Shipley Capture Management Certification. Program Overview and Competency Framework

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1 Shipley Capture Management Certification Program Overview and Competency Framework

2 C o n t e n t s I n t r o d u c t i o n D e s c r i b i n g t h e C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n L e v e l s A s s e s s i n g t h e C a p t u r e P r o f e s s i o n a l A s s e s s m e n t Q u e s t i o n n a i r e A p p l y i n g f o r C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n w i t h A P M P P r a c t i t i o n e r o r P r o f e s s i o n a l A c c r e d i t a t i o n U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e d e f e r r a l p r o c e s s a t b o t h l e v e l s o f C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n C a p t u r e C o m p e t e n c y F r a m e w o r k C a p t u r e P l a n n i n g a n d S c h e d u l i n g C a p t u r e Te a m S e l e c t i o n a n d M a n a g e m e n t C o l o r Te a m R e v i e w s C u s t o m e r F o c u s e d C a p t u r e S k i l l s a n d Ta c t i c s D e c i s i o n G a t e R e v i e w s E n g a g i n g P r o g r a m M a n a g e m e n t E n g a g i n g P r o p o s a l S u p p o r t D r a f t i n g t h e E x e c u t i v e S u m m a r y P r i c e - t o - W i n S t r a t e g y Te a m i n g B e h a v i o r a n d A t t i t u d e ( C a p t u r e E x p e r t O n l y ) S e l f L e a d e r s h i p L e a d i n g Te a m M e m b e r s L e a d i n g t h e W h o l e Te a m L e a d i n g C l i e n t s L e a d i n g S e n i o r M a n a g e r s L e a d i n g O t h e r O r g a n i z a t i o n s L e a d i n g i n D i f f e r e n t C i r c u m s t a n c e s

3 I n t r o d u c t i o n Shipley has defined the competencies that are required of Capture Management Professionals. The Shipley Capture Certification Program uses a process of competency assessment that is consistent and fair as well as measured against world best practice standards. There are two levels of certification: Professional level Expert level The diagram below is a graphic depiction of the steps to becoming certified at Shipley Capture Professional and Expert levels. If you have already achieved APMP Practitioner and are entering this certification program at Capture Professional level, your certification process steps will be the same. However, since you have already been assessed by APMP as competent in some of the competencies covered by this certification program, you will complete a shortened Capture Professional Assessment Questionnaire. The capture competencies that you do not have to complete are: Capture Planning and Scheduling Color Team Reviews Drafting the Executive Summary Figure 1: The Shipley Capture Certification Process allows you to enter and follow a certification route that reflects your level of experience. Through a formal process of objective examination, self-assessment, and interview, you are able to demonstrate your mastery of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required within the capture management discipline. 3

4 D e s c r i b i n g t h e C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n L e v e l s The following section describes the competencies required at each level. C a p t u r e P r o f e s s i o n a l This level assesses that those who seek Shipley Certification have a thorough understanding and the knowledge to apply process, procedures, tools and techniques to activities within the capture phase of business development. Throughout this process you will need to demonstrate that you apply the competencies required for Capture Certification, and show that you can tune the principles, process and activities to address the needs and problems of a specific opportunity. Specifically, you must: Provide a summary of Why I want to be Certified as a Capture Professional, in 500 words or less. This is deliberately free-format, but you may wish to consider the benefits to: Yourself Your organization and / or Your clients. Provide a signed Statement of Intent and Code of Conduct Provide a Referee s Letter of Recommendation, which will confirm the evidence that you provide in your Capture Management Assessment Questionnaire (CMAQ) Please note that: Your CMAQ will not be assessed until your have provided all of the information listed above To help you to gauge the right level of response, you are welcome to initially submit a part-completed CMAQ (only one or two answered competency questions) and you will receive initial feedback from the assessor. This can only be done once. The CMAQ has specific competency statements that have been designed to allow you to record evidence that you are able to: Apply the process and procedures and tools and techniques, in a variety of circumstances. Demonstrate that you understand the relationships between processes, components, techniques and can apply this understanding. Demonstrate that you understand the reasons behind the processes, components and techniques and that you understand the principles underpinning these elements. Demonstrate your ability to relate process and procedures to different capture planning circumstances. Demonstrate that you understand what it takes to win business through capture management. A s s e s s i n g t h e C a p t u r e P r o f e s s i o n a l A s s e s s m e n t Q u e s t i o n n a i r e You should register to begin your certification via the Capture Administrator at capture.certification@ The Capture Administrator will be your single point of contact within Shipley up until your assigned assessor provides feedback on your completed CMAQ. Approved Assessors for the Shipley Capture Certification Program, will have met the following criteria: Be approved by Shipley to deliver Capture Planning for Strategic Wins Have 10 years+ experience within Business Development and have experience of leading capture teams for specific opportunities and/or Be a Capture Expert (see below) C a p t u r e E x p e r t This level has been designed to assess whether you have the knowledge, skills and attitude to be an effective advocate / coach and mentor; and the leadership skills to require the use of, and drive application and continuous improvement of capture process and procedures within a business development process. 4

5 Specifically, you must: Have a minimum of 7 years experience Provide a summary of Why I want to be Certified as a Capture Expert, in 500 words or less. This is deliberately free-format, but you may wish to consider the benefits to: Yourself Your organization and / or Your clients. Provide details of a reference who will be asked to carry out a behavioral assessment on you Provide a signed Code of Conduct and Statement of Intent Submit all required capture artifacts for assessment Attend a competency based interview Please note that: Please note that your capture artifacts will not be assessed until your have provided all of the information listed above. Your assessor will contact you if additional capture artifacts are required. Through the assessment of your capture artifacts, the reference and competency based interview you will be assessed to establish whether you have been able to: Demonstrate that you can drive a team to recognize intelligence gaps and to use SMART actions as well as existing internal and external data sources to fill those gaps. Demonstrate that you are proficient in the complete business development process. Demonstrate that you are proficient at driving capture process improvement and exploiting the process adaptively Demonstrate that you are proficient at identifying and developing requirements collaboratively with customers Demonstrate that you are expert at assessing complex strategic opportunities. Demonstrate that you are proficient in driving the management of the Capture Plan with significant innovation Demonstrate you are proficient at owning the win strategy and the business case. A s s e s s i n g t h e C a p t u r e E x p e r t You should register to begin your certification via The Capture Administrator will be your single point of contact within Shipley up until your assigned assessor provides feedback on your Capture Plan. The Capture Plan you submit, must have all confidential information redacted. It must have sufficient information for the assessor to assess it qualitatively and objectively using the Shipley CaptureBench TM tool. Your capture plan must demonstrate the following attributes: Be for a completed opportunity whatever the outcome. (Should you have been engaged for your entire Capture career on an opportunity that is ongoing you should speak with the Capture Administrator about your specific circumstances). Be one where you have been named as the Capture Manager. Demonstrate evolution over time, (include all historical versions) You should also submit relevant extracts from the proposal that demonstrates the capture strategy was implemented across the opportunity whole lifecycle. These examples could include, but not be limited to the following: Extracts from the proposal, including the Executive Summary and all Section Summaries if appropriate. Notes of client meetings Extracts from white papers Presentations Submitted as a portable document format (PDF) Capture Plans and supporting artifacts will be objectively marked using CaptureBench TM An on-line reference assessment will be carried out by your nominated reference on the behavior and attitude competencies listed in the syllabus. 5

6 If you are successful in passing both these assessments, you will be invited to attend a competency based interview. A competency in this context is a type of behavior found to be relevant to the role expected of Capture Management Expert. At the interview you will be asked a structured series of questions aimed at eliciting information against the specific capture related competencies that are defined in the Competency Framework. Your interviewer will agree the time and date for your interview and the conference call facility to use. At the same time you will be provided with at least 4 competency based questions, for which you may preprepare your answers. These questions will focus on the Behavior and Attitude detailed competencies: Self Leadership Leading Team Members Leading the Whole Team Leading Clients Leading Senior Managers Leading other Organizations Leading in Different Circumstances The interview questions wherever possible will relate to the opportunity capture and documents submitted. It will focus on the outcome of situations and the lessons that you learnt from your experiences. You must use the STAR model to pre-prepare your answers to the competency questions: Situation - describe a situation or problem that you encountered within the context of the question. Wherever possible relate this situation to the capture situation and documentation submitted for assessment. Task - describe the task that the situation required. Action - describe the action(s) taken, and the challenge(s) that had to be overcome Results describe the outcome(s) achieved from the actions taken Please note that at least 2 of the Situations must relate to the client or customer, not to the candidate s internal organization. A p p l y i n g f o r C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n w i t h A P M P P r a c t i t i o n e r o r P r o f e s s i o n a l A c c r e d i t a t i o n If you have already gained APMP Practitioner or Professional accreditation and are applying for capture certification at the Professional Level, then you do not need to respond to three competencies that are detailed within the Capture Management Assessment Questionnaire (CMAQ). If you have already gained APMP Professional accredi tation and are applying for capture certification at the Expert Level, Shipley recognize that your professional behavior and attitude competencies have already been reference checked. Therefore you will not have to undergo an interview, unless it is neces sary for you to respond to questions arising from shortfalls identified through your capture plan assessment. A copy of your APMP Professional Certificate must be sent at the time of registration. U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e d e f e r r a l p r o c e s s a t b o t h l e v e l s o f C a p t u r e C e r t i f i c a t i o n C a p t u r e P r o f e s s i o n a l If your CMAQ does not meet the Shipley standards, you will be notified by your Assessor of the areas that need to be improved. You will be asked to update your CMAQ and your Assessor will give you guidance on the specific competencies and activities that require more information. There is a six month time limit for providing the additional information. As long as the information is provided to your Assessor within the 6 month period there will be no charge for re-submitting your CMAQ. 6

7 C a p t u r e E x p e r t If the artifacts you submit do not meet the Shipley standards, you will be notified by your Assessors of additional artifacts that need to be submitted. These must be submitted and be relevant to the opportunity for which documents have already been assessed. Should the additional artifacts not be available, an explanation must be given to your Assessor as to why they cannot be provided. It will be at your Assessor s discretion whether you are asked to submit another Capture Plan and supporting artifacts for another opportunity. When the artifacts have been gathered and assessed, there are three possible outcomes: Pass : you have meet the minimum average pass mark of 50% across all categories Marginal : you have achieved an average mark of between 40% and 49% across all categories and the assessor believes that any shortfalls may be resolvable in the Expert Interview Defer : you have achieved an average mark less than 40% across all categories and the assessor believes that shortfalls are not resolvable in the Expert Interview. If you are deferred, then you will have to pay a re-sit fee to cover the cost of completing a second assessment of capture artifacts which will be 50% of your initial fee. You must wait at least 6 months before you can do this. If you are deferred, you have the right to appeal this decision to the Chief Examiner, please contact capture. should you wish to do so. 7

8 C a p t u r e C o m p e t e n c y F r a m e w o r k C o m p e t e n c y R e f e r e n c e Capture Planning and Scheduling CP 01 CP 02 C o m p e t e n c y D e s c r i p t i o n a s u b s e t a n d / o r c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e s e c o m p e t e n c i e s a r e a d d r e s s e d a t P r o f e s s i o n a l L e v e l Demonstrate knowledge of a capture plan discipline to capture new business more efficiently Develop structured capture plans that include external analysis, internal analysis, strategy development, and execution and monitoring CP 03 Use an appropriate medium to develop; review, share, and update capture plans. CP 04 Maintain a capture process that is dynamic, flexible, interactive and current CP 05 Develop a schedule of capture activities using scheduling tools. CP 06 CP 07 Plan regular decision gate reviews to determine whether to advance the opportunity to the next phase or end the pursuit Schedule color team reviews to improve the capture plan, strategy, proposal, or lessons learned CP 08 Use the capture plan outputs to begin the proposal planning process CP 09 Create, align and adapt the capture schedule to match, the customers actions, the organization s business development process, the resources available, and the selling environment Capture Team Selection and Management CTSM 01 Identify and commit the right people to the capture team CTSM 02 Engage senior leadership to commit the required resources CTSM 03 Train the capture team in the process that will be followed CTSM 04 Arrange and manage the kick-off meeting to start the capture process CTSM 05 Assign, SMART objectives, and completion dates to named individuals within the capture team, providing clear reporting expectations CTSM 06 Engage senior management keeping them informed and involved CTSM 07 Use objective measures to evaluate capture success Color Team Reviews CTR 01 Define the organization s process phases, gate milestones, and color review points to support a specific capture CTR 02 Use a Blue Team to review the capture plan and validate the win strategy CTR 03 CTR 04 CTR 05 Use a Black Hat Team to anticipate competitors likely strategies and solutions and update the win strategy Use a Pink Team Review to validate that the capture plan outputs have been successfully transferred to proposal strategy and verify compliance Use a Red Team Review to evaluate the proposal for customer focus, completeness and clear communication of the win strategy and solution CTR 06 Use a Gold Team Review to confirm the offer entails acceptable profit and risk 8

9 CTR 07 Use a White Team Review to determine how the process, strategies, and talent can be improved CTR 08 Use a consistent process for each review CTR 09 Communicate clear review assignments, balancing each reviewer s workload CTR 10 Select appropriate reviewers for each review task Customer Focused Capture Skills and Tactics CFCST 01 Apply appropriate capture processes to customers different buying patterns CFCST 02 Define and articulate benefits that map to customer issues throughout the buying cycle CFCST 03 Use a variety of techniques to anticipate and handle objections throughout the capture process CFCST 04 Test the potential solution with the customer early and often CFCST 05 Develop a logical business case that supports the customer in making logical buying recommendations Decision Gates DGR 01 Manage decision gate reviews at process milestones DGR 02 DGR 03 DGR 04 DGR 05 Develop and communicate the required inputs and written outputs for each decision gate including securing adequate funding and resources when advancing Engage the appropriate decision-makers and significant contributors for the decision gate Provide objective reasoning to end capture activity if the decision gate information lacks clarity and / or; if the capture team does not know if, how, where, or when the information can be obtained Update the Capture Plan and ensure gate review packages are archived with lessons learned Engaging Program Management EPM 01 Engage Senior Managers to appoint the program manager immediately after the Pursuit Gate Review EPM 02 Develop the capture strategy collaboratively with the Program Manager EPM 03 Develop the Integrated Solution worksheet EPM 04 EPM 05 EPM 06 EPM 07 Coach the program Manager to lead or support the development of the solution performance work statements, make/buy and work share plans, work breakdown structure, program plan, transition plan, program schedules, costing, and price-to-win analysis Coach the Program Manager to develop a baseline solution presentation for the proposal kick-off meeting Coach the Program Manager to ensure that the solution is continually aligned with the evolving strategy Prepare, or, delegate the preparation of, detailed, transition and internal program management plans EPM 08 Use the Capture Schedule to impose the solution freeze EPM 09 Coach the program manager for the final presentation EPM 10 Formally transition program responsibility from the capture manager to the program manager upon contract award 9

10 Engaging Proposal Support EPS 01 Work with the proposal manager to prepare detailed proposal budget EPS 02 Extend the capture strategy into the proposal strategy and conduct Blue Team Review EPS 03 Integrate proposal support, program management, engineering, and key teaming partners in proposal planning, solution development, work share, WBS development, and price-to-win (PTW) activities EPS 04 Work with sales to ensure a draft the executive summary EPS 05 Influence the selection of the best proposal team members EPS 06 Provide support during the proposal kick-off meeting EPS 07 Define and manage contacts with the customer, including bidder s conferences, site visits, and questions regarding solicitation documents EPS 08 Participate in, but not facilitate all color team reviews EPS 09 Analyze the final bid request and lead the Bid Validation decision gate review EPS 10 Lead, guide, or contribute to post bid submittal interactions with the customer, including questions, clarifications, contract negotiations, proposal debrief, and program start-up Drafting the Executive Summary DES 01 Collaborate with sales to ensure the development of key elements of the Executive Summary. DES 02 Use the draft Executive Summary as a briefing tool. DES 03 Engage Senior Managers to review the draft Executive Summary Price-to-Win PTW 01 Analyze the options for any price-capability trade-off and pricing alternatives PTW 02 Analyze the customer s budget, funding profile, and acceptable price range PTW 03 Analyze and estimate the lowest-cost, acceptably compliant solution PTW 04 Analyze and estimate the capability-satisfied solution PTW 05 Analyze and estimate the value-driven solution PTW 06 Use analyses and estimation results to determine the Price-to-Win PTW 07 Prepare, review and implement a win strategy that integrates solution and Price to Win PTW 08 Differentiate and communicate cost, price and value PTW 09 Develop should-costs or cost bogeys early PTW 10 Develop objective evidence and rationale to minimize negotiated price reductions that may be requested Strategy S 01 Distinguish and apply strategy at different phases of the business development process S 02 S 03 Analyze the customer, the competitor and the organization capability using standard, universally understood, integrated and accepted tools Define a specific sales capture objective after the pursuit decision to better focus on that unique opportunity 1 0

11 S 04 Identify the customers buyers, and list their individual issues S 05 S 06 S 07 Develop an integrated Customer Solution Worksheet to arrive at a competitive solution that is aligned with the customer s issues and requirements Develop a Bidder Comparison Chart to analyze how the customer organization perceives the organization versus the competitors in relation to key issues Develop specific strategy statements that define specific actions, and show both what will be done and how it will be implemented S 08 Develop specific value propositions for each customer stakeholder for the opportunity S 09 Create a price to win strategy to drive the solution development S 10 Use trade-offs to validate the capture approach and ghost the competition S 11 Implement and manage the strategy action plans Teaming T 01 Identify teaming partners early in the capture process T 02 T 03 Develop selection criteria for teaming using the Bidders Comparison Chart to analyze potential teaming combinations Negotiate a common vision as the basis for teaming and agree the written teaming agreement T 04 Consult with customers and consider their preferences in team formation T 05 Define each teaming partner s work share in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Self Leadership SL 01 B e h a v i o r a n d A t t i t u d e ( C a p t u r e E x p e r t O n l y ) Use appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to clearly convey messages SL 02 Use a variety of media to individuals or groups to engage the audience SL 03 Interpret messages and give an appropriate response SL 04 Adapt to a variety of situations needs, and desired benefits and develop positioning approaches that leverage supportive factors and overcome/minimize barriers SL 05 Address the needs of key decision makers SL 06 Ensure that others buy in to teams missions, goals, agenda, tone, policy SL 07 Implement decisions/initiate action within a reasonable time SL 08 Enforce consequences and takes action for poor performance SL 09 Engage and lead senior level people SL 10 Adopt appropriate leadership style: responsible, ethical, accountable and decisive, balancing performance focus with people focus SL 11 Challenge the status quo and organization limitations appropriately SL 12 Refuse to give up when faced with obstacles or rejection. SL 13 Use a wide range of approaches to expertly develop creative and innovative concepts that are pragmatic business solutions for complex situations 11

12 SL 14 Leading Team Members TL 01 Plan and adopt a flexible approach with others based on an understanding of their view point Identify and understand issues and opportunities and the resulting decisions and have the ability to effectively delegate the implementation of the required activities and responsibilities TL 02 Implement decisions/initiate action within a reasonable time TL 03 TL 04 TL 05 TL 06 Include others in the decision making process, make the most appropriate decisions, and ensure buy in and understanding of those decisions. Allocate decision making authority and/or task responsibility appropriately to maximize organization and individual effectiveness. Use appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to clearly convey messages Read and use verbal and non-verbal cues to build rapport, correctly interpret messages and give the appropriate response TL 07 Influence others towards desired outcomes. TL 08 Ensure understanding and respect for cultural beliefs, language and values of others; avoids ethnocentrism and displays behaviors commensurate with that understanding TL 09 Understand and appreciate different and opposing perspectives on an issue. TL 10 TL 11 TL 12 Compellingly articulate concepts/ideas, complex situations/problems clearly, simply and in a manner that gains support/buy-in Build rapport to form strong personal relationships based on mutual trust and to build these relationships into useful and appropriate networks. Use, maintain and share networks appropriately to derive business benefit without damaging trust and long term stability Leading the Whole Team LWT 01 Objectively and continuously assess team members competencies LWT 02 Form and lead the largest most complex teams (multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-time zone) across the organization and externally LWT 03 Use an in-depth understanding of group interactions to achieve the desired outcome. Leading Clients LC 01 Adapt an approach to satisfy customers in a manner that builds effective relationships Leading Senior Managers LSM 01 Communicate compellingly and concisely at the most senior levels LSM 02 Build behind-the-scenes support for ideas LSM 03 LSM 04 LSM 05 Recognize and/or use ongoing power and political relationships within the organization (alliances, rivalries) with a clear sense of organizational impact Build productive relationships with stakeholders at senior levels based on mutual trust and respect Build a genuine rapport with stakeholders which encompasses social and business related activities 1 2

13 LSM 06 LSM 07 Target, build and actively manage a network of personal contacts with key influencers and decision makers appropriately to derive business benefit. Demonstrate effective influencing and negotiating skills at the most senior political levels to achieve sustainable long term win-win-win (customer-supplier-system) outcomes Leading Other Organizations LOO 01 Deal effectively and honestly with hostile interviewers/press whilst presenting organization in the best possible light Leading in Different Circumstances LDC 02 Adapt to rapid/last minute changes in circumstances LDC 04 Protect the team and its reputation LDC 05 Assemble coalitions of internal and external support to achieve business objectives LDC 06 Bring complex/strategic deals to a close LDC 07 LDC 08 Demonstrate expertise at conflict resolution, using a wide range of formal and informal techniques Lead entrepreneurial approaches in complex situations, balanced with an understanding of the constraints of doing business 1 3


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