2163 of 14 September 2001 revised by Commission Decision C (2002) 1703 of 27 July 2002, considering the comments of the Commission D (2002) of 08 July 2002 and D (2002) of 24 October 2002 And upon Accession of Slovakia: Decision C(2004)4457, revised by Commission Decision K (2005) 5781 of 19 December 2005


3 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 5 2 OVERVIEW OF THE PRIORITIES AND MEASURES 7 3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURES 9 4 PROJECT SELECTION: CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES General approach Project Selection Procedure Impact indicators Indicators for the Quality of Co-operation in Project Development and Implementation (co-operation indicators) Priority criteria for project selection Project sheet INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY ACTIVITY Introduction Goals and target groups Content and strategy Indicative budget Competent authority Evaluation criteria DESCRIPTION OF THE AGREEMENT ON DATA EXCHANGE WITH THE EU Monitoring and electronic data exchange FINANCING PLAN 145 INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 3

4 INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 4

5 1 INTRODUCTION Following the accession of the Slovak Repbulic to the European Union on 1st May 2004 the former Interreg IIIA/Phare CBC programme on the external border Austria Slovakia has now been converted into a regular Interreg IIIA programme on an internal EU border. The Community Initiative Programme (CIP) that has been revised by a decision of the Commission [K (2205) December 2005] forms the basis for this amended Programme Complement. Besides the CIP the following documents are the legal basis of the Programme Complement: the EU regulations laying down provisions for the Structural Funds, in particular Council Regulations (EC) No. 1257/1999[PG1] of , No. 1260/1999[PG2] and No. 1263/1999 of [PG3], Regulations (EC) No. 1783/1999[PG4] and No. 1784/1999 of the European Parliament and the Council of [PG5], Commission Regulations (EC) No. 1681/94 of [PG6], No. 643/2000 of [PG7], No. 1159/2000 of [PG8][PG9], No. 438/2001[PG10] and No. 448/2004 of [PG11], No. 2355/2002 of and No. 1145/2003 of , Commission Staff Working Paper on Guidelines on the criteria and modalities for the use of structural funds in electronic communications SEC(2003)895 of 28 July The structure of the document has not been changed the main changes in the document have been made in the following sections: Chapter 3: the detailed description of the measures has been streamlined to an internal Interreg IIIA programme also indicating that Priority 6 (Special support for Border Regions) does only apply on the Austrian side; Chapter 4: Project selection has been amended following the recomendations of the mid-term and the on-going programme evaluation Chapter 5: The communication plan has been up-dated Chapter 6: The section on data exchange has been up-dated Chapter 7: The financial Plan has been amended All Phare related information has been omitted. However, since the Phare CBC Programme is still in the process of implementation, all relevant regulations remain valid and can be found in the former version of the Programme Complement. Thus the old version of the Programme Complement as well as the JPD still builds the legal basis for the implementation of the Phare CBC Programme Slovakia Austria whereas the CIP and this revised version of the Programme Complement is valid for the implementation of the Interreg IIIA Programme Austria Slovakia. By the end of 2003 the Mid-term evaluation has been carried out. The Mid-term evaluation stated that implementation practice and programm results did not show shortcomings, which would INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 5

6 necessitate a change of the programme s objectives. The recommendations of the ex-ante evaluation have been either already incorporated in the final versions of the programme documents or have been taken into account during implementation. Therefore the chapter on the ex-ante evaluation has been omitted from this document too. Since no substantial changes of the SWOT analysis are necessary the main finding of the ex-ante evaluation is still valid. The ex-ante evaluators stated that the priorities and measures selected respond to the problems and needs identified in the situation analysis. Thus the decision of the programme authorities to continue on the basis of the existing and unchanged programme s objectives and structure (priorities, measures) is considered to be in line with the findings of the mid-term evaluation. INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 6

7 Overview of the priorities and measures 2 OVERVIEW OF THE PRIORITIES AND MEASURES The programme consists of six priority axes comprising a total number of 15 measures. Technical assistance, as seventh priority axes, applies to all six priorities. Priority 6 Special Support for Border Regions is funded from a separate budget line. These funds have been allocated for the year 2002 to the Austrian eligible regions and have to be spent until the end of Figure 1: Overview of the Programme Structure by Priority P1 Cross-border economic Cooperation P2 Accessibility P3 Cross-border Organisational Structures and Networks P4 Human Resources P5 Sustainable Spatial and Environmental Development P6 Special Support for Border Regions Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas Improvement of Crossborder Transport and Telecommunication Infrastructure Support of Crossborder Organisational Structures and Development of Networks Development of Regional Labour Markets within the Context of EU Enlargement Resource Management, Technical Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Supply Special Support for Border Regions Cross-border Cooperation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support for Crossborder Business Activities Transport Organisation, Planning and Logistics Micro-projects including People-to- People Actions and Small Pilots Development of Cooperation and Infrastructure in the Fields of Education, Training and Science Measures for Nature and Environmental Protection including National and Nature Parks Cross-border Spatial Tourism and Leisure Development in Rural and Urban Areas Technical Assistance INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 7

8 Overview of the priorities and measures INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 8

9 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURES Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 1 Contents / Object of the Measure The main objective of this measure is to make border regions more attractive for enterprises by developing and providing assistance for business locations and business service infrastructure such as R&D parks, regional impulse centres, innovation centres and industrial parks, with a specific focus on cross-border activities. The aim is to promote the establishment of new enterprises in border regions and to promote cooperation with partners from other regions. The main focus is on assistance for cooperation between science and business, in particular in those fields in where promising centres of excellence in a cross-border context might emerge. In Vienna and Bratislava a broad range of players in the fields of research, innovation and development could contribute to the development process. Based on the options listed in the CIP projects with the focus in the following areas will be supported: Establishment, operation and co-operation of cross-border-oriented business innovation and information centres (e.g. competence centres, technology transfer centres, impulse centres, science parks, Grenzüberschreitende Impulszentren GIZ (cross-border impulse centres)); providing business services to SMEs, in particular by means of assistance (financial and provision of services), strengthening of the capital base and supporting SMEs with cross-border economic activities Creation of a business-orientated infrastructure for locations near the border Support of cross-border business settlements and economic development projects Support of cross-border co-operation projects between science and business to encourage innovative ideas and to commercialise the output of R&D Dissemination of information of the R&D results INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 9

10 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 2 Goals Promotion and improvement of the conditions for business start-ups in the cross-border area, among other things, by improving the access to capital, loans and services for enterprises and by providing capital and services for cross-border economic activities Development of co-operation between national and international partners, in particular between science and business Improvement of the conditions for business settlements and expansions on both sides of the border region Development of (in a broader sense) cross-border economic core competencies (e.g. telecommunication, transport and logistics, environmental and medical technologies, East-West know-how transfer) Expansion of cross-border business services Guiding SMEs to innovation and technology Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises (especially SMEs) 3 Final Recipients / Final Beneficiaries Austria Enterprises Infrastructure companies Associations Local and regional authorities Natural and legal persons under private and public law and partnerships under civil law Slovakia Associations of Legal Persons (Záujmové združenie právnických osôb) ( 20 písm. f) Občianskeho zákonníka) Civil Associations (Občianske združenie) (zák. Č. 83/1990 Zb.) Foundations (Nadácia) (zák. č. 34/2002 Z. z.) Non-profit Organisations providing Services of Benefit to the Public (Nezisková organizácia poskytujúca všeobecne prospešné služby) (podľa zákona č. 213/1997 Z. z.) Non-investive funds (Neinvestičný fond) (zákon č. 147/1997 Z. z.) Universities (Vysoká škola) (zák. č. 131/2002 Z. z.) Regional School Office (Krajský školský úrad) (zák. č. 596/2003 Z. z.) Slovak Academy of Science (SAV) (zák. č. 133/2002 Z. z.) Municipalities (Obec) (zák. č. 369/1990 Zb.) Regional Self-Governments (Samosprávny kraj) (zák. č. 302/2001 Z. z.) Other Legal Persons under Public Law (e. g. Professional Organisations (Chambers Slovak Tradesman Chamber and Trade and Industrial Chambers)) (Iné právnické osoby verejného práva (Slovenská živnostenská komora a obchodné a priemyselné komory)) Institutions of State Administration (Orgány štátnej správy) State Budgetary Organizations (Rozpočtové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) State Budget Assisted Organisations (Príspevkové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) súkromné školy (private schools) rozpočtové a príspevkové organizácie obce (Budgetary Organizations of Municipality and Budget Assisted Organizations of Municipality) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 10

11 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 4 Formal Criteria for EU Co-financing Economic and organisational capacity of the entity responsible for the project Amount and appropriateness of the costs of the project Secured financing, appropriateness of the ratio between own funds and public assistance (taking into account the possible EU co-financing according to the programme as well as any other national public funds applied for, already granted or promised) Relevant project aim which are in line with sectoral policy objectives (if required, also including statements of other administrative bodies concerned) Fulfilment of the specific requirements for assistance under INTERREG IIIA pursuant to the CIP and the Programme Complement (see item no. 5) Compliance with the criteria for ERDF assistance (pursuant to Council Regulation no. 1783/99) and with the Commission Regulation concerning the eligibility of operations (also Regulation no. 448/04) Compliance with other relevant EU regulations (subsidy laws, rules for the awarding of public contracts, environmental law, etc.) Observance of the condition that any current business of institutions within the framework of their legal mandate or any activities covered by basic subsidies cannot be funded under Interreg IIIA. 5 Specific Criteria for the Project Selection See chapter 4 of the Programme Complement. 6 Eligible Costs As a general rule: Project-related material costs and operating expenses Personnel costs Planning costs Project-related investment costs (e.g. construction, infrastructure, development, machinery, hard/software) Consulting expenses INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 11

12 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 7 Type and Amount of EU Assistance Austria Slovakia Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 50% at max. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 75% at max., in case of projects implemented in Bratislava region 50% at max. In Trnava region co-financing from the state budget amounts to 20 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary amounts to 5 % at min. In Bratislava region co-financing from the state budget is 45 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary is 5 % at min. In cases where the final beneficiary belongs to the state resort, (the state budgetary organizations, state budget assisted organizations), the whole co-financing is ensured from the state budget. It means that in such cases the co-financing from tha state budget in Trnava region amounts to 25 % and cofinancing from the state budget in Bratislava region amounts to 50 %. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 12

13 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 8 Implementation Instruments Legal Basis a) Legal basis for the granting of the EU funds b) Legal basis for the granting of national funds Austria Slovakia a) Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien b) Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien Einzelentscheidungen von Gemeinden in Burgenland, Niederösterreich Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinie für die Gewährung von Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (BMF.-Z /7-II/3/77 of 5 May 1977, as amended) Einzelentscheidungen des Bundes Telematik & C-Tech Wien (Zuschüsse; de minimis) Innovations- und Technologieförderung der Stadt Wien (Zuschüsse; notifizert FTE) Umwelt- und Technologieförderung der Stadt Wien (interest subsidy, duration as from until revoked; de-minimis) Richtlinien des Ziel 1-Programmes Burgenland as amended Eco-Plus-Richtlinien für die regionale Infrastrukturförderung in Niederösterreich (N109/98 duration until ) Richtlinien für die Förderungsaktion der NÖ Grenzlandförderungsgesellschaft ERP-Fonds: Richtlinie ERP-Infrastrukturprogramm Sonderrichtlinie für regionale Impulsförderung RIF a) Decision taken by the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development, Interreg A Management Department acting as National Authority b) zákon č. 291/2002 Z. z. o štátnej pokladnici (Act Number 291/2002 State Treasury) as amended In addition the following regulations have been taken into consideration: Act No 39/1993 Collections on the Supreme Audit Office SR as amended Act No 289/1995 Collections on Value Added Tax as amended Act No 303/1995 Collections on Budgetary Rules as amended Act No 231/1999 Collections on State Aid as amended Act No 263/1999 Collections on Public Procurement as amended Act No 440/2000 Collections on Financial Control Administrations as amended by Act No 150/2001 Collections. Act No 502/2001 Collections on Financial Control and Internal Audit as amended Act No 503/2001 Collections on Regional Development Support as amended Act No 431/2002 Collections on Accounting INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 13

14 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 9 Competent Authority / Contact Point for SF Grants Intermediary Bodies: Austria Burgenland: Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH. (subsidiary, the competent sector department of the Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung) Marktstraße 3, A-7000 Eisenstadt Phone: ++(43)(2682) Fax: ++(43)(2682) Niederösterreich: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abt. RU2, Landhausplatz 1, A-3109 St. Pölten Phone: ++(43)(2742) Fax: ++(43)(2742) Wien: Amt der Wiener Landesregierung, MA 27 EU- Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Rathaus, A-1080 Vienna Phone: ++(43)(1) Fax: ++(43)(1) In the event of difficulties in deciding who is to be responsible, the Managing Authority (Republic of Austria, Federal Chancellery, Department IV/4, Hohenstaufengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna) shall reach a decision on the assignment of a project to a responsible authority for the co-ordination of the project. Slovakia Intermediary Bodies: Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Regional Development Support Agency Spitálska 8, Bratislava Phone: Fax: In close co-operation with the VÚC (Higher Territorial Units): Bratislavský samosprávny kraj Trnavská cesta 8/A, Bratislava Tel : Fax: Trnavský samosprávny kraj Vajanského 2, Trnava Tel : Fax: 10 Code Numbers for Assistance from the Structural Funds 161 investment in physical capital (plant and equipment, co-financing of state aid 162 environment-friendly technologies, clean and economical energy technologies 163 enterprise advisory service (information, business planning, consultancy services, marketing, management, design, internationalisation, exporting, environmental management, purchase of technology) 164 shared business services (business estates, incubator units, stimulation, promotional services, networking, conferences, trade fairs) financial engineering 166 services in support of the social economy (providing care for dependents, health and safety, cultural activities) 167 SME and craft-specific vocational training 182 innovation and technology transfers, establishment of networks and partnerships between businesses and/or research institutes 183 RTDI Infrastructure INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 14

15 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 11 Desired Effects on the Integration of the Border Region Creation of and co-operation in cross-border business centres Enhanced attractiveness of the location area on both sides of the border Cross-border know-how transfer 12 Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation Impact Indicators: To create and expand cross-border business information and communication, and business services structures To improve the overall conditions for building up cross-border co-operation between and among businesses as well as co-operation networks Know-how and technology transfer, networking with science, R&D facilities Common external image / integrated marketing of border regions Reduction of legal and technical barriers Output Indicators: Number of projects providing physical support for SME (plant and equipment etc.) Number of projects providing financial support to introduce environmental technologies or to develop eco-products Number of projects providing business advisory services Number of projects providing support for information networks, operational expenditure, and technology oriented business databases, software, presentations, cooperation meetings, participation in fares etc. Number of projects providing support for building up or furnishing regional impulse centres Number of projects providing new financial engineering (venture and seed capital funds, etc.) for SME; Number of new business launched Number of projects providing services in the support of the social economy (providing care for pendants, health and safety, cultural activities; Number of vocational training and training projects; Number of trainees Number of projects providing support for RTDI infrastructure; Number of projects creating networks or services for knowledge transfer Co-operation Indicators: 5 phases of cross-border co-operation; planned / achieved Gender mainstreaming indicators: the project: has equality between the sexes as its main focus, is positive in terms of male-female equality or is neutral in terms of such equality Environmental Indicator: the project: has the environment as its main focus; is environmentally friendly; is environmentally neutral Location Indicator: the project is: urban; rural; not geographically delimited INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 15

16 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 1: Development and Support of Business Sites and Business Service Infrastructure in Border Areas 13 Financial Plan In EURO Total Total cost of the measure 7,898,485 ERDF National co-financing Public funds Private funds 4,202,364 3,696,121 2,356,997 1,339,124 INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 16

17 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Crossborder Business Activities 1 Contents / Object of the Measure The main goal of this measure is to strengthen the economic structures in border regions through the support of an active structural transformation process. Due to Vienna and Bratislava a large number of SMEs is located in the Austrian-Slovak border region. However in particular with regard to the fact that considerable shares of these enterprisers rank among the small firms the SMEs reveal serious deficits with regard to technology, innovation, exports or cooperation. Moreover due to the fact that the border regions have been separated for several decades the dynamic structural transformation process heading for internationalisation makes it difficult for SMEs to efficiently take advantage of the opportunities offered by cross-border economic structures and regional production and service competencies. Specific services and assistance actions could help to intensify cross-border supply and demand relations, improve cooperation networks and enhance joint marketing efforts aimed at reinforcing the (international) competitive situation. This measure is designed for targeted assistance to cross-border business cooperation and consulting services in order to better exploit potential synergy effects. The main driving force behind this development process is SMEs. The measure is targeted at helping SMEs become the most important drivers with respect to employment and GDP-growth of economic development. The measure is especially geared to SMEs that attain high value added. Relying on the options listed in the CIP projects with the focus in the following areas will be supported: Support of economic co-operation and co-operation of and with R&D institutions; support of joint development of new products and new production processes, including marketing and advertising activities (e.g. industry and agriculture), development of qualification associations of enterprises (e.g. management skills) Building up cross-border business co-operation networks and platforms (e.g. supply and demand networks, SMEs & joint ventures, business broking and clustering) for all sectors Supporting of existing platforms of innovative companies in order to encourage innovative ideas and to commercialise outputs of R&D Accompanying consultancy and coaching of cross-border economic activities (e.g. export/import, advice on implications of differences in legal systems) Development of new cross-border business services including private and social services (e.g. technology transfer, information distribution, consultancy) Building up information systems and support for the implementation of events (partner search fora, trade fairs, information on financing etc.) Supporting analyses and studies with the focus on the contents of this measure Support for changing the traditional structures of production (e.g. agriculture) through know-how transfer, increasing producer awareness of niche markets, speciality markets and opportunities to increase local and regional added value INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 17

18 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 2 Goals Development of regional core competencies (e.g. telecommunications, transport and logistics, environmental and medical technologies, East-West know-how transfer) Intensified business co-operation projects (esp. SMEs) in the border area in order to strengthen the region s economic power and fostering export activities Increasing the innovative power and competitiveness of enterprises (esp. SMEs) Safeguarding and expanding employment in the industrial and service sectors in the border regions Awareness-reaising for opportunities in economic cooperation, generation of added value and the development of innovative enterprises 3 Final Recipients / Final Beneficiaries Austria Enterprises Alliances of enterprises Infrastructure companies Associations Local and regional authorities Natural and legal persons under private and public law and partnerships under civil law Slovakia Associations of Legal Persons (Záujmové združenie právnických osôb) ( 20 písm. f) Občianskeho zákonníka) Civil Associations (Občianske združenie) (zák. Č. 83/1990 Zb.) Foundations (Nadácia) (zák. č. 34/2002 Z. z.) Non-profit Organisations providing Services of Benefit to the Public (Nezisková organizácia poskytujúca všeobecne prospešné služby) (podľa zákona č. 213/1997 Z. z.) Non-investive funds (Neinvestičný fond) (zákon č. 147/1997 Z. z.) Universities (Vysoká škola) (zák. č. 131/2002 Z. z.) Regional School Office (Krajský školský úrad) (zák. č. 596/2003 Z. z.) Slovak Academy of Science (SAV) (zák. č. 133/2002 Z. z.) Municipalities (Obec) (zák. č. 369/1990 Zb.) Regional Self-Governments (Samosprávny kraj) (zák. č. 302/2001 Z. z.) Other Legal Persons under Public Law (e. g. Professional Organisations (Chambers Slovak Tradesman chamber and Trade and Industrial Chambers) ) (Iné právnické osoby verejného práva (Slovenská živnostenská komora a obchodné a priemyselné komory)) Institutions of State Administration (Orgány štátnej správy) State Budgetary Organizations (Rozpočtové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) State Budget Assisted Organizations (Príspevkové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) súkromné školy (private schools) rozpočtové a príspevkové organizácie obce (Budgetary Organizations of Municipality and Budget Assisted Organizations of Municipality) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 18

19 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 4 Formal Criteria for EU Co-financing ERDF Economic and organisational capacity of the entity responsible for the project Amount and appropriateness of the costs of the project Secured financing, appropriateness of the ratio between own funds and public assistance (taking into account the possible EU co-financing according to the programme as well as any other national public funds applied for, already granted or promised) Relevant project aim which are in line with sectoral policy objectives (if required, also including statements of other administrative bodies concerned) Fulfilment of the specific requirements for assistance under INTERREG IIIA pursuant to the CIP and the Programme Complement (see item no. 5) Compliance with the criteria for ERDF assistance (pursuant to Council Regulation no. 1783/99) and with the Commission Regulation concerning the eligibility of operations (also Regulation no. 448/04) Compliance with other relevant EU regulations (subsidy laws, rules for the awarding of public contracts, environmental law, etc.) Observance of the condition that any current business of institutions within the framework of their legal mandate or any activities covered by basic subsidies cannot be funded under Interreg IIIA. 5 Specific Criteria for the Project Selection See chapter 4 of the Programme Complement. 6 Eligible Costs As a general rule: Project-related material costs and operating expenses Personnel costs Planning costs Project-related investment costs (e.g. hard/software) Consulting expenses INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 19

20 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 7 Type and Amount of EU Assistance Austria Slovakia Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 50% at max. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 75% at max., in case of projects implemented in Bratislava region 50% at max. In Trnava region co-financing from the state budget amounts to 20 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary amounts to 5 % at min. In Bratislava region co-financing from the state budget is 45 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary is 5 % at min. In cases where the final beneficiary belongs to the state resort, (state budgetary organizations, state budget assisted organizations) the whole co-financing is ensured from the state budget. It means that in such cases the co-financing from tha state budget in Trnava region amounts to 25 % and cofinancing from the state budget in Bratislava region amounts to 50 %. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 20

21 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 8 Implementation Instruments Legal Basis a) Legal basis for the granting of the EU funds b) Legal basis for the granting of national funds Austria Slovakia a) a) Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, Decision taken by the Ministry of Construction and Regional Niederösterreich, Wien Development, Interreg A Management Department acting as b) National Authority Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, b) Niederösterreich, Wien zákon č. 291/2002 Z. z. o štátnej pokladnici (Act Number Einzelentscheidungen von Gemeinden in Burgenland, 291/2002 State Treasury) as amended Niederösterreich Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinie für die Gewährung von In addition the following regulations have been taken into Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (BMF.-Z /7-II/3/77 of 5 consideration: May 1977, as amended) Einzelentscheidungen des Bundes Act No 39/1993 Collections on the Supreme Audit Office SR as Telematik & C-Tech Wien (Zuschüsse, de minimis) amended Öko Business Plan der Stadt Wien (Zuschüsse, de minimis) Act No 289/1995 Collections on Value Added Tax as amended Nahversorgungs Starthilfe der Stadt Wien (Zuschüsse, de Act No 303/1995 Collections on Budgetary Rules as amended minimis) Strukturverbesserungsaktion der Stadt Wien (Zuschüsse, Act No 231/1999 Collections on State Aid as amended notifiziert KMU) Act No 263/1999 Collections on Public Procurement as Innovations- und Technologieförderung der Stadt Wien amended (Zuschüsse, notifiziert FTE) Act No 440/2000 Collections on Financial Control Richtlinien des Ziel 1-Programmes Burgenland as Administrations as amended by Act No 150/2001 Collections. amendedeco-plus-richtlinie für regionale betriebliche Investitionsprojekte in Niederösterreich (N 109/98, duration Act No 502/2001 Collections on Financial Control and Internal until ) Audit as amended Richtlinien für die Förderungsaktion der NÖ Act No 503/2001 Collections on Regional Development Grenzlandförderungsgesellschaft Support as amended Richtlinien für die Förderung der Markterschließung des Landes Niederösterreich NÖ d 24 Act No 431/2002 Collections on Accounting Richtlinien für die Förderung von Kooperationen des Landes Niederösterreich NÖ d 25 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (BMWA): Einzelentscheidung Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT): Sonderrichtlinie Produktfindung Richtlinien für die Gewährung von Förderungen gemäß Innovations- und Technologiefondsgesetz (ITFG) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 21

22 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 9 Competent Authority / Contact Point for SF Grants Intermediary Bodies: Austria Burgenland: Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH. (subsidiary, the competent sector department of the Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung) Marktstraße 3, A-7000 Eisenstadt Phone: ++(43)(2682) Fax: ++(43)(2682) Slovakia Intermediary Bodies: Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Regional Development Support Agency Spitálska 8, Bratislava Phone: Fax: Niederösterreich: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung, Abt. RU2, Landhausplatz 1, A-3109 St. Pölten Phone: ++(43)(2742) Fax: ++(43)(2742) Wien: Amt der Wiener Landesregierung, MA 27 EU- Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Rathaus, A-1080 Vienna Phone: ++(43)(1) Fax: ++(43)(1) In the event of difficulties in deciding who is to be responsible, the Managing Authority (Republic of Austria, Federal Chancellery, Department IV/4, Hohenstaufengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna) shall reach a decision on the assignment of a project to a responsible authority for the co-ordination of the project. In close co-operation with the VÚC (Higher Territorial Units): Bratislavský samosprávny kraj Trnavská cesta 8/A, Bratislava Tel : Fax: Trnavský samosprávny kraj Vajanského 2, Trnava Tel : Fax: INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 22

23 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 10 Code Numbers for Assistance from the Structural Funds 161 Investment in physical capital (plant and equipment, co-financing of state aids) 162 environment-friendly technologies, clean and economical energy technologies 163 enterprise advisory service (information, business planning, consultancy services, marketing, management, design, internationalisation, exporting, environmental management, purchase of technology) 164 shared business services (business estates, incubator units, stimulation, promotional services, networking, conferences, trade fairs) 165 financial engineering 166 services in support of the social economy (providing care for dependents, health and safety, cultural activities) 182 innovation and technology transfers, establishment of networks and partnerships between businesses and/or research institutes 184 training for researchers 167 SME-and craft-specific vocational training 113 agriculture-specific vocational training 128 forestry-specific vocation training 1305 basic services for the rural economy and population 1307 diversification of agricultural activities and activities close to agriculture, to provide multiple activities or alternative incomes 11 Desired Effects on the Integration of the Border Region Cross-border co-operation projects of enterprises, networks and clusters Enhanced attractiveness of the location area on both sides of the border Cross-border know-how transfer INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 23

24 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 2: Cross-border Co-operation of Enterprises (SMEs) and Counselling and Support of Cross-border Business Activities 12 Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation Impact Indicators: Expansion of market / integrated development of offerings, marketing and external image Integrated production (factor combinations) and development of services, building up of supply and delivery relationships Intensifying partner searches, and the development and creation of co-operation projects and networks Know-how and technology transfer, consulting, common services for enterprises Support for co-operation among enterprises in sectors experiencing strong structural changes Output Indicators: Number of projects providing physical support for SME (plant and equipment etc.) [number of jobs created] Number of projects providing financial support to introduce environmental technologies or to develop eco-products Number of projects providing business advisory services Number of projects providing support for information networks, operational expenditure, and technology oriented business databases, software, presentations, cooperation meetings, participation in fares etc. Number of projects providing support for building up or furnishing regional impulse centres Number of projects providing new financial engineering (venture and seed capital funds, etc.) for SME; Number of new business launched Number of projects providing services in the support of the social economy (providing care for pendants, health and safety, cultural activities; Number of projects providing support for RTDI infrastructure; Number of projects creating networks or services for knowledge transfer Number of vocational training and training projects (rural development, forestry, SMEs); number of trainees Number of projects providing services for promoting the adoption and the development of rural areas Cooperation Indicators: 5 phases of crossborder cooperation; planned / achieved Gender mainstreaming indicators: the project: has equality between the sexes as its main focus, is positive in terms of male-female equality or is neutral in terms of such equality Environmental Indicator: the project: has the environment as its main focus; is environmental friendly; is environmentally neutral Location Indicator: the project is: urban; rural; not geographically delimited 13 Financial Plan In EURO Total Total cost of the measure 5,221,133 ERDF National co-financing Public funds Private funds 2,864,500 2,356,833 1,845, ,266 INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 24

25 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure 1 Contents / Object of the Measure The broad range of tourist and leisure time facilities in the region with offers in culture, sports, nature, wellness and health are the basis for developing cross-border tourism activities in line with the intended intensity of tourism and the stage of development in the sub-regions. In order to strengthen the border region s position on national and international markets, it is important to increase the scope and variety of tourism and leisure time facilities as well as to establish sound marketing adjusted to the interests of various target groups at national and international levels. Due to the fact that a considerable number of sensitive and vulnerable areas is located in the progamme area the developments have to take nature and environmental protection into account. An efficient development of tourism industries requires coordination networks at several levels. Actions as part of this measure should also seek to create new as well as to strengthen existing networks with corss-border focus in tourism. Relying on the options listed in the CIP projects with the focus in the following areas will be supported: Extension: and improvement of activities in health, wellness, congress and cultural tourism, nature tourism Development of joint destinations and destination management Networks of facilities and tourist offers Joint marketing of the border regions Development of joint and harmonised attractions Development of a joint soft tourist infrastructure Building up and developing of joint information, reservation etc. Systems for collaboration in tourism and leisure Support of know-how transfer activities (e.g. practical experiences from existing local/regional tourist boards) Support of agro-tourism activities 2 Goals Joint development, enhanced attractiveness and modernisation of cross-border tourist and leisure facilities, products and services Using the potential for synergy effects with other sectors (tourism-induced demand effects) Highlighting the special features of the joint region Joint appearance on international markets (broader spectrum of tourist and leisure facilities/services) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 25

26 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure 3 Final Recipients / Final Beneficiaries Austria Enterprises Infrastructure companies Associations Local and regional authorities Local tourist boards Regional tourist boards Provincial tourist boards Natural and legal persons under private and public law and partnerships under civil law Slovakia Associations of Legal Persons (Záujmové združenie právnických osôb) ( 20 písm. f) Občianskeho zákonníka) Civil Associations (Občianske združenie) (zák. Č. 83/1990 Zb.) Foundations (Nadácia) (zák. č. 34/2002 Z. z.) Non-profit Organisations providing Services of Benefit to the Public (Nezisková organizácia poskytujúca všeobecne prospešné služby) (podľa zákona č. 213/1997 Z. z.) Non-investive funds (Neinvestičný fond) (zákon č. 147/1997 Z. z.) Universities (Vysoká škola) (zák. č. 131/2002 Z. z.) Regional School Office (Krajský školský úrad) (zák. č. 596/2002 Z. z.) Slovak Academy of Science (SAV) (zák. č. 133/2002 Z. z.) Municipalities (Obec) (zák. č. 369/1990 Zb.) Regional Self-Governments (Samosprávny kraj) (zák. č. 302/2001 Z. z.) Other Legal Persons under Public Law (e. g. Professional Organisations (Chambers chambers constituted by individual act: e. g. Slovak Forestry Chamber, Slovak Chamber of Auditors, Slovak Tradesman Chamber, Slovak Chamber of Doctors, Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Grocery, Slovak Chamber of Veterinary of SR and chambers constituted on the base of the act with wider object: Slovak Chamber of Architects and Slovak Chamber of Engineers)) (Iné právnické osoby verejného práva (Komory zriadené osobitným zákonom: Slovenská lesnícka komora, Slovenská komora audítorov, Slovenská komora sestier a pôrodných asistentiek, Slovenská živnostenská komora, Slovenská lekárska komora, Slovenská lekárnicka komora, Slovenská komora výcvikových zariadení autoškôl, Komora kominárov Slovenska, Slovenskej živnostenská komora, Slovenská banská komora, Slovenská komora daňových poradcov, Komora geodetov a kartografov, Komora reštaurátorov, Slovenská komora psychológov, Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potravinárska komora, Slovenská komora vysokoškolsky vzdelaných zdravotníckych pracovníkov, Slovenská komora stredných zdravotníckych pracovníkov, Slovenská komora zubných technikov, Slovenská komora zubných lekárov, Komora veterinárnych lekárov Slovenskej republiky a Komory zriadené na základe zákona so širším predmetom:slovenská komora architektov a Slovenská komora stavebných inžinierov)) Institutions of State Administration (Orgány štátnej správy) State Budgetary Ortganizations (Rozpočtové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) State Budget Assisted Organisations (Príspevkové organizácie štátu) (zák. č. 303/1995 Z. z.) Ecclelesiastical Organizations (Cirkevné organizácie) (zák. č. 308/1991) súkromné školy (private schools) rozpočtové a príspevkové organizácie obce (Budgetary Organizations of Municipality and Budget Assisted Organizations of Municipality) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 26

27 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure 4 Formal Criteria for EU Co-financing Economic and organisational capacity of the entity responsible for the project Amount and appropriateness of the costs of the project Secured financing, appropriateness of the ratio between own funds and public assistance (taking into account the possible EU co-financing according to the programme as well as any other national public funds applied for, already granted or promised) Relevant project aim which are in line with sectoral policy objectives (if required, also including statements of other administrative bodies concerned) Fulfilment of the specific requirements for assistance under INTERREG IIIA pursuant to the CIP and the Programme Complement (see item no. 5) Compliance with the criteria for ERDF assistance (pursuant to Council Regulation no. 1783/99) and with the Commission Regulation concerning the eligibility of operations (also Regulation no. 448/04) Compliance with other relevant EU regulations (subsidy laws, rules for the awarding of public contracts, environmental law, etc.) Observance of the condition that any current business of institutions within the framework of their legal mandate or any activities covered by basic subsidies cannot be funded under Interreg IIIA. 5 Specific Criteria for the Project Selection See chapter 4 of the Programme Complement. 6 Eligible Costs As a general rule: Project-related material costs and operating expenses Personnel costs Planning costs Project-related investment costs (e.g. construction, infrastructure, development, machinery, hard/software) Consulting expenses INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 27

28 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure 7 Type and Amount of EU Assistance Austria Slovakia Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 50% at max. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. Unrecoverable assistance, according to programme 75% at max., in case of projects implemented in Bratislava region 50% at max. In Trnava region co-financing from the state budget amounts to 20 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary amounts to 5 % at min. In Bratislava region co-financing from the state budget is 45 % at max. and co-financing from the final beneficiary is 5 % at min. In cases where the final beneficiary belongs to the state resort, (state budgetary organizations, state budget assisted organizations), the whole co-financing is ensured from the state budget. It means that in such cases the co-financing from tha state budget in Trnava region amounts to 25 % and cofinancing from the state budget in Bratislava region amounts to 50 %. It has to be stated that the maximum amount of permissible assistance for a specific project according to EU competition law composed of financial support from EU Structural Funds and national funds will not be exceeded. INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 28

29 Priority Axis 1 / Measure 3: Tourism and Leisure 8 Implementation Instruments Legal Basis a) Legal basis for the granting of the EU funds b) Legal basis for the granting of national funds Austria a) Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien b) Einzelentscheidungen der Länder Burgenland, Niederösterreich, Wien Einzelentscheidungen von Gemeinden in Burgenland, Niederösterreich Allgemeine Rahmenrichtlinie für die Gewährung von Förderungen aus Bundesmitteln (BMF.-Z /7-II/3/77 of 5 May 1977, as amended) Einzelentscheidungen des Bundes Richtlinien des Ziel 1-Programmes Burgenland as amended Eco-Plus-Richtlinien für die regionale Infrastrukturförderung in Niederösterreich (N109/98 duration until ) NÖ Kulturförderungsgesetz LGBl.5301; Richtlinien für die Förderung nach dem NÖ Kulturförderungsgesetz 1996 NÖ.F.I.T.2006TOP (Investitionsförderung) N 157/96 NÖ.F.I.T.2006INFRA (Investitionsförderung investment assistance not subject to competition law) NÖ.F.I.T.2006PROFIL (Softwareförderung) N 16 ERP-Fonds: Richtlinie ERP Tourismusprogramm Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (BMWA): - TOP-Tourismus-Förderung Slovakia a) Decision taken by the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development, Interreg A Management Department acting as National Authority b) zákon č. 291/2002 Z. z. o štátnej pokladnici (Act Number 291/2002 State Treasury) as amended In addition the following regulations have been taken into consideration: Act No 39/1993 Collections on the Supreme Audit Office SR as amended Act No 289/1995 Collections on Value Added Tax as amended Act No 303/1995 Collections on Budgetary Rules as amended Act No 231/1999 Collections on State Aid as amended Act No 263/1999 Collections on Public Procurement as amended Act No 440/2000 Collections on Financial Control Administrations as amended by Act No 150/2001 Collections. Act No 502/2001 Collections on Financial Control and Internal Audit as amended Act No 503/2001 Collections on Regional Development Support as amended - Einzelentscheidung Act No 431/2002 Collections on Accounting Einzelentscheidung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (BMBWK) Einzelentscheidung des Bundeskanzleramtes (BKA) INTERREG IIIA Austria Slovakia 29


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