Free Parking: Nevada

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1 This does not constitute tax advice. All persons considering use of available incentives should consult with their own tax professional to determine eligibility, specific amount of benefit available, if any, and further details. STATE OF NEVADA Free Parking: Nevada Short Description: All Local authorities with public metered parking areas within their jurisdiction must establish a program for alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) to park in these areas without paying a fee. Beneficiary: Driver of an electric vehicle who has the permit obtained through their local authorities Type of Incentive: Parking Incentive Effective Dates: Current Benefit, No Sunset Date Value of Benefit: Non-cash Benefit Full Description: All local authorities with public metered parking areas within their jurisdiction must establish a program for AFVs to park in these areas without paying a fee. Each local authority is responsible for creating an application process and issuing a distinctive decal for AFVs. The fee for the decal may not exceed $10 per year. This requirement does not apply to parking areas associated with an airport. (Reference Nevada Revised Statutes 484A.468) State Statutory References: Nevada Revised Statutes 484A.468 #NRS484ASec468 Other Link(s): Application can be found on local authority s websites Ex: Las Vegas Application: prd pdf AFDC Website: Contact Information: Local Authority

2 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Permit Application Information Please Note: This program does not apply to hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius, Ford Fusion, Smart Car, etc. Unless your electric vehicle can be recharged by plugging it into a charger, it does not qualify for this program. In accordance with Nevada State Law, the City of Las Vegas has established a parking permit program for alternative fuel vehicles. The city will issue permits to qualifying vehicles allowing them to park for free at parking facilities it operates, including on-street parking meters. There are limitations to the use of this permit and penalties associated with its misuse. You are required to certify that you have read and understood the terms of this program and to declare under penalty of perjury that you certify the accuracy of the information you have provided, as well as any documentation you have provided the documentation required to prove the vehi Any certified vehicle bearing a permit may park without paying a fee at any city-enforced parking facility free of charge (including on-street parking meters). Permits are issued to the vehicle and are only valid while displayed on this vehicle. This permit does not allow the vehicle to: Exceed the posted time limit for that space Park illegally in any way Park in a posted permit space, loading zone, reserved parking space, etc Park for free during posted special events The applicant must be the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle. The cost for this permit is $20 per renewal, payable at the time of application. An annual proration will be applied at $10 per year. The permit is good for two years; the vehicle must be recertified every two years and a new permit must be paid for at our Parking Services office. Any misuse of this permit, including but not limited to alteration, display on a non-qualifying vehicle, duplication, etc. may result in either a $500 fine or a misdemeanor offense issued/charged to the registered owner or lessee of the vehicle. Once you have filled out this form and obtained any required documentation, please: 1) Bring all paperwork to the Parking Services Office at 500 S Main St., Las Vegas, NV ) You must also bring the vehicle you are seeking a permit for. Our parking staff will need to visually inspect the vehicle in order to authorize issuance of the permit; we will make every effort to ensure this is done during your initial visit. 3) Once the issuance of the permit is authorized, you will be able to pay the $20 permit fee per renewal and receive your permit. If you have any questions about this program, please contact us at (702)

3 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parking Permit Vehicle Certification & Application Registered Owner/Lessee: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: VEHICLE: License Plate: Vin: Make: Model: Year: Color: INTERNAL USE ONLY Required Vehicle Specifications: Vehicle is equipped with 4 wheels Vehicle is propelled to a significant extent by an electric motor drawing electricity from a battery that (check one): Vehicle is made by: (check one): Has a minimum capacity of 4 kilowatt hours and An original equipment manufacturer can be charged from an external electricity source (Nissan, Chevy, Tesla, etc.) Or Solely by natural gas, hydrogen or propane and meets or exceeds the federal Tier 2 bin 2 exhaust emission standard** *A qualified vehicle modifier of alternative fuel vehicles. Vehicle is manufactured PRIMARILY for use on public streets, roads and highways. Vehicle has a gross vehicle weight of less than 8,500 lbs. Vehicle can maintain a maximum rate of speed of at least 70 miles per hour. *A qualified modifier of alternative fuel vehicles is a manufacturer that is directly authorized by the original manufacturer of the vehicle to modify the vehicle to run on an alternative fuel. If your vehicle has been modified, proof of authorization from the original manufacturer of the vehicle is required in a form acceptable to the City of Las Vegas. ** Compliance with this emission standard must be provided by the original manufacturer or the qualified modifier, if modified. Vehicle Vin & LP verified: Vehicle RO/Lessee verified: Permit fee received: Permit Number: I certify that I have read and understood the terms of this program and declare under penalty of perjury, pursuant to Nevada law, that the foregoing information and documentation provided by me is true and correct. Date Signature

4 NRS : CHA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y ttp : /w w w.le g.s ta te.n v.u s /Div is io n /L e g a l/l a w L ib ra ry /NRS /NRS -84 A.h tm l Pa g e o f 6 0 /1 /0 1 4 [R e v.11/21/201312:06:42p M--2013] C HA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y GE NE RA LPROVISI ONS NRS484A.005 Pu r p o se so fc h a p te r s484a to 484E,in c lu sive,o fnrs. NRS484A.010 De fin itio n s. NRS484A.015 A lle y de fin e d. NRS484A.020 A u th o r ize de me r g e n c yve h ic le de fin e d. NRS484A.025 Bic yc le de fin e d. NRS484A.030 Bu s de fin e d. NRS484A.035 Bu ssta n d de fin e d. NRS484A.040 C e n te r a n d c e n te r lin e de fin e d. NRS484A.045 C ity de fin e d. NRS484A.050 C o mb in a tio n o fve h ic le s de fin e d. NRS484A.055 C o mme r c ia l ve h ic le de fin e d. NRS484A.060 C o n tr o lle d-a c c e ssh ig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.065 C r o sswa lk de fin e d. NRS484A.070 Divide dh ig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.075 Dr ive a wa y-to wa wa yo p e r a tio n de fin e d. NRS484A.080 Dr ive r de fin e d. NRS484A.085 E xp lo sive s de fin e d. NRS484A.090 Fu n e r a l p r o c e ssio n de fin e d. NRS484A.095 Hig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.100 Ho u se tr a ile r de fin e d. NRS484A.105 I n te r se c tio n de fin e d. NRS484A.110 La n e dh ig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.115 Lo c a l a u th o r ity de fin e d. NRS484A.120 Ma n u fa c tu r e dh o me de fin e d. NRS484A.125 Mo p e d de fin e d. NRS484A.130 Mo to r ve h ic le de fin e d. NRS484A.135 Mo to r c yc le de fin e d. NRS484A.140 No n r e side n t de fin e d. NRS484A.145 Offic ia l tr a ffic -c o n tr o l de vic e de fin e d. NRS484A.147 Or ig in a l e qu ip me n t ma n u fa c tu r e r de fin e d.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.150 Own e r de fin e d. NRS484A.155 Pa r k a n d p a r kin g de fin e d. NRS484A.160 Pa sse n g e r c a r de fin e d. NRS484A.165 Pe de str ia n de fin e d. NRS484A.170 Pe r so n with a disa b ilitywh ic h limitso r imp a ir sth e a b ilityto wa lk de fin e d. NRS484A.175 Po le tr a ile r de fin e d. NRS484A.180 Po lic e o ffic e r de fin e d. NRS484A.185 Pr e mise sto wh ic h th e p u b lic h a sa c c e ss de fin e d. NRS484A.190 Pr iva te wa y a n d dr ive wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.195 Pu b lic a u th o r ity de fin e d. NRS484A.196 Qu a lifie da lte r n a tive fu e l de fin e d.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.197 Qu a lifie da lte r n a tive fu e l ve h ic le de fin e d.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.198 Qu a lifie dve h ic le mo difie r o fa lte r n a tive fu e l ve h ic le s de fin e d.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.200 Ra ilr o a d de fin e d. NRS484A.205 Re g u la to r ya g e n c y de fin e d. NRS484A.210 Rig h t-o f-wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.215 Ro a d de fin e d. NRS484A.220 Ro a dwa y de fin e d. NRS484A.225 Ru r a l a r e a de fin e d. NRS484A.230 Sc h o o l b u s de fin e d. NRS484A.235 Se mitr a ile r de fin e d. NRS484A.240 Side wa lk de fin e d. NRS484A.245 Sp e c ia l mo b ile e qu ip me n t de fin e d. NRS484A.250 Sta n d a n d sta n din g de fin e d. NRS484A.255 Sto p de fin e d. NRS484A.260 Sto p a n d sto p p in g de fin e d. NRS484A.265 Str e e t de fin e d. NRS484A.270 Ta xic a b de fin e d. NRS484A.275 Th r o u g h h ig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.280 To wc a r de fin e d. NRS484A.285 Tr a ffic de fin e d. NRS484A.290 Tr a ffic -c o n tr o l sig n a l de fin e d. NRS484A.295 Tr a ile r de fin e d.

5 NRS : CHA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y ttp : /w w w.le g.s ta te.n v.u s /Div is io n /L e g a l/l a w L ib ra ry /NRS /NRS -84 A.h tm l Pa g e o f 6 0 /1 /0 1 4 NRS484A.300 Tr a ve le dp o r tio n o fh ig h wa y de fin e d. NRS484A.305 Tr u c k de fin e d. NRS484A.310 Tr u c k-tr a c to r de fin e d. NRS484A.315 Ur b a n a r e a de fin e d. NRS484A.320 Ve h ic le de fin e d. POWE RSOFSTA TE A NDLOC A LA UTHORITIE S NRS484A.400 Pr o visio n su n ifo r mth r o u g h o u t Sta te ;lo c a l a u th o r ityp r o h ib ite dfr o me n a c tin g c e r ta in o r din a n c e s;tr ia l fo r sa me o ffe n se p r o h ib ite d. NRS484A.410 C ityo r c o u n tyma ya do p t p e n a ltie sfo r c e r ta in vio la tio n so fdr ivin g u n de r in flu e n c e o fa lc o h o l o r p r o h ib ite d su b sta n c e ;p e r so n c o n vic te do fvio la tio n o fc ityo r c o u n tyo r din a n c e su b je c t to o th e r p r o visio n so f la wfo r su c h vio la tio n. NRS484A.420 Po we r so flo c a l a u th o r ity. NRS484A.430 A do p tio n o fma n u a l a n dsp e c ific a tio n sfo r de vic e sfo r c o n tr o l o ftr a ffic b yde p a r tme n t o ftr a n sp o r ta tio n. NRS484A.440 Lo c a l de vic e fo r c o n tr o l o ftr a ffic. NRS484A.450 De sig n a tio n o fth r o u g h h ig h wa ysa n din te r se c tio n sr e qu ir in g sto p o r yie ld;ve h ic le e n te r in g in te r se c tio n. NRS484A.460 A u th o r ity o fde p a r tme n t o ftr a n sp o r ta tio n to de sig n a te c a r p o o l la n e s;du tie so fde p a r tme n t o f Tr a n sp o r ta tio n ;r e g u la tio n s. NRS484A.463 A u th o r ityo fde p a r tme n t o ftr a n sp o r ta tio n to a do p t r e g u la tio n sto a llo wc e r ta in lo we missio n a n de n e r g y- e ffic ie n t ve h ic le sto b e o p e r a te din la n e de sig n a te dfo r h ig h -o c c u p a n c yve h ic le s.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.463 A u th o r ityo fde p a r tme n t o ftr a n sp o r ta tio n to a do p t r e g u la tio n sto a llo wc e r ta in lo we missio n a n de n e r g y- e ffic ie n t ve h ic le sto b e o p e r a te din la n e de sig n a te dfo r h ig h -o c c u p a n c yve h ic le s.[e ffe c tive Ja n u a r y 1,2018.] NRS484A.467 C o u n tyo r c itya u th o r ize dto a do p t o r din a n c e to a llo wlo we missio n a n de n e r g y-e ffic ie n t ve h ic le sto tr a ve l in de sig n a te dla n e in p la n n e dc o mmu n ity. NRS484A.468 Pa r kin g p r o g r a m fo r qu a lifie d a lte r n a tive fu e l ve h ic le s:re qu ir e me n tsfo r e sta b lish me n t b y lo c a l a u th o r itie s;fe e a u th o r ize d;a u th o r iza tio n fo r p a r tic ip a tin g qu a lifie dve h ic le to sto p,sta n do r p a r k with o u t p a yme n t;e xc e p tio n s.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] NRS484A.470 A u th o r ityo fde p a r tme n t to a do p t r e g u la tio n sc o n c e r n in g sp e c ia l mo b ile e qu ip me n t. NRS484A.480 De sig n a tio n o fa u th o r ize de me r g e n c yve h ic le s;e qu ip me n t;limita tio n so n u se o fwa r n in g de vic e s. NRS484A.490 Pe r mit fo r a u th o r ize de me r g e n c yve h ic le issu e dto o th e r ve h ic le s;c e r ta in ve h ic le sn o t c o n side r e de me r g e n c y ve h ic le s. C ITA TI ONSA NDA RRE STSFOR VI OLA TIONSOFTRA FFIC LA WS C ITA TIONS NRS484A.600 Use b yg o ve r n me n ta l e n tityo r a g e n t o fp h o to g r a p h ic,vide o o r dig ita l e qu ip me n t to g a th e r e vide n c e fo r issu a n c e o ftr a ffic c ita tio n. NRS484A.610 Issu a n c e o ffo r msfo r tr a ffic c ita tio n s;r e c o r ds. NRS484A.620 C o p yo fc ita tio n de e me dla wfu l c o mp la in t. NRS484A.630 C ita tio n :C o n te n ts;5-da yn o tic e to a p p e a r in c o u r t;wr itte n p r o mise to a p p e a r. NRS484A.640 Ma tc h in g o fc e r ta in in fo r ma tio n b e fo r e o ffic e r issu e sc ita tio n o r ma ke sa r r e st;wh e n o ffic e r ma ya r r e st dr ive r fo r p r io r o ffe n se. NRS484A.650 Offic e r to de ma n dp r o o fo fin su r a n c e ;c ita tio n fo r o p e r a tio n o fve h ic le with o u t in su r a n c e o r fo r fa ilu r e to p r e se n t p r o o fo fin su r a n c e. NRS484A.660 Issu a n c e o fc ita tio n a t sc e n e o fa c c ide n t. NRS484A.670 E ffe c t o fvio la tio n o fwr itte n p r o mise to a p p e a r ;wh e n a p p e a r a n c e b yc o u n se l in lie u o fp e r so n a l a p p e a r a n c e isa u th o r ize d. NRS484A.680 Disp o sitio n a n dr e c o r dso ftr a ffic c ita tio n s. NRS484A.690 A u dit o fr e c o r dso ftr a ffic c ita tio n s. NRS484A.700 Wh e n wa r r a n t fo r fa ilu r e to o b e yc ita tio n fo r p a r kin g vio la tio n ma yb e issu e d. A RRE STS NRS484A.710 A r r e st with o u t wa r r a n t fo r c e r ta in o ffe n se s. NRS484A.720 Wh e n p e r so n mu st b e ta ke n imme dia te lyb e fo r e ma g istr a te. NRS484A.730 Wh e n p e a c e o ffic e r h a so p tio n to g ive c ita tio n o r ta ke p e r so n b e fo r e ma g istr a te. NRS484A.740 A r r e st o fn o n r e side n t. NRS484A.750 A p p e a r a n c e b e fo r e ma g istr a te h a vin g ju r isdic tio n. NRS484A.760 Re le a se o fde fe n da n t wh e n ma g istr a te n o t a va ila b le. NRS484A.770 Pr o c e du r e p r e sc r ib e dfo r a r r e st with o u t wa r r a n t n o t e xc lu sive. MISC E LLA NE OUSPROVI SI ONS NRS484A.800 Sp o n so r o fsp e c ia l e ve n t to p r o vide fo r c o n tr o l o fve h ic u la r tr a ffic. GE NE RA LVIOLA TI ONS

6 NRS : CHA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y ttp : /w w w.le g.s ta te.n v.u s /Div is io n /L e g a l/l a w L ib ra ry /NRS /NRS -84 A.h tm l Pa g e 3o f 6 0 /1 /0 1 4 NRS484A.900 Pe n a ltyfo r vio la tio n o ftr a ffic la wwh e n n o p e n a ltyp r o vide din sta tu te ;u th o r ityo fc o u r t to o r de r r e p e a t o ffe n de r to p a yfo r a n da tte n dsc h o o l fo r dr ive r tr a in in g. _ NOTE : Se c tio n 8o fc h a p te r 472,Sta tu te so fne va da 2011,a t p.2876,h a sb e e n c o difie da snrs 482A.020,482A.030,482A.050a n d482a.100. _ GE NE RA LPROVISI ONS NRS484A.005 Pu r p o se so fc h a p te rs 4 84 A to 4 84 E,in c lu sive,o fnrs. Th e p u rp o s e s o fc h a p te rs 4 84 A to 4 84 E, in c lu s iv e, o f NRS a re to : 1. Esta b lis h tra ffic la w s w h ic h a re u n ifo rm th ro u g h o u t th e S ta te o f Ne v a d a, w h e th e r o r n o t in c o rp o ra te d in to lo c a l o rd in a n c e s. 2. M in im ize th e d iffe re n c e s b e tw e e n th e tra ffic la w s o f th e S ta te o f Ne v a d a a n d th o s e o f o th e r sta te s. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.010 De fin itio n s. A s u se d in c h a p te rs 4 84 A to 4 84 E, in c lu siv e, o f NRS, u n le ss th e c o n te x t o th e rw is e re q u ire s, th e w o rd s a n d te rm s d e fin e d in NRS 4 84 A.0 1 5to 4 84 A.32 0, in c lu s iv e, h a v e th e m e a n in g s a s c rib e d to th e m in th o se s e c tio n s. (A d d e d to NRS b y , , ;A , 4 4 8;1 9 75, ;1 9 81, 62 1 ;1 9 87, ;1 9 89, 2 9 1, 79 8; , , , 2 586; , 568; , ; , 380 ; , 2 1, 72 ; , 39 7; , 2 876) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r p a rt o f NRS ) NRS484A.015 A lle y de fin e d. A lle y m e a n s a h ig h w a y : 1. With in a c ity b lo c k s e t a p a rt fo r p u b lic u se, v e h ic u la r tra ffic a n d lo c a l c o n v e n ie n c e. 2. Wh ic h p rim a rily s e rv ic e s a c c e s s to th e re a r e n tra n c e o f a b u ttin g p ro p e rty. 3. De sig n e d fo r th e sp e c ia l a c c o m m o d a tio n o f a b u ttin g p ro p e rty, b u t n o t a c u l-d e -sa c. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.020 A u th o r ize de me r g e n c yve h ic le de fin e d. A u th o rize d e m e rg e n c y v e h ic le m e a n s a v e h ic le p e rm itte d to d e p a rt fro m c e rta in tra ffic la w s w h e n e q u ip p e d a n d o p e ra te d in th e m a n n e r p ro v id e d b y la w. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.025 Bic yc le de fin e d. B ic y c le m e a n s a d e v ic e p ro p e lle d b y h u m a n p o w e r u p o n w h ic h a p e rso n m a y rid e, h a v in g tw o ta n d e m w h e e ls e ith e r o f w h ic h is o v e r 1 4 in c h e s in d ia m e te r, o r e v e ry s u c h d e v ic e g e n e ra lly re c o g n ize d a s a b ic y c le th o u g h e q u ip p e d w ith tw o fro n t o r tw o re a r w h e e ls e x c e p t a m o p e d. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.030 Bu s de fin e d. B u s m e a n s a v e h ic le o w n e d b y th e S ta te, a p o litic a l s u b d iv isio n o r a p riv a te s c h o o l o r n u rse ry, d e s ig n e d fo r c a rry in g m o re th a n 1 0 p a s se n g e rs a n d u s e d fo r th e tra n s p o rta tio n o f p e rs o n s, o r a v e h ic le, o th e r th a n a ta x ic a b, d e sig n e d a n d u se d fo r th e tra n sp o rta tio n o f p e rso n s fo r c o m p e n sa tio n. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.035 Bu ssta n d de fin e d. B u s s ta n d m e a n s a fix e d a re a in o r a d ja c e n t to th e h ig h w a y to b e o c c u p ie d e x c lu siv e ly b y b u se s fo r la y o v e r a n d o p e ra tin g s c h e d u le s o r in re c e iv in g o r d isc h a rg in g p a s se n g e rs. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.040 C e n te r a n d c e n te r lin e de fin e d. Ce n te r o r c e n te rlin e m e a n s a c o n tin u o u s o r b ro k e n lin e m a rk e d u p o n th e su rfa c e o f a h ig h w a y b y p a in t o r o th e rw ise to in d ic a te e a c h p o rtio n o f a h ig h w a y a llo c a te d to tra ffic p ro c e e d in g in th e tw o o p p o s ite d ire c tio n s, a n d, if a lin e is n o t m a rk e d, it is a n im a g in a ry lin e in th e h ig h w a y e q u a lly d is ta n t fro m th e e d g e s o r c u rb s o f th e h ig h w a y. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.045 C ity de fin e d. C ity m e a n s a n y in c o rp o ra te d c ity, w h e th e r in c o rp o ra te d u n d e r g e n e ra l o r s p e c ia l la w. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.050 C o mb in a tio n o fve h ic le s de fin e d. C o m b in a tio n o f v e h ic le s m e a n s tw o o r m o re v e h ic le s c o u p le d to g e th e r. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.055 C o mme r c ia l ve h ic le de fin e d. Co m m e rc ia l v e h ic le m e a n s e v e ry v e h ic le d e s ig n e d, m a in ta in e d o r u se d p rim a rily fo r th e tra n sp o rta tio n o f p ro p e rty in fu rth e ra n c e o f c o m m e rc ia l e n te rp rise.

7 NRS : CHA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y ttp : /w w w.le g.s ta te.n v.u s /Div is io n /L e g a l/l a w L ib ra ry /NRS /NRS -84 A.h tm l Pa g e o f 6 0 /1 /0 1 4 (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A 9 73, 4 4 8) u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.060 C o n tr o lle d-a c c e ssh ig h wa y de fin e d. Co n tro lle d -a c c e ss h ig h w a y m e a n s e v e ry h ig h w a y to o r fro m w h ic h o w n e rs o r o c c u p a n ts o f a b u ttin g la n d s a n d o th e r p e rso n s h a v e n o le g a l rig h t o f a c c e ss e x c e p t a t su c h p o in ts o n ly a n d in s u c h m a n n e r a s m a y b e d e te rm in e d b y a p u b lic a u th o rity. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.065 C r o sswa lk de fin e d. C ro s sw a lk m e a n s: 1. Th a t p a rt o f a h ig h w a y a t a n in te rse c tio n in c lu d e d w ith in th e c o n n e c tio n s o f th e la te ra l lin e s o f th e s id e w a lk s o n o p p o s ite s id e s o f th e h ig h w a y m e a su re d fro m th e c u rb s o r, in th e a b s e n c e o f c u rb s, fro m th e e d g e s o f th e tra v e le d p o rtio n s o f h ig h w a y s;o r 2. A n y p o rtio n o f a h ig h w a y a t a n in te rse c tio n o r e lse w h e re d is tin c tly in d ic a te d fo r p e d e stria n c ro ssin g b y lin e s o r o th e r m a rk in g s o n th e s u rfa c e. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.070 Divide dh ig h wa y de fin e d. Div id e d h ig h w a y m e a n s a h ig h w a y d iv id e d in to tw o o r m o re ro a d w a y s b y m e a n s o f a p h y s ic a l b a rrie r o r d iv id in g s e c tio n, c o n s tru c te d s o a s to im p e d e th e c o n flic t o f v e h ic u la r tra ffic tra v e lin g in o p p o site d ire c tio n s. (A d d e d to NRS b y , 4 4 7) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.075 Dr ive a wa y-to wa wa y o p e r a tio n de fin e d. Driv e a w a y -to w a w a y o p e ra tio n m e a n s a n y o p e ra tio n in w h ic h a n y m o to r v e h ic le, tra ile r o r se m itra ile r, s in g ly o r in c o m b in a tio n, n e w o r u se d, c o n stitu te s th e c o m m o d ity b e in g tra n sp o rte d, w h e n o n e se t o r m o re o f w h e e ls o f a n y su c h v e h ic le a re o n th e h ig h w a y d u rin g th e c o u rse o f tra n sp o rta tio n, w h e th e r o r n o t a n y su c h v e h ic le fu rn ish e s th e m o tiv e p o w e r. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.080 Dr ive r de fin e d. Driv e r m e a n s e v e ry p e rs o n w h o d riv e s o r is in a c tu a l p h y sic a l c o n tro l o f a v e h ic le. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.085 E xp lo sive s de fin e d. Ex p lo s iv e s m e a n s a n y c h e m ic a l c o m p o u n d o r m e c h a n ic a l m ix tu re th a t is c o m m o n ly u s e d o r in te n d e d fo r th e p u rp o se o f p ro d u c in g a n e x p lo s io n a n d w h ic h c o n ta in s a n y o x id izin g a n d c o m b u s tiv e u n its o r o th e r in g re d ie n ts in su c h p ro p o rtio n s, q u a n titie s o r p a c k in g th a t a n ig n itio n b y fire, b y fric tio n, b y c o n c u ssio n, b y p e rc u ssio n o r b y d e to n a to r o f a n y p a rt o f th e c o m p o u n d o r m ix tu re m a y c a u s e s u c h a su d d e n g e n e ra tio n o f h ig h ly h e a te d g a s e s th a t th e re su lta n t g a se o u s p re s su re s a re c a p a b le o f p ro d u c in g d e s tru c tiv e e ffe c ts o n c o n tig u o u s o b je c ts o r o f d e s tro y in g life o r lim b. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.090 Fu n e r a l p r o c e ssio n de fin e d. Fu n e ra l p ro c e s sio n m e a n s a p ro c e ssio n o f tw o o r m o re v e h ic le s a c c o m p a n y in g a v e h ic le c o n ta in in g th e b o d y o f a d e c e a se d p e rs o n. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.095 Hig h wa y de fin e d. Hig h w a y m e a n s th e e n tire w id th b e tw e e n th e b o u n d a ry lin e s o f e v e ry w a y d e d ic a te d to a p u b lic a u th o rity w h e n a n y p a rt o f th e w a y is o p e n to th e u se o f th e p u b lic fo r p u rp o s e s o f v e h ic u la r tra ffic, w h e th e r o r n o t th e p u b lic a u th o rity is m a in ta in in g th e w a y. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.100 Ho u se tr a ile r de fin e d. Ho u se tra ile r m e a n s : 1. A tra ile r o r a s e m itra ile r w h ic h is d e sig n e d, c o n stru c te d a n d e q u ip p e d a s a d w e llin g p la c e, liv in g a b o d e o r sle e p in g p la c e, e ith e r p e rm a n e n tly o r te m p o ra rily, a n d is e q u ip p e d fo r u s e a s a c o n v e y a n c e o n a h ig h w a y ;o r 2. A tra ile r o r s e m itra ile r w h o s e c h a s sis a n d e x te rio r sh e ll is d e s ig n e d a n d c o n stru c te d fo r u se a s a h o u se tra ile r, a s d e fin e d in su b se c tio n 1, b u t w h ic h is u s e d in ste a d p e rm a n e n tly o r te m p o ra rily fo r th e a d v e rtisin g, s a le s, d is p la y o r p ro m o tio n o f m e rc h a n d is e o r s e rv ic e s, o r fo r a n y o th e r c o m m e rc ia l p u rp o s e e x c e p t th e tra n s p o rta tio n o f p ro p e rty fo r h ire o r th e tra n sp o rta tio n o f p ro p e rty fo r d is trib u tio n b y a p riv a te c a rrie r. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.105 In te r se c tio n de fin e d. In te rse c tio n m e a n s: 1. Th e a re a e m b ra c e d w ith in th e p ro lo n g a tio n o r c o n n e c tio n o f th e la te ra l c u rb lin e s, o r, if n o n e, th e n th e la te ra l b o u n d a ry lin e s o f th e ro a d w a y s o f tw o h ig h w a y s w h ic h jo in o n e a n o th e r a t, o r a p p ro x im a te ly a t, rig h t a n g le s, o r th e a re a w ith in w h ic h v e h ic le s tra v e lin g u p o n d iffe re n t h ig h w a y s jo in in g a t a n y o th e r a n g le m a y c o m e in c o n flic t. 2. Wh e re a h ig h w a y in c lu d e s tw o ro a d w a y s 30 fe e t o r m o re a p a rt, th e n e v e ry c ro ssin g o f e a c h ro a d w a y o f su c h d iv id e d h ig h w a y b y a n in te rse c tin g h ig h w a y s h a ll b e re g a rd e d a s a se p a ra te in te rse c tio n. In th e e v e n t su c h in te rs e c tin g h ig h w a y a lso in c lu d e s tw o ro a d w a y s 30 fe e t o r m o re a p a rt, th e n e v e ry c ro ssin g o f tw o ro a d w a y s o f su c h h ig h w a y s s h a ll b e re g a rd e d a s a se p a ra te in te rs e c tio n. 3. Th e ju n c tio n o f a n a lle y w ith a stre e t, ro a d o r h ig h w a y s h a ll n o t c o n stitu te a n in te rse c tio n. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS )

8 NRS : CHA PTER4 84 A -TRA FFIC L A WS GENERA L L Y ttp : /w w w.le g.s ta te.n v.u s /Div is io n /L e g a l/l a w L ib ra ry /NRS /NRS -84 A.h tm l Pa g e 5o f 6 0 /1 /0 1 4 NRS484A.110 La n e dh ig h wa y de fin e d. a n e d h ig h w a y e a n s a h ig h w a y h ic h is d iv id e d in to tw o o r m o re c le a rly m a rk e d la n e s fo r v e h ic u la r tra ffic. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.115 Lo c a l a u th o r ity de fin e d. L o c a l a u th o rity m e a n s th e g o v e rn in g b o a rd o f a c o u n ty, c ity o r o th e r p o litic a l su b d iv is io n h a v in g a u th o rity to e n a c t la w s o r o rd in a n c e s o r p ro m u lg a te re g u la tio n s re la tin g to tra ffic o v e r a h ig h w a y. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.120 Ma n u fa c tu r e dh o me de fin e d. M a n u fa c tu re d h o m e h a s th e m e a n in g a s c rib e d to it in NRS (A d d e d to NRS b y , 79 8) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.125 Mo p e d de fin e d. M o p e d m e a n s a m o to r-d riv e n s c o o te r, m o to r-d riv e n c y c le o r s im ila r v e h ic le th a t is p ro p e lle d b y a s m a ll e n g in e w h ic h p ro d u c e s n o t m o re th a n 2 g ro s s b ra k e h o rs e p o w e r, h a s a d isp la c e m e n t o f n o t m o re th a n 50 c u b ic c e n tim e te rs o r p ro d u c e s n o t m o re th a n w a tts fin a l o u tp u t, a n d : 1. Is d e sig n e d to tra v e l o n n o t m o re th a n th re e w h e e ls in c o n ta c t w ith th e g ro u n d b u t is n o t a tra c to r;a n d 2. Is c a p a b le o f a m a x im u m s p e e d o f n o t m o re th a n 30 m ile s p e r h o u r o n a fla t su rfa c e w ith n o t m o re th a n 1 p e rc e n t g ra d e in a n y d ire c tio n w h e n th e m o to r is e n g a g e d. Ê Th e te rm d o e s n o t in c lu d e a n e le c tric b ic y c le. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , 89 5; , 39 7) (S u b s titu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.130 Mo to r ve h ic le de fin e d. M o to r v e h ic le m e a n s e v e ry v e h ic le w h ic h is se lf-p ro p e lle d b u t n o t o p e ra te d u p o n ra ils. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.135 Mo to r c yc le de fin e d. M o to rc y c le m e a n s e v e ry m o to r v e h ic le e q u ip p e d w ith a s e a t o r sa d d le fo r th e u s e o f th e d riv e r a n d d e s ig n e d to tra v e l o n n o t m o re th a n th re e w h e e ls in c o n ta c t w ith th e g ro u n d, e x c lu d in g a n e le c tric b ic y c le, a tra c to r o r a m o p e d. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , ;1 9 75, ; , 39 8) (S u b s titu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.140 No n r e side n t de fin e d. No n re sid e n t m e a n s e v e ry p e rso n w h o is n o t a re s id e n t o f th is S ta te. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.145 Offic ia l tr a ffic -c o n tr o l de vic e de fin e d. Offic ia l tra ffic -c o n tro l d e v ic e m e a n s e v e ry sig n, s ig n a l, m a rk in g a n d d e v ic e n o t in c o n sis te n t w ith c h a p te rs 4 84 A to 4 84 E, in c lu siv e, o f NRS o r p ro h ib ite d b y la w, p la c e d o r e re c te d b y a p u b lic a u th o rity o r ra ilro a d fo r th e p u rp o se o f re g u la tin g, w a rn in g o r g u id in g tra ffic. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , 4 4 8) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.147 Or ig in a l e qu ip me n t ma n u fa c tu r e r de fin e d.[e ffe c tive th r o u g h De c e mb e r 31,2017.] Orig in a l e q u ip m e n t m a n u fa c tu re r m e a n s th e o rig in a l m a n u fa c tu re r o f a n e w v e h ic le o r e n g in e, o r re la tin g to th e v e h ic le o r e n g in e in its o rig in a l, c e rtifie d c o n fig u ra tio n. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) NRS484A.150 Own e r de fin e d. Ow n e r m e a n s a p e rso n w h o h o ld s th e le g a l title to a v e h ic le. Th e te rm in c lu d e s a c o n d itio n a l v e n d e e o r le s se e, in th e e v e n t a v e h ic le is th e s u b je c t o f a n a g re e m e n t fo r th e c o n d itio n a l sa le o r le a se th e re o f, w ith o r w ith o u t th e rig h t o f p u rc h a se u p o n p e rfo rm a n c e o f th e c o n d itio n s sta te d in th e a g re e m e n t a n d w ith a n im m e d ia te rig h t o f p o sse ssio n v e ste d in th e c o n d itio n a l v e n d e e o r le sse e. Th e te rm a lso in c lu d e s a m o rtg a g o r, in th e e v e n t o f a m o rtg a g e o f th e v e h ic le, w h e n th e m o rtg a g o r o f a v e h ic le is e n title d to p o sse ssio n. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , 4 4 8) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.155 Pa r k a n d p a r kin g de fin e d. Pa rk o r p a rk in g m e a n s th e sta n d in g o f a v e h ic le, w h e th e r o c c u p ie d o r n o t, o th e rw is e th a n te m p o ra rily fo r th e p u rp o se o f a n d w h ile a c tu a lly e n g a g e d in lo a d in g o r u n lo a d in g o f m e rc h a n d is e o r p a s se n g e rs. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.160 Pa sse n g e r c a r de fin e d. Pa s se n g e r c a r m e a n s e v e ry m o to r v e h ic le, e x c e p t m o to rc y c le s a n d m o to r-d riv e n c y c le s, d e sig n e d fo r c a rry in g 1 0 p a s se n g e rs o r le ss a n d u s e d fo r th e tra n sp o rta tio n o f p e rs o n s. (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , 39 8) (S u b stitu te d in re v is io n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.165 Pe de str ia n de fin e d. Pe d e s tria n m e a n s a p e rso n a fo o t, a p e rso n in a m a n u a l o r m o to rize d w h e e lc h a ir, o r a p e rs o n o n a n e le c tric p e rso n a l a ssistiv e m o b ility d e v ic e a s d e fin e d in NRS (A d d e d to NRS b y , ;A , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS ) NRS484A.170 Pe r so n with a disa b ilitywh ic h limitso r imp a ir sth e a b ilityto wa lk de fin e d. Pe rso n w ith a d is a b ility w h ic h lim its o r im p a irs th e a b ility to w a lk h a s th e m e a n in g a sc rib e d to it in NRS (A d d e d to NRS b y , ) (S u b stitu te d in re v isio n fo r NRS )

9 Page 6 of 16 NRS 84 A Po le tr a ile r e fin e d. Pole trailer means every vehicle without motive power designed to be drawn by another vehicle and attached to the towing vehicle by means of a reach or pole, or by being boomed or otherwise secured to the towing vehicle, and ordinarily used for transporting long or irregularly shaped loads such as poles, pipes or structural members capable, generally, of sustaining themselves as beams between the supporting connections. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1203) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.1 80 Po lic e o ffic e r d e fin e d. Police officer means every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic laws, ordinances or regulations. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1479) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.1 85 Pr e m is e s to wh ic h th e p u b lic h a s a c c e ss d e fin e d. 1. Premises to which the public has access means property in private or public ownership onto which members of the public regularly enter, are reasonably likely to enter, or are invited or permitted to enter as invitees or licensees, whether or not access to the property by some members of the public is restricted or controlled by a person or a device. 2. The term includes, but is not limited to: (a) A parking deck, parking garage or other parking structure. (b) A paved or unpaved parking lot or other paved or unpaved area where vehicles are parked or are reasonably likely to be parked. (c) A way that provides access to or is appurtenant to: (1) A place of business; (2) A governmental building; (3) An apartment building; (4) A mobile home park; (5) A residential area or residential community which is gated or enclosed or the access to which is restricted or controlled by a person or a device; or (6) Any other similar area, community, building or structure. 3. The term does not include: (a) A private way on a farm. (b) The driveway of an individual dwelling. (Added to NRS by 1983, 1065; A 1997, 325) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.1 90 Pr iv a te wa y a n d d r iv e wa y d e fin e d. Private way or driveway means every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1479) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.1 95 Pu b lic a u th o r ity d e fin e d. Public authority means the Department of Transportation or the local authority having jurisdiction to enact laws or ordinances or adopt regulations relating to traffic over a highway. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1479; A 1979, 1801) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.1 96 Qu a lifie d a lte r n a tiv e fu e l d e fin e d. [Effe c tiv e th r o u g h De c e m b e r 3 1, ] Qualified alternative fuel means compressed natural gas, hydrogen or propane. (Added to NRS by 2011, 2874) NRS4 84 A.1 97 Qu a lifie d a lte r n a tiv e fu e l v e h ic le d e fin e d. [Effe c tiv e th r o u g h De c e m b e r 3 1, ] Qualified alternative fuel vehicle means a motor vehicle that: 1. Is equipped with four wheels; 2. Is made by: (a) An original equipment manufacturer; or (b) A qualified vehicle modifier of alternative fuel vehicles; 3. Is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads and highways; 4. Has a manufacturer s gross vehicle weight rating of less than 8,500 pounds; 5. Can maintain a maximum rate of speed of at least 70 miles per hour; and 6. Is propelled: (a) To a significant extent by an electric motor which draws electricity from a battery that: (1) Has a capacity of not less than 4 kilowatt hours; and (2) Can be recharged from a source of electricity that is external to the vehicle; or (b) Solely by a qualified alternative fuel, and meets or exceeds the federal Tier 2 bin 2 exhaust emission standard, as set forth in 40 C.F.R (Added to NRS by 2011, 2874) NRS4 84 A.1 98 Qu a lifie d v e h ic le m o d ifie r o f a lte r n a tiv e fu e l v e h ic le s d e fin e d. [Effe c tiv e th r o u g h De c e m b e r 3 1, ] Qualified vehicle modifier of alternative fuel vehicles means a manufacturer directly authorized by an original equipment manufacturer to modify a vehicle produced by an original equipment manufacturer to run on a qualified alternative fuel. (Added to NRS by 2011, 2875)

10 Page 7 of 16 NRS 84 A.20 0 Ra ilr o a d e fin e d. Railroad means a carrier of persons or property upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1480) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.20 5 Re g u la to r y a g e n c y d e fin e d. Regulatory agency means any of the agencies granted police or enforcement powers under the provisions of subsection 1 of NRS , NRS , subsection 2 of NRS , NRS , subsection 3 of NRS or NRS , , , , , , or (Added to NRS by 1985, 25; A 1985, 2002; 1993, 2540; 2003, 2166; 2005, 677; 2011, 727) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.21 0 Rig h t-o f-wa y d e fin e d. Right-of-way means the right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle or pedestrian approaching under such circumstances of direction, speed and proximity as to give rise to danger of collision unless one grants precedence to the other. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1480) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.21 5 Ro a d d e fin e d. Road means the entire width between the boundary lines of every highway outside the territorial limits of a city and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1480) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.220 Ro a d wa y d e fin e d. Roadway means that portion of a highway which is improved and ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, exclusive of the shoulder. (Added to NRS by 1973, 448) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.225 Ru r a l a r e a d e fin e d. Rural area means the area of the State which is not included within an urban area. (Added to NRS by 1973, 448) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.23 0 Sc h o o l b u s d e fin e d. 1. School bus means every motor vehicle owned by or under the control of a public or governmental agency or a private school and regularly operated for the transportation of children to or from school or a school activity or privately owned and regularly operated for compensation for the transportation of children to or from school or a school activity. 2. School bus does not include a passenger car operated under a contract to transport children to and from school, a common carrier or commercial vehicle under the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board or the Nevada Transportation Authority when such vehicle is operated in the regular conduct of its business in interstate or intrastate commerce within the State of Nevada. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1480; A 1997, 1619, 2007) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.23 5 Se m itr a ile r d e fin e d. Semitrailer means every vehicle so designed and used in conjunction with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own load rests upon or is carried by another vehicle, except a pole trailer. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1480) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.24 0 Sid e wa lk d e fin e d. Sidewalk means that portion of a highway between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a highway and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.24 5 Sp e c ia l m o b ile e q u ip m e n t d e fin e d. 1. Special mobile equipment means every motor vehicle not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or property and only incidentally operated or moved upon a highway, including, but not limited to, scoopmobiles, forklifts, ditch-digging apparatus, well-boring apparatus and road construction and maintenance machinery such as asphalt graders, bituminous mixers, bucket loaders, tractors other than truck-tractors, leveling graders, finishing machines, motor graders, road rollers, scarifiers, earth-moving carryalls and scrapers, power shovels and draglines, and earth-moving equipment. 2. Special mobile equipment does not include house trailers, dump trucks, truck-mounted transit mixers, concrete pumpers, cranes or drill rigs with highway-rated tires or other vehicles designed for the transportation of persons or property to which machinery has been attached. 3. The Director may make the final determination as to whether a vehicle not specifically enumerated in subsection 1 or 2 falls within this definition. 4. The Department shall, by regulation, define incidentally operated or moved upon a highway for purposes of this section. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1203; A 1973, 448; 2007, 230) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.25 0 Sta n d a n d sta n d in g d e fin e d. Stand or standing means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.25 5 Sto p d e fin e d. Stop, when required, means complete cessation from movement.

11 Page 8 of 16 (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.26 0 Sto p a n d sto p p in g d e fin e d. Stop or stopping means, when prohibited, any halting, even momentarily, of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.26 5 Str e e t d e fin e d. Street means the entire width between the boundary lines of every highway inside the territorial limits of a city when any part of such highway is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.27 0 Ta x ic a b d e fin e d. Taxicab means a motor vehicle designed or constructed to accommodate and transport not more than six passengers, including the driver, and used to transport passengers for a charge or fee. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.27 5 Th r o u g h h ig h wa y d e fin e d. Through highway means every highway or portion thereof on which vehicular traffic is given the right-of-way, and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law to yield right-of-way to vehicles on such through highway in obedience to either an authorized stop sign or a yield sign, or other official traffic-control device. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.280 To wc a r d e fin e d. Tow car means a motor vehicle which has been altered or designed and equipped for and exclusively used in the business of towing vehicles by means of a crane, hoist, tow bar, towline or dolly, or is otherwise exclusively used to render assistance to other vehicles. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.285 Tr a ffic d e fin e d. Traffic means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles and other conveyances either singly or together using any highway for purposes of travel. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.290 Tr a ffic -c o n tr o l s ig n a l d e fin e d. Traffic-control signal means any official traffic-control device, whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated, placed or erected by a public authority or railroad, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop or proceed. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481; A 1973, 449) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.295 Tr a ile r d e fin e d. Trailer means every vehicle designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle, except a pole trailer. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A Tr a v e le d p o r tio n o f h ig h wa y d e fin e d. Traveled portion of highway means that portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A Tr u c k d e fin e d. Truck means every motor vehicle which is used for the transportation or delivery of goods with a body built and designed for that purpose. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1481) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A Tr u c k-tr a c to r d e fin e d. Truck-tractor means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than the part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1203) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A Ur b a n a r e a d e fin e d. Urban area means the area encompassed within the city limits of a city whose population is 15,000 or more. (Added to NRS by 1973, 448; A 1979, 555; 1989, 1931; 2011, 1289) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.3 20 V e h ic le d e fin e d. Vehicle means every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except: 1. Devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails; and 2. Electric personal assistive mobility devices as defined in NRS (Added to NRS by 1969, 1482; A 2003, 1206) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) POWERSOFSTA TE A ND LOC A LA UTHORITIES NRS4 84 A Pr o v isio n s u n ifo r m th r o u g h o u t Sta te ;lo c a l a u th o r ity p r o h ib ite d fr o m e n a c tin g c e r ta in o r d in a n c e s;tr ia l fo r sa m e o ffe n se p r o h ib ite d.

12 Page 9 of The provisions of chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS are applicable and uniform throughout this State on all highways to which the public has a right of access or to which persons have access as invitees or licensees. 2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 and unless otherwise provided by specific statute, any local authority may enact by ordinance traffic regulations which cover the same subject matter as the various sections of chapters 484Ato 484E, inclusive, of NRS if the provisions of the ordinance are not in conflict with chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. It may also enact by ordinance regulations requiring the registration and licensing of bicycles. 3. A local authority shall not enact an ordinance: (a) Governing the registration of vehicles and the licensing of drivers; (b) Governing the duties and obligations of persons involved in traffic accidents, other than the duties to stop, render aid and provide necessary information; (c) Providing a penalty for an offense for which the penalty prescribed by chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS is greater than that imposed for a misdemeanor; or (d) Requiring a permit for a vehicle, or to operate a vehicle, on a highway in this State. 4. No person convicted or adjudged guilty or guilty but mentally ill of a violation of a traffic ordinance may be charged or tried in any other court in this State for the same offense. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1482; A 1971, 22; 1973, 406; 1983, 1079; 2007, 1458, 2735) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A C ity o r c o u n ty m a y a d o p t p e n a ltie s fo r c e r ta in v io la tio n s o f d r iv in g u n d e r in flu e n c e o f a lc o h o l o r p r o h ib ite d su b s ta n c e ;p e r so n c o n v ic te d o f v io la tio n o f c ity o r c o u n ty o r d in a n c e s u b je c t to o th e r p r o v is io n s o f la w fo r su c h v io la tio n. 1. The governing body of each city or county may enact an ordinance adopting the penalties set forth for misdemeanors in NRS 484C.400 for similar offenses under city or county ordinance. 2. A person convicted of a violation of an ordinance enacted by the governing body of a city or county that prohibits the same or similar conduct as set forth in NRS 484C.110 or 484C.120 is subject to each provision of law that applies to a person convicted of a violation of NRS 484C.110 or 484C.120, including, without limitation, the revocation of the license, permit or privilege to drive of the person pursuant to NRS (Added to NRS by 1981, 1928; A 1989, 598; 2013, 93) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A.4 20 Po we r s o f lo c a l a u th o r ity. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a local authority may adopt, by ordinance, regulations with respect to highways under its jurisdiction within the reasonable exercise of the police power: (a) Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways. (b) Designating particular highways as one-way highways and requiring that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specific direction. (c) Designating any highway as a through highway, requiring that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the highway, or designating any intersection as a stop or a yield intersection and requiring all vehicles to stop or yield at one or more entrances to the intersection. (d) Designating truck, bicycle and electric bicycle routes. (e) Adopting such other traffic regulations related to specific highways as are expressly authorized by chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS. 2. An ordinance relating to traffic control enacted under this section is not effective until official devices for traffic control giving notice of those local traffic regulations are posted upon or at the entrances to the highway or part thereof affected as is most appropriate. 3. An ordinance enacted under this section is not effective with respect to: (a) Highways constructed and maintained by the Department of Transportation under the authority granted by chapter 408 of NRS; or (b) Alternative routes for the transport of radioactive, chemical or other hazardous materials which are governed by regulations of the United States Department of Transportation, Ê until the ordinance has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Department of Transportation. 4. As used in this section, hazardous material has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS (Added to NRS by 1969, 1488; A 1979, 1813; 1981, 234; 1983, 1079; 1987, 1757; 1989, 1313; 1993, 850; 2009, 402) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A A d o p tio n o f m a n u a l a n d sp e c ific a tio n s fo r d e v ic e s fo r c o n tr o l o f tr a ffic b y De p a r tm e n t o f Tr a n sp o r ta tio n. 1. The Department of Transportation shall adopt a manual and specifications for a uniform system of official trafficcontrol devices consistent with the provisions of chapters 484A to 484E, inclusive, of NRS for use upon highways within this State. The uniform system must correlate with and so far as possible conform to the system then current and approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials and the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. All devices used by local authorities or the Department of Transportation must conform with the manual and specifications adopted by the Department. (Added to NRS by 1969, 1488; A 1979, 1814) (Substituted in revision for NRS ) NRS4 84 A Lo c a l d e v ic e fo r c o n tr o l o f tr a ffic.

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