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1 THE SCIENCE COUNCIL Regulations 1. Memership appliation (Bylaws 3 and 4) 2. Memership Susriptions (Bylaw 6) 3. Memership disiplinary ations (Bylaw 9) and removal y the Counil (Bylaw 11) 4. Memership Disiplinary Ation - appeals (Bylaw 10) 5. Criteria for eligiility for an Eleted Trustee (Bylaw 18) 6. Eleted Trustees in offie at the date of amendment of these Bylaws (Bylaw 19) 7. Proedure for Eleted Trustees (Bylaws 17-24) 8. Co-options to the Board (Bylaw 25) 9. Board memers disiplinary ations (Bylaw 28) 10. Board memers appeals (Bylaw 30) 11. Eletion of President (Bylaw 33) 12. Signing Douments (Bylaw 38) 13. Meetings of the Board (Bylaw 43) 14. Proedure for allots (Bylaw 54) 15. Appointment of Proxies (Bylaw 54) 16. Registration Authority memership (Bylaw 56) 17. Registrar 18. Committees (Bylaw 59) 19. Registration Authority - duties (Bylaw 78 and Bylaw 79) 20. Registration Authority quality assurane (Bylaw 78) 21. Requirements for appliation for a liene (Bylaw 80) 22. Requirements for the award of a liene (Bylaws 80 and 81) 23. Maintenane of liene (Bylaw 83) 24. Liensed Bodies liensing fees (Bylaw 99) 25. Registrants Disiplinary Ation (Bylaw 85) 26. Liensed Bodies Disiplinary Ation 27. Professional Registers (Bylaw 87) 28. Professional Registers qualifying standards (Bylaw 92) 29. Registrants fees (Bylaw 99) 1. Memership appliation (Bylaws 3 and 4) 1.1 The defined riteria for memership eing that: the profession represented y the Organisation shall e ased on a reognised ody of sientifi learning where knowledge and understanding of the natural and soial world are pursued through a systemati methodology ased on evidene; the Organisation is an independent ody whih exists for the olletive pursuit of professional aims and ojetives in siene as set out in a Royal Charter or Memorandum and Artiles of Assoiation inorporated under the Companies Ats or formally registered in the UK in some other way; the Organisation has, among its ojetives, the pratie of the profession in the interest of the puli as well as that of its memers, the Organisation operates a Code of Professional Condut and disiplinary proedures; the Organisation reognises its responsiility to advane and extend the ody of learning on whih the profession is ased; the Organisation reognises its responsiility to onern itself with failities, methods and provision for eduating and training future entrants to the profession and for enhaning the knowledge and ompetene of present pratitioners; and the Organisation must have at least one memership ategory that is ased on standards of ompetene as attested y an appropriate qualifiation and relevant professional pratie, or relevant professional pratie,

2 or if the Organisation does not have strit entry standards for at least one ategory of its memers it has agreed with the Board that it is working towards the introdution of suh an entry standard. 1.2 Every appliation for memership shall e forwarded to the Chief Exeutive of the Counil onfirming eligiility for memership (as presried in regulation 1.1) and the Chief Exeutive shall irulate the name of the applying Organisation, and details of its aims and ojets to the existing Memer Bodies. 1.3 After a minimum of 21 days the Chief Exeutive shall lay the appliation efore the Board of the Counil together with evidene of fulfilment of the riteria for memership and any omments reeived. The Board will then onsider the appliation and deide whether or not to reommend the Organisation for memership at the next General Meeting of the Counil. 1.4 At the next General Meeting of the Counil following the meeting at whih the Board reommended an Organisation for memership, the Counil will vote upon a resolution to admit suh Organisation as a Memer Body. 1.5 When an applying Organisation has een admitted y the Counil, the Chief Exeutive shall give the Organisation notie thereof, ut the name of the Organisation shall not e added to the Register of Memer Bodies of the Counil until the requisite resolution and susription have een reeived. 1.6 The requirements of the resolution of the governing ody of the applying Organisation shall e that the Organisation applies for memership of the Counil, that the Organisation agrees to e ound y the Charter, the Bylaws and regulations made under the said Charter and Bylaws, and that the Organisation appoints a nominated representative. 1.7 When an Organisation has een admitted to memership, that Organisation will e invited to attend all meetings open to Memer Bodies ut will have no vote in General Meeting until it has een added to the Register of Memer Bodies. 1.8 If the said Organisation has not fulfilled the requirements for inlusion in the Register of Memer Bodies within 12 months of the date on whih it is admitted y the Counil, the offer of memership shall e withdrawn. 1.9 The first nominated representative of a Memer Body shall e suh person whose name is set out in the resolution of the applying Organisation. Thereafter a Memer Body may y notie in writing to the Counil appoint, remove and/or replae a nominated representative at any time. If the Memer Body fails at any time to appoint a nominated representative (or if the nominated representative has indiated that he no longer holds that position), the nominated representative shall e deemed to e the most senior employee for the time eing of the Memer Body or, in the asene of any employees, the most senior honorary offier of the Memer Body. 2. Memership Susriptions (Bylaw 6) 2.1. At the eginning of eah finanial year of the Siene Counil, the Chief Exeutive shall require the Memer Bodies to sumit returns of their memership numers at the end of their last finanial year The annual susription shall e alulated on a per apita asis harged on ategories of memership of the Memer Body as at the end of their last finanial year The Board may determine the per apita harge and set maximum and minimum susriptions for Memer Bodies provided that in the first instane the level shall e set y a resolution from the Board passed at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting alled for that purpose and thereafter in aordane with the requirements of Bylaw Every Memer Body shall e required to pay the annual susription to the Counil y 30 th Septemer for eah relevant alendar year unless an alternative shedule has een agreed with the Board Susriptions from new Memer Bodies shall eome due from the date on whih the organisation is added to the Register of Memer Bodies of the Counil.

3 2.6. The first susription of any new Memer Body shall e apportioned aording to the numer of remaining full quarters of the Counil s finanial year ut if any suh susription falls due in the last quarter of the Counil s finanial year the susription then due shall e a full annual susription for the following finanial year of the Counil The Board may at its disretion offer a redued susription to a new Memer Body or to an existing Memer Body that has demonstrated to the Board a ase for suh redution provided that any suh redued susription shall e not less than fifty per entum of the alulated susription for that Memer Body or of the minimum or maximum susription appliale at that time and that there shall e a planned revision of the annual susription for that Memer Body to attain the appropriate full susription over a maximum period of three years Fees for affiliation and assoiation will e set y the Board. 3. Memership disiplinary ations (Bylaw 9) and removal y the Counil (Bylaw 11) 3.1 The Board may initiate proeedings to terminate memership of a Memer Body. 3.2 In the event that a omplaint is reeived against a Memer Body in relation to the undertaking made y that Body on eoming a Memer Body of the Counil, the Chief Exeutive shall write to the omplainant requesting a speifi statement of the omplaint with supporting evidene. The omplainant shall e required to reply within 28 alendar days of the date of the letter from the Chief Exeutive or its omplaint shall e forfeit. The grounds for the omplaint shall e that either the Body no longer fulfils the riteria set out in Regulation 1.1 or the Body has ated in a manner detrimental to the welfare of the Counil. At its first meeting after the omplaint is reeived, the Board shall all for an initial response from the Memer Body whih should e produed within 28 alendar days. The Board shall onsider the omplaint and the response at its next meeting and shall onsider the information presented. If it is deided that there is no ase to answer or the matter is onsidered trivial, then the Board shall instrut the Chief Exeutive to write to the omplainant informing it of the deision and that deision shall e final provided that, at the Board s disretion, the matter ould e reonsidered in the light of new information eing presented at a future oasion. If the Board deides that the matter should proeed, a date and time shall e set for a hearing. A minimum of 28 alendar days notie shall e given to all parties. 3.3 The omplaint shall e heard y a panel set up for the purpose y the Board. The panel will omprise a minimum of three memers. There shall also e a non-voting seretary who may e the Chief Exeutive. 3.4 The panel shall appoint a Chair from its memers who shall have a seond and asting vote in the event of a tie. 3.5 The findings of the panel shall e reported to the Board and shall omprise at least a reommended onlusion together with any reommended ations. The Board shall onsider the reommendations and onfirm or determine the disiplinary ation to e taken, the deision eing given to the relevant parties in writing within 14 alendar days of the Board meeting at whih the deision was made. 3.6 The deision of the Board shall take one of four forms, namely: dismissal of the omplaint, a reprimand with or without reommended ation(s), suspension of memership pending fulfilment of required ation(s) agreed etween the panel and the Memer Body, or reommendation to the Counil, that the memership of the Memer Body e terminated. If the deision of the Board is to reommend to the Counil that it terminate the memership of the Memer Body, then the requirements of Bylaw 8() shall apply. The Memer Body shall then have 28 days from the date on whih the deision was notified to the Memer Body in whih to appeal against the deision of the Board in aordane with Regulation 4 and no resolution shall e put to the Counil until suh period has expired, any appeal has een heard and the Board has onsidered and made its deision on suh appeal in aordane with Regulation Any additional rules estalished for the preparation and exeution of grievane hearings

4 and disiplinary ations shall e appended to the notie of the hearing together with the relevant regulations. 4. Memership Disiplinary Ation - appeals (Bylaw 10) 4.1. In the event of an appeal against a disiplinary ation or termination of memership, the Chief Exeutive shall write to the appellant Memer Body requesting a statement with supporting evidene of the speifi grounds for the appeal. The appellant Memer Body shall e required to reply within 28 alendar days of the date of the letter from the Chief Exeutive, or the appeal shall e forfeit. The grounds for the appeal shall e either: (i) additional information, whih ould not reasonaly have een presented at the time of the hearing in Regulation 3.2, is availale, or (ii) proper proedures have not een followed. In the ase of (i) aove, if the Board onsiders there to e grounds for appeal, it shall diret the panel to reonvene. In the ase of (ii) aove, if the Board onsiders there to e grounds for appeal, it shall onvene a new panel in aordane with Regulation 3.2 whih shall rehear the omplaint The findings of the panel shall e reported to the Board and shall omprise at least a reommended onlusion together with any reommended ations. The Board shall onsider the reommendations and deide on the outome of the appeal, the deision eing given to the relevant parties in writing within 14 alendar days of the Board meeting at whih the deision was made. The deision of the Board shall e final Any additional rules estalished for the preparation and exeution of appeals shall e appended to the notie of the appeal hearing together with the relevant regulations. 5. Criteria for eligiility for an Eleted Trustee (Bylaw 18) 5.1 Any person wishing to e nominated as a andidate for eletion as an Eleted Trustee must have onsented to stand and must: e a full memer of a Memer Body and e nominated y the Memer Body of whih they are a full memer; or e an employee of a Memer Body and e nominated y the Memer Body of whih they are an employee. 5.2 The Board may from time to time estalish a Committee to onsider the skills alane of the Board and to assist with the nominations proess as the Board may determine. 5. Eleted Trustees in offie at the date of amendment of these Bylaws (Bylaw 19) 6.1 With effet from the lose of the General Meeting at whih the resolution to approve the amendment to these Bylaws is passed, the ten Eleted Trustees shall e those persons whose names are set out elow, who shall eah hold offie until the lose of the Annual General Meeting set against his or her name. Roert Ashford, 2017 Heather Barrett-Mold, 2017 Tom Blundell, 2016 Ian Campell, 2019 Simon Festing, 2018 Adam Law, 2019 Beverley Makenzie, 2018 Edmund Nikless, 2016 Stuart Palmer, 2018

5 Roert Parker, 2016 Philip Wright, The period of offie served y the Eleted Trustees named in regulation 6.1 prior to the date of adoption of these regulations shall ount as a term of offie for the purposes of Bylaw Proedure for Eleted Trustees (Bylaws 17-24) 7.1 Not later than 3 months efore the proposed date of the Annual General Meeting the Board shall notify the Memer Bodies of the numer of vaanies for Eleted Trustees whih will arise at the lose of the next Annual General Meeting together with the urrent skills requirement of the Brand and will invite Memer Bodies to nominate andidates to fill the vaanies for Eleted Trustees for the ensuing year. 7.2 The Chief Exeutive (or suh other person as the Board shall appoint) shall at as the Supervising Offier in relation to the proess of eleting Eleted Trustees. The deision of the Chief Exeutive (or other suh appointee) on any question arising in onnetion with the nomination and eletion proess or the validity of any part of the proess or proedures shall e final. 7.3 Nominations for eletion to the new Board shall e on the presried form availale from the Chief Exeutive. The nomination for eletion shall inlude the name of the proposed representative to the new Board and the Memer Body with whih he or she is onneted. Nominations must e reeived y the Chief Exeutive not later than six weeks prior to the proposed date of the Annual General Meeting. 7.4 Not less than 4 weeks efore the proposed date of the Annual General Meeting, the Board shall onsider the nominations reeived for eletion to the new Board. If insuffiient nominations for eletion have een reeived or the nominations do not reflet the alane of skills and expertise sought y the Board, the Board may nominate additional andidates from amongst the memers of the Memer Bodies seleted suh as to maintain an adequate alane of skills and sientifi expertise on the Board. If the Board reeives nominations in exess of the numer of vaanies then a allot will e held. 7.5 Ballot forms ontaining the name and other relevant details of the andidates for eletion shall e sent to eah Memer Body not less than four weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, in suh form as the Board may determine. The single transferale vote method of voting shall e used in relation to eah appointment and the allot form shall ontain suffiient instrutions to ensure the voting system is lear. 7.6 Ballot forms must e returned to the Counil y the date set out on the allot form whih shall e at least three working days prior to the date of Annual General Meeting. Any allot form reeived after that date will not e ounted. 7.7 Following the losing date of the allot, the Chief Exeutive (together with the President) shall open all the allot forms and determine the outome of the eletions. 7.8 The results of any allot or if there is no allot, the names of unontested andidates for eletion, shall e announed at the Annual General Meeting. 8. Co-options to the Board (Bylaw 25) 8.1 If, after an Annual General Meeting the Board onsiders that it does not have an adequate representation of relevant expertise in a partiular area, it may o-opt up to three additional Board Memers Any suh o-opted memers may serve for two years and may e renewed for a further two for a maximum of four onseutive years in aordane with Bylaw Provided that the Board has ated in aordane with these regulations, the deision of the Board shall e final. 9. Board memers disiplinary ations (Bylaw 28) 9.1 In the event that a omplaint is reeived against a Board memer, the Chief Exeutive shall write to the omplainant requesting a speifi statement of the omplaint. The aggrieved party shall e required to reply within 28 alendar days of the date of the letter

6 from the Chief Exeutive the omplaint will e forfeit. The grounds for omplaint shall e that the Board memer has: failed to attend 3 onseutive Board meetings or has otherwise failed to disharge his/her responsiilities as a Board memer without adequate reason; and/or ated in a manner disreditale to the Siene Counil 9.2 The Board shall set up a panel for the purpose of enquiry omprising a minimum of three memers, all of whom shall e past Board memers or former Presidents of the Memer Bodies provided that none of the memers of the panel shall e memers of the same Memer Body or Memer Bodies as the omplainant or memers of any Memer Body of whih the omplainant is or has een an Offier or an employee. There shall also e a non-voting seretary who may e the Chief Exeutive. The panel shall onsider the information presented. If the panel shall deide that there is no ase to answer, it shall instrut the Chief Exeutive to write to the aggrieved party informing the said party of its deision and that deision shall e deemed to e a deision of the Board and shall e final provided that, at the Board s disretion, the matter ould e reonsidered in the light of new information eing presented at a future oasion. If the panel deides that the matter should proeed to adjudiation, a date and time shall e set for a hearing and the omplainant shall e asked to withdraw from the Board until that date. A minimum of 28 alendar days notie of the hearing shall e given to all parties. 9.3 The panel shall ondut the adjudiation and shall appoint a Chair from its memers who shall have a asting vote in the event of a tie. 9.4 If the panel finds against the Board memer on whom the omplaint was laid it will determine appropriate disiplinary ation either immediately following its judgement at the end of the hearing or, not later than 7 days from the date of the hearing. The disiplinary ation shall take one of three forms, namely: a a a. a reprimand with or without reommended ation(s),. suspension of Board memership pending fulfilment of required ation(s) agreed etween the panel and the Board memer, or. a reommendation to the Counil that the offie of the Board memer e terminated forthwith. If the deision of the panel is to reommend the termination of memership, then the requirements of Bylaw 30 shall apply. The Board memer shall have 28 days from the date on whih the deision was notified to the Board memer in whih to appeal against a deision of the Board in aordane with regulation 10 and no resolution shall e put to the Counil until suh period has expired and the outome of any appeal is known. 9.5 The removal of a Board memer y the Counil shall take effet from the time at whih the resolution is passed y the Counil. 9.6 Any additional rules estalished for the preparation and exeution of disiplinary ations shall e appended to the notie of the hearing together with the relevant regulations. 10. Board memers appeals (Bylaw 30) 10.1 In the event of an appeal against a disiplinary ation or proposed reommendation to the Counil of the termination of memership of the Board, the Chief Exeutive shall write to the appellant Board memer requesting a statement of the speifi grounds for the appeal, whih shall e: (i) that additional information, whih ould not reasonaly have een presented at the time of the hearing in Regulation 9.2 is availale or (ii) proper proedures have not een followed. In the ase of (i) aove, if the Board onsiders there are grounds for appeal, it shall diret the panel to reonvene. In the ase of (ii) aove, if the Board onsiders there are grounds

7 for appeal, it shall onvene a new panel in aordane with Regulation 9.2 and whose memers have served on the first panel, whih shall reonsider the omplaint. The appellant Board memer shall e required to reply within 28 days of the date of the letter from the Chief Exeutive or efore the date of the next Board Meeting, whihever is later, or the appeal shall e forfeit The deision of the panel shall e deemed to e a deision of the Counil and shall e final. If the panel deides that a Board Memer should e reinstated, he shall e reinstated from the date upon whih the deision of the panel is made Any additional rules estalished for the preparation and exeution of appeals shall e appended to the notie of the appeal hearing together with the relevant regulations. 11. Eletion of President (Bylaw 33) 11.1 Not less than 6 weeks efore the Annual General Meeting at whih the President is to retire, the Chief Exeutive shall send notie to all Memer Bodies of the Board s nomination for President together with the presried form for nominations to e made y Memer Bodies and a detailed jo desription (whih sets out the primary role and funtions of the President, the skills sought and an estimate of the time ommitment required) Any andidate for President must e eligile for the designation of Chartered Sientist. 12. Signing Douments (Bylaw 38) 12.1 The Board shall determine the names of persons empowered to sign heques and other douments on ehalf of the Counil. 13. Meetings of the Board (Bylaw 43) 13.1 The President may and, on the request of three memers of the Board, the Chief Exeutive shall, at any time, summon a meeting of the Board y notie served upon the several memers of the Board. When a meeting is onvened at the request of three memers the notie of meeting shall state the nature of the usiness to e disussed and any resolution to e voted on. Only usiness of whih notie shall e so given shall e onsidered at the meeting The memers for the time eing of the Board may at notwithstanding any vaany in their ody; provided always that in ase the memers of the Board shall at any time e, or e redued in numer to, less than the minimum numer presried y or in aordane with the Bylaws, it shall e lawful for them to at as the Board for the purpose of approving Organisations to memership of the Counil, filling up vaanies in their ody, or of summoning a General Meeting, ut not for any other purpose. 14. Proedure for allots (Bylaw 54) 14.1 In the event that a vote y allot has to e taken at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting, the Chief Exeutive (or a person appointed to fulfil that role) shall prepare allot papers ontaining suffiient information where appropriate to enale the voting memers to vote on the matter Eah voting representative shall e offered a allot paper for whih said representative will sign against his or her name on a list ontaining the names of all voting representatives and their Memer Bodies present at the meeting The President or Chair of the meeting shall inform the voting representatives of the options availale and how to mark their allot papers Eah voting representative may reord his or her vote on the allot paper and shall return it to the Chief Exeutive to e ounted When the Chair of the Meeting has determined that no further voting papers will e returned, the Chief Exeutive shall ount the votes for eah option under the srutiny of two persons appointed at the meeting and inform the Chair of the numer of votes ast for eah option, the numer of allot papers not returned and the numer of spoilt papers The Chair shall announe the result of the allot.

8 14.7 In the event that a allot for the eletion of President is held, eah voting representative shall mark a ross against the name of one andidate. If one of the andidates for President is hairing the meeting, he or she shall yield the Chair to one of the voting representatives present who shall e appointed y the meeting as temporary Chair for the duration of the allot. 15. Appointment of Proxies (Bylaw 54) 15.1 A Memer Body entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting shall e entitled to appoint a proxy. The instrument appointing a proxy shall e in writing duly signed on ehalf of the Memer Body y the nominated representative To e valid, the instrument appointing a proxy shall e deposited at the registered offie of the Counil (or suh other plae as is speified for that purpose in the notie overing the General Meeting) not less than 48 hours efore the time for holding the meeting An instrument appointing a proxy shall e suh form as shall e approved y the Board from time to time. 16. Registration Authority memership (Bylaw 56) 16.1 In addition to the Chair the minimum numer of the memers of the Registration Authority shall e one Board memer and three memers appointed y the Board from the Liensed Bodies in aordane with the Bylaws and four memers appointed y the Board who shall e individuals with appropriate professional expertise. The term of the Chair shall e up to a maximum of four years, and that for a memer (unless ex offiio) up to a maximum of three years The period of ontinuous servie on the Registration Authority shall e restrited to two terms with the sole exeption that three ontinuous terms may e served if the third term is as Chair. (Thus the sequene memer/memer/chair is permitted, whereas memer/memer/memer; memer/chair/memer; or Chair/memer/memer is not). 17. Registrar 17.1 The Board shall have the right to appoint a Registrar to administer the Siene Counil professional registers. The Registrar will e responsile to the Chief Exeutive and will support the work of the Registration Authority. 18. Committees (Bylaw 59) 18.1 The Board shall presrie the terms of referene, the memership and authority to vote of any ommittee, working group or other ody that it sets up together with regulation of any aspets of the proeedings of suh ommittee, working group or other ody as it deems neessary. 19. Registration Authority - duties (Bylaw 78 and Bylaw 79) 19.1 The Registration Authority, on ehalf of the Board, shall arry out the following funtions In relation to standards it shall d a. develop and maintain standards of admission to the Registers of Chartered Sientist, Registered Sientist and Registered Siene Tehniian, and. set standards for the award and retention of the designations Chartered Sientist and and Registered Sientist and Registered Siene Tehniian In relation to quality assurane it shall a. liense Memer Bodies to award and remove the designation of professional designations,. monitor the ativities of Liensed Bodies with respet to the Counil s

9 Professional Registers and give guidane, speify information required and give diretions on the format of appliation douments,. ensure that Liensed Bodies estalish and maintain appropriate ode of ondut, disiplinary proedures inluding routines for the onsideration of omplaints of unprofessional ondut and a related appeals proedure, and ensure that Liensed Bodies adopt and pursue suh routines and proedures, d d. require arrangements to e made onerning the professional development and maintenane of professional ondut of registrants The Registration Authority shall also arry out any other funtions that may e presried y the Board from time to time The Registration Authority may set up ommittees or working groups to arry out any of the aove The Registration Authority, sujet to any guidane or resolution of the Board, may regulate its proeedings as it thinks fit. 20. Registration Authority quality assurane (Bylaw 78) 20.1 The Registration Authority may speify in guidane douments the features required of quality assurane proesses of Liensed Bodies The initial liensing assessment of Memer Bodies and monitoring of their ativities in relation to retention of the liene shall e arried out y quality assurane assessors appointed y the Registration Authority The assessors shall maintain onfidentiality of the details of any memers of the Memer Bodies to whih they have aess Post assessment the Memer Body will e provided with a written report approved y the Registration Authority setting out the asis of any deision. The report will e onfidential to the assessors and to the Registration Authority with the exeption of the final deision whih will e availale to any Memer Body through the Chief Exeutive In the event of a disiplinary ation or an appeal, any of the information detailed in regulation 20.4 and deemed relevant to that disiplinary ation or appeal y the Registration Authority shall e made availale to the Board and to the panel set up to hear the appeal Assessors shall not assess Memer Bodies of whom they are memers. 21. Requirements for appliation for a liene (Bylaw 80) 21.1 Memer Bodies who wish to e liensed to award any or all of the designations Chartered Sientist or Registered Sientist or Registered Siene Tehniian shall ontat the Registrar who shall send the Memer Body an appliation form together with details of the riteria neessary to make an appliation The riteria for a Memer Body to apply for a liene to award for any of the Professional Registers shall e that it is reognised as a professional ody, and: e d a. the Body is a memer of the Siene Counil,. the Memer Body has at least one memership entry standard that is ased on standards of ompetene as attested y an appropriate qualifiation and relevant professional pratie, or relevant professional pratie,. the Memer Body has an appropriate level of experiene administering entry standards or has made approved arrangements with another Liensed Body to do so, d. the memers holding registration on a Siene Counil professional register are ound y a Code of Professional Condut and the Liensed Body has disiplinary proedures, and

10 e e. the Memer Body is ommitted to monitoring the professional development of its Siene Counil registrant memers and is ale to do so. The applying Memer Body shall also agree to e assessed y the Registration Authority and to pay any speified non-returnale appliation fee Completed appliation forms together with any other information supplied y the applying Memer Body shall e passed to the Registration Authority For those Memer Bodies unale to meet the riteria for Liensing, an appropriate agreement with an existing Liensed Body or Liensed Bodies may e possile. Any ilateral agreement will e sujet to approval and review y the Registration Authority. 22. Requirements for the award of a liene (Bylaws 80 and 81) 22.1 On reeipt of an appliation for a liene, the Registration Authority shall onsider the information sumitted and provided that the applying Memer Body appears to meet the riteria the Registration Authority will then appoint a panel of assessors to make an assessment in aordane with any guidelines whih it may presrie The primary funtion of the assessment shall e to examine the way in whih the Memer Body maintains and applies its own memer standards and how it operates its own professional development sheme with a view to the Memer Body demonstrating that it would e ale to apply the standards set y the Board. Additionally, evidene of ompliane to the other riteria will e sought The assessors shall present their findings to the Registration Authority. The deision of the Registration Authority shall e sumitted in writing to the applying Memer Body. One of the following three deisions shall e made, namely f a. to award a liene,. to award a liene sujet to the fulfilment of ertain onditions, or. not to award a liene. 23. Maintenane of liene (Bylaw 83) 23.1 Liensed Bodies shall e periodially reviewed as stated in Bylaw 83. Reviews shall have the primary funtion of examining the Liensed Body to ensure that it is maintaining the standards for the award of the professional designations for whih is has een liensed and that all other speified riteria are eing fulfilled. Suh reviews shall e onduted at a frequeny determined y the Registration Authority ut shall e at a minimum of every five years The assessors shall present their findings to the Registration Authority. The deision of the Registration Authority shall e sumitted in writing to the Memer Body. One of the following four deisions shall e made, namely d a. to renew the liene,. to onditionally renew the liene sujet to the fulfilment of ertain onditions, or. to suspend the liene pending ertain onditions, or d. to reommend to the Board non-renewal of the liene. 24. Liensed Bodies liensing fees (Bylaw 99)

11 24.1 The Board may set, and at its disretion vary, appliation and annual fees for liensing of Memer Bodies The Board may harge, at its own disretion and on the request of the Registration Authority, Liensed Bodies assessment fees for assessments that are arried out in addition to the usual sheduled assessments. 25. Registrants Disiplinary Ation (Bylaw 85) 25.1 A omplainant ringing a omplaint against the ondut of a registrant in relation to Bylaw 80 () shall e referred to the registrant s Liensed Body. The Liensed Body shall onsider the omplaint in aordane with the terms of the Liene. The Registration Authority shall at upon any reommendation from the Liensed Body in respet of the sientist s registration Appeals against removal from the Registers shall e onsidered in aordane with Bylaw Liensed Bodies shall inform the Siene Counil within 30 days of the name and date of irth of any person who has een removed y them from the Professional Registers for disiplinary reasons. With referene to Bylaw 87, this information shall e availale on request y Liensed Bodies provided that the request is for purposes of proessing an appliation for registration and for no other reason. 26. Liensed Bodies Disiplinary Ation 26.1 Complaints against a Liensed Body in relation to adherene to the terms of the Liene shall e onsidered in aordane with the requirements of [Regulation 3]. In addition to the provisions of [Regulation 3.5] the Counil may suspend or withdraw the Body s Liene In the event of suspension or withdrawal of a Liene, individual registrants shall not neessarily ease to e registrants in aordane with Bylaw Professional Registers (Bylaw 87) 27.1 The Siene Counil shall have responsiility for the maintenane of the Professional Registers of Chartered Sientist, Registered Sientist and Registered Siene Tehniian Eah Liensed Body shall maintain a register of those memers who have een admitted y them to the Registers The Registers maintained y the Siene Counil and those maintained y the Liensed Bodies shall inlude information on eah registrant, namely e a. full name and titles,. address (inluding address where appropriate). date of irth, d d. gender, e e. individual registrant numer, f f. date of the award, g g. date of renewal of award, and h h. qualifying Liensed Body i i. suh other information as shall e required from time to time agreed y the majority of the Board present at a meeting of the Board after onsideration of the views of the Liensed Bodies. Additionally the Liensed Body shall retain reords of the asis on whih the award was made The Chief Exeutive shall request quarterly returns from eah of the Liensed Bodies detailing information on j a. new registrants,. renewal of registrations,

12 d. registrants who have not renewed, d. removal of registrants For new registrants and renewal of existing registrants, the information required in regulation 26.3 shall e sumitted with the return. For registrants who have not renewed their registration, the return should ontain suffiient information to enale the Counil to identify and remove them from the Register. In the ases of new appliants who have failed to ahieve registration and of former registrants who have failed to ahieve reregistration, the Liensed Body shall return the name, address, date of irth, date of failure, and date of original registration if appliale to the Siene Counil The Counil may pulish the Professional Registers in whatever form it may deide The pulished Registers shall inlude name, awarding Liensed Body and individual registrant numer. 28. Professional Registers qualifying standards (Bylaw 92) 28.1 A registrant shall e a person who is ale to demonstrate to the relevant Liensed Body: knowledge and understanding to the level speified and pulished y the Board ompetene in the following five areas to the level speified and pulished y the Siene Counil o Appliation of knowledge and understanding o Personal responsiility o Interpersonal skills o Professional pratie o Professional standards ontinuing professional development in aordane with the Board s pulished standards ongoing ompliane with the Board s pulished Model Rules of Condut as well as the Code of Condut of their Liensed Body 28.2 The Board shall pulish in shedules the standards speifi for eah of the Professional Registers it maintains The Liensed Body shall ensure that appliants are in possession of any guidelines that relate to the riteria outlined in regulations 28.1 and Suessful appliants will, on payment of the required fees, e entitled to the use the designatory letters CSi or CSiTeah or RSi or RSiTeh as appropriate to the registration they have ahieved 28.5 Registrants who wish to renew their registration shall onfirm annually to their respetive Liensed Body that they omply with the standards as determined from time to time y the Registration Authority, inluding: e a. partiipation in appropriate professional development, and. ontinuing pratie suh that sientifi knowledge or pratie at an appropriate level have formed the asis for the fulfilment of their role One granted a liene, Liensed Bodies, that an to the satisfation of the Registration Authority identify groups of memers for whih the urrent entry standard is at or aove the level of demand for registration, may offer grandparenting arrangements for a limited period to persons in those groups, irrespetive of the admission riteria at the time the partiular individual was admitted to the identified group of memers. 29. Registrants fees (Bylaw 99) 29.1 The Board shall set the annual fees for registrants to the Professional Registers The amount deided for the registrant fee shall take effet from 1 st January and shall e ommuniated to Liensed Bodies not less than twelve months in advane. Registrant fees are the property of the Siene Counil and will e olleted through the Liensed

13 Bodies to e paid quarterly with the returns required in regulation The Liensed Bodies may add an additional harge to the registrant s fee and will e required to notify the additional amount to the Chief Exeutive on the quarterly return. The Chief Exeutive shall inform, on request, any Liensed Body of the average and the range of these additional harges On ehalf of the Registration Authority, Liensed Bodies shall issue to registrants upon payment of a fee presried y the Counil, a ertifiate ertifying entry to the Professional Registers. The fee shall e forwarded to the Counil. The ertifiates shall remain the property of the Counil. In the event of essation of registration, the Liensed Body shall ensure that the ertifiate is returned y the registrant and forwarded to the Counil. END

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