Test-I English Language

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1 SBI PO Mock 4 1 Directions (Q. 1-15): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Test-I English Language We are in the midst of a severe economic crisis. Our macroeconomic indices are weakening. The first quarter growth figure has come in at 4.4 per cent and some analysts are projecting a figure for FY of below 4 per cent the Hindu rate that we all thought was a historical memory. Inflation in critical items is well above double digits year-on-year prices of vegetable goods have increased by 46 per cent; that of cereals by 18 per cent and proteins by 11 per cent. The rupee is hovering close to Rs. 70 to the dollar and the Sensex is gyrating, but in fall. The finance minister has pronounced a 10-point programme to narrow the fiscal deficit, balance the current account, stabilise the currency, contain inflation and bring the economy back onto the growth path. Whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen. The odds are against him. He has to contend with populist political colleagues, and the immune system of the economy has been so weakened that it seems no longer capable of countering the convulsions of the international market. But even if he does succeed, there is doubt that potential investors will bring India back onto their radar screen. Sure, "hot money" might flow back, but investments into the more stable and longer-term "bricks and mortar" and services sectors will most likely remain lacklustre. This is because the current crisis is not just about "poor economics". It is also about the loss of confidence in the government's commitment to upholding the constitutional checks and balance of governance. It is about the weakening of the pilars upon which Brand India has been built and which so positively differentiated us from other emerging economies. As every marketer knows, there is a difference between "advertising" and "branding". Advertising is a tangible instrument for hawking a product. Branding is an intangible asset that embodies the qualities, values and experience of the company. The two are. of course, interrelated. Advertising helps build the "brand" and the brand reinforces (hopefully) sales. But they are conceptually different. When India was growing at 8 per cent plus, it was not difficult to develop a compelling advertorial for the country. The pitch was pegged on the fundamentals of the economy the large market, our youthful population, the reservoir of talent and the ingredients of Brand India. Economic growth had not done away with corruption, red tape and shoddy infrastructure, but these negatives were offset by the assurance that if and when the entry hurdles were overcome, the strength of our institutions would ensure a level playing field, respect for contracts and protection against the arbitrary and discretionary exercise of power. Today, these assurances have been dented. Investors see not only an economy on the skids, but a governance process that is opaque and unpredictable The government may have had "good" reasons for the spate of tax charges that have been slapped on the multinationals and for unilaterally rewriting binding contracts and passing orders with retroactive effect, but the result has been to make investors nervous about the operating environment, for the first time since the onset of economic reforms, boardroom discussions are not about specific investments but about the fundamentals of the Indian polity. People are asking generic questions. What is the nature of India's democracy? How strong are the institutions of the executive, legislature and judiciary? Have these institutions got so hollowed out that there is a power vacuum? And so. where does power reside? Investors will want satisfactory answers to these questions before they bring India back on their investment agenda. Investors invest in a country's future. Whilst they may be influenced by its present they do not invest in it. Nor do they invest on the basis of a comparison between a country's past and its present Herein lies our hope. We have messed up the present, but we can still recover the future. To do so the government will have to no doubt first resolve the current crisis. This will not be easy. The PM and FM arc confident they can bring the fiscal and current account deficit under control. But unfortunately, the numbers are not adding up and the international market is not helping. 1. Why has the au thor spe cif i cally men tioned that this is the first lime since the on set of eco nomic re forms that board room dis cus sions are not about spe cific in vest ment but about the fun da men tals of the Indian polity? (a) Be cause of ex ces sive po lit i cal in ter fer ence in the eco nomic matters of the coun try (b) Be cause of the proven in ef fi ciency of the pres ent Fi nance Min is ter and the Chair man of the Plan ning Com mis sion (c) Be cause of the Induction of political leaders in the Cab i net Com mit tee on Eco nomic Af fairs (d) Be cause of the se vere eco nomic cri sis and fail ure of the govt on the eco nomic front Gupta Classes

2 SBI PO Mock 4. Which of the fol low ing is the char ac ter is tics of 'Brand ing'? Give your an swer in the con text of the given pas sage. (a) Brand ing is the ver sion of a prod uct made by one particular manufacturer. (b) Brand ing is a per ma nent mark on the face of the prod uct. (c) Brand ing em bod ies the qual i ties, val ues and ex pe ri ence of the com pany and en forces sales. (d) Brand ing of the prod uct is the pre sen ta tion of it to the pub lic in a way that makes it easy for peo ple to recognise or iden tify. (e) All the above 3. Why is the au thor ap pre hen sive about the suc cess of the 10-point programme pro nounced by the Fi nance Min is ter to re solve the cur rent eco nomic crisis? (A) Be cause the par ties in op po si tion, in most of the in stances in the past, have not sup ported the rul ing par ties. (B) Be cause the steps taken by the fi nance Min is ter have proved a big fail ure. (C) Be cause the cur rent eco nomic cri sis is not only about poor eco nom ics but also about the loss of con fi dence in gov ern ment's com mit ment to upholding the constitutional checks and balances of gov er nance. (a) Only (C) (b) Only (B) (c) Only (A) (d) Only (A) and (C) (e) Only (A) and (B) 4. What are the fac tors that in flu ence the investors' mentality as far as investment is con cerned? (a) Sta ble govt, ex pe ri enced Fi nance Min is ter and open mar ket (b) Good past and pres ent re cord of the econ omy of a country (c) Better pros pect of re turns on in vested money (d) As sur ance of very high rate of re turns by the govt 5. Find the in cor rect state ment on the ba sis of the given pas sage. (A) All news pa pers ex cept The Hindu are not happy with the mac ro eco nomic in di ces of our coun try. (B) Among ed ible items, veg e ta ble goods have posted the high est per cent age in crease. (C) As per the pro jec tion by the eco nomic an a lysts the growth fig ure for the fi nan cial year is less than 4 per cent. (a) Only (B) and (C) (b) Only (A) (c) Only (A) and (C) (d) Only (B) (e) Only (C) 6. What steps have been taken by the gov ern ment to bring the econ omy back onto the growth path? (a) The Con gress Work ing Com mit tee has de cided to cut govt sub si dies, dis con tinue some of the ma jor wel fare schemes and launch new schemes to lure for eign in ves tors. (b) The govt has de cided to seek help from the world bank and the IMF. (c) The Fi nance min is ter has pro nounced a 10-point programme. (d) The Prime Min is ter has called for a meet ing of world-class econ o mists to re solve the eco nomic crisis. 7. What ar gu ments about In dia were placed be fore investors in heyday of economic prosperity? (a) In dia is a large mar ket for in ves tors. (b) In dia has lib eral ised its eco nomic pol icy and kept its mar ket open for for eign in ves tors since (c) In dia has as sured to re spect con trac tual ob li ga tions and to pro vide pro tec tion against the ar bi trary ex er cise of power. (d) Only I)and(b) (e) Only l)and(c) 8. Why are in ves tors afraid of in vest ing in In dia? (A) Be cause of unilateral re writ ing of bind ing contracts and passing orders with retroactive ef fect (B) Be cause of opaque and un pre dict able gov er nance process (C) Be cause of a num ber of tax charges slapped on the mul ti na tion als (a) Only (A) and (B) (b) Only (B) and (C) (c) All (A), (B) and (C) (d) Only (A) 9. Which of the fol low ing af fected the eco nomic growth to a great deal? Give your an swer in the con text of the given pas sage (a) Cor rup tion (b) In fe rior in fra struc ture (c) Red tapism (d) All (a), (b) and (c) Directions (Q. 10-1): Choose the word/group of words which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage. Gupta Classes 10. Convulsions (a) re ces sion (b) con stric tions (c) reduction (d) un cer tainty (e) cramp 11. Em bod ies (a) ex cludes (b) dis in te grates (c) concentrates (d) ex hib its (e) per son i fies

3 SBI PO Mock Ge neric (a) spe cific (d) dif fi cult (b) awk ward (c) gen eral (e) rude Directions (Q ): Choose tfie word/group of words which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage. 13. Contain (a) en close (c) In crease (e) drop (b) in cor po rate (d) de crease 14. Contend (a) agree (b) cede (c) clash (d) con front (e) meet 15. Shoddy (a) shabby (b) cheap (c) sleazy (d) no ble (e) su pe rior Directions (Q. 16-0): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is 'No error', the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 16. (a) Imag ine, if Pa ki stan and In dia have been to gether / (b) the Taliban would have spread / (c) its poi son / (d) all across In dia. / (e) No er ror 17. (a) When a na tion starts to de scend into a cri sis / (b) the sat ire and the ironic humour / (c) of its hap less cit i zenry / (d) be gins to blos som. / (e) No er ror 18. (a) Syed Ab dul Karim Tunda is thought to be the mas ter mind (b)/ behind sev eral bomb in ci dents in various Indian cities/(c) including a failed at tempt in New Delhi /(d) dur ing the 010 Com mon wealth Games/ (e) No error 19. (a) Chal lenged by the leader of op po si tion in the Rajya Sabha/(b) to ex plain the cur rent eco nomic cri sis/(c) the Prime Min is ter broke his vow of si lence to say/(d) there was no need to be come panic./(e) No er ror 0. (a) A federal court in New York has is sued sum mon / (b) to Con gress pres i dent Sonia Gan dhi for "shield ing and pro tect ing" lead ers / (c) of her party who were al leg edly in volved / (d) in the anti-sikh ri ots in In dia in / (e)no error Directions (Q. 1-5): Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which option can be used to fill up the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete. 1. Yasin Bhatkal, who was wanted in over two dozen ter ror cases In dia and had dodged se cu rity agen cies on sev eral, was ar rested in Raxaul on the In dia-ne pal border. (a) of, months (b) around, years (c) in, times (d) across, oc ca sions (e) within, places. The Lok Sabha passed the land Bill, even as par ties ex pressed on as pects of the leg is la tion. (a) req ui si tion, re sent ment (b) ac qui si tion, res er va tions (c) re quire ment. an ger (d) dis tri bu tion, dis sat is fac tion (e) pro cure ment, dis ap point ment 3. A saram, the self-styled godman, that Con gress lead ers Sonia Gan dhi and Rahul Gan dhi were be hind him in the sex ual as sault case. (a) claimed, tar nish ing (b) in sulted, ar rest ing (c) al leged, con fin ing (d) asked, ac cus ing (e) in sin u ated, fram ing 4. The gov ern ment in UP has praise for its han dling of the VHP's plan for a Parikarma Ayodhya. (a) re ceived, around (b) achieved, of (c) ex claimed, in (d) claimed, sur round ing (e) ob tained, round 5. The government and the BSP en tered into a fresh af ter the Rajya Sabha passed a gov ern ment for ap point ment of two mem bers in the JPC on G spec trum. (a) vi o lence, leg is la tion (b) scuf fle, law (c) con fron ta tion, mo tion (d) argument, move (e) dis cus sion, rul ing Directions (Q. 6-30): Rearrange the following sex en sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below. (A) A per son en rolled as an ad vo cate un der the Ad vo cates Act, 1961, is en ti tled to prac tise law through out the coun try. (B) In In dia, the law re lat ing to le gal pro fes sion is gov erned by the Ad vo cates Act, 1961 and the rules framed there un der by the Bar Coun cil of In dia. (C) An ad vo cate on the roll of a State Bar Coun cil may ap ply for trans fer to the roll of any other State Bar Coun cil in the pre scribed man ner (D) It is a self-con tained code of law re lat ing to le gal practioners and pro vides for the con sti tu tion of State Bar Councils and Bar Coun cil of In dia. (E) An ad vo cate with his con sent, may be des ig nated as a se nior ad vo cate, if the Su preme Court or a

4 4 SBI PO Mock 4 High Court is of the opin ion that by vir tue of his abil ity he de serves such dis tinc tion. (F) There are two classes of ad vo cates, namely, se nior ad vo cates and other ad vo cates. (G) No per son can be en rolled as an ad vo cate on the rolls of more than one State Bar Coun cil. 6. Which of the fol low ing should be the FIRST sen tence af ter re ar range ment? (a) F (b) G (c) E (d) B (e) C 7. Which of the fol low ing should be the SEC OND sen tence af ter re ar range ment? (a) C (b) D (c) E (d) F (e) G 8. Which of the fol low ing should be the THIRD sen tence af ter re ar range ment? (a) E (b) D (c) C (d) B (e) A 9. Which of the fol low ing should be the FOURTH sen tence af ter re ar range ment? (a) C (b) D (c) E (d) F (e) G 30. Which of the fol low ing should be the LAST (SEV ENTH) sen tence af ter re ar range ment? (a) D (b) B (c) E (d) C (e) A Directions (Q ): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: Eight candidates A, G, L, N, P, Q, R and S have applied for I BPS exam fordifferent banks, viz BOB, BOI, Dena Bank, UBI, OBC, Indian Bank, Corporation Bank and UCO Bank but not necessarily in the same order. There are five male and three female candidates in this group. Each male and each female has applied from his/her city, viz Jaipur, Delhi. Noida, Kanpur, Patna. Ranchi, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad. No male has applied from Ranchi and Kanpur. P has applied for Indian Bank from Ghaziabad. The one who has applied for Corporation Bank is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur. G has applied for OBC. His sister L has applied for Dena Bank from Jaipur. The one who belongs to Delhi has applied for BOB. The one who has applied from Noida is not a female. N has applied for UBI and her friend has applied for BOB. Q is from Gurgaon and has not applied either for Corporation Bank or for UCO Bank. The one who has applied for UCO Bank has applied neither from Patna nor from Noida. S has applied from Kanpur. A does not apply from Patna. 31. Which of the fol low ing groups is a group of fe male ap pli cants? (a) G, N, L (b) N, Q, S (c) L, N, S (d) P, Q, R 3. Who among the fol low ing has ap plied from Ranchi? (a) P (b) N (c) S (d) L 33. Which of the fol low ing com bi na tions is true? (a) A-UBI-Ranchi (b) R-Cor po ra tion Bank-Noida (c) L-UCO Bank-Jaipur (d) G-OBC-Noida 34. Who among the fol low ing has ap plied for BOB? (a) A (b) S (c) N (d) Q 35. G be longs to which of the fol low ing cit ies? (a) Delhi (b) Ranchi (c) Noida (d) Gurgaon Test-II Reasoning Ability 36. Four of the five are alike in a cer tain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not be long to that group? (a) P (b) R (c) A (d) L (e) Q Directions (Q ): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer (a) if the data in state ment I alone are suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion, while the data in state ment II alone are not suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion. (b) if the data in state ment II alone are suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion, while the data in state ment I alone are not suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion. (c) if the data ei ther in state ment I alone or in state ment II alone are suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion. (d) if the data in both the state ments I and II to gether are not suf fi cient to an swer the ques tion. (e) if the data in both the state ments I and II to gether are nec es sary to an swer the ques tion. 37. How is D re lated to A? I. D is mar ried to E, who is brother of B. II. A's son B is mar ried to C, who is sis ter of D. 38. Which di rec tion was Manish fac ing? I. Manish and Mohit were talk ing to each other face to face. II. At 4 o'clock Manish's shadow was ex actly on the left of Mohit. 39. What is the rank of R from the bot tom in a class of 30 stu dents? I. N is fourth from the top and there are five stu dents be tween N and R. II. The rank of K is fourth from the bot tom and there are 17 stu dents be tween K and R.

5 SBI PO Mock There are five stu dents Aarti, Babita, Chandan, Dhiraj and Suman sit ting arround a cir cu lar ta ble. Who is on the im me di ate right of Aarti? I. Aarti is sec ond to the left of Dhiraj. who is not the neigh bour of Babita. II. Babita is sec ond to the right of Dhiraj and is an immediate neighbour of Chandan and Suman. Directions (Q ): These questions are based on the information given below and the sentences labelled (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) given after them: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims that it consults many stakeholders before it takes important decisions, like forming its first government in Delhi. Who did it consult before deciding that Delhi would not allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in supermarkets? The government of India took the decision to open up supermarkets to overseas investments after protracted debate in media, academia, civil society and Parliament, because in balance, the benefits of FDI in supermarkets outweighed the costs. Supermarkets create jobs. There are many other benefits as well. (A) If food re tail ers were al lowed to buy di rect from farm ers, in stead of go ing through a com plex chain of po lit i cally-con nected mid dle men in states, it would re duce waste, speed up time from farm to plate, boost prices of farm pro duce for farm ers and cut food in fla tion by elim i nat ing mid dle men's margins. (B) AAP should with draw the ban on FDI in su per mar kets. (C) There should be con sis tency in the style of decisionmaking. (D) De bate in me dia is more mean ing ful than mere ref er en dum. (E) For eign pow ers had ma noeuv red the gov ern ment of In dia in say ing yes to FDI. (F) By ban ning FDI. the AAP looks like an Aam Shop keeper Party. 41. Which of the fol low ing has/have been as sumed in the in for ma tion in the para graph given above? (a) Only C (b) Only E (c) Only B (d) Both B and C (e) Both B and E 4. Which of the fol low ing state ments strengthen(s) the ar gu ment given in the para graph above? (a) Only D (b) Only E (c) Only A (d) Both A and D (e) Both D and E 43. Which of the fol low ing is a ben e fit(s) of FDI in supermarkets? (a) Only A (b) Only D (c) Only F (d) Both A and D (e) Both A and F 44. Which of the fol low ing state ments weaken(s) the ar gu ment given in the para graph above? (a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Only C (d) Only D (e) Only E 45. Which of the fol low ing can be a con clu sion on the ba sis of the para graph given above? (a) Only F (b) Only D (c) Only C (d) Only B (e) Both B and C Directions (Q ): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them follow my a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and rearrangement (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.) Input: 76 pink 83 colour 79 each 65 owl ice 81 Step I: each 76 pink 83 colour owl ice 81 Step II: each pink 83 colour 79 owl ice 81 Step III: each 65 ice 76 pink 83 colour 79 owl 81 Step IV: each 65 ice 76 owl pink 83 colour Step V: each 65 ice 76 owl 79 pink 83 colour 81 Step VI: each 65 ice 76 owl 79 colour pink Step VII: each 65 ice 76 owl 79 colour 81 pink 83 Step VII is the last step of the above input as the desired arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed above find the appropriate step for the given input. Input: magazine 14 desire 1 put 13 8 expireaeth ite Which step num ber is the fol low ing out put? ac ti vate 13 ex pire 14 in put mag a zine de sire (a) Step IV (b) Step V (c) Step VII (d) There is no such step (e) none of these 47. How many el e ments (words or numbers) are there be tween '14' and '5' as they ap pear in the Last step but one? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five (e) Six 48. Which word/num ber would be at the fifth position the right in Step III? (a) de sire (b) 14 (c) in put (d) Which of the fol low ing rep re sents the po si tion ol 'in put' in the sixth step? (a) Sev enth from the left (b) Fifth from the right (c) Fifth from the left (d) Sixth from the right 50. How many steps would be re quired to get the output? (a) Six (b) Seven (c) Five (d) Nine (e) Eight Directions (Q ): Stuch the following information carefully and answer the given questions. There are five bot tles A, E, I, O and U ar ranged on a ta ble but not nec es sar ily in the same or der. Bot tle E. is to

6 6 SBI PO Mock 4 the north of bot tle O. Bot tle I is to the south of bot tle. E Bot tle A and Bot tle U are in the east and west re spec tively of bottle I. 51. In which di rec tion is bot tle O with respeel to bottle l? (a) South (b) North (c) Eithei (a) or (b) (d) East (e) North-east 5. If bot tle I is ex actly be tween E and O then in which di rec tion is bot tle A with re spect to bot tle O? (a) North (b) North-east (c) South-east (d) South 53. In which di rec tion is bot tle U with re spect to bottle E? (a) South (b) South-east (c) West (d) South-west 54. How many such pairs of let ters are there in the word EDI TION each of which has as many let ters be tween them in the word as in the Eng lish al pha bet i cal se ries? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four 55. In a cer tain code langauge RIVER is writ ten as LUXOB. How is TEPID writ ten in that code language? (a) HWRAF (b) HWQAF (c) HRNAF (d) AFRHW Directions (Q ): In each question below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (a) if only con clu sion I fol lows. (b) if only con clu sion II fol lows. (c) if ei ther con clu sion I or II fol lows. (d) if nei ther con clu sion I nor II fol lows. (e) if both con clu sions I and II fol low. 56. State ments: All plas tics are notes. No note is a coin. Some coins are pa pers. Con clu sions: I. Some coins are plas tics. II. No coin is a note. (57-58): State ments: No graphic is a pic ture. Some pic tures are fig ures. All sym bols are fig ures. 57. Con clu sions: I. Some fig ures are not graphics. II. Some pic tures are sym bols. 58. Con clu sions: I. All sym bols be ing pic tures is a pos si bil ity. II. Some graphics are sym bols. (59-60): State ments : Some birds are in sects. All birds are but ter flies. All in sects are snakes. 59. Con clu sions: I. Some snakes are birds. II. Some but ter flies are snakes. 60. Con clu sions: I. All but ter flies be ing in sects is a pos si bil ity. II. All birds be ing snakes is a pos si bil ity. 61. If the ex pres sion R V and P < Q are true, then which of the fol low ing sym bols should be placed in the blank spaces re spec tively in the given ex pres sion? Q _ R N = P _ V (a) >, (b) =, > (c), > (d) >, > 6. Which of the iollowing ex pres sions is true, if the given ex pres sion is true? E > F G = H I < J (a) E > I (b) J > G (c) F J (d) E H 63. Which of the fol low ing sym bols should be placed in the blank spaces re spec tively to make the ex pres sion Q > M and P M def i nitely true? M_N_O_P_Q (a) <, =,, < (b), >, =, > (c) =,,, = (d), =, < 64. There are three la dies L, M and N mar ried to three men P, Q and R. All the men have a dif fer ent pro fes sion while the women have none. L is mar ried to P. M is not mar ried to the CA. N is not mar ried to the teacher. R is not a teacher and P is a law yer. Which of the fol low ing state ments is cor rect? (a) M is mar ried to R, who is a teacher. (b) N is mar ried to R, who is a C A. (c) L is mar ried to P, who is a teacher. (d) Only (b) and (c) are cor rect 65. There are five books J, K, Y, W and X placed on a ta ble. Y is placed just be low J, W is placed just above X, and K is placed be low Y and X. Which of the fol low ing books touches the sur face of the table? (a) W (b) X (c) K (d) J (e) Y

7 SBI PO Mock 4 7 Test-III Quantitative Aptitude 66. Kunal's pres ent age is three years less than twice h age 1 years ago. Also, the ra tio of Vikrant's pres ent age to Kunal's pres ent age is 4 : 9. What will be the age of Vikrant af ter 4 years? (a) 16 years (b) 17 years (c) 18 years (d) 7 years (e) Can't be de ter mined 67. A hen and a goat were sold for Rs. 540, there by making a profit of 5% on hen and 0% on goat. By sell ing than for Rs. 538 the profit would be 0% on hen and 5 goat. Find the cost (in Rs.) of each hen and each goat. (a) Rs. 50, Rs. 00 (b) Rs. 40, Rs. 0 (c) Rs. 5, Rs. 00 (d) Rs. 40, Rs There is a team of five per sons A, B, C, D and E. In how many dif fer ent ways can they be seated on a bench if A and B never sit to gether? (a) 144 (b) 10 (c) 7 (d) 70 Directions (Q ): Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow. 69. A box con tains 6 red, 3 yel low and green balls. If two balls are picked at ran dom, what is the prob a bil ity that both of them are red? (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) If two balls are picked at ran dom from the box given in the above ques tion, what is the prob a bil ity that at least one of them is yel low? (a) (b) 7 1 (c) (d) Directions (Q ): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? =? 16 (a) 377 (b) 386 (c) 486 (d) 586 (e) [( ) ( )] ( 9) =? (a) 40 (b) (c) (d) 391 (e) =? (a) (b) 40 (c) 3.6 (d) (e) ( 86) = (?) 3 (a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 17 (d) 16 (e) ? = 77.5% of % of + 35% of 140 (a) (b) (c) (d) 43.5 Directions (Q ): What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? ( 48 11) = (?) (a) 36 (b) 35 (c) 39 (d) % of =? (a) 5500 (b) 5400 (c) 5600 (d) 5650 (e) =? 16 0 (a) 760 (b) 790 (c) 710 (d) 7300 (e) =? (a) 1400 (b) 1500 (c) 1480 (d) 1540 (e) =? (a) 800 (b) 850 (c) 950 (d) 900 Directions (Q ): Find the number that will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number scries ? (a) 07 (b) 307 (c) 309 (d) 33 (e) ? (a) 1 (b) 69 (c) 735 (d) 31 (e) ? (a) 8 (b) 395 (c) 95 (d) ? (a) 166 (b) 16 (c) 157 (d) ? (a) 600 (b) 610 (c) 590 (d) The av er age of four pos i tive in te gers is 7.5. The high est in te ger is 117 and the low est in te ger is 15. The dif fer ence be tween the re main ing two in te gers is 1. Which is the higher of these two re main ing integers? (a) 73 (b) 84 (c) 70 (d) Can not be de ter mined 87. The pop u la tion of a town is It in creases by 0% in the first year and by an other 5% in the

8 8 SBI PO Mock 4 sec ond year. What would be the pop u la tion of the town af ter two years? (a) (b) 1750 (c) (d) The difference between the simple interest and compound interest obtained on a principal amount at 5 p.c.p.a. after years is Rs35. What is the principal amount? (a) Rs. 15,000 (b) Rs. 10,000 (c) Rs. 14,000 (d) Rs. 13, 'A' can complete a piece of work in 1 days. 'A' and 'B' together can complete the same piece of work in 4 days. In how many days can 'B' alone complete the same piece of work? (a) 6 days (b) 8 days (c) 15 days (d) 18 days 90. If ab = 36. which of the following proportions is correct? (a) 9 : a = 4 : b (b) a : 18 = b : 3 (c) a : 6 = b : 6 (d) a : 9 = 4 : b Directions (Q ): In the following questions, two equations I and II arc given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer (a) If x > y (b) If x y (c) If x < y (d) If x y (e) If x = y or the relationship cannot be determined. 91. I. x 15y = 5 II. 6x 5y = 1 9. I. x = 151 II. y = I. x 1x + 35 = 0 II. y 9y + 0 = I. 4x + 3y = 16 II. x + y = I. x + 7x + 1 = 0 II. y + 5y + 6 = 0 Directions (Q ): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide w hcthcr the data provided in the statements arc sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer (a) if the data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question. (b) if the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question. (c) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. (d) if the data in both the statements 1 and II even together are not sufficient to answer the question. (e) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 96. What is the speed of a running train? I. The length of the train is 180 metres. II. The train crosses another stationary train of 10 metres length in 60 seconds. 97. What is the speed of a boat in still water? I. The boat running downstream takes 6 hours from A to B II. The boat running upstream takes 8 hours from B to C. 98. What is the difference between the age's of Samir and Sreekant? I. The ratio of their ages is 7 : 9. II. 5 years hence the sum of their ages will be 58 years. 99. In how many days can Mohan alone complete the work? I. Mohan and Prakash together can complete the work in 17 days. II. Rakesh works double as fast as Mohan and can alone compete the work in 10 days. 100.What is the per cent rate of simple interest per annum? I. The amount with the interest rate doubles in 5 years. II. The interest earned in first year was Rs 10,000.

9 SBI PO Mock 4 9 Answer key 1. (d). (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (e) 8. (c) 9. (e) 10. (e) 11. (d) 1. (b) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (e) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (d) 0. (a) 1. (d). (b) 3. (e) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (e) 9. (a) 30. (c) 31. (c) 3. (b) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (e) 38. (e) 39. (c) 40. (b) 41. (a) 4. (d) 43. (a) 44. (e) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (e) 51. (e) 5. (b) 53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (e) 60. (e) 61. (a) 6. (b) 63. (d) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (d) 68. (c) 69. (a) 70. (b) 71. (b) 7. (d) 73. (e) 74. (c) 75. (b) 76. (c) 77. (c) 78. (a) 79. (e) 80. (d) 81. (e) 8. (d) 83. (a) 84. (b) 85. (a) 86. (e) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (a) 90. (d) 91. (c) 9. (d) 93. (b) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (e) 97. (d) 98. (e) 99. (b) 100. (a) 66. Let the present age of Kunal be 9x and that of Vikrant be 4x. Then, according to the question, 9x = ( 9x + 1) 3 or 18x 9x = 7 or 9x = 7 x = 3 Now, the present age of Kunal = 9 3 = 7 yrs and the present age of Vikrant = 4 3 = 1 yrs Hence, after 4 yrs, Vikrant s age = = 16 yrs 67. Let the CP of hen and goat be Rs. x adn Rs. y respectively. According to the question. 5x 6y + = or, 5x + 4y = (i) Again, 6x 5y + = or, 4x + 5y = (ii) Solving equation (i) and (ii), we get x = Rs. 40, y = Rs Total number of persons is five. When there is no restriction they can be seated in 5! ways. but A and B can be arranged in! ways. The required number of ways in which A and B do not sit together = 5!! 4! = 4!( 5 ) = = Total number of balls = = 11 Sample space n( S) = 11 C Now, the number of events n( E) = 6 C Required probability P (E) 6 n( E) C 15 3 = = = = n( S) 11 C At least one is yellow = 1 P (none is yellow) 8 C = 1 = = 11 C ? = 16 Hint & Solutions = = = ? = = = ? = = = = ( 86) 543 = (?) = (?) 3 or, 3? = 4913 = ? = = = (?) = ( 48 11) 3 = ( ) = = ( 39)? = ? = = = ? = = ? = ( ) = = = ? = = The series is + 0, +, + 4, + 6, The series is = = 95

10 10 SBI PO Mock = = = The series is + ( 11 1), + ( 11 3), + ( 11 5), + ( 11 7) 84. The series is 37 + ( 5 1) = ( 5 3) = ( 5 5) = ( 5 7) = ( 5 9) = The series is + ( 9 3), + ( 9 16), + ( 9 8), + ( 9 4 ), ( 9 ) 86. We have, x + ( x + 1) + 15 = [where x is the lower integer among the remaining two integers.] x = = 146 x = 73 Hence the higher integer (among the remaining two integers) = = The total population after two years = = , In case of simple interest, the total interest for two years is ( = ) 10% of the principal amount whereas at compound interest the total interest 5 5 for two years is = 10. 5% of the 100 principal amount. hence we can conclude that Rs. 35 is ( = ) 0.5% of the principal amount Hence the required amount = 0. 5 = Rs. 14, Quicker Method : = 6 days 1 4 Other Method : Suppose the work consists of making 1 pillars. Since A can complete the work in 1 days, this implies that A can make one pillar in a day. Similarly, we get that A and B together can make three pillars in a day. Hence we can conclude that B can make two pillars in a day. Hence, the total work (1 pillars) can be completed by B in ( 1 = ) 6 days. 90. Go through the options. a 9 = 4 b a. b = 9 4 = I. x 15y = 5 6x 45y = 15 (i) II. 6x 5y = 1 (ii) Subtracting (ii) from (i), we get 40y = y = = 40 5 Now, using I, we get x 15( 5) = 5 or, x + 6 = 5 or, x = 1/ Hence, x < y [ / 5 > 1/ ] 9. From I : x = ±39 From II : y = 39 Hence, x y. 93. I. x 1x + 35 = 0 or, x 7x 5x + 35 = 0 or, x ( x 7) 5( x 7 ) = 0 or, ( x 5)( x 7 ) = 0 or, x = 5 or 7 II. y 9y + 0 = 0 or, y 5y 4y + 0 = 0 or, y( y 5) 4( y 5 ) = 0 or, ( y 4)( y 5 ) = 0 or, y = 4 or 5 Hence, x y 94. I. 4x + 3y = 16 (i) II. x + y = 9 4x + 4y = 18 (ii) From (i) and (ii), we get y = or, y = Now, using I, we get 4x + 3 = 16 or, 4x = 10 or, x =. 5 Hence, x > y. 95. I. x + 7x + 1 = 0 or, x + 4x + 3x + 1 = 0 or,x ( x + 4) + 3( x + 4 ) = 0 or, ( x + 3)( x + 4 ) = 0 or, x = 3 or 4 II. y + 5y + 6 = 0 or, y + 3y + y + 6 = 0 or, y( y + 3) + ( y + 3 ) = 0 or, ( y + )( y + 3 ) = 0 or, y = or 3 Hence, x y 96. From I and II : we get : Speed of the running train ( ) = = 5 m/sec From I and II : we get 7k + 9k = 58 5 or, 16k = 48 k = 3 Now, the required difference between the ages of Samir and Sreekant

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