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1 INFORMATION BULLETIN OF THE ISLAND GOVERNMENT OF ST. EUSTATIUS Volume 1, Issue 10/11 HOW TO QUALIFY FOR A STUDY GRANT ON ST.EUSTATIUS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN GOING TO SCHOOL October November ISSUE, 2010 St. Eustatius On Thursday, November 18th 2010 a town hall meeting was held on the study financing or grants. This town hall meeting is a follow up to the session which was held on education on October 28th 2010 at the Ernest van Putten Youth Center also known as the Lions Den. It is important that parents are knowledgeable of the facts of the study grants. There are two scenarios that parents need to take into consideration. There is a process for study financing for the Dutch Caribbean started since August 1st 2011 and we also need to keep in mind that there is also the Study financing in the Netherlands. Students in the Dutch Caribbean have options where they may further their studies. These students can remain in the Caribbean or go to the United States to further their studies. It is significant that students apply for study financing before or during the study year. Preferably submission of request as soon as possible. If you have a youngster in St. Eustatius going to study abroad, he/she has to comply to a number of conditions: she/he has to fill out a form on this form he/she needs to write their name, date of birth and address ID number is also required along with ones bank account number and proof of ones registration for the university/school. More info regarding this topic can be acquired at or at the office of RCN on the Mazinga square. Inside this issue: Study financing 1 Deputy Governors Sworn in 2 Job Opportunities 3,14,31 Health Care Package Ready 5,6 The role of Ombudsman 8,30 Thesis for Doctorate Study Int. Business 11,13 Notices 13, 32

2 PAGE 2 DEPUTY ISLAND GOVERNORS SWORN IN ON STATIA AND SABA On November 17th 2010, Mr. Louis Marris Brown was sworn in as Deputy Island Governor of St. Eustatius. The ceremony was conducted by Deputy Kingdom Representative Mr. Hans Gerritsen. The ceremonies took place at the Government Administration Building, in the presence of Island Governor Honourable Gerald Berkel. On Saba Mr. Roy Smith was sworn is as Deputy Island Governor in the presence of the Island Governor of Saba, the honourable Mr. Johnson. The short ceremonies was carried out by the Kingdom representative Mr. Hans Gerritsen. St. Eustatius On November 23rd 2010 Mr. Joost Vrieler, grants officer a representative of Kultura visited the island from the Netherlands to enlighten the different organizations about programme and how they need to submit applications. He also informed the NGO s about Kultura and what they need to know prior to submitting a project. The information is available on page 15 and 17 in this newsletter. He can be reached by on j.vrieler@mondriaanfoundatio n. n l o r o n

3 PAGE 3 VACATURE Medewerker Personeel & Organisatie M/V De werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd binnen het Bureau Personeel & Organisatie. Het Bureau richt zich op het geven van inhoud aan het personeelsbeleid en organisatie en voert dit tevens uit. De doelstelling van het Bureao P&O is het bijdragen aan en het instandhouden en verbeteren van het functioneren van de ambtelijke organisatie als geheel en de uitvoering van medebewindstaken terzake. P&O ondersteunt tevens de bestuursorganen van St. Eustatius en adviseert hen op het gebied van personeelsbeleid, personeelsbeheer en organisatie taken. Functie-inhoud o.a: Draagt bij aan het uitvoeren van het personeelsbeleid door o.a. het deelnemen aan selectiegesprekken; het adviseren van het hoofd P&O over sollicitaties, oveplaatsingen en bevorderingen, alsmede over het personeelsbeleid; het verschaffen van informatie en adviezen aan personeel over rechtspositionele aangelegenheden en het voeren van de bijhorende correspondentie. Verricht beleidsadvisering; Beheert de personeelsadministratie door o.a.: het verwerken van mutaties; het bijhouden van de staat van personeelsopbouw en personeelsverloop en het opstellen van rapporten hieromtrent; het registreren en verwerken van personeelsgegevens en hieruit bedrijfsinformatie genereren. Functie-eisen: Afgeronde Opleiding op MBO-niveau richting HRM of gelijkwaardig; Kennis van ontwikkelingen op personeelsgebied en daarop van toepassing zijnde wet- en regelgeving bij overheidsorganisaties; Kennis van theorieen, technieken en methoden inzake personeelsbeleid; Discreet en kunnen omgaan met vertouwelijke informatie; Professionele instelling; Bereid om eventuele training te volgen; Goede beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal, zowel in woord en geschrift; Vaardigheid in het hanteren van gespreks- en interviewtechnieken; Inzicht in wetten, regels en eisen inzake personeelsaangelegenheden; Inzicht in het (mondeling en schriftelijk) adviseren over personele en rechtspositionele aangelegenheden; Goede organisatorische, communicatieve (verbaal & schriftelijk) en contactuele vaardigheden; Een verantwoordelijke, kritische, accurate, creatieve en klantgerichte instelling; Zowel zelfstandig als in teamverband kunnen werken. (Continue on page 14)

4 PRESS RELEASE TAX SYSTEM PAGE 4 November 29 th, 2010 Tax Authority: the tax system is simple On November 22 nd (Sint-Eustatius) and November 23 rd (Saba) the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland (BCN) Tax Authority of the Caribbean Netherlands - organized information sessions on the introduction of the tax system for Bonaire, Sint-Eustatius and Saba as of January 1, The sessions were held after intensive preparation with the business associations STEBA and SBA and the members of the Executive Councils of Saba and Sint-Eustatius. Both information sessions were opened by one of the Commissioners of the respective island. During his presentation, BCN Director, Hans Visser, expressed his understanding of the concerns of the residents and entrepreneurs on the islands: simultaneous introduction of various legislations and regulations, short preparation time and fear of the unknown. The policy of the Tax Authority is to intensify the information, be creative and flexible with the implementation of the legislation and not leave existing questions unanswered. The simplicity of the system was the focal point of the presentation of team leader Gerard Meijer. For most of you the system is not difficult or complicated but simple ; according to Meijer. Subsequently the fiscal situation of the private individual, the sole proprietorship and the NV without personnel and the companies with personnel was discussed. The core points of the income tax, property tax, revenue tax, sales tax and wage taxes were discussed. Furthermore, Visser discussed the simplification in the implementation of the tax legislation. For the income tax he introduced the simplified tax return form for the fiscal year Continued on page 9

5 PAGE 5 HEALTH CARE INSURANCE READY Press release November 28, 2010 Healthcare Insurance Package is ready Kralendijk Recently the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports took the final decision on the content of the healthcare insurance package that will be introduced on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius as of January 1st. Starting January 1st, 2011, individuals legally residing and/or working on one of the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands, will automatically be covered under the general healthcare insurance. This means that as of this date all other healthcare insurances such as SVB, BZV, PP and private insurances will automatically expire to the extent that they cover the same as the general healthcare insurance. Residents of the islands need not do anything to receive medical care in January; each person must only have a valid ID-card or sédula. During the theme weeks that were recently organized by the Rijkdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN), information was already provided about the general healthcare insurance that will enter into force by January 2011, however at that time the content of the package was not fully ready. Now the package is ready and that means that the RCN Healthcare Insurance Office will start and intensive information campaign in order to inform all residents of the three islands and the institutions offering medical care and treatment about the content of the package. Healthcare insurance concerns us all. It is therefore of the utmost importance that each person be well informed about his/her coverage rights when it comes to medical care. The information campaign that carries the name I am also insured will not only emphasize the content of the package but also what a citizen must do in order to receive medical care. It has already been mentioned that to receive medical care a person must only show his/her ID-card or sédula. During the information campaign this procedure will be further elaborated on and also how minors (who do not have a sédula) receive medical care. (continue on page 6)

6 PRESS RELEASE HEALTH CARE INSURANCE READY PAGE 6 (Continued from page 5) With regard to the insurance package, this includes among others general practitioner care, specialist medical care, hospital care, paramedical care, dental care, pharmaceutical care, aid devices care, obstetric care, patient transportation, repatriation costs of the deceased, assistance audiological center, assistance genetic counseling, dialysis, chronic respiratory problems, rehabilitation care, laboratory and radiological treatment, long-term care and medical missions for treatment abroad. At the latest by December 13th an information booklet will be available with all details on the content of the healtcare insurance package. This date was set because the RCN is in the process of translating this document in Papiamentu and English and must take the complicated terminology into account. However, individuals who wish to receive information on the content of the healthcare insurance prior to the booklet being available can visit our website at on which the document will be posted. The RCN may also be called at or ed at and we will send you the document in soft copy. A hard copy of the document is also available at the RCN counter. Please take into account that during the next two weeks the document is available only in Dutch until the booklet is ready. Information will also be provided to the community through the media, such as newspapers, radio and television. Individuals may of course approach the healthcare insurance and they can also receive more information through the free RCN information line at Als er vragen zijn betreffende dit persbericht, graag contact opnemen met de RCN Communicatie afdeling, Friso Fennema ( ), Alida Francis of met Lucia Beck ( ).

7 PAGE 7 On Monday, December 6th 2010, the local Team leader, Mrs. Astrid Mc.Kenzie Tatem accompanied by the Quarter maker of taxes, Mr Hans Visser and the Honourable Island Governor Mr. Gerald Berkel did the honors at the harbour entrance where the customs office is officially located. Attending this ceremony at 11 am were Island Council Members: Ms. Adelca Spanner, Mr. Julian Woodley and Mr. Clyde van Putten. It continued in the afternoon December 6th 2010, at 3 pm at the premises of the Tax building, when the island proudly celebrated the official opening of it s doors for the new Dutch Caribbean Tax office. One year ago on June 1st 2009 the island celebrated the opening of the Tax Information Center, where the community could enter and acquire relevant information. The programme for the opening was well put together by the staff of the tax center. They had per- formances by the group pretty colours, Gifted Hands, and the Aloi dancers. The invocation was carried out by Pastor Plunkette prior to the entrance of the building. Special thanks for realizing this project goes to: Astrid Mc. Kenzie and staff, Mr. Hans Visser, The architect, Mr. Siem Dijkshoorn; The contractor Mr. Elroy and crew, Staff of the Project Group in Bonaire,Mr. Ettiene Schoenmakers and collegue of the Rijksgebouwendienst, the landlord, Mr. Eric Henriquez.

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9 PAGE 9 PRESS RELEASE TAX SYSTEM (continued from page 4) Furthermore, Visser discussed the simplification in the implementation of the tax legislation. For the income tax he introduced the simplified tax return form for the fiscal year In 2011 entrepreneurs will file tax returns for the income and sales tax on a quarterly basis (instead of a monthly basis). Saba and Sint-Eustatius will be involved in the addressing of the valuation for the property tax. Concerns about the employer s premium (18.4%) to be paid by the employers and the possible cumulation with the sales tax have been communicated via letter by the Executive Councils of Saba and Sint-Eustatius to the Minister of Finance. The business associations have also emphatically brought these points to the attention of the Tax Authority. Additionally the STEBA calls for attention to the 30,4% tax for individuals of 60 years of age or older, the disparity between companies with and without real estate and the difference in impact between Saba and Sint-Eustatius on the one hand and Bonaire on the other hand. Expansion of property tax exemption (dormant property) has been proposed to the Lower House through a memorandum of amendments. The staff members of the tax authority offices will be equipped to answer the existing questions. As of the 2 nd week of December, a brochure of all mentioned taxes will be available at the tax authority offices. You may request a soft copy of the presentation via address:

10 PAGE 10 TOWN HALL MEETING ON HEALTHCARE Transferring the property and QBMC building a condition for the million guilders from the Dutch Government St. Eustatius On Wednesday, December 1st 2010, the Island Government and the St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation held a town hall meeting to enlighten the general public of the process and what the present status is. The island Government was represented by Mr. Julian Woodley as commissioner for Health Care in the panel, while Mrs. Annemarie van Summeren, Dr. Paul Schats and Mr. Koos Sneek represented the St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation. Mr. Koos Sneek held a presentation about the privatization of the Queen Beatrix Medical Center. He said the issue of privatization was a point of discussion since 2005 when a letter of intent was signed with the stakeholders, the Island Government of St. Eustatius, the Queen Beatrix Medical Center, the Auxiliary Home and the Unions. Back then the vision was also to privatize healthcare and at the same time to merge the Queen Beatrix Medical Center with the Auxiliary Home. W H Y P R I V A T I Z A T I O N? Mr. Sneek explained detailed the significance of privatization. He said it is generally known that healthcare is the biggest expenditure on the island governments budget. Many people are referred abroad for medical attention which eats up most of the budget. Mr. Sneek explained that the privatization will reduce the financial burden for government; it will create a more professional and efficient healthcare sector and it will improve the quality of healthcare for the community of Statia. CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS Koos highlighted that this constitutional status, of Public Entity along with the privatization of the hospital was agreed upon by the island government. Other important components within this constitutional reforms are: the introduction of the general healthcare insurance and the requirement for Holland (VWS) ministry of Healthcare taking over the responsibility of healthcare on St. Eustatius. MULTI-ANNUAL HEALTHCARE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (8 YEARS) In the power point presentation Koos elaborated on this approved plan by the island government in In said plan an amount of 12 million was allocated by the government for investment on the island. Included were the combine care and cure, which means the merger of the QBMC and the Auxiliary home. The plan also touched on the upgrading of the health care in the broadest sense of the word. More and better is needed and the necessity to go off island should decrease with the visiting specialist. There is also the big discussion whether the hospital should be renovated or build a new hospital. ESTABLISHMENT ST. EUSTA- T I U S H E A L T H C A R E FOUNDATION The general public learned more details about the establishment of the healthcare foundation since march The Board of Directors comprise of: Dr. Paul Schats (chairman) and Mrs. Annemarie van Summeren (interim until August 2011) The Supervisory Board comprise of: Mr. Nicolaas Sneek (chairman) Ms. Minerva Panthophlet (vicechairman) Mrs. Clara Carty Mr Ellis Woodley Mr. Dean Zagers (since Dec ) WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBLITIES OF ST. EUSTATIUS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION They will be fully responsible for the Queen Beatrix Medical center, the Center for Youth and Family. The drugs rehabilitation care and the merger of the Auxiliary Home with QBMC which is a complicated issue since the Auxiliary Home is already a private foundation and the QBMC is a government department. As Mr. Sneek so well put it. There are the necessary concerns about the merger because the Auxiliary home is a well operated organization while the fear exist of merging with a government department with it s hurdles. PRIVATIZATION PROCESS QBMC It is important for the general public to know that the St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation is already working. They have a mandate for the management of the hospital since October 15th (Continue on page 16)

11 PAGE 11 THESIS FOR DOCTURATE STUDIES IN THE AREA OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & FINANCE Mr. Riegnald Arrindell Garveyite On Official Dollarization and Country St.Maarten Dear Editor I chose to write my final research paper on the possible pros, cons and consequences of Official dollarization for St.Maarten. The aim was to learn whether in fact the dropping the Antillean guilder for the US dollar would serve our interests as a people especially in light in our new constitutional status. This analysis will draw upon the experiences, both past and present, of dollarized countries to further show that benefits of dollarization are not consistent with facts or reality. My primary research has convinced me that Official Dollarization would not be a viable option to St.Maarten for the following reasons: Firstly, the Antillean guilder has remained stable over the last 30 years. Unlike most countries, the Antillean economy never had a history of high inflation, massive debt, and severe macro economic or political instability or witnessed investor confidence crumble over an extended period. Secondly, both the IMF and Director of the Dutch Central bank, Drs H. Brouwer commended the Antillean Central Bank for its policies, knowledgeable staff, prudent lending practices and maintaining a credible peg to the US dollar for over 30 years. The longstanding peg to the U.S. dollar has served the economy well. It has delivered low inflation and imposed some discipline on economic policies. Its credibility has kept interest rate differentials with the U.S. narrow, even though expansionary fiscal policies have frequently run counter to the requirements of a fixed exchange rate regime. To some, it makes no sense to either have a joint Central Bank and currency, with Curacao, since it would be the same (i.e. being pegged at the same rate to the US dollar) as the Antillean guilder. Sharing a common central bank and currency with Curacao allows St.Maarten to benefit from knowledgeable and experienced staff, less costs and, strong currency and good track record. Additionally, most countries around the world are currently sharing a common Central Bank and currency i.e. the Caribbean, Europe, America. I do understand that some might be hesitant to continue our relations with Curacao due to sharp political differences however we must not allow this to cloud or confuse our judgment concerning such an important matter. Not only will we be able to exercise more influence over our own affairs but would not become as dependent if official dollarization was chosen. Thirdly, despite being dollarized the Turks and Caicos Islands experienced a banking crisis where clients were unable to redeem some of their savings. Civil servants were forced to take a 10% cut in their salaries. Also, the article The Turks and Caicos economy in meltdown (See the Caribbean Centre for Finance and Money, July 2010) revealed that regardless of being officially dollarized the islands couldn t not escape the impact of the global financial crisis. This is one of the major downsides of using the currency of another nation or being dollarized i.e. the limited options of the Turks and Caicos government to: increase revenues; address economic crisis and no financial reserves to call upon. The US dollar did not prevent the Turks and Caicos Islands from corruption, the global financial meltdown or maintaining optimal investor relations. This was evident during the suspension of local government and direct rule from Britain further showing that: official dollarization cannot overshadow the role of implementing effective policies and good governance; as a colony, the Turks and Caicos economy was further crippled by the UK s decision to withhold development funds from the island. In September 2010, the visiting British MP Mr. Andrew Rosindell vowed to beseech London for help lifting the islands out of the economic quagmire 1 ( TCI needs help, September 9th 2010) Fourthly, The cases of Panama and Ecuador are used as ready examples as to the success of dollarization. Panama although being dollarized since 1904 approached the IMF and World Bank a total of 13 times to get financial assistance. Despite the success being made the economy still suffers from institutional weaknesses; the judicial system is still influenced by political tribalism; and income distribution remains lopsided. Ecuador saw investors withhold public finances as a result of its president s, Raphel Correa, unwillingness to pay its sovereign debt and his socialist/ nationalist political ideology. Despite being dollarized, Ecuador s credit rating slipped to all time lows. Investor s uneasiness, stemming from government intervention, resulted in reduced long term investments in the economy. Fifthly, it is difficult to suggest that dollarization will usher in any unique benefits to the island which: it doesn t already experience or cannot be introduced through creative and effective policies. I submit to the supporters of dollarization to consider that if the American dollar was such a viable option it did a rather poor job of preventing the global economic meltdown; reducing its widening trade deficit. Interestingly, china and the UN are hinting replacing the US dollar as the world 1 Turks and Caicos weekly newspaper. TCI needs help September 9th 2010 reserve currency. The dollar has not crashed because China holds a significant amount of America s debt, global commodities and oil are priced in dollars and US spending on invading other countries. (Continue on page 13) 1 Turks and Caicos weekly newspaper. TCI needs help September 9th 2010

12 PAGE 12 HOW TO GET FUNDING THROUGH KULTURA Find out if your project meets the criteria for kultura funding continue on page

13 PAGE 13 Thesis on Dollarization by Riegnald Arrindell Garveyite (Continued from page 13) Sixth, dollarization will not improve investor s confidence as some believe. Investors are primarily concerned with the state of public finances, economic growth forecasts, skilled, healthy and educated workforce, good governance and most of all obtaining a handsome return on their investment. Does currency play a role, perhaps but in our context it does not overshadow the fundamentals that are considered to be essential in any investment analysis. Our island has an efficient business environment although there is room for improvement in a number of areas. In order to address these challenges it is imperative that both the government, private sector and the community to develop ways to further improve the investment infrastructure on the island. Seventh, despite what some may seem to think, if St.Maarten officially dollarizes it will not be able to obtain or a miniscule of the Seinorage with the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. If St.Maarten dollarizes it means that its interests will not be represented or considered in Washington. So if individuals were complaining when St.Maarten was in the Antilles were we were at least represented heads will roll when we won t have any say what so ever when decisions are being made in Washington. In his speech on The developmental challenges of a small economy (March 2008) Dr. Emsley Tromp, Director of the Central Bank pointed out that the island earns about NAF 1.2 billion in revenues derived from foreign exchange transactions. In 2008, income derived from the 1% license fee or tax that goes directly to the Central Bank approached NAF 100,000,000, of which around 40% originates from St.Maarten. The island s share of Seinorage, money the central government earns by printing notes and coins, to the tune of NAF 1,440,000 (2009) will be terminated. Keep in mind that when we become a country and maintain the guilder, such sources of revenue will remain on our shores, in our coffers. With such impressive figures school breakfast programs can be implemented, grants for single parents, investing in energy efficient technology, improve transportation infrastructure and efficient health care products and services especially for children and senior citizens. These figures are mentioned to give the reader a summary of the monetary costs associated with dollarization. Dollarization DOES NOT guarantee the island will be able to regain this amount. Read the literature on dollarization, they never offer any definite answers, choosing instead words like Dollarization would should may; hardly reading a sentence that says Official Dollarization WILL. A review of the financial statements of the Central Bank of the Netherlands Antilles show in no uncertain terms that the demand for bank accounts denominated in guilders outpaced that of other currencies indicating that investors and depositors are confident in our currency as a safe haven especially during the global economic meltdown. In closing, by accepting the US dollar as our own currency confirms our inability as an autonomous country to exert and protect our sovereignty and hinder the pursuit of affirmation in this age of globalization. It is interesting to observe how supporters of official dollarization have been unceasing in their pursuit to manufacture the consent of the masses. Based on the articles and opinions from the pro dollarization camp it is evident that sustaining such a position without encountering logical problems is somewhat challenging. If one analyses the facts and place them within our own social, economic reality and political aspirations, the honest researcher will conclude that some persons find theories more precious that facts. In the final analysis if the US dollar was so great why aren t more countries dropping their national currencies and dollarizing? Dollarization is declining in Latin American countries their economies. To imply that dollarization is a viable option for St.Maarten ignores common sense. I urge my people to resist the temptation of simplifying the issue of official dollarization and examine this subject with a determined eye and great care. I urge my people not to suspend their reasoning powers for short term pleasures and convenience but instead balance their critical thinking skills with research. NOTICE The Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) and the Island Government is hosting a Follow up Town Hall Meeting on Dollarization Date :Thursday, December 16th 2010 Location: Lions Den/Ernest van Putten Youth Center Time: 7 pm 9 pm NOTICE The Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) is hosting a Live talk show about the Health Care Package on December 16th 2010 This call- in programme will be aired live in the morning hours. The general public will get the opportunity to call in and pose questions

14 JOB OPPORTUNTIES (Continued from page 3) PAGE 14 Aangeboden wordt: Inschaling conform het Bezoldigingsbesluit 1998 BES. Salaris is afhankelijk van het aantal jaren werkervaring vermeerderd met bovenwindse toelage 16.3%, eventuele kindertoelage, pensioenregeling, medische verzekering en vakantieuitkering. Functie-inhoud: Beveiligingsmedewerker Haven De werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd binnen de Dienst Zeehaven. De Dienst Zeehaven richt zich op het zo effectief, efficient, ordelijk en veilig mogelijk laten verlopen van het afhandleingsproces van passagiers, schepen, vracht en post. De beveiligingsmedewerker is belast met de bewaking en beveiliging van de Dienst Zeehaven en het beschermen van aangewezen personen en goederen. De Dienst Zeehaven bestaat uit een Hoofd zeehaven, een assistent Haven Meester, een Financieel Administratief medewerker, een Administratief medewerker, de Beveiligingsmedewerkers en Havenmedewerkers. Taken: Bewaakt de Dienst Zeehaven door: Het erop toezien dat er geen goederen van eigendommen, boten/vessels, kantoor en lading op het terrein worden ontvreemd; Het bewaken van passagiers, boten en ladingen op het Zeehaven; Het bedacht zijn op verdachte personen en het eventueel bewaken van personen totdat de douanerecherche/politie arriveert; Het treffen van maatregelen zoals bijv het aanhouden van schepen; Het maken van rapportage ( bij incidenten, dagelijks, maandelijks etc.); Verricht veiligheidswerkzaamheden door: Functie-eisen: Het controleren van vervoer ( auto s, trailers, etc.) en lading die het terrein in en uitgaan; Het controleren van passagiers en hun bagage; Het controleren van documenten van boten, bemanning en cargo die de Zeehaven binnenkomen of uitvaren; Het inspecteren van de navifatie- en kadeverlichting alsook de hygienische toestand rondom de havengebouwen, het terrein en op de kade; Het bijhouden van de registratie van boten/schepen, voertuigen en lading; Minimaal LBO denk/werkniveau en ervaring; (Continue on page 31)

15 PAGE 15 Continued from page 2 HOW TO GET FUNDING THROUGH KULTURA Continue on page 17

16 PAGE 16 Continue from page 10 TOWN HALL MEETING ON HEALTH CARE They held several meetings with the staff of QBMC already and the social Statute is already established, however in the future when the staff go over to the foundation they will loose their civil servant status and a collective labor agreement will be needed. The job ranking programme has already been worked out, it is confirmed that improvements for the workers is essential. The big commotion in this entire process is the transfer of the assets which comprises of land and a building. The Dutch ministry of healthcare (VWS) made 1 million available for 2010 which seems to be linked to healthcare foundation acquiring the property into ownership. These funds are important to purchase new equipment for the hospital. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS The public was enlighten of the two new ambulances which are already operational on the island and the training program for the personnel. A helicopter service based in Country St. Maarten will render service to Saba and St. Eustatius for emergency evacuation. When someone become ill and they need to be referred abroad, St. Maarten will be the first island considered, whereas more specific cases will be referred to Guadeloupe. They are also seeking specialist to come to work in Statia. There was a question and answer segment after the presentation. Some questions which were posed were: Isn t it better to build a new hospital instead of restoration? The hospital is in need of new and modern equipment and a professional Information Technology. Another participant made a statement along with a question. Knowing that the Dutch govern- ment after a number of years would write off buildings; Why not the QBMC which is older than 50 years? What is the issue in the Netherlands about making a decision to make this happen? The process of privatization started since 2005 and at the same time a policy was in place indicating how many beds and staff is required. Will this policy be the point of departure? A senior politician shared at the townhall meeting the fact that the Queen Betarix medical center was condemned 30 years ago. The Dutch Government made funding available and a gentleman from Holland was in charge of the funding for the establishment of the new hospital which is now known as the White Elephant. Individuals of the Rijksgebouwen dienst came to Statia and created this white elephant that up to today is leaking and has never functioned as a hospital. His cry today is for the youth, He says we need somebody to stand up and represent us in The Hague. How would you handle the overflow of an epidemic with the decrease in beds which you will establish in the new hospital? Will the new health care insurance merely be transferred with the same people giving the same poor service? The conclusion was that everyone agreed that Statia deserves a new Hospital and they support the Health Care foundation in accomplishing this goal.

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18 PAGE 18 PUBLIC NOTICE The Executive Council of the Island Territory Sint Eustatius hereby informs the general public that in accordance with article 5 of the Physical Development Ordinance St. Eustatius of 1991, the Draft Spatial Development Plan for the Island Territory of St. Eustatius will be for public review as from December 2 for a period of 30 days. Within this period of 30 days anyone can submit objections to the plan in writing to the Islands Council, Government Guesthouse, St. Eustatius The Draft Spatial Development Plan can be reviewed at the Government Guesthouse, the Planning Bureau and on the website The Executive Council of the Island Territory of Sint Eustatius The Lt. Governor Mr. G. Berkel, BSc The adj. Island Secretary Mrs. E. Bennett Merkman OPENBARE BEKENDMAKING Het Bestuurscollege van het Eilandsgebied Sint Eustatius maakt hierbij bekend dat conform artikel 5 van de Eilandverordening Ruimtelijke Ontwikkelingsplanning St. Eustatius (1991) het Ontwerp Ruimtelijk Ontwikkelingsplan voor het Eilandgebied Sint Eustatius ter inzage wordt gelegd vanaf 2 december a.s. voor de duur van 30 dagen. In deze periode van 30 dagen kan eenieder schriftelijk bezwaren indienen bij de Eilandsraad, Government Guesthouse, St. Eustatius Het Ontwerp Ruimtelijk Ontwikkelingsplan kan ingezien worden op het Government Guesthouse, het Planningbureau en op de website Het Bestuurscollege van het Eilandsgebied Sint Eustatius De Gezaghebber De adj. Eilandsecretaris Mr. G. Berkel, BSc Mrs. E. Bennett Merkman


20 DUTCH NEWS PAGE 20 St. Eustatius Since the formation of the Dutch Government, many people in the Netherlands acknowledged the importance of cutting back. The government programme in the Netherlands already indicates the importance of economizing for the future. A big issue was, the cut back in the field of art with an amount of 200 hundred million euros which brought about much opposition. The Dutch actors and musicians took to the streets to strike and display their disapproval with the cabinets force cutback in the field of art. The demonstrations of the artists booked much success because the Dutch Government will not cut back the 200 hundred million euros as was initially the case. Other cutbacks in the Netherlands which brought about much discussion was the cut in the budget of defense. The cutbacks in this area is considered to be under the norm of the N.A.T.O. The amount decided to cutback in Defense is from 8 billion to 7 billion. They will need to priorities what is really important. On the BVN (The Best of Vlaanderen and The Netherlands) the Dutch Minister of Defense, Mr. Hillen defended the cutbacks. A journalist stated that the unions are of the opinion that the balance on the budget after the cutbacks is so little that it looks like a third world armed military force. Minister of Defense Mr. Hillen said 7 billion is sufficient and the situation is not so bad as everyone makes it out to be. Under this new Tolerant( gedoogd) Cabinet, many changes apply in the broadest sense of the word. Asylum seekers are responsible for adjusting and acclimatizing in the Netherlands. Persons who do not qualify after the naturalization test, risk loosing their temporary residency permit. A general ban apply against boerka s, that is clothing covering ones face entirely. Other areas are education. If weak schools are not able to bring their school within a year up to the educational process or level they would go over to closure. It is advised that parents are involved in the educational process to ensure that children attend school without omission. They also hope that parents can influence good behavior of their children and the promotion of speaking Dutch at school. Source : BVN and VNG Magazine STATIA DAY CELEBRATION 2010 St. Eustatius - Statia Day is an annual celebration which has grown into a large event that people from neighboring islands come over to share with us in this cultural week of activities. Although everyone had to cut back on their budgets the organizers of the Festivity Committee acknowledged in the Shedding Light Radio Programme that they would have liked to do many more cultural exchanges but financial restrictions limited the possibilities. The public at large enjoyed the week of activities which started on November 10th If you are residing abroad and could not be a part of the celebrations, imagine the main road (Fort Oranjestraat ) decorated with Dutch and Statia Flags. The location of the week of activities is at the corner of Breedeweg down to the lower half of Fort Oranjestraat. The first night started off with a Gospel session. Gospel groups from St. Maarten and Anguilla participated in this programme. Statians were happy and proud to see their own artist residing in the Netherlands take part in the event on November 11th The show featured the man Stroll, Victor Sams and Magumbo. On November 12th 2010 a band from St. Maarten performed with Ruffy. While on November 13th Morgan Gramps from Jamaica rocked the night. The Mega D Foundation held a wonderful show for and with the Youth of Statia in mind- The entire week was filled with cultural exchanges. As an island in the Caribbean we do our best to bring about a Caribbean mixture which would be pleasing to the entire island. On November 16th 2010 which is the day of celebration was well attended by the public at Fort Oranje. The uniform groups of the different principles were in attendance while we were great full to have the drum bands from the Neighboring islands. The Saba drum band along with that of Anguilla made the parade even more elaborate. (see photos of the celebration on page ) Special attention was given this year to a number of cultural acts like plaiting the pole by the Aloi dancers and a script by Misha & Co highlighting the First Salute. This performance took the public right back to They did their at most with their costumes to bring about that idea. Youngsters under the guidance of the musical Teacher Mr. Dennis Amajan accompanied by Ms. Vashti Hooker prepared the children for their Grand performance on Statia day. The Island Government acknowledged a number of people in the community for their outstanding service,these persons are: Roland Lopes, Elroy Aventurin, Jerome Patrick and Floyd Woodley.

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30 The Role of the Ombudsman Continued from page 8 PAGE 30

31 JOB OPPORTUNITIES PAGE 31 (Continued from page 14) Kennis van geldende voorschriften en procedure inzake bewaking en het vergezellen van containers/ladingen/ bagage; Kennis van interne procedurele uitvoeringsvoorchriften, praktische bekendheid van de organisatorische en functionele verhoudingen binnen de dienst en (in)zoverre relevant daarbuiten; Vaardigheid in het uitvoeren van bewakingswerkzaamheden; Vaardigheid in het communiceren met het publiek en toeristen voor het geven van instructies; Vaardigheid in het signaleren van verdachte personen of onregelmatieheden en het treffen van juiste voorzorgmaatregelen; Bereidbaar om trainingen te volgen; Vloeiend in de Nederlandse en Engelse taal, zowel schriftelijk en mondeling. Kunnen omgaan met vertrouwelijk informatie; Vaardigheid in het maken van rapportage. Aangeboden wordt: Inschaling conform de Lands Bezoldigingsregeling Salaris Min Nafls 1439,- en Max Nafls 2369,- afhankelijk van het aantal jaren werkervaring vermeerderd met bovenwindse toelage 16.3%, eventuele kindertoelage, pensioenregeling, medische verzekering en vakantieuitkering. Schrifteliike reacties uitelijk 10 december 2010 te richten aan: Het Bestuurscollege van het Eilandgebied St. Eustatius T.a.v. Mevrouw F. Marlin, Hoofd Personeel & Organisatie Government Guesthouse St. Eustatius, Carisbisch Nederland Tel: Fax: Voor meer informatie kan contact opgenomen worden met de heer Austin van Heyningen, waarnemend Havenmeester bij Dienst Zeehaven op telefoonnummer Het Bestuurscollege St. Eustatius, De Gezaghebber, De Adjunct Secretaris,

32 The Informer, is the St. Eustatius Government Information Bulletin It is a monthly publication of the Island Territory of St. Eustatius. The objective is to inform residents of St. Eustatius about the developments that are taking place within Government and social matters on the island. Published by M.A. Lopes Chief Public Relations for the Island Territory of St. Eustatius Kennep Rd. z/n, Princes Garden, St. Eustatius, Neth. Ant. Telephone: Fax: Layout by D. Simmons Queries should be directed to the Office of the Lt. Governor, Mr. Gerald Berkel, under which he has the responsibility of Bureau Kabinet, St. Eustatius. Tel: Fax: THE GREATEST GIFT WE CAN GIVE TO OTHERS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE! SHEDDING LIGHT Honour where Weekly Press Conferences Honour is due Join us weekly on Wednesday morning, at 9 Am sharp, on the Government radio programme Shedding Light, for a day of self discovery, sharing information, reviewing developments in our community, questioning our elected officials about important issues. If you have ideas, suggestions contact the host, Malvern on or Please put your suggestions or opinions in the GIS idea box at our office at Princess. We encourage Statians and residents alike to submit names of persons in the community that do exceptional or outstanding services in the community. If you want to nominate someone for a Royal Decoration it is advisable to contact the Decoration Committee for relevant island territory or the cabinet of the Lieutenant Governor. They will inform you whether the services rendered by the nominee are exceptional or outstanding enough to warrant a Royal Decoration. They will explain you exactly what you need to do, once you have collected the n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n. Fax NOTICE THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS EN COURAGED TO VOICE THEIR OPINIONS SHARE YOUR VIEWS ABOUT THE PRELIMI NARY REPORT ON THE POSSIBLE EXTENTION OF TERMINAL FACILITIES. WE REFER YOU TO THE WEB SITE SET UP USING STATIAGOV.BLOGSPOT.COM The Island Government of St. Eustatius Dutch Caribbean

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