Hong Kong, China. Goal 01 - No poverty. Target International poverty International poverty

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1 : SDG datasheet Goal 01 - No poverty Target International poverty Target International poverty International poverty (xx) indicates the year Employed population living in poverty ($1.90 a day 2011 PPP) % of total employed (15+) 0 (16) 9.4 (16) % of employed female (15+) 0 (16) 8.7 (16) % of employed male (15+) 0 (16) 9.8 (16) % of total employed (25+) 0 (16) 9.1 (16) % of employed female (25+) 0 (16) 8.5 (16) % of employed male (25+) 0 (16) 9.4 (16) % of employed female (15-24) 0 (16) 11.1 (16) % of total employed (15-24) 0 (16) 10.2 (16) % of employed male (15-24) 0 (16) 11.7 (16) Target National poverty Target National poverty National poverty Poverty according to national dimensions Target Social protection Target Social protection Social protection floors/systems Social health protection % of population (10) - Employed population covered in the event of work injury % of employed population 85.6 (13) - Target Equal rights Target Equal rights Household access to basic services Land tenure rights Target Resilience of poor and vulnerable Target Resilience of poor and vulnerable Deaths/missing from disasters Economic loss from disasters National disaster risk reduction strategy Local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national strategy Target 1.a - Resources mobilization Target 1.a - Resources mobilization 1.a.1 Domestic resources to poverty reduction 1.a.2 Government spending on education/health/social protection Public expenditure on education % of total gov. expenditure 18.6 (15) - 1.a.3 Grants allocated to poverty reduction Target 1.b - Policy frameworks Target 1.b - Policy frameworks 1.b.1 Government spending benefiting vulnerable groups SDG Datasheet

2 Target End hunger Target End hunger Prevalence of undernourishment Food insecurity in the population Moderate or severe food insecurity in the population % of population 8.8 (15) - % of female population 8.4 (15) - % of male population 9.2 (15) - % of rural population 21.8 (15) - % of urban population 8.0 (15) - Severe food insecurity in the population % of population 1.1 (15) - % of female population 0.8 (15) - % of male population 1.4 (15) - % of rural population 0.9 (15) - % of urban population 0.9 (15) - Target End malnutrition Target End malnutrition Prevalence of stunting Prevalence of malnutrition Target Agricultural productivity and income Income of small-scale food producers Target Sustainable food production Area under productive and sustainable agriculture Target Genetic diversity Conservation of genetic resources for food and agriculture Local breeds at risk of extinction Target 2.a - Agricultural productive capacity investments 2.a.1 Agriculture orientation index 2.a.2 Official flows to the agriculture sector Target 2.b - Trade restriction in agricultural markets 2.b.1 Agricultural export subsidies Target 2.c - Food commodity markets 2.c.1 Food price anomalies Goal 02 - Zero hunger Target Agricultural productivity and income Target Sustainable food production Target Genetic diversity Target 2.a - Agricultural productive capacity investments Target 2.b - Trade restriction in agricultural markets Target 2.c - Food commodity markets Goal 03 - Good health and well-being Target Maternal mortality Target Maternal mortality Maternal mortality Births attended by skilled health personnel Target Neonatal and child mortality Target Neonatal and child mortality Under-five mortality Neonatal mortality Target Epidemics and communicable diseases Target Epidemics and communicable diseases HIV infections Tuberculosis Tuberculosis incidence rate Per population 71.0 (15) (15) Malaria Hepatitis B SDG Datasheet

3 3.3.5 Neglected tropical diseases Target Non-communicable diseases and mental health Target Non-communicable diseases and mental health Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease Suicides Target Substance abuse Target Substance abuse Treatment for substance use disorders Harmful use of alcohol Target Road traffic accident Target Road traffic accident Road traffic deaths Target Sexual and reproductive healthcare Target Sexual and reproductive healthcare Family planning satisfied with modern methods Adolescent births Target Health coverage Target Health coverage Essential health services coverage Household expenditures on health Target Deaths and illnesses from pollution Target Deaths and illnesses from pollution Household and ambient air pollution Unsafe water/sanitation and lack of hygiene Unintentional poisoning Target 3.a - Tobacco Control Target 3.a - Tobacco Control 3.a.1 Tobacco use Target 3.b - R&D of vaccines and medicines Target 3.b - R&D of vaccines and medicines 3.b.1 Population covered by all vaccines in national programme 3.b.2 ODA to medical research and basic health sectors 3.b.3 Health facilities with essential medicines Target 3.c - Health financing in developing countries Target 3.c - Health financing in developing countries 3.c.1 Health worker density Target 3.d - Health risk reduction and management Target 3.d - Health risk reduction and management 3.d.1 Health capacity and emergency preparedness Goal 04 - Quality education Target Free, equitable and quality education Target Free, equitable and quality education Reading and mathematics proficiency of children and young people End of lower secondary Mathematics % Total 91.0 (15) - % Female 91.8 (15) - % Male 90.2 (15) - Reading % Total 90.7 (15) - % Female 94.1 (15) - % Male 87.4 (15) - Target Early childhood care and pre-primary education Target Early childhood care and pre-primary education Children developmentally on track Organised learning before primary entry age Participation rate in organized learning before primary entry age % Total (11) - % Female (11) - % Male (11) - Target Technical, vocational and tertiary education Target Technical, vocational and tertiary education Formal and non-formal education and training SDG Datasheet

4 Target Relevant skills of youth and adults Target Relevant skills of youth and adults ICT skills Target Equal access to education Target Equal access to education Inequality indices for education indicators Gender parity index, participation Before primary Female-to-male ratio 0.98 (11) - Gender parity index, mathematics End lower secondary Female-to-male ratio 1.0 (15) - Gender parity index, reading achievement End lower secondary Female-to-male ratio 1.1 (15) - Gender parity index, trained teachers Primary Female-to-male ratio 1.0 (15) - Socio-economic status index, reading End lower secondary Low to high ratio 0.9 (12) - Socio-economic status index, mathematics End of lower secondary Low to high ratio 0.9 (12) - Rural to urban index, mathematics End of lower secondary Rural to urban ratio 1.0 (11) - Target Adult literacy and numeracy Target Adult literacy and numeracy Literacy and numeracy skills Target Promote sustainable development Target Promote sustainable development Sustainable development mainstreaming in education Target 4.a - Education facilities Target 4.a - Education facilities 4.a.1 School equipment/infrastructure Schools with access to electricity Primary % of schools (12) - Lower secondary % of schools (12) - Upper secondary % of schools (12) - Schools with access to computers for Primary % of schools (12) - pedagogical purposes Lower secondary % of schools (12) - Upper secondary % of schools (12) - Secondary combined % of schools (12) - Schools with access to the internet Primary level % of schools (12) - for pedagogical purposes Lower secondary % of schools (12) - Upper secondary % of schools (12) - Secondary combined % of schools (12) - Target 4.b - Scholarships available to developing countries Target 4.b - Scholarships available to developing countries 4.b.1 ODA for scholarships Target 4.c - Qualified teachers Target 4.c - Qualified teachers 4.c.1 Organized teacher training Primary % total 96.2 (15) - % female 96.6 (15) - % male 94.8 (15) - Goal 05 - Gender equality Target Discrimination against women and girls Target Discrimination against women and girls Legal frameworks on gender equality Target Violence against women and girls Target Violence against women and girls Violence against women (by intimate partner) Violence against women (by non-intimate partner) Target Eliminate child/early marriage Target Eliminate child/early marriage Women married before age 15 and Female genital mutilation/cutting Target Unpaid care and domestic work Target Unpaid care and domestic work Unpaid domestic and care work Time spent on unpaid care work % of time, women 2.1 (13) - % of time, men 0.8 (13) - Time spent on unpaid domestic chores % of time, women 8.8 (13) - % of time, men 2.5 (13) - SDG Datasheet

5 Time spent on unpaid domestic chores and care work % of time, women 10.8 (13) - % of time, men 3.3 (13) - Target Equal opportunities for leadership Target Equal opportunities for leadership Seats held by women in national parliaments and local governments Proportion of women in managerial positions Women in managerial position % of managerial positions 33.2 (15) - Target Sexual, reproductive health and reproductive rights Target Sexual, reproductive health and reproductive rights Informed decisions on reproductive health Laws and regulations on access to sexual and reproductive health care Target 5.a - Equal rights to economic resources Target 5.a - Equal rights to economic resources 5.a.1 Secure rights over agricultural land 5.a.2 Legal framework on equal rights to land ownership Target 5.b - Use of technology Target 5.b - Use of technology 5.b.1 Ownership of a mobile telephone Individuals using a mobile cellular telephone Total Percentage 96.1 (15) - Female Percentage 95.4 (15) - Male Percentage 96.8 (15) - Target 5.c - Policies/legislation for gender equality Target 5.c - Policies/legislation for gender equality 5.c.1 Tracking of public allocations for gender equality Target Safe drinking water Target Safe drinking water Safely managed drinking water services Population using safely managed drinking water Total % of population (15) - Target Adequate and equitable sanitation Safely managed sanitation services Population using safely managed sanitation services % of population 16.2 (15) - % of urban population 16.2 (15) - Target Improve water quality Water quality Target Water-use efficiency and scarcity Water use efficiency Water stress Target Integrated water resources management Integrated water resources management Transboundary water cooperation Target Water-related ecosystems Change in water-related ecosystems Target 6.a - International cooperation 6.a.1 ODA to water and sanitation Goal 06 - Clean water and sanitation Target Adequate and equitable sanitation Target Improve water quality Target Water-use efficiency and scarcity Target Integrated water resources management Target Water-related ecosystems Target 6.a - International cooperation Target 6.b - Participation of local communities Target 6.b - Participation of local communities 6.b.1 Participation in water and sanitation management SDG Datasheet

6 Goal 07 - Affordable and clean energy Target Access to affordable, reliable and modern energy Target Access to affordable, reliable and modern energy Access to electricity Access to electricity % of population (14) 90.4 (14) Reliance on clean energy Target Share of renewable energy Target Share of renewable energy Renewable energy share Renewable energy share of total final energy consumption % of TFC 1.8 (14) 18.3 (14) Target Improvement in energy efficiency Target Improvement in energy efficiency Energy intensity Total primary energy supply (TPES) MJ per unit of GDP (2011 PPP) 1.6 (14) 6.0 (14) Target 7.a - International cooperation Target 7.a - International cooperation 7.a.1 Financial flows to clean energy Target 7.b - Modern and sustainable energy services Target 7.b - Modern and sustainable energy services 7.b.1 Energy efficiency investments Goal 08 - Decent work and economic growth Target Per capita economic growth Target Per capita economic growth Real GDP per capita growth rate GDP per capita growth rate % change per annum 1.7 (15) 2.8 (15) Target Economic diversification, technological upgrading and innovation Target Economic diversification, technological upgrading and innovation Real GDP per employed person growth rate GDP per employed person growth rate % change per annum 1.8 (16) 3.8 (16) Target Development-oriented policies Target Development-oriented policies Informal employment Target Global resource efficiency Target Global resource efficiency Material footprint Material footprint Volume total Million tons (10) (15) Per capita Tons per capita (10) 10.5 (15) Intensity Kg per 1 US dollar (2005 GDP) 3.8 (10) 2.4 (15) Domestic material consumption Domestic material consumption Volume total Million tons 54.6 (10) (15) Per capita Tons per capita 7.8 (10) 11.6 (15) Intensity Kg per 1 US dollar (2005 GDP) 0.2 (10) 3.1 (15) Target Employment and decent work for all Target Employment and decent work for all Hourly earnings of employees Unemployment rate Unemployment rate (25+ years) Total % of labour force 3.0 (17) 3.3 (17) Female % of labour force 2.7 (17) 3.3 (17) Male % of labour force 3.3 (17) 3.4 (17) Youth unemployment rate Total % of labour force 9.4 (17) 11.1 (17) Unemployment rate (15+ years) Total % of labour force 3.5 (17) 4.4 (17) Female % of labour force 3.1 (17) 4.3 (17) Male % of labour force 3.9 (17) 4.5 (17) Target Youth not in employment, education or training Target Youth not in employment, education or training SDG Datasheet

7 8.6.1 Youth not in education, employment or training Youth not in education, employment or training Total % of population aged (15) - Female % of females aged (15) - Male % of males aged (15) - Target Child labour and forced labour Target Child labour and forced labour Child labour Target Safe and secure working environments Target Safe and secure working environments Occupational injuries Frequency rates of fatal occupational injury Total Cases per workers 6.0 (15) - Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injury Total Cases per workers (15) - Male Cases per workers 0 (10) Compliance of labour rights Target Sustainable tourism Target Sustainable tourism Tourism direct GDP Jobs in tourism industries Target Access to banking, insurance and financial services Target Access to banking, insurance and financial services Commercial bank branches and automated teller machines Number of commercial bank branches Per adults 22.3 (15) 13.3 (15) Number of automated teller machines (ATMs) Per adults 49.8 (15) 57.7 (15) Adults with a bank account Adults with an account at a bank % of population aged (14) 66.0 (14) Target 8.a - Aid for Trade Target 8.a - Aid for Trade 8.a.1 Aid for Trade Target 8.b - Global strategy for youth employment Target 8.b - Global strategy for youth employment 8.b.1 National strategy for youth employment Goal 09 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure Target Quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure Target Quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure Population within 2 km of an all-season road Passenger and freight volumes Air transport passengers carried Million people 42 (15) (15) Million passenger-km (15) (15) Air transport freight Million ton-km (15) (15) Tons (15) (15) Railway freight Million ton-km (15) (15) Road transport, passenger volume Million passenger-km 363 (15) (15) Road transport freight Million ton-km (15) (15) Mail volume by air transport Million ton-km 404 (15) (15) Target Inclusive and sustainable industrialization Target Inclusive and sustainable industrialization Manufacturing value added Manufacturing Value added % of GDP 1.3 (16) 23.5 (16) Per capita 2005 US dollars per capita (16) Manufacturing employment Manufacturing employment Employment % of total employment 3.0 (15) - Target Access to financial services Target Access to financial services Small-scale industries in total industry value added Small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit Target Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries Target Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries CO2 emission intensity CO2 emissions intensity Kg CO2 eq. per USD (2005 PPP) 0.1 (14) - CO2 emissions per unit of manufacturing value added Kg per constant USD 2.1 (14) - SDG Datasheet

8 Target Scientific research, technological capabilities of industrial sectors Target Scientific research, technological capabilities of industrial sectors Research and development expenditure Gross domestic expenditure on research and development % of GDP 0.8 (15) 2.0 (15) Number of researchers Researchers, full-time equivalents Per million inhabitants (15) (15) Target 9.a - Resilient infrastructure development in developing countries Target 9.a - Resilient infrastructure development in developing countries 9.a.1 Official international support to infrastructure Target 9.b - Domestic technology development Target 9.b - Domestic technology development 9.b.1 Medium and high-tech industry value added Medium and high-tech industry value added % of total value added 33.9 (14) - Target 9.c - Access to information and communications technology Target 9.c - Access to information and communications technology 9.c.1 Population covered by a mobile network Mobile-cellular network coverage All networks % of population (16) 96.9 (15) At least 3G network % of population 99.0 (16) 86.9 (16) At least 4G network % of population 99.0 (16) 73.7 (16) Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities Target Income growth (bottom 40%) Target Income growth (bottom 40%) Income per capita of the bottom 40% of population Target Social, economic and political inclusion Target Social, economic and political inclusion People below 50% of median income Target Equal opportunity and reduced inequalities of outcome Target Equal opportunity and reduced inequalities of outcome Discrimination and harassment Target Fiscal, wage and social protection policies Target Fiscal, wage and social protection policies Labour share of GDP Labour share of GDP % of GDP 51.2 (14) 61.9 (00) Target Global financial markets Target Global financial markets Financial Soundness Indicators Target Developing countries in decision-making in global institutions Target Developing countries in decision-making in global institutions Voting rights in international organizations Voting rights ADB % of voting rights 0.74 (15) - FSB % of voting rights 1.75 (16) - WTO % of voting rights 0.62 (16) - Membership proportion ADB % of membership 1.49 (15) - FSB % of membership 4.17 (16) - WTO % of membership 0.62 (16) - Target Migration and mobility of people Target Migration and mobility of people Recruitment cost borne by employees Countries with well-managed migration policies Target 10.a - Differential treatment for developing countries Target 10.a - Differential treatment for developing countries 10.a.1 Tariff line on imports Target 10.b - ODA and financial flows Target 10.b - ODA and financial flows 10.b.1 Total resource flows for development Total development assistance, by recipient Million US dollars (04) (14) Target 10.c - Transaction costs of migrant remittances Target 10.c - Transaction costs of migrant remittances 10.c.1 Remittance costs SDG Datasheet

9 Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities Target Adequate, safe and affordable housing Target Adequate, safe and affordable housing Urban population living in slums Target Transport systems Target Transport systems Convenient access to public transport Target Inclusive and sustainable urbanization Target Inclusive and sustainable urbanization Land consumption rate Civil society participation in urban planning and management Target World s cultural and natural heritage Target World s cultural and natural heritage Expenditure on preservation of cultural and natural heritage Target Resilience to natural disasters Target Resilience to natural disasters Deaths/missing persons from disasters Economic loss from disasters Direct disaster economic losses Average annual loss Million US dollars (16) (16) Average annual loss Per USD 3.9 (16) 5.7 (16) Exposed value Million US dollars (16) (16) Target Urban air quality and waste management Target Urban air quality and waste management Urban solid waste collected Urban particulate matter Target Green and public spaces Target Green and public spaces Urban open space for public use Physical or sexual harassment Target 11.a - National and regional development planning Target 11.a - National and regional development planning 11.a.1 Urban and regional development plans Target 11.b - Disaster risk management Target 11.b - Disaster risk management 11.b.1 National disaster risk reduction strategy 11.b.2 Local disaster risk reduction strategy in line with national strategy Target 11.c - Sustainable and resilient buildings Target 11.c - Sustainable and resilient buildings 11.c.1 Financial support to LDCs for sustainable/resilient buildings Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production Target Programmes on sustainable consumption and production Target Programmes on sustainable consumption and production Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action plans Target Sustainable use of natural resources Target Sustainable use of natural resources Material footprint Material Footprint total Volume total Million tons (10) (15) Per capita Tons per capita (10) 10.5 (15) Intensity Kg per 1 US dollar (2005 GDP) 3.8 (10) 2.4 (15) SDG Datasheet

10 Domestic material consumption Domestic material consumption Volume total Million tons 54.6 (10) (15) Per capita Tons per capita 7.8 (10) 11.6 (15) Change per annum % change per annum 9.7 (10) 5.4 (15) Intensity Kg per 1 US dollar (2005 GDP) 0.2 (10) 3.1 (15) Target Food waste and food losses Target Food waste and food losses Global food loss index Target Chemicals and all wastes Target Chemicals and all wastes International agreements on hazardous waste Hazardous waste generated/treated Hazardous waste generation Kg per capita 7.9 (09) 44.9 (06) Target Waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse Target Waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse National recycling rate Target Sustainability information reporting by companies Target Sustainability information reporting by companies Companies publishing sustainability reports Target Public procurement practices that are sustainable Target Public procurement practices that are sustainable Sustainable public procurement policies Target Information and awareness Target Information and awareness Mainstreaming sustainable development in education Target 12.a - Scientific and technological capacity Target 12.a - Scientific and technological capacity 12.a.1 Financial support on research for sustainable consumption Target 12.b - Sustainable tourism Target 12.b - Sustainable tourism 12.b.1 Sustainable tourism strategies Target 12.c - Inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies Target 12.c - Inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies 12.c.1 Fossil-fuel subsidies Goal 13 - Climate action Target Resilience and adaptive capacity Target Resilience and adaptive capacity Countries with disaster risk reduction strategies National disaster risk reduction strategies Local disaster risk reduction strategies Target National policies Target National policies Policies/strategies for climate change adaptation Target Education, awareness on climate change Target Education, awareness on climate change Integration of climate change in education Capacity building on climate change Target 13.a - Needs of developing countries Target 13.a - Needs of developing countries 13.a.1 Developed countries commitment of $100 billion Target 13.b - Capacity for effective planning and management Target 13.b - Capacity for effective planning and management 13.b.1 Climate change special support to LDCs and SIDS SDG Datasheet

11 Goal 14 - Life below water Target Marine pollution Target Marine pollution Costal eutrophication and floating plastic Target Marine and coastal ecosystem Target Marine and coastal ecosystem National exclusive economic zones managed using ecosystem-based approaches Target Ocean acidification Target Ocean acidification Average marine acidity Target Overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Target Overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels Target Conservation of coastal and marine areas Target Conservation of coastal and marine areas Protected marine areas Target Fisheries subsidies Target Fisheries subsidies Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Target Marine resources in SIDS Target Marine resources in SIDS Sustainable fisheries Target 14.a - Research capacity and marine technology Target 14.a - Research capacity and marine technology 14.a.1 Research budget to marine technology Target 14.b - Small-scale artisanal fishers Target 14.b - Small-scale artisanal fishers 14.b.1 Access rights for small-scale fisheries Target 14.c - Implementation of international law Target 14.c - Implementation of international law 14.c.1 Implementation of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Goal 15 - Life on land Target Terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems Target Terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems Forest area Sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity Protected important sites for terrestrial biodiversity % of important sites 56.7 (17) - Protected important sites for freshwater biodiversity % of important sites 0 (16) - Target All types of forests Target All types of forests Sustainable forest management Target Combat desertification Target Combat desertification Proportion of land that is degraded Target Conservation of mountain ecosystems Target Conservation of mountain ecosystems Sites for mountain biodiversity Mountain Green Cover Index Mountain green cover index Index (17) 75.3 (17) SDG Datasheet

12 Target Degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity Target Degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity Red List Index Red list index Index 0.8 (17) - Threatened species Number of species 63 (16) (16) Target Utilization of genetic resource Target Utilization of genetic resource Fair and equitable sharing of benefits of genetic resources Target Protected species Target Protected species Poached or illicitly trafficked wildlife Target Invasive alien species Target Invasive alien species Prevention or control of invasive alien species Target National and local planning Target National and local planning Integration of biodiversity value in development planning Target 15.a - Financial resources Target 15.a - Financial resources 15.a.1 ODA and public expenditure to biodiversity and ecosystems Target 15.b - Resources to sustainable forest management Target 15.b - Resources to sustainable forest management 15.b.1 ODA and public expenditure to biodiversity and ecosystems Target 15.c - Combat poaching and trafficking of protected species Target 15.c - Combat poaching and trafficking of protected species 15.c.1 Poached or illicitly trafficked wildlife Target Reduction of all forms of violence Intentional homicides Intentional homicide Total Per population 0.3 (15) 2.5 (14) Male % of victims 47.1 (11) - Female % of victims 52.9 (11) Conflict-related deaths Physical, psychological or sexual violence Safety feeling walking alone in neighborhood Target Abuse, exploitations, trafficking and violence against children Children experiencing physical punishment by caregivers Human trafficking Young women/men experiencing sexual violence Target Access to justice for all Violence reporting to authorities Unsentenced detainees Unsentenced detainees (Pre-trial) % of prison population 16.9 (15) - Target Illicit financial and arms flows Illicit financial flows Seized small arms and light weapons recorded and traced Target Corruption and bribery Public asked for a bribe Businesses asked for a bribe Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions Target Reduction of all forms of violence Target Abuse, exploitations, trafficking and violence against children Target Access to justice for all Target Illicit financial and arms flows Target Corruption and bribery Target Effective, accountable and transparent institutions Target Effective, accountable and transparent institutions Government expenditure/original budget People satisfaction with public services SDG Datasheet

13 Target Responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making Target Responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making Population representativity in public institutions Population trust in decision-making Target Developing countries in the institutions of global governance Target Developing countries in the institutions of global governance Membership/voting rights in international organizations Voting rights ADB % of voting rights 0.74 (15) - FSB % of voting rights 1.75 (16) - WTO % of voting rights 0.62 (16) - Membership proportion ADB % of membership 1.49 (15) - FSB % of membership 4.17 (16) - WTO % of membership 0.62 (16) - Target Legal identity for all Target Legal identity for all Birth registration Target Public access to information Target Public access to information Violence against journalists, trade unionists and human rights advocates Killings of journalists and associated media personnel Number of deaths, total 0 (15) 26 (15) Target Reduction of all forms of violence Target Reduction of all forms of violence Policies on public access to information Target 16.a - Violence, terrorism and crime Target 16.a - Violence, terrorism and crime 16.a.1 Independence of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) Target 16.b - Non-discriminatory laws and policies Target 16.b - Non-discriminatory laws and policies 16.b.1 International human rights violation Goal 17 - Partnership for the goals Target Tax and other revenue collection Target Tax and other revenue collection Domestic budget funded by domestic taxes Target Developed countries official development assistance commitment Target Developed countries official development assistance commitment ODA as share of donors GNI Target Additional financial resources for developing countries Target Additional financial resources for developing countries FDI, ODA, South-South cooperation as share of domestic budget Personal remittances Personal remittances received % of GDP 0.1 (15) 1.0 (15) Million US dollars 370 (15) (15) Target Long-term debt sustainability Target Long-term debt sustainability Debt service Target Investment promotion regimes for LDCs Target Investment promotion regimes for LDCs Investment promotion regimes for LDCs Target North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation Target North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation Science/technology cooperation agreements Fixed Internet broadband subscription by speed Fixed-broadband subscriptions Total Per 100 population 35.5 (16) 11.5 (16) 256 Kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s Per 100 population 0.4 (13) 0.6 (15) 2 Mbit/s to 10 Mbit/s Per 100 population 6.6 (16) 3.1 (15) Above 10 Mbit/s Per 100 population 29.2 (16) 5.7 (15) Target Transfer of environmentally sound technologies Target Transfer of environmentally sound technologies Funding for of environmentally-sound technologies SDG Datasheet

14 Target Technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism Target Technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism Internet users Internet users % of population 87.3 (16) 43.0 (16) Target Capacity building to implement all the SDGs Target Capacity building to implement all the SDGs Financial and technical assistance Target Multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization Target Multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization Worldwide weighted tariff-average Tariff rate, under most favoured nation status All products Percentage 0 (15) - Agricultural products Percentage 0 (14) - Industrial products Percentage 0 (14) - Petroleum Percentage 0 (14) - Tariff rate, under preferential status All products Percentage 0 (15) - Agricultural products Percentage 0 (14) - Industrial products Percentage 0 (14) - Petroleum Percentage 0 (14) - Target Increased exports of developing countries Target Increased exports of developing countries Developing/least developed countries share of global exports Share of global merchandise exports Percentage 3.2 (16) 37.8 (16) Share of global merchandise imports Percentage 3.4 (16) 34.0 (16) Share of global services exports Percentage 2.2 (15) 28.4 (15) Share of global services imports Percentage 1.6 (15) 32.8 (15) Target Duty-free and quota-free market access Target Duty-free and quota-free market access Average tariffs faced by developing countries, LDCs and SIDS Target Global macroeconomic stability Target Global macroeconomic stability Macroeconomic dashboard Target Policy coherence for sustainable development Target Policy coherence for sustainable development Policy coherence of sustainable development Target Country s policy space Target Country s policy space Use of country-owned results frameworks and planning tools in development cooperation Target Global partnership for sustainable development, Target Global partnership for sustainable development, Progress in development effectiveness in support of the SDGs Target Public, public-private and civil society partnerships Target Public, public-private and civil society partnerships Commitment to public-private and civil society partnerships Target Availability of high-quality, timely and reliable disaggregated data Target Availability of high-quality, timely and reliable disaggregated data SDG indicators disaggregation National statistical legislation Legislation exists and complies with Fundamental Principles Number of countries with 'Yes' No (16) 7 (16) National statistical plan funded/under implementation National statistical plan fully funded Number of countries with 'Yes' No (16) 4 (16) National statistical plan under implementation Number of countries with 'Yes' Yes (16) 23 (16) National statistical plan with funding from government Number of countries with 'Yes' No (16) 6 (16) SDG Datasheet

15 Target Statistical capacity-building Target Statistical capacity-building Financial resources to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries Population and housing census in the last 10 years; birth/death registration Year of latest population and housing census conducted 2016 Birth registration data at least 90 % complete Number of countries with 'Yes' Yes (15) 32 (15) Deaths registration data at least 75 % complete Number of countries with 'Yes' Yes (15) 33 (15) Share of live births registered Percentage 91.0 (13) - Share of deaths registered Percentage 91.0 (13) - The present SDG datasheet is part of the released in February Data contained in this datasheet are also accessible from the ESCAP Online Statistical Database at Further information on indicator definitions and statistical methods used are also available from the online database platform. ESCAP Statistics Division stat.unescap@un.org SDG Datasheet

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