NASGO blockchain asset & dapp platform.

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1 NASGO blockchain asset & dapp platform 1

2 0 What is NASGO 4 1 Summary Dapp Store Blockchain Assets pegged sidechains NASGO Users Structure Enterprises End-User 9 2 Technique Specification Consensus Delegates PBFT Account Model Multi-signatures Clients 14 3 System Features Network fees Peer-to-Peer 18 4 Scenarios 18 2

3 4.1 Economic freedom Media freedom Communication freedom 20 5 Conclusion 21 3

4 0 What is NASGO NASGO is a Blockchain application platform, established in early Based on its own Blockchain network and token NSG, NASGO will enable developers to create, distribute and manage decentralized Blockchain applications by deploying their own sidechain linked to the NASGO network, including a custom token. Thanks to the flexibility of sidechains, developers can implement and customize their Blockchain applications entirely. 4

5 Item Project Name Description Stage Standalone Client Open Source Symbol Initial Supply Consensus algorithm Description NASGO Blockchain Assets & Dapp platform Test Stage Yes Yes NSG 1,010,000,000 NSG Dpos PBFT 1 Summary 1.1 Dapp Store Decentralized applications or Blockchain applications are exactly what the name suggests. Applications of any sort running on many servers, providing unseen security, uptime and entirely new business models. A powerful component of the NASGO application platform, is that it allows the deployment, distribution and management of decentralized applications all in one place with a seamless user experience.nasgo offers SMEs an environment where they have full control to create Dapps based on their own blockchain network(sidechain), 5

6 NASGO's Dapp Store will give SMEs unprecedented access to hundreds of millions of customers in a decentralized way. 1.2 Blockchain Assets NASGO provides an easy-to-use client that you can issue a blockchain asset without writting even a line of code, the asset in NASGO system can represent gold, stock or any other type of asset. These assets can be traded with NASGO transferred in sidechain in a decentralized way, and with any other currencies in a centralized exchange. 6

7 1.3 pegged sidechains NASGO system provides a command tool by which developers can easily create a basic sidechain system. Developers are also able to fully customize their sidechain system, including its own database, consensus algorithm, trading mode and account architecture. 7

8 Sidechain system can be hosted in the clusters of nodes of individual delegates, so that a partitioned mechanism can be naturally generated hence avoid the rapid expansion of the main blockchain. NASGO propose a new technology, pegged sidechains, which enables NASGO and other ledger assets to be transferred between multiple blockchains. This gives users access to new and innovative cryptocurrency systems using the assets they already own. By reusing NASGO s currency, these systems can more easily interoperate with each other and with NSG, avoiding the liquidity shortages and market fluctuations associated with new currencies. Since sidechains are separate systems, technical and economic innovation is not hindered. Despite bidirectional transferability between NASGO and pegged sidechains, they are isolated: in the case of a crypto graphic break (or malicious design) in a sidechain, the damage is entirely confined to the sidechain itself. 1.4 NASGO Users Structure Enterprises The tools provided by NASGO can be used to easily create a complete blockchain, and more importantly, this blockchain can be pegged into main chain of NASGO or even the blockchain of Bitcoin, thereby connected with well-developed electronic currency. It is a 8

9 very attractive feature that is suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) especially start-up companies. SMEs can utilize blockchain technology to provide the information and data that were enclosed inside companies or Internet in the past, and to connect with the system data owned by authority so that they can promote the business publicity and improve the companies image. Consequently more trustiness can be brought to the investors and financial institutions to make it easy to get the funds or contracts. It is inevitable for SMEs to public their business information. SMEs found it is difficult to prevent social community to know their secrets. Therefore we can assume that blockchain will play a vital role in SMEs everyday business activities End-User Individual users can download, install and use numbers of decentralized applications through NASGO built-in app store, which is similar with application store in current smart phone. NASGO supports different kinds of decentralized application on which end users can make profit by contributing the program or content. It is possible for developers and users to create a vivid ecosystem together. 2 Technique Specification 9

10 2.1 Consensus NASGO is based on the DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism. This method of consensus was originally created by the BitShares team. DPoS is based on delegates creating blocks. Delegates are trusted accounts which are elected to be Active Delegates. The 101 delegate accounts with the most votes create the blocks. Other delegates are listed as Standby Delegates, and can advance to the top 101 list by receiving votes from the other NASGO owners. All users of NASGO have 101 votes available to elect their favorite delegates into the top 101 list. The weight of each of the 101 votes is proportional to the amount of NSG the user has in the wallet the votes are cast from. This total amount is shown on the delegate list as an Approval, and is listed as a percentage of the 100 million NSG available that is voted for that delegate. Delegate promotion to the top 101 or demotion to the standby list happens at the completion of the 101 block generation cycle. Each cycle of 101 blocks is created by the top 101 delegates in random order. The block time is 10 seconds. Newly created blocks are broadcast to the network and added to the blockchain. After 6 to 10 confirmations, a block, along with its transactions, can be considered as confirmed. A complete 101 block generation cycle takes approximately 16 minutes. 10

11 In DPoS, forks can occur, but the longest fork wins. Delegates must be online all of the time and have sufficient uptime. Uptime is used to catalogue the reliability of a node by logging each time that it misses a block that was assigned to it. Users vote for the top 101 delegates based on several factors, uptime being one key factor used to make a determination. If a delegate drops below a certain rating, users may remove votes from the delegate in question due to poor performance. 2.2 Delegates The function of delegates is covered above in the Consensus section. 11

12 To be a delegate, a user needs to register a delegate account. This is accomplished from the client user interface in either the full or lite wallet. Keep in mind that block generation is only possible in the full wallet. This means that you can register a delegate in either version of the wallet but will only be able to perform the delegate functions from a full version of the client. The account number and username will be the same after the delegate registration. All NASGO accounts are eligible to become delegates. New delegates start as standby delegates. Standby delegates begin with an approval rating of 0% and will need to accrue votes from the NASGO community in order to advance to be one of the top 101 delegates. Block generation is performed by the top 101 delegates only. If you are in standby status, you will not forge any blocks. 2.3 PBFT NASGO applied an optimized variant algorithm of PBFT, which can make loyal nodes reach an agreement, i.e., not fork, in O(n^2) message complexity and O(1) time complexity when t < n/3. Here t refers to the number of Byzantine node (on which any situation can happen, such as network delay, machine shutdown, or malicious attacks) and n refers to the number of all nodes. 2.4 Account Model 12

13 Every account in NASGO system consists of one passphrase, a pair of public/private key and an address. Users can also set their own secondary secure code. Note that the difference with Bitcoin here is that each account is related to only one address, instead of multiple addresses and private keys related to one wallet in Bitcoin. Passphrase is a mnemonics used to produce real wallet in line with BIP39 standard. The mnemonics is much easier to remember for people than other binary or hexadecimal characteristics. The way in which a passphrase is generated is to convert entropy on a multiple of 32bit into several words, particular in NASGO system, the length of entropy is 128bit and it will be converted into 12 words. The passphrase, as a top-level password, is maintained by users 13

14 instead of published in public. Once users lost their passphrase they would lost the ownership of their account 2.5 Multi-signatures NASGO allows users to create a multi-signature group. A multi-signature group consists of several NASGO users, called group members. Transactions from multi-signature groups can be configured to require some or all signatories for approval. To achieve this a M of N multi-signature architecture is implemented. All members of a multi-signature group (N) are added, up to a maximum of 16 signatories, and then the required number (M) of signatures needed to approve a transaction is specified. M must be greater than 1 and less than or equal than N. N is the number of members of the multi-signature group. Once you initiate a transaction from the multi-signature group, all members will see this pending transaction and decide whether to approve or ignore it. Once the required number of confirmations has been collected, the group will allow the transaction and submit it to the blockchain. The owners of a multi-signature group may change the rules of the group at any time with the approval of at least M of the signatories. 2.6 Clients 14

15 a)nasgo Node (Windows MAC OS Linux): The full client is the best solution for super users, delegates and developers. It is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Though it is only possible to be a delegate with the Linux client. Lite client users can connect to the full clients to access the network. 15

16 They can also use them to make API calls, if it is allowed by the full client owner. All full client users download the blockchain from each other through a peer-to-peer connection. Dapp users can use the lite client for accessing their installed dapps as well. The dapps API and the peers API are available to developers. They make it possible to quickly and easily create JavaScript dapps using nw.js2 or Electron3 b)nasgo Lite (Web Windows Mac OS Linux IOS Android): An ordinary user usually use NASGO-Lite to manage his/her NASGO account. NASGO- Litecan run on Windows and Mac OSX platform. NASGO-Lite links with other nodes through HTTP protocol, which have several advantages: first, no blockchain data downloaded would keep the volume small; second, no private key broadcasted to network make it possible to make all types of trade since all the data will be signed locally. The mobile client allows the user to access their NASGO account while on the go. It will be available for both ios and Android and featured in the Apple and Google Play app stores.the backend infrastructure for the mobile client will mirror that of our desktop solution. The real change comes in the form of additions and tweaks to the user interface which will allow for a tailored experience on mobile devices. The app has been custom designed to provide a familiar and easy to use mobile interface, much like the Bitcoin or Banking apps you already use on a daily basis. It will also allow you to launch all of your favorite dapps from within the app itself. In the future, we plan to integrate device specific 16

17 functionalities like the ability to utilize the fingerprint or retinal scan capabilities for added security on your account. 3 System Features 3.1 Network fees All valid transactions in the network must be processed. Delegates process transactions and store them in new blocks. For this work, the delegates receive a fee. All transactions in the network must contain some type of fee as a spam countermeasure. The default network fee for sending an NSG transaction is 0.5%. For example, a 100 NSG transaction includes an additional fee of 0.5 NSG for a total transaction cost of NSG.The following is a list of fees for different types of transactions: item fee sent for a spend transaction 0.5% registering a second passphrase registering as an asset issuer registering an asset issue an asset vote register a dapp 5 NSG 500 NSG 100 NSG 0.1 NSG 0.1 NSG 100 NSG 17

18 Property rights As metioned above, NASGO can enable the safe digital storage and transfer of titles of ownership of virtually any asset. The permanence of record-keeping provides a kind of guarantee that may be completely novel in some parts of the world. In places that are particularly susceptible to government seizure of assets, a blockchainregistering as a delegate 100 NSG Delegates receive the fees from all transactions of the last block cycle (101 blocks). Fees are split equally between all delegates who created a block in that cycle. Delegates who missed creating a block assigned to them during that cycle are not paid. 3.2 Peer-to-Peer We are using a standard P2P network[5], which works on top of the http protocol, and uses json formatted data as a method of data inter-change. The P2P module captures the following information about each peer:version OS IP Port 4 Scenarios 4.1 Economic freedom Core tenets of economic liberty include property rights, lack of reliance on central authorities, privacy, and equality of opportunity. NASGO can advance each of these principles: 18

19 based record keeping system leaves the possibility that wrongs can be righted. Imagine a dictator launches a successful coup in a small country, burning the physical records of land ownership and forcing people off their land and redistributing it to his cronies. If that regime falls, sorting out who owns what could lead to chaos or even war. But if those records had been kept in a blockchain, it would be far easier to go back and return assets to their rightful owners, who would hold their encrypted identities. Lack of central intermediaries Blockchain technology allows such a private currency to arise without a government or a private central entity to issue notes and establish trust. In fact, blockchain transactions are often called trustless, meaning that two parties don t have to trust each other or a central authority to conduct a transaction. This term is something of a misnomer, however, because trust naturally emerges from the system, bottom-up rather than top-down. Users of a platform could also agree in advance to use a mediation body to settle more complex contractual disputes. Opportunity Many people in developing nations currently have no access to banking services, due to lack of supply or lack of verifiable identity. Blockchain provides a cheap, easy way to accomplish both from the ground up, with no redistribution of wealth. Putting these people, along with their work and ideas, on the financial map at little cost would only be positive for the global economy. 4.2 Media freedom 19

20 We are basically living in an information age plagued by arbitrary censorship and digital amnesia, affecting every Internet user. blockchain is a digital event registry shared by millions of computers connected across the globe. It transfers and stores confidential information in a permanent and anonymous safe space, without intermediaries. It can only be updated if most of the people included in the system agree to, and, once entered, the information can never be deleted. Blockchain allows to create a historic tamper-proof record, reliable and rigorous, of each content producer, and can also become an ally for the freedom of press, in those countries where it is particularly threatened. No government or institution can control blockchain, 4.3 Communication freedom most people are not passionate about security, privacy and decentralization enough yet. We in the modern world are trading privacy for security and every conversation, interaction or opinion will be recorded for eternity. That is a dangerous development. we all should have a right to forget, a right to delete our foolish mistakes from the past so that we can mature in the future. 20

21 with an ever-faster growing world, people will discover new demands and passions for more privacy and security. After the WhatsApp shutdown in Brazil December 2015 and the active censorship of social media in China and Europe people realize that their right of free speech has been compromised. The are hungry for a new decentralized messenger that cannot be shut down, cannot be censored, and is very hard to hack. NASGO will be able to live encrypt and decentralize all voice-, video-, chat messages and wallets to protect our users. 5 Conclusion we believe Blockchain technology could revolutionise banking, payments and a host of allied activities. Like every revolution preceding it, Blockchain too is giving rise to fears of job loss and redundancy. But actually every revolution in the past - whether it was the development of agriculture or the invention of electricity, radio, railroad or aircraft - has made human lives better than before. It is the same with the digital revolution, which, by giving us the tools of Internet and Mobility, has helped us to become more innovative and efficient, and amplified our potential in countless other ways 21

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