Estimating Term Structure of U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach

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1 Estimating Term Structure of U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach Feng Guo J. Huston McCulloch

2 Our Task Empirical TS are unobservable. Without a continuous spectrum of zero-coupon securities; In practice, the U.S. Treasury has instead issued a limited number of securities with discrete maturities; This paper extends term structure estimation literature by proposing a new method to recover a continuous term structure of interest rate.

3 Previous Research Spline-based interpolation or Curve-fitting models Fama-Bliss (1987), McCulloch (1975, 1993, 2000), Nelson-Siegel (1987), and Fisher et al. (1995) differ considerably in their respective interpolation functional forms and estimation techniques Advantages of the approach of interpolation Yield is a function of term to maturity only, independent of any preference form and general equilibrium setting; Simple, parsimonious functional forms; Allow easy transformation among discount function, zero-coupon yield, forward rate, and par bond yield; Easy to access, not based on historical data.

4 Motivation Two potential target functions: 1 Discount Function (McCulloch (1975) and McCulloch and Kwon (1993)) 2 log Discount Function (McCulloch and Kochin (2000), Nelson and Siegel (1987)) Discount Function log Discount Function Result in a linear bond price function (+) Hard to govern its behavior at long-end maturity (-) Result in a nonlinear bond price function (-) Easy to govern its behavior at long-end maturity (+)

5 Motivation (cont d) Two classes of potential interpolation functional forms 1 Cubic Spline (McCulloch and Kochin (2000)); 2 Exponential Decay (Nelson and Siegel (1987), Swensson (1994), Gürkaynak et al. (2006, 2008)); Cubic Spline Exponential Decay Nonparametric Parametric and parsimonious more flexibility on the shape of yield curve (+, -) Natural condition to control behavior at long-end (+) Relatively rigid forward rate curve (-, +) No extra condition for long-end behavior (+)

6 What We Do Propose a multiple exponential decay functional form to construct a negative log discount function; Three estimation methods are introduced to estimate the parameters of the objective function; Extend McCulloch cubic spline model to fit the same data set so as to compare with the multiple exponential function; Implement a procedure to pin down the number of parameters based upon tests for serial correlation and information criteria.

7 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model Specification 3 Estimation and Results 4 Extension 5 Conclusion

8 Basic Definitions Back δ(m): Discount Function (P.V. of $1 at m) δ(0) = 1, δ( ) 0 y(m): (continuously compounded) Zero-coupon Yield log δ(m) δ(m) = exp ( y(m) m) = y(m) = m y p (m): (continuously compounded) Par Bond Yield p: Bond Price (with continuous coupons) (1) y p (m) = 1 δ(m) m 0 δ(s) ds (2) p = δ(m) + c m 0 δ(s) ds

9 Basic Definitions Forward Rate and Instantaneous Forward Rate: f (m 1, m 2 ) = 1 ( ) δ(m1 + m 2 ) log m 2 δ(m 1 ) = 1 [(m 1 + m 2 )y(m 1 + m 2 ) m 1 y(m 1 )] m 2 = f (m) f (m 1, 0) = y(m) + my (m) = ( log δ(m)) = δ (m) δ(m) (1) = δ(m) is an exponential decay curve; (3) = the rate of decay is f(m). (3) y(m) = 1 m m 0 f (s) ds, f (m 1, m 2 ) = 1 m 2 m 1 m2 m 1 f (s) ds (4)

10 Model Specification General Form φ(m) - δ(m) features an exponential decay curve; δ(m) - φ(m), log disc. fn., should be a linear combination of some basis functions Ψ(m) with k parameters and n maturities k φ(m i ) log δ(m i ) = β j Ψ j (m i ) i = 1,..., n j=1 s.t. δ(0) = 1 or φ(0) = 0, Ψ j (0) = 0; k n (5) 1.1 Discount Function to Maturity, 03/31/ δ(m) Negative log Discount Function to Maturity, 03/31/ logδ(m) Years to Maturity

11 Model Specification Ψ(m) Specify Ψ(m) as exponential functions so that φ(m) is a multi-exponential decay function k φ(m) log δ(m) = β j Ψ j (m) j=1 ) 1 exp ( mτj if j = 1,..., k 1 where Ψ j (m) = m if j = k (6)

12 e-fold life exp( m/τ) Timescale at which m = τ i for a quantity to decay to 1/e of its previous value, similar to Half Life ; Small value of τ j corresponds rapid decay in m and hence fits curvature at low maturities; vice versa. k determines the number of curvatures the function is able to feature τ 1 =0 0.9 τ 2 = /e Ψ(m; τ) τ 3 =5 τ 4 =15 τ 5 = τ 6 = τ 7 =Inf Maturity

13 Comparison Semi-natural Cubic Spline Select ν + 1 knots {κ j } ν j=0, where κ 0 0 and κ ν m n ; Impose Natural restriction at the long end: φ(m) = 0, m [m n, ); Define the linear combination of the (ν + 2) functions: Ψ j (m) = θ j (m) θ j (m n) θ ν+2 (m n) θ ν+2(m), j = 1,..., ν + 1 (7) where θ 1 (m) = m, θ 2 (m) = m 2, θ 3 (m) = m 3 θ j (m) = max{0, (m κ j 3 ) 3 }, j = 4,..., ν + 2 (8)

14 Comparison Extended Nelson and Siegel Fit the forward rate curve by: ( ) ( ) ) f (m) = β 0 +β 1 exp ( )+β mτ1 2 exp ( )+β mτ1 mτ1 3 exp ( mτ2 mτ2 Equvalent to fit φ(m) by setting: Ψ 1 (m) = m ) Ψ 2 (m) = m exp ( mτ1 ) Ψ 3 (m) = 1 exp ( mτ1 ) ( )) Ψ 4 (m) = m exp ( mτ2 + τ 2 1 exp ( mτ2

15 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model Specification 3 Estimation and Results 4 Extension 5 Conclusion

16 Select τ j Idea: depict the shapes implied by data Step 1: let τ k = so that β k governs the level of f (m) at long maturity (m ); Step 2: given n k 2, locate the place of each percentile, 1/k, according to the distribution of {m i } n i=1 ; Step 3: assign {τ j = m i j = 1,, k 1, i = floor (nj/k)}. Data

17 Select τ j Idea: depict the shapes implied by data Step 1: let τ k = so that β k governs the level of f (m) at long maturity (m ); Step 2: given n k 2, locate the place of each percentile, 1/k, according to the distribution of {m i } n i=1 ; Step 3: assign {τ j = m i j = 1,, k 1, i = floor (nj/k)}. Data k=2 k=3 k=4 0 τ 1 = m n m n 2 0 τ 1 = m n τ 2 = m2 n m n 3 0 τ 1 = m n τ 2 = m n τ 3 = m3 n m n

18 Estimation-I: Nonlinear Minimization Objective: Minimize the sum of squared deviation from the observed prices. n min {β j } k j=1 (p i ˆp i ) 2 (9) ˆp i = l c i 2 δ (l) }{{} coupon payments δ( ) = exp i=1 +δ(m i ) + ε i k β j Ψ j ( ) j=1 interpolation model

19 Estimation-II: Iterative Linear Least Squares Objective: Same as Estimation-I. Step 1: Estimate β 0 by OLS where y i is the observed YTM of the i th security; m i y i = k βj 0 Ψ j (m i ) + ε 0 i i = 1,..., n (10) j=1 Step 2: Given β q, evaluate the coupons and corresponding net prices by δ q ( ); ˆp net(q) i = p i c ( i 2 exp Ψ (l) ˆβ q) = ˆδ q (m i ) (11) l }{{} coupon payments

20 Estimation-II: Iterative Linear Least Squares (cont d) Step 3: Estimate β q+1 by the following regression: ( ) net(q) log ˆp i = } {{ } q m i ŷ i k j=1 β q+1 j Ψ j (m i )+ε q+1 i i = 1,..., n (12) { ŷ q+1 Step 4: Repeat Step 2 & 3 until max m } ŷm q ɛ. Results

21 Fitted Yield and Forward Rate Curves based on Estmation-II Estimate Real TS by TIPS (Treasury inflation-indexed securities) market quotes on Mar. 31, 2010, n = 29; Data All three model specifications are employed. 4 Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k=5 4 Cubic Spline of Real YTM, k= Percent 1 0 Percent Years to Maturity Years to Maturity Extended Nelson and Siegel of Real YTM 4 Percent Zero Coupon YC Par Bond YC Forward Rate Curve Observed YTM Years to Maturity

22 Question: How to pin down k in φ(m)? Empirical evidence: k n Evidence 1: WLS Durbin-Watson Test DW test for Real log disc. function, N=29, 03/31/2010 DW test for Nominal log disc. function, N=166, 03/31/ DW-Statistics DW-Statistics % Critical Value L-Tail Mean Critical Value 5% Critical Value R-Tail DW Statistics 0.5 5% Critical Value L-Tail Mean Critical Value 5% Critical Value R-Tail DW Statistics Number of Terms Number of Terms

23 Question: How to pin down k in φ(m)? (cont d) Evidence 2: Nonparametric Runs-Test -test the mutual independence of a two-valued sequence. H 0: values in x come in random order; H 1: they do not. Runs-test for Real log disc. fn., N=29, 03/31/2010 Runs-test for Nominal log disc. fn., N=166, 03/31/ P-Value P-Value Number of Terms Number of Terms

24 Question: How to pin down k in φ(m)? (cont d) Evidence 3: Bayesian Information Criterion BIC for Real log disc. fn., N=29, 03/31/ BIC for Nominal log disc. fn., N=166, 03/31/ BIC -9.8 BIC Number of Terms Number of Terms

25 Question: How to pin down k in φ(m)? (cont d) A demonstration: set k = 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 and fit the real TS on 3/31/2010 respectively. Percent Percent Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k= Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k= Years to Maturity Percent Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k= Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k= Years to Maturity Multiple Exponential of Real YTM, k= Years to Maturity Zero Coupon YC Par Bond YC Forward Rate Curve Observed Yield Rate

26 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model Specification 3 Estimation and Results 4 Extension 5 Conclusion

27 Constrained Fit (Est.-III) Objective: Screen out the ill-priced securities from the pool. Selected Fit: Based on unconstrained estimations, select security i s.t. p i ˆp i and do the unconstrained estimation again using these underpriced securities only. Constrained Nonlinear Minimization: impose price constraints on the nonlinear minimization problem min {β j } k j=1 s.t. p i ˆp i n (p i ˆp i ) 2 i=1 for i = 1,..., n (13)

28 Constrained Fit (Est.-III) (cont d) Iterative Constrained Quadratic Programming: similar to an iterative LS with extra constraints min β ε ε 2 s.t. ε 0 (14) where ε i = log pi n n log ˆp i ( = log p i ) c i 2 δ(l) l ( log 1 + c i 2 ) + Ψ(m i )β then follow the similar iterative procedure as in Estimation-II. Results

29 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Model Specification 3 Estimation and Results 4 Extension 5 Conclusion

30 Highlights of Current Work Propose new functional form: Multiple Exponential Decay smoothes through idiosyncratic variations associated with the forward rate curve; governs the shape of curves by adjusting τ. Introduce new estimation method: Constrained Fit serve different curve-fitting purposes. Implement new procedure to control goodness of fit DW test Runs-test BIC

31 Future Work Complete daily estimates, and build up a criterion to evaluate all combinations of interpolation models and estimation methods Propose better term structure estimation techniques; Apply the estimated term structure to study macroeconomic fluctuations.

32 g{tç~á4

33 Appendix 1: Data Source The Wall Street Journal daily market quotes Back 1 Back 2

34 Appendix 1: Data Source (cont d) Real Yield Curve is derived from TIPS market data; Nominal Yield Curve is derived from T-Notes & Bonds market data; Market quotes are daily released by the Wall Street Journal; Exclude less-than-one-year TIPS bonds from the data set; Back 1 Back 2

35 Appendix 2: Fitted φ(m) based on both Estmation-I and II Real φ(m) is derived from TIPS (Treasury inflation-indexed securities) market quotes on Mar. 31, 2010, n = 29; Nominal φ(m) is derived from T-Notes & Bonds market quotes on the same day, n = 166. φ(m) Multiple Exponential Interpolation for U.S. Real Term Structure, k=5 Est.-I (t = 101.0s) Est.-II (t = 0.096s) Observed φ(m) φ(m) Multiple Exponential Interpolation for U.S. Nominal Term Structure, k=17 Est.-I (t = 5.24s) Est.-II (t = 0.15s) Observed φ(m) Years to Maturity Back

36 Appendix 3: Fitted Real φ(m) and yield curves based on both Est.-II and III Estimate Real log discount function and yield curves on Mar. 31, 2010 by both Unconstrained Fit (Est-II) and Constrained Fit (Est-III), k = 4. φ(m) Multiple Exponential of Real φ(m), 03/31/ Est-II Est-III (Selected Fit) Est-III (QuadProg Fit) Observed φ(m) Percent Multiple Exponential of Real YTM by Est-II Zero Coupon YC Par Bond YC Forward Curve Observed YTM Multiple Exponential of Real YTM by Est-III (Selected) 4 Multiple Exponential of Real YTM by Est-III (QuadProg) 4 Percent Zero Coupon YC Par Bond YC Forward Curve Observed YTM Years to Maturity Percent Zero Coupon YC Par Bond YC Forward Curve Observed YTM Years to Maturity Back

Estimating Yield Curves of the U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach

Estimating Yield Curves of the U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach Estimating Yield Curves of the U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach Feng Guo a, a Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, China. Abstract

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