財務報表 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 截至 2016 年 6 月 30 日止年度 For the Year Ended 30 June 2016

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1 財務報表 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 截至 26 年 6 月 3 日止年度 For the Year Ended 3 June 26

2 目錄 CONTENTS.. -3 Treasurer's Report 司庫報告 獨立核數師報告.. Independent Auditor's Report 4-5 綜合全面收益表.. Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income Consolidated Balance Sheet 8-9 綜合資產負債表.. - Consolidated Statement of Changes in Fund Balances 綜合資金變動表..2-3 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合現金流動表 綜合財務報表附註..4-6 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 一般資料 編製基準 分部收入及支出 政府資助及撥款 利息及投資收入 輔助服務及其他收入 開支 高收入員工薪酬 稅項 物業 機器及設備 無形資產 財務資產 於聯營公司權益 於合資企業權益 應收賬款及預付款項 現金及等同現金 應付賬款及應計費用 教職員福利撥備 遞延收益 遞延資本基金 教資會基金 限制性基金及其他基金 承諾捐款 財務風險管理 承擔 大學校董會成員及校董會委員會成員 於重要合約之權益及關聯方交易 附屬公司 主要會計估計及判斷 主要會計政策 已公佈但尚未生效的新準則 詮釋和 修訂的潛在影響 General Information Basis of Preparation Income and Expenditure by Segment Government Subventions and Grants Interest and Investment Income Auxiliary Services and Other Income Expenditure Remuneration of Higher Paid Staff Taxation Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Financial Assets Interest in an Associate Interest in a Joint Venture Accounts Receivable and Prepayments Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Payable and Accruals Provision for Staff Benefits Deferred Income Deferred Capital Funds UGC Funds, Restricted Funds and Other Funds Pledged Donations Financial Risk Management Commitments University Council and Council Committees Members' Interests in Contracts of Significance and Related Party Transactions Subsidiaries Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgements Principal Accounting Policies Possible Impact of new Standards, interpretations and amendments published that are not yet effective

3 司庫報告 TREASURER'S REPORT 概況 OVERVIEW 由於捐款收入的增加及投資虧損因投資市 場環境而大幅下降 大學25/6財政年度 表現較24/5進步顯著 共錄得三億一千 六的盈餘 24/5年度輕度虧損五 Financial year 25/6 closed with a surplus of $36 million (a small deficit of $5 million for 24/5). The significant improvement over 24/5 was mainly attributable to higher donation income and much reduced investment loss due to market conditions. 綜合收入及開支 CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE 25/6年度綜合收入增長四億九千萬元 達四十三億一千八 24/5年度為 三十八億二千八 其中 二億三 千萬來自捐款收入 九千萬來自投資虧損 的減少 其餘包括教育資助委員會 教 資會 額外為薪金調整的附加撥款及學 費收入的增長 The consolidated income increased by $49 million to $4,38 million in 25/6 ($3,828 million in 24/5), attributable to a growth of $23 million in donation income, a reduction of $9 million in investment loss; the remainder included the usual additional University Grants Committee ("UGC") supplementary grants for General Pay Adjustment ("GPA") on salaries, and an increase in tuition fee income. 綜合開支增長一億八千五 達四十 億一千八 24/5年度為三十八億 三千三 主要來自薪金調整及其 他教學及科研活動日常開支的增長 The consolidated expenditure increased by $85 million to $4,8 million ($3,833 million in 24/5) which was mainly due to higher salary costs arising from GPA, as well as the general increases in other operating expenses for teaching and research activities. 分部結果 SEGMENT RESULTS 以教資會資助與非教資會資助活動的分部 營運評述如下 Commentary on the operating segments, analysed by UGC-Funded Activities and non-ugc Funded Activities, is as follows: 教資會資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 教資會資助之活動共錄得二千八虧 損 24/5 年 度 虧 損 五 千 四 百 萬 元 25/6年度的虧損主要由於時差上使用教 資會配對撥款應付支出所致 大學現有二 十三億元教資會資金可填補此虧損 25/6年度的虧損較24/5年度少 主要 因為投資虧損的減少 惟此減幅因配對撥 款的下降而有所抵銷 UGC-Funded Activities showed a deficit of $28 million (deficit of $54 million for 24/5). The 25/6 deficit was driven by timing difference on expenditure funded by UGC matching grant. The University has over $2.3 billion of UGC funds that can be used to cover this deficit. The 25/6 deficit was smaller than that in 24/5, and was primarily due to a lower investment loss offset by reduced matching grants.

4 非教資會資助活動 Non-UGC Funded Activities 科研活動 Research Activities 除了教資會 其他政府機構及資助團體亦 會向大學提供研究撥款 今年從已完成商 業研究項目所得的盈餘達一千七 24/5年度盈餘為一千八 Besides UGC, other government agencies and funding bodies provided research grants to the University. Completed commercial research projects resulted in a surplus of $7 million (surplus of $8 million for 24/5). 自負盈虧教學 Self-Financing Teaching 持續進修教育活動今年錄得盈利一億三千 五 24/5年度盈利為一億零一百 萬元 較24/5年度為高的盈利主要來 自報讀學生人數上升 調高學費額及新推 出的兩個課程 The Continuing Professional Education Programs ("CPEP") generated a surplus of $35 million (surplus of $ million for 24/5). The increase in surplus over 24/5 was due to higher student enrollment, higher tuition fees and introduction of two new programs. 所得捐款活動 Donations Activities 大學籍二十五週年校慶成功籌集不少資金 已確認及入賬的捐款達三億一千六百萬 元 令此營運分部盈利達一億九千五百萬 元 24/5年度虧損三千五 The University had conducted concerted fund-raising efforts successfully on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary. Donations of $36 million, were secured and recognised, and contributed to a surplus of $95 million (deficit of $35 million for 24/5) for this operating segment. 資本支出 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 位於將軍澳的校外學生宿舍已於25/6年 度完工 將由26/7年度開始 為學生提 供就近校園的住宿 此外 新增的校內接 待設施 李達三葉耀珍伉儷李本俊會議大 樓 已於年內全面運作 為參與學術及研 究活動而來的訪客及海外學生提供住宿 其他進行中的建築項目還包括多用途禮堂 研究生宿舍 室內運動中心及海濱設施 等等 The off-campus student hostel in Tseung Kwan O was completed in 25/6 and will provide students with a convenient occupancy at close proximity to the University as from 26/7. The new on-campus hospitality facility, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Conference Lodge, which caters for the accommodation needs of visitors and overseas students for various academic and research activities and events, has started its full operation during the year. Other inprogress construction projects include the MultiPurpose Auditorium, residence apartment for Research Postgraduate students, Indoor Sports Centre and Waterfront facilities. 截至26年6月3日 已批准之建築項目及 其他資本項目的總資本承擔達十七億零六 當中的九千九來自遞延收 益 十二億一千萬元來自大學現有資金 八千九來自已批但未收之教資會撥 款及三億零八來自承諾捐款 As at 3 June 26, the total commitments for approved construction projects and other capital items amounted to $,76 million: $99 million of which will be funded by deferred income on hand, $,2 million from existing University's Funds, $89 million by approved but yet to be received UGC grants and $38 million by pledged donations. 2

5 展望 OUTLOOK 踏過二十五週年 大學將繼續鞏固及善用 在教學及科研領域所投放的財政 資本及 人力資源 向策略目標邁進 財政方面 面對持續波動的投資市場環境 大學將繼 續謹慎理財 確保維持充足的儲備以支持 大學未來的發展 Going forward beyond its 25th Anniversary, the University will continue to enhance and capitalize on its financial, capital and human resources in teaching and research in pursuit of its strategic goals. On the financial side, in face of the on-going unstable environment in the investment market, the University will remain cautious in its capital management and ensure it maintains adequate reserves for the future. 楊佳錩 Patrick K.C. YEUNG Treasurer of the University 7 October 26 大學司庫 26年月7日 3

6 獨立核數師報告 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 致 香港科技大學校董會 To : The Council of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 本核數師(以下簡稱 我們 )已審計列載於第6 至6頁香港科技大學( 大學 )及其附屬公司 (以下合稱 集團 )的綜合財務報表 此綜合財 務報表包括於26年6月3日的綜合資產負債表 與截至該日止年度的綜合全面收益表 綜合資 金變動表和綜合現金流動表 以及主要會計政 策概要及其他附註解釋資料 We have audited the consolidated financial statements of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (the "University") and its subsidiaries (together, the "Group") set out on pages 6 to 6, which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as at 3 June 26, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in fund balances and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. 校董會就綜合財務報表須承擔的責任 The Council's responsibility for the consolidated financial statements 貴校董會須負責根據香港會計師公會頒布的香 港財務報告準則擬備真實而中肯的綜合財務報 表 並對其認為為使綜合財務報表的擬備不存 在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重大錯誤陳述所必 需的內部控制負責 The Council of the University is responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and for such internal control as the Council determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 核數師的責任 Auditor's responsibility 我們的責任是根據我們的審計對該等綜合財務 報表發表意見 並按照香港科技大學條例僅向 校董會 作為整體 報告 除此之外本報告別 無其他目的 我們不會就本報告的內容向任何 其他人士負上或承擔任何責任 Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit and to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ordinance and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. 4

7 我們已根據香港會計師公會頒布的香港審計準 則進行審計 該等準則要求我們遵守道德規範 並規劃及執行審計以對綜合財務報表是否不 存在任何重大錯誤陳述獲取合理保證 We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. 審計涉及執行程序以獲取有關綜合財務報表所 載金額及披露資料的審計憑證 所選擇的程序 取決於核數師的判斷 包括評估由於欺詐或錯 誤而導致綜合財務報表存在重大錯誤陳述的風 險 在評估該等風險時 核數師考慮與該公司 擬備真實而中肯的綜合財務報表相關的內部控 制 以設計適當的審計程序 但目的並非對公 司內部控制的有效性發表意見 審計亦包括評 價校董會所採用會計政策的恰當性及作出會計 估計的合理性 以及評價綜合財務報表的整體 列報方式 An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation of consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Council, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. 我們相信 我們所獲得的審計憑證能充足和適 當地為我們的審計意見提供基礎 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 意見 Opinion 我們認為 該等綜合財務報表已根據香港財務 報告準則真實而中肯地反映 貴集團於26年6 月3日的財務狀況 及其截至該日止年度的財 務表現及現金流量 In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group as at 3 June 26, and of the financial performance and cash flows of the Group for the year then ended in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 執業會計師 PricewaterhouseCoopers Certified Public Accountants 香港 26年月7日 Hong Kong, 7 October 26 5

8 綜合全面收益表 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 附註 Notes 收入 Income 3. 政府資助及撥款 2,334 2,24,4,3 Government Subventions and Grants 學費 課程及其他收費 Tuition, Programs and Other Fees 3.2 利息及投資收入 (6) (96) Interest and Investment Income / ,38 3,828 2,528 2, ,86 2, ,58 4,8,58 3,833 外界捐款 Donations and Benefactions 輔助服務及其他收入 Auxiliary Services and Other Income 轉撥自遞延資本基金 Transfers from Deferred Capital Funds 3.4 開支 Expenditure 教學 學術及研究 Teaching, Learning and Research 教學及研究 Teaching and Research 圖書館 Library 中央電腦設備 Central Computing Facilities 其他教學服務 Other Academic Services 校務支援 Institutional Support 管理及一般事務 Management and General 校舍及有關費用 Premises and Related Expenses 學生及一般教育服務 Student and General Education Services 其他活動 Other Activities 3 本年度營運盈餘 / (虧損) Surplus / (Deficit) from operation for the year 6 (5)

9 綜合全面收益表(續) 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (CONT'D) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 所佔聯營公司的經營業績 25 附註 Notes 9 5 () 36 (5) Share of Result of an Associate 所佔合資企業的經營業績 Share of Result of a Joint Venture 本年度稅前盈餘 / (虧損) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year before taxation 5 稅項 Taxation 36 本年度稅後盈餘 / (虧損) (5) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year after taxation 年內之其他全面收益 / (虧絀) Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year 其後或循環至收入及開支的項目 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to income and expenditure: 於可供出售財務資產未實現之(虧絀) / 盈利 24.7(d) (4) (b) (5) (9) (2) (28) (54) (2) Unrealised (loss) / gain on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 年內全面收益 / (虧絀)總額 Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year 轉撥至 / (自) Transfers to / (from): 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 7

10 綜合資產負債表 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 於6月3日 於6月3日 於7月日 As at 3 June 26 As at 3 June 25 As at July 24 重編 重編 Restated Restated 附註 Notes 非流動資產 Non-Current Assets 物業 機器及設備 6 4,976 4,83 4, ,275 4,7 4, () Property, Plant and Equipment 無形資產 Intangible Assets 持至到期日財務資產 Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets 可供出售財務資產 Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 按公平值透過損益記賬之財務資產 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 於聯營公司權益 Interest in an Associate 於合資企業權益 Interest in a Joint Venture,42 9,46 9, ,66, ,792 2,587 2, ,553,483,37 239,4,8,659,25,78 流動資產 Current Assets 持至到期日財務資產 8 Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets 存貨 Inventories 應收賬款及預付款項 Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 原到期日超過三個月之定期存款 Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months 現金及等同現金 2 Cash and Cash Equivalents 流動負債 Current Liabilities 應付賬款及應計費用 Accounts Payable and Accruals 教職員福利撥備 Provision for Staff Benefits 遞延收益 Deferred Income 應付稅項 Tax Payable 流動資產淨值 Net Current Assets 資產總值減流動負債 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 8

11 綜合資產負債表(續) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (CONT'D) 於6月3日 於6月3日 於7月日 As at 3 June 26 As at 3 June 25 As at July 24 重編 重編 Restated Restated 附註 Notes 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 教職員福利撥備 ,835 3,73 3,656 3,864 3,752 3,678 6,795 6,498 6,5 7 2,355 2,383 2,437 7, ,263 3,83 3,49 6,795 6,498 6,5 Provision for Staff Benefits 遞延資本基金 Deferred Capital Funds 資產淨值 NET ASSETS 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 資金總額 TOTAL FUNDS 校董會於26年月7日核准本財務報表 Approved by the Council on 7 October 26 楊佳錩 大學司庫 陳繁昌 校長 黃雅麗 財務處處長 Patrick K.C. YEUNG Treasurer of the University Tony F. CHAN President Alice N.L. WONG Director of Finance 9

12 綜合資金變動表 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 26 所得捐款及 配對撥款儲備 24年7月日之結餘 如前期呈報 UGC Block Grant Reserves Donations and Matching Grants Reserves Other Reserves Investment Revaluation Reserve 資本儲備 教資會整筆撥款 儲備 Capital Reserves 投資重估儲備 其他儲備 4,572,255 2,8,53 5 (4,572) (,255) (2,8) (,53) 限制性基金 其他基金 資金總額 UGC Funds Restricted Funds Other Funds Total Funds 教資會基金 (附註7) (附註7) (附註7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7),56 (5) 2, ,49 (3,656) 2, ,49 6,5 Balance as at July 24, as previously reported 重新分類(附註2.) Reclassifications (Note 2.) 24年7月日之結餘 重編 (54) 7 32 (5) 3 3 () (54) 8 34 (2) 932 3,83 Balance as at July 24, restated 年內全面收益 / (虧絀)總額 Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year 本年度稅後(虧損) / 盈餘 (Deficit) / Surplus for the year after taxation 其他全面收益 / (虧絀) Other comprehensive income / (loss) 於可供出售財務資產未實現之盈利 Unrealised gain on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 25年6月3日之結餘 重編 Balance as at 3 June 25, restated 2,383 6,498

13 綜合資金變動表(續) 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (CONT'D) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 26 所得捐款及 配對撥款儲備 25年7月日之結餘 如前期呈報 UGC Block Grant Reserves Donations and Matching Grants Reserves 資本儲備 教資會整筆撥款 儲備 Capital Reserves 投資重估儲備 Other Reserves Investment Revaluation Reserve Restricted Funds 其他基金 資金總額 UGC Funds Other Funds Total Funds 其他儲備 4,89,257 2,568,576 8 (4,89) (,257) (2,568) (,576) 限制性基金 教資會基金 (附註7) (附註7) (附註7) (Note 7) (Note 7) (Note 7),228 (8) 2, ,83 (3,73) 2, ,83 6, Balance as at July 25, as previously reported 重新分類(附註2.) Reclassifications (Note 2.) 25年7月日之結餘 重編 (28) (4) (4) () (4) (5) (28) ,355,77 Balance as at July 25, restated 年內全面收益 / (虧絀)總額 Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the year 本年度稅後盈餘 / (虧損) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year after taxation 其他全面收益 / (虧絀) Other comprehensive income / (loss) 於可供出售財務資產未實現之虧絀 Unrealised loss on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 其他資金轉撥 238 (7) Other inter-fund transfer 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 3,263 6,795

14 綜合現金流動表 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 營運活動之現金流量 Cash Flows from Operating Activities 36 本年度稅前盈餘 / (虧損) (5) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year before taxation 調整: Adjustments for: 折舊及攤銷 () (6) Depreciation and Amortisation 利息及投資收入 Interest and Investment Income 出售物業 機器及設備之收益 Gain on disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 所佔聯營公司及合資企業的經營業績 Share of results of an Associate and a Joint Venture 轉撥自遞延資本基金 (27) (22) Transfers from Deferred Capital Funds 未計運作資本之變動前之營運現金流量 Operating cash flow before movements in working capital 存貨之(增加) / 減少 () (Increase) / Decrease in Inventories 應收賬款及預付款項之減少 Decrease in Accounts Receivable and Prepayments 應付賬款及應計費用之增加 Increase in Accounts Payable and Accruals 遞延收益之增加 Increase in Deferred Income 教職員福利撥備之增加 Increase in Provision for Staff Benefits 營運活動淨現金流入 Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities 2

15 綜合現金流動表(續) 截至26年6月3日止年度 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Cont'd) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 JUNE 投資活動之現金流量 Cash Flows from Investing Activities 購買物業 機器及設備 (474) (442) (5) (4) Payment for purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment 購買無形資產 Payment for purchase of Intangible Assets 945 原到期日超過三個月之定期存款之減少 / (增加) (286) Decrease / (Increase) in Bank Deposits with Original Maturity over Three Months (,87) 購買按公平值透過損益記賬之財務資產 (69) Purchase of Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 從持至到期日財務資產所得之贖回收入 (6) (693) () Proceeds from redemption of Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets 出售按公平值透過損益記賬之財務資產之收入 Proceeds from sale of Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 出售物業 機器及設備之收入 Proceeds from disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 已收取之利息及投資收入 Interest and investment income received 投資活動淨現金流出 Net Cash Used in Investing Activities 融資活動之現金流量 Cash Flows from Financing Activities 用以購買物業 機器及設備及無形資產之資助及撥款及捐款收入 Subventions and Grants and donations received for purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets 融資活動淨現金流入 Net Cash Generated from Financing Activities 現金及等同現金之淨增加 / (減少) Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 年初之現金及等同現金 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Year (2) 匯兌變動之影響 Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes 888 年終之現金及等同現金 Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Year 3 687

16 綜合財務報表附註 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 2. 一般資料. GENERAL INFORMATION 香港科技大學是在香港科技大學條例 (香港法例第一一四一章)下成立 為一 間科學技術的大學 專注促進學習及 學術 並特別在學術研究 研究生教 育方面加以重視 以及與商業和工業 界緊密合作 大學的附屬公司的主要 活動及其他事項詳列於附註22內 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is incorporated under The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ordinance (Chapter 4, Laws of Hong Kong) as a technological university dedicated to the advancement of learning and scholarship, with special emphasis on research, postgraduate education, and close collaboration with business and industry. The principal activities and other particulars of the University's subsidiaries are set out in note 22. 大學之註冊地址及主要營運地點為香 港清水灣 The University's registered address and principal place of operation is Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong. 綜合財務報表以港元呈覽 港元亦為 本集團之呈報貨幣 本大學校董會於 26年月7日核准此綜合財務報表刊 發 These consolidated financial statements are presented in Hong Kong dollars ("HKD"), which is the Group's presentation currency. These consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the Council on 7 October 26. 編製基準 2. BASIS OF PREPARATION 綜合財務報表乃依據香港會計師公會 頒佈之香港財務報告準則以及在25 年7月日生效的教育資助委員會( 教 資會 ) 資助院校的新建議準則( 新 建議準則 ) 所編製 The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards ("HKFRS") issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("HKICPA"), and the new Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for institutions funded by the University Grants Committee ("UGC") in Hong Kong which was effective July 25. 在該新建議準則下 綜合財務報表的 呈列方式有所改變 且部份比較數字 經已重列以符合本年度的呈列方式 對綜合財務報表呈列方式的影響已於 附註2.內概述 Under the new SORP, the presentation of the consolidated financial statements has changed and certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with current year's presentation. The effect of the changes in presentation of the consolidated financial statements is summarised in note 2.. 綜合財務報表乃按歷史成本法編製 並對可供出售財務資產以及按公平值 透過損益記賬財務資產之公平值重估 而作出修訂 The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of Available-for-Sale Financial Assets and Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss which are carried at fair value. 編製符合香港財務報告準則的綜合財 務報表需要使用若干關鍵的會計估算 亦需要管理層在應用集團會計政策 的過程中運用其判斷 有關涉及高度 的判斷或高度複雜性的範疇 又或綜 合財務報表中需作重要假設及估算的 範疇 已於附註23中披露 The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with HKFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group's accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are disclosed in note 23. 大學之財務報表已另外編製 Financial statements for the University have been prepared separately. 4

17 2. 因採納教資會新建議準則對財務報表呈列方式之影響概要 Summary of the Effect of Changes in Presentation of Financial Statements due to adoption of new UGC SORP 由於上文附註2所述採納教資會新建議準則 對財務報表呈列方式有所影響 As a result of the adoption of new UGC SORP described in note 2 above, the presentation of financial statements has been changed : (i) 大學儲備 營運結果以及分部活動均以教資會資助和非教資會資助來區分 distinction of the University's reserves, operating results and segment activities between UGC-funded and non-ugc funded. (ii) 用於資本支出之撥款/指定捐款總結餘由資本儲備重新分類為非流動負債並改名遞延資本基金 the aggregate balance of grants / earmarked donations for financing the capital expenditure is re-classified from Capital Reserves to Non-Current Liabilities as Deferred Capital Funds. 其影響概述如下 The effect of these changes is illustrated as follows: 綜合全面收益表 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 轉撥(至) / 自基金之年內全面(虧絀) / 收益總額 Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year transferred (to) / from funds 截至25年6月3日止年度 For the year ended 3 June 25 如前期呈報 As previously reported 重新分類 重編 Reclassifications As restated 限制性基金 教資會基金 UGC Funds 資本儲備 Restricted Funds 遞延資本基金 其他基金 Other Funds Deferred Capital Funds (29) 29 (88) 54 (8) (83) 3 (3) (54) (54) (29) Capital Reserves 教資會整筆撥款儲備 UGC Block Grant Reserves 所得捐款及配對撥款儲備 Donations and Matching Grants Reserves 其他儲備 Other Reserves 投資重估儲備 Investment Revaluation Reserve 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds (22) 總額 (2) Total 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 遞延資本基金 Deferred Capital Funds 5 (29)

18 2. 因採納教資會新建議準則對財務報表呈列方式之影響概要(續) Summary of the Effect of Changes in Presentation of Financial Statements due to adoption of new UGC SORP (Cont'd) 綜合資產負債表 Consolidated Balance Sheet 資金結餘 Fund Balances 於24年7月日 As at July 24 如前期呈報 As previously reported 重新分類 重編 Reclassifications As restated 限制性基金 教資會基金 UGC Funds 遞延資本基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds Deferred Capital Funds 資金總額 Total Funds 資本儲備 4,572 (6),255 (,255) 2,8 (,76) (4) (896) (3,656) Capital Reserves 教資會整筆撥款儲備 (735) UGC Block Grant Reserves 所得捐款及配對撥款儲備 (9) Donations and Matching Grants Reserves 其他儲備,53 (,53) 5 (5) 2,437 2, ,49 3,49,56 (3,656) 6,5 3,656 3,656 Other Reserves 投資重估儲備 Investment Revaluation Reserve 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 總額 Total 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 遞延資本基金 Deferred Capital Funds 於25年6月3日 As at 3 June 25 如前期呈報 As previously reported 重新分類 重編 Reclassifications As restated 限制性基金 教資會基金 UGC Funds Restricted Funds 遞延資本基金 其他基金 Other Funds Deferred Capital Funds 資金總額 Total Funds 資本儲備 4,89 (4),257 (,257) 2,568 (,22) (24) (,6) (3,73) Capital Reserves 教資會整筆撥款儲備 (538) UGC Block Grant Reserves 所得捐款及配對撥款儲備 (98) Donations and Matching Grants Reserves 其他儲備,576 (,576) 8 (8) 2,383 2, ,83 3,83,228 (3,73) 6,498 3,73 3,73 Other Reserves 投資重估儲備 Investment Revaluation Reserve 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 總額 Total 非流動負債 Non-Current Liabilities 遞延資本基金 Deferred Capital Funds 註: 各項基金的詳細資料於附註7內概述 Note: Further information on the respective funds are provided in note 7. 6

19 3. 分部收入及支出 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE BY SEGMENT (a) 綜合分部收支(按用途) Consolidated Segment Income and Expenditure (By function) 分部間之 交易抵銷 教資會 資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities Inter-segment Transaction Elimination 非教資會資助活動 Non-UGC Funded Activities 自負盈虧之持續 進修教育活動 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Self-financing CPEP Activities Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 分部間之 交易抵銷 教資會 資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 淨總計 Net Total 小計 Sub-total Inter-segment Transaction Elimination 非教資會資助活動 Non-UGC Funded Activities 自負盈虧之持續 進修教育活動 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Self-financing CPEP Activities Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 淨總計 Net Total 小計 Sub-total (註) (註) (Note) (Note) 收入 Income 政府資助及撥款(附註3.) 2, ,334 2, , , ,3 (7) (45) (25) (26) (5) (96) Government Subventions and Grants (Note 3.) 學費 課程及其他收費 Tuition, Programs and Other Fees 利息及投資收入(附註3.2) (6) Interest and Investment Income (Note 3.2) 外界捐款 Donations and Benefactions 輔助服務及其他收入(附註3.3) Auxiliary Services and Other Income (Note 3.3) 轉撥自遞延資本基金 Transfers from Deferred Capital Funds 收回間接費用 / 分部間之收入 (237) (25) 3, ,5 (237) 4,38 2, ,5 (25) 3,828, ,528, , (237) (25) 3, ,73 (237) 4,8 2, ,56 (25) 3, (9) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) () () () (28) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) (28) (28) (54) (54) (44) (3) (52) (35) (28) (3) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) Overhead Recovery / Inter-segment Income 開支(附註3.4) Expenditure (Note 3.4) 教學 學術及研究 Teaching, Learning and Research 教學及研究 Teaching and Research 圖書館 Library 中央電腦設備 Central Computing Facilities 其他教學服務 Other Academic Services 校務支援 Institutional Support 管理及一般事務 Management and General 校舍及有關費用 Premises and Related Expenses 學生及一般教育服務 Student and General Education Services 其他活動 Other Activities 收回間接費用 / 分部間之開支 Overhead Recovery / Inter-segment Expenditure 本年度營運盈餘 / (虧損) (28) Surplus / (Deficit) from operation for the year 所佔聯營公司的經營業績 Share of Result of an Associate 所佔合資企業的經營業績 Share of Result of a Joint Venture 本年度盈餘 / (虧損) (3) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year 本年度盈餘 / (虧損)轉撥至: Surplus / (Deficit) for the year transferred to: 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 7

20 3. 分部收入及支出(續) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE BY SEGMENT (CONT'D) (a) 綜合分部收支(按用途)(續) Consolidated Segment Income and Expenditure (By function) (Cont'd) 註: 分部間之交易主要包括從自資活動收取之間接費用及內部租金交易項目 Note: Inter-segment transactions mainly included overhead recovered from self-financing activities and internal rental transactions. 備註: Remarks: 有關分部報告之披露乃按教資會資助院校的建議準則要求並不完全按照香港財務報告準則笫8號 營運分部 之規定而編製 Disclosures regarding segment reporting are included as a requirement of the Statement of Recommended Practice for the UGC-Funded Institutions and are not designed to fully comply with the requirements of HKFRS 8 'Operating Segments'. 教資會資助與非教資會資助活動的成本分攤政策 Cost Allocation Policy for UGC-funded and non-ugc-funded activities 大學的成本分攤及收回間接費用的制度原則為 The guiding principles for cost allocation and overhead recovery of the University are: - 以防教資會給予之資源被攤薄及與私營行業有不公平競爭 不該有任何隱藏之補貼 There should be no hidden subsidy to avoid dilution of UGC-funded resources and unfair competition with the private sector; - 所有直接用於特定活動的費用概由該等活動全數承擔 All direct costs which can be separately attributable to specific activities should be fully taken up and borne by such activities; - 所有不能分開歸屬於特定活動的間接費用(如中央設施 行政及輔助服務)依據內部政策以收回間接費用方式向分部分配 All indirect costs, such as centrally provided facilities, administrative and support services, which cannot be separately attributable to specific activities, are allocated to segments as overhead recovery according to internal policy. 收回間接費用 Overhead Recovery 自負盈虧之持續進修教育課程 Self-financing Continuing and Professional Education Programs 課程收入的某部份會作為間接費用被預先扣掉 一般情況下 課程需付收入的25%作為間接費用支出 A percentage of the programs' revenue will be deducted upfront as overhead recovery. In general, the programs are subject to an overhead recovery rate of 25%. 非教資會資助科研合約及撥款 Non-UGC funded Research Contracts and Grants 科研合約及撥款需承擔間接費用 現時正常費用率為直接費用(不包括設備)的3% 因資助機構所定的條例限制 政府科研撥款的費用率為較低的5% 本地非牟利非政府機構(如本地基金會)以及科研捐款 並無對其支取任何間接費用 A percentage will be charged on the research contracts and grants as overhead recovery. Currently, the normal rate of overhead recovery is 3% on direct costs (excluding equipment). A reduced rate of 5% is charged on research grants from government due to the rules imposed by the funding agency. No overhead is charged against local non-profit non-governmental organizations (e.g. local Foundations), and donations for research. 8

21 3. 分部收入及支出(續) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE BY SEGMENT (CONT'D) (b) 綜合分部收支(按會計性質) Consolidated Segment Income and Expenditure (By accounting nature) 分部間之 交易抵銷 教資會 資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 收入(附註3(a)) Inter-segment Transaction Elimination 非教資會資助活動 Non-UGC Funded Activities 自負盈虧之持續 進修教育活動 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Self-financing CPEP Activities Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 分部間之 交易抵銷 教資會 資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 淨總計 Net Total 小計 Sub-total Inter-segment Transaction Elimination 非教資會資助活動 Non-UGC Funded Activities 自負盈虧之持續 進修教育活動 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Self-financing CPEP Activities Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 淨總計 Net Total 小計 Sub-total 3, ,5 2, ,82 43 (註) (註) (Note) (Note) (237) 4,38 2, ,5 (25) 3,828 2,365, ,282 5, , (237) (25) ,73 (237) 4,8 2, ,56 (25) 3, (9) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) () () () (28) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) (28) (28) (54) (54) (44) (3) (52) (35) (28) (3) (54) 8 (35) (35) 49 (5) Income (Note 3(a)) 開支(附註3.4) Expenditure (Note 3.4) 薪金及福利 Salaries and Benefits 其他營運支出 Other Operating Expenses 折舊及攤銷 Depreciation and Amortisation 收回間接費用 / 分部間之開支 Overhead Recovery / Inter-segment Expenditure 本年度營運盈餘 / (虧損) (28) Surplus / (Deficit) from operation for the year 所佔聯營公司的經營業績 Share of Result of an Associate 所佔合資企業的經營業績 Share of Result of a Joint Venture 本年度盈餘 / (虧損) (3) Surplus / (Deficit) for the year 本年度盈餘 / (虧損)轉撥至: Surplus / (Deficit) for the year transferred to: 教資會基金 UGC Funds 限制性基金 Restricted Funds 其他基金 Other Funds 註: Note: 分部間之交易主要包括從自資活動收取之間接費用及內部租金交易項目 Inter-segment transactions mainly included overhead recovered from self-financing activities and internal rental transactions. 備註: Remarks: 有關分部報告之披露乃按教資會資助院校的建議準則要求並不完全按照香港財務報告準則笫8號 營運分部 之規定而編製 Disclosures regarding segment reporting are included as a requirement of the Statement of Recommended Practice for the UGC-Funded Institutions and are not designed to fully comply with the requirements of HKFRS 8 'Operating Segments'. 9

22 3. 政府資助及撥款 GOVERNMENT SUBVENTIONS AND GRANTS 教資會資助活動 非教資會資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 教資會 指定科研撥款 教資會 整筆撥款 UGC Block Grant UGC Earmarked Research Grants 總計 Non-UGC Funded Activities Total 其他教資會 指定撥款 Other UGC Earmarked Grants 配對撥款 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Matching Grants Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 年度 / Year 26 教資會整筆經常撥款及指定撥款(附註5), , , ,334, , , ,24 UGC Recurrent Block Grant and Earmarked Grants (Note 5) 配對撥款 Matching Grants 政府有關機構撥款(附註5) Grants from Government Agencies (Note 5) 退還差餉及地租 Rates and Government Rent Refunds 年度 / Year 25 教資會整筆經常撥款及指定撥款(附註5) UGC Recurrent Block Grant and Earmarked Grants (Note 5) 配對撥款 Matching Grants 政府有關機構撥款(附註5) Grants from Government Agencies (Note 5) 退還差餉及地租 Rates and Government Rent Refunds 3.2 利息及投資收入 INTEREST AND INVESTMENT INCOME 利息收入 (3) (32) Interest income 按公平值透過損益記賬之財務資產之公平值變動 Change in fair value of Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 可供出售財務資產之投資收入 (6) (96) Investment income on Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 2

23 3.3 輔助服務及其他收入 AUXILIARY SERVICES AND OTHER INCOME 教資會 資助活動 UGC-Funded Activities 非教資會資助活動 總計 Non-UGC Funded Activities Total 自負盈虧之 持續進修 教育活動 Self-financing CPEP Activities 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 年度 / Year 26 研究合約 Research Contract 學生宿舍 Student Hostels 租金收入 Rental Income 教職員繳納之租金 Rental Contribution from Staff 服務收費 項目收入及其他贊助 Services Fees, Workshop Income and Other Sponsorships 項目贊助(附註5) Projects Sponsorships (Note 5) 雜項收入 Miscellaneous 年度 / Year 25 研究合約 Research Contract 學生宿舍 Student Hostels 租金收入 Rental Income 教職員繳納之租金 Rental Contribution from Staff 服務收費 項目收入及其他贊助 Services Fees, Workshop Income and Other Sponsorships 項目贊助(附註5) Projects Sponsorships (Note 5) 雜項收入 Miscellaneous 2

24 3.4 開支 EXPENDITURE 薪酬及福利 其他營運支出 折舊及攤銷 Salaries and Benefits Other Operating Expenses Depreciation and Amortisation 總計 Total 年度 / Year 26 教學 學術及研究 Teaching, Learning and Research 教學及研究, , , , ,58 2,365, ,8, , , , ,58 2,282, ,833 Teaching and Research 圖書館 Library 中央電腦設備 Central Computing Facilities 其他教學服務 Other Academic Services 小計 Sub-total 校務支援 Institutional Support 管理及一般事務 Management and General 校舍及有關費用 Premises and Related Expenses 學生及一般教育服務 Student and General Education Services 其他活動 Other Activities 小計 Sub-total 總開支 Total Expenditure 年度 / Year 25 教學 學術及研究 Teaching, Learning and Research 教學及研究 Teaching and Research 圖書館 Library 中央電腦設備 Central Computing Facilities 其他教學服務 Other Academic Services 小計 Sub-total 校務支援 Institutional Support 管理及一般事務 Management and General 校舍及有關費用 Premises and Related Expenses 學生及一般教育服務 Student and General Education Services 其他活動 Other Activities 小計 Sub-total 總開支 Total Expenditure 薪金及福利包括大學為界定供款退休金計劃所支付之供款共一億八千四(25 一億七千八) Included in Salaries and Benefits was a total sum of $84 million (25: $78 million) representing the University's contributions towards defined contribution retirement benefits schemes. 22

25 4. 高收入員工薪酬 REMUNERATION OF HIGHER PAID STAFF 員工數目 Number of Employees 年薪等值 Annual Equivalent Remuneration HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$,8,,95, 2,, 2,25, 2,4, 2,55, 2,7, 2,85, 3,, 3,5, 3,3, 3,45, 3,6, 3,75, 3,9, 4,65, 4,95, 5,, 5,25, 6,5, 6,45, 6,6, -,95, 2,, 2,25, 2,4, 2,55, 2,7, 2,85, 3,, 3,5, 3,3, 3,45, 3,6, 3,75, 3,9, 4,5, 4,8, 5,, 5,25, 5,4, 6,3, 6,6, 6,75, 薪俸包括薪金 約滿酬金 退休金計劃供款 集團所支付之顧問費用 房屋及其他津貼 獲大學提 供宿舍者 其房屋福利以香港特別行政區政府差餉物業估價署評估其宿舍之應課差餉租值計算 Remuneration includes salary, gratuity, contribution to retirement schemes, consultancy fees paid by the Group, housing and other benefits. For staff who are provided with quarters, their housing benefits are calculated by reference to the rateable values assessed by the Rating and Valuation Department of the Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 23

26 5. 稅項 TAXATION 大學及其一香港附屬公司均根據香港稅務條例第88條之規定獲豁免繳付稅項 因此不需作出撥備 No taxation is provided for the operation of the University and one of its subsidiaries in Hong Kong, which are exempt from taxation by virtue of Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. 集團沒有就其一未獲豁免繳稅之香港附屬公司作出香港利得稅撥備(25年 無) 因該附屬公司有足夠的稅項虧損 以抵銷本年度預計應課稅之盈利 No Hong Kong profits tax has been provided (25: Nil) for a non-tax exempt subsidiary in Hong Kong as that subsidiary has sufficient tax losses brought forward to offset against estimated assessable profits for the year. 集團沒有就其未獲豁免繳稅之中國附屬公司作出中國企業稅撥備(25年 無) 因本年度並沒有應課稅之盈利 No People's Republic of China ("PRC") enterprise income tax has been provided (25: Nil) for non-tax exempt PRC subsidiaries as there are no assessable profits for the year. 本集團有關利得稅之計算稅項有別於採用集團本年度營運盈餘 / 虧損計算之稅率分析如下 The tax on the surplus / deficit from operation for the year differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the tax rate applicable to the surplus of the Group as follows: 本年度營運盈餘 / (虧損) (5) 5 () Surplus / (Deficit) from operation for the year 按稅率6.5% (25 6.5%) 計算之稅項 Tax calculated at a tax rate of 6.5% (25: 6.5%) 無需課稅收入的稅務影響 (687) (67) Tax effect of non-taxable income 不可扣減支出的稅務影響 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses 其他差額 (3) Other differences 稅項 Taxation charge 當累積稅項虧損有可能經未來應課稅盈利而帶來利益 集團才確認遞延稅項資產 本集團之中國附屬公司未有確認 之遞延稅項資產為約二千五百六十萬元(25年 二千零十萬元) 其來自累積虧損約一億零五百三十萬元(25年 八千零四十萬元) 該筆中國附屬公司稅項虧損將逐步於22年前期間到期 香港一附屬公司之未確認稅項虧損為 約三百一十萬元(25年 二百九十萬元)並沒有期限 Deferred income tax assets are recognised for tax losses carried forward to the extent that the realisation of the related tax benefit through future taxable profits is probable. The PRC subsidiaries of the Group have not recognised deferred income tax assets of approximately $25.6 million (25: $2. million) in respect of cumulative losses amounting to approximately $5.3 million (25: $8.4 million). The tax losses for the PRC subsidiaries will expire on various dates up to 22. The unrecognised tax loss of approximately $3. million (25: $2.9 million) for a Hong Kong subsidiary has no expiry date. 24

27 6. 物業 機器及設備 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 樓宇裝修 大型設備 及設備系統 在建工程 Construction in progress 樓宇 Buildings Building improvements, major equipment and services systems 傢具及設備 Fixtures and equipment 總計 Total 成本 COST 24年6月3日之結餘 5,744 57,93 8, (66) 5 Balance as at 3 June 24 添置 Additions 轉撥 Transfers (58) (58) 6, ,994 8, (258) 36 撇減 Disposals 匯兌差額 Exchange translation difference 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 添置 Additions 222 轉撥 Transfers (65) (65) (8) (7) (5) 6, , 8,979,895,78 3, (58) (58) 2,2 2,77 3, (65) (65) () (3) (4) 2,43 34,826 4,3 4, ,976 4, ,83 撇減 Disposals 匯兌差額 Exchange translation difference 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 累積折舊 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 24年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 24 本年度計算之折舊 Charge for the year 撇減 Disposals 匯兌差額 Exchange translation difference 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 本年度計算之折舊 Charge for the year 撇減 Disposals 匯兌差額 Exchange translation difference 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 賬面淨值 NET BOOK VALUE 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 大學校舍座落於西貢約六十公頃之土地 由香港特別行政區政府( 香港特區政府 )按名義租金批出 為期五十八年 至247年6月3日止 校園樓宇按直線法依照每年2%計算折 舊 The University campus is situated on approximately 6 hectares of land in Sai Kung under lease from the Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR") at a nominal rent for 58 years through 3 June 247. The campus buildings are depreciated on a straight-line basis at 2% per annum. 深圳市政府按名義租金批予集團其中一間附屬公司 港科大研究開發(深圳)有限公司一幅位於深圳約七千四百三十七平方米之土地作為興建產學研基地之用 為期五十年 至257 年6月28日止 該等樓宇按餘下租約年期計算折舊 A piece of land situated at Shenzhen of approximately 7,437 square metres was granted at a nominal amount to HKUST R&D Corporation (Shenzhen) Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, by the Shenzhen Municipal Government for the construction of an Industry-Education-Research base for 5 years through 28 June 257. The respective building is depreciated over the remaining lease term. 在22年2月2日 香港特區政府按名義租金及以37 5之比例批予大學及香港浸會大學( 浸大 )一幅位於將軍澳約三千四百九十平方米之土地作為興建一座合辦學生宿舍之用 為期五十年 至262年2月2日止 根據兩位受批者於25年4月23日所簽下的撤銷合同中 浸大退出該項合建項目 以及雙方同意以無代價轉讓及分配由浸大所持有該土地的所 有權利 產權及權益給大學 待發出新的批地証之際 大學於以上提及的合同簽訂日起已被視作為獨自擁有該項物業之所有權益 On 2 December 22, a piece of land situated in Tseung Kwan O of approximately 3,49 square metres was granted to the University and The Hong Kong Baptist University ("BU") in the proportion of 37:5 by the Government of the HKSAR at a nominal rent for the construction of a joint student hostel for a lease of 5 years up to 2 December 262. Pursuant to the Cancellation Agreement signed by both grantees on 23 April 25, BU withdrew from the joint construction project and both parties agreed the transfer and assignment of all the rights, title and interest in the land held by BU to the University at nil consideration. Pending issue of the new land grant, the University is deemed to have possession of the sole ownership of the property with effect from the aforesaid agreement signing date. 以上之物業 機器及設備按直線法依照下列年率計算折舊 The above items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis at the following rates per annum: 樓宇裝修 大型設備及設備系統 每年5% Building improvements, major equipment and services systems 5% per annum 傢具及設備 每年2% - 25% Fixtures and equipment 2% - 25% per annum 25

28 7. 無形資產 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 電腦軟件 Computer Software 成本 COST 97 24年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 24 4 添置 Additions 撇減 Disposals 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 5 添置 Additions () 撇減 Disposals 5 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 攤銷 AMORTISATION 76 24年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 24 9 本年度計算之攤銷 Amortisation charge for the year 撇減 Disposals 95 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 4 本年度計算之攤銷 Amortisation charge for the year () 撇減 Disposals 98 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 賬面淨值 NET BOOK VALUE 7 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 電腦軟件資產按直線法每年25%計算攤銷 Computer software is amortised on a straight-line basis at 25% per annum. 26

29 8. 財務資產 FINANCIAL ASSETS 持至到期日財務資產 按攤銷成本 Held-to-Maturity Financial Assets, at amortised cost 上市 ,6, ,7, ,275 4, Listed 非上市 Unlisted 於一年內到期 Maturing within one year 於一年後到期 Maturing after one year 按公平值透過損益記賬之財務資產(附註a) Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss (Note a) 上市股權基金 Listed Equity Funds 非上市股權基金 Unlisted Equity Funds 上市固定收入基金 Listed Fixed Income Funds 非上市固定收入基金 Unlisted Fixed Income Funds 非上市實物基金 Unlisted Real Assets Funds 非上市對沖基金 Unlisted Hedge Funds 非上市私人投資 Unlisted Private Investments 可供出售財務資產 Available-for-Sale Financial Assets 非上市股權證券 按成本(附註b) Unlisted Equity Securities, at cost (Note b) 上市股權證券 按市值 Listed Equity Securities, at market value 財務資產主要以港元及美元為單位 Financial assets are mainly denominated in Hong Kong dollars and United States dollars. 附註 : Notes : (a) 公平值乃參考活躍市場或基金經理報價釐定 The fair value was determined by reference to bid prices quoted in active markets or by fund managers. (b) 按成本計的非上市股權證券為集團持有由私人公司發行之非上市股權證券的投資 該等投資一貫是作長期持有並不包括在投資於活躍市場 的投資基金內 非上市股權證券乃按成本扣除結算日減值計量 因集團管理層認為其公平值不能可靠計量 The unlisted available-for-sale equity securities at cost, represent investments in unlisted equities issued by private entities, which are held by the Group. These investments are typically held for the long term and are not part of the investment fund which is invested in active markets. The unlisted available-for-sale equity securities are valued at cost less impairment at each balance sheet date as Management is of the opinion that fair value cannot be measured reliably. 27

30 9. 於聯營公司權益 INTEREST IN AN ASSOCIATE 所佔淨資產 Share of net assets 擁有權益 業務 架構模式 聯營公司名稱 Name of Associate Form of Business Structure Proportion of Nominal Value of 註冊及營運地點 Issued Capital 持有股本類別 Place of Held by Class of Incorporation and Operation the Group Shares Held 深港產學研基地 事業法人單位 中華人民共和國 PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institution Institutional Organization People's Republic of China 33% 主要活動 Principal Activity 注入資本 致力於科技商業化 培育 新公司 提供研究和技術 管理服務 培訓高級管理 人員及行政專才 Capital Contribution To engage in technology commercialization, incubation of start-up companies, provision of research and technology management services, training of senior management and administrative executives (2) (5) 下文載列為聯營公司之財務資料概要 The summarised financial information in respect of the associate is set out below: 總資產 Total assets 總負債 Total liabilities 資產淨值 Net assets 集團應佔聯營公司之資產淨值 Group's share of net assets of the associate 營業額 Turnover 本年度溢利 Profit for the year 集團年內應佔聯營公司業績 Group's share of results of the associate for the year 28

31 . 於合資企業權益 INTEREST IN A JOINT VENTURE 所佔淨資產 () Share of net assets 擁有股權 Proportion of Nominal Value 持有股本類別 of Issued Class of Capital Held by Shares Held the Group 註冊及營運地點 Form of Business Structure Place of Incorporation and Operation 浙江港科大先進 製造 研究 所有限公司( 浙江港科 大 ) 中外合資 中華人民共和國 注入資本 Zhejiang Advanced Manufacturing Institute of HKUST Co. Ltd. ("ZAMI") Sino-foreign joint venture People's Republic of China Capital contribution 業務架構模式 合資企業名稱 Name of Joint Venture 5% 於董事局之投 票權 Percentage of Voting Power of the Board 6% 業務性質 Nature of Business 促進製造業的 研究工作 Promotion of research for manufacturing business 集團持有 浙江港科大 之5%股權 並於五席之董事局內佔有三席 相當於6%之投票權 但是 根據 浙江港科大 之公司章程及股東 協議 所有重大之事項包括財務及營運之決策必須得到集團及另一主要股東一致決議通過 因此 集團把 浙江港科大 歸類為合資企 業 The Group holds 5% of the share capital of ZAMI and has appointed 3 out of 5 directors on the Board representing 6% of voting power of the Board. However, under the memorandum and articles of association and shareholders' agreement of ZAMI, all significant events including financial and operating policies must be mutually agreed by the Group and the other significant shareholder. Therefore, ZAMI is classified as a joint venture of the Group. 註 Note: 本集團預計該合資企業將結業 因此於24/5年度為該合資企業負資產作出撥備 股東已為該合資企業進行結業程序 並預期於26/7年 度完成 In anticipation of the closure of the joint venture, the Group had made a provision against the net liabilities of the joint venture in 24/5. The shareholders had started the closure process of ZAMI and it is expected to be completed in 26/7 financial year. 29

32 . 應收賬款及預付款項 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND PREPAYMENTS 預付款項及按金 Prepayments and Deposits 應收賬款 Accounts Receivable 應收賬款於發出通知後須立即償還 Accounts receivable are repayable on demand. 在衡量應收賬款之還款能力時 集團考慮其由給予信貸日至報告日期間之信貸質素變化 已過期 而無作減值撥備之應收賬款已於本報告日前清付或相關應收賬款過往並無拖欠還款 故此 校董 會認為無需就應收賬款作減值撥備 本集團並無就該等結餘持有任何抵押 In determining the recoverability of accounts receivable, the Group considers any change in the credit quality of the accounts receivable from the date credit was initially granted up to the financial statements' report date. The accounts receivable past due but not provided for were either subsequently settled as at the date of this report or without historical default of payments by the respective debtor. Accordingly, the Council believes that there is no impairment provision required on these accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date. The Group does not hold any collateral over these balances. 應收賬款主要以港元為單位 The accounts receivable are mainly denominated in Hong Kong dollars. 3

33 2. 現金及等同現金 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 26 原到期日為三個月或以下之定期存款 Bank Deposits with Original Maturity within Three Months 現金及銀行結餘 Cash at Banks and in Hand 3. 應付賬款及應計費用 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUALS 應付賬款及應計費用 Accounts Payable and Accruals 應付賬款及應計費用主要以港元為單位 The accounts payable and accruals are mainly denominated in Hong Kong dollars. 3 66

34 4. 教職員福利撥備 PROVISION FOR STAFF BENEFITS 退職金 Gratuities 代假期金及其他 Leave Pay and Others 應付於 Payable: 一年內 Within year 一年後 After year 32

35 5. 遞延收益 DEFERRED INCOME 教資會資助活動 非教資會資助活動 UGC-funded Activities Non-UGC funded Activities 教資會 指定科研撥款 教資會 整筆撥款 UGC Block Grant 24年6月3日之結餘 UGC Earmarked Research Grants 其他教資會 指定撥款 Other UGC Earmarked Grants 科研活動 所得捐款活動 其他活動 Research Activities Donation Activities Other Activities 總計 Total , ,556 Balance as at 3 June 24 已收 / 應收之款項 Amount received / receivable (註) (Note) 計入綜合全面收益表 Credited to consolidated statement of comprehensive income - 政府資助及撥款(附註3.) (,872) (67) (23) (3) (2,75) (22) () (33) Government Subventions and Grants (Note 3.) - 項目贊助(附註3.3)或捐款 Projects Sponsorships (Note 3.3) or Donations 轉至遞延資本基金(附註6) (,872) (67) (23) (35) () (2,28) (96) (3) (5) (28) (6) (293) , ,67 (2,288) Transfer to Deferred Capital Funds (Note 6) 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 25年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 25 已收 / 應收之款項 Amount received / receivable (註) (Note) 計入綜合全面收益表 Credited to consolidated statement of comprehensive income - 政府資助及撥款(附註3.) (,954) (75) (22) (32) (5) (23) (5) Government Subventions and Grants (Note 3.) - 項目贊助(附註3.3)或捐款 (28) Projects Sponsorships (Note 3.3) or Donations 轉至遞延資本基金(附註6) (,954) (75) (22) (55) (5) (5) (2,36) (9) (9) (56) () (29) (324) (3) (3) 4 6 Transfer to Deferred Capital Funds (Note 6) 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 註: 款項源於承諾捐款(附註8) Note: The amounts were from pledged donations (Note 8)

36 6. 遞延資本基金 DEFERRED CAPITAL FUNDS 3,656 24年7月日之結餘 重編 Balance as at July 24, restated 經遞延收益賬資金購置之項目(附註24.4 / 24.5) Items funded through Deferred Income Account (Notes 24.4 / 24.5) 相當於添置物業 機器及設備及電腦軟件之款項轉撥自遞延收益(附註5) 293 Amounts equivalent to additions to Property, Plant and Equipment and Computer Software transferred from Deferred Income (Note 5) 相當於折舊及攤銷之款項轉撥至綜合全面收益表 (22) Amounts equivalent to depreciation and amortisation charges transferred to Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 3,73 25年6月3日之結餘 重編 Balance as at 3 June 25, restated 經遞延收益賬資金購置之項目(附註24.4 / 24.5) Items funded through Deferred Income Account (Notes 24.4 / 24.5) 相當於添置物業 機器及設備及電腦軟件之款項轉撥自遞延收益(附註5) 324 Amounts equivalent to additions to Property, Plant and Equipment and Computer Software transferred from Deferred Income (Note 5) 相當於折舊及攤銷之款項轉撥至綜合全面收益表 (27) Amounts equivalent to depreciation and amortisation charges transferred to Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (2) 外幣換算之差額 Exchange differences arising from retranslation 3,835 26年6月3日之結餘 Balance as at 3 June 26 34


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