Account Agreements and Disclosures

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1 Account Agreements Dclosures Account Terms Cdit ATM/Va Check Card Agreement Electric Transfers Dclosure Funds Availability Policy Truth-In-Savgs Dclosure

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR ACCOUNT...2 Imptant Infmi About Procedures f Openg a New Account...2 Agreement...2 Bylaws...2 Liability...3 Deposits...3 Withdrawals...3 Ownership Account Beneficiary Designi...5 Cvenience Signer...6 Busess, Organizi Associi Accounts...6 Sp Payments...6 Transfer Limit...6 Amendments Termi...7 Notices...7 Stements...7 Account Transfer...8 Direct Deposits...8 Right Repayment Indebtedness...8 Restrictive Legends Indsements...9 Payment Order Items...9 Pledges...9 Check Processg...9 Check Cashg...10 Fiduciary Accounts...10 Waiver Notices...10 Aumed Clearg House (ACH) Wire Transfers...10 Facsimile Signures...11 Power Atrney...11 Stale-Ded Checks...11 NCUA Insurance...11 Indsements...11 Unclaimed Property...12 Deh Incompetence...12 MUTMA Accounts...12 Cash Transacti Reptg...13 Backup Withholdg/TIN Certifici...13 Credit Verifici...13 Changg Account Products...13 Transact by Mail...13 Legal Act Affectg Your Account...13 Security...14 Remotely Creed Checks...14 Telephic Instruct...15 Mirg Recdg Telephe Calls Csent Receive Communic...15 Claim Loss...15 Early Withdrawal Penalties...15 Address Name Changes...15 Resolvg Account Dputes...16 NOTICE OF NEGATIVE INFORMATION...16 ATM/VISA CHECK (DEBIT) CARD AGREEMENT...16 ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES...18 YOUR ABILITY TO WITHDRAW FUNDS...22 TRUTH-IN-SAVINGS DISCLOSURE...24 Share Savgs Account...24 Checkg Accounts...24 Holiday Club Account...24 Individual Retirement Account...25 Certifice Deposit...25 Comm Feures

3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR ACCOUNT IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT - To help government fight fundg terrm mey launderg activities, federal law requires all fancial stitut obta, verify, recd fmi th identifies each pers who opens an. Wh th means f you: When you open an, we ask f name, address, de birth, fmi th allow us identify you. We also ask see driver's license identifyg documents. AGREEMENT - Th document, alg with any documents we give you pertag (s), a ctract th establhes rules which ctrol (s) with us. Please read th carefully reta it f future reference. If you sign signure card open ctue use, you agree se rules. You receive a separe schedule res, qualifyg balances, fees if y are cluded th document. If you have any quest, please call us. Th agreement subject applicable federal laws, laws ste Maryl applicable rules such as operg letters Federal Reserve Banks payment processg system rules (except extent th th agreement can does vary such rules laws). The body ste federal law th governs our relhip with you, however, o large complex be reproduced here. The purpose th document : (1) summarize some laws th apply comm transact; (2) establh rules cover transact events which law does regule; (3) establh rules f certa transact events which law regules but permits varii by agreement; (4) give you dclosures some our policies which you be entitled which you be terested. If any provi th document found be unenfceable accdg its s, all remag prov ctue full fce effect. We permit some vari our stard agreement, but we must agree any varii writg eir signure card f some document. Nothg th document tended vary our duty act good faith with dary care when required by law. As used th document wds we, our, us mean Pot Breeze Credit Uni wds you mean holder(s) anye else with authity deposit, withdraw, exerce ctrol over. The wd means any e me shares s you have with Pot Breeze Credit Uni. However, th agreement does tend, s you should be terpreted, exp an dividual s respsibility f an ganizi s liability. If th owned by a cpi, partnership ganizi, dividual liability deed by laws generally applicable th type ganizi. The headgs th document are f cvenience reference ly govern terpreti prov. Unless it would be cstent do so, wds phrases used th document should be cstrued so sgular cludes plural plural cludes sgular. Party means a pers who, by s an, has a present right, subject request, payment than as a Payable On Deh (POD) payee cvenience signer. BYLAWS - Our bylaws, which we amend, establh basic rules about our credit uni policies oper which affect membership. You obta a copy bylaws request. Our right require you give us ice tenti withdraw described bylaws. Unless we have agreed we, you are entitled receive any igal item after it paid. Fees apply, although you request th we send you an item(s) a copy an item(s). Dividends are based current earngs available earngs credit uni, after providg f required reserves. 2

4 LIABILITY - You agree, f self ( pers entity you represent if you sign as a representive an) s th schedule charges. You authize us deduct se charges, without ice you, directly balance as accrued. You pay any additial reasable charges f services you request which are covered by th agreement. Each you also agrees be jotly severally (dividually) liable f any shtage resultg charges overdrafts, wher caused by you an with access th. Th liability due immediely, can be deducted directly balance whenever sufficient are available. You have no right defer payment th liability, you are liable regardless wher you signed item benefited charge overdraft. You be liable f our costs as well as f our reasable rneys fees, extent permitted by law, wher curred as a result collecti any dpute volvg. Th cludes, but limited, dputes between you an jot owner; you an authized signer similar party; a third party claimg an terest. Th also cludes any acti th you a third party takes regardg th causes us, good faith, seek advice an rney, wher we become volved dpute. All costs rneys fees can be deducted when y are curred, without ice you. DEPOSITS - We give ly provial credit until collecti fal f any items, than cash, we accept f deposit (cludg items drawn us ). Befe settlement any item becomes fal, we act ly as agent, regardless fm dsement lack dsement item even though we provide you provial credit f item. We reverse any provial credit f items th are lost, slen, returned. Unless prohibited by law, we also reserve right charge back amount any item deposited cashed f you which was itially paid by pay bank which ler returned us due an allegedly fged, unauthized msg dsement, claim alteri, encodg err problem which our judgment justifies reversal credit. You authize us tempt collect previously returned items without givg you ice, temptg collect we permit pay bank hold an item beyd midnight deadle. Actual credit f deposits, payable, feign currency be exchange re effect fal collecti U.S. dollars. We are respsible f transact by mail outside deposiry until we actually recd m. If you deliver a deposit us you be present when deposit counted, you must provide us an itemized lt deposit (deposit slip). To process deposit, we verify recd deposit, credit deposit. If re are any dcrepancies between amounts shown itemized lt a deposit slip amount we dee be actual deposit amount, we ify you dcrepancy. You be entitled credit ly f actual deposit as deed by us, regardless wh sted itemized lt deposit slip. We tre recd all transact received after our daily cutf a busess day we are open, received a day we are open f busess, as if itied next busess day th we are open. At our opti, we take an item f collecti rar than f deposit. If we accept a third-party check f deposit, we require any third-party dsers verify guarantee ir dsements, dse our presence. WITHDRAWALS - Generally - Unless clearly diced we recds, any you, actg ale, who signs open has authity make s withdraw transfer all any part balance any. Each you (until we receive written ice ctrary) authizes each pers who signs has authity make s dse any item payable you der f deposit th any transacti with us. Postded checks - A postded check e which bears a de ler than de which check written. We properly pay charge f a postded check even though payment was made befe de check, unless we have received written ice postdg have a reasable opptunity act. Because 3

5 we process checks mechanically, ice be effective we be liable f failg h ice unless it precely identifies number, de, amount payee item. Checks rules - If you do purchase check blanks us, you must be certa th we approve check blanks you purchase. We refuse any transfer request which you tempt fms approved by us by any method we do specifically permit. We refuse any transfer request which greer number than frequency permitted, which f an amount greer less than any limit. We use de transacti completed by us (as opposed de you itie it) apply frequency limit. In additi, we place limit until identity verified. Even if we h a ncfmg request, we are required do so ler. If you viole sted transacti limit (if any), our dcreti we close reclassify it as a transacti. If we reclassify, be subject fees earngs rules new classifici. If we are presented with an item drawn agast th would be a substitute check, as defed by law, but f an err defect item troduced substitute check crei process, you agree th we pay such item. See availability policy dclosure f fmi about when you can withdraw you deposit. F those s which our availability policy dclosure does apply, you can ask us when you make a deposit when those be available f. An item be returned after deposit th item are made available f. In th case, we reverse credit item. We dee amount available f purpose decidg wher return an item f sufficient any between we receive item when we return item send a ice lieu return. We need ly make e dei, but if we choose make a subsequent dei, balance subsequent dee wher re are sufficient available. A tempary debit authizi hold affects balance - On debit card purchases, merchants request a tempary hold f a specified sum mey, which be me than actual amount purchase. When th happens, our processg system can dee th amount hold exceeds actual amount purchase. Th tempary hold, amount charged, eventually be adjusted actual amount purchase, but it be up three days befe adjustment made. Until adjustment made, amount available f transact be reduced by amount tempary hold. If an transacti presented f payment an amount greer than left after deducti tempary hold amount, th transacti be a nsufficient (NSF) transacti if we do pay it an overdraft transacti if we do pay it. You be charged an NSF overdraft fee accdg our NSF overdraft fee policy. You be charged fee even if you would have had sufficient if amount hold had been equal amount purchase. Here an example how th can occur assume f th example followg: (1) you have opted- our overdraft services f payment overdrafts ATM everyday debit card transact, (2) we pay overdraft, (3) assess our overdraft fee. You have $120. You swipe card card reader a gasole pump. Sce it unclear wh fal bill be, gas sti s processg system immediely requests a hold a specified amount, f $80. Our processg system authizes a tempary hold amount $80, gas sti s processg system authizes you beg pumpg gas. You fill tank amount gasole you purchased ly $50. Our processg system shows th you have $40 available f transact ($120 - $80 = $40) even though you would have $70 available f transact if amount tempary hold was equal amount purchase ($120 - $50 = $70). Ler, an transacti you have authized presented f payment 4

6 amount $60 (th could be a check you have written, an debit card transacti, an ACH debit any kd payment request). Th transacti presented befe amount tempary hold adjusted amount purchase (remember, it take up three days f adjustment be made). Because amount th transacti greer than amount our processg system shows available, our payment th transacti result an overdraft transacti. Because transacti overdraws by $20, be assessed overdraft fee accdg our overdraft fee policy. You be charged th fee accdg our policy even though you would have had enough mey cover $60 transacti if had ly been debited amount purchase rar than amount tempary hold if tempary hold had already been adjusted actual amount purchase. Overdrafts - You underst th we, our dcreti, h requests th overdraw. However, fact th we h requests th overdraw balance does oblige us do so ler. So you can NOT rely us pay overdrafts regardless how frequently under wh circumstances we have paid overdrafts past. We can change our practice payg overdrafts without ice you. Items presented f payment agast checkg th would cause an overdraft, be hed by transferrg share savgs prevent overdraft. You opt out th service by ctactg us writg. You can ask us if we have services th might be available you where we commit payg overdrafts under certa circumstances, such as an overdraft protecti le--credit a plan sweep an you have with us. You agree th we charge fees f overdrafts. F csumer s, we charge fees f overdrafts caused by ATM s e- debit card transact if you have opted- th service. We use subsequent deposits, cludg direct deposits social security government benefits, cover such overdrafts overdraft fees. Electric check cversi similar transact - An electric check cversi transacti a transacti where a check similar item cverted an electric fund transfer as defed Electric Fund Transfers reguli. In se types transact check similar item eir removed circuli (trunced) given back you. As a result, we have no opptunity review check exame signures item. OWNERSHIP OF ACCOUNT AND POD PAYEE DESIGNATION - These rules apply th dependg fm ownership POD payee designi, if any, specified recds. We reserve right refuse some fms ownership any all our s. We make no represent as approprieness effect ownership POD payee design, except as y dee whom we pay. Unless ctrary directi given th agreement, up deh a party, a multiple-party shall belg survivg party parties. A jot establhed under Maryl Multiple Party Accounts Law cludes jot s POD s. Individual Account - an name e pers. If owner dies terest passes, subject applicable law, decedent s este Payable Deh (POD) payee. Jot Account - With Survivship (And Not As Tenants In Comm) - an name two me perss. Each you tend th when you die balance (subject any previous pledge which we have agreed) belg surviv(s). If two me you survive, you own balance as jot tenants with right survivship as tenants comm. Any party withdraw all, cludg required share deposit $5, sp payment items, transfer, pledge us all any part shares without csent party(ies). Payable-On-Deh (POD) Account - If two me you cree th type, you own jotly with survivship. POD payees can withdraw unless: (1) all perss creg die, (2) POD payee n livg. If two me POD payees are named 5

7 survive deh all perss creg, POD payees own th equal shares, without right survivship. The pers(s) creg eir se types : (1) change POD payees, (2) change types, (3) withdraw all part any. CONVENIENCE SIGNER - As 8/1/11 no new cvenience signers be designed. The followg applies cvenience signer design effect pri 8/1/11. The cvenience signer merely designed cduct transact owner s behalf. The owner(s) does give up any rights act, cvenience signer any manner affect rights owner(s) POD payees, if any. The owner(s) respsible f any transact cvenience signer. We undertake no obligi mir transact dee th y are owner s behalf. The owner(s) e cvenience signer s authizi any, authizi aumically ed by deh owner(s). However, we ctue h transact cvenience signer until: (a) we have received written ice have actual knowledge i authity, (b) we have a reasable opptunity act th ice knowledge. We refuse accept a cvenience signer. BUSINESS, ORGANIZATION AND ASSOCIATION ACCOUNTS - You represent th you have authity open cduct busess th behalf entity. We require governg body entity openg give us a separe authizi tellg us who authized act its behalf. We h authizi until we actually receive written ice a change governg body entity. STOP PAYMENTS - Unless we provided, rules th secti cover sppg payment items such as checks drafts. Rules f sppg payment types transfers, such as csumer electric fund transfers, be establhed by law our policy. If we have dclosed se rules you elsewhere, you ask us about those rules. We accept an der sp payment any item any e you. You must make any sp-payment der manner required by law we must receive it give us a reasable opptunity act it befe our sp-payment cutf. When you place sp-payment der we tell you wh fmi we need sp payment. Th fmi must be exact sce sp-payment ders are hled by computers. If fmi exact der be effective we be respsible f failure sp payment. You sp payment any item drawn wher you sign item. Generally, if sp-payment der given us writg it effective f six mths. Your der lapse after th if you do der writg befe end six-mth period. If igal sp-payment der was al sp-payment der lapse after 14 calendar days if you do cfirm der writg with th period. We are obliged ify you when a sppayment der expires. A release sp-payment request be made ly by pers who itied sp-payment der. If you sp payment an item we cur any damages expenses because sp payment, you agree demnify us f those damages expenses, cludg rneys fees. You assign us all rights agast payee any holder item. You agree coopere with us any legal act th we take agast such perss. You should be aware th anye holdg item be entitled enfce payment agast you despite sp-payment der. TRANSFER LIMITATIONS - F savgs s you make up six transfers s by means a preauthized, aumic, telephic transfer an s a third party by check, debit card, similar der a third party durg any calendar mth ( stement cycle least four weeks). A preauthized transfer cludes any arrangement with us pay a third party (i) a predeed ; (ii) a fixed schedule (iii) up al written ders cludg ders received through aumed clearg house (ACH). If transfer itied pers, by mail, an 6

8 ATM n re no limit number payments th be made directly you, directly us f amounts you owe us, transfers s you have with us. Withdrawals by phe are also unlimited if you are requestg th a check be mailed you. AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION - We change our bylaws any th agreement. Rules governg changes res are provided separely Truth--Savgs dclosure an document. F changes we give you reasable ice writg by any method permitted by law. We close th if membership credit uni es, by givg reasable ice you tender balance persally by mail. Items presented f payment after closed be dhed. When you close, you are respsible f leavg enough mey cover any outstg items charges be paid. Reasable ice depends circumstances, some cases such as when we can verify identity we suspect fraud, it might be reasable f us give you ice after change closure becomes effective. F stance, if we suspect fraudulent activity with respect, we might immediely freeze close n give you ice. At our opti, we suspend rights member services if you viole s th agreement. If we have ified you a change any you ctue have after effective de change, you have agreed new (s). NOTICES - Any written ice you give us effective when we actually receive it, it must be given us accdg specific delivery struct provided elsewhere, if any. We must receive it have a reasable opptunity act it. If ice regardg a check item, you must give us sufficient fmi be able identify check item, cludg prece check item number, amount, de payee. Written ice we give you effective when it deposited United Stes Mail with proper postage addressed mailg address we have file. Notice any you ice all you. STATEMENTS - Stements are a valuable ol help prevent fraudulent mtaken transfers. Your stement show transact th occurred cnecti with durg stement period. Your duty rept unauthized signures, alter fgeries - Your stement provide sufficient fmi f you reasably identify items paid (item number, amount, de payment). You should keep a recd each transacti as it made so th when we give you fmi stement, you have a complete understg each transacti lted. You have some respsibilities cnecti with stement. You must exame stement with reasable promptness. Also, if you dcover ( reasably should have dcovered) any unauthized signures, alter, err - such as encodg err, you must promptly ify us relevant facts. As between you us, if you fail do eir se duties, you must bear loss entirely self share loss with us (we have share some loss if we failed use dary care if we substantially ctributed loss). The loss you might bear, whole part, could be ly with respect items lted stement, but also items with unauthized signures alter by same wrgdoer. Of course, an tempt can be made recover loss thief, but th ten unsuccessful. You agree th you have exame stement rept us depend circumstances, but you, any circumstance, have a tal me than 30 days when we first send make stement available you. You furr agree th if you fail rept any unauthized signures, alter fgeries with 60 days when we first send make stement available, you can assert a claim agast us any items th stement, as between you us loss be entirely s. Th 60-day limiti without regard wher we exerced dary care. The limiti th paragraph additi those ctaed secd paragraph th secti. If a good reas (such as a lg trip a hospital stay) kept you tellg us, we extend 60 day period rept errs. Ctact us if you do receive regular stement. 7

9 Your duty rept errs - In additi Commercial Code ste law, you agree re a comm law duty promptly review stement f errs additi unauthized signures, alter fgeries. Promptly reviewg stement valuable both you us because it can help identify, crect prevent future mtakes. In additi duty review stements f unauthized signures, alter fgeries, you agree exame stement with reasable promptness f any err - such as an encodg err. In additi, if you receive we make available eir items images items, you must exame m f any unauthized msg dsements any problems. You agree th you have exame stement items rept us depend circumstances. However, th period shall exceed 60 days. Failure exame stement items rept any errs us with 60 days when we first send make stement available precludes you assertg a claim agast us f any errs items identified th stement as between you us loss be entirely s. If a good reas (such as a lg trip a hospital stay) kept you tellg us, we extend 60 day period rept errs. Errs relg electric fund transfers substitute checks - F fmi errs relg electric fund transfers (e.g., computer, debit card ATM transact) refer Electric Fund Transfers dclosure sect csumer liability err resoluti. F fmi errs relg a substitute check you received, refer dclosure entitled Substitute Checks Your Rights. ACCOUNT TRANSFER - If you tempt transfer assign all a part, we be bound by transfer assignment until we agree writg transfer assignment. We are required accept recognize any transfer assignment. Unless we agree we writg, any rights a transferee assignee be subject our right setf pri security terest. We have no obligi ify you any pers befe dbursg any accdance with wh we good faith believe be s transfer assignment. DIRECT DEPOSITS - If we are required f any reas reimburse federal government f all any pti a benefit payment th was directly deposited, you authize us deduct amount our liability federal government any you have with us, without pri ice any, except as prohibited by law. We also use any legal remedy recover amount our liability. RIGHT TO REPAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS - You each agree th we (without pri ice when permitted by law) charge agast deduct any any due payable debt any you owe us now future. If th owned by e me you as dividuals, we set f any agast a due payable debt a partnership owes us now future, extent liability as a partner f partnership debt. If debt ares a promsy e, n amount due payable debt be full amount we have demed, as entitled under s e, th amount clude any pti balance f which we have properly accelered due de. In additi se ctract rights, we also have rights under a stury lien. A lien property a credir s right obta ownership property event a debr defaults a debt. A stury lien e creed by federal ste stute. If federal ste law provides us with a stury lien, n we are authized apply, without pri ice, shares dividends any debt you owe us, accd with stury lien. Neir our ctract rights n rights under a stury lien apply any if prohibited by law. F neir our ctract rights n rights under a stury lien apply th if: (a) it an Individual Retirement Account similar tax-deferred, (b) debt creed by a csumer credit transacti under a credit card plan (but th does affect our rights under any csensual security terest), (c) 8

10 debr s right ares ly a representive capacity, (d) setf prohibited by Military Lendg Act its implementg regul. We be liable f dh any check draft when dh occurs because we charge deduct an amount you owe us. You agree hold us harmless any claim arg as a result our exerce our right repayment. RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR INDORSEMENTS - The aumed processg large volume checks we receive prevents us spectg lookg f restrictive legends, restrictive dsements special struct every check. Examples restrictive legends placed checks are must be presented with 90 days valid f me than $1, The payee s signure accompanied by wds f deposit ly an example a restrictive dsement. F th reas, we are required h any restrictive legend dsement special structi placed checks you write unless we have agreed writg restricti structi. Unless we have agreed writg, we are respsible f any losses, claims, damages, expenses th result placement se restrict struct checks. PAYMENT ORDER OF ITEMS The law permits us pay items drawn any der (f purposes th secti items means checks, ders electric transact). To asst you hlg with us, we are providg you with followg fmi regardg how we process those items. When processg items drawn, our policy pay m der th y are received. The der which items are paid imptant if re enough mey pay all items th are presented. There no policy th favable every stance. If smallest items are paid first, you have fewer NSF overdraft fees, but largest, perhaps me imptant items (such as rent mtgage payments) might be paid. However, if largest items are paid first, most imptant items might be paid but it crease overdraft NSF fees if are available pay all items. By payg items der th we receive m, we thk our policy tas a reasable balance between mimizg additial cost you payg me imptant items. If an item presented without sufficient pay it, we, our dcreti, pay item (creg an overdraft) return item (NSF). The amounts overdraft NSF fees are dclosed elsewhere. We encourage you make careful recds practice good management. Th help you avoid creg items without sufficient currg resultg fees. PLEDGES - Each owner th without csent any owner, pledge all any part it f any purpose which we agree. Any pledge th must first be sfied befe rights any survivg owner POD payee become effective. F if an has two owners e owners pledges (i.e., uses it secure a debt) n dies, (1) survivg owner s rights th do take effect until debt has been sfied, (2) debt be sfied with th. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relyg solely fmi encoded magnetic k alg botm items. Th means th we do dividually exame all items dee if item properly completed, signed dsed dee if it ctas any fmi than wh encoded magnetic k. You agree th we have exerced dary care if our aumed processg cstent with general bankg practice, even though we do spect each item. Because we do spect each item, if you write a check multiple payees, we can properly pay check regardless number dsements unless you ify us writg th check requires multiple dsements. We must receive ice f us have a reasable opptunity act it, you must tell us prece de check, amount, check number payee. We are respsible f any unauthized signure alteri th would be identified by a reasable specti item. Usg an aumed process helps us keep costs down f you all holders. 9

11 CHECK CASHING - We charge a fee anye th does have an with us who cashg a check, draft strument written. We also require reasable identifici cash such a check, draft strument. We can decide wh identifici reasable under circumstances such identifici be documentary physical clude collectg a thumbprt fgerprt. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts be opened by a pers actg a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary somee who appoted act behalf f benefit an. We are respsible f act a fiduciary, cludg muse. Th be opened maed by a pers perss named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, as execurs, admtrars, cservars under court ders. You underst th by merely openg such an, we are actg capacity a trustee cnecti with trust n do we undertake any obligi mir enfce s trust letters. Pot Breeze Credit Uni does open s which would be funded by a check payable as follows Pay der, Trustee under Title 13 Este Trusts Article, Aned Code Maryl, f, m. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To extent permitted by law, you waive any ice n-payment, dh protest regardg any items credited charged agast. F if you deposit a check it returned unpaid we receive a ice npayment, we do have ify you unless required by federal Reguli CC law. AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH) AND WIRE TRANSFERS - The credit uni make wire transfers ACH transact as an accommodi you, but obliged do so. Th agreement subject Article 4A Unifm Commercial Code - Fund Transfers as adopted ste which you have with us. If you ige a fund transfer you identify by name number a beneficiary fancial stituti, an ediary fancial stituti a beneficiary, we every receivg beneficiary fancial stituti rely identifyg number make payment. We rely number even if it identifies a fancial stituti, pers than e named. You agree be bound by aumed clearg house associi rules. These rules provide, amg thgs, th payments made you, iged by you, are provial until fal settlement made through a Federal Reserve Bank payment we made as provided Article 4A-403(a) Unifm Commercial Code. If we do receive such payment, we are entitled a refund you amount credited party igg such payment be csidered have paid amount so credited. Credit entries be made by ACH. If we receive a payment der credit an you have with us by wire ACH, we are required give you any ice payment der credit. You agree th all security procedures are commercially reasable, are designed auntice wire transfers ACH transacti, are designed f credit uni s protecti, are used detect errs transmsi ctent a wire transfer. You defend, demnify, hold Credit Uni harmless agast any all claims, dems, costs, expenses (cludg rneys fees), loss, damage arg out Credit Uni s actg refusg act up wire transfer ACH requests. The Credit Uni exerce reasable dary care perfmg its oblig cnecti with electric transfers ACH transact be respsible f any loss sustaed by you ly extent such loss caused by Credit Uni s gross negligence ful mcduct as we required by applicable ste federal law; however, any liability, loss, damage resultg any delay perfmance, failure perfm, its oblig cnecti with any electric transfers which caused by any act God, fire castrophe; electric computer failure, acts delays failure act by any agent operg between Credit Uni recipients transferred ir persnel;, without limitg generality fegog, any cause beyd its ctrol. If Credit Uni obliged pay dividends with respect any electric transfer ACH transacti, it agreed th dividends are payable f three (3) 10

12 busess days ly. You agree waive any stury right recover rneys fees Credit Uni cnecti with transfers. If a transfer entry cludes transmsi through a transfer system th net obligi multilerally has a loss-sharg agreement amg participants, system fails complete settlement, Credit Uni entitled a refund amount credited you. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligi h facsimile signures checks ders. If we do agree h items ctag facsimile signures, you authize us, any, charge you f all checks, drafts, ders, f payment mey, th are drawn us. You give us th authity regardless by whom by wh means facsimile signure(s) have been affixed so lg as y resemble facsimile signure specimen filed with us, cta required number signures f th purpose. You must ify us ce if you suspect th facsimile signure beg has been mused. POWER OF ATTORNEY - You wh appot an agent cduct transact behalf. (We, however, have no duty agreement whsoever mir sure th acts agent are f benefit.) Th be de by allowg agent through a power rney sign th capacity. A power rney ctues until deh you revoke power rney with written ice Pot Breeze Credit Uni. If power rney durable, it revoked when you become competent. We ctue h transact agent until: (a) we have received written ice have actual knowledge i authity deh an owner, (b) we have had a reasable opptunity act th ice knowledge. You agree hold us respsible f any loss damage you cur as a result our followg struct given by an agent actg under a valid power rney. STALE-DATED CHECKS - We are obliged, but our opti, pay a check, than a certified check, presented f payment me than six mths after its de. If you do want us pay a stale-ded check, you must place a sp-payment der check manner we have described elsewhere. NCUA INSURANCE - Funds (s) with us are sured by Nial Credit Uni Admtri (NCUA) backed by full faith credit United Stes. The amount surance coverage you have depends number s you have with us th are different ownership. An dividual e unique fm ownership ; a jot, a pay--deh, a self directed qualified retirement (e.g., an IRA) are examples some s. Share surance f a pers s self directed qualified retirement up $250,000. (An IRA a self directed qualified retirement as any where owner decides where how vest balance.) Funds are sured $250,000 per deposir f tal combed all sured s with us. If you want a me detailed explani additial fmi, you ask us ctact NCUA. You can also vit NCUA website click Share Insurance lk. The lk cludes detailed ctact fmi as well as a share surance estimar. INDORSEMENTS - We accept f deposit any item payable you der, even if y are dsed by you. We give cash back any e you. We supply any msg dsement(s) f any item we accept f deposit collecti, you warrant th all dsements are genue. To ensure th check share draft processed without delay, you must dse it (sign it back) a specific area. Your entire dsement (wher a signure a stamp) alg with any dsement fmi (e.g. additial dsements, ID fmi, driver s license number, etc.) must fall with 1 1 /2 trailg edge a check. Indsements must be made blue black k, so th y are readable by aumed check processg equipment. As you look frt a check, trailg edge left edge. When you flip check over, be sure keep all dsement fmi with 1 1 /2 th edge. 11

13 Name Address, City, Ste Pay der $ Bank Name Loci Memo dollars TRAILING EDGE FRONT OF CHECK YOUR INDORSEMENT MUST BE WITHIN THIS AREA 1 1 /2" Keep dsement out th area. BACK OF CHECK It imptant th you cfe dsement fmi th area sce remag blank space be used by s processg check place additial needed dsements fmi. You agree th you demnify, defend, hold us harmless f any loss, liability, damage expense th occurs because dsement, an dsement fmi you have prted back check obscures our dsement. These dsement guideles apply both persal busess checks. UNCLAIMED PROPERTY - The law establhes procedures under which unclaimed property must be surrendered ste. (We have our own rules regardg dmant s, we charge a fee which be dclosed you elsewhere.) If dmant fee results a $0 balance, be closed. Generally, are csidered unclaimed if you have had any activity communici with us regardg over a period years. Ask us if you want furr fmi about period type activity th prevent beg unclaimed. If are surrendered ste, you be able reclaim m, but claim must be presented ste. Once are surrendered, we no lger have any liability respsibility with respect. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree ify us promptly if any pers with a right withdraw (s) dies adjudiced (deed by approprie ficial) competent. We ctue h checks, items, struct until: (a) we know deh adjudici competence, (b) we have had a reasable opptunity act th knowledge. You agree th we pay certify checks drawn befe de deh adjudici competence f up ten (10) days after deh adjudici competence unless dered sp payment by somee claimg an terest. MUTMA ACCOUNTS - Under Maryl Unifm Transfers Ms Act, cusdian(s) shall transfer an approprie manner cusdial property m m s este up earlier : (1) m s tament 21 years age with respect cusdial property transferred under , , Maryl Trusts Estes Article ; (2) m s tament age 18 with respect cusdial property transferred under Maryl Trusts Estes Article ; (3) m s deh. Befe th, be accessed ly by cusdian(s) ( success cusdian(s)), must be used f benefit child. We, however, have no duty agreement whsoever mir sure th acts cusdian(s) ( success cusdian(s)) are f child s benefit. We are respsible mir age eligibility f an UTMA, even though our recds clude m s de birth. It cusdian s respsibility properly dtribute 12

14 up m s deh tament age majity. F th type, child s SSN/TIN used f Backup Withholdg Certifici. CASH TRANSACTION REPORTING - To help law enfcement agencies detect illegal activities, law requires all fancial stitut gar rept fmi some types cash transact. If fmi we need complete rept provided, we are required refuse hle transacti. If you have any quest regardg se rules, please ctact local Internal Revenue Service fice. BACKUP WITHHOLDING/TIN CERTIFICATION - Federal tax law requires us rept terest payments we make you $10 me a year, clude taxpayer identifici number (TIN) rept. Interest cludes dividends, terest bus payments f purposes th rule. Therefe, we require you provide us with TIN certify th it crect. The TIN eir a social security number (SSN) an employer identifici number (EIN). F most ganizi busess s than sole proprierships, approprie TIN EIN ganizi busess entity. F sole proprierships, eir SSN EIN approprie. However, we must supply IRS with both dividual owner s name busess name sole propriership. The approprie TINs f various types s are: Account type - TIN Individual - SSN dividual. Jot Account - SSN owner named first. Unifm Gift/Transfer M - SSN m. Infmal (Revocable) Trust - SSN owner. In some circumstances, federal law requires us withhold pay IRS a percentage terest th earned s. Th known as backup withholdg. We have withhold terest payments when you open if you certify TIN certify th you are subject backup withholdg due underreptg terest. We subsequently be required beg backup withholdg if IRS fms us th you supplied an crect TIN th you underrepted terest come. If you are an exempt payee (receiver terest payments), you do need certify TIN, but you have certify exempt stus supply us with TIN. The most comm exempt payees are cp, ganiz exempt tax under Secti 501(a), an dividual retirement plan a cusdial under Secti 403(b)(7). If you do supply us with approprie TIN, we refuse open. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree th we verify credit employment hry by any necessary means, any, cludg prepari a credit rept by a credit reptg agency. CHANGING ACCOUNT PRODUCTS - We change an product fered by us any by givg you ice th be changed an product a specified de. If a, change occur befe next murity de. If you do close befe de specified ice, we change th product de specified ice. TRANSACTIONS BY MAIL - You deposit checks by mail. You should dse check beg sent through mail with wds F Deposit Only should clude crect number underneh ensure check credited crect. You should use pre-encoded checkg deposit slips found behd checks checkbook. If you do use deposit slip provide us with struct dicg how where check should be credited, we apply it any any loan balance you have with us we return check you. Receipts f such transact be mailed you ly if a self-addressed stamped envelope provided. Followg deposit, exame stement carefully call us ensure th we received item. Do send cash through mail f deposit. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restrag der, writ tachment executi, levy, garnhment, search warrant, similar der relg (ed legal acti th secti), we comply with th legal acti. 13

15 In se cases, we have any liability you if re are sufficient pay items because we have withdrawn any way restricted access accdance with legal acti. Any fees expenses we cur respdg any legal acti (cludg, without limiti, rneys fees our ternal expenses) be charged agast. The lt fees applicable (s) provided elsewhere specify additial fees th we charge f certa legal act. SECURITY - It respsibility protect number(s) access device(s) (e.g., an ATM card, pot--sale card / PIN) f (s). Do dcuss, compare, share fmi about number(s) access device(s) with anye unless you are g give m full use mey. Checks electric s are processed by aumed methods, anye who obtas number access device could use it withdraw mey, with without permsi. Except f csumer electric transfers subject Reguli E, you agree th if we fer you services approprie f help identify limit fraud unauthized transact agast, such as positive pay commercially reasable security procedures, you reject those services, you be respsible f any fraudulent unauthized transact which could have been prevented by services we fered, unless we acted bad faith extent our negligence ctributed loss. Account numbers - Thieves can encode number a check which looks funct like an authized check can be used withdraw mey. Your number can also be used sue a remotely creed check. Like a typical check, a remotely creed check (somes called a telecheck, preauthized draft dem draft) a draft check th can be used withdraw mey. Unlike a typical check draft, however, a remotely creed check sued by payg bank does cta signure owner ( a signure purpted be signure owner). If you have truly authized remotely creed check ( purchase a service merche, f example), it properly payable. But it can be rky authize a remotely creed check. A swdler could sue a remotely creed check an amount greer than you authized, sue additial remotely creed checks th you have authized. We know if unauthized an amount greer than amount you have authized. Payment can be made even though you did ctact us directly der payment. Access devices - If you furnh access device grant actual authity make transfers somee who n exceeds th authity, you be liable f transfers unless we have been ified th transfers by th pers are no lger authized. Please review additial fmi you have received receive regardg transfers by access device. Blank checks - You must also take precauti safeguardg blank checks. Notify us ce if you thk blank checks have been lost slen. As between you us, if you are negligent safeguardg checks, you must bear loss entirely self, share loss with us if we failed use dary care which substantially ctributes loss. REMOTELY CREATED CHECKS - Like any stard check draft, a remotely creed check (somes called a telecheck, preauthized draft dem draft) a check draft th can be used withdraw mey an. Unlike a typical check draft, however, a remotely creed check sued by payg bank does cta signure owner ( a signure purpted be signure owner). In place a signure, check usually has a stement th owner authized check has owner s name typed prted signure le. You warrant agree followg f every remotely creed check we receive you f deposit collecti: (1) you have received express verifiable authizi cree check amount payee th appears check; (2) you ma pro authizi f least 2 years de authizi, supply us pro if we ask; (3) if a check returned you owe us amount check, regardless when check returned. We 14

16 take pay amount you owe us, if re are sufficient, you still owe us remag balance. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless we have agreed we writg, we are required act up struct you give us via facsimile transmsi leave by voice mail a telephe answerg mache. MONITORING AND RECORDING TELEPHONE CALLS AND CONSENT TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS - We mir recd phe calls f security reass, ma a recd ensure th you receive courteous efficient service. You csent advance any such recdg. We need remd you our recdg befe each phe cversi. To provide you with best possible service our gog busess relhip f we need ctact you about by telephe, text messagg . However, we must first obta csent ctact you about because we must comply with csumer protecti prov federal Telephe Csumer Protecti Act 1991 (TCPA), CAN-SPAM Act ir reled federal regul ders sued by Federal Communic Commsi (FCC). Your csent limited th, as authized by applicable law regul. Your csent does authize us ctact you f telemarketg purposes (unless you we agreed elsewhere). With above understgs, you authize us ctact you regardg th throughout its extence usg any telephe numbers addresses th you have previously provided us th you subsequently provide us. Th csent regardless wher number we use ctact you assigned a lle, a pagg service, a cellular wireless service, a specialized mobile radio service, radio comm carrier service any service f which you be charged f call. You furr authize us ctact you through use voice, voice mail text messagg, cludg use pre-recded artificial voice messages an aumed dialg device. If necessary, you change remove any telephe numbers addresses any usg any reasable means ify us. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit refund because a fgery, alteri, any unauthized, you agree coopere with us vestigi loss, cludg givg us an affidavit ctag whever reasable fmi we require ccerng, transacti, circumstances surroundg loss. You ify law enfcement authities any crimal act reled claim lost, msg, slen checks unauthized s. We have a reasable period vestige facts circumstances surroundg any claim loss. Unless we have acted bad faith, we be liable f special csequential damages, cludg loss prits opptunity, f rneys fees curred by you. You agree th you waive any rights you have recover loss agast anye who obliged repay, sure, we reimburse you f loss. You pursue rights, our opti, assign m us so th we pursue m. Our liability be reduced by amount you recover are entitled recover se sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES ( voluntary s) - We impose early penalties a a even if you d t itie. F stance, early penalty be imposed if caused by our setf agast as a result an tachment legal process. We close impose early penalty entire balance event a partial early. See ice penalty f early s f additial fmi. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are respsible f ifyg us any change address name. Infmg us address name change a check reder fm sufficient. We tempt communice with you by use most recent address you have provided us. If provided elsewhere, we impose a service fee if we tempt loce you, f returned mail. 15

17 RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We place an admtrive hold (refuse payment ) if it becomes subject a claim adverse (1) own terest; (2) by s claimg an terest as survivs POD payees ; (3) a claim arg by operi law. The hold be placed f such period as we believe reasably necessary allow a legal proceedg dee merits claim until we receive evidence sfacry us th dpute has been resolved. We be liable f any items th are dhed as a csequence placg a hold f se reass. NOTICE OF NEGATIVE INFORMATION Federal law requires us provide followg ice members befe any "negive fmi" be furnhed a niwide csumer reptg agency. "Negive fmi" cludes fmi ccerng delquencies, overdrafts any fm default. Th ice does mean th we be reptg such fmi about you, ly th we rept such fmi about members th have de wh y are required do under our agreement. After providg th ice, additial negive fmi be submitted without providg an ice. We rept fmi about credit bureaus. Le payments, msed payments defaults be reflected credit rept. ATM/VISA CHECK (DEBIT) CARD AGREEMENT By signg ATM Card/VISA Check Card ( Card ) Request, I hereby agree followg s cdit: 1) Up approval, Pot Breeze Credit Uni ( Credit Uni) deliver member a Card (VISA Check Card ATM Card). 2) I underst th I select my own Persal Identifici Number ( PIN ). After I have selected a Persal Identifici Number ( PIN ), PIN be divulged, given, made available any pers, cludg persnel Credit Uni, eir directly directly any. I also agree th ly I use Card. I underst th if I fail ma security my Card / PIN, Credit Uni e my Card Services immediely. 3) Th Agreement use Card are subject shall be governed by requirements all applicable stutes regul, cludg, without limiti, Reguli E Federal Reserve Board. 4) The Card property Credit Uni must be returned Credit Uni by me when requested. The Card also be aumically impounded by an ATM merchant any. If any f which Card sued closed, Card sued f th must be surrendered Credit Uni immediely up request. 5) I underst agree th all current s cdit relive all my s, i.e., regular shares, checkg, loan, etc., th can be accessed usg Card are cped Agreement. 6) I agree rept promptly Credit Uni any ft, loss, possible unauthized use Card, any dcrepancies periodic stement. 7) The Credit Uni authized obta such fancial fmi relg me as it deems necessary der process Card Request. 8) I shall have right cancel my Card any up written ifici return Card Credit Uni. 9) The Credit Uni change s th Agreement any by providg me with a written ice change specifyg effective de change. 10) I, f myself, my heirs, persal representives do hereby release, fever dcharge, demnify, hold harmless Credit 16

18 Uni, its successs assigns any all acti suits, claims, dems, oblig, rneys fees, debts, dues, sum mey, acts, reckgs, bds, bills, specialties, covenants, ctracts, agreements, promes, variances, trespasses, damages, judgements, extents, executi, rights, causes acti every kd nure, eir low equity, which be asserted agast Credit Uni f any reas whsoever arg out,, by reas my use an ATM. 11) The Credit Uni respsible f failure ATM equipment f circumstances beyd our ctrol. The followg additial s apply VISA Check Card ly: Usg Card There are generally two procedures follow. One f you present Card a participg VISA Debit plan merchant, us, an fancial stituti, sign a sales cash advance draft which be imprted with Card. Th be de pers, le, by phe. Th always access Credit Uni checkg. The way use Card complete a transacti by usg Persal Identifici Number (PIN) cjuncti with Card an Aumed Teller Mache type electric al th provides access VISA, Accel ( 2013 Ferv, Inc. its affilies. Accel Accel logo are trademarks Ferv, Inc.), CO-OP PLUS Netwks. A merchant utilize a debit netwk even though you were requested enter a PIN. Returns Adjustments Merchants s who h Card give credit f returns adjustments, y do so by sendg us a credit slip which be posted checkg. Plan Merchant Dputes We are respsible f refusal any merchant fancial stituti h Card. We are subject claims defenses ( than rt claims) arg out goods services you purchase with Card ly if you have made a good faith tempt, but have been unable obta sfacti plan merchant, (a) purchase was made respse an advertement we sent participed sendg you; (b) purchase cost me than $50.00 was made a plan merchant ste with 100 miles home. Any dputes you must resolve directly with plan merchant. Waiver Sp Payment (Or than pre-authized transact) I waive right sp payment any sales draft cash igg by use my Card. Fees We reserve right pass alg any transacti fees arg out use th Card. We also add fees crease fees after givg you proper ifici. Effect Agreement Th Agreement ctract which applies all transact even though sales, cash advance, credit slips you sign receive cta different s. We amend th Agreement by sendg you advance written ice required by law. Your use Card reafter dice agreement amendments. To extent law permits, we dice our ice, amendments apply extg balance as well as future transact. Pot--Sale Transact - You access share draft purchase goods ( pers, le, by phe), pay f services ( pers, le, by phe), get cash a merchant, if merchant permits, a participg fancial stituti. Currency Cversi Internial Transact. Purchases cash advances made feign countries feign currencies be billed you U.S. dollars. A 1% Internial Transacti Fee be assessed all transact with currency cversi where merchant country differs country Card suer. A.8% Internial Transacti Fee be assessed all transact without currency 17

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