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3 PNM EXHIBIT MFH10 PNM EXHIBIT MFH11 PNM EXHIBIT MFH12 PNM EXHIBIT MFH13 PNM EXHIBIT MFH14 PNM EXHIBIT MFH15 PNM EXHIBIT MFH1 PNM EXHIBIT MFH17 IRS Private Letter Ruling IRS Private Letter Ruling IRS Private Letter Ruling IRS Private Letter Ruling Income Tax Expense on Palo Verde SaleLeaseback Transactions Gain on Palo Verde SaleLeaseback Transactions Palo Verde Gain Hypothetical Revenue Requirements Estimated Excess Deferred State Income Taxes AFFIDAVIT 11

4 1 I DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 2 Q 3 A 4 5 PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, POSITION AND BUSINESS ADDRESS My name is Matthew F Harland I am employed by PNMR Services Company on behalf of Public Service Company of New Mexico ("PNM" or the "Company") as the Director of Tax My address is 414 Silver Avenue, SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico Q 9 PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS DIRECTOR OF TAX 10 A I am responsible for managing the PNM tax department This includes the preparation and filing of all tax returns, all tax accounting for both internal and external purposes, all tax planning, and managing all Federal and state tax audits The only exception is payroll taxes, which are calculated and filed by our payroll department 15 1 Q A 19 HA VE YOU PREVIOUSLY TESTIFIED IN UTILITY REGULATORY PROCEEDINGS? Yes, I have previously testified before the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission ("NMPRC" or the "Commission") and the Public Utility Commission 20 of Texas A summary of the cases in which I have testified, as well as my 21 educational and professional background, is included in PNM Exhibit MFH1 22 1

5 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 A WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR DIRECT TESTIMONY? My direct testimony covers the following areas: 3 4 I am sponsoring Rule 530 Schedules H9, H10, H11, H12 and H13, related to the income tax computations, and required under NMAC I discuss the standalone method of accounting for income taxes used in this case I discuss the normalied income tax accounting methods used by PNM, as required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("F ASB") Accounting Standards Codification Topic 740 ("ASC 740") (formerly F ASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No 109 ("SF AS 109")) I discuss the income tax depreciation normaliation requirements of the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS"), including those that relate to deferred tax assets resulting from Contributions In Aid of Construction ("CIAC") I discuss the IRS income tax normaliation requirements that relate to deferred tax assets resulting from Net Operating Loss ("NOL") carryforwards I discuss the additional IRS income tax normaliation requirements specific to a future test period filing in which the rates requested therein are expected to be collected during the test period I discuss the New Mexico corporate income tax rate reduction phasein 2

6 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT I discuss the functionality of the calculation of Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes ("ADIT), Investment Tax Credits ("ITC"), and income tax expense as they relate to the cost of service model used in this proceeding I discuss the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Period adjustments to ADIT, income tax expense, and current taxable income 7 I discuss the return to customers of excess deferred state income taxes resulting from the phasedin New Mexico corporate income tax rate reduction 8 9 I discuss the Federal income tax treatment of meals and entertainment expenses I discuss the calculations of income tax and the gain resulting from the 1985 and 198 Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 saleleaseback transactions Q A 1 17 HOW DOES YOUR TESTIMONY RELATE TO THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED BY OTHER COMP ANY WITNESSES? My testimony is directly related to the computations of ADIT and income tax expense that are used in the cost of service studies contained in PNM Exhibit HEM3, presented by PNM Witness Momoy Q 20 A WHAT ARE THE KEY CONCLUSIONS OF YOUR TESTIMONY? 21 ADIT and income tax expense should be calculated on a fully normalied, standalone basis All IRS normaliation requirements should be strictly followed, 22 including but not limited to those relating to accelerated tax depreciation, NOLs, 3

7 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT CIAC, ITC, and future test periods This case as filed meets these requirements and fairly and accurately calculates both ADIT and income tax expense in the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods 4 5 II RULE 530 SCHEDULES H9 THROUGH H Q A PLEASE DESCRIBE THE PURPOSE OF RULE 530 SCHEDULES H9 THROUGH H13 Rule 530 Schedule H9 shows the calculation of Federal and state income tax expense for the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods The calculation of income tax expense in Rule 530 Schedule H9 is used in the determination of revenue requirement for the Test Period, just as it has been in PNM's prior cases PNM Exhibit MFH3 provides the calculations of the income tax expense included in Rule 530 Schedule H9 Rule 530 Schedule H10 reconciles book income and current taxable income for the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods The calculation of current taxable income is purely informational, and is not included in the cost of service, as it does not affect total tax expense recoverable in rates PNM Exhibit MFH3 provides the calculations of the taxable income included in Rule 530 Schedule H10 4

8 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT Rule 530 Schedule H11 requires an analysis of the tax effects from filing a consolidated federal income tax return I provide this analysis in Section III of my testimony Rule 530 Schedule H12 provides detail of the ADIT activity and balances for the 12 months ended June 30, 201 and ADIT balances for the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods The ADIT accounts included in rate base are those that relate to underlying assets or liabilities included in rate base ADIT accounts that relate to assets and liabilities excluded from rate base are also excluded from rate base PNM Exhibit MFH2 provides the calculations of the ADIT included in Rule Schedule H12 PNM Exhibit MFH5 provides the calculations of the tax depreciation ADIT included in PNM Exhibit MFH2 and ultimately in Rule 530 Schedule H Rule 530 Schedule H13 provides detail of the accumulated deferred ITC for the 1 Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods PNM Exhibit MFH4 provides the 17 calculations of the ITC amortiation included in Rule 530 Schedule H Q A PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CALCULATION OF INCOME TAX EXPENSE ON RULE 530 SCHEDULE H9 Rule 530 Schedule H9 calculates the income tax expense allowable in rates for the Base, Adjusted Base, and Test Periods The calculation begins with net pretax income as determined in the cost of service Net pretax income is then adjusted 5

9 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 for permanent book/tax differences It is also adjusted for the reversal of 2 temporary book/tax differences, the benefits of which were previously flowed 3 through to customers These flowthrough reversal differences, although 4 5 temporary in nature, are treated as if they are permanent differences for ratemaking purposes The adjusted net income is then multiplied by the statutory New Mexico and Federal income tax rates to determine the preliminary tax expense The preliminary tax expense is then reduced by the annual amortiation of ITC as shown on Rule 530 Schedule H13, other allowable tax credits, and the reversal of excess deferred income taxes, and is increased by amortiation of the state NOL impairment regulatory asset With the exception of the reversal of prior flowthroughs, the tax expense on Rule 530 Schedule H9 is calculated on a fully normalied basis, as that term is defined below Therefore, the income tax expense therein is correctly not adjusted for the effect of temporary book/tax differences This is because temporary differences determine only the timing of the payment of taxes, and not the absolute amount of tax expense These temporary differences are reflected, along with the permanent differences, in the calculation of current taxable income on Rule 530 Schedule H10 18

10 1 III DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT STANDALONE TAX CALCULATION Q A IS THE INCOME TAX EXPENSE IN THE COST OF SERVICE CALCULATED ON A STANDALONE BASIS OR A CONSOLIDATED BASIS? The income tax expense included in the cost of service is calculated on a standalone basis No effects of the consolidated tax return filing are included in the cost 7 of service This is consistent with prior PNM rate applications and prior 8 Commission orders Q A AS REQUIRED BY RULE 530 SCHEDULE H11, PLEASE ADDRESS THE EFFECTS OF FILING CONSOLIDATED INCOME TAX RETURNS There are no effects on PNM resulting from its inclusion in the consolidated income tax returns filed by PNM Resources A proforma standalone income tax return is prepared for each of the affiliated companies, including PNM These returns are, in tum, included in the PNM Resources consolidated income tax return, which is filed with the IRS In 1984, PNM adopted an InterCompany Tax Allocation Policy ("IT AP") that has been uniformly applied since that time with only minor changes Under that policy, each affiliated company is treated on a standalone basis for purposes of computing its income tax expense Their standalone income tax returns are then combined to create the consolidated income tax return This method did not change with the formation of PNM Resources, except that PNM Resources, rather than PNM, became the ultimate taxpayer liable to the 7

11 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 IRS PNM Resources (rather than PNM, as in the past) pays to the IRS the total 2 current tax liability of the consolidated group PNM and each of the other 3 4 affiliated companies then reimburse PNM Resources for their respective standalone tax liabilities In 2005, PNM Resources filed as a registered holding company under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 ("PUHCA") As a result of that filing, slight changes to the IT AP were required Slight changes were also made when the IT AP was redrafted in 2008, following the repeal of PUHCA Those changes never cause PNM to be responsible to PNM Resources for tax expense in excess of 11 PNM's standalone share of the consolidated liability Additionally, in some cases, a current tax expense or benefit that occurs at a consolidated level is allocated prorata to the business unit whose business activity resulted in the particular benefit or expense No such items exist in the Test Period Q A WHY IS THE STANDALONE CALCULATION THE APPROPRIATE METHOD TO USE IN DETERMINING TAX EXPENSE? The standalone tax returns reflect the current tax expense resulting from the income and expenses related to the business activities of each separate company As such, they correctly match the current tax expense of each entity with the income and expenses that created that tax liability The standalone calculation prevents the crosssubsidiation of one entity by another As discussed earlier, the consolidated return is merely a summation of all the standalone tax returns for the 8

12 1 2 3 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT affiliated companies included in the consolidated group created merely by filing a consolidated return No tax benefits are 4 Q 5 7 A DOES THE STANDALONE CALCULATION USED IN THE INTER COMPANY TAX ALLOCATION POLICY AND THE COST OF SERVICE COMPLY WITH THE FINAL ORDER IN NMPRC CASE NO 3137? Yes, it does The Final Order in NMPRC Case No requires that: PNM's payment to the holding company for income tax shall be limited to PNM' s share of the current income tax liability of the consolidated corporation The IT AP ensures that PNM pays no more ( or no less) than its standalone share of the consolidated tax liability The standalone income tax calculation was used by PNM in its filings in NMPRC Case No 3137 for both the original cost of service and the illustrative cost of service filed in support of the stipulation in that case It is the only method that ensures that PNM will always pay its share of tax expense, or be paid for its share of tax benefit, and no more Any type of consolidated tax adjustment, which artificially shifts tax attributes from one affiliated entity to another will, if consistently applied, cause PNM to pay either more or less than its share of the consolidated tax liability This, by definition, would result in a crosssubsidiation among entities 22 9

13 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 3 A 4 HAS THE STANDALONE CALCULATION BEEN EXPLICITLY APPROVED BY THE NMPRC? Yes, it has After requiring the use of standalone taxes in Case No 3137, the Commission conducted an indepth investigation of the use of a standalone versus 5 a consolidated tax calculation in NMPRC Case No UT The Recommended Decision, as adopted by the Commission's Final Order, states on page 131: PNM and, especially, Staff have demonstrated that the stand alone method should be continued because it serves the public interest by being consistent with and promoting the accounting and regulatory principles of cost causation, the benefits/burden equation and prevention of cross subsidiation IV ACCOUNTING FOR INCOME TAXES 15 Q WHICH ACCOUNTING METHOD, NORMALIZATION OR FLOW 1 THROUGH, DOES PNM USE TO DETERMINE INCOME TAX EXPENSE 17 AND ADIT IN THE COST OF SERVICE? 18 A PNM uses the normaliation method In NMPUC Case No 257, PNM proposed 19 full tax normaliation (for state as well as Federal tax purposes) for its electric 20 operations for all new temporary differences The normaliation methodology was 21 approved in that case and has been consistently used by PNM in every subsequent 22 rate proceeding, including this one 23 10

14 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT PLEASE EXPLAIN NORMALIZATION ACCOUNTING Normaliation accounting for income taxes calculates income tax expense on the pretax items of income and expense recorded for financial statement purposes or included in the cost of service for ratemaking purposes The income tax expense is then adjusted for permanent differences between income recorded for financial reporting (book) purposes and income determined for income tax reporting (tax) purposes Tax expense is then divided between the amount currently payable to the IRS, and the amount that must be paid in the future This division between current and deferred tax expense is calculated based on temporary differences between book and taxable income The tax expense incurred in the current year for which payment is deferred due to temporary book/tax differences is recorded on the balance sheet as an ADIT liability or asset, as the case may be The flowthrough method, on the other hand, treats temporary differences not as a mere deferral of an incurred tax liability, but as a permanent reduction in the income tax expense for the period This mischaracteriation, or "flowthrough" of the temporary difference, results in crosssubsidiation of tax expense between customers in different periods, depending on when temporary differences originate and reverse 11

15 1 2 3 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHY IS NORMALIZATION SUPERIOR TO OTHER METHODS OF TAX ACCOUNTING? Under normaliation, tax expense is recognied in the same time period as the 4 income or expense from which it is derived In other words, tax expense is recorded when the liability to pay the tax is established, not when the taxes are actually paid Then, an ADIT account, which is included in rate base, is created for the portion of that tax that is not payable immediately, but is deferred and payable in a future year In this way, normaliation results in the proper allocation of tax expense between current and future customers while taking into account the time value of the savings resulting from deferred tax payments by including ADIT 11 in rate base For ratemaking purposes, the sum of all the ADIT accounts is generally a liability balance and therefore reduces rate base This recognies that, absent some ratemaking adjustment, the temporary cash savings resulting from the deferred tax payments would represent a costfree source of capital to the utility The inclusion of the net ADIT liability as a rate base reduction ensures that customers, and not the utility, receive the benefit of this costfree capital Q A CAN AN ADIT ACCOUNT BE AN ADDITION TO RATE BASE, RATHER THAN A REDUCTION? Yes, it can Certain temporary book/tax differences increase, rather than decrease, taxable income An example is interest expense on capital projects that is required to be capitalied and depreciated for tax purposes, but is deducted when incurred for book purposes In this case, the cash tax payable actually exceeds the tax 12

16 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT expense recorded for book purposes, but this excess tax will be returned to the Company over time as the underlying asset is depreciated In such a case, an ADIT asset, or prepaid tax, rather than a liability, would be created The theory and treatment is the same, however, for both ADIT assets and liabilities their inclusion in rate base accounts for the difference between recoverable income tax expense and cash taxes paid Q A PLEASE EXPLAIN THE TERM "PERMANENT DIFFERENCE" AS IT RELATES TO THE RECORDING OF INCOME TAXES A permanent difference is a book/tax difference that will never reverse Because of differences between the book ( and ratemaking) accounting rules and the tax law, the taxability of some income or expense items will never be the same for book and tax purposes These items affect the total income taxes paid over time, not just the timing of those payments An example of a permanent difference is 50% of meals and entertainment expenses For book purposes, 100% of meals and entertainment expenses are 18 generally deductible For tax purposes, however, only 50% of meals and 19 entertainment expenses are considered deductible, as I discuss further in my 20 testimony below The difference between the book deductibility and the tax 21 deductibility is absolute and permanent, and not merely related to the timing of the 22 deduction 23 Therefore, tax expense must be increased by the tax on the nondeductible 50% of these expenses 13

17 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT PLEASE EXPLAIN THE TERM "TEMPORARY DIFFERENCE" AS IT RELATES TO THE RECORDING OF INCOME TAXES A temporary difference is a difference between book income and taxable income that arises in one tax year and reverses in later years A temporary difference results in no change in total income tax expense payable over the life of the underlying item A temporary difference only affects the timing of the payment of such tax liability The use of accelerated depreciation for tax purposes is an example of an accounting method that gives rise to a temporary difference between book income and taxable income Although depreciation on a given asset can only equal the asset's cost and can only be taken over the life of the asset, the timing of the depreciation deduction will differ when different depreciation methods are allowed for book and tax purposes For example, accelerated depreciation may be used for tax purposes while the straightline method is used for calculating book 1 depreciation expense In that instance, taxable income will be less than book income in the early years of the life of the asset, because the depreciation deduction for tax purposes is accelerated, or "frontend loaded" Correspondingly, taxable income will be greater than book income in later years, when the straightline book method results in a higher depreciation deduction than that used for tax 21 purposes Over the life of the asset, the cumulative amounts deducted for depreciation will be the same for book and tax purposes, and the total income tax expense will be the same for both 14

18 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHY ARE PERMANENT BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCES AND TEMPORARY BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCES NOT ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE SAME WAY? Total tax expense recorded for book purposes over the life of the corporation must equal the total amount of tax remitted to the IRS over the life of the corporation Because permanent differences never reverse over time, they affect the total tax paid, not just the timing of the payments Therefore, book income tax expense must be adjusted for the change in tax expense created by these permanent differences These adjustments are made on Rule 530 Schedule H9 and in the cost of service studies included in PNM Exhibit HEM3 The accounting treatment for permanent differences is the same whether the normaliation method or the flowthrough method is used PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY THE FLOWTHROUGH METHOD OF ACCOUNTING FORT AXES SHOULD NOT BE USED The flowthrough method should not be used to calculate income tax expense because it does not correctly match tax expense with the underlying pretax income and expense items in any one ratemaking period, and results in a subsidiation of costs between customers in different time periods The flowthrough method simply adjusts the total tax expense in any given year by the cash taxsavings or expense resulting from the temporary differences, both originating and reversing, in that year In other words, taxable income for book 15

19 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 and tax purposes both reflect the current taxable income as reported on the tax 2 return In the accelerated tax depreciation example, use of the :flowthrough method will result in the current generation of customers being subsidied by later generations, because the current generation would receive all of the accelerated benefits rather than spreading the depreciation benefits ratably to all generations of customers who are also paying for the related assets Because temporary differences affect only the timing of tax payments, and not the total amount of the income tax liability, the flowthrough method also results in a mismatch of book income and the tax expense resulting therefrom This is because certain pretax items are recognied for book purposes, but their tax effect is not, 12 and vice versa Under the :flowthrough method, the inclusion in the cost of service of tax expense based on current taxable income rather than on book income results in a mismatch of tax expense and recoverable expenses for ratemaking purposes as well If the temporary differences result in a net reduction in current taxable income and, correspondingly, the tax expense included in the determination of rates, current customers would benefit unjustly at the expense of future customers who will have to pay higher tax expense when the temporary differences reverse Conversely, if a net increase in current taxable income results, it would be the current customers that would be adversely affected 21 1

20 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 V DEPRECIATION NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENTS 2 Q MUST NORMALIZATION ACCOUNTING BE USED TO SET UTILITY RATES? Yes The Internal Revenue Code ("IRC" or the "Tax Code") 18 mandates that, in determining rates using a cost of service methodology, regulated utilities must use the normaliation method, and not the :flowthrough method, to calculate the tax expense related to depreciationrelated temporary differences Additionally, the temporary difference resulting from CIAC is specifically required to be normalied under IRS Notice 8782, as discussed in IRS Private Letter Rulings 1 ("PLRs") and Similarly, NOLs are specifically required to be normalied, to the extent that they are created by accelerated tax depreciation The normaliation method correctly recognies that temporary book/tax differences, by their nature, reverse over time, so that they affect only the timing of tax payments, not the total tax expense paid 1 1 Although not strictly binding authority on taxpayers other than the taxpayer applying for the ruling, Private Letter Rulings issued by the IRS reflect the IRS position on the issues discussed in the ruling Such legal interpretations are important tools for tax practitioners, and are routinely relied on in applying the IRC and regulations to similar fact patterns Taxpayers with similar facts rightly assume similar treatment in the absence ofcontrary authority 17

21 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHAT IS THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE IRS NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENT? A normaliation violation will result in the loss of the ability to use accelerated tax depreciation on all public utility property held by the utility This would result in a substantial increase in rates, as customers would no longer enjoy the large rate base reduction resulting from depreciationrelated ADIT liabilities ARE ALL PUBLIC COMPANIES, REGULATED OR UNREGULATED, REQUIRED TO USE NORMALIZATION ACCOUNTING IN THEIR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS? Yes, they are, but not by the IRS Rather, under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), both regulated and unregulated companies are required to normalie all temporary book/tax differences ASC 740 addresses the interperiod allocation of income tax expense GAAP generally, and ASC 740 specifically, require the "normaliation" of income taxes, and that deferred income taxes resulting from temporary book/tax differences be accounted for using the liability, or "ADIT", method for financial statement purposes As required by GAAP, PNM adopted SFAS 9 (the predecessor to SFAS 109 and, ultimately, ASC 740) on January 1, 1990 and has consistently followed its normaliation standards in all subsequent accounting periods 18

22 1 VI DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT NOL ADIT NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENTS Q A Q A Q A WHAT IS PNM'S CURRENT STATUS WITH REGARD TO NET OPERA TING LOSSES? PNM is currently in a NOL carryforward position Additionally, although PNM expects to utilie a portion of that NOL carryforward before and during the Test Period, PNM still expects to have some NOL carryforward remaining at the end of the Test Period As mentioned above, PNM is also required to normalie the ADIT associated with the NOL carryforward HAS PNM INCLUDED A NOL CARRYFORWARD ADIT ASSET IN RATE BASE IN THE BASE, ADJUSTED BASE, AND TEST PERIODS? Yes, it has, consistent with GAAP and IRS normaliation requirements WHY IS PNM IN A NOL CARRYFORWARD SITUATION? A NOL is created when tax deductions exceed taxable income These deductions can arise from temporary book/tax differences such as accelerated tax depreciation For capital intensive businesses such as utilities, the temporary bonus depreciation provisions of the IRC, in place since 2008, have often resulted in tax depreciation deductions so large that they created negative current taxable income In 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015 PNM incurred NOLs, because it generated deductions which exceeded its taxable income ( on a consolidated basis, PNM Resources and its subsidiaries incurred NOLs in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015) 19

23 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEWF HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT When a company has negative current taxable income, it cannot realie the cash benefit of all of the deductions, because it cannot reduce its tax payments below ero The NO Ls must be deferred and are carried forward to be used against taxable income in future periods, subject to certain limitations Only then will the taxpayer receive the cash tax benefit of these NO Ls When carried forward, the NOL is a temporary book/tax difference for which an ADIT asset must be recorded The sum of (i) the ADIT liability created by the bonus depreciation and (ii) the ADIT asset created by the NOL carryforward represents the cash tax benefits that were actually received by the company Q A IS THE INCLUSION IN RATE BASE OF THE NOL CARRYFORWARD ADIT REQUIRED BY THE IRS? Yes, it is Treasury Regulation 117(1)l(h)(l)(iii), specifically addresses this situation: If, however, in respect of any taxable year the use of a method of depreciation other than a subsection (1) method for purposes of determining the taxpayer's reasonable allowance under section 17(a) results in a net operating loss carryover (as determined under section 172) to a year succeeding such taxable year which would not have arisen ( or an increase in such carryover which would not have arisen) had the taxpayer determined his reasonable allowance under section 17(a) using a subsection (1) method, then the amount and time of the deferral of tax liability shall be taken into account in such appropriate time and manner as is satisfactory to the district director 20

24 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT PLR , and more recently, PLRs , , , , , and (included as PNM Exhibits MFH7 MFH13) clarify that a tax calculation with and without accelerated depreciation is utilied to determine the amount of the NOL carryforward ADIT required to be 5 normalied To the extent that accelerated depreciation creates a NOL 7 8 carryforward, the NOL carryforward ADIT asset must be included in rate base Excluding this NOL carryforward ADIT asset would constitute a normaliation violation Q A PLEASE DISCUSS THE SIX RECENT PLRS MENTIONED ABOVE These six PLRs are pertinent because they deal with facts almost identical to those of PNM in this case Before the introduction of bonus tax depreciation, very few regulated utilities incurred NOLs on a standalone basis This accounts for the dearth of PLRs on the issue of NOL carryforward ADIT normaliation prior to 2014 With the enactment of bonus tax depreciation in 2008, and its continued extension through 2019, NOLs have become much more common for utilities in 17 recent years As a result, several utilities have sought PLRs regarding NOL carryforward ADIT normaliation All six of the referenced 2014 and 2015 PLRs relate to whether NOL carryforward ADIT assets are required to be included in rate base, and how to calculate the required includible amount 21 21

25 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHAT CONCLUSIONS DO THESE PLRS REACH? These six PLRs confirm that in order to avoid a normaliation violation, NOL carryforward ADIT assets must be included in rate base and that the correct method for determining the amount that must be included is a "withandwithout" or "last dollar deducted" approach In other words, accelerated tax depreciation is considered to be the last expense deducted, and the hypothetical taxable income of the utility is calculated with and without accelerated tax depreciation deductions The change in the taxable loss resulting from this calculation is the amount for which NOL carryforward ADIT must be included in rate base to prevent a 10 normaliation violation If the change exceeds the NOL, the entire NOL carryforward ADIT must be included in rate base All six PLRs contain essentially identical language, as follows: Because the ADIT account [Account 282], the reserve account for deferred taxes, reduces rate base, it is clear that the portion of an NOLC [Account 190] that is attributable to accelerated depreciation must be taken into account in calculating the amount of the reserve for deferred taxes (ADIT) The "with or without" [ or "last dollar deducted"] methodology employed by Taxpayer is specifically designed to ensure that the portion of the NOLC attributable to accelerated depreciation is correctly taken into account by maximiing the amount of the NOLC attributable to accelerated depreciation This methodology provides certainty and prevents the possibility of "flow through" of the benefits of accelerated depreciation to ratepayers (underlines and [bracketed entries] added for clarity) 2 22

26 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHAT IS THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATING THE IRS NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENT REGARDING NOLS? Because the NOL normaliation rules are a subset of the depreciation normaliation rules, a violation of the NOL normaliation requirement would result in the loss of the ability to use accelerated tax depreciation on all public utility property held by the utility IS IT ALSO SOUND REGULATORY AND ACCOUNTING PRACTICE TO INCLUDE THE NOL CARRYFORWARD ADIT IN RATE BASE? Yes, it is This treatment assures that PNM's customers receive the benefit of the actual deferred tax payments, no more and no less Including only the ADIT liability from accelerated tax depreciation, including bonus depreciation, and not also the offsetting NOL carryforward ADIT asset, would treat the Company as if it had realied the entire benefit of the bonus depreciation in the years in which it 15 was earned In reality, a substantial portion of that benefit is required to be deferred, only to be realied in future years The reason that ADIT liabilities are included as a reduction to rate base is to compensate customers for the cash benefit, or costfree capital, that the utility has received due to the temporary acceleration of certain expenses for tax purposes If the NOL carryforward ADIT asset was not included as an addition to rate base, this cashsavings benefit would be greatly overstated, and customers would benefit unjustly from cash savings not yet realied by the utility 23 23

27 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 In Kern River Gas Transmission Company, FERC Docket No RP , a 2 situation almost identical to PNM' s was litigated In that case, the FERC addressed both ADIT assets generally, and NOL carryforward ADIT assets specifically It concluded: 229 There is a second type of timing [difference] that can have the opposite effect It is possible that some accounting entries will decrease expenses or increase income for IRS purposes faster than would be the case for accounting purposes In this case the cash flow from the tax allowance embedded in the regulated entity's rates is less than the income tax payments that are generated by the higher income When the regulated entity pays for an expense earlier than would be under the Commission's regulatory accounting system, it is in essence committing more funds to the business The difference is therefore capitalied and added to the rate base The difference in the timing that results is capitalied and added to the rate base to allow a somewhat higher return on the additional funds that have need committed to the enterprise As the accounting entries for these expenses are entered ( usually allowance of funds used during construction), the difference in timing is reversed, the short term addition to the rate base decreases, and return drops This timing difference is reflected as an ADIT debit, or regulatory asset, in Account No In the instant case the NOL was properly included in Account No 190 The large depreciation deduction for the "bonus" depreciation was properly reflected as a credit in Account No 282 and served to reduce rate base to reflect the difference in timing previously described However, the impact of this deduction was so great that it exceeded the taxable cash that would have been generated under the straight line regulatory method Thus, Kem River was not able to use the full extent of the deduction in the first year it was available However, as discussed, the full accelerated depreciation amount is included in the credit ADIT in Account No 282 Without a corresponding debit in Account Mo 190, Kem River's rate base would be reduced even through [sic] it did not achieve the tax savings, and additional cash flow, that a credit entry in Account No

28 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 is intended to offset Therefore, the NOL is carried forward 2 as a regulatory asset in future years and is reduced as the 3 tax savings actually accrue to Kem River Offsetting the 4 NOL against the total ADIT reduction in the first year 5 assures that the rate base is reduced only as the company actually obtains the additional cash flows, and hence the 7 return, that the ADIT tax methodology captures for the 8 ratepayer ( emphasis added) 9 This FERC decision provides an excellent analysis of the principles behind the 10 regulatory and accounting practice of normaliing NOL carryforwards VU FUTURE TEST PERIOD NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENTS 13 Q ARE THERE ADDITIONAL IRS NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENTS 14 THAT RELATE SPECIFICALLY TO FUTURE TEST PERIOD FILINGS? 15 A Yes Treasury Regulations issued under IRC 17 govern the determination of 1 the amount of ADIT allowable as a rate base reduction in a future test year 17 Specifically, Treasury Regulation 117(1)1 mandates special "proration rules" 18 when a future test period is used in determining rates, and the newly determined 19 rates are expected to be in effect for all or a portion of that test period Q DO THESE PRORATION RULES APPLY TO ALL ADIT BALANCES 22 INCLUDED IN RATE BASE? 23 A No, they do not The proration rules only apply to depreciationrelated ADIT 24 Other ADIT balances are not prorated 25 25

29 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT PLEASE DISCUSS THESE FUTURE TEST PERIOD NORMALIZATION REQUIREMENTS Under Treasury Regulation 117(1)1, when a future test period is used to set rates and the newly determined rates are expected to be in effect for all or a portion of that test period, the utility plant ADIT additions in the portion of the test period in which the new rates are expected to be in effect must be prorated over the period for which the new rates are expected to be in effect In this filing, the future period is the year ending December 31, 2018 Collection of the new rates is expected to start on Januaiy 1, 2018 Therefore, the new rates are expected to be in place for the entirety of the Test Period As a result, January 12 through December 2018 utility plant ADIT additions must be prorated The Test Period utility plant ADIT additions are prorated, using a ratio in which the numerator is the number of days remaining in the Test Period, and the denominator is the number of days during which the new rates are expected to be in effect in the Test Period Because PNM closes its books on a monthly basis, the proration is also done on a monthly basis As a result, January 2018 ADIT additions are prorated using a ratio of 335/35, February 2018 ADIT additions are prorated by 307/35, and so on until December 2018 additions are prorated by 1/

30 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q MUST A PRORATION BE DONE IF RATE BASE IS DETERMINED 2 USING AVERAGE TESTRERIOD BALANCES? 3 A Yes IRS rules state that a proration must be done even when average rate base is 4 used The proration must be done first, before the averaging methodology is 5 applied The averaging methodology is then applied to the prorated balances 7 Q ARE SIMILAR PRORATION RULES APPLICABLE TO THE 8 CALCULATION OF INCOME TAX EXPENSE IN A FUTURE TEST 9 PERIOD? 10 A 11 No Income tax expense in a future test period is calculated in the same manner as it is for a historic test period VIII BASE PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS 14 Q WHAT PERIOD WAS USED TO DEVELOP THE BASE PERIOD AND 15 ADJUSTED BASE PERIOD ADIT AND TAX EXPENSE? 1 A The Base Period and Adjusted Base Period reflect the ADIT balances as of June 17 30, 201 and the tax expense reflects the 12 months ended on that date The Base 18 Period ADIT, permanent and flowthrough book/tax differences, tax credits, and 19 other tax adjustments come from the Company's financial accounting books and 20 records The only adjustments made to Base Period ADIT are the ModelDriven 21 Calculations, discussed below All other adjustments discussed below were made 22 in the development of the Adjusted Base Period 27

31 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 3 A WHAT ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE IN DETERMINING THE ADJUSTED BASE PERIOD ADIT BALANCES? ADIT adjustments have been made to the Base Period balances where necessary to synchronie ADIT with underlying rate base items These include: ModelDriven Calculations ADIT balances that relate to regulatory assets and liabilities (referenced "r" in Rule 530 Schedule H12, column I) and other rate base items (referenced "o" in Rule 530 Schedule H12, column I) were truedup to equal the balance of the underlying account multiplied by the combined Federal and state tax rate at which ADIT is calculated The rate is 3959% for activity before 2014, 3942% for 2014 activity, 3919% for 2015 activity, and 3902% for 201 activity These adjustments are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, page 1, column G; ADIT balances for liberalied depreciation and NOL carryforwards are adjusted to reflect the corporate allocation adjustment to G&I plant These adjustments are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column J (referenced "c" in column I); ADIT balances on certain regulatory assets and liabilities are adjusted to synchronie with the adjustments to the underlying regulatory assets and 19 liabilities shown on PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS BASE ADJ The ADIT accounts so adjusted were coal mine decommissioning and rate case expenses These ADIT changes are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column J (referenced "r" in column I); 28

32 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 2 ADIT balances on certain other rate base items are adjusted to synchronie with the adjustments to the underlying assets and liabilities shown on PNM 3 Exhibit HEM3 COS BASE ADJ The ADIT accounts so adjusted were injuries and damages, Palo Verde dry cask storage 1 & 2, Palo Verde dry cask storage 3, SJGS coal agreement transaction costs, and asset retirement obligations These ADIT changes are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column J (referenced "o" in column I); and ADIT balances for depreciation were adjusted to synchronie with the removal from rate base of the disallowed investments in balanced draft technology at the San Juan Generating Station and the acquisition adjustment and leasehold improvements related to the 41 MW of Palo Verde Unit 2 purchased in 12 January 201 Additionally, ADIT related to High Lonesome Mesa was reclassified to a separate ADIT account so it can be correctly allocated in rate base These ADIT changes are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column J (referenced "p" in column I) 1 17 Q A WHAT ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE IN DETERMINING ADJUSTED BASE PERIOD INCOME TAX EXPENSE? Several items in the income tax expense calculation were truedup to fullyear amounts This is necessary because the effective tax rate methodology for interim (quarterly) reporting required by GAAP does not recognie permanent differences ratably (straightline) over the year Rather, it recognies them proportionately as 23 pretax income is earned Therefore, a mismatch between straightline 29

33 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT amortiation and the amount included in the effective rate may occur in the interim periods When the Base Period is other than a calendar year, a trueup is required to accurately reflect the fullyear amounts The following amortiations were truedup to a full year of amortiation: Palo Verde Units 1 & 2 gain amortiation flowthrough; Palo Verde Units 1 & 2 prudence audit flowthrough; Federal grant amortiation renewables; Federal grant basis adjustmentrenewables; Excess payroll tax and Average Rate Assumption Method ("ARAM") excess deferred income tax reversals; and ITC amortiation Additionally, other known and measurable adjustments were made, including: The permanent difference for nondeductible meals was trued up to accurately reflect 50% of the meals expense included in the Base Period cost of service; The flowthrough difference for equity AFUDC was trued up to accurately reflect the actual equity AFUDC accrued in the Base Period; The New Mexico solar production tax credit was adjusted, to reflect 50% of the actual 2015 credit and 50% of the expected 201 credit; The depreciation and gain/loss flowthrough reversals were similarly adjusted, to reflect 50% of the actual 2015 flowthrough and 50% of the expected 201 flowthrough; 30

34 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT The Eastern Interconnect Project and the amortiation of the EIP prepaid tax reversal were eliminated, reflective of the expiration of the lease and the corresponding completion of the amortiation period; and The Research & Development credit was adjusted to equal the expected credit 5 IX TEST PERIOD CALCULATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS 7 Q 8 9 ARE THE ADIT, ITC, AND INCOME TAX EXPENSE CALCULATIONS IN THE COST OF SERVICE MODEL "FULLY FUNCTIONAL," AS DESCRIBED IN THE FUTURE TEST YEAR RULE? 10 A No, they are not It is not feasible to make income tax, ITC, and ADIT calculations fully functional in a Microsoft Excel model, due to the complexity of the interaction among income tax laws, GAAP reporting requirements, and 13 regulatory requirements Changes to ADIT, ITC, and income tax expense 14 adjustments (such as permanent and flowthrough book/tax differences and income 15 tax credits) must be determined outside the cost of service model and then 1 manually input Therefore, in accordance with NMAC, PNM will rerun 17 the calculations reasonably required by Staff or intervenors in order to capture the 18 impact on the proposed cost of service of any adjustments to ADIT or other 19 income tax input 20 31

35 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT HOW HAS PNM CALCULATED THE ADIT INCLUDED IN THE TEST PERIOD COST OF SERVICE? The calculated incremental ADIT included in the Test Period revenue requirements is calculated at the applicable combined Federal and state income tax rates in effect for the Linkage and Test Periods As stated earlier, those rates are 3902% for 201 activity, 3879% for 2017 activity, and 382% for 2018 activity The state income tax component of the combined rate is lower than that in effect for the Base Period and Adjusted Base Period because of the New Mexico state income tax rate change discussed in Section X of my testimony The changes in ADIT are calculated by applying the applicable tax rates to the changes in the underlying book/tax differences on rate base accounts, be they plantinservice, regulatory assets or liabilities, or other rate base items Additionally, certain ADIT accounts are adjusted for "taxonly" differences, including Palo Verde licensing amortiation, repairs deductions, NOL carryforwards, ARAM reversals, and depreciation flowthrough reversals All the Linkage and Test Period adjustments are discussed in more detail below WHAT ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE TO ADIT IN THE LINKAGE AND TEST PERIODS? ADIT for the Linkage and Test Periods has been adjusted for the following: The IRSrequired proration of depreciationrelated ADIT discussed in Section VI of this testimony These adjustments are embedded in the monthly Test 23 Period balances shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns 0Z Such 32

36 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT inclusion in the monthly balances is necessary due to the use of an average test period rate base in this case; ADIT balances for depreciation and NOL carryforwards are adjusted to reflect the Linkage and Test Period corporate allocation adjustment to G&l plant These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H 12, columns LZ; The ADIT balance for pension has been adjusted to reflect the effect of the Test Period adjustment to the prepaid pension asset This adjustment is shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column AC; The ADIT balance for liberalied depreciation other has been reduced to reflect the Test Period amortiation of estimated excess deferred state income taxes The estimate was prepared on total rate base ADIT and not on each individual ADIT account The total adjustment is immaterial to total ADIT and is included in liberalied depreciation other as a proxy for spreading it among all the ADIT accounts This adjustment is shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column AC; ADIT balances on certain regulatory assets and liabilities are adjusted to reflect Linkage and Test Period changes to the underlying assets and liabilities These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ; ADIT balances on certain other rate base items are adjusted to reflect Linkage 22 and Test Period changes to the underlying assets and liabilities These 33

37 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ; Depreciation ADIT has been updated to reflect both the depreciation ADIT on Linkage and Test Period plant additions, as well as ongoing Linkage and Test Period ADIT changes on assets in service at the end of the Base Period Depreciation ADIT has also been adjusted to reflect the effects of Linkage and Test Period reversals of ARAM and excess payroll tax reversals, repairs deductions, and depreciation flowthrough reversals These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ; The NOL carryforward ADIT has been adjusted to reflect partial utiliation of the NOL carryforward based on the expected taxable income of PNM in the Linkage and Test Period These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ; Debt AFUDC ADIT and book capitalied interest ADIT have been adjusted to reflect debt AFUDC accrued and interest capitalied in the Linkage and Test Period These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ; Liberalied depreciation generation has been reduced to reflect the removal of San Juan Units 2 & 3 at December 31, 2017 This adjustment is included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, column Z; Liberalied depreciation generation has been reduced for ADIT related to pre201 clearings for the balanced draft technology at San Juan and the leasehold improvements related to the 41 MW of Palo Verde Unit 2 34

38 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT purchased in January 201 These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ The acquisition adjustment on the 41 MW of Palo Verde Unit 2 was not included in the ADIT calculations; and Palo Verde licensing ADIT, a taxonly amortiation, is adjusted for amortiation in the Linkage and Test Periods These adjustments are included in the activity shown on Rule 530 Schedule H12, columns LZ Q A HOW HAS PNM CALCULATED THE INCOME TAX EXPENSE INCLUDED IN THE TEST PERIOD REVENUE REQUIREMENTS? The calculated income tax expense included in the Test Period revenue requirements is calculated at the applicable Federal and state income tax rates in effect for the test period The state income tax rate is lower than that in effect for the Base Period and Adjusted Base Period because of the New Mexico state income tax rate change discussed in Section X of my testimony The Test Period rate is 590% The income tax expense is calculated by applying the applicable tax rates to the pretax income calculated in the costofservice, adjusted for the applicable permanent and flowthrough book/tax differences and applicable income tax credits All the Test Period adjustments are discussed in more detail below 35

39 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHAT ADJUSTMENTS WERE MADE TO INCOME TAX EXPENSE IN THE TEST PERIOD? The income tax expense calculation in the Test Period has been adjusted for the following: The permanent book/tax difference for nondeductible meals was trued up to accurately reflect 50% of the meals expense included in the Test Period cost of service; The permanent differences for AFUDC equity have been truedup to equal the expected Test Period accrual of AFUDC equity; The flowthrough reversal for the PVNGS prudency audit decision has been eliminated because it will have been fully amortied prior to the Test Period; The depreciation flowthrough and gain/loss flowthrough reversals have been recalculated for the Test Period; The Palo Verde gain amortiation flowthrough has been adjusted to reflect the amortiation in the Test Period; The ITC amortiation has been calculated using the current estimated useful lives for the Palo Verde and San Juan generating stations in accordance with IRS normaliation requirements that ITC be flowed through to customers no faster than ratably over the life of the underlying assets The ITC amortiation has also been adjusted to reflect the exclusion of 50% of the undepreciated value of San Juan Units 2 & 3 at December 31, 2017; The ARAM reversal of excess deferred income taxes has been calculated using the current estimated useful lives in accordance with IRS normaliation 3

40 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT requirements The ARAM has also been adjusted to reflect the exclusion of 50% of the undepreciated value of San Juan Units 2 and 3 on December 31, 2017; The R&D and other credits have been adjusted to remove the plugin vehicle credit not expected to occur in the Test Period; The New Mexico production tax credits have been adjusted to the credit expected in the Test Period; The New Mexico NOL valuation allowance amortiation has been adjusted as discussed below; and The excess deferred state income tax amortiation has been included, based on a 20year amortiation of the estimated balance as of December 31, 2017 All the above changes are shown on Rule 530 Schedules H9, and the changes to taxable income are shown on Rule 530 Schedule H Q A ARE THERE ANY OTHER ADJUSTMENTS TO TEST PERIOD INCOME TAX EXPENSE? Yes PNM is requesting the establishment of a regulatory asset of $5,877, associated with the impairment of state NOL carryforwards Of that amount, $804,544 is the unamortied balance of the December 31, 2014 impairment of $2,145,450 allowed in NMPRC Case No UT The remainder is made up of PNM' s portion of additional impairments incurred between January 1, 2014 and June 30, 201 PNM is requesting recovery of the impairment over a threeyear period PNM is not seeking to include this regulatory asset in rate base The 37

41 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 2 $1,959,132 amortiation of the regulatory asset is included in 530 Schedule H9, line and PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, line Q A Q A IS PNM'S PROPOSED REGULATORY ASSET CONSISTENT WITH PRIOR COMMISSION ORDERS? Yes, it is This issue was specifically addressed in NMPRC Case No UT PNM's proposed regulatory asset was approved in that case WHAT WAS THE CAUSE OF THE IMPAIRMENT OF THE STATE NOLS? GAAP rules require that the expected future utiliation of deferred tax assets be 12 analyed If it is unlikely that the asset will reverse before it expires, then a reserve liability against the ADIT asset must be established When a NOL cannot be fully utilied in the current year, and is carried forward, it creates an ADIT asset that must be so analyed New Mexico NOLs incurred before 2013 could be carried forward only five years When 50% bonus tax depreciation was extended retroactively for 2014, and then retroactively and prospectively in 2015, the resulting reductions in taxable income made it unlikely that PNM would be able to fully utilie certain pre2013 New Mexico NOLs before they expire Therefore, an ADIT liability was established to impair the NOL carryforward ADIT asset for the amount of NOL expected to expire unused NO Ls incurred after 2012 have a 20 year carryforward, and are therefore very unlikely to expire unused 23 38

42 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHY IS PNM IN A NOL CARRYFORWARD POSITION? As discussed above, PNM is in a NOL carryforward position because it has generated tax deductions in excess of taxable income These excess deductions were generated by bonus tax depreciation BEFORE ADDRESSING THE NOL IMPAIRMENT LOSS, PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION Bonus tax depreciation is an acceleration of tax depreciation deductions in excess of normal Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System ("MACRS") tax depreciation It was enacted as a temporary provision in the Internal Revenue Code to stimulate the economy and encourage businesses to buy or build property The bonus tax depreciation available to the Company when this case was filed was enacted and extended by the following tax acts: The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 allowed an immediate deduction of 50% of the cost of eligible property in the year placed in service Regular MACRS tax depreciation applied to the other 50% of the asset cost It applied to assets placed in service in 2008 and 2009; The Small Business Jobs Act retroactively extended bonus tax depreciation for 2010; The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance and Job Creation Act of 2010 modified and extended bonus tax depreciation Under this Act, for eligible assets placed in service between September 9, 2010 and December 31, 2011, 39

43 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 2 tax depreciation is allowed for 100% of the cost of the asset For 2012, the bonus percentage reverted to 50%; 3 4 The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended 50% bonus tax depreciation for 2013; 5 The Tax Increase Prevention Act of2014 extended 50% bonus tax depreciation for 2014; The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes ("PATH") Act of 2015 extended and phased out bonus tax depreciation through 2019 The Act extended 50% bonus retroactively for 2015 and prospectively for % bonus tax depreciation was enacted for 2018, and 30% bonus depreciation was enacted for 2019; Thereafter, normal MACRS tax depreciation rates were to be used on the entire cost of the asset Q 1 WOULD PNM BE IN A NOL CARRYFORWARD POSITION IF IT NEVER TOOK ADVANTAGE OF BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION? 17 A No, it would not This is evident by the fact that PNM was not in a NOL carryforward position for the many years before bonus tax depreciation was enacted, which provides for accelerated depreciation in the year an asset is placed in service It is also supported by the costbenefit analysis provided in PNM Exhibit MFH This analysis shows that PNM has recorded tax depreciation 40

44 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT ADIT liabilities related to bonus tax depreciation, far in excess of the NOL canyforward ADIT asset recorded In other words, the bonus depreciation tax deductions have far exceeded the deductions that are being carried forward as NOL Both of these facts demonstrate that bonus tax depreciation is the proximate cause of the NOL carryforward Q A IS THIS CONSISTENT WITH THE IRS VIEW OF NOLS IN RATEMAKING PROCEEDINGS? Yes, it is The IRS view is that the NOL carryforwards that are required to be normalied are calculated using a "withandwithout" approach This means that the IRS considers an NOL to be created first by accelerated tax depreciation (including bonus tax depreciation) Only to the extent the NOL is larger than the accelerated tax depreciation deductions is it considered to have been created by other tax deductions Clearly, PNM's NOL carryforward ADIT asset is less than its ADIT liability from bonus tax depreciation Therefore, the IRS considers all of the PNM NOL carryforward to have been created from accelerated tax depreciation, specifically bonus tax depreciation 41

45 Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT DOES BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION PROVIDE A BENEFIT TO CUSTOMERS IN THIS CASE, EVEN WHEN CONSIDERING ALL ITS COSTS, INCLUDING THE NEW MEXICO NOL IMPAIRMENT LOSS? Yes, it does The costbenefit analysis for bonus tax depreciation in PNM Exhibit MFH shows that bonus tax depreciation has provided a substantial benefit to customers Net of all costs, including the impairment loss and a return on the entire NOL carryforward ADIT asset, the bonus tax depreciation ADIT liability provides a substantial revenue requirement benefit to customers in the Test Period This benefit will grow in the future as the NOL carryforward is utilied and the NOL carryforward ADIT asset is eliminated Q A WHAT IS THE DIRECT EFFECT OF BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION ON A COSTOFSERVICE CALCULATION? Because bonus tax depreciation provides an additional acceleration of tax depreciation, it has the direct effect of increasing the ADIT liability for tax depreciation This ADIT liability is included as a reduction to rate base This is because the deduction is available earlier for tax purposes than for book purposes The total deduction for depreciation is still the same for book and tax purposes over time, so tax bonus tax depreciation is only a temporary book/tax difference and does not reduce the total income tax expense recoverable in rates However, to compensate customers for the deferral by the utility of the payment of the tax expense that is included in the cost of service, the ADIT liability reduces the rate base on which the utility earns a return 42

46 1 2 Q DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT ARE THERE ANY OTHER EFFECTS OF BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION ON A COSTOFSERVICE CALCULATION? 3 A Yes, in the case of PNM, there are For capital intensive businesses such as 4 utilities, bonus tax depreciation can result in such large tax deductions that the 5 company has negative taxable income This situation is referred to as a Net Operating Loss When it has a NOL, the Company cannot realie the cash benefit of all of the deductions, because it cannot reduce its tax payments below ero In other words, it cannot get a refund of taxes it never paid The NOL, however, may be carried over and used against taxable income to reduce taxes payable in future periods Because the deductions cannot be utilied in the current period, but can be utilied in future periods, the NOL is a temporary book/tax difference for which an ADIT asset must be recorded The sum of the ADIT liability created by the bonus tax depreciation and the ADIT asset created by the NOL represents the net cash tax benefits actually received by the company Q A WHAT WAS THE CAUSE OF PNM'S IMPAIRMENT OF ITS NEW MEXICO NOL CARRYFORWARD? The repeated extensions of bonus tax depreciation are the cause of PNM's NOL 19 carryforward, and, ultimately, the impairment thereof Due to the numerous 20 extensions of bonus tax depreciation, PNM determined that it will not be able to 21 use all of its New Mexico NOLs before they expire Because of this, PNM impaired, or wroteoff, the deferred tax benefit associated with the carryforwards that would expire unused 43

47 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 3 A 4 5 PLEASE ELABORATE ON THE LEGAL AND ACCOUNTING GUIDANCE WHICH REQUIRED THIS IMPAIRMENT Under New Mexico law, NOLs that were incurred prior to 2013 can only be carried forward five years If the taxpayer does not have sufficient taxable income against which to offset the entire NOL carryforward, the unused portion expires, and cannot be realied This creates a permanent book/tax difference, because the 7 tax benefit of the unused deduction will never be realied As discussed previously, GAAP require that once it is determined that it is unlikely that an NOL carryforward will be utilied before expiration, the Company must impair, or writeoff, the portion that it expects to expire unused Because of the repeated extensions of bonus tax depreciation, including the 2015 PATH Act extensions in December 2015, PNM determined that it would not be able to use all its pre2013 state NOL carryforwards before they expire PNM is required by GAAP to impair the NOL carryforward by recording an impairment reserve against the portion of NOL carryforward ADIT asset related to any potentially unusable portion of the 1 NOL carryforward This increases income tax expense and creates a reserve (liability) in ADIT that offsets the NOL carryforward ADIT asset by the same amount This effectively reduces the NOL carryforward ADIT asset to the amount of future tax savings the Company expects to realie 20 44

48 I Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT IS THE NOL CARRYFORWARD ADIT ASSET IN THE COSTOF SERVICE REDUCED BY THE IMPAIRMENT LOSS? Yes, it is The NOL carryforward ADIT asset included in the costofservice (and therefore rate base) was reduced by the full amount of the impairment reserves, so the ADIT asset reflects only the tax benefit of the NOL carryforward the Company expects to realie in the future As a result, the revenue requirement does not include a return on the impaired portion of the NOL carryforward ADIT asset WHY IS IT PROPER TO INCLUDE THE NOL IMPAIRMENT LOSS AMORTIZATION IN THE COSTOFSERVICE AS A RECOVERABLE EXPENSE? The impairment loss amortiation is properly included in the costofservice calculation because it is a cost directly resulting from the Company's decision to take advantage of bonus tax depreciation This decision, net of all costs, yields a substantial benefit to customers in this case A costbenefit analysis is included as PNM Exhibit MFH, which proves that customers benefit from bonus depreciation The large tax deductions resulting from bonus depreciation create an ADIT liability which reduces rate base, and correspondingly reduces the revenue requirement This benefit will be ongoing and longlasting Because customers benefit in the longterm from bonus depreciation, it is appropriate that they bear 21 any cost resulting therefrom That cost is the New Mexico NOL impairment expense To include the bonus tax depreciation ADIT liability without including all of its associated costs would be "cherrypicking" and unfair to PNM 45

49 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 HAVE CUSTOMERS BENEFITED FROM BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION IN THE PAST PNM CASES? 3 A Yes, they have A substantial ADIT liability from bonus tax depreciation was included as a rate base reduction in the costofservice calculation in NMPRC Case No UT Similarly, in PNM's last rate case, NMPRC Case No UT, a large ADIT liability from bonus tax depreciation reduced rate base in the costofservice calculation 8 9 Q A WILL BONUS TAX DEPRECIATION PROVIDE BENEFITS TO CUSTOMERS IN THE FUTURE AS WELL? Yes, it will In the longterm, the NOL carryforward ADIT asset will reverse as the NOL carryforwards are utilied, and a larger benefit will inure to customers from the bonus tax depreciation ADIT liability still on the books and reducing rate base 15 1 Q A IS THE IMPAIRMENT CALCULATED ON A STANDALONE OR A CONSOLIDATED BASIS? The impairment included in the cost of service represents only PNM' s portion of the total impairment The total impairment is calculated on a consolidated basis, and only the portion allocable to PNM is included in the cost of service The portion of the impairment related to other companies in the consolidated group has been excluded 23 4

50 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 X NEW MEXICO INCOME TAX RATE CHANGE 2 Q PLEASE DISCUSS THE RECENT NEW MEXICO INCOME TAX RATE 3 CHANGE 4 A In 2013, New Mexico House Bill 41 was signed into law Among other things, 5 the bill amended 72A5 NMSA 1978 to include prospective reductions in the New Mexico corporate income tax rate The rate reductions phase in over five 7 years beginning in 2014 The phase in and its effect on the combined Federal and 8 state income tax rate is as follows: 9 Table MFH1 Rate Federal 3500% 3500% 3500% 3500% 3500% 3500% New Mexico 70% 730% 90% 0% 20% 590% Combined 3959% 3942% 3919% 3902% 3879% 382% 10 Q HOW DOES THE RATE CHANGE AFFECT THE COST OF SERVICE 11 CALCULATIONS? 12 A The state income tax rate used in calculating income tax expense is reduced from 13 the historic 70% to a blended rate of 75% (90% x /12 plus 0% x /12) in 14 the Base and Adjusted Base Periods, and to 590% in the Test Period, thereby 15 reducing the amount of income tax expense included in the cost of service 1 Additionally, incremental ADIT in the Test Period cost of service is calculated at 17 the tax rate in effect when the increment occurs (3902% in 201, 3879% in 2017, 18 and 382% in 2018) 19 47

51 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 A 3 WILL THE RATE CHANGE HA VE ANY OTHER EFFECTS? Yes, the rate reduction will result in what are known as excess deferred state income taxes 4 5 Q 7 A PLEASE EXPLAIN THE CONCEPT OF EXCESS DEFERRED INCOME TAXES When deferred taxes are recorded and included in income tax expense in the cost of service, they are generally calculated at the rate in effect when the deferred tax was created For years, this rate has been 3959% for PNM These deferred taxes create ADIT because they are not paid in the year the expense is recorded but in a later year As a result of the rate reduction, those deferred taxes will be paid at a 12 lower rate than that at which they were accrued The difference between the amount accrued and the amount expected to be paid at the lower rate is called excess deferred income tax 15 1 Q A IS THE AMOUNT OF THE EXCESS DEFERRED STATE INCOME TAXES THAT RESULTS FROM THE NEW MEXICO TAX RATE CHANGE KNOWN AT THIS TIME? No, it is not The amount of the excess deferred state income taxes will not be known until the rate phasein of the tax rate reduction is complete in 2018 (unless the New Mexico Legislature modifies the amount or timing of the rate reduction) This is because it is the ADIT balances at that time that will ultimately be paid at the new fully phasedin rate and those balances are not now known 48

52 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q A DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF EVENTS THAT HAVE OCCURRED SINCE THE ENACTMENT OF THE NEW MEXICO RATE REDUCTION LEGISLATION THAT COULD RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES IN THE AMOUNT OF EXCESS DEFERRED STATE INCOME TAXES? Yes, I do In the 201 New Mexico Legislature, two bills were introduced to extend the rate reduction phasein period Senate Bill 90 proposed a oneyear extension, and Senate Bill 252 proposed a twoyear extension Later, in the 201 Special Session, the Senate passed Senate Bill 5, which again proposed a twoyear extension These changes were proposed in response to the severe reduction in this year's projected revenues for the state None of these bills was enacted, but if the projected state revenues stay low, it is very likely that additional bills will be introduced to delay, or eliminate completely, the rate reduction, as the Legislature looks for ways to balance the state budget Additionally, Federal tax law changes, such as extensions of bonus tax depreciation or comprehensive corporate tax reform, can have substantial effects on future state taxable income, and the resulting excess deferred state income taxes Q A HOW DOES PNM PROPOSE TO TREAT THE EXCESS DEFERRED STATE INCOME TAXES? Because the amount of the excess deferred state income taxes is not yet known, PNM proposes to continue to defer the estimated excess deferred state income taxes in ADIT The amount of the excess deferred state income taxes would be 49

53 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT fixed in amount in 2018 and returned to customers over some time period which reasonably reflects the period over which the actual deferred benefit of the lower rate will be realied by PNM PNM proposes to begin returning the estimated excess deferred state income taxes to customers in this case, as it includes a calendaryear 2018 Test Period However, the final amount of excess deferred state income taxes is not yet known with certainty, and will not be known until 2018 Therefore, PNM proposes that the amount of total excess deferred state income taxes to be returned to customers be adjusted to the actual amount determined as of December 31, in PNM' s first rate case filed after January 1, 2018 This trueup will protect both customers and the Company, as it will ensure that the actual excess deferred state income taxes, no more and no less, are returned to customers In NMPRC Case No UT, PNM proposed that either ARAM, or a reasonable facsimile of ARAM, be used to determine the timing of the return to 1 customers This is the same mechanism that the IRS required for the excess deferred income taxes created by the Federal income tax rate reduction in the Tax Reform Act of 198 The calculation of an ARAM adjustment is unduly timeconsuming and requires an inordinate amount of detail from both fixed asset and 20 tax records The Tax Reform Act of 198 recognied this, and alternatively allowed the use of a simplified method, the Reverse South Georgia Method ("RSGM") In this case, PNM proposes to use the RSGM to determine the period over which to return the excess deferred state income taxes to customers 50

54 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT RSGM calculates a straightline amortiation of the excess deferred taxes over the remaining weighted average life of the net plant in rate base When compared to ARAM, the RSGM actually results in a higher amortiation in early years and lower amortiation in the later years of the amortiation period When calculated based on the test period in this case, the amortiation period is approximately 21 years The RSGM mechanism protects customers, because the ADIT offset to rate base is not reduced by the effect of the rate change until the excess deferred income taxes are returned to customers through a reduction to income tax expense Additionally, it protects the Company by reasonably matching the timing of the return of the excess deferred income taxes to customers with the timing of the actual cash benefit received by PNM as the ADIT reverses at the future lower rate Q A OVER WHAT PERIOD DOES PNM PROPOSE TO RETURN TO CUSTOMERS THE EXCESS DEFERRED STATE INCOME TAXES? The RSGM, when calculated using Test Period values for Net Plant and Depreciation Expense, results in an amortiation period of approximately 21 years Therefore, PNM proposes to return the excess deferred state income taxes on a 18 straightline basis over 20 years A calculation of both the estimated excess deferred state income taxes and the RSGM amortiation period is included as PNM Exhibit MFH

55 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT IS PNM'S PROPOSED METHODOLOGY CONSISTENT WITH PRIOR COMMISSION ORDERS? Yes, it is This issue was specifically addressed in NMPRC Case No UT PNM's proposed methodology was approved in that case WILL CUSTOMERS BE HARMED BY THE RETURN OF EXCESS DEFERRED STATE INCOME TAXES OVER THE 20YEAR AMORTIZATION PERIOD? No, they will not Just as with any other ADIT liability, the excess deferred state 10 income taxes reduce rate base because they are a component of ADIT This compensates customers for the difference in timing between when tax expense is recovered from customers and when it is paid out by PNM The excess deferred state income taxes will only be removed from the ADIT liability which reduces rate base when they are actually returned to customers Therefore, customers are not harmed by any delay The only difference between the excess deferred state income taxes and other ADIT is that PNM will return the excess deferred state income taxes to customers through its rates, and will pay other ADIT to the IRS Either way, customers are compensated or "made whole" for the entire time that PNM has the use of the excess funds This is a basic tenet of ratemaking for noncash expenses, including ADIT, and is the very reason that the ADIT liability is included as a reduction to rate base 22 52

56 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q 2 3 A 4 ARE THE EXCESS DEFERRED TAXES A SOURCE OF ZEROCOST CAPITAL TO PNM? No Deferred taxes can be seen only as a costfree source of capital that comes from the taxing authority; but by no means are they costfree to PNM once the 5 ratemaking implications are considered Because PNM received this payment deferral from the taxing authority at no cost, the Company must reduce rate base by the resulting ADIT liability This compensates customers for the noncash portion of recoverable income tax expense and reduces revenues earned by the Company This reduction in revenue is PNM' s cost, and the benefit of deferred taxes is passed back to customers through the ADIT rate base reduction XI FEDERAL TAX TREATMENT OF MEALS EXPENSE 13 Q A 1 17 PLEASE EXPLAIN THE FEDERAL TAX TREATMENT FOR MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES Although meals and entertainment expenses are legitimate business expenses, for Federal tax purposes, the tax deduction for those expenses is generally limited to 50% of the actual amount expended Because this is not a book/tax difference that 18 will reverse over time, it is a permanent book/tax difference Therefore, it increases income tax expense calculated for financial statement and ratemaking purposes by the tax on the nondeductible expenditures 21 53

57 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WHY IS THE DEDUCTIBILITY OF MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES LIMITED FOR TAX PURPOSES? The 50% disallowance was enacted as an expedient proxy for taxing the personal benefit received by the recipients of the meals or entertainment, be they employees, customers, or business associates It was not enacted as a reaction to abuse of the meals and entertainment deductions, or because meals and entertainment are not considered to be legitimate business expenses Rather, it was enacted in lieu of requiring the recipients to pay additional taxes WHY IS THE TAX TREATMENT OF MEALS AND ENTERTAINMENT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BUSINESS EXPENSES? Although no different than other expenses from the perspective of the business, for tax purposes meals and entertainment expenses are treated differently from most other business expenses because the recipient ( of a meal, for example) receives a nontaxed personal benefit upon the receipt of the meal By way of comparison, if PNM pays for office supplies from a supplier, the supplier is taxed on that payment Similarly, if PNM pays wages to an employee, that employee is taxed on those wages Such is not the case with business meals, which theoretically should be, but historically have not been, taxable to the recipient Whether or not the recipient of a payment or a benefit pays taxes on the value received, however, does not affect the nature of the payment as a business expense by the payor 54

58 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT Congress and the IRS recognied that the recipient of the meal was receiving a benefit without being taxed IRC 1(a) defines gross taxable income as "Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, gross income means all income from whatever source derived " Therefore, barring a statutory exception from taxable income for meals and entertainment received (for which there is none), the value of business meals or entertainment should be taxable to the recipient Congress and the IRS also recognied that the reporting and taxation of such a benefit at the recipient level would be viiiually impossible Recipients would have to track the value of each meal received, and repmi that value as taxable income Such a system would be extremely onerous on the recipient and difficult to administer and audit by the IRS Limiting the deductibility of such expenses at the payor level, rather than taxing them at the recipient level, would be much simpler and easier to administer and audit Therefore, IRC 274(n) was enacted to limit the payor deductibility of meals and entertainment expense as a proxy for the recipient taxability of the same This tradeoff is reflected m the legislative history of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which states "the committee believes that denial of some part of the deduction is appropriate as a proxy for income inclusion of the consumption element of the meal or entertainment" It is also supported by the fact that IRC 274(n)(2)(A) provides that the expense is 100% deductible by the payor if the recipient includes the value of the receipt in taxable income 23 55

59 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 Q IS THERE ANY REASON THE IRS 50% NONDEDUCTIBILITY 2 STANDARD SHOULD BE APPLIED TO THE RECOVERY OF MEALS 3 AND ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES IN THE COST OF SERVICE? 4 A No, there is not As discussed above, meals and entertainment expenses are 5 legitimate business expenses and therefore are no different from other costs of doing business As such, they should be fully recoverable in the cost of service, 7 notwithstanding their tax treatment 8 9 XII PALO VERDE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS 10 Q 11 A WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION OF YOUR TESTIMONY? In this section, I provide, in whole or in part, the information requested in 12 paragraph 213 of the Final Order Partially Adopting Corrected Recommended 13 Decision in NMPRC Case No UT ("2015 Order") PNM Witness 14 Momoy also addresses the requirements of the 2015 Order regarding the 15 ratemaking treatment associated with the gains resulting from the Palo Verde Unit 1 1 and Unit 2 saleleaseback transactions Much of the information provided below 17 was also previously provided either in my May 25, 201 Supplemental Testimony 18 or in the oral testimony at the supplemental hearing in NMPRC Case No UT 20 5

60 1 2 3 Q DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT HAS PNM PROVIDED A CALCULATION OF THE INCOME TAX PAID AS A RESULT OF THE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS, AS REQUIRED IN THE 2015 ORDER, PARA GRAPH 213(2)? 4 A Yes The calculation of the income tax expense and income taxes payable resulting from the saleleaseback transactions is included as PNM Exhibit MFH 14 Page 1 of the Exhibit is a summary of the total income tax expense resulting from the saleleaseback transactions Page 2 of the Exhibit is a reconciliation of the taxable income on page 3 of the Exhibit to the capital and ordinary gain income reported on the 1985 and 198 Federal income tax returns Page 3 of the Exhibit is the calculation of the total tax expense for all five saleleaseback tranches Pages 48 of the Exhibit are the calculations for each of the five saleleaseback tranches, and sum to the amounts on page 3 On pages 38, column Bis the calculation of the total tax expense resulting from the transaction Column C is the calculation of the portion of that total tax expense that was payable to the IRS and state taxing authority at the time of the transaction Column D is the deferred portion of the total tax expense that would be payable or receivable in future periods The information included on pages 38 of this Exhibit was provided by PNM in testimony, exhibits, and discovery and entered into the record of NMPRC Case No UT (see PNM Exhibit MFH1 (May 25, 201 Suppl) and 22 ABCWUA Exhibit 2) It was also discussed on September 28, 201 in the 23 supplemental hearing in that case (see transcript pages 39139) 57

61 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WAS INCOME TAX EXPENSE CORRECTLY INCLUDED THE CALCULATION OF THE NET GAIN THAT WAS RETURNED TO CUSTOMERS? Yes When calculating the aftertax gain that should be returned to customers, the pretax gain must be reduced by the total income tax expense, not by the income taxes payable at the time of the transaction If only the taxes currently payable are included, the deferred component of income taxes would be ignored This would lead to either an overstatement or understatement of the aftertax gain In this sense, the gain is no different than any other ratemaking item in that both cunent and deferred tax effects must be included PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CALCULATION OF THE TAXABLE GAIN ON THE SALE The calculation of the taxable gain begins with the determination of the book gain of $230 million The book gain is equal to the sale price of $9005 million, less selling expenses of $202 million and the book basis of the assets sold, approximately $443 million Next, permanent and flowthrough book/tax differences of $2920 million are added to the book gain to calculate the taxable gain of $5280 million upon which book income tax expense is calculated By far the largest book/tax difference is AFUDC, at $2124 million 58

62 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT Last, temporary book/tax differences are added to calculate gain currently taxable and reportable to the IRS These relatively small adjustments are reversals of prior book/tax differences for which deferred income taxes were provided As such, they do not affect total income tax expense, only the split between current and deferred income tax expense Had PNM kept the assets, all these book/tax differences would have reversed over time as the assets would have been depreciated differences The sale merely accelerated the recognition of the book/tax Q A Q A WHY IS THE BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCE FOR AFUDC SO SUBSTANTIAL? AFUDC is a carrying cost calculated on the accumulated costs incurred during the construction period of the assets The construction period for Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 was very long, approximately 10 years Additionally, during that time period, AFUDC rates were substantially higher than they are currently Although I do not have access to the original AFUDC calculations done by PNM' s contemporaneous plant accounting system, the amount appears reasonable in light of these two factors PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CALCULATION OF THE TAX ON THE GAIN The taxable gain is split between the capital gain portion and the ordinary portion This is necessary because under the tax law in effect at the time of the sale, the two were taxed at different rates The state income tax is calculated on the entire book 59

63 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT gain, and the Federal income tax expense is calculated on the capital and ordinary portions of the gain at their respective rates Next, Federal minimum tax must be calculated because of the large capital gain which is taxed at a reduced rate Next, a small adjustment is included to reflect the effect of amended returns and carryback effects Finally, to determine the portion of the total tax expense that is currently payable, utiliation of ITC is included as an offset to the current taxes payable Q A Q A WHAT IS THE PRIMARY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE $1937 MILLION TOTAL TAX EXPENSE FOR BOOK AND RATEMAKING PURPOSES AND THE TAXES PAID OF $1185 MILLION? The primary difference between the total tax expense and the taxes paid is the $807 million of Federal ITC carryforwards that were utilied against the current tax payable These ITC carryforwards consist of ITC generated in prior years and carried forward because PNM did not have sufficient tax liability to utilie the credits in prior years DID THE ITC CARRYFORWARD UTILIZED AGAINST THE TAX GENERATED BY THE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS CONSIST ONLY OF ITC GENERATED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF PALO VERDE UNITS 1 & 2? No it did not The total ITC claimed by PNM on Palo Verde Units 1 and 2 was $419 million, substantially less than the $807 million used to offset the tax on the 0

64 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT saleleaseback transaction gains The $807 million represents ITC, from whatever source, that would not have been utilied in 1985 and 198 but for the increase in tax resulting from the saleleaseback transactions Q A Q A WOULD THERE BE A NORMALIZATION VIOLATION IF THE ITC UTILIZATION WAS USED TO REDUCE THE TAX EXPENSE INCLUDED IN THE NET GAIN RETURNED TO CUSTOMERS? Yes, there would If the tax expense in the net gain calculation were reduced by the ITC utiliation, the result would constitute a violation of the IRS normaliation rules for ITC According to the ITC normaliation rules, the benefit of ITC cannot be flowed back to the customers any faster than ratably over the book depreciable life of the underlying property Therefore, the utility is prohibited from flowing the benefit back to customers either when the ITC is generated or when it is utilied to actually reduce cash taxes payable Rather, it must amortie the ITC over the life of the underlying assets This was discussed on September 28, 201 in the supplemental hearing in NMPRC Case No UT (see transcript pages 39339) WHAT IS THE PENALTY FOR AN ITC NORMALIZATION VIOLATION? If the IRS finds that an ITC normaliation violation has occurred, and it is not corrected, the PNM would have to refund to the IRS all unamortied ITC existing at the time the violation occurred At the end of 198, this balance was over $180 1

65 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT million that PNM would have had to pay the IRS for a normaliation violation, and consequently would not have credited back to customers over time This result would have been a huge detriment to both the utility and its customers Q A Q A HA VE CUSTOMERS RECEIVED THE BENEFIT OF THE ITC UTILIZED AGAINST THE TAXES PAYABLE FROM THE SALE LEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS? Yes they have ITC is amortied and flowed back to customers over the book life of the underlying assets Of the 198 balance of over $180 million of unamortied ITC, less than $7 million remains to be amortied and flowed back to customers That remaining amount will continue to be amortied over the remaining book life of the underlying assets HAS PNM PROVIDED A CALCULATION OF THE AFTER TAX PROCEEDS FROM THE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS, AS REQUIRED BY PARAGRAPH 213(1) OF THE 2015 ORDER? Yes The calculation of the aftertax proceeds from the saleleaseback transactions is included as PNM Exhibit MFH15 The gain calculation is also included in the Direct Testimony and Exhibits of PNM Witness Monroy The calculation was compiled from the original workpapers created at the time of the transactions The income tax expense shown on the Exhibit is equal to the amount calculated on 22 PNM Exhibit MFH14 The deferred gain on Line 12 is analogous and 23 approximately equal to the $425 million referenced in the Paragraph J of the Final 2

66 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT Order in NMPSC Case No 222 Further, a reconciliation is included to show the pretax gain, reduced by the components of total income tax expense ( cash taxes payable at the time of the transactions, ITC utilied, and deferred taxes receivable) Q A DID CUSTOMERS RECEIVE 100% OF THE BENEFITS ASSOCIATED WITH THE GAINS FROM THE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS? Yes, they did PNM Exhibit MFH15 shows the calculation of the gain, net of all 8 resulting expenses, including income tax expense The total benefit of the transaction is $423 million, $9005 million sales price less expenses of $202 million, asset costs of $443 million, and income tax expense of $1937 million This gain is equal to the gain discussed in the Testimony and Exhibits of PNM 12 Witness Monroy Mr Monroy discusses how customers received this entire benefit as a rate base reduction for the unamortied gain and as a reduction to recoverable costs through the amortiation of the gain Q A WAS INCOME TAX AN APPROPRIATELY RECOVERABLE EXPENSE? Yes, it was, because it related to items included in the cost of service In this sense, income tax is no different than any other expense related to and resulting from the sale Income tax expense calculated on all the other items in the cost of service is a normal component of any revenue requirement calculation 3

67 Q A Q A DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT WAS IT APPROPRIATE TO INCLUDE INCOME TAX EXPENSE RESULTING FROM THE SALELEASEBACK TRANSACTIONS AS A RECOVERABLE EXPENSE? Yes, it was The entire net gain on the saleleaseback transactions was returned to customers The transactions benefited customers both through a reduction in rate base and a reduction to recoverable expenses Therefore, the income tax expense resulting from that gain was appropriately included in the cost of service as a reduction to the gain To do otherwise would have given all the gross benefit of the transaction to customers, and would have saddled PNM with the enormous income tax expense related thereto This is true whether the tax expense is netted with the gross gain and returned to customers as a single net amount, as in the case of the gain on the saleleaseback transactions, or it is shown separately in the cost of service calculations as tax on the amortiation of the gross gain Either way, the requirement is the same, that the burdens of the transaction must follow the benefits HOW WAS 100% OF THE BENEFIT OF THE TRANSACTION RETURNED TO CUSTOMERS? The $423 million gain, including all proceeds and expenses of the saleleaseback transactions, including income taxes, was included in the cost of service and amortied back to customers The unamortied gain was recorded as a reduction to rate base, and the amortiation reduced recoverable expenses Additionally, the benefit of the ITC utilied to reduce the cash taxes payable at the time of the 4

68 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 2 transactions has been returned to customers through ITC amortiation over the life of the underlying assets Q A Q A DOES RETURNING THE NETOFTAX GAIN RESULT IN THE SAME REVENUE REQUIREMENT IMPACT AS RETURNING THE PRETAX GAIN AND ACCOUNTING FOR THE INCOME TAXES SEPARATELY? Yes, it does PNM Exhibit MFH1 shows the hypothetical revenue requirement impact of both the netoftax gain and the gross gain and associated ADIT The Exhibit shows firstyear calculations on page 1, the lifelong calculations on page 2, and the tax rate differential calculation on page 3 The revenue requirement impacts for both scenarios are identical This information was provided by PNM in testimony, exhibits, and discovery and entered into the record of NMPRC Case No UT (see PNM Exhibits MFH2 and MFH3 (May 25, 201 Suppl)) PLEASE EXPLAIN THE CALCULATIONS ON PNM EXHIBIT MFH1, PAGE 1 Page 1 of the Exhibit shows the hypothetical netoftax revenue requirement for a single year revenue requirement, including both rate base and expense effects For ease of calculation, the Exhibit uses certain assumptions, including an amortiation period of 15 years, test period W ACC and test period income tax rates from NMPRC Case No UT, the case for which this Exhibit was originally prepared However, regardless of the W ACC used, or the amortiation period, the fact that the two calculations result in the same revenue requirement would hold 5

69 1 true DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT Column B uses the deferred netoftax gain calculated on PNM Exhibit 2 3 MFH15 Column C uses the gross book gain and deferred taxes as calculated on the same Exhibit In the netoftax calculation in Column B, rate base is reduced by the unamortied netoftax gain The return on rate base is calculated, as is the gain amortiation Income taxes are calculated on the equity return The calculation of income tax expense includes a flowthrough book/tax difference for the gain amortiation This ensures that the netoftax gain amortiation will not be taxed agam m calculating the income tax expense in the cost of service In the gross gam calculation in Column C, the unamortied pretax gam 1s 13 included in rate base Also included is the ADIT asset resulting from the 14 prepayment of the income tax at the time of sale Total rate base is identical to 15 that in column B The return on rate base is then calculated, as is the gain amortiation on the gross gain Income taxes are calculated on the equity return The calculation of income tax expense includes a flow through book/tax difference for 1/15 of the total permanent and flowthrough book tax differences shown on PNM Exhibit MFH15 Not included is the book/tax difference for the gain amortiation, because the amortiation has not yet been taxed in this scenario Also included is an adjustment to reflect the differences between the current tax rates and the tax rate in effect when the tax was actually paid 23

70 1 2 3 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT In both scenarios, the revenue requirement impact 1s identical presentation of rate base and expenses differ Only the Q A Q A Q A PLEASE EXPLAIN THE BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCE FOR THE GAIN AMORTIZATION IN THE NETOFTAX CALCULATION Because the amortiable gain has already been reduced by the tax expense incurred as a result of the saleleaseback transactions, it would be incorrect to tax that amortiation again To do so would be detrimental to customers because it would include additional tax expense in the cost of service when the taxes incurred on the gain have already been accounted for PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CALCULATIONS ON PNM EXHIBIT MFH1, PAGE2 The calculations on page 2 of the Exhibit are similar to those on page 1, with all the same assumptions, but are for the entire 15year amortiation period, rather than just the first year Again, the hypothetical revenue requirements are identical for the netoftax and the gross gain scenarios PLEASE EXPLAIN THE NEED TO INCLUDE ADIT IN RATE BASE IN THE GROSS GAIN CALCULATION If the unamortied gain is included in rate base on a gross basis, ADIT must also be included The ADIT asset is created because PNM paid millions of dollars of tax to the IRS when the saleleaseback transactions occurred However, PNM did 7

71 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT not recognie any of the gain, or associated income tax expense, in its financial statements at that time Rather, the gain was deferred, and recognied as PNM returned it to customers over time Because the gain is deferred, and recognied over time for book and ratemaking purposes, so too must the income tax expense Therefore, PNM' s payment of the tax at the time of sale was a prepayment, to be recognied into income (and for ratemaking) as the underlying gain income is amortied and recognied Because the tax is prepaid, it results in an ADIT asset, which must be included in rate base 9 10 Q A WHY IS NO ADIT ASSET INCLUDED IN RATE BASE IN THE NETOF TAX CALCULATION? No ADIT asset is necessary because by netting the gain and the tax expense, the ADIT asset, although unseen, is included as a component of the unamortied gain included in rate base Therefore, to include the ADIT asset again in rate base would duplicate its effect already included in the unamortied netoftax gain 1 17 Q A PLEASE EXPLAIN THE NEED TO INCLUDE THE BOOK/TAX DIFFERENCE FOR THE BASIS DIFFERENCES IN THE GROSS GAIN CALCULATION Because the gain amortiation has not yet been taxed, tax expense must be calculated on the amortiation in the cost of service Accordingly, the portion of the book/tax differences related to that amortiation must be taken into account If they are not, then the ADIT would not fully reverse over the amortiable life of the 8

72 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 2 gain, as total income tax expense recognied for book and ratemaking purposes would be millions of dollars less than that actually paid to the IRS 3 4 Q 5 A WHY IS NO BOOK/TAX BASIS DIFFERENCE INCLUDED IN THE NET OFTAX CALCULATION? No book/tax basis difference is necessary because by netting the gain and the resulting income tax expense, the gain amortiation already includes a ratable portion of the income tax expense, calculated at the time of sale, including the effects of the book/tax basis differences Therefore, to include the basis difference again in the calculation of income tax expense would duplicate its effect already included in the netoftax gain amortiation Q A PLEASE EXPLAIN THE NEED TO INCLUDE THE ADJUSTMENT FOR THE RATE DIFFERENTIAL IN THE GROSS GAIN CALCULATION, AS CALCULATED ON PAGE 3 OF PNM EXHIBIT MFH1 The saleleaseback transactions occurred in 1985 and 198 The tax expense was calculated and paid based on the tax law in effect at that time Subsequently, the Tax Reform Act of 198 drastically changed the tax laws It decreased the tax rate on ordinary income, but increased it on capital gains, and it eliminated the minimum tax Additionally, there have been numerous smaller tax law changes since the saleleaseback transactions occurred Assuming the same taxable gain as in the saleleaseback transactions, the net effect of these tax law changes is that if the saleleaseback transactions were taxed using the current tax law, the tax would 9

73 1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT be substantially higher than it was in 1985 and 198 To account for the 2 3 differences in the tax rates and other rules, an adjustment must be included to ensure that customers are not overcharged for income taxes Q A Q A WHY IS NO RATE DIFFERENTIAL ADJUSTMENT INCLUDED IN THE NETOFTAX CALCULATION? No rate differential is necessary because by netting the gain and the resulting income tax expense, the gain amortiation includes the income tax expense calculated at the time of sale, including the effects of the tax rates applicable at that time Therefore, to include the rate differential again in the calculation of income tax expense would duplicate its effect already included in the netoftax gain amortiation WHY DID PNM DEFER THE GAIN NETOFTAX? It appears that it was done, at least in part, for the sake of simplicity It was much simpler to include one rate base item, one expense item, and one flowthrough book/tax difference in every subsequent cost of service than it would be to report everything on a gross basis Additionally, by reporting on a netoftax basis, PNM ensured that subsequent tax law changes would not cause an inadvertent miscalculation of the tax effects of the gain as it was amortied and returned to customers over time This methodology protected both the customers and PNM from such inadvertent errors 70

74 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT 1 XIII CONCLUSIONS 2 Q 3 A DO YOU HA VE ANY CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS? Yes, I do: The ADIT and income tax expense included in the Base Period and Test Period cost of service are fair and accurate based on the underlying rate base and recoverable expenses included in the cost of service; The calculations of tax expense and ADIT comply with all IRS n01maliation requirements, including those related to accelerated tax depreciation, NOLs, 9 and CIAC The Test Period adjustments to ITC amortiation and ARAM 10 excess deferred income tax amortiation ensure compliance with the IRS 11 normaliation requirements for those items The Test Period proration of certain plantrelated incremental ADIT ensures compliance with the normaliation requirements for future test periods; The income tax calculations are all done on a fullynormalied basis, consistent with Commission precedent and past PNM filings; The income tax calculations are all done on a standalone company basis, consistent with the Commission's decision in NMPRC Case No UT and past PNM filings; Consistent with the Order in NMPRC Case No UT, PNM should be allowed to establish a regulatory asset for NOL impairment losses incurred between December 31, 2014 and June 30, 201, as the underlying bonus tax 71

75 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW F HARLAND NMPRC CASE NO 10027UT depreciation creates a net benefit to customers, even including the NOL impairment losses; Amortiation of an estimate of the excess deferred state income taxes should begin in this case The ammiiation should be returned to customers over a period of 20 years, as determined using the RSGM which is a reasonable facsimile of ARAM Consistent with the Order in NMRPC Case No UT, the actual amount of the excess deferred state income taxes related to the phasedin reduction in the New Mexico state income tax rate should be determined in PNM's first rate case filed after 2018 when the tax rate reduction will be fully phasedin At that time, a trueup should occur to adjust to the actual excess deferred state income taxes; and PNM has provided the information required in the Final Order of NMPRC Case No UT, paragraph 213 regarding the Palo Verde saleleaseback transactions 15 1 Q 17 A DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR DIRECT TESTIMONY? Yes GCG#

76 Resume of Matthew F Harland p M it 1 Is contained in the following 3 pages

77 PNM EXHIBIT MFH1 Page 1 of 3 MATTHEW F HARLAND, CPA EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Employment: Education: Certification: Affiliations: PNM Resources, Inc and affiliated companies: Director of Taxation: 2010Present Director of Income Tax: Senior Manager, Corporate Tax Projects: Senior Manager, Corporate Tax Projects: Senior Manager, Corporate Tax Projects: Manager of Tax Planning: Senior Tax Analyst: KPMG Peat Marwick: Income Tax Senior Accountant: Income Tax Staff Accountant: Master of Accountancy: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM: 198 Bachelor of Arts in Economics: Pomona College, Claremont, CA: 1983 Continuing Professional Education: Tax and Accounting CPE as required by the New Mexico State Board of Public Accountancy Certified Public Accountant: New Mexico: 1989Present American Institute of CP As: Edison Electric Institute: Energy Tax Council: New Mexico Tax Research Institute: Association of Electric Companies of Texas: Tax Section Member Taxation Committee past Chair & ViceChair, Tax Analysis & Research Subcommittee Member Member Board of Directors Tax Committee Member PNM Exhibit MFH1 Page 1 of3

78 PNM EXHIBIT MFH1 Page 2 of 3 Testimony in Regulatory Proceedings: Regulatory Docket Nature of Proceeding Body Number In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company NMPRC UT of New Mexico for Revision of its Retail Electric Rates Pursuant to Advice Notice No 513 In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company NMPRC UT of New Mexico for Revision of its Retail Electric Rates Pursuant to Advice Notice No 507 In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company NMPRC UT of New Mexico for Approval to Abandon San Juan Generating Station Units 2 and 3, Issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Replacement Power Resources, Issuance of Accounting Orders and Determination of Related RateMaking Principles and Treatment In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company NMPRC UT of New Mexico for Approval of Renewable Energy Rider No 3 Pursuant to Advice Notice No 439 and for Variances from Certain Filing Requirements In the Matter of an Investigation into Public Service Company of New Mexico's Amendments to its Line Extension Policy made by its Advice Notice Nos 428, 429, 50 and 51 In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Revision of its Retail Electric Rates pursuant to Advice Notice Nos 397 and 32 (former TNMP Services) In the Matter of the Transfer of Public Service Company of New Mexico's Unamortied Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credit of its Gas Utility (Private Letter Ruling) In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Revision of its Retail Electric Rates pursuant to Advice Notice No 352 NMPRC NMPRC NMPRC NMPRC UT UT UT UT PNM Exhibit MFH1 Page 2 of3

79 In the Matter of the Applications of Public Service Company of New Mexico and New Mexico Gas Company, Inc for the Abandonment, Purchase and Sale of the Gas Utility Assets and Services and for Related Authoriations and Variances In the Matter of the Application of Public Service Company of New Mexico for Revision of its Retail Electric Rates pursuant to Advice Notice No 334 In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Company of New Mexico for a Revision to its Rates, Rules, and Charges pursuant to Advice Notice Nos 755 and 75 In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Company of New Mexico for a Revision to its Rates, Rules, and Charges pursuant to Advice Notice Nos 721 and 722 Application of TexasNew Mexico Power Company to Reconcile Advanced System Costs Application of TexasNew Mexico Power Company for Authority to Change Rates Application of TexasNew Mexico Power Company for Authority to Change Rates Application of TexasNew Mexico Power Company to Adjust Carrying Charges pursuant to PUC Subst R 2523 Application of TexasNew Mexico Power Company to Establish a Competitive Transition Charge pursuant to PUC Subst R 2523(n) Public Service Company of New Mexico Settlement Agreement and Offer of Settlement (IRS Private Letter Ruling) NMPRC NMPRC NMPRC NMPRC PUCT PUCT PUCT PUCT PUCT FERC PNM EXHIBIT MFH1 Page 3 of UT UT UT UT ER eta! PNM Exhibit MFH1 Page 3 of 3

80 ADIT Accumulated Deferred Income Tax M hibit Is contained in the following 190 pages

81 A B C D E i' Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT Lead Sheet 5 Provides Information To Requires Information From 7 Tab Reference Description Purpose Tab name Tab name 8 ADIT1 Schedule H12 Base & Test Period Schedule H12 Base & Test Period ADIT3 ADIT3 ADIT2 Reconciliations Reconciles total Base Period ADIT to both the FERC Filings and the General None ADIT4 9 Ledeer 10 ADIT3 Pivot Table of ADIT Balances Summaries Data on ADIT tab into rate case categories ADIT1 ADIT1, ADIT4 ADIT4 ADIT balances and adjustments Accumulates ADIT activity and adjustments made for the rate case ADIT2, ADIT3 All tabs listed below 11 ADIT5 Allocation of Corporate depreciation ADIT Calculates the portion of Company 7 & Company 8 depreciation ADITto be ADIT4 None allocated to PNM, based on the underlying plant allocation 12 ADIT Solar property placed in service in 2011 Determines the portion of depreciation ADIT and NOL ADIT to be allocated ADIT4 None 13 to renewables for assets nlaced in service in 2011 ADIT7 Solar property placed in service in 2013 Determines the portion of depreciation ADIT and NOL ADIT to be allocated ADIT4 None 14 to renewables for assets placed in service in 2013 ADIT8 Solar property placed in service in 2014 Determines the portion of depreciation ADIT and NOL ADIT to be allocated ADIT4 None 15 to renewables for assets placed in service in 2014 ADIT9 Allocation of Depreciation ADIT to various categories Summaries and allocates the base period depreciation ADIT to the various ADIT4 None 1 rate case cateeories on Schedule H12 AD1T 10 Other Rate Base balances Calculates the ADIT balances to be included in rate base based on the ADIT4 None 17 inclusion of Other Rate Base items (Model Driven Calculations) ADIT 11 Regulatory Asset and Liability balances Calculates the ADIT balances to be included in rate base based on the ADIT4 None inclusion of Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (Model Driven Calculations) ADIT 12 Linkage and Test period depreciation ADIT Provides the linkage and test period depreciation ADIT balances ADIT4 None ADIT13 Reversal of prior depreciation flowth roughs Provides the linkage and test period amounts for the reversal of prior ADIT4 None 20 denreciation flowthroughs ADIT14 Average Rate Assumption Method excess deferred taxes Provides the linkage and test period amounts for the reversal of excess ADIT4 None deferred income taxes under the Average Rate Assumption Method 21 ADIT15 Linkage and Test Period AFUDC and Book Capitalied Interest Provides the linkage and test period amounts for AFUDC Debt and Book ADIT4 None 22 Canitalied Interest ADIT1 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation Provides the linkage and test period amounts for Palo Verde Licensing ADIT4 None 23 Amortiaiton 24 ADIT17 High Lonesome Mesa Reclass Calculates adjustment to reel ass High Lonesome Mesa ADIT4 None ADIT18 Palo Verde Unit 2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment Calculates adjustment to remove ADIT associated with the January 201 Palo ADlT4 None 25 Verde Unite 2 lease acauisition adiustment ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technology Adjustment Calculates adjustment to remove ADIT associated with the Balanced Draft ADIT4 None "tj 2 Technology at San Juan ADIT20 Palo Verde Unit 2 Leasehold Improvements Adjustment Calculates adjustment to remove ADIT associated with the Leasehold ADIT4 None s improvements on January 201 Palo Verde Unite 2 lease acquisition 27 ADIT21 San Juan Units 2 & 3 Retirement Adjustment Calculates adjustment to ADIT upon the retirement on San Juan Units 2 & 3 ADIT4 None 28 on December m "tj >< Ill :c <C (1) S'!:! I 0 S,, :c Cl) I Qr)

82 A B C D E 1' Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT1 Schedule H12 Jnformation 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet F G H I J K L 7 30Jun15 30Seo15 31Dec15 31Mar1 8 9 Injury & Damages 1,859,502 1,859,502 1,043,24 1,043,24 10 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 533, , , , Renewable NOL Allocation 38,255,00 37,809,273 37,330,51 12 Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 59,849 59,849 31,993 31, Pension Qualified (108,825,135) (108,552,19) (108,384,03) (107,28,899) 14 Pension AMPP 15 Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 27,74 27,74 1 line Extension Policy 957, , , , Tax Capitalied Interest 22,770,273 23,391,48 21,745,007 22,34, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 4,940,270 4,770,388 4,828,830 4,828, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 20 Contributions ln Aid of Construction 35,94,425 3,793,298 33,429,138 34,172,55 21 Coal Mine Decommissioning 1,888,925 2,737,895 8,1,2 9,139, Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (508,41) (508,41) (485,97) (485,97) 23 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,20,187 1,20,187 1,25,410 1,25, Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (47,142,42) (47,51,20) (47,890,95) (47,888,113) 25 Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,72,114) (9,72,114) (9,545,59) {9,545,59) 2 Liberalied Depreciation Generation [392,085,790) (394,547,379) (423,152,5) {434,184,028) 27 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution {195,08,794) (197,407,11) (214,198,90) (217,890,125) 28 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (92,508,42) (93,03,895) (103,038,217) (105,489,355) 29 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (8,917,842) (8,917,842) (78,180,885) (78,907,153) 30 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 31 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2,30,182,30,182 7,1,98 7,1,98 32 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,180, DebtAFUDC (20,73,019) (21,350,752) (22,54,588) {23,044,885) 34 Pre1981 Repair Allowance (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) 35 Palo Verde licensing Amortiation (4,48,841) (4,48,841) (4,559,854) (4,559,854) 3 Asset Retirement Obligation 13,045,757 12,81,503 12,491,253 12,00, Afton Writedown 4,237,379 4,149,090 4,00,801 3,972, loss on Reacquired Debt (4,174,904) (4,174,904) (4,10,488) (4,10,488) 39 Book Capitalied Interest {7,457,359) (7,457,359) (7,753,954) {7,753,954) 40 Prepaid Expenses (3,817,03) (3,817,03) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 41 Net Operating Loss (NOL) 85,231,513 55,22, ,523,137 10,72,77 42 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 8,474,71 8,474,71 9,211,73 9,211,73 43 PCB Refinancing (3,939,714) (3,85,974) (3,89,370) (3,0,987) 44 LVGS Decommissioning 432, , , , Renewable NM AETC 1,599,23 1,599,23 1,523,574 1,523,574 4 Rate Case Expense (441,893) (85,77) (1,004,794) (1,255,845) 47 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 3,07,570 3,35,309 3,24,489 3,795, DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV % SJGS 2&3 50 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw 51 Liberalied DepreciationSJ4 5 mw 52 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 53 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (747,34,099) (782,75,40) (792,143,25) (795,7,93) 5 Model Driven Unadjusted Base Refer to 30Jun1 Calculations Period Note4 1,043,24 1,07,320 2,119, ,207 (373,451) 159, ,993 38,939 70,932 r (10,873,195) 3,2,954 (70,24,241) 0 2,509,23 2,509, , ,131 22,947,41 22,947,41 4,828,830 (1,87,731) 3,141, ,554,041 1,554, ,915,974 34,915,974 9,1,778 (19,400,434) (9,738,5) r (485,97) (485,97) 1,25,410 1,25,410 {47,885,107) (47,885,107) (9,545,59) (9,545,59) c,p (444,28,409) (444,28,409) p (221,581,50) (221,581,50) (107,940,493) (107,940,493) p (78,907,153) (78,907,153) 250,02 250,02 7,1,98 7,1,98 3,180,091 3,180,091 (23,543,182) (23,543,182) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (4,559,854) (4,559,854) 11,522,595 34,24,25 45,78, ,884,24 3,884,24 (4,10,488) 1,008,541 (3,097,947) 0 (7,753,954) (7,753,954) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 15,19,554 15,19,554 C 9,211,73 9,211,73 (3,524,04) (2,497,300) (,021,904) r 485,323 28, ,273 r 1,523,574 (37,809) 1,485,75 r (1,52,59) (50,12) (1,57,95) r 3,819,449 (1,180,808) 2,38,41 r 1,175,700 1,175,700 r (1,137,91) (1,137,91) 0 p [805,557,283) 51,917,14 (753,39,9) p Base Period Adiustments Adjusted Base Period 21,755 2,741,99 159,75 70,932 (70,24,241) 2,509,23 957,131 22,947,41 (3,141,099) (1,554,041) 34,915,974,744,925 (2,993,731) (485,97) 1,25,410 (47,885,107) (10,744,952) (20,290,548) 21,837,435 (422,430,974) (221,581,50) 4,919,99 (103,020,794) {78,907,153) 250,02 7,1,98 3,180,091 (23,543,182) (22,138,422) (4,559,854) (39,202,925),583,92 3,884,24 (3,097,947) (7,753,954) (3,75,987) 1,02,942 1,4,49 9,211,73 (,021,904) 514,273 1,485,75 93,310 (1,483,385) 2,38,41 1,175,700 2,87,1 2,87,1 5,2 (1,072,05) [4,919,99) (4,919,99) (21,55,34) (775,205,031) 2 31Dec1 2,741,99 151,987 57,05 (9,39,703) 2,458, ,131 22,947,41 34,915,974 (2,40,93) (597,33) 1,29,183 (47,771,932) (2,099,280) (43,844,558) (230,958,14) (119,292,051) (80,53,41) 250,02 5,841,571 3,28,10 (24,304,538) (22,138,422) (4,580,590),294,802 3,884,24 {3,804,377) {7,93,223) (3,75,987) 133,113,042 9,211,73 (5,857,153) 44,001 1,447,907 (1,298,527) 2,311,174 1,175,700 2,327,55 (1,072,05) (4,944,792) [858,742,207),, s: m,, >< Ill :c tq (!) OJ N ::j 0,, s:, :c (D I CN

83 A M N 0 p 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT1 Schedule H12 Information 5 Hvoer!ink to Lead Sheet Q R s T u V w 7 30Jun17 31Dec17 31Jan18 28Feb Injury & Damages 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 10 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 144,24 13, , , Renewable NOL Allocation 12 Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 43,280 29,495 27,197 24, Pension Qualified (8,472,27) (7,574,831) (7,420,514) (7,2,197) 14 Pension AMPP 2,410,729 2,33,048 2,354,734 2,34, Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 1 Line Extension Policy 957, , , , Tax Capitalied Interest 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 18 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 19 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 20 Contributions Jn Aid of Construction 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915, Coal Mine Decommissioning (2,290,221) (1,939,505) (1,881,053) (1,822,00) 22 Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (2,440) (727,51) (737,427) (74,510) 23 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,273,41 1,277,738 1,278,389 1,278,98 24 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (47,433,942) (47,095,952) (4,94,91) (4,32,98) 25 Liberalied Depreciation Other (30,387,424) (38,142,071) (38,382,025) (38,03,484) 2 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (439,775,421) (371,777,07) (372,205,017) (372,595,231) 27 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (230,710,218) (239,8,935) (239,931,229) (240,009,701) 28 liberalied Depreciation Transmission (120,984,224) (135,923,40) (135,933,327) (135,952,012) 29 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (80,12,937) (80,549,124) (80,483,249) (80,418,5) 30 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 31 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2,30,750 5,149,141 5,450,051 5,82,74 32 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,895,179 2,890,434 3,007,773 3,093, Debt AFUDC (25,743,20) (27,182,702) (27,375,202) (27,55,050) 34 Pre1981 Repair Allowance (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) 35 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (4,590,897) (4,01,204) (4,02,914) (4,04,24) 3 Asset Retirement Obligation,477,18,434,03,44,857,495,81 37 Afton Writedown 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 38 Loss on Reacquired Debt (3,45,154) (3,485,931) (3,459,510) (3,433,089) 39 Book Capitalied Interest (8,111,118) (8,259,014) {8,22,709) (8,2,247) 40 Prepaid Expenses (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 41 Net Operating Loss (NOL) 118,782,907 87,459,923 83,319,450 83,891,84 42 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 43 PCB Refinancing (5,93,373) (5,529,592) (5,502,29) (5,474,999) 44 LVGS Decommissioning 333,98 203, , ,13 45 Renewable NM AETC 1,410,273 1,372,39 1,3,37 1,30,095 4 Rate Case Expense (930,989) (1,598,932) (1,554,975) (1,511,018) 47 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 1,0,100 1,009, , , DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 1,175,700 1,175,700 1,127,213 1,078, %SJGS2&3 (49,738,17) (49,530,924) (49,323,82) 50 liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw 2,275,893 1,5,118 1,571,05 1,575, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,542,4) (2,54,714) (2,550,442) 52 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (1,072,05) (1,072,05) (1,052,41) (1,032,7) 53 liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,944,423) (4,944,054) (4,943,82) (4,943,342) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) (93,285,580) (935,48,487) 5 31Mar18 30Apr18 31May18 30Jun18 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 132,9 131, , ,851 22,02 20,315 18,027 15,740 (7,111,879) (,957,52) (,803,245) (,48,928) 2,338,104 2,329,789 2,321,475 2,313,10 957, , , ,131 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 (1,74,148) (1,705,951) (1,47,755) (1,589,558) (754,75) (71,953) (78,314) {773,787) 1,279,523 1,280,001 1,280,419 1,280,779 (45,995,980) (45,700,54) (45,442,527) (45,220,02) (38,824,21) (39,024,7) (39,210,294) (39,32,845) (372,925,472) (373,91,929) (374,14,399) (375,400,845) (240,111,241) (240,239,503) (240,375,303) (240,538,719) (13,373,542) (13,802,555) (137,377,30) (137,885,472) (80,35,537) (80,319,129) (80,304,43) (80,294,843) 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 5,857,11 5,95,317,042,244,091,95 3,17,547 3,139,552 3,238,223 3,297,118 (27,749,474) (27,898,9) (28,011,581) (28,094,579) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (4,0,335) (4,08,045) (4,09,755) (4,11,45),52,941,558,233,589,94,21,324 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 {3,40,8) (3,380,247) (3,353,82) (3,327,405) (8,272,073) (8,280,038) (8,288,214) (8,295,822) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 85,37,198 88,98,4 91,092,39 81,223,983 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 (5,447,702) (5,420,525) (5,393,348) (5,3,171) 187, ,325 17, ,538 1,353,822 1,347,577 1,341,333 1,335,088 (1,47,01) (1,423,171) (1,379,280) (1,335,390) 83, ,451 47, ,377 1,030, ,93 933,88 885,413 (49,11,440) (48,910,10) (48,703,772) (48,497,437) 1,57,871 1,578,021 1,54,041 1,53,42 (2,555,12) (2,559,317) (2,570,327) (2,587,242) (1,013,117) (993,47) (973,818) (954,18) (4,943,03) (4,942,74) (4,942,52) (4,942,321) (934,257,97) {931,530,747) (930,51,179) {941,453,353) 31Jul18 31Aug18 2,741,99 2,741,99 127,570 12,288 13,452 11,15 (,494,11) (,340,294) 2,304,845 2,29, , ,131 22,947,41 22,947,41 34,915,974 34,915,974 (1,531,32) (1,473,1) {778,343) {781,982) 1,281,078 1,281,318 (45,034,813) (44,88,7) (39,509,985) (39,30,84) (37,087,222) (37,5,585) (240,728,990) (240,901,039) (138,31,857) (138,708,283) (80,28,491) (80,280,130) 250,02 250,02,129,120,149,780 3,349,379 3,390,951 (28,13,921) (28,221,134) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (4,13,175) (4,14,885),53,123,85,094 3,884,24 3,884,24 (3,300,984) (3,274,54) (8,301,584) (8,305,548) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 7,358,45 53,721,39 9,211,73 9,211,73 (5,338,994) (5,311,817) 1,144 10,751 1,328,843 1,322,598 (1,291,500) (1,247,10) 251, , , ,83 (48,291,103) (48,084,79) 1,509,20 1,487,329 (2,03,223) (2,1,04) (934,518) (914,89) (4,942,150) (4,942,014) (95,227,198) (970,22,934) 30Sep18 2,741,99 125,007 8,878 (,185,977) 2,288,21 957,131 22,947,41 34,915,974 {1,414,99) (784,734) 1,281,498 (44,774,7) (39,732,411) (377,135,344) (241,078,075) (139,030,412) (80,281,849) 250,02,121,55 3,403,3 (28,25,71) (22,138,422) (4,1,595),717,23 3,884,24 (3,248,143) (8,308,845) (3,75,987) 48,197,037 9,211,73 (5,284,40) 155,357 1,31,353 (1,203,720) 740,588 (47,878,435) 1,470,747 (2,25,739) (895,219) (4,941,911) (97,848,718) "'CJ s: m "'CJ>< Cl :c (C Cl) OJ (,) =i 0 is:,, :c (0 I ON

84 A X y 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT1 Schedule H12 Information 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet 7 310ct18 30Nov18 31Dec Injury & Damages 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 10 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 123, , ,12 11 Renewable NOL Allocation 12 Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2,590 4,303 2, Pension Qualified (,031,59) (5,877,342) (5,723,025) 14 Pension AMPP 2,279,901 2,271,58 2,23, Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 1 line Extension Policy 957, , , Tax Capitalied Interest 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 18 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 19 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 20 Contributions In Aid of Construction 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915, Coal Mine Decommissioning (1,35,773) (1,298,57) (1,240,380) 22 Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (78,58) (787,515) (787,544) 23 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,281,19 1,281,81 1,281,83 24 Liberalied Depreciation Renewab!es (44,99,794) (44,1,112) (44,59,888) 25 liberalied Depreciation Other (39,804,128) (39,847,522) (39,852,378) 2 liberalied Depreciation Generation (377,474,393) (377,718,159) (377,728,975) 27 liberalied Depreciation Distribution (241,237,440) (241,338,705) (241,348,423) 28 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (139,2,292) (139,397,0) (139,407,004) 29 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (80,284,579) (80,284,358) (80,285,230) 30 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 31 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2,021,422 5,971,573 5,970, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,412,149 3,403,52 3,403, DebtAFUDC (28,295,275) (28,310,797) (28,311,271) 34 Pre1981 Repair Allowance (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) 35 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (4,18,305) (4,20,015) (4,21,72) 3 Asset Retirement Obligation,749,552,782,041,814, Afton Writedown 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 38 Loss on Reacquired Debt (3,221,722) (3,195,301) (3,18,880) 39 Book Capitalied Interest (8,311,231) (8,312,510) (8,312,555) 40 Prepaid Expenses (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 41 Net Operating Loss (NOL) 4,925,173 44,459,730 41,85, Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 43 PCB Refinancing (5,257,43) (5,230,28) (5,203,109) 44 LVGS Decommissioning 149,94 144, ,17 45 Renewable NM AETC 1,310,108 1,303,83 1,297,19 4 Rate Case Expense (1,159,830) (1,115,940) (1,072,050) 47 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 48 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 92,313 44, , %SJGS2&3 (47,72,101) (47,45,77) (47,259,433) 50 Liberalied Depredation SJ4 132 mw 1,459,424 1,451,91 1,451,81 51 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,32,333) (2,3,55) (2,3,87) 52 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (875,570) (855,920) (83,271) 53 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,941,842) (4,941,807) (4,941,80) (978,502,477) {981,040,973) (983,177,94) 5 AA AB AC AD Unadjusted Test Averaging Test Period Adjusted Test Period Adiustment Adiustments Period 2,741,99 2,741,99 121,12 7,89 128,851 2,038 13,709 15,74 (5,723,025) (925,903) 4,749,971 (1,898,957) 2,23,272 49,888 2,313,10 957, ,131 22,947,41 22,947,41 34,915,974 34,915,974 (1,240,380) (349,297) (1,589,77) (787,544) 20,093 (77,451) 1,281,83 (1,321) 1,280,33 (44,59,888) (81,51) (45,47,449) (39,852,378) 27, ,253 (38,385,879) (377,728,975) 2,50,500 (375,078,475) (241,348,423) 755,707 (240,592,71) (139,407,004) 1,85,958 (137,721,045) (80,285,230) (5,127) (80,341,357) 250,02 250,02 5,970,088 (77,14) 5,892,474 3,403,403 (15,821) 3,24,582 (28,311,271) 353,931 (27,957,340) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (4,21,72) 10,21 (4,11,45),814,705 (192,191),22,514 3,884,24 3,884,24 (3,18,880) (158,525) (3,327,405) (8,312,555) 22,04 (8,290,492) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 41,85,199 27,3,142 9,528,340 9,211,73 9,211,73 (5,203,109) (13,118) (5,3,22) 139,17 32, ,549 1,297,19 37,482 1,335,100 (1,072,050) (23,372) (1,335,421) 595,73 (595,73) (47,259,433) (1,238,424) (48,497,857) 1,451,81 71,281 1,522,92 (2,3,87) 47,29 (2,589,418) (83,271) (117,897) (954,18) (4,941,80) (752) (4,942,558) (983,177,94) 29,530,71 4,993,41 {948,53,833) 12 AE Adjusted Base to Test Period Variance (30,905) (55,18) 8,347,284 (19,103) 1,404,054 (281,754) 23,953 2,408,58 (18,095,331) 47,352,499 (19,011,15) (34,700,251) (1,434,204) (1,274,494),491 (4,414,158) (51,11) 38,588 (229,458) (53,538) (97,118,15) 55,78 (342,724) (150,5) 147,94 (2,38,41) (1,175,700) (48,497,857) (1,14,99) (2,589,418) 117,897 (22,859) (173,448,802) AF Variance Percentaee 000% ~2399% 000% 35048% 1349% 848% 000% 000% 000% 000% 000% 000% 8832%, 275% 1579% 000% 112% 058% 0,00% 90% 47% 000% 139,8% 000% 1222% 199,78% 1128% 1108% 000% 000% 10000% 748% 10000% 123% 04% AG Refer to Notes "'C s: m ::c: "'C >< DJ (C (I) OJ i:, =i 0,, s: > ::c: (0 I 0 N

85 A AH Al 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT l Schedule H12 Information 5 Hvnedink to Lead Sheet 7 Reference 8 9 Injury & Damages PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Renewable NOL Allocation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Pension Qualified PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Pension AMPP PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Eastern Interconnect Project Gain PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line 93 1 Line Extension Policy PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Tax Capitalied Interest PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line 9 19 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Contributions In Aid of Construction PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Coal Mine Decommissioning PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line FERC Customer Depreciation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation Renewables PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation Other PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation Generation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation Distribution PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation Transmission PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line DebtAFUDC PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Pre1981 Repair Allowance PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Palo Verde licensing Amortiation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Asset Retirement Obligation PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Afton Writedown PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line loss on Reacquired Debt PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Book Capitalied Interest PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Prepaid Expenses PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Net Operating Loss (NOL) PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Deferred Federal Tax Credits PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line PCB Refinancing PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line LVGS Decommissioning PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Renewable NM AETC PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Rate Case Expense PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line %SJGS 2&3 PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line Liberalied Depreciation HLM "ti PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line PNM Exhibit HEM3 COS Test, Line 132 3: 5 m "ti >< llj J: cc C'D ~ CJ'I I 0 3:,, ~ J: (0 I ON

86 A B C 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT2 Reconciliations 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet 7 /30/2015 9/30/ Total ADIT per ADIT Tab {84,198,775) {707,844,891} Per FERC Form 1 or 3Q 12 Account ,073, ,75, Account 281 (4,735,81) {4,735,81} 14 Account 282 (802,175,10) {807,180,13} 15 Account 283 (9,23,717) (8,587,708} 1 Total ADIT per FERC Filings (73,101,51) (9,747,32) Difference ADIT Tab to FERC Filings (11,097,259) (11,097,259} 19 Reconciling Items 20 Co C not included in FERC Filings {11,097,28} (11,097,28} 21 Unexplained Difference (Rounding) Total ADIT Per G/L (73,823,97} (97,49,813} 25 2 Difference ADIT Tab to G/L (10,375,078) (10,375,078} 27 Reconciling Items 28 Fin 48 reserves against ADIT not recognied by FERC (10,375,087} (10,375,087} 29 Unexplained Difference (Rounding) 9 9 D 12/31/2015 3/31/201 (3,8,98} {4,080,394} 335,304,54 340,401,573 {4,29,799} (4,29,799) (870,40,487} (899,8,410} (84,878,73} (82,543,7) (24,304,395} (4,080,402) (12,34,303} 8 (12,34,312} 9 8 {3,081,25} (45,493,321} (587,073} (587,073) (587,082) {587,082) 9 9 E F Before MDC adj /30/201 {55,950,753} 34,07,092 (4,29,799} (914,838,519} (82,909,537) (55,950,73} {55,33,80} (587,073} (587,082} 9 "'C s m "'C >< 0J :I: (Q CD OJ 0) ::j 0 s :I: n CD I ON

87 A 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 INMPRC Case No10027UT 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 IHyperlink to Lead Sheet ~ 1:;3 13 I Row Labels Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Transmission Deferred Federal Tax Credits Contributions In Aid of Construction TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST Liberalied Depreciation Other LINE EXTENSION POLICY Net Operating Loss (NOL) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners FERC Customer Depreciation Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 Debt AFUDC Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation Pre1981 Repair Allowance AFTON WRITEDOWN BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST PREPAID EXPENSES Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw Liberalied Depreciation HLM B C D E G R = Included in base period rate base at book value G = Renewable Rider M = Included in base period rate base at MDC value N = NONUTILITY X = Underlying acct not in rate base Z = Zero adjusted balance Values Adj Bal 0/30/ls Adj Bal 09/30/lS _Adj Bal 12/31/lS Adj Bal 03/31/1 Adj Bal 0/30/1 Reverse Book MDCs (49!}0,145) JG!l}t!3?i,ssot (!3?i~??~~;ot Jssi!?s~!?!3?L j7,s1,0!3_;,!3_~) (195,08,794) (197,407,11) (214,198,90) (217,890,125) (221,581,50) (392,085,790) (394,547,379) (423,152,5) (434,184,028) (444,28,409) (92,508,42) (93,03,895) (103,038,217) (105,489,355) {107,940,493) 8,474,71 8,474,71 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 35,94,425 3,793,298 33,429,138 34,172,55 34,915,974 22,770,273 23,391,48 21,745,007 22,34,234 22,947,41 (9,72,114) (9,72,114) (9,545,59) (9,545,59) {9,545,59) 957, , , , ,131 85,231,513 55,22, ,523,137 10,72,77 15,19,554 {508,41) (508,41) (485,97) (485,97) (485,97) 1,20,187 1,20,187 1,25,410 1,25,410 1,25, ,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02,30,182,30,182 7,1,98 7,1,98 7,1,98 {8,917,842) (8,917,842) (78,180,885) (78,907,153) (78,907,153) {20,73,019) (21,350,752) (22,54,588) (23,044,885) (23,543,182) (4,48,841) (4,48,841) (4,559,854) (4,559,854) (4,559,854) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) 4,237,379 4,149,090 4,00,801 3,972,533 3,884,24 (7,457,359) (7,457,359) (7,753,954) (7,753,954) (7,753,954) {3,817,03) (3,817,03) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,180,091 G (7,287,204) (8,107,724) (9,03,740) (4,34,539) (4,31,533) (1,523,574) Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (47,142,42) {47,51,20) {47,890,95) {47,888,113) (47,885,107) Renewable NOL Allocation 42 Renewable NM AETC 43 M 45 Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 4 ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 PCB REFINANCING 38,255,00 1,599,23 / ) (108,825,135) 27,74 13,045,757 59,849 (3,939,714) 37,809,273 1,599,23 (90,703,~55) (108,552,19) 27,74 12,81,503 59,849 (3,85,974) 37,330,51 1,523,574 1,523,574 1,523,574 (1,523,574) (85,529,874) (84,733,559) J84,104,D57), 84,104,057 (108,384,03) (107,28,899) (10,873,195) 10,873,195 12,491,253 12,00,924 11,522,595 {11,522,595) 31,993 31,993 31,993 (31,993) (3,89,370) (3,0,987) (3,524,04) 3,524,04 "C =ill: m "C >< Ill :c cc (\) CJ =i 0 =ill: 'i1 :c (0 I ON

88 A B C D E G 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico R = Included in base period rate base at book value 2 I NM PRC Case No 10027UT G = Renewable Rider 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 M = Included in base period rate base at MDC value 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table N = NONUTILITY 5 Lt!,11erli11k to Lead Sheet X = Underlying acct not in rate base Z = Zero adjusted balance Values 13 Row Labels,, Adj Bal 0/30/15,,_,_ Adj Bal 09/30/15 _,, Adj Bal 12/31/15 Adj Bal 03/31/1 Adj Bal 0/30/1 Reverse Book MDCs _ 49 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 533, , , , ,207 (533,207} 50 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 4,940,270 4,770,388 4,828,830 4,828,830 4,828,830 (4,828,830} 51 Coal Mine Decommissioning 1,888,925 2,737,895 8,1,2 9,139,220 9,1,778 (9,1,778} 52 INJURY & DAMAGES 1,859,502 1,859,502 1,043,24 1,043,24 1,043,24 (1,043,24} 53 DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 3,07,S70 3,35,309 3,24,489 3,795,539 3,819,449 (3,819,449} 54 LVGS Decommissioning 432, , , , ,323 (485,323} 55 LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (4,174,904} (4,174,904} (4,10,488} (4,10,488} (4,10,488} 4,10,488 5 RATE CASE EXPENSE (441,893} (85,77} (1,004,794} (1,255,845} (1,52,59} 1,52,59 57 RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES 58 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 50% SJGS 2&3 PENSION AMPP Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs N,,,,,, (8,317,98},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(2,344,233},,,,,,,,,,,(2,959,755),,_,{1,239,7},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(578,04},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,, 4 MISC NON OPERATING 525, , ,214 42,99 42,99 5 GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE (1,093} (1,093} (2,477} (2,477} (2,477} NINE MILE TAP 25,870 25, PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY (13,37,48} (7,394,021} (7,94,389} (,182,083} (5,521,020} 8 FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION (59,937} (59,937} (59,937} (59,937} (59,937} 9 LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 4,27,74 4,27,74 4,084,322 4,084,322 4,084, HEDGE LOSS 457,00 457,00 457,00 457,00 457,00 71 X, 71,753,022_,,,,,J7,24,982,,,,,15!l 4,82_,,,,_ 150,82,9,,_150,185,135,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 72 TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY (7,918} (7,918} (7,918} (7,918} (7,918} 73 ALVARADO SQUARE 47,253 47,253 47,253 47,253 47, WAGES 334, ,809 35,294 35,294 35, ACCRUED VACATION 2,479,298 2,479,298 2,459,137 2,459,137 2,459,137 7 Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 (8,222} (8,222} (99,503} (99,503} (99,503} 77 GENERAL RESERVE 1,002,95 1,002,95 1,034,28 1,034,28 1,034,28 78 COMPENSATION EXPENSE (3,91,311} (3,81,545) (3,429,080} (4,245,97} (4,232,510) 79 OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS (37,73} (37,73} (473,251) (473,251} (473,251} 80 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (4,912,473) (4,195,853) (4,3,548) (5,223,14} (5,423,852) 81 PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE 3,903,079 3,903,079 3,903,079 3,903,079 3,903, REGULATORY RESERVE (5,938} (5,938} (5,938} (5,938) (5,938) 83 ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY 5,g2 5,22 5,22 5,22 5,22 "ti s: m ~ "ti >< Ill :::i: <I> CIJ 0, =i 0 s: :::i: 'Tl (J:) I ON

89 A B C D E F G 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico R = Included in base period rate base at book value 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT G = Renewable Rider 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 M = Included in base period rate base at MDC value 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table N = NONUTILITY 5 H}'gerlink to Lead Sheet X = Underlying acct not in rate base Z = Zero adjusted balance Values 13 Row Labels " Adj Bal _0/30/15 Adj Bal 09/30/15 Adj Bal 12/31/15 _ Adj Bal 03/31/1 _ Adj Bal 0/30/1 Reverse Book MDCs _ ~ FAS ,37,313 10,37,313 10,753,221 3,4,078 3,4, WORKERS COMP 1,143,371 1,143, , , ,511 ~ SELF INSURANCE 255, , , , ,487 ~ HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 2,485,857 2,485,857 2,485,857 2,485,857 2,485,857 ~ STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE 58,797 58,797 58,797 58,797 58,797 J!2 BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (158,385) (158,385) (158,385) (158,385) (158,385) 90 BIOMASS, PREPAID RENT REVENUE (1,175) (1,175) 29,842 29,842 29,842, 92 REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND 377, ,355 58,217 58, ,351 ~ SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE 117,99 117,99 119,32 119,32 119,32, 94 ROW RESERVE (37,832) (37,832) 140, , ,431 ~ PROPERTY TAX RESERVE 3,534 3,534 (73,248) {73,248) {73,248) ~ SJGS AUDIT RESERVES 1,97 1,97 1,97 1,97 1,97 i2z, RATE RIDER (38,771) (38,771) (320,939) (320,939) (320,939) ~ RENEWABLE CREDITS 27,54,01 27,54,01 49,49,441 49,49,441 49,49,441 ~ INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 2,777,91 2,777,91 2,781,5 2,781,5 2,781,5, 100 ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1,430,952 1,430,952 1,430,952 1,430,952 1,430,952 ~ NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER 119, ,094 42,311 42,311 42,311 22? SIERRA CLUB, 103 EXTENDED LEAVE 28,581 28,581 45,594 45,594 45,594 12:1 EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE 499, , , ,88 474,88 ~ NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 237, , ,52 159,52 159,52 ~ SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 118, , ,35 279,35 279,35 22? FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT 185,8 185,8 37,990 37,990 37,990, ~ ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT (1,575,258) (1,575,258) (1,575,258) (1,575,258) (1,575,258) 108 SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 54,25,45 54,25,45 54,25, BONUS ACCRUAL (700,133) (700,133) (700,133) (700,133) (700,133), 111 GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT (212,774) (212,774) (212,774) (212,774) (212,774) 223 FAS 115 (932,021) (932,021) (932,021) (932,021) (932,021) 113 MARK TO MARKET 41,555,750 40,124,017 40,908,18 41,783,41 40,973,108 ~ UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING (114,251) (2,025,484) (482,515) (1,042,541) 1,531,995 ~ ACCRUED ILLNESS 302,27 302,27 27,337 27,337 27, SUN REFINANCING (2,028,415) (1,957,10) (1,94,519) (1,914,24) (1,84,009) 1 DEBT ISSUANCE COST (20,149) (20,149) (31) {31) (31) 118 S02 ALLOWANCE CREDITS 32,1 32,1 32,78 32,78 32,78 "ti s m "ti>< II,) :::c: (C CD C1J!J) =i 0 S 'Tl :::c:!j) I ON

90 A i I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 I NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 lt:!yqfillink to Leact5heE,! Values 13 _ Row,Labels " Adj Bal 0/30/lS 119 PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM 524, RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES {4S,754) 121 FIN 48 INTEREST {1,507,21) 122 PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT RATE RIDER 12 Renewable Rider DEFERRED COAL COSTS SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES TOU Reg asset/lia b EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES B {,985,458) 513, ,328 (403,91) {1,944,359) (758,37) C D E G R = Included in base period rate base at book value G = Renewable Rider M = Included in base period rate base at MDC value N = NONUTILITY X = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance AdtBal,09/30/lS _,Adj Bal 12/31/lS 1,253,75 {930,24) 1,045,807 70,195 {1,507,21) {1,37,78) {1,258,1) {57,29) 513, ,384 2, ,59 {293,417) (182,873) (2,184,09) (425,981) (758,37) 40,341 Adj Bal 03J<t1,,/1~ t: Adj Bal 0/30/1 _,_,,ReverseBook MDCs,,,,, 149,014 (429,504) 37,450 0,489 {1,37,78) (1,37,78) {57,29) 513, ,759 {74,003) (425,981) 40,341 (1,357,31) 513, ,859 {11,794) (425,981) 40, Grand Total Per ADIT sheet 1421 Difference Per H Rate base including renewables & mdcs, above 141 Difference 147 (84,198,775) (84,198,775) (84,198,775} (747,34,099} (747,34,099) (707,844,891) (3,8,98) (707,844,891)' (3,8,98} (707,844,891} (3,8,98) (782,75,40} (792,143,25} (782,75,40} (792,143,25) {4,080,394) (4,080,394} (4,080,394} {795,7,93) {795,7,93} (55,950,753) 82,580,483 (55,950,753} 82,580,483 (55,950,753) 82,580,483 (805,557,283} 51,917,14 (805,557,283) 82,580,483 {30,2,89) These Columns are combi "'C s: c m Ill >< <C :c (!)!:!:! 0 I 0 s: _, :c 'TI C0 I ON

91 I A H K M N 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 INMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 IHyperlink to Lead Sheet Row_Labels,,,,,,,, Add Base MDCs Unadjusted Base Base Adjustments Adjusted Base _ Adj Bal 12/31/1,_Adj Bal 0/30/17 Adj Bal 12/31/17, 14 r,,,,,,,,,,,(75,091,93),,,,,, 14,807,08,(0,284,0) _(744,030,21J,,,,(77,213,349) (79,901,795) 15 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (221,581,50) (221,581,50) (230,958,14) (230,710,218) (239,8,935) 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (444,28,409) 21,837,435 (422,430,974) (43,844,558) (439,775,421) (371,777,07) 17 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (107,940,493) 4,919,99 (103,020,794) (119,292,051) (120,984,224) (135,923,40) 18 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 19 Contributions In Aid of Construction 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 21 Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,545,59) (10,744,952) (20,290,548) (2,099,280) {30,387,424) (38,142,071) 22 LINE EXTENSION POLICY 957, , , , , Net Operating Loss (NOL) 15,19,554 1,02,942 1,4,49 133,113, ,782,907 87,459, Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (485,97) (485,97) (597,33) (2,440) (727,51) 25 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,25,410 1,25,410 1,29,183 1,273,41 1,277,738 2 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 27 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 7,1,98 7,1,98 5,841,571,30,750 5,149, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (78,907,153) (78,907,153) (80,53,41) (80,12,937) (80,549,124) 29 Debt AFUDC (23,543,182) (23,543,182) (24,304,538) (25,743,20) (27,182,702) 30 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (4,559,854) (4,559,854) (4,580,590) (4,590,897) (4,01,204) 31 Pre1981 Repair Allowance (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) 32 AFTON WRITEDOWN 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 33 BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (7,753,954) (7,753,954) (7,93,223) (8,111,118) (8,259,014) 34 PREPAID EXPENSES (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) 35 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,180,091 3,180,091 3,28,10 3,895,179 2,890,434 3 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 2,87,1 2,87,1 2,327,55 2,275,893 1,5, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,542,4) 38 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,919,99) (4,919,99) (4,944,792) (4,944,423) (4,944,054) 39 G 1,485,75 (4,399,343) (4,399,343) (4,324,025) (4,023,9) (45,723,312) 40 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (47,885,107) (47,885,107) (47,771,932) (47,433,942) (47,095,952), 41 Renewable NOL Allocation s: 1,485,75 1,485,75 1,447,907 1,410,273 1,372,39 "'C m >< 1,485,75 (32,148,34) (32,148,34) (3,372,450) (8,521,084) (8,387,922) (7,11,93) (11,845,482) ~ ::C (70,24,241) w=~vr",' (70,24,241) (70,24,241) (9,39,703) (8,472,27) (7,574,831) (I) OJ I 45,78,851 (39,202,925),583,92,294,802,477,18,434,03 70,932 70,932 70,932 57,05 43,280 29,495 > ::C (,021,904) (,021,904) (,021,904) (5,857,153) (5,93,373) (5,529,592) ~ ~ 45,78,851 (39,202,925),583,92,294,802,477,18,434,031 a ~ "'C

92 A 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 INMPRC Case No10027UT 3!PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 IH::merlink to Leocl Sheet m 13 Row Labels Add Base MDCs _,Unadjusted Base Base Adjustments 49 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 159,75 159,75 50 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 3,141,099 3,141,099 (3,141,099) 51 Coal Mine Decommissioning (9,738,5) (9,738,5),744, INJURY & DAMAGES 2,119,944 2,119,944 21, DOE SPENTFUEL SETTLEMENT 2,38,41 2,38,41 54 LVGS Decommissioning 514, , LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (3,097,947) (3,097,947) 5 RATE CASE EXPENSE (1,57,95) (1,57,95) 93, RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES 58 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 1,175,700 1,175, % SJGS 2&3 0 PENSION AMPP 2,509,23 2,509,23 1 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 1,554,041 1,554,041 (1,554,041) 2 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (1,137,91) (1,137,91) 5,2 3 N!I!!!t04J 4 MISC NON OPERATING GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE (2,' nj NINE MILE TAP 4! ;2 7 PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY (5,52' l,020) 8 FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION (59, 337) 9 LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 4,08 1, HEDGE LOSS H K Adjusted Base 159,75 (2,993,731) 2,741,99 2,38,41 514,273 (3,097,947) (1,483,385) 1,175,700 2,509,23 (1,072,05) (578,04) M Adj Bal 12/31/1 AdtBal 0/30/17 ycljbal 12/31/17 151, ,24 13,541 (2,40,93) 2,741,99 2,311,174 44,001 (3,804,377) (1,298,527) 1,175,700 2,458,411 (1,072,05) (2,290,221) (1,939,505) 2,741,99 2,741,99 1,0,100 1,009, ,98 203,971 (3,45,154) (3,485,931) (930,989) (1,598,932} 1,175,700 1,175,700 (49,738,17) 2,410,729 2,33,048 (1,072,05) (1,072,05) 71 X,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,, 150,185, ,185,135 WWW "",,,,,,,,,www,,,,,, 72 TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY (7,918) (7,918) 73 ALVARADO SQUARE 74 WAGES 75 ACCRUED VACATION 7 Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 77 GENERAL RESERVE 78 COMPENSATION EXPENSE 79 OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS 80 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 81 PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE 82 REGULATORY RESERVE 83 ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY 47,253 35,294 2,459,137 (99,503) 1,034,28 (4,232,510) (473,251) (5,423,852) 3,903,079 (5,938) 5,22 47,253 35,294 2,459,137 (99,503) 1,034,28 (4,232,510) (473,251) (5,423,852) 3,903,079 (5,938) 5,22 N "t1 s: "Om Ill >< (C :c (D,_ CD N I 0 s:,, :c CD I ON

93 A T Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Row Labels ~ ==, = ««=w=w~w=,=»»===="= ~ FAS WORKERS COMP ~ SELF INSURANCE J HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 88 STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE J!2 c2q BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE BIOMASS J PREPAID RENT REVENUE ~ REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND 93 SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE ~ ROW RESERVE ~ PROPERTY TAX RESERVE 9 SJGS AUDIT RESERVES ~ RATE RIDER ~ RENEWABLE CREDITS ~ INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 129 ENERGY EFFICIENCY 101 NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER c1q3 SIERRA CLUB ~ EXTENDED LEAVE ~ EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE ~ NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 22 SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 22? FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT ~ SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT ~ 222 BONUS ACCRUAL 111 GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT 112 FAS 115 ~ MARK TO MARKET 114 UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING ~ ACCRUED ILLNESS ~ SUN REFINANCING 117 DEBT ISSUANCE COST 118 S02 ALLOWANCE CREDITS H I J K L M N Add Base MDCs,,, Unadjusted Base, Base Adjustments, Adjusted Base Adj Bal 12/31/1 _,AdtBal 0/30/17, AdtBal 12/31/17, 3,4,078 3,4, , , , ,487 2,485,857 2,485,857 58,797 58,797 (158,385) (lss,385) ,842 29, ,3Sl 475, ,32 119,32 140, ,431 (73,248) (73,248) 1,97 1,97 (320,939) (320,939) 49,49,441 49,49,441 2,781,5 2,781,5 1,430,952 1,430,952 42,311 42,311 45,S94 45, ,88 474,88 1S9,52 159,52 279,35 279,35 37,990 37,990 54,25,45 54,25,45 {1,575,258) (1,575,258) (700,133) (700,133) (212,774) (212,774) {932,021) {932,021) 40,973,108 40,973,108 1,531,995 1,531,995 27,337 27,337 (1,84,009} (1,84,009) (31) (31) 32,78 32,78 "'ti s: "'tlm Ill >< (Q :::i::: (!) co a () I 0 s:,, :::i::: (0 I ON

94 Ii A H I J K L M N i '' Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 Hy12erlink to Lead Sheet ~ Row Labels Add Base MD Cs Unadjusted Base Base Adjustment~ Adjusted Base Adj Ba I 12/31/1,,, Adj Bal 0/30/17,,_,_ Adj Ba 112/31/ PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM (429,504) (429,504) 120 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 0,489 0, FIN 48 INTEREST (1,37,78) (1,37,78) 122 PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS 123 FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (1,357,31) (1,357,31) 124 RA TE RIDER , , Renewable Rider 242, , DEFERRED COAL COSTS (11,794) (11,794) 127 SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES (425,981) (425,981) 128 TOU Reg asset/liab 129 EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES 40,341 40, (blank) 132 Grand Total (30,2,89) {04,033,139) 1?1 C<:C ~<:A\ (25,598,503) (880,353,711) {932,470,590) Per ADIT sheet (30,2,89) (04,033,139) (21,55,34) (25,598,503) (858,742,207) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) 142 Difference (30,2,89) (04,033,139) (21,55,34) (25,598,503) (858,742,207) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) Per H12 (753,39,9) (21,55,34) (775,205,031) (858,742,207) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) 145 Rate base including renewables & mdcs, above (30,2,89) (753,39,9) (21,55,34) (775,205,033) (858,742,207) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) 14 Difference 30,2, ned on H12 ""C s: ""Cm Ill >< (C ::I: CD,!:!;! ~ I, 0,, s: ::I: (0 I ON

95 A '''i Public Service Company of New Mexico 0 p Q R s T u V 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 HtQerlink to Lead Sheet Row 13 Labels 01/31/18 02/28/18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ 03/31/18 '"" 04/30/18 05/31/18 01ao118 _}}1J31118 o8(3111s c"'""'"'"~w,,,,,sw,,s"""'==wwm=»,<~,w,,wswmsy,~wow 14 r,,,(774,505,593) J774,41,934J (773,952,282}_ {77!,907,831),,,,, (771,584,002) (783,08,458) (798,433,4),,,,,,,,, (813,35,372} 15 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (239,931,229) (240,009,701) {240,111,241) {240,239,503} {240,375,303} {240,538,719} (240,728,990} (240,901,039} 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation {372,205,017) {372,595,231) {372,925,472) (373,91,929) (374,14,399} (375,400,845) {37,087,222) (37,5,585} 17 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (135,933,327) (135,952,012) (13,373,542) (13,802,555) {137,377,30) (137,885,472) (138,31,857) (138,708,283) 18 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 19 Contributions In Aid of Construction 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 21 Liberalied Depreciation Other {38,382,025} {38,03,484) {38,824,21) {39,024,7) {39,210,294) (39,32,845) (39,509,985) (39,30,84} 22 LINE EXTENSION POLICY 957, , , , , , , , Net Operating Loss (NOL) 83,319,450 83,891,84 85,37,198 88,98,4 91,092,39 81,223,983 7,358,45 53,721,39 24 Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (737,427) (74,510) (754,75) (71,953) {78,314) (773,787) {778,343) {781,982) 25 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,278,389 1,278,98 1,279,523 1,280,001 1,280,419 1,280,779 1,281,078 1,281,318 2 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 27 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 5,450,051 5,82,74 5,857,11 5,95,317,042,244,091,95,129,120,149, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (80,483,249) (80,418,5) {80,35,537) {80,319,129) {80,304,43} {80,294,843) {80,28,491} (80,280,130} 29 DebtAFUDC (27,375,202) (27,55,050) (27,749,474) (27,898,9) {28,011,581) (28,094,579} (28,13,921) (28,221,134) 30 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (4,02,914) (4,04,24) (4,0,335) (4,08,045) (4,09,755) (4,11,45) (4,13,175) (4,14,885) 31 Pre1981 Repair Allowance (22,138,422) (22,138,422) (22,138,422) {22,138,422} {22,138,422} {22,138,422) (22,138,422} {22,138,422) 32 AFTON WRITEDOWN 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 33 BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST {8,22,709} {8,2,247) {8,272,073) {8,280,038} (8,288,214) (8,295,822) (8,301,584) (8,305,548) 34 PREPAID EXPENSES (3,75,987) {3,75,987) {3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) (3,75,987) {3,75,987) 35 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,007,773 3,093,025 3,17,547 3,139,552 3,238,223 3,297,118 3,349,379 3,390,951 3 Liberalied Depreciation, SJ4 132 mw 1,571,05 1,575,581 1,57,871 1,578,021 1,54,041 1,53,42 1,509,20 1,487, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,54,714) {2,550,442) {2,555,12) (2,559,317) (2,570,327) (2,587,242) (2,03,223) {2,1,04) 38 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,943,82) (4,943,342) (4,943,03) (4,942,74) (4,942,52) (4,942,321) (4,942,150) (4,942,014) 39, G _,,,,_www,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "'"''""""""""'""''"'""'",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_, (45,328,324L (44,9,874),,,,,,, (44,42,157) (44,353,07) (44,101,195) (43,884,938} (43,705,971) (43,54,18},w"==,=¼"=""'=" ~,=vv~wamm,,,,,mmv'wwa"w_,,,,,;v p;, ~ 40 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (4,94,91) (4,32,98) (45,995,980) (45,700,54) (45,442,527) (45,220,02) (45,034,813) (44,88,7) 41 Renewable NOL Allocation 42 Renewable NM AETC 1,3,37 1,30,095 1,353,822 1,347,577 1,341,333 1,335,088 1,328,843 1,322, """ M,,,,,, """",,,,,,, ""',,,,,,,,,,_,,, '" (11,451,3),,,,,, (11,057,79),,,,JllS,3,528), '' (115,29,839),,,, J114,875,983l,,,,,,,, (114,481,957) (114,087,71),,,,,,,(113,93!394} 44 Pension Qualified (7,420,514) (7,2,197) (7,111,879) {,957,52) {,803,245) (,48,928) {,494,11) {,340,294) 45 Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 4 ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION,44,857,495,81,52,941,558,233,589,94,21,324,53,123,85, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 27,197 24,900 22,02 20,315 18,027 15,740 13,452 11,15 48 PCB REFINANCING (5,502,29} (5,474,999) (5,447,702) (5,420,525) (5,393,348) (5,3,171) (5,338,994) (5,311,817) "ti s: "tlm Ill >< (C :c (D ~!;!;! CJ'I I 0,, s: ~ :c (0 I ON

96 = Public Service Company of New Mexico NMPRC Case No 10027UT PNM Exhibit MFH2 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table H,'Qerlink to Lead Sheet A 0 p Q R s T u V Row Labels 01/31/18 _,_, 02/28/18 03/31/18,,,,,_,, 04/30/18,,,,_, 05/31/18,,0/30/18 _,,_ 07 /31/18 _ 08/31/18 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 135, , ,9 131, , , ,570 12,288 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 Coal Mine Decommissioning (1,881,053) (1,822,00) (1,74,148) (1,705,951) (1,47,755) (1,589,558) (1,531,32) (1,473,1) INJURY & DAMAGES 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 900, ,000 83, ,451 47, , , ,304 LVGS Decommissioning 198, ,13 187, ,325 17, ,538 1,144 10,751 LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT {3,459,510) (3,433,089) (3,40,8) (3,380,247) (3,353,82) {3,327,405) (3,300,984) (3,274,54) RATE CASE EXPENSE (1,554,975) (1,511,018) (1,47,01) (1,423,171) (1,379,280) (1,335,390) (1,291,500) (1,247,10) RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 1,127,213 1,078,725 1,030, ,93 933,88 885, , ,83 50% SJGS 2&3 {49,530,924) (49,323,82) (49,11,440) (48,910,10) {48,703,772) (48,497,437) (48,291,103) {48,084,79) PENSION AMPP 2,354,734 2,34,419 2,338,104 2,329,789 2,321,475 2,313,10 2,304,845 2,29,531 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (1,052,41) (1,032,7) (1,013,117) {993,47) (973,818) (954,18) (934,518) (914,89) N MISC NON OPERATING GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE X NINE MILE TAP PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP HEDGE LOSS TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY ALVARADO SQUARE WAGES ACCRUED VACATION Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 GENERAL RESERVE COMPENSATION EXPENSE OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE REGULATORY RESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY,, s:,, m Ill >< cc :c CD!E O') I 0 s: "T1 :c (D I 0 N


98 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 Hyperlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 A O P Q R S T U V Row Labels 01/31/18 02/28/18 03/31/18 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07 /31/18 08/31/18 ::ill"pv INCENTIVE PROGRAM,_,,_,,,, '"''''"'"''' "'"'''"'''" ''"'"''"''"'""''"''"'"'""'"' ""'"''"""'" '"'"'"''"'"' " 121 FIN 48 INTEREST $ PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS 123 FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT 120 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 124 RATE RIDER Renewable Rider 12 DEFERRED COAL COSTS 127 SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES ~ TOU Reg asset/liab 129 EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES 130 Z "'"'"'"'""'"'""'"",, """"''''"'""' '"'"'"''""'"""'"''"'""'""'"'"'""'""',,,,"""'"""'"'"'"'' 121: (blank) _ 1,E Grand Total (93,285,580) (935,48,487) (934,257,97) (931,530,747) (930,51,179) (941,453,353} (95,227,198} (970,22,934) Per ADIT sheet (93,285,580) (935,48,487) (934,257,97) (931,530,747) (930,51,179) (941,453,353) (95,227,198) (970,22,934) 142 Difference (93,285,580) (935,48,487) (934,257,97) (931,530,747) (930,51,179) (941,453,353) (95,227,198) (970,22,934) Per H12 (93,285,580) (935,48,487) (934,257,97} (931,530,747) (930,51,179) (941,453,353) (95,227,198) (970,22,934) 145 Rate base including renewables & mdcs, above (93,285,580} (935,48,487) (934,257,97) (931,530,747) (930,51,179) (941,453,353) (95,227,198) (970,22,934) 14 Difference 147 "'C s:: c m Ill >< (Q ::r: CD cc,_ 00 I 0 s:: "T1 ::r: ti:) I ON

99 A 'i' I Public Service Comp_a_r,y: of New Mexico 2 (NMPRC Case No10027UT 3 (PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 (ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 I Hyperlink to Lead Sheet 7 w X y AA AB AC AD Row Labels,,_ 09/30/18 10/31/18 _,, 11/30/18, 12/31/18 _,,,_IRS Proration, Averaging Unadj Test Test Adjs 14 _r J~Z,C>iC>S~,2,~1L (822!281,417) J~~Si~??i~?~L {827,990,32) 35 }~,~14 1~!~ (7_94,375,544) ~~~r2?3 15 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution {241,078,075) (241,237,440) {241,338,705) {241,348,423) 1 755,707 (240,592,71) 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation {377,135,344) (377,474,393) {377,718,159) {377,728,975) 7 2,50,500 (375,078,475) 17 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission {139,030,412) (139,2,292) {139,397,0) {139,407,004) 1 1,85,958 (137,721,045) 18 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 9,211,73 19 Contributions In Aid of Construction 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915,974 34,915, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 22,947,41 21 Liberalied Depreciation Other {39,732,411} (39,804,128} (39,847,522} (39,852,378} 22 LINE EXTENSION POLICY 957, , , , Net Operating Loss {NOL) 48,197,037 4,925,173 44,459,730 41,85, Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners {784,734) (78,58) (787,515) (787,544) 25 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,281,498 1,281,19 1,281,81 1,281,83 2 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 250,02 250,02 250,02 27 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2,121,55,021,422 5,971,573 5,970, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 {80,281,849) (80,284,579) (80,284,358} (80,285,230) 29 Debt AFUDC {28,25,71) {28,295,275) (28,310,797} {28,311,271} 30 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation {4,1,595) {4,18,305} (4,20,015) {4,21,72) 31 Pre1981 Repair Allowance {22,138,422) {22,138,422} (22,138,422} {22,138,422) 32 AFTON WRITEDOWN 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 3,884,24 33 BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (8,308,845) {8,311,231) (8,312,510) (8,312,555} 34 PREPAID EXPENSES (3,75,987) {3,75,987} (3,75,987) (3,75,987} 35 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,403,3 3,412,149 3,403,52 3,403,403 3 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw 1,470,747 1,459,424 1,451,91 1,451,81 37 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,25,739) (2,32,333) (2,3,55) (2,3,87) 38 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,941,911} (4,941,842) (4,941,807) (4,941,80) 39 G, (43,458,314),, (43,389,8J,,(43,357,248),(43,32,29) 40 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (44,774,7) (44,99,794} (44,1,112} (44,59,888} 41 Renewable NOL Allocation 42 Renewable NM AETC 1,31,353 1,310,108 1,303,83 1,297,19 43 M,,_, (113,33,4,123) (112,831,374) J112,328,452) (111,825,332) 144 Pension Qualified (,185,977} (,031,59) (5,877,342} (5,723,025) 5 Eastern Interconnect Project Gain ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION,717,23,749,552,782,041,814,705 7 Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 8,878,590 4,303 2, PCB REFINANCING (5,284,40) (5,257,43} (5,230,28) (5,203, ,247 27,3,142 20,093 (1,321} (77,14) (5,127) 353,931 10,21 22,04 9,211,73 34,915,974 22,947,41 (39,225,132} 957,131 9,528,340 {77,451} 1,280,33 250,02 5,892,474 {80,341,357} {27,957,340} {4,11,45) {22,138,422) 3,884,24 {8,290,492) {3,75,987} 1 {15,821} 3,24, ,281 1,522, ,29 {2,589,418) 2 (752) (4,942,558) 2_ {779,079) (44,141,349) 2 (81,51} ', (45,47,449} 37,482 '""""""""""""" {3,305,08) (925,903} (192,191) 13,709 {13,118) 839,253 1,335,100 {115,130,400) """" 4,154,209 {,48,928) 4,749,971,22,514 15,74 {5,3,22) "tj s: cm Ill >< (C :c (l) CJ ~ =i 0 s: :c "Tl C,0 I ON

100 ~ A Public Service Company of New Mexico NMPRC Case No 10027UT PNM Exhibit MFH2 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table Ht12erlink to Lead Sheet Row Labels 49 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 50 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 51 Coal Mine Decommissioning 52 INJURY & DAMAGES 53 DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 54 LVGS Decommissioning 55 LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT 5 RATE CASE EXPENSE 57 RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES 58 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV % SJGS 2&3 0 PENSION AMPP 1 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 2 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N 4 MISC NON OPERATING 5 GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE NINE MILE TAP 7 PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY 8 FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION 9 LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 70 HEDGE LOSS TRISTATERIGHTOFWAY 73 ALVARADO SQUARE 74 WAGES 75 ACCRUED VACATION 7 Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 77 GENERAL RESERVE 78 COMPENSATION EXPENSE 79 0TH ER LEGAL ACCRUALS 80 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 81 PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE 82 REGULATORY RESERVE 83 ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY w X y AA,,_,,,_ 09/30/18 _,,,,,,,,_ 10/31/18,,_,,,, 11/30/18 "'""'"""'"" 12/31/18,,,,,,_ ~RS Proration,,, 125, , , ,12 (1,414,99) (1,35,773) (1,298,57) (1,240,380) 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 155, ,94 144, ,17 (3,248,143) (3,221,722) (3,195,301) (3,18,880) (1,203,720) (1,159,830) (1,115,940) (1,072,050) 740,588 92,313 44, ,73 (47,878,435) (47,72,101) (47,45,77) (47,259,433) 2,288,21 2,279,901 2,271,58 2,23,272 (895,219) (875,570) (855,920) (83,271) AB AC AD, Averaging Unadj Test Test Adjs 7,89 128,851 (349,297) 32,372 (158,525) (23,372) (1,238,424) 49,888 (117,897) (1,589,77} 2,741,99 171,549 (3,327,405) (1,335,421} 595,73 (48,497,857) 2,313,10 (954,18) (595,73) "C s: c m 0,) >< (C :r: <D 5 N O I 0 s: n :r: (D I ON


102 A 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 INMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 I Hyperlink to Lead Sheet 7 w X y AA AB AC AD Row Labels 09/30/18,, 10/31/18 11/30/18, 12/31/18 _,,,,,"_ IRS Proration,_,,,,"Averaging'"'"""'"' Unadj Test "Test Adjs _,, 119 PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM 120 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 121 FIN 48 INTEREST 122 PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS 123 FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT 124 RATE RIDER Renewable Rider 12 DEFERRED COAL COSTS 127 SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES 128 TOU Reg asset/liab 129 EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES 130 Z (97,848,718} (978,502,477} (981,040,973} (983,177,94} 37 29,530,71 (953,47,293) 4,993, Per ADIT sheet (97,8'1_!3,21_13_) (978,502,477) (981,040,973) (983,177,94) 29,530,71 (953,47,293) 4,993, Difference (97,848,718) (978,502,477) (9s1,040,~n2 (983,177,941 29,530,71 (953,47,293) 4,993, Per H12 (97,848,718) (978,502,477) (981,040,973) (983,177,94) 29,530,71 4,993, Rate base including renewables & mdcs, above (97,848,718) (978,502,477) (J81,Q40,973) (983,177,94) 29,530,71 (953,47,293) 4,993, Difference "'C s: "'Cm Ill >< (C :c (I) N Q:! N I,, 0 s: :c ti) I ON

103 A AE 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Row Labels Adjusted Test Period,,,,_wwwwww,,,,,_ (793,53,291) 14 r 15 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (240,592,71) 1 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (375,078,475) 1 17 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (137,721,045) 18 Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,211,73 19 Contributions In Aid of Construction 34,91S, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 22,947,41 21 Liberalied Depreciation Other {38,385,879) 1 22 LINE EXTENSION POLICY 957, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 9,528, Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (77,451) 1 25 FERC Customer Depreciation 1,280,33 2 Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 250,02 27 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 5,892, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 {80,341,357) 29 DebtAFUDC (27,957,340) 30 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (4,11,45) 31 Pre1981 Repair Allowance {22,138,422) 32 AFTON WRITEDOWN 3,884,24 33 BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (8,290,492) 34 PREPAID EXPENSES (3,75,987) 35 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 3,24,582 3 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 1,522,92 37 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,589,418) 38 Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,942,558) 39 G ~, '"cw, c;,,;,;,,m,;,;;»; "'"(44,~41,349) 40 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (4S,47,449) 41 Renewable NOL Allocation 42 Renewable NM AETC 1,335, M,,,,,,,,_,, '"_,,,,,www,,,,,,,,,wwwwwwwww,,,,,,,_,,,(110l97,192) 44 Pension Qualified (1,898,957) 45 Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 4 ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION,22, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 15,74 48 PCB REFINANCING (5,3,22),, 3::,, m ::r: <D N2:! () i, 0,, 3:: ::r: t0 I CN II) >< (Q

104 A 1 I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 INMPRC Case No10027UT 3 IPNM Exhibit MFH2 4 IADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 IHYQerlinkto Lead Sheet AE tllijlow Labels " """,,_,, Adjusted Test Period 49 Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 128, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 51 Coal Mine Decommissioning (1,589,77} 52 INJURY & DAMAGES 2,741,99 53 DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 54 LVGS Decommissioning 171, LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (3,327,405) 5 RATE CASE EXPENSE (1,335,421} 57 RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES 58 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV % SJGS 2&3 (48,497,857) 0 PENSION AMPP 2,313,10 1 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 2 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (954,18} 3 N MISC NON OPERATING GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE NINE MILE TAP PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP HEDGE LOSS TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY ALVARADO SQUARE WAGES ACCRUED VACATION Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 GENERAL RESERVE COMPENSATION EXPENSE OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE REGULATORY RESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY,, s,, m II,) >< (C ::r: (I) N ŌJ i::, i 0 S,,, ::r: (0 I ON


106 A 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT3 ADIT Pivot Table 5 Hyperlink to Lead Sheet AE Ē Row Labels Adju~ted TestPeriod 119 PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM 120 RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 121 FIN 48 INTEREST 122 PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS 123 FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT 124 RATE RIDER 12 ~ DEFERRED COAL COSTS 127 SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES 128 TOU Reg asset/liab 129 EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES ~' '===~,~~" ~ 130 Z 131 {blank) m Grand Total (948,53,831) Per ADIT sheet (948,53,831) 142 Difference (948,53,831) Per H12 {948,53,833) 145 Rate base including renewables & mdcs, above (948,53,831) 14 Difference (2) 147,, s:,, m Ill >< (Q :I: (!) N~ 0, I,, 0,, s: :I: (D I 0 N 125 Renewable Rider

107 A B C D E F G H L Q V 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico n = NONUTILITY 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT x = Underlying acct not in rate base 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 = 2ero adjusted balance 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward r = Included in base period rate base at book value 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 12/31/14 03/31/15 0/30/15 Description Rate Account Name 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct Bal 13Q4 Adj Bal 14Q4 Adj Bal 15Q1 Adj Bal 15Q MISC NON OPERATING N f ACCUM DIT MISC NON OPER FIT 525, , , , Zero Balance f ADIT FIT REGULATORY RESERVE Zero Balance s ADIT SIT REGULATORY RESERVE TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY X f TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY FIT 108, , , , TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY X s TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY SIT (11,15) (11,15) (11,15) (11,15) ALVARADO SQUARE X f ACCUM DIT ALVARADO SQUARE FIT 383, , , , ALVARADO SQUARE X s ACCUM DITALVARADO SQUARE SIT 83,323 83,323 83,323 83, WAGES X f DEFERRED FIT WAGES 20,28 273, , , WAGES X s DEFERRED SIT WAGES 5,491 0,822 0,822 0, Pension Qualified M f Q , DEFERRED FIT PENSION (81,39,424) (90,007,829) (89,779,78) (89,551,743) Pension Qualified M s DEFERRED SIT PENSION (1,,393) (18,41,53) (18,41,13) (18,371,90) Deferred Federal Tax Credits r f Tax only Alt Min Credit 105, , , , ACCRUED VACATION X f DEFERRED FIT ACCRUED VACATION 2,044,94 2,037,200 2,037,200 2,037, ACCRUED VACATION X s DEFERRED SIT ACCRUED VACATION 443,77 442, , , Zero Balance f DEF FIT USBR Zero Balance s DEF SIT USBR Eastern Interconnect Project Gain m f ACCUM DIT EIP GAIN FIT 18,028 24,004 24,004 24, Eastern Interconnect Project Gain m s ACCUM DIT EIP GAIN SIT 2,320 3,70 3,70 3, Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 X f 5575% * DEF FIT PV PRUDENCY AUDIT AMORT 140,114 81,34 81,34 81, Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 X s DEF SIT PV PRUDENCY AUDIT AMORT (137,317) (149,58) (149,58) (149,58) Contributions In Aid of Construction R f ct 807 DEFERRED FIT CONTRIB IN AID 2,70,928 27,042,240 27,749,739 28,457, Contributions In Aid of Construction R s DEFERRED SIT CONTRIB IN AID 5,788,579 5,88,838,008,212,147, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST R f Tax only DEFERRED FIT CAPITALIZED INTEREST 18,788,793 18,578,323 19,097,437 19,1, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST R s DEFERRED SIT CAPITALIZED INTEREST 2,997,230 2,949,200 3,051,41 3,153, GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE N f , DEFERRED FIT GAS PLANT DECOMM S (12,739) (13,544) (13,544) (13,544) GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE N s DEFERRED SIT GAS PLANT DECOMM (27,505) (29,549) (29,549) (29,549) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f , DEF FIT NUCLEAR DECOMM (30,811) (4,401,423) (5,498,181) (,594,939) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s , DEF SIT NUCLEAR DECO MM (9,779) (920,882) (1,13,933) (1,352,984) Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only ACC DIT IRS EXAMS FIT (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) Liberalied Depreciation Other R s ACC DIT IRS EXAMS SIT 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 M f DEF FIT PV CONSTRUCTION CREDITS 118,441 95,25 95,25 95,25 "'C Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 M s DEF SIT PV CONSTRUCTION CREDITS 25,702 20,89 20,89 20, GENERAL RESERVE X f DEFERRED FIT GENERAL RESERVE 77,0 824,39 824,39 824, GENERAL RESERVE X s DEFERRED SIT GENERAL RESERVE 147,08 178,59 178,59 178, PCB REFINANCING m f DEFERRED FIT INTEREST RATE SWAP 32,15 32,15 32,15 32, PCB REFINANCING m s DEFERRED SIT INTEREST RATE SWAP 7,078 7,078 7,078 7, COMPENSATION EXPENSE X f DEF FIT COMPENSATION EXPENSE (2,058,442) (2,39,257) (3,115,998) (3,25,755) COMPENSATION EXPENSE X s DEF SIT COMPENSATION EXPENSE (44,757) (511,553) (58,53) (88,15) OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS X f FIT DEFERRED OTHER LAWSUITS 439, , , , OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS X s SIT DEFERRED OTHER LAWSUITS s c m I)) >< (Q :c Cl) N ~ I, 0,, S :c CD I ON

108 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal ShtAcct NINE MILE TAP N f Tax only NINE MILE TAP N s PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY N f PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY N s Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 M f Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 M s Deferred Federal Tax Credits R f Tax only MISC NON OPERATING N f MISC NON OPERATING N s OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS X f , 302, OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS X s PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE X f OCI PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE X s REGULATORY RESERVE X f REGULATORY RESERVE X s ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY X f ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY X s FAS 109 X f Tax only FAS 109 X s WORKERS COMP X f WORKERS COMP X s SELF INSURANCE X f , SELF INSURANCE X s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f , 32,347, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s 210, 299, , SELF INSURANCE X f SELF INSURANCE X s Zero Balance f Tax only Zero Balance s Zero Balance f Tax only Zero Balance s Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 M f Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 M s LINE EXTENSION POLICY R f Tax only LINE EXTENSION POLICY R s MISC NON OPERATING N f Tax only MISC NON OPERATING N s OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS X f OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS X s HI VOLTAGE RESERVE X f Offs et at Co 7 n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base G = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 DEF FIT NINE MILE TAP 59,070 DEF SIT NINE MILE TAP 12,818 NUC DECOMM NON OP FIT 484,81 NUC DECOMM NON OP SIT 108,318 FIT DEF PV GAIN ADJ 435,833 SIT DEF PV GAIN ADJ 97,374 FIT DEFERRED R&D CREDIT 8,77,452 DEF FIT PV DECONTAMINATION NU " DEF SIT PV DECONTAMINATION NU (1) DEFERRED FIT 401(h) CONTRIBUTION (912,759) DEFERRED SIT 401(h) CONTRIBUTION (198,110) FIT PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE 7,19,35 SIT PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE (3,293,5S) FIT REGULA TORY RESERVE (4,879) SIT REGULATORY RESERVE (1,059) DEFERRED FIT ENVIRONMENTAL 4,19 DEFERRED SIT ENVIRONMENTAL 1,003 ADIT FAS 109 FED 24,35,893 ADIT FAS 109 ST 54,047,458 DEF FIT WORKERS COMP 1,32,779 DEF SIT WORKERS COMP 287,959 DEFERRED FIT GENERAL LIABILITY SELF 283,33 DEFERRED SIT GENERAL LIABILITY SELF 1,500 DEF FIT GAS PLANT DECOM SJ4, 13,004,738 DEF SIT GAS PLANT DECOM SJ4, 2,822,511 DEFERRED FIT AUTO SELF INSURANCE 8,837 DEFERRED SIT AUTO SELF INSURANCE 1,912 DEF FIT EIP REFINANCING COSTS DEF SIT EIP REFINANCING COSTS DEF FIT PVNGS REG STUDY AMORT 1 DEF SIT PVNGS REG STUDY A MORT (1) DEF FIT PVNGS DRY CASKS 3,871,58 DEF SIT PVNGS DRY CASKS 840,280 DEF FIT LINE EXTENSION POLICY 78,444 DEF SIT LINE EXTENSION POLICY 170,87 DEF FITTAX RATE ADJ WAS DEF SIT TAX RATE ADJ WAS DEFERRED FIT ENVIRONMENTAL/LEG (954,42) DEFERRED SIT ENVIRONMENTAL/LEG (207,154) DEFERRED FIT HI VOLTAGE RESERVE L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adi Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql 20,990 20,990 4,880 4, ,81 484,81 108, , , ,833 97,374 97,374 8,39,225 8,39,225 " (1) (1) (2,321,957) (2,82,275) (491,873) (52,853) 7,19,35 7,19,35 (3,293,55) (3,293,55) (4,879) (4,879) (1,059) (1,059) 4,19 4,19 1,003 1,003 29,349,711 29,87,170 44,49,073 42,025,472 93,724 93,724 20,47 20,47 200, ,885 44,307 44,307 13,004,738 13,004,738 2,822,511 2,822,511 8,837 8,837 1,912 1,912 " " " 1 1 (1) (1) 4,013,581 4,029,394 89, ,99 78,444 78, ,87 170, (93,433) (93,433) (209,024) (209,024) V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 20,990 4, ,81 108,318 43S,833 97,374 8,39,225 (1) (4,075,221) (837,252) 7,19,35 (3,293,55) (4,879) (1,059) 4,19 1,003 29,87,170 42,025,472 93,724 20,47 200,885 44,307 13,004,738 2,822,511 8,837 1,912 1 (1) 4,01, ,230 78, ,87 1 (93,433) (209,024) "ti s: "tlm Ill >< (Q ::c (I) N!;E 00 I, 0,, s: ::c 10 I ON

109 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH 2 4 ADIT 4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hyllerlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct HI VOLTAGE RESERVE X s STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE X f ct STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Coal Mine Decommissioning M f , Coal Mine Decommissioning M s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Coal Mine Decommissioning M f , Coal Mine Decommissioning M s BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE X f , , BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE X s Contributions In Aid of Construction r f ct Contributions In Aid of Construction r s BIOMASS X f BIOMASS X s PREPAID RENT REVENUE X f PREPAID RENT REVENUE X s REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND X f REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND X s Net Operating Loss (NOL) R f Tax only Net Operating Loss (NOL) R s Zero Balance l f Tax only Zero Balance l s MISC NON OPERATING N f , 402, MISC NON OPERATING N s SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE X f , 402, SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE X s Zero Balance l f , 402, Zero Balance l s MISC NON OPERATING N f MISC NON OPERATING N s INJURY & DAMAGES M f , 211, INJURY & DAMAGES M s INJURY & DAMAGES M f , 211, INJURY & DAMAGES M s INJURY & DAMAGES M f n = NON UTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance G H L r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 12/31/14 Account Name Bal 13Q4 Adj Bal 14Q4 DEFERRED SIT HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 443, ,309 DEFERRED FIT PROPERTY TAX DEFERRED SIT PROPERTY TAX DEF FIT SONORA/AZ (1,040,789) (1,040,789) DEF SIT SONORA/AZ (225,890) (225,890) DEF FIT WPM VOLATILITY RESERVE 7,00 7,00 DEF SIT WPM VOLATILITY RESERVE (7,00) (7,00) DEF FIT COAL MINE DECOMM 9,32,480 12,188,881 DEF SIT COAL MINE DECOMM 2,032,007 2,21,202 DEF FIT SONORA/AZ 1,040,789 1,040,789 DEF SIT SONORA/AZ 225, ,890 DEF FIT COAL MINE DECOMM NON OP (193,07} (193,07) DEF SIT COAL MINE DECOMM NON OP (41,903) (41,903) DEF FIT BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (54,925} (140,12} DEF SIT BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (11,921) (30,532) ACCUM NM DIT CONTRIB IN AID FIT 1,102,350 1,102,350 ACCUM NM DIT CONTRIB IN AID SIT 239, ,251 BIOMASS FIT (27,508} 7,304 BIOMASS SIT 1,51 1,51 DERERRED FIT PREPAID RENT 22,017 (1,128) DEFERRED SIT PREPAID RENT 4,778 (47) DEFERRED FIT REVENUE SUBJECT TO 192,43 2,551 DEFERRED SIT REVENUE SUBJECT TO 41,77 57,217 DEF FIT NOL 90,1, ,035,750 DEF SIT NOL 3,094,738 40,350,87 DEF FIT NOL FIN 48 DEF SIT NOL FIN 48 DEFERRED FIT SJGS EMISSION (13) (13) DEFERRED SIT SJGS EMISSION (2) (2) DEFERRED FIT SJGS GROUNDWATER 45,395 97,073 DEFERRED SIT SJGS GROUNDWATER 9,853 20,2 DEFERRED FIT SJGS GRAND CANYON DEFERRED SIT SJGS GRAND CANYON DEFERRED FIT CFC TRUST DEFERRED SIT CFC TRUST 4 4 DEF FIT IBNR RESERVE 14,79 14,79 DEF SIT IBNR RESERVE 3,18 3,18 DEF FIT IBNR WORKERS COMP 98, ,0 DEF SIT IBNR WORKERS COMP 214,022 19,839 DEF FIT IBNR AUTO LIABILITY /3\ (3\ Q 03/31/15 Adj Bal 15Ql 443,309 (1,040,789) (225,890) 7,00 (7,00} 12,898,135 2,70,918 1,040, ,890 (193,07) (41,903) (140,12) (30,532) 1,102, ,251 7,304 1,51 (1,128) (47} 309,382 5,54 102,002,724 38,81,28 (13) (2) 97,073 20, ,79 3,18 903,0 19,839 (3\ V 0/30/15 Adj Bal 15Q2 443,309 (1,040,789) (225,890) 7,00 (7,00) 13,07,389 2,900,34 1,040, ,890 (193,07} (41,903) (140,12) (30,532) 1,102, ,251 7,304 1,51 (1,128) (47) 311,182,008 59,010,950 29,023,90 (13) (2) 97,073 20, ,79 3,18 903,0 19,839 (3\ 0 s: c m Ill >< (C :::c: C'D N E2 (t) I 0 s:,, :::c: (t) I ON

110 A B C D E F G H L Q V 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico n = NONUTILITY 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT x = Underlying acct not in rate base 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 = Zero adjusted balance 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward r = Included in base period rate base at book value 5 H Qerlink to Lead Sheet g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 12/31/14 03/31/15 0/30/15 Description Rate Account Name 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct Bal 13Q4 Adi Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql Adi Bal 15QZ INJURY & DAMAGES M s DEF SIT IBNR AUTO LIABILITY INJURY & DAMAGES M f , 211, 212 DEF FIT IBNR PUBLIC LIABILITY 10,727 08,92 08,92 08, INJURY & DAMAGES M s DEF SIT IBNR PUBLIC LIABILITY 132, , , , ROW RESERVE X f DEF FIT ROW RESERVE GAS 238, , , , ROW RESERVE X s DEF SIT ROW RESERVE GAS 51,854 51,854 51,854 51, FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION N f Tax only DEF FIT FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION 40,597 40,597 40,597 40, FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION N s DEF SIT STATE TAX CORRECTION (100,534) (100,534) (100,534) (100,534) ROW RESERVE X f var DEF FIT ROW RESERVE (253,77) (270,120) (270,120) (270,120) ROW RESERVE X s DEF SIT ROW RESERVE (55,081) (58,488) (58,488) (58,488) Zero Balance f DEF FIT RATE HEARING ADJ Zero Balance s DEF SIT RATE HEARING ADJ Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 m f DEF FIT COMBUSTION ENGINEERING (4,240) (4,240) (4,240) (4,240) Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 m s DEF SIT COMBUSTION ENGINEERING (10,03) (10,03) (10,03) (10,03) PROPERTY TAX RESERVE X f ct 874 DEF FIT NM TECH JOBS TAX CREDIT (214,909) 52,203 52,203 52, PROPERTY TAX RESERVE X s DEF SIT NM TECH JOBS TAX CREDIT (4,43) 11,331 11,331 11, MISC NON OPERATING N f DEF FIT IMPAIRMENT RESERVE MISC NON OPERATING N s DEF SIT IMPAIRMENT RESERVE SJGS AUDIT RESERVES X f DEF FIT SJ AUDIT RESERVES 12,378 12,378 12, SJGS AUDIT RESERVES X s DEF SIT SJ AUDIT RESERVES 2,8 2,8 2, RATE RIDER X f DEF FIT Rate Rider (2,157) (302,939) (302,939) (302,939) RATE RIDER X s DEF SIT Rate Rider (48) (5,832) (5,832) (5,832) RENEWABLE CREDITS X f Tax only Def Renewable GBC Carryover 14,407,752 27,54,01 27,54,01 27,54, INCENTIVE PAY PLANS X f DEF FIT INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 2,25,892 2,282,705 2,282,705 2,282, INCENTIVE PAY PLANS X s DEF SIT INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 489, , , , ENERGY EFFICIENCY X f DEF FIT ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1,175,77 1,175,77 1,175,77 1,175, ENERGY EFFICIENCY X s DEF SIT ENERGY EFFICIENCY 255, , , , NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER X f DEF FIT NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER 27,982 98,351 98,351 98, NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER X s DEF SIT NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER,074 20,743 20,743 20, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m f DEF FIT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 9,430 (270) 1,00,019 1,175, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m s DEF SIT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 20, , , SIERRA CLUB X f DEF FIT Sierra Club ""O SIERRA CLUB X s DEF SIT Sierra Club LVGS Decommissioning m f , DEF FIT LV Decom 315, , , , LVGS Decommissioning m s DEF SIT LV Deem 8,552 7,771 7,771 7, EXTENDED LEAVE X f DEF FIT Extended Leave 33,78 23,412 23,412 23, EXTENDED LEAVE X s DEF SIT Extended Leave 7,331 5,19 5,19 5, Coal Mine Decommissioning M f DEF FIT San Juan Reclamation Trust (5,882) (95,748) (95,748) (95,748) Coal Mine Decommissioning M s DEF SIT San Juan Reclamation Trust (1,277) (20,010) (20,010) (20,010) EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE X f DEF FIT EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE 372, ,55 427, , EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE X s DEF SIT EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE s: ""Om Cl >< tq :::c (I) (,J ~ 0 f 0 s: _ :::c "Tl (0 I ON

111 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy12erlink to lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct Renewable NM AETC G f Renewable NM AETC G s NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING X f NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING X s SJGS AUDIT RESERVES X f SJGS AUDIT RESERVES X s SJ RECLAMATION TRUST X f SJ RECLAMATION TRUST X s Net Operating Loss (NOL) R f Net Operating Loss (NOL) R s FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT X f lac FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT X s DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m f lac DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m s DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m f 254, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT m s SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X f SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X s SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X f SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X s SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X f SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN X s MISC NON OPERATING N f Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners R f Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners R s FAS 109 X f Tax only FAS 109 X s LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP N f LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP N s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s FERC Customer Depreciation R f FERC Customer Depreciation R s Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation R f Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation R s Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R f Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R s Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 R f Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f 101 n = NONUTILITY G x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 DEF FIT RENEWABLES NM AETC AMO 1,377,209 DEF SIT RENEWABLES NM AETC AMO 298,905 DEF FIT NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAIN 195,174 DEF SIT NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAIN 42,30 DEF FIT SJ AUDIT RESERVES 3,300 DEF SIT SJ AUDIT RESERVES 79,501 DEF FIT SJ RECLAMATION TRUST I 1,921 DEF SIT SJ RECLAMATION TRUST I 3,73 DEF FIT NOLVALUATION ALLOWA DEF SIT NOLVALUATION ALLOWA DEF FIT FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SE DEF SIT FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SE DEF FIT DOE REFUND 2010 RATE C DEF SIT DOE REFUND 2010 RATE C DEF FIT DOE REFUND 2010 RATE C DEF SIT DOE REFUND 2010 RATE C DEF FIT LARGE POWER CUSTOMERS DEF SIT LARGE POWER CUSTOMERS DEF FIT SAN JUAN PNM SHARE OF DEF SIT SAN JUAN PNM SHARE OF DEF FIT SAN JUAN UNIT 2 AND UN DEF SIT SAN JUAN UNIT 2 AND UN CURRENT ADIT asset DEF FIT FOUR CORNERS 502 REV (458,24) DEF SIT FOUR CORNERS 502 REV BULK (73,454) FAS 109 FIT (3,812,392) FAS 109 SIT (853,410) FIT EXCESS TAX DEPRECIATION 3,121,008 SIT EXCESS TAX DEPRECIATION 739,203 FIT EXCESS TAX DEPRECIATION (327,899,59) SIT EXCESS TAX DEPRECIATION (5,518,003) DEF FIT PRE ACRS 972,703 DEF SIT PRE ACRS 290,589 FIT PVNGS STARTUP 23,45 SIT PVNGS STARTUP (13,439) FIT EXCESS TAX DEPREC NUC FUEL (5,954,997) SIT EXCESS TAX DEPREC NUC FUEL (1,429,308) FIT PALO VERDE #3 (55,437,784) SIT PALO VERDE #3 (11,381,591) FIT SAN JUAN #4 ( ) L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adj Bal 14Q4 Adj Bal 15Q1 1,313,913 1,313, , , , ,992 42,880 42,880 (1,025) (1,025) 2,928 2,928 97,2 97,2 20,79 20,79 1,155,243 1,509,523 (3,300,92) (4,312,920) 153,40 153,40 32,028 32,028 37,833 37, ,93 132,93 1,182,507 1,182,507 24,507 24,507 (439,18) (439,18) (9,473) (9,473) (3,479,713) (3,479,713) (747,42) (747,42) 3,458,183 3,458, , , ,524, ,82,108 39,990,424 39,411, , , , ,053 23,45 23,45 (13,439) (13,439) (1,85,347) {0,928,974) (9,991,970) (7,988,88) ( ) ( ) V 0/30/15 Adj Bal 15Q2 1,313, , ,992 42,880 (1,025) 2,928 97,2 20,79 1,509,523 (4,312,920) 153,40 32,028 37, ,93 1,182,507 24,507 (439,18) (9,473) (3,479,713) (747,42) 3,458, , ,824,448 38,847,19 970, ,053 23,45 (13,439) (0,928,974) (7,988,88) ( ) ij s: ij m Q) >< cc :c CD CJ w I 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

112 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH Z 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hmerlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Debt AFUDC R f Debt AFUDC R s Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation R f tax only Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation R s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f , , ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s , Pre1981 Repair Allowance R f Tax only Pre1981 Repair Allowance R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s FAS 109 X f Tax only FAS 109 X s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION M f , 32,347, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION M s 210,299, , Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s AFTON WRITEDOWN R f 101 n = NONUTILITY G x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 SIT SAN JUAN 114 (2,193,518) REVERSE EXCESS ADIT FOR PAYROLL (2,833,900) REVERSE EXCESS ADIT FOR PAYROLL (531,30) DEF FIT AFUDC DEBT (14,1,407) DEF SIT AFUDC DEBT (3,20,224) DEF FIT PV LICENSING AMT (3,537,187) DEF SIT PV LICENSING AMT (770,447) DEF FIT NUCLEAR DECOM TRUST INT 1,09,038 DEF SIT NUCLEAR DECOM TRUST INT 3,489,984 REPAIR ALLOWANCE ON PRE 81 (18,190,422) REPAIR ALLOWANCE ON PRE 81 (3,948,000) DEF FIT DREXEL AMORTIZATION 1,77,848 DEF SIT DREXEL AMORTIZATION 383,91 ADIT FAS 109 FED (27,17,231) ADIT FAS 109 ST (8,158,951) DEF FIT REMOVAL COSTS (35,303) DEF SIT REMOVAL COSTS (7,2) DEF FIT ASSET RETIREMENT 21,43,108 DEF SIT ASSET RETIREMENT 4,58,290 REVERSE EXCESS ADIT FOR 9,24,178 REVERSE EXCESS ADIT FOR 75,408 DEFERRED FIT LXP DEPRECIATION (41,12) DEFERRED SIT LXP DEPRECIATION (9,031) DEFERRED FIT REMOVAL LAG 481(a) (1,000,514) DEFERRED SIT REMOVAL LAG 481(a) (217,148) DEFERRED FIT INDIAN RESERVATION (274,173) DEFERRED SIT INDIAN RESERVATION (59,505) DEFERRED FIT BONUS DEPRECIATION (2,08) DEFERRED SIT BONUS DEPRECIATION (57,74) DEFERRED FIT REMOVAL COSTS (230,29) DEFERRED SIT REMOVAL COSTS (49,97) DEFERRED FIT AMORTIZATION SRP 47,84 DEFERRED SIT AMORTIZATION SRP 10,349 DEF FITTURBINE WRITE DOWN DEF SIT TURBINE WRITE DOWN ADFIT ARO CUMULATIVE EFFECT 224,72 ADSIT ARO CUMULATIVE EFFECT 48,72 DEF FIT GAIN\LOSS ON ASSET 7,331,511 DEF SIT NM GAIN\LOSS ON ASSET 1,591,207 DEF FIT AFTON WRITE OFF L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adj Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql (1,847,932) (1,847,932) (2,80,831) (2,80,831) (534,253) (534,253) (1,017,13) (1,531,180) (3,488,940) (3,590,10) (3,85,481) (3,85,481) (801,30) (801,30) 18,98,774 19,72,82 4,093,934 4,229,087 (18,190,422) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) (3,948,000) 1,78,180 1,78, , ,741 (32,781,249) (32,781,249) (4,343,328) (4,343,328) (35,303) (35,303) (7,2) (7,2) 23,519,90 24,02,072 5,087,007 5,18,70 9,959,075 9,959,075 75,408 75,408 (41,12) (41,12) (9,031) (9,031) (1,000,514) (1,000,514) (217,148) (217,148) (274,173) (274,173) (59,505) (59,505) (2,08) (2,08) (57,74) (57,74) (2,170) (2,170) (127,479) (127,479) 47,84 47,84 10,349 10, ,72 224,72 48,72 48,72 7,011,337 7,011,337 1,524,40 1,524, V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 (1,847,932) (2,80,831) (534,253) (17,044,747) (3,91,272) (3,85,481) (801,30) 20,358,950 4,34,240 (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,78, ,741 (32,781,249) (4,343,328) (35,303) (7,2) 24,532,454 5,28,513 9,959,075 75,408 (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10, ,72 48,72 7,011,337 1,524, ij s: ij m D) >< tc :I: (1) (,)~ N I 0 s:,, :I: (D I CN

113 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hi11erlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct AFTON WRITEDOWN R s Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R f Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only liberalied Depreciation Other R s liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s liberalied Depreciation Other R f tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT X f ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT X s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Tax only Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Zero Balance f BONUS ACCRUAL X f BONUS ACCRUAL X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT M f , LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT M s GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT X f GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT X s Pension Qualified m f Pension Qualified m s RATE CASE EXPENSE M f RATE CASE EXPENSE M s FAS 109 X f Tax only FAS 109 X s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f , , ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base G = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 DEF SIT AFTON WRITE OFF 1,411,449 DEF FIT EXCESS BOOK AMO RT NUC 13,172,89 DEF SIT EXCESS BOOK AMO RT NUC 2,859,001 DEF FIT Sec 174 (8,558,504) DEF SIT Sec 174 (1,857,515) DEF FIT 23A ADJ (17,435,403) DEF SIT 23A ADJ (3,784,130) DEF FIT F&C (7,254,439) DEF SIT F&C (7,95,254) ADIT SECTION 481 ADJ FEDERAL (10,082,411) ADIT SECTION 481 ADJ STATE (2,188,258) DEF FIT REPAIRS 481(a) (7,58,73) DEF SIT REPAIRS 481(a) (1,2,229) DEF FIT RELOCATIONS 4,274,98 DEF SIT RELOCATIONS 927,829 DEF FIT REPAIRS (117,153,207) DEF SIT REPAIRS (23,348,392) DEF FIT Alvarado Square (1,294,338) DEF SIT Alvarado Square (280,920) DEF FIT Sec 174 DEF SIT Sec 174 GAS SALE TRANSFER RESULTS PAY FIT (575,272) RESULTS PAY SIT (124,855) DEFERRED FUEL FIT DEFERRED FUEL SIT DEF FIT COMPUTER SOFTWARE (4,42,737) DEF SIT COMPUTER SOFTWARE (758,7) DEF FIT AMORT LOSS REACQUIRED (3,119,59) DEF SIT AMOR LOSS REACQUIRED (53,34) DEF FIT AMORT GAIN REACQUIRED (174,832) DEF SIT AMORT GAIN REACQUIRED (37,942) FIT PENSION CURTAILMENT (740,908) SIT PENSION CURTAILMENT (10,794) DEF FIT RATE CASE EXPENSE (390,828) DEF SIT RATE CASE EXPENSE (84,82) ADIT FAS 109 FED (15,830,04) ADIT FAS 109 ST (3,30,338) FIT NUCLEAR DECOM QUALIFIED BULK (18,382,94) SIT NUCLEAR DECOM QUALIFIED BULK ( ) L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adj, Bal 14Q4 Adj, Bal 15Ql 1,411,449 1,411,449 (10,311,930) (10,311,930) (2,225,588) (2,225,588) (28,189,943) (27,527,48) (,108,204) (5,977,701) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (7,58,73) (7,58,73) (1,2,229) (1,2,229) 4,274,97 4,274,97 927, ,827 (121,545,511) (121,715,251) (2,281,575) (2,315,010) (1,294,338) (1,294,338) (280,920) (280,920) (140,52) (27,90) (575,272) (575,272) (124,855) (124,855) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) (758,7) (758,7) (3,271,77) (3,271,77) (8,848) (8,848) (174,832) (174,832) (37,942) (37,942) (740,908) (740,908) (10,794) (10,794) (497,808) (598,150) (107,128) (12,895) (1,947,914) (1,947,914) (2,955,3) (2,955,3) (19,977,039) (20,377,059) / ) \ V 0/30/15 Adi, Bal 15Q2 755,1 (10,311,930) (2,225,588) (2,84,993) (5,847,198) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (7,58,73) (1,2,229) 4,274,97 927,827 (121,884,991) (2,348,445) (1,294,338) (280,920) (281,124) (55,380) (575,272) (124,855) (4,42,737) (758,7) (3,271,77) (8,848) (174,832) (37,942) (740,908) (10,794) (249,409) (58,19) (1,947,914) (2,955,3) (20,777,079) ( ) ""O ~ ""Om Ill >< CQ ::c Cl) w 2:! w I 0 ~,,, ::c U) I ON

114 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hmerlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct COMPENSATION EXPENSE X f COMPENSATION EXPENSE X s PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY N f OCI PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY N s FAS115 X f OCI FAS 115 X s MARK TO MARKET X f OCI MARK TO MARKET X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Zero Balance f Tax only Zero Balance s UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING X f , UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s HEDGE LOSS N f HEDGE LOSS N s ACCRUED ILLNESS X f ACCRUED ILLNESS X s BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST R f BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m f , 32,347, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION m s 210,299, , Zero Balance f Zero Balance s Coal Mine Decommissioning M f , Coal Mine Decommissioning M s PREPAID EXPENSES R f 15000, 001, PREPAID EXPENSES R s PCB REFINANCING m f PCB REFINANCING m s SUN REFINANCING X f SUN REFINANCING X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s DEBT ISSUANCE COST X f DEBT ISSUANCE COST X s n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base G = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 STOCK OPTIONS FIT (,080) STOCK OPTIONS SIT (1,320) PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FIT (12,930,375) PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY SIT (2,80,285) FAS 115 FIT (1,13,510) FAS 115 SIT 231,489 DEF FIT MARK TO MARKET 33,949,513 DEF SIT MARK TO MARKET 8,93,990 DEF FIT SANTA FE (1,171,094) DEF SIT SANTA FE (254,171) DEFERRED FIT ACCRUAL HOLIDAY PAY DEFERED SIT ACCRUAL HOLIDAY PAY DEF FIT UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY 39,51 DEF SIT UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY 8,584 DEFERRED FIT TRANSISTION COSTS DEFERRED SIT TRANSISTION COSTS DEFERRED FIT HEDGE LOSS 395,030 DEFERRED SIT HEDGE LOSS 2,030 DEFERRED FIT ACCRUED ILLNESS 248,55 DEFERRED SIT ACCRUED ILLNESS 53,972 DEFERRED FIT BOOK CAPITALIZED (5,78,118) DEFERRED SIT BOOK CAPITALIZED (1,255,805) DEF FIT ERP (74,79) DEF SIT ERP (1,208) FAS 143 FIT (20,042,441) FAS 143 SIT (4,349,953) DEF FIT RTO TRANSITION COSTS DEF SIT RTO TRANSITION COSTS DEF FIT COAL CONTRACT BUYOUT (11,723,858) DEF SIT COAL CONTRACT BUYOUT (2,544,512) DEFERRED FIT PREPAID EXPENSES (3,02,53) DEFERRED SIT PREPAID EXPENSES (5,873) DEF FIT PCB REFINANCING (5,947,091) DEF SIT PCB REFINANCING (1,290,741) DEF FIT SUN REFINANCING 315,031 DEF SIT SUN REFINANCING 82,001 DEF FIT SANTA FE LAND DONATION 1,171,094 DEF SIT SANTA FE LAND DONATION 254,171 DEF FIT REG ASSET DEBT ISSUANCE (39,97) DEF SIT REG ASSET DEBT ISSUANCE (8 14) L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adj Bal 14Q4 Adj Bal 15Ql (,080) (,080) (1,320) (1,320) (13,959,782) (14,917,02) (3,020,87) (3,049,23) (1,13,510) (1,13,510) 231, ,489 38,819,732 38,497,248,53,38 4,103,832 (1,171,094) (1,171,094) (254,171) (254,171) (2,081,983) (1,518,97) (433,75) (322,75) 395, ,030 2,030 2, ,55 248,55 53,972 53,972 (,129,891) (,129,891) (1,327,48) (1,327,48) (74,79) (74,79) (1,208) (1,208) (20,042,441) (20,042,441) (4,349,953) (4,349,953) (11,723,858) (11,723,858) (2,544,512) (2,544,512) (3,137,587) (3,137,S87) (80,01) {80,01) (5,71,33) (5,02,510) (1,233,319) (1,219,702) 1,447,171 1,447, ,72 327,72 1,171,094 1,171, , ,171 (1,393) (1,393) (3 75) (3 75) V 0/30/15 Adj Bal 15Q2 (,080) (1,320) (11,570,71) (2,389,904) (1,13,510) 231,489 37,938,274 3,17,47 (1,171,094) (254,171) (75,782) (38,49) 395,030 2, ,55 53,972 (,129,891) (1,327,48) (74,79) (1,208) (20,042,441) (4,349,953) (11,723,858) (2,544,512) (3,137,S87) (80,01) (5,533,387) (1,20,085) 1,447, ,72 1,171, ,171 (1,393) (3 751 "ti s: "tlm III >< (Q :c Cl) t,)!;e ~ I 0 s: 'Tl :c U) I ON

115 A B C D E F, 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT M f LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT M s SUN REFINANCING X f SUN REFINANCING X s SUN REFINANCING X f SUN REFINANCING X s STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE X f STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s PCB REFINANCING m f PCB REFINANCING m s PCB REFINANCING m f PCB REFINANCING m s SUN REFINANCING X f SUN REFINANCING X s ALLOWANCE CREDITS X f ALLOWANCE CREDITS X s BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE X f , , BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE X s PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM X f PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM X s BIOMASS X f BIOMASS X s RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES X f RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES X s RATE CASE EXPENSE M f RATE CASE EXPENSE M s Zero Balance f Tax only Zero Balance s BONUS ACCRUAL X f BONUS ACCRUAL X s BONUS ACCRUAL X f BONUS ACCRUAL X s FIN 48 INTEREST X f , FIN 48 INTEREST X s RATE CASE EXPENSE M f RATE CASE EXPENSE M s Zero Balance f Zero Balance s n = NONUTILITY G x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 DEF FIT AMO RT LOSS ON REAQC DEBT (177,718) DEF SIT AMO RT LOSS ON REAQC DEBT (38,571) DEF FIT A MORT LOSS REACQ DEBT (1,704,127) DEF SIT A MORT LOSS REACQ DEBT (39,858) DEF FIT REGULATORY ASSET SUN (404,119) DEF SIT REGULATORY ASSET SUN (87,710) DEFERRED FIT PROPERTY TAX 48,312 DEFERRED SIT PROPERTY TAX 10,485 DEFERRED FIT CALIFORNIA DEFERRED SIT CALIFORNIA DEF FIT AMO RT LOSS REACQ DEBT 801,318 DEF SIT AMO RT LOSS REACQ DEBT 173,914 DEF FIT LOSS REACQ DEBT PCB 1,39,404 DEF SIT LOSS REACQ DEBT PCB 303,072 DEF FIT LOSS ON REACQ DEBT SUN (789,373) DEF SIT LOSS ON REACQ DEBT SUN (171,323) DEF FIT 502 ALLOWANCES INVENTORY 225,89 DEF NM SIT 502 ALLOWANCES 48,983 DEF FIT BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE 10,084 DEF SIT BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE 2,189 PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM FIT (92,292) PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM SIT (150,252) DEFERRED FIT BIOMASS (7,295) DEFERRED SIT BIOMASS (1,559) DEFERRED FIT RENEWABLE ENERGY (3,738,928) DEFERRED SIT RENEWABLE ENERGY (811,48) DEF FIT TRANSMISSION RATE CASE (110,340) DEF SITTRANSMISSION RATE CASE (23,948) DEF FIT SELF PROPOSED DEF SIT SELF PROPOSED DEF FIT RBP 481A ADJ 3,01,07 DEF SIT RBP 481A ADJ 4,357 DEF FIT RBP (3,01,077) DEF SIT RBP (4,32) DEF FIT FIN 48 INT (2,197,878) DEF SIT FIN 48 INT (477,021) DEF FIT NM RATE CASE DEF SIT NM RATE CASE DEF FIT EMERGENCY FUEL COSTS DEF SIT EMERGENCY FUEL COSTS L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adi Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql (177,718) (177,718) (38,571) (38,571) (1,704,127) (1,704,127) (39,858) (39,8S8) (1,898) (107,370) (38,259) (2,532) 48,312 48,312 10,485 10, , , ,38 188,38 1,39,404 1,39, , ,072 (1,39,413) (1,39,413) (297,213) (297,213) ,084 10,084 2,189 2,189 (534,80) 325,909 (117,433} 52,131 (7,295) (7,295) (1,559) (1,559) (1,04,72) (557,949) (250,255) (153,981) (110,340) (110,340) (23,948) (23,948) 3,01,07 3,01,07 4,357 4,357 {3,01,077) (3,01,077) (4,32) (4,32) (2,197,755) (2,197,755) (47,995) (47,995) V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 (177,718) (38,571) (1,704,127) (39,858) (47,842) (14,805) 48,312 10, , ,38 1,39, ,072 (1,39,413) (297,213) 1 10,084 2, ,41 7,24 (7,295) (1,559) (352,287) (113,47) (110,340) (23,948) 3,01,07 4,357 (3,01,077) (4,32) (2,197,755) (47,995) 0 :s: o m Ill >< (Q ::i: (I) (,)!E CJ1 I,, ::i: (D I ON 0 :s:

116 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct FIN 48 INTEREST X f , FIN 48 INTEREST X s PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS X f PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS X s RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES m f RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES m s ALLOWANCE CREDITS X f ALLOWANCE CREDITS X s FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT X f FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT X s RATE RIDER 12 X f RATE RIDER 12 X s Renewable Rider X f Renewable Rider X s DEFERRED COAL COSTS X f DEFERRED COAL COSTS X s Zero Balance s SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES X f SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES X s 387 TOU Reg asset/liab X f 388 TOU Reg asset/liab X s EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES X f LOCS EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES X s Zero Balance f Zero Balance f 393 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 m f rate case reclasses 394 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 m s % SJGS 2&3 m f rate case reclasses 39 50% SJGS 2&3 m s 397 PENSION AMPP m f rate case reclasses 398 PENSION AMPP m s 399 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 m f rate case reclasses 400 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 m s 401 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs m f rate case reclasses 402 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs m s 403 Renew 282 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables G f Liberalied Depreciation Renewables G s 405 CorpDepr 282 Liberalied Depreciation Other R f Liberalied Depreciation Other R s 407 CoroNOL 190 Net Ooerating Loss (NOL) R f n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base G = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name H Bal 13Q4 DEF FIT FIN 48 INT NONOP 804,211 DEF SIT FIN 48 INT NONOP 174,543 DEF FIT PV 2 CARRYING COSTS DEF SIT PV 2 CARRYING COSTS DEF FIT RENEWABLE ENERGY DEF SIT RENEWABLE ENERGY DEF FIT 502 ALLOWANCE CREDIT 2,774 DEF SIT 502 ALLOWANCE CREDIT 5,812 DEF FIT FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (13,44,245) DEF SIT FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (2,91,308) DEF FIT RATE RIDER 12UNDERGRO 421,831 DEF SIT RATE RIDER 12UNDERGRO 91,553 DEF FIT Renewable Rider 413,29 DEF SIT Renewable Rider 89,94 DEF FIT Deferred Coal Costs (1,49,313) DEF SIT Deferred Coal Costs (318,895) DEF SIT state renewable PTCs DEFERRED FIT SCR DEFERRED EXPE (1,444,50) DEFERRED SIT SCR DEFERRED EXPE (313,523) TOU Regulatory Asset ADFIT TOU Regulatory Asset ADSIT DEFERRED FIT EPA BART ALTERNAT DEFERRED SIT EPA BART ALTERNAT CURRENT ADIT LIABILITY Reverse current ADIT liab reclass Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (30,485,058) (,1,185) Liberalied Depreciation Corp NOL Corporate Allocation L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adi, Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Q1 90,42 90,42 207, ,108 2,83S 2,835 5,825 5,825 (14,214,185) (9,14,430) (3,080,118) (2,174,005) 421, ,831 91,553 91, , ,855 7,347 7,03 (48,177) (402,00) (113,949) (97,485) (1,29,789) (1,40,505) (275,238) (302,170) (27,771) (27,771) (130,8) (130,8) (38,237,829) (38,237,829) (8,232,33) (8,232,33) V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 90,42 207,108 2,835 5,825 (5,01,890) (1,383,58) 421,831 91,553 20,49 58,859 (322,295) (81,) (1,03,402) (340,957) (27,771) (130,8) (38,799,448) (8,342,979) "'C s: c m Sll >< IC ::r: Cl) (,)!E a, I, 0,, s: :c (t) I ON

117 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet Description 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal Sht Acct Rate Net Operating Loss (NOL) R s 409 Gen 282 Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s 411 NF Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R f Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 R s 413 NF3 282 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 R f Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 R s 415 Trans 282 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission R f Liberalied Depreciation Transmission R s 417 Dist 282 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution R f Liberalied Depreciation Distribution R s 419 RenewNOL 190 Renewable NOL Allocation G f Renewable NOL Allocation g s Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw R f Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw R s Liberalied Depreciation SJ4132 mw R f Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw R s Liberalied Depreciation Generation R f Liberalied Depreciation Generation R s Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw R f Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw R s Liberalied Depreciation Other R F G H n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name Bal 13Q4 Liberalied Depreciation Generation 30,485,058,1,185 Nuclear Fuel PV 1&2 Nuclear Fuel PV 3 Liberalied Depreciation Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Renewable NOL allocation Remove Balanced Draft Remove PV2 41 mw LHI Remove 41 mw Acquisition Adj SJ U 2&3 Adjustment to Depr ADIT 132 mw Generation Remove Balanced Draft 132 mw PV3 Into Rates at 12/31/17 5 mw Generation NM Rate Change Reduction L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adi Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql (329,391,197) (332,074,903) (1,19,04) (1,43,411) 5,304,391 5,304,391 1,055,791 1,055,791 2,52,19 2,52,19 527, ,895 (75,970,725) (7,975,94) (14,347,411) (14,437,443) (11,510,223) (13,10,720) (30,501,927) (30,49,752) V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 (331,175,445) (0,910,345) 5,304,391 1,055,791 2,52,19 527,895 (77,981,17) (14,527,475) (14,811,21) (30,797,578) 31,485,357,770, Liberalied Depreciation Other R s Liberalied Depreciation HLM R f Liberalied Depreciation HLM R s G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account Reclass HLM Depreciation Total (1 522,7441 G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account ,95, ,392, ( ) (4,470,9) (74 122,585) 295,47, ,749,13 15,392,870 15,392,870 ( ) ( ) (84,198,775) 29,893,83 15,392,870 ( ) ""O s: ""Om 1:11 >< (Q :c CD cij (,J 4 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

118 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy,1erlink to lead Sheet Description Rate 7 Doc Ref acct Cod Juris Bal ShtAcct Total G/L ADIT balance 42 Difference 43 Reconciling Items 44 Coro alloc of depr ADIT 45 Coro alloc of NOL ADIT 4 Fin 48 reclasses 47 Total Reconciling Items 48 ULD NONUTILITY N 471 Underlying acct not in rate base X 472 Zero adjusted balance 473 Renewable Rider G 474 Included in base period rate base at MDC value M 475 Included in base period rate base at book value R Total 478 ULD 479 G H n = NONUTILITY x = Underlying acct not in rate base = Zero adjusted balance r = Included in base period rate base at book value g = Renewable Rider m = Included in base period rate base a 12/31/13 Account Name Bal 13Q ,239, (5,197,520} (731,15,312} (129,13,74} (11,435,298} (2,481,89} ,949, ,93, (9,413,313} Total G/L ADIT balance (0,843,399} Difference (9,79,345} Reconciling Items Corp alloc of depr ADIT Coro alloc of NOL ADIT Fin 48 reclasses (9,79,354) Total Reconciling Items (9,79,354) ULD 9 NONUTILITY (10,443,334} Underlying acct not in rate base 57,35,50 Zero adjusted balance Renewable Rider (35,425,129) Included in base period rate base at MD (88,210,502) Included in base period rate base at bo (540,079,429} Total (1,522,744) ULD L Q 12/31/14 03/31/15 Adi Bal 14Q4 Adi Bal 15Ql 12,417,81 12,417,81 (4,735,81} (4,735,81} (795,780,24} {798,025,792} {139,734,993) (132,501,541) (12,44,705} (13,422,525) (2,9,41} (2,724,848) 38,819,733 38,497,249,53,389 4,103,835 (54 095,888) (3,747,507) (10,375,078} (10,375,078} (10,375,087 (10,375,087 (10,375,087 (10, (11,337,73) (12,323,944},020,447 7,840,94 (44,870,542) (44,870,542) (94,428,991} (92,485,231) (579,854,144) (592,283,833) (4,470,9 (74,122,585 V 0/30/15 Adi Bal 15Q2 12,417,81 (4,735,81} (803,030,795} (125,78,343) (10,075,39} (2,05,489} 37,938,274 3,17,479 (73,823,97) (10,375,078} (10,375,087) (10,375,087) 9 (8,317,98} 71,753,022 (7,287,204} (90,98,750} (49,30,145} (84,198,775) "'O 3: o m ~ (,,) ~ I» >< (C :c 00 t 0,, 3: :c CD I ON

119 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 1SQ MISC NON OPERATING 525,203 12,943, Zero Balance Zero Balance TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY 108, , TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY (11,15) (11,15) ALVARADO SQUARE 383, , ALVARADO SQUARE 83,323 83, WAGES 273, , WAGES 0,822 4, Pension Qualified (89,323,700) (89,184,098) Pension Qualified (18,32,77) (18,298,803) Deferred Federal Tax Credits 105, , ACCRUED VACATION 2,037,200 2,019, ACCRUED VACATION 442, , Zero Balance Zero Balance Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 24, Eastern Interconnect Project Gain 3, Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 81,34 55, Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 (149,58) (154,71) Contributions In Aid of Construction 29,14,737 2,358, Contributions In Aid of Construction,28,90 5,729, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 20,135,5 18,70, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 3,255,983 2,984, GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE (13,544) GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE (29,549) (2,22) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (7,91,97) (9,932,339) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (1,59,035) (2,010,427) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,352,93) (1,352,93) Liberalied Depreciation Other 2,222,08 2,222, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 95,25 71, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 20,89 1, GENERAL RESERVE 824,39 850, GENERAL RESERVE 178,59 183, PCB REFINANCING 32,15 32, PCB REFINANCING 7,078 7, COMPENSATION EXPENSE (3,084,27) (2,821,114) COMPENSATION EXPENSE (589,518) (00,5) OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS 439, , OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS Adi Bal 1Ql Adi Bal 1Q2 12,880,84 12,880,84 108, ,238 (11,15) (11,15) 383, ,930 83,323 83, ,93 291,93 4,358 4,358 (88,548,2) (87,912,434) (18,178,931) (18,059,059) 105, ,491 2,019,813 2,019, , ,324 55,213 55,213 (154,71) (154,71) 2,983,90 27,09,400 5,847,049 5,94,973 19,2,313 19,772,170 3,079,921 3,175, (2,22) (2,22) (11,318,912) (12,705,485) (2,271,832) (2,533,237) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 2,222,08 71,984 71,984 1,285 1, , , , ,747 32,15 32,15 7,078 7,078 (3,508,425) (3,497,102) (730,142) (728,008) 439, , Book MDCs Base MDCs 87,912,434 (57,84,789) 18,059,059 (12,381,452) 12,705,485 37,719,207 2,533,237 8,07,44 (71,984) 57,44 (1,285) 13,48 (32,15) (4,938,299) (7,078) (1,083,0) Unadi Base 12,880,84 108,238 (11,15) 383,930 83, ,93 4,358 (57,84,789) (12,381,452) 105,491 2,019, ,324 55,213 (154,71) 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175, (2,22) 37,719,207 8,07,44 (1,352,93) 2,222,08 57,44 13,48 850, ,747 (4,938,299) (1,083,0) (3,497,102) (728,008) 439, "'O s: o m Ill >< tq :c (1) (,)!2:! (I) I, 0,, s: :c (I) I ON

120 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hy11erlink to lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q NINE MILE TAP 20,990 (245) NINE MILE TAP 4, PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY 484,81 484, PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY 108, , Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 435, , Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 97,374 97, Deferred Federal Tax Credits 8,39,225 9,10, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING (1) (1) OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (3,47,537) (3,21,773) OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (719,31) (744,775) PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE 7,19,35 7,19, PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE (3,293,55) (3,293,55) REGULATORY RESERVE (4,879) (4,879) REGULATORY RESERVE (1,059) (1,059) ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY 4,19 4, ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY 1,003 1, FAS ,87,170 39,912, FAS ,025,472 35,47, WORKERS COMP 93, , WORKERS COMP 20,47 14, SELF INSURANCE 200, , SELF INSURANCE 44,307 3, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 13,004,738 13,004, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 2,822,511 2,822, SELF INSURANCE 8,837 8, SELF INSURANCE 1,912 1, Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance (1) (1) Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 3,919,11 3,97, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 851,272 80, LINE EXTENSION POLICY 78,444 78, LINE EXTENSION POLICY 170,87 170, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS (93,433) (825,995) OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS (209,024) (181,950) HI VOLTAGE RESERVE ,548 Adi, Bal 1Q1 Adi Bal 1Q2 (245) (245) ,81 484,81 108, , , ,833 97,374 97,374 9,10,245 9,10,245 (1) (1) (4,342,511) (4,511,3) (880,53) (912,48) 7,19,35 7,19,35 (3,293,55) (3,293,55) (4,879) (4,879) (1,059) (1,059) 4,19 4,19 1,003 1,003 40,133,58 40,133,58 28,148,33 28,148,33 720,45 720,45 14,04 14,04 298, ,249 3,489 3,489 13,004,738 13,004,738 2,822,511 2,822,511 8,837 8,837 1,912 1, (1) (1) 3,97,940 3,97,940 80,890 80,890 78,444 78, ,87 170, (825,995) (825,995) (181,950) (181,950) 2, I 2, Book MDCs Base MDCs (435,833) 129,822 (97,374) 29,934 (13,004,738) (2,822,511) (3,97,940) 2,579,13 (80,890) 51,93 Unadi Base (245) ,81 108, ,822 29,934 9,10,245 (1) (4,511,3) (912,48) 7,19,35 (3,293,55) (4,879) (1,059) 4,19 1,003 40,133,58 28,148,33 720,45 14,04 298,249 3,489 8,837 1,912 1 (1) 2,579,13 51,93 78, ,87 1 (825,995) (181,950) "CJ s:,, m Ill >< (Q :c Cl) i::, Qi! C I, 0,, s:,, :c (0 I CN

121 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hrnerlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 443, , STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance (1,040,789) (1,040,789) Zero Balance (225,890) (225,890) Zero Balance 7,00 7, Zero Balance (7,00) (7,00) Coal Mine Decommissioning 14,31,43 19,344, Coal Mine Decommissioning 3,040,350 4,030, Zero Balance 1,040,789 1,040, Zero Balance 225, , Coal Mine Decommissioning (193,07) (193,07) Coal Mine Decommissioning (41,903) (41,903) BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (140,12) (140,500) BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (30,532) (30,158) Contributions In Aid of Construction 1,102,350 1,102, Contributions In Aid of Construction 239, , BIOMASS 7,304 7, BIOMASS 1,51 1, PREPAID RENT REVENUE (1,128) 24, PREPAID RENT REVENUE (47) 5, REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND 312, , REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND,34 97, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 34,180,535 84,513, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 24,083,272 2,257, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING (13) (13) MISC NON OPERATING (2) (2) SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE 97,073 98, SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE 20,2 20, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING INJURY & DAMAGES 14,79 14, INJURY & DAMAGES 3,18 3, INJURY & DAMAGES 903,0 52, INJURY & DAMAGES 19, , INJURY & DAMAGES (31 (31 Adi Bal 1Ql Adi Bal 1Q2 443, ,309 (1,040,789) (1,040,789) (225,890) (225,890) 7,00 7,00 (7,00) (7,00) 19,783,91 20,223,359 4,113,595 4,19,485 1,040,789 1,040, , ,890 (193,07) (193,07) (41,903) (41,903) (140,500) (140,500) (30,158) (30,158) 1,102,350 1,102, , ,251 7,304 7,304 1,51 1,51 24,784 24,784 5,058 5, , ,35 97,447 82,71 12,014, ,213,89 34,905,981 35,53,398 (13) (13) (2) (2) 98,432 98,432 20,894 20, ,79 14,79 3,18 3,18 52,790 52, ,91 129,91 (3) (3) Book MDCs Base MDCs (20,223,359) (7,954,517) (4,19,485) (1,784,139) 193,07 41,903 (14,79) 1,717,30 (3,18) 402,39 (52,790) (129,91) 3 Unadi Base 443,309 (1,040,789) (225,890) 7,00 (7,00) (7,954,517) (1,784,139) 1,040, ,890 (140,500) (30,158) 1,102, ,251 7,304 1,51 24,784 5, ,35 82,71 130,213,89 35,53,398 (13) (2) 98,432 20, ,717,30 402,39 "'C 3:,, m Ill >< (C :::c ffi CD i:, I,, 0 s:, :::c (0 I 0 I\)

122 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy[!erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description AK AP 03/31/1 0/30/1 AQ Reverse AR AS 7 Doc Ref acct Adj Bal 15Q3 Adj Bal 15Q INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES 08,92 28, INJURY & DAMAGES 132,177 5, ROW RESERVE 238, , ROW RESERVE 51,854 51, FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION 40,597 40, FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION (100,534) (100,534) ROW RESERVE (270,120) (121,194) ROW RESERVE (58,488) (29,151) Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 (4,240) (4,240) Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 (10,03) (10,03} PROPERTY TAX RESERVE 52,203 (2,08) PROPERTY TAX RESERVE 11,331 (11,180} MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES 12,378 12, SJGS AUDIT RESERVES 2,8 2, RATE RIDER (302,939) (22,979) RATE RIDER (5,832) (57,90) RENEWABLE CREDITS 27,54,01 49,49, INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 2,282,705 2,28, INCENTIVE PAY PLANS 495, , ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1,175,77 1,175, ENERGY EFFICIENCY 255, , NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER 98,351 34, NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER 20,743 8, DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT 1,198,57 (270) DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT 23, SIERRA CLUB SIERRA CLUB LVGS Decommissioning 355, , LVGS Decommissioning 7,771 85, EXTENDED LEAVE 23,412 37, EXTENDED LEAVE 5,19 7, Coal Mine Decommissioning (95,748) (211,84) Coal Mine Decommissioning (20,010) (42,880) EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE 427, , EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE Adj Bal 1Q1 Adj Bal 1Q ,225 28,225 5,054 5, , ,922 51,854 51,854 40,597 40,597 (100,534) (100,534) (121,194) (121,194) (29,151) (29,151) (4,240) (4,240) (10,03} (10,03) (2,08) (2,08) (11,180} (11,180) ,378 12,378 2,8 2,8 (22,979) (22,979) (57,90) (S7,90) 49,49,441 49,49,441 2,28,8 2,28,8 494, ,898 1,17S,77 1,175,77 255, ,185 34,204 34,204 8,107 8, ,48 13,75 27,904 31,97 399, ,785 85,538 85,538 37,2 37,2 7,98 7,98 (211,84) (211,84) (42,880} (42,880) 40,382 40, Book MD Cs (2) (28,225) (5,054) 4,240 10,03 Base MDCs (13,75) 2,194,210 (31,97) 444,431 (399,785) 424,144 (85,538) 90, ,84 42,880 Unadj Base 238,922 51,854 40,597 (100,534) (121,194) (29,151) (2,08) (11,180) 1 12,378 2,8 (22,979) (57,90) 49,49,441 2,28,8 494,898 1,175,77 255,185 34,204 8,107 2,194, , ,144 90,129 37,2 7,98 40, ""CJ 3: ""CJ m lll >< cc :::c: <D cij i:, N I 0 s:, n :::c: C0 I CN

123 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hy12erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q Renewable NM AETC 1,313,913 1,250, Renewable NM AETC 285, , NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 194, , NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 42,880 29, SJGS AUDIT RESERVES (1,025) (1,025) SJGS AUDIT RESERVES 2,928 2, SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 97,2 231, SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 20,79 47, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 1,35, , Net Operating Loss (NOL) (4,72,112) (381,138) FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT 153,40 30, FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT 32,028 7, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 37,833 (2,395) DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 132,93, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 1,182,507 3,012, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT 24,507 07, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN (101) SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 3,844, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 757, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 41,790, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 8,232, MISC NON OPERATING (12,417,81) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (439,18) (420,000) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (9,473) (5,97) FAS 109 (3,479,713) (3,147,092) FAS 109 (747,42) (37,010) LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 3,458,183 3,305, LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 809, , Liberalied Depreciation Other 242,9, ,521, Liberalied Depreciation Other 38,283,728 40,727, FERC Customer Depreciation 970,134 9, FERC Customer Depreciation 290, , Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 23,45 23, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation (13,439) (13,439) Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 74, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 132, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (0,928,974) (8,50,552) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (7,988,88) (9,530,333) Liberalied Deoreciation Other ( ) ( ) Adi Bal 1Ql Adi Bal 1Q2 1,250,380 1,250, , , , ,540 29,98 29,98 (1,025) (1,025) 2,928 2, ,98 231,98 47,7 47,7 133, ,398 (381,138) (381,138) 30,2 30,2 7,724 7,724 (2,395) (2,395),843,843 3,012,532 3,012,532 07,007 07,007 (101) (101) ,844,85 3,844,85 757,40 757,40 41,790,757 41,790,757 8,232,431 8,232,431 (12,417,81) (12,417,81) (420,000) (420,000) (5,97) (5,97) (3,147,092) (3,147,092) (37,010) (37,010) 3,305,007 3,305, , , ,005,78 289,140,431 41,403,527 41,429,58 9,978 9, , ,432 23,45 23,45 (13,439) (13,439) 74,011 74, , ,775 (8,3,28) (8,3,28) (10,270,525) (10,270,525) ( ) ( ) Book MDCs Base MDCs (1,250,380) 1,218,575 (273,194) 27,190 2,395 (,843) (3,012,532) (07,007) Unadi Base 1,218,575 27, ,540 29,98 (1,025) 2, ,98 47,7 133,398 (381,138) 30,2 7,724 (101) 287 3,844,85 757,40 41,790,757 8,232,431 (12,417,81) (420,000) (5,97) (3,147,092) (37,010) 3,305, , ,140,431 41,429,58 9, ,432 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (8,3,28) (10,270,525) ( ) "ti s: "tlm Ill >< (Q :c (I) i:,2:! () I, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

124 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,847,932) (1,524,357) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,80,831) (2,74,504) Liberalied Depreciation Other (534,253) (538,355) Debt AFUDC (17,558,314) (18,557,342) DebtAFUDC (3,792,438) (3,989,24) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (3,85,481) (3,74,478) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (801,30) (813,37) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 21,045,038 23,019, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 4,499,393 4,895, Pre1981 Repair Allowance (18,190,422) (18,190,422) Pre1981 Repair Allowance (3,948,000) (3,948,000) Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,78,180 1,49, Liberalied Depreciation Other 382, , FAS 109 (32,781,249) (40,959,42) FAS 109 (4,343,328) 1,30, Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,303) (35,303) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,2) (7,2) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 25,038,83 25,539, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 5,38,2 5,484, Liberalied Depreciation Other 9,959,075 10,205, Liberalied Depreciation Other 75,408 75, Liberalied Depreciation Other (41,12) (41,12) Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,031) (9,031) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,000,514) (1,000,514) Liberalied Depreciation Other (217,148) (217,148) Liberalied Depreciation Other (274,173) (274,173) Liberalied Depreciation Other (59,505) (59,505) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,08) (2,08) Liberalied Depreciation Other (57,74) (57,74) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,170) (2,170) Liberalied Depreciation Other (127,479) (127,479) Liberalied Depreciation Other 47,84 47, Liberalied Depreciation Other 10,349 10, Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 224,72 224, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 48,72 48, Liberalied Depreciation Other 7,011,337,50, Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,524,40 1,425, AFTON WRITEDOWN Adi Bal 1Ql Adi Bal 1Q2 (1,524,357) (1,524,357) (2,74,504) (2,74,504) (538,355) (538,355) (18,97,01) (19,395,80) (4,08,284) (4,147,322) (3,74,478) (3,74,478) (813,37) (813,37) 23,89,77 24,719,22 5,05,028 5,21,24 (18,190,422) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) (3,948,000) 1,49,081 1,49, , ,914 (40,959,42) (40,959,42) 1,30,347 1,30,347 (35,303) (35,303) (7,2) (7,2) 2,09,858 2,00,213 5,584,880 5,84,87 10,205,751 10,205,751 75,408 75,408 (41,12) (41,12) (9,031) (9,031) (1,000,514) (1,000,514) (217,148) (217,148) (274,173) (274,173) (59,505) (59,505) (2,08) (2,08) (57,74) (57,74) (2,170) (2,170) (127,479) (127,479) 47,84 47,84 10,349 10, ,72 224,72 48,72 48,72,50,452,50,452 1,425,011 1,425, Book MDCs (24,719,22) (5,21,24) (2,00,213) (5,84,87) (224,72) (48,72) Base MDCs Unadi Base (1,524,357) (2,74,504) (538,355) (19,395,80) (4,147,322) (3,74,478) (813,37) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (40,959,42) 1,30,347 (35,303) (7,2) 10,205,751 75,408 (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, "Cl s: c m Ill >< (C :::c ('D ijj i:, i:, I 0 s: 'i1 :::c tq I ON

125 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q AFTON WRITEDOWN 739, , Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,311,930) (12,408,939) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,225,588) (2,42,319) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,202,518) (37,551,249) Liberalied Depreciation Other (5,71,95) (7,999,147) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,254,439) (7,254,439) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,95,254) (7,95,254) Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,082,411) (10,082,411) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,188,258) (2,188,258) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,58,73) (,520,280) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,2,229) (1,424,905) Liberalied Depreciation Other 4,274,97 4,274, Liberalied Depreciation Other 927, , Liberalied Depreciation Other (122,054,731) (152,04,178) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,381,880) (32,392,382) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT (1,294,338) (1,294,338) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT (280,920) (280,920) Liberalied Depreciation Other (421,8) Liberalied Depreciation Other (83,070) Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL (575,272) (575,272) BONUS ACCRUAL (124,855) (124,855) Zero Balance Zero Balance Liberalied Depreciation Other (4,42,737) (4,42,737) Liberalied Depreciation Other (758,7) (758,7) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (3,271,77) (3,214,10) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (8,848) (75,589) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT (174,832) (174,832) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT (37,942) (37,942) Pension Qualified (740,908) (740,908) Pension Qualified (10,794) (10,794) RATE CASE EXPENSE (595,931) (719,73) RATE CASE EXPENSE (12,458) (150,833} FAS 109 (1,947,914) (19,09,82) FAS 109 (2,95S,3) (2,128,945) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (21,177,099) (21,577,119) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ( ) ( ) Adi Bal 1Q1 Adi Bal 1Q2 708,431 92,90 (12,408,939) (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (2,42,319) (37,204,755) (3,858,21) (7,933,825) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (,520,280) (,520,280) (1,424,905) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 4,274,97 927, ,827 (152,349,79) (152,35,414) (32,44,22) (32,500,070) (1,294,338) (1,294,338) (280,920) (280,920) (19,104) (392,208) (3,972) (73,944) (575,272) (575,272) (124,855) (124,855) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) (758,7) (758,7) (3,214,10) (3,214,10) (75,589) (75,589} (174,832) (174,832) (37,942) (37,942) (740,908) (740,908) (10,794) (10,794) (930,902) (1,1S8,83) (190,55) (233,598) (19,09,82) (19,09,82) (2,128,945) (2,128,945) (21,978,252) (22,379,385) ( ) ( ) Book MDCs Base MDCs 3,214,10 (2,540,915) 75,589 (557,033) 740,908 10,794 1,158,83 233,598 22,379, Unadi Base 92,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (152,35,414) (32,500,070) (1,294,338) (280,920) (392,208) (73,944) (575,272) (124,855) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,540,915) (557,033) (174,832) (37,942) (19,09,82) (2,128,945) '"Cl s cm Ill >< IC ::i::: (1) ffi ~ (11 I 0 S,,, ::i::: (0 I ON

126 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 7 Doc Ref acct Adj Bal 15Q3 Adi Bal 15Q COMPENSATION EXPENSE (,080) (,080) COMPENSATION EXPENSE (1,320) (1,320) PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY (,580,381) (,922,950) PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY (1,40,775) (1,34,573) FAS 115 (1,13,510) (1,13,510) FAS , , MARK TO MARKET 37,382,704 38,22, MARK TO MARKET 2,741,313 2,28, Zero Balance (1,171,094) (1,171,094) Zero Balance (254,171) (254,171) AK AP 03/31/1 0/30/1 Adj Bal 1Q1 Adi Bal 1Q2 (,080) (,080) (1,320) (1,320) (5,473,279) (4,917,085) (1,301,938) (1,197,09) (1,13,510) (1,13,510) 231, ,489 38,187,433 37,83,134 3,59,028 3,289,974 (1,171,094) (1,171,094) (254,171) (254,171) AQ Reverse Book MDCs " " " " " " " " AR Base MDCs AS Unadi Base (,080) (1,320) (4,917,085) (1,197,09) (1,13,510) 231,489 37,83,134 3,289,974 (1,171,094) (254,171) Zero Balance " " " " " Zero Balance " " UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING (1,72,479) (383,439) UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING (353,005) (99,07) Zero Balance " Zero Balance " HEDGE LOSS 395, , HEDGE LOSS 2,030 2, ACCRUED ILLNESS 248,55 22, ACCRUED ILLNESS 53,972 49, BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (,129,891) (,377,74) BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (1,327,48) (1,37,280) Liberalied Depreciation Other (74,79) (74,79) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,208) (1,208) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (20,042,441) (20,042,441) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (4,349,953) (4,349,953) " (854,32) 1,311,525 (187,909) 220,470 " " " " 395, ,030 2,030 2,030 22,91 22,91 49,4 49,4 (,377,74) (,377,74) (1,37,280) (1,37,280) (74,79) (74,79) (1,208) (1,208) (20,042,441) (20,042,441) (4,349,953) (4,349,953) " " 20,042,441 4,349,953 " " " " " " " " " 1,311, , ,030 " 2,030 22,91 49,4 (,377,74) (1,37,280) (74,79) (1,208) " " Zero Balance " " Zero Balance " Coal Mine Decommissioning (11,723,858) (11,723,858) Coal Mine Decommissioning (2,544,512) (2,544,512) PREPAID EXPENSES (3,137,587) (3,08,94) PREPAID EXPENSES (80,01) (70,041) PCB REFINANCING (5,44,24) (5,395,140) PCB REFINANCING (1,192,48) (1,178,852) SUN REFINANCING 1,447,171 1,450, SUN REFINANCING 327,72 328, Zero Balance 1,171,094 1,171, Zero Balance 254, , DEBT ISSUANCE COST (1,393) DEBT ISSUANCE COST (3 75) (492) " " (11,723,858) (11,723,858) (2,544,512) (2,544,512) (3,08,94) (3,08,94) (70,041) (70,041) (5,325,825) (5,25,510) (1,15,784) (1,152,71) 1,450,94 1,450,94 328,41 328,41 1,171,094 1,171, , , (492) (492) 11,723,858 2,544,512 5,25,510 1,152,71 " " " " " " " " (3,08,94) (70,041) 1,450,94 " " " 328,41 1,171, ,171 " 17 (492) "'O s: "'Om Q) >< (Q :::i:: CD i:,!:!:! a, I 0,, s: :::i:: (l) I ON

127 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT AK AP AQ AR AS 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H ierlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adj Bal 15Q3 Adj Bal 15Q LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (177,718) (177,718) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (38,571) (38,571) SUN REFINANCING (1,704,127) (1,704,127) SUN REFINANCING (39,858) (39,858) SUN REFINANCING 11,8 1, SUN REFINANCING (3,078) (5,034) STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE 48,312 48, STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE 10,485 10, Zero Balance Zero Balance PCB REFINANCING 871, , PCB REFINANCING 188,38 202, PCB REFINANCING 1,39,404 1,39, PCB REFINANCING 303, , SUN REFINANCING (1,39,413) (1,39,413) SUN REFINANCING (297,213) (297,213) ALLOWANCE CREDITS ALLOWANCE CREDITS BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE 10,084 10, BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE 2,189 2, PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM 1,057,514 (77,085) PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM 19,251 (13,179) BIOMASS (7,295) (7,295) BIOMASS (1,559) (1,559) RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 910,513 59, RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES 135,294 73, RATE CASE EXPENSE (110,340) (110,340) RATE CASE EXPENSE (23,948) (23,948) Zero Balance Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL 3,01,07 3,01, BONUS ACCRUAL 4,357 4, BONUS ACCRUAL (3,01,077) (3,01,077) BONUS ACCRUAL (4,32) (4,32) FIN 48 INTEREST (2,197,755) (2,197,755) FIN 48 INTEREST (47,995) (47,995) RATE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE Zero Balance Zero Balance Adj Bal 1Q1 Adi, Bal 1Q2 (177,718) (177,718) (38,571) (38,571) (1,704,127) (1,704,127) (39,858) (39,858) 44,047 8,330 2,938 10,910 48,312 48,312 10,485 10, , , ,04 202,04 1,39,404 1,39, , ,072 (1,39,413) (1,39,413) (297,213) (297,213) ,084 10,084 2,189 2, ,995 (345,757) 8,019 (83,747) (7,29S) (7,295) (1,559) (1,559) 341,994 83,723 25,45 (23,234) (110,340) (110,340) (23,948) (23,948) 3,01,07 3,01,07 4,357 4,357 (3,01,077) (3,01,077) (4,32) (4,32) (2,197,755) (2,197,755) (47,995) (47,995) Book MDCs 177,718 38,571 (942,849) (202,04) (1,39,404) (303,072) " " " " " " Base MDCs 110,340 23,948 (1,320,302) (25,393) Unadj Base (1,704,127) (39,858) 8,330 10,910 48,312 10,485 (1,39,413) (297,213) 1 10,084 2,189 (345,757) (83,747) (7,295) (1,559) 83,723 (23,234) 3,01,07 4,357 (3,01,077) (4,32) (2,197,755) (47,995) (1,320,302) (25,393) " " "tj s:,,m 1:1) >< cc :c <D ci:i i: I, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

128 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet AK AP AQ AR AS 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q3 Adj Bal 15Q FIN 48 INTEREST 90,42 1,09, FIN 48 INTEREST 207, , PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES ALLOWANCE CREDITS 2,835 2, ALLOWANCE CREDITS 5,825 5, FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (817,55) 185, FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (441,09) (243,439) RATE RIDER , , RATE RIDER 12 91,553 91, Renewable Rider 21, , Renewable Rider 50,115 3, DEFERRED COAL COSTS (229,943) (137,592) DEFERRED COAL COSTS (3,474) (45,281) Zero Balance SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES (1,803,85) (334,907) SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES (380,411) (91,074) 387 TOU Reg asset/liab 388 TOU Reg asset/liab EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES (27,771) 345, EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES (130,8) 0, Zero Balance Zero Balance 393 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 394 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV %SJGS 2& %SJGS2&3 397 PENSION AMPP 398 PENSION AMPP 399 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 402 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 403 Renew 282 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (39,112,055) (39,424,789) Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (8,404,55) (8,4,175) 405 CorpDepr 282 Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other 407 CorpNOL 190 Net Ooerating Loss (NOL) Adi Bal 1Ql Adj Bal 1Q2 Book MDCs 1,09,481 1,09, , ,591 2,849 2,849 5,828 5, ,810 (907,983) (243,439) (449,48) 421, ,831 91,553 91, ,43 195,954 55,29 4,905 (45,991),350 (28,012) {18,144) (334,907) {334,907) (91,074) (91,074) 345, ,484 0,857 0,857 (39,422,390) (39,419,81) (8,45,723) (8,45,24) Base MDCs 982, ,500 2,058,48 450,15 1,27, ,724 (957,212) (180,479) Unadi Base 1,09, ,591 2,849 5,828 (907,983) (449,48) 421,831 91, ,954 4,905,350 (18,144) (334,907) (91,074) 345,484 0, , ,500 2,058,48 450,15 1,27, ,724 (957,212) (180,479) (39,419,81) (8,45,24) ""C s:,,m Ill >< ' :i:: (I) iii i::, 00 l 0,,, s: :i:: CD I ON

129 A B C AA 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hll,lerlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 Description AF AK 12/31/15 03/31/1 AP AQ 0/30/1 Reverse AR AS 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal 15Q Net Operating Loss (NOL) 409 Gen 282 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (333,473,999) Liberalied Depreciation Generation (1,073,380) 411 NF Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 5,304, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 1,055, NF3 282 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 2,52, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 527, Trans 282 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (78,98,388) Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (14,17,507) 417 Dist 282 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (1,41,712) Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (30,945,404) 419 RenewNOL 190 Renewable NOL Allocation 31,112, Renewable NOL Allocation,9, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw Liberalied Depreciation mw Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw Liberalied Depreciation mw Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation HLM Liberalied Depreciation HLM ( ,891) 443 G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account ,57, ,392, ( ) Adi Bal 15Q4 Adi, Bal 1Ql (359,77,105} (38,359,485} (3,385,41) (5,824,543) 5,304,391 5,304,391 1,055,791 1,055,791 2,52,19 2,52,19 527, ,895 (87,45,189) (89,555,18) (15,393,028) (15,934,187) (181,872,983) (184,749,427) (32,325,707) (33,140,98} 30,712,39,18,012 (3,8 98) (4,080,394) 387,515, ,12,944 15,392,870 15,392,870 / \ (7, ) Adi Bal 1Q2 Book MDCs (37,840,944) (7,427,45) 5,304,391 1,055,791 2,52,19 527,895 (91,1,282) (1,324,211) (187,853,484) (33,728,07} (55, ) , ,278,44 15,392,870 ( ) Base MDCs Unadi Base (37,840,944) (7,427,45) 5,304,391 1,055,791 2,52,19 527,895 (91,1,282) (1,324,211) (187,853,484) (33,728,07} (30,2,89) /04 033,139) ij s:,, m II) >< cc ::c (I) i::,2:! CD I, 0,, s: ::c CD I ON

130 A B C AA AF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AK AP AQ AR AS 5 Hy1,erlink to Lead Sheet 09/30/15 12/31/15 Description 03/31/1 0/30/1 Reverse 7 Doc Ref acct Adi Bal l5q3 Adj Bal l5q ,417, (4,735,81) (4,29,799) (808,035,798) (882,344,022) (120,544,0) (119,048,814) (5,085,304) (5,427,873) (1,082,359) (1,310,158) ,382,705 38,22, ,741,31 2,28, Total G/L ADIT balance (97,49,813) (3,081,25) 42 Difference (10,375,078) (587,073) 43 Reconciling Items 44 Corn alloc of denr ADIT 45 Coro alloc of NOL ADIT 4 Fin 48 reclasses (10,375,087 ( Total Reconciline Items (10,375,087 ( ULD NONUTILITY (2,344,233) (2,959,755) 471 Underlying acct not in rate base 77,24, ,434, Zero adjusted balance 473 Renewable Rider (8,107,724) (9,03,740) 474 Included in base period rate base at MDC value (90,703,255) (85,529,874) 475 Included in base period rate base at book value (83,954,0) (97,577,010) Total (707,844,891 (3,8, ULD 479 Adj Bal lql Adj, Bal lq2 (4,29,799) (4,29,799) (899,187,33) (914,357,742) (119,371,507) (119,587,98) (3,978,202) (3,422,008) (977,522) (872,54) 38,187,434 37,83,134 3,59,031 3,289,977 (45,493,321) (55,33,80) (587,073) (587,073) {587,082 (587,082 (587,082 {587, (1,239,7) (578,04) 150,82,9 150,185,135 (4,34,539) (4,31,533) (84,733,559) (84,104,057) (4,59,595) (75,091,93) (4, (55,950,7531 Book MDCs Base MDCs (1,523,574) 1,485,75 84,104,057 (32,148,34) , ,2,89 Unadi Base (578,04) 150,185,135 (4,399,343) (32,148,34) (75,091,93) (04,033,139 "'O s: c m 1)1 >< (Q J: en ŌJ CJ'I 0 I 0,, s: J: (0 I ON

131 A B C AT AU BA BG BM BN BO 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H}'Qerlink to Lead Sheet 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 01/31/18 02/28/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base 201Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adi Bal 01/31/ /28/ MISC NON OPERATING 12,880, Zero Balance Zero Balance TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY 108, TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY (11,15) ALVARADO SQUARE 383, ALVARADO SQUARE 83, WAGES 291, WAGES 4, Pension Qualified (57,84,789} (57,127,302) (5,34,979) (55,02,55) (55,470,595) (55,338,534) Pension Qualified (12,381,452) (12,242,401) (12,107,288) (11,972,17) (11,949,919) (11,927,3) Deferred Federal Tax Credits 105, , , , , , ACCRUED VACATION 2,019, ACCRUED VACATION 439, Zero Balance Zero Balance Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 55, Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & 2 (154,71) Contributions In Aid of Construction 27,09,400 27,09,400 27,09,400 27,09,400 27,09,400 27,09, Contributions In Aid of Construction 5,94,973 5,94,973 5,94,973 5,94,973 5,94,973 5,94, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 19,772,170 19,772,170 19,772,170 19,772,170 19,772,170 19,772, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 3,175,291 3,175,291 3,175,291 3,175,291 3,175,291 3,175, GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE (2,22) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (32,297,554) 5,421,53 5,178,395 5,333,87 5,29,89 5,323,042 5,349, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (,905,371) 1,12,273 1,11,407 1,143,931 1,137,373 1,141,815 1,14, Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) Liberalied Depreciation Other 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 57,44 45,797 34,087 22,377 20,42 18,474 "ti Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 13,48 11,29 9,193 7,118,772, GENERAL RESERVE 850, GENERAL RESERVE 183, PCB REFINANCING (4,938,299) (4,799,83) (4,0,50) (4,521,438) (4,498,251) (4,475,04) PCB REFINANCING (1,083,0) (1,057,470) (1,032,812) (1,008,155) (1,004,045) (999,935) COMPENSATION EXPENSE (3,497,102) COMPENSATION EXPENSE (728,008) OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS 439, OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS s: "ti m 1)1 >< (0 :c ('0 CJ c,, I 0,, s: :c tq I ON

132 A B C AT 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to lead Sheet Description AU BA 12/31/1 BG BM 0/30/17 12/31/17 BN 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis NINE MILE TAP NINE MILE TAP PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY Palo Verde Gain 1 & Palo Verde Gain 1 & Deferred Federal Tax Credits MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE REGULATORY RESERVE REGULATORY RESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY FAS FAS WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 (2,S79,13) Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & 2 (S1,93) LINE EXTENSION POLICY LINE EXTENSION POLICY MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS HI VOLTAGE RESERVE Adi Base (245) ,81 201Q4 Adi Bal 108, , ,285 29,934 28,702 9,10,24S 9,10,245 (1) (4,Sll,3) (912,48) 7,19,35 (3,293,S5) (4,879) (1,0S9) 4,19 1,003 40,133,58 28,148,33 720,45 14,04 298,249 3,489 8,837 1,912 1 (1) 78,444 78, ,87 170,87 1 (825,995) (181,950) Q2 Adj Bal 2017Q4 Adj Bal 11, ,14 27,539 2,37 9,10,245 9,10,245 78,444 78, ,87 170,87 01/31/ ,08 2,191 9,10,245 78, ,87 02/28/ ,971 2,007 9,10,245 78, ,87 "'C :s: cm Ill >< (Q :::i:: Cl) c5 (11 N I 0 :s: 'Tl :::i:: (D I CN

133 A B C AT AU 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BA BG BM BN BO 5 H;:gerlink to Lead Sheet Description 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 01/31/18 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 443, STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance (1,040,789) Zero Balance (225,890) Zero Balance 7, Zero Balance (7,00) Coal Mine Decommissioning 5,509,243 (2,445,274) Coal Mine Decommissioning 1,235,82 (548,457) Zero Balance 1,040, Zero Balance 225, Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (140,500) BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE (30,158) Contributions In Aid of Construction 1,102, Contributions In Aid of Construction 239, BIOMASS 7, BIOMASS 1, PREPAID RENT REVENUE 24, Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adi Bal (2,148,445) (1,850,532) (1,552,18) (492,491) (439,89) (38,887) 1,102,350 1,102,350 1,102, , , ,251 01/31/2018 (1,502,9) (378,087) 1,102, ,251 02/28/2018 (1,453,313) (39,287) 1,102, , PREPAID RENT REVENUE 5, REVENUE SUBJECTTO REFUND 392, REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND 82, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 130,213, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 35,53, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING (13) MISC NON OPERATING (2) SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE 98, ,922,02 89,70,79 2,901,233 30,319,05 28,121,480 23,30,959 59,393,7 22,79,837 59,91,458 22,857, SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE 20, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING INJURY & DAMAGES 503, 2,220, INJURY & DAMAGES 118,089 S20, INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES 2,220,971 2,220,971 2,220,971 S20, , ,728 2,220, ,728 2,220, ,728 "'C s: '"Cm Cl >< (C :c Cl) CJ'I ~ c, I,, 0 s: :c (0 I ON

134 A B C AT 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Description AU BA BG 12/31/1 0/30/17 BM BN 12/31/17 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & PROPERTY TAX RESERVE PROPERTY TAX RESERVE MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJGS AUDIT RESERVES RATE RIDER RATE RIDER RENEWABLE CREDITS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY EFFICIENCY NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER DOE SPENT FUELSETILEMENT DOE SPENT FUELSETILEMENT SIERRA CLUB SIERRA CLUB LVGS Decommissioning LVGS Decommissioning EXTENDED LEAVE EXTENDED LEAVE Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE Adj Base 201Q4 Adj Bal 2017Q2 Adj Bal 238,922 Sl,854 40,597 (100,534) (121,194) (29,151) (2,08) (11,180) 1 12,378 2,8 (22,979) (57,90) 49,49,441 2,28,8 494,898 1,175,77 255,185 34,204 8,107 2,194,210 1,918,91 1,35,39 444, , ,41 424, , ,40 90,129 82,155 2,580 37,2 7,98 40, Q4 Adj Bal 01/31/ ,58 720,411 19, ,102 10,95 15,33 43,00 42,190 02/28/ ,23 13,75 151,71 41,375 "ti s: c m Ill >< (Q :::c: Cl) CJ'I ~ i:, I 0 s: "Tl :::c: (C) I ON

135 A B C AT AU 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BA BG BM BN BO 5 H~(lerlink to Lead Sheet Description 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 01/31/18 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base 201Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adi Bal 01/31/ /28/ Renewable NM AETC 1,218,575 1,18,723 1,154,755 1,122,787 1,117,459 1,112, Renewable NM AETC 27,190 21, , , , , NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 129, NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING 29, SJGS AUDIT RESERVES (1,025) SJGS AUDIT RESERVES 2, SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 231, SJ RECLAMATION TRUST 47, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 133, , , , , , Net Operating Loss (NOL) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) {381,138) FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT 30, FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT 7, DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN (101) SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 3,844, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 757, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 41,790, SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN 8,232, MISC NON OPERATING (12,417,81) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (420,000) (513,952) {59,231) {24,510) (32,991) (40,74) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (5,97) (83,411) (93,209) (103,00) (104,43) (105,74) FAS 109 (3,147,092) FAS 109 (37,010) LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 3,305, LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP 779, Liberalied Depreciation Other 289,140, ,310, ,497, ,053, ,242, ,414, Liberalied Depreciation Other 41,429, FERC Customer Depreciation 9,978 2DD FERC Customer Depreciation 289, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 23, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation (13,439) Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 74, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 132, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (8,3,28) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (10,270,525) Liberalied Deoreciation Other ( ) 41,41,711 41,71,991 41,770, , , , , , ,74 23,45 23,45 23,45 (13,439) (13,439) (13,439) 74,011 74,011 74, , , ,775 (70,007,48) (9,90,180) (70,018,225) (10,528,993) (10,472,757) (10,530,899) ( ) ( ) ( ) 41,802, , ,840 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,91,850) (10,521,398) ( ) 41,831,42 98,00 292,92 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,90,574) (10,512,083) ( ) "ti s: "tlm DI )< (C :I: CD 01!E 01 i, 0,, s: :I: (0 I ON

136 A B C AT AU BA 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy[!erlink to lead Sheet 12/31/1 Description BG BM 0/30/17 12/31/17 BN 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base 201Q4 Adj Ba I Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,524,357) (1,524,357) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,74,504) (2,34,488) Liberalied Depreciation Other (538,355) (538,355) Debt AFUDC (19,395,80) (20,03,437) Debt AFUDC (4,147,322) (4,28,101) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (3,74,478) (3,73,924) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (813,37) (81,5) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Pre1981 Repair Allowance (18,190,422) (18,190,422) Pre1981 Repair Allowance (3,948,000) (3,948,000) Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,49,081 1,49, Liberalied Depreciation Other 3S7,914 3S7, FAS 109 (40,959,42) FAS 109 1,30, Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,303) (3S,303) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,2) (7,2) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other 10,205,751 9,72, Liberalied Depreciation Other 7S,408 (15,021) Liberalied Depreciation Other (41,12) (41,12) Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,031) (9,031) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,000,514) (1,000,514) Liberalied Depreciation Other (217,148) (217,148) Liberalied Depreciation Other (274,173) (274,173) Liberalied Depreciation Other (59,505) (59,S05) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,08) (2,08) Liberalied Depreciation Other (57,74) (57,74) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,170) (2,170) Liberalied Depreciation Other (127,479) (127,479) Liberalied Depreciation Other 47,84 47, Liberalied Depreciation Other 10,349 10, Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other,50,452,50, Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,425,011 1,425, AFTON WRITEDOWN Q2 Adj Bal 2017Q4 Adj Bal (1,524,357) (1,524,357) [2,545,54) (2,45,819) (538,355) [538,355) (21,258,859) (22,481,281) (4,484,71) (4,701,421) (3,772,80) (3,781,43) (818,217) (819,78) (18,190,422) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) (3,948,000) 1,49,081 1,49, , ,914 (35,303) (35,303) (7,2) (7,2) 9,321,8 8,917,587 (8,74) (158,328) (41,12) (41,12) (9,031) (9,031) (1,000,514) (1,000,514) (217,148) (217,148) (274,173) (274,173) (59,505) (59,505) (2,08) (2,08) (57,74) (57,74) (2,170) (2,170) (127,479) (127,479) 47,84 47,84 10,349 10,349,50,452,50,452 1,425,011 1,425,011 3, /31/2018 (1,524,357) [2,445,12) (538,355) (22,4,017) (4,729,184) (3,782,899) (820,015) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,851,248 (19,508) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, /28/2018 (1,524,357) [2,434,479) (538,355) (22,808,485) (4,75,55) (3,784,33) (820,22) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,790,453 (179,754) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, "ti :s: "ti m Ill >< (Q J: (!) ffi c,, a, i 0 :s:, 'Tl J: (D I 0 N

137 A B C AT AU 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H:t!!erlink to Lead Sheet Description BA BG BM 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 BN 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base AFTON WRITEDOWN 92, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Liberalied Depreciation Other (12,408,939) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,42,319) Liberalied Depreciation Other (3,858,21) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,88,503) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,254,439) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,95,254) Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,082,411) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,188,258) Liberalied Depreciation Other (,520,280) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,424,905) Liberalied Depreciation Other 4,274, Liberalied Depreciation Other 927, Liberalied Depreciation Other (152,35,414) Liberalied Depreciation Other (32,500,070) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT (1,294,338) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT (280,920) Liberalied Depreciation Other (392,208) Liberalied Depreciation Other (73,944) Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL (S75,272) BONUS ACCRUAL (124,855) Zero Balance Zero Balance Liberalied Depreciation Other (4,42,737) Liberalied Depreciation Other (758,7) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (2,540,915) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (557,033) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT (174,832) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT (37,942) Pension Qualified Pension Qualified RA TE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE FAS 109 (19,09,82) FAS 109 (2,128,945) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 201Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adi Ba I 92,90 92,90 92,90 (12,408,939) (12,408,939) (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (2,42,319) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,88,503) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) (1,424,905) (1,424,905) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 4,274,97 4,274,97 927, , ,827 (15,522,558) (10,773,939) (15,025,319) (33,232,980) (33,98,487) (34,739,994) (392,208) (392,208) (392,208) (73,944) (73,944) (73,944) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) (758,7) (758,7) (758,7) (3,135,279) (3,000,027) (2,84,77) (9,098) (45,127) (21,155) 01/31/ ,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (15,724,987) (34,857,911) (392,208) (73,944) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,842,1) (17,344) 02/28/ ,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (1,3,175) (34,95,972) (392,208) (73,944) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,819,555) (13,534) "CJ s: c m Dl >< (C :c Cl) iii OI I 0 s: n :c CD I ON

138 A B C AT 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Description AU BA BG 12/31/1 0/30/17 BM BN 12/31/17 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adjs COMPENSATION EXPENSE COMPENSATION EXPENSE PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FAS FAS MARK TO MARKET MARK TO MARKET Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING Zero Balance Zero Balance HEDGE LOSS HEDGE LOSS ACCRUED ILLNESS ACCRUED ILLNESS BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning PREPAID EXPENSES PREPAID EXPENSES PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING Zero Balance Zero Balance DEBT ISSUANCE COST DEBT ISSUANCE COST Adj Base 201Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal {,080) {1,320) {4,917,085) {1,197,09) {1,13,510) 231,489 37,83,134 3,289,974 {1,171,094) {254,171) 1,311, , ,030 2,030 22,91 49,4 {,377,74) {,553,745} {,79,374) {1,37,280) {1,409,478) {1,431,744) (74,79) {74,79) {74,79) {1,208) {1,208) {1,208) {3,08,94) {3,08,94) (3,08,94) {70,041) {70,041) {70,041) 1,450,94 328,41 1,171, , (492) 2017Q4 Adi Bal 01/31/2018 {,805,003) {,808,15} (1,454,010) {1,454,543) (74,79) {74,79) {1,208) {1,208) {3,08,94) (3,08,94) {70,041) {70,041) 02/28/2018 {,811,193) {1,455,053} {74,79) {1,208) {3,08,94) {70,041) "'O s o m ~ >< (Q :c (1) ffi u, 00 I 0,, S :c (0 I ON

139 A B C AT 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward AU BA BG BM BN BO 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet Description 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 01/31/18 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct BaseAdis LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING ALLOWANCE CREDITS ALLOWANCE CREDITS BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM BIOMASS BIOMASS RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES RATE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE Zero Balance Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL FIN 48 INTEREST FIN 48 INTEREST RATE CASE EXPENSE 78, RATE CASE EXPENSE 15, Zero Balance Zero Balance Adi Base 201Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal (1,704,127) (39,858) 8,330 10,910 48,312 10,485 (1,39,413) (297,213) 1 10,084 2,189 (345,757) (83,747) (7,295) (1,559) 83,723 (23,234) 3,01,07 4,357 (3,01,077) (4,32) (2,197,755) (47,995) (1,242,15) (1,08,32) (774,429) (241,220) (211,894) (15,50) 2017Q4 Adi Bal 01/31/2018 (1,341,811) (1,304,290) (257,122) (250,85) 02/28/2018 (1,2,770) (244,248) "tl s:,, m Cl >< (C ::I: Cl) i:jj u, co! 0 s: ::I: 'Tl tq I ON

140 A B C AT AU 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H Qerlink to Lead Sheet Description BA BG BM 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 BN 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adj Base FIN 48 INTEREST 1,09, FIN 48 INTEREST 228, PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES ALLOWANCE CREDITS 2, ALLOWANCE CREDITS 5, FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (907,983) FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT (449,48) RATE RIDER , RATE RIDER 12 91, Renewable Rider 195, Renewable Rider 4, DEFERRED COAL COSTS, DEFERRED COAL COSTS (18,144) Zero Balance SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES (334,907) SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES (91,074) 387 TOU Reg asset/liab 388 TOU Reg asset/ii ab EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES 345, EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES 0, Zero Balance Zero Balance 393 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 982, DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 193, %SJGS 2& %SJGS 2&3 397 PENSION AMPP 2,058, PENSION AMPP 450, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 (1,27,317) 400 Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 3 (277,724) 401 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 55,215 (901,997) 402 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 10,411 (170,09) 403 Renew 282 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (39,419,81) Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (8,45,24) 405 CorpDepr 282 Liberalied Depreciation Other (8,83,494) (8,83,494) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,881,458) (1,881,458) 407 CoroNOL 190 Net Operating Loss (NOL) Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adj Bal 2017Q4 Adi Bal 982, , , , , ,500 (42,249,874) (7,488,293) 2,015,83 1,975,30 1,934, , ,39 428,191 (901,99) (901,99) (901,99) (170,09) (170,09) (170,09) (39,324,40) (39,037,535) (38,750,431) (8,447,293) (8,39,407) (8,345,521) (9,3,79) (9,912,544) (12,475,791) (2,032,347) (2,07,440) (2,530,745) /31/ ,013 18,200 (42,073,832) (7,457,092) 1,927,742 42,991 (885,181) (17,235) (38,407,042) (8,287,49) (12,114,297) (2,49,822) /28/ , ,900 (41,897,791) (7,425,891) 1,920,27 425,792 (88,35) (14,401) (38,092,355) (8,234,14) (11,782,984) (2,413,985) "'O 3:: om Ill >< co ::i:: (I) O') ~ 0 I 0 3::,,, ::i:: (0 I ON

141 A B C AT AU BA 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BG BM BN BO 5 Hi11erlink to Lead Sheet 12/31/1 Description 0/30/17 12/31/17 01/31/18 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base 201Q4 Adi Bal Net Operating Loss (NOL) 157, , , Gen 282 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (37,840,944) (389,418,242) Liberalied Depreciation Generation (7,427,45) (9,798,878) 411 NF Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 5,304,391 4,189, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 1,055, , NF3 282 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 2,52,19 2,72, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 527, , Trans 282 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission 4,049,78 (87,5,515) (101,25,555) Liberalied Depreciation Transmission 89,931 (15,454,280) (18,035,497) 417 Dist 282 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (187,853,484) (195,742,00) Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (33,728,07) (35,215,54) 419 RenewNOL 190 Renewable NOL Allocation Renewable NOL Allocation Liberalied Depreciation Generation,99,500,99,500 7,209, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 1,371,009 1,371,009 1,41, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 10,825,72 10,825,72 11,03, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 2,31,15 2,31,15 2,35, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 298, , , Liberalied Depreciation Generation 5,245 5,245 5, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (380,212) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (71,88) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 2,245,84 2,245,84 2,323, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 441,79 441,79 45, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw Liberalied Depreciation 5J4 5 mw Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,049,78) (4,049,78) (4,070,880) Liberalied Depreciation HLM (89,931) (89,931) (873,912) (21,55 34) (25,598,503) (858,742,207) 443 G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adi Bal 175,9 221,49 (392,324,391) (407,21,20) (70,313,959) (72,91,333) 4,30,25 3,01,09 923,99 741,28 3,258,913 2,405,43 3,2 484,998 (102,93,94) (115,384,034) (18,290,20) (20,539,42) (195,531,999) (203,310,133) (35,178,219) (3,55,802) 7,432,14 7,54,89 1,455,724 1,495,200 11,229,875 11,423,81 2,390,17 2,424, , ,305 5,245 5,245 71,98,99 13,104,38 (495,954) (1,170,43) (92,202) (211,782) 2,394,954 2,4,728 49, ,81 (2,159,839) (382,80) (4,070,57) (4,070,253) (873,85) (873,801) (880,353,711) (932,470,590) 01/31/ ,052 (407,85,248) (73,032,798) 3,858, ,85 2,505, ,921 (115,392,478) (20,540,849) (203,35,154) (3,5,075) 7,8,511 1,500,529 11,450,341 2,429,44 298,305 5,245 71,98,99 13,104,38 (1,17,05) (212,787) 2,47,91 483,533 (2,13,321) (383,393) (4,09,935) (873,747) (93,285,580) 02/28/ ,170 (408,072,588) (73,098,078) 4,057, ,245 2,578, ,21 (115,408,48) (20,543,544) (203,432,309) (3,577,393) 7,715,484 1,505,411 11,474,773 2,433, ,305 5,245 71,98,99 13,104,38 (1,182,070) (213,708) 2,48, ,107 (2,1,512) (383,931) (4,09,44) (873,98) (935,48,487) "'C s: cm Q) >< cc ::r: CD ffi en I 0 s: "Tl ::r: (0 I ON

142 A B C AT AU 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet Description BA BG BM 12/31/1 0/30/17 12/31/17 BN 01/31/18 BO 02/28/18 7 Doc Ref acct Base Adis Adi Base Q4 Adi Bal 2017Q2 Adi Bal 2017Q4 Adj Bal 01/31/ /28/ Total G/L ADIT balance 42 Difference 43 Reconciling Items 44 Coro alloc of deor ADIT 45 Corp alloc of NOL ADIT 4 Fin 48 reclasses 47 Total Reconciling Items 48 ULD NONUTILITY (578,04) 471 Underlying acct not in rate base 150,185, Zero adjusted balance 473 Renewable Rider (4,399,343) 474 Included in base period rate base at MDC value (3,372,450) (8,521,084) 475 Included in base period rate base at book value 14,807,08 (0,284,0) Total (2155,34 (25,598,503) 478 ULD 479 (4,324,025) (4,023,9) (45,723,312) (8,387,922) (7,11,93) (11,845,482) (744,030,21) (77,213,349) (79,901,795) (858,742,207 (880,353,711 (932,470,590) (45,328,324) (11,451,3) (774,505,593) (93,285,580 (44,9,874) (11,057,79) (774,41,934) (935,48,487) "'C :ii: cm!,lj >< co ::i:: (I) O') Qi:! N I 0 :ii:,, ::i:: fo I ON

143 A B C BP BQ 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BR BS BT BU BV 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 Description 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ MISC NON OPERATING Zero Balance Zero Balance TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY ALVARADO SQUARE ALVARADO SQUARE WAGES WAGES Pension Qualified (55,20,473) (55,074,413) Pension Qualified (11,905,40) (11,883,150) Deferred Federal Tax Credits 105, , ACCRUED VACATION ACCRUED VACATION Zero Balance Zero Balance Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & Contributions In Aid of Construction 27,09,400 27,09, Contributions In Aid of Construction 5,94,973 5,94, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 19,772,170 19,772, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 3,175,291 3,175, GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 5,37,172 5,402, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 1,150,79 1,155, Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,352,93) (1,352,93) Liberalied Depreciation Other 2,222,08 2,222, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 1,522 14, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2,080 5, GENERAL RESERVE GENERAL RESERVE PCB REFINANCING (4,451,877) (4,428,19) PCB REFINANCING (995,82) (991,90) COMPENSATION EXPENSE COMPENSATION EXPENSE OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS 05/31/2018 0/30/ /31/2018 (54,942,352) (54,810,292) (54,78,231) (11,80,893) (11,838,37) (11,81,380) 105,491 los, ,491 27,09,400 27,09,400 27,09,400 5,94,973 5,94,973 5,94,973 19,772,170 19,772,170 19,772,170 3,175,291 3,175,291 3,175,291 5,429,874 5,45,942 5,484,15 1,159,819 1,14,381 1,18,98 (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222,08 12,07 10,50 8,92 5,420 5,090 4,70 (4,405,32) (4,382,104) (4,358,847) (987,98) (984,07) (980,147) 08/31/2018 (54,S4,170) (11,794,123) los,491 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175,291 5,511,515 1,173,579 (1,352,93) 2,222,08,735 4,430 (4,335,589) (97,227) 09/30/2018 (54,414,110) (11,771,87) 105,491 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175,291 5,539,022 1,178,214 (1,352,93) 2,222,08 4,777 4,101 (4,312,332) (972,308) "tl s: "tl m Cl >< (,Q ::i:: (1) CD O') (,,) I 0,, s: ::i:: CD I 0 N

144 A B C BP 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BQ BR BS BT BU BV 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 Description 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ NINE MILE TAP NINE MILE TAP PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 10, Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 25, Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,10, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE REGULATORY RESERVE REGULATORY RESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY FAS FAS WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & LINE EXTENSION POLICY 78, LINE EXTENSION POLICY 170, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS HI VOLTAGE RESERVE 04/30/ /31/2018 0/30/ , ,81 103,584 25,37 25,452 25,27 9,10,245 9,10,245 9,10,245 78,444 78,444 78, ,87 170,87 170,87 07/31/ /31/ , ,391 25,082 24,898 9,10,245 9,10,245 78,444 78, ,87 170,87 09/30/ ,294 24,713 9,10,245 78, ,87 "'CJ s: ""Clm Ill >< (Q :c (1) C') Q;! i:, I, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

145 A B C BP 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hyi,erlink to lead Sheet 03/31/18 Description BQ BR BS 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 BT BU 07/31/18 08/31/18 BV 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ HI VOLTAGE RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning (1,403,1) Coal Mine Decommissioning (30,48) Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE Contributions In Aid of Construction 1,102, Contributions In Aid of Construction 239, BIOMASS BIOMASS PREPAID RENT REVENUE PREPAID RENT REVENUE REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND Net Operating Loss (NOL) 1,208, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 23,075, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING INJURY & DAMAGES 2,220, INJURY & DAMAGES 520, INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES 04/30/ /31/2018 0/30/2018 (1,353,858) (1,304,055) (1,254,252) (352,093) (343,700) (335,30) 1,102,350 1,102,350 1,102, , , ,251 4,331,78,15,328 57,728,753 23,02,03 23,909,549 22,489,228 2,220,971 2,220,971 2,220, , , ,728 07/31/ /31/2018 (1,204,449) (1,154,4) (32,913) (318,519) 1,102,350 1,102, , ,251 45,877,29 34,219,099 20,491,928 18,527,087 2,220,971 2,220, , ,728 09/30/2018 (1,104,843) (310,12) 1,102, ,251 29,500,073 17,731,777 2,220, ,728 "C s: "ti m Ill >< (C :::c (I) O')!:E CJ'I t 0,, s: :::c (D I ON

146 A B C BP 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BQ BR BS BT BU BV 5 HiQerlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 Description 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & PROPERTY TAX RESERVE PROPERTY TAX RESERVE MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJGS AUDIT RESERVES RATE RIDER RATE RIDER RENEWABLE CREDITS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY EFFICIENCY NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT 53, DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT 147, SIERRA CLUB SIERRA CLUB LVGS Decommissioning 147, LVGS Decommissioning 40, EXTENDED LEAVE EXTENDED LEAVE Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE 04/30/ /31/2018 0/30/ ,05 351, ,95 131,84 11,24 100,83 142, , ,313 39,781 39,003 38,225 07/31/ /31/2018 1,240 73,784 85,101 9, ,97 124,081 37,447 3,70 09/30/ ,4 35,892 ",, :i!l:,, m Ill >< (Q :c Cl) a, ~ a, I 0 :i!l: "Tl :c ' I ON

147 A B C BP BQ 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BR BS BT BU BV 5 H;:Qerlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 Description 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ /31/2018 0/30/ /31/ /31/ /30/ Renewable NM AETC 1,10,803 1,101,459 1,09,115 1,090,771 1,085,42 1,080,082 1,074, Renewable NM AETC 247,019 24, , , ,41 242,51 241, NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJ RECLAMATION TRUST SJ RECLAMATION TRUST Net Operating Loss (NOL) 133, , , , , , , Net Operating Loss (NOL) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) (381,138) FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETILEMENT FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT DOE SPENT FUELSETILEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN S 190 SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN MISC NON OPERATING Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (47,752) (53,980) (59,423) (4,107) (8,00) (71,120) (73,475) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (10,923) (107,973) FAS 109 (108,891) (109,80) (110,337) (110,82) (111,259) FAS LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP Liberalied Depreciation Other 291,552, ,75, Liberalied Depreciation Other 41,854,743 41,875, FERC Customer Depreciation 98,519 98, FERC Customer Depreciation 293, , Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 23,45 23, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation (13,439) (13,439) Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 74,011 74, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 132, , Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (9,81,11) (9,821,401) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (10,504,421) (10,497,728) Liberalied Deoreciation Other ( ) 291,773, ,883,81 291,957,85 41,891,938 41,910,495 41,922,97 987,28 987, , , , ,228 23,45 23,45 23,45 (13,439) (13,439) (13,439) 74,011 74,011 74, , , ,775 (9,808,850) (9,800,17) (9,793,470) (10,495,13) (10,494,225) (10,493,021) ( ) ( ) ( ) 292,013,845 41,932, , ,23 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,788,02) (10,492,103) ( ) 292,050,15 41,938, , ,289 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,789,498) (10,492,351) ( "'CJ 3:,, m D) >< (C :c (I) a, Īll l 0 3:,, :c (0 I ON

148 A B C BP BQ BR 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BS BT BU BV 5 HJ111erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 05/31/18 Description 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ /31/ Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,524,357) (1,524,357) (1,524,357) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,424,875) (2,41,315) (2,408,833) Liberalied Depreciation Other (538,355) (538,355) (538,355) DebtAFUDC (22,9,310) (23,093,987) (23,190,14) Debt AFUDC (4,783,14) (4,804,82) (4,820,9) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (3,785,82) (3,787,290) (3,788,753) Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation (820,508) (820,755) (821,001) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Pre1981 Repair Allowance (18,190,422) (18,190,422) (18,190,422) Pre1981 Repair Allowance (3,948,000) (3,948,000) (3,948,000) Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,49,081 1,49,081 1,49, Liberalied Depreciation Other 357,914 3S7, , FAS FAS Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,303) (35,303) (35,303) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,2) (7,2) (7,2) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other 8,735,797 8,87,082 8,44, Liberalied Depreciation Other (188,9S) (197,175) (204,351) Liberalied Depreciation Other (41,12) (41,12) (41,12) Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,031) (9,031) (9,031) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,000,514) (1,000,514) (1,000,514) Liberalied Depreciation Other (217,148) (217,148) (217,148) Liberalied Depreciation Other (274,173) (274,173) (274,173) Liberalied Depreciation Other (59,505) [59,505) (59,505) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,08) (2,08) (2,08) Liberalied Depreciation Other (57,74) (57,74) (57,74) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,170) (2,170) (2,170) Liberalied Depreciation Other (127,479) (127,479) (127,479) Liberalied Depreciation Other 47,84 47,84 47, Liberalied Depreciation Other 10,349 10,349 10, Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other,50,452,50,452,50, Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,425,011 1,425,011 1,425, AFTON WRITEDOWN /30/ /31/2018 (1,524,357) (1,524,357) (2,402,39) (2,397,037) (538,355) (538,355) (23,21,42) (23,320,983) (4,832,937) (4,842,938) ( 3,790,217) (3,791,80) (821,248) (821,495) (18,190,422) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) (3,948,000) 1,49,081 1,49, ,914 3S7,914 (35,303) (35,303) (7,2) (7,2) 8,07,871 8,577,374 (210,525) (215,5) (41,12) (41,12) (9,031) (9,031) (1,000,514) (1,000,514) (217,148) (217,148) (274,173) (274,173) (59,505) (59,505) (2,08) (2,08) (57,74) (57,74) (2,170) (2,170) (127,479) (127,479) 47,84 47,84 10,349 10,349,50,452,50,452 1,425,011 1,425, /31/2018 (1,524,357) (2,392,757) (538,355) (23,39,945) (4,851,189) (3,793,144) (821,741) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,553,017 (219,770) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, /30/2018 (1,524,357) (2,389,521) (538,355) (23,408,135) (4,857,2) (3,794,07) (821,988) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,534,00 (222,873) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, "'C 3: "Cm II) >< cc :c (1) 5 0, 00 I 0,, 3: :c (0 I ON

149 A B C BP BQ 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BR BS BT BU BV 5 H~r;erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 Description 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ AFTON WRITEDOWN 92,90 92, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Liberalied Depreciation Other (12,408,939) (12,408,939) Liberalied Depreciation other {2,42,319) (2,42,319) 05/31/2018 0/30/ /31/ ,90 92,90 92,90 (12,408,939) (12,408,939) (12,408,939) {2,42,319) (2,42,319) (2,42,319) 08/31/ ,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) 09/30/ ,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) Liberalied Depreciation Other (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) (3,858,21) Liberalied Depreciation Other {7,88,503) {7,88,503) {7,88,503) {7,88,503) (7,88,503) {7,88,503) (7,88,503) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,254,439) (7,254,439) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (7,95,254) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) (10,082,411) {10,082,411) (10,082,411) {10,082,411) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) (2,188,258) Liberalied Depreciation Other (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) (,520,280) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,424,905) (1,424,905) Liberalied Depreciation Other 4,274,97 4,274,97 {1,424,905) {1,424,905) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 4,274,97 4,274,97 {1,424,905) 4,274,97 (1,424,905) 4,274, Liberalied Depreciation Other 927, , Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,942,18) (17,45,404) 927, , ,827 (17,905,444) (18,291,828) (18,13,4) 927,827 {18,870,359) 927,827 (19,04,59) Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,03,121) (35,149,711) (35,225,389) (35,290,507) (35,344,713) (35,388,008) (35,420,743) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT Liberalied Depreciation Other {392,208) (392,208) Liberalied Depreciation Other {73,944) {73,944) (392,208) (392,208) (392,208) (73,944) {73,944) (73,944) (392,208) (73,944) (392,208) (73,944) Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL Zero Balance Zero Balance Liberalied Depreciation Other {4,42,737) {4,42,737) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) (4,42,737) {4,42,737) (4,42,737) Liberalied Depreciation Other (758,7) (758,7) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (2,79,945) (2,774,335) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (09,723) (05,913) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT Pension Qualified Pension Qualified RATE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE FAS FAS ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (758,7) (758,7) (758,7) (2,751,724) (2,729,114) (2,70,504) (02,102) (598,291) (594,481) (758,7) (2,83,893) (590,70) (758,7) (2,1,283) (58,80) "'C s: "'Cm 01 >< (Q :c CD a,!e CD I 0,, s:, :c CD I OrJ

150 A B C BP 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BQ BR BS BT BU BV 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 Description 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ COMPENSATION EXPENSE COMPENSATION EXPENSE PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FAS FAS MARK TO MARKET MARK TO MARKET Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING Zero Balance Zero Balance HEDGE LOSS HEDGE LOSS ACCRUED ILLNESS ACCRUED ILLNESS BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (,81,179) BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (1,455,894) Liberalied Depreciation Other (74,79) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,208) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning PREPAID EXPENSES (3,08,94) PREPAID EXPENSES (70,041) PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING Zero Balance Zero Balance DEBT ISSUANCE COST DEBT ISSUANCE COST 04/30/ /31/2018 0/30/2018 (,822,99) (,829,993) (,83,503) (1,457,043) (1,458,222) (1,459,319) (74,79) (74,79) (74,79) (1,208) (1,208) (1,208) (3,08,94) (3,08,94) (3,08,94) (70,041) (70,041) (70,041) 07/31/ /31/2018 (,841,434) (,844,82) (1,40,150) (1,40,722) (74,79) (74,79) (1,208) (1,208) (3,08,94) (3,08,94) (70,041) (70,041) 09/30/2018 (,847,48) (1,41,197) (74,79) (1,208) (3,08,94) (70,041) "'O s: "'Om CJ >< (Q :::i::: ct>!e 0 i 0 s:,,, :::i::: (0 I 01')

151 A B C BP BQ BR BS BT BU BV 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hyi;ierlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ /31/2018 0/30/ /31/ /31/ /30/ LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING ALLOWANCE CREDITS ALLOWANCE CREDITS BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM PV INCENTIVE PROGRAM BIOMASS BIOMASS RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES RATE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE Zero Balance Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL FIN 48 INTEREST FIN 48 INTEREST RATE CASE EXPENSE (1,229,249) (1,191,89) (1,154,129) (1,11,59) (1,079,009) (1,041,449) (1,003,889) RATE CASE EXPENSE (237,812) (231,482) (225,152) (218,821) (212,491) (20,11) (199,831) Zero Balance Zero Balance "C ~ "C m Ill >< (Q :::i:: 11) i ŌJ I 0 ~, "Tl :::i:: (0 I ON

152 A B C BP BQ 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BR BS BT BU BV 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 Description 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ FIN 48 INTEREST FIN 48 INTEREST PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES S02 ALLOWANCE CREDITS S02 ALLOWANCE CREDITS FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT RATE RIDER RATE RIDER Renewable Rider Renewable Rider DEFERRED COAL COSTS DEFERRED COAL COSTS Zero Balance SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES 387 TOU Reg asset/liab 388 TOU Reg asset/liab EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES Zero Balance Zero Balance 393 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 858,38 817, DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 171,00 14, % SJGS 2&3 (41,721,750) (41,545,175) 39 50% SJGS 2&3 (7,394,90) (7,34,931) 397 PENSION AMPP 1,913,511 1,90, PENSION AMPP 424, , Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (851,550) (834,734) 402 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (11,57) (158,733) 403 Renew 282 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (37,809,103) (37,55,371) Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (8,18,87) (8,144,283) 405 CorpDepr 282 Liberalied Depreciation Other (11,487,145) (11,22,201) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,34,12) (2,320,149) 407 CoroNOL 190 Net Ooeratine Loss /NOL\ /31/2018 0/30/ /31/ , ,700 93, ,75 150, ,750 (41,38,599) (41,192,024) (41,015,449) (7,335,172) (7,305,413) (7,275,55) 1,899,280 1,892,15 1,885, , , ,79 (817,919) (801,103) (784,287) (155,899) (153,05) (150,231) (37,335,473) (37,145,02) (3,98,52) (8,107,054) (8,074,94) (8,048,251) (10,997,850) (10,820,994) (10,73,38) (2,281,4) (2,251,858) (2,22,978) /31/ ,075 13,788 (40,838,873) (7,245,89) 1,877, ,597 (77,472) (147,397) (3,859,87) (8,02,899) (10,555,231) (2,207,08) /30/ ,73 129,825 (40,2,298) (7,21,137) 1,870, ,398 (750,5) (144,53) (3,73,93) (8,010,732) (10,48,714) (2,192,487) ""C s: ""Cm I)) >< (C :c <D ro '""' N I 0 s:, "Tl :c U) I ON

153 A B C BP BQ 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BR BS BT I BU BV 5 H~i;!erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 04/30/18 Description 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ /30/ Net Operating Loss (NOL) 203, , Gen 282 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (408,403,212) (409,101,919) Liberalied Depreciation Generation (73,153,799) (73,271,554) 411 NF Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 4,20,974 4,299, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 843, , NF3 282 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 2,50,284 2,18, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 52,22 520, Trans 282 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (115,79,202) (11,13,341) Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (20,04,340) (20,,214) 417 Dist 282 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (203,519,204) (203,28,97) Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (3,592,037) (3,10,53) 419 RenewNOL 190 Renewable NOL Allocation Renewable NOL Allocation Liberalied Depreciation Generation 7,741,532 7,74, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 1,509,801 1,513, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 11,49,738 11,51, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 2,437,284 2,440, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 298, , Liberalied Depreciation Generation 5,245 5, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 71,98,99 71,98, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 13,104,38 13,104, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (1,189,359) (1,195,85) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (214,937) (21,032) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 2,494,45 2,502, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 48, , Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation Generation Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,170,551) (2,174,10) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (384,11) (385,211) Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation Other Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,09,383) (4,09,149) Liberalied Depreciation HLM (873,54) (873,15) (934,257,97) ( ,747) 443 G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account /31/2018 0/30/ /31/ , , ,472 (409,928,74) (410,33,948) (411,248,121) (73,410,901) (73,529,750) (73,33,258) 4,35,33 4,407,905 4,439, , ,24 882,24 2,703,05 2,753,4 2,798, , ,52 551,189 (11,28,197) (117,03,073) (117,432,242) (20,749,108) (20,822,399) (20,884,1) (203,745,181) (203,885,028) (204,047,858) (3,30,122) (3,53,91) (3,81,133) 7,785,038 7,802,498 7,817,031 1,517,134 1,520,07 1,522,525 11,533,425 11,548,148 11,50,404 2,443,47 2,445,948 2,448, , , ,305 5,245 5,245 5,245 71,98,99 71,98,99 71,98,99 13,104,38 13,104,38 13,104,38 (1,214,358) (1,243,58) (1,271,548) (219,150) (224,07) (228,788) 2,508,5 2,514,291 2,518, , , ,21 (2,183,528) (2,198,004) (2,211,80) (38,798) (389,238) (391,543) (4,08,945) (4,08,770) (4,08,24) (873,580) (873,551) (873,52) (930,51,179) (941,453,353) (95,227,198) 08/31/ ,375 (411,74,4) (73,720,279) 4,457, ,04 2,833,7 557,185 (117,77,213) (20,941,09) (204,195,092) (3,705,947) 7,828,40 1,524,482 11,570,193 2,449,3 298,305 5,245 71,98,99 13,104,38 (1,294,05) (232,582) 2,522, ,252 (2,222,53) (393,392) (4,08,507) (873,50) (970,22,934) 09/30/ ,839 (412,182,52) (73,790,757) 4,433, ,534 2,844, ,97 (118,042,883) (20,987,529) (204,34,595) (3,731,480) 7,837,41 1,525,91 11,577,594 2,450, ,305 5,245 71,98,99 13,104,38 (1,311,075) (235,450) 2,525, ,728 (2,230,949) (394,790) (4,08,419) (873,492) (97, ) "'C s: "'Cm Ill >< (Q :c (I),E:! (,,) I 0 s:,, :c (0 I ON

154 A B C BP 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BQ BR BS! BT BU BV 5 H,:i:1erlink to Lead Sheet 03/31/18 Description 04/30/18 05/31/18 0/30/18 07/31/18 08/31/18 09/30/18 7 Doc Ref acct 03/31/ Total G/L ADIT balance 42 Difference 43 Reconciling Items 44 Com alloc of deor ADIT 45 Corp alloc of NOL ADIT 4 Fin 48 reclasses 47 Total Reconciling Items 48 ULD NONUTILITY 471 Underlying acct not in rate base 472 Zero adjusted balance 473 Renewable Rider (44,42,157) 474 Included in base period rate base at MDC value (115,3,528) 475 Included in base period rate base at book value (773,952,282) Total /934,257,97) 478 ULD /30/ /31/2018 0/30/2018 (44,353,07) (44,101,195) (43,884,938) (115,29,839) (114,875,983) (114,481,957) (771,907,831) (771,584,002) (783,08,458) /931,530,747 (930,51,179 (941,453,353) 07/31/ /31/2018 (43,705,971) (43,54,18) (114,087,71) (113,93,394) (798,433,4) (813,35,372) (95,227,198 (970,22,934 09/30/2018 (43,458,314) (113,334,123) (820,05,281) (97,848,718 ""'C s: cm Qi >< (Q :c CD i!:!:! ~ I 0,, s: :c (0 I CN

155 A B C BW BX 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BY BZ CA i CB cc CD 5 Hygerlink to lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ MISC NON OPERATING Zero Balance Zero Balance TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY TRI STATE RIGHT OF WAY ALVARADO SQUARE ALVARADO SQUARE WAGES WAGES Pension Qualified (54,282,049) (54,149,988) Pension Qualified (11,749,10) (11,727,354) Deferred Federal Tax Credits 105, , ACCRUED VACATION ACCRUED VACATION Zero Balance Zero Balance Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Eastern Interconnect Project Gain Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & Palo Verde Prudence Audit 1 & Contributions In Aid of Construction 27,09,400 27,09, Contributions In Aid of Construction 5,94,973 5,94, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 19,772,170 19,772, TAX CAPITALIZED INTEREST 3,175,291 3,175, GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE GAS PLANT DECOMM S FE ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 5,5,7 5,594, ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION 1,182,875 1,187, Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,352,93) (1,352,93) Liberalied Depreciation Other 2,222,08 2,222, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 2, Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 3,771 3, GENERAL RESERVE GENERAL RESERVE PCB REFINANCING (4,289,075) (4,25,817) PCB REFINANCING (98,388) (94,49) COMPENSATION EXPENSE COMPENSATION EXPENSE OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS 12/31/18 IRS Required 12/31/2018 Proration Avera2ing Adi (54,017,928) (792,34) (11,705,097) (133,539) 105,491 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175,291 5,22,433 (14,472) 1,192,272 (27,719) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 (1,07) 11,725 3,114 1,984 (4,242,50) (139,512) (90,549) (23,0) Test Period Test Adi (54,810,292) 3,904,014 (11,838,37) 845, ,491 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175,291 5,457,91 1,14,553 (1,352,93) 2,222,08 10,48 5,098 (4,382,072) (984,154) Adjusted Test Period (50,90,278) (10,992,79) 105,491 27,09,400 5,94,973 19,772,170 3,175,291 5,457,91 1,14,553 (1,352,93) 2,222,08 10,48 5,098 (4,382,072) (984,154) "C ~ c m Ill X (C ::c CD,a ~ u, I 0 ~,, ::c (0 I ON

156 A B C BW 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hn1erlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ NINE MILE TAP NINE MILE TAP PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 99, Palo Verde Gain 1 & 2 24, Deferred Federal Tax Credits 9,10, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE PENSION VALUATION ALLOWANCE REGULATORY RESERVE REGULATORY RESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY FAS FAS WORKERS COMP WORKERS COMP SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION SELF INSURANCE SELF INSURANCE Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage 1 & LINE EXTENSION POLICY 78, LINE EXTENSION POLICY 170, MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS OTHER LEGAL ACCRUALS HI VOLTAGE RESERVE BX BY BZ CA 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required 11/30/ /31/2018 Proration Averaging Adi 98,101 97,004,580 24,343 24,158 1,109 9,10,245 9,10,245 78,444 78, ,87 170,87 CB cc Test Period Test Adi 103,584 25,27 9,10,245 78, ,87 CD Adjusted Test Period 103,584 25,27 9,10,245 78, ,87 "ti s: "ti m I» >< (C :c (!) ~ O') ;, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

157 A B C BW BX 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hyi,erlink to lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ HI VOLTAGE RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE STATE AND LOCAL TAX RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning (1,055,040) (1,005,237) Coal Mine Decommissioning (301,732) (293,339) Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE BAD DEBT ALLOWANCE Contributions In Aid of Construction 1,102,350 1,102, Contributions In Aid of Construction 239, , BIOMASS BIOMASS PREPAID RENT REVENUE PREPAID RENT REVENUE REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND REVENUE SUBJECT TO REFUND Net Operating Loss (NOL) 28,417,27 2,310, Net Operating Loss (NOL) 17,549,289 17,194, Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE SJGS GROUNDWATER RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING INJURY & DAMAGES 2,220,971 2,220, INJURY & DAMAGES 520, , INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES BY BZ CA 12/31/18 IRS Required 12/31/2018 Proration Averaging Adj I I (955,434) (298,748) (284,94) {50,548) 1,102, ,251 24,089,70 23,0,523 1,819,948 3,978,47 2,220, ,728 CB Test Period cc Test Adj (1,254,183) (335,494) 1,102, ,251 47,9,193 20,798,415 2,220, ,728 CD Adjusted Test Period (1,254,183) (335,494) 1,102, ,251 47,9,193 20,798,415 2,220, ,728 "C s: "ti m 0) (Q >< :::c Cl)!B I 0 s: 'Tl :::c (C) I ON

158 A B C BW 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY & DAMAGES INJURY'& DAMAGES ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION FEDERAL TAX CORRECTION ROW RESERVE ROW RESERVE Zero Balance Zero Balance Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & PROPERTY TAX RESERVE PROPERTY TAX RESERVE MISC NON OPERATING MISC NON OPERATING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJGS AUDIT RESERVES RATE RIDER RATE RIDER RENEWABLE CREDITS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS INCENTIVE PAY PLANS ENERGY EFFICIENCY ENERGY EFFICIENCY NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER NM SOLAR ENERGY CENTER DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETILEMENT SIERRA CLUB SIERRA CLUB LVGS Decommissioning 114, LVGS Decommissioning 35, EXTENDED LEAVE EXTENDED LEAVE Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE EFFECT OF NM TAX RATE BX BY BZ CA 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required 11/30/ /31/2018 Proration Averaging Adj 110, ,19 27,88 34,33 33,558 4,85 CB Test Period cc Test Adj 133,30 38,243 CD Adjusted Test Period 133,30 38,243 "'CJ s: ""Clm Ill >< cc :c CD!E 00 I 0 s: :::c "Tl (0 I CN

159 A B C BW BX 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADJT4 ADIT Rollforward BY BZ CA CB cc CD 5 Hy1:1erlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ Renewable NM AETC 1,09,394 1,04, Renewable NM AETC 240, , NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING NAVAJO WORKFORCE TRAINING SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJGS AUDIT RESERVES SJ RECLAMATION TRUST SJ RECLAMATION TRUST Net Operating Loss (NOL) 133, , Net Operating Loss (NOL) (381,138) (381,138) FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT FOUR CORNERS SURTAX SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT DOE SPENT FUEL SETTLEMENT SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN SAN JUAN UNITS 2 & 3 WRITEDOWN MISC NON OPERATING Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (75,045) (75,855) Pollution Control Facilities 4 Corners (111,523) (111,0) FAS FAS LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP LIBERALIZED DEPRECIATION NONOP Liberalied Depreciation Other 292,072, ,078, Liberalied Depreciation Other 41,942,233 41,943, FERC Customer Depreciation 988, , FERC Customer Depreciation 293,30 293, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation 23,45 23, Palo Verde StartUp Amortiation (13,439) (13,439) Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 74,011 74, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 132, , Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (9,791,834) (9,791,44) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 (10,492,745) (10,492,713) Liberalied Depreciation Other ( ) (12,797 0) 12/31/18 IRS Required 12/31/2018 Proration Averaging Adj 1,058,705 32, ,913 5, ,398 (381,138) (75,880) prorated 17,195 (111,4) prorated 2, ,078,979 prorated (321,415) 41,943,409 prorated (54,19) 988,38 prorated (1,130) 293,315 prorated (190) 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,792,391) prorated (48,032) (10,492,839) prorated (8,095) ( ) Test Period Test Adj 1,090,73 244, ,398 (381,138) (58,85) (108,7) 291,757,54 41,889, , ,125 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,840,423) (10,500,934) ( ) Adjusted Test Period 1,090,73 244, ,398 (381,138) (58,85) (108,7) 291,757,54 41,889, , ,125 23,45 (13,439) 74, ,775 (9,840,423) (10,500,934) ( ) "'O ~,, m!,\) >< (Q :::c Cl) i ~ (0 I 0 ~,, :::c (0 I ON

160 A B C BW BX 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hyi;ierlink to lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,524,357) (1,524,357) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,387,33) (2,38,250) Liberalied Depreciation other (538,355) (538,355) DebtAFUDC (23,433,393) (23,44,7) Debt AFUDC (4,81,883) (4,84,121) Palo Verde licensing Amortiation (3,79,071) (3,797,534) Palo Verde licensing Amortiation (822,235) (822,481) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Pre1981 Repair Allowance (18,190,422) (18,190,422) Pre1981 Repair Allowance (3,948,000) (3,948,000) Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,49,081 1,49, liberalied Depreciation Other 357, , FAS FAS Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,303) (35,303) Liberalied Depreciation other (7,2) (7,2) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other 8,522,322 8,515, Liberalied Depreciation Other (224,943) (22,011) Liberalied Depreciation Other (41,12) (41,12) Liberalied Depreciation Other (9,031) (9,031) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,000,514) (1,000,514) Liberalied Depreciation Other (217,148) (217,148) Liberalied Depreciation Other (274,173) (274,173) Liberalied Depreciation Other (59,505) (59,505) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,08) (2,08) liberalied Depreciation Other (57,74) (57,74) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,170) (2,170) Liberalied Depreciation Other (127,479) (127,479) Liberalied Depreciation Other 47,84 47, Liberalied Deoreciation Other 10,349 10, Liberalied Depreciation other Liberalied Depreciation Other ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Liberalied Depreciation Other,50,452,50, liberalied Depreciation Other 1,425,011 1,425, AFTON WRITEDOWN BY BZ CA 12/31/18 IRS Required 12/31/2018 Proration Averaging Adi (1,524,357) (2,38,215) (23,33) (538,355) (23,447,081) prorated 302,885 (4,84,190) prorated 51,04 (3,798,998) 8,781 (822,728) 1,480 (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,515,788 prorated 134,492 (22,044) prorated 22, (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425,011 3, CB Test Period (1,524,357) (2,409,848) (538,355) (23,144,19) (4,813,144) (3,790,217) (821,248) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,50,279 (203,378) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) (274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, ,574 cc Test Adi CD Adjusted Test Period (1,524,357) (2,409,848) (538,355) (23,144,19) (4,813,144) (3,790,217) (821,248) (18,190,422) (3,948,000) 1,49, ,914 (35,303) (7,2) 8,50,279 (203,378) (41,12) (9,031) (1,000,514) (217,148) {274,173) (59,505) (2,08) (57,74) (2,170) (127,479) 47,84 10,349,50,452 1,425, "C s c m lll >< (C :c (I) cij 00 0 I 0 S "T1 :c (0 I ON

161 A B C BW BX 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward BY BZ CA CB cc CD 5 H~Jlerlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ AFTON WRITEDOWN 92,90 92, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1& Liberalied Depreciation Other (12,408,939) (12,408,939) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,42,319) (2,42,319) Liberalied Depreciation Other (3,858,21) (3,858,21) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,88,503) (7,88,503) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,254,439) (7,254,439) Liberalied Depreciation Other (7,95,254) (7,95,254) Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,082,411) (10,082,411) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,188,258) (2,188,258) 12/31/18 IRS Required 12/31/2018 Proration Averaging Adj 92,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) Test Period 92,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) Test Adj Adjusted Test Period 92,90 (12,408,939) (2,42,319) (3,858,21) (7,88,503) (7,254,439) (7,95,254) (10,082,411) (2,188,258) Liberalied Depreciation Other (,520,280) (,520,280) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,424,905) (1,424,905) Liberalied Depreciation Other 4,274,97 4,274, Liberalied Depreciation Other 927, , Liberalied Depreciation Other (19,194,08) (19,20,920) Liberalied Depreciation Other (35,442,57) (35,453,830) ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT ALVARADO SQUARE ABANDONMENT Liberalied Depreciation Other (392,208) (392,208) Liberalied Depreciation Other (73,944) (73,944) Zero Balance BONUS ACCRUAL BONUS ACCRUAL Zero Balance Zero Balance Liberalied Depreciation Other (4,42,737) (4,42,737) Liberalied Depreciation Other (758,7) (758,7) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (2,38,73) (2,1,02) LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT (583,049) (579,239) GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT GAIN REACQUIRED DEBT Pension Qualified Pension Qualified RATE CASE EXPENSE RATE CASE EXPENSE FAS FAS ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (19,23,009) prorated 1,418,454 (35,454,182) prorated 239,05 (392,208) (73,944) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,593,452) (135,2) (575,428) (22,83) (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (17,844,555) (35,215,127) (392,208) (73,944) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,729,114) (598,291) (,520,280) (1,424,905) 4,274,97 927,827 (17,844,555) (35,215,127) (392,208) (73,944) (4,42,737) (758,7) (2,729,114) (598,291) ""C :s: ""Cm I» >< (C J: Cl) 00 co _, I 0,, :s: _, J: (0 I 0 N

162 A B C BW 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Higerlirik to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ COMPENSATION EXPENSE COMPENSATION EXPENSE PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY PVNGS DECOMM NON UTILITY FAS FAS MARK TO MARKET MARK TO MARKET Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance Zero Balance UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING UNREALIZED GAIN ON ENERGY TRADING Zero Balance Zero Balance HEDGE LOSS HEDGE LOSS ACCRUED ILLNESS ACCRUED ILLNESS BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (,849,90) BOOK CAPITALIZED INTEREST (1,41,541) Liberalied Depreciation Other (74,79) Liberalied Depreciation Other (1,208) ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION Zero Balance Zero Balance Coal Mine Decommissioning Coal Mine Decommissioning PREPAID EXPENSES (3,08,94) PREPAID EXPENSES (70,041) PCB REFINANCING PCB REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING SUN REFINANCING Zero Balance Zero Balance DEBT ISSUANCE COST DEBT ISSUANCE COST BX BY BZ CA 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required 11/30/ /31/2018 Proration Averaeine Adi (,850,784) (,850,823) prorated 18,882 (1,41,72) (1,41,732) prorated 3,182 (74,79) (74,79) (1,208) (1,208) (3,08,94) (3,08,94) (70,041) (70,041) CB Test Period cc Test Adj (,831,941) (1,458,550) (74,79) (1,208) (3,08,94) (70,041) CD Adjusted Test Period (,831,941) (1,458,550) (74,79) (1,208) (3,08,94) (70,041),, s:,, m Ill >< cc :c CD ŌJ 0:, N I 0 s: :c '"11 CD I ON


164 I, A B C BW 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027'UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 H tierlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ FIN 48 INTEREST FIN 48 INTEREST PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS PVNGS #2 CARRYING COSTS RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES RENEWABLE ENERGY EXPENSES ALLOWANCE CREDITS ALLOWANCE CREDITS FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT FUEL CLAUSE ADJUSTMENT RATE RIDER RATE RIDER Renewable Rider Renewable Rider DEFERRED COAL COSTS DEFERRED COAL COSTS Zero Balance SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES SCR DEFERRED EXPENSES 387 TOU Reg asset/ii ab 388 TOU Reg asset/liab EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES EPA BART ALTERNATIVE DEFERRED EXPENSES Zero Balance Zero Balance 393 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 59, DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 122, %SJGS 2&3 (40,485,722) 39 50%SJGS2&3 (7,18,379) 397 PENSION AMPP 1,83, PENSION AMPP 41, Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage Palo Verde Dry Cask Storage SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (733,841) 402 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (141,729) 403 Renew 282 Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (3,99,81) Liberalied Depreciation Renewables (7,999,933) 405 CorpDepr 282 Liberalied Depreciation Other (10,412,011) Liberalied Depreciation Other (2,182,931) 407 CoroNOL 190 Net Ooeratine Loss /NOL) BX BY BZ CA ' i 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required 11/30/ /31/2018 Proration I Averaging Adj I 528,138 48, , ,938 (40,309,147) (40,132,572) (1,059,20) (7,15,20) (7,12,81) (179,218) 1,85,587 1,849,472 42,93 414, ,800 7,195 (717,025) (700,210) (100,893) (138,895) (13,01) (17,004) (3,,758) (3,5,710) prorated (98,792) (7,994,354) (7,994,178) prorated (117,79) (10,383,900) (10,385,805) prorated (74,525) (2,178,194) (2,178,514) prorated (113,79) ,178 CB Test Period cc Test Adi 48,825 (48,825) 108,938 (108,938) (41,191,777) (7,30,079) 1,892,15 420,995 (801,103) (153,05) (37,34,502) (8,111,947) (11,00,330) (2,292,194) CD Adjusted Test Period (41,191,777) (7,30,079) 1,892,15 420,995 (801,103) (153,05) (37,34,502) (8,111,947) (11,00,330) (2,292,194) ,, s,, m s:u >< (C :c Cl) 00 2:! ~ I 0,, s :c CD I ON

165 A B C BW BX BY BZ CA CB cc CD i Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required Description Adjusted Test 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ /30/ /31/2018 Proration Averaging Adi Test Period Test Adj Period Net Operating Loss (NOL) 184, , ,38 11,974 19,342 19, Gen 282 Liberalied Depreciation Generation (412,483,587) (412,97,72) (412,707,192) prorated 2,38,373 (410,320,819) (410,320,819) Liberalied Depreciation Generation (73,841,475) (73,877,570) (73,879,159) 402,181 (73,47,978) (73,47,978) 411 NF Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 4,347,545 4,304,88 4,303,14 prorated (,420) 4,237,194 4,237, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 87, , ,88 (11,194) 848, , NF3 282 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 2,851,90 2,844,3 2,844,422 prorated (134,203) 2,710,219 2,710, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 50, , ,981 (22,18) 53,33 53, Trans 282 Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (118,244,743) (118,35,5) (118,35,11) prorated 1,442,800 (11,922,31) (11,922,31) Liberalied Depreciation Transmission (21,021,549) (21,040,410) (21,041,843) 243,159 (20,798,84) (20,798,84) 417 Dist 282 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (204,482,97) (204,59,3) (204,577,952) prorated 4,715 (203,931,237) (203,931,237) Liberalied Depreciation Distribution (3,754,44) (3,79,09) (3,770,471) 108,992 (3,1,478) (3,1,478) 419 RenewNOL 190 Renewable NOL Allocation Renewable NOL Allocation Liberalied Depreciation Generation 7,843,28 7,84,288 7,84,382 prorated (4,095) 7,782,287 7,782, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 1,52,947 1,527,45 1,527,472 prorated (10,802) 1,51,70 1,51, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 11,582,528 11,585,074 11,585,154 prorated (54,049) 11,531,105 11,531, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 2,451,742 2,452,171 2,452,184 prorated (9,109) 2,443,07 2,443, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 298, , , , , Liberalied Depreciation Generation 5,245 5,245 5,245 5,245 5, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 71,98,99 71,98,99 71,98,99 71,98,99 71,98, Liberalied Depreciation Generation 13,104,38 13,104,38 13,104,38 13,104,38 13,104, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (1,322,50) (1,330,049) (1,330,280) prorated 81,54 (1,248,2) (1,248,2) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw (237,401) (238,48) (238,87) 13,71 (224,925) (224,925) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 2,527,429 2,528,402 2,528,433 prorated (20,54) 2,507,778 2,507, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 492,04 492, ,215 prorated (3,481) 488, , Liberalied Depreciation Generation prorated Liberalied Depreciation Generation prorated Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (2,23,592) (2,240,205) (2,240,318) prorated 40,452 (2,199,8) (2,199,8) Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw (395,741) (39,350) (39,39),817 (389,552) (389,552) Liberalied Depreciation Other (451,905) (451,905) Liberalied Depreciation Other 1,291,158 1,291,158 "'CJ Liberalied Depreciation HLM (4,08,30) (4,08,330) (4,08,329) prorated (44) (4,08,973) (4,08,973) Liberalied Depreciation HLM {873,482) (873,477) (873,47) prorated (109) (873,585) (873,585) (978,502,477) (981,040,973) (983,177,94) 29,530,71 (953,47,293) 4, (948,53,831) 443 G/L ADIT balances by FERC Account s: c,m ti) >< (0 :c (1) 0::, Q:! CJ'I I 0,, s: :c tq I CN

166 A B C BW 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT 4 ADIT Rollforward 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet 10/31/18 Description 7 Doc Ref acct 10/31/ Total G/L ADIT balance 42 Difference 43 Reconciling Items 44 Corp alloc of depr ADIT 45 Coro alloc of NOL ADIT 4 Fin 48 rec/asses 47 Total Reconcilin~ Items 48 ULD NONUTILITY 471 Underlying acct not in rate base " 472 Zero adjusted balance 473 Renewable Rider (43,389,8) 474 Included in base period rate base at MDC value (112,831,374) 475 Included in base period rate base at book value (822,281,417) Total (978,502, ULD 479 BX BY BZ 11/30/18 12/31/18 IRS Required 11/30/ /31/2018 Proration (43,357,248) (43,32,29) " (112,328,452) (111,825,332) " (825,355,273) (827,990,32) " (981,040,973) (983,177,94) " I " " " " " " " " " CA CB cc Averaging Adi Test Period Test Adi " 4,154, ,253 4,993,41 " " " " " " " " CD Adjusted Test Period "'C s: "'Cm 11) >< IC :I: Cl> iii co a, I 0 s: "Tl :I: (0 I ON

167 A B C 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT5 Base Period Allocation of Cos 7 & 8 5 l:il'qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 Base Period 8 Allocation percentage per Cos of Service Dept 782% 9 10 Temporary Difference Co 7 11 Temporary Difference Co /30/ Co 7 Fed Depr ADIT per G/L (11,908,332) 1 Co 7 State Depr ADIT per G/L Co 8 Depr ADIT per G/L (47,20,044) 19 Less: amount related to Altura 20 offset in Co 8 190s and 283s 47,355, Co 7 Fed Depr ADIT to be allocated 149,15 23 Co 7 State Depr ADIT to be allocated Total ADITto be allocated (11,759,17) Depr Fed ADIT allocated to PNM ~ 29 Depr State ADIT allocated to PNM (9,033,392) NOL ADIT at Cos 7 & ,50, ,917, Total 41,58, NOL ADIT related to accel depr 1,371, NOL Fed ADIT allocated to PNM 802, NOL state ADIT allocated to PNM 251, /31/2014 GL 42 NOL ,97,83 (2,31,873) 43 NOL ,949,91 (32,12) Federal taxable income source Amount 53 Co Form 1120 (7,099,98) 54 Co Form 1120 (179,935,429) 55 Co Form ,48,307 5 Co Form 1120 (2,97,943) 57 Co Form 1120,543, Co Form 1120 (27,251,81) 59 Co Form 1120 (1,952,479) 0 Co Form 1120 (17,47,994) 1 Co Form 1120 (5,177,145) 2 Co Form 1120 (15,195,318) 3 Co Per YE Accrual 24,183 4 Co Per YE Accrual (4,15,510) 5 Total (313,135,94) 7 Depreciation temporary book/tax difference 8 Co Form 1120 (,431,12) 9 Co Form ,357,92 70 Co Form 1120 (3,87,413) 71 Co Form ,357,98 72 Co Form ,353, Co Form ,17 74 Co Form , Co Form 1120 (521,30) 7 Co Form 1120 (4,59,41) 77 Co Form 1120 (3,803) 78 Co Per YE Accrual (499,138) 79 Co Per YE Accrual (88,571) 80 Total (10,331,311) Accel deor as a % of taxable loss 330% D E (31,039,229) (7,22) 9/30/ /31/2015 (11,908,332) (10,110,153) (2,177,19) (47,123,034) (47,S4,700) 47,355,209 47,355, ,175 (249,3) (49,855) (11,7,157) (12,58,840) (8,99,24) (7,958,390) (1,710,821) 21,319,911 42,728,049 10,532,177,477,40 31,852,088 49,205,509 1,050,898 1,23, ,359 1,082,954 2,941 14,173 GL GL (10,330,899) 21,408,138 14,828 (4,054,717) F PNM EXHIBIT MFH2 Page 87 of 190 G (31,039,229) (31,039,229) (2,50,492) (4,354,721) 3/31/201 /30/201 (10,110,153) (10,110,153) (2,177,19) (2,177,19) (48,354,870) (49,055,040) 47,355,209 47,355,209 (838,743) (1,427,850) (10,918) (271,981) (13,287,010) (13,987,180) (8,410,942) (8,83,494) (1,79,139} (1,881,458) 40,057,38 34,310,105,347,974,208,011 4,405,343 40,518,115 1,531,054 1,33,81 1,015,25 89,599 10, ,344 GL GL (2,70,81) (5,747,23) (129,48} (139,94)

168 A B C D E F G I J K L M N 0 T Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT 2011 Solar Additions 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet June Julv August Seotember October November December Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 15 Liberalied Depreciation 22 MW Solar (24,002,95) (23,909,52) (23,81,348) (23,723,044) (23,29,741) (23,53,437) (23,443,133) 1 Liberalied Depreciation T&D (330,149) (329,371) (328,592) (327,814) (327,03) (32,258) (325,480) 17 Liberalied Depreciation Energy Storage (1,73,093) (1,722,88) (1,709,79) (1,9,472) (1,83,2) (1,70,059) (1,5,852) 18 Net Operating Losses 19,878,719 19,734,059 19,589,794 19,447,795 19,297,821 19,138,114 18,970,12 19 Unamortied NM Advanced Energy Credit ADIT 1,545,155 1,538,818 1,532,481 1,52,144 1,519,807 1,513,470 1,507, Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (4,45,323) (4,89,032) (4,732,344) (4,773,392) (4,822,414) (4,881,19) (4,948,19) 21 "'C s c m 0,) >< (Q :::i:: CD I 0 S,,, ::c (0 I 01\l

169 A B C D E F G p Q 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico R s T u V 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT 2011 Solar Additions 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet Actual Revenue 12 Renuirement Januarv Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 15 Liberalied Depreciation 22 MW Solar (23,443,133) (23,350,075) 1 Liberalied Depreciation T&D (325,480) (324,791) 17 Liberalied Depreciation Energy Storage (1,5,852) (1,43,702) 18 Net Operating Losses 18,970,12 19 Unamortied NM Advanced Energy Credit ADIT 1,507,133 1,494,28 20 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (4,948,19) (23,824,282) Februarv March Aoril (23,257,01) (23,13,958) (23,070,900) (324,101) (323,412) (322,722) (1,30,553) (1,17,404) (1,04,255) 1,487,97 1,481,7 1, (23,723,94) (23,23,107) (23,522,519) Mav (22,977,842) (322,033) (1,591,105) 1,49,048 (23,421,932) June (22,884,783) (321,343) (1,577,95) 1,42,738 (23,321,344),, ~,, m Ill >< (C ::i:: CD 00!E (0 I 0 ~,, ::i:: (0 I ON

170 A B C D E F G H I Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT Solar Additions 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet June Julv Aueust Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 12 Tax Depreciation (30,331,82) (30,32,047) (30,932,27) Deferred 28,20,842 28,81,318 29,011, Flow Through AFUDC Equity and ITC Basis Diff 33,9 335, ,713 1 Deferred Tax NOL 9,240,812 9,204,354 9,18, Deferred Tax Plant (11,219,370) (11,295,997) (11,372,23) 18 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (1,978,558) (2,091,43) (2,204,075) 19 I J K Seotember October November (31,232,487) (31,532,707) (31,832,927) 29,207,270 29,402,74 29,598, , , ,739 9,133,393 9,098,88 9,04,98 (11,449,250) (11,525,877) (11,02,503) (2,315,857) (2,42,991) (2,537,517) L December (32,133,147) 29,793,98 330,747 9,031,732 (11,79,130) (2,47,398) M 2015 Updated Revenue Reauirement (32,133,147) 29,793,98 330,747 9,031,732 (11,79,130) (2,47,398) '"ti s: '"tlm I:> >< (Q :c Cl) ŌJ <D 0 I,, 0 s: :c CD I ON

171 A B C D E N 0 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT Solar Additions 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 p 201 Q R s 9 Januarv Februarv Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 12 Tax Depreciation (32,313,275) (32,493,403) Deferred 29,89,325 29,944, Flow Through AFUDC Equity and ITC Basis Diff 330, ,35 1 Deferred Tax NOL 17 Deferred Tax Plant (11,708,39) (11,737,99) 18 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (11,708,39) (11,737,99) 19 March Aoril (32,73,531) (32,853,59) 30,019,794 30,095, ,35 327,374 (11,77,352) (11,79,709) (11,77,352) (11,79,709) Mav (33,033,787) 30,170,23 32,383 (11,82,05) (11,82,05) June (33,213,915) 30,245, ,392 (11,855,422) (11,855,422) ij s: ij m Ill X (Q :::i:: CD ffi (0 I, 0,, s: :::i:: (0 I ON

172 A B C D E F G I Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT Solar Additions 5 H~[lerlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 H I J i K L 9 June Julv 1D 11 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 12 Tax Depreciation (25,34,01) (25,84,431) Deferred 25,010,32 25,40, Flow Through AFUDC Equity and ITC Basis Diff 20, ,129 1 Deferred Tax NOL 9,13,09 9,1, Deferred Tax Plant (9,853,859) (10,009,122) 18 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes { ) ( ) Au~ust Sentember October (2,34,79) (2,847,10) (27,347,525) 25,803,057 2,199,598 2,59, , ,93 183,48 9,195,93 9,228,085 9,21,000 (10,14,595) (10,320,039) (10,475,483) {98 59) ( ) { November (27,847,890) 2,992,79 14,243 9,294,54 (10,30,927) ( December (28,348,255) 27,389, ,018 9,328,757 (10,78,370) { ) "'C s: c m ~ >< (C ::i:: CD CD (0 N I 0,, s: ::i:: (0 I ON

173 A B C D E M N i Public Service Comnanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT Solar Additions 5 H~[!erlink to Lead Sheet Revenue 9 Renuirement Januarv Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 12 Tax Depreciation (28,348,255) (28,48,474) Deferred 27,389,219 27,584, Flow Through AFUDC Equity and ITC Basis Diff 145, ,591 1 Deferred Tax NOL 9,328, Deferred Tax Plant (10,78,370) (10,82,909) 18 Total Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes ) ) 0 p Q 201 Februarv March Anril (28,948,92) (29,248,911) (29,549,130) 27,779,723 27,974,975 28,170,227 10,14 8,738 7,311 (10,939,448) (11,015,987) (11,092,52) ) ( ) I R Mav (29,849,349) 28,35,479 47,885 (11,19,04) ( ) s June (30,149,58) 28,50,731 28,458 (11,245,03) ( ,, s,, m Ill >< cc :c Cl) 55 (0 w I 0 S,, :c (0 I ON

174 A B C D E F G H I 1 Public Service Comnanv of New Mexico I 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT I 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Deoreciation ADIT bv Function 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet Acct 282 Acct 282 Acct G/L Balance G/L Balance G/L Balance 8 Co 12/31/2014 Activity 03/31/15 Activitv 0/30/15 Activitv 9 1 Dist (194,981,789) (1,759,133) (19,740,922)1 (1,759,133) (198,500,055) (1,759,133) 10 2 Trans (92,158,809) (1,152,97) (93,311,785) (1,152,97) (94,44,71) (1,152,97) 11 3 Gen (471,440,11) 855,227 (470,584,934)1 (1,904,248) (472,489,182) (1,904,248) 12 ooc Gen (11,097,28) (11,097,28) (11,097,28) 13 OOJ Corp (182,149) (182,149) (182,149) Dist (17,03,52) (84,879) (17,88,405) (84,879) (17,773,284) (84,879) Trans (8,31,52) (103,77) (8,420,329) (103,77) (8,524,09) (103,77) 1 17 G/L {795,780,24 (2,245,528 {798,025,792! f5,005,003l (803,030,795 (5,005, FERC Fl N 48 Re class f Gen (8,415,24) (8,415,24) (8,415,24) 20 FERC FIN 48 Reclass s Gen (1,82,39) (1,82,39) (1,82,39) 21 Comp S/W Reclass f Corp (4,42,737) {4,42,737) (4,42,737) 22 Comp S/W Reclass s Corp (758,7) (758,7) (758,7) 23 ERP reclass f Corp (74,79) (74,79) (74,79) 24 ERP reclass s Corp (1,208) (1,208) (1,208) 25 IRS Exam Adj re class f Gen (1,352,93) (1,352,93) (1,352,93) 2 IRS Exam Adj reclass s Gen 2,222,08 2,222,08 2,222, G/L (810,45,05 (2,245,528 (812,710,593] (5,005,003) (817,715,59 (5,005, Items shown segaratel~ FERC f trans (88,1) (88,1) (88,1) 33 FERC s trans (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) 34 FERC f dist 132, , , FERC s dist 28,73 28,73 28,73 3 FERC f Gen 92,018 92,018 92, FERC s Gen 25,517 25,517 25, AFUDC Debt f trans (3,117,30) (134,913) (3,252,219) (134,913) (3,387,132) (134,913) 40 AFUDC Debt s trans (7,58) (2,577) (703,145) (2,577) (729,722) (2,577) 41 AFUDC Debt f dist (3,028,138) (38,172) (3,0,310) (38,172) (3,104,482) (38,172) 42 AFUDC Debt s dist (2,952) (7,518) (70,470) (7,518) (77,988) (7,518) 43 AFUDC Debt f Gen (9,872,19) (340,482) (10,212,51) (340,482) (10,553,133) (340,482) 44 AFUDC Debt s Gen (2,149,420) (7,071) (2,21,491) (7,071) (2,283,52) {7,071) 45 4 Repair Allow f trans (3,397,127) (3,397,127) (3,397,127) 47 Repair Allow s trans (737,304) (737,304) (737,304) 48 Repair Allow f dist (8,294,549) (8,294,549) (8,294,549) 49 Repair Allow s dist (1,800,22) (1,800,22) (1,800,22) so Repair Allow f Gen (,498,74) (,498,74) (,498,74) 51 Repair Allow s Gen (1,410,470) (1,410,470) (1,410,470) Fas 109 f trans (2,319,815) (2,319,815) (2,319,815) 54 Fas 109 s trans 183, , , Fas 109 f dist (,139,50) (,139,50) (,139,50) 5 Fas 109 s dist 411, , , Fas 109 f Gen (24,321,928 ( \ ( "'t'j s ""Cm ~ >< (Q :c Cl) (0 ~ i::, I 0 S,,, :c (0 I ON

175 A B C D E F G H I 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Deoreciation ADIT bv Function 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet Acct 282 Acct 282 Acct G/L Balance G/L Balance G/L Balance 8 Co 12/31/2014 Activity 03/31/15 Activity 0/30/15 Activity 5$ Fas 109 s Gen (4,937,70) (4,937,70) (4,937,70) 59 0 ARO f trans 1 ARO s trans 2 ARO f dist 292, , ,257 3 ARO s dist 3,098 3,098 3,098 4 ARO f Gen 42,438,879 1,192,470 43,31,349 1,192,470 44,823,819 1,192,470 5 ARO s Gen 9,1,05 234,90 9,401, ,90 9,3, ,90 7 Alvarado Sq Dist f Dist (1,294,338) (1,294,338) (1,294,338) 8 Alvarado Sq Dist s Dist (280,920) (280,920) (280,920) 9 70 PVNGS startup f Gen 23,45 23,45 23,45 71 PVN GS startup s Gen (13,439) (13,439) (13,439) 72 Nuc Fuel f Gen (5,21,282) (5,21,282) (5,21,282) 73 Nuc Fuel s Gen (1,275,315) (1,275,315) (1,275,315) 74 Nuc Fuel amort f Gen 13,172,89 13,172,89 13,172,89 75 Nuc Fuel amort s Gen 2,859,001 2,859,001 2,859,001 7 PV3 f Gen (1,85,347) 75,373 (0,928,974) (0,928,974) 77 PV3 s Gen (9,991,970) 2,003,102 (7,988,88) (7,988,88) 78 PV licensing f Gen (3,85,481) (3,85,481) (3,85,481) 79 PV licensing s Gen (801,30) (801,30) (801,30) 80 Afton w/d f Gen,503,23,503,23,503,23 81 Afton w/d s Gen 1,411,449 1,411,449 1,411, DeQreciation 84 Distribution f dist (11,510,223) (1,50,49) (13,10,720) (1,50,49) (14,811,21) (1,50,49) 85 Distribution s dist (30,501,927) (147,82) (30,49,752) (147,82) (30,797,578) (147,82) 8 trans f trans (75,970,725) (1,005,221) (7,975,94) (1,005,221) (77,981,17) (1,005,221) 87 trans s trans (14,347,411) (90,032) (14,437,443) (90,032) (14,527,475) (90,032) 88 Generation f Gen (37,29,02) (2,83,70) (370,312,732) (2,83,70) (372,99,438) (2,83,70) 89 Generation s Gen (9,428,382) (240,35) (9,8,747) (240,35) (9,909,112) (240,35) 90 General f Corp (4,21,25) (4,21,25) (4,21,25) 91 General s Corp (872,815) (872,815) (872,815) Total 282 dist (212,585,315) (1,844,012) (214,429,327) (1,844,012) (21,273,339) (1,844,012) 94 Total 282 trans (100,475,371) (1,25,743) (101,732,114) (1,25,743) (102,988,857) (1,25,743) 95 Total 282 Gen (491,909,939) 855,227 (491,054,712) (1,904,248) (492,958,90) (1,904,248) 9 Total 282 Corp (5,494,440) (5,494,440) (5,494,440) Total 282 Total PNM (810,45,05 (2,245,528) (812,710,593) (5,005,003 (817,715,59) (5,005,003) ULD ""CJ s: "'tlm lll >< (Q ::r: CD (0 ~ cn I,, 0 s: ::r: (0 I ON

176 A B C D E 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Deoreciation ADIT bv Function 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet Acct G/L Balance 8 Co 12/31/2014 Activity f Federal (81,719,327) (70,489,541) 113 State (128,745,738) (,313,31) 114 Total { ) { F Acct 282 G/L Balance 03/31/15 Activity (70,489,541) (70,489,541) (,313,31) (,313,31) { { ) G H Acct 282 G/L Balance 0/30/15 (70,489,541) (,313,31) { I Activity (70,489,541) (,313,31) { ,, s:,, m ~ >< (,Q :::c: CD (0!E O') I 0,, s: ~:::c: (0 I ON

177 A B C J r Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Depreciation ADIT bv Function 5 Hy12erlink to Lead Sheet Acct G/L Balance 8 Co 09/30/ Dist (200,259,188) 10 2 Trans (95,17,737) 11 3 Gen (474,393,430) 12 ooc Gen (11,097,28) 13 OOJ Corp (182,149) Dist (17,858,13) Trans (8,27,83) 1 17 G/L [808,035, FERC FIN 48 Reclass f Gen [8,415,24) 20 FERC FIN 48 Reclass s Gen (1,82,39) 21 Comp S/W Reclass f Corp (4,42,737) 22 Comp S/W Reclass s Corp (758,7) 23 ERP reclass f Corp (74,79) 24 ERP reclass s Corp (1,208) 25 IRS Exam Adj reclass f Gen (1,352,93) 2 IRS Exam Adj reclass s Gen 2,222, G/L (822,720,599) Items shown segarately FERC f trans (88,1) 33 FERC s trans (4,200) 34 FERC f dist 132, FERC s dist 28,73 35 FERC f Gen 92, FERC s Gen 25, AFUDC Debt f trans (3,522,045) 40 AFUDC Debt s trans (75,299) 41 AFUDC Debt f dist (3,142,54) 42 AFUDC Debt s dist (85,50) 43 AFUDC Debt f Gen (10,893,15) 44 AFUDC Debt s Gen (2,350,33) 45 4 Repair Allow f trans (3,397,127) 47 Repair Allow s trans (737,304) 48 Repair Allow f dist (8,294,549) 49 Repair Allow s dist (1,800,22) 50 Repair Allow f Gen (,498,74) 51 Repair Allow s Gen (1,410,470) Fas 109 f trans (2,319,815) 54 Fas 109 s trans 183, Fas 109 f dist (,139,50) 55 Fas 109 s dist 411, Fas 109 f Gen ( ) K Acct 282 G/L Balance Activity 12/13/15 (15,577,787) (215,83,975) (8,71,0) (104,379,397) (48,139,924) (522,533,354) (1,27,044) (12,34,312) 33,1 (148,983) (3,212) (17,894,375) (558,73) (9,18,2) [74,308,224 (882,344,022 8,020,223 (395,041) 1,740,33 [85,73) (4,42,737) (758,7) (74,79) (1,208) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 [4,547,38) (887,27,97 (8) (88,174) (2) (4,202) (3,148) 129,134 (19) 28,117 92,018 25,517 (370,732) (3,892,777) (73,031) (829,330) (9,903) (3,239,557) (19,094) (704,00) (531,393) (11,425,008) (104,83) (2,455,31) (3,397,127) (737,304) (8,294,549) (1,800,22) (,498,74) (1,410,470) (289,435) (2,09,250) 847,107 1,030,358 (738,219) (,877,725) 2,150,145 2,51,23 (7 150,559) (31472,487 L I M I Acct 282 G/L Balance Activity 03/31/1 (3,85,12) (219,522,101) (2,440,401) (10,819,798) (22,872,15) (545,405,99) 12,34,312 (148,983) (3,993) (17,931,38) (172,788) (9,359,414) [1,843,11) (899,187,33 N (395,041) (85,73) (4,42,737) (758,7) (74,79) (1,208) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 (1,843,11) (904,111,578 (88,174) (4,202) 129,134 28,117 92,018 25,517 (13,347) (4,029,124) (25,704) (855,034) (25,818) (3,25,375) (4,8) (709,4) (257,094) (11,82,102) (48,48) (2,503,784) (3,397,127) (737,304) (8,294,549) (1,800,22) (,498,74) (1,410,470) (2,09,250) 1,030,358 (,877,725) 2,51,23 ( Activity (3,85,12) (2,440,401) (8,834,801) (3,993) (172,788) [15,170,109) (15,170,109) (13,347) (25,704) (25,818) (4,8) (257,094) (48,48) "'C 3!! c m $!,I >< (C :::c (I) (0!:!:! " l 0,, 3!! :::c (0 I ON

178 A B C J 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Depreciation ADIT bv Function 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Acct G/L Balance 8 Co 09/30/15 5g Fas 109 s Gen {4,937,70) 59 0 ARO f trans 1 ARO s trans 2 ARO f dist 292,257 3 ARO s dist 3,098 4 ARO f Gen 4,01,289 5 ARO s Gen 9,871,323 7 Alvarado Sq Dist f Dist {1,294,338) 8 Alvarado Sq Dist s Dist {280,920) 9 70 PVNGS startup f Gen 23,45 71 PVNGS startup s Gen {13,439) 72 Nuc Fuel f Gen {5,21,282) 73 Nuc Fuel s Gen {1,275,315) 74 Nuc Fuel amort f Gen 13,172,89 75 Nuc Fuel amort s Gen 2,859,001 7 PV3 f Gen {0,928,974) 77 PV3 s Gen {7,988,88) 78 PV licensing f Gen {3,85,481) 79 PV licensing s Gen {801,30) 80 Afton w/d f Gen,503,23 81 Afton w/d s Gen 1,411, Degreciation 84 Distribution f dist {1,41,712) 85 Distribution s dist (30,945,404) 8 trans f trans {78,98,388) 87 trans s trans {14,17,507) 88 Generation f Gen {375,80,144) 89 Generation s Gen {70,149,477) 90 General f Corp {4,21,25) 91 General s Corp {872,815) Total 282 dist (218,117,351) 94 Total 282 trans (104,245,00) 95 Total 282 Gen (494,83,208) 9 Total 282 Corp (5,494,440) Total 282 Total PNM (822,720,599) ULD K Acct 282 G/L Balance Activitv 12/13/15 2,52,423 {2,285,247) {95,729) 19,528 {18,858) 44,240 2,571,288 48,587, ,902 10,385,225 {1,294,338) {280,920) 23,45 {13,439) 74,011 {4,542,271) 132,775 (1,142,540) 13,172,89 2,859,001 {7,721,578) {8,50,552) {1,541,45) {9,530,333) {0,997) (3,74,478) {12,01) {813,37),503,23 1,411,449 {15,411,271) {181,872,983) (1,380,303) {32,325,707) {8,58,801) {87,45,189) (775,521) {15,393,028) (2,78,384) (402,358,528) (2,389,43) {72,538,913) 30,440 (4,591,18) 2,72 {870,088) (15,13,999) (233,731,350) (9,320,423) {113,5,023) (39,4,112) {534,509,320) 33,1 (5,41,274) (4,547,38 (887,27,97) L ' M Acct 282 G/L Balance Activitv 03/31/1 {2,285,247) 19,528 44,240 1,380,201 49,97,778 20,205 10,45,430 {1,294,338) {280,920) N 23,45 {13,439) {4,542,271) {1,142,540) 13,172,89 2,859,001 13,924 {8,3,28) {740,192) {10,270,525) {3,74,478) (813,37),503,23 1,411,449 (2,87,444) (184,749,427) (814,991) (33,140,98) {1,909,979) {89,555,18) {541,159) (15,934,187) {8,2,508) (411,021,03) {2,454,371) {74,993,284) {4,591,18) {870,088) {3,722,119) (237,453,49) (2,13,189) {11,179,212) {10,508,303) (545,017,23) (5,41,274) (1,843,11) (904,111,578) 0 Activitv 1,380,201 20,205 (3,104,05) {587,379) {2,01,115) {390,023) {8,551,458) (1,18,187) {3,722,119) {2,13,189) (8,834,801) (15 170,109 "'O ~ "'Om Al >< (Q :::c CD (0 Q:! 00 I 0 ~,, :::c (0 I ON

179 A B C J K I Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Depreciation ADJT bv Function 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet Acct G/L Balance 8 Co 09/30/15 Activitv Federal (70,489,541) (70,489,541) 113 State (,313,31) (,313,31) 114 Total ( ) ( ) L M Acct 282 G/L Balance 12/13/15 Activitv (752,208,88) (13,124,899) (135,059,099) (3,718,712) ( (1, N Acct 282 G/L Balance 03/31/1 (75,333,77) (138,777,811) ( ) 0 Activitv (12,75,252) (2,413,857) ( ij s: ij m Ill >< (C :c (I) (0!;!:! (0 I 0 s:, '"T1 :c (0 I ON

180 A B C i:: Public Service Company of New Mexico p Q R s T u V w 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Depreciation ADIT bv Function 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 Co 9 1 Dist 10 2 Trans 11 3 Gen 12 ooc Gen 13 OOJ Corp Dist Trans 1 17 G/L FERC FIN 48 Reclass f Gen 20 FERC FIN 48 Reclass s Gen 21 Comp 5/W Reclass f Corp 22 Comp 5/W Reel ass s Corp 23 ERP reclass f Corp 24 ERP reclass s Corp 25 IRS Exam Adj reclass f Gen 2 IRS Exam Adj reclass s Gen G/L Items shown senaratelv FERC f trans 33 FERC s trans 34 FERC f dist 35 FERC s dist 3 FERC f Gen 37 FERC s Gen AFUDC Debt f trans 40 AFUDC Debt s trans 41 AFUDC Debt f dist 42 AFUDC Debt s dist 43 AFUDC Debt f Gen 44 AFUDC Debt s Gen 45 4 Repair Allow f trans 47 Repair Allow s trans 48 Repair Allow f dist 49 Repair Allow s dist 50 Repair Allow f Gen 51 Repair Allow s Gen Fas 109 f trans 54 Fas 109 s trans 55 Fas 109 f dist 5 Fas 109 s dist 57 Fas 109 f Gen Acct 282 G/L Balance 0/30/1 (223,207,227) (109,20,199) (554,240,770) (148,983) (17,98,31) (9,532,202) (914,357,742 (395,041) (85,73) (4,42,737) (758,7) (74,79) (1,208) (1,352,93) 2,222,08 (919,281,87) I (88,174) (4,202) 129,134 28,117 92,018 25,517 (4,15,471) (880,738) (3,291,193) (714,332) (11,939,19) (2,552,252) 1 (3,397,127) (737,304) (8,294,549) (1,800,22) (,498,74) (1,410,470) (2,09,250) 1,030,358 (,877,725) 2,51,23 (31472,487) G/L Doc ref numbers associated with ADIT category I "'ti s: "'ti m ll) >< cc :c (D Ill c c I 0 s:, "Tl :c u:, ' CN

181 A B C 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Depreciation ADIT bv Function 5 H~!Jerlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 Co 58 Fas 109 s Gen 59 0 ARO f trans 1 ARO s trans 2 ARO f dist 3 ARO s dist 4 ARO f Gen 5 ARO s Gen 7 Alvarado Sq Dist f Dist 8 Alvarado Sq Dist s Dist 9 70 PVNGS startup f Gen 71 PVNGS startup s Gen 72 Nuc Fuel f Gen 73 Nuc Fuel s Gen 74 Nuc Fuel amort f Gen 75 Nuc Fuel amort s Gen 7 PV3 f Gen 77 PV3 s Gen 78 PV licensing f Gen 79 PV licensing s Gen 80 Afton w/d f Gen 81 Afton w/d s Gen DeQreciation 84 Distribution f dist 85 Distribution s dist 8 trans f trans 87 trans s trans 88 Generation f Gen 89 Generation s Gen 90 General f Corp 91 General s Corp Total 282 dist 94 Total 282 trans 95 Total 282 Gen 9 Total 282 Corp Total 282 Total PNM ULD p Acct 282 G/L Balance 0/30/1 (2,285,247) 19,528 44,240 51,347,979 10,905,35 (1,294,338) (280,920) 23,45 (13,439) (4,542,271) (1,142,540) 13,172,89 2,859,001 (8,3,28) (10,270,525) (3,74,478) (813,37),503,23 1,411,449 (187,853,484) (33,728,07) (91,1,282) (1,324,211) (419,572,494) (7,11,471) (4,591,18) (870,088) (241,175,588) (118,792,401) (553,852,424) (5,41,274) (919,281,87) " " Q " " R s T u G/L Doc ref numbers associated with ADIT category Remainder to be allocated by function Remainder to be allocated by function Remainder to be allocated by function Remainder to be allocated by function V w "'CJ :s:,, m D) >< (Q :::c (I) OJ o I 0,, :s: :::c :g N

182 A B C 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT9 Base Period Deoreciation ADIT bv Function 5 Hy(lerlink to Lead Sheet 7 8 Co Federal 113 State 114 Total p Acct 282 G/L Balance 0/30/1 (778,090,019) (141,191,8) /919, Q R s T u G/L Doc ref numbers associated with ADIT category I I V w "'C ~ "'Cm Ill >< (C :::c Cl) co O N i 0,, ~ :::c CD I ON

183 A B w X y 1 Public Service Comnanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 H:,rnerlink to lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items June Julv August 9 10 Customer Deposits 11 RWIPProduction 12 RWIPTransmission 13 RWIPDistribution 14 RWIPPV3 15 ARO liability Production (74,112,305) (74,02,489) (75,095,943) 1 ARO liability Transmission 17 ARO liability Distribution (1,552,014) (1,52,01) (1,573,21) 18 ARO liability PV 3 (31,712,571) (31,927,477) (32,143,840) 19 Injuries and Damages PNM (8,553,870) (8,39,770) (8,238,475) 20 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding (,51,790) {,509,35) {,45,940) 21 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage {8,394,8) {8,029,24) {8,093,523) 22 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage {4,087,518) (3,904,707) {3,93,721) 23 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation {511,12) {499,034) {48,942) 24 High Lonesome Mesa 25 CWIP Production 2 CWIP Transmission 27 CWIP Distribution 28 CWIP PV 3 29 CWIP Renewables 30 CWIP Production Related 31 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 32 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 33 Prepaid Pension Asset 180,70, ,295,8 181,830, Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt 8,207,588 8,174,997 8,142, Rate Case Expense 3 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 37 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 38 PV2 Lease Acauisition Adiustment 39 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period 53,482,594 54,0,174 53,947,08 40 Per WP ORB ADIT Fed 3274% 3274% 3274% 43 ADIT State 45% 45% 45% 44 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 3919% 3919% 3919% Recalculated ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits so RWIPProduction 51 RWIPTransmission 52 RWIPDistribution 53 RWIPPV3 54 ARO liability Production 29,320,274 29,512,377 29,705,72 55 ARO liability Transmission 5 ARO liability Distribution 13,99 18,145 22, ARO liability PV 3 12,545,934 12,30,155 12,714, Injuries and Damages PNM 3,389,990 3,317,841 3,2, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 2,599,374 2,578,828 2,558,283 0 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 3,322,532 3,179,31 3,204,507 1 PV 3 Orv Cask Storaee AA AB Seotember October November (7,599,473) (77,093,541) (77,590,853) (1,583,993) (1,594,798) (1,05,77) (32,31,72) (32,580,981) (32,801,779) {7,773,4) (7,821,80) {7,810,274) {,404,515) {,352,090) {,299,5) {8,105,959) (8,03,57) {8,112,112) {3,942,791) (3,932,331) {4,00,958) (474,850) {42,758) {450,) 182,35, ,900, ,435,789 8,109,814 8,077,222 8,044,31 53,228,743 53,07,08 52,802, % 3274% 3274% 45% 45% 45% 3919% 3919% 3919% 30,294,99 30,488,21 30,83,517 2,528 30,73 35,02 12,800,31 12,88,24 12,972,794 3,084,220 3,103,094 3,098,575 2,537,738 2,517,193 2,49,47 3,209,380 3,192,802 3,211, AC AD December Januarv (7,914,570) (77,412,930) (1,110,33) (1,103,758) (33,024,074) (33,247,877) (,340,272) (5,888,448) (,247,240) {,195,40) {8,14,743) {8,228,423) (4,033,121) {4,04,495) (438,574) {417,413) 177,30,88 177,07,09 8,012,039 7,979,447 49,099,500 49,028, % 3283% 45% 19% 3919% 3902% 30,418,482 30,12, , ,33 13,059,912 13,147,240 2,522,481 2,34,179 2,47,102 2,455,97 3,232,418 3,257, AE 201 Februarv (77,914,574) (1,111,287) (33,473,199) {5,709,343) {,144,039) {8,091,07) (3,995,35) (414,094) 177,854,530 7,94,85 48,948, % 19% 3902% 30,808,83 441,274 13,235,10 2,27,292 2,435,833 3,203, "1J :s: '"Om Ill >< cc :c (I) OJ c w I, 0,, :s: :c (0 I ON

184 A B w X y 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items June July August 2 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 202, , ,444 3 High Lonesome Mesa 4 CWIP Production 5 CWIP Transmission CWIP Distribution 7 CWIPPV 3 8 CWIP Renewables 9 CWIP Production Related 70 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 71 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 72 Preoaid Pension Asset (71,443,804) (71,53,43) (71,83,122) 73 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (3,250,887) (3,238,114) (3,225,341) 74 Rate Case Expense 75 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 7 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 77 PVZ Lease AcQuisition Adjustment 78 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (21,081,817) (21,310,522) (21,24,05) 79 Change in ADIT Balances Recalculated Fed ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 90 RWIPProduction 91 RWIPTransmission 92 RWIPDistribution 93 RWIPPV 3 94 ARO Liability Production 24,119,87 24,280,173 24,441, ARO Liability Transmission 9 ARO Liability Distribution 505,10 508, ,02 97 ARO Liability PV 3 10,320,881 10,391,241 10,42, Injuries and Damages PNM 2,780,717 2,720,443 2,77, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 2,133,731 2,11,57 2,099, PV 1&2 Drv Cask Storage 2,731,278 2,11,33 2,32, PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 1,329,879 1,270,027 1,280, PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 15,970 12, , High Lonesome Mesa 104 CWIP Production 105 CWIP Transmission 10 CWIP Distribution 107 CWIPPV3 108 CWIP Renewables 109 CWIP Production Related 110 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 111 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 112 Prepaid Pension Asset (58,84,451) (59,039,04) (59,214,75) 113 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (2,9,137) (2,58,4) (2,47,79) 114 Rate Case Exoense AA AB September October November 188, ,9 179,227 (72,072,781) (72,282,440) (72,492,099) (3,212,59) (3,199,79) (3,187,024) (20,982,333) (20,922,500) (20,815,23) 24,933,98 25,095,744 25,258,54 515, , ,75 10,533,39 10,05,198 10,77,487 2,525,272 2,541,039 2,537,24 2,082,239 2,05,075 2,047,912 2,3,749 2,22,899 2,38,74 1,282,495 1,279,071 1,303, , ,135 14,17 (59,389,909) (59,55,02) (59,740,214) (2,37,125) (2,2,455) (2,15,784) I AC AD December January 174,488 1,231 (70,111,27) (70,207,15) (3,174,251) (3,11,534) (19,34,083) (19,33,211) 25,037,149 25,200,70 30, ,340 10,750,27 10,823,741 2,055,985 1,907,51 2,030,748 2,013,807 2,55,995 2,7,901 1,312,09 1,322,39 142, ,270 (57,751,227) (57,832,291) (2,05,114) (2,594,414) AE 201 February 14,93 (70,303,94) (3,148,81) (19,305,130) 25,35,450 30,812 10,897,715 1,848,851 1,99,87 2,31,810 1,299,71 134,180 (57,913,355) (2,583,714) "'C s: "Cm Cl >< (Q :c Cl) CJ o ~1 0 s: n :c C!) I ON

185 A B w X y 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items June Julv Aueust 115 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 11 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 117 PV2 Lease Acouisition Adiustment 118 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (17,44,339) (17,37,403) (17,598,584) Recalculated State ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 130 RWIPProduction 131 RWIPTransmission 132 RWI PDistribution 133 RWIPPV ARO Llablllty Production 5,200,587 5,232,204 5,24, ARO LiabilityTransmission 13 ARO Liability Distribution 108, , , ARO Liability PV 3 2,225,053 2,238,914 2,252, lniuries and Damages PNM 09, , , AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 45,43 42,21 458, PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 591,254 57,83 571, PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 287,974 27, , PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 3,951 3,171 35, High Lonesome Mesa 144 CWIP Production 145 CWIP Transmission 14 CWIP Distribution 147 CWIP PV CWIP Renewables 149 CWIP Production Related 150 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 151 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 152 Prepaid Pension Asset (12,579,353) (12,13,859) (12,48,3) 153 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (581,750) (579,48) (577,54) 154 Rate Case Expense 155 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 15 PVZ Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 157 PVZ Lease Acquisition Adjustment 158 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (3,35,479) (3,73,120) (3,5,472) 159 AA AB Seotember October November (17,33,228) (17,313,242) (17,223,55) I 5,31,010 5,392,877 5,424, , ,50 112,352 2,2,920 2,281,0 2,295, ,948 52,055 51, , , ,73 572,31 59, , ,39 277,94 282,778 34,11 33,831 33,051 (12,82,872) (12,717,378) (12,751,884) (575,444) (573,342) (571,239) (3,19,105) (3,09,258) (3,591,08) (O (Ol (0 AC AD December January (1,011,314) (15,987,84) 5,381,333 5,412,182 80,421 79,99 2,309,45 2,323,498 4,49 438, , ,10 57, ,34 284,45 28,407 32,271 30,91 (12,30,040) (12,375,325) (59,137) (57,120) (3,352,79) (3,348,348) (0) (0) AE 201 February (15,91,713) 5,443,234 80,42 2,337,44 427, ,9 571,83 282,127 30,75 (12,390,09) (55,102) (3,343,417) (0) ""C s: cm ~ >< (Q :c (I) OJ o (11 I,, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

186 A B AF AG AH Al 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADJT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items March Aoril May June 9 10 Customer Deposits (11,782,04) 11 RWIPProduction 2,,51 12 RWIPTransmission 1,034, RWIPDistribution 1,089,03 14 RWIPPV 3 100,55 15 ARO Liability Production (78,73,57) (79,273,41) (79,78,704) (80,303,32) 1 ARO Liability Transmission 17 ARO Liability Distribution (1,118,88) (1,12,500) (1,134,185) (1,141,921) 18 ARO Liability PV 3 (33,700,050) (33,928,440) (34,158,379) (34,389,879) 19 Injuries and Damages PNM (5,803,141) (5,818,24) (5,81,772) (5,308,5) 20 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding (,092,382) (,040,72) (5,989,142) (,332,225) 21 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage (7,920,833) (7,92,518) (7,90,138) (7,930,713) 22 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage (3,910,439) (3,98,007) (3,938,844) (3,924,221) 23 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation (410,775) (407,45) (404,137) (400,818) 24 High Lonesome Mesa (12,788,97) 25 CWIP Production 77,42,523 2 CWIP Transmission 45,909, CWIP Distribution 21,44, CWIPPV3 11,581, CWIP Renewables 10, CWIP Production Related 193,57 31 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 48,331, Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 988, Prepaid Pension Asset 178,101, ,348, ,595, ,70, Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt 7,914,24 7,881,73 7,849,081 7,81, Rate Case Expense SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 2,915,2 37 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 38 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 39 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period 48,295,52 47,704,27 47,25, ,147,90 40 PerWPORB1 235,147, ADIT Fed 3283% 3283% 3283% 3283% 43 ADIT State 19% 19% 19% 19% 44 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 3902% 3902% 3902% 3902% Recalculated ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits so RWIPProduction 51 RWIPTransmission 52 RWIPDistribution 53 RWIPPV 3 54 ARO Liability Production 31,139,94 31,338,921 31,539,189 31,740, ARO Liability Transmission 5 ARO Liability Distribution 444, , , , ARO Liability PV 3 13,323,78 13,412,795 13,502,518 13,592, Injuries and Damages PNM 2,312,892 2,318,934 2,318,211 2,119, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 2,415,7 2,395,534 2,375,392 2,509,23 0 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 3,137,244 3,153,510 3,152,581 3,141,099 1 PV 3 Drv Cask Storage AJ AK AQ I I Base Period Adjusted 201 Adiustments I Base Period December (580,415) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (2,,51) (1,034,398) (1,089,03) (100,55) 4,792,820 (15,510,50) (14,722,984) (1,141,921) (1,188,481) 34,389,879 (1,55,97) (,85,23) (,85,23) (,332,225) (,201,901) 7,930,713 3,924,221 (400,818) (380,907) (12,788,97) (11,20,053) (77,42,523) (45,909,127) (21,44,185) (11,581,494) (10,552) (193,57) 48,331,149 5,25, ,708 4,899, ,70, ,40,218 7,81,490 9,2, (18,185) 2,747,477 2,747,47 (52,90,09) 182,187, ,5, ,187, ,5, % 19% Pro Rata 3902% (25,10,07),130,98 5,823, , ,395 (13,592,849) 21,755 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,509,23 2,458,411 (3,141,099) ( \ AW 2017 June (12,33,018) (15,14,783) (1,235,978) (,85,23) (,078,980) (30,997) (10,451,139) 3,40,594 4,78, ,14,42 9,21, ,747,47 200,783, ,783, % 584% 3879% 5,987, ,819 2,741,99 2,410,729 BC 2017 December (12,33,018) (14,985,025) (1,285,451) (,85,23) (5,95,059) (341,087) (9,282,225) 2,9,075,573, ,833,05 8,805,99 2,70,000 2,747,47 203,517,40 203,517, % 584% 3879% 5,925, ,010 2,741,99 2,33,048 '"C s: c m I)) >< (C :::c: (I) CJ c a, I, 0,, s: :::c: g"'

187 A B AF AG AH 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 HyQerlink to lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items March Acri! Mav 2 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 13,41 12,34 11,051 3 High Lonesome Mesa 4 CWIP Production 5 CWIP Transmission CWIP Distribution 7 CWIPPV3 8 CWIP Renewables 9 CWIP Production Related 70 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 71 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 72 Prepaid Pension Asset (70,400,312) (70,49,1) (70,593,009) 73 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (3,13,099) (3,123,382) (3,110,5) 74 Rate Case Expense 75 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 7 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 77 PV2 Lease Acauisition Adiustment 78 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (19,050,421) (18,819,) (18,44,777) 79 Change in ADIT Balances Recalculated Fed ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 90 RWIPProduction 91 RWIPTransmission 92 RWIPDistribution 93 RWIPPV 3 94 ARO Liability Production 25,44,177 25,811,573 25,980, ARO Liability Transmission 9 ARO Liability Distribution 33,301 35,807 38, ARO Liability PV 3 10,972,190 11,047,170 11,122,59 98 Injuries and Damages PNM 1,879,45 1,884,728 1,884, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 1,979,908 1,92,91 1,94, PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 2,575,919 2,589,05 2,588, PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 1,271,793 1,290,92 1,281, PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 133, , , High Lonesome Mesa 104 CWIP Production 105 CWIP Transmission 10 CWIP Distribution 107 CWIPPV3 108 CWIP Renewables 109 CWIP Production Related 110 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 111 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 112 Prepaid Pension Asset (57,994,419) (58,075,483) (58,15,547) 113 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (2,573,014) (2,52,314) (2,551,15) 114 Rate Case Exoense Al /\J AK 201 Base Period Adjusted June Adiustments Base Period 159,75 159,75 (70,24,241) (70,24,241) (3,097,947) (3,097,947) (214) (214) (1,137,91) 5,2 (1,072,05) (19,211,139) (43,210,85) (2,421,824) 2,149,77 (21,098,894) 5,050, ,89 370,89 11,198,0 (11,198,0) 1,717,30 503, 2,220,971 2,058,48 2,058,48 2,579,13 (2,579,13) 1,27,317 (1,27,317) 129, ,822 (57,84,789) (57,84,789) (2,540,915) (2,540,915) (180) (180 AQ AW December June 151, ,24 (9,39,703) (8,472,27) (3,804,377) (3,45,154) (214) (214) (1,072,05) (1,072,05) (2,599,40} (1,415,390) 193, ,752 4,792,240 4,931,882 38, ,805 2,220,971 2,220,971 2,015,83 1,975,30 123,285 11,725 (57,127,302) (5,34,979) (3,135,279) (3,000,027) (180 (180) BC 2017 December 13,541 (7,574,831) (3,485,931) (1,035,94) (1,072,05) (1,493,170) (1,09,027) 4,878, ,107 2,220,971 1,934, ,14 (55,02,55) (2,84,77) (879 74!,, s,, m ~ >< (C :::c CD CD o I O,, S :::c (J:) I ON

188 A B AF AG AH 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADJT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items March April May 115 SJGS Coal A reement Transaction Costs 11 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 117 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 118 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (15,747,410) (15,553,21) (15,40,11) Recalculated State ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 130 RWIPProduction 131 RWIPTransmission 132 RWIPDistribution 133 RWIPPV ARO Liability Production 5,495,787 5,527,349 5,559, ARO Liability Transmission 13 ARO Liability Distribution 80,931 81,403 81, ARO Liabilitv PV 3 2,351,488 2,35,25 2,379, Injuries and Damages PNM 433, ,20 434, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 435,79 432, , PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 51,325 53,905 53, PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 27, , , PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 30,551 30,345 30, High Lonesome Mesa 144 CWIP Production 145 CWIP Transmission 14 CWIP Distribution 147 CWIP PV CWIP Renewables 149 CWIP Production Related 150 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 151 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 152 Prepaid Pension Asset (12,405,894) (12,421,178) (12,43,42) 153 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (53,085) (51,08) (559,050) 154 Rate Case Expense 155 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 15 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 157 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 158 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (3,303,011) (3,2,405) (3,238,1) 159 (0) (0 (0 Al AJ AK 201 Base Period Adjusted June Adjustments Base Period (957,212) 55,215 (901,997) (15,882,32) (35,594,154) (51,47,78) 5,591,097 (4,511,183) 1,079,915 82,358 82,358 2,394,188 (2,394,188) 402,39 118, , ,15 450,15 51,93 (51,93) 277,724 (277,724) 29,934 29,934 (12,381,452) (12,381,452) (557,033) (557,033) (34) (34) (180,479) 10,411 (170,09) (3,328,507) (7,1,531) (10,945,038) (0 (0) I AQ AW December June (901,99) (901,99) (51,2,243) (50,20,439) 1,031,17 1,055,917 85,240 88, , , , ,39 28,702 27,539 (12,242,401) (12,107,288) (9,098) (45,127) (34) (34) (170,09) (170,09) (10,973,218) (10,794,951) BC 2017 December (901,99) (50,8,509) 1,04,470 90, , ,191 2,37 (11,972,17) (21,155) (155,930) (170,09) (10,80,1) '"C :s: c m co :I: (I) OJ c oo I $l) >< 0 :s:,, n :I: (0 I CN

189 A B BD BE BF 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items January Februarv March 9 10 Customer Deposits (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) 11 RWIPProduction 12 RWIPTransmission 13 RWIPDistribution 14 RWIPPV 3 15 ARO liability Production (15,05,317) (15,127,979) (15,200,014) 1 ARO liability Transmission 17 ARO liability Distribution (1,293,895) (1,302,39) (1,310,955) 18 ARO liability PV 3 19 Injuries and Damages PNM (,85,23) (,85,23) (,85,23) 20 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding (5,934,529) (5,913,000) (5,891,470) 21 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 22 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 23 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation (337,79) (334,451) {331,132) 24 High Lonesome Mesa (9,087,40) {8,892,587) {8,97,78) 25 CWIP Production 2 CWIP Transmission 27 CWIP Distribution 28 CWIPPV3 29 CWIP Renewables 30 CWIP Production Related 31 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 2,50,29 2,334,43 2,018,58 32 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay,545,132,51,720,488, Prepaid Pension Asset 170,433, ,033,909 19,34, Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt 8,737,557 8,9,144 8,00, Rate Case Expense 2,595,833 2,521,7 2,447,500 3 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 2,9,597 2,45,718 2,594, PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 38 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 39 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period 202,720, ,922,58 201,124, PerWPORB1 202,720, ,922,58 201,124, ADIT Fed 3305% 3305% 3305% 43 ADITState 557% 557% 557% 44 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 382% 382% 382% Recalculated ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 50 RWIPProduction 51 RWIPTransmission 52 RWIPDistribution 53 RWIPPV 3 54 ARO Liability Production 5,952,58 5,980,22,008, ARO Liability Transmission 5 ARO Liability Distribution 512, , , ARO Liability PV 3 58 Injuries and Damages PNM 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 59 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 2,354,734 2,34,419 2,338,104 0 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 1 PV 3 Drv Cask Storage BG BH Bl April Mav June (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) I (15,272,422) (15,345,208) (15,418,372) (1,319,573) {1,328,249) (1,33,985) (,85,23) (,85,23) (,85,23) (5,89,941) (5,848,411) i (5,82,882) {327,814) (324,49) {321,177) {8,502,949) (8,308,130) I (8,113,311) 1,702,852,34,742 9,403,947,459,898,431,48,403,075 19,234,752 18,835,174 18,435,595 8,532,319 8,43,907 8,395,494 2,373,333 2,299,17 2,225,000 2,543,959 2,493,080 2,442, ,325, ,774, ,059, ,325, ,774, ,059, % 3305% 3305% 557% 557% 557% 382% 382% 382%,03,04,04,15,092, , , ,912 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,329,789 2,321,475 2,313,10 BJ 2018 Julv (12,33,018) (15,491,91) (1,345,780) (,85,23) (5,805,352) {317,859) (7,918,492) 9,800,02,374,3 18,03,017 8,327,082 2,150,833 2,391,322 20,971,903 20,971, % 557% 382%,120, ,309 2,741,99 2,304,845 BK 2018 Aueust (12,33,018) (15,55,844) (1,354,35) {,85,23) {5,783,822) {314,540) (7,723,73) 9,44,105,34,252 17,3,439 8,258,70 2,07,7 2,340,443 20,133,419 20,133, % 557% 382%,149,35 535,728 2,741,99 2,29,531 BL 2018 September {12,33,018) (15,40,15) (1,33,551) {,85,23) (5,72,293) (311,222) (7,528,854) 9,092,184,317,841 17,23,80 8,190,257 2,002,500 2,289,54 205,294, ,294, % 557% 382%,178,05 539,172 2,741,99 2,288,21 "C 3: "Cm ll) >< (Q :c CD OJ o (D I 0 3:,, ::c (D I ON

190 A B BD BE BF 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items January February March 2 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 135, , ,9 3 High Lonesome Mesa 4 CWIP Production 5 CWIP Transmission CWIP Distribution 7 CWIPPV3 8 CWIP Renewables 9 CWIP Production Related 70 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 71 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 72 Prepaid Pension Asset (7,420,514) (7,2,197) (7,111,879) 73 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (3,459,510) (3,433,089) (3,40,8) 74 Rate Case Expense (1,007,051) (978,408) (949,75) 75 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (1,052,41) (1,032,7) (1,013,117) 7 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 77 PV2 Lease Acauisition Adiustment 78 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (1,242,942) (0,992,548) (0,741,989) 79 Change In ADIT Balances 250, , , Recalculated Fed ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 90 RWIPProduction 91 RWIPTransmission 92 RWIPDistribution 93 RWIPPV 3 94 ARO Liability Production 4,902,145 4,925,829 4,949,3 95 ARO Liability Transmission 9 ARO Liability Distribution 420, ,707 42,53 97 ARO Liability PV 3 98 Injuries and Damages PNM 2,220,971 2,220,971 2,220, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 1,927,742 1,920,27 1,913, PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 101 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 102 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 109,08 107,971 10, High lonesome Mesa 104 CWIP Production 105 CWIP Transmission 10 CWIP Distribution 107 CWIP PV CWIP Renewables 109 CWIP Production Related 110 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 111 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 112 Prepaid Pension Asset (55,470,595) (55,338,534) (55,20,473) 113 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (2,842,1) (2,819,555) (2,79,945) 114 Rate Case Exoense rsss 2s21 ( \ (80 228) BG BH B! I I 2018 April May June 131, , ,851 (,957,52) (,803,245) (,48,928) (3,380,247) (3,353,82) (3,327,405) (921,122) (892,478) (83,835) (993,47) (973,818) (954,18) (0,491,22) (0,240,37) (59,989,302) 250, , ,04 4,973,58 4,997,23 5;021, , , ,138 2,220,971 2,220,971 2,220,971 1,90,39 1,899,280 1,892,15 105, ,81 103,584 (55,074,413) (54,942,352) (54,810,292) (2,774,335) (2,751,724) (2,729,114) (781 71) f ) (732 92) BJ BK July August 127,570 12,288 (,494,11) (,340,294) (3,300,984) (3,274,54) (835,192) (80,549) (934,518) (914,89) (59,738,08) (59,48,3) 251, ,405 5,04,110 5,070, , ,972 2,220,971 2,220,971 1,885,049 1,877, , ,391 (54,78,231) (54,54,170) (2,70,504) (2,83,893) ( (83 8) BL 2018 September 125,007 (,185,977) (3,248,143) (777,90) (895,219) (59,235,08) 251,577 5,095, ,918 2,220,971 1,870, ,294 (54,414,110) (2,1,283) (59 15),, s:,, m ~ >< (C :c (1) tjj ~ :::j 0,, s: :c CD I CN

191 A 8 SD BE BF 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items Januarv Februarv March 115 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (885,181) (88,35) (851,SSO) 11 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 117 PV2 Lease Acauisition Adjustment 118 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (50,472,370) (50,258,090) (50,043,7) Recalculated State ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 130 RWJPProduction 131 RWIPTransmission 132 RWJPDistribution 133 RWJPPV ARO Liability Production 1,050,441 1,054,433 1,058, ARO Liability Transmission 13 ARO Liability Distribution 91,373 91,847 92, ARO Liability PV Injuries and Damages PNM 520, , , AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 42, , , PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 141 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 142 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 2,191 2,007 25, High Lonesome Mesa 144 CWJP Production 145 CWJP Transmission 14 CWJP Distribution 147 CWJPPV3 148 CWJP Renewables 149 CWJP Production Related 150 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 151 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 152 Prepaid Pension Asset (11,949,919) (11,927,3) (11,905,40) 153 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (17,344) (13,534) (09,723) 154 Rate Case Expense (151,799) (147,8) (143,537) 155 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (17,235) (14,401) (11,57) 15 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 157 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 158 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (10,770,571) (10,734,458) (10,98,321) 159 BG BH Bl I I Aoril Mav June (834,734) (817,919) (801,103) (49,829,102) (49,14,392) (49,399,538) 1,02,478 1,0,533 1,070,08 92,804 93,287 93, , , , , , ,995 25,37 25,452 25,27 (11,883,150) (11,80,893) (11,838,37) (05,913) (02,102) (598,291) (139,40) (135,274) (131,143) (158,733) (155,899) (153,05) (10,2,10) (10,25,974) (10,589,74) BJ BK Julv AU USt (784,287) (77,472) (49,184,538) (48,99,392) 1,074,704 1,078,822 94,23 94, , , ,79 418,597 25,082 24,898 (11,81,380) (11,794,123) (594,481) (590,70) (127,012) (122,881) (150,231) (147,397) (10,553,530) (10,517,271) BL 2018 Seotember (750,5) (48,754,099) 1,082,91 95, , ,398 24,713 (11,771,87) (58,80) (118,750) (144,53) (10,480,987) "C s: c m I» >< ~ co ~ cc :c (I) ~ I 0,, s: ~ :c (0 I ON

192 A B BM BN BO BP BQ BR BS 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlinlc to Lead Sheet Test Period Adjusted 8 Other Rate Base Items October November December Averaging Adj Average Balance Adiustments Test Period 9 10 Customer Deposits (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) (12,33,018) 11 RWIPProduction 12 RWIPTransmission 13 RWIPDistribution 14 RWIPPV3 15 ARO Liability Production (15,714,855) (15,789,942) (15,85,422) 444,385 (15,421,03) (15,421,03) 1 ARO Liability Transmission 17 ARO Liability Distribution (1,372,527) (1,381,55) (1,390,4) 53,22 (1,337,402) (1,337,402) 18 ARO Liability PV 3 19 Injuries and Damages PNM (,85,23) (,85,23) (,85,23) (,85,23) (,85,23) 20 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding (5,740,73) (5,719,234) (5,97,704) (129,177) (5,82,882) (5,82,882) 21 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 22 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 23 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation (307,904) (304,585) (301,27) (19,910) (321,177) (321,177) 24 High Lonesome Mesa (7,334,035) (7,139,21) (,944,397) (1,18,914) (8,113,311) (8,113,311) 25 CWIP Production 2 CWIP Transmission 27 CWIP Distribution 28 CWIPPV3 29 CWIP Renewables 30 CWIP Production Related 31 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 8,738,23 8,384,343 8,030,422 (1,784,087),24,335,24, Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay,289,429,23,22,237,815 15,81,403,7,403,7 33 Prepaid Pension Asset 1,837,282 1,437,704 1,038,125 2,397,470 18,435,595 (12,000,000) 15,435, Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt 8,121,845 8,053,432 7,985, ,475 8,395,494 8,395, Rate Case Expense 1,928,333 1,854,17 1,780, ,000 2,225,000 2,225,000 3 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs 2,238,84 2,187,805 2,13,92 305,275 2,442,201 2,442, PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 38 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 39 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period 204,455, ,17, ,780,213 1,119,39 203,899,852 (12,000,000) 191,899, PerWPORB1 204,455, ,17, ,780,213 1,119,39 203,899,852 I (12,000,000) 191,899, ADIT Fed 3305% 3305% 3305% 43 ADIT State 557% 557% 557% 44 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 382% 382% 382% Pro Raia Recalculated ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 50 RWIPProduction 51 RWIPTransmission 52 RWIPDistribution 53 RWIPPV 3 54 ARO Liability Production,20,913,235,912,25,02 (171,22),093,441,093, ARO Liability Transmission 5 ARO Liability Distribution 542,38 54, ,43 (20,570) 529, , ARO Liability PV 3 58 Injuries and Damages PNM 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 2,741,99 59 AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 2,279,901 2,271,58 2,23,272 49,888 2,313,10 2,313,10 0 PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 1 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage "'CJ s: "'CJ m Ill >< cc :c Cl) co N I 0 s: 'Tl :c (0 I ON

193 A B BM BN 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to lead Sheet th er Rate Base Items October November 2 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 123, ,444 3 High Lonesome Mesa 4 CWIP Production 5 CWIP Transmission CWIP Distribution 7 CWIP PV 3 8 CWIP Renewables 9 CWIP Production Related 70 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 71 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 72 Prepaid Pension Asset (,031,59) (5,877,342) 73 Unamortied loss on Reacquired Debt (3,221,722) (3,195,301) 74 Rate Case Expense (749,23) (720,19) 75 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (875,570) (855,920) 7 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 77 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 78 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (58,983,33) (58,731,413) 79 Change in ADIT Balances 251, , Recalculated Fed ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 90 RWIPProduction 91 RWIPTransmission 92 RWIPDistribution 93 RWIPPV3 94 ARO Liability Production 5,119,791 5,144,08 95 ARO Liability Transmission 9 ARO Liability Distribution 44, , ARO Liability PV 3 98 Injuries and Damages PNM 2,220,971 2,220, AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 1,83,703 1,85, PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 101 PV 3 Dry Cask Storage 102 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 99,197 98, High Lonesome Mesa 104 CWIP Production 105 CWIP Transmission 10 CWIP Distribution 107 CWIPPV3 108 CWIP Renewables 109 CWIP Production Related 110 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 111 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 112 Prepaid Pension Asset (54,282,049) (54,149,988) 113 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (2,38,73) (2,1,02) 114 Rate Case Exoense (34 44) (10131 BO BP BQ 2018 December Averaging Adi Average Balance 121,12 7,89 128,851 (5,723,025) (925,903) (,48,928) (3,18,880) (158,525) (3,327,405) (91,97) (171,859) (83,835) (83,271) (117,897) (954,18) (58,479,314) (1,508,798) (59,988,112) 252,099 5,19,554 (14,89) 5,022,84 452,879 (17,03) 435,27 2,220,971 2,220,971 1,849,472 42,93 1,892,1S ' 97,004, ,584 (54,017,928) (792,34) (54,810,292) (2,593,452) (135,2) (2,729,114) ( ) BR Test Period Adiustments 4,749,971 4,749,971 3,904,014 BS Adjusted Test Period 128,851 (1,898,957) (3,327,405) (83,835) (954,18) (55,238,141) 5,022,84 435,27 2,220,971 1,892,15 103,584 (50,90,278) (2,729,114) ( '"Cl s: cm Ill >< (Q :::c CD OJ ~ ~ 0 s':,, :::c (0 I ON

194 A B BM BN 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT10 MDCs Other Rate Base 5 Hvnerlink to Lead Sheet Other Rate Base Items October November 115 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (733,841) (717,025) 11 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 117 PV2 Lease Acauisition Adjustment 118 Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (48,538,58) (48,323,08) Recalculated State ADIT on Other Rate Base Customer Deposits 130 RWIPProduction 131 RWIPTransmission 132 RWIPDistribution 133 RWIPPV ARO Liability Production 1,087,122 1,091, ARO Liability Transmission 13 ARO Liability Distribution 95,753 9, ARO Liability PV Injuries and Damaees PNM 520, , AMPP Expense in Excess of Funding 41, , PV 1&2 Dry Cask Storage 141 PV 3 Drv Cask Storaee 142 PV 1&2 Excess Gain Amortiation 24,528 24, High Lonesome Mesa 144 CWIP Production 145 CWIP Transmission 14 CWIP Distribution 147 CWIPPV3 148 CWIP Renewables 149 CWIP Production Related 150 Pueblos Transmission RightsofWay 151 Pueblos Distribution RightsofWay 152 Prepaid Pension Asset (11,749,10) (11,727,354) 153 Unamortied Loss on Reacquired Debt (583,049) (579,239) 154 Rate Case Expense (114,19) (110,488) 155 SJGS Coal Agreement Transaction Costs (141,729) (138,895) 15 PV2 Lease Acquisition AdjustmentFirst Chicago 157 PV2 Lease Acquisition Adjustment 158 I Total Other Rate Base ItemsBase Period (10,444,78) (10,408,344) 159 BO BP 2018 December Averaeing Adi (700,210) (100,893) (48,107,329) (1,291,191) 1,095,508 (24,752) 9,73 (2,97) 520, ,800 7,195 24,158 1,109 (11,705,097) (133,539) (575,428) (22,83) (10,357) (24,787) (13,01) (17,004) (10,371,985) (217,08) 10\ BQ BR Test Period Averaee Balance Adjustments (801,103} (49,398,520) 3,904,014 ' 1,070,75 93, , ,995 25,27! (11,838,37) 845,957 (598,291) (131,143) (153,05) (10,589,593) 845,957 BS Adjusted Test Period (801,103) (45,494,50) 1,070,75 93, , ,995 25,27 (10,992,79) (598,291) (131,143) (153,05) (9,743,35) "'C s: "'Cm lll >< (Q ::c (1) OJ ~:::; 0 s: "Tl ::c (0 I ON

195 Pl B C D w X 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Reeulatorv Assets & Liabilities 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet y AA AB 2015 AC Regulatory Assets & Liabilities Tax Class Acct# June July Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface ,392,18 29,901, PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering (248,708) (242,785) 13 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund (,171,071) (,171,071) 14 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 15 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission , ,43 1 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission (1,414,943) (1,428,845) 17 PCB Refinancing Hedge ,03,879 15,9, Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant (20,332,15) (20,252,374) 19 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit (3,942,721) (3,92,551) 20 Rate Case Expense 1,109,54 1,44, %SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities 15,85,9 15,553, Note 1:Base period data is historical information from the Company's Book Balance Amounts ADIT Fed 3274% 3274% 29 ADITState 45% 45% 30 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 3919% 3919% Recalculated ADIT on Ree asset/ii abs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface Coal Mine Decommissioning (12,038,950) (11,84,842) 3 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 98,72 9, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 2,42,780 2,42, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 39 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning (101,88) (102,78) 40 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning 559,02 55, PCB Refinancing Hedge PCB Refinancing (,352,125) (,324,547) 42 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 43 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit Renewable NM AETC 1,51,41 1,555, Rate Case Expense Rate Case Expense (434,838) (5,972) 45 50% SJGS 2&3 50% SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (14,280,850) (14,197,498) Recalculated Fed ADIT on Ree asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface Coal Mine Decommissioning (9,883,04) (9,722,55) 5 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & ,827 August September October 29,41i,77 28,921,580 28,431,383 (23,82) (230,939) (225,01) (,171,071) (,241,847) (,241,847) 22,194 24,770 27,371 (1,442,883) (1,457,00) (1,471,375) 15,89,138 15,825,78 15,755,397 (20,172,133) (20,091,892) (20,011,51) (3,910,381) (3,894,211) (3,878,041) 1,77,752 2,17,887 2,177,95 15,413,529 15,24,055 14,804, % 3274% 3274% 45% 45% 45% 3919% 3919% 3919% (11,54,734) (11,42,2) (11,270,518) 94,084 91,73 89,442 2,42,780 2,454,518 2,454,518 (103,78) (104,88) (105,707) 570,552 57, ,718 (,29,98) (,29,390) (,241,812) 1,548,97 1,542,30 1,53,293 (9,309) (849,595) (853,544) (14,111,30) (14,021,281) (13,809,11) (9,52,0) (9,401,575) (9,241,085) November 27,941,187 (219,093) (,241,847) 29,998 (1,485,832) 15,85,027 (19,931,410) (3,81,871) 2,349,2 14,505, % 45% 3919% (11,078,411) 87,120 2,454,518 (10,737) 587,384 (,214,234) 1,529,95 (920,832) (13,1,23) (9,080,595) December 27,450,991 (213,170) (,214,242) (3,000,000) 272,51 (1,500,430) 15,14,5 (19,851,19) (3,845,701) 2,91,381 11,404, % 45% 3919% (10,88,303) 84,799 2,443,99 1,175,700 (107,77) 593,105 (,18,5) 1,523,19 (1,054,752) (12,414,55) (8,920,105) 9131 ""'C s ""'Cm Ill >< (C :I: (D 0::, ~~ 0,, S :I: U) I ON

196 ;ilj B C D w X 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatorv Assets & Liabilities 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet y AA ' AB 2015 AC Re~ulatory Assets & Liabilities Tax Class Acct# June July 57 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 2,01,059 2,01, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 59 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning (83,95) (84,522) 0 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning 40,583 45,135 1 PCB Refinancing Hedge PCB Refinancing (5,215,150) (5,192,111) 2 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 3 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit Renewable NM AETC 1,282,189 1,27,895 4 Rate Case Expense Rate Case Expense (33,271) (473,58) 5 50% SJGS 2&3 50%SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (11,705,55) (11,35,932) Recalculated State ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface Coal Mine Decommissioning (2,155,904) (2,124,28) 7 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering Palo Verde Construction Credits 1 & 2 17,90 17, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund DOE Spent Fuel Settlement 410, , Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 DOE Spent Fuel Settlement PV3 79 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning (17,993) (18,15) 80 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission LVGS Decommissioning 99,019 99,91 81 PCB Refinancing Hedge PCB Refinancing (1,13,975) (1,132,43) 82 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 83 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit Renewable NM AETC 279, , Rate Case Expense Rate Case Expense (71,57) (93,314) 85 50% SJGS 2&3 50%SJGS 2&3 8 D Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (2,575,285) (2,51,57) 89 August September October 2,01,059 2,039,231 2,039,231 (85,357) (8,201) (87,052) 49, , ,059 (5,19,071) (5,14,032) (5,122,993) 1,271,01 1,2,307 1,21,013 (581,709) (709,7) (713,0) (11,53,925) (11,488,71) (11,311,884) (2,092,9) (2,01,051) (2,029,433) 17,19 1,814 1, , , ,287 (18,321) (18,487) (18,55) 100, ,73 102,59 (1,127,897) (1,123,358) (1,118,819) 277,37 27, ,281 (114,00) (139,829) (140,479) 0 D 0 (2,547,381) (2,532,54) (2,497,727) November 2,039,231 (87,912) 483,792 (5,099,954) 1,255,719 (79,279) 0 (11,187,929) (1,997,81) 1, ,287 (18,824) 103,591 (1,114,280) 274,238 (151,553) 0 (2,473,307) December 2,030, ,200 (88,781) 488,572 (5,07,914) 1,250,425 (881,158) 0 (10,14,438) (1,9,198) 15,8 413,50 193,500 (18,995) 104,533 (1,109,741) 273,195 (173,594) 0 (2,28,127) (0) "tl s: "'Cm II) >< ' ('D :::c CJ a, I 0,, s: :::c (0 I ON

197 B AD AE AF AG i Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Ree:ulatorv Assets & Liabiliti 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet Regulatory Assets & Liabilities Januarv February March Aoril Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface 2,90,795 2,470,599 25,980,403 25,490, PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering (207,247) (201,324) (195,401) (189,478) 13 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund (,214,242) (,214,242) (,52,58) (,52,58) 14 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 (3,000,000) (3,000,000) (3,000,000) (3,000,000) 15 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission 275, , ,77 283,525 1 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission (1,515,172) (1,530,058) (1,545,091) (1,50,272) 17 PCB Refinancing Hedge 15,544,28 15,473,915 15,403,545 15,333, Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant (19,770,928) (19,90,702) (19,10,41) (19,530,220) 19 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit (3,829,531) (3,813,38) (3,797,198) (3,781,028) 20 Rate Case Expense 2,710,390 2,889,114 3,334,71 3,537, %SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities 10,953,81 10,1,99 10,198,711 9,931, Note 1:Base period data is historical inforrr ADIT Fed 3283% 3283% 3283% 3283% 29 ADIT State 19% 19% 19% 19% 30 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 3902% 3902% 3902% 3902% Recalculated ADIT on Ree asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (10,95,028) (10,503,754) (10,312,479) (10,121,205) 3 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 82,488 80,177 77,8 75, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 2,443,99 2,443,99 2,14,734 2,14, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 1,175,700 1,175,700 1,175,700 1,175, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (108,821) (109,877) (110,943) (112,019) 40 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 598,857 04, 10,531 1, PCB Refinancing Hedge (,159,197) (,131,739) (,104,280) (,07,821) 42 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 43 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,517,310 1,511,003 1,504,93 1,498, Rate Case Expense (1,02,19) (1,131,908) (1,305,782) (1,384,99) 45 50%SJGS2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (12,207,13) (12,02,033) (11,849,959) (11,714,214) Recalculated Fed ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (8,759,173) (8,598,242) (8,437,311) (8,27,379) 5 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering ,353 AH Ai AJ Base Period Mav June Adiustments 25,000,011 24,509,815 (1,975,32) (183,555) (177,32) (,52,58) (,713,838) (3,000,000) (3,000,000) 28, ,124 (1,575,01) (1,591,082) 15,22,804 15,192,433 (19,449,979) (19,39,738) (3,74,858) (3,748,88) 3,778,197 4,028,43 (238,440) 9,700,72 9,418,857 (17,213,7) 3283% 3283% 19% 19% 3902% 3902% Prorata (9,929,930) (9,738,5),744,925 73,243 70,932 2,14,734 2,38,41 1,175,700 1,175,700 (113,10) (114,204) 22,437 28,477 (,049,33) (,021,904) 1,492,074 1,485,75 (1,478,828) (1,57,481) 93,310 (11,593,039) (11,451,730),838,235 (8,115,448) (7,954,517) 5,509, AK Adiusted Base Period 7,534,489 (177,32) (,713,838) (3,000,000) 289,124 (1,591,082) 15,192,433 (19,39,738) (3,748,88) 3,790,023 (7,794,909) (7,794,909) (D) (2,993,731) 70,932 2,38,41 1,175,700 (114,204) 28,477 (,021,904) 1,485,75 (1,483,171) (4,13,495) (2,445,274) AQ 201 December,30,350 (142,094) (5,874,08) (3,000,000) 20,514 (1,433,3) 14,770,210 (18,888,292) (3,51,8) 3,31,270 (8,012,954) (8,012,954) 3283% 19% 3902% (2,40,93) 57,05 2,311,174 1,175,700 (103,040) 57,042 (5,857,153) 1,447,907 (1,298,313) (4,340,554) 8,303 (2,148,445) '"O s: '"O m Ill >< (Q :c CD co ~ =i 0 s: "Tl :c (0 I CN

198 B AD AE AF 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatory Assets & Liabiliti 5 H gerlink to Lead Sheet Regulatory Assets & Liabilities Januarv February March 57 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 2,030,193 2,030,193 2,174, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 982, , , Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (89,0) (90,548) (91,445) 0 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 493, , ,234 1 PCB Refinancing Hedge (5,053,812) (5,030,709) (5,007,0) 2 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 3 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,245,11 1,239,809 1,234,501 4 Rate Case Expense (887,399) (94,074) (1,092,35) 5 50% SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (9,971,938) (9,849,831) (9,71,400) Recalculated State ADIT on Reg asset/ii abs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (1,935,855) (1,905,512) (1,875,19) 7 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 15,302 14,935 14,58 77 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 413,50 413,50 440,39 78 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 193, , , Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (19,11) (19,329) (19,498) 80 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 105,44 10,37 107, PCB Refinancing Hedge (1,105,385) (1,101,030) (1,09,74) 82 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 83 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 272, , , Rate Case Expense (174,771) (185,834) (213,417) 85 50% SJGS 2& Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (2,235,225) (2,212,202) (2,178,50) 89 AG AH Al Aoril Mav June 2,174,095 2,174,095 2,194, , , ,200 (92,351) (93,25) (94,189) 508, , ,333 (4,984,504) (4,91,401) (4,938,299) 1,229,192 1,223,884 1,218,575 (1,159,013) (1,237,90) (1,320,122) (9,557,189) (9,455,237) (9,33,344) (1,844,825) (1,814,482) (1,784,139) 14,202 13,835 13,48 440,39 440,39 444, , , ,500 (19,8) (19,841) (20,015) 108, ,18 110,144 (1,092,318) (1,087,92) (1,083,0) 29,191 28,190 27,190 (225,983) (240,88) (25,359) (2,157,025) (2,137,803) (2,115,38} AJ AK Base Period Adiustments Adiusted Base Period 2,194, ,200 (94,189) 518,333 (4,938,299) 1,218,575 78,13 (1,241,98) 5,587,379 (3,748,95) 1,235,82 (548,457) 13,48 444, ,500 (20,015) 110,144 (1,083,0) 27,190 15,174 (241,18) 1,250,85 (84,530) AQ 201 December 1,918,91 982,200 (84,79) 4,43 (4,799,83) 1,18,723 (1,08,453) 0 (3,519,322) (492,491) 11,29 392, ,500 (18,244) 100,399 (1,057,470) 21,184 (211,81) 0 (821,231) "ti s: "t:jm Ill >< (C J: (i), OJ ~ =i 0,, s:, J: (0 I 0 N

199 1/ll B AW BC BD f Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatory Assets & Liabiliti 5 H~[lerlink to Lead Sheet BE BF BG BH 2018 Bl Regulatory Assets & Liabilities June December January Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface 5,72,211 4,822,073 4,71, PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering (10,55) (71,018) (5,095) 13 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund (4,19,149) (2,517,89) (2,237,94) 14 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 (3,000,000) (3,000,000) (2,875,000) 15 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission 18, ,49 108,547 1 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission (1,024,02) (14,415) (597,348) 17 PCB Refinancing Hedge 14,347,987 13,925,75 13,855, Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant (18,40,84) (17,925,400) (17,845,159) 19 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit (3,554,48) (3,457,28) (3,441,458) 20 Rate Case Expense 2,38,74 1,421,259 1,381, %SJGS 2&3 128,224, ,89, Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (7,59,180) 120,918, ,45, (7,59,180) 120,918, ,45,029 2 Note 1:Base period data is historical infom " " ADIT Fed 3295% 3295% 3295% 29 ADIT State 584% 584% 584% 30 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 3879% 3879% 3879% Recalculated ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (2,290,221) (1,939,505) (1,881,053) 3 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 43,280 29,495 27, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 1,0,100 1,009, , Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 1,175,700 1,175,700 1,127, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (74,18) (45,295) (44,092) 40 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 408, ,2 242,4 41 PCB Refinancing Hedge (5,93,373) (5,529,592) (5,502,29) 42 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 43 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,410,273 1,372,39 1,3,37 44 Rate Case Expense (930,77) (53,238) (547,924) 45 50% SJGS 2&3 (49,738,17) (49,530,924) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (4,291,030) (53,979,73) (53,842,354) 49 8,254 (49,729,913) 137, Recalculated Fed ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (1,850,532) (1,552,18) (1,502,9) 5 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering , February March April 4,520,93 4,370,003 4,219,314 (59,172) (53,249) (47,32) (1,958,203) (1,78,40) (1,398,71) (2,750,000) (2,25,000) (2,500,000) 105,44 102,345 99,243 (580,281) (53,214) (54,147) 13,785,024 13,714,53 13,44,283 (17,74,918) (17,84,77) I (17,04,43) (3,425,288) (3,409,118) (3,392,948) 1,342,300 1,302,820 1,23, ,155,4 12,21,397 12,087, ,371,25 120,097, ,823, ,371,25 120,097, ,823,737 " " " 3295% 3295% 3305% 584% 584% 557% 3879% 3879% 382% (1,822,00) (1,74,148) (1,705,951) 24,900 22,02 20, ,000 83, ,451 1,078,725 1,030, ,93 (42,889) (41,8) (40,489) 23, , ,814 (5,474,999) (5,447,702) (5,420,525) 1,30,095 1,353,822 1,347,577 (532,10) (517,29) (502,049) (49,323,82) (49,11,440) (48,910,10) (53,705,03) (53,57,717) (53,431,000) 137, ,319 13,717 (1,453,313) (1,403,1) (1,353,858) ,522 14,55 May 4,08,24 (41,403) (1,118,973) (2,375,000) 9,142 (529,080) 13,573,912 (17,524,195) (3,37,778) 1,223,81 125,552,82 119,549, ,549,972 " 3305% 557% 382% (1,47,755) 18,027 47, ,88 (39,291) 21,222 (5,393,348) 1,341,333 (48,802) (48,703,772) (53,294,283) 13,717 (1,304,055) 12,07 June 3,917,934 (35,480) (839,230) (2,250,000) 93,041 (512,013) 13,503,542 (17,443,954) (3,30,08) 1,184, ,018, ,27, ,27,208 " 3305% 557% 382% (1,589,558) 15, , ,413 (38,093) 209,31 (5,3,171) 1,335,088 (471,555) (48,497,437) (53,157,57) 13,717 (1,254,252) 10 50,, s:,, m I» >< (Q J: Cl) Ill ~ =i 0 s:,, J: (C) I ON

200 Ill B AW BC BD f Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatory Assets & Liabiliti 5 H~,1erlink to Lead Sheet BE BF BG BH 2018 Bl Regulatory Assets & Liabilities June December January 51 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 1,35,39 812,58 720, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 982, , , Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (0,271) (35,745) (34,723) 0 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 331,77 19, ,08 1 PCB Refinancing Hedge (4,0,50) (4,521,438) (4,498,251) 2 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 3 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,154,755 1,122,787 1,117,459 4 Rate Case Expense (774,249) (42,04) (449,038) 5 50% SJGS 2&3 (42,249,874) (42,073,832) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (3,477,255) (45,85,00) (45,58,41) Recalculated State ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (439,89) (38,887) (378,087) 7 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 9,193 7,118, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 294,41 19, , Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 193, ,500 18, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (13,897) (9,550) (9,39) 80 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 7,477 52,55 51, PCB Refinancing Hedge (1,032,812) (1,008,155) (1,004,045) 82 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 83 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 255, , , Rate Case Expense (15,52) (101,192) (98,88) 85 50% SJGS 2&3 (7,488,293) (7,457,092) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (813,775) (8,294,13) (8,273,939) 89 February March April 28,23 53,00 443,05 899, ,38 817,325 (33,701) (32,80) (31,55) 185,43 179, ,198 (4,475,04) (4,451,877) (4,428,19) 1,112,131 1,10,803 1,101,459 (43,029) (423,021) (409,973) (41,897,791) (41,721,750) (41,545,175) (45,451,771) (45,335,12) (45,218,128) (39,287) (30,48) (352,093),42,080 5,750 13,75 147, ,84 178, ,00 14,38 (9,188) (9,007) (8,834) 50,53 49,5 48,15 (999,935) (995,82) (991,90) 247,93 247,019 24,118 (9,581) (94,275) (92,07) (7,425,891) (7,394,90) (7,34,931) (8,253,25) (8,232,591) (8,212,873) May 351,150 77,013 (30,30) 18,558 (4,405,32) 1,09,115 (39,925) (41,38,599) 0 (45,101,129) (343,700) 5,420 11,24 157,75 (8,1) 47,5 (987,98) 245,218 (89,877) (7,335,172) 0 (8,193,155) June 258,95 734,700 (29,05) 12,917 (4,382,104) 1,090,771 (383,877) (41,192,024) 0 (44,984,130) (335,30) 5, ,83 150,713 (8,489) 4,714 (984,07) 244,317 (87,78) (7,305,413) 0 (8,173,437),, s:,, m Ill >< tc :c CD OJ N C I 0,, s: :c (0 I CN

201 B BJ BK i Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatorv Assets & Liabiliti 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet BL BM BN Regulatorv Assets & Liabilities Julv August Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface 3,77,244 3,1, PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering (29,557) (23,34) 13 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund (559,487) (279,743) 14 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 (2,125,000) (2,000,000) 15 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission 89,939 8,838 1 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission (494,94) (477,879) 17 PCB Refinancing Hedge 13,433,171 13,32, Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant (17,33,713) (17,283,472) 19 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit (3,344,438) (3,328,28) 20 Rate Case Expense 1,144,903 1,105, ¾SJGS 2&3 124,484, ,950, Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities 119,002, ,728, ,002, ,728,80 2 Note 1:Base period data is historical inforrr ADIT Fed 3305¾ 3305¾ 29 ADIT State 557% 557% 30 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 382% 382% Recalculated ADIT on Reg asset/ii abs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (1,531,32) (1,473,1) 3 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 13,452 11,15 37 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 251, , Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 837, ,83 39 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (3,895) (35,98) 40 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 203,040 19, PCB Refinancing Hedge (5,338,994) (5,311,817) 42 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 43 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,328,843 1,322, Rate Case Expense (45,308) (441,01) 45 50¾ SJGS 2&3 (48,291,103) (48,084,79) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (53,020,850) (52,884,133) 49 13,717 13,717 so Recalculated Fed ADIT on Reg asset/ii abs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (1,204,449) (1,154,4) 5 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering Seotember October 3,45,85 3,315,175 (17,711) (11,788) (1,875,000) (1,750,000) 83,737 80,35 (40,812) (443,744) 13,292,430 13,222,00 (17,203,231) (17,122,990) (3,312,098) (3,295,928) 1,05,944 1,02,44 123,415, ,881, ,454,91 117,901, ,454,91 117,901, ¾ 3305% 557% 557% 382¾ 382% (1,414,99) (1,35,773) 8,878, ,588 92,313 (34,500) (33,302) 189, ,2 (5,284,40) (5,257,43) 1,31,353 1,310,108 (425,814) (410,57) (47,878,435) (47,72,101) (52,782,83) (52,537,930) 101, ,754 (1,104,843) (1,055,040) November 3,14,485 (5,85) (1,25,000) 77,534 (42,77) 13,151,89 (17,042,749) (3,279,758) 98, ,347, ,347, ,347, % 557% 382¾ (1,298,57) 4,303 44,038 (32,104) 17,75 (5,230,28) 1,303,83 (395,320) (47,45,77) (52,293,17) 244,754 (1,005,237) 82 "'O s "Cm 1:11 >< (C ::i:: (I) ~ CJ N ~ I 0 S "Tl ~::i:: u;) I ON

202 />I B BJ BK T Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatory Assets & Liabiliti 5 Hi11erlink to Lead Sheet Regulatory Assets & Liabilities July August 51 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 1,240 73, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 93,388 S2, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (28,580) (27,555) 0 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 157,27 151,3 1 PCB Refinancing Hedge (4,358,847) (4,335,589) 2 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 3 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,085,42 1,080,082 4 Rate Case Expense (370,829) (357,781) 5 50%SJGS 2&3 (41,015,449) (40,838,873) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (44,87,131) (44,750,133) Recalculated State ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (32,913) (318,519) 7 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 4,70 4, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 85,101 9, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 143,750 13, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (8,31) (8,143) 80 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 45,73 44, PCB Refinancing Hedge (980,147) (97,227) 82 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 83 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 243,41 242,51 84 Rate Case Expense (85,479) (83,280) 85 50% SJGS 2&3 (7,275,55) (7,245,89) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (8,153,718) (8,134,000) 89 BL BM September October 10,73 59,450 (2,530) (25,505) 145, ,354 (4,312,332) (4,289,075) 1,074,738 1,09,394 (344,733) (331,85) (40,2,298) (40,485,722) 0 0 (44,14,43) (44,405,009) (310,12) (301,732) 4,101 3, , ,83 (7,970) (7,798) 43,82 42,911 (972,308) (98,388) 241,15 240,714 (81,081) (78,882) (7,21,137) (7,18,379) 0 0 (8,18,220) (8,132,920) BN 2018 November 528,138 (24,480) 134,714 (4,25,817) 1,04,050 (318,37) (40,309,147) 0 (44,195,55) (293,339) 3, ,900 (7,25) 41,91 (94,49) 239,814 (7,83) (7,15,20) 0 (8,097,20) "C s: c m Ill >< (,Q :c CD, CD N N I 0 s:,, :c U) I ON

203 B BO i Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADJT11 MDCs Regulatorv Assets & Liabiliti 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet Regulatory Assets & Liabilities December Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface 3,013, PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 13 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 14 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 (1,500,000) 15 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission 74,432 1 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission (409,10) 17 PCB Refinancing Hedge 13,081, Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant (1,92,508) 19 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit (3,23,588) 20 Rate Case Expense 947, %SJGS 2&3 121,812, Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities 11,794, ,794,33 2 Note 1:Base period data is historical infom ADJT Fed 3305% 29 ADIT State 557% 30 ADIT combined Fed & state rate 382% Recalculated ADIT on Reg asset/ii abs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (1,240,380) 3 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 2, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 38 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 595,73 39 Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (30,907) 40 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 170, PCB Refinancing Hedge (5,203,109) 42 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 43 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,297,19 44 Rate Case Expense (380,073) 45 50%SJGS 2&3 (47,259,433) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (52,048,400) , Recalculated Fed ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (955,434) 5 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering (107) BP Averaging adj BQ Average test Period 904,139 3,917,934 (35,484) (35,484) (1,500,000) 18,08 93,041 (102,403) (512,013) 422,223 13,503,542 (481,44) (17,443,954) (97,020) (3,30,08) 23,87 1,184,382 3,205,05 125,018,594 4,071, ,85,434 4,071, ,85,434 (349,297) (1,589,77) 13,709 15,74 595,73 8,259 (22,48) (45,450) 124,33 (13,118) (5,3,22) 37,482 1,335,100 98,454 (281,19) (1,238,424) (48,497,857) (1,38,384) (53,8,784) (298,748) (1,254,183) ,48 BR Test Period Adjustments 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Prorata (595,73) (595,73) BS Adjusted Test Period 3,917,934 (35,484) 93,041 (512,013) 13,503,542 (17,443,954) (3,30,08) 1,184, ,018, ,35, ,35,434 (1,589,77) 15,74 (22,48) 124,33 (5,3,22) 1,335,100 (281,19) (48,497,857) (54,282,547) (1,254,183) "ti s: "tl m Cl >< cc :c CD, to N (,,) I 0,, s:, :c (0 I ON

204 Pl B BO y Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT11 MDCs Regulatory Assets & Liabiliti 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet Regulatory Assets & Liabilities December 57 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 58 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 48, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (23,455) 0 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 129,073 1 PCB Refinancing Hedge (4,242,50) 2 Reg Liab Renewables Fed Grant 3 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 1,058,705 4 Rate Case Expense (305,589) 5 50%SJGS 2&3 (40,132,572) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (43,98,083) Recalculated State ADIT on Reg asset/liabs Coal Mine DecommissioningSurface (284,94) 7 PV 1&2 Combustion Engineering 3, Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund 78 Palo Verde DOE Spent Fuel Refund PV3 108, Reg Asset LVGS Decommission (7,452) 80 Reg Liab LVGS Decommission 41, PCB Refinancing Hedge (90,549) 82 Reg Liab Renewables Fee/ Grant 83 Reg Liab Renewables St Credit 238, Rate Case Expense (74,484) 85 50%SJGS 2&3 (7,12,81) Total Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (8,02,317) 89 BP Averaging adj BQ Average test Period 48,825 5,582 (17,873) (30,718) 98,355 (139,512) (4,382,072) 32,058 1,090,73 74,5 (231,023) (1,059,20) (41,191,777) (1,404,254) (45,390,33) (50,548) (335,494) 1,984 5, ,938 2,77 (4,775) (14,732) 2,278 (23,0) (984,154) 5, ,337 23,888 (50,59) (179,218) (7,30,079) (234,131) (8,29,448) (0) BR Test Period Adjustments (48,825) (48,825) (108,938) (108,938) BS Adjusred Test Period (17,873) 98,355 (4,382,072) 1,090,73 (231,023) (41,191,777) (45,877,11) (335,494) 5,098 (4,775) 2,278 (984,154) 244,337 (50,59) (7,30,079) (8,405,38) "'C s ""CJm Ill >< cc :i:: (I) co N i::, I 0 S,, :i:: (0 I ON

205 A B C 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 Hyflerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jan Feb 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 10 Renewable generation pre Renewable generation PV3 generation mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 15 Transmission 1 HLM transmission 17 PV3 transmission 18 Distribution 19 Renewable distribution 20 General 21 Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,495, Nuc Fuel 3 712, Total Book 2,208,08 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 27 Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 29 Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 2,208,08 32 check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 90,23 3 Renewable generation , PV3 generation (3,3) mw Generation 39 5 mw Generation 40 Transmission 3, HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 43 Distribution 31, Renewable distribution 45 General (2,588) 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 119,1 48 Nuc Fuel Total Tax on Additions 90, check total (0) 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 5,830,55 54 Renewable generation pre , PV3 generation 232, mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation D E F Mar Apr 1,398,70 1,494,253 1,255,05, , ,012 2,04,959 2,272,339 2,008,08 2,04,959 2,272,339 2,008,08 1,19,991 1,51,750 1,503,087 (121,2) 0,055 0,055 34,05 34,85 35,9 101, , ,43 173, , ,195 (2,584) 375 (1,500} 152,14 173, ,855 1,533,48 2,180,48 3,340,797 0 (0) 5,830,55 5,830,55 5,830,55 488, , , , , ,800 G May Jun 1,081, ,77 1,859,78 1,859,78 1,829,817 0,055 73,033 03, ,319 (4,930) 33, ,738 4,105,10 0 5,830,55 488, ,800 H 1,453,94 752,222 2,20,187 2,20,187 2,318,73 59,887 72,840 3,40,753 1,211,1 8, , ,771 8,193, ,830,55 488, ,800 ""O s ""Om Ill >< cc :c <D CJ N o, I O S,, :c (0 I ON

206 A B C D f Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jan Feb 58 Transmission 1,05,84 1,05,84 59 HLM transmission 58,257 58,257 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2,801,912 2,801,912 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,55 13,55 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 484, ,772 Nuc Fuel 3 282,55 282,55 7 I 8 9 Total Tax on Existing 11,798,555 11,798, check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (,521,278) (7,027,4) 74 Renewable generation pre 2015 (488,202) (488,202) 75 Renewable generation 2015 (34,928) 121,2 7 PV3 generation (229,137) (2,85) mw Generation 78 5 mw Generation 79 Transmission (1,42,133) (1,70,88) 80 H LM transmission (58,257) (58,257) 81 PV3 transmission 82 Distribution (2,833,22) (2,975,005) 83 Renewable distribution 84 General (10,98) (10,972) 85 Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 891,494 71, Nuc Fuel 3 429,48 383, Total Temporary Difference (10,497,383) (11,27,082) 91 check total Fed Rate 3283% 3283% 94 State Rate 19% 19% 95 ADIT before proration 3902% 3902% 9 Generation (2,544,03) (2,742,187) 97 Renewable generation pre 2015 (190,49) (190,49) 98 Renewable generation 2015 {13,29) 47, PV3 generation (89,409) (104,131) mw Generation mw Generation 102 Transmission (40,70) (,027) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) (22,732) (22,732) 104 PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen) 105 Distribution (1,105,79) (1,10,847) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 107 General (4,280) (4,281)1 E Mar Apr May 1,05,84 1,05,84 58,257 58,257 2,801,912 2,801,912 13,55 13,55 484, , ,55 282,55 11,798,555 11,798,555 (7,347,405) (7,333,742) (488,202) (488,202) (0,055) (0,055) (27,4) (28,49) (1,708,174) (2,205,282) (58,257) (58,257) (3,094,192) (3,350,107) {13,931) (12,055) 835,50 174, , ,45 (11,70,702) (13,131,285) 3283% 3283% 19% 19% 3902% 3902% (2,8,957) (2,81,2) (190,49) (190,49) (23,434) (23,434) (104,443) (104,757) (,530) (80,501) (22,732) (22,732) (1,207,354) (1,307,212) (5,43 (4,704 F G 1,05,84 58,257 2,801,912 13,55 484, ,55 11,798,555 (7,0,472) (488,202) {0,055) (305,832) (2,209,597) (58,257) (3,1,231) (8,2) 233, ,481 (14,043,947) 3283% 19% 3902% (2,989,11) (190,49) (23,434) (119,33) (82,185) (22,732) (1,428,12) (3,3) 201 Jun H 1,05,84 58,257 2,801,912 13,55 484, ,55 11,798,555 (8,149,391) (488,202) (59,887) (305,40) (5,24,599) (58,257) (4,013,572) (81,581) 497,17 119,895 (17,785,17) 3283% 19% 3902% (3,179,892) (190,49) (23,38) (119,21) (2,047,223) (22,732) (1,5,09) (31,833 "ti s "tlm Ill >< <0 :::r: (1) co N a, I 0 S,,, :::r: (0 I ON

207 A B C D r Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jan Feb 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 347,81 297, Nuc Fuel 3 17,49 149, Total ADIT change before proration (4,09,079) (4,39,415) 114 check Numerator Days Denominator Days % 10000% TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (2,544,03) (2,742,187) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre 2015 (190,49) (190,49) 123 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation (13,29) 47, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (89,409) (104,131) 125 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 127 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (40,70) (,027) 128 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission (22,732) (22,732) 129 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 130 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (1,105,79) (1,10,847) 131 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 132 Liberalied Depreciation Other General (4,280) (4,281) 133 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 347,81 297, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 17,49 149,97 13 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (4,09,079) (4,39,415) Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration (190,52) (239,291) 142 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration (190,52) (239,291) FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation (2,140,93) (2,307,17) 152 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre 2015 (10,277) (10,277) 153 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation (11,47) 39, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (75,22) (87,12) 155 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 157 Liberalied Denreciation Transmissio Transmission (539,112) (50,371) E Mar Apr May 32,070 8,02 193, ,572 (4,57,955) (5,123,827) % 10000% (2,8,957) (2,81,2) (190,49) (190,49) (23,434) (23,434) (104,443) (104,757) (,530) (80,501) (22,732) (22,732) (1,207,354) (1,307,212) F (5,43) (4,704) 32,070 8,02 193, ,572 (4,57,955) (5,123,827) (275,395) (309,975) (275,395) (309,975) (2,412,153) (2,407,7) (10,277) (10,277) (19,71) (19,71) (87,874) (88,138) (50,794) (723,994) G 91,24 8,083 (5,479,948) % (2,989,11) (190,49) (23,434) (119,33) (82,185) (22,732) (1,428,12) (3,3) 91,24 8,083 (5,479,948) (319,09) (319,09) (2,514,933) (10,277) (19,71) (100,405) (725,411) 201 Jun H 194,170 4,783 (,939,948) % (3,179,892) (190,49) (23,38) (119,21) (2,047,223) (22,732) (1,5,09) (31,833) 194,170 4,783 (,939,948) (321,085) (321,085) (2,75,445) (10,277) (19,1) (100,342) /1,722,459) "O s o m co :c CD _, OJ N r I 1:1) >< 0 S,, _, :c (0 I ON

208 A B C D 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jan Feb 158 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission (19,12) (19,12) 159 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 10 Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (930,278) (97,94) 11 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 12 Liberalied Depreciation Other General (3,01) (3,02) 13 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 292,77 250, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 141, ,950 1 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (3,44,291) (3,98,983) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADIT change after proration (10,332) (201,331) STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (403,7) (435,011) 182 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre 2015 (30,220) (30,220) 183 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation (2,12) 7, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (14,184) (1,519) 185 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4132 mw 132 mw Generation 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 187 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (101,48) (105,5) 188 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission (3,0) (3,0) 189 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 190 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (175,401) (184,153) 191 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 192 Liberalied Depreciation Other General (79) (79) 193 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 55,183 47, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 2,595 23, Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (49,788) (97,432) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc STATE ADIT change after proration (30,230) (37,90) check E Mar Apr May (19,12) (19,12) (1,015,823) (1,099,840) (4,574) (3,958) 274,344 57,25 12,82 154,451 (3,843,310) (4,311,001) (231,707) (20,802) (454,804) (453,959) (30,220) (30,220) (3,717) (3,717) (1,58) (1,18) (105,73) (13,507) (3,0) (3,0) (191,531) (207,372) (82) (74) 51,727 10,797 30,73 29,121 (724,45) (812,827) (43,88) (49,173) F G (19,12) (1,201,982) (2,832) 7,771 57,282 (4,10,28) (28,453) (474,183) (30,220) (3,717) (18,931) (13,774) (3,0) (22,30) (534) 14,475 10,800 (89,320) (50,1) 201 Jun H (19,12) (1,317,5) (2,783) 13,38 39,32 (5,839,018) (270,149) (504,447) (30,220) (3,707) (18,919) (324,74) (3,0) (248,440) (5,050) 30,803 7,422 (1,100,930) (50,93) "'O s: c m Sil >< (Q :I: C1), tlj N ~ I,, 0 s:, :I: (0 I CN

209 A B! 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jul Aug 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 3,554, Renewable generation pre , Renewable generation , PV3 generation 37, mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation " 15 Transmission 1,317,872 1 HLM transmission 41,32 17 PV3 transmission 1, Distribution 2,958, Renewable distribution 30, General 725, Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,72, Nuc Fuel 3 78, Total Book 12,199,835 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 48, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 30,42 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 9, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE " 30 Less: corp allocation " 31 total Book before corp alloc 12,348, check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 2,429,715 3 Renewable generation 2015, PV3 generation 122, mw Generation 15, mw Generation " 40 Transmission 4,382, HLM transmission " 42 PV3 transmission 1, Distribution 1,714, Renewable distribution " 45 General 128,211 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 541, Nuc Fuel 3 518, Total Tax on Additions 9,921, check total 0 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 5,830,55 54 Renewable generation pre , PV3 generation 232, mw Generation " 57 5 mw Generation J K L Sep Oct 3,557,253 3,51,249 4,09, , , , , , , ,42 377,7 40,037 " " " 1,332,98 1,340,83 1,70,098 41,32 41,32 53,714 1,889 1,889 19,338 2,972,278 2,985,845 3,135,80 30,083 30,083 32,510 7,84 82,305 72,327 1,72,889 1,39,03 1,72, , , ,453 12,173,849 12,14,33 12,889,283 48,831 48,831 48,831 30,42 30,42 30,42 9,338 9,338 9,338 " " " " " " 12,322,444 12,295,227 13,037,878 " " 0 2,833,95 3,413,099 3,5,882,780,780, , , ,928 22,38 54, ,314 " " " 4,837,449 5,518,309 5,74,083 " " " 1,320 9,012 12,439 2,455,085 3,017,9 4,345,3 " " 275,70 410,7 41, ,271 2,22,94 2,234,898 53,747 53,91 53,100 11,700,90 15,90,971 17,881, (0) 5,830,55 5,830,55 5,830,55 488, , , , , ,800 " " " " M Nov Dec 4,099, , , ,2 1,72,533 53,714 19,32 3,154,031 32, ,21 1,49, ,93 13,225,138 48,831 30,42 9,338 " 13, ,12,004,780 1,012,40 314,110,47,457 " 25,048 4,95,98 " " 750,89 2,422,28 55,51 21,203, ,830,55 488, ,800 " " " " N 4,107, , , ,383 " 1,79,870 53,714 19,395 3,159,398 32, ,375 1,72,889 1,891,092 14,450,491 48,831 30,42 9,338 " 14,599,08 10,79,180 72,235 2,918,372 19,184 14,483,415 70,533 9,094,343 1,45,250 2,487, ,034 42,588,52 0 5,830,55 488, ,800 " " " c, s c m I),) >< (Q ::i:: Cl) co N (0 I 0,, s: ::i:: (0 I ON

210 A B I! 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 HlQerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Ju! Aug Sep 58 Transmission 1,05,84 1,05,84 59 HLM transmission 58,257 58,257 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2,801,912 2,801,912 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,55 13,55 I 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 484, ,772 Nuc Fue ,55 282, Total Tax on Existing 11,798,555 11,798, check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (4,0,19) (5,007,03) 74 Renewable generation pre ,79 39,79 75 Renewable generation , ,534 7 PV3 generation 21,478 27, mw Generation (15,27) (22,38) 78 5 mw Generation 79 Transmission (4,21,331) (5,01,49) 80 HLM transmission (1,894) (1,894) 81 PV3 transmission 15,02 15,59 82 Distribution (1,558,311) (2,284,719) 83 Renewable distribution 30,083 30, General 583, , Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 4,219 33,84 87 Nuc Fuel 3 (32,205) (0,788) Total Temporary Difference (9,371,12) (11,177,017) 91 check total Fed Rate 3283% 3283% 94 State Rate 19% 19% 95 ADIT before proration 3902% 3902% 9 Generation (1,797,327) (1,953,97) 97 Renewable generation pre ,518 15, Renewable generation ,17 55,17 99 PV3 generation 8,381 10, mw Generation (5,91) (8,728) mw Generation 102 Transmission (1,803,243) (1,974,99) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) (,592) (,592) 104 PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen),088, Distribution (08,053) (891,497) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 11,738 11, General 227,33 151,18 K Oct Nov 1,05,84 1,05,84 58,257 58,257 2,801,912 2,801,912 13,55 13,55 484, , ,55 282,55 11,798,555 11,798,555 (5,582,742) (5,300,553) 39,79 (5,81) 142, ,534 (24,472) (371,90) (54,872) (132,314) (5,734,41) (5,51,000) (1,894) (4,542) 7,877,898 (2,834,032) (4,011,418) 30,083 32, ,082 71,301 (1,072,700) (1,04,781) (112,470) (41,204) (15,194,299) (1,41,939) 3283% 3283% 19% 19% 3902% 3902% (2,178,38) (2,08,27) 15,518 (2,217) 55,17 55,17 (103,197) (145,033) (21,411) (51,29) (2,237,587) (2,19,902) (,592) (1,772) 3,074 2,92 (1,105,839) (1,55,255) 11,738 12,85 100,704 27,822 L M 1,05,84 58,257 2,801,912 13,55 484, ,55 11,798,555 (,243,018) (5,81) 142,534 (837,814) (314,110) (,30,939) (4,542) (5,85) (4,04,87) 32,510 (33,803) (1,258,308) (134,271) (19,27,995) 3283% 19% 3902% (2,43,02) (2,217) 55,17 (32,915) (122,5) (2,482,038) (1,772) (2,218) (1,79,819) 12,85 [13,190) 201 Dec N 1,05,84 58,257 2,801,912 13,55 484, ,55 11,798,555 (12,420,042) (5,81) 137,079 (2,739,789) (19,184) (14,30,50) (4,542) (51,138) (8,73,857) 32,510 (747,431) (1,298,988) 1,02,502 (39,788,121) 3283% 19% 3902% (4,84,300) (2,217) 53,488 (1,09,0) (241,0) (5,03,491) (1,772) (19,954) (3,409,121) 12,85 [291,48) "C s c m IU >< ( :2 :c (I) OJ () 0 I O S _,, "T1 :c ~N

211 A B I J :C Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period DePrciation ADIT 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jul Aug 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 252, , Nuc Fuel 3 (12,5) (23,720) Total ADIT change before proration (3,5,13) (4,31,272) 114 check Numerator Days Denominator Days % 10000% TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation (1,797,327) (1,953,97) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,518 15, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 55,17 55, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,381 10,7 125 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (5,91) (8,728) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 127 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (1,803,243) (1,974,99) 128 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission (,592) (,592) 129 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission,088, Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (08,053) (891,497) 131 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 11,738 11, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 227,33 151, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 252, , Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (12,5) (23,720) 13 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (3,5,13) (4,31,272) Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration 59,592 24, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration 59,592 24, FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (1,512,205) (1,43,99) 152 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,05 13, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 4,794 4, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,051 9, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (5,015) (7,343) 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 157 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (1,517,183) (1,1,89) K i Sep Oct (418,57) (408,454) (43,88) (179,92) (5,928,815) (,493,85) % 10000% (2,178,38) (2,08,27) 15,518 (2,217) 55,17 55,17 (103,197) (145,033) (21,411) (51,29) (2,237,587) (2,19,902) (,592) (1,772) 3,074 2,92 (1,105,839) (1,55,255) 11,738 12,85 100,704 27,822 (418,57) (408,454) (43,88) (179,92) (5,928,815) (,493,85) (24,357) 35,212 (24,357) 35,212 (1,832,814) (1,740,172) 13,05 (1,85) 4,794 4,794 (8,82) (122,02) (18,015) (43,439) (1,882,24) (1,825 7) L M Nov Dec (490,992) (52,393) (7,58,844) % (2,43,02) (2,217) 55,17 (32,915) (122,5) (2,482,038) (1,772) (2,218) (1,79,819) 12,85 (13,190) (490,992) (52,393) (7,58,844) 14,09 14,09 (2,049,583) (1,85) 4,794 (275,054) (103,122) (2,088,29) N (50,85) 400,541 (15,525,325) % (4,84,300) (2,217) 53,488 (1,09,0) (241,0) (5,03,491) (1,772) (19,954) (3,409,121) 12,85 (291,48) (50,85) 400,541 (15,525,325) (1,00,501) (1,00,501) (4,077,500) (1,85) 45,003 (899,473) (203,278) (4 714,5721 ""O ~ ""Om Ill >< u::2 :::c (1) OJ w I 0 ~,, :::c (0 I ON

212 A B I J 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~[!erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jul Aug 158 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission (5,54) (5,54) 159 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 5,122 5, Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (511,594) (750,073) 11 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 9,87 9,87 12 Liberalied Depreciation Other General 191, , Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 212, , Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (10,573) {19,957) 1 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration {3,07,541) (3,9,415) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADIT change after proration 50,139 20, STATE ADIT after proration K Sep Oct Nov (5,54) (1,491) 2,58 2,25 (930,413) (1,31,948) 9,87 10,73 84,728 23,408 (352,17) (343,58) (3,924) (151,413) (4,988,288) (5,43,549) (20,493) 29,2 L M (1,491) (1,87) (1,511,778) 10,73 (11,098) {413,103) (44,081) (,443,871) 11, Dec N {1,491) (1,789) (2,88,310) 10,73 (245,382) (42,458) 337,001 (13,02,440) (892,27) 181 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation (285,122) {309,971) 182 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,42 2, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 8,823 8, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,329 1, Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 m\/ mw Generation {94) (1,385) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 187 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (28,00) {313,307) 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission (1,04) (1,04) 189 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (9,459) (141,424) 191 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 1,82 1, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 3,111 23, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 40,001 39, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (1,993) (3,73) 19 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration [580,073) (91,857) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Allee STATE ADIT change after proration 9,453 3, check (345,572) (328,104) 2,42 (352) 8,823 8,823 (1,371) (23,008) (3,397) (8,190) (354,93) (344,22) (1,04) (281) (175,427) (248,307) 1,82 2,012 15,975 4,414 (,400) (4,79) (,92) (28,549) (940,527) (1,030,13) (3,84) 5,58 (38,443) (352) 8,823 (51,81) (19,443) (393,742) (281) (352) (285,041) 2,012 (2,092) (77,889) (8,311) (1,214,973) 2,23 {78,801) (352) 8,485 (19,593) (38,328) {888,919) (281) (3,15) (540,811) 2,012 (4,2) (80,407) 3,540 (2,42,885) (18,234) "tj s: c m SlJ >< cc :::c: Cl) OJ w N I 0 s: "Tl :::c:, ON

213 A B 0 p i Public Service Comnanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Total Jan 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 22,97,07 4,132,0 10 Renewable generation pre ,031, , Renewable generation ,255, , PV3 generation 2,35, , mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 15 Transmission 9,014,204 1,713,835 1 HLM transmission 285,231 53, PV3 transmission 108,71 19,474 I 18 Distribution 18,35,910 3,178, Renewable distribution 187,778 32, General 4,272, , Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 18,159,592 1,200, Nuc Fuel 3 9,90,445 44, Total Book 89,704,35 12,819,313 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 292,98 48, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 182,55 30,42 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 41,027 9, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 90,59,203 12,97, check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 3,80, ,073 3 Renewable generation ,852 12, PV3 generation 5,371,535 39, mw Generation 1,158,123 20, mw Generation 40 Transmission 4,455,49 428,51 41 HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 119, Distribution 28,700, , Renewable distribution 45 General 3,728,93 97,38 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 12,344,1 347, Nuc Fuel 3 4,000,558 89, Total Tax on Additions 139,24,055 2,191, check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 9,97,82 4,871, Renewable generation pre ,858,42 39, PV3 generation 2,793,59 217, mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation I Q Feb Mar Apr R 4,134,845 4,13,41 482, , , , ,70 418,824 1,718,379 1,719,059 53,714 I 53,714 19,474 19,474 3,182,352 3,18,031 32,510 32, , ,190 1,200,581 1,200,583 09,442 44,442 12,795,751 12,837,100 48,831 48,831 30,42 30,42 9,338 9,338 12,944,34 12,985, , ,425 12,441 12,441 40,3 30,83 20,288 2, ,40 434, , , ,4 111, , ,430 4,42 97,124 98,101 2,349,490 2,49, ,871,834 4,871,834 39,809 39, , ,218 s 4,083, , , ,542 1,720,15 53,714 19,474 3,192,00 32, , ,735 33,442 12,429,38 48,831 30,42 9,338 12,577, ,150 12,441 54,337 91,475 70,090 1,45 54, ,385 80,52 189,738 3,30,124 (0) 4,871,834 39, , May T 4,075, , , ,33 1,730,129 53,714 19,493 3,200,191 32,510 73,580 1,547,304 44,442 13,150,984 48,831 30,42 9,338 13,299,579 1,289,107 12,441 97,854 94,32 1,745,531 2,731 81, ,738 87,892 29,153 5,451,480 (0) 4,871,834 39, ,218 "'ti s "'tlm I» >< cc :::c ('O OJ W W f 0 S,, :::c (0 I ON

214 A B 0 p 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Total Jan 58 Transmission 19,270,153 1,431, HLM transmission 99,080 53,55 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 33,22,941 2,49,172 2 Renewable distribution I 3 General 12,70 13,08 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 5,817,21 309,215 Nuc Fuel 3 3,390,71 18, Total Tax on Existing 141,582,0 9,922, check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (83,200,02) (1,54,483) 74 Renewable generation pre 2015 (2,82,947) 112, Renewable generation ,033 19,893 7 PV3 generation (5,808,302) 11, mw Generation (1,158,123) (20,047) 78 5 mw Generation 79 Transmission (5,418,40) (97,308) 80 HLM transmission (413,849) PV3 transmission (10,877) 18, Distribution (43,957,933) 40, Renewable distribution 187,778 32, General 380,848 22, Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (1,834) 544,18 87 Nuc Fuel 3 2,299,217 38, Total Temporary Difference (190,232,512) 854, check total Fed Rate 3295% 94 State Rate 584% 95 ADIT before proration 3879% 9 Generation (32,44,4) (599,881) 97 Renewable generation pre 2015 (1,103,075) 43, Renewable generation ,592 7, PV3 generation (2,2,400) 2, mw Generation (451,900) (7,77) mw Generation 102 Transmission (22,014,483) {37,74) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) (11,484) PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen) (4,244) 7, Distribution (17,152,385) 178, Renewable distribution (with renew) 73,271 12, General 148,07 241,45 Q Feb Mar Apr 1,431,458 1,431,458 53,55 53,55 2,49,172 2,49,172 R 13,08 13,08 309, ,215 18,50 18,50 9,922,377 9,922,377 (1,553,39) (1,413,080) 112, ,712 19,893 19,893 10, ,770 (20,288) (2,252) (91,887) (97,999) ,498 18,43 387, ,195 32,510 32,510 08, ,39 493,93 22, , ,835 72, , % 3295% 584% 584% 3879% 3879% (02,552) (548,134) 43,721 43,721 7,375 7,375 2,395,242 (7,870) (10,183) (35,43) (38,014) 2 2 7,175 7, ,49 93,947 12,11 12,11 23, ,004 s 1,431,458 53,55 2,49,172 13,08 309,215 18,50 9,922,377 (1,35,340) 112,712 19,893 14,987 (91,475) (332,51) ,829 9,090 32, ,484 (322,007) 257,198 (974,520) % 584% 3879% (34,349) 43,721 7,375 57,01 (35,483) (129,000) 2,91 2,800 12,11 222, May T 1,431,458 53,55 2,49,172 13,08 309,215 18,50 9,922,377 (1,985,749) 112,712 19, ,24 (94,32) (1,398,029) 159 1,72 (85,88) 32, ,233 31,197 11,783 (2,074,278) 3295% 584% 3879% (770,272) 43,721 7,375 40,444 (3,589) (542,295) 2,502 (33,238) 12,11 195,204 "'C s "'Cm I» >< (Q ::i: (P 0::, w i::, I O,, S ::i: ~N

215 A B I 0 p 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H gerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Total Jan 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (71) 211, Nuc Fuel 3 897, , Total ADIT change before proration (74,228,72) 331, check Numerator Days Denominator Days % TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (32,44,4) (599,881) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewablei Renewable generation pre 2015 (1,103,075) 43, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 271,592 7, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (2,2,400) 2, Liberalied Depreciation mw 132 mw Generation (451,900) (7,77) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 127 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (22,014,483) (37,74) 128 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission (11,484) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission (4,244) 7, Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (17,152,385) 178, Liberalied Depreciation Renewablei Renewable distribution 73,271 12, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 148,07 241, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (71) 211, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 897, , Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (74,228,72) 331, Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration (2,0,542) (3,83) 142 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration (2,0,542) (3,83) FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (27,314,580) (509,5) 152 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewablei Renewable generation pre 2015 (928,087) 37, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation 228,507 4, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (1,90,8) 53, Liberalied Depreciation mw 132 mw Generation (380,212) (,05) 15 Liberalied Depreciation mw 5 mw Generation 157 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (18,522,180) (32,03) Q Feb R Mar 191,598 88,031 12, ,580 20,855 10, % 10000% (02,552) (548,134) 43,721 43,721 7,375 7,375 2,395,242 (7,870) (10,183) (35,43) (38,014) 2 2 7,175 7, ,49 93,947 12,11 12,11 23, , ,598 88,031 12, ,580 20,855 10,393 51,791 (1,750) 51,791 (1,750) (511,835) (45,10) 37,139 37,139 4,87 4,87 53,001 5,29 (,85) (8,50) (30,277) (32,291) s Apr May (124,90) 99,77 (378,01) % (34,349) 43,721 7,375 57,01 (35,483) (129,000) 2,91 2,800 12,11 222,454 (124,90) 99,77 (378,01) (11,715) (11,715) (538,845) 37,139 4,87 48,432 (30,141) (109,5791 T 140,108 2,75 (804,12) % (770,272) 43,721 7,375 40,444 (3,589) (542,295) 2,502 (33,238) 12,11 195, ,108 2,75 (804,12) (118,827) (118,827) (54,304) 37,139 4,87 34,355 (31,081) (40,51) "'CJ s: "'Om llj >< cc :c (I) OJ ~ (11 I 0 s: "Tl :c U) I ON

216 A B 0 p i Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Total Jan 158 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission (135,87) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission (3,571), Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (14,431,389) 151, Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 1,48 10, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 125, , Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (02) 179, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 754, ,315 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (2,453,334) 281, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corp Alice FED ADIT change after proration (2,193,049) (31,10) STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (5,150,084) (90,315) 182 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre 2015 (174,988), Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 43,084 11, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (359,534) 9, Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (71,88) (1,171) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 187 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (3,492,303) (5,83) 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission (25,17) Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission (73) 1, Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (2,720,99) 2, Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 11,23 1, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 23,575 3, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (114) 31, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 142,322 21, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (11,775,392) 49, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corp Alice STATE ADIT change after proration (413,493) (5,523) check Q Feb Mar Apr 52 52,095, ,815 79,803 10,712 10, , ,527 12,752 74, , ,5 R 221,582 13,245 43,994 (14,229) (90,717) (82,524),582,582 11,499 11,499 9,394 9,973 (1,185) (1,533) (5,3) (5,723) 9 9 1,080 1,077 22,54 14,144 1,899 1,899 35,551 34,478 28,84 13,253 19,027 21,014 39,273 24,148 7,797 (2,522) 5 T 52 5,875 22,75 10, ,93 (10,101) 84,747 (321,104) (9,951) (95,504),582 11,499 8,584 (5,342) (19,422) 9 1,041 4,035 1,899 33,491 (18,805) 15,020 (5,912) (1,74) 2017 May 52 5,523 (28,234) 10,712 15, ,014 53,307 (83,475) (100,937) (115,98),582 11,499,089 (5,509) {81,45) (5,004) 1,899 29,389 21,094 9,448 (121,138) (17,890) "'O :'5: om Dl >< cc :c CD OJ w en I 0 :'5:,, :c :g N

217 A B u AA 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jun Dec 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 4,087,292 4,10, Renewable generation pre , , Renewable generation , , PV3 generation 420, , mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 15 Transmission 1,7,855 1,87,145 1 HLM transmission 53,714 53, PV3 transmission 19,498 19, Distribution 3,20,081 3,2,93 19 Renewable distribution 32,510 32, General 740, , Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,357,980 1,48, Nuc Fuel 3 33,442 44, Total Book 13,010,302 13,334,32 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 48,831 48, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 30,42 30,42 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 9,338 9, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 13,158,897 13,482, check total (0) Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 1,182,441 35,387,511 3 Renewable generation ,441 12, PV3 generation 91,949 1,57, mw Generation 98,878 1,28, mw Generation,554, Transmission 2,728,839 14,897,29 41 HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 3,012 40, Distribution 1,171,979 14,493, Renewable distribution 45 General 24, ,942 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,014,58 2,21, Nuc Fuel 3 303,159 1,407, Total Tax on Additions,31,548 78,700, check total 0 (0) 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 4,871,834 4,871, Renewable generation pre ,809 39, PV3 generation 217, , mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation AB Tota! Jan AC 49,202,442 3,40,078 5,790, ,522 2,512, ,335 5,042, ,094 2,535 21,42,138 1,903,539 44,572 53, ,942 19,548 38,594,334 2,419, , ,95 8,82, ,71 15,833,711 1,48,403 7,54,304 44,442 15,150,485 12,97,82 585,972 48,831 35,112 30,42 832,053 9, ,22 13,125, ,451,954 1,083, ,294 7,45 2,25,50 51,403 2,398,881 19,5,554,900 38,013 47,710,121,281 77,010 1,311 31,930,98 392,153 3,373,73 100,928 13,908, ,557,389,88 227,77 13,570,53 3,01,723 0 (0) 58,42,011 4,25,44 4,437, ,435 2,0,1 209, Feb AD 3,41, , , ,094 2,535 1,893,84 53,714 31,49 2,423, ,95 738,000 1,40,403 09,442 12,89,39 48,831 30,42 9,338 13,018,234 1,080,105 7,45 50,343 19,5 38,013 8,110 1,317 45,47 10, ,131 21,38 3,188,109 (0) 4,25,44 275, , Mar AE 3,43, , , ,109 2,535 1,907,501 53,714 19,548 2,42,332 92, ,415 1,48,403 33,442 12,981,31 48,831 30,42 9,338 13,129, ,011,271 7,45 55,012 29,18 42,97 2,085,848 1,70 55, ,51 80,237 21,811 4,912, ,25,44 275, ,080 ij s ""Cm Cl >< (C ::c CD OJ c> I O S 'Tl ::c C0 I o N

218 A B u AA 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period DePrciation ADIT 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jun Dec 58 Transmission 1,431,458 1,431, HLM transmission 53,55 53,55 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2,49,172 2,49,172 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,08 13,08 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 309, ,215 Nuc Fuel 3 18,50 18, Total Tax on Existing 9,922,377 9,922, check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (1,87,219) (3,052,988) 74 Renewable generation pre , , Renewable generation ,893 19,893 7 PV3 generation 111,47 (1,31,828) mw Generation (98,878) (1,28,71) 78 5 mw Generation (,554,900) 79 Transmission (2,344,10) (14,412,777) 80 HLM transmission PV3 transmission 1,48 (21,391) 82 Distribution (435,070) (13,95,43) 83 Renewable distribution 32,510 32, General 702,37 (81,137) 85 Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 34,197 (1,084,139) 87 Nuc Fuel 3 143,777 (949,309) Total Temporary Difference (3,395,028) (75,140,419) 91 check total Fed Rate 3295% 3295% 94 State Rate 584% 584% 95 ADIT before proration 3879% 3879% 9 Generation (724,294) (13,984,954) 97 Renewable generation pre ,721 43, Renewable generation ,375 7, PV3 generation 43,308 (528,253) mw Generation (38,355) (492,152) mw Generation (2,542,4) 102 Transmission (909,474) (5,590,71) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen),395 (8,298) 105 Distribution {18,74) (5,312,470) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 12,11 12, General 272,448 (31,473) AB AC Total Jan Feb 17,177,494 1,313,927 42,8 52,7 29,30,05 2,209,033 13,299 13,088 3,710, ,91 2,238,070 85,2 119,08,519 8,24,23 (5,514,357) (1,599,801) 1,352, ,08 2,32, ,870 (189,577) 17,11 (2,398,881) (19,5) (,554,900) (11,478) (42,875,505) (27,838) 1,904 1,047 15,933 18,237 (22,9,717) (181,38) 390, ,95 5,288,98 23,700 (1,785,074) 848,930 (973,34) 331,039 (124,705,433) 1,484, % 557% 382% (21,921,919) (17,843) 524,53 79,977 91,500 77,92 {73,537) 4,731 (930,52) (7,591) (2,542,4) (4,433) (1,31,408) (10,751) ,874 7,043 (8,908,789) (70,051) 151, ,218 2,051, ,873 AD 1,313,927 52,7 2,209,033 13, ,91 85,2 8,24,23 (1,595,28) 207,08 201,870 18,71 (19,5) (11,478) (57,522) 1,047 30,179 (241,579) 924,95 18,779 71,35 22,448 1,205, % 557% 382% (1,092) 79,977 77,92 5,141 (7,591) (4,433) (22,215) ,55 (93,298) 357, , Mar AE 1,313,927 52,7 2,209,033 13, ,91 85,2 8,24,23 (1,524,830) 207,08 201,870 14,017 (29,18) (1,12) (1,443,443) 1,047 17,878 (347,703) 92, ,77 597,250 28,005 (407,08) (0) 3305% 557% 382% (588,889) 79,977 77,92 3,344 (11,25) (,242) (557,458) 404,904 (134,283) 357, ,479 ij s: " m Ill >< (Q J: (I) OJ w co I 0,, s: J: (CJ I ON

219 A B u AA f Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 LinkaEe & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 Hy~erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jun Dec 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 13,25 (420,538) 110 Nuc Fuel 3 55,771 (38,237) Total ADIT change before proration (1,31,931) (29,14,99) 114 check Numerator Days Denominator Days % 10000% TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (724,294) (13,984,954) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,721 43, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 7,375 7, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,308 (528,253) 125 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (38,355) (492,152) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (2,542,4) 127 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissic Transmission (909,474) (5,590,71) 128 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission,395 (8,298) 130 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (18,74) (5,312,470) 131 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 12,11 12, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 272,448 (31,473) 133 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 13,25 (420,538) 135 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 55,771 (38,237) 13 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (1,31,931) (29,14,99) Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration (10,83) (1,819,919) 142 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration (10,83) (1,819,919) FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (15,249) (11,879,40) 152 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable Renewable generation pre ,139 37, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation 4,87 4, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,788 (448,722) 155 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (32,580) (418,057) 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (2,159,839) 157 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (772,549) (4,749,010 AB AC Total Jan Feb (92,430) 327,857 (377,72) 127,847 (48,373,237) 573,243 1/31/ % (21,921,919) (57,02) 524,53 73,403 91,500 71,554 (73,537) 59,411 (930,52) (,97) (2,542,4) (4,08) (1,31,408) (9,87) ,874,44 (8,908,789) (4,294) 151, ,858 2,051, ,075 (92,430) 300,910 (377,72) 117,339 (48,373,237) 52,128 (3,310,420) 40,24 (3,310,420) 422,418 (18,21,481) (485,277) 445,4 2, ,517 1,234 (2,4) 50,842 (790,431) (5,92) (2,159,839) (3,482) (14,127,479 (8,444) AD 27,57 101,357 45,714 2/28/ % (518,193) 7,28 5,574 54,790 (,385) (3,728) (18,85) 340 9,803 (78,472) 300, , ,95 85, ,710 40, ,150 (443,45) 57,5 5,11 4,888 (5,44) (3,191) (15,990) 2018 Mar AE 230,58 110,455 (157,210) 3/31/ % (445,297) 0,47 58,952 47,898 (8,518) (4,720) (421,530) 30 5,221 (101,540) 270,513 11, ,415 83,522 (118,87) 457, ,98 (381,074) 51,753 50,450 40,990 (7,290) (4,039) (30,734) c ::!5: c m DJ >< (Q :c Cl) IJJ c, (0 I 0 is:,, :c ~~

220 A B u AA 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaie & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Jun Dec 158 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 5,432 (7,048) 10 Liberalied Deoreciation Distributior Distribution (143,35) (4,512,55) 11 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable, Renewable distribution 10,712 10, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 231,430 (2,735) 13 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 11,28 {357,224) 15 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 47,375 (312,797) 1 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (1,118,2) (24,758,78) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADIT change after proration (13,491) (1,545,923) STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation (109,04) (2,105,495) 182 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable, Renewable generation pre 2015,582, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation 11,499 11, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018,520 (79,531) 185 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (5,774) (74,09) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (382,80) 187 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (13,925) (841,70) 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 93 (1,249) 190 Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (25,408) (799,815) 191 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable, Renewable distribution 1,899 1, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 41,018 (4,738) 193 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,997 (3,314) 195 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 8,397 (55,440) 19 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (198,270) (4,388,200) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc STATE ADIT change after proration (24,191) (273,997) I check AB AC AD Total Jan Feb ,709 5,532 (7,57,533) (55,021) 128, ,572 1,742, ,190 (588,182) 257,511 (320,812) 100,41 (41,090,440) 450,24 (2,812,022) 31,494 (3,300,438) (81,785) 78,989 10, ,983 10,320 (11,071) 8,59 (140,095) (1,005) (382,80) (587) (2,503,929) (1,423) , (1,341,25) (9,273) 22,783 47,28 308,877 31,885 (104,248) 43,399 (5,80) 1,923 (7,282,797) 75,881 (498,398) 0, ,389 (7,155) 257, , ,134 72,95 335,21 331,313 (74,737) 9,702 9,457 7,902 (921) (538) (2,95) 49 1,414 (11,318) 43,333 28,989 33,51 12,295 5,495 55, Mar AE 22 4,48 (8,895) 231, , ,20 71,47 (101,731) 295,840 (4,223) 8,722 8,502,908 (1,229) (81) (0,795) (14,45) 39,015 23,282 25,155 12,04 (17,145) 49,859 "ti :!!: "tlm Q) >< tc :::c (I) OJ i:, 0 I 0 :!!: "T1 :::c (0 I ON

221 A B AF AG 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~gerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Apr May 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 3,41,94 3,90,33 10 Renewable generation pre , , Renewable generation , , PV3 generation 428, , mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 2,734 2, Transmission 1,979,44 1,992,53 1 HLM transmission 53,714 53, PV3 transmission 19,548 19, Distribution 2,431,015 2,438, Renewable distribution 927, , General 744,28 744,89 21 Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 1,459,403 1,48, Nuc Fuel 3 278, , Total Book 12,82,282 13,35,452 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 48,831 48, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 30,42 30,42 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 9,338 9, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 12,830,87 13,505, check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 2,823,2 3,982,54 3 Renewable generation ,45 7,45 37 PV3 generation 58, , mw Generation 29,18 95, mw Generation 42,97 75, Transmission 2,32,592 3,254, HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 1,810 4, Distribution 714,750 82, Renewable distribution 45 General 180, ,342 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 834,94 939, Nuc Fuel 3 335, , so Total Tax on Additions 7,391,370 9,919, check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 4,25,44 4,25,44 54 Renewable generation pre , , PV3 generation 209, , mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation AH Jun Jul Al 3,725,113 3,727,54 482, , , , , ,089 27,835 28,997 2,029,437 2,033,547 53,714 53,714 19,41 19, 2,441,949 2,451,41 929,03 929, ,799 73,97 1,459,403 1,48, , ,059 13,28,93 13,341,715 48,831 48,831 30,42 30,42 9,338 9,338 13,435,531 13,490,310 (0) 3,980,100 4,177,272 7,45 7,45 188,5 187, , , , ,074 3,30,402 3,415,888 5,274 5,305 1,07,757 1,410,137 77, ,901 99,52 1,049, , ,705 10,313,893 11,115,789 (0) (D) 4,25,44 4,25,44 275, , , ,080 AJ Aug Sep 3,733, , , ,121 29,324 2,035,588 53,714 19,7 2,42, , ,88 1,48, ,059 13,35,200 48,831 30,42 9,338 13,513, ,414,335 7,45 189, , ,849 3,778,121 5,444 1,575, ,552 1,118, ,001 11,98,018 (0) 4,25,44 275, ,080 AK 3,738, , , ,238 29,340 2,045,185 53,714 19,71 2,45, , ,092 1,49, ,059 13,347,77 48,831 30,42 9,338 13,49,32 4,749,215 7,45 253, , ,849 4,053,70 7,575 2,055, ,808 1,547,225 51,2 13,818,092 (0) 4,25,44 275, ,080 "'ti s: "'Om Ill >< (C :I: (1) Ill i::, I 0,,,, s: :I: ~~

222 A B AF AG 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka2e & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Apr May 58 Transmission 1,313,927 1,313, HLM transmission 52,7 52,7 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2,209,033 2,209,033 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,088 13,088 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 208,91 208,91 Nuc Fuel 3 85,2 85, Total Tax on Existing 8,24,23 8,24,23 70 check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (3,338,33) (4,449,019) 74 Renewable generation pre ,08 207,08 75 Renewable generation , ,870 7 PV3 generation 10,557 49, mw Generation (29,18) (95,039) 78 5 mw Generation (15,93) (48,398) 79 Transmission (1,48,223) (2,52,513) 80 HLM transmission 1,047 1, PV3 transmission 17,738 15,02 82 Distribution (492,77) (59,95) 83 Renewable distribution 927, , General 550, , Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 415, , Nuc Fuel 3 (142,129) 433, Total Temporary Difference (3,184,730) (5,038,519) 91 check total Fed Rate 3305% 3305% 94 State Rate 557% 557% 95 ADIT before proration 382% 382% 9 Generation (1,289,380) (1,718,211) 97 Renewable generation pre ,977 79, Renewable generation ,92 77,92 99 PV3 generation 2,007 19, mw Generation (11,25) (3,704) mw Generation (,15) (18,91) 102 Transmission (3,544) (975,739) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen),851 5, Distribution (190,307) (230,544) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 358, , General 212, ,428 AH Jun Jul Aug 1,313,927 1,313,927 52,7 52,7 2,209,033 2,209,033 13,088 13, ,91 208,91 85,2 85,2 Al 8,24,23 8,24,23 (4,411,87) (4,0,318) 207,08 207,08 201, ,870 34,781 3,895 (174,479) (200,525) (8,414) (98,077) (2,59,00) (2,47,43) 1,047 1,047 14,38 14,31 (834,840) (1,17,708) 929,03 929,571 57, , ,91 228, , ,728 (5,502,598) (,249,715) 3305% 3305% 557% 557% 382% 382% (1,703,793) (1,778,90) 79,977 79,977 77,92 77,92 13,432 14,249 (7,384) (77,443) (33,373) (37,877) (1,002,599) (1,022,440) ,549 5,54 (322,415) (450,99) 359, , , ,90 AJ 1,313,927 52,7 2,209,033 13, ,91 85,2 8,24,23 (4,838,005) 207,08 201,870 34,52 (202,098) (98,525) (3,007,30) 1,047 14,223 (1,321,983) 930, ,24 158,74 319,432 (7,09,40) 3305% 557% 382% (1,88,437) 79,977 77,92 13,383 (78,050) (38,051) (1,11,547) 404 5,493 (510,550) 359, , Sep AK 1,313,927 52,7 2,209,033 13, ,91 85,2 8,24,23 (5,17,888) 207,08 201,870 (29,59) (202,098) (98,509) (3,273,1) 1,047 12,09 (1,799,119) 932, ,197 (28,738) 12,1 (8,945,97) 3305% 557% 382% (1,995,838) 79,977 77,92 (11,420) (78,050) (38,044) (1,24,271) 404 4,71 (94,820) 359,981 1,528 "'CJ s: "'Cm 0) >< cc ::i:: Cl) OJ i:, N I, 0,, s: ::i:: ~~

223 A B AF AG AH Al AJ AK T Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 Hy12erlink to Lead Sheet I PNM Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 10, ,597 98,080 88,085 1,308 {110,738) 110 Nuc Fuel 3 (54,890) 17,510 11, ,85 123,35 48, Total ADIT change before proration (1,229,943) (1,945,87) (2,125,103) (2,413,40) (2,740,53) (3,454,932) 114 check 115 4/30/2018 5/31/2018 /30/2018 7/31/2018 8/31/2018 9/30/ Numerator Days Denominator Days % 5890% 508% 4219% 3370% 2548% TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (89,007) (1,012,097) (83,57) (750,575) (29,38) (508,529) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,902 47,110 40,53 33,744 2,951 20, Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation 52,544 45,923 39,515 32,894 2,272 19, Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,791 11,239,808,012 4,510 (2,910) 125 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (7,592) (21,20) (34,153) {32,74) (2,302) (19,887) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (4,155) (11,010) (1,915) (15,981) (12,823) (9,93) 127 Liberalied DePreciation Transmissio Transmission (429,013) (574,751) (508,1) (431,38) (391,425) {322,129) 128 Liberalied DePreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 4,17 3,42 2,812 2,340 1,851 1, Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (128,21) (135,800)1 (13,41) (190,272) (172,048) (177,03) 131 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 241, , ,95 151,49 121,09 91, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 143,39 114,52 128,1 8,47 5,25 42, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 108,15 7,927 49,712 37,15 20,0 (28,21) 135 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (3,995) 98,70 58,895 52,21 41,572 12, Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (828,948) (1,14,201) (1,077,107) (1,018,358) (923,52) (880,298) Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration 452, , , ,82 409,51 39, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration 304,921 2,83 20,2 172,50 138, , FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (743,74) (8,12) (739,018) (42,323) (538,828) (435,18) 152 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,128 40,315 34,90 28,877 23,04 17, Liberalied DePreciation Generation Renewable generation 44,9 39,300 33,81 28,150 22,483 1, Liberalied DePreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre ,74 9,18 5,82 5,145 3,859 (2,490) 155 Liberalied DePreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (,497) (18,502) (29,228) (27,92) (22,508) {17,019) 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (3,55) (9,422) (14,47) (13,7) (10,973) (8,295) 157 Liberalied Denreciation Transmissio Transmission (37,138) (491,857) (434,87) (39,19) (334,972) (275,70) "'Cl s: "'Clm Ill >< cc :c Cl) OJ i::, (,) I 0,, s: :c (0 I CN

224 A B AF AG y Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Apr May 158 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 3,951 2, Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (109,73) (11,214) 11 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 20,04 180, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 122,91 98, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 92,557 5, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (31,59) 84,440 1 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (709,392) (980,889) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADlT change after proration 20, , STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (125,333) (145,970) 182 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,774, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 7,578, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018,027 1, Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 mv'ii 132 mw Generation (1,095) (3,118) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (599) (1,588) 187 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (1,875) (82,894) 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (18,499) (19,58) 191 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 34,820 30, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 20,77 1, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 15,599 11, Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (5,33) 14, Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration {119,55) (15,312) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc STATE ADlT change after proration 43,977 38, check AH Jun Jul Aug ,407 2,003 (139,847) (12,830) 155, ,23 110,105 74,004 42,542 31,805 50,401 44,724 Al (921,71) (871,484) 17,85 147,2 (124,549) (108,252) 5,84 4,87 5,99 4, (4,92) (4,713) {2,440) (2,305) {73,291) (2,217) (23,59) (27,442) 2,244 21,84 18,55 12,472 7,170 5,30 8,494 7,537 (155,347) (14,873) 29,80 24,880 AJ 117 1,584 (147,234) 103,31 5,10 17,80 35,57 (790,31) 118,137 (90,810) 3,887 3, (3,793) (1,849) (5,454) (24,814) 17,45 9,45 2,980 5,99 (133,202) 19, Sep AK 88 1,019 (151,503) 78,493 3,311 (24,14) 10,24 (753,33) 8,517 (73,343) 2,939 2,85 (420) (2,88) (1,398) (4,459) (25,533) 13,229,120 (4,09) 1,791 (12,92) 14,581 "'1j :s: "'1Jm CJ >< ::c (I) co (Q i::, i::, I 0,, :s: ::c ~~

225 A B AL 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT i 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 I 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~12erlink to Lead Sheet I PNM Oct Nov 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 3,740, Renewable generation pre , Renewable generation , PV3 generation 434, mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 29, Transmission 2,051,189 1 HLM transmission 53, PV3 transmission 19, Distribution 2,473, Renewable distribution 934,21 20 General 744, Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 991,74 23 Nuc Fuel 3 749, Total Book 12,913,858 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 48, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 30,42 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 9, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 13,02, check total (0) Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 5,14,18 3 Renewable generation ,45 37 PV3 generation 278, mw Generation 20, mw Generation 129,82 40 Transmission 4,381,71 41 HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 8, Distribution 2,93,7 44 Renewable distribution 45 General 341,91 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 2,309,39 48 Nuc Fuel 3 529, so Total Tax on Additions 1,033, check total (0) 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 4,25,44 54 Renewable generation pre , PV3 generation 209, mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation AM AN, Dec Total 3,745,258 3,73, , , , , , ,431 29,3 29,571 2,05,08 2,059,794 53,714 53,714 19,711 19,712 2,483,97 2,475, , , ,150 74,25 1,090,774 1,510, , ,059 13,014,344 13,483,797 48,831 48,831 30,42 30,42 9,338 9,338 13,12,939 13,32,392 7,182,0 10,223,29 7,45 7,45 230,47 1,041,54 255, , , ,070 4,53,89 10,18,890 8,40 27,971 3,25,477 9,451, , ,540 2,354,114 2,705,08 893,35 899,031 19,49,08 35,79,45 (O) (0) 4,25,44 4,25,44 275, , , ,080 AO 44,430,805 5,790,259 2,512,015 5,17,958 33,847 23,988,188 44, ,474 29,393,378 11,172,445 8,90,329 1,819,19 8,201, ,19, ,972 35, , ,124 49,853,738 89,57 2,755,075 1,88,774 1,171,575 42,885,538 78,872 24,473,579 3,140,91 15,444,80 5,288,351 14,870, ,077,571 3,305,224 2,508,95 AP AQ Linkage ,97,07 3,031,479 1,255,885 2,35,829 9,014, , ,71 18,35, ,778 4,272,454 9,979,84 5,250,948 77,085, ,98 182,55 41,027 77,97,798 27,750,845 40,137 5,124,72 1,158,123 41,371, ,38 25,584,44 3,72,137 10,47,75 3,330, ,985,94 34,983,931 2,929,213 1,39,798 "C s: c m Ill >< (C :c CD OJ i:, CJI I, 0,, s: :c (D I ON

226 A B AL AM 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~12erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Oct Nov 58 Transmission 1,313,927 1,313, HLM transmission 52,7 52,7 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2,209,033 2,209,033 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,088 13,088 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 208,91 208,91 Nuc Fuel 3 85,2 85, Total Tax on Existing 8,24,23 8,24,23 70 check total Temporary Difference AN AO Dec Total 1,313,927 15,77,121 52,7 32,007 2,209,033 2,508,391 13, , ,91 2,50,995 85,2 1,027,514 8,24,23 103,490,833 AP AQ Linkage 201 9,35, ,540 1,811,471 81,335 2,908,31 1,95,33 70,791, Generation (5,52,328) (7,593,509) 74 Renewable generation pre ,08 207,08 75 Renewable generation , ,870 7 PV3 generation (53,02) (4,77) mw Generation (20,187) (255,349) 78 5 mw Generation (100,522) (124,704) 79 Transmission (3,595,8) (3,82,35) 80 HLM transmission 1,047 1, PV3 transmission 11,414 11,30 82 Distribution (2,429,303) (2,990,812) 83 Renewable distribution 934,21 935, General 389, ,24 85 Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (1,52,539) (1,472,25) 87 Nuc Fuel 3 133,878 (250,932) Total Temporary Difference (11,594,88) (14,957,383) 91 check total Fed Rate 3305% 3305% 94 State Rate 557% 557% 95 ADIT before proration 382% 382% 9 Generation (2,148,171) (2,932,13) 97 Renewable generation pre ,977 79, Renewable generation ,92 77,92 99 PV3 generation [20,479) (1,841) mw Generation (79,29) (98,1) mw Generation (38,822) (48,11) 102 Transmission (1,388,47) (1,491,42) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen) 4,408 4,3 105 Distribution (938,197) (1,155,052) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 30,812 31, General 150,282 92,929 (10,1,054) (55,303,340) 207,08 2,485, ,870 2,422,439 (81,303) (87,073) (255,349) (1,88,774) (124,499) (834,728) (9,392,192) (34,078,498) 1,047 12,55 (8,259) 18,02 (9,184,434) (21,588,592) 949,702 11,172,445 5,28 5,08,314 (1,403,953) (1,132,479) (235,599) 1,885,55 {30,71,309) (90,958,428) 3305% 557% 382% (4,099,920) (21,358,150) 79, ,721 77,92 935,54 (315,25) (33,28) (98,1) {52,205) (48,081) (322,372) (3,27,24) (13,11,11) 404 4,853 (3,190) 5,114 (3,547,029) (8,337,514) 3,775 4,314,798 2,174 2,15,931 (39,10,127) 102,2 849,748 (4,14,9) (1,158,123) (41,99,788) (4,309) (10,877) (24,030,204) 187, ,982 (3,39,711) 225,54 (111,800,49) 3714% 23412% (15,280,282) 39, ,572 (1,25,04) (451,900) (1,271,257) (25,093) (4,244) (9,37,58) 73, ,, s:,, m Ql >< tq :::c Cl) OJ i:, 0') I 0 s: 'Tl :::c (0 I ON

227 A B Al 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkaee & Test Period Decrciation ADIT 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet PNM Oct Nov 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (589,549) 110 Nuc Fuel 3 51, Total ADIT change before proration (4,477,945) 114 check /31/ Numerator Days Denominator Days % TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Decreciation Generation Generation (34,895) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre , Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 13, Liberalied Decreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (3,479) 125 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (13,52) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (,594) 127 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (235,880) 128 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission Liberalied Decreciation Distribution Distribution (159,35) 131 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 1, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 25, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (100,143) 135 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 8, Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (70,37) Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration 390, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration, FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (312,28) 152 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre ,2 153 Liberalied Decreciation Generation Renewable generation 11, Liberalied Decreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (2,977) 155 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (11,575) 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (5,43) 157 Liberalied Denreciation Transmissio Transmission (201,80) AM AN Dec Total (58,585) (542,207) (9,910) (90,988) (5,77,541) I (11,845,20) 11/30/ /31/ % 027% (257,10) (11,233) 7, , (11) (84) (8,4) (270) (4,222) (132) (130,774) (9,938) (9) (101,25) (9,718) 31,70 1,005 8,147 (49,849) (1,485) (8,49) (249) (50,437) (32,453) 374,9 (812,245) 32,848 (2,225) (220,025) (9,13), , (138) (739) (7,399) (231) (3,13) (113) (111,913 (8,504) AO (437,34) 728,240 (35,128,145) (,797,19) 444, , ,04 (18,541) (94,042) (3,483,544) 2,248 38,848 (1,481,488) 1,991,481 1,198,2 820, ,99 (,375,039) 3,858,70 2,442,217 (5,81,85) 380,43 370, ,588 (159,37) (80,479) (2,981,127) AP AQ Linkage 201 (1,325,397) 88,015 (43,24,554) (15,280,282) 39, ,572 (1,25,04) (451,900) (1,271,257) (25,093) (4,244) (9,37,58) 73, ,507 (1,325,397) 88,015 (43,24,554) (951,15) (951,15) (12,85,270) 33, ,972 (1,37,270) (380,212) [ ) "'C ~ cm Ill >< (C ::i:: (1) OJ i, I 0 ~ "Tl ::i:: U) I ON

228 A B AL f' Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 Hy12erlink to Lead Sheet PNM Oct Nov 158 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (13,380) 11 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 52, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 21,84 13 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (85,99) 15 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 7,51 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (50,934) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADIT change after proration 5, STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (52,27) 182 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre , Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 1, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 {502) 185 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation (1,951) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (951) 187 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (34,020) 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (22,985) 191 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 8, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 3, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (14,443) 195 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 1,27 19 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (109,704) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc STATE ADIT change after proration 9, check AM AN Dec Total (7) (8,0) (8,31) 27,103 80,972 5 (42,59) (1,271) (7,271) (213) (433,395) (27,772) 28,110 (1,904) AO 1,924 33,245 (1,27,819) 1,704,258 1,025, , ,98 (5,455,594) (8,999,118) 2,089,98 AP AQ Linkage 201 (21,113) (3,571) (7,889,11) 1,48 170,382 (1,115,140) 74,053 (3,704,103) (800,27) (37,081) (1,20) 1, (23) (125) (1,247) (39) {09) (19) (18,81) (1,433) (1) (14,05) (1,402) 4, ,175 1 (7,189) (214) (1,225) {3) {73,041) (4,81) 4,737 (321) (980,331) 4,120 2,505 32,457 {2,904) (13,53) (502,417) 324 5,03 (213,9) 287, , ,402 73,983 (919,445) (8,999,118) 352,231 (2,424,012),330 52,599 (257,795) (71,88) (2,581,217) (3,981) (73) (1,487,470) 11,23 32,125 (210,25) 13,92 (,920,451) (150,890) ""C :s: ""Cm ~ >< (C :c Cl) OJ i:, 00 I 0,, :s: :c (D I ON

229 A B AR 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT s HyQerlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM Linkage Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 49,202, Renewable generation pre ,790, Renewable generation ,512, PV3 generation 5,042, mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 15 Transmission 21,42,138 1 HLM transmission 44, PV3 transmission 233, Distribution 38,594, Renewable distribution 390, General 8,82, Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 15,833, Nuc Fuel 3 7,54, Total Book 15,150,485 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 585, Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 35, Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 832, Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (DA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 157,933,22 32 check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 48,451,954 3 Renewable generation , PV3 generation 2,25, mw Generation 2,398, mw Generation,554, Transmission 47,710, HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 77, Distribution 31,930,98 44 Renewable distribution 45 General 3,373,73 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 13,908, Nuc Fuel 3,389, Total Tax on Additions 13,570,53 51 check total 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 58,42, Renewable generation pre ,437, PV3 generation 2,0, mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation AS AT Ql 2018 Q ,924,758 I 11,057,143 1,447,55 I 1,447, I 28,004 1,284,29 1,289,88 79,0 81,304 5,704,724,001,554 11,143 11,143 70,592 58,744 7,270,052 7,311,81 2,77,229 2,784,725 2,214,132 2,23,93 4,379,209 4,405,209 1,887,32 1,81,840 38,827,37 39,325,9 14,493 14,493 91,278 91, , ,013 39,273,421 39,771,453 3,174,555 10,78,380 22,394 22,394 15, ,705 8, ,87 118, ,078 3,438,240 8,977,04 4,298 11,57 1,413,23 2,09, ,23 48,138 1,589,924 2,770, ,955 1,012,473 11,117,574 27,24,592 12,79,393 12,79,393 82,30 82,30 27,239 27,239 AU Q ,198,712 1,447,55 28,004 1,299,447 87,1,114,320 11,143 59,004 7,378,07 2,792,159 2,219,75 4,442,209 2,22,177 40,054,82 14,493 91, ,013 40,500,4 13,340,822 22,394 30,230 04, ,772 11,247,715 18,324 5,040, ,20 3,715,370 1,202,972 3,919,900 12,79,393 82,30 27,239 AV Q ,250,191 1,447,55 28,004 1,303,52 88,277,17,590 11,143 59,134 7,432,904 2,819,332 2,235,58 3,592,59 2,22,177 39,411,999 14,493 91, ,013 39,857,784 22,551,981 22,394 1,550,383 71, ,001 19,222,519 44,74 15,410,35 1,50,940 7,38,59 2,321,951 71,208,54 12,79,393 82,30 27,239 "C :s: c m QI >< cc ::c: (I) OJ r:, U) I 0,, :s: ::c: U) I ON

230 A B AR 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linka~e & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~12erlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM Linkage g Transmission 17,177, HLM transmission 42,8 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 29,30,05 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 13,299 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 3,710,584 Nuc Fuel 3 2,238, Total Tax on Existing 119,08, check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation (5,514,357) 74 Renewable generation pre ,352, Renewable generation ,32,721 7 PV3 generation (189,577) mw Generation (2,398,881) 78 5 mw Generation (,554,900) 79 Transmission (42,875,505) 80 HLM transmission 1, PV3 transmission 15, Distribution (22,9,717) 83 Renewable distribution 390, General 5,288,98 85 Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (1,785,074) 87 Nuc Fuel 3 (973,34) Total Temporary Difference (124,705,433) 91 check total Fed Rate 94 State Rate 000% 95 ADIT before proration 000% 9 Generation (21,921,919) 97 Renewable generation pre ,53 98 Renewable generation , PV3 generation (73,537) mw Generation (930,52) mw Generation (2,542,4) 102 Transmission (1,31,408) 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen) 0, Distribution (8,908,789) 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 151, General AS AT Ql 2018 Q ,941,780 3,941, , ,002,27,098,27,098 39,24 39,24 2,749 2,749 25,879 25,879 25,872,708 25,872,708 (4,719,899) (12,199,339) 21,259 21,259 05,10 05,10 500, ,744 (8,481) (298,87) (39,117) (150,775) (1,528,803) (,770,797) 3,141 3,141,294 47,18 (770,8) (1,924,53) 2,77,229 2,784,725 1,795,24 1,711,534 2,12,53 1,007,43 879, ,488 2,283,139 (13,725,847) (O) 171% 171% 1158% 1158% (1,822,825) (4,711,385) 239, , ,88 233,88 193,21 94,520 (2,447) (115,353) (15,107) (58,229) (590,424) (2,14,882) 1,213 1,213 25,03 18,21 (297,32) (743,2) 1,072,180 1,075, AU Q ,941, ,002,27,098 39,24 2,749 25,879 25,872,708 (14,12,211) 21,259 05,10 41,979 (04,722) (295,112) (8,928,82) 3,141 40,80 (4,288,810) 2,792,159 1,4, ,090 7,32 (22,292,142) 171% 1158% (5,43,23) 239, ,88 1,212 (233,543) (113,972) (3,448,257) 1,213 15,711 (1,5,339) 1,078, AV Q ,941, ,002,27,098 39,24 2,749 25,879 25,872,708 (23,771,891) 21,259 05,10 (874,09) (71,885) (349,725) (1,850,21) 3,141 14,40 (14,04,550) 2,819,332 35,383 (4,402,749) (352,52) (57,223,578) 171% 1158% (9,180,704) 239, ,88 (337,57) (27,81) (135,04) (,507,553) 1,213 5,585 (5,40,277) 1,088, "'O s: om Ill >< (Q :i::: (b O'J u, 0 I,, :i::: (D I ON 0 s:

231 n A B AR i Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~(!erlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM Linkage Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (92,430) 110 Nuc Fuel 3 (377,72) Total ADIT change before proration (48,373,237) 114 check Numerator Days 117 Denominator Days TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (21,921,919) 122 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre , Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 91, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (73,537) 125 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 m\ mw Generation (930,52) 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (2,542,4) 127 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (1,31,408) 128 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 0, Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (8,908,789) 131 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 151, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 2,051, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (92,430) 135 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 {377,72) 13 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (48,373,237) Corp Allee ADIT change before proration (3,310,420) 142 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Allee ADIT change after proration (3,310,420) FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (18,21,481) 152 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable Renewable generation pre ,4 153 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Renewable generation 778, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (2,4) 155 Liberalied Deoreciation SJ4 132 m\ mw Generation (790,431) 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (2,159,839) 157 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission (14 127,479) AS I AT Ql 2018 Q , , ,0 228, ,748 (5,300,922) (1,530,551) (2,744,70) 201, ,548 19, ,982 12,099 59,839 (21,870) (3,3) (12,51) (32,080) (450,082) (1,511,930) 1, ,488 10,85 (244,30) (427,478) 898,825 34,40 583,499 38,55 708, ,794 28, , ,92 (3,052,25) 1,377,712 1,313,12 1,155,2 778,419 (1,309,80) (2,348,818) 172,13 121,133 17, , ,720 51,208 (18,71) (54,227) (10,711) (27,453) (385 19) ( ) AU Q ,55 295,955 (8,09,225) (1,888,741) 81,072 79,030 7,12 (78,83) (38,497) (1,144,940) 410 5,381 (539,35) 34,28 194,531 29,09 10,248 (2,822,218) 1,215, ,50 (1,1,33) 9,380 7,32,514 (7,489) (32,945) ( ) AV Q (1,700,341) (13,194) (22,099,74) (33,233) 20,81 20,292 (4,504) (22,442) (10,948) (37,592) 105 1,123 (270,348) 93,94 33,81 (151,477) 37 (1,299,52) (47,497) 9,882 (541,905) 17,814 17,35 (3,854) (19,205) {9,39) / ) '"tl s: '"tlm Ill >< cc :::c C'D OJ CJ'I I,, 0,, s:: :::c (0 I ON

232 I A B AR 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM Linkage Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 51, Liberalied Depreciation Distribution Distribution (7,57,533) 11 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 128, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 1,742, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (588,182) 15 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (320,812) 1 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (41,090,440) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc FED ADIT change after proration (2,812,022) STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation (3,300,438) 182 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre , Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 137, Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre 2018 (11,071) 185 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 m\i\ 132 mw Generation (140,095) 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation (382,80) 187 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission (2,503,929) 188 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 9, Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution (1,341,25) 191 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 22, Liberalied Depreciation Other General 308, Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 (104,248) 195 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 (5,80) 19 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration (7,282,797) Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corp Alloc STATE ADIT change after proration (498,398) check AS I I AT Q12018 Q ,389 9,290 (209,071) (35,824) 79, , , ,805 05, , , ,182 83,731 (2,12,042) 988,47,151 AU Q ,05 (41,57) 311,747 1,475 25,339 90,924 (2,415,181) 352,280 AV Q (231,357) 80,412 28,823 (129,30) 32 (1,112,101) 82,909 (220,745) (395,852) 29,011 20,415 28,280 19,901 23,379 8,30 (3,154) (9,139) (1,805) (4,27) (4,913) (218,059) ,099 1,5 (35,235) (1,53) 129,34 91,498 84,15 55, ,115 33,83 41,25 17, ,231 {440,214) 1,19 112,28 (272,405) 11,93 11,398 1,098 (11,374) (5,552) (15,130) (77,789) 52,539 28,05 4,270 15,324 (407,037) 59,371 (91,329) 3,002 2,927 (50) (3,237) (1,579) (54,314) (38,991) 13,552 4,858 (21,847) 5 (187,425) 13,973 "'O s: om Ill >< (C :I: l'p o::j c,, N I 0 s:, 'i1 :I: (D I ON

233 A B T Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM 8 Book Depreciation Expense 9 Generation 10 Renewable generation pre Renewable generation PV3 generation mw Generation 14 5 mw Generation 15 Transmission 1 HLM transmission 17 PV3 transmission 18 Distribution 19 Renewable distribution 20 General 21 Corporate Allocation 22 Nuc Fuel 1&2 23 Nuc Fuel Total Book 2 Add: EIP acquisition amort (ORB) 27 Add: PV acquisition amort (ORB) 28 Add: PV acquisition amort 1st Chi (ORB) 29 Add: PV 2 lease acquis amort (OA) NOT RECOVERABLE 30 Less: corp allocation 31 total Book before corp alloc 32 check total Tax Depreciation Expense on Additions 35 Generation 3 Renewable generation PV3 generation mw Generation 39 5 mw Generation 40 Transmission 41 HLM transmission 42 PV3 transmission 43 Distribution 44 Renewable distribution 45 General 4 Corporate Allocation 47 Nuc Fuel 1&2 48 Nuc Fuel 3 49 so Total Tax on Additions 51 check total 52 Tax Depreciation Expense on Existing plant 53 Generation 54 Renewable generation pre PV3 generation mw Generation 57 5 mw Generation AW Total ,430,805 5,790,259 2,512,015 5,17,958 AX Proration 33,847 23,988,188 44, ,474 29,393,378 11,172,445 8,90,329 1,819,19 8,201, ,19, ,972 35, , ,403,124 49,853,738 89,57 2,755,075 1,88,774 1,171,575 42,885,538 78,872 24,473,579 3,140,91 15,444,80 5,288,351 14,870,720 51,077,571 3,305,224 2,508,95 I AY Test Period 44,430,805 5,790,259 2,512,015 5,17,958 33,847 23,988,188 44, ,474 29,393,378 11,172,445 8,90,329 1,819,19 8,201, ,19, ,972 35, , ,403,124 49,853,738 89,57 2,755,075 1,88,774 1,171,575 42,885,538 78,872 24,473,579 3,140,91 15,444,80 5,288,351 14,870,720 51,077,571 3,305,224 2,508,95 I AZ "'CJ ~ om Ill >< cc :::x: Cl) OJ (71 w I 0 ~ 'Tl :::x: ~N

234 A B 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation ADIT 5 H~12erlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM 58 Transmission 59 HLM transmission 0 PV3 transmission 1 Distribution 2 Renewable distribution 3 General 4 Corporate Allocation 5 Nuc Fuel 1&2 Nuc Fuel Total Tax on Existing 70 check total Temporary Difference 73 Generation 74 Renewable generation pre Renewable generation PV3 generation mw Generation 78 5 mw Generation 79 Transmission 80 HLM transmission 81 PV3 transmission 82 Distribution 83 Renewable distribution 84 General 85 Corporate Allocation 8 Nuc Fuel 1&2 87 Nuc Fuel Total Temporary Difference 91 check total Fed Rate 94 State Rate 95 ADIT before proration 9 Generation 97 Renewable generation pre Renewable generation PV3 generation mw Generation mw Generation 102 Transmission 103 HLM transmission (with Trans) 104 PV3 transmission (with PV3 gen) 105 Distribution 10 Renewable distribution (with renew) 107 General AW AX Total 2018 Proration 15,77,121 32,007 2,508, ,054 2,50,995 1,027, ,490,833 (55,303,340) 2,485,035 2,422,439 (87,073) (1,88,774) (834,728) (34,078,498) 12,55 18,02 (21,588,592) 11,172,445 5,08,314 (1,132,479) 1,885,55 (90,958,428) (0) 84% 4344% (21,358,150) 14,50, ,721 (515,138) 935,54 (502,12) (33,28) 258,73 (52,205) 45,3 (322,372) 228,330 (13,11,11) 9,77,572 4,853 (2,05) 5,114 (2,2) (8,337,514),85,02 4,314,798 (2,323,317) (97 5 AY Test Period 15,77,121 32,007 2,508, ,054 2,50,995 1,027, ,490,833 I (55,303,340) 2,485,035 2,422,439 (87,073) (1,88,774) (834,728) (34,078,498) 12,55 18,02 (21,588,592) 11,172,445 5,08,314 I (1,132,479) 1,885,55 (90,958,428) (0) 84% 4344% (,797,19) 444, , ,04 (18,541) (94,042) (3,483,544) 2,248 38,848 (1,481,488) 1,991, AZ,, :s:,, m l!j >< cc :c (1) OJ u, i:, i,, 0,, :s: :c (0 I ON

235 A B :C Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM 108 Corporate Allocation 109 Nuc Fuel 1&2 110 Nuc Fuel Total ADIT change before proration 114 check Numerator Days 117 Denominator Days TOTAL ADIT after proration 121 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation 122 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 124 Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 m¼ 132 mw Generation 12 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 127 Liberalied Depreciation Transmissio Transmission 128 Liberalied Depreciation HLM HLM transmission 129 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 130 Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution 131 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 132 Liberalied Depreciation Other General 133 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 134 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 135 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 13 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration Corp Alloc ADIT change before proration 142 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corp Alloc ADIT change after proration FED ADIT after proration 151 Liberalied Depreciation Generation Generation 152 Liberalied Depreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 154 Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation 15 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 157 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission AW Total 2018 AX Proration (437,34) 1,258, ,240 (215,271) I (35,128,145) 28,753,10 (,797,19) 444, , ,04 (18,541) (94,042) (3,483,544) 2,248 38,848 (1,481,488) 1,991,481 1,198,2 820, ,99 (,375,039) 3,858,70 (1,41,453) 2,442,217 (5,81,85) 380,43 370, ,588 (159,37) (80,479) ( \ AY Test Period 820, ,99 (,375,039) (,797,19) 444, , ,04 (18,541) (94,042) (3,483,544) 2,248 38,848 (1,481,488) 1,991,481 1,198,2 820, ,99 (,375,039) 2,442,217 2,442,217 (5,81,85) 380,43 370, ,588 (159,37) (80,479) ( AZ 8185% "Cl ~ "Cl m Cl >< (C :c CD OJ CJ1 CJ1 l 0 ~ "Tl :c :g N

236 A B I Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT12 Linkage & Test Period Deorciation ADIT 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 PNM 158 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission 159 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 10 Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution 11 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 12 Liberalied Depreciation Other General 13 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corporate Allocation 14 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 15 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 1 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corp Aflac FED ADIT change after proration STATE ADIT after proration 181 Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Generation 182 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable generation pre Liberalied Deoreciation Generation Renewable generation 184 Liberalied Deoreciation PV 3 PV3 generation pre Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 132 mw 132 mw Generation 18 Liberalied Depreciation SJ4 5 mw 5 mw Generation 187 Liberalied Deoreciation Transmissio Transmission 188 Liberalied Deoreciation HLM HLM transmission 189 Liberalied Depreciation PV 3 PV3 transmission 190 Liberalied Deoreciation Distribution Distribution 191 Liberalied Deoreciation Renewable! Renewable distribution 192 Liberalied Depreciation Other General 193 Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alloca Corporate Allocation 194 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 1&2 Nuc Fuel 1&2 195 Nuclear Fuel Amortiation PV 3 Nuc Fuel 3 19 Liberalied Depreciation Generation PV3 generation post Total ADIT change after proration Liberalied Depreciation Corp Alicea Corp Alloc STATE ADIT change after proration check AW AX Total 2018 Proration 1,924 33,245 (1,27,819) 1,704,258 1,025, , ,98 (5,455,594) 2,089,98 (980,331) 4,120 2,505 32,457 (2,904) (13,53) (502,417) 324 5,03 (213,9) 287, , ,402 73,983 (919,445) 352,231 AY Test Period 1,924 33,245 (1,27,819) 1,704,258 1,025, , ,98 (5,455,594) 2,089,98 (980,331) 4,120 2,505 32,457 (2,904) (13,53) (502,417) 324 5,03 (213,9) 287, , ,402 73,983 (919,445) 352,231 AZ "'CJ ~ "'Cm 0) >< (C :::c CD CJ 0, a, I 0 ~,, :::c U:, I ON

237 Public Service Company of New Mexico NMPRC Case No 10027UT PNM Exhibit MFH2 ADIT13 Linkage & Test Period Deprciation FlowThrough Reversals Hvoerlink to Leacf Sheet /31/2018 2/28/2018 3/31/2018 4/30/2018 Prorated ADIT Adlustment 5/31/2018 /30/2018 7/31/2018 8/31/2018 9/30/ /31/ /30/ /31/2018 preacrs SJ acrs S (5,471) 342,34 2,579,41 572,352 (22,053) (22,053) 342,34 342,34 2,111,543 2,282,05 335, ,533 (51) (597) (537) (478) 10,112 9,27 8,331 7,42 7,408 1,774 55,53 49,499 9,911 9,083 8,15 7,278 (418) (30) (299) (239),490 5,584 4,49 3,713 43,22 37,225 30,987 24,750,31 5,473 4,55 3,39 (181) (121) 2,807 1,872 18,713 12,475 2,751 1,834 (2) 9, (2) Total e Prorated Effect 3,428, % 19% 3902% 1,337,85 2,77,39 2,937, % 3305% 584% 557% 3879% 382% 1,073,42 1,134,10 525,599 (09,011) 8,780 79,52 71,49 3,725 94,551 94,551 94,551 94, % 8411% 752% 740% 8,780 79,52 71,49 3,725 55,94 47,923 39,893 31,82 94,551 94,551 94,551 94, % 508% 4219% 3370% 55,94 47,923 39,893 31,82 24,091 1,01 94,551 94, % 199% 24,091 1,01 8,289 94, % 8, , % 259 Fed ADIT Prorated Change Prorated Effect 1,125,23 911, , ,794 (521,17) 80,914 80,914 80,914 80, % 8411% 752% 740% 74,24 8,057 1,184 54,534 80,914 80,914 80,914 80, % 508% 4219% 3370% 47,2 41,011 34,139 27,27 80,914 80, % 199% 20,1 13,744 80, % 7,094 80, % 222 StateADIT Prorated Change Prorated Effect 212,233 11,14 13,40 75,805 {87,835) 13,37 13,37 13,37 13, % 8411% 752% 740% 12,51 11,470 10,312 9,191 13,37 13,37 13,37 13, % 508% 4219% 3370% 8,033,912 5,754 4,595 13,37 13, % 199% 3,475 2,31 13, % 1,19 13, % 37 "ti s: c m Cl >< :::c (Q (I) OJ (11 ""' i 0,, s: :::c :g N

238 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT14 Linkage & Test Period ARAM Excess Deferred Tax Reversal 5 Hy[1erlink to lead Sheet Transmission & Year Production Distribution General Plant Total ,97 43, ,023 12, ,32 14, , , , , ,270 94, ,131 80, ,801 8, ,21 2, ,282 5, , ,50 119,908 71,04 1,058, ,543, ,39 0,304 1,881, ,855,070 39,514 9,987 2,294, ,890,77 498,152 2,241 2,451, ,25,310 4,054, ,573 9,90, ,53,394 1,953, ,07 4,720, ,331,107 1,029, ,957 3,54, ,124, ,94 257,325 1,589, ,947 (,278) 123, , ,033 (,278) 157, , (1,25) " (449) Total 17,87,587 8,49,798 2,741,805 28,92, Payroll 11,228 1,88 11,350 24,44 thru Payroll 2, ,853,14 thru New ARAM amort extending 828% of gen thru 2053 for SJ life extension Year Prod T&D General TotalARAM w/p/r (3 Qtr) 18,8 31,195 38, ,41 25, Bal 9/30/1 1,159,570 12, ,537 1,822,04 1,95, (1 Qtr) 15,041 10,398 12,8 38,30 44, ,15 41,593 51,45 153, , ,15 41,593 51,45 153, , ,15 41,593 51,45 153, , ,15 41,593 51,45 153, , ,091 (1,25) 24,15 5,450 2,595 G SJ U23 W/D H Total 25,795 (410,723) 1,54,104 44, ,9 (25,257) 152,412 (25,257) 152,412 (22,837) 13,532 (12,92) 49,70 I J "C s: c m Ill >< (C :c CD OJ c,, 00 I,, 0 s: :c U) I ON

239 A B C D E 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT14 Linkage & Test Period ARAM Excess Deferred Tax Reversal 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet ,091 (1,25} 24,15 5, ,091 (1,25} 24,15 5, ,091 (1,25} 24,15 5, ,091 (1,25} 24,15 5, ,458 (1,25} 31,548 5, ,458 (1,25} 31,548 5, ,458 (1,25) 31,548 5, ,458 (1,25} 31,548 5, ,458 (1,25} 31,548 5, ,375 (251} 2, ,375 (251) 2, ,375 (251) 2, ,375 (251) 2, ,375 (251} 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, ,347 2, Total 1,159,570 12, ,537 1,822, Test Period adjustment Total 1/31/2018 2/28/ Before Proration 152,412 12,701 12, % 8411% 94 Prorated Change 70,04 11,57 10,83 95 Prorated Effect (81,809) F G 2,595 (12,92) 2,595 (12,92} 2,595 (12,92} 2,595 (12,92} 2,89 (10,498} 2,89 (10,498} 2,89 (10,498} 5,750 (9,85} 5,750 (9,85} 2,124 (9,55} 2,124 (9,55} 2,124 (9,55) 2,124 (9,55) 2,124 (9,55) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45} 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 2,347 (9,45) 1,95,827 (410,722) 1 3/31/2018 4/30/ ,701 12, % 740% 9,04 8,50 H 49,70 49,70 49,70 49,70 52,398 52,398 52,398 47,05 47,05 1,49 1,49 1,49 1,49 1,49 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,702 1,54, /31/ , % 7,481! I /30/ , %,438 J 7/31/ , % 5,359,, s,:, m Ill >< (Q :c Cl) co (11 to I 0 S :c "Tl to I ON

240 A K L M 1 Public Service Cor 2 NM PRC Case No 3 PNM Exhibit MH 4 ADIT14 Linkage / 5 Hyi;1erlink to Leac N 0 p Q R s T Year Total Payroll 33 Payroll New ARAM amor Year (3 Qtr) Bal 9/30/ unextended 2015 Extended unextended (1 Qtr) 9, , , , , Extended unextended Extended 5,304 21,215 21,215 21,215 21,215 21,215,892 4, unextended Extended unextended Extended "C s: c m 0l >< (Q :I: (t) CJ CTI 0 i, 0,, s: :I: :g :,

241 A K L M 1 Public Service Co1 2 NM PRC Case No 3 PNM Exhibit Mn 4 ADIT14 Linkage, 5 Hy11erlink to Leac Total 15, Test Period adjus1 8/31/2018 9/30/ /31/ Before Proration 12,701 12,701 12, % 2548% 199% 94 Prorated Change 4,280 3,23 2, Prorated Effect N 0 p 21,215,892 4,985 21,215,892 4,985 21,215,892 4,985 21,215,892 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4,985 21,215 4, ,241 34,458 14,489 (O) 11/30/ /31/ ,701 12, % 027% 1, Q R ,334 T "CJ s: "CJ m w >< cc :c Cl) OJ 0, I 0 s: n :c ~N

242 A B C D E F G T Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT15 LinkaEe & Test Period AFUDC & Book Caoitalied Interest 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet 7 FY18 FY Linkage 2017 Linkage Total Linkage Jan 9 CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other INCOME s 42CT C, (389,01) (373,039) (72,40) (1,529} 10 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric INCOME s 929CT Al (111,72) (484,784) (59,510) (12,089) 11 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric INCOME s 928CTAI (103,157) (39,581) (472,738) (13,411) 12 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric INCOME s 42CT C, (33,322) (99,540) (132,82) (7,824) 13 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission INCOME s 929cT Al (518,340) (2,18,27) (2,704,97) (125,087) 14 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission INCOME S 928CTAI (478,13) (1,7,018) (2,145,31) (138,73) 15 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission INCOME S 42CT C, (32,501) (77,200) (109,700) (1,071) 1 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power INCOME s 929CTAI (1,483,097) (7,01,214) (8,544,310) (352,381) 17 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power INCOME S 928CTAI (1,39,425) (5,383,21) (,752,8) (390,908) 18 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power INCOME s 42CT C, (80,888) (212,75) (293,53) CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other BALANCE, 425cT c, 722,75 472,314 1,195,071 1, CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other BALANCE, 42Capital (333,15) (99,275) (432,431) 23 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE, 929CTAI 17,39 504,907 72,303 12, PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE 5 928CTAI 154, , ,507 13, PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE, 42CT C, 34,39 99, ,180 7,824 2 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE 5 42Capital (1,318) (1,318) 27 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE, 928AFUDC (51,415) (15,354) (,79) 28 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric BALANCE, 929AFUDC (55,70) (20,123) (75,793) 29 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE ' 929CT Al 22,233 2,24,949 2,89, , PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE ' 928CTAI 574,55 1,713,044 2,287,09 138,73 31 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE, 42CT C, 39,811 78, ,282 1, PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE, 42Capital (7,311) (1,271) (8,582) 33 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE, 928AFUDC (95,952) (4,02) (141,978) 34 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission BALANCE, 929AFUDC (103,893) (0,321) (14,214) 35 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE 5 929cT Al 1,805,524 7,243,99 9,049, ,381 3 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE, 928CTAI 1,7,208 5,522,499 7,189,70 390, PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE, 42CT C, 12, , ,59 38 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE, 42Capital (45,909) (18,034) (3,943) 39 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE 5 928AFUDC (297,782) (139,238) (437,020) 40 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power BALANCE, 929AFUDC (322,427) (182,485) (504,912) Total AFUDC Equity (2,113,12) (9,732,25) (11,845,788) (489,558) 43 Total AFUDC Debt (1,951,19) (7,419,80) (9,371,055) (543,082) 44 Total Book Capitalied Interest (53,311) (72,545) (1,298,855) (10,425) 45 4 Fed tax rate 3283% 3295% 3305% 47 State tax rate 19% 584% 557% 48 Total tax rate 3902% 3879% 382% 49 so % Total AFUDC Equity (824,55) (3,775,285) (4,599,841) (173,527) 55 Total AFUDC Debt (71,35) (2,878,14) (3,39,520) (192,500) 5 Total Book Capitalied Interest (209,29) (295,791) (505,00) (3,95) 57 H I J FY18 FY18 Feb Mar Apr (3,244) (10,43) (20,141) (15,098) (20,0) (24,109) (1,748) (22,20) (2,745) (7,517) (8,870) (9,850) (138,5) (150,782) (80,279) (153,71) (17,27) (89,05) (118) (408) (541) (373,187) (398,433) (412,312) (413,989) (441,995) (457,391) (13) (29) (70) 3,244 10,43 20,141 15,098 20,0 24,109 1,748 22,20 2,745 7,517 8,870 9, ,5 150,782 80, ,71 17,27 89, , , , , , , (52,851) (59,281) (51,700) (584,453) (31,522) (573,192) (10,892) (19,950) (30,02) 3305% 3305% 3305% 557% 557% 557% 382% 382% 382% % 752% 740% (171,138) (1,247) (134,491) (189,849) (184,424) (149,195) (3,538) (5,82) (7,95) K FY18 FY18 May Jun (25,155) (27,789) (27,534) (32,45) (30,545) (3,005) (10,504) (10,349) (87,81) (58,899) (97,28) (5,339) (13) (539) (332,207) (290,8) (38,529) (322,7) (14) (191) 25,155 27,534 30,545 10,504 87,81 97, ,207 38, (447,423) (49,341) (35,942) 3305% 557% 382% % (101,783) (112,911) (8,17) L 27,789 32,45 3,005 10,349 58,899 5, ,8 322,7 191 (382,222) (424,011) (38,88) 3305% 557% 382% % (74,818) (82,998) (7,08) "C :is: "C m 11) >< (Q :::c CD CIJ a, N I 0 :is: :::c 'Tl CD I ON

243 f A B C D E F Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT15 Linkage & Test Period AFUDC & Book Caoitalied Interest 5 H~nerlink to lead Sheet 58 Fed AFUDC Equity (93,751) (3,20,900) (3,900,51) 59 Fed AFUDC Debt (40,577) (2,444,844) (3,085,421) 0 Fed Book Capitalied Interest (17,071) (251,258) (427,329) 1 52 State AFUDC Equity (130,805) (58,385) (99,190) 53 State AFUDC Debt (120,779) (433,320) (554,099) 54 State Book Capitalied Interest (33,198) (44,533) (77,730) 55 G H I (148,500) (14,455) (142,270) (14,73) (12,48) (157,825) (3,12) (3,028) (4,98) (25,027) (24,82) (23,977) (27,73) (27,381) (2,599) (533) (510) (840) J K (115,094) (87,103) (127,77) (9,27) (,81) (,997) (19,397) (14,80) (21,518) (1,285) (1,149) (1,179) L (4,027) (71,028) (,511) (10,791) (11,970) (1,097) "'O s: "'Om Ill >< cg :!:, CD a, (J I, 0,, s: :::c (D I Ci'J

244 A M N 0 r Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT15 Linkaee & Test Period AFUDC & Bo, 5 HyQerlink to Lead Sheet 7 FY18 FY18 FY18 8 Jul Aug Sep 9 CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other (22,588) (25,279) (28,038) 10 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric (32,341) (33,17) (38,042) 11 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric (35,877) (37,292) (42,201) 12 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric (11,55) (4,3) (4,922) 13 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission (2,73) (71,497) (71,541) 14 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission (9,525) (79,314) (79,33) 15 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission (971) (238) (552) 1 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power (288,02) (291,171) (299,23) 17 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power (320,155) (323,00) (331,952) 18 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power (24) (272) CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other 22,588 25,279 28, CORP AND OTHER= Corporate and Other 23 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 32,341 33,17 38, PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 35,877 37,292 42, PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 11,55 4,3 4,922 2 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 27 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 28 PNM ELECTRIC PNM Electric 29 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission 2,73 71,497 71, PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission 9,525 79,314 79,33 31 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission 33 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission 34 PNM TRANSMISSION PNM Transmission 35 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power 288,02 291, ,23 3 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power 320, ,00 331, PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power PNM_BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power 39 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power 40 PNM BULK POWER PNM Bulk Power Total AFUDC Equity (383,1) (39,28) (408,820) 43 Total AFUDC Debt (425,558) (439,13) (453,517) 44 Total Book Capitalied Interest (35,32) (30,452) (33,513) 45 4 Fed tax rate 3305% 3305% 3305% 47 State tax rate 557% 557% 557% 48 Total tax rate 382% 382% 382% % 3370% 2548% Total AFUDC Equity (2,508) (51,574) (40,229) 55 Total AFUDC Debt (9,342) (57,213) (44,27) 5 Total Book Capitalied Interest (5,72) (3,93) (3,298) 57 p FY18 FY18 FY18 Oct Nov (31,389) (33,408) (39,087) (41,930) (43,30) (4,514) (4,015) (4,101) (74,412) (7,888) (82,547) (85,295) (97) (258) (292,03) (294,437) (323,995) (32,28) Q 31,389 33,408 39,087 41,930 43,30 4,514 4,015 4,101 74,412 7,888 82,547 85, ,03 294, ,995 32,28 (405,52) (413,255) (449,903) (458,438) (3,371) (37,7) 3305% 3305% 557% 557% 382% 382% % 877% (2,05) (13,992) (29,514) (15,522) (2,38) (1,279) R Dec (37,797) (43,927) (48,730) (4,454) (82,401) (91,410) (59) (277,434) (307,7) 37,797 43,927 48,730 4,454 82,401 91, , ,7 (403,72) (447,90) (42,847) 3305% 557% 382% % (427) (474) (45) s FY18 Test Year Total (27,001) (30,298) (399,90) (88,25) (1,080,707) (1,198,84) (,397) (3,902,330) (4,328,982) (97) 27,001 30, ,90 88,25 1,080,707 1,198,84,397 ' 3,902,330 4,328, (5,343,335) (5,927,535) (32,989) 3305% 557% 382% (1,017,341) (1,128,59) (53,542) "'tj s: "'tlm Ill >< (0 :::c CD o:r 0,,:, I,, 0 s: :::c C,0 I ON

245 A M N 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT15 Linka~e & Test Period AFUDC & Boe 5 H~11erlink to Lead Sheet 58 Fed AFUDC Equity (53,493) (44,13) 59 Fed AFUDC Debt (59,341) (48,91) 0 Fed Book Capitalied Interest (4,931) (3,392) 1 2 State AFUDC Equity (9,015) (7,438) 3 State AFUDC Debt (10,001) (8,252) 4 State Book Capitalied Interest (831) (572) 5 0 p Q (34,427) (22,78) (11,974) {38,190) (25,257) (13,283) (2,822) (2,042) (1,094) (5,802) (3,837) (2,018) (,43) (4,257) (2,239) (47) (344) (184) R s (3) (870,14) (40) (95,800) (39) (45,820) {2) (14,727) (8) (12,79) (7) (7,722} "ti :s: "ti m Ill >< (Q :c Cl) co en CJ'I I,, 0 :s: :c (0 I ON

246 A B C D E 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico I 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT1 Palo Verde Licensing Amortiation 5 Hi 1aerlink to Lead Sheet PV LICENSING AMORT PVl PV2 PV ,19 142,088 53, ,19 142,088 53, AR (392) (392) (392} , ,9 53, &91 IRS EXAM FOR ,19 142,088 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, , ,9 53, ,15 53, , , , TOTAL PV LICENSING AMORT,495,209 3,7,340 1,541,728 0 F Total ' G FIT BALANCE 455, ,02 455, ,02 (1,17} (372) 454,09 147, , ,02 454,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 147, ,09 148,293 18,292 0,997 53,13 17,44 53,13 17,512 53,13 17,52 11,713,277 3,798,992 H SIT BALANCE I PV1&2 32, ,511 32, ,511 (83} (303} 32, ,939 32, ,511 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 32, ,939 30, ,21 12,01 52,187 3,289 3,103 2,90 822,737 4,014,400 J PV 3 20,94 20,94 (152} 21,03 20,94 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 21,03 20,94 20,825 20,73 20,15 20,521 07,329 ""C s: cm Ill >< (Q :c (I) CJ en en I 0 s: Tl :c (0 I ON

247 A B C D E F 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT17 High Lonesome Mesa Reclass 5 Hy~erlink to Lead Sheet G H I J K L asset_locati all ocated_rese utility account on Year depr group book cost rve Station Equip Belen Switch Station 324,172 10, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 20,407 7, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 4,437 1, Land Bel en Switch Land 1, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 39,421 14, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 10,79 3, Station Equip Belen Switch Station 54,040 15, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 8,259 1, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Con Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWill an OH Con 71,747 11, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & Poles & Fixtures BelenWillanl Poles & 3,33 10, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Con (O) Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 18,470 30, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 104,390 1, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 143,588 23, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 140,700 22, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 8,90 11, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 727,397 99, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 849,543 11, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWill an OH Con 1,439, , Co 2 Land Right Of Way BelenWillan Land RJI 1,222,830 19, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Cori 14,324 19, Co 2 Land Right Of Way BelenWillan Land Ri 1 202,78 32, Co 2 Land Right Of Way BelenWillan Land Ri 49, , Co 2 Land Right Of Way BelenWill an Land Ri 42,279 8, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Con 1,79,25 239, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 4,0,958 31, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 37,08 50, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Con 85,259 11, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 3,991, , Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWill an OH Con 51,924 7, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles & 231,088 31, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWill an OH Con 295,444 40, Poles & Fixtures BelenWill an Poles &, Overhead Conductors & Devic BelenWillan OH Con 17,193 23, Station Equip HLM Belen Station 1,143,18 105, Structures & Improvement Belen Switch Structu 254,711 23, Towers & Fixtures HLM Belen Towers 151,915 14, Co 2 Land Right Of Way BelenWillan Land Ri 92,587 9, Station Equip Belen Switch Station, Roads & Trails Belen Switch Roads I 294,945 21, Land Belen Switch Land 184,117 so Station Equip Belen Switch Station 3,415, , Poles & Fixtures BelenWillan Poles & 18, net_book_1,alu e Tax Method Tax Life 218,08 30% 15 12,995 30% 15 2,82 30% I 15 1,72 30% ND! 25,103 30% 15,857 30% 15 38,51 50% 15,722 50% % 15 0,209 50% % 15 53,114 50% 15 (O) 50% 15 15,378 50% 15 87,544 50% ,41 50% ,994 50% 15 57,78 50% 15 27,712 50% ,118 50% 15 1,244,08 50% 15 1,02,148 50% ND 12,483 50% ,170 50% ND 545,21 50% ND 357,715 50% ND 1,529,359 50% 15 3,975,01 50% 15 31,779 50% 15 73,98 50% 15 3,444,82 50% 15 44,884 50% ,419 50% ,383 50% 15 5,389 50% ,301 50% 15 1,038,391 50% ,420 50% ,70 50% 15 82,59 50% ND 5,830 50% ,852 50% ,117 50% ND 3,100,915 50% 15 17,838 50% ,78 18,299 3,979 35,348 9,5 4,81 5, , ,00 (0) 128,3 71,82 98,84 9,858 47, ,53 555, ,891 95,59 1,15,57 3,011, ,982 55,738 2,09,72 33,94 151, ,147 4, ,18 54, ,822 8,971 3,7 18,85 1,955, , , , , ,973 (O) 5,809 3,2S2 4,473 4,383 2,14 25,204 29,437 49,89 5,070 1, ,31 12,720 2, ,320 1,799 8,007 10,237 21,105 48,890 10,889, ,09 145,998 9,793 "ti s: "tlm Ill >< cc ::c (I) 0:, CJ) I 0 s: 'Tl ::c (0 I ON

248 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT17 High Lonesome Mesa Reclass 5 H~Qerlink to Lead Sheet A B C D E F G H I J K L asset_locati allocated_rese utility account on Year depr group book cost rve Poles & Fixtures LZBelen La Pol es & 357,48 7, Station Equip Belen Switch Station 41, Poles & Fixtures BelenWillar< Poles & 17, ,4,572 3,190, Base Period Accumulated Tax Depreciation 59 Base Period Accumulated Book Depreciation 0 Temporary Difference 1 2 Linkage Linkage Test Period 5 Fed Rate 7 State Rate 8 Total Rate 9 70 Base Period 71 Fed ADIT 72 State ADIT 73 Total ADIT Linkage and Test 7 Fed ADIT 77 State ADIT 78 Total ADIT Test Period Proration 82 Month Numerator Days Denominator Days Proration Percentage 9178% 8411% 752% 740% 8 87 Fed ADIT 15,97 14,41 13,12 11, State ADIT 2,92 2,47 2,218 1, Total ADIT 18,9 17,108 15,381 13,709 net_book_valu e Tax Method Tax Life 349,780 50% 15 41,232 50% 15 17,09 50% 15 21,275, % 508% 4219% 10,253 8,823 7,344 1,728 1,4s1 I 1,238 11,981 10,309 8, ,01, % 13,01, % 70% 3959% 3,521,302 74,253 4,285, % 2548% 5,8 4, ,854 5, , % 788, % 80% 3942% 204,89 42,70 247, % 2, ,455 "C s:,, m Ill >< (Q :J: Cl) OJ 0) CXI I 0 s: "Tl :J: ~r!>

249 A M N 0 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT17 High Lonesome Mesa Reclass 5 fl~qerlink to Lead Sheet p Q R s T u V w I utility account Station Equip 13,411, Poles & Fixtures Poles & Fixtures Land Poles & Fixtures 1, Poles & Fixtures Station Equip 1,597 1,594 1, Poles & Fixtures Overhead Conductors & Devic Overhead Conductors & Devic 2,117 2,117 2, Poles & Fixtures Poles & Fixtures 1,88 1,88 1, Overhead Conductors & Devic (0) (O) (0) Poles & Fixtures 5,501 5,501 5, Poles & Fixtures 3,080 3,080 3, Poles & Fixtures 4,23 4,23 4, Poles & Fixtures 4,151 4,151 4, Poles & Fixtures 2,033 2,033 2, Poles & Fixtures 22,58 21,458 21, Poles & Fixtures 2,43 25,02 25, Overhead Conductors & Devic 44,832 42,457 42, Co 2 Land Right Of Way Overhead Conductors & Devic 4,558 4,317 4, Co 2 Land Right Of Way Co 2 Land Right Of Way Co 2 Land Right Of Way Overhead Conductors & Devic 55,113 52,193 52, Poles & Fixtures 143, , , Poles & Fixtures 11,435 10,829 10, Overhead Conductors & Devic 2,5 2,515 2, Poles & Fixtures 124, ,72 117, Overhead Conductors & Devic 1,17 1,532 1, Poles & Fixtures 7,198,817, Overhead Conductors & Devic 9,203 8,71 8, Poles & Fixtures Overhead Conductors & Devic 5,488 5,198 5, Station Equip 44,029 39,2 35, Structures & Improvement 9,80 8,82 7, Towers & Fixtures 5,849 5,24 4, Co 2 Land Right Of Way Station Equip Roads & Trails 11,355 10,220 9, Land so Station Equip 131, ,335 10, Poles & Fixtures Total year , ,88 10 (O) 11 5, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,534 30, , , , , , , ,747 4 MACRS Rates % 2000% 5000% 5200% 8333% 7120% 10000% 8272% 10000% 9424% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% % 3878% 527% 87% 779% 81% 9554% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% % 1450% 2305% 3075% 378% 4391% 4981% 5571% 12% 752% 7343% 7933% 8524% 9114% 9705% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% 10000% "'O s: om II) >< (Q :c CD OJ a, (0 I, 0,, s: :c (0 I ON

250 A 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT17 High Lonesome Mesa Reclass M N 0 p Q R s T u V w 5 HY:~erlink to lead Sheet utility account Poles & Fixtures 187, Station Equip Poles & Fixtures , % 58 Base Period Accumulated Tax Depreciation 891,93 59 Base Period Accumulated Book Depreciation 0 Temporary Difference 1 2 Linkage Linkage Test Period 5 Fed Rate 3274% 7 State Rate 45% 8 Total Rate 3919% 9 70 Base Period 71 Fed ADIT 232, State ADIT 45, Total ADIT 278, Linkage and Test 7 Fed ADIT 77 State ADIT 78 Total ADJT Test Period Proration 82 Month Numerator Days Denominator Days Proration Percentage 877% 8 87 Fed ADJT 1,52 88 State ADIT Total ADIT 1, ,981 15,283 21,775 1,970 9, ,080 42,8 224% 349, ,540 42,8 3283% 3295% 19% 584% 3902% 3879% 91,340 17, ,50 114,7 211,733 21,37 37,532 13, , % ,73 1, ,007 32, % 557% 382% 208,881 35, ,084 Total 15,31,427 {3,190,731) 12,440,9 349,540 42,8 32,007 4,049,78 89,931 4,919,99 535,381 94,371 29,752 "C :s:,, m ~ >< (C :::c ('0 " OJ 0 I, 0,, :s: :::c (0 I ON

251 A B C 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT18 Palo Verde Lease Acauisition Adjustment 5 Hy:12erlink to Lead Sheet As filed Per Final Order 7 8 Gross Plant Addition 21,909, ,891,381 9 Accumulated Depreciation (114,10,340) (119,272,297) 10 Net Plant Addition 102,299,249 81,19, Acquisition Adjustment 1,230,751 82,15,59 13 Transaction Costs (245,53) 14 Total Tax Basis included in Rates 13,530,000 13,530, Tax Depreciation ,17,500 8,17, ,535,350 15,535, ,981,815 13,981, Base Period Adjustment 22 Tax Depr through 0/30/ Book Amort through 0/30/ Temporary Difference 25 Fed ADIT at 3902% 2 State ADIT at 3902% 27 No Linkage or Test Period adjustment required because PV2 41 mw acquisistion 28 adjustment is not included in projected depreciation used for those periods D Allowed 81,19,084 PNM EXHIBIT MFH2 Page 171 of 190 E Excluded 82,15,59 (245,53) 81,19,084 81,910,91 4,080,954 4,095,54 2,047,773 (1,139,138) 908,35 298,305 5,245

252 A B C D 1 Public Service Companv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technology Adjustment 5 Hyllerlink to Lead Sheet E F G H I 201S Clearings 53,53,9 9 AFUDC Equity (immaterial, under $100k) 10 AFUDC Debt (immaterial) 11 Tax Basis 53,53, mW 2437% 13,047, Other 753% 40,489, Book Depr Total Fed tax rate 3274% 25 State tax rate 45% 2 Tota I tax rate 3919% Tax Depreciation (full years) ,772, ,932, ,787, ,53, Total ADIT Adjustment 33,14, Fed ADIT Adjustment Base ADIT Total Thru /30 reversal 53,53,9 53,53,9 13,047,352 40,489, , , , , ,029 27,772,147 27,772,147 (10,883,904) 1,932,74 9,337 (377,05) 1,787,589 1,53,748 33,14,158 28,738,484 (11,028,19) (8,898,11) (317,248) (9,215,34) 201 Link ADIT Reversal 3283% 19% 3902% (377,05) (377,05) (317,248) (317,248) 2017 Link ADIT Reversal 3295% 584% 3879% (93,40) (93,40) Prorated Change Proration Effect (589,011) (589,011) ""C s: ""Cm I» >< (Q :I: CD to i N I 0,, s: :I: (0 I CN

253 A B C D ::: F 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT I 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technolo11v Adiustment 5 Hyperlink to Lead Sheet l G H I 201S 201 I I Total State ADIT Adjustment Check Thru /30 BaseADIT reversal (1,752,989) (59,81) (59,81) (1,812,805) (59,81) 201 Link ADIT 2017 Link ADIT Reversal Reversal Prorated Change Proration Effect (104,395) (104,395) Prorated Change Proration Effect "CJ s: c m 0,) >< cc :::c: CD OJ J : w i 0 s: :::c: "Tl CD I ON

254 A J K L t Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technoloev Adiustment 5 Hy[!erlink to Lead Sheet I I M N 0 I p Q 2018 Test ADIT Reversal I 1/31/2018 2/28/ Clearings 9 AFUDC Equity (immaterial, under $100k) 10 AFUDC Debt (immaterial) 11 Tax Basis mW 14 Other Book Depr Total Fed tax rate 3305% 3305% 3305% 25 State tax rate 557% 557% 557% 2 Total tax rate 382% 382% 382% Tax Depreciation (full years) {38,77) (53,223) (53,223) 33 Total ADIT Adjustment (38,77) (53,223) (53,223) % 8411% 37 (295,82) (48,849) (44,7) , (54,54) 43 Fed ADIT Adjustment (54,54) (45,547) (45,547) % 8411% 3/31/2018 4/30/2018 S/31/ % 3305% 3305% 557% 557% 557% 382% 382% 382% (53,223) (53,223) (53,223) {53,223) {53,223) (53,223) % 740% 5890% (40,245) (35,871) {31,351) (45,547) (45,547) (45,547) % 740% 5890% /30/ % 557% 382% (53,223) (53,223) % (2,97) (45,547) % 7/31/ % 557% 382% (53,223) (53,223) % {22,45) (45,547) % "'O :s: "'Om ell >< (Q :::i:: l'd OJ ~!,:,, I O S,, :::c CD I ON

255 A J K L 1 Public Service Comoanv of New Mexico M N 0 p Q 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technology Adiustment 5 Hyperlink to Lead Sheet 2018 Test ADIT Reversal 1/31/2018 2/28/ (253,191) (41,803) (38,309) , (92,114) 53 State ADIT Adjustment (92,114) (7,7) (7,7) % 8411% 57 (42,71) (7,045) (,45) 58 49, Check 3/31/2018 4/30/2018 5/31/2018 (34,441) (30,97) (2,829) (7,7) (7,7) (7,7) % 740% 5890% (5,804) (5,174) (4,522) /30/2018 (23,085) (7,7) % (3,891) 7/31/2018 (19,217) (7,7) % (3,239) "'CJ 3: "'Om ~ >< (Q :::c Cl) 00 i (11 ; 0 3:,,, :::c (0 I ON

256 A 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technology Adjustment 5 Hygerlink to Lead Sheet R s T u i V I 8/31/ Clearings 9 AFUDC Equity (immaterial, under $100k) 10 AFUDC Debt (immaterial) 11 Tax Basis mW 14 Other Book Depr Total Fed tax rate 3305% 25 State tax rate 557% 2 Tota I tax rate 382% Tax Depreciation (full years) (53,223) 33 Total ADIT Adjustment (53,223) % 37 (17,935) Fed ADIT Adjustment (45,547) % 9/30/ /31/ % 3305% 557% 557% 382% 382% (53,223) (53,223) (53,223) (53,223) % 199% (13,51) (9,041) (45,547) (45,547) % 199% 11/30/ % 557% 382% (53,223) (53,223) % (4,) (45,547) % I 12/31/ % 557% 382% (53,223) {53,223) % (14) (45,547) % '"tj :is: cm Q) >< (C ::c (t) ClJ a, I 0 :is: "Tl ::c CD I ON

257 A R s 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT19 Balanced Draft Technology Adjustment 5 Hyperlink to Lead Sheet T u V 8/31/2018 9/30/ (15,349) (11,05) State ADIT Adjustment (7,7) (7,7) % 2548% 57 (2,587) (1,95) Check 10/31/ /30/2018 (7,737) (3,993) (7,7) (7,7) % 877% (1,304) (73) I I 12/31/2018 {125) (7,7) % (21) "C :s: "C m Ill >< (C :c (1) OJ i I 0 :s:,, :c (0 I ON

258 A B C D 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT20 PV2 Leasehold Improvements Adjustment 5 H\merlink to Lead Sbggt FERG In Service Original Cost Tax Method ,217 0% ,411 0% ,980 0% ,09 50% ,189 50% ,253 50% , % ,508 50% ,227 50% ,255 50% ,511 50% ,780 0% ,55 0% (0) 0% ,023 0% ,255 0% ,577 0% ,223 0% ,95 0% ,05 0% ,948 0% ,2 0% ,20 0% ,895 0% ,778 0% ,159 0% ,282 0% ,924 0% ,955 0% ,035 30% ,9 30% ,12 50% ,504 50% ,575 0% ,155 0% ,81 0% ,42 50% ,713,03 50% ,273 50% ,891,20 100% , 50% ,94,703 50% so ,939 50% ,740 50% ,802 50% % ,888 0% % ,585 0% ,401 0% % ,584 0% ,427 0% ,00 0% ,133 0% ,071 0% ,973 0% ,271 0% ,243,703 0% ,383 0% E F Tax Life ,217 3, , , , , , , , ND ND ND ND 10 50, , , , , , , ,2 15 3, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,179, , ,891, , ,414, , , , , , , , , , , ,912, ,008 G PNM EXHIBIT MFH2 Page 178 of 190 H ,418 2,209 20,702 20,702 53,817 15,374 10,215 20,589 9,394 4, ,404 1,401 14,07 14,100 45,398 45,321 14,208 14,232 23,525 23,525 53,32 50,535 1,815 15,11 22,857 20, , , ,918 32, , ,89 7,587 3,787

259 A B C D 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NMPRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT20 PV2 Leasehold Improvements Adjustment 5 Higerlink to Lead Sheet FERG In Service Original Cost Tax Method ,739 30% ,11 30% ,333 50% ,939 50% ,202 0% ,135 0% ,44 0% ,523 50% ,351,48 50% ,582 50% , % ,134 50% ,124 50% ,8,98 50% ,182,592 50% ,829 50% % % ,598 0% % ,331 0% ,389 0% ,857 0% ,352 0% ,879 0% % ,909 0% ,31 0% ,455 30% ,13 30% ,404,474 50% ,194 50% ,759 0% ,041 0% ,737 0% ,985 50% ,905 50% % ,00 100% ,72 50% ,7 50% ,100 50% {O} 50% % % % % ,792 0% % ,85 0% ,903 0% ,093 0% ,085 0% ,00 0% ,032 0% ,974 30% ,13 50% % % ,233 0% ,893 50% E F Tax Life , , , , , , , , ,995, , , , , , ,331 15, , , , , , , , ,085, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,944 G PNM EXHIBIT MFH2 Page 179 of 190 H ,975 10, ,473 7,48 3,987 3,981 4,378 4,385 25,185 25,142 2,280 2,284 4,47 4,47 135, ,38 4,421 3,974 9,453 8,514 34,443 30,999 87,0 79,23 2,720,81 4, ,258 1,20 4,17 4,10 70,932 71, ,790 4,781 11,843 11,84 1,225 1,225 9,50 9, ,392 3,955 19,412 17, ,803 43, ,302 1,304 2,905 2,910,51,51

260 A B C D 1 Public Service Company of New Mexico 2 NM PRC Case No 10027UT 3 PNM Exhibit MFH2 4 ADIT20 PV2 Leasehold Improvements Adjustment 5 Hy11erlink to Lead Sheet FERC In Service Original Cost Tax Method ,423 50% ,070 50% , % ,93 50% ,853 50% ,234 50% (0) 50% % ,942,05 50% % ,372 0% ,318 0% ,108 0% ,389 0% ,90 0%, ,833 0% ,23 0% ,538 0% ,950 0% ,89 0% ,828 0% ,789 0% ,145 0% ,358 0% % ,088 30% ,014 30% ,44 50% % ,244 0% ,90 0% ,50 0% ,770 50% (1,792,38} 50% ,58 50% , % ,520 50% ,210 50% ,248,102 50% ,804 50% ,24 50% (43,841} 0% ,781 50% ,049 30% ,31 50% ,305 50% (15,495} 0% ,223 0% ,749 0% ,001 50% ,25 50% ,950 50% , % ,234 50% ,547 50% ,295 50% ,315 50% ,731 0% % % ,43 0% E F Tax Life , , , , , ,337, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (1,233,878} , , ,482 15, (43,841} , , ,31 5 3,305 5 (15,495} 5 17, , , ,5 5 29, , , , , ,43 G PNM EXHIBIT MFH2 Page 180 of 190 H ,340 5,057 1, ,230 3,809 3,55 3,200 80,448 7,279 0,512 57,307 1, ,09 2, ,454 9,470 1,341 1,339 3,342 3,348 1,45 1,45 (55,833} (52,875} 10,002 8,992 30,204 27,201,042 5,438 1,180,254 10,785 8,297 4,773 4, , ,998 1, ,977 2,52 1,51



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Tax reform in the United States Tax reform in the United States Q&As for preparers y 1, 2018 Contents Foreword...1 About this publication...2 1. Executive summary...5 2. Corporate rate...8 3. Tax on deemed mandatory repatriation...12

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